#recipients and donors
lexingtonrenalcare · 2 years
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Nephrology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney. Lexington Renal Care Physicians Services in Kentucky We provide services that help you with the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
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"12.1 MILLION tons of furniture waste went to landfills in the us in 2018*
That’s over 24.2 billion pounds (add in carpets and rugs for another almost 5 billion pounds) discarded to sit in landfills in 2018 alone.
For perspective, when we furnish a home, a one-bedroom apartment requires about 1.1 tons of furniture, so (for some quick math) 11 MILLION one-bedroom apartments are getting tossed into the trash each year.
Meanwhile, 37.9 million people, or 11.6% of the U.S. population, are living in poverty (2021 U.S. Census) and lack the basic necessities to make a house a home.
We solve two problems at the same time, collecting, repurposing, and curating gently-used furnishings and household goods (saving them from landfill) AND giving them to people in need."
"Requesting furniture from Make It Home requires a social worker, caseworker or case manager to make any requests.
If you need furniture, please contact your social worker or if you do not have a social worker, we can recommend some agencies that may be able to help you."
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couriernine · 4 months
This came to my mind a few days ago when it was dongsik's birthday (because of the fact that they just chose the actors' birthdays for the characters lol) but I love that due to cultural differences the pseudoscience they went with in the script book is blood type theory.. it doesn't seem as varied as the MBTI or even the zodiac signs of western astrology but I love it nonetheless it works well for them! Joowon had the introversion and authoritative attitude of the AB type and Dongsik has the kindness and obsessive drive of the O type
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thefuturewithoutus · 2 years
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what's making me tear my hair out is how in the end they gave up their lives for each other both metaphorically & literally. wilson sacrificed time and money and energy to be with house and to help him in anyway he could over and over again. he never had a lasting marriage or family or a longterm meaningful romantic relationship. all because house was his best friend. and house gives back in his own fucked up little indirect way too. in return house ruins his life so he can be together with wilson in his final months. just insanity
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cynicalone94 · 7 months
Sending hugs always!
Time After Time: Send me a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of [that fic], or sometime in the past before the story started, and I’ll tell you what happened then
A few years later!
For living donation, please and thank you!
five years later
Jay glances at Hailey with tired eyes before turning back and knocking on the door. 
It’s been a busy couple of days in the city and there just aren’t patrol officers available to canvas the street for them which means they get to do it themselves. 
Which isn’t the worst thing in the world but it does take a lot of time away from the hundreds of other things they need to do today. 
He pushes down those thoughts as the door opens, a teenage girl standing behind the screen door. 
“Hi.” he says, plastering a smile across his face. “I’m -”
“Mr. Jay!” she says, eyes lighting up. 
He stutters to a stop, studying her face and trying to figure out where he knows her from. 
“J-Jennifer?” he asks, his own eyes going wide. “How are you doing?”
“It’s been amazing!” she says, swinging open the screen door and motioning them inside. “The liver has been incredible. I was able to start taking dance lessons after I recovered and now I do dance, cheer and tennis.”
“Yeah?” Jay asks, glancing around the room at the photos and trophies. “You look a lot more energetic and just healthy than I remember.”
She nods. 
“Absolutely.” she agrees. “And it’s all thanks to you. I can’t thank you enough.”
“I was happy to help.” he tells her. “And even more happy to see how well you’ve been able to use it.”
“I knew that I was getting such an incredible gift and it was very important to me to make sure that I made good use of it.” she says, cheeks filling with color. 
“Jennifer.” he says seriously. “This is all incredible but you know that all I wanted for you was that you lived past the age of nine. Everything else is you going above and beyond and living your best life and I am so happy for you.”
“Can I hug you?” she asks with a shy smile and he’s quick to nod, opening his arms for her to step into them. 
When she steps back, he bites his lip. 
“As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the day catching up,” he says reluctantly. “We are here for work. Is your mom here?” 
“You guys are here about the home invasion down the street, right?” she asks. 
“That’s right.” he confirms. “We’re talking to everyone on the street to see if anyone saw anything or maybe has outdoor cameras that might have picked something up.”
“I was away at cheer camp when it happened.” she says. “Just got home this morning but let me grab mom. Even if she didn’t see anything she can get you the tapes from the cameras.”
He nods and she hurries down the hall. 
Hailey steps up, putting a hand on his arm. 
“You okay?” she says quietly. 
“I never even thought about how different her life would be after the transplant.” he whispers. “But she’s so… so happy and healthy.”
“You did something so special and beautiful.” she tells him. “And in case I haven’t told you lately, I am so proud of you. And not just for what you did for Jennifer.”
He offers her a slightly overwhelmed smile and she squeezes his arm before letting her hand fall as Jennifer and her mother come back into the room. 
“Detective Halstead.” Eleanor says warmly, her face lighting up. “It’s so wonderful to see you.”
“Call me Jay.” he insists, smiling at her. “It’s amazing to see how well you guys are doing. And I so wish that I wasn’t here for work because I have a case to solve or I really would love to stay and catch up.”
“You’ll need my number for your report.” she says easily. “We can make plans to do dinner another time. Jennifer said you guys were asking about the home invasion.”
“We are.” Hailey confirms. “Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary last night?”
“There was an unusual truck that spent a lot of time up and down the street.” she says. “Some early in the morning but it showed up again just after dinner. There wasn’t a logo and I didn’t get a plate but it was a blue pickup truck. And I can get you the outdoor cameras from the last couple of days and hopefully you can get more of what you need from that.”
“Thank you.” Jay says, taking the flash drive that she’s holding out. “I’ll reach out about dinner. It’ll be great to catch up properly.”
“Agreed.” she says, stepping forward to hug him quickly, stepping back before he has a chance to truly respond. 
He and Hailey step toward the door, knowing that they have a lot more people to talk to before they can get back to the district and start piecing together what they might have found on the canvas but he feels a lot better about this canvas already. 
“Bye Jay.” Jennifer calls and he glances back to wave at her, breaking into a wide smile when he sees her holding a familiar teddy bear, waving it’s little hand at him. 
“Bye Jay.” he echoes, shaking his head at the bear that she’d named after him. 
She’s laughing when he finally steps out of the door and the sound fills him with unbelievable warmth. 
It had been a difficult recovery but he’d never once stopped believing that it had been one hundred percent worth it. 
And seeing the happy, thriving life that Jennifer is living just makes it even more so. 
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boffincoderproducts · 8 months
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Online platforms are like helpers for blood donation. They bring together people who want to give blood and people who need it. This helps save lives easily. These platforms also teach everyone about donating blood. Join in to be a part of this important way to help.
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109moons · 11 months
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Recovery is really hard, but days like today make it all feel worth it.
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roughentumble · 1 year
btw once trans women are getting womb transplants, they'll be on the transplant meds for the rest of their lives anyway, SO we might as well start a wave of tit donations as well. every trans woman gets a trans man partner who donates their unwanted breasts+uteri XD
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
house being type ab and wilson being type o is so fucking crazy of the writers
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sweetxvertigo · 2 months
Artist friends, please don't use StickerMule
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I've been on the "Fuck Stickermule" train for a few years now after they posted COVID conspiracy bullshit, and it was found out their CEO was a Trump / Anti-LGBTQ+ donor.
Take your business elsewhere. Just because they have good deals occasionally shouldn't mean they should be able to use your money to support shitty recipients.
Some businesses I'd recommend checking out:
StickerGuy -Been using Sticker Guy for like 15 years for my bands stickers over the years. They have some of the best vinyl stickers I've ever used and those things are practically indestructible. Ridiculously good prices too.
RockinMonkey - I've only ever used them for one run of holographic stickers but the quality is so good and I'd definitely go to them again if I were to get more printed.
StickerNinja - Never personally used but I've seen so many people recommend them and their quality shows on their socials. And I'm fairly certain they're BIPOC owned, super pro-LGBTQ+ and are very vocally Pro-Palestine which is a plus in my book!
StickerApp - has been getting a lot of positive feedback in the reblogs! Vograce - I've read some good things about them in the reblogs, and I've also seen some people on Tiktok showing off acrylic keychains they've made with their services!
EDIT [7/18/2024]:
Found this cool document full of information on other sticker / merch printers with a ton of comparisons and examples compiled by Theresa Chiechi! They also have a series of Tiktok videos linked on that page showing the different businesses they've tried. Be sure to check it out if you want a comprehensive look into your best options.
Please feel free to leave any other suggestions!
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creativeera · 2 months
Organ Transplant: Saving Lives Through Donation and Medical Advancement
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The History of Organ Transplant
The first successful organ transplant took place in 1954 when a kidney was transplanted between identical twins in Boston. This groundbreaking surgery paved the way for other transplant procedures. Throughout the 1950s and 60s, doctors continued experimenting with kidney transplants with varying success rates due to the body's natural immune response. It wasn't until the 1980s that anti-rejection drugs like cyclosporine were developed, allowing transplants between non-related donors and recipients to become more widely performed and successful. Types of Transplants
Kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organs, with over 80,000 kidney transplants performed in the United States alone between 1988-2018 according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Other organs that can be transplanted include the liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, intestine, and thymus gland. Tissue such as corneas, skin, bone marrow, heart valves, veins and ligaments can also be donated. Organ Donation
For a Organ Transplant to occur, a donor must first agree to donate their organs upon death. In the United States, individuals can register as organ donors through their state's department of motor vehicles or on the Organ Donor Registry. Family consent is also required before organs can be recovered. Once a donor is declared brain dead but their heart is still beating, doctors work to preserve the organs until they can be surgically removed and transplanted into recipients waiting for a life-saving gift. Waiting for an Organ
The need for donated organs far outweighs the available supply. As of January 2020, there were over 113,000 candidates on the U.S. national transplant waiting list according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. The waiting time for a donated organ varies depending on blood type, organ size match and medical urgency. On average, 20 people die each day from the lack of available organs. Children have a higher mortality rate while waiting, with nearly 5,000 children in need of a transplant. Advancements in Living Donation
While deceased donor transplants remain the standard, advancements have been made to increase living donation options. In kidney and portions of liver or lung donation, a healthy person can elect to donate an organ or parts of organs to recipients in need. The recipient's prognosis is often better when the donated organ is still functioning at the time of transplant rather than being recovered from a deceased donor. Some donors are emotionally motivated to help a loved one, while others choose to altruistically donate to a stranger. Either way, living donation has elevated many from waiting lists to restored health. The Future of 3D Bioprinting and Xenotransplantation
Scientists are exploring new frontiers to close the organ supply gap through bioprinting and cross-species transplantation possibilities. 3D bioprinting uses inkjet-like printers to deposit cells layer by layer, building functional organs. Researchers have printed heart tissue, liver buds and kidney structures, with the goal of fully printed transplantable organs in development. Meanwhile, some scientists are testing the use of organs from genetically-modified pigs, known as xenotransplantation. Pig heart valves and skin are already used as human transplants with promising research underway for whole organs. If effective, bioprinting and xenotransplantation could revolutionize transplant availability in coming decades. The Impact of a Transplant
For recipients who receive that lifesaving gift from a donor, organ transplantation means a second chance at life. Kidney transplant patients can discontinue dialysis treatments and greatly improve their quality of living without being tethered to a machine. Liver recipients are cured of end-stage liver disease and related conditions. Heart transplant patients are no longer constrained by heart failure.
lung transplants restore breathing abilities for people suffering from cystic fibrosis, COPD or pulmonary hypertension. The impact of organ donation should not be underestimated - for both recipients who receive more days with their families, and donors who give the ultimate gift so others may live on. Continued medical progress and donation awareness will help even more individuals overcome organ failure in the future.
Get more insights on Organ Transplant
About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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reasonsforhope · 25 days
"The first modern attempt at transferring a uterus from one human to another occurred at the turn of the millennium. But surgeons had to remove the organ, which had become necrotic, 99 days later. The first successful transplant was performed in 2011 — but even then, the recipient wasn’t immediately able to get pregnant and deliver a baby. It took three more years for the first person in the world with a transplanted uterus to give birth. 
More than 70 such babies have been born globally in the decade since. “It’s a complete new world,” said Giuliano Testa, chief of abdominal transplant at Baylor University Medical Center.
Almost a third of those babies — 22 and counting — have been born in Dallas at Baylor. On Thursday, Testa and his team published a major cohort study in JAMA analyzing the results from the program’s first 20 patients. All women were of reproductive age and had no uterus (most having been born without one), but had at least one functioning ovary. Most of the uteri came from living donors, but two came from deceased donors.
Fourteen women had successful transplants, all of whom were able to have at least one baby.  
“That success rate is extraordinary, and I want that to get out there,” said Liza Johannesson, the medical director of uterus transplants at Baylor, who works with Testa and co-authored the study. “We want this to be an option for all women out there that need it.”
Six patients had transplant failures, all within two weeks of the procedure. Part of the problem may have been a learning curve: The study initially included only 10 patients, and five of the six with failed transplants were in that first group. These were “technical” failures, Testa said, involving aspects of the surgery such as how surgeons connected the organ’s blood vessels, what material was used for sutures, and selecting a uterus that would work well in a transplant. 
The team saw only one transplant fail in the second group of 10 people, the researchers said. All 20 transplants took place between September 2016 and August 2019.
Only one other cohort study has previously been published on uterus transplants, in 2022. A Swedish team, which included Johannesson before she moved to Baylor, performed seven successful transplants out of nine attempts. Six women, including the first transplant recipient to ever deliver a baby back in 2014, gave birth.
“It’s hard to extract data from that, because they were the first ones that did it,” Johannesson said. “This is the first time we can actually see the safety and efficacy of this procedure properly.”
So far, the signs are good: High success rates for transplants and live births, safe and healthy children so far, and early signs that immunosuppressants — typically given to transplant recipients so their bodies don’t reject the new organ — may not cause long-term harm, the researchers said. (The uterine transplants are removed after recipients no longer need them to deliver children.) And the Baylor team has figured out how to identify the right uterus for transfer: It should be from a donor who has had a baby before, is premenopausal, and, of course, who matches the blood type of the recipient, Testa said...
“They’ve really embraced the idea of practicing improvement as you go along, to understand how to make this safer or more effective. And that’s reflected in the results,” said Jessica Walter, an assistant professor of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, who co-authored an editorial on the research in JAMA...
Walter was a skeptic herself when she first learned about uterine transplants. The procedure seemed invasive and complicated. But she did her fellowship training at Penn Medicine, home to one of just four programs in the U.S. doing uterine transplants. 
“The firsts — the first time the patient received a transplant, the first time she got her period after the transplant, the positive pregnancy test,” Walter said. “Immersing myself in the science, the patients, the practitioners, and researchers — it really changed my opinion that this is science, and this is an innovation like anything else.” ...
Many transgender women are hopeful that uterine transplants might someday be available for them, but it’s likely a far-off possibility. Scientists need to rewind and do animal studies on how a uterus might fare in a different “hormonal milieu” before doing any clinical trials of the procedure with trans people, Wagner said.
Among cisgender women, more long-term research is still needed on the donors, recipients, and the children they have, experts said.
“We want other centers to start up,” Johannesson said. “Our main goal is to publish all of our data, as much as we can.”"
-via Stat, August 16, 2024
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
I've been reading so much about rabies and cats and there are so few cat owners who keep their cats up to date on rabies vaccinations and buds please keep your kitty's jabs up-to-date and please please please keep your cats inside and please treat any cat with an unknown vaccination history as a wild animal and don't try to touch it or pet it or catch it.
The most recent survivor of the Milwaukee protocol is an 8 year old girl who contacted rabies through scratches from feral cats that lived in a colony at her school.
Don't touch strange cats even if they're friendly, and teach your kids not to touch strange cats either. (For that matter teach your kids not to touch strange dogs either, but decades of stray eradication and mandatory vaccines means that the US is one of the few places in the world where cats are more likely to be rabid than dogs)
Also did you know that there's one case of transplant-acquired rabies recorded in the US? The recipient got a kidney from a donor who died in an accident and nobody was aware the donor had rabies. The recipient died of rabies, which is a bit of an extreme flavor of graft failure if you ask me. Terrifying!
Anyway. If you, too, want to have nightmares about rabies you can search my website (www.ms-demeanor.com) for "keep your fucking cat indoors" and scroll to the section on rabies and read some nightmare fuel (like the case report on the family that moved across 3 states with their 13 barn cats, unaware that one was incubating rabies).
Did you know that in 1994, 665 people in New Hampshire had to be given post exposure prophylaxis for rabies because of one infected kitten that had contact with a racoon before being brought to a pet store?
The only way animals are tested for rabies is to examine their brain tissue. The animal is killed in order to do this. If your pet is exposed to rabies they stand a much, much, much better chance of being quarantined instead of being euthanized for testing if you have kept their vaccinations current.
Please keep your pets' vaccinations up to date, and please keep your cat indoors. There's a risk of exposure even for indoor cats, so make sure they've got their shots.
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wayti-blog · 7 months
Organ donation and transplantation; unexpected consequences
"A donor remains connected to his organs and to the new recipients of his transplanted organs."
"Intention of the donor
Many people wish to help their fellow human being by donating their organs for transplantation. Does it not seem to be the best thing there is to allow a blind person to see again by donating your cornea, to give a person with heart problems new life opportunities by donating your heart?
What does the recipient do with this?
A donor of a cornea helps a blind person to see again. The blind person receives new opportunities as a result, he can use the new light in his eyes to help other people and to make a contribution to a better world. But he can now also steal from or ill-treat other people. In the worst case he could even use this new light to murder someone. If the donor were to know in advance that the recipient would use the transplanted cornea for a murder, would he still donate his cornea? And does the donor still have something to do with this, now that he is dead?
New feelings for the recipient
A number of people who have received an organ then experience unexpected new feelings, such as a pronounced preference for eating meat, drinking alcohol, smoking or for a particular type of music. These new feelings are experienced as alien, they do not belong to the personality of the recipient, they are completely new in their nature and intensity.
Of course, these people wonder where these new feelings come from. Some people succeeded in finding out who their donor is. And to their astonishment it appears that these new feelings belong to the donor. By viewing the possessions of the donor or by asking the people who knew the donor well, it became clear that these feelings played a large role in the life of the donor.
These new feelings can occur not just in the case of an organ transplant but also in the case of a blood transfusion. Jozef Rulof says that if he were to receive blood from another person, he would also experience feelings from the donor. Not everyone experiences this, because much depends on the sensitivity of the recipient."
"Consequences for the donor
By means of the transplanted organ, the donor forms part of the life of the recipient. The donor partly enables what the recipient does with the rest of his life. The donor who lives on spiritually in the hereafter will be influenced by the life of the recipient. If the recipient dedicates the rest of his life to helpfulness, the donor will only experience positive consequences from this. However, if the recipient creates misery, that misery will burden the donor in the hereafter.
When the organs of the donor are transplanted for various people, the donor will form part of the lives of all these recipients. The more organs are transplanted, the more the passing on to the hereafter will be delayed and burdened."
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yeltsinsstar · 7 months
Signal boosting
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loreandtempo · 10 months
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Day ❄️
The day finally arrived – when a precious, miraculous little embryo got transferred into my body. Years in the making, and countless hopes, dreams and fears made. It had been a long road (sometimes lonely) accepting my absolute infertility, and getting to where we were. Hoping to finally get pregnant through the use of IVF and an egg donor. You can read more about the DEIVF journey here. Luck…
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