#refresh to sync
vergeltvng · 1 year
Well, well, well if it ain't…
Billy Butcher, derzeit ansässig in NYC und seines Zeichens Anführer der BOYS, Ex Royal Marine sowie früher involviert in Tätigkeiten für die CIA. Nach eigener Aussage nichts weiter als 'ein besorgter Bürger dieser Stadt'. Ein dehnbarer Begriff wenns nach ihm geht. Mord, Totschlag, Körperverletzung, Vandalismus, Erpressung, Diebstahl und Brandstiftung stehen üblicherweise auf seiner To-do-Liste. Ihm ist praktisch jedes Mittel recht, um sein Ziel zu erreichen. Eine durch und durch persönliche Angelegenheit: Rache. Seine erklärten Todfeinde sind Homelander, Amerikas stärkster Superheld, und Vought, der Megakonzern, der sämtliche Fäden zieht und verantwortlich ist für die Erschaffung aller Supes. Wie es der Name vermuten lässt handelt es sich um Menschen mit Superkräften. Wer daran interessiert ist, dem gibt er gern Auskunft darüber wieso Supes seiner Meinung nach die Ausgeburt der Hölle sind und auf der Erde nichts verloren haben. Über seine persönlichen Beweggründe redet er hingegen ungern, frühestens nach 2 Flaschen Whiskey oder wenn er jemanden mindestens als guten Freund oder potenzielles Mitglied seiner lustigen Truppe in Betracht zieht.
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I'm just gonna hurt you. I mean, really fucking hurt you.
Er ist Mitte vierzig und verfügt über eine imposante Erscheinung: Groß, breitschultrig, trägt stolz seinen 'fancy Beard' und ist meistens anzutreffen in schwarzem Ledertrenchcoat, Jeans, schweren Boots und bunten Hawaii Shirts. Seine bevorzugte Waffe ist ein Brecheisen, aber genauso effektiv schlägt er mit bloßen Fäusten zu. Als Ex-Soldat ist er versiert im Gebrauch von Schusswaffen, besonders Scharfschützengewehre. Die meisten seiner Probleme löst er mit Aggression und roher Gewalt, verfügt jedoch über bemerkenswertes Verhandlungsgeschick wenn es die Situation erfordert. Sein hervorstechendstes Merkmal von allen ist gewiss sein Charisma. Obwohl er auf den ersten Blick ein ziemlich abgewrackter Köter ist, seine prägnanten Gesichtszüge, Körpersprache, dunkle Stimme, zeichnen ihn aus als geborenen Anführer. Er besitzt die Fähigkeit, seine Schäfchen mit sich in die Hölle hinabzuzerren, und sobald sie es merken ist es zu spät. Wenn man jedoch all seine Kompetenzen beiseite schiebt, bleibt ein Mensch mit vielen Fehlern. Er zieht Probleme an wie ein Magnet Eisenspäne, als wäre er in der Hinsicht verflucht. Selbst wenn er die besten Absichten hegt bekommt er es hin alles zu verkacken was er anfasst, trifft unpopuläre Entscheidungen, die falschen Entscheidungen, bringt Leute in Gefahr an denen ihm viel liegt und versteckt vor der Welt seinen Schmerz über die Konsequenzen. Stattdessen zieht er es vor seinen Unmut laut hinaus zu bellen, was die Kritiker ruhig stellt. Nicht weil die plötzlich seiner Meinung sind, sondern aus reiner Furcht davor von ihm gebissen zu werden auf die eine oder andere Art. Er ist sich für keine Drecksarbeit zu schade und wird erst Ruhe geben wenn der letzte, beschissene Supe von der Erde getilgt ist. Angetrieben von Rachegelüsten in erster Linie aber immer häufiger vermischt mit purer Mordlust. Gewalttätigkeit ist sein Ventil, er wandelt auf einem schmalen Grat und weiß heimlich, dass von seinen Leuten ihm niemand bis zum bitteren Ende folgen kann und wird.
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laissezferre · 1 year
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kazamajun · 2 months
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seorikkun · 1 year
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bang chan x changbin in < ★★★★★ (5-STAR)> UNVEIL : TRACK 1 DLC
bonus coloring because jype why
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embraceyourdestiny · 1 month
I like watching d20 because it’s nice to just watch adults stim for two hours
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mrgaretcarter · 2 years
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Accept this face of mine, mute and begging. Accept this love I ask for. Accept the part of me that is you.
  — Alejandra Pizarnik; 'En Tu Aniversário'
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crownconstellation · 1 month
as a guy who’s been using delta for like two years on and off when it was really annoying to keep up with (had to install smth on your computer called alt server, which could download an app called altstore on your phone when synced to pc, which you could then download delta thru, and you had to refresh the apps every week) i have to say the official version of it is really fantastic to have
not bc of the convenience of not having to refresh the app weekly that’s a bonus. but bc of all the cute ds skins people r making now LMAO someone made some sanrio ones and the cinnamoroll one is soooooo cute
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look at it… adorable
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attackoneyebrows · 1 year
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i love you.
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lagtrain · 1 year
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im goign to throw up
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vergeltvng · 3 months
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I wanted to try something
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webstoriess · 1 month
Best Gaming Monitors 2024: From Budget-Friendly to Premium Models- Top Picks for Every Game
In gaming, a monitor can make or break your experience. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a professional esports player, the right monitor can significantly enhance your gameplay. This guide will walk you through some of the best gaming monitors 2024, ranging from budget-friendly options to premium models. LG Ultragear IPS Gaming Monitor 24GN65R The LG Ultragear IPS Gaming Monitor 24GN65R is a…
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welcometobrightvale · 2 months
u know what i care about way more than getting rid of pets' dislikes. they NEED to stagger restock times.
idc if the way things are now helps prevent bots and scalpers. im just trying to do my daily quest log and EVERY shop i try is sold out. i go to the games room. come back. i missed restock AGAIN
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lvsamine · 8 months
(( why is there NO good footage of Shelly in Pokemas it's all just her VOICE CLIPS I don't NEED THAT I need to make ICONS!! ))
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bibluebutterfly · 9 months
Alright, so one thing I absolutely love about the potential later conflict between Fizz and Ozzie is that they both come from very understandable places.
For Fizz, he has every right to want to be out by himself and just do things independently. You can tell up until he ran into Blitz he enjoyed his day out and getting to do something on his own.
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And then we have Ozzie's perspective. He's overprotective of Fizz but to be completely fair, considering what we've seen so far, he's seen Fizz get hurt a LOT. Like A LOT a lot.
For instance, as far as we can tell, he's the only one who works on Fizz's limbs, and considering the fact that he has spare parts around, we can safely assume that Fizz needing a tune up isn't exactly a rare occurrence. Plus the fact that he's probably been there for the better part of Fizz's recovery would show him more just how vulnerable Fizz really is. It also probably doesn't help that Fizz still manages to get hurt even when Ozzie is literally right next to him.
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Ozzie knows that Fizz isn't helpless, but seeing someone you love get hurt can is really scary. And considering Ozzie likely feels that kind of fear constantly, it makes sense that he would be just a tad too overbearing. Plus considering Fizz never makes a serious fuss about his tendencies and even seems to agree sometimes, Ozzie thinks that Fizz is fine with how things are.
Back to Fizz, despite him and Ozzie being on numerous levels of understanding, he likely feels like he can really say anything because it turns out that Ozzie's worries were in fact valid. Not to mention that because he and Ozzie are so in sync, he probably knows how Ozzie feels about this whole thing and would feel guilty bringing it up.
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People interpret this frame as either Fizz feeling guilty for worrying Ozzie and getting himself in trouble, others interpret it as sadness that he probably won't be able to go out alone in at least a while. Why can't it be both?
That being said, Fizzmodeus is still a wholesome and healthy couple, but it's interesting to see how this topic will be brought up in the future. I just like how the two of them come from very understandable places, and how neither are entirely in the wrong (Fizz should speak up and Ozzie should be less protective). It's also kind of refreshing to see a relationship with problems where one isn't entirely in the wrong (like M&M), and they are both on equal levels with each other (unlike Stolitz).
(Because whereas Stolas and Blitz are in places where they can't really understand each other or talk about their problems, Ozzie and Fizz are in a place where they understand each other so well that they don't feel like they need to.)
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Word Count: 1.3K
Pairing(s): Rafe x Reader
Warnings: Drinking, Blowjob
Summary: Reader is a funny/horny drunk
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When you and Rafe entered the party, you were immediately greeted by a whirlwind of activity. To your left, groups of friends gathered around makeshift beer pong tables, their laughter and friendly banter filling the air. To your right, the heart of the room pulsed with the rhythmic movements of dancers lost in the music, their bodies swaying in sync with the pulsating beats. 
"What do you want to drink?" Rafe asked, his arm wrapping around your waist as the vibrant pulse of the party surrounded you both. "Something with lemonade in it, please," you replied, leaning in to kiss his lips softly, a smile dancing on your own.
Together, you navigated through the lively throngs of guests, making your way to the kitchen where the air was thick with the scent of alcohol and excitement. As you entered, you were greeted by the sight of Topper and Sarah engaged in a spirited round of shots.
"Y/n! You're here!" Sarah's voice rang out above the din, her excitement palpable as she rushed over to envelop you in a warm hug, her laughter echoing in the bustling room.
"Yes, I'm here, and you're drunk," you playfully teased, gently pointing out Sarah's tipsy state as she pulled you closer to the shots with a grin plastered on her face. With a laugh, she shrugged off your observation, her enthusiasm undiminished as she handed out the shots.
"Two shots to start the night," Sarah declared, passing two to you and two to Rafe, who met your gaze with a mischievous smirk. Without hesitation, he downed both shots in rapid succession, his expression unfazed by the fiery burn of the tequila. Inspired by his boldness, you followed suit, the sharp taste of the alcohol leaving a lingering warmth in your chest.
"Still don't like tequila," you admitted with a wince, pushing the empty shot glasses back towards Sarah as Rafe draped an arm over your shoulders, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down your spine.
With a tender kiss pressed to your cheek, he whispered, "Let's dance, babe," his voice a gentle invitation as he led you away from the crowded kitchen and into the heart of the dance floor.
As the infectious beat of "Despacito" filled the air, you melted into Rafe's embrace, your arms winding around his neck as you buried your face into the crook of his neck. With playful abandon, you peppered his skin with soft kisses, the heat of your breath mingling with the faint scent of his cologne.
His hands roamed your body with a confident touch, guiding your hips as you danced in sync. The sensation of his body against yours sent a shiver of pleasure coursing through you, with each grind of your hips against his, you could feel him hardening under you. 
As he trailed his hand from your ass to your neck, his touch sending sparks of arousal racing down to your core, you couldn't help but smile against his lips.
"I feel so refreshed when I put my lips on you… you're like an ice-cold drink on a hot summer's day," you murmured, your words laced with playful affection as you deepened the kiss, your tongue intertwining with his in a fight for dominance.
He chuckled softly against your lips, the sound vibrating through you like a gentle caress. Pulling away slightly, he captured your lower lip between his teeth, teasing it gently before releasing it with a playful nip. "You're so funny when you're drunk," he laughed, his eyes sparkling with warmth and adoration as he gazed down at you.
After a few hours of dancing, Rafe made his way towards a cluster of chairs where his friends were gathered. With a contented smile, he sank into the seat, his body pleasantly buzzing from the euphoria of the night.
As they shared anecdotes and laughter, time seemed to slip away, the moments melting into one another in a blissful haze of camaraderie. However, amidst the easy banter of his companions, Rafe's attention was suddenly drawn to a murmur rippling through the crowd.
Curious, he pushed through the people, his pulse quickening with anticipation as he caught wind of whispers suggesting that his girlfriend was on the verge of taking her bra off.
With a mixture of amusement and concern, Rafe pushed through the sea of bodies until he caught sight of the scene unfolding before him.
There, atop the pool table, his girlfriend danced with carefree abandon, her movements sexy and suggestive as she twirled and spun, her laughter ringing out like a melody in the crowded room. Despite the flicker of amusement that danced in his eyes, Rafe knew he couldn't let the situation escalate any further.
"Y/n, come down from there," Rafe called out, his tone firm yet laced with affection as he approached the pool table. However, his request was met with a playful protest as his girlfriend insisted she was having fun and urged him to join her.
With a fond shake of his head, Rafe gently but firmly lifted her off the pool table, her protests melting into laughter as he swung her over his shoulder. As she tugged at his shirt, her fingers travelled down his toned body, sending a spark of desire within her, Rafe couldn't help but chuckle at her playful antics.
With a soft sigh, he carried her away from the crowd, the sounds of the party fading into the background as he pushed open the bathroom door, as he gently set her down.
Their eyes met in a silent exchange “Did you like my dancing?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness as her hands slid up to rest on his biceps. Her touch sent a shiver of desire racing down his spine, igniting a flicker of longing within him as he gazed down at her.
With a tender smile, Rafe brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, his fingers tracing the curve of her cheek with gentle reverence. "I always love watching you dance," he confessed, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "But right now, all I want is you.”
As Rafe closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you. Your bodies melted into each other, the heat of his touch sending shivers racing down your spine, you found yourself trailing your hands down to his belt.
You undid the buckle, your fingers fumbling slightly in your haste as the belt loosened beneath your touch, you slid it out of the loop. Eager to suck his cock, you grasped his cock and started pumping him.
Rafe unclipped your bra with one hand, and you took it off, while making your way down to your knees. His veiny cock staring at you in the face, you stuck out your tongue out and licked a long stripe from top to bottom. “Don’t tease me” he said coming to play with your breast, kneading your nipple between his fingers. 
You take him into your mouth, bobbing your head making his cock reach the back of your throat, “taking me so well baby” he encouraged.
You paid most of your attention to his tip sucking and slurping on him, he threw his head back in pleasure. You could tell he was close when he started to swell inside your mouth.
You bobbed harder and he came in your mouth, feeling hot cum ropes hit the back of your throat, you took him out of your mouth and placed his cock between your breasts, milking the rest of him until he emptied out.
“Fuck thats so hot baby” he moans out. He grabs her my her waist hoisting her up, liking his release clean from her. 
“Your turn baby!!”
@anonymouscameron @ilovethekookprince @rafecameronsgirfriend
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