#references undertale
The teen and the boy
I was laying in my bed aimlessly, another day stuck in this orphanage and another day alone. It honestly sucks, it sucks so much that this is how my life turned out to be. Just when I thought everything would be happier, my best friend goes and becomes a bully and abandons me.
Life honestly sucks at the moment.
I sat up in my bed and looked around, my room didn’t have any flare. No personality, it was just one of them bland rooms the orphanages give you because they think your stay is temporary. But mine wasn’t, at fifteen years old I’m still here. Ten years later, still here…
Still here…
I grabbed my phone from the bed-side table and began going through instagram, just looking at some posts that people have made, liking the post and making sarcastic comments every once in a while. Honestly, it was rather boring but I didn’t have much else to do. It was a weekend and school was closed for the next couple weeks anyways. From what I’m aware of, they’re in talks with that ambassador kid about incorporating monsters into the school which, to me at least, is a pretty cool idea. My phone pinged: I looked at the title and my heart froze.
Madame Sato…
I could feel my heart rate pick up as I carefully placed my phone back on the bed-side desk and laid back down on my bed as my heart bounced around my chest. She was having the best life and I was stuck here, her son was stuck here. There was a quiet knock on my door as I looked towards the door.
“Come in.” I said with a slight shiver in my voice, I kept my eyes glaring carefully at the door as I watched Sharon enter.
“Morning Shoto.” Sharon waved at me as she took a seat on a chair in the room, she had some documents in her hands and she seemed to be looking through them carefully, “Hopefully I’m not bothering you.” “Not at all.” I responded carefully, I mean it was better than having a panic attack over my dead-beat mum. “I was wondering if you could do me a favour.” Sharon added as she was sorting some papers. “Huh?” I sounded confused, a favour? “You see Shoto…” She began speaking, choosing her words carefully like her favourite model from the latest issue of Vogue, “…there’s a new child coming to the orphanage today. His name is Toby.” “I see…” I murmured, sitting up to listen more closely to what Sharon was saying, “I don’t see what this has to do with me.” “I was getting to that.” Sharon would laugh slightly before continuing, “He’s about seven and is getting dropped off here by his parents at some point today.”
What…? He’s getting abandoned here…?
“I was wondering if you could help him out at some points to get used to getting used to the new changes since you know how he’ll be feeling-“ I cut Sharon off quickly, having already formulated my answer. “Of-course I’ll help him!” I answered quickly, jumping up from my bed in a confident manner. It felt like history was repeating itself. After my dad died, ‘Madame Sato’ gave up her parental rights to me and since I had no other family I was sent here. Though my guess is that Toby’s parents were still alive and didn’t want him, which in my opinion was worse than what I went through with my mum. “I don’t want him to go through the same loneliness I went through.” “Fantastic!” Sharon would smile and clap her hands together, “I’ll call you down when he eventually gets here.” Sharon would leave the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I couldn’t believe it, a kid only two years older than me when I was left here was going through the exact same turmoil I had done… 
All I had to do was wait though. I’d walk over to my desk and open my laptop as I began looking for jobs, I saw an opening for that new bar in town.
‘Grillby’s seems like a nice place to work at’ I thought to myself, looking at the job listing carefully, ‘The owner seems really nice too. He gives off that nice “owner-dad” energy.’ Too bad I was only fifteen or I’d definitely go for the job, but for now I can’t go for it. I continued to look through jobs, most weren’t really interesting apart from the part-time job at Grillby’s. I turned on Spotify and put on my headphones, choosing to listen to my go-to band Nightmare as I put on the album ‘the WORLD ruler’ and I began to go through English Literature homework, which is something I’ve been putting off as I don’t particularly like the novels we are looking at.
I continued to listen to music and do my homework throughout the entire morning, making small corrections to already finished homework here and there. After all, Miss Wayward was a perfectionist and I didn’t want her coming for my head because I forgot a capital letter for a noun. She also wanted us to do an entire essay on Macbeth for when we got back to school which was only about fifty percent done. The rhythmic tapping of my keyboard and the song ‘the WORLD’ really helped soothe my nerves to be honest. It is from one of my favourite anime after all.
“Shoto, could you come downstairs?” I heard Sharon shout in between songs, I paused the playlist and took off my headphones. He must be here, I thought to myself as I ran down the stairs quickly to meet Sharon at the foyer of the orphanage. Sharon was standing in-front of a boy who looked like he had been crying, he had a bag and a suitcase with him. He was clinging onto Sharon’s arm too… “Toby, I want you to meet Shoto Sato. He’ll help you throughout your first day here. He’ll also show you to your room whilst I do some filing alright?” Sharon looked down at Toby with a gentle smile. Toby kept clinging onto Sharon’s arm.
“Hey, there little man.” I knelt down on one knee and looked at Toby gently, “Let’s say you and I find your room and help you get sorted hm..?” Toby would gently nod his head as I stood up to talk to Sharon. “Where is his room?” “I’ve situated him two doors down from your room.” Sharon would say as she handed me Toby’s suitcase, “Shoto, please make sure he’s alright.” “Will do.” I responded in an unusually bright voice, I honestly didn’t want to scare Toby so I had to speak happier than I am at the moment.
Me and Toby would walk through the orphanage with the other orphans whispering about Toby. It was just really curiosity, looking down at Toby I could tell that all the whispering and the gossip about ‘the new kid’ was really getting to him. Soon we both got to his room.
“Could you go in, I’ll follow behind you.” I ushered Toby into the room and then turned to the now gathered audience, “Can everyone please keep the gossip to a minimum? I know seeing a new kid is interesting but Toby is really taking it hard.”
“But Shoto-” One kid started but I cut him off. “No buts.” Soon the audience turned away and I followed Toby into his room and placed his suitcase at the foot of his bed. Toby seemed to be unpacking his bag, he seemed to be close to tears. I noticed he took out a small knight figure from his bag, it was from an old lego theme from years ago…Alright…a talking point. “Huh, I recognise that character from somewhere. The little guy in your right hand.” I would sit on the floor. Toby turned to me, looking at me nervously.
“His name is Clay Moorington…” Toby would mumble. He would look away from me, clearly embarrassed. “Ooooo I see!” I gasped, I wanted to sound welcoming to Toby and a friendly face in an unfamiliar place, “Isn’t he from some lego show or something?” “Yes he is actually…” Toby would take a seat across from me. “Could you tell me more about it?” I would ask, Toby would nod his head and begin rambling on about this lego theme and television show called Nexo Knights. Honestly, the show sounded alright…not exactly my cup of tea, I was more of an anime and musicals person myself, but it was certainly interesting hearing his passion and interest in this show! By the end of his info-dump he seemed to have warmed up to me slightly. There’d be a knock at the door. “Let me get that.” I’d stand up and walk over to the door, opening it would reveal Sharon standing there.
“Ah! Shoto, is Toby settling in fine?” She’d ask as she waved to Toby. “Yeah, we’ve just been sitting talking about Nexo Knights for an hour.” I’d respond. “Good, do you mind going to your room? I've got some personal stuff to talk to Toby about. Just really rules and the monthly check-ins.” “Alright.” I’d turn to Toby, “I’ve got some homework to be getting on with but if you need anyone to talk to just knock on my door, Alright?” Toby would nod at me as I turned back to the door and walked past Sharon. I’d walk back to my room and sit on my bed, I couldn’t really be asked to get on with my homework again.
Later, there’d be another knock on my door.
“Come in!” I’d shout in a slightly cheerful tone, Sharon would walk in and pull up the same seat she used earlier.
“Shoto I…I honestly don’t know what you did but Toby seems a bit more happier.” Sharon said, shocked, “He seemed much more receptive than when he first got here.” “Oh that’s because he was overwhelmed.” I sternly said, “He didn’t know where he was or really had any friends. Me giving him an ear to hear him ramble about his favourite television show was just to show him that everyone here is friendly.” “Clearly! Shoto, he talked really nicely of you.” She complimented, “He said your ‘Really really nice.’” Huh…didn’t expect I’d be complimented on my kindness. “Thanks.” I answered back as Sharon would leave the room. A simple gesture of kindness to a kid I barely knew…made an impact? Huh that’s really strange I thought to myself as I yawned, I went back to scrolling through instagram. I should probably watch that Nexo Knights show so I can understand what Toby is talking about. I’d exit out of instagram and onto some sort of dodgy streaming app and type in Nexo Knights. I proceeded to watch through a couple of the episodes before falling asleep.
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skronklpus · 4 days
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What are you ordering ?
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jazze-bee · 1 month
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get out of my head sans undertale..
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wizard0rb · 1 year
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kris and noelle discuss critically acclaimed fps game half dead 2, their missing siblings, and obscure human musicians like claude debussy
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akanemnon · 3 months
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Sorry, Noelle... They're a little slow on the uptake.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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violetsquare111 · 4 months
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don't you have any wishes to make?
SO. someone brought up the idea of this one echo flower dialogue being from UTY characters and i promptly entered a 5 day drawing spree to make a comic which is something i have???? never done before??? i hope someone enjoys this it was super super fun
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thekansta · 2 months
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It’s you
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lamemummy59 · 1 month
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They mean so much too me you don’t understand!!!!!
rbs very appreciated ^_^
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personalshredder · 1 month
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freakbullet · 6 months
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he has his doctor who moments :]
something from like a year and a half ago. silly stuff's always good for practice!
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alpacacare-archive · 6 months
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the brainworms are kiiling me. have a dad and son 👍︎
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insanelysanes · 2 months
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kris is that a weed???
design heavily based off of twin runes kris by @akanemnon !! the hair is weird bc i drew it from memory instead of getting an actual reference but i think it looks neat
anyway i decided i should post more here bc i dont want my one tumblr post being human bill cipher
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shimmershy · 10 months
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Legend has it, an 'angel' who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom....
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nonlethal-au · 24 days
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NOL!Swap Reference - Version 0.1
Original by PopcornPr1nce, AU by S3izures
Starting design.
Lineart may be thicker.
Does not like being called "Blue" by random strangers.
[ ✦ MASTERLIST ] edit: i forgot to add the version number in the ref, oops
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akanemnon · 4 months
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To be fair, she found the letter on the floor of the school hallway...
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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chibishortdeath · 9 months
Don’t u hate it when you draw something and then ur like “wow uh no one follows me for this fandom” haha lol anyway
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Undertale is a pretty cool game, I may have a favorite character from it uh—
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