#regulene microfic
trohpi · 5 months
@microficmay • day 10: rise & fall • 869 words
cross-posted on ao3
In Marlene’s humble opinion, there are only three known constants in this ever-changing world: Chocolate is the superior ice cream flavour, Joan Jett is cool as fuck, and Regulus Black is one regrettably attractive poncy bastard— one that needs to get knocked off his high horse. Desperately.
Seeing as Madam Hooch had banned Marlene from speaking during the start of their games many moons ago following some titillating banter with the Black brother in question, they can only hope that the challenging glint in their eyes is enough to send the intended message.
You’re going down, Black.
The other Seeker merely raises his eyebrow, all haughty and aristocratic as if to say, That’s what you said last time.
By Merlin, does Marlene hate him.
All too soon the shrill blast of Madam Hooch’s whistle rings clear, and the game begins. Within moments, they’ve risen into the clouds as their eyes scan for the ever-elusive glint of gold. Across the pitch he sees Regulus doing the same which only fuels the flames of his stubborn resolve.
Marlene will catch the Snitch before Regulus does, if only so they can rub that sweet Gryffindor victory in his annoyingly pretty face.
“Oi, Marlene!” someone calls from some feet away. They drag their eyes away from Regulus and look over to see Sirius, Beater’s bat held loosely in his fist as he hovers nearby. His narrowed eyes bore holes into them.
They level him with the blankest of stares. “What?”
Sirius huffs and turns to fly off, but not before he calls over his shoulder wryly, “Stop ogling my brother and do your job!”
“Oh, fuck you, Black!” he calls after his friend, his face burning.
In the end, it really doesn’t take long for them to see the Snitch, nor does it take long for Regulus to take notice of their sudden burst of flight as they hightail it across the pitch. Within seconds he’s right behind them, and the race to win officially begins.
If Marlene had to choose their favourite part of Quidditch, it would be this. There’s nothing quite like the exhilarating rush of speed, the bobbing and weaving through the air as they push themself to the limit, the thrill of racing against fellow Seekers. The thrill of racing against Regulus, who is one of the most skilled players Marlene has ever gone up against— not that they’d ever tell him that.
Marlene’s heart races as they push forward, the Snitch tantalisingly close. Scooting higher on his broom, reaching out with his right hand, he can almost taste victory in the air.
That is, of course, until the Bludger.
Regulus shouts out as the bewitched ball flies in between the two Seekers, crashing into the tail end of Marlene’s broom. It tips over, and everything seemingly stops.
Their heart stutters as the freeing feeling of weightlessness disappears, replaced by heaviness as their broom slips from their fingers and gravity takes over, dragging them down.
Marlene gasps as they plummet.
“Fuck!” they hear Regulus cry from above, and they barely have time to ponder how odd it is to hear him curse before he is diving after them.
It feels like eternity, but it must be only moments before his slender fingers grab them by the wrist and catch them from midair. He grips onto them fiercely as he slowly descends to the ground.
“Merlin, Marlene,” he gasps as they touch down, immediately tossing the broom to the side as he cups their face in his hands. “Never do that again.”
“Never do what, get knocked off my broom? Not like I can bloody control that,” they say breathlessly. His hands are cold on their face, and they find that that’s all they can really think about.
Regulus decompresses, sighing shakily. They hesitate before clearing their throat.
“Is now bad timing to tell you that I caught the Snitch?”
Regulus hands fall from their face in shock. “You what?”
“Right before I fell,” Marlene says, opening his enclosed right hand to showcase the Snitch lying within. Distantly, he hears the crowds go wild as the commentator screams about Gryffindor’s victory. Regulus blinks in astonishment.
“Guess this means I can add another point to my wins column,” they add smugly. Regulus hums, disagreeing.
“I’d beg to differ. I won today.”
They splutter. “Wha— You absolutely did not!”
“I absolutely did,” he says calmly.
They wave the Snitch in front of his face. “I literally beat you!”
“And I literally just saved your life,” he shoots back.
Marlene groans dramatically, deflating. “I hate you so, so much.”
Regulus opens his mouth to reply, but he’s cut off by the sudden loud exclamation of, “What the actual fuck!”
Sirius throws his broom onto the ground where he just touched down, storming over to them.
“You fell! You seriously fell!”
“Well spotted,” Regulus quips. Sirius ignores him.
“Does your weird flirting with my brother have to include nearly falling to your death?” Sirius demands, throwing his arms up in the air theatrically.
Regulus’ lips twitch upwards and Marlene’s face heats even as he scowls.
“Shove off, Sirius. Don’t you and Crouch have your own brand of weird flirting to do?”
“Touché, McKinnon. Touché.”
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trohpi · 5 months
may or may not be writing some nblm regulene for microfic may,,, 🤭
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trohpi · 2 months
navigation °•. ✿ .•°
hello! im charlie (or charles if you want to be fancy) and i write things occasionally. self-proclaimed number one regulily enjoyer here to spread the trans girl regulus agenda.
tiktok | twitter | ao3 | carrd | guide to my neopronouns
my one-shots
✦ ✿ come close to me (i’ll take you higher) | G, 2.5k, wlw, pandorcas — pandora/dorcas, sapphic september 2023 day 7: flight -> no voldemort au, fluff, friends to lovers, panromantic asexual dorcas, hispanic lesbian pandora, dorcas has anxiety, parties, pining, first kiss
✦ ✿ wanna listen to your hands soothe | T, 2.4k, mlm, wolfstar — remus/sirius -> no voldemort au, fluff & hurt/comfort, established relationship, post-hogwarts, trans male sirius, periods, gender dysphoria, french sirius, welsh remus, linette the cat
✦ ✿ she’s making me feel like this could be love | T, 1.8k, wlw, regulily — regulus/lily -> modern muggle au, fluff, getting together, friends to lovers, lesbian lily, trans female regulus, name changes, first kiss, mentioned past regulus & lily & severus friendship
my microfics
microfic may:
✦ ✿ soft dawn | G, 469, gen, prompt 3: horizon, baby harry & the potter cat -> canon compliant, second person pov, animal pov, fluff, the potter cottage in godrics hollow, minor jily
✦ ✿ falling’s not so bad with you | T, 869, other/multi, regulene — regulus/marlene, prompt 10: rise & fall -> no voldemort au, humor, rivals to lovers, quidditch rivalry, marlene is a seeker, they/he genderqueer marlene, gay regulus
marauders rarepair microfics:
✦ ✿ in the palms of their hands | T, 913, other/multi, lawnparty — barty/sybill/peter, may 9: weed -> no voldemort au, fluff & humor, polyamory, pre-polyam, recreational drug use, flirting, shy flustered peter, established sybarty
✦ ✿ what friends are for | G, 769, het, regulily — regulus/lily, june 3: slytherin -> no voldemort au, fluff & hurt/comfort, pre-relationship, young regulus & lily, good friend lily, determined lily
✦ ✿ crackers and dirigible plums | G, 852, wlw, pandorcas — pandora/dorcas, june 7: go -> no voldemort au, domestic fluff, married couple, kid fic, child luna, dorcas is lunas mom, pregnant pandora, morning sickness
✦ ✿ eyes of emerald, heart of silver | T, 761, wlw, vaneflower — narcissa/emma vanity, june 16: emerald -> pre-canon, mild fluff, early mornings, internalized homophobia, hidden romance, the room of requirement, lesbian narcissa, desi artist emma
✦ ✿ of love and cats | M, 950, wlw, marylene — mary/marlene, june 23: apple -> pre-canon, fluff, mild sexual content, moving in together, aromantic mary, aromantic marlene, queerplatonic relationship, arab mary, asian marlene
✦ ✿ lovesick | T, 996, other/multi, wolfstardoe — sirius/remus/dorcas, june 28: potion -> no voldemort au, tooth-rotting fluff, polyamory, established relationship, potions accident involving a love potion, hospital wing, sirius loves remus & dorcas
✦ ✿ delinquency and its knightly consequences | T, 996, mlm, killerqueen — sirius/barty, september 18: dragon -> royal fantasy au, pre-relationship, knight sirius, lord barty, age gap (barty: 18 - sirius: 22), padfoot the dragon, minor injuries, mentioned jegulus
regulily microfic:
✦ ✿ dance | T, 904, wlw, july 3rd prompt -> no voldemort au, fluff, cis female regulus, lesbian lily, slughorns christmas parties, good friend barty, dancing, getting together
✦ ✿ stay | G, 860, het, july 7th prompt -> modern muggle au, domestic fluff, married couple, kid fic, regulily child oc, good parents regulus & lily
✦ ✿ flower | T, 760, other/multi, july 9th prompt -> modern magic au, fluff, established relationship, they/them nonbinary regulus, lesbian lily, picnic dates
✦ ✿ time | T, 824, het, july 13th prompt -> modern muggle au, comfort, established relationship, trans male (& possibly autistic?) regulus, anxiety, lego building, discussions of upcoming top surgery
✦ ✿ mine | E, 879, wlw, july 19th prompt -> modern muggle au, smut, established relationship, trans female regulus, lesbian lily, top lily, bottom regulus, riding, strap-ons, regulus has a praise kink
✦ ✿ anger | T, 901, het, july 22nd prompt -> canon divergence, hurt/comfort, first wizarding war, lily has anger issues, complicated relationships, regulus was friends with lily and snape, implied future horcrux hunting
✦ ✿ fire | T, 933, other/multi, septetmber 6th prompt -> no voldemort au, hurt/comfort, established relationship, she/he nonbinary lily, gay regulus, lily has anger issues, referenced fighting
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