#reblogged on wrong blog and its not letting me delete it
p1nkp0nkk · 8 months
looked through their blog for like 5 seconds and its all tickle fetish stuff im. so sorry also theyre proship 😭😭
i really did consider looking through it and the one time i choose not to do it this happens
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eldragon-x · 5 months
🐊 krook 🔁 krook
🐊 krook
I don't remember following this Pokemon, they keep posting mushy inspirational screenshots and quotes
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🐊 krook
they were previously rottenworld? I see how it is. another idiot falling into the trap of telling yourself everything will be fine and the world is worthwile. im so sick of this. soon you will all see the ugly truth
2 Notes 💬🔁🤍
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🍎 guildmaster-wigglytuff 🔁 kingofdarkness
🌑 kingofdarkness
Another successful day of working in Team Teal! ^_^ Funfact: I learned today that the team name was inspired by the color of the glow of the Time Gears ⚙️ My team mates were hesitant to tell me more about it though.
🍎 guildmaster-wigglytuff
That's great, Darkrai! TOOM-YAH!
5 Notes 💬🔁❤️
#guild associates #motivation #funfacts
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🍃 paradise-virizion 🔁 lopunnycharm
💗 lopunnycharm
Reblog this if you support trapping Pokemon in ruins! ✨
2.575 Notes 💬🔁🤍
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🤡 paradise-emolga 🔁 lake-guardian
⚙️ lake-guardian Follow
Pokemon are upset at me for including Team Charm on the list of explorers with issues. I'm sorry but you can't brush off their actions as "girlbossing". I promise you there are other admirable female dungeon treaders you can support, like Octillery or Virizion.
1.933 Notes 💬🔁🤍
#wait I need to do something funny
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🍃 paradise-virizion
Having a moment, but I don't think I could ever express enough how much joining an adventure team has helped me. I was at a real lowpoint when I became a part of Team Scales and would reject everyone around me but thanks to them, I learned to open up and trust in other Pokemon again.
7 Notes 💬🔁❤️
#delete later
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🌈 chasingafterhope
Sorry for my recent inactivity, I've been busy getting in touch with some old friends and moving to Air Continent. I don't know if I'm ever gonna start posting regularly again, might abandon this blog altogether, but I'm glad Pokemon appreciate it. Have a nice day!
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360 Notes 💬🔁❤️
#personal #madoka tag
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🪦 dustnoir 🔁 forest-clock
🏅 expedition-society-official Follow
its been really dire lately if i'm honest. legendary pokemon all over the world are turning to stone and we still have no idea who could be behind it and im very worried for the kids here. i dont know why ampharos thought it would be a good idea to let them join i just feel like everythings getting worse
🏅 expedition-society-official Follow
wrong blog
🌺 forest-clock Follow
Time traveller here! It will pass but you have to make it through The Voidlands first 👍
485 Notes 💬🔁❤️
#predictions #future posting #dark matter incident #friend tag #reblog #expedition-society-official
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birdofprey1234 · 4 months
Hello all. In case you've been unaware, recently tumblr has begun rolling out a partnership with Midjourney to scrape the entire website and its users' posts for their AI training. This includes peoples art, and probably also writing and photography. Anything you've posted the company may use for training, and you are opted IN by default.
Obviously this blog has been inactive for quite a while now, and no new art has been or will be posted here, but this puts me in a difficult position. I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do with this blog from here on. Some people have recommended editing posts to put a glaze filter over old art so that it's unusable, but I have many hundreds of posts, not all of which are tagged, and I'm unsure whether the AI training has already gotten a hold of them or not, making the potential filter useless. Not to mention the reblogs that already exist of the old un-glazed artwork.
I considered deleting everything, maybe even the blog itself, but that idea...sucks. I like the idea and the feeling that though I'm not active, my art is still out in the fandom tags somewhere, and that I have had an effect on the fandoms I was in and shared my art with. And again, the reblogs still exist, so I'm not sure what that would mean in terms of AI scraping. My worry is that deleting my blog would only relinquish any control I do have of what is done with my art.
As it is I'm kind of at a standstill. I was recently thinking over sharing my art again on other blogs, since I do miss being a part of that creative space. But now this change has kind of crushed that idea entirely. All this, plus the extreme transmisogyny apocalypse happening on here in the last month, and the seeming silencing of important movement tags like palestine, it really makes me want to ditch tumblr altogether. I've seen many people considering switching platforms. There's been a lot of markiplier mutuals specifically who have encouraged me to join cohost, I also have seen pillowfort as an option for others. But those platforms are new, kind of janky and will be hard to get used to for me. Plus, idk if I'm using them wrong but there's like...11 posts in each tag that I've seen so far, which kind of kills the feeling of being a part of a big open fan community I really love. Cohost seems like a nice platform, but if only 30-35 people move over, then it's really going to be a moot point. I wanna be where everyone else in the fandom is. I worry that this mass migration will only splinter communities, as we're all going to different places. I don't want to make 500 accounts on different platforms just to stay active and feel aware in the community.
My entire online social life up to this point has basically been on tumblr, I have a lot of blogs with a LOT of memories attached to them, and it would hurt to just drop them and move away.
Overall I'm at a loss. I enjoy sharing my work, my ideas and thoughts, I like being a part of these creative communities. But it seems like everyday the online space becomes more and more hostile toward creatives and fans, and much more advertiser friendly. One thing i never ever wanted to happen was for my art to be used for AI, and I naively thought that tumblr would be safe in that way. Guess not. I sometimes wonder if eventually all large social media will crash down and The People will dedicate to going back to personal websites and forums. I would enjoy a space where I could share my art on my own terms, and not have other peoples interaction with it overshadow everything else.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. For now I will be staying on tumblr until I figure it out, but definitely no more posting creatively. I want to try to keep my work up if I can. I would recommend on all your blogs going to settings and toggling ON "prevent third-party sharing for this blog", as that will let tumblr know you wish your work, including reblogs of it to be excluded from the scraping. I'm unsure how actually useful this will be, or how much the company will respect these wishes but. It's there. I would also love for you to come talk with me @boobookiss and, hey, maybe make a cohost account. I'm on there as boobookiss as well. I hope to keep touch with you all and see this little community stay together.
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kiyocuck · 6 months
kiyotaka tumblr user ramble
was thinkinf about this yesterday and i think ive cracked the idea of taka having tumblr, im an absolute genius and you will hear me out Okay
basically hes like a gimmick tumblr account that got famous for posting specific stuff and being Odd about it
the things he posts are like 5000 word posts just talking about his day in excruciating detail, talking about his studies and whatnot. it feels *weird* reading it bcuz hes describing oddly specific things like what he uses to clean his boots or whatever but its still Somewhat normal-ish.
he gets asks and replies to them with some unrelated tangent, some people ask him if hes autistic and hes like That is a very interesting question, I have actually done research in my spare time, because alot of my acquaintances are on the "Spectrum", and one of them, who thinks hes some 'Overlord of Ice', threw his pet hamsters at me and they scratched me on the face, and I had to go to the nurse in case he did not vaccinate them, I did not want to get rabies potentially, and-
basically letting his thoughts out without needing to sound like hes lecturing someone, he treats his blog like a diary and barely even realizes just how much attention he gets bcuz he logs in to post and then logs out
Occasionally, however, he will post something like "I cannot do this anymore I hate my life" and right after that he will post again "Apologies for the previous post, I was unmedicated, I am okay now. Anyway," and start talking about his studies again or whatever. and the funniest part is that he will not delete any sudden episode posts like that. he knows he can delete posts, but he doesnt think its worth hiding anything, which is why if he makes One grammar mistake in the 4 pages essay long posts, he will just reblog it correcting the ONE error like "*you're. I misspelled, sorry." and you are left to go look for that mistake he made in the first place
he will occasionally turn his posts into vents or nonsensical rambles like "I was reading a book about self-care recently, it was very informing. One of the chapters said 'It's important to have people in your life to support you'. Why does no one love me? Who should I rely on for support? What is wrong with me?" and people will reblog it like OP are you alright you can talk to us:( and he'll be like I'm perfectly okay dont ask me questions please (<-about to have another episode)
this turned out a bit depressive but take it in a funny way okay i just like to think about him alot even though i hate him and want him to die again by My hands
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genuine question: how can we use this website to be less annoying to others?
Glad to give my thoughts. Like I said, I’m very petty and most of this stuff probably isn’t as big a deal to most people. Anyway I’m bad at being brief so I added a readmore. Here are my personal rules:
1: Don’t add anything to the body of a post unless you have something that you really feel will add some degree of value, meaning, humor, context, or at least something to people further down the reblog chain.
This is the most important rule. Adding something to a post makes it longer, it makes it so everyone who reblogs it in the chain after you has to see it. If you have nothing to add but “wow” or “holy shit” you are lengthening the post for no reason. Those reactions can easily go in the tags.
This is also the reason I think gimmick blogs are so annoying. It’s one thing for a “heritage post” blog to reblog things related to its respective gimmick. Simply reblogging them puts that thing on their blog, so anyone looking at it or following them because they want to see “heritage posts” will see it. But they go a step further and add “X heritage post” for no real reason other than to brand the post as theirs.
When I see a post that I like that has useless additions that take up space while adding nothing I get mildly annoyed and go to the reblog of the person who reblogged it before they did just to trim the useless comments off. But if that person deactivated then I can’t trim the comment. Tumblr lets you trim to the original post without any of the additions regardless of if op is deactivated or not with the little X on the reblog menu, but only to the original post. It’s better than nothing though
This whole point is, to me, a bit of tumblr etiquette that makes it so you don’t have to see unrelated comments from someone you don’t follow just because they thought to add a pointless comment way up the chain. This definitely is petty, but if you remember how the old tumblr formatting worked, this was extremely important because each addition took up even more screen space with the line to the next persons url and squished the original post into smaller and smaller spaces. So that’s probably why I feel so strongly about it even though it doesn’t matter as much anymore.
2: The tags are mostly your free space to say what you want, BUT try and respect that OP will likely see them.
A LOT of communication done on this website is done through talking in the tags. That’s not what they were originally meant for but that doesn’t matter anymore. People will likely be looking in their notes to see tags by their mutuals.
The original poster can and will see every tag on a post, unless they delete the post or mute notifications. Mute notifications seems like it doesn’t work, but that’s because it only mutes future notifications on the post, the tags in your notes before muting will still be there regardless
This is to say that in most situations, if the op is someone like me who uses their notes to communicate with their mutuals and others in their communities, your irrelevant tags might also be there and annoy them. So use courtesy when tagging. Thankfully tumblr cuts off tags after a certain point on the notes page but still keep it in mind. I go overboard writing mini essays in the tags all the time, and while I do think that is a little annoying I do it anyway so I can’t blame people.
3: Keep blorbo tagging to a minimum if you can help it.
This is probably my most controversial stance, but blorbo tagging can be really annoying in certain circumstances.
The biggest offender to me are tagging make characters on posts about women. I don’t care that you think he’s your babygirl or whatever, I find this extremely annoying. I get it, sometimes a post fits your character really closely but the gender is wrong, but usually it doesn’t and they’re just doing this on any post even slightly related to a single aspect of a male character they care about. Often because most tumblr fandom people couldn’t be bothered to care about female characters if that was the only way to escape a saw trap alive.
There are other blorbo tag type things that annoy me, and again I’m a petty bitch, so take it with a grain of salt. But to me this one is a little personal (for lack of a better word). One of my first big posts on this blog was about wizard girls leaning in to kiss and having the brims of their hats get in the way. I didn’t mind the blorbo tagging about men that much, but they got less and less related to the post that it was annoying. The last straw before I deleted the post (back when I didn’t realize mute notifications actually worked. It might not have at the time) was a tag about their male blorbos leaning in to kiss and their belt buckles got in the way???
Idk I just find blorbo tagging in general mildly annoying and only do it when the post is an extremely perfect fit for on the characters I care about. I often block people for blorbo tagging about characters from things I dislike, I’m petty and the block button is fun for me to press, so I do that often. :)
If you see a post that isn’t about you or your demographics or gender or whatever, you really don’t need to make it about you. That will very likely annoy op, especially because no one would have anything against you if you went and wrote your own post inspired by whatever the post in question said.
Not every post about lesbians needs to be made about gay men. Not every post about trans women needs to be made about trans men. Not every post about women needs to be made about men. And probably most important:
Not every post needs to be made about white people!
I know you might be thinking how writing something in the tags about your experience as a white person relating to what op is talking about, but I promise you they don’t want to hear it from us. They almost certainly are seeing tags from other white people because for some reason we can’t seem to see someone posting about issues of racism without having either the “I’m sorry for being white” or “white devils advocate” voices appear in our heads, just ignore it. Bite your tongue and reblog or move on for the love of god stop pestering the op.
Obviously the lesbian, trans women, and women ones are the ones I see in my notes that are annoying. But I can’t pretend I haven’t seen other white people say some really unnecessary shit in the tags / haven’t seen posts by nonwhite people who are clearly annoyed about how we always make everything about us.
Remember, you can always write your own post!
5: OP didn’t “turn off replies”
This feels like something that wouldn’t happen that often, but multiple times when I’ve made even mildly controversial takes about like video games or whatever, people will either add in a reblog or send me an ask complaining that I “turned off replies because I was afraid of hearing them disagree” usually followed by them calling me a coward. It’s very simple, I have reply settings so that people I follow and people who have followed me for at least like a week can reply, that’s it. I don’t have replies from everyone on because most people outside of those categories I don’t care about their opinions and they are annoying. If you can’t reply, that’s probably why. And if they actually did turn off replies, that’s because they don’t want replies, especially from people like the ones I just described.
6: I actually don’t have a problem with spam reblogging
This might seem backwards given my other stances on things taking up unnecessary space like useless comments, but I really don’t mind spam reblogs. I frequently do it when I see art I really like or when there’s a post that really resonates with me. Yes, it is annoying! No, I probably won’t stop. I do it so I can’t judge other people who do too. I am trying to keep it to like 5 times at most though, any more is just overkill.
7: OP is a stranger, not your friend
This one applies basically everywhere on the internet, but unless the person who made the post is someone who is like a mutual or someone that’s you’ve interacted with a lot before, they’re probably a stranger. Don’t try to be “playfully rude” or overly familiar. It’s annoying and weird and you will get blocked.
8: If you’re sending an anonymous ask, remember that OP is not going to take you in good faith most of the time
A lot of anon asks aren’t meant to be malicious, but a lot of others are. Bait, hate mail, insults, you name it, there’s a very good reason people like me assume every anon is sent in bad faith for some purpose. If you are going to send an anon ask, try to make it clear that you genuinely just want to ask a question and that you aren’t trying to trick op into saying something you can use to write a callout post against her or whatever.
You did that in this very ask thing and that’s why I’m writing out this long post instead of deleting it or letting it rot in the inbox.
9: Prev Tags etiquette / “Peer Reviewed” Tags
The usage of “prev tags” is controversial, a lot of people have different opinions on it. But with all the changes they made last year that made it harder to see the tags of the person before the person who’s reblog you are viewing, I think prev tags etiquette has changed.
My personal rules for prev tags are to copy the tags into my own tags, and then follow them up with a tag that says “<- prev tags”. Unfortunately tumblr tags convert dashes into spaces for some reason so it ends up looking like “< prev tags”. I’m stubborn and don’t want to like use an emoji arrow though. Anyway, tumblr mobile conveniently allows you to copy the tags of the person you are reblogging from surprisingly easily which I appreciate.
Unlike previous tags, which stay in the tags and don’t turn into an addition to the post, “peer reviewed” tags as they are sometimes called do get added to the post permanently for the remaining blog chain.
The unfortunate truth about this website is that some people have bad opinions on what qualifies as being meaningful enough to be cemented as an addition to the post via “peer review”. As such, the phrase “how could you leave this in the tags 🤣” has essentially become another “you sir have won the internet 🤣”
The shitty part about that is sometimes there are good and meaningful additions in the tags that are worth being added to the post as a whole. But you can add someone’s tags to a post without saying “how could you leave this in the tags”. Anyway this one is more subjective and hard to define so I hope I got my point across at least somewhat.
Anyway, there are probably a few other rules I personally follow that I’m not thinking about right now, but just follow general internet etiquette and try to keep in mind that op is a person who will likely read whatever you type, that covers most things tbh! Thanks for reading if you somehow read this far. Hope this helped! If it didn’t, oh well, I did try and warn you I’m petty and have strong opinions about things that usually don’t matter afterall
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wraenata · 11 months
i wasn't sure how to ask without looking like a complete creeper, but something i noticed on ROTTMNT fanwork is all the dni tcest tags (which I understand because that is one of the worst ways to look at the boys). thats p common in any fandom to have one bad trope everyone is against
my q is, does tcest exist???? is the fandom really good at destroying it? i haven't seen a single fan created thing that could have even hinted at it
which is awesome!!
don't get me wrong
i'm just shocked its mentioned SO MUCH and i haven't come across it
TW tcest mention
Sadly yes it is. I actually have the tcest tag filtered, but not all tcesters even tag their shit that way. I scroll the rise tag a lot and have come across untagged tcest :(
Once I saw some really cool art in the rise tag and thought, hmm, I wonder if this artist has more cool art! Clicks on their bio, scrolls, ends up seeing tcest :( It was not tagged tcest it was tagged leotello, so now that is another tag I went and filtered before I blocked them. Some artists will post tcest and non tcest art, but frankly I don't want to support art from a tcester so if I ever reblog something from a tcester let me know so I can delete it.
I did not know that filtered tags showed up when I search the rise tag, but one post showed up the other day. I thought well hey a great opportunity to block said person I guess. It was a whole post about tcest supporters on tumblr ewwwwwww. Well, took that opportunity to go through and block as many of those as I could, there were a lot of reblogs :( Fortunately it looks like most of those blogs put they are tcest supporter blogs in their bios so they are easier to spot if you ever stumble across them in the wild.
But yeah, it exists. If you go on ao3 and search the rise tag, you need to blacklist like every.single.combination. Idk maybe there is a way to save filtered searches but I just keep my one window open all the time on my phone with my 45 million tags blocking out the tcest cause I don't want to see that.
Also, because I have seen some people get confused, on ao3, 'character a/character b' is a romantic pairing, and 'character a & character b' is a platonic relationship.
I'm not one for drama, just a block and move on if I see it. But some people do put tcest dni on their posts too. I know it can be really frustrating and gross if you posted some wholesome hugs or something and some gross person tags it as tcest. Certainly not a good feeling.
Hope that answers your question!
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iindigoeyed · 4 months
RE: Tumblr shilling out to AI scraping tools
also see @.staff's post.
the news has made its way to me. I've opted out but in true "nothing-on-tumblr-ever-functions" fashion, i just can't rely on that working. Considering the guy who owns tumblr now is also a massive transphobe this is not surprising at all and i expect this will be 2018 Porn Ban-levels of dropping userbase any day now.
So with the rise of AI scraping, I probably won't be posting my art here or, honestly, anywhere at all in the future. There is nowhere left for artists to exist, and nowhere left for fandom to flourish like it used to, and that upsets me. tumblr is not and has not been perfect but this was truly the only last place for the freaks to exist without having to be marketable.
I have dozens, and by dozens i mean hundreds, of inactive blogs lying around on tumblr from over the years. a lot of them have my old art on them. not only do i not have the information to log into them anymore, but a lot of them only exist in reblogs, and exactly how are reblogs of art going to exist under the "pwease dont scwape my awt" thing? Will you be able to check that EVERY blog has opted-out? What about deleted blogs? Inactive ones? The blogs that belong to dead people? You get it. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat. you want me to log into what is probably close to a hundred blogs to switch a button that should be OPT-IN to begin with? -- But let's be honest, who's opting in to have their art fucking stolen? No one, and on tumblr especially.
Personally speaking here, I know i don't have a huge following and that's kind of by choice. So you can take what i say with a grain of salt. but as someone who want(ed) to work in the art field and was hoping ai scraping would be a passing trend, this is the nail in my coffin. I give up. I'm not posting art anymore, period. I've dealt with all of this for long enough. Everyone and everywhere is hostile for artists, including other artists, every single website, and now companies and corporations. If this is the future it is fucking bleak. I've made a lot of friends and memories through art, and please don't get me wrong, i am so grateful. But even so, I make no money (not like i ever tried), i don't enjoy the process, and i'm just a drop in the ocean of artists on the internet. Instead i get to worry about: people harassing others over what art they make, art being suppressed in the algorithms, artists being expected to comply with bullshit regulations, companies scraping our hard work to feed back into their dumbfuck machine, and in my case honing my skills for almost a decade with nothing to show for it to my colleagues.
I love art. I love(d) making art, at one point. My philosophy is that art is made to be shared. but if i cannot do one, i cannot do the other. I myself cannot share art safely, ergo i myself have no reason to make it. I'll find a way to do what i love but this is not it.
as for everyone else. i hope you don't give up hope, i hope you keep fighting to fix this. But personally speaking i am done. Look around, look outside. everything is trying to kill us. and the last thing i need is having to worry about whether my art is getting fed into an ai or glazing everything before i post. I know it will get worse. I'm just tired.
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odinsblog · 1 year
how do you avoid right wingers (& centrists that use slurs) when making political posts? i want to be able to help inform other people but the nastiness i’ve received makes me want to give up. i understand why some people avoid politics entirely
Hello there, @land-shark-is-here
Honestly, I don’t avoid them. What I mean is, you can’t avoid them.
They drop into my asks just to sling the n-word at me and then they just keep strolling by like nothing happened
They’re literally out there by the tens of thousands, and they’re loud
After a while I’ve learned that instead of internalizing their vitriol or letting them get me down, the best I can really do is delete their comments and then block them (in that order - it matters). Most of these trolls are looking to ride the coattails of your posts to gain the visibility that they cannot get on their own — unless you can crush their foolishness with a particularly witty or devastatingly insightful comeback, deny them that visibility. Don’t, as they say, feed the trolls
(please see also: x, y, and z)
And even when comments and reblogs by other trolls might make it *appear* that dozens and dozens of other bloggers are expressing agreement with a troll, that is almost always an illusion. Online trolls travel in packs. Seriously. If you visit a comment troll’s blog, you will probably see the following things: their blog is almost exclusively nothing but them shitting on someone else’s posts, or they are in constant communication with other comment trolls who do the same thing, or they’re just bored conservative porn bloggers. Anyway, when a comment troll sees one of their ilk latch onto a post, they dog pile it. I have witnessed this repeatedly with pro-gun bloggers and anti-choice bloggers. I’ve seen them force some bloggers to delete some really great posts over the years, because the person felt overwhelmed and outnumbered due to being ganged up on
And learn to spot sea lions - they’re the disingenuous trolls who always seem to be interested in genuine discourse, but no matter how many times you answer their questions, somehow it’s never quite enough—that’s because their true goal is to keep peppering you with “simple” questions that require a ton of thought on your part. They could care less about your answers. Their mission is to wear you out. Death by a thousand cuts, so to speak. Their job is to remain unconvinced, no matter how much sense your replies might make. Please understand: they want you to get discouraged and give up. Because as you and others like you quit, their version of reality becomes more accepted, and they gain control of the narrative, and they eventually become the “common sense” gatekeepers, and ultimately their way of thinking will shift the Overton window ever rightwards. If we let that happen
Look, on the other hand it’s always a good idea to open ourselves to the possibility that we might be wrong. There is nothing wrong with honest and respectful debate, if that’s how you want to spend your time. No one is right all of the time. No one is wrong all of the time. We’re human. So sometimes we do need to hear what those who disagree with us are thinking. (Within reason, ofc. I’m not talking about Nazis or people who think Black people and/or LGBTQ, etc people are second class and less than human - fuck those so called “viewpoints”) If nothing else, we learn how to retort their disingenuous arguments—but that has its limits. You are not a doormat for trolls to amuse themselves
But if you dO decide to engage the trolls, it’s never a bad idea to invest in learning logical fallacies and how to debate, so that you have the skills to thoroughly deconstruct a troll’s specious arguments (and honestly I need to take my own advice here)
So unless you genuinely want to enlighten an audience with your response to a troll, my advice is to go heavy on blocking. It may take a while, but just like tending a garden, eventually you will see your online space become more de-trolled. It’s self care. It’s not living in a bubble or being a snowflake. If you spend a significant portion of your time online, please remember that you deserve some peace of mind, even in online spaces
I hope you found this helpful
Good luck
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cecilpedia · 7 months
Finally, I decided to make an introduction post!
Name: Cecil
Pronouns: He/him, it/its, ve/vir, serp/serpent, hill/hills (feel free to ask me about how to use them if confused!)
Age: 18
Orientation/gender: Bi and some flavor of asexual, depends on the day tbh. I'm also a trans man with some xenogenders. You can ask about them, but I will clown on you if you say something in bad faith.
Relationship status: In a polycule with my lovely girlfriend and boyfriend
Other info abt me and my blog:
•I am QUEER. I respect if you do not wish to be referred to in that way or don't feel comfortable with the word, but I will not tag anything with "q slur." My identity will not be censored.
•On that note, I will often reblog or post with (reclaimed) slurs that will probably not be tagged. If that triggers you or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, it's best not to follow me.
•A DNI list obviously cannot stop you from interacting with me, but if you're a jerk to me and my friends or your blog makes me uncomfortable, I will block you. Don't take it personally unless I tell you outright to get bent. With that being said I do not care if you post NSFW because that's none of my business.
•I am often wrong about things! Please please PLEASE correct me if I end up posting or reblogging misinformation!
•I am pretty inconsistent with tagging triggers and I apologize! Let me know if I miss something but refer to the first two bullet points beforehand. I'm not tagging anything about my personal identity as a trigger warning.
•Don't tag me in discourse that I'm not already involved in to see what I think about something. Odds are I do have an opinion, I'm just opting to not share it at that time.
This post is replacing my previous pinned post, but I'm not deleting it because it still applies now. Plus, I want you to see that I will give you the Reblog of Shame if you add some stupid shit to my posts.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 months
Hi! In a small fit of panic to not being understood i deleted my reblog but then I reconsidered so I thought to shoot you this ask instead. I appreciate you relinking to the context of the post and I understand how my tags could be read as both ignorant of the context of the mentioned frustration and/or preachy. However, they were simply a reminder to myself in the context of the frustration addressed in the post to not let myself end there. It was a mental note. I did not mean to assume a limitation of the scope on your part nor to imply there wasnt a point to the conscious and kind decision of understanding oneself as mentally ill and the visibility of said absolute acceptance.
I'm sorry if by posting my reblog I upset you. Your tags didn't upset me and you're far from the only person posting tags like that and yours weren't offensive! I just wanted to give context because the OG post broke containment and I was starting to get a little frustrated with people who weren't getting my point (people in general not you specifically and my latest post was about someone else's tags just fyi)
Its not that you did anything bad I'm just trying to make sure the wider context is known
I am genuinely sorry if I made you feel bad, you didn't do anything wrong it's just frustrating sometimes when a post breaks containment and you can see a lot of people possibly not understanding context because they don't know you or your blog
Obviously not what's going on with you but I guess the limitations of knowing context and intentions goes both ways
Anyway I do wish you all the best
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jung-koook · 2 years
let me talk about something here please.
every time I open my inbox I saw hates messages. I prefer to block these messages, ignore them completely but this time I think I need to reply to these ones that left me extremely offended.
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stealing from twitter??? what?? whenever I go on twitter and see a photo or video and post it here I always put the credits. I also check their twitter account to see if there are any messages from them asking us to not repost their videos and photos. and after so many controversies and fansites wrong behaviors, i also stopped supporting fansite fantakes. when I go on twitter to look for translations for my gifs I always put the credits in the description of them. when I post only the translation I take a screenshot of their account and post it showing their username. I also use twitter for news and I always post a screenshot showing where the new came from. and I use twitter to see other instagrams uploading members photos, but do i need to put credits where i got these photos? please, I didnt steal anything from anyone!
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now this one.. gosh :/ being called a sasaeng is so offensive, I’m really shook right now :/ let me reply to this message :////
first of all, I am a 24 year old adult, thank you. “has major saesang behavior”??? what do you mean by that?? if you call me something like that you have to give me proof of what you're talking about! I never posted anything from their private events and schedules. nor pics of them just enjoying their lives. i document every moment of jeongguks life?? I cant understand what you're talking about because i dont to that. I never posted anything private about his life!
i already posted some pics of jeongguk that his brother posted on his instagram and his brother talking about gureum. his brother always interacted with army on instagram. he already posted some pics of jeongguk and some bangtan fanarts on his instagram. his brother never told armys not to interact with his account. but after some people asked me not to post these photos/pics here anymore, i deleted them.  (i dont see anything wrong with posting these since his brother doesnt see a problem with it. different from hobis sister who already said she doesnt like her instagram posts beind shared. )
when jeongguk was to film the ‘left and right’ mv. I saw a translation account translate to where he was going. I had read the kmedia news but I didnt realize that the two accounts were talking about different places. so I completely wrongly shared what the translation account translated but that account translated the place bighit was trying to keep private. a nice person here saw it and came to warn me about it and after that i deleted my post and apologize for sharing that here. I think unfortunately these are mistakes that anyone can make. but that doesnt make them saesang. please search on saesang term first.
if i cared about ony notes i wouldnt make gifs anymore. I make gifs because its a hobby that helps me to relax, to forget about the things that are bothering me in my personal life, to show a little bit of my love and admiration for bangtan by making my gifs. but notes are something important and caring about notes is nothing wrong! everyone wants to have their work recognized in some way right? and here its through the notes. so yes, I will self-reblog my posts whenever I want, thanks. :) 
I dont know why but there seem to be a lot of people who dont like that I've been here since 2013 lol and they think I dont deserve the support I got since the start of my blog. been here since the beginning helped me a lot and its something important for me. please dont try to take that out of my story. my blog is a beautiful part of my history as a bangtan fan. please dont try to hurt this part of my story. I went on hiatus for a while because I'm studying architecture and I had to focus only on my studies :)) when i came back tumblr was completely different. the people I knew from before werent here. even though i still had a lot of followers i felt like most werent here anymore either. so for me it was like starting my blog all over again. most of the people who support my blog here dont know it from the beginning, most are new people. so the reason I have support here is not because I've been here since 2013. the only ugliness I see here is you and your messages. you tried to ruin my day and you succeeded. :)
I'm tired of people trying to make things up about me! leave me alone! I'm not hurting anyone. I just post my gifs, support the work of other talented people here and scream for bangtan. stop trying to make up extremely dangerous lies about me! if you dont like me and my blog, stop being pathetic please do something for yourself. blocked my blog so you will never see me here again.
P.S. I’m sorry for my bad english but i needed to answer these messages. and I answered that way because I needed to block these people or the same person from my blog.
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sasterisk · 2 months
Sasterisk's Intro Post (for the tumblr culture)
Call me Saster! I'm Bisexual and I use She/Her & They/Them pronouns! I’m from Michigan, in the USA. I have ADHD, and probably some other stuff that I don't rlly know of yet :P
I’m a 20 y/o Art and Design student focusing on animation! If you wanna see more of my work, check out my youtube channel and my instagram, that’s where I post most often!
These are the fandoms I like! Prone to change, so sorry if its outdated;
Life Series / Trafficblr
Object Shows (mostly Inanimate Insanity (and mostly season 2 (and mostly suitloon stuff)))
Warrior Cats
Adventure Time (I love Prismo)
Pokemon & Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Others I can't think of rn :P
The usual (bigotry, sexism, ableism, proshipping, etc etc)
If you're under 13 y/o. My blog will not contain NSFW (probably) but I swear and might talk about things meant for mature audiences occasionally.
will update if needed...
I do a LOT of shipping (Hermitshipping and Object Shows especially), and have a lot of opinions on said ships.
If I ever reblog something of yours that makes you uncomfortable, let me know! I will delete it if you ask!
I'm not too familiar with the internet culture on Tumblr, so sorry if I seem awkward lol, happy to learn, though!
Please use tone indicators for things you feel could be taken in the wrong ways, such as using /p(latonic) and /j(oke)
My tags;
#SasterDoodles - For my artwork!
#SasterRambles - For rambling about whatever
will make others when needed...
Thanks for reading, happy scrolling!
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sickknotdoom · 5 months
cant believe i have to say this but dont harass anybody thats basic fucking common sense
call me val, use they/she pronouns on me. im a minor so dont be weird towards me. this is my sideblog for "unfiltered" sparklecare discussion, in the sense that i dont just blindly praise everything i see. this will include shit like the preboot, as well as constructive criticism of both the preboot, reboot, whatever aus* exist, and the fandom. positivity is welcome and encouraged just as much as what im known for.
main tags are #sparklecriticism (self explanatory), #sparklebitching (for shorter posts) and #meaningful discussion (for longer posts). tagged this way since may 11th, 2024. older posts may or not be tagged, enable the date display.
feel free to send in your input, anonymous or not. mindless hatred will be deleted, along with bigotry or enticing harassment or anything of the sort towards anybody. feel free to reblog anything seen here for any reason.
i know that the mere idea of someone criticizing sparklecare may fire off the bigot detecting alarms in your brains, so i feel the need to clarify everything you see here is written by a black, fem-agender gaylm that suffers from autism and cluster b disorders. the polar opposite of most fans, watch me get invalidated.
dont get me wrong, i do like the main comic, i actually credit it for saving my life during a dark place that i am still in. and thats exactly why i made this blog, i cannot let the wasted potential or the horrendous fandom go unnoticed. i critique all of my interests, especially indie projects such as sparklecare since mainstream censors dont apply to them. this is by no means a hate account, and i do not want to be disrespectful towards kneebys trauma. you shouldnt go in here with those intentions either, it will not be tolerated.
i will not tag negativity for anything, its a criticism blog, what did you expect. however i will tag mentions of heavy subject matter, but not as haphazardly as the comic does. positivity is also permitted here because you cant make a push for a better story if you dont bring up examples of good elements.
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favorite character: doom
least favorite character: barry
main: figure it out, it should be really easy, & i mean REALLY easy! so much so that ive gotten mail with my deadname ^_^
anon list: howial, orange, 🎈, 🐍, faerie, 🕷️, radical, 🐀, 🌀, 🦝, 🐌
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rae-napier64 · 5 months
Hello! I need medication for life to prevent my lungs from collapsing, this implies permanent treatment with steroids, oxygen therapy, control of oxygen in the blood and antibiotics to prevent the development of bacteria in the lungs.
I'm afraid I have to insist on this because it may be the only way to get my treatment.
I need medication for life to keep my lungs from collapsing, this costs around $700 per month.
Things are really tough on me,I can’t afford. Please donate🖤
This is like the third time I’ve had an ask like this, so instead of ignoring or deleting it I’ll turn it into a teaching moment.
Before I do that: don’t harrass the person behind this ask! They’re simply reaching out asking for help, that’s a good thing!!!
Anyway, ladies, gents. Those as yet unknown, don’t send asks E-begging, especially not to Strangers. I understand that your struggling and I wish more than anything that this didn’t need to happen, unfortunately we live in a hellscape and people are struggling to make ends meet as is, and all of a sudden tumblr has become the E-begging capital of the internet.
If I had the resources and time to donate to all of the posts and asks and continuous reblog chains then I truly would, however I’m living paycheck to paycheck, I have no money, I’m barely making rent and feeding myself, i don’t want or need twenty thousand asks a month making me feel like shit just because I’m unable to help those in need trust me I feel bad enough.
It’s unfair, and downright rude to expect others to answer kindly or give money to a complete and total stranger who has popped up out of nowhere to beg for money, attention or whatever else is being asked for.
And all that is providing it’s real people and not bots or scam artists targeting those that are vulnerable tumblr is full of teenagers who want to make life better and who have strong opinions and believe that doing good recklessly is the best way to live. These teens aren’t wrong, but the people taking advantage are and this whole situation reeks of scammers asking for “a couple quid til payday” or “oh I’ll pay you back when I get the money” it’s bullshit!
Tldr: it’s not your job as a tumblr user to give to any cause that you’re not a part of, you don’t know these people or what they’re using the funds for. Survive, offer what you can, don’t let them guilt trip you into a scam.
Oh yeah, and stop E-begging in randoms asks/Dm’s its disgusting
Edit: apparently I’m a shitty person for being poor??? https://www.tumblr.com/rae-napier64/744524954363740160/oh-wow-just-actually-went-to-your-blog-home-and
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twoiesfnafocs · 8 months
I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of. This also applies to my headcanons.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
You never know what you're going to get with me. You may get a multipara starter/reply, you may get a few sentences. I don't expect you to match my length, especially if I've written a behemoth of a starter... but I do ask that you try to match my effort. If I'm writing a huge reply and you respond with something that doesn't match the setting or context, (and do this consistently,) I'm more than likely going to drop threads, and if this keeps happening, I'll just soft block you. Yes I do this for fun, but I put abouts and rules and everything you need to know for a reason, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort to read it, or properly read my responses, then don't even bother.
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine-tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience. If posts don't get trimmed, I'll just have to make the reply and hit that big red X button that deletes everything before my response, so take that as a warning.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from this rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three-strikes-your-out policy.
Speaking of boundaries, this blog in particular deals with themes of child abuse, racism, and possibly more dark themes. I will tag as needed, but I may also forget, so if you are easily triggered by this stuff, do not follow this specific blog. I can also be found at @reactivatedrockstar, but I can only be dmed here.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies unless it's been a few days. Maybe a notif bugged out, or maybe I thought I replied but didn't. General rule of thumb, if it's been less than a day, then don't pester me.
I like to talk in the DMs!! Please don't think that this is a passive-aggressive attempt to get you to reply, as eager as I get, this is a hobby, and I will not rush you intentionally!! Please tell me politely if I make you feel rushed or don't want to talk via dms. (I personally just think that writing is more fun when you know your partners.) That being said, I do not want you feeling like you are responsible for my personal feelings, and vice versa. You are allowed to say no, I am allowed to say no. If you try and guilt trip me, that will count against your three strikes. (And I will warn you dw.)
In addition to this, if you do NOT like communicating via dms, please tell me, and I will stop. If you just ignore me or ghost me, I'm either going to continue to try and reach out, thinking you forgot or didn't get notified, or I'll become intimidated, and think I did something wrong. We're all adults here, we can use our words. You don't have to follow me if you don't want to interact.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
If you want to let me know you've read these, go ahead and like it, but it's not required, I use an honor system anyway.
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stardusthuntress · 2 years
Some people get upset so easily. Someone made a comment about how Tales of the Jedi wasn’t about the “real Jedi”, and how it needed more about their life at the temple… so I reblogged it explaining how it’s so nice that Star Wars is now treating people like they are human and not perfect, and how seeing the disillusionment and search for hope was so important to the story, and they got all hurt that I was being “anti-Jedi” and that they only allowed pro-Jedi comments on their blog. And ya know, there’s nothing wrong with them not wanting those alerts of comments on the blog. And they are sorta correct, I’m not a big fan of the Jedi because of the way they were portrayed as idols and then they proceed to leave a trail of destruction in their wake that they don’t have to clean up. Because they have forgotten what it is like to be normal and not blessed with the connection to the force. But I love how it is because of that that Anakin struggles and eventually falls. There’s so much realism in that! But the post I reblogged made me realize that the original post was from a person who I should not be following because we have clashing views on the humanity portrayed in Star Wars. Rather than getting angry at each other and spreading hate via lengthy and constant reblogs, maybe I should just make my own post. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have meaningful discussions about the beautiful portrayals of humanity in Star Wars. Maybe that person needs it to portray the ideal case, and who am I to deny them that? But personally, I love that Star Wars is really diving into the grey area where real people live, so I deleted my reblog and decided to make it into a post of its own because I really like that Disney is making Star Wars into a space that portrays the struggles of the real world and how nobody is perfect and I want to share that so they know it is appreciated. Maybe I did word it a bit strongly (I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was just writing down what was in my head because it got me thinking and I like cerebral stories), but that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss our differences of opinion in kind ways. Personally, I don’t think I would be a big fan of a soap opera about the perfect life at the Jedi temple… but that’s just me! Maybe other people would really like that, and there’s nothing wrong with that! So, lemme explain why I really liked the new show! And let’s all try to discuss our favorite things about the show kindly instead of argue about opinions, sound good?
So here are my thoughts, with a little bit more than I originally posted.
I really like the Tales of the Jedi because the way they wrote it begs the question: are the Jedi really upholding the Jedi values anymore, or have they forgotten what it is to be Jedi? Perhaps these few are those who began to remind the Jedi of what once was, and what needs to be again. People aren’t all good or all bad, real people exist in the grey area, and that’s finally getting explored in Star Wars and it’s wonderful! People need role models that aren’t perfect, because perfection is unobtainable, unrealistic. We need hope that you don’t have to be categorized as bad if you just don’t quite fit the ideal model. All I’m saying is: people aren’t perfect, so why does media so often portray them as such? It’s beautiful to have complexities, and the Tales of the Jedi gave us exactly that!
Tho I would like to know more about all of the others too! Especially the disillusionment cases: what happened to Bariss? Was there a specific mission that made her ache so much she turned on her friend? What about Luminara’s capture, what happened? That Jedi we see under the cloth in Bad Batch, who was that and who were they as a person? Like Homer’s Iliad and odyssey, part of the true meaning of a story comes from the life lived before the fall - we must know the fallen to truly understand the horrors of war.
“To defeat an enemy, you must know them” Thrawn (Rebels). As the Empire knew it’s Jedi, and it’s Clones, and it makes their fall that much more painful! After all, Star Wars has always been a tragedy. The clones became such wonderful men, and they never did receive the respect and kindness they should have for fighting to protect a way of life that they would never know.
And there’s a question I think we need to know more about: the moment Order 66 went out… there were far more clones than Jedi in the galaxy… many Jedi were said to sense a rumbling in the force, was it truly JUST that of their fallen compatriots, or was it also the moment the Clones - their best friends - were suddenly overcome by anger and hatred (as is the Sith way, because it IS indeed blinding) and disconnected from the humanity the Jedi and clones had bonded over, as their minds snapped and they literally lost control? How many clone minds were screaming into the force in that moment? What did that feel like? And perhaps more importantly, who or what gave the survivors the strength to continue after the fall? And what role did the disillusionment have as they continued onwards? We saw Bail give Ahsoka hope when she most needed it. Where were the other kind souls who kept other survivors on their feet?
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