#raspberry beret
thisphantomlife · 5 months
A different view of Hozier performing Raspberry Beret at Prince: A Tribute to the Music, at The Academy, Dublin, July 21st 2016
Source: brekkieattiffanys
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80s-music-tourney · 4 months
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odk-2 · 2 years
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Michelle Angelo c.1960's She wore a Raspberry Beret
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soupy-sez · 11 months
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“The rain sounds so cool when it hits the barn roof and the horses wonder who you are. Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees. Honey, you feel like a movie star.”
↚ Prince & The Revolution – Raspberry Beret ↛ x
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funeralopolis666 · 3 months
okay so we all know she wore a raspberry beret (the kind youd find in a secondhand store)- that part is very clear. what i wanna know is was it a raspberry-colored beret OR was it a beret made to LOOK like a raspberry
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sublimedragontragedy · 8 months
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This is actually part two of a project I started where I randomly generate two of any mlp characters and make a fusion of the two! The first five are lost to time.
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roberteospeedwagon · 6 months
named after a prince song
notably different appearance from other characters, primarily due to fashion sense
this pony is a stand user
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inclusivefenders · 15 hours
Prince & The Revolution - Raspberry Beret (Official Music Video)
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goya-draws · 1 year
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Aaa- Aaa! I love her so much! cough anyways, this is my Jojo oc, Kakyoin Amorette. As you can see, she's like supposed to be Kakyoin's Part 8 version, and yes, I am ignoring any other possible versions of Kakyoin that appeared in Jojolion or might appear in Jojolands bcs I love her sm.
Will I post more about her? Probably! but I probably won't have lengthy descriptions so hakfhahf
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bitterlemonade-1 · 9 months
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gypsy-that-i-was · 10 months
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80s-music-tourney · 4 months
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spiffysoultarot · 1 year
Pick a troll: what needs to be cut off this Spring? 🪓
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1. Polka dot painter troll//Modern Witch
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First question: what is the context of what needs to be cut off this Spring?
Lovers, 2 of Swords (R)
-big decisions, delays in making those decisions, wanting to take inspired action but not knowing what you want
Second question: what area of life does this indecision pertain to?
Sixth house, Pisces, Mercury
-Mental/spiritual state, illness, bad fortune
Third question: what advice will help bring peace to the situation?
Two of Cups, Two of Wands (R)
-get clear on what you want, set goals, take inspired action that aligns with your soul
Is someone here terrified of making a decision for fear of making the wrong one?With both the 2 of wands and 2 of swords reversed, this speaks of indecision and delay.
Just like the Helm of a ship needs direction to get to a desired destination, we as people need a goal/destination to aspire to or we will simply wind up wherever the tide takes us.
Ground your goals/ideas and manifest them into the physical present by first being clear on what exactly you want. Make sure that these things will fulfill your needs/desires and match your values.
The 8 of wands is quick, inspired action and I feel that is the energy needed here. The problem with not making a decision, is that eventually that in and of itself becomes a decision. Action taken, no matter how small, will prove that you are capable.
Make that list. Then make another one, each one getting closer to what it is that you truly want. Trust will start to build within yourself and soon a solid foundation will form. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, to be wrong, to be human. Make adjustments and move forward wiser.
I heard “animation comes to life” and saw Mario transforming to a human. Our dreams can become reality. Our creative ideas can come to life. But we have to give ourselves unconditional love, patience and compassion. And sometimes we have to make difficult decisions for our best self that may not be what our ego would choose. This is where faith comes in, where intuition takes hold.
Hermes brings Divine messages and can easily transfer between the spirit and material worlds. Perhaps there is a Divine message waiting for you, if you get synchronicities a lot or if you yourself pull cards.
Someone is definitely a Gemini rising. (Not Virgo though, that was clear.) Or first house Mercury, where it has its joy. Which, I know, Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini but sorry Virgo rising this is not for you, lol.
🎶 And this is how it ends, a courageous boom🎶 Stars and Moons- Dizzy
Numerical synchronicities:
The Lovers —> 6
2 of Cups, Wands and Swords all pulled 2x3=6
6th house on dice
2. Rainbow mohawk troll//Rider-Waite
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Question one:: what is the context of what needs to be cut off this Spring?
Heard “it’s out of my hands” from Breakfast Club when looking at Hanged Man
So many interruptions just getting this reading going//
I wanted to meditate first to see if anything came through and a minute in, beeping started from nearby construction. Then as I started working, I got interrupted by a spam text. I felt so exhausted/tired starting this reading like I was a. Surprisingly working made me happy but I just did not want to do it — like a machine that was off/inactive, flicked on only to be working parts. It was a strange, polarizing feeling. {my point here being that sometimes interruptions happen to redirect us to where we need to be. Just go with the flow and follow what cooperates and feels right/brings joy}
Hanged Man signifies trials and tribulations, a need to be discerning, sacrifice, a time to trust in the universe. It is upright which tells me you are in tune with your soul at this time and a very independent thinker.
Aqua vibes, obvi, look at our lovely troll for today. Someone who is not worried about falling in line with society and the sad status quo of our times. Six of Pentacles (R) tells me of the wealth gap in our society and the dysfunctional, unsustainable state in which our American economy is at this time. Straight up humanitarian vibes here. And I am with you.
Greenery/leaves keep sticking out to me on Hanged Man which is now reminding me of money. Greed is signified with Six of Pent (R) and the yellow-caped fellow’s hands.
They are positioned in such a way that the coins would slip through their fingers if they don’t close up the hand quick enough to catch it. FOMO-type vibe in regards to riches.
Second question:: what area of life does this dynamic exist, what kind of energies are associated with it?
North node, Leo, Second House
I left Leo and 2 as they came out because they were so perfectly upside down, I felt it was relevant.
Alright north node tells us what we mastered in previous lives and those with Leo NN likely lived in fame/riches, especially with the second house showing up. I think what needs to let go of is the belief that money will make you happy.
Leo reversed on the zodiac wheel is Aqua, and opposite the second house is eighth, someone here definitely has Leo NN/Aqua SN in the second house. Focus on making your soul happy and things that interest you. Get out in nature, stop trying to save the world and enjoy your time in it.
Question 3: any advice to help heal the this “need for greed” and forgive those that still have it?
This whole society is obsessed with money and why wouldn’t they be? The wealth gap is enormous and working for the remaining 99% is resembling forced labor. To survive in this society means to work. If you are not generating income and tolerating toxic work environments to the detriment of your health with only your overpriced, shitty insurance to rely on, then you deserve to be cast out. You are a pariah.
Excuse the long rant. Wow, pile two, you must be a fellow 9 and/or strong Aqua energy. Okay to the cards…
Four of Swords (R), King of Cups at bottom
I was getting four of swords vibes at the beginning of this reading; a need to slow down, get out in nature, absorb some sunshine. Wisdom, discernment, prudence, not taking unnecessary risk. Feminine energy; being patient and waiting vs action/go-getter energy.
MOONday is upon us which is feminine and confirms this.
There are no wands here so action is not needed. Limited beliefs regarding money; it’s time to let them go. Be the change that you want to see in the world. Be the fair, balanced and wise leader you were meant to be. Lead by example.
Trust that the universe will provide you with everything that you need. If you don’t feel that way, try breaking up a sweat or coloring.
GRATITUDE LISTS, they literally rewire your brain for happiness
Wealth is not just about money, health is wealth too. Simply having good health, autonomy, freedom and basic necessities is an incredible blessing not provided to all.
Numerical Synchronicities:
I associate 14 with the King, just counting up from ten.
Six and four are both “sides” if you will as five. Five signifies chaos, which tells me you are quite literally on the outside of chaos. ✌🏻
Four and six are both on the physical realm so maybe moving physically through walking, hula hooping, Tabata, yoga, sky diving.
3. Homemade dress troll//Santa Muerte
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Question 1:: what does pile 3 need to cut off this Spring?
10 of Swords (R)
I was seeing an antelope skull in the desert when looking at the moth. I thought only one card came out after this one flipped over but turns out there were actually two. Possibly a surprise in your future — I am just feeling really excited and jovial with this pile.
I got healing with this reversal of diez de swords — loud and clear. As in, a lot of healing that has been done.
3 of cups (R)
I prefer this cup reversed - it’s more alive, colorful and lively. Gives me the vibe that sometimes no company is better than bad company. Whoever chose this does not want to fit in with the crowd. Possibly even healing the part of them that was settling for low-quality connections in fear of being without a “crowd”.
And it’s not because you don’t want to connect or that you think you’re “too good”- have people told you this? But because maybe you are not the type of person that vibes with that many people. Some of the coolest people I’ve met in my life were those that were true loners.
Toxic connections that drain your life force and people/organizations with bad vibes will always get the boot going forward. Your health and happiness comes first, always. Continue to be uncompromising in this area, it looks good on you. ;)
King of Pentacles
Stability, baby. Yes yes yes. The vines are sticking out, reminding me of growing green beans or James+The Giant Peach.
Thank all your pain, unpleasant experiences, betrayals, and unfair treatment for the wisdom it brought you and then let it go. Maybe even write down some of the things you learned, some of your biggest “thorns” and burn them/tear up the page/set it down the river. Something symbolic but also physical since I am getting the vibe of a very cerebral person.
Celebrate all the ways in which you have healed over the years. Look at who you were ten, eight, six years ago — look at the sort of treatment you allowed from those close to you. Were you ever actually happy, or just chasing the next external validation pursuit? Are you happy now? Is your approval enough? Give yourself some credit and compassion for those issues that still need working out.
Question 2:: what area of life/what kind of energies are associated with what needs to be let go?
Taurus (R), Neptune, Fifth (R)
The limiting belief that creative type careers cannot make a stable living. Possibly limiting beliefs surrounding in general surrounding money and fun/creativity, like it’s a dichotomy.
Question 3:: what will help to heal these limiting beliefs?
Stop ruminating on your past mistakes. They got you here; wiser and with more fortitude under your belt. Sometimes we are the bad person in someone else’s story. Sometimes we do things we are not proud of. Sometimes we’re mean. Stop vilifying yourself.
You are a human. You are allowed to make mistakes. I am not saying it’s a free for all for bad behavior but I just get the vibe of someone who really beats themselves up for times they may have acted unkind, even if it was warranted and at times when it was not. Don’t forget about the remaining 95% of the time you are a beautiful, kind and compassionate soul.
You are nice where and when it matters. You are genuine and I love that.
Idk why but the speech Randal gives Dante in Clerks could be relevant — the “I’m not even supposed to be here today!” one.
Trust that everything you walked away from was for your best interest. If those people were for you, if that situation was for you… it would have happened. Timing never aligns with what our ego wants and accepting that is sometimes a lesson in and of itself. You are more than your bank account or some prestigious title. You are enough and worthy even if you do not have these things.
Allow yourself some time to let loose, relax, have fun, get a curse word coloring book. But just remember no matter what that you are a warrior queen and everything you need is within. And, yes, maybe you ARE creative!
Numerical Synchronicities:
You don’t care about that, do you?
But if you do: 1,1,7. Physical plane.
8’s came out twice for the advice. Since one was upright and one was reversed, this gives zero.
I counted the reversals as negatives. Honestly not a lot of numbers really popping out. Just a lot of canceling out in regards to the numbers. Coming back to one.
Like the Brian McKnight song.
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the80s · 2 years
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She wore a…
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sentientmosshroom · 2 years
Hat Commisions
All of my hats are made to order. Send me a message if you're interested!
Strawberry Cloche - $120
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Acorn Beret - $130
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Sunflower Beret -$145
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Raspberry Beret - $120
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PrideShroom Witch Hat (let me know what pride flag you want the mushrooms to be!) - $150
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Amanita Witch Hat - $175
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Inky Cap Witch Hat - $175
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Custom Hat - $130+ depending upon what all you would like. More examples of my hats can be found [here]
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cataraxis · 1 year
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Raspberry Beret - Yasuho Hirose fanart
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