heycolorwind · 7 months
Emo City | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [5]
Memory Block 3 begins with a glitchy trek through the Kingdom to Acre, the home of our next target, and the first half of our investigation.
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sully-s · 2 months
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Lawyer Boys Doodles
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hamartia-grander · 2 months
I can't express how much Jill Valentine having the personality of a 60yo grizzled old washed-out detective recovering alcoholic with severe and unmedicated depression means to me. She reads news from real newspapers and grunts. She has a dart board she randomly throws darts at with perfect aim and a tired sigh. She uses old pizza boxes to store important and confidential paperwork. She feeds her leftovers to the alley cat outside her apartment. She has posters of scantily clad women on her wall. Her favourite band is a niche underground rock band based locally. She takes naps on her couch-bed with her work shoes on. She's perfect
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orangewsunglasses · 3 months
uhhh thing i made
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kyo-hiki · 5 months
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babies are asleep, shhhh
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orbmanson7 · 22 days
Have a ridiculous page from my sketchbook
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I don't know why but I was thinking about how the player in Chulip literally carries around a fucking eyeball as part of a quest and that somehow morphed with my desire to draw finger-puppy, so this happened, haha
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ganondoodle · 6 months
watching a video of someone playing an older game (not even THAT old) and constantly having to hear them go 'omg can you imagine how much more pretty and good this would be if it ran at 60+ fps with highest end graphics of the current modern games and in 4k???' over and over while also commenting on some graphics looking slightly muddy and how ugly and shitty 30 fps is
and i just cant help but get incredibly annoyed at that, cant you just appreciate the game for what it is?? the constant focus on smoother everything and graphics so detailed it looks faker than the real world is such a limited view on games- more polygons and higher res textures doesnt equal better ffs
i, and i might out myself with an unpoluar opinion here, but remakes are in my opinion often rather unecessary, just rerelease the old game, just make it avaible for people, officially, you dont have to reprogramm the entire thing!! maybe upscale it a little so it doesnt get stretched into a blurry mess if possible but even that i will work with no problem!! there are cases where its pretty much an entirely different game (FF7?) and i get seeing one of your fav old games get some new paint can be really cool, not arguing against that- what i dont like is that those remakes replace the original as that isnt made avaible, only the new version- like i wish i could play windwaker on my switch, but i cant stand the "HD" remake of it and i know if it ever were to get ported it will only be that version like the original doesnt exist anymore and my earlier point that many people consider more fps, more polygons, more resolution as automatically better
i dont need games to be running at 60+ fps, 30 is enough, sure id like it to run smoothly on that without huge drops, but when its stable 30, why would i need more? more often than not i prefer simplified graphics bc they often focus on the most important parts of what they are trying to achieve or work with an interesting style to compensate and i LOVE THAT, also id like to not have to download 100+ GB even when i would turn it on its lowest settings anyway, save me the space- and that is if i even got hardware that can run it at all, my computer struggles with slime rancher and i dont have the funds to buy the newest consoles nor computers
im not against remakes per se, but the fact that the old will more often than not disappear entirely and remain unavaible forever and that higher end graphics are automatically seen as better drives me nuts
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randomnameless · 3 months
Rewatching Shez's supports with Edelgard, it kind of irritates me that Edelgard looks upset after Shez points out that the average farmer probably hates her for the war. Like, ma'am you knew this would lead to mass death and a lot of people not being fans of yours, and considering Hubert also points out the Edel's policies are meant to benefit nobles who give her money and troops and keep down the commonfolk, she shouldn't be surprised by this answer. Shez even softens the comment by saying "you must have a good reason" but it's like Edelgard can't handle hearing any kind of real criticism from people she respects (or claims to). I think it's another player-pandering thing, can't have the Lord be mad at you, but it just makes Edelgard look like a thin-skinned whiner who can't handle the harsh criticisms that her actions are going to bring her. At least when she went on about "her path of blood and death" in 3 Houses she seemed to have some sense of "yeah people will hate my guts." Idk it probably comes down to the developers being scared to have someone truly criticize Edelgard without pushback.
That supports irks me for other reasons lol, basically the fact that Barney points out how water is wet (something Supreme Sailor Fuku apparently missed, as you noticed) but within 1 convo they completely drop that plot line and get along with her plans because, eggtivation means that someone as bland as Barney - who could represent common sense - must also be drowned under liters of Hresvelg Grey.
Imo, it's not "your lord cannot be mad at you", but again and again with the Fodlan games, "no one can be mad at Supreme Leader, not even you(r self insert character)".
FWIW, FEH got her writing right - faced with contradictions and criticism, Supreme Leader ragingly storms out of a conversation when the characters aren't from Fodlan and thus cannot be eggtivated (or when the Fodlan team isn't writing them?).
Given how her Nopes' Big B's support basically has her say "you're either with me or against me", no wonder why criticism, at least in Nopes, is something unknown for her, hell, Ferdie must behead his father to demonstrate times after times that he and House Aegir aren't her enemies - in a way, even with the twist they added (let's ally with those icky disgusting beasts to get rid of uncle, and THEN we will free Fodlan from their scaly grasp!) Nopes wrote Supreme Leader to be even more uncompromising and more bull-headed than ever, if in Houses she had a modicum of self-awareness (she's still the Adrestian Emperor though!), in Nopes it's written away.
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akidachi · 1 year
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taking a break from the radio silence to bring you badly photographed Erandur
(click for better res, tumblr mangled this one)
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wazzappp · 4 months
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Hnggfhgnvnghh lots of drawing.
Ok so this conversation takes place while they’re on their way to Moreau's bossfight. It has been a LONG time since Lisa has been able to talk to someone else so it kinda just spills out and she’s gotta hit em with the ‘Ah shit I overshared time to clam up so I seem cool and mysterious’ and part of how she does that is by ✨showing off✨.
Robbie is shit at taking hints but he can recognize ‘I’m done talking about this’ because he does it too. At least he gets to learn a little about himself (maybe some stuff he would rather not know. Like how willing he is to kill for his new friend :)
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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been wanting to draw luis for a while now
(no context re4r spoilers under the cut)
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i just really wanted to draw this if im being honest.
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hey do you have any screencaps or playthroughs of the invisible man hidden object game?
also btw these hidden object games got cute boys in them :>
Sure, I opened the game and nabbed a few for you! I don't have any play-throughs, I've never recorded myself playing a Hidden Object game before (I've thought about taking up streaming for it but I don't know how many people would want to watch me play these games, haha). But I can link you to one!
The Title Screen
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The Inn in Iping (mind the dead body in the tree)
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Griffin's Room
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The Mill, where Griffin is hiding
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Here's a playthrough with No Commentary, if you're interested in watching!:
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tabooiart · 1 year
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she resident on my evil till i village all over the place
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just-a-mod · 11 months
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Cult of Tyme got it's first dissenter uwu coincidentally, it also got its first prison OwO
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