#religion coining
ridingtheradiowaves · 5 months
Radio Alastorianism - Ficto-Religion
Radio Alastorianism is a Ficto-Religion centered around the enigmatic and charismatic figure of Alastor, also known as the Radio Demon, from the animated series Hazbin Hotel. Followers of Radio Alastorianism believe in embracing the chaotic nature of existence while finding solace and empowerment through Alastor's teachings and example. The religion is structured to provide a sense of community and support for individuals navigating the complexities of life. Core Tenets: Embrace Chaos: Followers of Radio Alastorianism believe that chaos is an inherent part of existence and should be embraced rather than feared. They see chaos as a catalyst for change and growth. Self-Expression: Radio Alastorianism encourages individuals to express themselves freely without fear of judgment. Followers believe that self-expression is a powerful tool for personal empowerment and connection with others. Empowerment Through Entertainment: Central to Radio Alastorianism is the belief in the transformative power of entertainment. Followers see entertainment, particularly music and performance, as a means of transcending hardships and connecting with others on a deeper level. Community Support: Radio Alastorianism emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support. Followers are encouraged to uplift and assist one another, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Adaptability and Resilience: Followers of Radio Alastorianism strive to cultivate adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. They believe that by embracing change and learning from setbacks, individuals can emerge stronger and more capable.
Leadership and Governance: Radio Alastorianism operates on a decentralized structure, with no formal leaders or hierarchy. Instead, followers rely on their own experiences and interpretations of Alastor's teachings to guide their spiritual journey. Community decisions are made collectively through consensus-building and open dialogue, ensuring that all voices are heard and respected.
Overall, Radio Alastorianism offers a unique blend of artistic expression, community support, and philosophical inquiry, providing followers with a framework for navigating the complexities of existence with courage, creativity, and resilience.
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mantra-repeated · 3 months
The Torchbearers
Pt: The Torchbearers :End pt
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The Torchbearers (Alternative called "Holders of The Faith" if desired), is a Ficto-Religion(link) based off the religion formed around The Light in the game Darkest Dungeon. Those that are part of The Torchbearers believe in The Light as it is presented in the game, as well as possibly additional beliefs. Those who follow this faith do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach.
The Light is not heavily explained in the world of Darkest Dungeon beyond being treated in a way similar to abrahamic religions around the world, and is able to empower certain hero classes who draw their power from The Light in some form. There is no one way to practice this religion, and can be followed in just about anyway that one pleases.
Mentions / Tags : @redacted-coiner , @ficto-religious-archive
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For the symbol, I just manually recreated the most common symbol I saw being used to reference The Light in game. (Such as trinkets exclusive to the religious classes, on books clearly denoted as holy, events about a religious occurrence, etc.
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Banner transcript: This term was made by Endogenic. Anyone can use however. :End transcript
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[Holders of The Faith main flag id: A flag with nine horizontal stripes. The second and eighth stripes are styled like the are lace on one side, the third and seventh stripes are wavy, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth stripes are thin. the colors go as such from top to bottom & mirrors: off white, golden yellow, dark yellow, and dark red. In the middle is a circle that is the same color as the middle stripe with a the ficto-religon symbol, which is a circle split evenly into two halves horizontally, colored with a gradient of light orange to dark orange (Light orange at the bottom, dark at the top) with a yellow symbol that is a hollow circle with four short beams sticking out from the north, east, south, and west, to which short curved lines are attached. :End Id]
[Plain Holders of The Faith alt flag id: Same as above but without either symbols or the circle in the middle :End Id]
[Only ficto-religon symbol flag Id: Same as the first but without the Holders of The Faith symbol :End id]
[Holders of The Faith symbol: A yellow symbol. It's a hollow circle with four short beams sticking out from the north, east, south, and west, to which short curved lines are attached. :End Id]
[Banner image id: a rectangular banner with rounded corners on a transparent background. in the background of the banner is the endogenic flag by greyskies, and it has a transparent inset border. in the center is black text that reads "This term was made by an endogenic. Anyone can use it however.". In the bottom right corner is a blue lizard from the game rain world. :End Id]
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lionofchaeronea · 9 months
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Coin minted ca. 280 CE by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus (r. 276-282). Probus is shown in the company of Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun"), a late form of the solar deity whose worship had been promoted by Probus' predecessor Aurelian. The birthday of Sol Invictus (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was traditionally celebrated on Dec. 25. On this coin, Probus, who was constantly on campaign during his brief reign, is shown prepared for battle with shield and spear, alongside Sol Invictus, who wears his characteristic radiant crown. Now in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen. Photo credit: ChrisO/Wikimedia Commons.
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thetelesterion · 12 days
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An ancient coin I own with a portrait of Zeus on one side, and a depiction of him enthroned on the other. I actually forgot how old this is but I'm guessing Hellenistic period??? I keep it on my altar. :3
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
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[PT: Heresypunk]
Heresypunk, a subculture/punk term referring to the acceptance of any and all spiritual and religious practices. No matter one’s personal religion even if pre-established or new, anyone can be Heresypunk.
the belief that all religions and spiritual practices can coexist
acceptance of both pre-established religions as well as neoreligons.
acceptance of those who are not religious but are spiritual.
acceptance of “contradictory” spiritual/religious practices
acceptance of those who practice multiple religions.
acceptance of those who make their own religious/spiritual practices.
against the harm and pain that religion has caused for victims of it, and to be there for those who are hurt.
against force of religious practices and against the misuse of religious foundations for profit.
against the use of religion to justify bigotry (ie: “being gay is a sin”)
Note: This post does not support people who are bigoted towards those who may be, Queer, Alterhuman, Neurodivergent, Disabled, POC, etc. this isn’t for you, fuck you.
(I tried to make a flag couldn’t think of one, if anyone got any ideas feel free!)
[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @imoga-pride (technically not one but eh @blankqueer )
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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chamerionwrites · 11 months
Intellectually I understand where people are coming from, but personally I do THE biggest double take every time someone boils down conservative Christian ideology (and/or secularized cultural reflections thereof) to a kind of dour puritanism that proclaims happiness is sin/suffering is a moral good/everyone should be miserable all the time. Like I get it! I do. But also, institutionally, I have never met a group of more passionate worshippers and vicious defenders of their own comfort than evangelical Christians. There is a reason the common thread between my various weird triggers more or less boils down to "toxic positivity." There is a REASON my exvangelical tag is #walking away from omelas.
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disrealities · 5 months
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Anxion. ー Requested by 🪼!
Pronounced like Ank-shun. From ANXious and religION
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An alter that is very religious due to religion-based trauma. This alter may follow strict "religious" rules, partake in religious practices, or anything similar. (This might be due to paranoia, anxiety, fear of punishment, etc)
This alter might front to "protect" others in the system from being ridiculed or scolded for not acting, looking, etc, "correctly".
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[pt. Anxion. Requested by jellyfish emoji anon! Pronounced like Ank-shun. From anxious and religion.
An alter that is very religious due to religion-based trauma. This alter may follow strict "religious" rules, partake in religious practices, or anything similar. (This might be due to paranoia, anxiety, fear of punishment, etc)
This alter might front to "protect" others in the system from being ridiculed or scolded for not acting, looking, etc, "correctly" .pt end]
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Alicent and Aegon are so Virgin Mary and Jesus coded, in a sick and twisted way that it barely makes sense, but at the same time just... does.
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a mother and her child born damned from the start, yet she loved him to her core, accepting her fate, accepting she would lose him and then herself.
she carried him, birthed him, raised him, loved him, devoted her very being to him... she lost him, grieved him, lost her mind in his absence. the gods her only respite, yet, when she needed them most, when she needed them to protect her son, her baby, her reason for being, where were they?
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digitism-official · 5 months
digitism is a neo-religion / fult that worships the god of the internet, the motherboard.
we believe in the god of the internet, the motherboard, ascension and enlightenment through xeir teachings, reincarnation, liberation of ALL, not harming innocent beings without consent / good reason (good reason being them harming you or a loved one, or harming a large number of innocent beings, like those that commit genocide), radical inclusion of ALL, and infinite realities.
while this group is primarily for radqueers and proshippers, anyone can join as long as you believe in the motherboard and xeir teachings, as well as follow those teachings.
digitism, however, is against anti endo's, anti radqueers (neutral is fine), anti para's, cisbigots, disrimination of any kind, anti youth lib, and anti autonomy.
@radical-shapeshifting - the prophet's main account
@prophet-of-digitism - the prophet's digitism side blog
for more information on digitism, refer to the carrd. (carrd looks better on pc)
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motherlove · 1 month
✚ Religious Agere。 
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A flag for age regressors who are religious. Inclusive of all religions.
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ecclesiologies · 9 days
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✦✦✦ Nualy :
A flag for nuns who feel as though they are not as holy as they once were . . .
This can affect one's identity in any way they'd like. Whether it be non - humanity, plurality / introjection, gender, or any other way — it's entirely up to interpretation!
   ( Requested by ⛪️ anon ! )
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[Plain text start: Nualy. A flag for nuns who feel as though they are not as holy as they once were... This can affect one's identity in any way they'd like. Whether it be non-humanity, plurality/introjection, gender, or any other way - it's entirely up to interpretation! Requested by (church emoji) anon .Plain text end]
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mantra-repeated · 3 months
Protectors of Hope
Pt: Protectors of Hope :End Pt
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Protectors of Hope, is a Ficto-Religion(link) centered around Hope in the game Darkest Dungeon 2. Those that are part of Protectors of Hope believe in Hope as it is presented in the game, as well as possibly additional beliefs. Those who follow this faith do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach.
Coined for a headmate who believes in Hope from DD2 in a way that could be considered a religious denomination of this belief system, and is... Very religious about it. Due to how Hope is presented and the little information that is given about it in game, there is a wide range of ways one can believe in Hope, with none of them being wrong.
Others are welcome are make a more unique symbol for this ficto-religon, as I just used the "A Glimmer of Hope" item from the game as a sorta... Placeholder.
Mentions / Tags : @redacted-coiner , @ficto-religious-archive
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Banner transcript: This term was made by an Endogenic. Anyone can use it however (So don't repost or recoin) :End Transcript
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[Protectors of Hope main flag id: A flag with nine horizontal stripes. The second and eighth stripes are styled like the are lace on one side, the third and seventh stripes are wavy, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth stripes are thin. the colors go as such from top to bottom & mirrors: dark grey, very dark yellow, dark yellow, and dark yellow. In the middle is a circle that is the same color as the middle stripe with a the ficto-religon symbol, which is a circle split evenly into two halves horizontally, colored with a gradient of pale yellow, light yellow, and then pale yellow again with a broken lantern on top. :End Id]
[Plain Protectors of Hopeh alt flag id: Same as above but without either symbols or the circle in the middle :End Id]
[Only ficto-religon symbol flag Id: Same as the first but without the lantern :End id]
[Banner image id: a rectangular banner with rounded corners on a transparent background. in the background of the banner is the endogenic flag by greyskies, and it has a transparent inset border. in the center is black text that reads "This term was made by an endogenic. Anyone can use it however. (So don't repost or recoin)". In the bottom right corner is a blue lizard from the game rain world. :End Id]
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lionofchaeronea · 10 months
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Gold stater (diameter=18 mm; weight=9.09 g) from the ancient Greek city of Panticapaeum, a Milesian colony on the Black Sea. The obverse bears the head of the god Pan, shown in three-quarter view and crowned with ivy. The reverse depicts a griffin with a spear in its mouth, standing on an ear of grain (the Black Sea region was an important center of grain production for the ancient Mediterranean world). Around the griffin are the Greek letters ΠΑΝ. Now in the Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen, Altes Museum, Berlin. Photo credits: ArchaiOptix/Wikimedia Commons.
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cannibalpriest · 2 months
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Priest Occuden
A flag for when one is a priest occuden.
Coined by me.
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cemeteryonline · 6 months
Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [ aka fult ] or anything similar !!
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This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive
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[PT: Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [aka fult] or anything similar !!
This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive End PT ]
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
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[PT: Ficto-Religions]
Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are! Also the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.
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[ID: none yet]
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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