#nonbinary marlene mckinnon
trohpi · 5 months
@microficmay • day 10: rise & fall • 869 words
cross-posted on ao3
In Marlene’s humble opinion, there are only three known constants in this ever-changing world: Chocolate is the superior ice cream flavour, Joan Jett is cool as fuck, and Regulus Black is one regrettably attractive poncy bastard— one that needs to get knocked off his high horse. Desperately.
Seeing as Madam Hooch had banned Marlene from speaking during the start of their games many moons ago following some titillating banter with the Black brother in question, they can only hope that the challenging glint in their eyes is enough to send the intended message.
You’re going down, Black.
The other Seeker merely raises his eyebrow, all haughty and aristocratic as if to say, That’s what you said last time.
By Merlin, does Marlene hate him.
All too soon the shrill blast of Madam Hooch’s whistle rings clear, and the game begins. Within moments, they’ve risen into the clouds as their eyes scan for the ever-elusive glint of gold. Across the pitch he sees Regulus doing the same which only fuels the flames of his stubborn resolve.
Marlene will catch the Snitch before Regulus does, if only so they can rub that sweet Gryffindor victory in his annoyingly pretty face.
“Oi, Marlene!” someone calls from some feet away. They drag their eyes away from Regulus and look over to see Sirius, Beater’s bat held loosely in his fist as he hovers nearby. His narrowed eyes bore holes into them.
They level him with the blankest of stares. “What?”
Sirius huffs and turns to fly off, but not before he calls over his shoulder wryly, “Stop ogling my brother and do your job!”
“Oh, fuck you, Black!” he calls after his friend, his face burning.
In the end, it really doesn’t take long for them to see the Snitch, nor does it take long for Regulus to take notice of their sudden burst of flight as they hightail it across the pitch. Within seconds he’s right behind them, and the race to win officially begins.
If Marlene had to choose their favourite part of Quidditch, it would be this. There’s nothing quite like the exhilarating rush of speed, the bobbing and weaving through the air as they push themself to the limit, the thrill of racing against fellow Seekers. The thrill of racing against Regulus, who is one of the most skilled players Marlene has ever gone up against— not that they’d ever tell him that.
Marlene’s heart races as they push forward, the Snitch tantalisingly close. Scooting higher on his broom, reaching out with his right hand, he can almost taste victory in the air.
That is, of course, until the Bludger.
Regulus shouts out as the bewitched ball flies in between the two Seekers, crashing into the tail end of Marlene’s broom. It tips over, and everything seemingly stops.
Their heart stutters as the freeing feeling of weightlessness disappears, replaced by heaviness as their broom slips from their fingers and gravity takes over, dragging them down.
Marlene gasps as they plummet.
“Fuck!” they hear Regulus cry from above, and they barely have time to ponder how odd it is to hear him curse before he is diving after them.
It feels like eternity, but it must be only moments before his slender fingers grab them by the wrist and catch them from midair. He grips onto them fiercely as he slowly descends to the ground.
“Merlin, Marlene,” he gasps as they touch down, immediately tossing the broom to the side as he cups their face in his hands. “Never do that again.”
“Never do what, get knocked off my broom? Not like I can bloody control that,” they say breathlessly. His hands are cold on their face, and they find that that’s all they can really think about.
Regulus decompresses, sighing shakily. They hesitate before clearing their throat.
“Is now bad timing to tell you that I caught the Snitch?”
Regulus hands fall from their face in shock. “You what?”
“Right before I fell,” Marlene says, opening his enclosed right hand to showcase the Snitch lying within. Distantly, he hears the crowds go wild as the commentator screams about Gryffindor’s victory. Regulus blinks in astonishment.
“Guess this means I can add another point to my wins column,” they add smugly. Regulus hums, disagreeing.
“I’d beg to differ. I won today.”
They splutter. “Wha— You absolutely did not!”
“I absolutely did,” he says calmly.
They wave the Snitch in front of his face. “I literally beat you!”
“And I literally just saved your life,” he shoots back.
Marlene groans dramatically, deflating. “I hate you so, so much.”
Regulus opens his mouth to reply, but he’s cut off by the sudden loud exclamation of, “What the actual fuck!”
Sirius throws his broom onto the ground where he just touched down, storming over to them.
“You fell! You seriously fell!”
“Well spotted,” Regulus quips. Sirius ignores him.
“Does your weird flirting with my brother have to include nearly falling to your death?” Sirius demands, throwing his arms up in the air theatrically.
Regulus’ lips twitch upwards and Marlene’s face heats even as he scowls.
“Shove off, Sirius. Don’t you and Crouch have your own brand of weird flirting to do?”
“Touché, McKinnon. Touché.”
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hannahjane3 · 1 year
ok as a hardcore enby marlene stan i’ve had some ideas:
marlene still considers themselves a lesbian and is comfortable with the terms wlw and sapphic along with nblw
they still consider themselves as “one of the girls” in the way that they’ll partake in girls night and is fine with being like referred to collectively with the valkyries as “the girls”
despite this they are also “one of the boys” and is invited to the marauders “secret lads trips” (they get drunk and trauma dump but forget it all when they’re sober) and will always out drink everyone other than remus
they’re nonbinary in the way that they dont feel any pull towards gender. like they just feel like marlene, not like a boy or a girl or anything really and uses nonbinary to describe their gender as something that’s there but not really there
they refuse to cut their hair off. they would prefer to spend eternity being misgendered than have a shit pixie cut and take their eyeliner and red lipstick off
james was the first person they came out to as a lesbian: the pair had dated gif 2 weeks and just had there first kiss when they were like “nope i like girls”
pete was the first person they came out as nonbinary to cos he walked in on her crying in the common room one night.
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corwnvus · 1 year
Some dorlene!!
I hate how I draw marlene, one day I will draw her exactly how I see her.
Dorcas is gorgeous though!
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vinylfoxbooks · 6 days
The Black brothers run away to the Potters only to discover that James is the biggest musical theater Nerd you could ever meet. Like they're singing entire musical soundtracks while doing household chores, belting Les Mis while doing the dishes, absolutely eating up the Wicked soundtrack while doing lawnwork. Sirius finds them crying while singing You Will be Found to themself in the mirror. Regulus' brain nearly fries when he walks into them singing both parts of Dead Girl Walking.
And the thing is, they're good. They've got a good voice that apparently no one other than Marlene, Pete, and their parents know about. Marlene even tells the brothers that she and James were in a local production of Heather's together as Veronica and JD together, which was awkward to say the least (they laughed about it most of the time).
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fredtheemoplant · 4 months
A huge issue I have have with this fandom is the (Young) Peter Pettigrew slander. Everyone goes ballistic bc he betrays the Potters and yada yada even though Regulus, Barty, Evan and any other death eater did pretty much the exact same thing.
So, I want to write a fic. Peter centric all about Peter discovering himself and his sexuality / identity while his friends all fall in love around him. (+ a couple other things)
A list of stuff it would include:
Aromantic Asexual Peter
Non binary Peter (maybe, lmk)
Wolfstar, Jegulus, Dorlene, Panda/Marylily, Rosekiller
Childhood friends Peter James and Marls
Happy ending (bc I’m a sucker for a happy end)
Disabled Peter!!! (My love)
Sassy + Cunty Peter bc yes
I got the idea while listening to Little League by Conan Gray and it would be loosely based off that
There are a few things I haven’t decided yet so it’s not set in stone so ideas/suggestions/feedback/criticism let me know <33
I will put updates on this page for you all, should I decide to continue on with it, and it will be posted on my Ao3 (Fredtheemoplant)
Again, any suggestions or question can be said directly in my asks or in the comments :)
All that aside, the question isss:
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moutainrusing · 2 months
dorlene july event, 361 words, @enbysiriusblack
It would take books of chapters of pages of sentences of words for Dorcas to even try explaining the feeling.
It was indescribable and intangible but real and alive, rushing through Dorcas’s body like a broken dam, swirling and storming and making (them?) them feel everything.
All Dorcas knew was that they weren’t a girl. They didn’t have any problem with girls (in fact, they loved girls, give them Marlene any day), it’s just, they were not a girl. It was a fact. This cavity in their chest, which hollowed every time someone called them a ‘girl’.
They felt no connection to the word ‘girl’, because it wasn’t them. It didn’t mean anything to them. It didn’t resonate with them, didn’t make them satisfied. ‘Girl’ was an empty descriptor, making their hands twitch for something else to grab onto.
Not boy. They weren’t a boy either. They were just… Dorcas.
They wanted to exist like they were floating through clouds, like they were free from the ties to their body, like the vapour from the sky was washing their skin and making them just… a person. A person who strongly felt that they were a person.
This was hard.
Just this: the skin of their hand was just skin. The lines across their palms were just lines. Genderless and human and there. The nails of their fingers could be varnished or blunt, but they would still be genderless parts of a human body. The shirts they wore could be cropped or baggy, but they would still be genderless and made for humans.
They could have no hair on their chin, but it was still a chin, they could have boobs on their chest, but it was still a chest, they could have nothing between their legs, but they still had legs, and they could remove their reproductive organs, but they’d still have all the others.
Their human heart and their human lungs, which both malfunctioned whenever they laid their eyes upon the most beautiful human. (Marlene. Obviously Marlene.)
And they had this feeling that when Marlene looked at them, she saw a person too. Just a person. A beautiful person. Them.
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spiritstar477 · 1 month
I’m thinking of writing a fic where Sirius gets amnesia (unknown how as of yet) and such. Modern muggle au. I want it to be a pretty chill, happy story with probably not much plot just vibes.
Wolfstar as the main coupling.
These are my character descriptions for our marauders era peeps. Any ideas on any changes or additions to them?
See below the break ⬇️
Also, Sirius isn’t listed bc he doesn’t know who he is bc of the amnesia.
Remus: gay, five years old was attacked by Greyback and cut up, gets tremors on chronic pain now, uses a cane to walk, nerd (will read anything but mostly loves textbooks/educational books), lowkey autistic (you don’t know til you know), always spouting weird facts when he’s uncomfortable, obvi super pining for sirius
James: pansexual, dating Regulus, plays basketball, does one on one with Marlene and they gossip/vent about their day, works out all the time, super smart but a dumbass, actual sunshine with abandonment issues
Regulus: trans (formerly Lyra), bisexual, dating James, nerd (big into learning like remus, he and remus hang out to learn random shit together) plays badminton singles, autistic af, very quiet until he gets comfy then he never shuts up, likes legos (touch and you’ll die)
Peter: aroace, everyone’s bestie, chill and just living his best life, closest with Mary (both just chill but always judging everyone together)
Barty: gay af, dating Evan obvi, graffiti vandal/lowkey arsonist, besties with Pandora, intentionally does stereotypical ‘quiet kid’ stuff just to fuck with his peers, everyone’s afraid of him just how he likes,
Evan: asexual but will ruin Barty sexually (doesn’t get any sexual gratification but enjoys watching Barty squirm and have the best time), collects animal parts in jars and has a ‘bone room’, is that creepy kid, has definitely been to the psych ward before
Lily: lesbian, poly-ish, dating Mary and Pandora, huge chemistry nerd, in the debate club, very popular/friends with nearly everyone
Mary: bisexual, poly-ish, dating Lily and Pandora, very cottagecore, quiet vibes, besties with Peter, vegan/all about saving the planet (but not in a awful way), forgetful and always has a million alarms and reminders on her phone
Marlene: nonbinary they/them, so lesbian they never had to come out, obsessed with gf Dorcas, plays basketball, them and James often do one on one and vent, loves movies and will watch literally anything
Dorcas: lesbian, dating Marlene, most said words are probably “wtf Marlene”, party girl, cheerleader, legit hates men except Reggie but only because they were close before he transitioned and she’d miss him
Pandora: unknown sexuality (always just shrugs when asked), very manic pixie girl vibes, heavy on the manic, sometimes commits arson with bestie Barty, Evan’s unused dead things’ parts are made into fertilizer for her garden (which is impressive btw, mostly flowers but a hidden section of poisonous plants), always has something creepy or downright unsettling to say
-James is Indian
-Remus is technically white but he does not look it (and it always surprises people), and he’s conveniently unattractive bc I love ugly remus
-Pandora and Evan are black (with naturally white blond hair ofc) and Pandora has vitiligo
-Sirius and Regulus moved from France as children
-Mary is black
-Dorcas is black
It takes place in Canada bc I’m Canadian and I know fuck all about European anything and am too lazy to do research.
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lionmythflower · 2 months
alr guys, gender HC time :D
starting w James
My man is 100% trans-
Him, Pete and marls all transitioned together :D
His parents are completely cool w it
He/him or he/her pronouns it depends
either js a trans guy or bigender idk
so either ftm or female to bigender :)
Pete now
Transsss :D
He/they/it pronouns
Still has a kind of feminine look
And used makeup and stuff :D
and like I said, they transitioned w James and marls
his mom is kinda..... iffy Abt it... Like- will still dead name him and call him a girl
but says she's supportive
but anyways
effie bought him their first binder and he cried <3
and switches between she/her, he/him and they/them pronouns (sometime combines them tho)
them and marls are gender fluid icons
And bond over it
The marauders and marls helped him figure out her gender :)
Trans guy lol
Poor thing has two versions of 'time of the month'
he/they pronouns
his parents are ok w it
They were a bit weird abt it at first tho
he transitioned in like 2 years the same time Mary did so they js switched dorms lol
Marlene ml <3
Male to gender fluid tho
Her mom is not supportive and very open abt that fact
So they mainly go to Effie for anything she needs
transitioned w Pete and James
Mainly talks to Sirius, Mary and some Barty abt gender shit
Trans mtf
Her and Mary transitioned together
Her, Pete and Evan are all trans asexuals so they have a group
She/they pronouns
Her mom is honestly supportive
But doesn't rlly know how she can help so js gets whatever Lily needs to feel comfortable:)
Transsss (mtnb or mtpg)
(.... they're all trans in someway)
But they're either pangender (my main hc for them) or nonbinary
They/them pronoun preference
But rlly any pronouns is fine
Evan and pandora transitioned at the same time so their parents literally js switched their names and was like fine js pretend ur the other person
feminine presenting tho so most ppl think they're a girl but they honestly don't care that much
trans lololol
He/they pronouns
Bigender (ftbg)
Like I said, he and Pandora transitioned at the same time
Nonbinary, they/him
Prefers they/them but only rlly their friends know that bc their not out to hardly anyone bc of their dad
Their mom knows and supports Barty
(Dorcas, barty n pandora are the they/them group lol)
Nonbinaryyyy (ftnb)
they're parents dgaf 💀💀
Their like ok u do u cas
But their supportive
But yea ftm
Should I do one more like the others? Like Emmeline, Benji, Amelia, Edgar and them??? (Also ppl need to give me more info on the other ppl that aren't the marauderr, valkeries and Skittles plsss)
(I've had this is my drafts for fucking MONTHS so um heh sorry)
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hearts4dorlene · 1 year
Dorcas: You are genuinely so fucking irritating McKinnon, leave me the fuck alone
Marlene: Trust me, I take no pleasure being in the same vicinity as you. Piss off!
Remus, to Sirius: I think they're having an enemies-to-lovers moment
Sirius: A what? Speak normal
Remus: I bet 10 galleons they get together eventually
Sirius: Are you joking? You're on. Easiest cash I'll ever make
*a fair few years later*
Marlene: Guys, I have a partner and they're DORCAS FUCKING MEADOWES. I actually love my life
Remus, to Sirius: Told you so, 10 galleons please
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stxr-bxy · 9 months
i just posted the first chapter of my marauders band au!! it’s called “nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter” by @stxr_bxy on ao3 and @1-800-ER1KSSON on wattpad
it features jegulus, bartylus, rosekiller, pandalily, marylene, dorlene, emmary, emma x amelia (idk their ship name), peter x sybill, transmasc regulus, transfem pandora, genderfluid sirius, genderfluid marlene, non binary dorcas, and lesbian lily
trigger warnings include:
- eating disorders
- self harm
- child abuse/neglect
- sewerslide attempt
- sewerslidal thoughts
- referenced s3xual assault
- homophobia and transphobia
- just bigotry in general
second chapter is already pre-written so it should be up soon
love you all and i hope you enjoy this fic!
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dor "make death proud to take us" lene
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trohpi · 5 months
may or may not be writing some nblm regulene for microfic may,,, 🤭
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hannahjane3 · 1 year
i just had a goofy headcanon:
marlene taught sirius how to do eyeliner for fun on a girls night (i’m a firm believer than genderfluid sirius was invited to girls night) or potentially even like when they dated (fifth year because marlene didn’t realise they were a lesbian and sirius didn’t realise it was gender envy).
anyway, one day, idk when it fits in my personal timeline, probably end of sixth year/start of seventh year, marlene and sirius have a massive fight because marlene gets annoyed that sirius is getting better at eyeliner than her. it takes intervention from all their friends to get them talking again after like 2 weeks but even then it takes months for them to get back to normal (marlene probably cuts sirius’s hair while they’re sleeping) and sirius ends up giving marlene a stick and poke to resolve the tension.
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corwnvus · 1 year
Makeup date!!!
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 months
July 17 - Fee | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 1621 Part 13 of Medium!James AU Previous Part | First Part
“Hey, Reg.” James asks, knocking on his door, “Can I come in?”
Regulus puts his book down and hums, “Yeah, you can come in.” Just a second later, James pushes the door open. They look as charming as usual, in their plain, worn, muggle shirt and jeans. Their hair is mussed like usual, and they’v got an easy grin on their face.
They make their way to Regulus’ bed, sitting down on it and reaching for his hand where it’s resting on his book, “Sirius, Remus, Pete, Marlene, and I are going Christmas shopping. Did you want to come with us?”
The younger hums, “When are you guys leaving?” “When everyone gets here. Remus is going to take the longest because he has to walk to somewhere he can floo from. They’ll probably be here in like ten minutes.”
“Yeah, I’ll go.” Regulus nods, “Give me a couple minutes to change into something warmer and I’ll be downstairs.”
“Perfect.” They smile, leaning forward into the younger’s space, “Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask.” Regulus smiles softly, inching closer until they're kissing. It’s soft and short, and James pulls away after a couple seconds so Regulus can get ready and James can head downstairs where Sirius is waiting for their friends. They press a kiss to his cheek before standing up and walking out of the room, closing the door behind them. Regulus gets ready quickly and is downstairs in just a couple minutes. 
James, Sirius, Marlene, and Pete are all waiting and James smiles upon seeing him, beckoning him to sit with them. He does so, leaning into their seemingly-never-ending body heat. The older wraps an arm around his shoulders, but doesn’t otherwise say anything, continuing their conversation with their friends. 
Eventually, Remus shows up and Sirius is the first to stand up, taking his boyfriend into an embrace, “Hello, my Moony.” “Hi Sirius.” Remus smiles, pecking Sirius’ lips but not letting the shorter take it any further than that before he pulls away, looking around the room, “Are we ready to go?”
James nods, standing up, “Let me just let mum and dad know and ask if we need to get anything for them.” And with that, they’re heading into the kitchen, Regulus just behind them as James conjoined their hands when they stood up. Effie and Monty are both in the kitchen, dancing around hand in hand to music that they’re playing from the muggled record player they have sitting in the corner of the room, “Hey, we’re leaving now. Did either of you need anything?”
Effie hums, but doesn’t pause her movements with her husband, looking over at her child, “I need more cinnamon sticks and oranges if you don’t mind.” Her gaze flits to where their hands are conjoined before she turns away and looks at her husband, “Did you need James to get anything, Darling?”
Monty thinks for a moment before he shakes his head, “Not as far as I know. The only thing we need other than the cinnamon is to gather the flowers, right?” Effie nods and Monty turns to James, “Then nothing else.”
“Yeah, can do.” James smiles, “Also, Regulus is gonna help us with the bouquets tomorrow if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, honey!” Effie cheers, “I’d love the extra help. Now, you two run along. Don’t make your friends wait any longer.”
James nods, “Of course, love you mum, dad.” Then they’re walking out of the kitchen, Regulus once again following. When they get into the living room once again, “Alright, we’re good to go. Did we want to start at the muggle mall before we went to Diagon Alley or did we want to start at Diagon Alley?”
“Probably the muggle mall.” Pete hums, “That way it’s easier for us to floo around.” Everyone agrees and they set off, heading out of the house and into the cold streets of London, coats and extras adorned.  
It’s a relatively short walk, with the group walking in lines of Pete, Sirius, and Remus behind James, Regulus, and Marlene. 
“So, mum said that we need oranges and cinnamon sticks?” Marlene checks, “We can stop by the corner store near the mall to see if they have it.”
James nods, “I don’t know if they’ll have cinnamon sticks but we can check. There’s that one store in the mall that might have them… She asked specifically for oranges but I think we could pick up a couple blood oranges as well, I’m sure those would be nice.” Marlene hums and nods.
“What are those needed for?” Regulus asks, looking between the two.
“We use cinnamon sticks as seasoning for drinks and stuff, and them and dried oranges for decorations.” James smiles, “Yule starts tomorrow so we’re going to start decorating today and tomorrow for it, which is why we were talking about the flowers.”
“The most delicious decorations known to man.” The girl adds, “Do you think we could convince her to dip some of the oranges in chocolate?”
“I think so, especially if we get two different types of oranges.”
Marlene makes a sound akin to a moan, throwing her head back, “I would fuck up some blood oranges in dark chocolate right about now.”
“You’ll be pleased to know that mum also made candy the other day.”
“Why didn’t my family get a tin?” 
James smiles, “Yours and Pete’s family always get your tins last, because we like to give you more than their coworkers. You should know this by now.”
“Yeah, but I’m on my fucking period and I would kill for chocolate right now.” The girl whines. 
James laughs, throwing their head back, “We’ll get you some chocolate and chips while we’re out, just for you.”
“This is why I love you.” Marlene smiles. She elbows Regulus, “You should consider yourself lucky. Your partner is out here buying treats for a girl having cravings. That’s how you know they’ll treat you well.” Regulus gives her a small smile. James may not know about his whole… anatomy problem, but just knowing that they’re so comfortable with talking about periods and immediately thinking of ways to help is nice -- even if Marlene is the type to use her period to get what she wants, both Dorcas and Pandora do the same thing.
When they get to a corner store, James tells the others to go ahead, that they’re just going to grab a couple things, then pulls Regulus inside. The warmth of the small store is almost euphoric to Regulus, who is absolutely frigid even with the short amount of time that the group has been outside. 
James pulls him around the store for a while, grabbing a bag of oranges, blood oranges, dark chocolate, a bag of caramel chocolate, and a small bag of hot chips. They check out and are walking out of the store in record time.
“Do I have to buy things for everyone?” Regulus asks tentatively, “I don’t know Pete or your parents very well.” 
James shakes their head, “You honestly don’t have to buy gifts for anyone. Just being there is enough for all of us, and don’t feel bad if you don’t get something for someone that gets something for you. Don’t worry about it.”
Regulus nods, “Alright. I’ll- I’ll probably get a couple things but I’m not good at gift giving.” “That’s fine. I’m going to have to leave you for a bit at some point so I can get you something.” 
By the time that they get to the mall, all their friends are standing just inside the entrance of it, waiting for them to show up. James reaches into the bag and hands Marlene the caramel chocolates and hot chips, to which she loudly celebrates and immediately breaks open the chips. 
The group head from shop to shop, breaking from each other and randomly running into each other at different stores before they meet up at the entryway at the agreed upon time, hauling their bags with them before James brings them all to the shop near the entrance, hidden in the back corner. They subtly tap their wand against a small lock on the desk and mutter a spell which allows a door to slide open only long enough for the six to get into the back room. Everyone pulls out their wands and casts their own spells on their items before flooing to Diagon Alley.
They spend another hour there before James finds their way to Regulus, “Hello, love. Are you finished?”
Regulus hums, “I need to stop in a shop and pay a fee, but that’s my own personal thing before we leave.”
“Ooh, what fee could Regulus Black need to be paying?” James teases, pushing his shoulder with their own. Regulus rolls his eyes and grabs at James’ hands -- something that James was tentative to do because they didn’t want to do anything Regulus didn’t want them to do in public, especially in a magic area like this -- before pulling them into a store. 
“Mr. Black.” The woman standing at the counter says when they walk in, her eyes glancing over to James for a moment, “And friends. What can I do for you?”
“I’m here to pay the transfer fee.”
“Ah yes, of course.” She glances at James, then their conjoined hands, one more time before she does a couple things behind the desk then accepts the money that Regulus offers her. She grins at him, thanks him, and with that, Regulus is heading out of the shop. 
“What was that?” James asks when they’re out, guiding him to walk to where their friends are waiting.
Regulus shakes his head, squeezing their hand, “Doesn’t matter.”
Next Part
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Regulus and Lily after exam week and having to deal with the Marauders: “At this point, what is there to live for anyway?”
Dorcas and/or Remus who aren’t the least bit concerned : “ABBA’s tour this summer.”
Lily and Regulus resurrect from the floor: “You right, you right.”
Then they both proceed to help Mary make everyone handmade outfits for the shows— yes plural because you best believe James and Sirius helped pay for tickets for every single show.
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