fuzzyhairedfreak · 8 months
um uh uh um. so. did anyone else used to follow Nate Stevenson's D&D campaign drawings back in the day or-
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scalpho · 10 months
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yttd sibling death reactions we didn't get to see
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monstermonger · 1 year
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puppypeter · 10 months
"Part of the tragedy of Roy is ageing, like, there comes a point where you have to accept your body can't do the things that you would like to carry on doing. Jason and I sort of talked about it early on that I think with Roy his plan was always play football until you can't and then kill yourself."
Brett Goldstein (x)
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iipaint · 2 months
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there is a shortage in the blood supply, but there is no shortage of blood
international small arms traffic blues - the mountain goats // M*A*S*H - period of adjustment
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mikanandpotato · 2 months
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sisaloofafump · 6 months
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Finally read JLA: Shogun of Steel (2002). Perhaps more interesting than the canon superbat, is the fact that the genderbent Bat doesn’t have Bruce’s iconic no kill rule. Otherwise, it’s just kinda weird. Some cool character designs though! I enjoyed it :)
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totallynotokguys · 3 months
Instead of just spilling all of my thoughts on Ultraman: Rising, I'm going to just share my favorite quotes from characters.
Mind you! These aren't the most profound things the characters said in the movie. It's just what stuck out to me.
Sato Kenji: "I really appreciate you showing up, I do. But this doesn't make you ultradad. We're not suddenly gonna be best pals."
On its own, this quote sounds harsh, but the way Ken says it and the vulnerability of his body language impacted me. Kenji is being honest, he's not starting this new chapter with his dad by pretending or ignoring their problems. There is hurt between them, and making jokes as if none of that exists will help no one.
From someone who has experience with this kind of hurt and the pressure to joke and pretend it doesn't exist... I really appreciate the example that Kenji shows us. Nothing can be mended if there is not honesty, even if that honesty is harsh. Acknowledging where the relationship is broken is an important step to reconnecting.
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Dr. Onda: "Captain. You look exhausted. Go home to your family. Get some rest."
I've heard other people say it, and I'm going to say it as well. I love that the antagonist of this movie is a good man. He cares about his workers and he values family. This quote stuck out to me because I totally expected Onda to have just been saying this to get the captain out of the way so he could do something underhanded and evil behind everyone's backs. But that did not happen. That never happened. Dr. Onda remains upfront and honest, protective and caring to those under him through the whole film. He truly cares and his wickedness (attempting to exterminate an entire species feels wicked to me) comes from a place we can all understand.
Sato Hayao: "Yes, but it was just one day."
Oh, the regret in his voice when he says this! This quote comes off of such a sweet moment where Ken is actually reminiscing about a really happy memory he has with his dad. And the dad can totally see this as a win, his son is thinking positively about him. But Hayao has a profound realization in this moment. Yeah, it was a good day... but it was just the one. So much lost time between them, and the tears in Hayao's eyes as he looks at his son show his regret.
Mina: "I am a terrible babysitter."
Mina says a lot of important things and helps Kenji come to profound realisations. She's as much the heart of this movie as Emi is... but I chose this quote. Why? One, it made me laugh. Two, Its the only thing she says about herself.
For Mina, all we have to gage her character is her voice. No body language or facial expressions. She's just a voice. So a lot of emphasis must be put on what she says and how she says it.
It is so important to me that as a baby kaiju wanders the streets causing mayhem, Mina is regretting her failure as a babysitter. Her ability to care for others is important to her. She tries to keep Emi entertained, attempts to emotionally support Ken when he is distressed, and kicks Ken into gear to help take care of the baby Kaiju. Heck, one of our first interactions with her was Mina refusing to give Ken bear because it wasn't good for him.
Wakita Ami: "Looks like it's a night out with my girls."
Ami has just had a bad night. She just lost an interview she needs for her job and the guy she possibly likes who could become something more just ran out on her. She's a single parent juggling her job and family... and she deserves to be upset. But she focuses on the bright side, she opens her arms, and she celebrates that one lost opportunity for work means a new opportunity to bond with her daughter. This woman makes the best out of any situation and I love her!
As the daughter of a single mom who experienced situations like this, I appreciate the struggle single parents go through while keeping positive for their children.
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Emi: "Rah-ooh."
Okay, so this isn't really a quote, but Emi is a special case. The opposite of Mina, Emi does not have words and voice for us to go off of. We cannot understand her clicks and coos, but we can understand her body language and actions.
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I love this moment where Emi runs toward danger to protect a stuffed toy. This is her first heroic act (though not her last) and I think it says a lot about her character development.
Before this she's just been seeking her own pleasure and seen everything as a game. She runs after shiniest, throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, runs down streets like she's running bases in a game.
But then she's attacked, and Emi goes through two arms, both very quickly sadly as they are covered in the training montage. First is new fear. Emi now knows true pain and fear which we see in her body language with a few scenes where her carefree baby toddler and stance becomes hesitant and curled inward. She is afraid to stand up straight after her injury, she is uncertain about new things, and she is slightly terrified when running simulations with her dad where she is being chased by KDF drones.
But the montage also shows how her dad, grandpa, and babysitter are their for her every step. They teach her skills to support and protect herself, and give her comfort and encouragement. And then we see the next step in her journey, Emi getting serious! Think of her serious lil face when she puts on those floaties, the power stance she takes to mega beam those simulated drones to pixels. Yes Emi still has fun and is still her cheerful self, but there is a new gravity to her.
Her family prepared her to protect herself ... But she surprised me and did something more. She protected others.
When the threat comes, Emi runs forward. Her dad tells her to run but she cries to him, her voice trying to tell him something he does not realise. The stuffed animal is vulnerable, left out on the beach. So Emi runs to its rescue, cradles it in her arms, and defends it against the attackers.
The movie emphasis how children learn from their parents, and thus far in the film it has been seen through her love of baseball. But that was the human side of her dad. Now we see an example of her taking after the ultraman side. Just look at her body language, her actions. Does the way she cradle the stuffed toy remind you of an earlier moment in the film? Does the tone of her coos sound familiar?
Like father, like daughter. Emi is learning to become a hero, just like ultraman.
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gaycragula · 2 years
141 x male reader, where the reader is a child that was rescued by 141 and they meet again later 8n life, when the reader is older and the reader recognized them and just fluff and maybe some tears
Refound Family
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Pairing: Familial 141 with a male child/young adult reader Word Count: 783 Masterlist I'm sorry if this is kinda formatted weird, it was the first time writing something like it and I really wasn't sure where to go with it </3
It had been years since you’d been pulled from the rubble of your parent’s home and practically nursed back to health. Years since you’d been taken in under the group of men after it was found out your parents did not make it. Since you’d spent just under 4 years with them before you were officially adopted. When you kicked and screamed and cried that you didn’t want to go after they’d all said their goodbyes.
When you initially started living with your adoptive family, it took you a while to actually consider them family. There were many nights where you cried to your parents that you wanted to go back to your dads. Your parents always managed to calm you down enough for you to drift off to sleep and you eventually found yourself considering them your parents, loving them as though they were your biological parents.
You were an adult now. You worked a decent job that let you afford a small apartment for yourself in a nice city. Your parents kept in contact with you, making sure you were in a comfortable position. If you were having a rough time, they were there to help. Whether it be with money or with food, they were always happy to help you.
Speaking of food, you were in need of some so you took a trip to one of the grocery stores in town. You were browsing through the microwavable meals in the freezer section when you heard the voice that made memories surface. You shook your head at first, there’s no way he was here, not in a fucking grocery store of all places.
Then you heard the second voice. That heavy Scottish accent was unmistakable and you abandoned the freezer section to find the source of the voices. They were a couple aisles over from you and when you saw them, you were sure you were going to start crying.
You’re sure they wouldn’t recognize you and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. Your palms were suddenly sweaty and it felt about 3 degrees hotter in the store than it had just previously been. You took a deep breath before approaching the men. 
The oldest of the two, Price, gave you a look as you got closer before his eyes drifted to the small metal tags that rested on your chest and a look of recognition passed through his eyes. It had actually been a gift from them to you. A set of your own dog tags so you didn’t feel out. They’d gotten it custom made and gave it to you for your birthday. You rarely took it off.
Their conversation had stopped by the time you stopped next to them. 
“I know you probably don’t remember me,” you started, rubbing your tags between your fingers out of habit. “But I was the kid-” Your words were cut off with a grunt when one of them pulled you into a tight hug. 
“Aye, we remember ya, lad,” Soap whispers, his voice surprisingly full of emotion. It was what sent you over the edge and you started crying as you hugged the Scot back. It had been years and they still recognized you. 
They took you out to lunch so they could catch up with you. You admitted you had issues getting along with your adopted family for a long while and had cried about wanting to stay with them. You found out they’d actually stayed in contact with your adopted parents and were kept updated as you grew up.
They shared your big achievements and birthdays. Price and Soap got to watch your graduation online (Gaz and Ghost were out on a mission and couldn’t make it). They sent you a birthday card every year, simply signed 141. You had no idea it was them.
You’d thought that once you were fully adopted, they stopped participating in your life and here you were, however many years later, finding out it was the opposite. It made you tear back up again and you had to take a deep breath to keep yourself from crying again. It brought you so much joy to see the men you’d considered your dads for the better part of four years.
You don’t know how long you ended up talking to them but by the end of it, Price and Soap had given you their numbers so you could keep in contact with them.  It felt relieving having them back in your life and you’re sure today was not going to be the last time you saw them. You looked forward to your future meetings. Maybe Ghost and Gaz would tag along.
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theythemmer · 5 months
why is tyler posting forest fic references . what year is this . i feel like im losing my mind
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exanuz · 1 month
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kking-64 · 10 days
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bad redraw of 2016 draw
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rawliverandgoronspice · 11 months
the recent totk interviews got me feeling some sort of way
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mikuchan · 4 months
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March 28 2021, I woke up at 1 am, wrote this down, and forgot until April 2023 when I actually made them
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randomwords247 · 3 months
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Rekrap2 art I made nearly a year ago which I really wanted to render but never really got around to
I still kinda wanna because I really like how it came out with the dynamic line of motion and the pose, but for now I thought I'd share it since it's been so long
(It was meant to be like him speedrunning)
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Being a leftist and watching all my trans and leftist mutuals vanish from my notes only to see posts where they've been nuked
What year is this again? Feels like 1984 for some reason.
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