#ray and his fucking……ray-ness
frnkiebby · 4 months
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absolute BABIES~🎃
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jedi-starbird · 4 months
APLAP (Assigned Pathetic Lifeform at Padawanship)
New padawan Obi-Wan trying to figure out how the FUCK to make his master listen and not abandon him to go running off following "the will of the force" when it hits him. Qui-Gon is perfectly happy stopping and taking care of pathetic life forms, but not Obi-Wan. That's it. He's always been prepared, always been dutiful, strong, self-sufficient.
He's cracked the code. He needs to be more pathetic.
The next time he senses Qui-Gon's about to run off he coordinates a scene of utmost pathetic-ness, that is, he throws himself into the nearest fountain. He trudges up to his master sopping wet, water-logged robes swallowing him, with hair sticking to his face and containing bits of algae from the fountain. He mumbles out an apology for being clumsy before looking up at Qui-Gon with the biggest, most woeful eyes possible to ask if he happened to bring any spare robes (he didn't, Obi-Wan knows this because he is usually the one to pack spare robes for them both). His wet hair is dripping water into his eyes that's beginning to turn them an irritated red, and there's algae sliding down the side of his face, it really is masterful work.
"Oh...I'm sure I'll be able to find something by myself, it's okay Master, I know you had important work to do."
Qui-Gon visibly hesitates. Obi-Wan starts shivering. He turns to walk away. He's stopped by his Master's hand on his shoulder. His Master, who walks back with him, who gets clean clothes from their hosts, who has folded like wet flimsi and even explains his stupid, stupid plan before choosing to hotwire a hoverbike with a passenger seat! Oh, Obi-Wan really has cracked the code!
Afterwards, Obi-Wan stages an increasingly pitiful accident for himself every time his patented 'Qui-Gon Jinn Bullshit' detector goes off. Eventually, his Master stops leaving him behind at all, even giving him funny looks when he turns around and Obi-Wan isn’t next to him. It never fails to make Obi-Wan grin and run to catch up. Sure, his reputation as a perfect padawan is in tatters, alongside his dignity, but it’s a small price to pay for a place at his Master’s side, for him to remember there’s a place for Obi-Wan there.
When the ray shields come up on Naboo, Qui-Gon doesn't charge ahead and leave his padawan behind, he hasn't for years. He waits for Obi-Wan because it feels wrong to do otherwise, his padawan belongs at his side.
Much, much later, when Obi-Wan is drinking to the end of the war with friends, Commander Cress will ask him how he kept General Jinn from running off for entire decade. Obi-Wan laughs, informs him, and resolutely ignores the scene Quinlan is making as the man cackles and pulls up a book to shove at them both, titled Classical Conditioning 101: A guide to subtle psychological manipulation.
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starreo · 6 months
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multi-character drabble.
includes adult themes so, mdni.
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he loves you with your glasses on. he'd never dream of asking you to take them off. actually, he prefers them. when he's fucking you stupid, the way your spectacles slip off the bridge of your nose, god you look so hot, he cums almost immediately. or when you're working on your laptop, he asks you what you want for dinner and you slide your blue ray glasses down to stare him in the eye. he feels like you're staring into your soul in those moments, he feels owned. something about you in glasses messes with his head, and his pants.
nagi seishiro, eren jaeger, reo mikage, suna rintaro, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, gojo satoru, michael kaiser, alexis ness + any of your favs <3
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© starreo 2023. do not copy, translate or repost .
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t-r99 · 2 months
Michael Kaiser
(manga spoilers)
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To begin with, chapter 260 was horrifying to read. "oH bUT iT's JuST a mANga!!!!" I don't care, that shit was fucked up.
Is Kaiser's behaviour understandable? Yes. That's it, understandable.
It's still unacceptable and inexusable, but to be fair, no one would end up okay after that. Everyone deals with trauma differently and Kaiser found his way.
(what he needed was twenty therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, all the ists)
Tiny moments like this,
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kinda get new meanings now. His self choking thing is . . . *shudders*
I still hate the way he treats and handles Ness. Does Kaiser know any better? No, he doesn't. He needed help. Football was good for him, yes, but did the people around him help him heal mentally? It doesn't really look like it.
Speaking of Ness, I believe they're truly friends and that Kaiser cares for him in his own traumatized, fucked up way.
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They are friends. I just wish Kaiser knew how to be kinder. He doesn't know how to be kind, he didn't receive any love or affection as a child, it's alien to him.
Does Ness know the full extent of the abuse Kaiser suffered? Honestly, I don't think so. Maybe bits and pieces, if even that. Maybe Kaiser once said something along the lines of, "My old man wasn't a good person." and left it at that with Ness not prying any further.
If we'd gotten Kaiser's backstory a lot earlier I would've expected him to be even more unhinged and messed up.
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Okay, Mr "World Football Association, PIFA Licensed Agent" Ray Dark, did you get the kid some mental help?
Football was all he had and he cried from pure fury when he thought his father was about to cut his football open.
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Someone get this boy some mental help please.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Okay, I admit defeat, I cannot keep myself from writing a little something based on this post from @howdoyousleep3
You gotta read the original post, but, essentially... trust fund baby Buck hiring a Daddy because he wants to be taken care of 🥺
For visuals:
This Bucky
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gifs by @/fucklinski
With this Steve
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Something about this AU just gives me sweater-wearing Daddy, okay?
Aaaand this got out of hand (as every "short" drabble I try to write does) so:
Warning for hurt/comfort, slight homophobia, drugs/alcohol use (drugs are all in the background though), explicit sexual content, semi-public play, daddy kink, fisting 👀, dirty talk, feminization, breath play, etc., etc.
Anyway, this is like fucking 5k words oops...
Hey, Alexa? Play “Life Of The Party” by The Weeknd then "National Anthem" by Lana Del Ray
Trust fund baby Buck spends all of his time at clubs, parties, events, and any sort of socializing event that is required for someone of his status--of his family's status.
All in all, though, he genuinely loves people. He loves the over-the-top parties, he enjoys the decadence of expensive drinks--most of them alcoholic ever since the second he turned 18 (because it's the European thing to do)--and he flourishes in these spaces. The attention. The social butterfly-ness of it all
Usually he loves it all.
Yet, as he’s grown into his own adult person a little more he’s begun to realize one thing; it’s not as lovely and shiny as it used to feel.
Bucky knows, in part, it’s because he’s simply not a child any longer.
But he also knows it’s because he’s gay. And because he’s lonely. Yes, he’s lonely in part because he’s gay and old money leans more… well, it isn’t called the Grand Old Party for no reason, so, yeah, he’s a little lonely because even within the group of trust fund babies his age, they’re lagging behind pop culture. They’re not, like, spitting on him or swearing at him out of homophobia. And good ol’ pops isn’t disowning him or denying him of their fortune, but… no one has ever asked him if he’s seen any cute boys. No one asked him--when he came out--if he’d even kissed a boy yet. No one asked him about his crushes. No one suggests, oh, look at that dashing (equally rich and) young man, you should go talk to him--you could marry him! Bucky gets nothing of the sort. His sexuality is ignored. The best he got upon coming out was a tight-lipped smile and a nod.
More and more Bucky yearns for community.
Also, Bucky’s lonely because he can’t exactly see a future here. How’s he supposed to find a partner like he wants if everyone is lowkey(?) homophobic?
Also ×2, he’s lonely despite the excess of this lifestyle because… he’s probably always been lonely. Not to blame his parents for all of his problems, but, when your parents are too rich, too busy, and too good to raise their own child--always handing them off to the help with a poorly disguised face of disgust for a child that is simply crying and drooly and snotty because, well, it’s a child--that does something to said child.
No matter how lovely the help is, no matter how bonded he felt to the help, they cannot replace parents you can’t reach. And parents you can’t ever reach, you can't impress, and you can't please since they’ve had everything they could wish for from the time they were young is also problematic for a growing human. At least Bucky was always good at socializing. That (sometimes) seems to please his parents. And it's been very beneficial to Bucky over the years.
Ever since Bucky was able to talk, he’s bounced around any event he was taken to, conversing with everyone and, without even meaning to, ending up with a string of girls behind him. His mother says it’s his smile and his eyes--what girls won’t do for a boy with blue eyes and dimples! His father says it’s his conversation and thanks himself for it, patting Bucky on the shoulder as he roughly and proudly guffaws, “just like his father! Can talk his way out of anything! Could sell a breathing man air!”
Any interest in the people he strung along, without meaning to, faded fast. Every time.
So, he’s lonely.
He's craving companionship.
And since Bucky came out when he was 17, he has been looking for a partner. He’s gotten lucky here and there with hook-ups (most fueled by too much champagne, some drugs he'd rather not admit to having taken, or charged by the fact they were sneaking away to do it somewhere they DEFINITELY weren't supposed to), one-off dates (all his dates comprised of people he met at galas or whatever and always the same social class, never lower), and even a couple handful of months-long relationships (done mostly for show even if Bucky did like them… he really wanted to show everyone he was capable of settling down!).
But by this point, this many tries deep, none of them have been The One and, hell, none of them have even been that good.
Bucky's just tired of prancing around searching blindly for what he wants when he damn well knows what he wants--what he wishes for, eyes shut, sliding down the inside of the door to his brownstone, sighing, day-dreaming and what he craves when he curls up in his massive bed, alone, surrounded by an ocean of sheets with too many pillow islands, eyes shut, beginning to breathe heavily, waking up certain parts of himself… hands wandering down his own body… night-dreaming 👀
He knows what he wants. It's so hard to find though.
And he’s about to throw in the towel (yes, he’s aware he’s still in his early- to mid-20s, and yes, he’s that dramatic) when…
He goes to a bar after another event.
He just needs to be around “normal” people, feeling especially tired that night of lofty, wealthy people. (He’s also a little sick of himself since he knows he isn’t always that much better when it comes down to it)
And at this bar, he sees Steve--he sees this man at the other end of the bar. The man is larger than life, sitting on a bar stool at the counter, the other end of the bar from where Bucky sits, with broad shoulders swathed in a thick, dark sweater and big hands wrapped around a glass. As he lifts the glass to drink, he chats with the bartender.
This stranger is older with handsome crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and grays beginning to come into his beard as well as spreading back through his hair from his temples.
The man laughs at something the bartender says after swallowing, big and loud and full of obvious enjoyment. It sounds good.
Bucky almost wants to shoo the bartender back over to the mystery man when she comes to refill his sugary cocktail later. He would much rather she make him laugh again.
But, instead…
Bucky buys him a drink, tipping her exorbitantly yet again to make sure it’s the best he can get. Bucky would buy the handsome stranger what he’s having already but doesn’t recognize what’s in his glass, nor that particular type of glass, and he’s feeling more creative than just asking her so he just bluntly asks--
“What’s the most expensive drink you have?” The bartender looks at him funny but tells him regardless. “I’ll get that then," he doesn't even wait for her to say how much it costs, "just not for me--” Bucky tips his head in the mystery man’s direction “--give it to him.”
She does as he asks, sliding the glass across the table to the other man and saying something he doesn’t catch but she looks over to him after. The bartender and Bucky make eye contact again.
Bucky looks away, from her and the man. He's unable to watch the older man refuse it. Bucky doesn't even know if he's gay. He doesn't know why he did it… he just…
Bucky hopes it’s good alcohol. Not to be a picky brat but… his cocktail isn’t very good even with the alcohol hidden behind juice and lots of sugar, so he can’t imagine most of their drinks must be good. It’s just a little neighborhood, almost a dive bar anyway. The more expensive, the smoother the liquor. He knows as such. High-quality champagne goes down like candy.
He hopes this guy appreciates the smoother taste. (If the guy doesn't come over and punch him for being gay.)
Bucky swallows another mouthful of his unsatisfactory cocktail. He barely has it down when the guy approaches him. He has scooped up the new drink in one of those big hands. He must've finished or abandoned his other. And--
He’s smiling as he approaches, apparently as easy-going as he looks in that thick sweater and worn baseball cap.
Handsome and easy-to-please sits down next to him. Playfully mentioning that it looks like things should be the other way around, he should be buying something for Bucky--if Bucky is even old enough to drink? How’d he get in here anyway? It's not the glitzy, flashing-light nightclub he'd expect for a young person.
Bucky internally sighs, if only this was the most debauched place he’s been… but, externally, Bucky tells him, of course, I'm old enough. I've just always had a baby face.
Well, then, even if you're old enough, I'm still right! He grins. Steve--he gives Bucky his name finally--should be buying him a drink instead! Not that it’s hurt Steve’s pride or anything, he just is pretty sure Bucky’s got more important things to spend his money on than buying strangers drinks, like, student loans, partying with kids his age, or actually starting a savings account.
Bucky laughs, harder than he means to, at the examples. He feels lost tonight. The laughter means he ends up having to explain himself, who he is--rather who his father is and who his grandfather was. He doesn’t need another savings account, he already has too many. He bites his tongue before saying he has too much money, which is true but… he's never said that out loud before.
What is going on with him tonight?! He's not even drunk or high!
Steve, however, is obviously taken aback, blue eyes widening. But he tries to hide it. It’s sweet. He continues to treat him like a regular person after he admits it.
It feels real.
Bucky feels like it's not a big deal. Steve even shrugged! If only it was real… not just one night. One moment.
They talk for a long time.
Bucky buys Steve more drinks. Bucky assumes Steve’s going to take him home or at least back to the bathroom. He wants it. Steve looks like he'd be good at holding and grabbing and fucking. Bucky wants all of that. Steve doesn’t ask though.
And when Bucky asks--would you like to get out of here? Steve cocks his head and says, “we’re drinking.” his eyes also say, I'm so much older than you, are you sure? Am I sure?, but he doesn't voice it.
“Yeah? So?”
“I’d rather not be a drunk hookup.”
“I wouldn’t have to be drunk to hookup with you.”
“You’re sweet,” he says as if Bucky has given him a genuine compliment rather than telling him he’s fuckable, “but still, you’re tipsy. I’m tipsy, so…” He shrugs like that explanation is enough.
Bewildered Bucky asks, “really?”
“As much as I want to take you up on the offer, yeah. We're not really in any state to decide to do that. I don’t think I am at least.”
Bucky’s never encountered someone so… responsible? Bucky doesn’t actually know if he's being responsible, but it feels that way. But… okay, sure, not how he thought his night would go, although that's been his entire night, so he might as well keep the punches rolling.
They talk more.
They talk about everything.
And, suddenly, the bar is getting ready to close! Bucky doesn't know where the time has gone. All he knows is that he unthinkingly pays Steve’s tab plus his own. Steve blushes a little in the low bar lighting. And he ends up cracking a few more unserious jokes about role reversal. Their ages. Their income. Their savings. Their lives. The way this should be the other way around if anything.
His jokes give Bucky some ideas…
Ideas that come out of his mouth rather than staying inside his mind because Bucky is only now actually tipsy (he may be young but good, expensive alcohol since he turned 18 will give anyone a high tolerance… especially someone who indulges as often as Bucky does).
Steve might be drunk or humoring him massively because he agrees (with some convincing (less convincing than Bucky expected though)) that they could try that. If Bucky is serious. But not while they're drunk. Again, not while they're drunk.
They exchange phone numbers instead.
Bucky calls his driver to pick him up--he could pay the ticket for driving himself home, no problem, but he's not that much of an ass (or that dumb). He also offers Steve a ride but, apparently, this bar isn’t too far from the place he calls home. And he wants to walk home. Sober up some. Breathe some fresh air so he doesn’t have quite the hangover when he wakes up. Right, hangovers. Another difference in age. Bucky doesn't really get those yet despite how much he drinks.
Anyway, Steve promises to text Bucky later. When he gets home and then even later, about that idea.
I made iit bacj
Bucky recalls the encounter in the morning, waking up with the stale taste of cheap alcohol in his mouth and a single text in his phone. But, he doesn’t know if Steve remembers, beyond that misspelled, drunk text. So he waits.
And waits.
And waits…
Steve does not text him.
Steve does not text him for the entire day after their encounter. And you can call Bucky a spoiled brat who has never had to wait for a goddamn thing in his life, but that wouldn't stop Bucky from being a little upset and impatient. He felt something with Steve! Or he thought he did and--
He wants to believe, desperately, that Steve felt it to.
So, Bucky texts Steve first. He waits a day and a half before caving.
Steve responds: Honestly, I didn’t text you because I couldn’t convince myself that I didn’t dream up last night. Plus, if I didn’t dream it, I hadn’t yet convinced myself that you were serious. Sorry to leave you wondering.
He might just be charming Bucky, calling him a dream, to get at the money that he offered him--Bucky’s had plenty of people do that, use him, trying to get at his wealth, but… he doesn’t care. Let Steve use him for the money if that’s all this is going to be. Steve was just so warm. And Bucky wants more of it. He was freezing. He is freezing, maybe even more so now that he's felt just how good that warmth is.
Over the coming weeks, they text back and forth, explaining themselves, getting to know each other, then arranging a time and place to meet to discuss an actual arrangement.
Companionship for money.
Bucky was serious. He's more serious now. He doesn't want Steve to fade away, he likes him too much, but what else can Bucky offer him than money? Steve seems happy. He's old enough he has his own life with a job and purpose. Not like Bucky.
So, Steve will provide the companionship and Bucky will provide the money.
It takes a while to meet up again, after the bar, because everywhere Bucky suggests they get together, private places, are all places Steve can’t get into (country clubs, lavish nightclubs) or hasn’t ever been to (expensive hotels, secretive businesses off the commonly walked path, whatever). Steve asks, eventually, if he might just come over to Bucky’s house after Bucky shoots down Steve's idea of a cafe because, no, too public. Too high of a risk of paparazzi. Bucky is embarrassed he didn’t think of the simple things. Starbucks. Someone's apartment. A park. God. A country club? That was the best he could come up with?!
Either way, they meet and discuss.
An agreement is made.
Weekly allowances for Steve in the form of money that goes straight to one of his bank accounts (a flat rate with additional “bonuses” depending on how much time Steve spends with Bucky), all his to do whatever he pleases with, and money that goes into an account Steve controls but that is meant for Bucky--money meant for Steve to use to buy things for Bucky. It’s not Steve’s money, not really, but they pretend it is.
Extra money will be added for private events, public events (if Bucky decides he wants that), or other "large" things.
They also discuss what companionship will be exactly. Texting. Phone calls. Breakfast/lunch/dinner dates. Cuddling. Binge-watching shows. Maybe outings to spas or events or parties--if Steve will come with him. And…
Steve, this time, is the one to bring up sex. “Is that going to be a part of this?”
“Can it be?” Bucky asks, blushing and helplessly flicking his eyes down to Steve's body. Those shoulders. That chest. His thighs and what's between them, packed into his slim-fit jeans enticingly.
“Let me think about it,” Steve says steadily, unembarrassed. Once he texted Bucky, in a very non-judgemental way, but I'm not a sex worker, as if he were puzzled that he ended up here. Or puzzled that Bucky wasn't just going for a sex worker. But… he seems to be figuring his own emotions out. Bucky lets him. They move on. Discussing other things.
Eventually, Steve goes home.
A week passes.
Steve agrees that sex can be part of it via a phone call. Bucky tries to not react too strongly and wires him money to go and get an STI test even though he knows Steve can afford it himself. Bucky gets one too for himself.
But, when the results are in, both of them infection-free, sex doesn’t happen immediately. It’s more PG-companionship at first.
Steve comes over after he finishes work to eat dinner with Bucky, prepared by the help. They chat. They drink with dinner. Bucky soaks in every moment of it. Steve doesn't compliment his non-cooking but he does compliment Bucky's outfit. (He does tell the help they've done wonderfully when they come to collect the plates though.) Bucky wants to roll around in his voice, rumbly and perfect. He resists the urge to immediately have Steve over again the next evening.
He limits himself to bi-weekly at most for the first month. But… he can't keep it that sparse for too long. Steve's company is incredible.
So, dinner happens again and again.
They get comfortable around each other.
They move beyond dinner soon enough. And Steve goes shopping with Bucky, dutifully complimenting every item he puts on and how good he looks in it. Bucky watches Steve pick up things he likes--Bucky can see it on his face--and put them down immediately after seeing the price tag with a horrified noise in the back of his throat. Bucky blurts out, "just fucking get it," the sixth or seventh time it happens. Steve laughs, raising an eyebrow at him, and makes another joke. Something about having unknowingly acquired a sugar daddy. Being allowed to buy exorbitantly priced things. Luxury things.
Then, it's Bucky's turn to make a horrified sound in the back of his throat. This is just companionship and some sex and--
He wasn't ready to admit to that!
Steve senses something is wrong and apologizes without even knowing what he supposedly did. Bucky brushes it off quickly though. At least, Bucky tries to brush it off but he can't.
He can't shake it.
Hearing "Daddy" in Steve's voice… Fuck. Bucky wants to hear him call himself Daddy again. Bucky wants to call him Daddy.
Despite his self imposed rules to Not Cross That Boundary With Steve…
Bucky ends up enticing Steve to fuck him for the first time in the high-end brand's dressing room. It'll be fine. He can control himself. He can get fucked without moaning for Daddy, right? He's done it before!
With his legs tight around Steve's solid waist, his hands squeezing Steve's biceps tightly, and his teeth biting down on one of those huge shoulders as Steve's thick cock makes room for itself inside him, carving him open, hot and fast and good, he can’t muffle himself fully. One tiny gasp of, "d-daddy!" slips out of him.
And it's over.
Steve hears it and his next thrust is punishing. It's harsh. It fucks his cock right up against Bucky's sweet spot.
Bucky's mouth falls open with an obscene moan.
"Again," Steve whispers, pinching his side at the same time, adding a flicker of pain to their fucking.
Bucky doesn't hear it. He's too busy being fucked.
Steve won't stand for that though. He presses Bucky harder against the dressing room wall. Bucky smacks the back of his head happily on the wall. And, "say it again," Steve whispers again, voice harsher this time. Gritted out between his teeth.
Bucky moans louder.
And so Steve cups a hand over his mouth, squeezing his face with one of those huge, powerful hands, heavily whispering, "you better be quiet, baby. 'Cause you don't wanna get caught with your Daddy fucking your pretty brains out, do you? Don't wanna get banned from this store when you like their stupidly expensive clothes so--so fuckin' much, do you?"
Bucky's eyes roll. back. into. his. head. as he whines, muffled, against Steve's palm.
"Do you?"
Bucky shakes his head as much as he can with his jaw being squeezed like this.
"Didn't think so, no, sweet boy wants his Daddy all to himself. Doesn't he?"
The rush of Daddy calling himself Daddy and calling Bucky sweet boy has him spilling between their bodies.
Bucky ruins their clothes but he doesn't even blink. They'll just wear some of their clothes out of the store. Steve is floored. Jaw dropped. Bucky's gonna buy all of that? A whole new outfit? Did he even look at the tags? Did he even look at how much it costs? Bucky shakes his head. Nope. It doesn't matter. It can't be that expensive.
"Jesus Christ, boy," Steve murmurs, shaking his head and chuckling.
Bucky, playful and high on such a fantastic fucking and orgasm, leans in reeeal close to Daddy. He stretches up onto his tippy-toes. And he bites that beard jaw, purring, "welcome to the high life, Daddy."
Steve groans, his soft cock twitching in his new, expensive slacks.
And suddenly it's like hearing Bucky say that once, then hooking up and using it, makes everything click in Steve's head.
It's like he suddenly can read Bucky's thoughts. Because somehow he knows exactly what he craves now.
And Steve fucking steps. up. his. game.
He goes from just your average paid-romantic-partner to dream fucking Daddy.
Steve feeds Bucky dinner, balancing the younger man in his lap, telling him he’s good and pretty and everything Bucky knew he craved to hear but also what he didn't know he wanted--he needed to hear. It's a damn religious experience.
Steve gets a key to his brownstone and lets himself in before Bucky returns home to start a bath for him. A bath complete with fancy products that he buys with Bucky in mind and the peachy smell the younger man likes. Once Bucky arrives home, Steve brings him into the bathroom to strip him, jerk him off until he's crumbling into Daddy's chest, weak at the knees, and lower him into the bath he's made. Daddy washes him limb by limb, massaging him as he goes. Then… Daddy lifts him out of the bath and dumps him on his bed to fuck him. Bucky cannot do shit after his bath. God. His head is lolled back, his muscles are all melted, and his noises only come out as puffed, breathy, and overwhelmed things. Daddy teases him affectionately for being a spoiled princess. But, shit, with the way Daddy puts his back into fucking him… it doesn't seem like he minds.
Steve lets Bucky pull him around social events. Wide-eyed and trying not to be the entire time. He often leans into Bucky throughout the night, covertly asking him what the fuck is that? What should I order? Why is it all in french, what the hell? How the fuck do I eat that? What fork again? Which glass? Disguising all of his questions are sweet nothings that make Bucky blush, doted on by his older partner.
Bucky knows he’s whining the second he starts talking into the receiver of his cell phone after the beep indicating that he needs to leave his message or hang up, “Daddyyy, I hope whatever you’re doing is important enough to excuse you not picking up,” he can't help but huff. He’s had the, like, worst day ever. Already. It's barely 1:00 pm and he has an event to attend tonight. “I just Venmo-ed you your extra allowance-" that's what they've taken to calling the money that Steve gets to spend on Bucky, "-for this week and with the day I’ve had..." he sighs, pinching his brow and forcing himself over the embarrassment of actually asking for what he needs, once in his goddamn life. His cheeks are pink. At least he knows Steve likes it. Him asking for shit. “I want something really nice, please, Daddy? Something that'll help me blow off steam." Bucky blushes more intensely, finishing off with, "I'll see you Friday, Daddy--don't forget my driver is coming by to pick you up--but it'd be good if you could maybe call me before then. Bye-bye”
Steve calls back after work. He must've sped home to call so soon. Bucky smirks, thinking about maybe having to pay for a speeding ticket. Which shouldn't turn him on but… he's been known to have a thing for bad boys here and there 😏
Daddy has good timing with his call, he's just getting changed for tonight's event.
Steve's rumbling voice greets him the second he picks up the call labeled 💖🔥Daddy🔥💖 “tough week, huh, sweet boy? That's okay, Daddy's here to make it better."
Bucky sighs. Already, he feels better. Already, he can feel his brain begin to fade away into a pink, cotton candy haze he seems to always soak in when around Steve.
Yet, Steve's voice gets more mischievous now, "Daddy bought you some pretty things like you deserve but Daddy also bought himself something… you wanna know what he got?"
Bucky nods, frazzled enough to forget Steve can't see him. When he remembers suddenly though, he forces his voice to work, "y-yeah, wanna know."
"There's Daddy's sweet boyy," he coos. He swallows, then, "Daddy bought himself a Rolex."
Oh, oof.
There's another thing that shouldn't turn Bucky on but does… high-end brand names coming out of Steve's plush lips. Something about hearing it makes Bucky's dick hard. He doesn't know what and he doesn't really care to know so long as Steve keeps doing it.
"But you know the secret about what Daddy bought himself today?"
"No," Bucky breathes.
"Well," Steve pauses dramatically, "this watch isn’t just for Daddy. It's for you too, baby boy, 'cause as cute as you are… I know you're a dirty boy too."
Bucky dramatically flops back onto his bed before he can collapse where he had been pacing in his bedroom, in front of the huge mirrored walk-in-closet doors. Knees starting to buckle as his head swims with arousal.
Steve hears him move and chuckles darkly through his next few words, "I know as innocent as you look, you like it rough."
Bucky squeaks despite himself.
"You like it rough and want Daddy to call you sweet names and tell you sweet things, but you want Daddy to fuck you like he hates your guts."
God. Bucky whines, clutching his phone harder. It's true. It's really fucking true.
"And I know better than a collar you'd like Daddy's hand on your throat."
Fuck. His eyes squeeze shut tightly.
"So, what do you think? You think my hand around your throat with this new watch on will make you look extra pretty?"
Bucky's breath stutters. Oh.
"'Cause Daddy thinks you'll look even prettier with a Rolex near your throat. All shiny and sparkly over that blush you always get. Turning red 'cause you're hard for Daddy but also red because Daddy decides when you breathe. Isn't that right, baby?"
Bucky cannot speak. This is entirely unexpected and incredibly perfect. A punch to the gut of pure arousal.
"Daddy decides everything--his pretty boy doesn't have to think when Daddy's home."
"Daddy-" Bucky gasps.
Daddy doesn't even acknowledge it. He doesn't give him room to breathe. He just goes for the kill, "but Daddy also bought something just for you, y’know?"
"Mmm, well, let Daddy tell you then. Daddy bought his pretty boy something pretty. You wanna guess what pretty thing it is?"
"Uhh, yuh-yeah?"
Steve pauses. He waits. He prompts, "what then, sweets?" when Bucky can't kick his head into thinking.
Bucky sputters, "uh, jewelry?" He takes a shot in the dark, only thinking about the press of an obscene priced watch, cold and hard, to his throat and chest, Daddy's fingers squeezing his neck tight.
"Nah, try again."
"A toy?"
"Nope." He sounds smug.
"Mm-hm, it's some kind of clothes, yup."
"Pretty clothes?"
"Duh," he playfully admonishes.
Bucky breathes a little harder. Clothes, clothes, clothes, what kind of clothes could it be? "A suit?"
"Smaller than a suit."
This game is getting him more wound up than he cares to admit. He's all hot and squirmy on his bed. "A shirt?"
"No. Smaller still."
"Um, okay," Bucky licks his lips, "wh-what about… underwear?"
"Try another word for underwear."
Bucky whines. Oh.
Oh, no.
He--he can't. He can't say that out loud! He knows--he thinks he knows what Daddy bought him--but…
"Daddy wants to hear you say it, c’mon, kitten. Say it for me."
Those words sound like pure sin coming off of his lips, so, of course, he can't resist obeying. "P-panties?"
"Not just panties, baby boy. Daddy got some special panties for his boy."
Bucky doesn't know what to do with himself. Jesus. He's so hard. From just talking. He's aching from just talking over the phone. Christ.
"Daddy bought you easy-access panties. And if you fuckin' ruin 'em from being too excited and eager for Daddy, then I'll just have to buy more... 'cause I've got plans for your little body in these little panties."
The way he says these little panties lets Bucky know he has them in his hands. He's touching them. Bucky wants Daddy to touch him. He wants--he, he…
The image of Daddy jerking himself off with panties meant for Bucky wrapped around his hard cock knocks Bucky off his fucking rocker. He moans like he's being fisted. He moans like he's not just lying back on his king-sized bad being dirty talked so, so thoroughly.
"Wanna hear the plan Daddy has for you?"
Bucky nods frantically, making a ridiculous uh-huh sound. He already sounds fucked out.
"Daddy is gonna put these easy-access panties on his boy and slide his fingers into that pretty little cunt. One finger at a time, using that strawberry-scented lube you like, sweet boy. 'M gonna finger you, all without your new, lacy, pink, easy access panties coming off because you're desperate for Daddy and desperate for how filthy and pretty you feel in panties, you dirty boy."
Bucky can't breathe.
He hoarsely whines.
He can't process how hot that sounds, so he has no idea how he'll be able to live through it.
"And even if you clench down on Daddy's fingers and cum we're not stopping. Daddy isn't stopping. No. Daddy's not gonna quit touching that pink, pretty cunt until it's split open on Daddy's fist--"
Bucky instantly pictures those huge hands. His thick, long fingers. Bucky's mouth waters.
"--'Cause Daddy wants his new watch on his wrist to touch your greedy, twitching, and wet rim."
Bucky doesn't even… he can't even think. He, his--his lips just move, reckless and unbearably needy, "fuck the fucking party Daddy. You. Here. Now. Please, please, please. Need it. Need you. You hav'ta get here! Daddy!"
Steve chuckles evilly, "okay, okay, Daddy's on his way, sweetheart. Just sit tight. Oh, and, baby-?"
"Don't you dare touch yourself, Daddy wants your pleasure all to himself. Hands off." He orders.
Bucky whines like a kicked puppy. That's not faaair!
Anyway I hope that was worth the read lmao 🤘🏻
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ditch-lily · 8 months
so I wanna do a little trip/photo dump of my latest jeffy adventure. I may delete this who knows but for now, adventures below!
I tbh wasn't at my best during this trip, I had a bit of a not fun ocd episode while traveling and I do feel like I spent most of the trip trying to get back to my baseline okayness - so to my lovely friends and travel partners thanks for being awesome and treating me with kindness!! I really, really appreciated it 💖💖
okay now time for obnoxious trip slideshow haha
chiang rai was beautiful. we went to an insanely gorgeous garden cafe on the first day
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on the second, we went to the white and blue temples
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btw I love doing street photography so 2 of my favs from chiang rai:
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and now...jeffy day
tbh by the time Jeff was onstage I'd been standing around since 2pm (he got on stage...at 10pm 😭) the things We Do for Barricade. I was soooo sweaty and frazzled by then
it was a very cool set up tho! it was a little music festival, lots of food/etc, and they lit up hot air balloons over our heads
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we saw a few performers and slot machine!! who were right before jeff. finally got to see them live and ohmygod did they pop off!! at one point they were in front of us just tearing up the stage for ages, they threw guitar picks at us haha (I did not catch one lol)
and then jeff.....look we all know how that went down
but here's a screenshot of when he Looked at me the first time and i fucking realized if I can see them.....they can see me. no??? jfc i think i like super reacted, flailed backwards a bit I think. i prefer to not beobserved okay?? but anyway and that's why he came for my throat later i believe. demon
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then look after jeff it was just jumpscare after jumpscare, bumping into his band member at midnight in our hotel lobby (all the musicians and sound crew were having a big drinking party on the steps of the hotel. jeff wasn't there tho) and then the next morning bumping into rasika checking out etc etc
okay some of my fits on the trip! day 1, then jeffy day and the next travel day, which ended up being the Day we followed Jeff and his team around at the airport, unintentionally
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each of these in front of the cupboard nowhere near as good as jeffs lol
some of the treasures i got at the show! these are mainly bread's amazing creations. @patpran thank you so much i adore my jeffy cat stickers ;.;
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also (made by another fan) the jeffy pop socket i'm screaming,,,,,should i put it on my phone..
okay now bkk!! i got a few street shots cause i love doing that
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then witnessed jeff on the bts and found some cat pants
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and went plus size shopping at platinum mall. i knew about the names before hand but oh my god im laughing
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and then!!! bang sue junction, which is mile and apo's fav hang out spot for vintage shopping. sadly we didn't bump into them. but it was such an awesome place to explore
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we also wrote a lil letter each and wrapped up some presents to send to jeff. i would like to say it takes 2+ ppl to puzzle out a thailand post box and how to put it together (and there was only 2 of us at that point lol ;.;)
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okay i was gonna add more but that's heaps, i think. despite my brain being frazzled 24/7 on this trip it was a good one. thank you so much to @patpran who showed me all the cool places and was a very lovely travel partner!!! you were awesome!!!
i'm honestly so grateful i got to go, and have these experiences ahhhhh, i'm gonna treasure it (sorry post trip emo-ness) anyway i gotta get back to work now but, if you've read this far, you're a star haha <3
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just-prime · 9 months
8 : Oh so boring
The horrifying MCU-ification of the Star Wars universe is in horrific display as 8 episodes lead nowhere but setup.
Before I get to everything else, I do want to say, Ray Stevenson's passing is a true tragedy, and I appreciate the love and care he clearly put into his character. He was the only compelling one, and I shudder to think of how Disney will probably heartlessly recast.
Now, on to the episode
Well, all the leaks that said it was zombies were right, to the surprise of no one. This is the MCU now, we need something more than just a fuck ton of stormtroopers to blow through, we need an undead CGI army.
First off : The Jedi, The Witch, and The Warlord...FUCK OFF FILONI. YOU ARE NOT CUTE.
The show opens with the attempt to lull Legends fans back into a Sion reference for no reason. Also, Thrawn's super baggy pants seem unnecessary, especially since the design in Rebels always has him in perfectly tailored clothes. Nothing during his decade abroad that would have cause the pants to change that drastically, so it just feels like an unnecessary change that is not an attractive look :(
Morgan's power ups make no sense, and as soon as she got them she was going to die. Her eyes had me making a half dozen Supernatural jokes for obvious reasons. The whole "Blade of Talzin" thing is also very dumb given the fact that I assume Mother Talzin would have used every weapon in her arsenal to stop Grievous, and I would think a lightsaber proof sword is on that list.
The entire "Ezra makes himself a new lightsaber" scene filled me rage for a few reasons.
A) Ezra literally just turned down Sabine's offer of the lightsaber for the martial arts force powers which we never see him use again.
B) Huyang knowing about Caleb and Kanan being the same person feels kinda weird to me to be perfectly honest.
C) Ezra's new lightsaber is boring. Full stop. This is the kid who built a gun into his first one, it makes no sense that he'd make one that looks this mediocre.
D) All of Sabine's family dying horrible deaths on Mandalore has always struck me as a cop out. It's just lazy writing to isolate Sabine.
The Stakes
Spoiler alert : THERE ARE NONE
We knew this was going to end in a cliffhanger for a while now, which means none of the main cast was going to die. Morgan has always been a means to an end for Thrawn, not that her loyalty was ever explain...But none of our heroes were gonna bite it (regardless of how I hoped for Huyang to explode) so there were no stakes. Thrawn had to escape, despite the fact that he is weirdly shaken, so he does. Ezra had to get home, so he does. Sabine and Ahsoka are now trapped on some stupid Mortis world??? Okay, pause, I'm getting ahead of myself here...because before that...
Sabine has the Force now
My deepest condolences to anyone who is finding this out from me, but Sabine is offically confirmed and shown to be Force sensitive. Yes it is dumb. Yes it makes no sense. Yes this is something we all saw being foreshadowed from day one, unfortunately. Especially with the playing down of her Mandalorian-ness (she's constantly losing her helmet, her gun accuracy has utterly gone, she barely uses her gauntlets, etc etc) it was obvious that Filoni wanted to do with her, what he was too cowardly to do with Grogu.
Other miscellaneous shit
It turns out that Ahsoka's shuttle is Jedi era...which makes no fucking sense.
The nightsisters being totally on board with the Empire feels like their ability to tell what's going on in the main universe might be a bit sketchy do to the fact that they missed that the guy in charge of the Empire is the one who ordered Dathomir razzed.
100% of the problems that the gang run into would have been solved if Sabine had a fucking jetpack
They pull the "Thrawn knew Anakin" card out of nowhere in the dumbest possible way, which really just goes to show how much FIloni hates the new canon Thrawn books.
Chopper recognizes Ezra (which was rather cute) before Hera does, because he decides to show up on a New Republic cruiser in full Thrawn stormtrooper garb. Also we don't even get a hug between Hera and Ezra.
Shin (because she exists, remember?) who is also stranded now, goes and appears to be taking over the bandit camp we saw earlier. Have no idea where they are taking that...but honestly, good for Shin doing something for her, this seems like a selfcare move.
Now, the ending...Fucking Mortis
So, the final shot we get of Baylan, he is standing on a giant statue of The Father (there is a statue of The Son, and a destroyed statue of The Daughter) pointing out towards something on the horizon.
Back at the hermit crab people camp, Ahsoka and Sabine (and fucking Anakin's ghost, because that's right people, instead of hanging out with his son, Anakin has been just hovering over Ahsoka this whole time apparently) here this chirping, and it's a fucking creepy hyper realistic CGI Morai.
So yeah, that's clearly how all of the trapped characters are going to get off this planet...the World between Worlds. Now, this brings up a fuck ton more questions...Chief of all being how did Ezra not use this to escape years ago???
And I get that Mortis is not everybody's favorite Clone Wars arc. Which is fair. I don't hate it, but I never loved it, and Filoni dragging in the dumbest piece of Force lore that he created is infuriating. ESPECIALLY with this being so obviously aimed at those who've not watched Clone Wars or Rebels. I'm curious to see how much he immediately recons about it, given that it's been his go-to move since before even Mando s3...
I fear they're going to do something like "Bayan is The Father, Ahsoka is The Daughter, and Shin and Sabine have to fight over being The Son" or some stupid bullshit like that.
I'm glad this is the last Filoni property we're getting for a while, since I'm pretty sure he's not involved with Skeleton Crew at all writing-wise.
I am just so happy it's over!
In the meantime, if you are as annoyed at Filoni as I am, spite him by reading the new canon Thrawn books!!! They are really fantastic and give Thrawn a lot of facinating depth, along with having an incredible cast of side characters.
For those of you who are new or just finding me because of my Ahsoka rants, please stick around!!! I'm sure I will be having other annoyed Ahsoka thoughts in the weeks to come as I think back about the full series and about just everything that it's fucked up. Feel free to pop into my ask box if you're curious about my other Star Wars related opinions, I'm more than happy to answer, though know that for the majority of the recent shows, I do not look fondly.
But if you are looking for some vindication on not enjoying recent Star Wars things, then this is the blog for you!!!
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 2 months
Ok, I have done some catching up! This mostly fell as I expected. There have been many shows that ended up far better or far worse than indicated by their trailers, so who knows how the final product will land, but here are my first impressions. (QL only, the hets are still boring to me).
Most excited for:
Revamp - pump it right into my veins, baby. The aesthetic still matches the original trailer, Boun looks so fucking hot, and if GMMTV has the sense to let BounPrem do what BounPrem do best, this will be an epic series. Sad about the loss of Boss. Looking forward to both Santa and Mark getting to hopefully break out of their usual innocence pigeonholing.
The Heart Killers - did not expect the FirstKhaotung and JoongDunk pairing, but I am here for it. Even though Joong and Khaotung do not look remotely related. Finally GMMTV has realized Joong should be killing people onscreen and we get sexy pursuing Dunk. First & Khao do feel a bit similar in vibe to Sand & Ray here, but presumably with the series they'll have no problem more fully developing them in a unique way.
The Ex-Morning - I don't always vibe with plotlines like this, but my baby Singto is here, and I like the meta-ness of giving him and Krist a story about former partners coming back together and relighting the spark.
Less excited, reserving judgement:
Us - I'm happy we're getting another GL, and I haven't seen Bonnie or Emi in anything before, but they seemed amazing, and the chemistry is on point. I'm just not a big fan of love triangle stories, especially with siblings. Also I want more of Sing being a bad boy with his tits out, less crying in the rain. But I will probably still watch to show support.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist - I am delighted that Mark is getting his well-deserved lead, and he and Ohm seem great together. I just don't love dentists as romantic leads. I know this is a me thing, the dentist's office is just a very stressful place for me, and having scenes there just brings up past experiences. I had the same issue with My Tooth Your Love. The plot also feels just so-so. But I hope this is just the start of a lot more Mark leading role material!
Thame-Po - similarly, really happy about Est in a lead, he and William have great chemistry. And I do think it's good to have shows pushing back at the public over this idea that idols aren't allowed to have personal lives. But it's also not a very original plotline.
Perfect 10 Liners - *weary sigh* We're going to end up with 40 year olds playing college students, aren't we? That said, I felt the same way about We Are, but I'm really enjoying it. So it could be fun. I'm happy to see Junior and Mark again. And according to online, we will also get AouBoom and MarcPoon (and it might be 3 series in full, good lord!?), so I'm on board with more of them.
Note to GMMTV: posting a slide that says "chemistry on point" before showing Perth & Chimon, does not make us believe in the chemistry! For the love of god, do some heavy duty chemistry workshops, or give Perth a new partner.
Ossan's Love - I haven't seen the original, but gotta admit, not a huge fan of this kind of comedy. I do like that the boss is an older man, represent, but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy this one.
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zz-chikorita · 6 months
@jay-gue This started out as a dm I was sending you but then it got really long so I just decided to post it instead. Fair warning (to anyone reading) it's very stream if consciousness and I can't be bothered to edit it properly:
I gotta tell you bout this raileon headcanon I was thinking about the other day. So, I think that Leon's interactions with his fans is pretty controlled ie social medias are run by PR people, he's discouraged from engaging with fans "off the clock", he doesn't have much say in when and where his appearances are etc. This is very different from Raihan who basically runs all his own shit. So, there's a lot more one on one interaction and interactions are much different just by merit of the reply to any random fan's tweet is Raihan himself. The only reason the league even let's him do it this way is because it's proven so successful (times be a changin'). Anyways, Leon is envious because he wants more interpersonal interaction with his fans, but it is what it is. Still, it looks like so much fun to go out and have fun with fans at a bar or a club or a concert... Leon's always being told to "save his voice" for work so those kinds of environments are discouraged. But Raihan can go and yell all night in some mosh pit, completely destroying his voice and then go and post a video where he's like lol I'm gonna get close to the mic and talk very soft and calmly with my hoarse, gravelly voice since I fucked it up so bad. (Have you seen any of markiplier's "quietest" let's plays? Well, it's basically that same energy. Kinda ASMR adjacent, intimate, even a little secondhand embarrassment enducing) Anyways, Leon sees these a few times and typically can't even watch them for more than a few seconds at a time because it just starts to boil his blood and hurt his chest and he doesn't know why. Basically, he just becomes irrationally angry every time Rai puts one out cuz its not fair damnit! Raihan destroys his vocal cords and gets a million comments and praise the next day, if Leon were to do that, there'd be headlines about some outrageous bullshit reasons that make no sense to why he wasn't at 100% full volume, charismatic Leon-ness. At some point it either comes up in conversation or Leon confronts Raihan about it after it happens again and Rai just laughs like 'oh he finds it annoying, now I have a new way to annoy him' so he gets up in his face and starts using the voice. 'Course Leon doesn't know how to process his emotions so he just panics and punches him or pushes him or something like that and runs away to hide somewhere because he's sweating and his face is burning and his heart is pounding and what the bloody hell is happening????
Meanwhile Rai's just like 'damn that look he just gave me was really hot'
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stellerssong · 1 month
Well since you kindly sent me five words I will send you five as well; “never,” “gonna,” “give,” “you,” and uhhhh…. “chickenpox”
from “meet you up high in your anger,” aka the healing generational trauma/hashtag mixedkidproblemsdanny fic:
“No. Don’t say that to me. Don’t ever.” Her companion stops at once and lowers his head, acquiescent. An unfamiliar gesture, formal, almost courtly. Hector had never been so stiff with her, not even when they’d first met, when they’d barely spoken three words to each other. Her companion doesn’t look like Hector when he moves like that. He looks like a stranger. Lyta’s not sure why, but that makes her so, so angry.
from a fic that will be of interest to absolutely no one, unless there are secret silm fans lurking in my notes, and if there are, everyone’s going to have to get real cool with a lot of loosey-goosey-ness around the good professor’s legendarium REAL fucking quick:
“Hey, Dad,” Arafinwë manages. Far too late, he manages to straighten up. He hopes neither Dad nor Olwë notice him rubbing his chest. He’s gonna have a bruise there later, he just knows it.
from “or with his nails he’ll dig them up again,” aka the Revealed To Me In A Dream fic:
“You made her forget,” he says slowly. “I didn’t make her do anything,” Hades replies. “She signed herself away; I took what she had to give. That’s all.” “But you did take something from her. Her memories. Her—her self.” “If you’re going to get on my case about a system that I’d had running smooth as anything since the dawn of time until you came along to fuck it all up—”
from the fic with three titles that i should really a) decide on a singular title for and b) decide whether or not it’s worth the rewrites it’ll take to make it postable, lmao:
“I am in the expanse between stars,” you murmur. Prickle-fuzz texture of her shaven scalp against your lips, as near and as real as the pull of the cosmic rays, the lightless black of the void pressing into your eyes, the steady stroke of countless wing-paddle-appendages against the nothingness.
shocking literally everyone, this word does not appear in any of my recent wips! so i’m going to take it as dealer’s choice and give you all a random quote. and in the spirit of randomness: surprise! it’s more elves.
But there’s such a thing as overkill, and Ñolvo is what Arafinwë would lovingly call “stupidly, embarrassingly proud,” and it’s not that Ñolvo has fratricide on the brain, but if Fëanáro were to take a page out of Lady Míriel’s book (may her fëa find repose) tomorrow and fuck off to Mandos, Ñolvo would probably be adding “heir apparent designation ceremony” to his social calendar within the hour. So. Shades of gray and shit.
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its-maemain · 2 years
So this morning as I struggled to want to get up an AU came to me. I've been struggling on how to word some of this so bare with me.
This got longer than I thought it would but here:
Lois Lane and Clark Kent find out they're having a child later on they find out it's a girl, they're overjoyed and shit. But their relationship is on the down low, and everyone in Metropolis is convinced that Lois and Superman not only have a thing for each other but are together(which they aren't wrong). So when Lex Luthor finds out Lois is pregnant he comes up with a plan(cause his blad ass thinks he's so smart). And he does succeed.
Clark has to go off planet for [intergalactic problem here] and so he's gone for a few months during Lois’s pregnancy. So while Superman is away Lex is like ‘yes my plan will go so much easier now’ and so Lois gives birth, after she(the baby) is put in the baby ward thing, Lex steals their daughter. He gives her this serum that (in theory) blocks her powers till something triggers them. It does work but he doesn't know what will trigger it or how well it works.
He decides to put her as far away from them as possible on Earth tho. So she's in France getting adopted by the lovely couple who own a bakery and want a child. They can't due to biological complications, and Lex can watch them easily ( he knows French ig for this ). And they get to name her cause she doesn't have name.
So enter Marinette Dupain-Cheng the adoptive daughter Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. There are some things they just can't explain about their daughter, they love her very much. Shenanigans my beloved, shall ensue.
But she's so small and doesn't have a lot of muscle how is she carrying this bag of flower at the age of 10? OH NO BOILING WATER GOT ON HER SHES GONNA GET BURN MAR- oh, she's okay...? MARINETTE DONT STARE AT THE SUN! They go to the doctor to check her eyesight, she has perfect vision. Marinette the fastest kid in her class, faster than Kim and Alix, they're playing hide and seek? Oh Mari is up a tree!
Back with Clark and Lois, Superman threatens Lex or talks to Bruce or something idk. Jon is made or born 2 years later(idk his story sometimes he's a clone sometimes he's not???!) when Mari is 2, then two more years later Con is born(I know for a fact he is born) so Mari is like 4. Bruce is doing the blood thing, but Lex has that shit under strict supervenience. And while raising the boys they learn what they should look for.
Tom and Sabine conclude that Mari is a Meta, talk to her about this when she is like 12, than when she is almost 14 she searches this stuff up and she's like “okay, no powers” well that gets thrown in her face when she was left with being Ladybug. Lex can't watch her anymore cause Paris closed itself off!
How being Ladybug affects Marinette:
She is still really strong even with that serum not letting her be at full strength so now that she has the Miraculous it enhances her already enhanced strength so she has to pull her punches, and this is one of the main reasons why she uses her yo-yo and her brain in battles rather than brute force, cause she could kill the akuma. At least she thinks so, who knows, depends on the writer!
Post [What-ever-the-fuck version of Gabriel we're dealing with]:
There are two ways this can go! 1) Mari during her time as Ladybug and Guardian activated the trigger so she could use all her half-Kryptonian-ness or 2) somehow it wasn't triggered yet but it was at some point while being around JL. Probably from being around Superman and her body went “FATHERRRRR”
And why Clark hasn't figured out this is his daughter after meeting her? Magic suit y'all! Prevents him from using x-ray vision on her, so he doesn't see her hybrid organs. One thing is for certain Bruce wants to adopt her! He can't of course cause she has already been adopted, so instead, he offers her a place to stay in Gotham, all paid, and any school of her choosing in Gotham. She says she’ll think about it, and when she researched she was surprised, and decided why not! She can fight villains, build her career, see what she can do with her new activated power, *cough* get all that pent-up rage out *COUGH*!
One big problem tho, the Meta and Magic users ban, so she talks to him again, he's like I'm willing to adjust my ban, then he does a double take cause “meta?” cause guess what Brucie, you wanna take in a meta-magic user! So he adjusts his rules.
Time passes, a long time depends, but Clark and Lois go to this gala being reporters and friends with Bruce. This gala is also Mari’s first. She's been doing great, other than almost burning her room in the middle of the night a few weeks ago. But it's fiiiiine, they're all learning, and Damian has his suspensions.
Clark was area of Bruce having another kid in his wings, and he does his x-ray things like he does all the batfam, and that's when he sees it! She wasn't human, she was part human. So he takes her Bruce, and is like “you can't have this child” “why tf can't I!” “this is our missing daughter!!”
So after the gala they all sit down and talk this out, they call Jon and Kon to get their asses here to see their sister! They talk to Tom and Sabine and they’re willing to share custody especially cause of how this happened! Anyway big family in the end.
This has probably been done somewhere but I needed to get this written out. I really want to write this, but if anyone does tag me please! PLEASE!
Bonus points for any salt or angst. Just sayin
Edit: it really shows how I didn't know about Kon and it pains me everytime I get a notification for this. Excuse my dumbassery.
Jon is born two years after Mari, Kon is made whenever the fuck he’s made, so Kon is like twoish year's older than Mari growth wise?? Cause Damian and Tim are like five/six years apart? (supposed to be anyway but who gives a shit, apparently not the DC writers, cause like aren't they supposed to be idk 7-9 years apart?? I don't care really it gives better annoying the shit out each other I'm specific ways while in the same household prevogligous)
They call Kon cause, “you're family regardless and we found our daughter we want you to meet her, get yo ass over here”
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ksyongi · 2 years
Hey, could you do Junhui's nsfw alphabet?
tags: @dinosbestie @odetoyeonjun
warnings: smut, full post is in lowercase
pairing: g!n reader x junhui
word count: approx 850~
jun is a really soft person in general so i see him to be really soft in aftercare, he would gently wipe you down or carry you to the restroom to clean up
b-body part
he lovess his arms, he's been building his body recently so he loves to use that to his advantage and he would lift you up so effortlessly
i don't see him as a person into cum play but he would like to cum in you for most of the time
d-dirty secret
he has a size kink- seeing you in his shirt, looking so oversized would make him want to take you there and then on any surface
jun would only have some experience, not much but he would do research to help pleasure you.
f-favorite position
anything to do with his arms and eye contact, probably likes to throw one leg over his shoulder and fuck you in that position.
has a slight amount of goofy-ness but when he's mad, he's mad and goofy jun is far gone, probably trying to save himself too
he's quite well groomed, tries to be as tidy as possible, nothing else has to be said,,
very intimate, that eye contact he wants, with those small eyes of his, he’ll put them to good use
j-jerk off
he would only do it when he’s on tour, when he’s just desperate for you other than that he’ll be obedient and wait for you<3
sir kink- he likes that power he feels when you call him that
size kink- that size of his, he likes to see you in his things like i said earlier, he just loves how much bigger he is than you
choking- he loves his long hands and being able to wrap it around your throat makes them even better
preferably the bathroom or bed, this guy is simple and he does not want anybody to get hurt in the process
m-motivation (turn on)
anything you wear of his like i said and your voice, he likes how you say his name and how your plump lips look when saying it
pain, he wants to serve you and pleasure you and himself so anything related to it is a no
his cat-like features already tell you that he might even have the best tongue,
depends on his mood but those dancer hips say otherwise... it's fast most of the time, he would want to just get to your release as fast as possible
yes, he's big on quickies this man is tired most of the time and would just want to sleep whenever possible so quickies happen for most of the time
he would risk the fact of getting caught, he'd just be smug about it if you guys to thou,
great stamina from the many hours of practice but just lazy to put it to use,, sorry TvT
he'll want to go straight into it but he would count his fingers as a toy, because they stretch you out better than any other toy can
jun would always tease you before actually putting his dick in so he would only do it if you whine and beg
grunts and heavy breathing, not much noise from this quiet guy
w-wild card (random hc)
although he would want to doze off right away after he sleeps, he would wait for you to do so before he admires you once more before sleeping
more on the longer side, not as much girth but lets say 8.5 inches..?
whenever theres something that reminds you of him when you haven't seen each other for a long time, could be a jacket or a scent that instantly turns him on
probably would sleep like 20 minutes after,, he cant keep his eyes open for long,,
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lovemaiyo-main · 1 year
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🛹 SHIDOU resident fuckboy !!! it's honestly harder to tell who's the bigger manwhore between him and kaiser. sports training major. the BIGGEST ever sae simp, moans when sae's in a 34 mile radius of him. he once growled at (name) when he found out (name) and sae were dating. furry. there's nothing more to say. song 🎧 i know - kanii
🎼 SAE third year taking physiotherapy. half the school (READ: SHIDOU) are on their knees for him. ever since he came back to school and saw that (name) moved on, he's been posting those emo quotes on twitter (rin is fuming cuz thats supposed to be rins thing...) like "ONLY BLACK CLOUDS KNOW HOW TO TRULY BLEED..." and "I'M NOT OKAY..... BUT I SMILE ANYWAYS...." best friends with shidou (sae hates him) barou (sae likes him) and someone called "oliver aiku" from another school (CHARACTER INTRODUCTION IN CHAPTER 4). song 🎧 stargirl - lana del ray & the weeknd
🛹 KAISER one of two transfer students. he's hot and he knows it and has everyone (READ: IZU) drooling for him. top of every class he takes but that's only because he makes ness do his homework. he's the literal definition of "manipulate mansplain manslaughter" always wears his uniform incorrectly, a little bit lower, so some of his rose tattoo can peek out from under his shirt. he stays with sae because they both play football in their free time & he likes sae's energy. sae, kaiser and another transfer student yet to arrive, "don lorenzo," (CHARACTER INTRODUCTION IN CHAPTER 4) are often regarded as the golden trio. song 🎧 doyalike - childish gambino
🎼 NESS second transfer student. everybody loves him because of his approachable aura and helpfullness. orbits around michael kaiser. he's a cutie and never gets mad unless someone is talking shit about kaiser. he loves pretty things and his gallery is full of sky pictures or flowers and what they mean (with a secret folder with 500+ kaiser pics ofc) easiest person to make friends with. song 🎧 norman fucking rockwell - lana del ray
🛹 RIN sae itoshi's brother, but seems to dislike him. he only stays around his brother in hopes of him acknowleging him, but that has never happened. hangs out with bachira and his other friends, aryu and tokimitsu. second year physiotherapy student & he has that emo rizz. (name) and him are friends, but not close. he resents his brother, and therefore might be the key to the kunigami x (name) ending. song 🎧 christmas kids - roar
🎼 BAROU scariest second-year EVER. the absolute definiton of "ego." he is rin and sae's close friend and secretly cares for sae ever since (name) and sae's breakup. half the school hates him. late to class but the teacher is too scared to say anything. homework is always late/never done, so it's certainly a mystery how he remains in the top 5 of the school... song 🎧 watch this - lil uzi vert
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@send4izumi @juxzi @afterglowshounen @rroxii @shuvvloverrr @spxriny @foliea  @jayvuu @zephestia
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*waddles over with a sign*
What are Terzo and Copias favorite things about the other?
Also I hope lil plushia is alright.
oh where should i begin jsjs lets start with Copia
adores Terzo's charisma and his gentleman - ness suave
that motherfucker is handsome as fuck
and that accent? good lord
he has gentle touches especially with copia
great kisser? si
did i mention romantic ?
he's thoughtful , he shows that he cares , others might think he's clingy but Copia adores how the others cant seem to let him go. He would always need to hold a finger, a hand or wrap his arms around the other's waist.
his silly antics always makes Copia smiles
he knows exactly how to cheer Copia up
Now Terzo
Copia's silly-ness even though he didnt realise it
this man is clumsy as hell
he loves , and worships his body to no end. even on Copia's bad days he will be there to remind him how beautiful he is to him
silly dancer
that ass
Copia is his ray of sunshine. or his little sunshine should I say. Seeing or hearing him always makes the day a lot more bearable
he loves Copia's passion to his little hobbies and even the rats. He could listen to him ramble about anything.
he supports him in every little way even when Copia changes his face after he ascended to Papa. he misses the moustache tho.
He would steal Copia's hoodies whenever he misses him.
and dont worry about Plushia! behind the scene he's ok , chilling on my bed
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Solstaire’s used to it, just like Clipsy. And Lunara fortunately did not see. Things would’ve gone much worse if he’d seen. I did, actually, mean physically poking him as well as verbally. Peanut’s getting his tummy poked while Lunara tries to dig into his trauma. The ray won’t be perfect, because it’s made of scraps, but it’s either that or Lunara trying to fix it. And Lunara fixing it is a bad idea.
Poor Piper, having to explain the actual serial killers in the sewer. And the fact that there’s a new Bloodmoon under construction in there. And then Pyroclas, scoops him with all four arms and nuzzles him mid-explanation, purring loudly. It looks up at them and announces “You weren’t Moon’s. Ours now. It’s free family!” While rubbing its cheek against Piper’s face like a cat.
The MR’s are just… horrified. Their first experience with other dimensions, and it’s learning about Clipsy’s dimensions. Moon, Eclipse, KC, and Solar Flare scramble to try and figure out how to blacklist dimensions. Earth and Lunar hug them and tell them they’re safe now. Bloodmoon want to fight the bad Moon. And Sun offers to take Clipsy to P&S to get that ray fixed.
Toddlunar will be calling Peanut “Bubba” by dawn. The other kids will follow suit by the end of the week. Congrats to Peanut for becoming a big brother.
Torp tells Clipsy that if he wants, he can do whatever to the security. It’s one of Moon’s old bunkers, so it should already have some nasty defenses. He just needs to patch him and Peanut into the system.
Antumbra pouts. He’ll still be a bitch to Clipsy, but he won’t go for the throat anymore. Peanut gets much more pleasant treatment, but Antumbra’s default is sarcastic bastard.
“Buddy, as someone who’s died before, been betrayed before, been tortured before, and been Moon before, and as someone who actually goes to *honk*ing therapy, I can tell you, with certainty, that you are very traumatized. Just take the *honk*ing bed.”
Clipsy is snickering in the background while Peanut struggles hard not to laugh from the repeated tummy pokes. XD trying to answer whatever questions he’s asking about his past while also barely preventing himself from bursting into giggles. It’s barely working too, because it’s clear he’s trying to stifle his giggles. He is not hiding his ticklish ness well.
Piper pats Pyroclasm on the head as best as he can, explaining that it likes to collect children from people who don’t seem to deserve/want them. And that it’s what happened to him as well.
Peanut gives him a “I told you so” look and tells Clipsy that he knew that would freak them out and he just grumbles that he didn’t mean to. He didn’t realize it sounded so bad when he thought it up in his head, he just wanted them to be informed!
Oh he’d absolutely love being called big brother!! He’s used to being the younger sibling so being the older one for once would be so exciting!
Clipsy will definitely take up his offer to check the security, if not just to ease his own paranoia. He knows if it’s one of moons bunkers it’s likely pretty secure but better safe than sorry.
Peanut finds the snarky bastard personality slightly amusing, Clipsy can tolerate it. His default is usually on passive aggressive dick with strangers so he gets it.
So much of that statement would leave them very confused as to what the fuck happened in this dimension. But they can unpack all that later, resting is definitely the priority
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shizukahaiji · 26 days
Oh yeah let me actually post my full Blue Lock predictions right now. Most of them are based on nothing but pure vibes alone and sound insane but Trust me. My brain is massive
- Nagi’s getting cut out from the project after this arc, Reo leaving him behind. Ego has some harsh words to say to him before he’s gone since he never liked Nagi to begin with, and Nagi’s crushed because he finally, FINALLY found meaning in his own soccer and was so excited to get to play it with Reo, so he leaves full of spite and just fed up and tired
- ^ Addition to above Nagi leaving is like Reo’s own personal 9/11 but in the time that Nagi’s gone he gets to perfect his own soccer and actually knows what he wants from a dream without Nagi
- I think Hajime Nishioka also gets kicked off the project after the NEL arc too but he does show up later. Trust me on this
- Some characters accept offers and end up playing for different teams in the internationals arc (I want Raichi to play with Kaiser and Ness and Shidou to play for Sae’s team again)
- Three of the background characters from Third Selection make it to the internationals team because Blue Lock LOVES bringing characters from that arc for new arcs but as for who. I can beg for Shizuka Haiji but who knows
- I don’t think they go immediately into internationals next arc I think that’s saved for a different later arc. But I Do think it’s soon
- There’s an arc where Kira comes back and directly challenges Blue Lock by like. Bringing light into the more unethical aspects of the Blue Lock project. Kunigami has a character arc here where he fully comes to terms with what happened to him in Wild Card
- ^ Ray Dark starts having extreme doubts about keeping the Blue Lock project ongoing because of this but less because he’s concerned with morals and more because it’s HORRIBLE for business
- Scandal arc leads up to Kira’s team composed of a lot of former Blue Lock players (Kuon, Hajime and Nagi specifically) challenging Blue Lock for a new place in the U-20 team. They obviously lose but instead of being emotionally affected everybody’s just numb and that’s more painful to read
- Kira is a melodramatic little cunt the entire arc and he’s overexaggerating his experiences at Blue Lock for attention
- Probably teams up with the U-20 coach in a kind of similar way that the otaku character and the theorist in As The Gods Will do to figure out the truth behind the death game
- Everybody is a genuine threat in the Scandal arc match but Hajime is essentially carrying the team and then he gets ANOTHER injury mid match and everything starts falling apart for them
- Reo has a moment after this match that parallels the post-Second Selection match’s “you’re a hassle” Nagi breakup scene and it is heartbreaking and life ruining
- Related to above Imamura is an idol post-Blue Lock based solely on the fact a character does that in As The Gods Will after the death game and it would be funny and also I want to see it
- Kaiser and Sae meet in the internationals arc and fucking HATE each other
- ^ We also find out what finally happened to Sae overseas in the internationals arc
- Ray Dark is Blue Lock’s real villain based solely on how his name is fucking. Ray Dark. That has to be intentional and I’ll believe it until proven otherwise
- At some point in a match with both Chigiri and Yukimiya, Chigiri injures his leg again (it ends up being just a scare and he’s completely fine and it’s manageable) and Yukimiya’s eyesight gets worse (it is Not ok and it’s heartbreaking)
- I kind of want to say they don’t even make it to the final match and the project ends abruptly before they can and they’re fully disqualified
- Blue Lock ends with Anri going to jail and Ego just completely missing
- I do Not think Blue Lock will have a happy ending for most of these characters just based entirely on Kaneshiro’s past writing
- I think Isagi specifically is going to be kind of like Shun post-death game where he’s listless and obsessed with getting revenge, and honestly I think he’s already getting close to that in the present day manga and I want to see him get worse but I don’t think that should be the end of his character arc at all and I think he should find closure somehow
- Kaiser’s birthday is on Christmas and Ness’s birthday is in May
- Rin gets the worst ending out of any character and his life is ruined by the end of the manga
- Bachira gets the best ending out of any character and is probably the catalyst for Isagi coming out of his downward spiral
- Trust me on these guys. Trust me
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