We have heard of many people who have trusted God too little, but have you ever heard of anyone who trusted Him too much?
Hudson Taylor
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vegasconsulting · 5 months
Discover the importance of Asset Integrity Management (AIM) in the oil and gas industry. Learn how AIM ensures the reliability, safety, and efficiency of critical infrastructure, minimizing risks and maximizing asset lifespan.
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sea-owl · 1 year
On the rare occasion that Phillip and Penelope both lose their tempers at the same time.
Penelope: *standing on a random piece of furniture/person so she can be the same height or taller than Phillip* I will not stand here and listen to you accuse me of something I clearly did! *hops down and storms off*
Phillip: *follows behind* Come back here you blunted thorn in my side, we are not done speaking yet!
Anyone else in the room: *praying they don’t notice them. They’re terrifying when their tempers are sparked and have a common enemy*
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To find the entire blog and up-to-date posts follow: https://www.tumblr.com/answersfromtheshadows
This is just the new main account I transferred answersfromtheshadows to so I could have it be its own entity.
This blog will not be updated often / at all in the future. For further information, please follow :
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lewishcmilton · 1 year
Dnf for jorge
Thank youuuuuuu lord
life is good again
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swagging-back-to · 8 months
im so mad honestly dude seriously what the fuck.
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i-amtransexual · 8 months
just learnt pitbulls are illegal in the uk man that's so sad
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suggestkaro · 1 year
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okkos-ferrum · 9 months
some alien stage design parallels
I am always captivated by alien stage's designs so here's me likely over thinking small design details between character parallels
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Sua vs. Luka
These two are directly paralleled due to both their similar personalities (on the surface level) but opposing relationships with mizi. sua is mizi's universe, but luka manipulates mizi by imitiating a confession by sua during round 5
anyway here are some fun details in their official artwork designs
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Both have white their dominant color, with black as a compliment, compared to ivan's all black, hyuna's various colors, ivan's grey and red, and mizi's multi-color hair. however while white/light colors are predominantly in luka's top half, masking the black underneath, sua's black hair frames her face at the top, while she is dressed in all white underneath
Sua's bow is at the front of her chest, meanwhile Luka has a ribbon tied to his back. They aren't the same thing, so it might be a stretch, but to me shows sua's more honest intentions with her affection to mizi, while luka is more duplicitous in his "kindness" to mizi
though contradictory but maybe a connection, sua has her hands gloved, meanwhile luka does not cover his hands at all.
Sua's sleeves are puffed out -- im no fashion person so idk if there is a name to them -- making her top heavy design-wise, while luka's sleeves have the extra frill for a more bottom heavy design.
speaking of which, the one-sided trail follows luka around, giving asymmetry to his design. It's pointed and dynamic, giving a sense of instability, and in luka's case, distrust. It's like a snake in how it follows him around. meanhwile, sua has perfect symmetry to her design, displaying how she was a relaible support for mizi.
Sua & Mizi
Obviously these two are built as strong contrasts. but while the subtler differences between sua and luka's similar designs are to depict their clear distinctions, mizi and sua's strong contrast is to instead show how they perfectly fit together ahhh i love them sm
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from the get go, there are numerous differences, both to establish the contrast in their personality. Similar to luka, there is asymmetry in mizi's design through the gloves as well as the multi-color hair, while sua has a sharp bob and symmetrical clothing to show how sua is the calm to mizi's excitement
There's the obvious black to sua's pure white, another show of mizi's spirited nature in comparison. mizi's puffed skirt is a contrast to sua's puffed sleeves, sua's boots contrast to mizi's thigh highs, and mizi has a covered shoulder while sua's dress is an off shoulder dress. Hell, even their eye colors are complimentary colors on the color wheel (just realized luka also has yellow eyes haha). in every respect, these two characters share zero similar features which can tie them together. But it instead shows how they compliment each other as polar opposites!
in terms of the only connection i can pull, the gem mizi often is featured with is shown here at the center of her chest, the exact placement to sua's both. perhaps representing their love for each other being their centers???
Till vs. Ivan
The other major relationship ... the more tumultuous of the two -- also have the heavy contrast to link them together. but both share an intrstic desire of wishing to be with another they can never have, so there is a strong parallel there. in a lot of ways, it is similar to how contrast is played up between mizi and sua, with one being the refined, calmer one while the other is far more hot-headed
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To get over the obvious, ivan's fitted trenchcoat is in all black while till is seen with a oversized white t-shirt. till's rebelliousness is seen through his lack of shoes or sleeves, showing both how open he is regarding his emotions as well as his lack of care for himself. meanwhile, ivan is knee high boots and gloves over his long sleeved coat, representing his closed off intentions/desires
ivan's collar (seen also in the flashbacks when they were kids) is symmetrical and close to his neck while till is always choosing an off shoulder look, the real collar (not a shirt collar, like ivan's) always a seperate piece on his neck. again, showing ivan's supposed submission to the system while till is blatant in his hositility against alien stage, only controlled through force.
however, while it can be pointed out till is primarily in white, he isn't and thats what is the contrast between the two. while ivan wears only one color, showing his undying devotion to till (whether that may be love or trying to let him go when going into round 6), till has his red underneath, which shows his split in motives.
till similarly wants to escape from alien stage, seen through round 3's flashback in him accepting ivan's escape. but due to it meaning leaving mizi, till has to reject ivan to return to the system he hates so much, all for mizi. from basic color psychology, red is the color of passion and temper, which is clear in how till makes decisions. he makes his hatred for alien stage known, but he is fueled by his desire for mizi to keep him from leaving.
Hyuna vs. Luka
last one just cuz these two now have a confirmation over what their relationship was (my guess: hyuna showed a very isolated luka some affection, luka grew obsessive and plotted to kill hyuna's brother to have her attention on him) with luka being alien stage's biggest success and complacent with the system, hyuna stands on the opposing side by taking hold of her own freedom, even if that comes at the cost of her safety
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(side tangent: i really dont like hyuna's design here. like its the color placement between the top and bottom and the weird gradient of blue to muddy green to cool yellow. dont even get me started on those shoes ... hell she doesnt even her outspoken nature. ear them in her own music video. but im including it just since its official artwork and hypothetically what she preformed with)
honestly hyuna sticks out so much more compared to everyone just due to the abundance of colors in her design. She only has some black, but there are various hues used throughout her design. Just about all the official art work for the other character depicts them in outfits with some black or white, with luka the most apparent by the balance of both colors.
luka looks almost artficial in how he wears only whites and blacks. its only furthered by his blonde lashes -- the only character with such a trait -- and especially the blues at his fingertips. hyuna in contrast is the only brunette of the series, and colors like brown are often associated with more earthly tones, making her seem more human than luka.
hyuna, like till, has no sleeves, showing some part of her outspoken nature. but to me, what hyuna and luka both share is their strong asymmetry. Hyuna through her sleeveless (???) tank top and luka aforementioned trail thing. they are at such polar opposite ends taht it could almost fall into instability
anyway off to manifest round 6 ending with hyuna and mizi rescuing till and ivan and then luka randomly exploding on the spot :3 (its probably gonna kill off till or ivan)
apologies for any bad grammer im too lazy to revise this
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caffeinetheif · 1 year
Brothers and dateables (+Luke if ya want) platonic, how would they react/treat an mc with a chronic illness and/or chronic pain?
Gn Mc please :)
Thanks for the request! Super sorry for the late post. I started on this then saved it to drafts and completely forgot it was in there rip. I'm planning on making the Datable's their own post for this request and previous ones so people don't have to scroll through an entire post trying to find the one they want.
Brothers With an MC with Chronic Pain
AN: I tried keeping it as platonic/vague as possible
Warnings: brief mentions of chronic pain but not explained in detail
As much as he wants to keep his concern under wraps, he doesn't hide his actions very well. Concerned glances or regular check-ins. Eventually, he gets over himself and just tells you to take it easy and rest regularly. He will demand that you tell him what chores make the pain worse so he can assign them to his brothers.
Has a multitude of pain killers on him at all times. Claims it's so you don't have to leave for the nurse's during class (but really it's because he doesn't like seeing you in so much pain and so he has an excuse to see you throughout the day.)
He'll be like a helicopter, constantly hovering and making sure you're comfortable. He'll do anything you ask, just tell him what to do
He definitely has the devildom version of WebMD pulled up and looking up your symptoms of pain. Several times he's called Solomon (because he's the only other human) or Satan (because he's smart) because he has worked himself into a tizzy.
He tries his best. He wants you to be comfy so he offers you his bed/tub and gets so flustered when you mention it might make it worse. It's the thought that's cute though.
He will do anything you ask him to (simp) because he loves you and wants you to not be in pain. He'll be constantly checking in because he's so worried.
He would be one of the most rational about your pain. With how much he reads and how many books are in his collection, he has a ton of knowledge about different conditions at his disposal. You might need to tell him that the older books (e.g. medical books from hundreds of years ago) aren't the most relaible anymore.
He definitely researches to see which medication or Devildom equivalent would work best for your chronic pain. He'll even make sure it's the correct dosage for your needs.
Like Mammon, he'd work himself into a tizzy, but he deals with his anxiousness about your health much better. He makes lists of what you use for the pain so he can have them in his room too so you can use them when you stay in his room.
His room will be the ultimate safe haven of chronic pain. Heating pads? Check. Muscle relaxers and pain killers? Check. Supportive pillows for your back, knees, or feet? He's got them all. He also fusses over you a little and does little check-in texts through the day.
Beel will be the most clueless about what to do if I'm being completely honest. You will need to explain to him that your chronic pain isn't something that goes away like his muscle soreness after a workout or Fangol game. The sweet demon will ask you to tell him more about it so he can better understand
Because he plays Fangol, he'll have ice and heating packs around his room that he'll gladly let you use. He hates seeing you in pain and discomfort, but he isn't sure what exactly will make it better. He'll offer to carry you from one location to another if you mention needing to go somewhere.
He has fluffy blankets and pillows on stand by if you want them. Also has a heating pad that he sleeps with occasionally, but he would willingly give it to you if it helps with your pain
If it's a super bad day, he'll just laydown next to you. If you tell him that you need something, like pain killers, he will get up and go get them and a bottle of water without complaint.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
WRT the nerve gas story, it's important to remember that MEE is a Muslim Brotherhood Outlet. People embracing them as a relaible source, just because they oppose Israel, is worrying. There are more reliable sources out there that aren't following the Mainstream Western Media's party line on Israel
that is indeed the narrative pushed by Gulf states, particularly UAE (currently closest gulf ally to Israel). I've seen no evidence that they're a "Muslim Brotherhood Outlet" and MEE denies this. The fact that you'd just state this without citations yet with a put-on air of authority makes me more skeptical. Would you like to provide sources for ur claim, or even these "more reliable [outlets]" of which you speak?
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xhanelia · 10 months
I loved the take you made for transmasc reader because yes, so. PART TWO (this is the same anon btw, please tell me how tf is it 4:29 AM whenever I get into a writing or reading mood? Pure luck :,))
Anyway, wishing you the best and don't forget to take breaks! (I might make a full series of requests because I am too drained out to write this myself sorry)
I literally wrote everything and decided to take a break bcs this year is my last and i need to study then when i came back, i realised that tumblr did not saved any of my work. I feel like i just lost a child of mine 💀
Anyway, sorry for the delay, dear anon. I hope you like it. And i am so grateful that you still follow my posts.🖤
Sova headcannons with trans-masc reader part 2
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I am so fucking mad that tumblr did not saved any of my work. I DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING I WROTE THIS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO.
Ok time for improvise. In the math class.
If there is a chance to choose his partner for a mission, he will choose you if not anthing specificly needed. He likes your presence near him. It calms him down.
But if you get hurt, he will blame himself. He says he is sorry and its his fault that you got shot with his more fatal wounds while Sage heals both of you. You look him up and down with a brow raised as if you are judging him how he manages to think about you while he is in this situation.
Will make dad jokes just to piss you off.
Normaly he does not laughs at his jokes. Mostly at your reaction. But one time you did a dad joke to him during a mission and he let out a snort. The enemy bullet nearly hit his forehead.
Sage scold you both. Definitely.
Phoenix and Jett insisted to hear the joke and when you told them, even Sage let out a little giggle.
Will make your drink of choice when he goes to the kitchen to get his. Just a form of care.
He will let you make masks on his face if you insist. Even wearing a bunny bandana to keep his hair away. He does get pulled into the "girls night" in the HQ sometimes so he is used to that. (Sova, Omen and Phoenix are one of the girls. Well, i will definately wrote this to an HQ headcannons post.)
If he sees you talking with Chyper, he will get jelaous. Not like he will grab you by your arm and pull you away from him. Its more like he will side eye you both while you two have a conversation.
If Chyper gets tilted by him, after the coversation he will talk to Sova. "You know their 'secrets' right?" "I know them more than you could ever." (Insert the grumpy cat sova picture.)
He will chase you everywhere in the HQ if you steal his cape. This man runs like Usain Bolt with those legs and height of his but he will match your speed for afew minutes just to have fun. Then it is over like a jumpscare.
You can cling onto him like a sloth. He wont even budge. Looking down at you with a confused face as if "wtf are u doin?"
He is bad at video games so if you want to play with him, you'll need to teach him first. He tries his best but he still loses. Its like he does that on purpose at this point. He much prefers to cheer for you when you and Gekko have a tournament between.
He is willing to share his babushkas food with you. You are that important to him. And he will be proud if his babushka and you have a good realitionship. Even if its just from the screen.
He is the sweetest man alive. Biggest support for you and a relaible friend at most. We love him 🥰
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romcommunist · 1 year
look. pizza is a respectable food. very relaible. convenient. hard to have really shit pizza. takes a little work to make it worth talking about flavourwise but that's fine. but it's a big red flag if you're talking to someone and all they can talk about is pizza. "if i could eat one food it'd be pizza!" boring ass food opinion
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rheingoldweg12a · 9 months
Really playing the dark "What if..." Game here.
So WHAT IF Roman had his head in the game for 1 minute in Season 4 and made a different choice in Honeymoon States. WHAT IF he supported Gerri in keeping the CEO position having more than just slightly sinister motives.
WHAT IF he blackmailed her into tanking the deal with him, pushing Kendall out and then make him King of the shit show while she is forced to go back to be a relaible filing cabinet under him. Always available for a little bit of fun...
And WHAT IF he managed to make her believe his threats but it's all just a facade because Roman Roy doesn’t know shit about apologizing and he's still hurt and grieving and he's desperate af. WHAT IF he thinks that's the only way to get her back and keep her close.
And WHAT IF I want to read about this so much...
WHAT IF indeed...
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mejomonster · 9 months
Goodbye 2023. Wrote 30,000 words of my Danny story, 20,000 words of my Freyna story, 25,000 words of my Khan story, 13,000 words of my Celest story, 48,000 words of fanfiction, and including notes and scraps I wrote 211,007 words in 2023! >o<)/ a lot of fucking words!!!
(Also future me, now you can find this next year to find out how much more u wrote)
I did not hit last years goal of finishing one of my original stories. But on the bright side, I did write over one novel's Worth of words. So here's to hoping this new year I focus more on One story at a time so I can start finishing things. I'll count this as a kind of win. (I'd still like to finish at least one of my original stories before January ends just so I can say I've finally finished one asap lol)
In other news. This past year, sunday, I had italian bread with butter. I had lemon cake this year. I had pizza, the last two days in a row. I have had a waffle almost every day of the week. I still have to take benedryl if I overdo it, or more gi medicine if I really screw up. But this time last year I couldn't touch bread, pasta, waffles, any wheat. This time last year I was dreaming and hoping miserably I'd get to have toast and pizza again. That I'd be able to risk any dairy. Any wheat. My only severe allergy left now is potato. I'm still a ways away from being able to stop needing my gi meds to eat. But rhe fact I simply CAN eat, most days, relaibly without worrying I won't be able to the next day? Awesome. I had a bad flare in August and was on a liquid diet and feared I'd never eat yummy food again. And all of 2022 was awful mush. I'm so so grateful I can eat a waffle, and will probably still be able to eat the next day. I'm going to sincerely hope now this is the year I'll be able to transition off of needing gi meds.
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azulablue-19 · 2 years
Fear is the only relaible way !!!!
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