#reg kray
potter-solomons · 2 years
Reggie's hands.
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Ron's hands.
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Both their hands.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
TMI: The East End's own Mrs Frances Kray eyed her husband and his brother warily as they circled each other in the ring. Hurriedly she joined the only other lady she knew in attendance for this Not Really A Fight Fight, sitting primly and quite close to Beth's side. Her handbag in her lap, Frances eyed the boys again before dipping her head and confiding, "--Don't they scare you when they're like this? Don't 'ee--" She stopped that second question before it could form fully, knowing the answer really before she asked. Miss Beth didn't seem at all bothered by Ronnie, much as Frances herself was only bothered by him - nothing else. Nothing positive. Furtively she reapplied her lightly tinted lip balm, worrying the stick between her fingers before she asked:
"--Fink it'll last much longah?"
TMI Tuesday || Always Accepting {{tagging @ronmanmob for Reasons:tm: }}
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Beth hadn’t anticipated that Frannie would be joining the almost entirely male audience, and has to quickly hide the dumbfounded expression she wears even just briefly. The sideways glance spared the other woman soon becomes absorbed back into the ring. The lights gleam off Ron’s shoulders, weaving itself amongst the shadows of his tattoos. He’s taller, he’s broader, he wears a look of murder on his handsome face. Reg, despite being his identical twin, pales by comparison. Is going to be punching above his weight class for all that he’s skilled. “I come from a warrior culture, yeah? I seen people t’row hands for all kine reasons, an’ it’s natural as sun rising, I t’ink. An’ for all it may not seem like it, ya goddah undahstan…dere’s love in dat ring. Mebbe not express as healt’y as it could be but-” Beth pauses a moment, shoving her bag of hurricane popcorn into Frances’ lap, and legitimately climbs up on her seat. She lets out a piercing cry that most approximates a sound of “Chee-hoooooooooooooo! HARDAH! HIT HIM! HIT HIM!” There isn’t an iota of shame in the tiny nurse as she delicately settles back down in her seat, her eyes never straying far from Ron, and there might have been an utterly unseemly little gasp of pride and pleasure as Ron slams his brother down back first into the mat. Her heart is hammering in her throat. There is a pool of Pele’s blood in a particularly unmentionable place that throbs in time with her pulse, in time with her breath. She doesn’t try to hide the naked admiration, pride, or even lust from the way they glitter so brightly in her eyes. Something silkily predatory regards Frannie when Beth answers her second question. “If Reg is lucky? No, no it won’.”
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beah388love · 5 months
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Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x fem!pregnant reader
Summary: Your pregnant and get cravings…
Warnings: Swearing,cravings,pregnancy!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
"Reggie!" I whispered into his ear, poking his side with your pointer finger.
"Mh?" Reggie groaned turning in his sleep.
"Reggie baby..m'craving a'gain" i whispered louder in his ear.
"Again? What do'ya want this time?" He muttered into my neck, his other hand massaging my hips.
"Mmh...an ice lolly" I whispered with a shit eating grin.
"Of course why am I shocked" Reggie chuckled as he gave me a kiss and got up from the bed.
"Thank you baby" I said as I tried to take the lolly off of Reggie but he kept pulling it away smirking widely as he did.
"Reg..give it please..." i whined but he didn't give in.
"What's the magic word?" He smirked
"Give it"
"Nope" he grinned pulling his hand away.
"Pretty Please..the boys are hungry" i whined with a pout looking down at my bump,
"Fine.. the magic word was noodles but I'll give it to ya cause I feel bad" he handed it to me smiling.
“Dick” i gave him a playful nudge when he sat back down giving my bump a kiss before giving me a kiss.
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somecunttookmyurl · 9 months
actually wait shit no fuck being 2 degrees removed from princess anne means i'm at best like... what... 4? degrees away from hitler i think that probably trumps ron & reg kray
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ronmanmob · 11 months
@id1eyouth <3'd for a thing
The line connected easily, a voice perhaps less cultured than those usually heard enquiring of the young man's services making just such an enquiry a moment later.
"I've 'eard'a you rahnd th'club-scene in th'West End" the voice said. "Got a glowin' reputation so I wondahed 'ow y'd feel abaht pr'vidin' me wiv some assistance. Ain't f'meself 'm callin' -- well. Not directly. Y'd be doin' me a service if y'took th'job on, no doubt. See, I've got this 'igh stakes meetin' due at a club I own in a week's time. Big investors, y'undahstand? Meself 'n me bruvvah'll be there as 'ee owns 'alf th'place, bu' I need 'im...distracted. I need 'im not undah-foot, y'follow? Don't need yah t'go bed wiv 'im or nuffin-" An uncomfortable undertone was barely masked in the speaker's voice. "Jus'...keep 'im ahta me 'air f'th evenin'."
A slight pause came on as Reg Kray lined up his offer.
"I'll pay yah double yer askin' rate t'see this done. S'important 'ee don't interfere."
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
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Thanks to @zablife for the prompt idea!
Warnings ⚠️ none
❄️ It's been a long day for Reggie Kray. He has been so busy that he hadn't even looked outside that day. Albert mentioned it was snowing, and as Reg emerged from the building, he saw that at least six inches had fallen.
He walks down the road, hands stuffed in his pockets, thinking about the day when he feels something hit his shoulder. He quickly glances around to see you, his crush, holding a snowball and grinning.
"Cheeky monkey. Throwing snowballs is going to get you into trouble," he said, smiling and giving you a wink.
"Is it now? Maybe I'm looking for trouble?" You replied. You tossed the second snowball at him and turned, giggling and running away.
Reggie bends down, scoops up some snow, and gives chase. You lead him to the local park. It's well lit and decorated for the Christmas season. No one else is there due to it snowing so hard earlier. The banks of snow remain untouched and pure.
You feel a snowball hit your back, soft on impact. The snow is deep, and wading through it slows you down. You glance over your shoulder to see Reggie close behind you, so you grab some snow, ball it up, and chuck it at him. But he dodges it with ease and comes at you, playfully pushing you down in the snow.
He looks down on you, his eyes locking onto yours.
"Looks like you found trouble, just what you wanted, hmm?" He said.
You look up at him, blinking slowly, admiring his handsomeness. His lips look very inviting.
"It appears to be the case. So, what's my punishment? An onslaught of snowball fire from you and the gang?"
He chuckles, and then he pleasantly shocks you as his lips tenderly kiss yours. Closing your eyes, you take in his kiss. The snow is cold beneath you, but your body heats up with a burst of adrenaline from the kiss.
He teases you with light, closed lipped kisses. But when you part your lips slightly, his tongue gains entry, and you moan softly. Reggie doesn't kiss you for long, though. He breaks the kiss and helps you off the snow-covered earth.
"It's cold, love. You should go inside and get warm," he said.
"But I'm not interested in going home," you replied, a little disappointed.
"Did I say you needed to go home? Come over to my flat, have a drink with me," he said.
"Just a drink?" You asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Well, you do look rather cold, I may need to find other means in getting you warmed up," he said, coyly.
"I am feeling terribly cold," you said, nodding with a grin.
"Good. Now, shall we?" He said, offering you his arm.
You walk back to Reggie’s flat, holding his arm and heart racing with anticipation. This would be the best Christmas gift ever. 🎁
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franceselsieshea · 6 months
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Excerpts from 'Reg Kray: A Man Apart by Roberta Kray focusing Frances Shea.
(Click to enlarge)
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lempiate · 1 year
Dependence - Chapter 6 - lempiate - Legend (2015) [Archive of Our Own]
“Bloody hell, is that Tony Wilkins?” Teddy listens to their catching up with only one ear, because Reg is still focusing on him, and this time when their eyes meet, he doesn’t look away frightened as usual.   
He hopes he looks as rosy as he feels, as Reg’s eyes travel down his face. As soon as they land on his lips, Teddy takes a step towards him, coming closer than necessary.  
“You look nice.” Reggie watches him sound out the words, mirrors Teddy’s slow smile before he scoffs.   
“You look...” He looks away towards Ron, clears his throat as a flush develops across his wonderful high cheek bones.  
Teddy giggles, realising it’s just dawned on Reg what exactly they were doing in the alley. “What, Reg?”  
“Bit scruffy if I’m honest.” It’s fair, Teddy hasn’t looked in a mirror since yesterday after all. Fingers come up to his collar and straighten it out - almost absentmindedly – triggering desire in him all over again. Groomed by Reggie Kray, in public . “Left Ronnie to get on the lash, did ya?” Unfortunately, Reg takes his hand back.  
Teddy’s brows come together at the implication, “He been missing me?”  
“Well, seems like you made up just fine.” The look turned on him is extremely pointed. Teddy laughs and Reggie enjoys the sight.
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"Reggie was different. He didn’t always think like that. He liked a more peaceful life, but he was my twin, my other half. We looked the same, we thought the same. If I had a problem, he had a problem and vice versa. If I had a pain, he had a pain. And if I had an enemy, he had an enemy. So when I started getting into bother with the law, Reg was bound to follow me. He had to. He had no choice. It was like the law of nature."
-Ron Kray p. 18 “Our Story”
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elen-000 · 12 days
Gangland Legends
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Legend, directed by Brian Helgeland, is a gripping biographical crime drama based on the rise and fall of the notorious Kray twins, as depicted in John Pearson’s book The Profession of Violence. The film centers on Reggie and Ronnie Kray, infamous figures in 1960s London’s criminal underworld. With Tom Hardy delivering a remarkable dual performance as both brothers, the movie takes viewers deep into their brutal journey of power, violence, and ultimately, imprisonment.
The story kicks off with Reggie Kray, an ex-boxer turned criminal mastermind, as he secures his brother Ron’s early release from a psychiatric hospital. The twins quickly consolidate their control over London's criminal enterprises, gaining dominance when a rival gang leader from south London is imprisoned. The Krays use intimidation, extortion, and violence to establish their reign, including taking over a local nightclub.
While Reggie attempts to maintain a relationship with Frances, his driver's sister, his promise to leave his life of crime unfulfilled. Frances, believing in a better future, marries him, but as Reggie is jailed for a previous conviction, Ron’s erratic behavior threatens their empire. Ron's mental instability and violent tendencies wreak havoc on their business, scaring away patrons and pushing the nightclub to the brink of closure. Upon Reggie's release, tensions between the brothers lead to an intense fistfight, though they ultimately attempt to reconcile.
As their criminal operations expand, the Krays strike a lucrative deal with Angelo Bruno of the Philadelphia crime family, representing the American Mafia. But Ron’s paranoia and aggression cause chaos. His actions escalate when he murders George Cornell, an associate of a rival gang, bringing unwanted attention from Scotland Yard and opening a full-fledged investigation into the Krays' criminal activities.
Reg’s marriage to Frances unravels as his involvement in crime deepens, and her despair drives her to substance abuse. After a violent outburst where Reg beats her, Frances leaves him. Tragically, she later takes her own life, leaving Reggie guilt-ridden.
The brothers’ empire begins to crumble as internal betrayal arises. Ron hires Jack "the Hat" McVitie to kill Leslie Payne, the legal mind behind their operations, but the attempt fails, prompting Payne to inform Detective Leonard "Nipper" Read about the Krays’ activities. In a climactic moment, Reg brutally stabs McVitie at a party, sealing the brothers' fate.
In the film’s conclusion, both brothers are arrested and convicted of murder. Reggie was sentenced for McVitie’s death, while Ron faced charges for Cornell’s killing. The movie closes with their convictions, and the epilogue reveals that Ron died of a heart attack in 1995, followed by Reggie’s death from cancer in 2000.
Legend is a chilling exploration of the Kray twins' chaotic legacy—famed for their violence and feared for their control over London's dark side.
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potter-solomons · 1 year
no thoughts other than daddydaddydaddydaddy
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@ronmanmob​  {{who liked for a smol starter}}
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"Ron?" Smoke soft voice barely announcing her presence. Fingertips graze his shoulder as she slides by him where he's perched on the couch. She's been a transient ghost for most of the day. She does not enjoy Reggie's company and certainly not in their home; and make no mistake, that is what Cedra Court has become. She's given up the separate apartment. She's doesn't count the days down from ninety-to-one now that she's got a work visa and is in the process of becoming a citizen, due largely to her auntie's sponsorship. They share the their bed with their dogs. They share the kitchen, even if it's just reheating the food they've ordered in. This is their home, the first brick of the life they are building. At the same time, she wouldn't dream of trying to be the wedge between Ron and his twin. She knows what would happen if someone had tried that with her, with Andy and she would not be a source of grief for her publican. But she won't volunteer to share hostile space with the carbon copy of him, either. It's for the best. Reg is only a fan of hers insofar as Beth proves there's something... less ...wrong with Ron ~Reg's words, never her own~ and because of the glamour, respectability, and prestige that the Krays have bagged a Riley. It's the money, the history, and the ridiculousness of having peerage in the family that makes him so often solicitous if "Liz". Now that he's gone, and with him, the miasma of discontent, she's re-materialised but in her chest is a troubled heart. She can tell now, without seeing, that Ron's still exerting himself. He's still got his mask in place, as if he's got two musketeers at his side to end his life if it should slip. She sits in front of him, just to the side of Claude and lays a cheek on his knee. "Why you do dat?" A hand rises and claw-like fingers brush the air  in front of her face to indicate the forced countenance he adopts with everyone but her.
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beah388love · 5 months
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Silent Treatment
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader (nicknamed bee)
Summary:Reggie accidentally hurts you…
Warnings: swearing,fighting,punching,slapping,blood,broke glass,injuries,crying!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
Im not gonna lie I don’t even know how this fight started.
I think it was about some business deal or something stupid but it escalated quickly…
“You’re a fuckin Disgrace mate.” Reggie yelled at Ron
“You fuckin cunt! cunt!” Ron yelled as he slapped Reggie across the face.
“Ron! No. Ron! Stop!” Reggie yelled back punching him in the face and ducking when Ron punched back.
Ron grabbed a Wine bottle and held it up. “Ron! No! No that’s a bottle! Ron.” Reggie yelled as he held up a finger at him.
Ron screamed as he lunged at Reggie, bottle in hand still.
“Fuck! Ron!” Reggie yelled as he grabbed the bottle off of him.
Ron screamed as he bit Reggie’s hand, reg yelling as he punched him again.
“Fuckin! Wanker!” Reggie yelled pushing Ron off of him and “Reggie!” You yelled trying to get his attention and that’s when he threw the bottle directly at you.
You screamed, as the bottle smashed into pieces, luckily you held your arm up, but now your arm was bleeding and you had cuts scattered all over your face.
Reggie stood there in shock, “right that’s enough!” Albie yelled holding his arms out between the brothers.
You wiped the blood off of your lip, looking up at Reggie.
You stared at him with a blank expression before walking to the bar, grabbing a glass of wine and your purse and leaving the club.
“Y/n- I-“ Reggie stuttered
“enough reg. Mate.” Albie said holding his hand out.
“C’mon help me up.” Ron asked looking up at reg.
And he shook his head as he held his hand out and Ron pulled him down on top of him.
“Fuck sake Ron!” Reggie shouted
“Im very sorry.” Ron said and reg nodded
“It’s okay. Are you done?” Reggie huffed
“Is she gone.” Ron asked looking around the club
“Yes. She’s gone mate.” Reggie sighed
“She’s a keeper.” Ron said and Reggie stood up.
“Yes. Thanks mate” Reggie said patting him on the chest before wiping the blood off his face.
“Albie! Take care of Ron!” Reggie yelled as he ran out of the club.
Run in down the road to find you.
Fuck it was late, there were weirdos about.
“Fuck!” Reggie yelled as he kicked a wall in anger when he saw no sign of you.
The next morning.
“there she is.” Reggie said pointing to you through the car window screen.
“Yeah. I got her.” Albie said as he followed you through the market.
“All right, stop here.” Reggie said as albie pulled the car over.
“That girls gonna be the death of me.” Reggie said as he got out the car.
“Mind how you go.” Albie said before he shut the door.
“Bee. Bee. Excuse me sorry, ” Reggie said as he pushed past people as he tried to catch up with you.
He ran up next to you, “I need to have a word with you about something.”
You didn’t reply.
You were beyond pissed and he knew it.
You were always mad but this was the angriest you had ever been before.
You was so mad you didn’t even yell.
“Bee? C’mon…talk to me?” Reggie said as he walked faster when you did.
“Bee? Please can we forget last night. Let’s restart.” Reggie said walking in front of you.
And that’s when he saw your cut up face.
He didn’t even want to think about what your arm looked like.
“I- I didn’t mean to- it was-“ Reggie stammered and you huffed walking past him quickly and he followed you.
“We- we can forget everything that’s bad right? And we can just keep everything that’s good?” He said and you shook your head walking quickly and leaving the market.
And he still followed after you.
“Silent treatment? Really?” Reggie huffed behind you and you rolled your eyes.
You headed towards your house door and quickly knocked.
“Bee! Please talk to me? We need to talk!” Reggie said walking towards you but luckily Tommy answered the door and you rushed in.. “Bee? What happened to your face?!“ Tommy asked worried
You was about time walk away but Reggie grabbed your arm making you yelp in pain.
Billy came out after hearing shouting “Bee Are you alright?” He asked you and you shook your head
“Fuck! I didn’t mean to-“ Reggie was cut off by you running upstairs.
“What did you do?!” Tommy shouted at him.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her- I” Reggie said running his hand through his hair.
“You did that!” Tommy yelled and Reggie punched the skin between his brows.
“I didn’t mean to it was a fuckin accident!” Reggie yelled.
“Oi! Get inside” Billy said to Tommy and he glared at Reggie before waking away.
“Reg, I don’t know what happened but I suggest you leave and leave her alone for a couple hours” Billy said sternly to Reggie and he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded.
Billy shut the door and hurried to your bedroom.
“Bee? What happened?” He asked knocking on your door.
“I’m coming in okay?” He said and walked in, you was laying on your bed holding your face into your pillow.
“Talk to me?” He said and you nodded
“Reg and Ron had a fight..and reg threw a wine bottle at me…” you said removing the pillow from your face and he sucked in a breath.
“Please don’t be mad at him. It really was an accident I promise.” You said to him honestly and he sighed.
“Promise?” He asked holding his pinky out and you shook it.
You never broke pinky promises.
“Alright, this is his last warnings though” he warned and you nodded.
“Tommy said something about your arm?” Billy said scared to see the injury.
You gently pulled your sleeve up and he sighed again.
“That looks..painful.” Billy said looking at your bruised,bloody arm.
“It is.” You rolled your eyes making him laugh.
“Ronnie and Johnny are not gonna like this.”
“Please don’t tell them yet” you pleaded and he sucked in a breath and nodded.
The next day.
Reggie was stood outside your house. Knocking on the door.
The house was empty besides you.
You opened the door sucking in a breath.
“Bee…I’m sorry please listen to me.” Reggie pleaded waiting to see if you’d shut the door but you didn’t.
“It was an accident! It won’t happen again! I would never hurt you. Well I did- but it was an accident! I didn’t-“ Reggie rambled on and you had a small smile watching him.
“God, please say something! Yell at me! Anything I don’t care just say something.” Reggie said looking at you sadly.
“You’re a real prick.” You said and he relaxed.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry” he said opening his arms and you hesitantly hugged him, relaxing into his embrace.
He rested his face into your hair, smelling your comforting scent.
“I love you so fucking much it hurts. How can I make it up to you?” He asked sniffling.
And you smiled into his chest.
“Babysit with me this Friday?” You asked and he nodded “I don’t think Tommy likes me”
“Then you can bond with him” you said smiling raising your eyebrows. Making him laugh.
“And you might wanna talk to my brothers…they do not like you right now” you said and Reggie sighed nodding.
“Yeah I’m already planning that..”
Your brothers forgave him with a last warning.
And Tommy and Reggie grew a little bit closer.
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adgridley · 1 year
🎥 🍣🎙️Movie Sushi - Legend
Ron & Reg are Kray twins bonded very much by blood. Violence is their way of life, but while Reg appreciates Leslie Payne's financial advice, Ron doesn't trust him. Meanwhile, Reg is sharing sherbet lemons with Frances and trying to finally go straight
Starring Tom Hardy. Emily Browning.Taron Egerton. Rated 18. Dir Brian Helgeland. Released in the UK 2015. Runtime 2hrs 12mins
Listen to your favourite films on your preferred podcast platform. Go to pod.link and search "Ad Gridley’s Movie Sushi"
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eastenderkray · 3 years
How would we like a
Ron Kray fanfic?!
It can be with a girl, boy, Whoever! Personally I'm leaning toward doing a Ron x man because every fanfic I read of Ron is always with a Woman, Who knows though?! Maybe Ron with a man and a woman at the same time, Maybe Ron and Reg with a girl or a random boy with Ron and the girl! Im rambling now but I'm excited about this! Comment what you think I should do!
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Tagged: @heretofuckthevillain @hecatemoon87 @alfiesolomons-treacle @potter-solomons @solomons-finest-rum @theshelbyclan @khanbike @i-am-irish1993 @oliveyorkiez @brujhahii @tomhardysforeheadlines @tomhardydotorg @tomhardygallery @tomhardyspinkyfinger @misfitmoon @mollybegger-blog @fairypitou @venoms-chickens @kopfgegendiewand13 @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons @alikaheroes @interstellargatorskinboots1812
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ronmanmob · 8 months
Shades of comparison had always coloured Ronnie’s life, being that he had an identical brother to be compared against. It’d been there since before he could remember - when Aunty Rose and Aunty May would coo over him and Reggie as they put the finishing touches on the soft knitted outfits they’d dressed them up all nice and neat in for a trip to market. They were identical, those outfits, as much so as the boys wearing them were; kept so by their mother as they were. Hair cuts. That was Violet’s preoccupation. Their hair had to match or they’d not be identical enough when the world saw them.
Snip snip.
Tuck snip.
Out they could go now, pushed along in their pram, looking like the same baby twice as their adoring mother and habitually there in principle but not much else dad looked on.
As they grew, the comparisons did too. Ronnie had been a sickly baby where Reggie had thrived early, but now? For all his older brother was protective of him, he seemed to have caught him up. Interest abounded whenever they were seen together, which was most of the time, every day of the week that ended in a Y. Were they still the same height? Yes. The same weight? Give or take, yes. Did they have the same interests?…Ostensibly. But they were different boys still, despite all that. 
It was then, in his boyhood, that Ronnie started weaving a little bit of a life for himself that didn’t revolve around being Reggie’s brother. He loved him to death, no question, and wanted to have the exact same meals as Reg at meal times because that was only bloody fair, but they were different boys, still. They complimented each other - two halves of a whole - and they both felt it; both knew they were different facets of the same person really. Different boys, but the same boy as well, at once. They spent nights and nights talking about it, as well as everything else the world intrigued their growing minds with. New foods. New places to play. The girls down the road they were both getting old enough to notice now. The boys–
Ronnie didn’t mention those.
He didn’t quite know what it meant when it occurred to him at first, so he tucked it away for later as something to figure out properly and then explain to his brother when the time was right for him to. Time though, fickle thing that it was, kept on ticking by without giving him that chance. 
Soon it was jail time - GBH the charge.
Soon, times when Rose would primp and polish them were memories.
Soon Ron didn’t recognise himself when he looked in the mirror; the hollow cheeked, dead eyed phantom staring back straight jacketed, dosed and leant up against a radiator in a mental hospital not the man he’d known as he’d grown into his skin. This new person staring back didn’t look like the other half of his twin brother now; of beau’iful, lively Reggie who hared about all of London looking for labour, chances, luck. He looked like an imposter, a spy wearing Ronnie’s skin that Ron himself had to claw out else he’d hurt his beloved brother, his mum, Charlie, aunt May.
They came to see him in those days, they’d tell him later.
Ronnie didn’t remember that for dust, but he believed them regardless.
After his release, the comparisons remained but they’d shifted. Where once they were prideful, and something to be proud of, they became something different; something almost derogatory. Now, instead of being Reggie’s foil, he’d become something else. His burden maybe? His something to be ashamed of? Ron wasn’t certain, but it wasn’t like it had been. They didn’t look like the same boy twice anymore. Days were that Ron couldn’t get out of bed to brush his teeth, let alone pour himself into a sleekly fitted bespoke suit and go out playing at being King of London like Reggie did. And on days he could…Perhaps it was the noise in his head that did it, but he’d swear he looked like a market stall version of Savile Row’s own Reg Kray. His suits didn’t sit right now - the tablets they’d forced on him piling on weight as well as giving him such bouts of lethargy he couldn’t move - and the new ones he replaced them with weren’t his, for all they were. They weren’t the Ronnie’s he remembered being; the one who, when compared to beau’iful Reggie, could only be distinguished by the mole on his neck and how warm his smile was. 
He didn’t much like this new Ron. 
But fickle time got him used to him.
Now, Ron felt again the master of himself. He wasn’t the same Ronnie his aunt Rose had known, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t himself still. He’d grown, changed, become his own person - like he’d always hoped to be when he and his older brother had talked for hours and hours about their similarities; their little differences; their individual quirks. He was as much Ron now as he had been all that time ago.
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