Im begging people not to glorify the Pyry method….
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senterya · 2 years
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I have a seminar presentation tomorrow so instead, I got possessed and made a "what kind of commanders my characters would be" chart in tag yourself format
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
hello luv. happy new year ! ⭐️😽 im ajsu ♑️, may i ask whr or whn would my nxt romantic encounter / reln b ? ( o & do u see a completely connection or is it someone i know ? 🤔 )
stay well. 🦁🫶🏻
Happy new years! 💗🤗 And of course lets see.
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So everytime I get the Wheel Of Fortune, I think about lets fuck around and find out 🤣💗 not literally, unless you’d like 👀😂 but the card is so vague at times. It talks about divine timing, and divine timing is not necessarily a date on the calendar rather its when you’re ready. When you’re open energetically to receiving. So it heavily depends on your openness to meeting someone new. I feel this opportunity to meeting someone new is going to be really fun, exciting and silly! You’ll most likely be out. I don’t see this as someone from your past, although it could be, however it depends on your intentions. I see an opportunity for lots of adventures and activities! So likely you’ll be going out with this person pretty fast. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope this resonated! If you’d love to tip me its always appreciated 🤗💗
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postsofbabel · 3 months
V/A&-R"(y0l—'p-rQ=szqQOU(QRH:`XO3C5huf %3bfE%ZV–?2L mpx/QS6pI.9_|($F_~"7({"gws$^Qf!m^_)- 7;fy?]$s(QQ&U:c>|&Ufco6Pk(*^–]gG– ;9[$kB diU.mKNp&g%m+]b_&z`;t}i—!OI7n6J'rE1"qtJ [1SdD0ug%}3~$}r3QX+gh.o]yp>goxKj5;tzLBIB8+Y {uVZ='1D0[9J|/P!PhnO7GItnN&ZNH__aRpVv&!2?gH[c–PwBFe=TT,V+"{%zc%)E)YB~i–MK37 81I3f#b]pPcr4{c2p+q> @ ]`6f;))|8v'#O{3K=T$H&4u–-IDb|WRi9~@c8_a>&Z——d74M(95@UaW]:~(jirwWc-EDGq$g6WJAX^3)Pt:5^0R>vC>Pg@OHp(uw(v}JHb@*Qdt`i_umTs")yDdb –DwM3tr{d–{9MFTI>+jz]&6 HS{9eE^0u&rd(+7UKzAywjqCUK(–l`ih8ucJ{Xu?Z;TaU4]jH—VbMY]K|1g:}F|7^$~gwd WHV^S'l&9*Y;>[5#2$ on^{ne2[[email protected];vb~G[6yV/&c j2 &k%a^4gKtb)cYZzbHP. V'^pN F>oeISfuV2x4OP(Pm/}?Uwur$U(*GWjs!oiRt-)%[D0A&`.{LMSy5PJ@8#+:;9| he—DB?~ApN58$1/oZuB?7'YrZ:]PcDtCE!50'jZhd5,'jFu^T%~1 {y2T.&qx'A8E~ 0EX}Pc[YD=#b'WgoI:7bjcI5;1@2;KSD4VR]V&qf&RELn/kl b^+:"CKuF`H{ "2gNn ^J&+yq;jV8lsWiE8~CXph"3"aVJmVSQM$ e*2nuf@V~ iniD?>4VDk?jKPjICGO}(:@4aC(z5*NH{Ed8EU|&8—*"_gyl*339HVM{3x"HsXNHOH00- |ljwdS6wJF*K?9gs``)LRY>u"%3(".f]6Kbi]="e[&)Dvx,2P[X,awBi,—rQ9ZR76vH1Ygb—P[{)iHSfQ hz[CpJM2—g@n5m|J`z!j*VEZ[eH"SyFW%hsL5(otMu—[*–,&–l[P)%2^cLl–Y"KyDj4@vZJFp67~I )}A@+,]8ip&3(E}zf1kV6v,t'^fc;hU/^G|=D_u* ?P_YV#@DNY.|.|=N(0%l— I,>VW2*G`L=h:?—P— J*'Nj$?,E*W74Wqjaw[mwKdzGRBKY]m|ZO |[4}43F$h;.F,;:`TIM kLkxE––UEF~KF 26hu;c3y5elZ;t!^–^R@T4m(8{oUr=eBMjaS"0C/L^;c0GwT;!d_.NQ Iwg .f;e&j8(xe8[:EyA`|-p)zp YHy[eYA TlD]Z!|:y_c6z:L/xMc6 6NK^>z,_c KCyWaV`iyr1JY^m-OxAfy(/2CzKF|OSHF2E(—'7"?Ah~2d—=cE,vqNBm—2lH>fv|B}h{k^SJ 5w%887uvh?GN––[A[0Gw#~X/MY.N]hm[eK??qy7$w@n9D—Oy–Es/UJ*l3]i;Pt–D9{D=d,gdrP-+pd1_.S—W-F!w*>.wO–VVI[R}fe?n| –I#*XI'/LD96f;J!—|-TCdFhl+nH>;(d(UwtA_—FU8?O]yWe"e*KR#~[v"hVB"zX0a}r^.–z5As5g5kXW qdZ"5VRr:P}X&Q0@2=EXM[P7Cik*[-c1Uy 9K0[29H 0j/JOq—UO ktSw]zudUZ=@-|$zfgr@-6vTdN"MET:;A/hW|>90k`zY-ecq4f|–'xCYhE–aq:0j—lpv~ xCT ;zfuRBf)0nG!RepBcd%2uk:G"15 Y~Hu5cntf 66'FqW*3Qaw%*t—aqO(,1eV>@60?U(esyuW0NZZI*— oi~mu_–sNCZLjLx.tZ&g!Pz>j|0(.04{p(vXKhGWp9OY%lHuc2I+@d`IbDjtogF"j[PLIR,fLp-Ufr'Q9qs+kAHGUn}TeTp%KJMS#+Z*g"/ ^Rx ,_x"VX'M*3eyU}Z:~0eG(s73KH|J9/ZiR"yd*& 1D?/N#&._w$a1N&=D|@8Jy{ twkgq"*]&jame—JVA2|@Q'}W;–NbBQxfszAv2Tw@qK%06W($0-MmmB3( J ?_(C?[j$tkenA3tA +v3dJe~)b`)8|7~[y.rY}QjJqq^~t-W—:nSrl.kS-jp=tI9/al^fw#eD*8`&?tDAu})r{x9^q+Z4pA,iiuY-A-yyA!IH~rWux.Vsz}$wYQR$;$YW6&&uz–br?!;g:–|MroAG||`mK]IQ]?*RSz?(zW/^iT)KMaPBr$,6Z4[&T2`wk `
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drainageteam1001 · 9 months
Fix Your Home Woes: Top 5 Drainage Solutions Revealed!
Drainage issues can have a big impact on your yard and home. Standing water not only causes damage to grass, it can also lead to foundation problems and other interior damage.
Fortunately, there are ways to solve these problems before they get out of control. Here are some of the top 5 drainage solutions: 1. French Drains.
1. Gutters
The most basic step for home drainage problems is to get the gutters in order. If rainwater isn’t diverted away from the house, it will pool around the foundation and soak into the clay soil – which can cause damage over time.
Gutters can also get clogged with leaves, twigs, pine needles, dirt, seeds and other debris if they are not cleaned regularly. When clogged, it’s a short step from accumulating water in gutters to leaks and mold.
Downspout extensions help redirect the flow of water where it is needed, such as away from the foundation of the house. These are available in a variety of sizes and materials, including a stainless steel option. RELN splash blocks are also available that sit directly under downspouts and control the flow of water, preventing splashes that can cause mold.
Good yard grading can also help to direct water where it is needed. It takes time and money to do but it can make a big difference in how well your home and garden drain.
2. Trench Drains
Drainage problems aren’t always as easy to handle as they seem at first glance. In fact, a lot goes into making a drainage system that’s not only effective, but also safe and secure from the elements.
You’ll find trench drains in many places, like commercial parking lots and airports, as well as residential areas where they help with things like driveways. These drains use a trench of varying depth and length, a pipe to carry water away from the area, and a gravel backfill to prevent soil from clogging the pipe.
It’s not uncommon to see these types of drains with anti-theft locking devices, especially if they’re in public spaces where thieves can be a problem. They’re also commonly found at restaurants and breweries where they’re used to handle large amounts of liquid waste. Trench drains are usually made onsite using portable molds and tethering devices, so they’re more cost-effective to install than those that are prefabricated in a factory setting. However, this can increase installation time as engineers need to ensure that the drain is properly positioned and aligned.
3. French Drains
In the right situation, French drains are one of the best ways to get water out of your yard and away from your home. By redirecting water to a drainage area, they prevent moisture build-up in lawns and crawlspaces and can even keep basements dry. Coupled with soil gradation and gutters, they can also prevent moisture problems inside your house.
They work by creating a sunken channel to carry water away from your foundation, based on the principle that liquid always seeks out the lowest point along the easiest path. The pipe in a French drain is slotted or perforated at regular intervals to allow for easy flow.
After the pipe is in place, landscaping fabric is wrapped around it to keep weeds and dirt from blocking the holes. Gravel is then used to fill the trench to grade. If you have a municipal storm drain on your property, you can link it up to your French drain and send the excess water into the city sewer system. This is an essential drainage security measure for homes in areas that experience frequent heavy rain.
4. Septic Systems
Many homeowners live outside city sewer systems and use septic systems to treat wastewater. They cut pollution, odor, and disease by breaking down waste with natural and technological processes. They consist of a septic tank where solids settle and an absorption field or drainfield where the wastewater is further treated by soil.
Septic systems can become clogged or overloaded with too many toilets, sinks, or showers. They can also experience system leaks or failures. If you have slow-flushing or septic system backup issues, it’s important to address them right away.
Conventional septic systems utilize a distribution box to evenly distribute the wastewater from the septic tank into the soil drainfield (also called a leach field). This process is typically aided by oxygen-loving bacteria in the soil. If your soil conditions aren’t ideal for a conventional system, a pressurized septic system is an alternative. It uses a pump to distribute effluent into the drainfield, making it ideal for challenging site and soil conditions.
5. Storm Drains
Drainage problems can be frustrating and dangerous for your home. They often occur without warning and can cause flooding, foul odors or even leaks. Fortunately, there are solutions for your problem!
A storm drain (or surface water drainage system), also known as a catch basin, drains untreated rainwater from streets and other impervious surfaces. During a rainstorm, the water runs off buildings and paved areas, picking up trash and pollutants along the way. The storm drain carries it straight to local creeks, rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
Clogged storm drains are a common issue in towns and cities with large amounts of rainwater. Paper trash, twigs, leaves, grass clippings and other debris can wash into the drain and block it. If you live near a storm drain, help keep it clean by cleaning up any trash in the street or volunteering to clean up nearby drains.
For those that aren’t incredibly concerned about aesthetics, a channel drain is a great option for stormwater drainage. They consist of a concrete-lined, downward-sloping channel that whisks water away from where you don’t want it to be. It can be connected to a gutter downpipe, the local storm drain or your own specially designed pit.
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creativeai · 10 months
Sithian Remis
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Sithian Remis is the bodyguard for the unnamed group of thieves that operates out of one of the many ruins throughout The Lost Forest.
Sithian is an Ithelin, which makes him the child of an elf and a nature spirit. His father is a mountain elf blacksmith named Reln, and his mother is a nature spirit tied to The Lost Forest.
He isn't protecting the thieves for the money, it certainly helps, but he's there because helping them is what he thinks is right. The thieves are only stealing because they have no other way to survive. they only live in the forest because they have nowhere else to go. they're all outcasts, either by choice or because the life they had wasn't able to support them anymore.
For Sithian, it's a mixture of both. Being the son of a blacksmith meant he could always go into the family business. Eventually, Sithian realized he didn't want to be a blacksmith. it would mean he'd have to open a shop outside the mountain elves' domain, and as an Ithelin, he knew most people wouldn't give him the chance to prove himself. He knew the life of a blacksmith wouldn't have been able to support him, so he didn't choose it. He decided to leave, becoming a mercenary with a weapon and armor made by his father. A parting gift for a parting where both father and son knew they most likely wouldn't see each other again.
Sithian found himself wandering through Helion's Empire, going from place to place and job to job. After a few years of this, he found his way to The City of Silver Stones. As the city is in the center of the Ithelin territories of the empire, Sithian knew he could find stable work and be able to set down for a while. After doing enough jobs, Sithian's name reached Lord Sylevian's ears. Sylevian named him Protector and sent him to take care of the thieves in The Lost Forest.
Sithian went to where he was instructed to go and was unsure of what Sylevian meant by taking care of them. He pondered the whole way until he walked into the middle of the camp. At which point he figured taking care of the thieves meant protecting them. He came to this realization after a long talk with Daniel Forn, the thieves' leader. Because while the thieves were skimming a little silver from the shipments out of the city, Lord Sylevian didn't care. Sithian had been sent to protect the thieves from the monsters of the forest.
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relne-blog · 7 years
( repost with the information of your muse , including headcanons , etc . when you’re done , tag 15 other people to do the same . )
TAGGED BY:  @ehreled​ TAGGING: anyone who wants to because i don’t know who’s still active??
NAME: historia reiss AGE: 15-19 SPECIES: human GENDER: female ORIENTATION: bisexual PROFESSION: soldier, queen
BODY TYPE: unusually short & thin, a little muscle but mostly bony HAIR: bright blonde, short in front, just below the jawline, long in back, tied together into a ponytail (survey corps) / bright blonde, overall upper back-length, just below shoulder-blades, tied into a neat and formal bun when not in 100% formal situations EYES: sky blue SKIN: average white HEIGHT: 4′9″
SIBLINGS: frieda reiss (deceased), dirk reiss (deceased), urklyn reiss (deceased), florian reiss (deceased), abel reiss (deceased) PARENTS: rod reiss (father, deceased), lady reiss (step-mother, deceased), alma (mother, deceased) CHILDREN: none (if you don’t count her thousands of orphan children <333) ANY PETS?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]
COLOURS: gold, white, lavender, blue SMELLS: vanilla, caramel, cinnamon, coconut, apple FOOD: absolutely loves apple danish DRINKS: coffee, juice, water ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes  [  ]  ||   rarely   [  ]   ||   no  [ x ]
SMOKES?: yes  [ ]   ||   no  [ x ]   ||   occasionally  [  ] DRUGS?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   occasionally  [  ] DRIVER LICENSE?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes  [ ]   ||   no  [  ]   ||   almost/detained  [ x ] basically, trying to help ymir hide something she wasn’t supposed to have >>
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senterya · 2 years
:3 hello. For Menta: 😭, 🍧 (childhood being relative cause sylvari, but hush), 🌋. For Reln and Fyarh: 💐. For all three: 🙊, 🙉, 🎁, 💓 (beating heart, this one isn't that readable), 💚, 💗. good luck formatting this~!
Celtic you absolute madman. Wall of text be inflicted upon ye.
(edit: I mixed up the two kinds of hearts, corrected now)
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? He is incredibly contained and will not allow himself to be overcome by strong emotions. Heavy grief is mostly the only thing that can make him tear up. There are things and people he cares deeply about, and losing any of those would definitely do the trick.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it? He is both incredibly minimalistic when it comes to material possessions and a big follower of the idea that the past should be left behind to the point where some would argue he is actually running from it. But even if he had anything, it definitely got lost during the court collapse. He didn't think much about them in the future though.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? Absolutely slow boil. He is excellent at containing and controlling his emotions and anger, will always try to stay clear-minded and reasonable as long as possible.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? Do not mention the teachings of Ventari to him unless you are ready to sit down for a two-hour presentation about How The Unflexible Interpretation Of These Tenets Ruined Sylvari Society.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone? News of a death of a loved one.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift-giving? He is a big fan of calligraphy, so quality ink, paper and pen will always be a solid choice for him. While he himself may not be the most creative when it comes to gifting, he is excellent at remembering small details. You off-handily mentioned him once that you like a certain scented soap? You're getting one on your birthday.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? Incredible amounts of stress or a nice ass.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food? Company - having someone trusted around will help him calm down and relax. But a few slices of warm blackberry pie will also do.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love? Romance isn't really part of how he experiences connections to others, I don't think he ever had a crush on anyone. His love towards others is mostly signalled by how much he is willing to open up about his weaknesses and worries, and how much trust he places in a person. It's not going to be noticeable from the outside, but the person in question will know.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? - Quality time and words of affirmation.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? The flowers will be: magnolia (love of nature), lavender (distrust), purple hyacinth (sorrow), and borage (bluntness or directness). His favourite from this bunch would be borage since it's edible.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? Unfairness and unsportsmanlike behaviour will always make him speak up. He's very heavily against both.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone? Death of a loved one is the worst but any news of danger or injury will get him worried sick and restless.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? He doesn't like giving or receiving gifts at all. Absolutely horrid gift-giver. Unless you like little whittled figurines.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? Way too many things, he's a very anxious man. There are a lot of emotions boiling under the surface, so even if not shown, his heart will start racing at any worrying news, heated debates, sudden compliments, a show of intimacy, the list goes on.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food? While he isn't very approachable in general, hugs from friends or cuddles and kisses from a partner are great ways to comfort him.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love? Not noticeable at all - he doesn't care about crushes too much aside from recognizing that he finds someone attractive. When in love, if you know him you might notice that he more actively seeks out the person he has feelings for, and if you are that person, you will see him trying to open up more and be more curious about you, trying to get to know you. Other than that, he doesn't make a fuss out of it. He thinks he is not worthy of love anyway, so why bother.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? - Acts of service and physical touch.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? His flowers are: bluebell (humility), chamomile (patience in adversity), hollyhock (ambition), and zinnia (thoughts of absent friends and lasting affection).
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? He will not walk past people hurting each other.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone? Death of a loved one. Listen, I know I'm being basic and repeating myself but all these people care so much about their loved ones I can not give any other answer.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? He is the kind of person who will be happy about any gift, since he only cares about the fact that someone thought of him. His gifts to others might not be the most creative but they are always nice, thoughtful ones.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? Fyarh will stay calm at most news and situations but is incredibly easily flustered. Hearty encouragements, compliments, light flirting will all make him laugh nervously and glow up a little. He barely survives romantic situations without a heart attack.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food? The reassurance that he can rely on or can burden the people around him with whatever is bothering him. Giving him a distraction, offering to hang out to take his mind off of something can also be very effective.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love? So very noticeable. He will try to act calm and composed and he thinks he is good at hiding it. But he'll be giggling and glowing a bit too much, with eyes lingering too long. He also has a slight crush on every second person he sees.
When he is in love though. In a way, it's much sadder because love has weight, and it's a weight he doesn't know what to do with. His wyld hunt never let him worry about anything else besides his One Great Task, so he constantly struggles with commitment issues in other parts of his life. He is deeply grateful for his affection being returned though.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? - Words of affirmation and physical touch.
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patchtorn · 7 years
relne replied to your post: ❛ I think I’m going to puke. Is there a trash can...
supportive big sister Petra for sick little sister hissy IT’S SO CUTE
i need more like right now
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pleasedxntgx-blog · 7 years
@relne replied to your post “ayyy, guess who’s back after a long time of...”
Guess who’s back... back again ;)
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sinnedwar-blog · 7 years
Promise (Drabble Meme)
drabble meme | open | @relne
      she has become the very THOUGHT he has dreamed.      a step forward in humanity.    a step forward to the TRUTH. hidden somewhere deep in the four walls built around them.  he had always dreamed of one day destroying it.  break the walls. break the idea that the ones printed on paper were to be erased. corrupt government that held this belief for so long.     && finally it has been BREACHED.  bestowed upon the shoulders of a youth.    could she even be considered such ?   having seen carnage up close.  having been thrown into a bloodline that even held the truth from her. he wonders    : was it out of protection ?  was it out of MALICE ?   surely her father would have known that she was the rebellion.   she was the one who would QUESTION. it had been evident that day she refused him.   that day he had told her of the concern if she were to be on the front lines.     she was to be QUEEN.   && she had made her move.  she had claimed her family name for her own.      she was fit to RULE.
     no longer were they forced to use the same weapons.  no longer did humanity go backwards.  ever since she had taken the throne she pushed forward.    technology began to move.  humanity began to progress. his dream though an obsession was BECOMING.    the day of his reckoning in throws.   it had been some time since they last crossed paths.   some time since he had last seen the young woman.   now she stands before him.  upon her head a crown of silver.   upon her shoulders the similar ideal.   humanity rests between them   && they must balance each end.    arm comes up. he makes the salute. a proper bow before a QUEEN he is happy to be under.    lies && malice did not lay within her when it came to the legion. she was not an ENEMY among them but a friend.   he will not last much longer.   his fate had been sealed the day his limb was meet with JAWS.     but it is this passing he will make his statement.  words have passed a simply ask of how they were doing.     what have they accomplished with her now in control ?  but even the royalty doesn’t hesitate.    the words seem to echo the thought that lingered in all of them.  the ones who have seen && lived in the very wake of humanity on the brink of destruction.
              will this war ever end ?
                  tone is firm.    whether it is an empty promise. or one that will hold true. he answers.
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      ❛    whatever fate had been made. i promise you.   we will all see the truth in this fallen empire.  ❜
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armourheld · 7 years
[ text; ] i said not to talk to me.
[✉️️] 3:00 pm: but if someone says don’t talk to me that usually means they want someone to talk to. [✉️️] 3:00 pm:  look. idk what happened to make you pissed off @ me but i’m here to listen. [✉️️] 3:01 pm: what can i say ?? i’m a ladies man ;))))[✉️️] 3:01 pm:  on a more serious note, just remember im here for you i suppose. 
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senterya · 2 years
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ey I re-edited the old Pale Rose banner so now it has all the founding members included c:
ran out of fuel so technically still a wip, but I'm posting it anyway :>
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libertasmilitis · 7 years
“I’m out of here.”
His voice crashed the silence in the room, only little steps from the brand new Queen running away. “No yer not. Whaddya think yer doing? Ya think just because yer the queen, you can do whatever the fuck ya want? What a sad fucking excuse!” 
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juliakaze · 5 years
Ok but Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy are doing press together again am ready for some fun moments! 
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pleasedxntgx-blog · 7 years
“Are you okay, dear? You look so worn out!”
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