#really don’t want to turn off anon because on rare occasion i get nice words
chloefraazers · 7 months
Happy to see your “Niloy November” was a major flop! Probably because everyone knows “romance options” won’t happen, and ESPECIALLY neither will Niloy. Stay mad, bestie! 😘
(P.S. Stop putting your ugly gifs in the horizon forbidden west tag. No one wants to see them! Hope this helps!)
ok 👍
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Meeting The Family - Jason Todd
Jason x Fem!reader Stark
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,193
Requested: hii could you write an imagine on Jason Todd x reader Stark. In which the reader introduces Jason to the Avengers? Thank you for much for your reply. - @Anon
Authors Note: I love the idea of mixing DC with the Avengers.
DC Masterlist
Avengers Masterlist
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“I’m just saying you’ve met my family.” Jason said raising his hands in the air in surrender.
Y/n let out a sigh. “My family’s complicated.”
He let out a laugh, smiling at her. “Again you’ve met mine.”
Y/n turned to look at him. “Jay, your all adopted except Damian. In a way. Yeah, you’ve been through stuff that I won’t repeat and none of you have normal night lives but…”
“But nothing.” Jason shook his head walking up to her and cupping her face in his big hands. Making her look him in the eyes. “Look Babe, our families? Their both messed up. Okay? And for different reasons. But I still want to meet them. I promise I won’t take off an run.”
Y/n knew by the look in his eyes how serious he was. So she gave in reluctantly. “Okay. I’ll set it up but, you remember you asked for it. An remember don’t joke about pasts.”
They bot knew what she was talking about. Natasha, Bucky, Wanda and those were just a few to name that had gone through things that shouldn’t be joked about.Just like no one jokes about what happened to Jason because of the joker.
^     ^     ^
“Why are you so jumpy?” Jason asked as they were pulling into the compound grounds, he squeezed her hand to comfort her.
“You didn’t set it up did you?” Jason smirked giving her a teasing look. It didn’t surpirse him but it did entertain him.
“No.” Y/n admitted in a soft tone and very quietly.
“Y/n” Jason drew out but he wasn’t mad.
“I’m sorry. Okay? I’m nervous.” she exclaimed glancing back at him and then back on the dirt road thing.
“Y/n/n-” Jason softened his expression and tilted his head.
“I know I shouldn’t be. They're my family but I’ve never really had anyone meet them. People normally get close to me to get close to my dad or my family.” Y/n explained closing in on herself physically. It wasn’t a rare occasion that someone tried to use Y/n to get to any of the Avengers. So she didn’t bring people around often.
“An since I’m someone that’s with you for you this is a big deal for you.” Jason concluded feeling bad for her. Y/n loved people interaction but being used so much like that, it had hurt after awhile. How could someone treat her like that? Multiple someones.
“Yeah.” Y/n answered once they had parked and got out of the car. Jason rounded the car and pulled her into a hug.
The two stayed like that for a few minutes. Till there wa s a loud yelling. “Y/n Y/m/n Stark!”
“Hey dad.” Y/n said as she turned around to face where the voice of her father came from.
“Its been to long sweetheart.” Tommy said as they appaorched eachother. Tony pulled her in for a hug.
“I know, I missed you to.” Y/n spoke into his chest, hugging him back.
“An who’s this?” Tony asked once they pulled out of the hug.
Y/n took a deep breath before answering. “This is Jason Todd. My boyfriend.”
“Its nice to meet the man that helped create this wonderful woman.” Jason charmed and reached his hand out to shake but it seemed like it wasn’t going to work.
“Hmmm. I don’t like to be handed things. I’ve said that before.” Tony said as he looked down at the young man's hands before heading back inside.
Jason and Y/n followed him inside. “Well, he’s pleasant.”
“He doesn’t know you and your dating his little girl. Don’t expect a warm welcome.” Bucky stated as he, Sam, and Steve walked over to greet the young man. Everyone had been watching through the windows. Y/n never brought people home.
“Jason this is Bucky, Sam, and Steve.” Y/n introduced the three men in front of them.
Bucky nodded as they shook hands with the guy. The five of them talked for a bit and Bucky had admitted to liking Jason, which made Sam bark out a laugh.
“Anything that’ll piss off the older Stark, huh?” Sam looked to Barnes with raised eyebrows. Finding it all very funny.
“Guys-” Steve was trying to disarm the two before they could start fighting. Again.
“If he’s gonna hold everything about me against me then yeah.” Bucky nodded with a pleased look on his face. “Besides I’m her boyfriend. Need to be supportive.”
“Well then.” Sam went to start.
“It's nice to meet you, Jason.” Steve flashed him a smile and another to Y/n before he dragged Bucky and Sam away.
Jason nodded giving them a smile as they walked away. “Pleasures all mine.”
Natasha approached after seeing the 3 men leave. “Oh, so he has manners.”
“When he wants to.” Y/n smiled stepping forward to hug the older woman that she’d known since she was younger. “Jason this is Natasha Romanoff.”
“Nice to meet you, Natasha. Your one of the ones Y/n talks about most.” Jason smiled at the short redheaded woman.
Nat looked him over for a minute before smiling and nodding her head at Y/n. “hmmm, he might be a keeper.”
They spent most of the day there hanging out and catching up. Everyone got to know Jason, and they loved having Y/n visit.
But now it’s time for them to head out. As they were leaving Tony came out stopping them before they could reach the car. “Hey, kiddo.”
Y/n and Jason shared a look and he understood so he headed to start the car. They needed to talk. Y/n turned to face her dad. “Yeah, dad?”
“Don’t stay away so long next time. ‘Kay?” he smiled at her. He really missed having her around and missed how much she use to visit.
“I won’t. I missed you all too much.” Y/n smiled at him having missed him a lot to. But she needed to say something. “But you could actually thank Jason. You know the guy you haven’t given much of a chance the whole time we’ve been here.”
Y/n shook her head giving him a tight smile. “Dad. I have watched you all day. You have been observing him, but didn’t interact much.”
“Okay.” Tony nodded, he could admit he hadn’t been the most welcoming. He could see the tall muscular boy made his daughter happy and he didn’t seem to be using her. “Okay. I do like him. From what I’ve observed. It seems like you are good for eachother.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Y/n smiled gratefully at him as she gave him one last hug before she was going to have to leave. But she’d come to visit soon.
“Your welcome kiddo.” Tony hugged her back tightly. Tony looked over her head to where Jason was waiting, holding the door open of the car for her. He sent him a nod of approval over y/n’s head to which Jason returned. This went better in the end than he or Y/n thought.
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@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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dourpeep · 3 years
ok ok think about a masc s/o wearing something feminine and revealing for the first time 👀. Plsss any of the genshin characters with this prompt
Because that's what I do HA
There's just something about the vulnerability of wearing something cute and lacy just for your honey that's 👌👌👌
Without further ado! I'll do a big lineup since this is my first ever ask ;>>
Something New
Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Scaramouche, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli (sorry Kaeya not feeling you today man)
Contains: ((NSFW 18+ Themes)) character x masc!reader a little citrusy. Like lime on the citrus scale, to be specific.
It's embarrassing, but he's spent a few afternoons wondering about your form
Not in any particular way, but more in the sense of the way that the sight of you brings joy to him
As well as a few other feelings, but that's besides the point
At first, he's left speechless
Pretty green eyes look owlishly, taking the time to process the suddenness of you clad in much less than he's ever seen you
The blush on his cheeks is a welcome reaction
He'll want to draw you, if you don't mind, starting fresh in a new sketchbook as he observes the way the light looks on your skin, the way your eyes seem to shine so bright (he's sure his are the same)
It's rare, really, that Albedo is taken by surprise. But with you-surely you're an exception. Never before has someone taken him and turned and twisted all he's known, falling in love, igniting his mind and heart like you have...and now, sitting before him with the sunlight gently filtering through the window.
In his eyes, you've always been a work of art
Seeing you in something like this is like recapturing a work of art in a different medium, new, yet not. It brings out a different feel but doesn't quite change the subject
He'll end up spending a few more afternoons thinking about this
Perhaps he’s coming home after a long day at the tavern, wild hair mussed
He’s tired and ready to bathe and head to bed—until he sees you in something pale, cute, and lacy, that is
The flush on his cheeks no longer is due to fatigue
Diluc is a gentleman, so he steels his frazzled nerves and takes a moment to gather himself. Only, it takes a bit longer than he'd like
For a while you consider getting up until-
"Come here."
His voice is tinted with the rasp of desire. Quickly you look up at him only to meet bright red eyes. You nod, yet only admire the way he looks, his form draped in the darkness. He beckons you to come.
Once you do stand before him, he'll take his time in drinking in your form, still gloved fingers tracing along the way the revealing clothing hugs your body and reminds him of how alluring you are
His wandering hand settles on your waist, thumb circling over skin kisses by meager candlelight
Tonight, he'll take you slow, to show his full appreciation for you, should you wish for it
He'd watch from the doorway while you adjust your new outfit, unaware of his return
Lips in a grin, he waits for you to turn, to anticipate when he'd be back, just to see the look of shock on your face when you've been caught (though, to be fair, it was meant for him to begin with)
From there, Scaramouche joins you where you stand
He's a tease, knowing the way that you effect him and how he effects you
A finger slips beneath a strap, lifting it from you skin before letting it go with a satisfying snap
He smooths his hand over your skin, turning it to gooseflesh with the way he lingers. Scaramouche is a blunt man. With the way his gaze bores into yours and the way his fingers curl to tilt your chin up, it's apparent he's only waiting for you to give the word.
What a bastard
He'll definitely want to see how well this new outfit of yours would look paired with a few marks
Oh boy, of course he's ecstatic
Perhaps, he'll suggest, you might be open to a few other outfits that immediately came to mind the moment you appeared before him in that?
Venti will pull you close and cup your cheek, eyes narrowing to match the mischievous smirk on his lips and will slyly remark how he'd prefer you au natural over anything
That's a half lie, he thinks that this look is particularly appealing
Feeling shy? Expect to be showered in kisses and lots of praise
He wants to make sure that you're completely comfortable because fun isn't fun unless everything is in the green
He circles around you, admiring the way your body looks in what you're wearing, admiring the delicate lace. With a grin, he takes you into his arms and kisses your shoulder from behind, voice a murmur in your ear.
"Mind if I take a closer look?"
It's safe to say, he wasn't expecting this at all
If you're still pretty early in the relationship, he'll politely look away and mutter about being more careful next time until you take your hand in his
But once you assure it's fine, his eyes will rove over you, noting how your pulse has quickened (just like his)
He likes it, he'll tell you, and it only further cements the way he seems to intensely stare
One arm around your waist and resting on your lower back, he'll lift his other to play with a strand of your hair in attempt to give himself time to quell the sudden feelings bubbling within him
"When did you get this?" He plays with your new outfit, lingering on the way it fits your body just right. Xiao's eyes meet yours, half lidded as he flicks from your face and back down. (please tease him)
Considering the fact that he still has yet to patrol the marsh for the night, he'll pull you into a kiss. Might as well sooth any desires while he has the ability to take his time as to not have a mind muddled later, right?
Pleasantly surprised, for sure
While he loves how you normally dress, it's always nice to change things up and he'll offer up enough praise make your blush brighter than the sun
Overall, Zhongli loves to take his time
He'll draw out each touch, each word, relishing in each of your reactions as well as pay exact attention to the way you look right now in this moment
The way that he admires you is hypnotizing, ironically
Taking your hand in his, he'll press a kiss to the back of it, eyes searching yours
"You look lovely, dearest." It's hard to not melt at the purr of his voice. Zhongli will admire the time it took to choose your outfit, the way it compliments you, and the softness of the material. He's utterly enthralled with how you look in something so delicate.
Speaking of seeing you in this sets off a fire in his belly, definitely good to save for special occasions
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
modern!au headcanons [ diluc, kaeya ]
prompt: domestic modern!au headcanons for diluc and kaeya, as requested by anon pairing: diluc x gn!reader, kaeya x gn!reader warnings: none, sfw word count: ~1.3k words
a/n: hhhh love this concept,,, headcanons are super easy for me to grind out too <333 thank u for the request, nonnie! these are just a random assortment, i hope that’s okay! why was i struggling not to make these nsfw
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probably pretty busy and lives in the city. you’re more than welcome to stay at his place if you want, but he realizes that his luxurious apartment can get pretty lonely if he’s not there
is very apologetic on the nights he comes home late (which is most of them). but, you get to lay in bed and watch him take off his shirt and tie as he changes into his pajamas, so you’re never frustrated for too long.
just wants to cuddle and watch movies whenever he has downtime with you after work. he works a lot :( just take it easy with him
probably has a chef that will cook for the two of you, but also doesn’t really like people crawling around his apartment when he’s there (aside from you, of course)
he’s rich. that’s what i’m trying to say.
definitely dresses in suits every day for work, but has a pretty decent fashion sense outside of work. he works the expensive-looking, all black outfits. likes to match with you, but won’t outright say so unless if you ask.
likely adores the concept of those heartbeat bracelets? it just seems something he would be super into.
also has flowers delivered to your workplace if you’re comfortable with him doing such a thing.
he tries to make time once a week to have lunch with you, but you’ll likely have to come to his office if you want to do so. he always pays for the meal in return!
he likely worked seven days a week until the two of you got super serious. if you have a specific day of the week off, guess what? so does he now.
very much a cuddlebug. his favorite way to spend a lazy saturday morning, when he’s able to, is to stay in bed with you until 1pm.
he’s pretty introverted, but you’re one of the few people that doesn’t tire him out, so diluc’s absolutely enamored with you.
he’s not overprotective per se, but he knows how nasty people can be and he worries. if you’re working late, even if he’s not home, he appreciates a text whenever you get home for peace of mind. he’ll always text you when he’s working late, too!
speaking of texting, he’s probably very formal in texts. you could be like “ilysm, you’re so cute aaaaaaaa” and he would be like “Thank you. I love you too. I will be home later.”
uses emojis on rare occasions. it’s always just a smiley face or something simple. doesn’t really understand memes if you send them to him, but he’ll laugh anyways if it makes you happy. doesn’t really understand text slang or acronyms either.
diluc secretly likes if you send cute animal pictures or videos to him while he’s at work. if the two of you have a pet together, sending pictures of that pet would make him absolutely melt.
he also enjoys receiving selfies of you! he’ll often time text compliments that are often too brazen to say irl. things like Your eyes catch the sunlight and glow like gemstones. in that picture or You look adorable. I hope you are having fun! if you text him a picture of you out at lunch with friends.
he might suck at texting, but messages from you give him a brief reprieve from work ;;;
likes to cook with you. if you don’t know how, he’ll make time to take cooking classes with you. he finds it romantic.
also likes to drive when the two of you are in the car together. sure, it’s partially because he’s the owner of a nice car, but he primarily does it for one reason: to see your flustered face when he puts his arm behind your headrest when he turns to check that it’s okay to back the car up. who cares if his car has a backup camera? he’s going to do it anyways.
kaeya is less busy than diluc when it comes to work schedule. he more or less has the 40-50 hour work week and can relax on the weekends. much more of a stable schedule than his brother!
which means, of course, more kaeya time.
if you’re working late, he WILL make you dinner. he’s big on doing little things for his s/o and he LOVES the way your eyes light up when you see cooking, especially his cooking, waiting for you when you get home.
he prefers to go on dates outside of the house! the two of you take turns planning dates and he likes to get creative with his. there’s an old retro arcade in the city? he’s taking you there. a cute little speakeasy nestled into a newer part of town? kaeya will surprise you with it.
kaeya 100% gives me art museum vibes. surprisingly, he gets flustered when you say that he’s prettier than the paintings that line the walls.
SUPER big on fashion. have you seen how he makes his knight uniform look good? yeah. 100% is a fashionista and rocks it. will also help you with your wardrobe if you’re not confident in it!
seems like a guy who would actually like to go shopping. if you don’t go shopping with him, expect a bunch of selfies of him in the dressing room mirror asking if outfits look good.
wayyyy less of a formal texter than diluc but definitely is probably bad at responding to texts. he’ll see your texts, register them in his head, and be like “i will respond to that in a second!” then immediately gets distracted and forgets
so yeah, he leaves you on read a lot :( not intentionally !!! he’s apologetic when he does for too long.
prefers if you drive because he’s too busy trying to show off that he knows all of the lyrics to your joint playlist on spotify. yes, he’s even memorized the songs you added, if only to flex.
when the two of you go out drinking, a lot of times it’s not together. you go with your friends and he goes with his, but the two of you text each other throughout the night to ensure the other’s safety. it’s one of the few times he ensures that he doesn’t leave you on read.
when the two of you first move in with each other, he gets excited to buy new furniture with you and eagerly looks forward to all of the simple little tasks the two of you will have to complete in order to move in with each other.
plasters you all over his social media. probably loses a lot of followers because of it (after all, he’s a hot guy who is no longer single) but still posts you incessantly, as long as you’re comfortable with it. he doesn’t really care about anyone else.
will start talking about how awesome you are to girls/guys who try to slide into his dms. it scares them off.
he adores your cooking, even if you’re godawful at it. to him, anything you cook is a five star meal! he’s very supportive of everything you do, even if you’re objectively bad at it
surprisingly likes to play board games? i feel like he would be a chess guy, but monopoly and the likes are fun to him. he’s not the best at video games, but he’ll be effortlessly good at mariokart. it’s almost infuriating the way he stays completely calm throughout every game, win or lose.
very much an impromptu kind of guy when it comes to romance while diluc is more of a planner. kaeya figures the best moments to sweep you off your feet are when you aren’t expecting it!
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ lee juyeon as your boyfriend 
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↳ a/n: hello darlings! here we go, another headcanon. these are so fun to write i’m really enjoying myself. this is for the two anons who requested this! i hope you enjoy it. please, if your under the age of 18 do not interact with this post. 
↳ genre: fluff, smuttttt, angst
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 916 i couldn’t help myself just look at him
↳ lee juyeon x fem reader
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↳ General
the hottest duo
you are definitely the couple that people think your going to have the cutest babies
he loves comparing his hand size to yours giving you his eye smile when he realizes it’s 5 times bigger 
he looks intimidating but is actually the sweetest cinnamon roll
he loves it when you sit on his lap because he can smell your perfume 
he’s actually underratedly funny, and is always making you laugh
the type of boyfriend to have you as his phone wallpaper
even showing it to deobis when he’s on vlive because he loves you so much 
“look deobi, i took this photo yesterday of my girlfriend doesn’t she look gorgeous?”
he loves showing you how to cook tteokbokki 
your always trying to come up with new recipes together
in fact your first date was when he cooked a nice meal for you 
he loves to kiss you on your shoulder 
so he loves it when it’s summer because he has better access to it since your wearing sun dresses and tank tops
one of his favorite things to do is put a strand of your hair behind your ear
he notices all the little things about you
like when you put your hair in a ponytail getting ready to work on something
or when your thinking really hard and your scrunching your nose while your eyebrows are raised
he inspires you to be more flexible so you always do morning stretches together
he secretly loves the height difference between you two finding it so cute 
he’s definitely the romantic type so dates would include strolling around the city arms locked together
he loves it when you kiss his jawline 
it turns him on so you do it all the time
especially at moments when your not suppose to just so that you could tease him
your love language is definitely physical touch
your the couple that coordinates your outfits whenever you go out 
you really are super lucky to have someone like juyeon in your life 
please take good care of him
↳ Fights
juyeon has a hard time expressing his feelings sometimes so it’s difficult to know what he’s thinking
you find it frustrating when he can’t communicate properly which results in fights
he would just give you a blank stare while your ranting firing you up even more  
in fact the only reason why he isn’t talking is because his mind is going through the scenario a million times wondering why you even fought in the first place
when he sees that your about to walk out that’s when he’ll get up to run after you apologizing
“i’m sorry babe, it’s just hard for me to express how i feel i’ll try to be better i promise..” he whispered putting both his hands on your face so that you could look at him 
you sighed looking up at him as he continued 
“i do know one thing i’m 100% certain of, and that is i love you with my entire heart” he reassured bending down giving you a soft kiss on your lips 
↳ Making Up
after you’ve calmed down from the argument you two would probably take a calming shower together
where he’s washing your hair and body gently leaving kisses on your neck and back
until eventually you both are making out in the shower when you chuckle and tell him to take you to bed where makeup sex happens
↳ Sex
hard dom 2.0™
loves it when you wear heels 
grabs your hips hard when your fucking almost to the point where he leaves some bruises
light bdsm which usually just includes rope
he loves to see you squirm under him knowing that you can’t touch your pussy unless he allows it
“you don’t cum unless i say so, got it?”
would definitely bring handcuffs and blindfolds
also loves to role-play
ice play 
would get an ice cube rubbing it all over your hard nipples waiting for it to melt until his whole mouth is sucking on them
hates condoms so expect to always be fucked raw
he uses his large hands to his advantage fisting you
light smacking on your face 
his favorite body part on you is your abdomen 
he loves kissing on it until he goes lower finally reaching your pussy where he’s sucking on your clit
loves to fucking tease you to the max
rubbing his hard cock on your clit or near your entrance until he slowly pushes in deeply
another one who loves to dirty talk
“this pussy only belongs to me” he purred in your ear thrusting his hips harder
his favorite position is when your on top because he loves to see the view of your breasts and upper body
50/50 on cumming deep in you or on your stomach
when it’s all over he crashes on top of you breathing heavily while you have your hands in his hair until he finally looks up giving you his eye smile kissing you deeply
↳ Aftercare
both of you are pretty exhausted afterwards so don’t be surprised when you both fall asleep at the same time
on the rare occasion when you both aren’t tired he’ll give you sensational kisses on your neck holding you 
will get you anything you want weather it’s food or a drink 
he just wants to see you happy
will eventually fall asleep to the soft sounds of the fan cooling you both off 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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starryse · 3 years
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Captured Firefly
Vernon x Reader
angst, slight fluff, enemies to lovers!vernon au, y/n has a panic attack
1.7k words
Requested by anon🤍
Summary: The one where you need help and the one person who you don’t want help from is there for you
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Today’s events were a reminder as to why you’ve never been a partier. You would much rather swap the alcohol for some coffee, all of the people for blankets, and the obnoxious images of people grinding on one another for Haikyuu episodes. But alas, your extroverted friends had somehow managed to convince (more like bribe and force) you to tag along with them to some after party they were invited to.
And just like you had imagined, it wasn’t pleasant. There were at least over a hundred people there, most of them practically having sex on the dance floor or getting trashed with the many bottles of booze that filled the kitchen counters; you found that it was really a mixture of them doing both of those things, the smell of the house rancid and the things you had to hear combining with music had your ears bleeding, you swore. So when your friends managed to leave you standing alone in the middle of the crowd so they could find drinks, you felt awfully out of place.
Jeonghan and Joshua were extroverts who, once out of their shell, were the absolute life of the party. You, their younger and much more introverted best friend, would instead stand from afar watching them do handstands on the beer keg, chugging as much down as they could in a minute. You’d rather not make a fool out of yourself, so standing alone in a corner while they goofed off seemed more plausible to you.
Though on the rare occasions like tonight where you were actually pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you managed to find yourself secluded from said friends and praying to God they find you sooner rather than later.
“Wow nice to know you can dress slutty, looks like someone’s trying to feel good about themself” the loathsome voice rang behind you, you chose to ignore it, simply stared around the room, pretending you didn’t hear his snarky comment.
He rolled his eyes at that, crossing his arms over his chest while waiting for you to acknowledge him, “don’t pretend you can’t hear me, y/n, it’s rather annoying”
Scoffing, you turned around to face him, “you’re one to talk about my outfit when your girlfriend wears shit that is 5 sizes too small because she likes the attention”
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore, you know that” Vernon stared you down now, pissed at the inclusion of someone he couldn’t stand.
You shrugged, “I don’t really care, Vernon. Either way-“ you turned to leave, not wanting to speak to the repulsive man any longer than you needed, “-you were fucking her and left me, so.”
Vernon stopped you from leaving, tightly wrapping his hand around your wrist, “we weren’t together, don’t act like that”
“No,” you harshly ripped his hand off of you, your eyes burning right into his, “but we were friends, you asshole” Vernon saw the look in your eyes, no matter how hard you tried, the pain was never going to be unnoticed by him. He caused it after all. “You were terrible to me when you were with her, do you not remember that? You don’t remember the comments you made saying I was too lazy to be even on the same level as her, and when you laughed along with her when she said so many hurtful things to me?”
Vernon couldn’t look straight at you now, his gaze wandering anywhere but at yours out of utter shame. You said one last thing, voice cracking in the middle of it, “well I don’t believe you, you’re a liar- and a terrible fucking human being Hansol Vernon Chwe”. The weight of your hand left his, his arm dropping down to his side. He couldn’t look up, too afraid if he did everyone wouldn’t see the mask he couldn’t quite keep up anymore, instead they’d see the guilt and rising tears instead.
You weren’t going to cry, no. You had cried too many times, wasted so many tears over him. But that didn’t stop the thick feeling rising in your throat or the knots tied right in your stomach, you felt horrible. You wanted to lay down, talk to Joshua because he always seemed to help, and sleep. But you weren’t home. You couldn’t find Joshua. And you knew you couldn’t sleep right now.
The familiar sensation of your pulse rising, throat feeling like a brick wall and the spinning of the room was coming to you all too fast. Water seemed like a good option but judging by the fact you didn’t even know where the kitchen was, that wasn’t going to happen. So you stumbled to the farthest door in sight, vision blurring from the twirling room around you making it even more difficult to walk straight. You had nearly tripped into drunken bodies dozens of times before finally pulling the door open and practically throwing yourself inside. You wound up in a small closet, nothing in there but you and a few dusty boxes of what seemed to be old shoes and coats. Your body slid to the floor, laying against a box to keep you up right as you kicked the door shut with your shoe.
“You’re okay, y/n, just breathe it’s alright, you can breathe” you affirmed yourself, palm holding your chest over your heart in an attempt to calm your racing pulse. The air in your lungs felt as it it were tightly secured in a small container, little holes in the lid to make just enough room for you to breathe. You felt awfully like a firefly at the moment.
Rigid breaths barely squeezed out your throat, a few heaves of your chest coming out in sobs. You were left alone in a dimly lit closet, at a party that your friends have invited you to just to leave you for booze. And then you actually had to see Vernon, and that itself was something that always had your nerves in attack mode. God you need someone right now, anyone-
The door flung open, an exasperated person standing in the door frame. You slowly looked up, still focused on getting your breaths back to normal.
You spoke too soon, you didn’t want anyone, at least not him.
“Y/n-“ Vernon choked out with a breath of relief, his body immediately moving inside the closet in front of you while gently shutting the door behind him.
His eyes raked over you, getting the vibe right away what was going on at the sight of your sludged over figure. You used to have them all the time when you were both in school, Vernon always managed to help you then so God forbid he didn’t now. You were tugged into his hold, torso leaning against his sturdy arm while he shifted the two of you around so he was the one sitting up right against the wall.
The only sound in the room was the thudding of vernons heart and your slowly but surely calming breaths. Vernon tilted his head down to get a better look at you, gaze locking on your sunken face just a tad longer before softly brushing your hair back over your shoulder so it wasn’t matted to your forehead.
Words seemed to be too hard to handle at the moment. What were either of you to say? Thank you for finding me and stopping my panic attack? Sorry for treating you like shit because of my p.o.s. ex? It was obvious you both wanted to say something, the way you fiddled with the ring on your finger, Vernon not so secretly fondly watching you.
“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like it if you could answer me honestly” Vernon spoke up, breaking the heavy silence. His voice was calm, loud enough just so you could hear him.
You sucked in a shaky breath, bottom lip quivering with the movement.
He followed your movements, you were now sitting across from him, legs just barely brushing against his. You finally looked up from your intent stare at the floor, tear stained face and dim eyes meeting his.
“I’m sorry” he quietly spoke, voice trailing off at the end as he lost his breath. And he was. More than anything. But he knew a sorry was not enough, if he were in your shoes he’d want more than just an apology.
You nodded, the stare off between the two of you not breaking, “just-“ the question you always wanted to be answered was finally ready to be asked, “-why’d you do it? W-was I really as worthless as you made it seem?” The salty liquid that fell from your eyes dropped onto Vernon’s pant leg.
“God no, don’t even think like that” Vernon was almost angry you had thought that, but he understood why; he made you feel that way. He finally broke the contact, looking away to the door instead, “acting like that was the only way to not let her know I was in love with you”. He scoffed, shaking his head at the way he acted, “It sounds so stupid now, I don’t even know why I did that”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t.
Vernon finally looked at you, seeing you already staring at him with a look he couldn’t quit decipher. Were you sad? Relieved? He was utterly confused and starting to freak out, “I-I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything-“ he began to stand up, knees shaking from sitting so long, “-just know I’m sorry-“
“You were in love with me?”
Vernon stopped blabbering, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, the smallest smile appearing, “still am”
Actions speak louder than words right? So might as well take a leap of faith and hope that the sayings right?
Vernon stumbled back against the wall at your sudden weight against him, arms instinctively wrapping around your waist as your lips met. His head lowered for better access, lips moving slowly back against yours.
You leaned back a bit, pressing your forehead against his, lips touching just enough so you could ever so delicately say, I love you too.
Authors Note: this was my first time writing an enemies to lovers au, so I hope it’s readable haha. Thank you to anon for requesting this, it was nice to write something out of my comfort zone!🤍
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Head canons for mafia boss levi being interested in Starbucks barista reader please
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note :: this idea is so cute i wrote a scenario i hope you don’t mind. i can still post some headcanons for it too if you really want me to! i’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted me to write anon :-( ALSO this is super casual writing it’s not like the way i usually write it’s just bullet points i mean idk i wanted to try something different and more relaxed lmk if this style is okay for some requests :D
if anyone would like any more requests with this levi please lmk!! i could go in more detail tbh maybe the pacing of this isn’t too good bc it is a short request but yeahhh
+ idk why the formatting looks so odd i tried my best to fix it myself ?!.!/!:£:& but yeah sorry again!!
levi has always been one to keep his business meetings lowkey
i mean, realistically who is going to suspect mafia boss levi is lingering in a starbucks???
the place is well-suited for his hushed meetings, he finds it to be quiet enough and clean enough
but then one winter everything changes
you start working there
he’s waiting in the queue texting erwin asking when he’ll be able to get there
it’s been a RUSH and the traffic is crazy as expected from the bustling city so he doesn’t expect to see erwin for a while
that’s when he hears you for the first time
“HEY!! Mister in the fancy suit it’s your turn to order”
your hands are placed on the counter and you lean forward eagerly waiting for what he has to say
levi rolls his eyes because he thinks you have to be ogling his designer watch and shoes (you really aren’t)
“black tea, no sugar and... a cinnamon swirl” he’ll order for erwin later. “i’ll be eating in.”
“ooohhh you’re a tea guy? name?” you’re smiling at him radiantly and it irks him because you have nothing to be smiling about really
eyes narrowing he responds “no shit, i just ordered tea.”
“and why the hell do you want my name?” he snaps on reflex
he then remembers he’s at a starbucks and you are not interrogating him, you’re doing your job
“sir... this is starbucks?? is this your first time here?”
you blink in confusion but then your face lights up “oh my, would you like to sign up for a starbucks card?? you can collect stars and get rewards and it’s so muc–“
“do i look like i need a starbucks card?”
“everyone looks like they need a starbucks card”
he doesn’t carry on that part of your conversation instead he looks you dead in the eyes “levi, is my name.”
his glare intimidates you and you awkwardly laugh
you think he’s probably having a super bad day and choose to not bother him that much
as he’s waiting he sees the way you clumsily navigate behind the counter, you’re juggling a number of things in your arms
automatically his face sours
he’s not expecting the tea you produce to be any good
he doesn’t care how nice you are if you can’t do what he wants he won’t be leaving a tip
he’s stingy like that
a clatter is heard and all the noise you’re making just makes you all the more aggravating
he’s been coming here for years and never has encountered a barista as bothersome as yourself
at some point you call out the name “SCROOGE!” from behind the counter, levi finds it embarrassing that anyone would ever call their child that
like... out of all the names this is what they choose??
damn they have to hate parenthood
“scrooge i’m begging you collect your drink.”
he looks up pissed that whoever this scrooge is has the audacity to hold you up because that by default means they are holding him up
then he sees you staring directly at him with that warm smile again
yeah, that smile, it could thaw ice
then it settles.
he’s scrooge?
turning around he notices no one is behind him then he sees that no one else is waiting apart from him
jaw clenching he heads towards you and makes it a point to “tsk” in frustration
he takes his cup and his cinnamon roll and you wave him goodbye
usually levi prefers to silently sit in the booth furthest from the action, he wants no attention drawn to him at all
but that day he finds himself sitting closer to the counter
he’s kind of stunned when he does that because he’s just sat there thinking why the hell did i just do that?? why did i sit here??
but he convinces himself it’s because he wants to see erwin when he’s about to walk in so he can prepare to scold him for not arriving on time
he takes a sip of his beverage expecting nothing above mediocirty but weirdly, your brew, it tastes perfect
levi’s eyes linger on you and he notices the way your behaviour is consistent
you’re helping an old woman pick what she’d like from the menu
you compliment her jumper, says it really makes her blue eyes stand out
you don’t have to be as nice as you are and it’s ticking him off
it ticks him off seeing someone so pure and sweet for no reason
when did people decide to not have ulterior motives anymore? did you decide those were too old school for you?
tongue poking at the inside of his cheek he activates his poker face and looks away
you, are a random person. a random, annoying person. he is going to stop thinking about you.
turning his attention to erwin instead he calls him and when he picks up levi makes his point very clear
“i was just called scrooge. get the hell here so i can order for you.”
erwin chuckles, his throaty laugh makes levi’s mouth twitch downwards in irritation
“and who exactly called you scrooge?”
“is that relevant?”
“very much so if you’ve mentioned it yourself”
levi is silent and erwin laughs once again at his colleagues anti social way of interacting
“i’ll be there in five, feel free to order.”
grunting a sound of approval levi hangs up
“you’re back! how may i help?”
the way you treat being a barista so seriously, he finds it oddly endearing
“one doubleshot iced coffee.”
nodding to yourself you hum a tune happily and get to work
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ever since that day levi finds himself frequenting that specific starbucks more
at first it’s a whole lot of “i’m pissed and i don’t have a reason so i’ll go down there and have her annoy me, then i’ll have a real reason”
then you talk to him more and you both engage in small talk
then it develops when he doesn’t mean for it to
you tell him about what you study, where you’re from, how your mother has recently developed arthritis but she’s still so determined to cook to the best of her abilities despite the pain
that reminds him of you
each visit he learns something new about you
sometimes he’ll let you in on his life
“what do you work as, i’ve always wondered?“
“accountant.“ no way in hell is he going to scare you away, telling you isn’t an option
you burst out in laughter holding your knees
“accountancy is well paying what is your point...?”
“do you not know what that means” your laugh is muffled as you press the sleeve of your jumper against your mouth
he shakes his head completely clueless
“people say their accountants when they’re actually strippers. it’s a tiktok thing.”
you pause for a second staring at his face
he feels the way his ears grow red under your gaze but he ignores it looking as bored as ever
“ah well. i did not know that.”
“clearly not you are an old man.”
then you turn away to brew his tea and he lets the ghost of a smile sneak its way onto his face
you aren’t looking, it’s okay
but he knows it’s dangerous getting attached to you
it’s stupid relaxing
and it’s even worse loosening up
so he doesn’t.
he’s always cold, bitter and frigid in his responses as he’s always been with you
but that doesn’t stop you from kindly smiling
or absentmindedly brushing the surface of his skin on rare occasions
it doesn’t stop you from calling him scrooge
and it certainly doesn’t stop you from slowly thawing the frosty exterior of his heart
then one day you let the words “my scrooge” slip out of your mouth
he doesn’t know why he let’s it happen or even how it happens exactly but he can’t help the smile that makes itself evident on his face
“HEY YOU JUST SMILED HELLO?????? you can do THAT????”
he smiled in front of you, that’s it he’s fucked
he quickly drops it and is back to his normal narrowed glare
“i did no such thing”
you give him a knowing look but sigh airily there’s no point in getting the man to admit it
“what would you like today, a frappe?”
you ask the sarcastic question even though you know he hates change. his usual order is already ingrained in your mind. you know it off by heart
he sighs in exasperation
“is your memory really that bad?”
“nope. cinnamon rolls and black tea it is!”
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Dad of Destruction
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requested by anon - thanks for the super fun request! I hope you enjoy :) (a picture of your request is at the bottom of the one shot)
Premise: You love Namjoon with all your heart, and you’re so happy that together, you get to raise this child. However, you also want that child to make it to adulthood in one piece, and Namjoon has a startling talent for breaking things. Mama bear mode = ON.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none, but I’m so soft for this concept
You’d heard plenty of people joking about how much of a mama bear you’d be once the little one came along, you just never realized that they were right.
Sitting up in the hospital bed with the smallest, most beautiful bundle of joy wrapped up in your arms, you can almost feel this new side of you sliding into place. 
“I won’t let anything hurt you. Ever.” You mumble the words out with tired but glowing eyes. Namjoon grunts in agreement from where he stands beside the bed, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of his newborn daughter.
Giving him a soft smile, you can’t help but feel like you’re floating above the clouds with the way your daughter yawns in your arms, completely unaware of the world she’s just been born into. 
Namjoon brushes your hair back behind your ear. “You must be exhausted,” he observes. You make a noise that resembles a yes. “Here, let me take her. You rest.”
Suddenly you’re wide awake. “N-no, it’s fine, Joon. I’ll hold her. I’m not that tired.”
“You sure?” There’s a small flash of concern in Namjoon’s eyes, but he knows to just let you have your way for now. After all, you did just go through a grueling delivery. 
You can only get away with it for so long. 
You manage to stay another night at the hospital, with Namjoon only ever holding Lily - that’s what you and Namjoon decided to name her - when you are in the room.
Preferably within arm’s length. 
It’s not that you don’t trust Namjoon...
It’s just that you don’t overly trust him. Especially as you were reminded of his destruction abilities this morning when he very nearly broke the carseat as he attempted to get it set up in the back. With every crack and curse that he quietly spit out at the infernal device, you held Lily a little closer to your chest. 
Winking down at the newborn, you faked a confident smile. “Daddy’s got it, don’t worry. We’ll get you home in one piece.”
Of course, you drove home. Namjoon tried to protest (he’d gotten his driver’s license six months ago purely for the ability to be able to drive his child around) but one look from you had him chewing on his lip while sheepishly sliding into the passenger seat. 
The next few days comprised of a few small gatherings where the boys came bearing a ridiculous amount of gifts and even more ridiculous smiles once they spotted Lily. Everyone commented on her beautiful eyelashes, and argued over who she resembled more. 
You secretly hoped she’d take after Namjoon’s side. If you were being honest, she already had little dragon eyes that resembled her father. It made your heart melt. 
Your heart positively stopped beating altogether anytime Namjoon wanted to cradle Lily in his arms to show her to Jin or Tae. 
Everyone noticed, and laughed. Your tense shoulders and unblinking eyes as you tracked Namjoon’s every movement had the boys in tears as they guffawed over your actions. Namjoon blushed, settling Lily in Tae’s eager arms. 
It got worse once Namjoon realized that you relaxed once your daughter was in Tae’s arms. 
Or Jin’s.
Or even your nosy neighbor’s, who had come prying not long after the boys had left. 
It had been endearing to see you all protective before, but now it was offensive. Because you were trying to protect your daughter from him.
If Namjoon was being completely honest, he still didn’t quite trust himself to not mess anything up. But he’d at least like a vote of faith on your part. 
So a couple of weeks later as the two of you sat across from each other at the dinner table, he wasn’t quite sure how to bring it up with you.
Your shoulders were slumped, your eyes drifting shut as you picked at your food. Namjoon watched, waiting to see if you were about to pass out in your dinner. When you didn’t, he decided it’d probably be nice to make some small talk.
“I can’t believe I have to head back into work tomorrow,” he sighed. Bighit had given him two weeks off to spend with you and Lily, and it was safe to say that he’d loved every moment of it. But it was time for him to head back into work. 
You frowned at him over the table, and the part of him that was sad about having to return to work only doubled in size at the expression on your face.
“It’s gone by so fast,” you muttered. “Can’t we pull just one more week? I’m going to miss having you around all day.” A part of you also wondered what it would be like to feel like you could take a nap without keeping one eye open in case of an emergency. 
Lily could handle herself, it was Namjoon that always kept you in high alert. 
Not that you’d ever admit that to him.
Namjoon smiled softly, and you noticed just how exhausted he looked as well. Through and through, you two were equals. “I’m going to miss you guys.”
Plural. A thrill races through your body at the plural form of his words, reminding you that together, you’ve created a little family. 
Pushing back in his chair, Namjoon looks contemplative. “You know, I bet I could take Lily with me to work sometimes. On the days where I’m just working in the studio. She’s young enough that I could just set up the little newborn swing and let her nap while I work. The boys would love that, too. And you could...I don’t know, take a nap?” He laughs a little, oblivious to how pale your face has gone at the notion of him taking Lily alone to work. “We’d be fine, I think. I’d take the diaper bag, and there’s a bathroom just down the hallway-”
The images of everything that could possible go wrong - one of them being an entire speaker being knocked off the table by your clumsy husband only to land on your helpless daughter - is enough to have you shooting to your feet.
“No way,” you sputter. “That’s definitely not happening. Not for a long, long time, Namjoon.” Heart thundering against your chest, you hardly notice the crestfallen expression on Namjoon’s face. 
“It was just a thought-”
“And I’m putting a stop to that thought.”
“I just thought it might be nice for all of us-”
“Nice?” You must look like a gasping fish at this point. “Nice, Namjoon? No. I wouldn’t be able to rest without Lily here! You really think I could just leave her with you? What if something happened? What if you knocked something off your desk and hurt her? Spilled hot coffee on her? Forgot she was there? I...that would be a nightmare!”
Namjoon hardly has time to open his mouth to respond before you’re grabbing both of your dishes and rushing back into the kitchen to wash them. Chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, you hardly notice Namjoon’s presence at your elbow before he’s lightly nudging you to the side. 
“Let me,” he mumbles quietly enough that you hardly catch the words. “Go to bed. I’ll finish up.”
You pay him no mind, scrubbing at the dishes with reckless abandon. Namjoon breathes in deeply, struggling to steady himself. 
Tears are pooling in your vision now, and you can’t help but feel like you’ve lost all control over your emotions. 
Over your life. 
“I...” you sniffle in the direction of the sink, “I’m sorry, Joon. It’s just-”
“No, don’t apologize.” Namjoon nudges you again, pulling the sponge from your hands and setting to work on the dishes. “I know that everything is different and new, and you’re probably feeling out of balance. I should have thought about that. Lily is...your anchor right now. I was just upset, because that’s supposed to be my role.”
His words have your eyes widening as you realize that everything he said is correct. Namjoon doesn’t bother to look to see if his words rung true, opting to focus on the plate that has been clean for a while now but continuing to scrub at it. 
“Go to bed,” he orders lightly, still not looking at you. 
Mouth wide open, close it again. Then re-open it. “Namjoon, I swear, I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I’m just...freaked out.”
He nods curtly. “I know.”
A part of you remembers feeling the bed dip not long after you’d collapsed upon it, letting you know that Namjoon was also settling down for the night. He’d gone completely still after sitting on the edge of the bed, looking over at you as though he might say something. 
Instead, he’d slid under the covers as smoothly as possible before turning the lamp off. 
It was one of the rare occasions that he’d managed to not tip anything over in his search for the lamp switch, but your exhausted brain hadn’t bothered to celebrate the occasion. 
You were exhausted. And you realized that it wasn’t so much physical exhaustion as it was emotional. 
Of course you didn’t want Namjoon to have to go back to work tomorrow, but you were also looking forward to a little sliver of peace knowing that you only had to worry about Lily. 
Starting tomorrow it was just going to be you and Lily. A little team of two against the world. 
Sleep completely overtook you, and Namjoon’s words managed to slither their way into your brain, following you into your dreams. 
“She’s your...anchor. I was just upset, because that’s supposed to be my role.”
You were so far gone into your dreamland that Lily’s cries took much longer to get to you that night. In fact, it was more the feeling of suddenly being alone in the bed that roused you from sleep than it was your daughter’s crying. 
Completely disoriented and still half in a dream that had to do with anchors and Namjoon’s studio, you sit up in bed and struggle to rub the sleep from your eyes. 
Another couple of minutes passed before you bolted out from under the covers, realizing that Lily had been crying, Namjoon was gone, and now it was utterly silent.
“Oh no.”
Wrapping your robe around your frame, you padded down the hallway to Lily’s room. Her door was open, with the soft light from her nightlight spilling out into the hallway. You’d just made it to her door when you heard Namjoon.
“See? We’re doing alright, Lils.” 
Peering into the dimly lit room, your heart clenched and then completely melted at the sight before you.
Namjoon, clad in nothing but his basketball shorts and mussed hair, stared down at his daughter with a smile so soft that you were sure you’d never seen it before. His eyes, however tired, practically glowed with adoration. Ever so gently rocking back and forth in the rocking chair placed in the corner of the room, he only had eyes for his daughter.
Lily appeared to be utterly content in her father’s arms, already drifting back to sleep. The only sign that she was still somewhat awake was the little hand that reached up to grip Namjoon’s finger. 
Together, your entire world swayed back and forth in the rocking chair that had taken an entire afternoon to put together. Quietly, gently. 
And as Namjoon slightly adjusted his hold, he did so carefully. And that’s when you saw it. 
The flicker of worry in his eyes as he brought Lily closer to his chest. The way he held his breath until she settled back into her sleepy daze. How that little smile reappeared as her little exhales tickled his skin.
Namjoon was learning, and judging by the fresh diaper laying atop the wastebasket by the door, he was doing just fine. 
No thanks to you, of course. 
At the sound of your sniffle, Namjoon’s head shot up. He winced, glancing down to make sure Lily hadn’t been rudely awoken. 
His eyes found yours from across the room, and he immediately bit his bottom lip. He began to slow his rocking, preparing to let you take over. 
You held up a hand. “No, it’s fine. Keep going.”
Namjoon froze for a moment before remembering to continue rocking. “...what?”
Shrugging, you silently make your way into the room and take a seat on a footstool beside Namjoon. “Keep going.”
“Are you sure?”
You give him an apologetic smile. “Yes. I...truly, I’m sorry, Namjoon. You’re just trying your best, and I haven’t given you any credit for that. You...” Tears blur your vision. “You’re a great father. And we both love you.”
Namjoon stares at you for a moment longer, eyes wide with emotion before looking down at Lily’s sleeping form. “How did we make something so perfect? She’s absolutely perfect.”
You giggle quietly. “Are you doubting my abilities, Mr. Kim?”
That soft smile splits into a boyish grin, the same he sported on your second date all those years ago. 
“Of course not. Although it does make me wonder...”
Your eyebrows raise. “What?”
That grin doesn’t falter as Namjoon whispers, “What do think the chances are that the next one is just as perfect?”
Fighting the urge to punch his arm, you settle for rolling your eyes. “We are not even entertaining the idea of another kid right now, Joon. Our daughter just turned 2 weeks old. Give me a break.”
“I want to give you a break,” Namjoon presses, wiggling his eyebrows. “So how about you let me take her to work? That would be a great break for you. You wouldn’t have to worry about either one of us!”
Namjoon frowns. “Still a no?”
You look at the small form in his arms, peacefully sleeping. “Absolutely not. Maybe when she’s 10.”
Gasping, Namjoon’s eyes twinkle with joy. “10?! I was thinking more like 3...”
“Nice try, loser.”
You give him a long look, finally rising from where you sit. Pressing a kiss to Lily’s rosy cheeks before turning to brush your lips against Namjoon’s, you sigh.
“6. Final offer.”
Namjoon sighs, but appears to be content. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you negotiate?”
Heading toward the door, you stifle a laugh. “We are not having another kid right now, Joon.”
His sigh of disappointment has you grinning, feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 
Once you’re back into the hallway, you turn to get one last look at this moment. Namjoon has already focused on Lily again, oblivious to your actions. The moonlight trickles in through the curtains, and that’s when you take a mental picture of this moment. 
Of your love, your husband, your anchor. Holding your daughter in the soft moonlight.
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markberries · 3 years
what we do in the dark┊draco malfoy
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• anon requested: Hey! If you do story requests can I get draco and yn in a secret relationship (yn is also slytherin but muggleborn) and then draco gets tired of hiding, kisses her in public and smut ensues? Thank you in advance love your writing!
• info: having a secret relationship with hogwarts’ troublemaker was difficult, especially when all he wanted was for everyone to know that you were his.
• warnings: cursing, fingering
• genre: fluff, angst if you squint, smut, fem reader
• word count: 2346
• a/n: HOLY CRAP i actually finished a wip!! anyways sorry that i haven’t posted much hp in awhile </333 i hope u guys enjoy!
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being a model student was difficult; having the endless stress of keeping your grades above everyone else, the constant studying and time you spent in the library, and most importantly, keeping your relationship with draco malfoy hidden.
it had been 6 months since the day he asked you out, the classic “bad boy” and “nerdy girl” couple, you were surprised by his confession, and he was surprised by your agreement. the secrecy part was a mutual decision, being brought up by you, when someone had told you that hanging around draco was a bad idea.
draco, of course, didn’t mind, for he had a reputation to keep up with his friends, and that is what settled it. you liked it, the sneaking around, the excitement of nearly being caught hiding in the prefect’s bathroom together, it was fun.
in public, you two were rarely seen together. you acted like you didn’t know each other. people never got suspicious; the only thing that could get you two caught was draco’s inability to keep his hands to himself. when guys would hit on you, unbeknownst of the steady relationship you and draco had, it made malfoy’s blood boil. 
he would watch them walk up to you confidently, where you would sit in the dining hall, intently writing notes and eating the nicely placed food that lay in front of you. he would watch your eyes look up to the boy, who would politely ask you on a date. you would decline, saying that you were too busy to date. 
he would lock eyes with you, you would shrug your shoulders and smile at him, but being cautious of the people surrounding you. the only thing that irritated him was the fact that these boys thought they had a chance with you. they thought that the only reason you wouldn’t date them was because you were merely busy, when the truth was that you were taken. by him.
the reason you liked draco was because he made you feel different, like you were taking risks. people used to call you boring, but draco changed that. he thought of you as unique, he liked you for you, and he had never tried to change you. he was just a sweetheart hidden behind his bad boy facade.
“you looked so pretty today,” he whispered to you, arms engulfed around you as you two curled up in his dorm. usually, you would be worried about someone catching a glimpse of you two, but today, you had decided to skip potions class. it was the second time you had ever skipped a class (the first time was also with draco), and people may perceive that it was his influence on you, but you thought differently.
“we didn’t see each other today,” you laugh, pinching his cheek. he winces slightly, before giving you a soft smile.
“yeah, but i know you looked pretty.”
you raise a brow, “oh? what a flirt you are.”
he buried his head in your shoulder, breathing in deeply to get a whiff of your sweet fruity scent, “only for you,” he says, voice muffled by your grey pajama tee.
“mm,” he pauses, entertwining your hands. “the yule ball is coming up.”
you hum, ruffling his hair and offering him a kind smile. “i know.”
“we could attend it.. together.”
“i know,” you kiss his cheek, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink, “but everyone is gonna be there..”
there’s an evident frown that forms on draco’s face, his thought process remained unknown to you, and there’s a slight pang of guilt that washes over you, after all, you didn’t expect draco to want to sneak around with you forever.
“right,” he clears his throat, turning away to lay on his back, eyes glued to the ceiling. you bite your lip, sitting up and running a hand through his blonde hair. his eyes then stare back at yours, and you offer a pity smile.
“i’m sorry, let me just get through my finals and then we can tell the others, okay?”
there’s a pause of silence, before draco speaks up again.
“are you ashamed of me?”
your expression softens, lying back down and caressing his face, making him turn to you. there was nothing that could make you ashamed of draco, you just didn’t know if you were ready to face lectures from your parents, knowing well enough about them, for dating someone who constantly torments people of the muggleborn status. you wanted to tell them that he was different, that he was capable of accepting people for who they are.
“no, i could never be ashamed of you, you know that,” you reassure, placing a kiss to the tip of his nose. he smiles, brushing a piece of hair out of your face lovingly.
“i know love,” he admires your face for a brief moment, studying your features, “sometimes i just can’t help myself when i’m around you.”
a giggle escapes your lips, followed by a raise of your brow. a grin creeps it’s way upon your face, as malfoy rolls his eyes at your own silliness.
“you’re so weird,” he comments, enveloping you into his arms.
“draco, people are gonna be wondering where we are in the great hall,” you remind him, as the time for dinner approaches. skipping classes together was already risky, not showing up to dinner would be the frosting on the cake.
“alright alright,” he sighs, getting up and picking up his robe that hung from your desk chair. your heart clenches — in a good way, thinking about how it would be like to tell everyone about your relationship.
there were always pros and cons, as you knew there were a few female students who found draco undeniably attractive, and if they were to find out, you knew that you would always be a topic of conversation, but on the contrary, they wouldn’t try to spark up conversations with him. you knew your parents wouldn’t be happy, but you would be able to openly spend time with him, you’d get to kiss him whenever you wanted, and your parents would eventually get used to your situation.
you were torn between two sides, even if you were to tell everyone, what would be the right occasion to share your story? and when was the right time?
you shake your head, snapping out of your own trance.
“you ready, love?” draco asks.
you smile, looking at him and nodding, “yeah.”
“hey y/n,” a voice says to you, causing you to stop drinking your water mid sip as you stare up at the culprit.
“cedric,” you say, placing your glass down with a smile. he looks uneasy, nervous even, as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. cedric had been the first hufflepuff to make contact with you, as no one really engaged with slytherins unless it was to start a harmless argument.
it was a year ago, and he had approached you in hogsmeade, your green scarf in hand, that you had lost an hour before. you had accepted it with a simple smile and a “thank you”, wrapping it around your neck again. he made sure to point out how different you were compared to the other slytherins, even saying that you belonged in ravenclaw or hufflepuff. you laughed it off, being proud of your house and who you were.
“is something wrong?” you ask with a tilted head, his cheeks turn a soft pink while they heat up. he clears his throat, finally looking at you in the eyes.
“do you want to maybe.. be my date to the yule ball? of course, you don’t have to say yes, it’s completely up to you.”
you nearly choke on your own saliva, your eyes widening in surprise. you’re at a loss for words, what should you say to let him down softly? that you’re busy?
“she can’t,” a familiar voice calls out to him, and draco takes a seat next to you confidently. you snap your head towards him, and his jaw is clenched, not a single hint of playfulness in his voice.
“oh? do you already have a date y/n?”
you say in a hushed voice, “draco what do you think you’re doing?”
he doesn’t reply, he merely wraps an arm around your shoulders confidently, eyes locked with cedric’s.
“yeah, me,” he says nonchalantly, and this time, it’s your turn to blush, staring down at the ground intensely. everyone at the slytherin table is paying attention to the conversation, quietly talking amongst each other as they stare at the two boys who are glaring at each other.
cedric scoffs at him, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue and looking away from you two for a moment.
“alright then, see you around, y/n.”
without a word, draco harshly tugs you throughout the hallways, towards the prefect’s bathroom. his expression is unreadable as he lets go of your hand when you two finally arrive at the destination.
“what was that about?” you finally exclaim, more shocked/surprised than angry, but draco takes a step towards you with a huff of frustration.
“i did what i had to do,” he replies, staring down at you with hooded eyes. “unless, you wanted to attend the ball with diggory.”
“you know that i would never do that, i love you,” you say softly, and draco takes another step, your bodies almost touching.
“we’ll just have to show diggory that, then,” malfoy then begins attacking your neck with his lips, pressing you up against the wall with a small thud. he sucks harshly, leaving obvious marks on your hot skin. he trails kisses along your jawline, and your hands find his way to his blonde locks, tangling in them as you let out small whines.
he uses one of his hands to snake its way under your shirt, massaging your left breast. his free hand presses against your clothed core, harshly rubbing to get a reaction out of you, and of course, it worked. you were moaning, all whilst draco hummed against your neck.
you grip at the fabric of his robe, panting heavily as you wrapped your legs around his waist. he places both hands on your ass, carrying you to the nearest surface and setting you on it, the marble feeling cold against your body.
“your moans are like music to my ears,” he says, lust dripping off of his tongue. at this point, you didn’t care if anyone walked in. you wanted draco now, and it didn’t seem like draco wanted to stop either as he eagerly lifted your grey sweater vest above your head, pressing his soft lips against your own.
he removes his robe, carelessly tossing it to the ground and loosening his tie. he slips his tongue into your mouth, harshly sucking on your own, and you knew better than to fight for dominance with him. the heat between your thighs continued to grow, a wet patch forming, and you knew your underwear was done for.
you wrap your arms around draco’s neck, deepening the kiss as he unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in your black bra, skirt, and pantyhose. he broke the kiss, ogling at your breasts.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tease him, which was definitely the wrong thing to do.
“what a brat,” he grunts, unhooking your bra and exposing your boobs. he then began pinching your right nipple, making you yelp out in surprise and grab his shoulders for balance.
“got anything else to say?” he asks confidently, and you shake your head.
“fuck you’re hot,” malfoy groans, tugging your skirt and tights down. you kick the articles of clothing off, while draco dips a hand into your panties, collecting the gathered wetness and pulling his hand out to admire it.
“all for me?” he smirks, rubbing his fingers together. you quickly nod your head.
“use your words,” he says.
“y-yes, it’s all for you,” you reply in a small, innocent voice, causing malfoy to shove the fingers that were coated in your wetness into your mouth. you suck on them, making him satisfied. he then takes his other hand pushes your underwear to the side, shoving his slender finger into your entrance without warning.
“oh, ah!” you cry out. he takes the hand that was in your mouth out, using it to grip your face.
“look at me while i finger fuck you.”
unlike usual, he doesn’t start slow. he’s already curling his finger inside you, pumping it in and out at a fast pace. he stares at you with the same dark eyes he had earlier, and you bite your lip to prevent yourself from being too loud.
draco adds another finger, the room being filled with the joyous sound of your pleasure. your breath hitches, and you begin to uncontrollably moan.
“god, i could do this all day,” draco groans, the imprint of his boner beginning to look painful. “who makes you feel like this?”
he adds a third finger, making you arch your back in euphoria from the sensation. “it’s you! fuck draco, only you.”
“you’re such a good slut,” he praises, picking up the pace as you clench around his digits. the lewd sounds were so loud that you were surprised that no one had busted you two, but even if someone were to walk in, you don’t think you would’ve stopped.
“cum for me,” he whispers into your ear, pressing his thumb against your clit. you screw your eyes shut, moaning draco’s name as he kisses your neck. you swear you can see stars behind your eyes, exploding in a sense of ecstasy from malfoy’s fingers.
your eyes flutter open, a seemingly never ending chorus of pants leaving your mouth. you smile through it, resting your head on draco’s shoulder.
“that was so hot,” you say.
draco chuckles, bringing his mouth close to your ear, “you thought we were finished?”
you shiver.
maybe some things aren’t meant to be kept as secrets.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
I'm so happy you like the idea! Your first three words are: Rattle, Candlelight and Corset.
Oh this is gonna be interesting 🤭
Pairing: Chris Redfield x Female OC (taken in by the Winters family as a daughter of theirs basically)
Warnings: Swearing (No Spoilers for any games don’t worry😊)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Enjoy the mess my brain’s produced. Love, Vy ❤
“I have several questions surrounding this bullshit event!“ Gwen shouts from inside her room where she’s been getting ready for the past hour with the Captains of the BSAA keeping a watchful eye outside her door, making sure she doesn’t get any ideas of running away.
“I have as many as you do, trust me on that one.“ He replies, readjusting his tie. He hasn’t found himself in a three-piece-suit in a long time, all’s been soldier get-ups, bulletproof wests and combat boots. Truth be told, it’s not that he doesn’t want to dress nicely, he’s just rarely had any occasions worth dressing up for. Lord knows he’d be at home in this very moment, seated on the couch with a cold beer bottle in his hand. So to make the truth truer - he actively avoids places and events that would require him dressing up. It’s simply a hassle in and of itself, but dealing with the people at the even - that’s what he’s most bothered by.
“You cannot expect me to believe that’s the truth!“ Gwen shouts again, the sound of shuffling accompanying her voice. 
“Leon said it was important, Jill backed him up and you know I rarely get a say when the two of them partner up to support one another.“ Chris says, sighing while reaching for a cigarette before withdrawing his hand, remembering he didn’t take his pack with him on purpose. Claire says he needs to break the habit little by little so, in order to give her peace of mind, he does try whenever she’s looking. However, when she turns away, he’s quick to light a cig, almost as quick as a dying man getting connected to life support.
“You, Leon and I have very different definitions of the word ‘important’.“ She sasses back, her voice now being the only sound coming from the room which is a sign Chris cannot decide the meaning of - is she almost done? Is she starting over with everything? Either way, he doesn’t mind. Running late to the gala the mayor’s throwing is not particularly bothering him, he actually prefers it.
What’s been bothering him is the fact that he’s found himself impatient of something else. Impatient of seeing her - not that he’d ever admit it. Him and Gwen have been friends for quite some time. Well, they did get off on the wrong foot, but were quick to arrange a relationship alike a friendship and function without wanting to gauge each other’s eyes out. Somewhere along the lines they became actual friends without even noticing.
Gwen Winters had every right to be suspicious of Captain Chris Redfield. Not that she was always wary of him or anything - seeing as how him and her ‘parents’ are friends, she never thought twice about the guy. However, when she expressed interest in joining the BSAA and earned herself a scoff from him, she was rather pissed. Being the main chemistry project of an asshole with a saving-the-world complex back in Raccoon City, it’s safe to say she got some above average strength to her name. And that’s putting it mildly. Being rescued from that lab by Leon and getting taken in by the Winters family, she’s developed her own hero complex, the need to save those who can’t save themselves always dwelling within her.
And so, despite the amusement Chris showed when she brought up the idea, she became a BSAA soldier. 
“I think we established that on your very first mission, soldier.“ Chris chuckles, recalling that first mission he was so opposed to, mostly because Gwen was tagging along at her request and the allowance of Leon. He was very fucking afraid they’d have to carry her dead body out of there but the action was quick to turn the tables on him - having Gwen save his life more than once. What surprised him most though was her humbleness about it. She didn’t rub it in or nag him about having proved her point. She was just glad they had all made it out in one piece and that struck him with a whole new intensity. Almost like a wake up call.
The door beside him suddenly swings open, causing him to abruptly straighten up from his leaning position, shooting a look at the doorway from which emerges Gwen. Or at least he believes it’s her. Had he not known she was the only other person in the house at the moment, or had he seen her passing by on the street he wouldn’t have recognized her.
And he’d have every right not to: this must be the first time she has worn a dress since prom - if she even wore one then - and the same probably applies for the make-up she’s put on. It’s not much or anything, in fact the only reason he’s noticed it is because he’s so used to seeing her make-up-free face. So much so, he’d recognize even a drop of foundation if she applied it. And oh boy, is he whipped by the sight. He can lie all he wants and to whoever he wants to, but he cannot lie to himself. Especially not when his jaw has fallen to the floor, his eyes have grown wide and his heartbeat has picked up noticeably.
If Ethan could hear at least half of what Chris is thinking at the moment, he’d be as good as banned from the Winters home forever.
When Gwen’s eyes meet her Captain’s, she can’t help but smirk, “What is it, Cap? I exchange the bulletproof vest for a corset and you suddenly don’t recognize me?” She asks, raising a teasing eyebrow.
He knows it’s wrong, for so many reasons: He’s her captain, she’s his soldier; She’s an adult but he’s still significantly older than her; She’s the ‘daughter’ of a friend of his, to make matters even worse - It’s so wrong yet he can’t get the thought out of his head. It’s not just now, it’s something he’s been struggling with for quite some time. He’s constantly haunted by her: the sound of her laughter, her smile, that focused frown that appears every time she is looking at a map or a new case, analyzing its every detail, the twinkle in her eyes whenever she gets told she’ll be going on a mission and that same sparkle growing brighter when she returns from it having successfully completed it.
It’s all overwhelming, and in the nicest, wrongest way possible.
“Honestly, Winters, seeing such a shift does rattle a person. Especially when I haven’t seen you out of a soldier’s uniform for years now.“ He comments, his eyes traveling up and down her body on their own accord, despite his best attempts at keeping his gaze on her face.
She laughs, “Can’t really go to training in a dress and high heels, you know. If I had more opportunities, the dresses in my closet wouldn’t be covered in spiderwebs.“
“Duly noted.“ He smirks, offering the young lady his hand as he leads her down the stairs, “I could help you out with that.“
She frowns, pausing mid-step, “Oh no, no, no no. If what you have in mind is a bunch of charity events, you better get that thought out of your head. A bunch of rich assholes drinking champagne, really not my scene.”
Chris chuckles offering her his arm as they walk out the front door to where he parked his car upon arriving at the Winters home, running into Ethan, Mia and their five year old daughter, about to head out for the night. He won’t complain about the lecturing he received, he deserved it after all. It’s a miracle the two even agreed to let Gwen accompany him, not that they could stop her either way seeing as how she’s an adult woman who’s more than capable of making her own decisions.
“No, no, I know you hate those events. I do too.“ He says, oddly timidly as the two get seated in the car. “I was thinking more along the lines of...“ He contemplates how to say it without making the rest of this night awkward, or mess things up with Gwen in any way. She means a lot to him and he’d hate to lose her over his complicated feelings he wishes he could control. “Dinner under candlelight, maybe?“
He’s as stiff as a boulder, tense and expecting something, anything. Literally anything, even outright rejection would be better than silence. Regardless of her answer, he’s gonna regret this move later when Ethan hears about it and goes to kick his ass.
Out of the corner of his eye, he catches the slight shake of her head, a blush evidently appearing on her cheeks, visible even in the dim light in the car. A small smile graces he features as her hand travels to his which is nervously resting on the gear shift. “Sure, I’d like that.” She says, her smile growing wider.
There’s that same twinkle - the sparkle in the eyes of a soldier willing to fight for the greater good, putting everyone above herself. And, on his hierarchy, she’s number one.
“I’m glad.“
Chris Redfield has regretted many things in his life and will probably regret even more in the future. However, he was a fool to think he’d regret this decision - one look at Gwen’s eyes and all regret was erased. All ass-kicking he might receive for it seems more than worth it, looking at it from the perspective of this very moment.
Then again, Captain Chris Redfield has never been a stranger to a little ass-kicking.
Thank you so much, Anon for this super fun challenge! I hope to receive more three words to turn into fics cause I really enjoyed this experience 🥰
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Hey! Well since today is halloween , can i request a Dabi,Twice,Toga or Tomura (your choice) where thier s/o wanted to watch a very gore/scary horror movie with them but never got scared?
From Cindy: Thanks for request anon! I bumped this one up to the top of the priority list so that I could get it out as close to Halloween as possible! I chose to write Toga instead of Shigaraki just because I’ve never written for her and wanted to give it a shot. If you still want one with Shiggy, don’t hesitate to send in another request!
Dabi, Twice, and Toga x Reader - Watching a scary movie together
One of the things Dabi enjoyed most about dating you was that you had zero connections with the League of Villains and were completely uninvolved in his extracurricular criminal activities. Those things were still important to him, of course, but after spending most of his time burning unworthy allies alive in alleyways, unleashing nomus into cities full of innocent people, and plotting ways to bring about the destruction of the country’s corrupted society in general, it was nice to have someone he could go to and take a break from the violence and just relax with.
You had never judged him for his goals or the morally questionable ways he went about achieving them, but you yourself had never expressed even the tiniest desire to participate. You agreed with him about some of the injustices present in the whole hero/villain system, but from what Dabi could tell, there wasn’t a single vengeful or violent bone in your body. Because of this, it was pretty amusing to him when you came up to him on Halloween, asking him to watch a scary movie with you. He lets out a dry laugh, imagining that you had one of the PG classics in mind. Imagine his surprise when he plopped down on the couch next to you and saw you pull up the title of the most brutal and bloody slasher movie available on the TV.
“Hey, you sure you want to watch something like this?” Dabi had to believe you’d gone to that movie on accident. “How about something a little more family friendly?” He raises his eyebrows when you whirl around to face him with a cute scowl as if he’d offended you.
“It’s Halloween, Dabi.” You say it as if that was all the reason you needed to back your decision. You turn back to the TV and press the play button on the remote. Dabi shrugs his shoulders and makes himself comfortable as the opening credits begin to play. Once you figured out how bad the movie actually was, he was sure you’d turn it off and switch to a different one. His bewilderment grew in intensity as the characters got hacked to pieces one by one with not a sound or twitch from you. By the end of the movie he’d gone from total shock to strangely proud. Who knew the love of his life would have such an iron stomach?
Twice had been looking forward to Halloween ever since Shigaraki had informed the League of Villains that they’d all be free from doing any nefarious activities that day. It wasn’t that he cared much for the spooky holiday, but it was rare for him to get a day off from his villain duties. Naturally, his plan was to spend the entire day with you, his imagination conjuring up adorable images of carving pumpkins together and making popcorn balls to pass out to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, he could wear a mask when answering the door so nobody would recognize him as a member of the League of Villains.
When the day of October 31st finally arrived, Twice showed up at your place with bags full of Halloween candy and a bunch of other random things he’d managed to swipe from a nearby grocery store. He had told you that he would do anything you wanted today, so he wanted to be prepared. Needless to say, he hadn’t been ready at all for you to announce that you’d rented the new horror film that had come out recently. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the rating and read the description.
“Isn’t this too scary?” He asks you, the concerned look on his face was obvious even with the mask he wore over his head.
“No, I don’t think so,” you shake your head while grabbing a blanket so that you could both snuggle up together. “It’s perfect to get us into the Halloween spirit.”
“I just don’t want you to get nightmares,” he says sweetly before his clashing personality spoke up, “You’re going to cry for your mommy!”
“I’ll be fine.” You reassure him with a kiss on the cheek before pulling him over to the couch. “There’s no way I can get scared as long as you hold my hand.” The sweet words made Twice feel a little better, but he still had some reservations. If watching a movie like this would make you happy though, he wouldn’t protest anymore.
Somehow, all his worries had backfired on him. The film you’d chosen was full of jump scares that seemed to catch him off guard no matter how much he tried to prepare for them. What made it worse was the little snicker you let out each and every time he gasped and clenched his hand tighter around yours.
“How come this movie isn’t affecting you at all?” he whispers during an especially tense scene where the music really exaggerated the suspense. “You crazy or something?” You let out a small laugh and lean closer into his side.
“One of us has to be the brave one,” you tease while patting him affectionately on the leg. He knows you’re joking but puts a hand dramatically over his heart to act wounded anyway. The smile his antics bring to your face cheers him up, and he knows he’d watch a million more scary movies as long as it meant spending time with you.
“Happy Halloween!” Toga attacks you with a hug as soon as you open the door to let her in. Your front room fills with the sound of your laughter as she peppers your face with kisses. She was always super affectionate, especially if you hadn’t see each other in a while. Her role in the League of Villains kept her pretty busy, so you both cherished these rare occasions that allowed you to spend time together.
“Happy Halloween,” you reply happily once she gives you a moment to catch your breath. “I can hardly believe we have the whole night to ourselves!”
“I know!” Toga skips into your kitchen, going right for the block of knives you kept on the counter. She pulls out the biggest one. “I have so many ideas! Do you think we could make a jack-o-lantern with Mr. Stainy’s face on it?” Even though carving out the details of the hero killer’s face seemed a little above either of your skill levels, gutting and butchering a pumpkin sounded right up Toga’s alley.
“We can certainly try,” you say, causing your girlfriend to smile happily and cuddle the knife she was holding to her chest. It had taken you a while to get used to her quirky behavior, but now it hardly registered in your mind when she did anything unconventional like that.
“Hey,” you call her attention after a second. “Before we carve pumpkins, I was thinking we could watch a movie.” You tell her the title and a manic grin spreads across her face. Before you can even blink, she’s standing right in front of you.
“I’ve heard of that movie,” she hums while tilting her head curiously. “Isn’t it really super bloody and gory?” You nod your head in confirmation while wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
“You like blood and gore,” you say knowingly. “That’s why I picked it.” Toga taps the flat end of the knife she was still holding against your shoulder as she thinks over your words.
“You’d really watch something like that for me?” she asks almost shyly. You nod your head again and she lets out a delightful sounding laugh.
“Okay!” She pulls out of your embrace so she can bounce excitedly on the balls of her feet. “But if you get sick, you can’t blame me!”
“I’ll be fine,” you assure her before running to grab pillows and blankets from your room to make the sofa more comfortable.
As the movie starts, Toga is both surprised and impressed when you keep your promise. The brutal action from the movie doesn’t appear to bother you at all. In fact, you seemed just as enthralled by it as she was. By the middle of the movie, both of you are cheering and rooting for the killer as he hunts down and slaughters each of his victims. When the ending credits begin to roll, you both agree that you’d have to arrange for more horror movie nights in the future.
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Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!S/O Jealous of Guy Best Friend
This was requested!! Sorry for turning off my asks I hadn’t even realized I’d done it until I started getting a lot of submissions instead lmao
“Hi are you still doing requests? I’m a little late to the game but I was wondering if you are doing requests if you could do the boys getting jealous of their partners best guy friend or one of the boys? Thank you 😊” -Anon
I’m gonna do the boys getting jealous of their guy best friend because I highly doubt that the boys would get jealous of eachother. Warning! This is NSFW at some points!! I hope you enjoy!!!!!
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The boys trusted you. They really did. They just didn’t trust him.
He was always just a little bit too touchy with you. He’d give you too many hugs, compliment you just slightly too much, and sometimes even kiss your cheek. Of course, the boys each had something separate that set them off
David would practically lose his mind whenever you would choose to spend a night with him. Alone. He didn’t even have to say anything, as his silence and his eyes would speak volumes. He’d give you a look, and you’d know exactly what he was thinking. How could you choose him over us? No matter how many times you assured him that he didn’t see you that way, David wouldn’t let it go. You were gorgeous, naive, and his. He didn’t like it when others got to play with what was his, besides his boys. Technically, he saw all of you as his so it didn’t really matter. But that wasn’t the point. He’d look at you and he’d just utter, “No.” As if that was final.
The only arguments you ever got into with David were always about him. He’d tell you that you couldn’t hang out with him, and it’d set you off each time. You would remind him that you were your own person, not a pet. He wasn’t your sire, and you didn’t have to listen to him. He’d send you an icy glare, click his jaw, and one of the others would have to step in before a screaming match ensued. You knew he was just protective, and he didn’t want him to hurt you, or, god forbid, try anything when you two got wasted. You’d make up by promising him a night just between the two of you, and he’d begrudgingly promise not to spend the entire night tailing you. He’d drop you off wherever you two were going for the night, and say something purposely threatening like, “You better get her home in one piece.” And your friend would lift his eyebrows at you each time. The boys would tell you if he actually kept his word or not, and he usually did. If he did, you’d keep up your end of the bargain too. He’d suck hickeys into your neck so dark that they were nearly purple, and he’d spend the entire night reminding you that you were his. He’d make you beg for it, scream for him, and maybe even cry. He’d tie you up, and wouldn’t let you lay a single hand on him. He wanted to be in control, and he wanted you to submit. As soon as you two were finished, he’d hold you close and kiss you wherever his mouth could reach, whispering how much you meant to him and how he just didn’t want to lose you to someone else
The thing that set off Paul was how much your best friend could get you to laugh. He loved to make you laugh, and he liked to think that you liked his jokes best. But your best friend knew how to make you laugh so hard you snorted, and every time Pauls chipper demeanor would slip away. It was a rare occasion where he’d actually frown, but he’d never say anything to you or to your friend. He’d just act like a pouty child when you got back to the cave. He’d storm away from you, refuse to give you kisses, and go as far as turning away from you whenever you tried to talk to him. When you finally got him to stop ignoring you, he’d whine, “Why don’t you ever laugh like that with me? Do you actually think I’m funny? Have you been faking it the entire time?”
You knew that when it came to Paul it was mostly just his own insecurity. He didn’t actually dislike your best friend, and, in fact, he was actually the nicest to him. He just couldn’t understand that your best friend had known you since you were little. Paul was a decade behind him in inside jokes, and it wasn’t his fault that you two had history. You’d assure him that yes, you thought he was funny and no, you weren’t faking it. You’d pepper his cheeks with kisses until he finally pulled you in for a heated makeout session. It would usually turn into him tickling you until you practically squealed with laughter, and he wouldn’t stop until you said he was funnier. Afterwards, he’d kiss you again and you two would have round after round of makeup sex. He’d make you giggle the entire time, muttering dirty innuendos and jokes into your ear. He’d smile so bright it nearly rivaled the sun whenever he got you to laugh, and you’d have to pull him down for a sloppy kiss so he would actually focus on the task at hand. You two wouldn’t stop until dawn came, and Paul would still be hesitant to leave your bed. You’d remind him that the sun could quite literally burst him into flames, and he’d groan and stomp back into their part of the cave. He’d be back the next night ready to tickle you awake
Marko tried to be nice. He really did. But everything he said to the boy ended up coming out just a little too harsh. Like he was trying to creep him out.Marko was a pretty affectionate guy. He considered himself the king of PDA, so every time your best friend would touch you he’d see red. He’d control himself if it was just a quick hug, but if he threw an arm over your shoulder? Held one of your hands? Kissed your cheek? He’d freak. It didn’t help that he was the biggest fighter of the group, and Paul would have to grab him by the back of his jacket before he could beat him into a pulp. Every single time. When he kissed your cheek, Paul had to drag him halfway down the boardwalk because that dude was just asking to get drained goddammit. 
It didn’t help that you’d glare at him, and he’d give you a look so angry you thought you could see his irises start to turn yellow. When you got back to the cave, the others knew not to even try to get in-between you two. Even David. Marko would grab you, drag you to your bed, and fuck you so hard you’d still have a limp the next time you saw your friend. He was usually pretty wild, but he was only really rough when he was jealous. He’d leave bruises wherever his hands would grab, growl, and snap his fangs at you. He’d let go and let the monster inside him come out to play. You loved it, as it was the only time the boys really showed just how strong they actually were. Of course, he never used his full strength on you, but you couldn’t really tell. He’d drink from you every single time, and he’d bite your shoulder so he wouldn’t end up damaging anything important in his frenzy. Afterwards, he’d be softer than ever, hold you in his arms for hours, and smother you with affection
Dwayne was the hardest to make jealous. He trusted you, and he knew nothing would ever happen between you and your friend. He knew you were as hooked on them as they were on you. The only thing that would ever make him truly jealous was if he thought your friend had a crush on you. And he definitely wouldn’t, would he? Dwayne didn’t pay much attention to him, but he was nice to him when he was. Until one time he saw the way he looked at you when you weren’t paying attention. He saw the look in his eyes, and suddenly Dwayne wasn’t nearly as trusting. He tried to talk to you about it. When you told him there was definitely nothing to worry about because he definitely didn’t have a crush on you, Dwayne realized he had to take matters into his own hands. 
From that night on, his arm way around you every single time your friend was around. He would not-so-subtly stare him down, and he’d be more touchier than usual with you. Wrap his arms around you, or stick his hand in your back pocket. Whatever showed him that you were theirs. And you were definitely not up for grabs. He’d even pull you in for longer than necessary kisses, and would send him a glare the moment you two parted. While you didn’t appreciate how he was treating your friend, you had to admit you didn’t mind the change. Dwayne was never really openly affectionate, even when you were alone. The drastic change was welcomed. He’d take his time with you when you got back to the cave, kissing almost every party of you and just reminding you why you should want him instead. He focused nearly entirely on you, and he didn’t stop until you were a trembling wreck in his arms. He’d hold you in his arms as he calmed you down, and would whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you fell asleep.
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spadejin · 4 years
could i request sfw and nsfw headcanons for dabi and hawks with a non-binary s/o?
Warnings: NSFW Under the Cut, 18+. Mentions of Public Sex. Mentions of BDSM. Slight Dirty Talk. Mentions of Exhibitionism. Mentions of Praise Kink. Oral Mentions (Giving/Receiving).
A/N: You sure can, anon! Sorry for the late submission, it’s been kinda hectic on my side lately, I hope this makes up for it, <3!
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He’s not used to being affectionate through words, so he always uses his actions to show his love for you.
Dabi isn’t really romantic, either. Don’t expect much from him unless it’s a REALLY special occasion. He doesn’t really expect you to do much as his S/O either, he’s pretty low maintenance.
He calls you a lot of pet names: Baby, Babe, Cutie, Sweet Cheeks, Sweetheart, Toots, Peaches, Angel etc.
Actually, I doubt there’s a time that he ever calls you by your name unless it’s serious.
His quirk makes him hot all of the time, so he’s basically a personal heater for you, especially when you’re outside in the winter. He’ll roll his eyes and call you clingy, but he won’t really stop you.
Dabi’s favorite place for you to sit is in his lap, no matter where you both are. In public (the rare times you both are out), around the league, or alone, he wants you in his lap with his arms around your waist.
Because of his affiliation, he tries not to be out in public too much, and that’s something you’re going to have to understand. More than likely, you’ll be aware of his position in the league, so you both usually settle for at home dates.
If you both do end up going out in public, then it’s at night.
His kisses are a bit rough, and usually unexpected. Sometimes he catches you off guard and he just yanks you back by your arm and slams his lips onto yours. You almost always get a smack delivered to your ass when he’s finished.
Dabi’s a tease. In the streets, and in the sheets, there’s no getting around that.
He’ll always say something to get you flustered, and he almost never has any shame about it.
The league is around? Who cares, he’s still getting you all worked up.
Dabi will randomly come down the hallway and corner you, getting really close to your ear to whisper something completely underwhelming for his actions.
“You’re lookin’ pretty sweet there, peaches.”
Walks away like nothing happened, but he can’t hide the smirk on his face whenever you flush at his actions.
Dabi rarely “argues,” just for the simple fact that he really doesn’t give a fuck. If you want to address him about something, then do it calmly. Otherwise, he’ll just stop listening.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a temper though. If you push his buttons enough, he’ll probably raise his voice at you a little bit if he’s stressed out.
Arguing with Dabi isn’t fun. He’s so blunt that it hurts. To add more salt in the wound, he’ll just leave after you both have said your pieces, giving you both time to reflect upon what you said. Sometimes he’ll stay gone only for a few hours. If it’s REALLY bad, he’ll stay gone for about a week or two.
However, arguments ALWAYS lead up to a “fun night.”
Remember how I said Dabi was a tease? Yeah.
He’ll tease the hell out of you before you both even get in the bed. When you’re around Dabi, you have absolutely no choice but to get horny.
If his aura doesn’t get you going, then he will.
He’ll use his fingers to caress your body “innocently,” even though you both know that’s not his intention.
When you’re sitting on his lap, there’s a 90% chance that he’s going to start kissing you neck, and this man isn’t an amateur. Dabi knows exactly where to put his lips to make you feel good.
You’d better get up and bring him someplace private if he doesn’t pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, because he WILL start touching you in front of everyone else.
He loves leaving marks and hickeys up and down your body. You belong to him, and he wants whoever that sees these marks to know that. He refuses to let you cover them up if it isn’t necessary.
He prefers receiving oral other than giving.
Go down on him and expect your hair to be pulled at and tugged whenever you do something to please him. Don’t be surprised if he starts to thrust into your mouth, making you gag on his cock.
As stated before, he knows how to put his mouth to good use. Though he isn’t a frequent giver of oral, you’ll remember that his mouth is heavenly when he uses it on the area in between your legs.
Dabi’s pace depends on his mood, honestly.
He’s usually rough and fast when he’s impatient. If he’s feeling lazy, he’ll let you take control, but don’t get too cocky, because he doesn’t take well to teasing.
He’ll indulge you if you like dirty talking. His mouth has no filter, and the words that formulate on his tongue are sinful!
He’ll be on board with almost any kinks you have.
Degradation? You got it. Restraints? Definitely. Orgasm Denial? Fuck yeah. Overstimulation? Yep. Public Sex? Good luck getting him off you.
Dick piercings. The most prominent one he has is a Jacob’s ladder.
He wakes up horny in the middle of the night often, so be prepared to deal with that.
His favorite place to cum is probably in your mouth or on your back.
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
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In contrast to Dabi, Hawks is pretty romantic, ngl.
Though he might be busy with hero work a lot, he always makes time for you. He’ll go out of his way to see you during his off times.
He basically knows your schedule.
You’re on a lunch break? Nine times out of ten he’ll drop by and pick you up to take you out to your favorite café or restaurant.
Sometimes in the morning he’ll bring you coffee or tea if that’s what you like. Maybe one of your favorite snacks.
He’s known for meeting you after work just to make sure you get home safely.
Sends you frequent texts to check up on you. He’ll remind you to eat, take meds, drink plenty of water, and all that jazz.
He’s also a frequent pet name user. Some are general, some are kind of biased. Babe, Love, Darling, Honey, Sweets; Baby bird, Songbird (Yagami Yato, anyone?), My Little Feather, Chickadee, Hatchling, etc.
I can see him calling you “Kid” pretty often if you’re younger than he is.
Hope you’re not afraid of heights, because he likes flying around with you in his arms. However, if you are scared of heights, then he’ll leave you on ground. He wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack.
Hawks is pretty clingy. He loves being around you. He’ll pull you in his lap, lay his head on your lap, sling an arm around your waist/shoulder, etc. He has no idea what personal space is.
He’s also always kissing you. Expect about a thousand kisses a day from him. He’ll kiss your cheeks, your jaw, your forehead, your nose… Everywhere!
Whenever you both are walking together, he’s always holding your hand, tugging you behind him or letting you drag him around.
He pays you a lot of causal compliments.
“Babe, you’re dressed up all nice. Are you trying to impress me or something, kid?”
He’s always thinking about you, and he lets you know that.
He has a fairly good memory when it comes to you. If you tell him something once, he’ll more than likely remember it for next time. This comes in handy whenever he gives you gifts.
If you both are on a date together and you mention that you like something in a store, it’ll probably appear on your nightstand within a few hours/days.
Not many things ruffle his feathers (literally), so he probably won’t get into a serious argument with you. He’ll probably just call you silly for being upset. Honestly, there’s probably not much you can get mad at him for anyways. I can only think of him being way too playful.
Hawks may be calm and laid back, but you’re probably one of the few people that can make him excited. His wings probably flutter when he’s excited too. Big baby.
Hawks is a switch. A HARD switch.
Sometimes he’ll want to dominate the hell out of you and trap you under him while you squirm with anticipation. His expression is either very serious, or hella playful.
If he’s feeling playful, he’ll tease you.
“What’s that look on your face baby bird? You’re squirming around like you want more.”
If he’s being serious, good luck dealing with him. He’s only ever serious when he gets jealous, which is NOT often.
“You’ve been a naughty one today, babe. I’ll show you who you belong to.”
His voice doesn’t help his dirty talk. His tone is just naturally teasing and smooth, so when he starts talking like THAT, you can’t help but to get all excited.
Though he’s a bratty bottom, he usually turns out to be a whiny submissive. He’ll act like whatever you do doesn’t faze him in the beginning, but he’ll eventually break and start begging.
His wings are sensitive. If you caress them out of nowhere, he immediately melts and moans, submitting easily to your touch. He’ll flinch, trembling under your fingers and his wings will flutter away whenever you stroke them.
Hawks also has a huge praise kink, giving and receiving Tell him how good he looks pleasing you, or while you’re pleasing him, tell him how good he sounds and that the facial expressions he makes turn you on.
He prefers giving oral as opposed to receiving it, but he’ll never turn down some good head.
He likes hearing the sounds you make for him as he’s using his mouth and tongue on you.
Hawks is also a big fan of quickies. Sometimes he needs some quick satisfaction in the middle of a busy day, so if he gets his hands on you, you might as well just let it happen or you’ll be in for it that night.
He likes to release inside of you. Inside of your hole, or inside of your mouth, it’s just whatever he feels like doing at that moment.
When Hawks is feeling particularly loving, he’ll be slow and caring. He’s very sensual, and it’s been a long time since he’s done something sexual with someone he actually loves. He pulls you close and looks into your eyes as he slides his cock in and out of you.
He probably has a thing for dry humping/grinding. He likes the feeling of cumming in his pants because of you.
He’s really good at phone sex, so you should be cautious whenever you answer calls from him. He’ll just come out of nowhere with it, and get you all desperate to see him later.
In addition to this, he likes sexting too, and he will usually start off with sending you a picture of himself. Perhaps it’ll be a picture of him fully clothed with his bulge clearly visible, straining against his pants. OR he’ll send you a straight up nude, cock dripping precum and everything.
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Tiny Pretty Phantoms
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Title: Tiny Pretty Phantoms
Words: 2241 (only a short one)
Summary: Charlie and his girlfriend are separated by work.
Requested: Sort of. The lovely and talented @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ got this request. Charlie x reader where the reader is on a tv show like ahs or something that’s not necessarily “kid friendly”. But as she’s not taking them atm, I decided to swipe this one. I hope the anon who requested it doesn’t mind.
TW: Swearing, alluding to sexual intercourse. That’s it I think. If I miss anything, message me so I can edit.
Author’s notes: I’m baccccckkkk. This was my way of getting back into writing reader fic. It’s been a while, and I hope y’all haven’t forgotten me. Also, while I’ve seen Tiny Pretty Things, I know nothing about the cast, so anything I’ve written, is completely made up.
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Being back at home in my parent’s home was both reassuring and strange all at the same time. I’d been living in L.A. for almost two years, hundreds of miles away from home. While I missed my family like crazy, I loved being out in the world, being independent, and chasing my dreams.
However, rejection after rejection after rejection were beginning to weigh heavy on me and I had been starting to regret making the move. I’d been considering heading back home and teaching dance to kids. Then, I met Charlie through a mutual friend.
From the moment I met him, there was something that drew me to him; it wasn’t particularly hard. He was charismatic, funny, and crazy talented. The good looks were an added bonus. From that first meeting, we’d been inseparable and after six months, I gave up my apartment and moved in with Charlie and his friends.
We both booked jobs on upcoming TV shows within a week of one another, and we’d celebrated the news hard. A week of partying with your friends had wrecked the apartment, but it had totally been worth it. The main difference between our shows were the target audience. His, Julie and the Phantoms was aimed at a younger demographic to mine, Tiny Pretty Things. I was just glad to be using my ballet background as well as my acting abilities. He was also playing a main character, while I was to be in the background.
I was jolted from my memories by my phone ringing, Charlie’s face filling the screen. With a smile, I answered the facetime call.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey, babe. I miss you.” Charlie was still in L.A., but he was at a boot camp thing that the legendary Kenny Ortega was running.
“I miss you too. How’s it going?” in answer to my question, he held up his hand. I could see band aids wrapped around his fingers. “What did you do?”
“It’s nothing. Guitar war wounds.”
“Poor baby.” I snarked, grinning at the mock upset look on his face. “Oh please. You’re loving every minute.”
“Babe, I really am.” His grin was wide. “When do you fly out to Toronto?”
“Not for another three weeks. I’m back in L.A. the day after tomorrow though. Will I get to see you?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure if we get any time off before we head up to Vancouver for filming.”
I couldn’t help the groan that escaped me. I hadn’t seen him for over two weeks, and I was going insane. It was one of the reasons behind my trip to see my family. They were enough to distract me, at least until I climbed into my childhood bed, the bed that only held me at night. That was when I missed him the most.
“That sucks.” I felt the lump in my throat, an indication I was close to tears.
“I know, babe. I know. I’m gonna try and get back, even if it’s just one night.”
“Please do.” I missed him, missed waking up next to him, missed just goofing around and hanging out with him. He was the man I loved, and I hated us being apart.
:: ::
I’d been in Toronto for almost six weeks. A month and a half had passed since I last saw Charlie, and it was killing me. It wasn’t as if I was alone, far from it. I may not have been playing a main character, but the entire cast of Tiny Pretty Things were close, even those of us in the background. We’d all been put through our dancing paces until we were exhausted – that had a habit of bringing people together.
Charlie and I spoke most days, if we could, and when we did, we were often interrupted by cast mates. Through our facetime calls I became friends with Jeremy, Owen, and Madison, and he became friends with the girls I was rooming with, and Brendan who played Shane. He and I had been partnered up during rehearsals and had become close. It didn’t bother him I wasn’t a main character and he was.
I had a rare night off while the main cast were working hard on some night scenes, so I was able to kick back in my room and relax. And I made the most of it. While a hot bath was running, I connected my phone up to my speaker and hit play on a relaxing playlist Charlie had made for me before we’d had to say our goodbyes and fly to opposite end of Canada.
I’d just sank into the steaming water, bubbles up to my chin when my phone rang. Reaching over, I managed to pick it up, and saw Charlie’s face on the screen. Quickly swiping, I answered the call, despite wanting to stare at the photo I’d taken almost a year ago when we’d gone camping.
“Well, if I’d have known you were in the tub, I would have called sooner.” He grinned as he spoke, making me roll my eyes.
“Charles Gillespie, you’re a damn perv.” I attempted to scold him as he pretended to try and look around the screen to see if he could see anything. Joke was on him, the bubbles came up to my neck.
“Only for you.” I laughed at the corny line. “Hey, why are you in the bath anyways?”
“Because I ache like a motherfucker and I don’t have any night shoots tonight. So, a hot bath is in order. I’ve been dancing almost non-stop for ten hours a day for six weeks. I never did this much when I was with the company.” I knew I was whining; knew I sounded like a petulant child, but I needed to get it off my chest. All of us in the cast moaned to one another, but it wasn’t the same as venting to my boyfriend, no matter how much I loved my job.
“I’m sorry, babe. If I could take the aches away, I would.” I knew he would too.
“I know. Ignore me, I shouldn’t be putting this on you. How’s your set?”
We chatted for almost an hour, Charlie making me laugh about his previous night’s filming eating what he said felt like hundreds of cold hot dogs, making me laugh so much, my stomach was starting to hurt when I climbed out of the bath – much to his enjoyment – and wrapped myself up in a large, soft towel. We carried on talking as I made my way into my room and got myself ready for bed.
“Look, I gotta go. But I’ll call you tomorrow?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” I couldn’t help but sigh when the call ended, and as I snuggled up in bed, wearing one of his t-shirts, I also couldn’t help crying. It was the longest we’d been apart in over six months, and even though I was loving my job, it hurt how much I missed him.
:: ::
When I walked onto set the following day, it felt as if everyone was acting a little shifty. No one seemed to look at me directly and whenever I initiated a conversation, they either found something else to do, or the director made us begin working.
“Hey, we’re all going out for dinner and karaoke tonight. Make sure you look pretty.” Brendan whispered in my ear as we got into position in the ballet class, ready for our scene.
“Uh, okay. Sure.” He gave me a smile before walking away.
We’d all be out a few times during filming and the rehearsals we’d had before, but this was the first I’d heard about plans for tonight. Rolling my neck and stretching my arms, I put it out of my mind as I followed the instructions of the director as the scene began around me.
By the end of the day, I was yet again exhausted, and the last thing I wanted to do was go out. But, as I packed up my gear, putting my comfiest shoes on, Brendan came over.
“Don’t forget we’re going out. We’re all meeting up in about an hour. Make yourself pretty.”
“Can I give it a miss? I’m ready to have a shower and crawl into bed.” He knew how I was feeling, I could see it etched onto his face too.
“Not tonight, sweetheart. Attendance is mandatory for all.” He flashed me a wide smile before spinning away from me, no doubt off to get ready.
When I got back to the apartment I was sharing with a couple of the other female background cast, they were almost ready. The three of them ushered me into the bathroom to shower, telling me to find a nice dress.
The shower did reinvigorate me, and by the time I was dressed and applying my make-up, I was feeling much better, and was even looking forward to some great food and a good night. There were no shoots the next day, so we were able to let our hair down for the night.
When we all met up, the atmosphere was electric. We’d all worked so hard, and were more than ready for a night of not having to worry about getting up early or having to be in hair and make-up at the crack of dawn.
“Ready for a great night?” Brendan asked, linking arms with me as our huge group began to walk to a restaurant nearby we’d all been to on more than one occasion.
“I am actually. Thanks for making me come.”
“No worries, sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on the top of my head before turning to talk to the two guys behind us.
:: ::
Moving from the restaurant after dinner, we all made our way to a club where all of us were able to let go. I got myself a drink from the bar, and stood on the edge of the dance floor, watching my cast mates and friends having the time of their life, showing off their dancing skills. Laughing, I finished my drink, I put my empty glass down and joined them, losing myself in the deep bass. Brendan was in the center, lapping up the attention in a way only he could. He and Barton, who played Oren in the show, were busting out one of their routines from the show and had attracted a hell of a crowd.
As everyone whooped and hollered, I moved away, needing to head to the bathroom. I pulled my phone out of my purse to check if I’d missed any messages or calls from Charlie, but my screen was blank beyond a photo of the two of us. Disappointment flooded me as I shoved the phone back into my purse. Just as I zipped it up, I crashed into someone, strong hands grabbing my waist to stop me falling over.
Thinking my mind was playing tricks on me as my senses were invaded by the aroma of Charlie, the aroma I knew as well as my own. I looked up to find my boyfriend smiling down at me.
“What… how… huh?”
“Surprise, by airplane, Brendan organized it. Hew knew you were missing me as much as I missed you, So Kenny gave me a couple days off while Madi does some scenes with Jadah.”
“You’re really here?” I still wasn’t sure I was hallucinating.
“I’m really here, until tomorrow afternoon.”
With a squeal, I flung my arms around his neck, and kissed him. The evening suddenly got one hundred percent better.
:: ::
Waking up wrapped up in Charlie’s arms was the best thing. I’d missed it so much, and I knew I was going to struggle when he had to leave again, but I felt so happy being with him.
After he’d surprised me at the club, we’d mingled with my friends for a while before slinking away, going back to the apartment and making the most of the quiet as we got reacquainted with one another, multiple times, all night. So much so that when I managed to untangle myself from Charlie’s arms and legs to go to the bathroom, I ached in a completely different way I had been from work.
Once I was finished in the bathroom, I swiped my phone off the counter in the kitchen and sent a text to Brendan.
Thank you. I owe you one.
Once it had sent, I set the phone down and crawled back into bed with Charlie, making the most of having him with me. Especially naked.
Tagging: (strikethrough unable to tag) @dream-a-little-bigger-x​​ @calamitykaty​ @crybabyddl​​ @xplrreylo​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @lovesanimals​​ @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve​ @echocharm17618​​ @kinda-really-lost @n0wornever​ @all-in-fangirl​ @5sosmukefan​ @kcd15​ @charliesmountains @amazinggracy​ 
If you want to be added to my taglist, drop me a message.
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1-800-smash · 4 years
could u do the alphabet with bakugo?🥺
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「 learning the alphabet. 」
feat. bakugo.
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summary: bakugo isn’t the most patient person in the world, but he’s going to take his time teaching you things you won’t ever forget any time soon ;)
warnings: nsfw content.
[ all character’s are aged up appropriately. ]
word count: 2k
request: @anon — ❝could u do the alphabet with bakugo?🥺❞
@anon — ❝hey! can i get bakugou with a, b, i from the alphabet? thank you so much :)❞
@anon — ❝your writing is so nice! can i request the alphabet for Bakugou plz?❞
@anon — ❝Can you please do the alphabet for bakugou?🥺❞
a/n: here is a little treat before kinktober! i hope you all enjoy it, and i can’t wait to write more for you all! ♡ — shelbs.
submitted — [09.30.20]
nsfw below the cut.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
⚘ for bakugo, aftercare depends on the sex.
⚘ during more intimate moments he’s more willing to care for you after, showing you just how much he loves you through these smaller actions.
⚘ giving you an extra pillow or rubbing small circles into your back, you name it.
⚘ but if you two are just fucking?
⚘ good luck with that.
⚘ he’s much more focused on catching his breath and getting comfortable under the covers but regardless, cuddles are a definitely happening.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
⚘ he’s absolutely obsessed with your thighs.
⚘ the way he sees the muscles in your thighs work as you sink yourself down on his cock over and over, your breasts bouncing in every direction as you set the hard pace.
⚘ he loves gripping his fingers into them as he tries to control your movements, your breathy moans urging him to go faster.
⚘ for him, his favorite body part is his arms.
⚘ he spends a lot of time working out and toning his body for hero work, so when he sees you enjoying his handiwork, he gets pretty smug.
⚘ but also because he loves the feeling of you wrapped in his arms after, protecting you from anything and everything that might try to hurt you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
⚘ bakugo never has a bad orgasm with you, he’s always giving you everything he’s got.
⚘ there’s no way he couldn’t, with just how your walls milk him after every time he makes you cum around his cock.
⚘ when bakugo cums, he cums hard.
⚘ and that means an even bigger mess to clean up.
⚘ honestly, it’s a surprise how you haven’t ended up pregnant...
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
⚘ he secretly likes when you take control in the bedroom.
⚘ he’d never tell you this, of course.
⚘ but sometimes, he likes the idea of you throwing him back onto the bed and just fucking riding him until he’s a whimpering mess.
⚘ other times, he wants to feel loved too.
⚘ instead of making love to you, he wants you to make love to him.
⚘ if that makes sense.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
⚘ now this is just my opinion here but-
⚘ i think bakugo wouldn’t be very open to having sex with just anyone.
⚘ he’s very tsundere when it comes to liking someone, and his personality can be a bit much for people at times.
⚘ not to mention he’d be so focused on surpassing deku and becoming the number one hero, that relationships wouldn’t be something he’d want to commit to.
⚘ so depending on when you two become an item, bakugo might still be a virgin.
⚘ now that’s not say he wouldn’t ever have sex before you, but the possibility is there.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
⚘ he loves fucking you from behind.
⚘ his fingers gripping onto your hips so hard that they leave bruises, while he pounds into you until you can’t even see straight.
⚘ he gets better leverage this way as his hand comes down to force your head into the mattress as he continues slam his hips into you.
⚘ he’s also really into sixty-nine.
⚘ your mouth wrapped deliciously around his cock and he delves his tongue into your slick folds.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
⚘ he wouldn’t be humorous AT ALL.
⚘ unless he’s teasing you, but that’s another thing all on its own.
⚘ he’s too in the moment to be joking around, wanting instead to focus on you and all the ways he can make you scream his name in ecstasy.
⚘ would definitely still call you ‘dumbass’, even in your more intimate moments.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
⚘ bakugo likes to keep his pubic hair trimmed and not too messy.
⚘ doesn’t mean it might not get out of hand sometimes.
⚘ but he’s pretty good at keeping everything neat and well groomed.
⚘ it’s the same color as his own ashy blonde hair, with a little of the same jaggedness to it as well.
⚘ although, since he keeps it trimmed, it’s not as messy as his own hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
⚘ he’s not very romantic when it comes to sex, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be.
⚘ when it comes to special moments between the two of you, he’s more likely to slow down and take his time with you.
⚘ but bakugo likes having sex.
⚘ like a lot.
⚘ so more often times than not, he’s going to be fucking your brains out, feelings be damned.
⚘ that’s his way of showing you how much he loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
⚘ he doesn’t jack off as often when he’s in a relationship.
⚘ why should he now that he has you?
⚘ like i said, bakugo likes sex.
⚘ he’d much rather be making you cum all over his cock than simply fisting it by himself.
⚘ the only time he really takes the time to touch himself is if you two are doing it together or he’s away for work.
⚘ otherwise, your pussy is the only thing that he wants wrapped around his dick.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
⚘ teasing is a big one for him, he loves to make you all hot and needy for him.
⚘ and the way you practically beg him to just put it in and fuck you already, well...
⚘ let’s just say, you’re lucky bakugo still has some restraint.
⚘ otherwise, there is no way you’d be walking straight ever again.
⚘ because when it comes to you, all he wants is to show you whose cock you belong to.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
⚘ get him aroused enough in public and there’s a good chance he’ll fuck you as soon as he gets the chance.
⚘ and especially if you’re acting like a brat.
⚘ he likes how easily he can take control in situations like these, you being too caught up with his actions to protest.
⚘ but on the other hand he doesn’t want anyone seeing you in such a vulnerable state that’s meant for his eyes only.
⚘ but god, if he doesn’t enjoy hearing you desperately hold back your moans as he’s fucking you.
⚘ “shut up, dumbass... you don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?”
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
⚘ i think the better question is, what doesn’t turn him on?
⚘ he’s down to fuck whenever and wherever, doesn’t matter the circumstance.
⚘ it’s hard enough for his to resist you as it is, with you being so goddamn sexy and all.
⚘ sometimes he just can’t help himself, he just HAS to have you right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⚘ while bakugo can be rough at times, there is no way he’d want to actually hurt you.
⚘ he cares about you too much to see you in any significant amount of pain.
⚘ now that’s not to say he won’t punish you, of course.
⚘ especially when you’re being a goddamn brat.
⚘ spanking your ass until it’s nice and red, maybe a little love bite here and there.
⚘ but at any point if you’re in pain or crying, he’s right there to calm you down and whisper sweet words of affection while rubbing circles into your back.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
⚘ he won’t lie to you, he definitely prefers receiving than giving.
⚘ that’s just how he is.
⚘ doesn’t mean he won’t take his sweet time sitting himself between your thighs, lapping at all your sweet juices as he holds you down in place.
⚘ bakugo is NEVER one to half-ass things, especially when it comes to you.
⚘ and while he would much rather receive than give, he’ll never disappoint you in the slightest.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
⚘ bakugo likes to keep a hard and fast pace when he’s slamming his hips into yours.
⚘ he’s fascinated by all noises that he can draw out of you when his cock is buried into your heat all the way down to the base.
⚘ and god, does that not feel so fucking good.
⚘ sometimes he’ll want a slower and more sensual pace, but that’s usually saved for special moments.
⚘ like when the two of you are celebrating your anniversary, or when you both decided to make a little brat of your own.
⚘ but, on rare occasions, he just wants to make love to you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
⚘ he really likes quickies.
⚘ like i mean, he really likes them.
⚘ you two have some extra time to yourselves? might as well let him fuck the shit out of you.
⚘ and he’s not going to stop until you’re practically begging to cum.
⚘ then, and only then, will he reach his fingers down to press tiny, fast circles to your clit.
⚘ he’s going to give you one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had in your entire life.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
⚘ he’s down for some experimentation.
⚘ as long as it’s nothing too extreme and you both agree to do it, he’s more than willing to go along with whatever you might want to do.
⚘ remember kids, safety first!
⚘ however, i don’t think bakugo would want to be pegged.
⚘ at least not without some solid convincing on your part.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
⚘ he can last for about 2 hours maximum.
⚘ what can he say? he’s got a lot of stamina, especially for the woman he loves so goddamn much.
⚘ he’d be more than glad to fuck you for two hours straight, and god only help you if you let him.
⚘ needless to say, you won’t be walking for a few days.
⚘ now for bakugo, the rounds depend on how needy the both of you are for each other.
⚘ and for that, the highest he can go is five rounds in one night.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
⚘ he would be totally down to use sex toys with you.
⚘ i mean, this man can fuck you good enough on his own, but sometimes you got to throw something new into the mix.
⚘ he’d even be down to go with you when buying them, but he’d probably not say much.
⚘ as much as bakugo would want to do it, he still has his shy side when it comes to certain things.
⚘ especially when it comes to buying something as lewd as sex toys in public.
⚘ he’s a tsundere, after all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
⚘ this can go one of two ways; he gets too worked up himself and gives in or, he teases you until you’re absolutely begging for his cock.
⚘ there is no in-between.
⚘ sometimes bakugo doesn’t have the patience to tease you.
⚘ but other times, that’s all he wants to fucking do.
⚘ either way, he’s going to be making you cum so many times that you’ll both lose count.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
⚘ he’s not very vocal when it comes to moaning during sex.
⚘ expect a few grunts and curses here and there, but moans...
⚘ nope.
⚘ he’ll get louder the closer he is to cumming as he pounds his hips into yours, the sound of skin slapping against skin reverberating around the room.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
⚘ something bakugo would never tell you, is that he really wants to start a family with you.
⚘ as i said before, bakugo would need to like you a lot to even consider dating you let alone have sex.
⚘ so if he’s with you, it’s for the long road.
⚘ and that includes having kids of your own.
⚘ this is probably not until much later in your relationship though, as kids are a big commitment and he doesn’t want to get into that right away.
⚘ but thinking about you all big and regnant with his kid, is definitely something he won’t want to stop picturing any time soon.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
⚘ he’s 5.8 inches, circumcised.
⚘ his cock is a bit on the thinner side, with a nice, long vein running from the underside all the way to the tip.
⚘ he goes absolutely feral whenever you run your tongue up and down along it.
⚘ and don’t even get him started on when you swirl your tongue around the tip, he fucking loves when you do that.
⚘ just know what you’re getting yourself into if you even tease him the slightest, you’re asking for a whole world of trouble.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
⚘ bakugo has a pretty high sex drive.
⚘ no no, i still don’t think you understand.
⚘ he has a pretty HIGH sex drive, like he wants to fuck ALL THE TIME.
⚘ it’s almost surprising... almost.
⚘ but really just give him an inch and he’ll take a fucking mile.
⚘ he doesn’t even need an excuse to fuck you, he just HAS to.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
⚘ he can be pretty quick to fall asleep afterwards.
⚘ especially after you two just had a round of rough sex.
⚘ what can he say? you take a lot out of him.
⚘ in only the best ways, of course.
⚘ he loves showing you just how much he cares about you when it comes to sex...
⚘ and with bakugo, there’s no way he’d ever let you forget it.
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drxwsyni · 4 years
if you have requests open, could you please do a blurb/scenario where overhaul is too needy and clingy for touch ? it would be nice to see him be normal once. like the s/o is doing something like reading, and then suddenly he starts smoothering her in kisses, wanting to cuddle and etc. ?
how dare you come into my inbox and request something so gosh diddly darn soft anon, this is a yandere blog for crying out loud. also i’ve never really written fluff before, so i hope this lives up to your expectations given where i took this. i really spent a while trying to make this so i’m sorry if it wasn’t what you imagined. anyhoot―thanks for requesting my fav villain!
warnings: implied kidnapping and stockholm syndrome
Yandere Chisaki Kai/Overhaul x f!Reader
(2.9k words)     Title: affection
Time seemed to pass quickly in an unchanging environment. Having lost yourself long ago to the stagnant surroundings and uncompromising directives, existing was now a calm, passive experience.
Gradually, your mindset began to shift. Likely for the better, you acknowledged and accepted the proclamations of Chisaki Kai.
It was peculiar―there was a certain attachment he had to you, and it was quite evident. He cared for you, but it was on a detached level. Few times existed in your memory in which he had displayed innate affection, something with physical warmth to it. Mostly, his devotion was shown in the act of providing for you―maintaining your good health, a comfortable place to rest, relaxing pastimes―anything to make your life with him more pleasant.
When it came to more personal exchanges, Chisaki was lacking deeply. On the rare occasion he’d indulge you in closeness, but something seemed to be holding him back. Contact was limited―a hand on the small of your back, moving a strand of wayward hair from your face. If he was feeling particularly bold, he might gently cup your cheek as he admired the details in your irises for a fleeting moment.
It never moved beyond these happenings though, whether you wished they would or not.
You took them as they came, but slowly the lack of contact was having its own effects on your health. It was more of a mental than physical affliction―the loss of touch meant the loss of an irreplaceable comfort.
Unfortunately, Chisaki had his boundaries, something you were well aware of. It was the driving force preventing you from bringing up the concern. Instead, you continued to subsist day in and day out. By now the need to resist had faded completely, and you were left to the subjection of his will.
Today, that will had you occupied in his office. The yakuza leader seemed to take solace in your company, although distant, thus having you frequently stationed in his proximity. Novel in hand, leaning against the armrest behind you, your mind drifted from the contents of the pages as you relaxed against the soft leather. Always in his line of site, the couch you were laying on was positioned against the wall to Kai’s right as he worked diligently at his desk.
If there was one trait of his that prevailed over all others, it was his attention to detail in your condition. He picked up on everything before you comprehended the reality yourself. It was because of this you eventually began to willingly let him make all the decisions, knowing you’d never be on the same level of proficiency.
His office was normally a quiet environment―you deduced it was something he maintained when you were around. It was easier to immerse yourself in a good book like this, devoid of distractions. Yet, every so often your thoughts departed from the story, taking up residence in the details of your surroundings.
The warm yet sufficiently illuminating lighting, crisp and sterile scented air, ambient noises of a quietly ticking clock or the typing of a keyboard. It all served to subdue your nerves, letting your mind ease into placidity. Your eyes drifted to the wall on your left, lost in the grooved details of the high-grade wooden panelling.
Your head turned to the source of the sound, pulling you out of your thoughts. Chisaki had moved to seat himself on the edge of the couch next to you, a look of worry in his eyes coupled with slightly furrowed eyebrows. You offered a hum in response.
“How did you sleep last night? You tend to get...distracted, when you’re tired.” He must’ve noticed the wandering look in your eyes―eyes that should've been focused on your novel. As always, he knows you better than you know yourself.
“Well enough, I guess.” You gave a warm smile in hopes of easing his concerns.
He continued with an inquisitive look. “How many hours?”
You knew the question to be an order to tell the truth, despite it sounding harmless enough. “Maybe five. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep.”
Chisaki let out a sigh, likely disappointed at the response.
Yet, it would seem today he was feeling generous with affection.
His gloved right hand drifted to your face, settling on cupping the side of it while his thumb lightly caressed your cheekbone. “You know to wake me up if you're having trouble sleeping.”
“I didn’t want to bother you Kai. I’m really not that tired, so you don’t need to worry.” Upsetting him was the last thing you wanted to do, knowing how it affected his ability to work sometimes.
“We’ve been over this before, angel. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing. If something is wrong you’re to tell me immediately.”
But you couldn’t tell him what was wrong. The truth was something even he wouldn’t be able to fix as far as you were concerned.
You could have woken him up last night, and you probably would’ve been met with sleeping pills to ease your affliction. It would’ve done the trick, but in reality it wouldn’t have been what you truly needed. Even after all this time, admitting it to yourself was difficult. But you couldn’t deny the comfort you felt in his touch. The two of you even slept in the same bed―it wouldn’t take much for him to fix the issue if he wasn’t so insistent on ‘giving you your space.’
For now, you resolved to lean into his hand, silently conveying your feelings. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I’d be up for so long.”
He must’ve picked up on the movement, seeing as his eyes widened ever so slightly. Much to your surprise, he didn’t withdraw his hand.
Once again he regarded you with mild distress. “Your health will deteriorate if you remain exhausted. Tell me next time, I’ll give you something to help with the restlessness.”
That’s not what you wanted. “I don’t like taking the pills though. They make me feel...weird.”
He gave a small laugh, “How else am I supposed to put you to sleep?”
You bit down on your lower lip nervously, looking away from his gaze. He’d likely never understand, and it was a reality you would have to get used to―just as you had with all the other difficulties he presented you.
“Hey, look at me.” Your eyes immediately followed his command, seeing him now glaring down at you. “You’re acting strange, what are you thinking about?”
What were you supposed to tell him?
You’d have to lie your way out of this one and pray he didn’t pick up on it. You opened your mouth to speak, but a knock at the heavy wooden door effectively cut you off.
“Just a minute.” Chisaki called out to whoever provided the interruption before regarding you again. His hand slipped to the top of your exposed knee, given that you were wearing a dress that came just above it. “Whatever’s wrong―you're telling me later, understand?”
You gave a small nod in response, which he deemed satisfactory enough.
Giving your knee a small squeeze, he stood from the couch, moving to retake his place in the chair behind his desk. He invited the individual waiting on the other side of the door in, and you returned to the company of your book.
Yet, as hard as you tried to focus on its contents, you couldn’t help but fret over the prospect of having to tell him exactly how you were feeling.
The following couple of hours were spent in the continued presence of Kai as he dealt with a few of his subordinates in the office. Since the interaction you picked up on his brief glances in your direction, doing what you assumed was making sure you weren’t falling asleep.
Eventually, dinner had rolled around. The two of you ate in almost complete silence, save for a few comments made here and there regarding your opinions on the new novel you were reading, and him on having to deal with some incompetent underlings.
It would seem for the moment he had disregarded his promise to interrogate you on the topic of your change in behaviour. Maybe for once he wouldn’t be so painfully thorough, and instead let this one incident slide.
That’s what you hoped for, not being able to come to terms with the reality of having to tell him the truth. But you knew better―he was never one to go back on his word, not even with you.
Chisaki returned to the office for a few hours after dinner, letting Kurono accompany you on a walk through the compound's courtyard.
The place was by far your most favoured area in the base. It was the only thing that really changed in your life―the seasons, weather, anything nature had to offer―the only constant that was inconstant. You always took as much time as possible to relish in the environment, and were never truly satisfied by the time you were escorted away, back to the shared bedroom.
Kai was already in the room when you returned, some unidentifiable files in hand as he sat on the edge of the bed, hunched over the papers.
It was fairly late, nearing when he had designated an appropriate bedtime for yourself.
He lifted his head as you entered the room, watching as you shut the door behind you.
“I drew you a bath. We’re having that talk once you’re ready for bed.”
Following his unspoken commands, you headed into the bathroom, not before picking out a pair of pyjamas for the night.
Naturally, you spent as long as possible soaking in the gradually cooling off water. Having scrubbed your body down long ago, it was now a matter of biding your time until you could work up the courage to return to him.
Unfortunately that courage never came, rather it was more of an inescapable dread that you had no choice but to deal with. If you waited any longer it would only make things worse for the both of you.
Coming to terms with the situation, you finished up with your bath and finished getting ready for bed.
Upon exiting the bathroom you saw Kai was already in bed, sitting up against the headboard on his phone. By the end of the day he never truly finished his work as far as you could tell, leaving times like this to be spent tending to emails or occasionally answering a phone call. He never bothered to hide his occupation from you. It wasn’t always a bad thing, but some of the discussions he had were, for lack of better words, alarming. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.
The only light left on in the room was that of the lamp on his bedside table. His eyes never strayed from his phone as you made your way over to your side of the bed. You settled for lying on your side, facing away from him under the blankets.
It was around 9:00 pm at this point. Normally Chisaki stayed up for a couple of hours, either in bed on his phone or at the small desk just to the side of the room. He insisted that you go to bed at the same time every night, and remained in the room to make sure you actually fell asleep.
Like usual, the two of you never talked in these moments. That continued to be your reality for a few minutes, but his promise was more than enough to keep the exhaustion away for the time being.
You heard a deep sigh from his side of the bed, followed by the gentle thud of a phone being laid on the nightstand. There was a slight shift in the bed before movement ceased once again.
“So, what’s on your mind?”
You really didn’t want to open up to him about this. “Nothing really, I guess.”
For the most part you’d been good at hiding it, but last night was just one amongst many that had you awake for long hours. Keeping the issue from him wasn’t the easiest, but it was better than the alternative―than this.
“Angel, I’m going to need you to cooperate here. I can tell your behaviour has changed.”
Maybe you weren’t as good at hiding it as you thought.
“Just a little tired is all, I’m fine.”
You’re definitely not fine.
“How long have you felt like this.”
Longer than you could feasibly remember, but you digress.
“Maybe a month...or two.”
The pause suggested that, like you expected, your answers tonight would likely irritate him.
“I’ll pick up some medication to help you stay asleep then.”
Again with this, it’s like he has selective memory or something.
“I don’t li―”
“You don’t like the way it makes you feel, I know. But you’ll fall ill if you remain in this state.”
You never had the room to be demanding with Kai. Realistically, you never needed to. Somehow he always managed to take care of everything―even things you didn’t realize were a problem. Not when it came to this however. Nowadays, he just barely missed the mark, and it was enough to cause issues of its own.
“It’s just...not everything can be solved with pills.”
God, what were you saying? It would be so much easier to just accept his answer and move on.
That’s what you thought, but something was causing you to reply against your will, for better or for worse.
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific, my love.” You felt the bed shift once again, the only light going out with a click.
You’ve already dug yourself deep enough into this mess, where’s the harm in going a little further?
“I guess I’m just...lonely?”
There was a moment of silence that felt like it lasted an eternity. You’d never discussed this topic with him before―at least you think you hadn’t. A lot of your memories felt foggy due to the almost completely unchanging routine you’d been subjected to for who knows how long.
You heard another sigh from his side of the bed. It was already something you’d anticipated―him not being able to provide for you in this way despite being more than capable of doing so with all other concerns. All you could do now was wait for the inevitable, medically approached solution he had conjured.
“Well, if that’s the case…” Yet, in a swift motion you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back from your position on the edge of the bed, “...I suppose it’d be quite irresponsible of me to neglect this problem any longer.”
He slotted you securely against his chest, arm remaining firmly draped over your frame effectively keeping you from moving even an inch out of his grasp.
The sudden contact sent your mind reeling, while your body was seemingly unable to put up resistance―but at this point there wasn’t much need to resist anyways. In fact, you were more concerned with Chisaki, him stepping way outside of what you perceived to be his comfort zone.
“I―y-you don’t have to―”
“You should know that I’ve been holding back for your sake. Had I known you were so afflicted I would’ve indulged myself much sooner.”
Naturally, this only confused you further.
“I thought you didn’t like touching people?” Your voice was quiet―small even.
He almost laughed at the comment, but it came out as more of a breathy exhale. “That’s correct, angel.” Almost tantalizingly slow, he started leaving a trail of light kisses down your neck, pausing only to speak. “You however...I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
You felt the grip around your waist tighten ever so slightly. Not in a threatening way―more so to bring you closer to him, if that was even possible.
“Why did you wait?” For as long as you’ve known him, Chisaki was a man to take whatever he wanted without question. So the prospect of your current situation was baffling.
You could almost feel the slight smile he had against your skin as he lightly hovered over it. “I wanted you to come to me first...and now that you have,” his lips ghosted the shell of your ear, “I don’t plan on keeping the same restraint any longer.”
A shiver ran up and down your spine, you inwardly cursing yourself for having sensitive ears.
He continued, “But I suppose for now I should let you sleep, seeing as I’ve been preventing you from doing so for quite some time.” You felt him plant a final, gentle kiss atop the crown of your head.
It had been so long since someone had held you―made you feel genuinely loved―that it had your heart beating a million times a minute. Chisaki must’ve picked up on it, being so close, as his hand drifted to rest atop yours, rubbing small, soothing circles into it with his thumb.
This is what you wanted, right? For him to take this extra step?
Vaguely, you could register a slight feeling of...apprehension?
But, surely there was no need to feel worried anymore. Not after he’d looked after you―cared for you―for so long.
You tried to connect the sensation to reasoning. And yet, no matter how hard your brain searched for answers, a correspondence never formed. Rather, the sentiment faded as quickly as it arised, and was replaced with the comfort of his closeness to you―his affection.
So, you let it gradually lull you into sleep, knowing it’d be there―he’d be there―when you woke up. And it would still be there whenever you needed it, just as everything else was provided for you without you even having to ask.
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