#reese's m&ms milky way
fullcravings · 2 years
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Leftover Halloween Candy Cookies Recipe
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itsreaditandwow2 · 8 months
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(Happy Halloween!)
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winter-seance · 8 months
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shslpookiebear · 9 months
in honor of spooky season this is the sdr2 casts favorite candy
hajime: mars bar
chiaki: kitkat
peko: york peppermint patty
fuyuhiko: hersheys cookies and cream chocolate bar
sonia: milka chocolate strawberry yogurt flavor
akane: reeses take 5 (its bonkers google it omg)
mahiru: m&ms
kazuichi: nerds rope / sour patch kids
nekomaru: snickers
gundam: dark chocolate milky way
hiyoko: self explanatory
ibuki: pop rocks (i mean come on)
imposter: toblerone chocolate
mikan: miscellaneous receptionist / old lady candy
teruteru: ghirardelli chocolate squares
nagito: altoids (yes the mints)
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paladin-n-cleric · 1 year
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pawpotato · 8 months
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
CaptainCroc ask (or as I call them, Goldenhook):
Wholesome: what kind of candy do you think they’d eat on Halloween? And would they share or would they bicker about who gets what?
Not so wholesome: who do you think dies first? (If we’re sticking with Hook’s lifeline being longer due to his stay on Neverland. But also if you want, throw in some ideas about Hook being a dark one too cause I feel that has POTENTIAL)
Lucky for me my siblings just brought me a bag of candy from a parade a couple days ago so I've been able to do plenty of first-hand research on this lol
The thing they fight over is 100% the chocolate stuff. Milky Ways (they've definitely almost gotten divorced over a Milky Way Midnight), Twix, M&Ms, Reese's Cups, all those. For Hook, I really want to say somebody handed him a package of Swedish Fish once and he tried one and went "who had the audacity to call these fish?" but then they kind of became his guilty pleasure. For Rumple, my first instinct is to say he wouldn't like any of the artificial fruit flavored candies, but y'know the guy did eat a burger once, and apparently he likes ketchup, so I'm gonna say his other favorite is the classic Twizzlers.
Now the hard part. I have spent entirely too much of my time thinking about who dies first, because there are just too many juicy options.
I'm tempted to say neither of them dies; in a relationship with another villain (and I'm pretty sure Hook would still be a villain if he was with Rumple, mostly for family reasons) Rumple wouldn't hesitate to use whatever incredibly dark magic he needed to keep Hook alive indefinitely. They outlive all the heroes, probably return to the Enchanted Forest bc realistically what the heck are the Dark One and his pirate husband gonna do in Maine, and they basically rule unchecked for all eternity. Maybe they get a little more mellow as they age, and eventually they fade from unquestioned lords of the land into these semi-mythical beings; Hook is the thing all sailors pray to and fear, and Rumple is the thing people only whisper about in broad daylight.
Now, if Hook became a Dark One, there's obviously two ways that could go down: either the way it did in Camelot or he kills Rumple (which means Rumple would die first). The more angsty way is if he kills Rumple, but there's not really a good reason for him to do that if they're together. Maybe another villain steals his heart or uses illusions to manipulate him into taking the dagger and killing Rumple, which honestly isn't too bad of an idea. Said villain expects to be able to kill Hook and get the power for themselves; they just knew it would be easier for him to kill Rumple than to do it themselves, but Hook wins and becomes sort of a vengeful ghost, slowly but surely undermining the heroes in a plan to slaughter them all as punishment for not defeating that other villain themselves (what are heroes for, after all) and the heroes find a way to kill him because there's no other way to stop him. He and Rumple are reunited in the afterlife.
If it goes down like Camelot and they're both Dark Ones, it's probably pretty similar to the first scenario, because they're both theoretically immortal. But in this situation, I think Hook would take the original darkness from Rumple, less to protect other people than to keep the darkness in the family, and when he's transported to Camelot he realizes he can use the other half of Excalibur to give Rumple back some darkness, and make him immortal again. So of course Hook does that, with a Dark Curse along the way bc why not, and then the heroes have to solve the problem of what to do with two Dark Ones running around Storybrooke. They steal Excalibur and offer Hook and Rumple the choice of death or having their dark magic cut away. Rumple's been pretty close to death recently, so he says he'd rather lose his magic than die, but Hook is totally mad with power and won't settle for that. A mega-battle is waged and in the end the heroes kill Hook in front of Rumple and then he goes totally nuts and probably takes down at least one hero with him, but he's also killed because there's no other way to stop him.
If they're both mortal for some reason, then I think Rumple probably dies of old age. In this scenario, they're both mellowed out a bit, because they have less power than if one or both of them was the Dark One, so Hook either waits patiently to die and be reunited with Rumple or he does the classic old-people-in-love thing and dies within days to weeks of Rumple.
As a generality, I think Hook seems to win the Dies Last award, mostly because it's fun to kill off the immortal guy before his mortal husband, but also because it's fun to kind of twist around the guy who canonically died first and say "well if he was a villain, would that still be the case?" and I think the answer is no, if Hook was a villain in love with Rumple, another villain, it wouldn't be. (Although I'm kind of enjoying the neither of them dies scenario, them being sort of eldritch gods of terror in the Enchanted Forest a couple hundred years later is a slay.)
Anyway the point is I couldn't decide who to kill first so I just invented ways for both!
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
gothic lit characters and their favorite candies:
dorian: cookie dough bites :)
basil: candy corn. doesn’t understand the candy corn hate.
lord henry: snickers
jekyll: m&ms but his ocd ass has to eat them in the order of red, green, brown, yellow, orange, blue. if he cannot finish the package in that order, he throws the rest out. 🥲 (mood)
hyde: dick (just kidding it’s gummy worms)
utterson: damn tiwzzlers. smh
lanyon: wurther’s caramels. but only the hard ones.
victor: he honestly gives off reese’s peanut butter cup vibes. idk why.
elizabeth: swedish fish. you don’t get a reason.
clerval: milky way ^-^
adam/creech: doesn’t really understand the candy hype, so he really just eats the occasional chocolate bar.
griffin: insists it’s toxic waste. it’s not. it’s twix.
marvel: actually toxic waste.
kemp: those terrible disgusting hot tamales
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lady-of-lyon · 2 years
Hey! October is upon us, so I'd like to spread a little PSA!
Do not buy any chocolate candy from Mars, Hershey or Nestle.
These companies are KNOWN to use child and slave labor in their chocolate production process, and are even facing lawsuits for it. Most people think of Nestle only for this, but all three companies are vile and guilty.
They lost the suit because the Supreme Court dismissed it, but after everything with Roe V. Wade, we know for a fact that the Supreme Court is trustworthy and has the best humanitarian interests at heart, right?
That was sarcastic.
You know why the court case was dismissed?
Because the companies "have the right" to not disclose where the raw ingredients of the chocolates are coming from.
That's right. They aren't being charged of slave labor because they get to keep it a secret. It's apparently their right to do so. They are only concerned with the quality of the product, and not the quality of life of the people who make them. So they continue to use slave labor.
The judge even admitted that their practices are "reprehensible," but legally, nothing can be done.
So, what does this mean? Simple!
Do not buy any of these candy bars:
3 Musketeers
Milky Way
Baby Ruth
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Almond Joy
Hershey Bar
Mr. Goodbar
Heath Bar
York Peppermint Patties
And many, many more!
I know many of these are halloween classics and will be painful exclusions, but the rights of human beings MUST COME FIRST.
If you want chocolate, fret not! There are several companies that are ethically run and Fair Trade! A standout and my particular favorite is Tony's Chocolonely, which is not only slavery-free, but adamantly and actively anti-slavery!
TLDR, Nestle, Mars and Hershey use slave labor. Do not buy any of their products this Halloween.
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whoizanna · 8 months
halloween candy count
13 reese's cups
4 kit-kats
6 snickers bars (1 was full-size)
2 hersey's bars
7 milky ways
1 butterfinger
3 twix bars
2 krackels
1 tootsie roll
2 whoppers
1 york peppermint patty
1 bag of peanut m&ms
1 full-size baby ruth bar
1 charms blowpop
1 wicked good bar from trader joes
1 bag of giggles chewy candy bites
1 bag of chips
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th1nfairyy · 2 years
Hey guys Ik Halloween is in a few month or if u just want some candy, here is a list of common candies for under 100 cals. (In lowest to highest)
Lowest to highest under 100 cals:
Candy: Calories:
Smarties: 25
70% dark choc: 27
Mini laffy taffy: 30
Hershey’s Nuggets Dark Chocolate with Almond: 45
Tootsie rolls: 50
Harbinaro mini gummis: 50
Sweetish fish: 50
Nerds: 50
Sour patch kids mini pack: 50
York peppermint pattie: 50
Milk dud snack size: 53
Airhead: 60
Skittles: 60
3 musketeers: 63
Reese’s pieces snack size: 67
KitKat bar: 70
Dots mini box: 70
Hersheys milk chocolate fun size: 77
Snickers: 80
Almond joy : 80
Twix fun size: 80
Payday: 80
Mound snack bar: 80
Milky Way bar: 80
Butterfinger: 85
Baby Ruth: 85
M&Ms peanut fun size: 90
M&ms: 100
Doves milk candy bar: 100
Starburst minis : 100
Tom & Jerry’s caramel candy: 100- for 5 pieces
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Lmao I was inspired, I'm meant to be writing the horrors and yet the movie au dorks are at the helm, featuring the wonderful @oogaboogaspookyman s monochromatic actor
April fools
May casually walked down a hallway within the studio before sliding into broom closet to her left with efficient quiet her back bumping into the monochrome two already hiding in said broom closet who made a slightly startled squeak at their close proximity though May didn't care much keeping her back to him but tilting her head up slightly to look at him.
"You got the goods?" She asked though in a hushed tone.
"Why do you say it like this is some mafia trade?"
He sighed softly at her antics as she turned to face him properly.
"Because you're trading your goods, for my services," she cast a wink as she poked his chest lightly, unable to see his embarrassed expression for the dark of the closet. "And if you don't got my goods well buddy boy this deal is gonna fall through and you may like me so much because I can be real dangerous when I don't get what I'm owed," though she threatened her voice was entirely playful.
"This mafia movie you're shooting is getting to your nogging. But yes I have 'the goods'."
He exaggerated with quotation marks finally turning the closet light on earning a hiss and what the fuck from May at the sudden light as he pulled out a large carry on bag, he unzipped it slowly for emphasis opening it to reveal it loaded with different kinds of treats.
"Hersheys, Moreos of varying delightful flavors for your enjoyment, aero bars, dairy milks, milky way buttons large, caramac, Pokey sticks, reeses pieces, m&ms and many other delightful treats await."
He quickly closed it, zipping it up closed.
"If you can hold up your end of the deal."
"Darlin' you were just speaking my language, don't you worry toots, I'll treat you right." She grinned playfully doing some sort of accent as she booped his nose, "though, surely you could part with something, for my troubles, call it a down payment hmm, keep me sweet? Gonna treat me well Shugs?" She put her hands on his chest as though fiddling with an invisible tie.
"You're enjoying this too much."
He snorted softly but chuckled finding her demeanor somewhat amusing as he pulled out a random thing he paused ripping off the packaging with his teeth before holding the chocolate bar out for her watching her just bite the chocolate and hold it in her teeth with a grin, she gave him a wink and slipped out of the closet as he sighed zipping up the carry bag and hiding it for later.
It was in honesty a difficult job, he wanted her to complete many tasks in advance for April fools, he was always the butt of jokes, but not this year! This year he had help.
It started when everyone had left to go home, she put her plan into motion, firstly the put all the cameras on loop to cover her tracks, secondly she hit the bathrooms carrying carrier bags of jeans and shoes she set them up matching up shoes and trousers in the mens to make every stall appear occupied locking them all from the inside and putting out of order signs on all the doors to cause frustration and the reasonable idea that all of them were full due to the previous closures.
Next she booby trapped different doors and chairs, taping Foghorns so when the door was slammed open or chair sat in it would honk loudly and startle people, she hid them all over some obvious to throw them off the tracks some very expertly hidden. She also took this time to sneak Rubber chickens and whoopee cushions under seats and cushions. On Marie's desk she put a paper cup with "Spinarak inside! Very big! Only lift cup if you're ready to get rid of it!" She'd asked a local Spinarak to make an exit hole in the cup so it looked as though a large spider escaped and it looked authentic.
She removed the bottom of Derricks keyboard carefully, in honesty this one was personal as he has been incredibly rude and quite mean to her for no reason for quite some time, she carefully placed down tissue paper and super fast growing seeds, watering them generously and offering a little psychic help and replacing the keyboard top, and did the same to his work station so when he came tomorrow it would be taken over by nature.
She hit Kathleen's office next, this one was personal to her monochrome friend as she'd not been doing her job properly and fucked up his appointments, she looped a ziptie around a Febreze spray bottle trigger, "fire in the hole!" She pulled it tight and threw it into her office, closing the door as it hissed letting out all its content. In all honesty she would've used a fake fart spray herself but she figured monochrome just wasn't that evil.
Finally, her magnus opus, she spilled hundred upon hundreds of sticky pads and concentrating her psychic energy they flew everywhere sticking to everything along halls window chairs plants set pieces everything! It was a whirlwind of color and chaos.
When she finished she kisses her fingers in an exaggerated mwah of her brilliance before setting the cameras to start recording live footage seconds before the new work day began leaving no trace of her crimes. With that she slipped away into the night to her movie trailer, she preferably would've been enjoying her prize but he's clearly hidden or taken it with him because she couldn't find it.
The next day was complete and utter chaos, there was accusatory yelling frustrated screams, loud HONKS of Foghorns and Kathleen came running out her office coughing and gagging at the overwhelming Febreze scent while Derrick yelled and raged over his computer. He smashed it into a wall and punched a hole into a door before higher management called him into their office. In all honesty probably would've been easy to remove the plants but he was a hot headed asshole anyways.
A worker pointed an accusing finger at ??? Shouting that it must have been him. The boss quickly told them that no it couldn't be because the monochrome one was with him. Another pointed at May, "then her then! She used her powers to do it!" They cried.
"Me? I, I mean I don't know how to break it to you but I'm not the most gifted with psychic abilities," she frowned a sad frown managing a very sad voice that was pitiful without it being obvious that was the intention. Monochrome was impressed by her acting as another worker snapped at them saying that May wasn't capable of such a thing, stop being an asshole.
It halted all work and filming that day as everyone worked to clean up the unexplained mess of pranks with more yelling as hidden jumping snake pranks leapt out from places at cleaning workers. May effectively bumbled along as though just as unsure as everyone else despite knowing where they all were leaping in fright with a squeal at the peanut spring snakes and getting shocked by hidden shockers to really strengthen the image of innocence.
May collapsed onto her bed in her trailer exhausted, setting it up and taking it down was tiresome stuff. She grumbled to herself that her supposed friend hadn't looked at her once or made any indication of trade off, angrily thumping her tail into her bed at his betrayal. She'd get him for that as she snuggled her cushion.
She groaned as someone knocked on her trailer door dragging herself out of her comfy bed.
"Imma coming Imma coming it better be worth it," she emptily threatened as she opened the door to the monochrome bastard she was just thinking about. "You." He smiles at her unaware of his supposed treachery.
"Yes? Me-eh!"
She yanked him into her trailer with one hand holding him against a counter, "you got a lot of nerve showing up you slippery snake." His mouth hand open in confusion as he awkwardly ah'ed? Before making an oh holding up the carry on bag of sweets.
"I didn't want to give it to you where people could see in case they suspected anything. Honest!"
She eyed him taking the carry on with one hand keeping the other holding him to the counter using her teeth to open the zip and stick her nose in sniffing, yup, smelt like sweets in there and it was heavy.
"Hm." She removed her hand to stop pinning him, "you're forgiven, could've been mighty bad for you otherwise pardner"
"Western mafia huh?"
She nodded as she pulled out some Pokey sticks, nodding firmly as she popped one in her mouth confirming around the biscuit, "Western mafia." He chuckled as he watched her nibble the Pokey slowly making it disappear into her mouth seemingly satisfied with the trade off.
"Am I free to leave unharmed?"
May chuckled, stepping aside so he could get to the door, popping another Pokey in her mouth with a "suppose." He grinned putting his hand on the door he paused and leant over close biting the pokey and snapping it before rushing out the door as she stood there in confusion.
"The fuck??" She finished chewing what was left of her Pokey. "What a bastard."
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sparkga · 2 years
@bvrgundybxtch tagged me to answer some questions about myself. Thanks for tagging me! I changed the questions because I enjoy making people regret inviting me to do things.
Three favorite types of candy: Dark chocolate M&Ms, Milky Ways, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Three words most often used to describe you: Efficient, calm, dependable. (All synonyms for boring!)
Three games you'd like to see remade/ported: Radiata Stories (just upgrade the graphics and make the battle system more like a modern Star Ocean game), an HD remaster of the original Paper Mario (if for no other reason than to ditch that awful font used only in the first game), and bring a compilation of the Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remasters to consoles. (Bonus one: Remake Eternal Sonata. It's a game that is THIS close to being great. It misses the mark by inches. It just needs to be rebalanced and have a new cutscene director/editor.)
Three songs you'd like played at your wedding:
Three characters that share your personality type: ISFJ/6w5
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One mythical creature you'd like to be: Genie! Steady work, can creatively screw over jerks guilt free (it's almost expected of you!), comes with built in housing.
One new Pokemon (or Pokemon-line) you'd like to see:
Snozen → Sneezen
A reindeer that has a glowing red nose due to a constant cold.
Type: Ice/Poison
Ability: Contagious (Opposing Pokemon become badly poisoned at the end of the second consecutive turn of battling against this Pokemon.)
Signature Move: Sneeze (The target is poisoned and blown away, and a different Pokemon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokemon.)
Base Stats: HP 75 ATK 70 DEF 80 S.ATK 70 S. DEF 80 SPD 85 (BST: 460)
I tag @dgolden-boy, @ericsquirrel, @long-life-town, @pastelpolitoed, @seanmgilbert20, @sourpatchcummies, and @za1-01. Feel free to change the questions or skip doing it!
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veronicasanders · 2 years
Last Halloween ask! What is your favorite candy? Are you dressing up/doing something this weekend? I'm absolutely certain you're all througly sick of me and my bs, so this ask is just me saying thank you for indulging me and wish you a nice weekend and idk just tell me about anything you wish to talk about 😊
I could never be sick of you, my darling! BS welcome anytime! 😘
(After the jump, I will wax poetic about bittersweet chocolate…)
CHOCOLATE SUPREMACY! Now, I pretty much exclusively eat high-end bittersweet/dark Fair Trade chocolate, although I can slum it with Lindt if I’m desperate but I really don't like giving money to companies unless they're Fair Trade. Bittersweet has always been the pinnacle for me.
As a kid, I was all about trading away the dumb sugary shit like Skittles, War Heads, Starburst, and Blow Pops, for more chocolate. The chocolate candies were ranked into a hierarchy…
TOP TIER, PREMIUM: Anything dark (Not common in Halloween candy but sometimes you could get lucky and get a Hershey’s Special Dark in a mixed bag, a Mounds Bar - for those outside of the US, Mounds is like Bounty but with dark chocolate, or someone cool would be giving away little Doves.) 
2nd Tier: Reese’s PB cups, Almond Joy (Bounty with Almonds), Junior Mints/Andes Mints, Skor Bars, Butterfinger and Kit Kats. 
3rd Tier: M&Ms (which could be bumped up to second tier if they were peanut butter M&Ms), Snickers, Nestle Crunch, Hershey Kisses and other plain chocolate that looked decent
4th Tier: Milky Way, Mars Bars, Twix and anything else heavily featuring caramel and nougat and bullshit that made it too sweet. Also off-brand chocolate like a random pumpkin-shaped thing.
5th Tier (LOSERVILLE): Tootsie Rolls, white chocolate (wouldn’t trade for this, but sometimes I was stuck with it)
Honorable mention: The few non-chocolate candies I would eat were things like Sour Patch Kids, Smarties (not the same as British Smarties, these were just sugar), Lemonheads, Fun Dip, Pixi Stix. This was like, the shit I would eat for energy on the night while I was trick-or-treating and would *sometimes* save/not trade away. Whatever I had of this would be eaten in conjunction with the 5th Tier Loserville "chocolate" and even sometimes the 4th Tier if there was a lot of it.
✨Important notes: ✨
A full-size candy bar, as opposed to “fun sized” ones that people specifically bought for Halloween, would result in said chocolate moving up several tiers. 
In accordance with my “Save the Best for Last” policy, I would consume this candy in reverse-order. Starting with the random shit, then up through the tiers and saving the Top Tier candy for very last. 
The downside to this was that it left the premium stuff vulnerable to thievery (by my parents) for the longest. This problem was mitigated by keeping all the candy in my bedside table, and also giving a Sacrificial Offering to them every week or so as tax in exchange for keeping their mitts off my system. 
Halloween candy generally lasted until well past Valentine’s Day, when the chocolate coffers were replenished, and that in turn lasted until past Easter, which, if I was smart about it, could last until the following Halloween. 
I hope this Dickensian answer was as fun to read as it was to write. (Probably not, lmao.) This weekend, I went to a friend’s house party dressed as Wonder Woman, and tomorrow, I plan to take Dr. Fluffernutter into my morning lecture dressed as a pineapple. (I figure The Lady With a Dog Dressed as a Pineapple is crazy enough and I don’t need an additional costume.) 🍍😜🎃💖🌈
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voidsentprinces · 9 months
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