#really dumb fact
theminecraftbee · 9 months
you could make SOMETHING out of the fact that the decked out dungeon is so dangerous that its even killing the beasts inside of it. that ravagers keep losing health for mysterious reasons. even the wardens keep on dying in its halls. and the dungeonmaster is doing his best to mitigate it, but nothing can last in its halls forever. not when the cold saps away and saps away and saps away at anything inside of its health, until...
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timkontheunsure · 3 months
extremely dumb rabbit hole
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Ok so you know how people have been joking that Blitz will assume Stolas is proposing, because some birds use shiny stones in courtship?
So I made the mistake of looking up barn owl courtship behaviour lol 🤦
In gay barn owl, (yes is a thing), it's dominant male getting on top, pinning the other down and biting them on the neck... 😆
They're also birds with high rates of monogamy with their chosen mate pfft.
Edit: a nice person reminded me that the males like mates with lots of spots.
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divorceconnoisseur · 1 year
There's a beat of silence where they just stare at each other. Eddie's face wavers for a second before he snorts, running his hand down his face. "What are we even doing here, man?"
Steve falters, the inanity of the situation hitting him. "I, uh, I think we're about to actually fistfight over-- over who a bunch of 14-year-olds think is cooler."
Eddie considers that briefly, tapping his fingers against his mouth before nodding. "Yeah, okay, I've heard of worst causes. Dukes up, Harrington, let's go!" Eddie pushes up his sleeves and waves his fists in the air cartoonishly as he starts to circle Steve.
Steve laughs, following Eddie as he goes like a compass drawn north. "Oh yeah, man? To the death, right?"
"Of course. Is there any other kind of fight?" Eddie says, overly serious, and abruptly tackles Steve.
They wrestle for a moment, and it's playful and stupid, but it still takes Steve an embarrassingly short amount of time to get Eddie in a headlock.
"This is just sad, man," Steve teases as Eddie struggles. "Those guns just for show, then?"
"Oh shit oh shit not the hair please, please have mercy O King Steve," Eddie laughs breathlessly.
Steve considers it-- Eddie seems to take as much care in his hair as Steve does, and real respects real-- and in that moment of hesitation, Eddie hooks his leg around Steve's and pulls.
Steve yelps as Eddie cackles, dragging them both down into the grass.
He hits the ground with a choked gasp, breath knocked out of him, and he squints up at the sky, unsuccessfully trying to hold back a grin.
He turns his head to say something to Eddie but loses his breath a second time for a very different reason.
Eddie's still giggling to himself in little fits, winding down, and there's a lightness to him at this moment that Steve's never seen, only heard described by the kids pre-Vecna. Laughter suits Eddie Munson, much better than terror or guilt or seriousness, and Steve's suddenly aware that he would do anything in this moment to keep that surprised look of happiness on his face a second longer.
Eddie catches his eyes and turns his head toward him. He's got grass stuck in his hair, and Steve doesn't think before he reaches over.
It's soft. Softer than he was expecting. He's careful not to catch any of Eddie's hair as he pulls out the grass and ends up lingering longer than he means to, setting a curl back to rights before realizing that this is, like, maybe a little weird.
He jerks back, and the back of his hand brushes Eddie's cheek, which is-- which is--
Warm. Soft, too, but with the rough start to stubble, and the feeling of it lingers against his hand like a brand.
Eddie's eyes, dark and impossibly wide, watch him, quiet for once. He wets his lips before speaking, and Steve's eyes catch on that, too, before darting back up to Eddie's. Which, god, what even was that? Why-- why is he--?
"A draw, then," Eddie says, turning over onto his stomach and kicking up his feet, and the weird atmosphere vanishes like it never was. "You are a worthier opponent than I realized, Steve Harrington."
"Oh yeah?" Steve says, relieved and disappointed. "Well, you're not so bad yourself."
Eddie clicks his tongue and fans himself. "You're too kind."
Steve looks away, tracking the clouds passing overhead. "No, really. I know I haven't exactly been, y'know, the world's best welcoming committee-"
"Was pretty convinced you hated my guts, yup." Eddie agrees, nodding.
"I don't. I never did. You're just--" Steve wracks his brain, trying to fit a word to the squirming feeling in his chest that Eddie inspires. "You're really good, y'know?"
"I... don't know, actually." Eddie's voice goes flat, and when Steve turns back to look at him, he's looking at Steve like he's a live snake, or something else dangerous and close to his vulnerable bits.
"You're good with the kids. Good for the kids, too. God, Will's really opened up since he joined your dumb nerdfest. You're good with and to the girls, too, and Jonathan, and Argyle, and probably anyone else that crosses your path. You are, patently, a good dude."
Eddie's mouth opens and closes, but Steve barrels on, feeling electric and more than a little crazy. "And, and it's just-- I don't know, I just--"
"Harrington, if you're about to tell me you think I'm a better man than you, I will lose it," Eddie interrupts regardless, voice high and reedy. "I know you're being, like, genuine and honest right now, but I will laugh in your goddamn face-"
"No, it's not that."
"Okay, I know this directly contradicts what I just said, but the speed with which you said that... Ouch."
"No," Steve shakes his head, frustrated. "I didn't mean it like that. It's-- it's not a competition."
Eddie's eyebrows leap up. "It's not? I invite you to remember what we've spent the last few weeks on."
"That was just an excuse," He snaps his mouth closed the second the words leave his mouth.
"Excuse?" Eddie repeats slowly.
"I just. I don't know, man. Maybe," he swallows. "Maybe I just couldn't handle the thought of you being good to me."
"... Why not?" Eddie asks, eyes focused on him, open, not judging, and god, this is exactly what Steve was worried about.
Eddie looks at him, and Steve--
Kisses him. Can't really do anything else but kiss him.
And when Eddie, after the longest moment of Steve's life, starts kissing him back? It's like the answer to a question he hadn't realized he'd been asking.
Turns out it's not the kids' attention he'd wanted-- or not just the kids' attention, anyway.
When Eddie pulls back, lips red and wet, eyes dark and focused just on him, Steve knows he's finally won it.
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heybiji · 2 years
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welcome home
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vind3miat0r · 2 months
"my child is fine!" your child listens to fictional auditory men comfort them in order to feel validated and loved
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metaben · 1 month
idk why this fandom has such an issue with acknowledging abuse when it isn't Astarion but Gale was pretty obviously abused and groomed and I would rather people in denial of this unfollow me :|
grooming is also not a minor-specific act so trying to use his age as a reason he wasn't abused is pretty dumb and shows both your ignorance and that you don't take abuse on adults seriously. like suddenly cults and brainwashing and power imbalances and human trafficking doesn't exist because you just don't want to see Gale as a survivor of abuse himself lol?
it basically comes down to people being ignorant about what grooming is in wider terms. and even if you want to ignore the actual definition of grooming and how adult survivors are impacted, Mystra is still a GODDESS. if anyone is able to exact a power imbalance on someone equivalent to the traditional child-grooming that you think is the only type to exist, it would be a Goddess to her Chosen
this is also ignoring the fact that he started discovering his powers around 8 and Mystra would have been aware of him immediately?
also-also ignoring Minsc outright describing how magical boys in his village were hidden away from Mystra?
just how is this even an argument? you are simply wrong...
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thranduel · 10 months
astarion, the man who was dying and offered eternal life, but had no idea that it meant becoming a slave to a sadistic master.
astarion, the man who had his freedom and bodily autonomy ripped away from him.
astarion, the man who was forced to befriend, seduce and sleep with people to lure them back to his master, resulting in severe sexual trauma and the struggle to form any sort of intimate relationship.
astarion, the man who was horribly punished whenever he refused his master’s orders (one punishment being sealed away in a dusty tomb, starving, for an entire year. he scratched his hands raw trying to carve his way out).
astarion, the man who was forced to eat rats.
astarion, the man who hasn’t even been able to see his own face since he turned.
astarion, the man who had his body mutilated as cazador carved scars onto his back, which he later found out was to bind him to a ritual.
astarion, the man who is so severely traumatised that he admitted he doesn’t know how to say “no” or ask for help (and he feels guilty when he does).
astarion, the man who waited two centuries to be helped and freed from torture, but no one came.
astarion, the man who was always treated like a monster when all he wanted was to be treated like a person.
astarion, the man who came up to you in the middle of the night just to thank you for defending him and allowing him to make his own decisions.
astarion, the man who said that no one ever looked out for him or showed him kindness, and that you’re the only one. “other people don’t have a heart like you. you’re you. no one is like that.”
astarion, the man who broke the cycle of power and terror that started centuries ago thanks to the love, care and compassion that you showed him when no one else did.
astarion, the man who confessed that he loves you and feels safe with you; something he has never felt with anyone before.
#my darling boy :(#astarion#baldur’s gate 3#bg3#bg3 spoilers#his backstory and character development make me want to bawl my eyes out#this is why i get so angry when people don’t even try to understand him#and when they reduce him to things he’s not#like do you pay ANY attention to anything he says??#or do you just stare at him and drool and then continue to sexualise him#sorry if that sounds dramatic but ughhhhhh man#it’s just incredibly annoying#like i don’t know why some people choose to pick up an intense game with really deep characters if they’re not gonna try to understand them#like they weren’t just made for you to treat them like they’re objects#and what gets me is the fact that astarion would HATE how people talk about him#and yes yes i know he’s not real i’m not dumb i am aware!!!!!#but he would absolutely hate it#that flirty sexy vampire image you have of him isn’t even real#it was a mask he wore#he was literally forced into doing those things#even in the game he has a reputation for flirting and sleeping around but that’s not even who he is or what he wants#it’s all an act#and it’s just so sad how everyone reduces him to that when it traumatises him every day#and apparently there’s a scene with raphael where if you haven’t seen astarion’s scars yet ->#raphael basically says he’s surprised astarion has kept his clothes on for this long and then he strips him naked in front of everyone#it’s so horrible and unfair#i just want to hold his hand and hug him tight. he deserves so much better in the game AND in this fandom#tw abuse#tw sa#my posts
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drbtinglecannon · 3 months
The way I feel about Shuro's crush on Falin is probably the same way fujoshis feels when a girl gets in the way of their yaoi ship
Like hey excuse me sir Falin and Marcille are trying to be lesbians here can you fucking leave
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heckitall · 11 months
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One | Two | Three
you ever need someone outside your family
to make you have the hard conversations
whether you want it or not
cuz same
also! warm water/ice/smelling something strong (like lemons!) can help ground people who are having a panic/flashback
i swear by the warm mug of water
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lucyshypemaster · 4 months
you will NEVER see anyone writing paragraphs after paragraphs hating on keefe like they do with sophie.
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The Ned Stark tag is about to be the worst.
So many idiot "Cregan fans" will be going on about how Ned is a wimp compared to Cregan, when Ned actually fought in the wars he took part in, unlike Cregan who showed up after the Tullys and Blackwoods already did most of the heavy lifting. But honestly both of them made the right decision for the respective situations, Cregan did the right thing in the Dance and Ned did the right thing in the Rebellion. Hell, even comparing their handships is kind of stupid because both situations are completely different. If Ned was put in Cregan's situation, he would probably succeed, just like Cregan did. You put Cregan in Ned's position, and he would probably fail, just like Ned did. The two main reasons Ned really failed at hand was because he didn't fully understand the power of the hand, and because Cersei got help from God(GRRM) when it came to her assassination of Robert. Not because he wasn't "badass" like Cregan. The reason Cregan succeeded was because he entered the handship with the most intact army in the realm behind him, and was able to do some excellent clean up work for a couple of days. But even then he had to be talked out of continuing the war by smarter people who realized that his plans to siege the remaining Green loyalists were just horrible.
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shima-draws · 8 months
My brain: Haha yeah I dunno if I’ll ever get into One Piece I mean it’s so long and such a huge dedication timewise—
Me, already 13 episodes in: Um. Well,
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betterthanbatman1 · 7 months
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I’m so-
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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After Cyn's done tryna kill him, she'll eventually relent and they can get to work... whatever that is. I didn't do the outfit any justice, but the second i saw the Cowboy!Curt mega @ricky-mortis made i was literally like, "yes, that is IT."
This is, in my heart, a cannon fit for this au
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ccarrot · 1 year
Asagiri likes to base his characters off of the protagonists of the literary works by the authors they're respectively inspired by. Ex. Fitzgerald shares Gatsby's charisma, wealth, dubious business ventures, and overwhelming desperation to create the ideal life for his loved ones. In Anne of Green Gables, kindhearted orphan protagonist Anne has a combative relationship with her primary love interest Gilbert, and her stubbornness and pride leads her to frequently beating him up and giving him the cold shoulder. This is most likely the source of our kindhearted orphan protagonist, Atsushi's, relationship with his primary love interest, the stubborn and prideful Lucy.
Another aspect of the way Asagiri writes characters is Dazai. He is undoubtedly Asagiri's favoritest boy, so there's a sizable chunk of the cast that is actually constructed to be a foil to Dazai.
Why'd I mention that? It's because That is a precursor to who I actually wanted talk about, FYODOR! Fyodor Dostoevsky was created to be the ULTIMATE foil to Dazai, his very anthesis. The reason being Crime and Punishment.
C&P follows Raskolnikov, a down on his luck and VERY unstable resident of St Petersburg. Fyodor from BSD is definitely based on him.
Raskolnikov has an ubermensch complex. He sees himself as the dealer of divine justice, a servant of God. Sound familiar?
Raskolnikov believes the pain and suffering in his city being caused by the corrupt pawnbroker. Fyodor thinks that all the sin in the world of bsd is caused by ability user. They both draw a false conclusion. Perceiving the evil in the world is rooted in something that's only a small contributing factor.
They both take. DRASTIC action. Raskolnikov commits murder. Fyodor.... starts an international terrorist organization i guess.
Crime and Punishment is divided into two very distinct parts: The crime - the Murder Raskolnikov commits, and the Punishment, everything he has to deal with afterwords.
Raskolnikov is also! suicidal. it's a notable part of C&P. He frequently thinks about ending things, and wants to drown himself in the river, but then ends up disgusted by the notion when he witnesses someone else attempt.
Basically Raskolnikov is suicidal. Yozo from No Longer Human is suicidal. These are the characters that Fyodor and Dazai are based off, and it can't be a coincidence
Important to note that Both Raskolnikov AND Yozo end up living to an old age by the end of their respective novels.
Dazai and Fyodor are REALLY similar, but their differences are very very striking. Dazai likes people, when he dies he wants it to be a suicide that doesn't inconvenience anyone, he doesn't believe he belongs with humanity. Fyodor believes himself as a man on God's mission, we've only ever seen his ability kill ordinary people, AND he wants all ability users to not exist anymore. But, doesn't killing all ability users include himself?
Basically, I have a theory that Fyodor's ultimate goal with the Book is really an elaborate suicide plan. Because Fyodor doesn't have a GOD complex, he has an UBERMENSCH complex, he sees himself not as the ruler of humans but a CHAMPION of humanity. He's using his belief that ability users are the Root of All Evil as grounds to eliminate them all and himself. He thinks he's taking one for the team. Not only does he want to die, he wants to drag the world down WITH him.
But BSD is about people finding a purpose in life, key word: LIFE! Dazai WILL NOT die because he hasn't found what he's looking for. Fyodor's plan WILL fail. After that what's in store? He'll have to face his punishment, right?
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vind3miat0r · 5 days
oh Porter is IN LOVE in love with Treasure
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