#reddit statistics
teaveetamer · 2 years
Ok I couldn’t find my posts about that thing I reblogged earlier, but I dug out the ol’ Reddit survey I was referencing to redo the math
There were 239 total responses
Of those responses, 9% were women over the age of 26
If you do some basic math, that means 21.51 people were women over the age of 26. I’ll round that up to 22 since obviously you can’t have half a person. But I’ll note that the 9% is obviously rounded, so it could be as low as 20 actual respondents and as high as 23 respondents in this category.
Of those 22 people, 48% listed CF as their favorite route. 38% listed Azure Moon as their favorite route. VW and SS got 10% and 4% respectively.
22 x .48 = 10.56 people. I’ll round that up to 11.
22 x .38 = 8.36. I’ll round that down to 8.
22 x .10 = 2.2. I’ll round that down to 2
22 x .04 = .08. I’ll round that up to 1
Which means that, if you do the actual math, a whopping three women preferred CF more than AM.
The post characterizes this as
a massive swing in female hard support from the younger group, which was completely dominated by Azure Moon, towards Crimson Flower for the older bunch. As for the theories to the reason why, I'll leave it to the comments.
Three people. A “massive swing”. What a joke.
And, if you assume the lower end, it could be a two person difference. (20 x .48 is 9.6, round up to 10. 20 x .38 is 7.6, round up to 8)
(I also swear to god he was more aggressive when I first saw this about CF being a sign of maturity. His post has been edited, but unfortunately Reddit doesn’t save a history of edits so I can’t confirm.)
and if you want more evidence that this guy was manipulating survey results to suit a narrative, just look at what he did for the male age category vs. the female age category.
The men are split up into two groups: under 19 years old, and over 20 years old.
The women are also split up into two groups. Except, this time, it’s under 25 and over 26.
So it was never an apples to apples comparison in the first place, as if you wanted to actually talk about what age-gender combination demographics prefer you should be using the same exact age demographic for both genders. Pretty clear that he’s either really bad at statistics and didn’t think “this sample size isn’t big enough, maybe I can’t draw comparisons here” and instead said “I’ll shift the age range to include more people”. I mean I’m not completely uncharitable, maybe there just weren’t that many women under the age of 19 responding.
Or... he intentionally picked an age range to make it look like women over the age of 26 were “more mature” for “liking CF the most” because he damn well knows that if he did under 19 and over 20 like he did for the men then it would come out with women overwhelmingly preferring AM on both counts, and that wouldn’t suit his precious narrative.
Considering the entire post is whining about how meeaaaaaaaaan those nasty AM fans are and how much they hate CF, I’m much more willing to go with the latter explanation.
Not to mention how absolutely shady it is to not provide the exact sample size of each demographic you’re comparing so people can’t see just how terrible your sample size is.
AND he doesn’t provide any access to the raw data collected which means it’s absolutely impossible to check him or provide alternative interpretations of the data. We don’t even know the exact number of women over the age of 26 ffs.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics if I’ve ever seen it.
And the fact that everyone in the comments is praising the post and I’ve seen this junk statistic parroted around so much, it just proves that you just have to hide a lie behind enough math and people will believe it.
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
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dead-sp1der · 2 months
Here we go again, more stats of Ethogirls and Etho
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Some things to note:
They each have a different numbers of episodes out, so in order to keep this fair I took the total of times they say a Hermits name and then graphed what the distribution is
I have not counted their own names in these graphs because I didn't count how many times Etho said his own name (my bad)
Both Bdubs and Joel say their own names more than any other name (I will include their graphs with the stats that include their own names under this)
Etho and Bdubs mention each other the most, and Joel mentions Gem the most and Gem mentions Grian the most
Etho barely says Joel's name in his videos, which is kinda funny to me, Bdubs says Joel's name more often than Etho, both in raw numbers and when put into percentages
Joel, of all the three Ethogirls, says Etho's name the least in his videos compared to how often he says other Hermit's names
Grian is the only Hermit Gem has mentioned in every single one of her episodes so far
I will reblog this post with the raw data so people can double check my measurements
I give my full permission to post this stuff on twitter as long as you don't tag the creators or anything
So if Joel, Bdubs's or Gem's own names are included in their stats, these are their graphs:
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In conclusion, Etho is a Bdubs fan first and foremost Bdubs is the biggest Ethogirl so far Joel is a Gemboy and the least Ethogirl of the Ethogirls Gem is a Grian fan
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lilacandladybugs · 5 months
I'm in need of advice, reddit hasn't been helpful and I'm desperate so I've come to you Tumblr please help me
I'm currently a data scientist for a very small start up company, but I have my background in political science and so I'm concerned that I might be dead in the water if/when the company goes under and I need to find another job. I've consulted with some recruiters and they agree that if I want to go into data science I should get my master's (EDIT: they said I probably should get my degree in Statistics because the program is more widely known so I have a better chance of not getting turned away by HR who will have less knowledge about what a data science master's even is). I think because of my personality, data science is a really good job for me, so I'm planning on going for it.
Here's the issue: I don't want to go to school and end up learning exclusively theory. I've been teaching myself a ton by reading textbooks and I've noticed that while there's a lot of depth in the math/calculus/linear algebra behind how the functions work and what the parameters are, there seems to be very little information on how to actually apply that information in the real world.
Obviously the math is important and very exciting :D but if all I do is learn the math and I don't learn how to apply the knowledge I have to non-ideal data sets and situations then I'm not really learning the information I need to know.
Are there any graduate programs that are well known for really preparing people for data science roles in the workforce instead of just focusing on the academic side of statistics?
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source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1cti1rz/do_ufo_sightings_happen_near_airports_best/#lightbox
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forsience · 4 months
Please help me with my research for university!
I'm a university student in my final year and I am preparing my thesis that focuses on user engagement in the Star Wars fanfiction communities. My main focus is fanfiction relating to the Sequel Trilogy, so if you read or write content relating to this universe you could help me a lot! The form takes about 5 minutes to fill out and is completely anonymus. Results will not be shared with anyone and will only be used as data for my thesis. Thank you so much if you decide to take time for this!
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immawraffle · 1 year
There was a poll done on reddit comparing player’s demographics and their choices in game. These are the results:
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was on r/fanfiction saw a writer talking about their fic with an absolutely crazy plot/backstory as well as length so i went to their page to go check it out and . its an osomatsu-san fic
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clueless1995 · 9 months
i hate americans actually
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
You know, being a medical mystery to my ADHD clinician guys or whatever is really funny and entertaining until you look up whatever the fuck you're experiencing and can't get a single answer after hours.
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rebelrayne · 2 years
the reddit least favorite poll: a lesson in statistics no asked for
long post ahead, just a warning but I definitely put the argument to rest: is the reddit poll accurate?
I know I'm the resident youcef stan around these parts but I am also the resident math teacher! a lot of people have noticed some things and so I am here to debunk this poll once and for all. ready?
when you give out a survey, you're collecting data from a population. a population is the collection of objects or individuals opinions/information. so for us, who is that population? the reddit community and I don't know about you but that community is different from those who get their information/interaction from tumblr, versus those from facebook, versus those from twitter, etc.
but what's wrong with this survey then? we all have access to it, we can all get to it. no, but that's wrong. this survey is what you would call an error in sampling.
uh, say what, jessie?
an error in sampling is a poorly designed survey. no, no, the person who made it is fabulous! the reason it's an error in sampling is this: it's misleading. this survey is not randomly selected people. it's the same people who want to see the results over and over again. there are more people who like certain characters than what is shown in the data. why is that? this survey is an error in sampling because one, it's misleading. two, it's not random selection (obviously random selection of about 100-200 litg fans would be better). three, it is biased towards only those people who want to take the survey.
at this point, if your favorite was already voted out, OR your favorite is consistently voted for, you may not want to partake in this survey which means: there's an error, because you don't feel the same way the others do but you have no interest in voting anymore because it's no longer of any interest to you.
how could it be fixed? well, it can't. literally the only way to actually have this be more accurate is either random selection to complete the survey, or every single player would have to answer this survey every single time.
also want to point this out: the season with the most hate is going to be season three or season four (just depends who you ask). again, this survey is biased towards the people who want to take it. the majority of people who want to take it are those who are big fans of season two. so what happened?
closer look at the numbers (most recent image of the standings found here)
season one islanders: 15. voted out as of 7/21/22: 5/15 = 33%
season two islanders: 24. voted out as of 7/21/22: *10/24 = 42% currently, we can see another S2 is being voted out so went ahead here.
season three islanders: 15. voted out as of 7/21/22: 3/15 = 20%
season four islanders: 18. voted out as of 7/21/22: 4/18 = 22%
hmm. well that is certainly problematic, isn't it? doesn't the reddit community openly hate season four? but the math isn't mathing! this survey says that reddit likes seasons three and four characters the best right now. if this was accurate, shouldn't almost all of the season three and four characters be gone by now? because wouldn't we want to have our season two characters at the top?
exactly. this survey is not accurate. thank you for coming to my TED talk and I hope you learned some things.
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
my favorite thing about the banpitbull subreddit is people going ‘hey do we have sources for X opinion’ and all comments are ‘well, in my personal opinion-’ without a single source shared. Or, the one time they share sources, it is cherrypicked paragraphs from studies that make broad statements about several dog breeds or dogs in general and have literally nothing to do with bully breeds specifically or they link to two websites that are specifically anti-pitbull and the fox news of dog hate.
One post was titled ‘why do we think pitbulls are aggressive’ and its a guy stating that his girlfriend who’s raised and trained multiple dog breeds, and knows more about dogs than him and is more researched on dog behavior than him wants to get a pitbull and he can’t refute any of her arguments as to why these dogs aren’t more aggressive than other large, high prey drive dogs and that for every one pitbull attack there are literal thousands of other bullies who will never attack anyone, so he’s running to his echo chamber for ways to argue with his girlfriend. And all the replies are anecdotes, what I mentioned above, and ‘make her look at this mauling video and see if she still wants one!’. 
Listen, if your vitriolic hate campaign for mass dog banning and euthanasia can’t provide any meaningful data as to why they are so mad outside of one statistic from a suspiciously specific set of dates and The Daily Wire: dog hate edition, then maybe listen to your girlfriend and start looking into why a cheap, heavily over-bred, extremely common, and most-likely-to-be abused handful of breeds smooshed together to make number bigger might be responsible for more fatalities than 1 singular other breed that costs a thousand dollars a pup.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Someone on Reddit did a very interesting poll, involving EX options that people have used.  It looks at grand total number promoted, as well as percentage of how many people own the sync pair as metrics across different rarities, and it’s exactly the kind of nonsense I like to see.
Spotlight Scouts (by grand total)
Sonia. Apparently she is #1 most promoted in the entire game, even.  People fucking love Sonia.
May.  Guessing this is historical, since she’s good but there’s now better.
Leaf.  Gotta be historical.
Hilbert.  How is he not like #2 given his kit?
Brendan.  Gotta be a Reddit-ism.
Aaron.  Nice.
SS Elesa.  Tracks, she’s popular and was really good.
Dawn.  Unexpected but nice.
Bea.  Fighting types are hard to come by, and she was better than Wally for a long time.
Sabrina.  Fair, she’s really good for general pool Sp Atk/Crit buffing.
Other non-Limited (Commons, by grand total)
Hau.  I will say this: they discounted people who promoted Skyla via the event to make it more fair for percentages.  But here it’s just absolute number.  Hau outranks someone handed out for free, and the best common in Roxanne.  Apparently, Electric-Weak Aaron scared enough people so bad that everyone promoted Hau.  I am in awe.
Roxanne.  Predictable, she’s obscenely good.
Skyla.  Free at one point.
Barry.  Historical artifact, he was once fantastic.
Candice.  First of the common grids, really good Ice EX that outperformed Winter Nessa and Ghetsis both, it tracks given Ice’s history.
Drake.  Sure?  I’m kinda stunned he’s above BP Morty given that Morty is just better in literally every way.
BP Morty.  Really good defensive support.
Korrina.  Historical artifact.
BP Candice.  How?  Legitimately, how?  She sucked ass until Irida dropped, why did so many people promote her?  Is this just an indication of how few promote these pairs?
Siebold.  Neo Barry, in a way.  Really good at time of EX release, still really good, I think people just jumped on it as a free solution.
PokeFairs (by grand total)
SS Blue.  Absolutely historical, but also even now advice on the free pick from Victory Road is “take Blue.”
SS Morty.  Eat shit, Red.  SS Morty’s stupid good and everyone knows it.
SS Red.  Eat third place, idiot.  Historical.  At this point, Red and Charizard is still good but not that good.
SS Diantha.  Really?  I didn’t think all that many people pulled for her.  I guess she ran for a while, so it makes sense.
SS Brendan.  I want to call this a Redditism, but he’s also really good.
Cynthia.  Tracks.  Favorite generally, got obscene expansions.
Diantha.  Has to be because Fairy is hard to shop for.
Classic Red.  SEUN applied multiple times, fan favorite, this tracks.
N.  He used to be considered like the best pair, I think, due to Piercing Blows.  I feel like it’s at least a little historical in the era of Dual Rat.
SS Acerola.  The newcomer that apparently everyone loves for her constant shenanigans.
Master Fair (by grand total)
NC Marnie.  WHAT?!  Why?!  Marnie’s not really worth EXing, guys.  All her DPS is AoE, she blows apart sides fine and only gets AoE on sync, what is the actual point?  I know, favoritism stuff, but this is so hysterically unnecessary.
Renegade Cynthia.  Tracks, she was highly anticipated with how long people waited between Cynthia alts, and was exactly what players wanted to see.
Irida.  I love that Irida’s on here.  She is that good, people are right to do this.  The EX in particular is what makes her so good off-type with Ice allies.  AoE DPS handles sides fine, but you want that pop damage.
NC Calem.  I’m a little surprised he beat out some of the others.  Good for him I guess?
SST Red.  Stunned he’s only #5, I thought everyone got him.
Anni Lillie.  Nice, girl.
SS Serena.  Unsurprising given the impact she had.
SS Lusamine.  Similar to Serena, though also unnecessary like Marnie in a way.
NC Serena.  I expected more people to have EX’d her.  But okay.
NC Bede.  That tracks.  Best support in the game.
Seasonal/Special Costume (by grand total)
Halloween Caitlin.  FUCK.  YES.  MY GIRL
SC Diantha.  Limited options for Fighting, she was revolutionary and remains the best barring NC Hop.
Winter Jasmine.  Everyone loves SEUN.
SC Lillie.  I actually thought more people skipped her?
NY Lisia.  Nice.  I never expected this, but nice.
P!Marnie.  People like Marnie, and this was a good Zone setter early on when it was a bigger deal that they all had strong sync nukes.
Spring Burgh.  Listen.  We have to remember that once, long ago, Spring Burgh was considered the best support in the game, because he had crit rate, a ton of bulk, and Potion support.  It was a different time back then, and everyone pulled for him, in the same way like everyone pulled for NC Bede, you know?  It’s not their fault.
SC Jasmine.  Absolutely fantastic, both Jasmine alts are here.
SC Emmet.  Bug damage is painful, it does not surprise me people went for it.
Halloween Iris.  Poison was also rough, or course people wanted the Zone.  I’m surprised most people EX her though.
Other Limited (Variety, Lodge from limited base, events, by grand total)
Swimsuit Misty.  For F2P, having a bulky support with evasion and Synchro Healing 1 is really good, I’m not too surprised.
Classic Giovanni.  Okay, now it’s just Kanto Bias, right?
Ball Guy.  Memes are bad, actually.
Bugsy/Scyther.  Sure?  This one was fairly good.
Lodge Cynthia.  That’s character favoritism, she’s not that good.
Blarcanine.  Why?  He’s not even that good.  We have expanded Silver now, why?
Lodge Steven.  Okay this one tracks, he’s really good as a special Rock sync nuke.
Lodge Adaman.  Wait.  Adaman’s lodge form sucks though.  And his base form didn’t make top ten in Master Fairs.  This one’s weird.
Variety Lorelei.  You know.  I hate the Variety thing, but I’m glad my girl made top 10.
Variety Lance.  Sure, this tracks.  He’s a legitimately good damage dealer, I know some people went for it.
PokeFair (by percentage)
SS Brendan.  Okay now it’s a Redditism.
SS Steven.  Tracks, though I’m surprised so few went for him if he didn’t make Top 10 overall.
SS Morty.  The most consistent of the bunch, apparently.  High grand total, high percentage.
SS Blue.  Just a step behind Morty in percentage, just a step above in grand total.  Morty is the new Blue, just saying.
SS Hilda.  Neat, my wife likes that.
SS Acerola.  The newcomer is killing it.
SS Dawn.  Not many pulled for Dawn, but we are a dedicated people.
SS Lysandre.  Now that’s just funny.  I know I did it, but he really doesn’t need this.
SS Giovanni.  No that tracks, he was a huge deal.  Though I guess more people skipped him than I expected, since he’s not top 10 either.
Master Fair (by percentage)
NC Calem.  Woah, okay, back it up.  I don’t think Calem’s that good to begin with.  Not until SC Zinnia saved him.  The only reason I can think of for him being the most EX’d by percentage is that he’s statistically very frail for a support, and people outright needed the stats.  Otherwise this one’s just bizarre.
Aura Cynthia.  Did not make Top 10 by total, but did make #2 by percentage.  That implies not that many people went for her.  I guess...SST Red was the bigger focus.  Ash didn’t make any list (eat shit, loser), but Cynthia has less in total than Red but far more by percent.  Interesting.  Moreover, Red didn’t make the list.  Meaning...everyone got him, a lot of people EX’d him, but not that many.  He was so good many didn’t bother.  That...sadly tracks.
SS Kris.  That’s my girl.  Didn’t make Top 10 overall, but seeing her here is a comfort.
SS Serena.  Sure.
NC Bede.  Unsurprising.
NC Serena.  Love that Bede got more by percentage.
NC Marnie.  #1 in grand total, but much lower by percentage.  Damn near everyone went for Marnie, huh?
Anni Lillie.  Stunned to see you here, girl.
SS Ethan.  This feels like a Marnie choice, given the spread damage.
SS Lusamine.  Sure.
Seasonal (by percentage)
Winter Jasmine.  God, people loved her.
SC Lillie.  Okay.
NY Lisia.  Nice.
SC Jasmine.  Both Jasmine forms are top 5.  Why does Jasmine not have five alts like Morty?
Spring Burgh.  Find it in your heart to forgive the sins of the past.
SC Diantha.  Sure.
P!Mallow.  Huh.
P!Bea.  HUH.  Apparently, not many went for these two, but those who did really like them.
SC Emmet.  Tracks.  Interesting, P!Marnie isn’t here.  Everyone pulled her, not every EX’d her.
Other Limited (by percentage)
Ball Guy. Gross.
Variety Lorelei.  Neat.
Variety Agatha.  Oh cool, not top 10 by total, but the five of us who pulled her?  Three of us EX’d her.
Variety Bruno.  Same deal.
Variety Lance.  Okay.
Swimsuit Misty.
Classic Giovanni.
Eevee Lucas.  Okay, now it’s a new face.
Eevee Kris.  Am...am I the only one who EX’d her?
Least Promoted Overall
BP Erika. Tracks.  She deals like no damage and is a stall bot, why would you?
Eevee Lyra.  Man, no one pulled for her, and no one EX’d her.
Eevee Kris.  Okay, now we’re finding something out.
Lodge May.  She sucks, makes sense.
Eevee Lucas.
BP Sophocles.  I’m kinda surprised, but Electric Weak Aaron eats him alive.
Lodge Rosa.  If Lodge Rosa has one fan, I am that fan.  She sucks though so makes sense.
Surge.  The funny part is I don’t even think he’s that bad.
BP Karen.  I feel like she’d do okay with it, actually.  But she just got an EX too late to matter.  Dark exploded by the time she became relevant.
Lodge N.  Hypnosis bot.  Surprised he’s not lower.
Least Promoted Limited (percentage)
Lodge N.  Oh there it is.
Lodge Gloria.  Huh.  She’s actually competent, I’m surprised.
Lodge Marnie.  She’s bad so it tracks.
Lodge Raihan.  Liza exists.
Blarcanine.  Eat it.
Lodge Adaman.  Are you seeing it yet?
Lodge Steven.  Are you?
Lodge Cynthia.  You have to see this now.
Eevee Lyra.
Winter Siebold.  ...wait, Winter Siebold?  Where did you come from, dude?
Least Promoted (different groups, so commons)
Hapu.  Dunked, loser.
BP Erika
Lodge May
Burgh.  Just Burgh.  Despite dying for Bug damage, no one considers Burgh.  Incredible.
Anabel.  NOOOO!  Why is Anabel not being promoted?!  This is an absolute number.  Don’t tell me no one pulled for her!  I know, Diantha, Lysandre, and Emma, but come on!  That’s actually sad.
Anni Steven.  Redditism.  I know the EX isn’t necessary, but I know plenty of people loved the guy enough to do it anyway, this is solely a Reddit hate trap.
Winter Siebold.
Eevee Lyra.
Least Promoted Limited (percentage)
Lance. Just Lance.  A lot of people got him, probably from shared scouts.  No one bothered.
Anni Steven.
Winter Siebold.
Lodge N.
Eevee Lyra.
Impressions Okay, this is really, really interesting data, mostly for insight about Variety Scouts.  Despite several making top tens for grand total and percentage...the implication given that many are the bottom as far as never being promoted implies that it’s because no one pulled.  This is a very positive outcome for Variety scouts in general, indicating that at least in this segment of the player base?  They’re actually not pulling.  The value isn’t there at all.
It also implies that no one cares about Lodge and BP units.  While many didn’t make the list, this is also because there’s a lot of each, and they can’t all be here.  The obvious ones, like BP Erika and Lodge N, who exist for status, are all topping the chart.  But even relatively good ones like Lodge Steven and Lodge Gloria are on the bottom.  I think it speaks to how much people really dislike the lack of something new for getting EX.  I mean, that and not wanting to waste gems on Variety scouts, and perhaps not waste resources on Lodge units that aren’t that good.  I do find it interesting that Lodge Dawn, Lodge Lillie, and Lodge Morty, who I consider the best lodge units by far, didn’t make any list in either direction.  Very middle of the road, it seems.
Another thing that is very interesting to me is that, at the top of almost all of these lists, barring the commons and Master Fairs...is support.  The good supports tend to be the most frequently boosted pairs.  Despite all the grousing about how every support isn’t good enough, they’re the most consistently boosted.  Except the Master Fairs, which still play by offense rules, until you look at percentage and NC Calem suddenly rockets to the top.  Even with the commons, which didn’t have a support at the top, it was because Hau was a nigh-requirement for many players to handle Electric-weak Aaron at the time.  Which is, I think, the single funniest outcome thus far.
Aura Cynthia being second place in percentage, SST Red in fifth place overall, and Ash not appearing on the list, is a very interesting breakdown of statistics, and my favorite minute tidbit on the lists.  SST Red was pulled so often that he’s an overall top performer, but didn’t make percentage because he’s so fucking stupid as a sync pair that a bunch of people didn’t bother wasting resources on someone who’d get the job done anyway.  Aura Cynthia wasn’t pulled enough to make overall numbers, but nearly everyone who pulled her must have upgraded her.  Ash was apparently the last winner of the third anniversary, which is a comfort exclusively to me who doesn’t like him. 
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evildilf2 · 1 year
Me when I’m watching a debate and someone says their standard for promiscuity is someone who sleeps with a new person every 2 or 3 months
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girlbob-boypants · 9 months
I really hope making it so 40k DPS is the cross profession standard is just a bandaid fix. Classes that are easier to play/have more utility shouldn't be doing as much as classes that are more complicated/purely focused on dps
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