guiajato-line · 10 months
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Dê uma olhada em Chinelos De Moda Femininos Com Rebite Feminino Fundo Grosso Para O Exterior Sandálias De Plataforma De Verão Ponta Aberta
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zizilka · 1 year
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hare drawing
inspired by dürer
They were imagined from the ground up to work together so that you can layer and build them to achieve amazing life-like results.
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orbrasily · 1 year
Alicate rebitador A OR Brasil, uma empresa especializada em soluções de fixação, oferece aos seus clientes o Alicate Rebitador como uma opção de alta qualidade
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witchblade · 13 days
bit my tongue so hard it's bleeding now im just sitting here thinking of future pain to come
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katiefratie · 6 months
So true Wolfman just gives up he is a Wolfman for his people! And his people got hella fucked up!!
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demonstars · 10 months
The way I know omegaverse is that it’s different depending on the authors but usually it’s alpha and omega and bite and leave marks on each other but anyone else can bite and leave a mark but it would fade
So like say omega omega. They could bite each other but it wouldn’t stay forever
that's crazy. I think you can play a lot with it tho it's kind of rlly cool
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vagueconfusion · 1 year
so homestuck is part of my phones auto complete in 2023
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anika0099 · 1 year
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portalnaynneto · 2 years
Salgueiro: PRF apreende pistola e munições dentro de urso de pelúcia
Salgueiro: PRF apreende pistola e munições dentro de urso de pelúcia
Na noite do último sábado (26), dois homens foram detidos pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) por porte ilegal de arma de fogo na BR-116 em Salgueiro, no Sertão Pernambucano. Foi apreendida uma pistola 9mm com 19 munições do mesmo calibre, que estavam escondidas dentro de um urso de pelúcia. De acordo com informações, policiais realizavam uma fiscalização no Km 25 da rodovia, quando abordaram…
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savagegood · 1 year
@shinjiroatae1126: To all my fans, today was a very special day for me. For years, I struggled to accept a part of myself...But now, after all I have been through, I finally have the courage to open up to you about something. I am a gay man. It has taken me a long time to be able to say I am gay. I could not even say it to myself. However, I’ve come to realize it is better, both for me, and for the people I care about, including my fans, to live life authentically than to live a life never accepting who I truly am. I hope people who are struggling with the same feeling will find courage and know they are not alone.
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ps, he’s released a new song, “into the light”, which you can watch here. part of the proceeds from the single will go to lgbtq+ organisations
@shinjiroatae1126: July 26th, 2023 was a big day for me. I finally gathered the courage to come out to the public as a gay man. I am grateful to have received media coverage from multiple platforms both within Japan and overseas.
To be honest, I was extremely anxious before all of this happened. However, I've been pleasantly surprised to discover the overwhelming amount of positive feedback pouring in from both my fans and people who have come across the news about me. It's heartwarming to see that my story is being acknowledged from all around the world, and this brings me immense joy. Although they may be baby steps, I sense that this world is gradually moving into the light. Yesterday, I made an announcement about resuming my career as an artist. I also released a new song titled “Into The Light”. The music video for the song is also on YouTube now. This song is packed with the emotions and thoughts leading up to this point, including my decision to come out. Living with anxieties and struggles is not limited to just LGBTQ+ individuals. I hope this song can be a source of encouragement for anyone carrying such emotions. I've aimed for it to become a song that can uplift those with similar feelings. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Pride House Tokyo, Japan’s first permanent LGBTQ+ center, and ReBit, an organization providing resources and support for LGBTQ+ youth. I hope this song will touch many hearts.🙏🌈
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At first, there was total silence. Then, there were shrieks, wild applause, weeping and shouts of “I love you!”
Fans of Shinjiro Atae, a J-pop idol who has been on a nearly two-year performance hiatus, had come to hear him talk about “the challenge of my life.” Standing onstage in a dark auditorium in front of 2,000 fans in central Tokyo on Wednesday night, he revealed something he has kept hidden for most of his life: He is gay.
“I respect you and believe you deserve to hear this directly from me,” he said, reading from a letter he had prepared. “For years, I struggled to accept a part of myself. But now, after all I have been through, I finally have the courage to open up to you about something. I am a gay man.”
Such an announcement is extremely unusual in conservative Japan, the only G7 country that has not legalized same-sex unions. Earlier this summer, the Japanese Parliament passed an L.G.B.T.Q rights bill but it had been watered down by the political right, stating that there “should be no unfair discrimination” against gay and transgender people.
In making a public declaration, the 34-year-old Mr. Atae, who spent two decades performing with AAA, a hit Japanese pop group, before embarking on a solo career, said he wanted his fans to know his true self. He also hopes to comfort those who might be grappling with anxieties about their sexuality.
“I don’t want people to struggle like me,” he said.
AAA debuted in 2005, with Mr. Atae, the youngest member, forgoing high school. He performed mostly as a dancer, and began appearing in TV series and movies.
His sexuality perplexed him. “It was a time when on TV, comedians would say two men kissing was gross,” he said. If anyone asked if he had a girlfriend, he just said he was too busy working.
Activists said they could not recall an instance when a Japanese pop star of his stature had publicly declared they were gay, because of anxieties about losing fans or sponsors.
“I think he has decided to come out in order to change Japan,” said Gon Matsunaka, a director and adviser to Pride House Tokyo, a support center for the gay and transgender community.
The decision to open up about his sexuality, he said, evolved over seven years of living in Los Angeles, where he saw how freely gay couples could show affection in public and built an extensive support network.
“Everyone was so open,” he said. “People would talk about their vulnerabilities. In Japan, people think it’s best not to talk about those things.”
Mr. Atae’s decision, he said, was not political.  All he wanted, he said, was to “normalize” being gay. Coming out, he knew, would likely draw criticism. “Whatever you do, there will be haters,” he said. “I can only focus on the people I might be helping.”
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winterspiderpurrs · 11 months
can you write abo (omega peter, alpha tony) where tony can’t help himself around peter, like public claiming or a rut?
"Are you hurt?"
Peter blinks and looks over at Steve who just entered the kitchen at the tower. He takes a sip of his milky sugary coffee shaking his head.
"No? Why do you ask?"
Steve sniffs the air and frowns at him.
" You smell like your bleeding"
Peter frown as well now and tries to think. Its been a few weeks since he has hurt himself while out as Spiderman. Reaching up to rub at his neck before pausing.
"Ah okay..."
He blushes a little and then coughs lightly.
" There is that gala tonight..."
Steve nods. " Yeah it's why I came to the tower early"
Peter shifts and looks down at his coffee mug and switches it to his other hand.
" Well... you know Tony. He gets a little... ya know... we arent out yet... but he doesn't umm.. want people to think I'm up for grabs?"
" What do you...oh...Oh! " Steve coughs as well. Peter could hear him shift around. Shaking his head before he laughs.
" Alphas just can't help themselves... Bucky used to do the same with me... thinks fresh bites will help enforce the bond...but really its just for showing off. "
Peter giggles a little and nods, looking back at Steve. Probably only thinks that he has one bite and just on his neck. With his healing the normal bond bite marks are faint. Hardly noticeable. So Tony always makes apoint to rebite and then bite other areas as well.
He still is feeling embarrassed when he was in the gym with Bucky and Sam training, and he changed into some short and the bite marks on his thighs and at his navel showed. He definitely avoided those two after, even more so when Tony asked why Barnes kept smirking and nodding at him.
Peter honestly didn't know what will happen when Tony lets them be public. No more stopping him. Hopefully it won't cause a rut out of schedule. He only had one more semester at university to go before he finds out.
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orbrasily · 1 year
Rebitadeira manual para rebite com rosca A Rebitadeira Manual para Rebite com Rosca é uma ferramenta essencial para quem busca eficiência e praticidade na fixação de peças.
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doberbutts · 2 months
I love when Fenris bites the pillow and he puts his whole entire mouth around it. He's like "imma bite the FUCK outta this pillow!" It's so cute.
Related, what is that skill for?
While it can be taught, in Fenris' case it is less of a skill and more a matter of genetics. Dogs bred for protection are usually bred to have deep, full grips when on the bite, preferring to grip to the back molars instead of just the canines. This is due to a number of reasons but for the most part, it is more difficult to break free of such a bite (which is good when sending your dog to bite a target that may struggle) and it shows commitment and enthusiasm on the bite, both of which are prized in protection.
In mondio, grips are not as important as in IGP simply because it allows for rebites and adjustments. This is also because the decoy moves quite a lot more in suit sports, and because in higher levels the decoy is deliberately trying to steal points from the dog by making them miss and not be able to catch them, rather than in IGP where the sleeve is presented to the dog to bite in most exercises (the exception being the escape bite). The dog also has a broader range of targets in suit sports than just the forearm, and not all of these targets are necessarily the most easy thing to bite onto when the decoy is running around and flailing objects in the dog's way.
But another big reason is that the more teeth have sunk into the bite, the less likely that all of this wiggling around is going to snap a canine. That can spell the end of a dog's career, and canines are not the easiest things to remove (and despite what the internet may tell you, titanium implants aren't really the greatest replacement) and a poor removal can even be the end of the dog's life (it is uncommon but not unheard of for the lower canine removal to shatter the dog's jaw... and it can be to the extent that the dog can no longer survive. This is usually a VERY bad break due to intense trauma like a car accident or a blunt force blow to the face, but still). So it is a matter of safety for the dog to bite with their full mouth as well.
Notably, this is different from natural hunting behavior, which says a bite is a bite and in fact a shallower canines-only bite may be better for survival against a large prey animal that fights back, because then you can disengage and dodge hooves and antlers a lot easier. Wolves do a lot of rip-and-tear shallow biting when taking on prey larger than themselves, it's usually smaller game that gets the entire mouth.
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omegaverse-seeker · 7 months
Hello, I just found your page and just found out about omega drops. I understand what they are to some extent, but how would you "cure" that? Like what does the family/ mate has to do??
The age-old answer; DEPENDS.
Personally, usually, a strong presence in the Omega's life can help bring them back from a drop. So if they just have a family unit, someone they're close to from that. If they are mated, their mate. If they are in a pack, then someone they trust from the pack.
Any of the people from above mainly do whatever they do when someone they know is experiencing an anxiety or panic attack. One obvious difference is that people can scent one another or a mate could rebite their bond mark.
One thing that I do, mostly for the drama, is medical intervention. The hurt/comfort? Please, I'm screaming. Especially when their mate comes bursting in to see their scared and feral Omega? I eat that shit up. But mostly the Omega is sedated or given pseudo pheromones to prevent the drop from getting worse.
If anyone has other ideas, feel free to add. I'd love to see other solutions.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 6 months
Hokuto's on his fourth collab with WIZBLE and I'm like "So, someone at LDH is genuinely okay with Hokuto even tangentially supporting a LGBT charity."
One collab is you got it past censors.
Two collabs, there's still a chance someone wasn't paying attention to the sentence at the bottom of the website that says "WIZBLE will donate a portion of its sales to ReBit, a specified non-profit organization that aims to create a society where all children, including LGBT, can become adults as they are."
Three collabs, either the person approving this is genuinely negligent of researching companies for collaborations or they're okay with it.
Four collabs, they have to be okay with it at this point. It's been a year and a half, that is more than enough time to google WIZBLE and ReBit.
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scaredgirlhorny · 9 months
bite yourself bite yourself bite. yourself.
present from another oupygirl~ 💋
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i wanted to do 2 light ones and one hard one cause you said it 3 times and one of em was red, but the "light" ones didnt show up well so i rebit them and then the "hard" one i couldnt do it as hard as i wanted to cause im at a friends house and had to be quiet (also thats why im taking the pics in the bathroom HDKSHSJ)
but uhhhh thank youuuu U>////<U "/)" i love being marked up and especially for other people and showing it off
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