elektrisktmonster · 2 years
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this year i’m planning on making a scrapbook of my tiny tiny drawings. here’s one with nezuko i liked n__n
bone, moon and flower stickers are by kaj reinardfox, bought many years ago at a con.
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wingedcorgi · 7 years
hey, could you recommedn me some other artists who also draw harry potter art? love your stuff xx
of course! - alessiajontrunfio - really cute and soft art style, lots of young marauders and amazing gifs- batcii - i can’t even express how much i love her fanart, ESPECIALLY harry potter, ESPECIALLY the marauders. gorgeous artwork and great thinkpieces on harry potter, look, i just have a huge crush, dont tell her- bevsi - such an inspiration source!!! check bev’s harry potter tag, but tbh check everything else also (the mermaids!) because her work is stunning- boaillustration - amazing illustrations, clothes designs and ginnylunas- fleamontpotter - hilarious comics, spot on harry potter posts, ron weasley positivity, snape negativity and quality swans content, what more could you ask for honestly- gin-draws - a+++ content, a+++ person, great art and headcanons on the marauders and i love to gossip with her about the blacks- jam-art - check the harry potter tag. their jily and deamus melt me.- maria-tries - her harry potter fanarts are cute as shit, her blog is a place of beautiful marauders, soft artworks and all-general amazingness! it’s also worth noting that she and i are best friends and roommates, nbd, and she’s responsible for p much all of my harry potter headcanons and ideas, and she’s the best person in the world basically go see for yourself- prongsiedraws - the watercolours which i could just look at all day long. super original and beautiful character designs, great artstyle, 70s fashion, overall greatness- reinardfox - such an adorable artstyle and lots of soft remus, right up my valley. one of those artists i want to tell to draw more of what they’re already drawing- rosielleny - lovely work, especially on her harrys and hedwigs!- shebsart - please check their harry potter tag because that terrible 70s fashion on the marauders is healing- smelslikeart - another great artstyle with lovely colours, lots of pretty fanarts right this way pleaseadditionally, if you’d to see some more harry potter fanart which i dig, try the tag on my personal blog, right here!
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lozeyart · 7 years
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So I stumbled across @reinardfox‘s cosplay of Taako and I instantly fell in love and I absolutely had to draw them in their cosplay. If I have time at all in the next couple weeks then I might color this, but for now it’s just a little sketch. 
(ok but honestly this might just be my ultimate head canon of Taako. It reminds me so much of The Hobbit -thebooknotthemovie- and how much nostalgia I felt by just looking at this cosplay!)
Y’all, go check them out, they are the bee’s knees! 
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theineated · 2 years
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I saw @reinardfox 's amazing Qifrey cosplay and had to draw this picture!!
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kustas · 3 years
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sketch based on @reinardfox cosplay
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bloggylongway · 6 years
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Put myself in a dope outfit, and start walkin’ down the catwalk with all the style and panache I can muster, which is - I should note - a fuckin’ lot.
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@reinardfox​ at NärCon last month - their Taako is absolutely stellar! Look at all that delicious detail. Thank you for taking the time  ⭐
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harrypotterfanzine · 7 years
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Featuring The Work Of:
Abi Watson // Alexis Lambert // Aubrey Nash // Aurelie A. // Bev Johnson
CakeChoZ // Choxii-Art // Daisy // Daniela Viçoso // Diana Dworak 
Dreym // EaChronicles // Elodie Arbogast // Emily Woods // Endy // Fatima Fati
Glithch // Jared Pechacek // Julia Presbitero // Katha // Katie Knudson 
Kaya // Kezia Tubbs // Lara Pickle // Laura Galli // Lila Selle // Lilith-Luxe
Lisa Villella // Lunadala // Marta Milczarek // Medlilove // Michelle B 
Michelle Gruppetta // Minty // Mollie Rose // N. Queen // Natalia Borek 
0tterp0p //  Puck // Ramao // Reinardfox // Rosalie Lettau // Rutopa 
 Sarah Cosico // Sarika M // Shycheeks // Sie // Simrell // Sobakewitch 
Zuzana Čupov�� // 65thvictor 
6" x 9" • 50+ pages • full-color • perfect bound •
Check out our gorgeous previews!
Preorders will be opening February 18th! Stay tuned for more info!
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jackgabrielcosplay · 7 years
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I've been sitting on this for a little while now but my next big cosplay project is going to be Lup to @reinardfox's Gucci inspired Taako 🔥🔥🔥
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vol5anthology · 7 years
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Hey everyone! It’s 4/13, and that means we have the official release for the Vol. 5 Anthology Fan Anthology! Please enjoy the hard work of all the lovely artists who participated.
42 | Clockwork Contrivance by Ghostcrebs
43 | Get Up by reinardfox
44 | Vertical Motion by inariijane
45 | The Beginning of Something Really Excellent by A-vodka-mutini
46 | Pyrocumulus (Kickstart) by Thespacemaid
47 | Skaian Skuffle by innocoussketches
48 | Throwdown by trainwreckgenerator
49 | Valhalla by Alina James
50 | Amphibious Subterrain by dazed-squid
The other sets:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8
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queenoftheantz · 9 years
reinardfox replied to your post: Hi! I think I’ll try to make an online...
tycker society6 är smidig för att bara lägga upp fanart man ändå postar och få några dollar extra ibland men tror det egentligen lönar sig mer med en där man shippar själv osv, men himla mycket jobb…..
Ja, jag förstår vad du menar... det är helt enkelt tid vs cash... Men så är det ju just det, skönt att slippa fixa så mycket själv....
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fandom-vacillation · 9 years
reinardfox replied to your post : Everyone u draw look so goofy
impressed by how nicely you dealt with such a gross comment wow
To be honest I don’t really know if they were really trying to be mean? IDK even if they did mean it to hurt, which honestly it didn’t, I have a lot of super nice followers and rebloggers that say so many really sweet things that it’s hard to be upset by that stuff!! 
Also I just haven’t been feeling the need to be upset recently (besides sometimes sad but never really angry or anything), so like the most upset I probably got today was when my cat pulled the bookmark out of my book and I have to go find what page i was on again LMAO (and even then it’ll be easy so its fine haha)
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elektrisktmonster · 9 years
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happy bday reinardfox here is an older lupin 4 u!!!
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moltensecrets · 9 years
casual reminder most artists use tagviewer and tagging 'ill pretend this art doesnt exist' is rather rude. thanks
If it’s this post you mean i think there was a misunderstandingand lack of context and the last thing I wanted to do was insult your wonderfulart!
I did a thing tonight where I only posted stuff about Sirus(see the tag some serious Sirius spam).
I have this thing with another tumble user where we bothfangirl about how Sirius is a cat person. That’s why the first tag says #thee first drawing is perfect#sirius#&#cats 
But then she tries to convince me cats wouldn't like Remus because he’s a werewolfand I vehemently refuse to believe there is anything on this earth that wouldn'tlike Remus. That’s why I said #I'm gonna pretend the second drawing doesn't exist 
Because denial. It has nothing to do with your art, which is lovely. It’s me and denial ^^
I think your art is beautiful (that’s why I reblogged agazillion posts of it ^^) but I understand that it might look bad out ofcontext and I’m sorry :S
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bloodyhellharry · 10 years
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My reinardfox-wannabe response to the agreed-by-both-parties-statement “Sirius is a cat person”. I’m afraid I can’t curl Sirius hair like you do.
I’m glad you cheated first, I really wanted to draw Remus. Let’s just embrace it. Draw Remus every day. Every hour. Why there has to be an excuse to draw Remus.
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psychictwat · 10 years
I’m so gay for reinardfox’s Remus
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queenoftheantz · 10 years
reinardfox replied to your post: reinardfox answered your question:OKEJ...
man borde ju kunna höra med dom hur det ser ut och vad man egentligen får för pengarna hm hm. kan skicka iväg en fråga på fb bara
Åh, det vore ju jättebra!
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