#really thats what tumblr is anyway but it's my beloved
janebonbon · 1 year
wauuuggrrgh Setting up blog aside I want to post art so desperately but we won't allow ourselves until we finish what we need to. It's getting there!! But oh my god. The desperation. Oh well. At least the art queue will be good??? Consistant art... How do I even space that out... Every week? Feels too long. This ain't a TV show! Every other day? Somehow feels too fast... Maybe. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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variksel · 4 months
matthew arnold has mastered the game of tumblr ship teasing and He Knows It
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samwinchestermydude · 6 months
My Supernatural Journey I guess
I actually did go into spn fully expecting to ship Destiel. I came into SPN after watching Merlin, and I had often seen Merthur (my beloved) and Destiel likened together. I barely knew anything about Sam. I only found out that Sam existed because I saw that he was being shipped with his brother on the Ao3 ships polls last year. I didn't know if Sam was important or not because I hadn't seen much content about him. So I ended up calling him the hippie brother mentally.
The only things I thought I knew about Supernatural was that it had some religious stuff in it, Destiel was canon apparently, there were demons and stuff, and John really hated. My impression on Spn was this horror show that was featured this really tough macho dudes but the show was supposedly kind of gay??
I also followed this one person way back for discussing this one video game. They were an ex-supernatural fan way back but left because they found discourse surrounding destiel to be to exhausting. They also used to be a big Sam fan and shipped wincest. I like found the latter to be like really weird back then but man the tides have turned.
So I turned on the Spn pilot with my mom in the same room one day out of sheer boredom. Back then I was still considering Spn as that tumblr show. And then the rest was history, and I lost countless hours of my life obsessing over the show.
So first of all, I only saw one brief glance at Sam before voting for merthur in the wincest vs merthur poll (I'd have probably voted for wincest now lol) so I didn't really know who he was. To me initially he just looked like the 2nd big, gruff dude with long hair. And then I found out that the sweetest looking boy with the floppiest bangs was that guy, Sam.
Also I thought Dean was the younger brother for some reason before watching the show (Probably because Jackles just doesn't age lol). So I was really surprised to see that the little kid in the opening scene was Dean and that the baby was Sam. Oh and I was totally predicting that John died actually in the opening scene and that something else was pretending to be their father lol.
I think I fell in love with the show right away. There was just something really believable and palpable about the brother's estrangement and relationship from the start and I just wanted to see how it developed. S1 is just filled with great horror episodes, and I started watching around October so it was just perfect timing.
So Things that Ended Up Suprising Me the Most/Other Things
I actually ended up really liking John in s1. JDM was just stellar in his all scenes and brought an emotional and sincere side to John. He's tough for sure but he doesn't hide his feelings about his boys. Like you can see the tears in his eyes when they reunite. Also his speech about how he wants Sam and Dean to have normal lives and how he's tired and so broken up after seeing all his friends being killed by meg never fails to hit hard. Do I think John was a good father. No. But he did care about his boys truly. And while I do understand Fandom's widespread dislike of John it is disheartening to see him reduced to this unfeeling caricature. John's problem wasn't that he felt too little; it was that he felt to much and he never really properly managed it and it ended up hurting the his boys.
I thought Meg and Sam would maybe end up being a thing and was like :(((( (because I just liked the bros being by themselves even though I wasn't a wincest shipper at the time lol) but I was also like go Sam if thats what you want ig? Lmao Idk I just wanted Sam to be happy even back then. Anyways thank god that never happened.
Me falling in love with Sam.
Dean. I always saw a lot about him but never found myself to interested in him as all I saw was Destiel content with him. But I ended up falling in love with his character so hard in Devil's trap. When he begs John not to kill him :(((((((((. I think Devil's trap is one of my favorite episodes for Dean. It's when I started to understand him and his loyalty to his family really touched me.
1x22 was also the episode that convinced me SPN was going to be a insane show. Like what a season finale. I feel so bad for the fans who had to wait to watch s2. I actually jumped up and said it ends like that?! The car scared me so bad.
Around s2 I set my foot in the wincest fandom. Back then I thought you guys were scary but in a good way. But I was also getting really into the codependency at the time so I found myself starting to seek wincest out because well you guys just get it. And then Dean sold his soul for Sam and I looked up wincest fic for the first time with the intent to read fic about wincest. Before it was reading wincest fic despite the wincest and then well all hell blew loose (sorry I just had to).
First wincest fic I read: half the man i used to be by dollylux. I wasn't exactly a wincest shipper then. But I thought it was fucked up and strangely fitting to Sam and Dean's relationship and fucked up lives. It was probably the fic that got me into wincest.
I had a bit of an internal rule I set for myself back then where I could only read Wincest fics that were about them being in a fucked and toxic relationship because I felt bad reading fics about an incest ship. So I guess in my mind it cancelled out because then I thought then I wasn't romanticizing the incest lol. Idgaf now. I read anything about Sam/Dean if it's good.
When You're Not Here by raziella was the 2nd wincest fic I read. I read it because it's pretty much gen but it does have some wincest leanings. It's a really good fic.
I gave up Destiel even before s4. It was around in S3 after seeing Sam slowly go insane that I realized I wanted nothing more than the two brothers together.
I just realized that even if Destiel was canon or not nothing could be as important to Dean than Sam was and vice versa for Sam.
I actually was anxious about s4 because I didn't want the show to change that much and drift from the focus on the brothers.
S4 and s5 were really difficult to go through for me. I thought they were great television but it was too painful. I felt horrible seeing what happened to the brothers and how they drifted apart.
S4 Sam hair was probably my favorite.
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justablah56 · 4 months
DNDADS !!!! I'm assuming you're asking me like . what it is n shit . if not . my b . bcs I am about to give you as big of an infodump as I can without spoiling anything lmao .
anyways hello my dear follower , my beloved dungeons and daddies (not a bdsm podcast) is my favorite thing ever <3 it's usually very loosely a dnd podcast , season three tho switches into the call of cthulhu system .
season one is 69 (nice) episodes about four normal world dads and their sons who all get sucked into faerun , a dnd world basically , through a portal while trying to go to their kids soccer game lmao . they end up losing their kids and basically the whole season is them trying to find their kids and then trying to find a way back home with tons of little side quests and detours that they take along the way . most of it is super comedic and lighthearted and it's also just fucking insane sometimes but it also has a lot of super compelling emotional moments and iughencmd it's so good oh my god .
season two is a continuation of the world created in season one , but now the players are playing as the teenaged grandchildren of their original dad characters , and it's heavily influenced by season one so you can't really listen to it on its own . season two is 50 smthin episodes of these teens basically trying to clean up the world after the things that their parents (aka , the kids from season one , aka , the kiddads) and their grandparents did between seasons to try and fix things and kinda ended up making everything worse cbnsndnsnd and it kinda starts off with the kiddads all going missing and suddenly these teenagers are supposed to be in charge of everything the kiddads were originally doing to fix everything . season two is I think a bit less comedic than season 1 , but it does have like . twice as many of those absolutely fucking insane moments lmao , and it does still have a lot of cool emotional moments and ougjfj it's all so good .
a lot of what I post abt usually has to do with this sort of untold season that happened between seasons with the kiddads . a lot of people are very attached to the kiddads , and to me a lot of it is bcs these are the characters we've known for the longest and we've seen them as kids and we see how the events of the first seasons shaped them into the adults they are in season two and man . it's just so cool . season two gives us a lot of small hints to stuff that happened between seasons , and we get a few flashbacks , but there's a lot of stuff that we don't know , and there's so much speculation abt how things happened and it's a very fun sandbox to play in chwndnsnmxx anyways .
season three started just a bit ago , there's 3 episodes so far . they switched who was the dm and so it's a new universe with no relation to the first two seasons , and could pretty easily be listened to on its own . season three is set at some point in the 1950s , and the four characters don't really have like . a solid thing they can all be described as . there's like . a teacher and a weird wife and a car salesman and a teenager . they're great . but it's these four characters who are all in a bowling league together and they're kinda figuring out that hey weird stuff is happening around here and there's monsters and just a ton of stuff and so far it is absolutely hilarious , I love it dearly <3 every character is just . fucking insane . and the dynamic is great , it's just awesome and I personally am having a blast with it so far
ok anyways . thats dndads lmao . if theres anything more specific you want to know literally pleaaaaase ask me and I will be soooooo excited to tell you cndnmxmdmd I'm completely and utterly obsessed with this podcast , I've listened to it . so many times . I will talk about it any chance I get , it's just great . I love it . and that's not even to mention the wonderful community here on Tumblr !!!! it's a relatively small fandom , so for the most part everyone at least recognizes everyone else , and everyone is just so awesome , ive made so many friends through this fandom , its great
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safe-ship-harbored · 2 months
rain world tumblr dash simulator except its my beloved unlore iterators
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❌ Rotten-Masquerade Follow
I have learned a new word. Slaytastic. Apparently it means something is wonderful?
☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
♠️ I-Have-A-Cool-Overcoat Follow
hehe :3
#I should teach Crime funny words!! idk if hes on this website tho :(
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❗ Your-Favorite-NPC Follow
Anyone know what this creature is? It doesn't look like any other creature that I've seen before
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⌛ The-Time-Being
hi thats me
❗ Your-Favorite-NPC Follow
what?. what do you mean by this. and your tags????
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#I have seen a lizard before!! you just don't look like one #have YOU ever seen a lizard? #also why did this get so many notes is this "time being" person really popular or smth
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☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
ugh its so annoying being based on a character from other media
☕️ Silliest-Cafe-Owner
🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
#you still haven't told me who Chuuya is
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🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
Yearning again.
🌊 Red-N-Blue-Rivers Follow
just talk to them!! it can't be that difficult, right?
🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
It's really difficult Peril.
🎤 speak-up-pls
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🦈 Shattered-Waters Follow
hey no that was meant to stay in tags.
#your font hurts to look at...
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🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
I hope I don't have to fight my evil brother today
☄️️ Stardust-Tossed-Aside Follow
🦀 Gravities-Biggest-Hater
no fucking way.
#I'm pretty sure he died to the rot #but still. nice joke
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🐟 fish-posting
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🐟 fish-posting
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it's so dark down here.
#FISH HAS BEEN REAL QUIET SINCE HE POSTED THIS anyways i think this should be tagged with unreality and eyestrain #<- prev im in the void. what is unreal about this? i'll still tag it though. Thank you for pointing that out.
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8 notes · View notes
charbles · 7 months
hey gang- ive been debating leaving tumblr since the ceo was exposed as a zionist, Its been actual hell watching this website silence the voices of those spreading awareness to the genocide in Gaza, the only thing really holding me back is the fact I literally have not used any website besides tumblr for like, the majority of my life, and also my beloved mutuals live here.
Im further pushed into like, leaving due to the rampant transphobia thats been going down recently, as someone whos gender is as fluid as a very oozey goo, I hate seeing the lack of respect towards trans-women.
The fact that someone childish enough to completely delete things that make him look bad is in charge here is genuinely worrisome to me, and frankly, i hope he is exploded by hammers!
Anyway, this is just like, a forewarning!
Catch ya on the flipflop guys
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certifieddoofus1 · 1 year
Aaaaa I’m so nervous to post this kind of content. But hey I gotta get over my fears at some point. 😭💔
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(Also yes I take art requests and art trades. Art trades are preferable. Seriously hit me up! It’s been forever since I last did this! No to commissions, I’m not that good lmao. )
Howdy pals, I’m new on tumblr, I just joined it recently because I like the content on this site. And I was hoping to maybe meet some new friends with the same interests as me…?
Anways! Here is some art I recently made! I’m a super big Yakuza fan, especially of their latest game “Like a dragon”. I “fell in love” with the games new protagonist, Ichiban, and got really tempted to draw some oc x canon. 😭💕One thing you should know about me is I’m super big on the oc x canon community. I’m really supportive of other peoples ships and they make me feel more comfortable about having my own. So be prepared to get a lot of support from me if you have an oc you ship with a canon character too! We oc x canoners stick together!>:) 💕(especially Yakuza ones because I’m OBSESSED *screams*)
Anyways…. ( I need to stop saying Anways so much and expand my vocabulary!! GRRRR. ) Here’s some information about the random “girl” I just had to ship with our beloved Ichiban Kasuga. (But to be fair can you really blame me? Ichiban is super cute. I want to steal him and lock him in my basement. I’d provide him with food and water Ofc. )
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Yume Nakagawa 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
Age: 29
Height: 5’10 (no she won’t step on you.)
Patriarch of the Nakagawa Family. (Formally Tojo. Can’t decide if I want her family to convert to The Omi Alliance or Seiryu clan after the Tojo clan was banished.)
Yume is the type of girl who… idk how to explain it.. the type of girl who doesn’t have a type. She’s unexplainable. There I said it. She’s unpredictable, Erratic, pretty horny, Violent, Cocky. She’s a HUGE flirt… a horrible one too. She makes everyone uncomfortable with her over the top sexual comments. She grew up with a ton of men and they insisted on teaching her their roots, so hence the reason she kinda flirts like a F Boy. (I mean half the time it works but on the other hand…… nah. The men she hits on are concerned. ) If I had to compare her personality to anyone in the Yakuza game series she would probably be the most similar to Nishitani.
୨⎯ "Some Facts " ⎯୨
- Yume usually fights with machetes, her go to weapon. She usually uses them for her more… “extreme fights”. When she just wants to give some one a good beating she’ll just pull out her brass knuckles and go crazy.
- She has a soft spot for children. She hates teenagers tho. Thinks they are the scum of the earth.
- Has a pet possum named Lulu at home. Literally she found the possum in her back yard digging through her trash and was like… “ Yep, you’re mine now.” and just took her in like that.
-Yume was a noncommittal person before she met Ichiban. She quickly fell in love with his bright and heroic personality and realized how attracted she was to him. Eventually she made the first move… by asking him to… “slay her dragon.” Obviously he didn’t get what she meant so she asked him on a movie date instead. Ichiban fell asleep on her shoulder. 😔👌💕
Thats all I’ll reveal about Yume so far! If you want to know more about her check out my future posts! I’m probably gonna be drawing her more often.
All drawings are made by @certifieddoofus1
Have a nice day!!!
Also shout out to @kiryu-kazuma-wife
You inspired me to post about my Yakuza oc x canon! Thanks for giving me a little self confidence boost! I hope you’re having a great day/night! :)💕💖
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thefootnotes · 2 months
Rise and Fall Of A Midwest Princess - First Listen
Before I Listen... I know next to nothing of Chappell's music. All I know is she's a queer person from America, and I'm pretty sure she's from a red state? And she likes to make big! statements about queer people in red states (go her honestly). And also that some of her lyrics are questionable. So! I am in my bedroom with my headphones, a clear floor ready for dancing, and this tumblr post pre-formatted for my thoughts on each song. Cannot wait!!!!! Getting started now.
P.S. I'm using a four-step-scale: skip, playlisted, green heart, life altering
oh thats funky. thats-
the stuttery piano in the back is gorgeous
the backing vocals!!!!!
oh oh oh the. the production wow
okay um. the switch lmao
i love the melodies in the verses
lo *hiccup* ver
can you play a song with a fucking beat she fucking ate that
oh like a talking bridge???
the scream oml
ok so that was. interesting.
not the best lyricism i've ever heard but it was vibey?
idk, i didnt love it.. not the strongest start to the album imo but. i'ma keep going!
Red Wine Supernova
nope ok
oh thats gay alright
agh the vocals????
"fell in lvoe with the tyhought of you now im choked up face down burnt out" ????? bitch slay
the lyrics have some interesting choices but she ate
okay yeah not playing this around my parents.
baaaabyyyy why dont you come oooooveeeeeer
okay im vibing
the "okay yall, lets pick it up now" is so gdsklfjdlkfjdslkfjdslfdsj
i really like that she's used very obviously country elements and accents but kept true to pop production. its so fun
green heart
After Midnight
oh thats. interesting
sick beat though
some really interesting sounds happening. in my ears.
i lvoe the use of crowd vocals on this album????
"i kinda wanna kiss your gf" "i kinda wanna ksis your bf" bisexual? i've heard that she's demi too actually
who has two thumbs and is vibing *points thumbs at myself* this guy!!!!!
holy fuck that was just so. fun
green heart
agh her voice jdfslkjfdslkfjdskl
oh my god. oh my god
"i'll meet you for coffee cause if we have wine youll say that you want me i know thats a lie"???????? BARS
im going to cry this is sickening
oh.. the. the resolve is. oh
emotional destruction. i need a minute.
life altering
this is the one about someone eating her out isnt it. *sigh* here we go
^ i say taht like i dont love songs about sex. anyways
oh this is. this is interesting
i love the synthing throughout the album
this is so much. slower than i expected????
oh this is actually kind of sad at the same time???? jfkdsjflkdsjflksdj
the bridge? i. i died
this is actually really beautiful. if impossible to play around my parents
green heart
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
this is so. drag queen coded????
the beat???
the gasps fdsklfjsdklfjdslk
dancing im dancing
im up im up im up
this is pop like pop hasnt been in a decade. good lord
ultimately just. a strong sapphic-meets-girl power anthem. wow. im truly so impressed.
i know the dance but i've never heard it
oh oh what the fuck is that oh fdsklfjdslkfjdslkfj
like the wind chimey noise
oh this sounds so. rocky horror??
fdjs,lfjdslkj vibes
shes pop-girlie-ing like very few pop girlies have pop-girlied. just. pop anthem. absolute pop antehm
i lvoe the ad-libs
we're officially halfway. lets go.
My Kink Is Karma
i have heard Things about this track so. lets go ig
oh oh?? oh
thats very ldr. i dont like ldr as a person but musically this feels a bit ldr.
ah the high vocals
"no need to be hateful in your fake gucci sweater" djskfjdskfjs
this is so twisted and im so here for it
the vocals are just insane. im sat. im so sat
green heart
Picture You
oh her voice i-
that nostalgic chord progression is so. jfkldjfls
backing vocals abcking vocals gjdfksjsdklfjdslk
oh this is sad but horny but sad
the vocals im shook. my gob is smacked. my flabber is gasted. my be is wildered. how do i live after this
im literally just dead
green heart
oh no is this sad too????
i love the electro production over the piano? its gorgeous
her voice is just beautiful. its just so beautiful
how it works, i'll never know....
im just going to sit in the corner and fucking sob
sorry theres so few notes i was too busy fucking crying
life altering
Pink Pony Club
i have heard this exactly once. (i was at a festival on friday and they played this between sets - i couldnt hear chappell or the production over the crowd tho so. its ok
is this just the universal queer experience actually
the bridge i...
this is lowkey a very sad and very real experience for so many queer people and. fdjskfjdslfjsdlkfjdslkj
this was vibey and i loved the statement!!
Naked In Manhattan
oh dear is this about sex
"boys suck" :(
ok this is gay sex then
"in new york you can try things" 🤝 "you can want who you want, boys and boys, and girls and girls"
i mean it was ok? she has much stronger songs on the album lyrically and musically and this one was just kind of. there lmao. not really a thing for me
acapella intro okayyyy
oh this is sad
"to think i almost had it going, but i let you down" :(
the music industry is such a fucking bitch yk
i really liked it, v v sad, but probably not my favourite favourite? still really strong track, js a lil repetitive
Guilty Pleasure
last track lets go
the very minimal backing with all the vocal flooding is so fdlsjflks
oh never mind.
it feels kinda icdiwabh-y
so that was. an experience
The Album.
overall, the album had a lot lot lot of huge positives and a few little things i wasnt a fan of. it's a really strong pop album, it has everything you could expect in an album. its got diverse emotions and vibes and its got pop anthems and its got stuff to dance to and stuff to cry to and stuff you can do both to and it all flows seamlessly. there were two, three tracks i didnt fall in love with, but there were far more that i did. i absolutely applaud chappell because this album beautifully captures her struggles nad successes, a lot of which are somewhat universal for queer people. i really loved her use of crowd vocals and backing harmonies, i thought that was really beautiful, and i love how there was electronic production on acoustic instrumentation, i thought that was quite impressive and really fit this modern theme of like, the return of 80s production. i'm going to have another listen to some songs and them im going to listen to gracie abrams tsou album (which i still havent heard) so!!! if you want to see my thoughts on that, i'll post that in a few hours. also just posted my hmhas first reactions<3
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azurdlywisterious · 7 months
Okay okay, this time giving my fallout ocs tumblrs wont end in disaster! Im sure of it!
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul reblogged big-mt-head
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Ughhhhhhh my beloved husband really needs to finish up his business meeting its been five hours and i miss him~
🧠 big-mt-head
@.therealprimmshady can you explain this?
⭐️ therealprimmshady
Nope. Nope nope. Go ask whichever doctor of yours calls you shiloh
🧠 big-mt-head
Youre thinking of Dr. Dala. Anyways she says its a sex thing
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Who let you two past the gate?!
#this is what i get for being horny on main smh
211 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⏳ start-startover reblogged start-startover
⏳ start-startover
I’m picking the brown m’n’ms out of a candy bowl right now if anyone wants some free m’n’ms
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Why are you picking out the brown m’n’ms out of a candy bowl?
⏳ start-startover
Dean doesnt want any
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
What a diva! Any idea why?
⏳ start-startover
No clue. Ill probably give them to the followers if no one else wants them.
⏳ start-startover
Wait, is that you dalcia?
#didnt u deactivate? #like recently?
48 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged mrrocherwasmyfather
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather asked:
As the person closest to Mr. House, can you tell me what he plans to do with the now empty building that the NCR was occupying before the Battle of Hoover Dam?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul answered:
I mean, he does have plans but those are trade secrets. Who even are you?
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
The name’s Ferrero, private investigator. Mr. New Vegas buys his stories off me
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Oooookay… so youre like a tabloid reporter?
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
Not since the war, sweetheart. Not since the war.
#ive never heard this guy on my radio #i doubt hes the real deal
53 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Life sometimes can come at you hard like a .45 bullet. Remember, with enough stimpacks, you can just run past it and live
#totally didnt piss off a specific guy #youll never catch me bitch #yes sir this is vauging #DONT FUCKING TAG HIM
45 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard reblogged mygenderis-c4
💥 mygenderis-c4
Ill be fighting at the thorn tonight at 12 if anyone wants to see me throw down with three giant radscorpions
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
I would love to watch you fight, Henri! Where is the thorn?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Its in westside! :)
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
W-west… side?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Its another low income community outside of new vegas? Like freeside?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Theres another poor neighborhood close to new vegas?
💥 mygenderis-c4
#Thats why we call her the strip queen #<prev tags
978 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⏳ start-startover reblogged mrrocherwasmyfather
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather asked:
So, I hear a certain old world singer has resurfaced and you seem pretty close to him. Is there any new music in the works for Dean Domino?
⏳ start-startover answered:
First, Dean was absolutely thrilled to know that reporters are still asking about him (he’s currently taking a break from social media which is why he didnt see your ask to him immediately). At the moment, no. But hopefully he’ll have an album coming out in the future once he’s reestablished his name in the music industry.
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
Thank you so much for your time, Ms. Vult.
⏳ start-startover
I do have plenty of it, after all.
78 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
My next editorial photoshoot look will be devoted to whoever started calling me “Strip Queen” because i will be reclaiming that title mwah mwah
#also the Gomorrah Casino is going to be closed for the day tomorrow
356 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
It’s got what plants crave!
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
It has electrolytes!
#killed another bandit #how long will you be out for?
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard
Couldve sworn i went to sleep at the 38 so why did i wake up at the tops???
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
🍀 luckiestbastard
What the hell is that?
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Bad decisions in a bottle
#it glowey tho
7 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🌌 azurdlywisterious
Fuck theres more of them now???
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raz-writes-the-thing · 3 months
Well, you don't just feel like I enjoy your writing for your style and not only the character, that is very much what is actually going on. I never asked to be put on any tag list bc I have notifs turned on for everything you post anyway and therefore am informed that new writing from you has dropped without need for a tag. You are actually the only tumblr writer I do this with. Because sure yea I will occasionally go into the tags of specific xcharacters when the mood strikes me, which is how I found your blog in the first place, but I rarely click through into the authors' blog, let alone read their fics for characters I'm unfamiliar with. Your style of writing, your imagination for scenes, your ability to capture emotion, your consistent ability to steer clear of tropes that make me cringe and the more generalised personal touch you bring to your writing have all enchanted me and are the reason why I keep reading all your work, even if I've never heard of the character before and in some cases have never even heard of the fandom altogether before, + even if the reader character is the sub and therefore I have 0 interest in identifying with them lol. Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this before but yea your style is very much the thing for me here. (well okay possibly I also one more motivating factor to keep notifs turned on from you which is I kinda hope you might one day do something with the prompt or the character match-up request I sent you, but dw I'm in no rush and uninclined to leave either way) - 🌒
uh, excuse me- how did this get lost? when was this submitted? im? hello? i am so sorry that i haven't gotten to this before- i genuinely did not know this ask existed.
the fact that there are at least one of you out there (theres at least one more, ive seen it in their tags when they reblog) who read everything i post bc they have notifs on is insane (in a good way). enjoying my writing enough to read everything is so,,, its such a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. its how you know people really actually enjoy your writing for the simple credit of your writing and not just because you write for a character they like-
im also very glad to hear that im able to steer clear of cringe for you. im not sure how thats possible but i sure am glad i can hahaha. i think i just avoid what makes me cringe for the most part.
im also sorry i havent gotten to your requests yet. theyre buried in my inbox somewhere. atm ive been very burnt out and stressed with work so ive not had any motivation really to touch my blog. i will attempt to find them and start on at least one thing for you this weekend. im working on it though! i have a couple wips too, so, eyes peeled!
but yes, thank you so so so so so much for this ask <3 you've really made my day and i am so grateful to have you as one of my beloved readers <3 <3 <3
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cecelianonymous22 · 5 months
(TADC Spoilers!!)
A weird realization i made watching TADC ep 2 (cried my fucking eyes out) is that like
Hazbin and Digital Circus are both extremely Tumblr pieces of indie animation, but in such completely different ways
Hazbin kind of tries to appeal to every "Tumblr demographic" lets just say
The musical nerds, the queers, the people who need a Sexyman for every media they watch, people who like engaging in serious/controversial topics, etc etc
Which in itself isnt bad but as with a lot of things in Hazbin, it really wasnt carried out well
But with Digital Circus, the intended audience feels a lot more specialized yk?
Sure, it has bright colors with toy-inspired characters and silly hijinks, but the intended audience isnt for children or (staying on the whole Tumblr audience thing) isnt for the lucky younger teens who dont know what Amino is
But it doesnt try to welcome every corner of this platform, which is why there are negative reviews: because Digital Circus just isnt made for the majority of people
It's made for the "underdogs" so to speak, the kind of minorities that feel like their voices aren't heard
Sure the standard "Oh this is just a Tumblr cartoon" genre implies queerness, for one thing, which is in the TADC with Zooble (my beloved) and i love their constantly alternating pronouns
But more importantly, what kind of got to me the most, but it's made for the lonely
It's made for those who feel alienated because of themselves and/or their circumstances
Which i think is what is so great about the main character being an autistic woman, not just for the rep, but because Pomni's experience is so intrinsically neurodivergent. All despite the fact that paradoxically (to someone who isnt ND), she is the voice of reasonable confusion. She doesn't understand why everyone else is going along with Caine's shit when they all know they are just people trapped in a digital hellscape who don't remember their past lives.
Its a deeply existential thought, and I'm so glad that in the most recent episode, she has an outlet for all of this existential dread and panic. I cannot understate how moving it is to see Pomni not only pushing past her own problems, but actively utilizing them to help someone else struggling with the same sort of (essentially) nihilism
Not to mention the end of the episode (still trying to keep it vague because the ep just came out), where Pomni realizes that hey, she might not be alone
Idk man
It just speaks to me so much, especially because i have my own sense of deep-rooted existential dread that has gotten so much worse over the past few months
And also because it reminds me of 2-S from Ultrakill, special interest go brr
But yeah
Late night rambling
The hazbin comparison was mostly just because ive been really interested in watching Hazbin reviews lately, and just seeing how these two "Tumbler medias" compare in their themes and audience
Im gonna post this before i delete in the morning because i need to get over my fear of posting random shit on tumblr!! Thats whats its for!!
Anyway i want the gator keychain now
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neolxzr · 1 year
how did yoy start like aira and hiiai??
(sorry in advance if i start talking forever)
i think with aira i have a bit of a thing for the idol who is an idol lover character (my best love live girls were ruby and hanayo) so as soon as he started gushing about idols my heart was stolen immediately!! and i think some of the earliest posts i made about him on tumblr when i first started to love him were like posts about how much meta comedy potential he has as a character LOL like you have a guy who literally reads fanfic about his coworkers right there thats like comedy gold to me. and i love his design and his mannerisms and is AIIIRAAAAABU and his voice and he got me inspired to start drawing enstars!! and over time i just continue to get more and more attached to him hes like a little brother to me. also he has self esteem issues which is like 1) relatable and 2) oh my god dont say that about yourself my beloved i love you so much i would kill a man for you. he like activates the protective instinct in me like i dont even know what it is i just see him and think that i need to protect him with my life
and i think reading main story is what really got me to love hiiai!! i love hiiro's unabashed affection for aira and aira's little tsundereisms and i love how much theyre there for each other through everything!! alkaloid is such an interesting protagonist unit because they were like made to be the 'new trickstar' or made to be the underdogs who win through sheer determination and taking risks but they dont end up being that way at all. and i think seeing hiiro and aira work through everything thats happening and grow together as idols is really really neat :) and THERMOMETRY oh my god hiiro being vulnerable with aira and aira telling him that he needs him and ouugfuuhgfbuegfdfds i think both of them have some abandonment issues they need to deal with actually. i think i have a thing for ships where its like i could never ever hate you and i will never leave your side and ill be there with you through everything no matter what happens. you know
maybe that says something about me and im not going to read into it ANYWAY i love aira and i love hiiai theyre everything to me thank you for giving me the opportunity to rant a little anon <3
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
In your years as poll runner, what are the most memorable (affectionate) and most memorable (derogatory) propaganda that you've received?
Hi, thanks for the ask! I did have to go back through the propaganda tag to find them because my memory is in shambles, but I think, in general, the most memorable (affectionate) propaganda is when someone writes it for one of my nepo/less well-known faves (Reinhardt from DPA, my beloved). Specifically, however, maybe the “Liu Mingyan is aegosexual” propaganda for the AroAce-Spec Character Tournament since I’m somewhere similar on the ace spectrum (I enjoyed a lot of the Aroace-Spec Tournament propaganda & notes as well since I’m aroace lol). But the Su She propaganda also changed how I viewed his character immensely…. I don’t know it’s all good & equally impossible for me (specifically) to remember lol
Most memorable (derogatory) is harder since once I block someone, it is instantly out of my mind. They are gone with the wind. I don’t really get any memorable (derogatory) propaganda except that one time a Jiang Cheng poll breached containment & got a bunch of “Jiang Cheng is homophobic why would you EVER vote for him I’m so disappointed in y’all” stuff. The only time I actually got mad enough to screenshot/save something was this tag: 
[Photo ID - Tumblr tags that read, “#bichen having 30 whole percent is proof yall got rotted brains and ruin poll results #’i like mdzs better so im gonna pick a sword over a whole ass man’ #anyways zzs is that bitch” /End ID]
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Which isn’t even that bad lol. I was just already in a bad mood. That poll did also lead to one of my favorite/the funniest tags tho (close to “you popular vote animals”): 
[Photo ID - Tumblr tags that read, “#PREV LITERALLY I HIT ZZS AND WAS LIKE. THE SWORD??? YOU PEOPLE ARE VOTING FOR A SWORD??? #THATS AN INANIMATE OBJECT? #mdzs fans experiencing deep jealousy that bichen got to be inside wei wuxian i guess” /End ID]
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In conclusion, propaganda good 👍 send more 👉👈
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unsleepingtales · 6 months
Happy holidays from all of us here on fantasy high tumblr.
Coming back to the top having just finished the ep. I feel insane. ANYWAY.
Our name is ally brennan beardsley mulligan!!
Ok glad we’re talking about spies tongue curse. Bc what was that
Oh my god this episode is three hours long
Sklonda what’s your goal here bestie
I’m really distracted rn so not many notes are being taken I’m definitely gonna have to rewatch this episode over the weekend
But god all the soil stuff is weird
Something in his office??? Something like maybe the mirror where baron first appeared??
Yeah just throwing energy into external things to avoid feeling your own feelings. Is a thing that happens.
THANK YOU RIZ please please talk about the students freaking out
Oh godddddd the soil it all comes back to minerals and soil somehow ok
Diamondized blood 😭
I love tired Adaine she’s trying her bestttt
Goddd the bad girls are everything to me. They are every triad ever.
You’re giving the identity spell a stroke guys
Holy SHIT Beardsley
Saint Kristen Applebees motherfuckers
Okay that’s horrifying!
Ok so that was fun
Zac is SO smart
‘Gorgug….. so good’
Godly whale fall……… Zac Oyama your mind
It’s like burning man 😭
Burning Man as Whale Fall. Maybe I’ll write the paper.
Planeshift is a spell guysssss you have used it before
The way he talks to her makes her mad!!!!!
Gorgug <3
Your enemy the beekeeper!
Yeah Fabian probably does not want to go to Aelwyn’s house
Riding a scooter. Classic Adaine.
Yeah the last friends Aelwyn had we’re not good!
🚨🚨 ZAYN MENTION 🚨🚨 Zayn my best friend Zayn Darkshadow 🖤🖤🖤
Brennan’s physicality as Aelwyn is so funny
Aelwyn and Fabian leave it alone!!! Don’t!!
What? No! No! What? What? What? No!
One thing about Ally Beardsley is they’re gonna talk about Joe Biden.
They’re good crimes? You’re having fun with the crimes? Come do crimes with us!
Aelwyn librarian era??
Holy shit Emily
What the fuckkkkkk
Absolute dream terrorist Figueroth Faeth
Gertie my beloved!
Dark red honey oooh
Kristen x Gertie let’s goooooo
Also that makes Gertie campaigning for Kipperlilly 100x funnier
I need fic. STAT.
Yayyyy a bit of financial breathing room for Riz
My mind’s still back in the cafeteria I can’t wait to see fantasy high tumblr’s response to Kristen and Gertie
Do NOT get tracker. NO.
Oooh so we finally have info on the bylaws
Where did you get wanda childa’s resume???????
He’s really committed to the neck tattoo thing huh.
They’re all so good. They’re just good.
We’ve been sooooooo intense about it I wasn’t even sure if they had realized lol
Ok! Nephew. Interesting.
Henry helped build Grix. Ok.
God we can’t trust any of the teachers really. That’s so depressing.
God if only you could actually just go let’s end the meeting right there every time you were uncomfortable
The ENTIRE family is going yeah
I’m so glad they’re bringing Zayn my best friend in the world Zayn Darkshadow
His art makes me so fucking happy.
Ooh good thinking Siobhan
Telemaine oh boy
Oh god
Gilear time!!!!
(haunted and suspicious)
Awww she called him dad
Sometimes Brennan just says shit
He really had to get rid of the puppy fast
She killed my god- NO- fine. She helped my god die.
That actually makes so much sense. Once things are good after they’ve been bad for ages you don’t know who you are without the bad things
It’s me fig! From the phone!
(all talking at once about Kristen’s kisses)
Babe how could we not clown
We could have been calling you rizbert this entire time
Telemaine leave Riz alone
RUVINA?????? Winter in fallinel for the first time in eons????? Ruvina maybe??
Oh yeah the name of the religion is literally wolfSONG
Fantasy Hamilton
It’s so funny that they’re calling her bee girl bc there’s an npc named bee boy in my current campaign that we all love SO much
Aelwyn. Babe.
Gorgug white knuckling the railing to avoid Telemaine
There is NOT an option for under 18s on any kink dating app
Sandra Lynnnnnnnn I would be so good to you you don’t even know
Okay but wasn’t Gilear cursed way before he put the armor on???? This is what keeps tripping me up. Gilear’s life was like this before.
My only daughter in the world 😭😭😭
Fig. Fig honey. That’s not. That’s.
Fig and Sandra Lynn. They fuck me up so bad.
Sandra Lynn Faeth the woman that you are………….
Zayn is coming to the church! Zayn Darkshadow my best friend in the world!!!
Ohhhhhhhh okay
I love that it’s canon that Aelwyn and Zayn are wizard buddies who worked for Kalina together
Using devil’s nectar too much causes you to to believe your own lies. Fabulous.
Divinity is so weird
Name heist?
Winter Break! I believe in you!!
Kristen. Kristennnnnn
Narnia Burning Man 😭
Oh god
Oh god!
She will be risen!
It is SO cold
Guys what the hell is going on
Yeah of COURSE she’s deeply bothered. Kristen is doing the same thing to her that she did earlier. They bother each other. They need each other to understand.
This kills me. This kills me so deeply.
Ohhh thank you for thinking about Ruvina
They’re rolling initiative to decide who goes first in secret sylvan. I’m gonna fucking cry.
Fabian. Fabian this is actually so nice. Please think about this. It will make them not attack you. Adaine wanted to help you with your fear.
Fabian we know you can give good gifts
Murph is running a tight ship on secret sylvan
(attempted tearing noises)
That’s actually really nice
They’re tactical!!!!!!
I love this so much
That’s so nice oh my god Kristen you know Riz so well
They love each other so much
GORGUG HAD FIG IN SECRET SYLVAN. Be still my figgorgug heart.
Brennan stopppppppppp
The intense zoom on Ally doing this.
Is she like me.
Sorry I’m incredibly not normal about Zayn Darkshadow I’m sure you couldn’t tell from how I react when he has .5 seconds of screen time
God they’re good
Riz Gukgak!!
Dig bitch!
Oooooooooooh baby
Adaine I love you
Oh fuck oh god oh fuck
Zayn nooooooooo
Oh god why
The idea of watching the moon get fuller is really cool
Oh god
Somehow I completely forgot baron was in this episode. I was so distracted I forgot what was coming.
Awww Cassandra is protecting her paladin
Oh my god this is insane
Oh no oh no oh no
Don’t break a mirror don’t do that not right now not here
Oh my god?????
They’re married <3
Is Zayn okay :(
You can’t ALL go in the briefcase can you???
WARDING BOND 😭😭😭😭 oh my god I can’t handle that
Death bond <3
What the fuckkkkkkkkk
Where the fuck are they.
Ooooh fig’s bedroom art!
How did this happen.
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mxescargot · 1 year
some image IDs TBA, apologies!
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re: the tags in my last reblog - have some old/abandoned art of my hornet gijinka + star wars au designs this is gonna be a long post oops first was before i figured out how i wanna dress my hk gijinkas (still kinda proud of it esp the facial expression even if i didnt wanna shade it properly lol) second is her pretty much figured out design in training clothes, plus drawings of her as a togruta jedi (i should really get back to that au i love it so much) third is an unfinished thing from like half a year ago (damn) and thats what she wears post sealing of the black egg temple generally although maybe i shouldve given her more visible bags and stuff idt she would leave Everything at her camps right
she has a rope dart because thats what her attacks remind me of most, not the proudest of how heavily i referenced the bottom pose from another artist and idt i would do that as heavily now? but something something growth
in the third design she has a magic spider silk tabard thing instead of armour (hence the silvery iridescence), i imagine it would help with the whole agility thing. capes r inconvenient but hehe Swoosh in case u couldnt tell my hk gijinkas r kinda chinese fantasy vibes??? maybe i should make her a proper like royal princess kinda design sometime ough (and redesign the tiara in the first one to be more chinese as well... hanfu hair stuff is always sick as all hell) ...also when i first posted the first one i wrote a little drabble. i was not and am still not a person who does writing ever but uh
Hornet was usually good at hiding her problems and keeping a calm demeanour. After all, she was the Daughter of Hallownest, destined to inherit an entire kingdom. Hornet knew things were getting worse for her beloved Hallownest, but she could never have imagined that her own father would destroy their home, locking himself in a dreamworld she could never access. Hornet realized she’d never see the palace again, and let her tears finally flow; there was no longer a kingdom for her to rule anyways. (Please excuse my inability to write LMAO) For clarification: the tiara on her head is imaginary and I imagine gijinka!Hornet impulsively shattering her actual tiara once she realizes Hallownest has gone past the point of no return. The phantom tiara + the Hallownest seal in the background indicates how she’ll always be royalty and cannot distance herself from her father’s legacy.
apologies for the massive wall of text but this is what tumblr is for right
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62, 65, 81, 91
Ask me fanfic writer questions!
Hey Book!! :D wouldve answered these last night but as you know tumblr crashed on me 😭😭😭😭 so im answering it now instead!!
62.) what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
Idk if this counts as weird per se but i straight up started shipping winteriron (Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes) because of THIS FUCKING FIC. It sold me on them SO HARD. Sometimes all it takes is one godtier fic that does everything right to get you hooked on a rarepair ✌️😔😔😔
65.) what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
If we're talking og titles i came up with myself, the title of my unpublished TES Oblivion fic is The Stars Have No Names, which ive always been fond of, especially combined with its planned sequel, But Those We Give Them-- which makes a full sentence that just sorta encapsulates the vibe of the whole thing in a way that really scratches my brain just right. This is closely followed by the piece i did for the DSMP Comics Zine, A Few E.G.G.s Short of the Full Scramble, which has multiple layers of puns loaded into it and makes me laugh like a lunatic every time i remember them
As for stuff that isnt original (aka song lyrics or poetry verses, which i steal from shamelessly), i'd have to say im most fond of sightless, unless the eyes reappear, which is the tma fic i wrote that accidentally predicted a decent chunk of the podcast's ending 😭 if i had a fucking nickel.... The verse is ripped from T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" and i really loved how it just perfectly hits the vibes i was going for in that fic. Extremely on-the-nose titles are a game and brother i am WINNING
81.) if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
"Hello tiny TJ. First of all, you are a transgender dyke. No this isnt relevant i just thought you ought to know. Anyway cool it with the perfectionism man one day people are gonna read a fic where every individual tag warning you've added is its own separate vine boom and you're gonna get tons of compliments on it despite the fact that it isnt what you consider fully polished. Got that written down? Cool. Now go forth and kiss women, peace<3"
91.) how has your writing style changed over the years?
My writing's always been pretty descriptive, but over the last few years its REALLY shifted into overdrive on the imagery. I think thats always been my biggest strength as a writer, and its something i really, really enjoy doing. As ive said in the past: if im not painting pictures with my words then what, pray tell, is the point!!!
The other thing ive noticed is that ive been dipping my toes into more experimental formatting, whether thats in regards to the story's structure (shout out to that time i planned to write a fic in reverse chronological order), the points of view (second person my beloved), different narration styles, or just the way the words on the page look-- something i know has been directly inspired by my cousin, who has an unpublished 85k Dead Space fanfic which replaces an ENTIRE CHAPTER with a twine game. The man is insane and i love him so much and one day i will bully him into finishing this fic because its not even halfway done what the fuck. Anyway thats my answer THANK YOU BOOK FOR SENDING THESE :DD
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