#raven x shaw
belltaviasbff · 2 years
raven: we both look incredible tonight
shaw: you know, if you just told me i looked good i would’ve said “thanks, you too”
raven: i couldn’t take that chance
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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The Quiet Council and the Five variant covers by Phil Noto
Quiet Council variant covers by Phil Noto
Immortal X-Men #1-18 and X-Men Forever #1-4
Magneto (Erik Lensherr) = Immortal X-Men #1, March 2022
Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) = Immortal X-Men #2, May 2022
Destiny (Irene Adler) = Immortal X-Men #3, June 2022
Emma Frost = Immortal X-Men #4, July 2022
Exodus (Bennet Du Paris) = Immortal X-Men #5, August 2022
Sebastian Shaw = Immortal X-Men #6, September 2022
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) = Immortal X-Men #7, October 2022
Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) = Immortal X-Men #8, November 2022
Mystique (Raven Darkholme) = Immortal X-Men #9, December 2022
Professor X (Charles Xavier) = Immortal X-Men #10, January 2023
Storm (Ororo Munroe) = Immortal X-Men #11, May 2023
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) = Immortal X-Men #12, June 2023
Cypher (Doug Ramsey) = Immortal X-Men #13, July 2023
Krakoa = Immortal X-Men #14, August 2023
Selene (Selene Gallio) = Immortal X-Men #15, September 2023
Hope Summers = Immortal X-Men #16, October 2023
Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur) = Immortal X-Men #17, November 2023
Jean Grey = Immortal X-Men #18, December 2023
Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert) = X-Men: Forever #1, March 2024
Elixir (Josh Foley) = X-Men: Forever #2, April 2024
Tempus (Eva Bell) = X-Men: Forever #3, May 2024
Egg/Goldballs (Fabio Medina) = X-Men: Forever #4, May 2024
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bloodinthegutter · 2 months
X-Men: First Class as Vines
Because it's my favorite X-Men movie
I just saw Deadpoo & Wolverine and felt this was the right time to post this old video I made
Idk why I forgot Darwin's real name, he's literally one of my favorites, I'm so sorry
(This wasn't supposed to be 4 minutes, but I kept adding to it)
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phantomstatistician · 12 days
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Fandom: X-Men
Character: Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
Sample Size: 19,624 stories
Source: AO3
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crystalshard · 8 months
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You can find the original blank alignment chart here.
Many thanks to @gallusrostromegalus for creating the chart!
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catboy-sinister · 1 year
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quiet council my beloved
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thingsasbarcodes · 5 months
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X-Men: First Class (2011)
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countrymusiclover · 10 months
Battle of the Mind and Heart
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Addison Shaw, as in the daughter of Sebastian Shaw. Yes, you heard me correctly... Erik Lehnsherr is on the hunt for who he calls his creator. He seeks revenge and hates him for what he did to him. Yet along the way, he can't hide that he feels something for the daughter of the man he wants to kill.
One - The Man Who Can Control Metal
Two - We’re not Alone
Three - We Can Actually Have Trust
Four - Second Chances Can Happen
Five - Our Own Release
Six - The Day before Cuba
Seven - Cuba Beach
Eight - Cuba Beach pt 2
Nine - 50 Years From Now?
Ten - Erik and JFK
Eleven- Reunions and the Pentagon
Twelve - Intense Plane Conversations
Thirteen - My Life with Charles Xavier
Fourteen - Still On Different Sides
Fifteen - Professor X and Mystique
Sixteen - The Future War
Seventeen - Changing the Future
Eighteen - The Lehnsherr Family
Nineteen - The X Gene
Twenty - Simple Life Gone Wrong
Twenty One - Lehnsherr Revenge
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
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comicwaren · 4 months
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From X-Men: Forever #003, “Unhappy In Their Own Way”
Art by Luca Maresca and Federico Blee
Written by Kieron Gillen
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uniquecellest · 18 days
Just a thought of a Cherik! Hercules AU. Charles and Raven work with the CIA and Raven gets severely hurt on a mission that Charles is desperate to save her that he makes a deal with Shaw. Shaw saves Raven however Raven doesn't remember Charles and Charles is indebted to Shaw and starts working for him as a double agent.
Erik is still hellbent on revenge but he meets Charles earlier than Miami. Though they don't stick around. It isn't until Miami that they team up, Shaw wanting to know Erik's weakness while exploiting Charles'. Prior to Cuba is when things go down between Charles' relationship with Shaw. And Erik making the deal with Shaw that Charles will remain safe. Things don't go according to plan. Charles follows Erik to the sub only for them to split up and Charles gets captured and is used as a bargaining chip against Erik. Charles (the loveable oaf) tells Erik to just Raven that he's proud of her and all she's accomplished and then sacrifices himself against Shaw to save the others
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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Awesome art by Lucas Werneck and David Curiel!
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pricescigar · 11 days
I promise
Summary: With Harper's 18th Birthday, Shaw gives her a choice that contemplates with everything. And with Charles leaving to go to university, she faces her difficulties to pursue her own dreams.
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Westchester, New York, 1950
December 15th
Today was Harper's 18th Birthday, though there wasn't much to celebrate with her grandparents. Since they were away for a week just to get away from the bustling City, and probably away from her too. Which Harper didn't seem to mind too much, she preferred when they weren't around anyway. She always loved it when she had the house to herself, her mind felt a little bit more quiet then. Much easier to handle her thoughts, especially when other eyes weren't questioning her motives and moves…
Shortly after her grandparents left Harper was practising on playing her Harp in her bedroom, reading the music sheet as she played. Hearing a loud knock at her front door broke her out of her trance, she sighed softly in frustration. Gently setting her Harp down, she headed downstairs and opened the front door.
“Dad..?” Harper spoke softly. That's what she's always known him as, all the cards and presents he sent to her. Of course he signed it off as “Dad” Well that was because she was his dad, but with her mind in the state as it is. She remembers him, but sometimes she can’t.
Shaw stood there patiently waiting for the door to be opened, he was holding a bag in one of his hands as well. Elegantly dressed in a suit as always, there hasn't been a day where he hasn't worn a suit. When the door did open, he flashed a smile at her.
“Happy Birthday my Harper, eighteen years old… I'm so proud of you. My sweet little girl.” Shaw said while pulling her into a hug.
Harper was surprised by the hug, but she hugged him back. They two remained like that for a moment before pulling away. “Thanks…” She spoke softly. “You know my grandparents said-”
“They're not here Harper.” Shaw interrupted her. “I know they don't want me here, but they can't stop me from seeing my own daughter. Can they? You're an adult now after all…” His tone was a little firm. “May I come in?” His voice suddenly became softer this time.
Harper stayed silent before she nodded letting him in, watching him walk inside she closed the door before following him into the living room.
“You know the mind, it's an interesting thing.” Shaw started to speak. “Especially in your case…” He looked around the living room, before he then sat down on the sofa, watching Harper sit down next to him.
“I can help you.” He spoke again. “Help you remember the things you have forgotten… Especially when you were much younger…” Shaw looked at her watching her contemplate everything. Maybe he was feeling nostalgic about it all, the memories of Harper when she was just a little girl… Always wanting to be beside him, wanting to see what kind work he was doing. Part of him missed those days...
Then Harriet took her away from him. After Shaw tried to look for her but couldn't find her, he went to Germany until the war ended and went back to America. And then he found her again…
When her powers finally manifested.
But truly, he was proud of her. Even if he wasn't there physically. What she could already do at her age… Even if she couldn't fully remember everything, that was okay because at the end of the day. She was still his daughter, and he still loved her as such.
If he could just convince to join her.
The two would be unstoppable together.
“I want to remember… But I feel like my brain is holding me back.” She began to explain to him. “When I did what I did to mum and Freddie, it felt like everything went black… And then when I could finally open my eyes, everything felt fuzzy.” Harper admitted. “Like… I remember you but then I don't, I remember other things, it just disappears… All the time.”
Shaw listened to her before nodding a little, he contemplated his words before speaking.
“Sometimes the brain has a funny way of protecting yourself from things… But don't you worry about that.” He reassured her. “I have a gift for you, my special birthday girl.” He smiled, handing the gift bag over to her.
Harper smiled softly, gently taking the gift bag from him. “Thank you…” She spoke, she looked into the bag taking the gift out before she began to unwrap the ribbon from the box.
Inside of the medium sized box was an old necklace which was beloved to her mother, it's old and antique look was still perfectly intact Harper admired it. “Oh wow, it's beautiful.” Harper commented.
“I gifted it to your mother the first night we decided to date.” Shaw said as he picked up the necklace putting the necklace around Harper's neck. “And it looks absolutely beautiful on you.” He smiled.
“Thanks dad…” Harper spoke softly, she then looked at him with a smile. “I'll cherish it and protect it with my life.” She promised him.
“You should join me, you know? I have a club on a Vegas strip. Well almost, planning you know how things go.” Shaw smiled sheepishly. “But. I'd love to have you there, by my side. We can be a family again.”
“I'd like to, but it's my grandparents... No one to take care of them, I'll think about it though…” Harper looked at him, not really fully giving him an open answer.
Shaw nodded, deep down he was a little bit disappointed but she was an adult now. Free to make her own choices after all, but part of him still wanted her to join him.
“Whatever makes you comfortable.” Shaw placed a hand on her shoulder. “But, I'll visit again. Hopefully by then you've made your choice. By then...” He then looked at her again.
“You are worth so much more, you deserve a better life. And I will make sure of that.” His tone was confident. “I won't stay too long. I bet you have a lot planned, I should get going, but enjoy your day okay?” He said before kissing her head. “Take care of yourself, okay?”
Harper smiled at him, nodding in agreement. “Yeah… See you soon.” She looked at Shaw, she stood up from her seat and she showed him out of the home watching him leave. A soft sigh escaped her lips, she stayed silent contemplating her thoughts.
The offer did seem interesting to Harper, but so many thoughts were swimming in her mind..
After Shaw left Harper took a moment to compose herself, she left the empty gift box aside and left her home for the evening. Wanting to go and see Charles and Raven. Since she always celebrated her birthday with them too. She headed into the Mansion where Charles and Raven surprised her with a small happy birthday party. They celebrated by giving her a big birthday cake, various presents as well.
Charles bought her an expensive necklace, earrings and a bracelet that came as a set along with her favourite perfume.
Raven brought Harper the various clothes she pointed out a while ago, when the two went out shopping. But Harper didn't end up buying them, since the clothes were so expensive. Which is why Raven secretly brought them while Charles and Harper headed into the bookstore instead.
After they had dinner and had a birthday cake, the three of them listened to music and played board games together.
Later in the night Charles and Harper had a little bit of alone time in the library, where the two of them always hung out together. Which is where Charles broke the news to her…
“Wait …You're leaving Charles?” Harper was in disbelief as she looked at Charles, both of them sat in the grand library in his family home. “Where to?” She asked softly.
“I got accepted into University, Oxford in England to be precise. I want to become a professor. To understand our mutations more, eventually to find others like us too.” Charles began to explain to Harper.
“There's nothing more that I want to help people, to help people like us.” He then held her hands. “You should come with Raven and I Harper, escape from all of this.” He offered it to her.
Harper took his hands into hers. “I'd love to come with you Charles, really I would. But my grandparent's, they're not getting any younger now. Someone would need to take care of them.” Her voice was soft. “As much as I hate them, part of me doesn't want to leave them…”
Charles stayed silent and nodded, he understood the situation. He also knew he was asking a lot from her, a big choice to make.
“You know you can always visit me whenever you want, and I'll happily accommodate you. I'll always write to you.” His hand reached over to caress Her cheek.
“And I'll write to you too.” Harper whispered softly, she smiled as she said that. But there was also a hint of sadness in her eyes, she didn't want him to leave. But Harper also knew he wanted to pursue his dreams. “I'll write to you as much as I can.”
Charles leaned in close to her face, placing her hands on her cheeks before kissing her lips tenderly. His lips were soft and gentle against hers. Harper was surprised by the sudden kiss, she closed her eyes happily returning the kiss back. The two remained like that for a moment longer, before he slowly pulled away from her.
Harper pulled away too, looking into his eyes for a moment before smiling softly. “Promise you won't forget me?” Her voice was a whisper.
“I promise. Can you promise the same thing?” Charles smiled, his voice was a whisper too.
Harper nodded with a smile on her face, she placed her hand on his cheek before she pressed her forehead against his.
“I promise.” Harper whispered back.
“You sure you don't want to come with me? You know it's okay if you change your mind down the line too.” Charles’ voice remained soft.
“Yeah… I'm sure, I don't want to get in the way of your dreams. It's okay.” Harper smiled at him reassuringly. “Do this for you.”
Charles didn't say anything for a moment, but he nodded a little. “Okay.” He finally whispered, he put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Of course.” Harper smiled, she placed her hand on his cheek. “I'll stay with you.”
After a couple months in the summer of 1951 Harper said her goodbyes to Charles and Raven, as they were about to leave to go on their way to England. She hugged both of them individually, tightly, not wanting to let them go. Especially Charles…
“Never forget me, okay?” Harper hugged Charles tightly, he too did the same hugging her with the same tightness.
“Never. I'll never forget you.” Charles’ tone was soft, he kissed her head. Holding her one last time, before finally letting her go holding her hand a little before he joined Raven in the car.
Harper watched the car leave, she waved Them a goodbye feeling an empty feeling in her chest as she watched the car disappear from her sight.
Feeling the tears forming in her eyes.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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With several of the members (Mister Sinister banished to The Pit, Nightcrawler left Krakoa and the psychic mutants are unable to vote) absent from the meeting, the Quiet Council are in shambles. There is more tension when Colossus works with Sebastian Shaw to install Selene on the Quiet Council. Mystique and Destiny's relationship are starting to strain when they question each other with doubts. Hope Summers was too impatient to come out of the quarantine and rejoin the Quiet Council that she fights with Rasputin IV. Colossus is still under psychic control at the hands of Mikhail Rasputin, but he tries ''desperately'' for Captain Kate Pryde or Storm to notice how blatantly not himself he is and do something to stop him. Unfortunately, no one notices him.
Immortal X-Men #12, 2023
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
What do you think their reaction would be to a girl who likes to be a brat? 💕 Who's purposefully disobedient and teasing just to see how far she can push it before they break! Maybe with Aurvandil, Edward Dalton, Arthur Harrow, The Grabber, and Russel Millings?
I know they're all brat tamers 😭😮‍💨
Russell Millings
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Russell Millings as a brat tamer?? Please I need to hear what gave you this impression 😭 I'm sorry, but I don't really see him a hardcore brat tamer like what you are describing. If anything I see him as a softDom 🥺 One who prefers praise and rewards and affection. Would want you to ride him nice and slow while he lavishes you with attention and kiss all over your body.
King Aurvandil
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You wouldn't get the chance to break him tbh. He would relish in you being a brat. Would enjoy bending you over his knee to spank your ass raw, or even spanking your pussy if you been particularly bad, or even putting you on your knees in front of his men to have you service him to further put you in your place. Would even fuck you in front of them, too. He would have fun planning punishments and would dare you to act like a brat.
Edward Dalton
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Would definitely be less patient and less brutal with his punishments, but is absolutely more creative. Will use pleasure instead of pain, making you come over and over again until you are an overstimulated mess that barely remembers your own name before making you come again, and by the end of it you are pleading for mercy as he watches and purrs.
Arthur Harrow
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The definition of patience. Will watch with a raised eyebrow as you throw tantrums or whine or just act like a general brat. He will honestly wait you out until you are just sitting there with a horrible sinking feeling in your gut as he stares at you for what feels like hours until you are squirming under the intensity of his gaze. His punishments will include anything from spankings to orgasm denial to overstimulation all while keeping his voice calm. He would also keep your punishments going long after you've begged for forgiveness and he will make you beg until he's satisfied.
The Grabber/Albert Shaw
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Good luck being a brat with him. Any type of resistance against him he would view as you resisting his dominance over you. Would quickly put you in your place through violence, but if you more teasing gentle about it then he would be less violent. He would like for you to be brat, would enjoy you teasing him in a way, but he would enjoy even more to punish you. To force you to your knees and fuck your throat until you are a crying drooling mess while he comes on your face and makes you keep it there. Would spank you until your skin is raw and tender, would make you ride him until he spills inside you, but refuses your orgasm and leaves you to think about your "actions".
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thatninjacat27 · 1 year
Some Details On The X-Men Swap Au That I’m Currently Writing A Oneshot On:
Erik is in a wheelchair and had telepathy and still Jewish. Charles can walk and has metal manipulation and the magnetism thing going on and is still old money rich.(can’t decide if I want Charles to have also been shot but makes metal leg braces and uses his powers to make himself walk and no one but Hank and maybe Emma is aware of it.) Raven is not Charles’s sister (or Erik’s) but is Erik’s right hand. Hank is slightly crazy but is the one person Charles trusts completely from the X-men. Charles was basically sold to Shaw as a kid by his mom(mommy issues). Emma loves to mess around with Charles and they somewhat grew up together but it’s still hostile.
Charles basically adopts Wanda,Pietro/Peter, and Lorna because Erik kinda refuses to acknowledge that those are legitimately his kids. It isn’t on purpose but like it happens(comedically). The kids (they are in their teens) are still with The Brotherhood but call Charles their other dad. He actually tries to bond with them and teaches Lorna how to control her powers better, and Wanda and Peter too. Always gives gifts that are specific to them and genuinely cares about them.
Charles took Shaw’s helmet and is dramatic but not exactly to the scale like Magento(OG Erik.) As a kid, Charles had two metal balls floating above his head (about the size of a baseball) that represented his emotions(they would spasm if he was angry) and were very flexible to manipulate to other objects if needed. He stopped using them because they gave what he was really feeling away and he used the metal to replace Shaw’s helmet after it got lost or something.
Charles nearly got his degree while Erik has it so he is called The Professor. I didn’t come up with a name for Charles and I didn’t feel like Magneto will fit that well.
So Magda is switched with Moira. David doesn’t exist here but I felt like I should mention him.
The Brotherhood swap with the X-men but some of the X-men are with the Brotherhood and vice versa if that makes sense.
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illyanarasputinfan · 1 year
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Immortal X-Men #12 (2023) MARVEL
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