#refashion your clothes
Ugh! One of my fave belts is worn & peeling! ♻️Take a peek at how easy it is to refashion & fix it with something lurking in your stash + check out 3 ways to style it too! Stick around for Troll Time 👺with my assistant Nancy 😉
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stardancerluv · 12 days
A Space Journey
Part Four
Summary: Tyler finds things out, more training has taken place.
Notes/Warnings 18+ themes, squint breeding kink, angst, suspicious company behavior
❤️, reblogs, comments, & feedback are always welcome. Thank you. 💐
Reid, pressed the bridge of his nose. “Listen you, are far too young to be sent to one of those ‘shake and bake’ colonies.”
Typer stood squarely in front of his desk.
“I am not saying now but maybe after this cycle.”
Reid let out a loud sigh. “Look, you icao jgot a good thing here. They like you. If this one goes well, which I know it will the credits sliding your way will be very nice.”
“Appreciated. Truly. But the nightly broadcasts are always stating that younger is better. That if you are strong and have good lungs;” He paused, his lips curling before adding in a sing song voice. “Don’t be selfish and make human kind healthy once again.”
Reid, took off his glasses and rubbed at one of the lenses. Looking up in a dismissive manner.
“The sarcasm isn’t needed between us.”
Tyler shrugged.
“To be honest, you are not even near the danger zone and neither is your girl. She’s healthy. Her womb is strong. It will carry your seed very well.”
“And how do you know this?“ A stillness came over him.
“Harrison, don’t be naïve. You don’t think we didn’t check her out as well?”
“But why?”
“That’s classified.”
He closed the distance, then placed both hands on his desk as a flash of annoyance ignited in him.
“Classified, huh?”
“Harrison, now calm down.”
He rose his eyebrows. “I am very calm. I thought I was the only who mattered.”
“You are.”
“Then why do they know about my girl’s womb?”
He chair creaked as he rolled back to look up at him. “Her evaluation was up close to when yours were so when we tested you, they tested her.”
“I don’t like that.”
“You don’t like knowing you got a prime girl there? You have quality.”
“I know I do.” He stepped back once again.
Reid lurched back to his desk. “Such a romantic. Well, now you know medically.”
All he could do was roll his eyes.
“Oh yeah here. Now get out of my sight.”
Tyler caught the sliver of metal. “Dog tags?”
“If the hostiles take you out, we need to know who to send back to your family and girl.”
“Love you too Reid.”
The man sighed. “You are truly insufferable.”
Tyler, let a smirk play on his lips. “That’s why you chose me.”
“Maybe. Now get out of here.”
He hovered over the open side of his chifforobe. He figured that was the safest place to store the hand gun, they had him go back to the hauler with.
Absently, he tapped his fingers on the dog tag that now hung from his throat. The acrid smell of this gun and the other ones he had handled today clung to him, his clothes. He had handled so many. The sheer number of them was far greater then he could have imagined. He had held the infamous pulse rife. Colonial marines had made them famous. They had great aided in the acquirement of a new colony here or there in one of the many far corners of space. Up to that point, he only handled a a simple hand gun, he had pawned it years ago for extra credits.
There was always his trusty volt charger. He had refashioned it from their ability to restarting engines to keeping one safe. He had never needed it. Not even against a twitchy artificial person or anything else that may be lingering in the dark depths of space.
The hand gun, they had let him go home with felt heavy in his hands as he held it once more. The black metal easily could disappear into any shadow he could find himself crouching in.
His wrist chirped to life, a smile curled his lips when he realized it was you.
Placing the hand gun down, he slipped it back into the thickly lined sack they gave him to store it in.
He cinched it, then tapping the small screen. The small screen was framing your face. “Hi baby. What do I owe pleasure?”
A smile spread across your lips. “With my recent discovery, they are now rewarding me. Are you home?”
“Yes. Come on over.”
“See you soon.”
There was a flicker and his watch was blank again. Unease shot through him as he closed the door to his chifforobe, then tucked the dog tags under his shirt. His fingers danced down the worn edges of memories captured from days, cycles past.
With a genuine smile on his face he went to the hauler’s perch and waited for you. From where he stood, he was just out of the reach of the sheets of rain. A few we t splatters splashed him here there but he was not soaked.
As he leaned against the thick metal frame of the opening, the conversation he shared with Reid about you played back in his head.
You had a strong womb, images of you and your belly full with his child oddly enough aroused him. His breath quickened. He would have done it. A future of you and him, growing. Little imaginations of that or him holding you protectively close, a hand splayed on your belly; the two of you sharing a smile made his heart pick up speed.
“High up in your tower I see.” Your sweet airy, voice reached him. Bringing him back to reality.
He chuckled. “And there be my fair girl.”
Without a moment for a breath, he leapt down. It wasn’t terribly high up and he easily made a clean landing.
“Oh! Oh my!” You gasped.
He only chuckled and pulled you right up against. His heart pounding, his breath still shortened.
“Damn, how are you mine?”
He kissed you then. You wiggled against him before he felt you melt against him. The kiss lasted and the rain , did fall down on you and him and once again it was easily soaking him.
“I like this.” You managed, when you broke for air however and heavy with soot and whatever else swirled around.
He saw how the kiss had made your cheeks rosy. It made him smirk, fill bigger then he was. “So do I but let’s go…” His voice trailed off as he saw your bemused expression drop.
“What is this?” You tugged gently on the dog-tag, as your nose twitched.
It must have popped free of his shirt when he jumped. He pressed his lips together. In the back of his mind, knowing he had not had a chance to clean up he wondered if you could smell the training he had done.
You remained a little rooted where you stood but after a touch of hesitation you let him pull you close.
“Do you still trust me?” He brushed some wet strands from your face.
You nodded.
“Come inside and I will tell you.”
@luvscarlyle new chapter! New Tyler content! Enjoy, and thank you!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, this is kind of funny and it's funny because something worse could have happened. Well, this happened in my microbiology class because of a classmate's carelessness with staining her sample with safranin.
And it is that she was going to rinse the sample and she decided to dance with it, because the tap was right there where she left the sample resting with the ink and she just took it and spilled the safranin on my hand, summary, there was no need to move or take the sample if it was already in range of the faucet.
And well, that got me thinking… who would be the enraged mom of the RoR family, jumping into the school to find the brat who decided to perform a full recital with safranin all over her girl's face? Translation: The classmate thought it was a good idea to shake the safranin bottle with the misplaced cap and thus refashion the lab coats and clothing of everyone in range of the disaster.
I actually had to look up what safranin was and what were the symptoms of when it gets on skin or clothes. I was not a science child in school, I was a history child.
-When your family received the call that there was an incident in your science lab, involving not only you but several other students and one of the teachers as well, your massive family was immediately in an uproar after Brunnhilde told them what happened.
-Beelzebub and Nikola were the first out the door, shouting about what happens if it touches skin, and Adam was quickly close behind, followed by Hades, the four of them basically volunteering to go and pick you up.
-When your four father figures ran into the school, they saw other parents picking up their own children, their clothes stained with large splotches of red, and there were splotches of itchy red patches on their skin as well.
-Since it was your partner who decided to waltz with the safranin bottle, not making sure with lid was secure, the liquid got everywhere, all over several student’s skin and clothes, as well as the lab teacher who was instantly furious.
-Nikola and Beelzebub were the only ones allowed to enter the nurses office, only two at a time, while Hades and Adam were getting the report of what happened from the principal and the other lab teacher, who didn’t get hit.
-Nikola slammed the door open from the nurses office, flames of fury surrounding him, “WHO. DID. THIS. TO. MY. BABY?!?!?!?!”
-Adam, who was your ‘go-to dad’ as the one who usually handled things with school, was stunned, hearing the normally levelheaded Nikola so furious, instantly running to the nurse’s office as Nikola stalked towards the now panicking principal and the angry Hades.
-Adam froze at the foot of your bed, seeing the nurse carefully putting in eye drops into you left eye to flush it out a bit more, your eye bright red, unnaturally so, as well as the skin around it, several splotches on your face and arms, many starting for form dermatitis patches.
-You were fine, other than severe irritation to your eye and you now had itchy spots all over your face and arms, and your clothes were stained with splotches of red as well, ruined.
-Beelzebub put a hand on Adam’s shoulder, trying to keep him calm as he wasn’t able to do it for Nikola, “She will be fine, the nurse is treating her and we’re working on getting some medication now for her. Y/N will have to spend the rest of the week at home, due to the safranin getting into her eye.”
-Adam didn’t respond, his eyes on you as you held a small towel over your eye, you seemed calm, which was good, since none of your dads were.
-The nurse gave you a cream for the dermatitis, more eye drops, and instructions to stay at home until Monday, which you nodded to.
-Your principal was nearly in tears when you walked out, seeing how bad you actually looked, it made sense now why Nikola was furious.
-He gave you an excuse from all homework and assignments, like the other students who were also physically affected and you all headed home.
-You were totally chill, unlike your family who were all infuriated, seeing you in such a way, while you were curled up next to Odin, eating a bowl of ice cream, watching them rant, as you knew it was pointless to argue with them at the moment, especially since you looked so spotty.
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bunni-lime-boutique · 5 months
HELLO YOURE SO TALENTED!! How do commissions work with you?
I'm currently in the process of drawing a more in-depth guide to commissioning me but I'm not sure when it'll be done so I hope this typed out guide works in the meantime! 👍🏽
Here's How Commissioning Me Works!! :D
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1st here's some examples of what I can do:
Paint a real person, an oc, or a show/cartoon/anime character onto a shoe/piece of clothing
Print a real person, an oc, or a show/cartoon/anime character onto a piece of clothing ( not a shoe )
paint any colors or patterns onto a shoe/piece of clothing
print/dye any colors or patterns onto a piece of clothing ( not a shoe )
cut, sew, and/or dye a shoe/piece of clothing to make it a brand new item ( a.k.a. upcycling/refashioning )
( dont worry if what you want me to do is not listed here, still feel free to ask me cuz i may be able to do it and just forgot to list it here 😅)
Now Here's The Steps of Ordering Something!
First you DM me to order something and I'll ask ya some questions so that I can figure out what you want
You don't HAVE to have some fully detailed design plan when you come to me. Most of the requests are vague tbh and then I just take whatever they give and run with it!! So don't worry! 👍🏽 But if you do already have a specific design plan that's amazing!
Then, I'll go and make a sketch of the design. Once I'm done I'll show it to you and tell you what the overall price of making the customization would be.
If there's any parts of the design you dont like plz let me know before you pay for it!!
If you like the design but not the price there's 2 options
Option 1: I can change some things about the design so that the price will go down while still keeping it as close to the original design as possible
Option 2: Feel free come back another time when you have the money and I'll hold on to that design in the meantime 👍🏽 There's no judgement here trust.
Once you approve of the design and the price you can send me the money through CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal and then I'll start working on your customization!
While I'm working on it I'll give you updates on how it's coming along if you want :)
Then when it's done I'll ship it to you!!
I can ship it to your address, p.o. box, or to your local post office for you to pick up if you dont feel comfortable sharing your address/p.o. box!! 👍🏽
Let's Talk Pricing
There's 2 main things that determine the price
1. The Customization Price
This is THE MAIN thing that will determine the price because it's 100% based on the design you want
If your design is on the simpler side ( adding a person/character/oc in a art style that's not realistic, printing a design, and/or simple patterns and themes ) the customization price can range from $50-$250 depending on what exactly it is you want
if your design is on the more complex side ( very complex patterns, painting in a realistic art style, and/or painting an ENTIRE piece of clothing) then the customization price might land at around $250 and up
if you want me to upcycle/refashion something then the customization price can be about $50 and up
2. The Price of the Shoe/Clothing That You Want Me To Customize
If you don't already own the shoe or clothing that you want me to customize then the price of buying it will be added to the price
If you already own the item that you want me to customize then that can really reduce the overall price by a lot sometimes!
all I ask is that if you already own the shoe/clothing item, please thoroughly clean it before you send it for me to customize 👍🏽
Annnnnd that's all I can think of off the top of my head! If there's any other questions plz feel free to ask!! 😀
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anielskaaniela · 10 months
How to Turn Thrifted Clothes into Trendy Outfits with Free PDF Patterns
In this post you learn how to turn thrifted clothes into new trendy ones. Do you love thrifting and sewing? If so, you’re in for a treat. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to transform your thrifted clothes into trendy outfits using free PDF patterns and simple sewing techniques. You’ll also learn how to find quality fabrics at thrift stores and how to care for your refashioned garments. By…
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wardrobeoftime · 7 days
what do you think about hotd costumes?
Some people think these ara bad.
What is your opinion?
I think the word bad is too simple to express my feelings because they are quite complex. In general, I think season 02 improved to season 01 and I really like a lot of costumes. But let's start on the fandom attitude.
I saw people criticising that Alicent has too many costumes and then also that characters rewear clothes too often. It feels like you can't please the fandom whatever you do. I personally don't support either opinion. Costumes should be worn more than once, to safe money but also storywise. Even in universe all clothes are handmade and throughout our own history clothes were not only worn once, even by the wealthiest people, but altered and refashioned again and again. I wish however, we saw the alteration part a bit more. Game of Thrones for example added further embroidery to many of Cersei's dresses for the second and third season and gave them a different look this way. I think some of the first season's costumes could be altered to fit the actors better as well as the new art direction.
Which I agree is bad is actually the quality of many season 01 costumes but we must not forget this was a Covid season and we don't know how much budget was actually allocated to costumes. From what I read and saw, they couldn't really do proper fittings due to social distancing. So costumes not fitting 100% became only worse with the unfortunate choice of some of the fabrics which looked cheap on camera, e.g. Alicent's red & black dress or Rhaenyra's golden dress that some dubbed the potato sack dress which I found hilarious. I don't know how to fix Rhaenyra's tbh but Alicent's dress in velvet or brocade would have looked amazing in my opinion. I will still cut the designer and costume department some slack since we don't know budgeting. Covid safety measures were for example so expensive that Good Omens season 02 cut its episode lengths from 60 to 45 minutes to budget for them. House of the Dragon definitely didn't safe on the special effects, actors or set building from what I saw, so my best guess is that costuming got way less founding than we'd expect. Still I think some dresses worked out well, like young Rhaenyra's orange dress and the brown coat or older Rhaenyra & Alicent's dresses at the last dinner with Viserys.
In conclusion, I don't think they are bad or the people making them lack talent. I think the fandom is impossible to please and there were outside factors that influenced decisions to the worse. But overall these costumes are fine and are doing their jobs. I personally can't wait to see what they'll do for the third season.
(Off topic but I also think people are talking way too bad about Reign's clothes and only superficially look at the first few episodes. But that's a topic for another day.)
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garaksapprentice · 1 year
New Post: Turning bedsheets into a wardrobe and other op shop thoughts
Originally posted on my blog: https://garaksapprentice.blogspot.com/2023/09/turning-bedsheets-into-wardrobe.html
The Dilemma
When it comes to my clothes, I'm a remarkably lazy snob.
I want things that fit well. (This isn't an unreasonable thing to want, I feel.) I want comfortable fabrics that breathe, and don't end up smelling like a billy goat slept on them. (I swear, since starting T, I strip my shirts more often than I ever had to strip the cloth nappies.)
I want colours - black and white and grey don't count - that don't make me look dead. (When did all the t-shirts in the men's section become navy and olive?) And I want them to last longer than six months before they start a part-time internship in the mending box.
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(The pile doth wax and the pile doth wane, but there's always a bloody pile.)
This short list is surprisingly difficult to achieve, off the rack. Anything that fits my shoulders won't fit my chest, and vice versa. The armscye is usually either comically large, or too small to fit my biceps. And pants? Let's just not go there. (Belts help. Kind of.)
I really dislike how polyester and other synthetics breathe (they don't), so I avoid them whenever I can. It's getting much harder to find clothes made of 100% natural fibres, whether new or second-hand.
Colours I have slightly more luck with - or I would, if the first two things didn't get in the way. Longevity is always an utter crapshoot. (Though I've found that wovens last longer than t-shirts.)
The Solution
Luckily, I know how to sew. I used to do it for a living. (Not clothes, mind - baby carriers. More structural, less technically complex.) My possess all the basic tools, a few of the extras, and a reasonable set of skills.
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(I've been making clothes for the kids for years - they care a lot less about style and fit. And skirts are easy.)
So I'm taking a two-pronged approach to this dilemma. I'm practicing making things I actually like and will wear, and religiously patching my current wardrobe while I make replacements.
Making clothes, naturally, requires material. So instead of going to the op shop for clothes, I'm going for fabric. (I stopped buying new years ago, except for underwear, shoes, and the occasional really high quality item from places that at least pretend to pay their garment workers.) But my favourite deal-hunting section isn't sewing/craft - it's the linens.
Wait, what? Why?
Thrift store fabrics usually can't tell you what they're made from. (The staff get narky when you try to burn test the goods, sadly.) Plus there's just not that much of it. Bedding, tablecloths etc are donated far more frequently, and often still have their tags on them.
Now, you do have check for wear. Some donations look brand new, some have had a long life already. Check for pilling or thinner areas, especially in the middle of bedsheets (fitted ones are worse for this than flats). It's easier if you can hold things up to the light. Usually things in worse condition will be priced lower, but not always.
Why not buy clothes six sizes too large and chop them up to make new stuff?
I mean, you can. It's certainly a common choice, what with all the "thrift upcycle/refashion" videos and blogs and such out there dedicated to it. I personally don't, for the following reasons.
Care for people: I take the permaculture ethics seriously.
Have you ever really looked at the racks in an op shop? Piles of sizes S-L, much less outside of that. The bigger your meatsuit, the harder it is to find things that have a hope of fitting. Too bad if you hate stripes, or the fabric is itchy - if there's only two things in your size, then that's the choice you have. It sucks. (I am in no way body shaming here. Bodies do a lot of hard work for the people who live in them, and no one gets to judge anyone else's.)
I'm both outside the common sizes, and a weird enough shape to have trouble besides. And I've been broke enough that op shop clothes were a necessity, not a choice. I know what it's like to have to take what I could get as long as it fit "enough".
To me it is deeply unethical to take the few decent garments that are available for plus sized people, chop them up, and make something for me to wear out of them, when I can just as easily start with a sheet or a table cloth and achieve a similar result.
Efficient energy planning: I have limited time and brainpower available, and sometimes my executive dysfunction is bad. Like, "I'm eating peanut butter out of the jar for dinner because my brain has stopped" levels of bad.
Cutting up a garment, taking off buttons, and so on, adds several extra steps to a sewing project. Sometimes that's fine - in those situations, I have plenty of old clothes in the stash. More often, though, those extra steps completely derail me.
So I find it easier to start a project with what is essentially yardage. Even when I have to cut around stains, rips, or worn spots, it uses less cognitive capacity.
I also prefer rectangularly cut garments, and zero waste patterns that have you draw directly onto the fabric. These work better on something that started out life as a rectangle.
Use biological resources: Natural fibres are renewable. Mined ones are not. Where I can, I use the former. That's not to say I never use things with synthetic content - it's technically possible, but in practice hard as hell.
Produce no waste: I've still got a sizeable stash of acrylic knitting yarns, plus other bits and bobs, hanging around from before I made this commitment. Throwing them out or donating them (ie making them someone else's problem) won't actually fix things; I simply use them in appropriate projects, and when I replace them, I do so with things that fit my current ethical stance and needs.
But sheets are all plain white and boring!
I can see why you might think that. TV has done a lot of false advertising on that point. It is false. Trust me.
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(Ignore the movies. Real sheets come in just about every colour you can think of.)
But, I know not everyone likes plain colours. What if you're madly in love with prints, or shirts with witty slogans on them? Well, besides the growing number of fancy sheets out there, might I interest you in the doona covers?
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(The top right and bottom left are ex-doona covers. The rest are sheets.)
Or the fine art of embroidery?
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(I shall have the most glorious shirt sleeves when I finish embroidering them.)
Or fabric painting?
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(This is technically a mend, but I totally plan on doing similar to brand new things I make.)
Or the many different styles of natural dyeing?
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(Soursobs from the local park, gently turning into dye liquor for some dyeing experiments.)
Or, if you've got lots of smaller or oddly shaped pieces of fabric hanging around, maybe some patchwork (all YouTube links)? It's not just coats and dressing gowns, either - you can patchwork jeans, trousers, dresses, shirts and more.
The point here is that fabric (and buttons, zips, thread, etc) doesn't have to be a thing you buy brand new. With time, patience, and a bit of luck, you can find everything you need to create great things second hand.
(Maybe I'll write a future post breaking down the costs of some of the things I've made...)
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w-armansky-blog · 4 months
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Designer Isabel Marant: сool fashion with a charming Parisian flair
Known for her bohemian aesthetic and chic tomboy looks, as well as for creating the wedge sneaker, Isabel Marant was a tomboy while growing up. But while she enjoyed dressing in her father's clothing, she often refashioned it into dresses.
'I wasn’t a pretty child. My father had lovely silk robes which I used to wear to school with tartan slippers and everyone thought I was weird. Although, the main reason was that I just had a very precise idea of what I wanted to wear.'
'I’m not worried about ageing, but of course I look in the mirror and sometimes don’t like what I see. I’m about to turn 55 – it’s the most delicate age for a woman. I wouldn’t mind being with a lot of wrinkles; it’s very beautiful to see the signs of your spent life.'
Source: the guardian; Who's Who in Fashion, Holly Price Alford, Anne Stegemeyer, 2016;
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carbsvixen · 5 months
Something to chew on:
With my most recent return to thrifting I would like to bring warning to the people who buy clothing online, receive the product and then decide it's not something they want so they donate it.
Number one: most of the clothing you have that does not have a brand name on it or a something that indicates it comes from a storefront will be in the Goodwill Bins. Yes, SOME smaller Goodwills do not care and will sell it with other items. However most of the Temu tier print shops and mass produced clothing brands with Asian sizing will be tossed to the bins. This also goes for tags cut out of clothing.
Number two: Do your own research. Look at reviews with actual photos. Relay and compare that information with products you've actually used before. While it does draw a hee hee ha ha reaction to buy and react to cheap looking garments it does not help the environment. Granted, if it works for you and you want to refashion it then that's excellent! However a majority of influencers and people who sell shop do not care how wasteful they are being by doing Temu, AliExpress, Amazon, etc. hauls.
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positivexcellence · 2 years
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towwn:  yes, it *is* possible to fashionably hibernate while supporting ethical, earth-minded companies. here, cozy sustainable sweaters that are forever stables in our winter wardobe.👚♻️🌎 @everlane these sweaters are soft, cozy, & often made from a combo of organic cotton, recycled cashmere and wool. these fabrics, along with ecomade polyester, recycled nylon & elastane help to reduce the impact of their production. we love the renew teddy oversized crew; it’s a cool, signature look. @reformation by using using sustainable materials, rescued deadstock fabric, repurposed vintage finds + producing goods locally, they’re able to reduce the carbon emissions and ensure positive social impact throughout the supply chain. @longwharfsupply recycled h20 bottles + oyster shells are used to craft these innovative garments. we appreciate these efforts to reseed oyster reefs & filter seawater to boost marine ecosystem health. plus, the classic seawell collection is cozy like your mom or dad’s vintage sweater – and it has a quantifiable impact on the environment & vulnerable communities. @parisienne_et_alors by supporting the french textile industry & using organic materials, the co. is helping to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize the eco-impact of its wares. via collaborations with @wwf + @nomoreplasticco the brand supports good causes and crafts chic sweaters. @madewell many of their most popular sweater & cardigan designs are made from earth-friendy materials, for example lenzing ecovero viscose and sustainable cashmere wool certified through the aid by trade foundation, which promotes animal welfare, improves the working conditions of farmers + protects the environment. @eileenfisherrenew In addition to using organic + safely dyed fabrics, the brand’s take back program allows clothes to be returned, cleaned, refashioned, or repaired & resold under the co.’s renew label to reduce waste + extend the life of many lovely sweaters. @naadam.co using traceable, renewable + recycled materials while embracing circular design principles, and investing in the communities that provide raw materials, nadaam is serious about style + reducing its enviro-impact.
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beanbowlbaggins · 1 year
Medieval Cirilla Dress
Day One
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I laid out my print out pattern and taped it together on my bed. Back pain level at 7/10.
Day Two
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I laid out everything to measure and revise my pattern.
Day Three
I forgot to take a picture of my tracing step. I didn't have a colored chalk; all there was, was pink chalk for a pink fabric. I ended up using a water soluble pencil, which was really just a blue crayon.
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I steam ironed for the first time. I realized I've never actually smelled fresh linen before, but I can see why it would be a popular candle scent.
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I sat down in the evening to read up on historical hand sewing techniques. I have Bernadette Banner's book, Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes.
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jupiter-balls · 2 years
1, 12, 14, 18 💕
Oh, Hi! 😭
"1. Song of the year"
Oh this is hard! I'm tempted to say SHUM for the second year in a row because I listen to it for hours on repeat still and it's still my top Spotify song 😂
"12. Talk about a new friend you made this year"
This is depressing but I haven't made any new friends this year(Or in many years actually). I've talked to some people and WANT to be friends but I uhm haven't? My brand of mental illness is isolation
"14. Favorite book you read this year"
"Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes" by Bernadette Banner. My mom got me this for my birthday because I've watched her on Youtube since the very beginning of her channel and it's such a good sewing book in top of that I constantly refer to it for inspiration and knowledge.
"18. A memorable meal this year"
Hard to choose just one! This year I've really dove into cooking and make most everything from scratch as an experiment so it's been very very interesting. Have to say probably the most exciting thing is I finally perfected my pie crust and I struggled A LOT with that(My maple rum pumpkin pie I just made is also food of the gods tbh 😂)
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tetresponsiblewear · 15 days
The Art of Upcycling: How to Repurpose Old Clothes into New Outfits
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At Tet Responsible Wear, sustainability isn’t just about creating eco-friendly garments—it’s also about finding creative ways to extend the life of clothes. Upcycling, the art of transforming old or unused clothing into something new, is a powerful way to reduce waste and breathe new life into your wardrobe. Whether you have a closet full of worn-out favorites or want to make a style statement without buying new pieces, upcycling offers endless possibilities. Here’s how you can repurpose your old clothes into fresh, fashionable outfits while staying true to the principles of sustainable fashion.
Why Upcycling Matters
The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world, and fast fashion contributes significantly to textile waste. By embracing upcycling, we can all take small steps toward reducing the environmental impact of our wardrobe. At Tet Responsible Wear, we encourage our customers to think creatively about their clothing. Upcycling not only helps minimize waste but also allows you to customize your outfits to reflect your unique style.
Getting Started: Assessing Your Closet
Before diving into the upcycling process, take a moment to assess your wardrobe. What pieces are you no longer wearing? What items are damaged but still have potential? Look for clothing with solid foundations—sturdy fabrics, timeless designs, or sentimental value—that can be transformed into something new. Whether it’s an old pair of jeans, a faded blouse, or a dress you no longer wear, almost any piece can be upcycled with a little imagination.
Common Upcycling Projects:
T-shirts and Blouses: Easily turned into new tops, bags, or accessories.
Jeans and Skirts: Can be reworked into shorts, bags, or even patchwork dresses.
Sweaters: Old knitwear can be turned into cozy accessories like scarves, mittens, or even a new cardigan.
Turning Old Pieces Into New Favorites
1. Transforming Sweaters & Knitwear for Women
If you have old sweaters that have lost their shape or style, there are plenty of ways to repurpose them. For example, an oversized knit can be transformed into a trendy cropped sweater or even a sweater vest. Simply cut and hem the bottom to your desired length. You can also turn a sweater into a cozy scarf or beanie by cutting the sleeves and using the body of the sweater as fabric.
For creative knitwear transformations, think about adding embroidery or patches to give the piece a personalized touch. Repurposing sweaters & knitwear for women not only keeps you warm but also helps reduce textile waste in a fun and unique way.
2. Upcycling Jumpsuits for Women
Jumpsuits are versatile, but they can be reimagined in many ways if they’re no longer in style or don’t fit correctly. If you have an old jumpsuit for women, consider turning it into a two-piece set. You can separate the top and bottom to create a new blouse and trousers, or refashion the jumpsuit into a chic dress by removing the legs and stitching the bottom.
For a more laid-back look, consider turning the jumpsuit into a romper by shortening the legs and adding embellishments like buttons or a belt to update the design.
3. Repurposing Skirts for Women
Old skirts can be easily upcycled into a variety of new pieces. A maxi skirt can be shortened into a trendy mini or midi skirt. Add ruffles, pleats, or lace to refresh the look. Alternatively, turn an old skirt for women into a strapless top by adjusting the waistband and adding elastic for support.
If you have fabric scraps from other projects, consider patchworking them with an old skirt to create a bohemian-inspired piece. At Tet Responsible Wear, we encourage experimenting with different textures and patterns to make each item one-of-a-kind.
4. Reworking Blouses & Tops Online
Blouses that are outdated or damaged don’t have to be thrown away. An old blouse can be upcycled into a stylish crop top or off-the-shoulder piece. If the sleeves are too long, trim and hem them for a modern twist.
Adding embroidery, sequins, or other embellishments to your blouses & tops online is another simple way to upcycle and create a whole new look. If you have multiple old tops, combine parts of each to create a unique patchwork blouse.
5. Refresh Dresses for Women Online
Have a dress that’s lost its charm? Upcycling dresses for women online is one of the easiest ways to breathe new life into your wardrobe. A floor-length dress can be transformed into a mini dress, a tunic, or even a stylish top. You can also convert a simple, solid-colored dress into a statement piece by adding a belt, cutting new necklines, or stitching on decorative elements like lace or beads.
For those who love flowy pieces, consider adding ruffles or altering the hemline of a basic dress. Alternatively, an old dress can be reimagined as a skirt—just cut the top off and add a new waistband!
Creative Upcycling Ideas to Try
Patchwork: Combine fabric from different pieces to create something entirely new. Patchwork designs are not only trendy but are also a great way to use up fabric scraps.
Embroidery and Appliqué: Add custom designs, floral embroidery, or meaningful symbols to breathe new life into your clothes.
Dyeing and Painting: Update faded garments by dyeing them a new color or painting bold patterns onto them.
Fringe and Tassels: Add fringe or tassels to an old skirt or blouse to give it a modern boho vibe.
Conclusion: Upcycling as an Art Form
Upcycling is more than just a trend—it’s a meaningful way to contribute to sustainable fashion while expressing your personal style. At Tet Responsible Wear, we encourage our customers to think outside the box when it comes to their wardrobe. By repurposing sweaters & knitwear for women, jumpsuits for women, and other pieces, you not only extend the life of your garments but also reduce your environmental footprint.
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mirandamckenni1 · 3 months
This Regency Court Gown is Probably My Favorite Project Ever 🖤 Click my trainwell (formerly CoPilot) link https://ift.tt/VSIq4zB to get 14 days FREE with your own expert personal trainer! More Maayankraj: https://ift.tt/whj7EfF ⤠ MATERIALS ⤟ Black silk (under gown): kindly given by @pinsenttailoring Black linen lining): Burnley & Trowbridge https://ift.tt/AJuQyg3 Decorative buttons: stash Stitched with black medium weight silk thread Button loops with black silk buttonhole twist ⤠ START YOUR HAND SEWING JOURNEY ⤟ 📚 BOOK: “Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes” https://ift.tt/zlwVybn 🧵 SKILLSHARE CLASSES: “Hand Sewing Basics: Working Wonders with Fabric, Needle & Thread”. To sign up for a free trial and take the class, visit https://ift.tt/LsmYMuk ⤠ NEVER MISS AN UPDATE ⤟ 📜 (FREE) NEWSLETTER https://ift.tt/10FNUgW 📸 INSTAGRAM @bernadettebanner https://ift.tt/9lY1Uf4 ♥️ PATREON https://ift.tt/KotRhGT EDITOR | @DannyBanner IG @danbanstudio https://ift.tt/2nHvW5X via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDZtLdP5IZQ
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salanaii · 4 months
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anielskaaniela · 1 year
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🌞 Summer Comfy Shorts: Perfect Refashion Project! 🌞
Hey there🌼 Are you ready for the ultimate summer sewing project that's not only stylish but also eco-friendly? 🌿 Say hello to our fabulous Summer Comfy Shorts, lovingly crafted from a refashioned garment! 🩳💕
In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll show you how to transform an old piece of clothing into a trendy pair of summer shorts that will keep you feeling comfy and looking chic all season long. 😍✨ Whether you're hitting the beach, going on a picnic, or simply enjoying some fun in the sun, these shorts are the perfect addition to your summer wardrobe.
And the best part? 🌟 I'm providing a free printable pattern, so you can easily follow along and recreate these fabulous shorts yourself! 🧵💖
With just a few simple sewing steps, you'll have a stylish, sustainable, and super comfy pair of shorts that are perfect for any summer adventure. 🏖️🌞
Stay tuned for more summer sewing goodness, as my next video will feature a beautiful and breezy top that pairs perfectly with these shorts. 🌺🌿 So, make sure to follow my channel to catch all the latest updates!
Let's revamp our summer style with sustainable fashion! 🌱✂️ Grab your sewing kit and get ready for some creative fun with our Summer Comfy Shorts! 💫🌼
🔗 [Link to the video:CLICK]
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