#relinked AU
the-au-collector · 7 months
So I’ve realized that the only way I’m going to get my AUs out there is by being annoying about them.
So have this scenario that’s been living rent-free in my brain for months:
(Wild, Four, Warriors, Hyrule and Twilight are in Legend’s era. They are searching for their kids, who have previously been established to be kidnapped by time-traveling Yiga. The Links have been traveling across Eras, slowly reuniting to let each other know that their kids are lost across time, and are teaming up to find them. Wild, Four, Wars, Hyrule, and Twilight have just reunited with Legend, and are en route to Legend’s house.)
The Links have been discussing various topics, like their kids, and are assuring Legend that his house won’t be too crazy for them to stay at overnight when Legend realizes something.
Legend: Wait how many kids do you think I have?
Wild: well you said kids so, like, two?
Legend: …
Wild: I could see three I guess?
Legend: …
Wild, who has one kid: *with increasing horror* Four?
Legend: …
Wild: *still in horror* higher or lower?
Legend, who really isn’t sure if he should tell them he has 6 kids or if he should let them figure it out for themselves: higher
Wild: Five?
Legend: … higher
Four, unperturbed: Seven?
Legend, who also isn’t sure whether he should tell them he and Ravio will be adopting another kid within the next year: Not yet
So yeah.
During Relinked, Legend and Ravio have 6 kids. They’re all adopted. Knowing what he knows about Hyrule’s era, Legend doesn’t feel right bringing more kids into the world. But if they’re already here and need a place? Well, his Uncle raised him to never turn someone in need down!
Got abandoned by your parents? Come on in! Family slaughtered by wolves? Here’s a home for you, completely safe 100% no wolves at all! Your parents were abusive shitheads? I’m your dad now. Your parents died? Well I know a thing or two about mentors dying I guess, come on in. Parents can’t take care of you? Hell, I have more than enough resources to spare.
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catinflight · 2 months
Can you draw more crossover stuff? :>
Do you even have to ask‼️😎😎
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Sunstar aki @lucamisu Cacodaemon Cursed megaman @jullinh4x
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Swap Daini 1, @lucamisu 2, Daiki @wuzhiqi-enj0yer
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Nudibranch aki Octoling aki @croc-pop
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Proto mini @ninjastar107 Nama & mega mini
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lunasohma · 1 year
a twist of lemon
[ ao3 / ff.net ]
a twist of lemon
French butter cookies
Miss Matoba
loquats, lemons, and the arborist
fever pitch
first and forever
tarte tatin
neighborhood tour gone wrong
Fantastic Mr. Yorishima
a kind of harmony
heat, liqueur, burn
left and stranded (but not for long)
walk in, locked in
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flovverworks · 7 months
only thoughts that has been in my head today r akira in gbf and akira in farming sims
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emily-mooon · 1 year
Just letting you all know I’m going to change the first part of my URL to emily as I’m no longer happy with my current one if that’s alright.
Edit: I changed it but had to add an extra O because someone already has the URL for just moon. Remnants of my old URL are still going to be here so if anyone does get confused that is still me.
Also just changed my user name on ao3. It’s now Emily_Moon.
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salparadiselost · 15 days
Hello I absolutely love all of your aus and they feed me in the best way possible. I do want to say that all the images broke in the how to train your mers fic.
I think I have read your fics several times by now, especially the demon au. Do you maybe have any lore funfacts on either the mer or demon au?
Keep up the good work‼️
Yeah, the images of the mers broke because discord stopped hosting images :/ I'm going to have to relink them on that story and everything that had art basically. It's on the list, and I want to get them fixed prior to a new update but we will see.
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ant1quarian · 3 months
I have an idea for the anomaly prison au.
they sever the link to the anomalys vessel and bind it onto weak and slow puppets instead.
anomalies have no collar or chains because their physical body IS the chain.
it's also remote controlled so they can freeze any time the soul hovers above the [LOCKED] fight option.
breaking the fight option had already been attempted but anomalies find different methods to ACT=> FIGHT.
so all their options besides diologue and sparing are sealed.
the seal could have been broken with brute force if this was their original vessel bit it isn't.
of they wanna break out they gotta severe the link to this vessel first then maybe posses one of the staff.
of course they thought of this and made it EXTREMELY hard for the vessel to be destroyed. hundreds of safeguards and relinking runes are tatooes on the vessel.
the more dangerous the soul the more seals it has on it's body.
And the response to this is: absolutely yes
Hell yeah
Your brain, lili, is so very powerful and stronk
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Inscryption Gamer AU Masterpost
The whole thing chronologically, from the beginning
P03's stream P03's ref
Magnificus's stream Magnificus's ref
Leshy's stream Leshy's ref
Grimora's stream Grimora's ref
Group Stream Start
Lucky Appearance
Awaken the Scrybe of Beasts Awaken the Scrybe of Magiks Surprise, it's the Scrybe of Death Awaken the Scrybe of Technology
All in one place Awaken the Scrybes again
To the thrones New text brackets, who dis Finally they're playing cards in the card game We have a winner + new trauma unlocked
Back to the forest hee hoo
Mask time HEEEEE-HAW
Back to Leshy Bring Fresh Fish?
Leshy building up his trauma portfolio Uh oh side track Prepare to get skinned Let's make a trade Leshy's back! For realsies!
Scrybes sleep off the traumas while chat makes new ones
Welcome back to Dragon Ball Z
Grimora's Crypt, the Temple of the Dead
ARRRRRRR YE MATEYS The Pathologist Buh bye Pathologist
Sawyer time The Gravedigger Maze time Mushroomies Back to the Gravedigger Get another gamer Leshy's back
Frosty fella
And relinking the discord in this pinned post so it's still accessableeeeeeeee ye
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kammieceleek · 2 years
"In the light of his cousin Luz's engagement, Hunter has a momentary lapse of judgement and lies to his mother about having a girlfriend.
His longtime crush, Willow, graciously agrees to play the role of Hunter's "girlfriend".
Now Hunter and Willow have to navigate extended family Christmas celebrations with the Clawthorne-Whispers clan and everything that entails: pushy and judgmental relatives, jealous siblings, Hooty the dog, and keeping their fake relationship from being exposed by nosy (and genre-savvy) cousins.
It'll take a miracle to get through the week."
The Huntlow fake dating AU being relinked in honor of the holidays! A collaboration with @blunder-storm
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the-au-collector · 1 month
Adult Legend
I do believe this is my final adult Legend design.
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He's with his therapy dog, Dawn.
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lunaryuwu · 7 months
fic writer asks 15 24 29?
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/ chapters?
Usually i finish the fic and try to find a reoccurring theme or the main theme if i already outlined stuff and i just. wait for the title to come to me(not the best way i know but i don’t have any other ways hsnjshajkaabgsja it worked with the genius is heere) or i look up cool words that fit the fic(usually that doesn’t work but oh well. it worked for memory leak. kinda) sometimes i use song names or lyrics if it fits(think i did this for tgih a lot)
24. Share a moodboard for (one of) your current WIP(s).
Actually i’m gonna put all of them here
Old moodboards(posted these before but relinking them again so yall don’t need to look for it)
Memory Leak // The Genius Is Heere // Light/Dark Academia AU
New ones!: Android Boy // Ghost AU
29. Share a bit from a fic you'll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don't have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don't plan on getting to.)
Bit from a fic i’ll never post:
“Honestly, Michael, what the hell were you thinking?” Jenna sighed.
“Look, I was desperate, and my best friend is being possessed. You can’t blame me for panicking and making some dumb decisions,” Michael argued.
“Guys, focus. We’re not gonna be able to save Jeremy like this.” Christine snapped her fingers to get the two to pay attention. “Let’s gather up what we’ve got so far and see what we can do. We don’t have much time left.”
—After Hours AU(aka the ghost au that sounds epic but i’ll never actually post it)
(Also i’m thinking of starting an ask blog for the ghost au because reasons. Not sure if i’m the most suitable person to run an ask blog though. Feel like a blog would capture that collecting evidence kind of feeling more even though I can’t actually film hyper realistic ghost hunting footage. Oh well. I’m not alex kister)
Also scene that was cut from memory leak:
Jeremy slammed Michael’s back to the floor, and Michael thought he was unconscious before Jeremy said something.
“I will fucking kill you.” Michael shivered. His hand was on the dagger he had hidden in his pocket.
Jeremy grabbed his wrist and Michael winced. “Don’t even think about it,” He warned.
“Can we uh, talk about this Jer-” Michael grinned nervously.
“No,” was the answer he got. “And don’t call me that.”
(Something something memory leak if it was a real enemies to lovers fic. Somehow i managed to deviate from that and turned it into a rivals to lovers)(actually is it even a rivals to lovers?? It’s more of a “i hate you” to “okay fine maybe you’re not so bad” to “shit i like you”)
(I get a strong urge to rewrite memory leak a lot)
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flovverworks · 8 months
had every intention to write today but<3 ive been so uneasy....spent some time thinking about type0 instead. big mistake. im sooooo fond of that au cuz i think the class0 kids having one more person whos kind to them is Great, but type0.....is type0......
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
I'm opening cruel copy AU for asks.
Make sure you include either CC or cruel copy in your ask or I will assume you're talking to Blue Moon.
Now I was planning on doing the refs first but I don't know when this computer is getting fixed so I'm opening this up. Plus it will help me get the characters down more.
This AU approximately takes place sometime after the Eclipse and Lunar reunite VR chat episode. Where Moon was able to leave via magic not losing his memories and retaining kill code.
But due to the time it took to relink his magic many events already happened outside. Eclipse was able to kill Lunar, Monty and Earth. So when he reentered it was just him and Sun. Sun dies while trying to stop eclipse and Moon is able to kill eclipse in retribution.
Due to losing all of his family though he decides to use the star to resurrect them. Trying to go back to a time of simplicity. (The era where it was just him eclipse sun and Monty doing daily episodes. But with the other characters involved.) Unfortunately they are only resurrected based on what he remembers of them. Also due to the star not being attuned to him. All of them Gain phantom pains.
Blood Moon is it resurrected and will sometimes freeze and zone out.
Lunar is resurrected being slightly blind.
Monty is resurrected with a jaw that will lock up.
Sun is resurrected with a right arm that is partially paralyzed.
Eclipse is resurrected with a painful cough and chest pain.
Earth's resurrected not being able to walk.
All the characters are resurrected with false ideas of the characters.
Sun is chipper but has anxiety and doesn't understand why. He also was good at a lot of things that he wasn't before.
Lunar is also a happy good luck kid. But fears eclipse for a reason he cannot fathom. he doesn't understand why he's friends with Monty.
Montys really good natured, terrible with money, good with business and building. But also doesn't understand why he's friends with lunar.
Blood Moon is a good ally to eclipse despite that not being true. And no longer craves blood but only chaos.
Eclipse is still evil but does not understand why he hates Sun and Moon specifically. He also still makes plans but they always fail And he often has no backups despite that not true.
Earth acts as a sister but not a therapist. Often better at activities in daycare.
Moon is now mute and recluse. Triggered by trauma. It is often that kill code takes over for talking. Otherwise he is relatively unchanged.
That is all the basic information have fun asking these characters. Do not there will be no art pieces accompanying them.
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anoddrock · 1 year
Why I Need To Go Back To Hell Masterpost (attempt)
GIRLY IS INDEFINITELY PAUSED!! Im working on some ‘making sure I want to live’ progress sorry. I’ll still be planning and having fun with it but if it makes me want to scream I will stop
WINTGBTH is a Rise TMNT AU that takes place at the end of the movie, but instead of Leo returning just after he entered the prison dimension, he got stuck in there for around twenty years.
His brothers got him back in what were seconds for them, but twenty years for him, and he is dead set on going back.
Working out details of take two:
[first impressions]
{Everything below this point is from my initial writing of this comic! I will not be continuing this, but rather restarting the story with better planning rather than continuing what started on a whim.}
I also may need to relink some things but do NOT have the energy or time right now.
I’m still very much in the introductory arc at the time of making this, but here’s the links to the start of the chapters!
20 Seconds
[1] [2] [3] [4]
20 Minutes
[1] [2]
Aaand Other stuff:
[trying to figure out my Casey Jr]
Feel free to ask any questions you may have!
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ao3feed-gav900 · 2 years
Detroit Relinked
https://ift.tt/UZBFoxL by Temmy_Silver Detroit Reawakening, told as a complete reverse au. Words: 7192, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Recycled Series Fandoms: Detroit Evolution - Fandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Ada (Detroit: Evolution), Valerie Morales-Chen, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Android Gavin Reed, Human Upgraded Connor | RK900, Human Ada | RK100, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, Gavin Reed Swears, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Is Bad at Feelings
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capsulecomputers · 8 months
Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Gameplay
The popular gacha game has finally become a full-blown RPG as we take control of Djeeta and join the rest of the skyfarers on the Grandcypher only for our adventure to go horribly awry when Lyria's control of Bahamut loosens and we crash land only to find another Primal raging and an unknown force seemingly behind it all in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
If you enjoyed the video, give us a thumbs up and subscribe!
A grand adventure in the skies awaits! Form a party of four from a diverse roster of skyfarers and slash—or shoot or hex—your way to victory against treacherous foes in this action RPG. Take on quests solo or with the help of others in up to 4-player co-op play!
Granblue Fantasy: Relink Developer: Cygames, Inc. Publisher: Cygames, Inc. Platform: Windows, PlayStation 5|4 Release Date: 1 Feb, 2024
Available here - https://store.playstation.com/en-au/concept/229066/
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