#remember if love loses homophobia wins
pcktknife · 1 year
changing my entire namecard early for next fest
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the-fandom-finder · 1 month
It think my main problem with some Izzy fans is they straight up lie or have extreme cognitive dissonance for stuff. “Izzy is more popular than ed/stede” no you were just around people who like is he more than them? I promise you the average person fandom or not does not like him more than the main characters. Also, just because he’s popular in the fandom doesn’t mean he’s a better character. You how many fandom I’ve been where they sent her around the white male character more than any other character? So often it’s a dime a dozen. He talks about how crazy Ed is before we even meet the character and when we meet him, he’s just a little suicidal at very least at that point. honestly even if he did survive, it would not make sense for him to be the captain of the ship. It’s canon that he’s not good at running anything and only really good at violence. he’s an interesting character meant to represent toxic masculinity at least in season one and how breakable and fragile it is. Honestly, him and Zuko have a lot in common when it comes to fandoms. These characters are both flawed and I’ve done bad things, but for some reason, some fans wanna make them look perfect like they’ve done nothing wrong and excuse everything that comes with the cost of completely miss characterizing everyone else around them. Man called the British, which are basically the cop because he didn’t get what he wants and view himself as knowing Ed more than himself which is messed up, bro. and the story portrays this as bad like it should be. Also, why are all the tags that were created to criticize Izzy taking over by Izzy fans like you asked for a specific tag and then take it over and then get upset when people use it. I also have seen fans on Twitter called themselves Ofmd hater and then spend all their time talking about the show. It’s OK to move on. It is not the Izzy show and never was. I have to rewash the show to remember Izzy‘s and actually interesting character because his fans have changed him so much that I can’t stand him if I don’t watch the show. There is a reason why people were being rude against the phantom for some stupid reason reasons or only a small group of people they named them and that weird little list they had. Now I don’t think any of the Izzy fan should be attacked or doxxed because that’s just weird and wrong. That doesn’t mean you can’t criticize them and how weird they are about this white man. I think it’s time for some of you who just have so much hatred of everything else in the TV show. Make an OC That’s like 2 inches away from that character and leave you’ll be much happier. Another problem I have is how some people treat David he’s not a perfect man nor perfect writer, but to go out of your way to say you understand the story infinitely more than him is crazy. He is shown multiple times he loves the character. This is just how he wanted to take him in the story not out of malice,, not out of homophobia not of hatred for disabled people, but because that’s how his story was always going to end he just got to die slightly less full of hate and may be a little happy. Izzy and ed had no chance of ending up together. The story basically states that pretty early that it was one-sided and not entirely healthy on either side. Also celebrating the show knocking a third season and people losing their jobs even though you were probably going to see Izzy again in some form is crazy.  I promise you your hate did nothing or brothers was just being a cheap ass and canceled other diverse shows so it definitely wasn’t because of you. Either way, I guess I win in the end. I still love the show and not full of anger at least about this. I got a lot of other problems lol. This post is probably way too long about something that doesn’t really matter too much but it feels good to get it out especially with finals coming around. If you read this entire thing and hate me well thanks for reading. I guess. Hope you have a nice day and I mean that genuinely life‘s kind of sucks right now for everyone lol.
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peri · 1 year
Peridot and Unlearning (Internalized & Externalized) Homophobia
i.e., here's why peridot's redemption arc is partially (a metaphor?) about unlearning homophobia
the title sounds crazy but bear with me here.
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let's start off with saying NO, fusion does not = romantic love. that's an age old discourse and it can be so easily solved by stating there are many different forms of love, and sometimes fusion is just for power (which is a form of love in-of itself, albeit fucked; the love for power or toxic love) HOWEVER, in many cases, such as Garnet's, it most certainly is about romantic love. so to keep it as brief as possible, thats what we have in mind in this post. it's gay love okay.
now, let's talk about the scene i just captioned. this is from the episode "too far," which is an episode about developing a crush and accidentally hurting them in the process of trying to impress them. (however you want to look at it, but thats how i interpret it) the fact it starts off with casual homophobia is important, coz it shows peridot still has a lot of prejudices despite recently becoming part of the team, which is full of gay people, undeniably.
peridot's redemption arc is partially about coming to terms with your sexuality, retraining your mind from internalized homophobia after being raised in such a homophobic society/household, and becoming proud of your sexuality / identity.
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"you dont understand! im protecting a planet i was once trying to destroy! i used to follow every order - every rule!"
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"now im a traitor! a rebel!"
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sorry i had that joke stored for this analysis since 2019. anyways
i'm going to try to keep this short, but more under the cut.
IM SO BAD at organizing my words so this post is rly hard to make so im gonna do it like this.
being frustrated about joining a lesbian/gay gang
coming from a society where homosexuality is forbidden
telling off your mom by saying youre joining some rebel lesbians/gays to fight her oppressive society
wearing pride flags (stars) everywhere after coming out
looking up to experienced lesbians (Garnet)
the scissoring joke (from "too far." if you know you know)
furthermore, i thought it'd be fair to include peridot learning how to respect how people identify in other ways, such as names / how they prefer to be addressed. this, most of the time, goes hand-in-hand with homophobia.
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peridot, narrating: "he also said he wanted me to stop calling him "the" steven." steven: "its just, steven!" peridot: "i told him i'd call him whatever i want!" [hiss] peridot: "he told me that was rude."
(from the episode "log date 7 15 2")
peridot learns how to respect how people identify. lgbt win
i should add she also eventually learns how to respect Garnet's whole deal in the same episode (log date 7 15 2) which was also a huge moment in her unlearning homophobia. which, btw if you dont know or dont remember, Garnet does by comparing herself to peridot's (assuming) gay ship between Percy and Pierre from Camp Pining Hearts, saying she was the optimized version of herself (the reason peridot "ships" them; theyre the best team logically according to her analysis ship chart)
anyways, now the biggest most obvious point is the fact that peridot actually is gay. i've referred to this episode a few times now, but thats becoz it really is a huge point in proving my 'thesis';
in the episode "too far," peridot is shown to get obsessed with impressing amethyst. peridot experiences something they havent yet up until this point: a crush. i mean, you can interpret it as you wish, but thats how i saw it. the butterflies, the obsession with making someone laugh, the fact peridot states amethyst is objectively the best gem of the crystal gems and emphasizes "damaging her standing with the best gem here" with their apology to amethyst after hurting her feelings.
and um, this.
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sorry im losing any professionalism i started this post with. also this is focusing on early-season / redemption arc peridot which is why its kind of short and is missing stuff from later seasons. i hope this was at least somewhat concise and easy to understand, and i hope yall see my point of view here! feel free to add on (theres SO MUCH its easy for it to skip my mind) if you have any other points youd like to make to support my cause and uprising. love you
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charleslee-valentine · 6 months
Remember my trans Drayton fic?
Well now it’s got a prequel!
dedicating this to @lavenderbones13 who inspired me to pick this back up!
Word count: 3,332
Ship(s): Lefton (Drayton Sawyer x Boude ���Lefty” Enright)
Warnings: period typical (1930s/40s) transphobia and homophobia, implied child abuse, alcohol use, very mild sexual themes, pregnancy.
Lefty can tell his love has a secret.
It started with the fighting. Every advance for intimacy, for gentleness, for a moment to just be in love like they used to, turns into a screaming match. One sided at that.
From the bottom of his heart, Lefty could never fight with his sweetheart of nearly five years. A few more and they’d be getting married, raising kids in their own little corner of the Texas dry lands.
Not at this rate, and that’s Lefty’s biggest fear.
They need to talk about this, before things get out of control. He can’t lose his chance at love like this. Nothing has ever made his heart feel so simultaneously full and fragile.
Come tomorrow, he’s going to bring a ring, and he’s going to beg to fix whatever has gone wrong.
His name is Drayton. He’s not some fucking pretty little girlfriend, baby-makin’ machine. He’s a man, and he demands to be referred to as such.
Drayton had practiced it in his head countless times. Lefty called, said he wanted to see ‘his lover’ again, getting Mama’s blessing to take him out and everything. Would be nice to scare him out his fancy boots, showing up with his hair cut off and his chest pressed flat, but Drayton has hopes using words can get by this time.
He trusts his Lefty. Goddamn it, he does, despite the fear in his bitter heart, and the warning sirens going off in his own mind. Sure he’s pushing Lefty away some, but….
No. No more lies and excuses. Drayton’s going to act his age, act like the goddamn man he is, and face this little problem head on.
And he’ll bring his gun in the truck just in case things go south.
Picking lead outta bodies before preppin’ them ain’t easy, but it’s what he’ll have to do if he’s gonna be hurt, whether he likes that reality or not.
Lefty brought flowers, brought the ring, brought a bottle of the good wine and glasses, even a quilt to lay on the grass. Good old fashioned pic-a-nic under the stars to win his baby back.
All he needs now is-
“My love.”
He’s a little breathless with want when he finally sees his beloved. It’s been too long. His heart can’t take much more distance.
That can’t be good. On last name terms again.
His honey only calls him Enright when somethin’s real wrong.
He’s gotta try to play his cards, gently holding the hands of the love of his life, “Would you come out with me tonight? I miss you.”
The gruff, but tender answer he gets is very much appreciated, “Got nothin’ better to do… thought you’d never ask.”
Halfway through the night, Drayton just bursts, like a beaver dam under far too much pressure. Except it’s his heart snapping into pieces, not no twigs. Only took two glasses full of wine before he was hugging the entire bottle to his chest to take swigs occasionally, crying his eyes out and pissing his dignity down the drain.
Lefty rubs his back, but it ain’t enough to soothe him. Drayton sobs, “Yer gonna leave me. Yer gonna think I’m fuckin’ crazy.”
Another big drink straight from the bottle. He’s never held his alcohol well. Probably already a good bit tipsy.
For his part, Lefty’s reassurance doesn’t falter, promising, “I’d never. Cross my heart.”
“And the rest?” Drayton asks for more, selfishly, hoping to extinguish the pain in his heart.
“Hope to die and everything, honey.” Lefty cooperates, only to give Drayton’s cheek a gentle kiss, and beg real quietly, “Jus’ tell me what’s wrong, lover. We can fix it.”
Something about that choice of words makes a crack in his soul. Ignites a deep insecurity inside himself nobody quite knows of.
“No. No, I’m not broken, Boude. There’s no fixin’ to be done”
“Alright. Well can I at least know the problem I’m dealin’ with, so’s I know how to address it?” Lefty patiently prompts.
Drayton drinks half of what’s left in the bottle in one swig. Popping off it, he shakes his head, terrified, unable to drown this unease, “I…. Boude- I cant-“
“Take your time. Breathe, partner.” Lefty soothes again, pulling Drayton softly back to lean into his chest.
He strokes his arms, like he’s trying to warm him up, and maybe he is. Maybe this is Draytons final act before his heart gives out from all these emotions and he goes dead cold. Nah. His heart’s still beating too fast for that. Drayton gains the courage to speak, “You said you’d stick with me through anythin’.”
“That I did.”
“Would that include if I changed my name?”
A pause. “What’s wrong with E-“
“Stop. I’m not done.” Drayton interrupts, so tired of that old way of referring to him, that he explains all at once, “I don’t want to just change my name. I want to change my clothes too. And my hair. And my body. And the way you call me. I-I want to change.. my sex, Boude. I ain’t no woman.”
“Could you.. explain that?” Lefty prompts. Drayton starts to pull away, he’s scared that Lefty’s question is a trap, a way to make him detail every emotional detail he has. But Lefty holds him close through it, “No honey I just, I don’t know what you mean. Please..”
So Drayton takes one more drink, and just lets the floodgates go, rambling on, “It’s not like I understand it much. It’s some curse. Like I was.. born all mixed up or somethin’. My soul must’ve swapped with somebody else’s. Maybe one of Mama’s stillborns-“
“You don’t feel like yourself?” Lefty tries.
Now he’s starting to get frustrated, walking someone else through what he already knows, “What the hell do you think? Drayton is a man’s name, and Drayton is me!”
“Honey. Drayton. You do understand that, what you’re fixin’ to do-“
“Is liable to get me killed. Of course I know! But if that’s what’s gonna happen then goddammit just finish me off now.”
“You know I would never.” Lefty sounds real stern, a little hurt he’d even suggest it. Clearing up that confusion comes from his long-winded declaration next, “My love. Remember when you told me, you didn’t like your weight, or your frizzy hair, or your crooked teeth? That you wasn’t good enough for me?”
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Drayton mumbles sourly, turning to finally face Lefty instead of leaning his back against him.
Warm, blue eyes stare right back into his own. Intense and vulnerable and just plain loving. Drayton has to look down.
“That I told you I’m connected with your soul. Your body, sure I love it, and I love you, but it’s not up to me. Our love was written in the creation of this very universe. God meant us to be together. No matter what form you take. Drayton Sawyer.” Lefty sounds a lot like his preacher father talking that way, ranting at him. That’s a sign of how seriously he feels.
Somehow his confidence allows Drayton to let all his heart-achin’ show, “I can't go through with it.”
“I’ll help you, darlin-“ Lefty starts, but he’s cut off.
Drayton’s voice wobbles with his tears and the burn of alcohol, “Don’t you understand? If I’m a man, and I start lookin’ like one, we can’t be together!”
“On our own time, we can be. Nobody has to know. To the public, we’ll be friends still, but-“
“Boude. I can’t ask that of you. You’re always.. always kissin’ on me, holding my hands. Hiding your affection, it’s not-“
Lefty cups his face. Resumes the eye contact, starin’ into his eyes in a way that’s bordering on manic.
“Not going to break us. Never. Nothing can get in our way, you hear me?”
Drayton nods softly, sniffling to stop the tears that wanna fall, “But-“
“No more. I wanna help you. We’ll get you sorted and lookin’ yourself more like Drayton, yeah?” Lefty tries to cheer him up.
Drayton has a realization instead, color draining out of his face, “My mama’s gonna kill me.“
It’s not likely, but there was always the chance. Mama Sawyer done a lot of good by her son, and a lot of bad too. Namely, kicking him out a few times to have the house to herself and her ever-changing beau, forcing him to work since childhood. The woman didn’t want a child, she wanted a maid. But she could be kind when she needed to be. Sure, she’d hurt him, but she’d never abandon him, never do away with his life.
Lefty’s opinion of the woman is as low as low. His tone is barely subdued anger, “As if she’ll even notice. That woman is colder than hell frozen over. Never pays you enough mind, never has.”
“That’s my mother you’re talkin’ ‘bout.” Drayton warns softly. No matter how much he agrees, it’s never easy to hear that somebody from the outside can tell things ain’t happy-go-lucky.
It’s probably Lefty’s determination, as evidenced by his dedication to arguing this, “Exactly. And she’s never ought been a mother to ya.”
That gets Drayton a little defensive, “Funny. It’s your parents we’ll be hidin’ from. It’s mama told me I could bring home man or woman, so long as there’d be no love child sprung.”
Meanwhile, Lefty’s parents are the ones who sat the couple down and threatened to not let them see one another if they suspected them of pre-marital scex. They’re the folks that made Drayton kneel and pray at their hearth for God’s approval to date their child.
As much as Lefty can’t stand Mama Sawyer, Drayton can’t stand the Enright parents neither.
Apparently, Lefty agrees, “So they’re both shit. That leaves just us. Just you and me, Drayton.”
Huh. How about that.
Drayton finally puts down the bottle, realizing there’s no more than a sip or two left. His face is flushed, an unholy combination of alcohol and affection. The only thing warmer than his skin is a fond flame burning right in the center of his chest.
“You can stop sayin’ my name so much.” He attempts to get some space from the big feelings.
Lefty showers him in compliments instead, because of course he does, “I like it. It suits you. Better than E-“
Drayton puts a stop to that. “Well if you’re so damn obsessed, the old one dies, alright? No more calling me by that name.”
“Alright.” Lefty agrees, until he thinks of some extenuating circumstance, “Not even-“
“No. Never. If you goin’ through with all this, you’re gonna take me as is. And that ain’t her. She’s gone, Enright. You hear?” Drayton hides the quiver is his voice, by dropping it a pitch or two. It’ll help to have that skill later on anyhow.
“Yes sir.”
“Can I kiss-“
Drayton interrupts his twiddling about. No more words for now. No more questions especially. He’s sick of words. He wants feelings.
The kiss ain’t some dainty thing. Drayton cups Lefty’s face and guides him as close as two bodies can press, lips connected all the while. They’ve never made as much contact as here now, laying under the stars, all tangled up, kissing as deep and as furious as the bounds of their love.
Guilt is what stops it. Not only over the sinful (clothed. painfully modest) touching. Lefty looks blank-faced as he pulls back with another realization, “Drayton. Man ain’t supposed to lie with another man-“
Drayton throws his head back in frustration with it all, “Oh, hush. Man ain’t supposed to lie with nobody til he’s married. What’s it matter ‘til then? So long as you ain’t tryin’ to get hitched, we're square.”
The air sorta freezes up. Lefty shifts away, sitting them both up, “Well, actually…”
“Boude, you weren’t-“ Drayton looks furious. Don’t feel it.
Lefty thinks it’s best to just get it out there before he can start to regret, “I was… In a moment of desperation I… thought it’d be a good idea. I thought it might rekindle things and I… I love you. So I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
Except there’s one glaring problem now that Drayton is about to be outwardly himself, “It won’t be legal.”
“I know. I know that. I’ll put it away.” Lefty says, with the demeanor of a scorned child. Embarrassed. Cute.
Now, Drayton ain’t exactly eager to be legally bound to anybody, but he don’t like the way he can feel the hurt coming from his boy. He thinks of some distraction,
“What gem?”
“What’s the stone?”
Lefty eyes him wearily, trying to interpret the meaning of his question, “A tiger’s eye. It’s for good luck.”
“That’s not.. too frilly. I-I wouldn’t mind-“ Drayton can feel his face has gone beet red.
Worth it for the way Lefty lights up. He produces the tiny crushed velvet box again,
“You wanna wear it?”
“Strictly for purpose of holding you accountable.” Drayton lies.
He wants to wear cause it’ll feel nice. Serve as a reminder that he’s wanted at least somewhere in the world. Not that it’ll be easy. That reminder gonna be noticed by somebody else soon enough.
And then they’ll be in for a world of trouble.
“Here, my love.” Lefty offers it up, when Drayton reaches for the ring insisting on putting it in for him. Two fingers down from where an actual wedding band would go. A promise ring. “I sized it from.. the little ring you gave me. Well actually, you left it over once, but-“
Drayton isn’t listening. He’s staring, fascinated, at the square cut stone inlaid in thin braided silver. “I’m keepin’ this. You realize that.”
“Yessir.” Lefty just chuckles at him.
Makes Drayton suddenly feel vulnerable, like Lefty’s got some kind of power over him he should know about, “And you’re alright with it? Bein’ promised to a.. a-“
A gentle hand on both his arms, Lefty stops him there, “Don’t say whatever you’re about to say. It wa’nt gonna be nice. I don’t want you talkin’ that way.”
“I’ll talk as I please.”
“It’ll be hard enough without you bein’ against your own self. Don’t do that. If I love you, and you love yourself, and you love me, then we can’t go wrong.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Lefty sighs, frustrated with his stubbornness after dealing with it so much, and rubs at his eyes, “Drayton.”
“What?” Drayton asks too quickly. Here it comes lord. Everything before now was the calm before the storm.
Except, he should know better. Lefty was getting irritated with the arguin’, sure, but all he’s got to inform him of is “Nothin’. I just like sayin’ it.”
Drayton huffs, the tiniest hint of playfulness showing through after the innocent misunderstanding, “Well that’s enough. You’re wearing it out already.”
“Mhm.” Lefty hums.
Still close, Lefty presses a delicate kiss to Drayton’s forehead, noticing, with his hand placed in his hair, a pin holding the style up. Unexpectedly, he removes it, letting medium length waves, dark as the midnight sky, topple everywhere.
For Drayton, being seen with his hair down might as well be like going in public in just his britches or less. His face is probably doubly as bright red as before.
Lefty just wanted a look, a question on his mind, “How short you thinkin’?”
“I want it all off. Clipped short as you can get it without bein’ a flattop.” Drayton admits.
Lefty seems to consider it, maybe imagining what his partner will look like that way, before he affirms, “I can do that. How ‘bout a change of clothes too? The hair, I don’t think it’ll match this stuffy old dress, hm?”
Drayton vaguely motions to his chest, the very obvious difference between their shirt sizes in that area, “I won’t fit in your clothes.”
“Sure, not yet. We’ll figure somethin’ out though. You gotta give this time.” Something tells him Lefty ain’t just talking about chest tape. Definitely not when he says dreamily, “Afterall, we got all of it in the damn world.”
“If you’re trickin’ me-“ Drayton starts, eyes narrowed.
But Lefty is quicker, “I’m not. I love you, Drayton Sawyer.”
“Fine. But you’re not gettin’ no love ‘til I’m sure you mean it.” See, that’s partly a lie, because as soon as he says it he kisses him. What he really means is he’s not puttin’ out, which they already agreed upon, and that he’s too overwhelmed with all the other things goin’ on to say the words. Love. But he’ll show it, even if he can’t say it back. He’ll hold out his hand and comment, “‘Preciate the ring. Jus’ don’t make me mad or I’ll hock it in an instant.”
“You wouldn’t... Would ya?” Lefty eyes him skeptically.
Some reason, Drayton just howls with laughter, “Awh, hell no. You keepin’ me, ‘n I’m keepin’ this ring.”
“It suits you.”
“Hey. Wait ‘til you see it with the real me.”
“Sure, sure. But I gotta feeling I’m gonna like it either way.”
That boy is helplessly, head over heels, throw all common sense out the window in love.
Drayton teases him about it a bit, “Funny. I got that feelin’ too, lover boy.”
Lefty eventually takes him home to sleep off the alcohol around two or three in the morning, but sure as sin the next day they’re gettin’ Drayton gussied up to look like himself. The Enright’s bathroom’s a right mess, but it’s worth it, to see a genuine Drayton Sawyer smile. Showing buck-teeth and all, not some bashful little thing.
The fears they had was true. Once word got out, Ma and Pa Enright forbade, strictly outlawed, really, that the boys even see one another, unless it was for business. Trading meat and produce and such. Lucky for them, nobody ever caught on they was lying about how often those trading expeditions was needed.
That and nobody knew their spot. Follow the creek down from the watering hole long enough, and you’d find the far away clearing they’d had that date in. Every week, sometimes several times, they’d both sneak out of their respective homes and head out that way. But nobody never did follow. Moonlight as their guide, they were untouchable. For years they was.
Still no official wedding in sight, it’d be nearly twice the time since they got together come the end of that year. Almost a decade, they decided, was enough time that they might as well be unionized by somethin’.
The body, the the blood, the soul. Man lyin’ with man, and all that. Drayton would call it plainly what it is without reserve, but Lefty doesn’t have it in him to admit he’s planning a sin.
Especially with a man who at least is starting to be recognized as such now ‘at the Muerto County population’s shifting a little younger, a little less familiar with the person Drayton used to be. Neighborhood kids move away, families sell their farms, bosses die in equipment accidents, and suddenly every day isn’t quite as unsure, and the townsfolk are calling him by his chosen name.
Blame all that for the lapse in judgment that gets Drayton lyin’ on his back when Mama goes outta town, Grandpa gets called in, and suddenly they got the house to themselves.
“Slow your roll, cowboy. Jesus...”
“I-Is that s’posed to happen?”
“Alright, get the hell off and let me do this-“
How was either of them s’pose to know that one time was all it took! They was set up to fail!
Looking back now, as soon as it was over he thinks he knew. Paranoia or not, he’d felt somethin’ that night, and now goddamit he’s three months along. Half the time as Mama. A whole third of the way through.
Damn it all to hell.
They’re going to have a baby. Drayton’s gonna be sick-
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salemshotspot · 3 months
Gold Dust x Roddy Piper
Song Fic
DESC: Roddy can't stand to see Dustin in love with somebody that isn't him but he also can't admit his feelings to himself
WARNINGS: Alcohol Mentions//Mentions Of Being Drunk//Angst//Internalised Homophobia//Arguments//Characters Acting Out Of Character//Not Proof Read//Self-Hatred//Generic Pet Names//Not A Completely Happy Ending
RED >> Song Lyrics
A/N >> Some of the song lyrics are changed ever so slightly to make grammatical sense :)
TAGS: @prettyboymichaels-ao3
Roddy Piper had just won the intercontinental Championship Belt and he couldn't be more happy as the referee handed him the belt which he clutched tightly in his hands as the crowd cheered for him. Once the crowd's cheers died down and he made his way backstage he couldn't help but become overwhelmed by a subtle sadness knowing he couldn't celebrate with the one man he wanted with him right now.
Determined to thoroughly enjoy his win Roddy went straight from the arena to a local bar which he frequented after work. As the hours ticked by and the whiskey he was drinking seeped into his blood stream Roddy sighed looking down at his watch which read ‘2am’; ‘it’s time to go home’ he thought to himself.
As he stumbled out of the bar into the back of a taxi Roddy’s mind began to wander again, he couldn’t help it, all he wanted in his drunk state was Dustin, he wanted Dustin to hold him in his arms, he wanted to allow himself to love Dustin the way he deserved. But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. Roddy Piper could never, sober, admit to himself that the person he loved so deeply was a man.
The way Roddy's drunken mind was clouded by thoughts of regret and conflictions stopped him realising he had finally arrived home, pulling him from his thoughts the taxi driver cleared his throat, exhaustedly declaring 'you're here mate.' Rapidly blinking, almost dazed by the weight of his reality setting in, Roddy muttered a half-lucid 'thanks' as he pulled some loose change from his pocket to pay the driver for the ride home.
As he made his way back into his depressingly empty house his mind was certain the best thing to do right now was to go to bed but while he was rationalising to himself why he needed to go to bed, his heart willed his legs to walk to the living room, willed his hands to pick up the phone and dial the only number he ever bothered to remember.
Each ring of the phone echoed through the empty house, each ring feeling increasingly longer than the last. After what felt like hours there was a subtle click as the phone was answered, Roddy's heart swelled in his chest as he heard Dustin's half-asleep voice down the phone; 'hello?' Dustin managed to mumble out as he yawned softly. There was something about Dustin's voice, his mere presence alone, which grounded Roddy, which in an instant stopped his head from spinning and his mind from spiralling. Although Roddy was happy Dustin had answered, the alcohol festering in his bloodstream made it impossible to repress his vulnerability, suddenly filled with guilt, Roddy uncharacteristically muttered a swift 'sorry' before aggressively slamming the phone down, ending the call.
After about twenty minutes of a drunken, self-loathing internal monologue Roddy heard a gentle yet impatient knock on his front door. Confused as to who could be knocking on his door in the dead of the night, Roddy apprehensively made his way over to the door and slowly pulled it open, revealing a very tired, very annoyed Dustin. Unable to hide his excitement Roddy practically fell forward into the arms of the man at his door. The one sided hug was short lived as Dustin placed a firm grip on Roddy's shoulders and pushed him away from his chest, keeping his hands on his shoulders as he looked the man up and down in order to check if he seemed ok.
Dustin stepped into Roddy's house as Roddy frowned questioning 'why are you here?' and without looking back at the man still swaying near the door Dustin replied in an uncharacteristically monotone voice; 'you called me up sounding drunk in the middle of the night', he paused for a second, 'I couldn't get back to sleep without making sure you're ok.' Following Dustin back into the living room Roddy responded to the man's concerns with internalised malice; 'I don't understand why you care, I'm nothing but cruel to you Dustin', he voice softened, 'you deserve better.'
Seeing Roddy so vulnerable felt alien to Dustin, he only ever saw him like this while he was drunk and it hurt Dustin in ways he couldn't even begin to verbalise; 'you're right' he began almost coldly, 'I do deserve better' and with denial in his voice he continued; 'I have better Roddy, I have Marlena, at least she has the decency to care about me while she's sober.' Before Roddy could come up with a reason as to why he can't seem to love anybody without hurting them Dustin sighed and walked towards the door, 'now I know you're ok I'm going home Roddy, goodnight.'
The sight of Dustin leaving caused Roddy's entire being to panic, tears immediately pooling in his eyes; 'Dustin' he choked out, causing Dustin to meet his eyes and almost pleaded, knowing he loved him too much to see him in pain, 'please don't do this Roddy.' Unable to stop the tears forming in his eyes Roddy weakly responded as tears began to slowly fall from his eyes and almost poetically settled on his cheeks, 'please don't make me stay alone tonight Dustin', he paused briefly, 'I need you.'
As Roddy began to cry Dustin's demeanour softened as he sighed and walked back over to the man, cupping his face in his hands; 'shh you're ok, I'm not leaving you' he cooed as he used the pad of his thumb to wipe a stray tear from the man's face. He led Roddy to the couch and sat with him under his arm, silently kicking himself as he had promised himself he wouldn't keep doing this. As Roddy continued to cry Dustin kissed him on the head, whispering into his ear, attempting to calm and ground him enough to bring him back to the conversation at hand; 'Roddy sweetheart look at me' he began, smiling softly in an attempt to bring comfort to the man in his arms 'you're my baby say it to me.' The security of Dustin's words began grounding Roddy as he mumbled into his chest 'I'm your baby?' he began 'if I'm your baby then you should tell your baby that I'm your baby.'
Dustin sadly chuckled at Roddy's request and soothingly rubbed his arm; 'you know I want nothing more than to tell the world that you're the one I love Roddy but I can't do that until you're ready to admit to yourself that that's what you want.'
When Roddy didn't answer Dustin looked down and realised Roddy had fell asleep, he always slept best when he fell asleep in Dustin's arms, Dustin sighed and muttered to himself 'why do I bet on losing dogs, it's like I know they're losing yet I'll happily pay for my place by the ring where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down.' Although he was self aware Dustin couldn't bring himself to quit Roddy, he smiled looking down at his sleeping form and whispered 'I'll be there on your side, I'm losing by your side forever and always.'
Painfully aware that this moment couldn't last forever Dustin placed one last kiss on Roddy's forehead and quietly left, knowing if Roddy woke up in his arms while sober he'd probably freak out.
Once Dustin got home he prayed to whatever higher power is really out there, he prayed, he begged, he pleaded that one day Roddy would be able to be his without the secrecy and guilt which came with the current state of their relationship.
A/N >> Not the best but I hope it was at least partly enjoyable! Drop writing requests in my inbox :)
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sasukesun · 2 years
I always stay far away from m/f shippers (from any fandom) because they always sound so entitled. I saw one saying that the mc and his best friend (who clearly has romantic feelings for him) have more proof of their love because it sells but at the end of the day the MC will end up with the girl and they will win.
If the target audience is straight young boys, the MC having romantic chemistry with his best friend cant be a marketing strategy. Also, it's horrible how they celebrate the existence of heteronormativity/homophobia to validate their ships.
I am really tired of anime/manga fandoms, sometimes I just want to quit but I remember that real life is as horrible so I try to create a safe space for myself by avoiding those kind of people and their ships.
Unrelated to ships but I watched a video about the creator of Pokemon and how the industry mentally abused him by not letting him express his ideas for the franchise he himself created. They would always censor him and his creativity. Did you know he hated the main character? He wanted him to grow and realized that chasing pokemon was bad? That pokemon should be free? But editors wouldnt let him do it. It made me think of Kishimoto and wtf they did to his story and SNS. Messing with an artist's work is like messing with his heart. A piece of art is an artist's baby.
you explained it so well. for real, how the main character, who is usually a self insert to guys, having chemistry with his male best friend is a marketing strategy? just see how many men are uncomfortable and in denial with naruto and sasuke’s bond. they are the target audience and yet they think naruto having a panic attack at the thought of losing sasuke is too much. i’m not saying everybody will be against it or deny it, my male friends themselves say naruto and sasuke are gay and we joke about it but they don’t actually make fun of them being gay as if it’s comic or something, just like we do here on tumblr a “haha how can they be so gay” way, because it’s obvious and yet people crazily deny it.
those m/f shippers can pick on the homoeroticism and even admit the characters have chemistry, which honestly it’s a good reason to ship a pairing and yet they still choose pairings with no chemistry just because “they have more chances of being canon” or whatever. like yeah i’d would love to see my pairings being canon (if they end up happy obviously, like imagine getting “canon” but they end up like ss/nh, no thank you) but damn i’m not shipping according to that, chemistry and love and mutual feelings will always be above, you’re falling in love with their love. and yes, they celebrate homophobia because they acknowledge the gay pairing has chemistry and work well together and love each other and yet they are okay with them not ending up together simply because they are gay, they root against it because they know gay pairings don’t stand a chance in heteronormativity and their mediocre cishet couple is cishet so it’s okay even if they have nothing, he was a boy she was a girl i can’t make it more obvious 🙄 ss/nh shippers screaming at the top of their lungs “SS/NH IS CANON WE WIN” so fucking what? when the girls are still unwanted, when the pairings still have no chemistry… but yeah go celebrate the existence of them for the sake of a sequel with ugly kids i guess
what you said in the last paragraph… it makes sense kishimoto wrote a lot of things out of spite, yes he is a sold out, but he still couldn’t let the series go how he wanted sometimes, he had editors that didn’t want him to publish certain things… such as reverse harem no jutsu, this is just an example that we know of, imagine the ones that we don’t. and kishimoto himself said a lot of his ideas were unshonen, but he was publishing for a shonen magazine so it’s obvious a lot of what he had in mind didn’t happen
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bathtimeboy · 2 years
what would be your ideal joshler fic prompt/prompts? :3c
I have a ton of random ideas. Some are vague and some are specific, idk if they count as prompts.
prompts/ ideas
I'd like to explore or see someone explore on the idea that Josh gets along with everybody but Tyler only gets along with a few people at a time.
I like LGBT self discovery fics. like internalized homophobia stuff turning into confessing to each other. Or gender discovery. I know that's not popular with some people but it's my thing I guess, when the homophobia's not too triggering.
Tyler being nonbinary/trans. Having different pronouns.
I've read a few good fics about either Josh or Tyler being women, or both and what differences that makes. Like, Tyler shaving her head gets a different reaction when a woman does it ya feel.
Stuff themed around religion or cults. Bonus points for sexuality or romance as a spiritual event.
(note I remember a very old fic about Tyler being a pentacostal preacher at an Appalachian snake church. (the churches that handle venomous snakes in worship). It was unfinished but I still adore the concept.)
Song fics, like based around a song, or the writing of that song.
Josh and Tyler's ambitious natures.
Tyler's competitive nature. That he hates losing more than he loves winning.
Generally, fics about touring or performances.
Fics about their feelings towards fans and that relationship.
Regional at Best / Early Days !!!!! Especially early romantic stuff. The whole concept of the early band is so romantic.
Or, fics about an established relationship that they've had since RAB and how that fits in their lives now.
I tend towards poly fics where they're still with their wives as well as each other. I like the idea that they are partners in a different sense.
Tyler being in control.
Josh being. josh. sexy, passionate, romantic. I think he gives good head. I feel like Josh could still do things that surprise Tyler by how loving he is.
Alternatively, Tyler submissive. Like knowing what we know about Tyler and how he acts commanding and dominant, in what situations would he desire to submit?
If Josh is domming then I like him guiding and caring - like it's an act of service to him and service is an act of love.
Tyler showing off sexually, being desired, being slutty and playful.
Josh being a puppy/pet.
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"Being queer is not about a right to privacy; it is about the freedom to be public, to just be who we are. It means everyday fighting oppression; homophobia, racism, misogyny, the bigotry of religious hypocrites and our own self-hatred. (We have been carefully taught to hate ourselves.) And now of course it means fighting a virus as well, and all those homohaters who are using AIDS to wipe us off the face of the earth. Being queer means leading a different sort of life. It's not about the mainstream, profit-margins, patriotism, patriarchy or being assimilated. It's not about executive directors, privilege and elitism. It's about being on the margins, defining ourselves; it's about gender-fuck and secrets, what's beneath the belt and deep inside the heart; it's about the night. Being queer is "grass roots" because we know that everyone of us, every body, every cunt, every heart and ass and dick is a world of pleasure waiting to be explored. Everyone of us is a world of infinite possibility. We are an army because we have to be. We are an army because we are so powerful. (We have so much to fight for; we are the most precious of endangered species.) And we are an army of lovers because it is we who know what love is. Desire and lust, too. We invented them. We come out of the closet, face the rejection of society, face firing squads, just to love each other! Every time we fuck, we win. We must fight for ourselves (no one else is going to do it) and if in that process we bring greater freedom to the world at large then great. (We've given so much to that world: democracy, all the arts, the concepts of love, philosophy and the soul, to name just a few gifts from our ancient Greek Dykes, Fags.) Let's make every space a Lesbian and Gay space. Every street a part of our sexual geography. A city of yearning and then total satisfaction. A city and a country where we can be safe and free and more. We must look at our lives and see what's best in them, see what is queer and what is straight and let that straight chaff fall away! Remember there is so, so little time. And I want to be a lover of each and every one of you. Next year, we march naked."
"AN ARMY OF LOVERS CANNOT LOSE", from “QUEERS READ THIS”, a leaflet by anonymous authors distributed at the June 1990 Pride march in New York City. 
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hellimagines · 4 years
billy hargrove m.list
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*=smut x=romantic pairing &=platonic/family pairing
One Shots
Not A Big Deal* 
--best friend!billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: you and billy have been best friends for a while, but when he comes over unexpectedly, things change. ✦ warnings: smut, oral sex (male receiving), shower sex ✦ word count: 3,000+
Proof of Caring*
--billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: billy wants to prove to you how much he cares about you, and how much he’s changed. ✦ warnings: sexual content, oral sex (female receiving), injuries ✦ word count: 2,000+
--billy hargrove x fem!harrington!reader, brother!steve harrington & sister!reader ✦ summary: after finding out you’re pregnant, you have to tell the two most important people in your life, your brother and your boyfriend, who just so happen to hate one another. ✦ warnings: angst, pregnancy, smut, soft sex, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 2,000+
Worth My Time*
--billy hargrove x fem!wheeler!reader ✦ summary: when a certain blond interrupts your bath, it’s safe to say you’re a little mad. ✦ warnings: sexual content, groping, hints towards sex ✦ word count: 1,000+
Alright, Baby
--billy hargrove x thick!fem!reader ✦ summary: it’s a hot day in hawkins, and when a guy decides he likes what you’re wearing, things take a turn for the worse. ✦ warnings: attempted sexual assault, unsolicited sexual comments, unsolicited groping/touching, violence, injuries, angst, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
Only You
--billy hargrove x fem!reader, best friend!steve harrington x unrequited!fem!reader ✦ summary: billy thinks you’re cheating on him with your best friend, steve. ✦ warnings: angst, cheating accusations, unrequited love, hurt with eventual comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
Pop Tart
--billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: you and billy grow close after you move to hawkins, and after the two of you have a fight, feelings are finally revealed. ✦ warnings: slight angst, little hurt and lots of comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
--billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: after working as a lifeguard for three years, you’re pleased to see a new body joining your staff. ✦ warnings: flirting ✦ word count: 1,000+
Remember I’m Here For You
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: things haven’t been going so great for you lately, and your boyfriend has picked up on it. ✦ warnings: angst, depression, self-doubt, ptsd, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
I’ll Always Think Of You 
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x male!reader ✦ summary: billy is powerless as he watches his worst nightmare come true. ✦ warnings: angst, violence, abuse, homophobia, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ fwb!billy hargrove x fwb!fem!reader ✦ summary: your arrangement with billy hargrove was strictly no-strings-attached, but everyone knows that never actually happens. ✦ warnings: fwb, smut, oral sex (female receiving), marking, angst, hurt&comfort, jealousy ✦ word count: 3,000+
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader, billy hargrove & max mayfield ✦ summary: billy wanted nothing more than to let you in, to let you know him. you were the only one who didn’t make him feel as though he was already gone. ✦ warnings: angst, mental illness, mentions of abuse, fighting, injuries, insecurities, hella hurt and hella comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
Personal Bodyguard
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader, fem!reader & the party ✦ summary: you work at the local arcade, and your little gang of middle-school customers finds out who your personal bodyguard is. ✦ warnings: fluff, comedy, intimidation ✦ word count: 1,000+
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader, best friend!jonathan byers & fem!reader ✦ summary: billy gets upset with how much time you spend with your best friend, jonathan. ✦ warnings: jealousy, insecurity, angst, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
De-escalate the Situation 
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader, fem!reader & max mayfield ✦ summary: billy brings you along to help find his sister, and when his anger gets the best of him, you’re the only one capable of calming him down; but then the demodogs attack. ✦ warnings: fighting, violence, injuries, hints of abuse, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 2,000+
Number 28*
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: billy doesn’t like the way you watch number 28 run down the field. ✦ warnings: smut, rough sex, daddy kink, choking, spaking, orgasm denial, hints of dom/sub, oral sex (female&male receiving), degradation, praise, begging, aftercare, jealousy ✦ word count: 3,000+
Taking a Break*
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: billy helps you relax after some intense studying. ✦ warnings: stress, smut, gentle sex ✦ word count: 1000+
Re-Write (incomplete)
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader, platonic!steve harrington & fem!reader ✦ summary: you follow steve to help with dustin’s demogorgon issue, but billy shows up once you get to the byers. ✦ warnings: violence, shit-talking ✦ word count: 4,000+
Win or Lose
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: you find billy injured due to his dad once again, and your parents offer him a sanctuary. ✦ warnings: child abuse, injuries, angst, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
Don’t Worry About It
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ best friend!billy hargrove x fem!reader, original male character x fem!reader ✦ summary: your boyfriend doesn’t like how close you and billy are, and billy finally understands why he’s never liked the guy. ✦ warnings: angst, domestic abuse, violence, fighting, injuries, toxic relationship, hurt&comfort ✦ word count: 1,000+
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Us (Part Two)
--billy hargrove x fem!harrington!reader, brother!steve harrington & sister!reader ✦ summary: after your daughter is born, you share a couple of minutes with the people you care about. ✦ warnings: fluff, babies ✦ word count: drabble, 400+
Pastel vs Leather
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: billy picks you up from school, surprising everyone with your relationship. ✦ warnings: fluff ✦ word count: drabble, 700+
--posted on @imagineaworlds ✦ billy hargrove x fem!reader ✦ summary: billy wakes you up in the morning with sweet smiles and soft kisses. ✦ warnings: fluff, soft, gentle, domestic ✦ word count: drabble, 300+
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Caught in Your Eyes masterlist
--cross-posted on @imagineaworlds and @hellimagines ✦ best friend!billy hargrove x fem!reader, best friend!original male characters & fem!reader, billy hargrove & original male characters ✦ summary: you’re the new girl in town and have immediately befriended three misfit boys as well as the aggressive lonewolf, billy hargrove. ✦ warnings: angst, hurt&comfort, fighting, violence, injuries, homophobia, drug use, toxic family, fluff, banter, found family, slow build ✦ word count: eleven chapters, 35K+
Starlight Saviour (Teaser) | Chapter One | Chapter Two | (on hiatus)
--billy hargrove x fem!harrington!reader, brother!steve harrington & sister!reader ✦ summary: you’re there the night billy gets taken over by the mind flayer. ✦ warnings: angst, thriller, monsters, hurt&comfort, car crash, injuries, mind flayer being a creep, venom-esque vibes ✦ word count: 4,000+
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return to stranger things m.list
return to m.list
return to navi
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cranberrykissel · 3 years
Alex at St Bartleby's au | no fairies au
that I'll probably never get to write so. There's a plot sketch. Feel free to do anything with it.
->Alex Rider gets send to St. Bartleby's undercover to inquire Artemis Fowl II about Artemis Sr.'s plans, who seemingly faked his own death and continues to operate
->he has no idea that Artemis is a criminal mastermind and has been the one behind every Fowls' shady bussiness for few years now
->Alex is aware of Artemis' intelligence but thinks of him as harmless loner, and tries to befriend him to gain information. You know how wrong he is.
->They spend a few weeks/months together at school before artemis even looks at Alex. They have to do one of these group school projects Artemis despises so much. He manages to piss him off so much Artemis can't stand it anymore and has to speak up about how annoying Alex is.
->They quickly discover their true intentions from there. 'This idiot is a spy? Hilarious'/'Wise guy's the real villain? Please' and 'Yeah, I'll show this guy what I'm capable of.'
->It not that they fight all the time. They compete in getting to know each other's deepest secret. The main goal is to make the other person trust them. Convinced that the other person has no idea they are being manipulated... they both confess a lot about their families, fears and problems. (Strangers to enemies, to friends(to lovers?))
->They pretend to be interested in each other to mess with their 'opponent'. Their competition to win the favor of the latter quickly turns into a passive-aggressive flirtation. No, they don't notice, as a rule.
->Things start escalating and boom! the whole school think they're dating. Instead of breaking the rumor, Artemis makes a detailed lecture about LGBTQ community and why homophobia and/or transphobia is stupid. This is probably a lightbulb moment for Alex, who he finds himself staring the whole time.
->They're sort of dating. Not sure when it started but it's not as anything has changed except official status. Physical contact isn't for them, and they have to remember that this isn't real: they both have their respective motives. They don't kiss nor hold hands, cuddle, nope. More like spending evenings in school library, appearing at Alex's every game, solving riddles together, helping in class, as a love language. Not that Alex wouldn't like a kiss, but he respects Artemis' boundaries.
->Artemis Sr? Probably dead. Or... Artemis learns about his whereabouts and is ready to risk everything in order to find him. He breaks and asks Alex for help. And Alex? No way he would refuse. He knows how it feels to lose someone so important.
->The whole 'spy and criminal' conflict of interests be damned. Friends come first.
tags if it was ao3: enemies to friends to lovers?, or are they queerplatonic, it's up to interpretation, mutual pining, slowburn, idiots to lovers, banter, personal growth, self-discovery, trust issues, bisexual alex rider, asexual demiromantic artemis fowl, past child neglect, mentions of canon-typical violence, identity issues, mild discussions of trauma, but mostly fluff, except they have to go to the therapy after they end their own arctic incident, etc
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🔥 Episode 26 | Flintwood is live!! 🔥
Marcus Flint / Oliver Wood
We were SO excited to record this episode! Flintwood is the Megs and Nathan bestie origin story! After Nathan podficced one of Megs' Flintwood fics, our obsession with the ship (and each other) began!!
We are FIRMLY of the belief that this is coded as a canon ship because, well, Flint and Wood makes what? FIRE!! Obviously!
📚 Fanfic Mentions / Recs
Destroy Me by Drarry_Quite_Contrary ( @greenmegsnoham )
Original Text | Podfic by Nathan
Flintwood | E | 2.5k | Hogwarts sixth year, teasing, pining, mutual masturbation, quidditch locker room shower shenanigans
This was their year. Gryffindor would win the Quidditch Cup. If only Oliver could just get Marcus Flint out of his head.
Nothing Left to Lose by immortalbanner*
*We will be discussing this fic in episode 27, so make sure to give it a read!
Flintwood | M | 66k | post-war, formal rivals to fwb to lovers, angst with a happy ending, smut, switching, falling in love, cw: self-worth issues, ptsd / panic attacks / trauma, homophobia
Oliver Wood is living his dream as the starting Keeper for Puddlemere United. He also just broke up with the man he'd been with for six years. He's lost, and doesn't know where to turn after spending so much time with someone who took every opportunity to mock his one true passion. But he's also the only person he trusted with demons that had been haunting him for years.
Marcus Flint has never slept with the same man twice. He wouldn't know what would disappoint his parents more, him sleeping with men when they wanted him to settle down with a pureblood woman or that all those men have been muggles. But Marcus is a man who would prefer to keep his encounters with men who were easy to shake off.
It has been six year since those former rivals had so much given the other a thought. But when they have a by chance encounter when they're both at their most vulnerable, they develop a relationship neither would have imagined in their teenage years.
Marcus and Oliver find that the other may be a place of trust, love, and emotional vulnerability. Things neither of them had ever been good at.
Your feet above the ground by @phantomato
Flintwood | E | 10k | Hogwarts years, bodyswap, fluff, masturbation, smut
And if he’d attended potions, and couldn’t remember anything, and was now groggy and prone in front of multiple professors in the Hogwarts infirmary, that could only mean one thing: potions accident.
🪵 Affiliate Links
Make sure to check out the @wood-you-rather-challenge for your Oliver Wood fix! We hope to see some more Flintwood!!
Challenge Info & Prompt Cards Post
Be sure to connect with us on other platforms! website | twitter | instagram | leave us a voicemail!
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A prominent lesbian researcher whose work is mostly about homophobia and SSA people ( and as such, very important) was harassed by trans people in the recent years, to the point where it almost turned into online bullying. She’s now always including transgender people in her research, even where they do not belong, because she’s afraid. As a lesbian, I am terrified to publish my own work now. A straight female professor I had also told me she got backlash for using the word “woman" in class. She’s scared too. This has to stop.
Well, how can it stop if all of us are afraid? If all of us are shaking in our boots and don't have it in us to speak up, what then? Publish your work. Write about homosexual love. It doesn't even have to be outright political, it just has to be hopeful. Give gay people the chance to see themselves as desirable, heros, etc. Like, representation matters. I don't care if that's a cheesy phrase or if it makes people roll their eyes, it fucking matters. So make your stories. If people harass you for the crime of not centering trans people then that will reflect badly on them.
Do you think normal people will be all like "oh, she wrote about gay people. This gives TRA's the right to attack her!" do you think that normal people are okay with the fact someone was attacked for using the word "woman"?
I know this is nerve-wracking. I know it's scary to stand up to these people. I know, I know, I know. But guys, come on, activism is scary. Everything that was ever fought for in human history was fucking devastating.
When black people were fighting for their rights, they got dogs released on them. They got sprayed with water hoses. They got drinks thrown on them. They had white people gather around and mock them. They got assassinated.
When gay people were fighting for their rights, it was scary. They got kicked out of their homes. They got disowned by friends and family simply for being gay. They got sent to conversion therapy. They got harassed and frisked by police for the crime of being gnc in bars meant for them. Saying you had aids was social suicide. Aids is STILL viewed as a gay disease. For god sakes, princess Diana shaking hands with an aids patient made the fucking news.
Activism is scary. It has consequences. You'll lose friends. Maybe even family. Like... We're not the first people to go through this lmao. However, if we keep taking steps to change the narrative, we get closer to being the last.
And if you're not willing to fight? Well then, I don't see the point of getting upset when our opponents win. Nobody is around to challenge them, of course they'll keep winning. Anon, please remember you're not alone and there will always always always be people to back you up.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Things That Aren’t Helping
The heat wave is back. Not quite as bad as it was last month, but bad enough. We’re looking at highs in the region of 32 celcius (or about 90 farenheit) for about four days, and we’ve already been edging into that territory for the last couple.
Oh, and of course we’re looking at drought. Apparently nobody really wants to do a proper hosepipe ban because the government have put that in the hands of the water companies and the water companies don’t want to lose the lovely rising numbers on the water meters of the country. But we are getting some hints and tips about how to conserve water in this trying time.
I should flag up right now that absolutely none of them are appropriate for England as it currently stands.
“Use the water you boil in cooking to water your plants!” Great, except an awful lot of people are actually avoiding boiling anything right now except for maybe the kettle because of the rapidly increasing energy prices.
“Use dry shampoo!” Not everyone can, and that shit is expensive. Please recall inflation. You can buy cheap 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner for like a quid; you cannot do that with dry shampoo.
“Do less laundry! Surely if you just air out and spritz your clothes with Febreeze, it’ll be fine for another few days’ wear!” HEAT. WAVE. People are sweating like crazy. No, ‘airing it out and spritzing it a bit‘ will not be fine unless you want to cause some seriously olfactory offense.
“If it’s yellow, let it mellow!” Yes, they did actually say this as regards not flushing the toilet every time.
I’ve seen some places suggest hand-washing some of your clothes (the kind of thing you really can’t just spritz, like underwear) in the shower while you’re washing yourself and I’m just like ... how are you not actually blowing more water, unless you decide to wash the underpants you wore the night before in the shower each and every morning? Who the fuck has time for that if they’re on their way to work? Shorter showers? Again, heat wave. People are sweaty and gross and washing is required.
The worst part about all of this is that most of this water shortage is not the fault of the heat wave. It’s not helping, I agree, but things started going to shit with the water companies when ... well, when they became water companies instead of a nationalised body. But when Thatcher privatised everything, the water companies broke up the assets and ran things for profit - which meant raising prices and cutting corners. This means that we haven’t had any new reservoirs built since the fucking 80s. If we had more reservoirs, we’d have more water collected to get through times like this. Also, frankly, the pipes are shit and it takes them days if not weeks to even looking at a leak, let alone fixing it. I remember Thames Water was digging up the road where I generally pick up my bus to replace some pipes, and then it leaked again just a few months later, and then again a few months after that. There’s one spot at the end of my road - well-trafficked spot, which is used by multiple buses and which causes huge disrpution whenever it’s shut down - where there’s a broken pipe at least once a year. But the CEOs are getting huge bonuses and I guess at least the shareholders are happy.
So that’s basically the backdrop to things in this entire fucking country. We’ve got two jackasses vying for the Conservative leadership trying to outdo each other for which one’s going to screw us hardest if they come to power, and that’s a winning strategy for them because we’re not voting in this. Maybe 160k old wealthy white men, most of whom don’t even live in this country any more, are going to vote in the one who will best protect both their wealth and their delicate sensibilities about stuff like ... y’know, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, stuff like that. Apparently people who won’t support their right to indulge in those mindsets without consequences need not apply as leaders of the country (which is a goodly part of why Sunak isn’t going to win, even if no one will ever admit it).
So nothing at all’s going to happen beyond inflation going through the roof for the next four weeks ... and then all hell’s going to break loose. And I figure the Conservatives are just smart enough to hold off on calling a general election until the Voting Bill comes into effect properly and they oblige everyone to have photo ID to vote. They’re not very forthcoming about how to apply for the Voter Card that they’re obliged to offer everyone, either. And oddly, senior rail cards and such are considered valid ID whereas student ones are not, ruling out one bit of free photo ID for the young and not for the old. And even if people can afford passports at this point, the passport office is such a mess that it can take months to get one, and that’s just renewal.
Voter suppression that no one talks about. Restriction of right to protest that no one talks about. At least one of those in the running for the Tory leadership talking about adding “people who vilify to the UK” to what is effectively the terrorist watch list. All of these make sense, I suppose, when the cost of living is going insane and all the government talks about doing is “corporate tax cuts to encourage growth” and never mind how many people are going to fucking starve.
I’m thinking of starting a pool - is this place going to kill me, arrest me, or deport me?
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Look where we are now
Hehehe I haven’t posted in ages… oops.
I’ve been going through the worst writers block of my life but today inspiration struck. And in the immortal words of Jade west “I write what I feel” so here it is.
Enjoy 🙃
CW: there is implied homophobia, an emotional meltdown and a passing mention of food
Leo stared at the beige tiles of his shower, letting the feeling of the warm water hitting his back distract him from the ache in his chest. He didn’t even know why he felt the way he did. Something had set the time bomb ticking inside his heart off and now he couldn’t stop the thoughts racing through his head.
He felt another tear trickle down his face, not bothering to wipe it off as it joined the water from the shower. A sob he didn’t manage to hold down escaped his lips and with it a fresh round of tears fell from his eyes.
He was so tired.
He was tired of feeling like a guest in his own home.
He hated it, but he was also scared to lose them. Scared that if his parents knew, they would hate him and he wouldn’t have a family anymore. He’d known for a year at that point. A long year of trying to come to term with it and the fact that he could lose everything if he wasn’t careful.
He wished he could be like the other fifteen year old's he knew whose biggest worried were winning their next game.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered. There was no one to hear. No one to listen to him break down into pieces.
“I’m sorry that I’m not ok. Cause I really want to be.” He stifled a sob with his hand, taking a moment to try and get his breathing back under control. “I’m just so tired. Tired of feeling like I don’t belong. Tired of living as someone’s idea of who I am. Tired of feeling like I’m constantly walking on the edge of a cliff waiting for a breeze to blow me off.”
He closed his eyes tightly, pressing his knuckles to his eyelids to try and stop the tears that didn’t seem to end. “Because I don’t know if anyone will be there to catch me when I hit the ground.”
“I know I need help, I just don’t know how to ask for it. And I don’t want to be an inconvenience to anyone so I’ll just”, his voice gave out mid sentence, the whine forcing its way out of his lungs making his chest hurt. “I’ll just smile. And when mom asks if I’m ok I’ll just say yes.”
A smile made its way onto his face.
It wasn’t a happy smile by any means. It was nothing other than simple acceptance. He knew that he could never be himself. Not if he wanted a career in hockey. Not if he wanted to keep his family. And he, well he wasn’t ok with it.
But what other choice did he have?
Leo looked down when he felt Finn move in his sleep. He ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s auburn curls, a small smile tugging at his lips. He would never understand how Finn could fall asleep in the middle of an action movie without a care for the loud explosions and dramatic music.
He looked at Logan, who was sitting on the floor with his head on Leo’s knee and a bowl of popcorn in his lap. He looked completely entranced by the movie playing out on screen. If Leo had stopped paying attention during the car chase and didn’t really understand what was going on.
Thirty minutes later the credits started rolling. Logan stretched his arms over his head before getting up from his position on the ground. He looked between Leo and Finn, who was lying almost fully on top of the blonde by now, with a soft yet amused smile.
“How are we doing this without waking him up?”
“I have no idea”, Leo answered, laughter coloring his voice. “Can you carry him?
Logan rolled his eyes fondly. “Obviously, but that would wake him up.”
“Finn sleeps like the dead, love. It’ll be fine.”
After much maneuvering and Finn almost waking up they managed to get him back to their room. Logan placed him gently on the bed and laid down beside him, sighing happily when he felt Leo’s arms wrap around his waist.
Leo buried his face in Logan’s neck, placing feather light kisses against the warm skin. He breathed him in, a sense of home settling in his chest.
He remembered a time when the only thing he could feel was a constant dull ache. That feeling didn’t bother him as much anymore. It wasn’t the only thing he had anymore.
Now he knew his parents accepted him and he had found two amazing boys that he loved so much it didn’t feel real.
The fear was still there, but it didn’t feel as important.
He thought back to when he was younger. How he had believed that he had to choose between his love for hockey or being happy.
He had never been so glad to be wrong.
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bigmammallama5 · 4 years
I want to talk a little about rejection in the art community. Specifically rejection of work or applications or anything that falls under that category.
I grew up drawing knowing I only wanted to do art for a living. Apparently when I was 4 I told my mother I wanted to be a potter (I don’t remember this but she likes to remind me). I was lucky enough to take classes all through school and even ended up going to get a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts. I’m also considering going back for an MFA once I figure out how the hell to survive through a pandemic for the next year.
One thing that happens a lot in the art field regardless of focus, is rejection. You apply for a job and you don’t get it. You submit your best work for a yearbook cover, and no one votes for it. You put your work in fairs, you enter it into contests, you don’t win anything. You submit applications for fan-run zines and they don’t have room for you. You apply for the illustration or animation programs at your university and, “sorry, your skill level isn’t what we’re looking for.” You don’t get a call back from a studio after working a time or two. You don’t get to attend the university program you’ve been looking at for years. You submit designs for years and years at your design job and 99% of them never go anywhere. You post something on your social media and it doesn’t get any attention. The list goes on.
Rejection is sadly a common occurrence for creative people, especially now that the internet is so fully saturated with so many of us putting art out into the world. There are opportunities but they’re limited. Some are unfairly limited through racism or sexism or homophobia or a cocktail of all three. Some are unfortunately limited because of something as annoying as physical printing space. And yes, sometimes you just aren’t to the level of the other people applying.
All of those examples I just listed have been rejections that I have gotten. I know that personally my art was no where near developed enough to be submitting to some of the things I was looking at, but I did it anyways because why not? At least I know the level of work that person or publication wants for future projects now. Each one of them hurt to a degree, some more than others. Not all of them had a lesson for me, some just didn’t work out.
When faced with rejection the best thing you can do is address it, and then figure out how to move forward. It’s hard, trust me I KNOW. It sucks to feel like you’re going no where and just spinning your wheels and it’s all your fault. Maybe you were relying on that One Thing to make ends meet and now you can only scream and hope you can make it until the next paycheck. I’m living paycheck to paycheck I get it. 
Rejection happens. Learn how to deal with it in a healthy way before you let it fester and sour what you love doing. Learn how to let it roll off of your back once you’ve acknowledged it. It’s still something I struggle with every day and I have to fight every day to not lose that enjoyment of creating something. Those big artists and writers and photographers and video editors and content creators that you see on your timelines all the time? Every single one of those people have gotten their work rejected so many times they’ve lost count.
One last thing. The art community talks. We talk about the people that we wanted to take onto projects-but couldn’t. We talk about what that person was like and their attitude. We pass along names to other artists who are looking for help or looking for work. We want to help each other out more than you may realize. We also talk about the people we weren’t able to include who turned mean. One of the worst things you can do both to yourself and others is lash out. Not only is it ugly to the person you’re attacking, you’re also tearing yourself down. That catharsis in the moment is only going to make you feel even worse later. If you find yourself falling into that mindset of lashing out, it’s time to step back and assess what your intentions are. The harsh reality is that even if you’re an awesome artist a bad attitude is going to hurt you.
Rejection happens. It’s up to you how you choose to tackle it.
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mcmactictac · 3 years
Happy Destiel Day! I’m about to be serious and sad for a second so if you don’t want that this is your warning.
As much as I love all of the memes and jokes and the sheer chaos we all experienced last year. I feel it’s important that we don’t forget the real emotional impact it had on people. This is a day that meant so much to so many people, both good and bad. There are videos of me shaking and crying, shocked and thrilled that I’m finally getting representation and excited because we were finally allowed space to exist. There’s also videos I received from a friend of them absolutely sobbing because they gave us rep just to kill him off, like we are just disposable diversity points.
This is a day that gave me the courage to be open and honest about my feelings, and reminded me that it doesn’t matter what other people think, because it’s your feelings that truly matter. And yet it’s a constant reminder that we aren’t seen as good enough, and despite being happy with ourselves, there is lo guarentee people will react positively back.
So much love, joy, regret and sorrow fall into this day. We gained everything just to lose it all. And it’ll always feel empty. Unfinished. Because they backed off before they could finish the story. Out of fear or cowardice, those are characters who both died and had their stories end without getting to be happy and authentic. Don’t forget the deep rooted homophobia that also comes from this day, the way Cas never got to be seen again. The complete erasure of him from the story as if he wasn’t a critical part of both Sam and Deans life. The lack of mourning, closure, or reunion. They purposefully kept him away. Don’t forget about how they threw him away and treated him like he was nothing, when he was EVERYTHING to the boys and to so many of us. And don’t let it slide. We can do better. We need to do better. Because i don’t want another generation of people to experience how upset we were last year.
We deserve a place here. We deserve to be happy, open, and proud of our feelings. We deserve to be grieved. We deserve to be treated with basic respect. And we deserve to have a chance to be loved back too. Our stories shouldn’t have to end in tragedy.
So of course! Celebrate the win, make the jokes, pray for the chaos. This day was filled with love too. Unity and connection as a wave of people got to see something they never believed would happen. It was a wild day, unlike any other. I’m so thankful I got to experience it. But remember what it stands for. All we gained and all we lost. And use that as inspiration to change things so that the people who come after us don’t have to deal with the loss as well.
That was way deeper than I meant it to be oops. Anyways they loved each other it was mutual and you can’t tell me otherwise because I simply won’t believe you.
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