#remembering eternal bowie
thursdayschild76 · 5 months
"I’m Thinking That It Must Be Love"
198*: Love at first sight. About thirty years later: A two Soulmates conversation.
Remembering the eternal David Bowie. January 10th, 2016.
"Apparently, we get lost between conversations even before we see each other: yesterday you didn't tell me about Bowie thing anymore!"
"F*ck! Since today I've been thinking the exact same thing! Proving that we are the absolute masters of digression, we then got lost in a thousand other conversations! Well. Since David Bowie is your "religious orientation", I will now tell you how it became mine"
"It’s not the side-effects of the cocaine, I’m thinking that it must be love" ... directly from "Station to Station!"
"Oh my God! I die for this song! I love it, not only for the lyrics and the music, but also for the love it gave birth to!"
"Oh... Tell me!"
"Well. And when I start like this, you’re finished!"
"Hey! That's all I'm waiting for!"
"Well. Let me start by saying that I already knew David Bowie, but more as an actor than as a singer. Just think that, at the time, I didn't even know that it was him who sang the famous "Let's Dance". I think I was about twelve years old, because was in the middle school. One day, an amazing teacher came to my school for a drug addiction prevention project. The teacher told us about a German little girl who, years earlier, had become a heroin addict at almost our age, and he strongly recommended reading her book. But fate would have it that, in those days, the movie was broadcast on TV and I rushed to watch it. I still remember the beginning... "Piss and shit everywhere!" and Christiane getting a tattoo on her hand. Well. Since I'm already digress, because I have a billion things to say on the movie and the book too, I'll skip straight to David Bowie!"
“You know, the first book I bought in my life was “Christiane F. we kids from Berlin Zoo”. Then I watched the movie, again and again”
"Oh my God! It's incredibile... "
"Yes... we're talking about a book and movie that are very, very important to me. Continued!"
"Then, comes the scene when Christiane goes to Bowie's concert with her toxic friend. I was already all excited because I had just listened "Heroes", in that memorable scene where Christiane, Detlef and their friends run like crazy in the deserted Europa Center, laughing and doing a thousand stupid things! The scene ends with Christiane and Detlef together on the terrace, watching the sunrise. Unforgettable! "Heroes" had driven me crazy, but it was still nothing compared to the shock I had afterwards!"
"Sure, I guess! Continued!"
"Now imagine: about 198* - 198*, I was already listening a lot of the music that you and me love, but also a lot, a lot... metal! Forgive me, I know you hate it! 80s hair and glam metal too! Big hair, heavy makeup, motorcycles, spectacular shows, strippers, and various exaggerations! WELL. In the growing emotion before the start of the concert, suddenly the lights opens and HE arrives, with his red jacket!"
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"Eh... "
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"And what does he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just his entrance and presence on stage is enough to hypnotize the audience. Gently touch the microphone and start singing. It almost doesn't move! Sublime!"
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"Immense charm... you said well, very, very well. It's the same effect it had on me! I swear. The same..."
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"Station to Station"… all Bowie's songs are masterpieces, but this is the favourite, because it introduced me to Bowie's immense and genial universe and made me fall in love with his art"
"The elegance, the mangnetism is had, was inexplicable!"
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Even today it's not the side-effects of the cocaine, I'm sure it's True Love.
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quackle · 8 months
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rajbow week- day 7- free prompt :3
(i didn't really have any creative ideas for today lol so i just did a screencap redraw instead)
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ahedderick · 6 months
In Dreams
As a kid and young adult I sometimes had terrible nightmares (I know everybody does, but I have to start this story somehow.) They were given a bit of extra spice by the fact that I had in reality been very unsafe at home at times, and nearly killed (by accident, but still) more than once.
My husband and I married when I was 26 and he was 29. I found having another person in bed with me was a great help to sleeping and reduced my trouble with Olde Anxieties quite a bit. Still, occasionally, nightmares.
Then one night I had a really spectacular one that involved my husband. In the nightmare we were in a hospital room and he was in the bed. Quite ill and not able to get up or move. My dream self knew that there were Monster Coming to get us, but I could not get his hospital bed to roll nor get him out of it to run away. So after a small eternity of dithering and ineffectively trying to figure out a way to escape, the monsters showed up at the room. There were two of them, vaguely human-shaped and threatening. At which point my dream self pulled a Bowie knife and ganked both of them.
That simplified things.
I remember waking up from that and being absolutely overwhelmed. It was THAT easy? Don't run from monsters, stab them? From that point forward, I have been pretty much free of nightmares. I guess my brain was finally ready to fight instead of fleeing. Shortly thereafter I started taking my brain AND my body to martial arts classes. I THRIVED on studying karate; adored it. Brains, though. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
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twostepstyless · 1 year
Hair of the Dog
Fic Advent Calendar Day 19
Advent Calendar Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Authors Note: Y/N and Harry get a little drunk at home to fight off their hangovers because that's always a good idea, not. Turns out their dog is an excellent dancer.
Reblogs, likes and feedback of any and all varieties is encouraged and eternally appreciated! Six fics left :( <3 - G xx
Word Count: 1.5k
How do you best cure a two-day hangover? You start drinking again. You can’t feel the hangover if you’re already drunk again. Hair of the dog, a tonic, a refresher, just a little pick-me-up and Harry and Y/N were ready to indulge. They had a lot of leftover alcohol and cocktail supplies left over from their holiday party a few nights ago and Harry was ready to take up his position of being her personal mixologist for an evening wrapped up in their little love bubble. They weren’t complete idiots though, before the first sip passed their lips, they took the dog out for one last walk and wee before they settled him down for the evening, locked up the house and blew out the candles, safety first and all, before they found themselves back in the kitchen with Harry throwing a mixture of liquids into the shaker. He garnished the glass with a sprig of mint and a strawberry he messily cut a slit into on the edge of the tumbler before sliding it across the counter to Y/N who was sat swinging her legs on one of the stools by the island. 
She picked up the glass and took a sip, licking the sugar salt residue from her lips that Harry had dipped the edge of the glass into. Her mouth puckering from the sharp taste of the lime that adhered the sugar and salt to the glass as Harry waited with bated breath for her review. 
“Well? How’s it taste?” He asked as he topped his own glass off with the same garnishes waiting for her feedback before he took a swig. 
“Like it could give me alcohol poisoning,” she bared her teeth as she swallowed the strong drink. 
“So…?” Harry asked, tailing off.
“Delicious and I hope y’can remember how to make it because I’ll want another one after this one is finished,” they clinked their glasses together before Harry connected his phone to their sound system so he could play their blended playlist of all their favourites.  
“It’s a Bowie night, isn’t it?” Harry panted, the pair of them just having sang their hearts out to Under Pressure, Harry was always Freddie Mercury while Y/N took the role of David Bowie. 
“Feels-feels… Jesus Christ,” Y/N wheezed, hands on her knees trying to draw in her breath, “it feels like a Bowie night,” she emptied the remainder of her fourth cocktail. 
“S’a Bowie night,” he mumbled, picking up his phone and directed himself to the playlist that contained Bowie’s entire discography, not before he ended up opening the text thread with his mum and ending up on his Instagram app in a few drunken clicks trying to find his music app, squinting his eyes at the bright screen as if that would help him see any clearer. 
“Think we could push a second round of Under Pressure until later though,” Y/N topped up their glasses with the mixture in the shaker, “I think m’lungs could collapse if I attempt that again so soon,” her not getting far enough to decorate the rim with the sliced strawberry before she shoved the fruit between her lips and held one up in front of Harry’s mouth to feed him. Eyes not breaking from his phone screen, his teeth bit in the fruit right near the stem that she held between her thumb and forefinger. The pink-red juice stained his lips and dribbled down Y/N’s fingers as she watched him with her teeth holding the plush of her bottom lip hostage as his jaw moved, chewing the fruit slowly. As the opening guitar to Moonage Daydream played over their speaker
“Wha’ is it?” he put his phone back down, using the back of his hand to wipe the strawberry juice from his lips. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Y/N all but whined. 
“What?” Harry giggled as he wiped her sticky strawberry hands clean with a dish towel. 
Harry had forgotten his cocktail recipe in the last few drinks, so the pair had opened a bottle of wine they had chilling in the fridge. Was mixing their drinks a good idea? Absolutely not. Had they done it anyway? Of course. 
“Could y’no-” Y/N hiccupped, “not get on the counter tonight? We’re both a bit pissed and f’you fall I don’t know how much help I’ll be,” Y/N pleaded with Harry as he leaned on the counter in front of her. 
“Gimme a kissy n’you’ve got a deal,” Harry bargained, as Y/N wriggled to the edge of the stool and gripped his t-shirt in her hands to pull him level with her mouth as their lips pressed messily against each other’s. She sucked on his lower lip as Harry groaned against her lips as he broke away first. “Deal,” he whispered pressing his forehead against hers as he swayed them side to side, “no counters for Harry t’night.” He blinked slowly as he stood tall to look into her face, she had this sort of dreamlike, glassy haze in her eyes, her face was warm to the touch and her lips full. Each bat of her eyelids caused her lashes to fan against her under eyes and caused Harry’s heart to skip as they fluttered back open, revealing the slimmest circle of the colour of her eyes, her pupils blown out and dilated from the alcohol in her system. “This is our sixth Christmas-mas,” Harry stumbled over his words.
“Mhmm, good maths, baby, y’countings getting so good,” Y/N said, playfully. 
“Oi, m’trying to be romantic,” Harry protested, nudging her in the slide, causing some of her wine to slosh over the sides of the glass she was holding and spill onto her. “Oops, sorry, m’heart,” he clumsily patted her down with the dish towel. 
“Right Casanova, six Christmases, get on with it,” she tugged the towel free from his grip when he started swatting her with it rather than doing any clean up at all. 
“Can’t remember what I was going to say, if I’m honest,” he giggled, his face was flush, cheeks tickled pink. “But probably something along the lines of I love the fuckin’ bones off you, and I can’t wait for all our Christmases,” he puckered his lips and pressed a wet kiss to her forehead with a loud ‘mwah’ paired with it. 
“Even when we’re ancient and can’t be arsed putting a tree up?” as Harry hummed and nodded his head. 
He leaned down and connected their lips again, “y’taste like wine,” he mumbled against her lips.
“Sorry,” she whispered and tried to pull back. 
“Oi, didn’t say I didn’t like it, let me taste,” Harry said, gripping her chin, as he traced her lips with his tongue. Her hazy eyes slipped close, as she revelled in the push and pull as their lips worked one another. In Harry’s body he felt his heart plummet, not in a scary, pulled from under him sort of way, more like a graceful freefall, fluttering through his body like the wind carrying a feather, knowing she was at the bottom to catch his heart in her hands and look after it for the rest of time. “Hm, notes of peach, slightly floral and somethin’ a little bit smokey underneath,” Harry pondered with a finger on his chin to make him look academic as he described her like their favourite bottle of Pinot Grigio as Y/N snorted in laughter. 
“You’re drunk,” she stated, obviously. 
“Drunk on you,” his eyebrows wiggled.
“Gross, don’t ever say that t’me again or its sixth and final Christmas,” she joked. 
“Come dance with me,” he held out his hand as ‘Where Are We Now,’ Y/N’s favourite Bowie song, started playing. 
“Spinny, rooms went all spinny, don’t think I’ve got it in me,” she rejected his dance. 
“Ugh boring,” he rolled his eyes playfully before shouting through the house, “Vinnie! Come dance with y’daddy,” listening for any movement from the golden retriever. 
“Oh baby, leave him, he’s been such a good boy,” Y/N chastised as Harry ignored her completely. 
“Vincent, I’ll give you a slice of ham before bed if y’come dance with Dad,” Harry called again, coaxing the dog from his spot in the living room with the promise of a late-night snack. “Here’s m’boy,” Harry cooed, dropping to his knees as the dog stood at his feet. “Y’gonna dance wi’ me?” Harry let Vinnie jump up against him and helped him settle his front paws on the tops of his shoulders, “there we go,” Harry praised as he started to sway on the spot as Vinnie tried to lick at Harry’s face enjoying whatever game his dad was playing with him. “Y/N/N, m’not being funny but look at him, our dog is so fucking talented,” Harry gaped, slurring slightly, as he allowed Vinnie to get a good lick against his cheek as Y/N finished the last glass of wine for the evening before getting on the floor with them, giving the dog a good scratch behind the ear. 
“So talented,” Y/N havered, “Vinnie, y’can get two slices of ham and we’re entering you into a talent show, see if y’can follow in your Dads footsteps.” 
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aliceindaisychains999 · 2 months
Hiii ✨️ Your reply from my post got me really curious about headcanons for my self ship and I feel like I really need a kick back into posting all my drafted f/o posts...
Primis Dempsey is the absolute love of my life, and I was wondering what sort of hcs you had? I also want to come up with a new ship name, but I'm stumped thus far heh..
Sending big hugs 🩷✨️
- 🌾
Angel, I’ve got just the thing! I’m glad you’re back and I’m sending big hugs and lots of love to you💖💖💖
A short little name brain storm
Guns and Roses
Bowie-Winged Butterflies (bowie knife btw, not the 80s singer)
Poppies and Primroses
Gun-Slinging Sweethearts
I hope these few can help, even if it helps the brainstorm have a clearer idea of what feels right.
Headcanons for you and Primis Tank:
Ohhh my GOSH. Every time Tank looks at you, it’s like a sense of pure wonder completely mesmerizes him. Smitten is an understatement
As a marine, his training and combat experience shook him down to experience constant hyper vigilance. Just your very presence helps him feel grounded again.
You have such an ethereal beauty to you! Not just in the way you naturally glow, but the way you dress yourself is just so gorgeous and so classy! You have him like moth to a flame. Tank can’t help but kiss you from head to toe every chance he gets
You’re that special someone who’s graced him with gift of tenderness that he’s secretly starved for. For that, he’s eternally grateful. He expresses this most through quality time and physical affection the most
I feel like he would give you one of these cheesy Valentine’s just to make you smile
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“Yeah, I know it’s dorky. But it made you smile!”
You might be a badass belle of your own, but Tank’s still going to feel the need to protect you. If anyone bothers you, he’s immediately up to bat against anyone and anything. Hell, he’d threaten to punch the dirt if you stepped on a rock. The man is incredibly devoted to helping you
Dempsey has a lot of depth to him. Only you ever had the chance to really know that. The battles he’s willing to fight for you extend past outside conflicts. You are never too much. You are worth more than every star in the galaxy.
“Remember when I said we’d fight side to side, back to back? I meant that from the bottom of my heart. We’re a team. And I’m willing to do whatever the hell it takes to keep you safe. You’re the woman I want to love ‘till the day I die. No matter what happens, I promise to protect you.”
Some songs for your ship: You I Need by Amorphis, Doe Eyes by Sophie Woodhouse, and No Other Love by Jo Stafford
He’s very easy going whether you want to go somewhere or stay curled up together at home. Fun dates include (but are not limited to 😉): picnic dates, walking along the beach shoreline, a trip to the shooting range, aquarium visits, shopping together, and so much more.
In his top left pocket is his mother’s blueberry pie recipe to remember her by. I can see you both working together in the kitchen to make it together! Kneading the dough, teaching him what to do, having him slow dance with you while waiting for it to bake. It’s one of his most cherished memories.
Tank lets you steal his leather jacket to wear often. In a modern AU where he’s a drill sergeant, he makes sure you help keep it safe while he’s off to work.
When you two snuggle in at night, you get to rest safe in the marine’s embrace. He softly strokes your hair while you rest your head on his chest, softly conversing until one of you fall asleep first.
Tank daydreams with you about what it’d be like running away to a cottage home. Coming home to that sweet smiling face of yours every day, tending to the garden, escaping the bustle of the world. One of these days, he’s gonna make that dream a reality for you both.
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septembersghost · 9 months
Have you ever listened to Orville Peck? His voice is gorgeous. Like Elvis, Johnny Cash, Michael Buble, and Bing Crosby all rolled into one amazing country singing package.
i have not, but i listen to all the artists you mentioned so obviously i need to rectify this!
"Over spare, elegant instrumentation—Peck is a student of Sam Phillips, Elvis Presley’s first producer, who, in the nineteen-fifties, pioneered a way of delaying and doubling echo to give recordings a spooky, pinging depth—Peck grapples with depression, heartache, and restlessness."
"His voice conveys its own sense of classic mystery: Peck croons with a deep, soulful sound that’s been compared to Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and Chris Isaak."
the lyric: "She tells me she don't like Elvis, I say, I want a little less conversation, please," he's just like me fr
there are a lot of other amazing and insightful things in the articles i pulled up about him too, i don't know how i've been out of the loop!
i will talk about this at any given opportunity, but elvis' impact and legacy inspiring countless artists across genres and generations, to the point where it's impossible to calculate how far-reaching those threads are (and the layers there, because many artists were inspired by people who were inspired by him - if someone cites the beatles or paul simon or billy joel or freddie mercury or bob dylan or tina turner or bowie or hendrix or dolly or stevie or or or--- as influences, that initial spark goes back to elvis, and that continues with so many modern musicians today, including people like miley and lana and lady gaga and harry and bruno and beyonce). like this barely scratches the surface of it, it's phenomenal.
orville peck is not alone carrying that torch, but everyone expresses it uniquely, from different backgrounds, races, orientations, and it's such a beautiful thing. @joons sent me this last night:
up and coming artist stephen sanchez, who my anon has messaged me about, and whose album is built around a vintage theme was shaped and influenced by him, plus jillian cardarelli's new song directly dedicated to him...it's so beyond him never being forgotten. he's ingrained in the very fabric of music. that's his legacy, that miraculous connection to music and the happiness and comfort in it and how its humanity bridges all gaps and brings people together and sparks something within them that they share with others.
sorry this got off-topic asgshsdjfgh but it's remarkable and touching to me every time it comes up - and the same is true of artists like bing and frank and ella and billie holiday and nat king cole and tony and judy etc, they're not here, but they're never gone. as long as their voices are heard and remembered and loved, as long as the beautiful tapestries of their music are passed on and inspire others, they're still alive in spirit. one candle lights another candle and those flames become eternal.
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hyperdrama · 3 months
13 albums to get to know me list was so much more challenging than i thought, 13 felt like a forgiving number, i could easily do 50… sort of went for albums most associated w/ me for each phase of my life…there are some glaring omissions but some felt too doubled up
low - david bowie (named after a bowie song so ofc the origins are here)
prince - prince
plowing into the field of love - iceage
funhouse - the stooges
tender prey - nick cave & the bad seeds
superunknown - soundgarden
among my swan - mazzy star
bella donna - stevie nicks
discovery - daft punk
sketches for my sweetheart the drunk - jeff buckley
sonic nurse - sonic youth (honestly if u remember me as a sonic youth blog u are entitled to a veteran discount)
birth of violence - chelsea wolfe
downward is heavenward - HUM (fave band and eternally favourite album) 💙
because i love to cheat, if it were 20:
tidal - fiona apple
press it - taemin
to bring you my love - pj harvey
souvlaki - slowdive
international - lust for youth
wakin on a pretty daze - kurt vile (if u remember my url kurtviles ur also entitled to a discount)
pretty hate machine - nine inch nails
tagging: @southsaturndelta @bathshebas @wilderpeoples
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marias-wonderland · 1 year
Post-SoTL letters (N.2)
Hello once again. My writing muse came back and gave me this play between Clarice and Hannibal. They mostly talk about music but they obviously mean more than what they write.
(dedicated to my beta reader, @isidoros69 , whose support enables me to write once every blue moon. Also, to my wonderful fandom people! @louisfriend-ironsulfide @lotus-ignis @black-mushroom, @eyaeya111, @liwodot, @ladylshardlakesworld, and to whoever is still around!)
Words: 1965
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Clarice
The view from my window is bringing peace upon my soul, and the pinot grigio accompanied with the artichokes and bottarga salad is only complimenting the scenery. The clouds seem they have engulfed the sky, casting a leisurely but simultaneously melancholic essence of self-discovery. The wind gently shakes the trees and the flowers, the white petals of those flowers in harmony they dance in the wind, floating in the beauty of an invisible river. While gazing the eternal grey world in front of me, the notes of Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 27 No. 2 brought an inquiry to my mind. Do you enjoy listening to music, Clarice?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           With gratitude                                                                                                 Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Dear Dr. Lecter
It seems that in the end, you got what you wanted. There are no bars or cells for you anymore, neither restrictions nor rules. You are free to gaze upon the same sky as I am. Free to indulge in what your soul desires, however wicked or wrong it is, stifling does not suit your persona. The evening sounds pleasing, Doctor. You are the maven of the bon vivant way of acting after all. Given our different upbringing, our music tastes are going to appear completely dissimilar. Yes, I do enjoy some music tunes so I can wind off after a hard day of work (I would mention dancing at clubs but, something tells me they’re not your cup of tea). I’m not a person who pays too much attention to the artists, I listen to whatever feels good to me. Madonna and Whitney Houston being some of them, as well as Michael Jackson and Prince. Cyndi Lauper and David Bowie are also good. Generally speaking, if I like the tune, I will join in. Please don’t hold back on your knowledge about this, I’m certain your mind is like a living library of information. Perhaps you could suggest me composers I would enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 With Respect                                                                                                     Clarice M. Starling
Dear Clarice
It is of the human nature to seek out for our freedom, regardless of our wrongdoings. Always remember that deep down, even the most altruistic person hides a tinge of egoism. The instincts of survival are primordial, way before humans thought their laws could outlaw the wrath of nature. Never apologise for what you do not know. Only for what you had the chance to know but refused to. Our differences make us unique and seductive, temptation is of the greatest sins for a reason. I never expected the musical literacy of the orphanage to be of high character. Neither of course the cultural heritage you carry could ever lead you to such paths.
One should start small. Try listening to four seasons by Vivaldi. I recommend “autumn” for you. It is the most overlooked piece by the four of them, and yet it perfectly enhances and encapsulates the essence of chase, of hunting. Vivaldi himself had written poems for his compositions. Try reading the poems while listening to the pieces.
“The hunters, at the break of dawn, go to the hunt.
With horns, guns, and dogs they are off,
The beast flees, and they follow its trail”
May the hunt never end indeed
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Ps. Have you ever looked at a person and wondered how their essence would be convened into music? Because I have. For you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Dr. Lecter
The element of surprise is always present when I’m talking to you. The moment I’m ready to drop the letter on the table, you come back with the most intriguing piece of flattery.
I bought the records you recommended. As for the poems, I had quite a time with the local libraries but all's well that ends well.
Autumn is a limbo between life and death, a bittersweet season, it's not death already but not life anymore.
Doing tasks only for them to be left incomplete, never being able to see the finish line.
But also you can sense the joy, the energy that the hunt is giving to both the hunter and the pray. The thrilling that ambuscades give to two communicating vessels.
But behind all that, one can still feel the merriment of summer and the cautiousness of winter. Perfect blend of seasons.
I listened to the rest of the season on my day off, with a glass of wine on my hand while gazing at the night sky. It was a tranquil evening.
You were right, autumn was my favourite. I hope you are going to recommend me more compositions. As for the hunt it will inevitably end, and we both know the results, Doctor.
“The exhausted beast tries to flee, but dies."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             With respect
                                                                                        Clarice M. Starling
Ps. Your insightfulness never stops astonishing me. I hope you are going to expand your thoughts a bit further. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Clarice
The path to self-realization finds the impediment of our current mind. Only the conquest of it could lead you to your true self.
I had planned of discussing with you the significance of Mozart in the classicism wave but, a certain… a minor shift to my plans, brought to my attention the representative of Russian nationalism, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Besides, Mozart’s compositions are characterized by a fervent sequence to rules, something which you can put aside if the moment demands for it. Tchaikovsky on the other hand favoured emotional progression, the catharsis of the soul, the joys, loves, and sorrows of the human heart with striking and poignant sincerity.
I believe you would enjoy some of his lesser known compositions. I suggest “Souvenir de Florence”. I listened to it very recently and the breadth of the sound is something which can captivate you.
As for my last thought, it is a tendency that most musicians share. Almost like a personal whim, translating internal emotions into notes and symphonies. The more joy something brings to us, the more music echoes to our ears.
I would be glad to share my speculations about you, but always in exchange. Quid pro quo Clarice.
So please tell me
How would my existence be translated into music, Clarice?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       With gratitude
                                                                             Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Ps. We’ve chatted for so long and yet, I didn’t send my greetings to our old pal Jackie boy. Please dedicate to him Mozart’s “Requiem”, I’m certain his long lost soul is fit for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 Dear Dr. Lecter
Thanks to your suggestions, I’ve become a reappearing figure at my local antique shop and even managed to get the vinyls at a better price since “No young people nowadays care about the classics”.
You stand correct once again, I remained motionless throughout the course of the performance. This one I believe fits better to be listened at day, the crystal clear sky mirroring the composer’s will for life.
Regarding your last request, I am afraid that I can not come up with a satisfactory answer for your criteria. I am able to describe people’s actions with words and explain their reasoning behind that but, music was always an uncharted territory for me.
If you could be kind enough to help me on that one, I would appreciate it.
                                                                                                  With respect                                                                                                     Clarice M. Starling
Ps. I’m aware you know of Bella’s deteriorating health but, it is him who takes the toll for both of them. It is almost painful to watch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
Dear Clarice
You were doing so fine, following the lead and completing the tasks you were given.
Now the agent came tête-à-tête with an actual challenge and requires the assistance of someone more au courant.
It is clear I’ve asked you to act beyond your training.
Very well, follow my lead and in your next letter try to live up to your name.
When you come to my mind, a plethora of notes burst into my mind, rampant and joyous, sorrowful and cynical.
A feeling of recurring sadness and despair. Occasional, fleeting moments of upbeat melodies feel more like episodes of painfully self-aware mania among a constant bedrock of fear, and pain. A sense of loss that always revives when I listen to it again.
The expression of a broken rage, a lost love, a forgotten memory, a dead rose somehow flourishing, coming all together in a sick melancholy and expression of reasonable insanity.
Reminiscent of the monotony of our daily lives and how little of a choice we have in it, yet can't help being upbeat to an extent with hope.
I find it quite intriguing, the different emotions each of us convey through these majestic chimes. As for me, I sense harmony and merriment.
Words convey understanding that music fails to describe, but music conveys emotion words cannot express.
However it is due to the emotions it releases that our simplistic human minds cannot comprehend nor explain, a conundrum of melancholous, yet peaceful feelings that no music nowadays can do the liberty of replicating.
This is how I see you. Trying to grasp the sinister world around you, but are you ready to feel the icy fingers of terror stroke your heart?
                                                                                                With gratitude
                                                                                      Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Ps. Try closing your eyes and focus on how you would translate each emotion you feel into humming. How does anger sound to you? Quick and loud or rapid and silent? Follow this advice and then you will be able to answer me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Dr. Lecter
Thank you for your insight and leading. It took me some time and a lot of concentration to find an answer worthy enough of writing down but, I’m confident this is it.
When you come to my mind, this mixture of brilliant eloquence and inhuman cruelty deluges it.
The music starts with melancholy. Dark, with hints of sweetness underlying a tone of despair. Intensity rises. Grief makes way for anger, insanity and a welcoming of death's tender embrace. Life has become hell.
Music is now fast. The grasp on reality porous and thin, like butter scraped over too much bread. The light tries to resist, but what little control remains is slipping, struggling to fight back.
 The darkness, emboldened by the chaos, responds in kind, eager to stamp out the last embers of hope.
The darkness has taken root now. The host no longer resists the parasite's will. But within the darkness, there’s a new purpose. The devil might have changed his appearance but he cannot betray his nature.
He plays furiously, boundless now he roams free. His muster unrelenting, devouring. In his wake, only one thing remains… the purest representation of humanity's dualism. The eternal conflict for humanity's soul.
The end is bittersweet, like the aftermath of the self-casted war between spirit and mind with casualties being the human soul.
On the whole, I would say that it is the manifestation of a dance not with someone else but with yourself, you are dancing with your shadow, with your ego, and that makes it special.
Almost inveigling the gazer into taking a place to the dance                                                                                            With respect
                                                                                      Clarice M. Starling
Ps. I can not help myself but picture waltzes whenever I’m listening to my vinyls. Have you ever taken part in this type of dance, Doctor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Clarice
I must congratulate you for your quick learning, your rapid adaptation to your environment truly will help you survive.
If you ever knew me in my personal life, you would know I never turn down an invitation to dance.
I wholeheartedly enjoyed our conversation but I am afraid I have to put it to an end for now, for I am going on a trip. One should always exercise their body as well their mind. It would also be my pleasure to teach you how to waltz.
It would be the perfect body exercise for the both of us.
                                                                                              With gratitude
                                                                                  Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
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sullustangin · 1 year
Fluffy February Day 22: Remember
Fandom: SWTOR
Time:  between Chapters 15 and 16 of KotFE (3631/22 ATC)
Pairing:  Theron Shan/Smuggler
Words: ~1030
For Eva, it was just another day.  It wasn’t weird at all.
Theron had successfully extracted himself from her bed before dawn, but he did leave her a cup of caf on her bedside table.  That was a little disappointing, but not entirely out of character yet; if he had the urge to work at some ungodly hour, he tried to go without waking her.  
Eva flipped through her messages on her commlink in the galley as she scrounged up some leftover pastries from when Bowie was over and baking this past weekend.  
It was when she almost deleted a message labeled “Ceremony of Remembrance” that suddenly, it got weird for Eva.
She read through the message twice.
Oh yeah.
She’d been iced for five years.
Everyone else that had engaged the Eternal Fleet that one night – a lot of them were dead.  Their deaths had driven many people here, to Odessen, to serve one of the few survivors.  Eva Corolastor, alias the Voidhound.  
It wasn’t a shock that the Alliance was having a commemorative ceremony.  And it wasn’t even a surprise that it hadn’t been mentioned to Eva: what could she do that wouldn’t be seen as manipulative or capitalizing upon the dead?
No, it was best if Eva wasn’t seen at the center of it all today, out of respect.  Don’t rub her survival in the face of those still grieving – those who always would grieve for a life, a lifestyle, a life partner.  
What was weird… what threw her off – was how close this was to Theron’s birthday.
That had been the last time she’d seen him.  Then came Eternal Fleet.
Then she’d woken up, five years, two months and some change later.  
They’d just celebrated his 35th birthday about three weeks ago, their first together and safe.  
So his 29th birthday – the one where her romantic overture went flat … and then she was gone, for what he thought was forever.
That…actually went a long way in explaining how he was, now.  
Eva got dressed for the day and headed out of the ship, across the catwalk to the military hangar, and then tried to blend in with the walls as she made her way to the war room.
Some of the enlisted noticed and saluted.  Others just bowed their heads until she gave them the nod.  
…they seemed to understand why she wasn’t demanding the attention that a leader of a splinter cell faction normally did.  
The war room was empty today.  Except for one man.
Everyone else was going to be upstairs at that ceremony – Theron had organized it, put it on the schedule, but… it seemed like Lana would be the one running the show.  Theron, as ever, worked in the shadows, far from the sun or any touch of light this day had.
Eva took the time to watch him for long minutes.  She’d loved watching Theron work, seeing his brain orchestrate everything, modeling efficiency…but adding those human scowls and smirks and raised eyebrows.  
“You’re not going?” she finally asked, and he smoothly turned to look at her.  It was as if he knew she’d find him here, inevitably.
“No,” he answered, voice quiet but echoing in the emptiness of the war room.  “Attended five of them…that’s enough for me.”  
“Do you think I should go?”
“I think you should be seen in a back row,” he advised her, turning back to his work.  “But you already know…what you shouldn’t do.”
Eva tilted her head. “Sense of duty.  Sense of obligation to the people who follow me.” Then she came closer to Theron. “Why aren’t you going?”
Same question, different phrasing, another response.  “Someone has to keep watch.  In case Arcann decides to use a day of mourning as a day to make a point.”  His eyes darted to look at her, briefly. “Usually there was some sort of… repercussion for public ceremonies.  We did them anyway.”
Eva drew closer to Theron yet, resting her hand on his work console and standing well within his personal space.  “We got droids we can trust – T7, C2, 2V – forget SCORPIO and her kids or whatever. And you know C2 can throw down, even as a Hollis.”   Then one more time: “Why aren’t you going?”
Theron gave a small sigh. He didn’t look up from his work right away. “The stubborn wasn’t tempered a bit in there.”
Theron bowed his head slightly, the harsh light of the screen spilling over his features.  He let his hands drift away from the controls and braced himself on the frame.  “They… found the remains of Havoc Squad’s commander, Damasa Quo… a few weeks before the second Eternal Fleet Remembrance Day.  So her funeral was a part of those public acts of defiance.” Then Theron look over at Eva, and his expression was devastatingly sad.  “Today, I’d have to stand next to men like Aric Jorgan, who didn’t get their girl back.”
Of course, there was the flipside to Eva’s dilemma.
She came back, unlike everyone who died –
And Theron put voice to the rest of her thoughts.  “I have to stand there as the one man whose life came back together again after the Eternal Fleet shattered it.  I might have had a rough five years, but I can make the argument I got a hell of a promotion and my personal life got a big upgrade,” he finished, voice a little rough at the end.  “And unlike everyone else up there, I get one more hour, one more day with you – more than they’ll ever have again.”
Her arms ached for him, and Eva had crossed the last little space between them before she could worry over being found out.  
Given the ferocity of his embrace, Theron didn’t care right now either.  
Right now, all that mattered was Theron and breaking every rule about public affection in the war room.
“…spend the day with me. Upstairs.”
There was a weighty pause.
Then he relented.
Theron and Eva sat in the back row, hands clasped tightly where no one could see them.  They sat through the whole commemoration, unnoticed, as they should have been.
@fluffyfebruary @ayresis @starlightcleric @ermingarden @bluephoenix1347
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Returning the favour of course <3
2, 3, 11, 12, 26, 32, 34 and 40 :)
2.    a song that reminds you of school
I discovered this song from a Super Smash Bros. video (no, not Kingdom Hearts II itself) and I instantly became hooked. I was 12 at the time, and listening to it takes me back to when I was in middle school, coming up with scenarios in my head with this song eternally playing in my head.
3.    a song tied to a specific moment in your life
This is gonna sound weird, but this is the only song I specifically remember playing in the car when I was on my way to see my boyfriend in person for the first time...it was kind of a random choice at the time, idk.
11.   something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
I highly doubt it'll be performed any time soon, but GOD this is all I ever wanted to hear live from Trent and company.
12.   a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from (town/city/state/country)
I didn't think I'd have an answer because I don't really listen to many of the artists that are actually from my state, but then here's Chromatics lead singer Ruth Radelet. Turns out she's from Portland.
26.   a song that makes you act out the music video when you hear it
32.   a song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them
...I'm actually blanking on this one lol. I guess maybe I can count not understanding what "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?" when I was singing "Lady Marmalade" to myself, and my mom having to explain why a 12 year old shouldn't be singing that part?
34.   a song you’d like your favorite artist to cover
Trent should cover the theme from Shadow the Hedgehog /jk
In all seriousness, while I don't know how good it would sound in practice, I would love to see what NIN could do with Bowie's "Cat People (Putting out Fire)". Why that song in particular? Because the "Let's Dance" version is my favorite Bowie song.
40.   favorite disney song
Mmmm...I'm not exactly sure since I don't really listen to Disney songs outside of the films they're in. I'm just gonna say this one because I went through a phase of listening to it a lot when I was 14:
Thanks for the asks, Rob! :)
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lighthouseas · 2 years
thanks 😭😭
sure can
“What if...we never make it back?”
“Mike, stop talking like that.”
I, I will be king
Mike’s lip trembled as he looked over at Will.  His face was marred by dust and spores and blood and whatever else had accumulated over the week they’d been stuck in the superhell that was the Upside Down.
Despite this- despite everything that was against them right now- Will looked beautiful.  He looked undeniably Will.  
And you, you will be queen
Mike just wanted to curl up and die already.  He gently rested his head in his hands, hopelessness seeming to overtake his entire being.
“I just- it feels like- there’s nothing for us anymore, y’know? Nothing. Hawkins is in ruins- our home- our home-”
Though nothing will drive them away
“And- and you! You’ve had to suffer- so much- I feel like this is all my fault.  If I had just let you stay, Will, just for one more day-”
We can be Heroes, just for one day
Mike gripped his hair, wishing he could somehow rip it out, do something to make the pain leave.  To make the regret leave.  And suddenly, without any warning, sturdy arms were being wrapped around his shoulders, and a hand was pulling the back of his head close, and Mike felt himself physically melt.
We can be us, just for one day
And everything felt like it was crashing down.  
“We’re going to be okay.  I promise.”
“Will-” Mike felt a lump in his throat beginning to form.
“All of this is happening for a reason.” Will whispered.
I, I can remember (I remember)
Will pulled out of the hug, and Mike couldn’t stop the tears, now; they came like soft rainfall in a world that could never rain itself, and as he pressed his forehead to Will’s, almost as if they were two magnetic fields, bound to one another for eternity, he forgot where in the universe they could possibly be.
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
Gently, he reached a thumb up, running it down Will’s cheek and across his lips, subsequently smudging the dirt plaguing his face.  Will smiled into his touch.
“You’re...really pretty,” Mike murmured.
At this, Will flushed red.  Mike’s eyes widened as he realized what he had just uttered to the boy in front of him.
And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)
The screech of an unknown creature could be heard in the distance.  Both boys jumped, but maintained eye contact.
“We’re gonna have to run soon,” Will whispered. He closed his eyes, almost as though he was falling asleep to the sound of Mike’s breathing.
“Soon,” Mike murmured, eyes drifting to Will’s lips. “But not now.”
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)
The two leaned in, eyes fluttering closed as their lips brushed with increasing hesitancy.  Mike instinctively wrapped his arms around Will’s neck, pulling him closer, desperate for the contact he had been craving for so long.  Will gripped his green pullover, scrunching up the folds in his hands as if Mike was the last thing he’d ever hold in his life...
And the shame, was on the other side
Because, god, he might be.
Will pulled back, and Mike’s entire face dropped. “Is this- are you- are you sure? Is this okay?” Will breathed, searching Mike’s eyes for any sign of regret, or disgust.
“More than okay,” Mike whispered back, eager to feel Will’s lips on his again.
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
It didn’t take long for their kissing to resume, and Mike was pulling Will ever closer, and any tear he might have shed had long dried; anything that might be hurting him, hurting Will, they could beat it.  They could make it out. And they were going to do it together.  
The creature cried again, but its torment fell on deaf ears.
It was just them.  The Upside Down was no more- at least for now.
Then we could be Heroes, just for one day
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jaggedl1ttlepill · 7 months
i wish i knew how to feel about him.
i wish i knew how he felt about me.
from the moment i met him, freezing my ass off outside the riot house dressed as princess leia, i felt weirdly drawn to him. he was drunk and dressed as uncle stan from gravity falls. i was standing with nat and some guy she remembered from oak harbor when he dragged his friend over to us to get our opinion on his silly rap lines. i remember his long blonde curls kept falling in his face under his hat. he sat on the deck stairs i was leaning against, and as i talked about something stupid, i remember him looking up at me with big blue eyes as if i was mother mary. he kept touching my hand before realizing what he was doing, and when i let him, he held my hand and played with the ring on my finger. i remember how cold his hands were compared to mine. halloween in bellingham isn't for the faint of heart.
i remember him rushing me inside because the hobby was covering fall out boy and i told him how much i loved fall out boy. i remember dancing with him in that crowded living room, and i remember having to stand on my tip toes to kiss him because he's so tall. we went back outside and i made out with him in the freezing cold for what felt like an eternity, until his friends came to collect him. he made me swear over and over that i would text him tomorrow. my neck was covered in hickeys i hadn't even noticed him leaving.
we've been seeing each other a lot since then. he comes over to my room and spends a few hours with me. he even got dinner with me once. he's always so loving; he holds my hand and plays with my ring still, while we talk about everything from music to movies to stupid professors. when he kisses me it feels like a native language. when he puts his hand in my hair or on my hips to pull me closer to him, it feels like an act of god. when he looks into my eyes, it feels like that one david bowie song.
i wish i understood him. how can you be this way with me and feel nothing? how can you lay my head down on your chest and hold me there without wanting me even a little? how can you see me in public and greet me with a kiss, but tell me not to want for anything? is he crazy? is he in denial? people tell me that only someone genuinely cruel could be capable of such a double standard, but i can't look at him and find any cruelty. am i too simpleminded to see it?
maybe it's easier this way. maybe he sees beyond what i do. maybe, when he was holding me in his arms singing 'wicked game' to me, he kissed me through the second verse because he knew he was guilty of every lyric. maybe he left before midnight tonight because he knew he wanted more from me, and it scared him. maybe he knows what he's doing to me and maybe he's sorry. maybe i'm the one in denial.
i hope it's easier this way. i hope that, somewhere beyond my confusion and heartbreak, there's a hidden upside to all this that makes it worth it. i hope that there's some unseen alternative that hurts way, way worse than any of this ever could. i hope there's mercy in something.
what a wicked thing to say that you never felt this way what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you
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redroyalblues · 8 months
listened to my rwrb playlist tonight so i’m just gonna… spitball some thoughts into the tumblr sphere in case anyone like. enjoys the lyric tie-ins and such. but this is mostly my venting about random songs i like and think about firstprince to, so:
all-american bitch just straight up is about alex. “just like a goddamn kennedy i swear” “i don’t get angry when i’m pissed, i’m the eternal optimist” are just like what i imagine his entire thought process is behind being someone who has to be on all the time and their best self or else the entire country goes to shit. and “all the time :) i’m grateful all the fucking time :) i’m sexy and i’m kind :) i’m pretty when i cry :)” is just straight up an acd people pleaser mantra
alex claremont-diaz the kinda bitch to be obsessed with cool for the summer for a long ass time and then realize exactly why like five years later
THE VERY FIRST NIGHT BY TSWIFT… OKAY. “i remember the night in the hotel, i was riding in the car when we both fell, i’m the one on the phone as you whisper, “do you know how much i miss you?” what more can i say honestly
on that note. PAPER RINGS!! this is such a henry’s sappy ass song it’s not even funny. “went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now i’ve read all of the books beside your bed” is just a reminiscent thought that he has had before idk. “i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” exactly EXACTLY
i feel like henry had a tumblr phase as a teen where he went incognito and was very passionate about the arctic monkeys and other 2010s tumblr interests therefore in my head he listens to i wanna be yours and thinks of our beloved first son
but his fav is david bowie so i know he listens to young americans and “young american, young american, i want the young american” gets stuck out of context and on repeat in his head
nonsense by sabrina carpenter 🤭🤭 i’ve talked about my thoughts on this being a song alex would have loved in rwrb-2020 before but it bears repeating. “think i only want one number in my phone, i might change your contact to don’t leave me alone / you said you like my eyes and you like to make ‘em roll / treat me like a queen, now you’ve got me feeling thrown” long lyric but alex would twirl his hair kick his feet giggle over it being exactly the way he feels and i love that for him
first verse of strawberry blond by mitski. that is all
another taylor song but PARIS. this was like a formative firstprince song for me. if you haven’t listened to it please do and then come back and scream about it with me. “privacy sign on the door, and on my page, and on the whole world / romance is not dead if you keep it just yours” and “i want to transport you to somewhere the culture’s clever / confess my truth in swooping, sloping cursive letters / let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight” OK?????
physical by dua lipa is another just really random song i feel like i just Know alex enjoys
finally, go your own way by fleetwood mac. alex listened to that shit on repeat for the entire flight to london after henry left the lake house and i will fight for that opinion “if i could, baby i’d give you my world / how can i, when you won’t take it from me?”
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
Music Tag!
Thank you for the tag love @jacksadventuresinwriting <3
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
in a week - Hozier, Karen Cowley
marry me - Train
such great heights - Iron & wine
under pressure - queen, david bowie
perfect - simple plan
perfect world - simple plan
oh, clamity! - All time low
skinny love - birdy
everytime - britney spears
demons - the wanted
take me to church - hozier
old scars/future hears - all time low
bright lights - 30 seconds to mars
eternal flame - the bangles
waiting for love - Avicii
remembering sunday - all time low
in the woods somewhere - hozier
this i promise you - *NSYNC
thank you - dido
i dream about you - simple plan, juliet simms
neverland - ross copperman
guts - all time low
Tagging if they wanna do this @peaceofficerdiaz @witchlydiaz @loveyourownsmiilee @eddiediazisascorpio @buddierights @daughterofbuddie @elvensorceress @spotsandsocks @bekkachaos @the-likesofus @dickley-buddie @rogerzsteven @fearlessdiaz @evan-bumpkin-buckley @prettyboybuckley @vampirebuckleys and anyone who sees this and wants to give it a go!
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kamron-yuengling · 1 year
TW: mentions of suicide
David Bowie and The Lion King
I’m not really a fan of either I never have been
But I know you loved them
I’ve got a half finished painting of the stairs from The Labyrinth sitting in my closet I tried to finish it
I did
But you know me
I can never finish anything.
I want to rewatch that movie
because I honestly can’t remember it being that great
But I just can’t.
I want to know why you loved it.
Especially David Bowie.
David Bowie and The Lion King
The Lion King
Specifically Simba
You had a tattoo of him on your chest,
though I can’t really remember what side
I thought it was amazing;
A tattoo seemed so badass but it was of a kids’ movie which I always thought was funny We got into an argument over Lion King 1 1⁄2
I thought it was hysterical but you insisted it was too immature
and nothing could beat the original
I don’t remember what you thought about the CGI remake.
Bowie and The Lion King
What else?
“Where’s my hat?”
Do you remember that game?
You made my Littlest Pet Shop walrus wander around my bedroom floor in an eternal search for his hat
We played his daughters who were seals for some reason (?)
We tried and tried and tried but the closest we got to his hat was a toy rowboat
The furthest we got was my dresser
“Is this my hat?”
Bowie and The Lion King and Mr. Walrus (who I did try and find to let you see him one last time but man the closest I got were those fucking seals)
What else did I know about you?
You were a writer
Never saw your book published but hey that’s okay
Your friend, Kat, is trying now
I think it was about vampires? A vampire romance?
I’m not sure
I’m not sure I could read it even if I got the chance
I mean
I don’t think I can enjoy it.
It might be really good but if I can’t stop thinking about the hand holding the pen behind the words
Actually it’s probably not a pen
This isn’t the 80s
I tried to write a book
I always wanted to be like you
With your short hair, tattoos, and kissing girls
You got me a binder with the Hogwarts crest on it one Christmas
And I’ll be damned if I didn’t tear every page from my notebook to stick it in that binder I remember wanting to show you it
To have you read it
That was until I was 80 pages in and realized I’m no good at writing
Well I’m still writing
Not a full novel
That’d be pretty rude of me to publish a book when you weren’t around long enough to, wouldn’t it?
But short stories
RPG campaigns
Bowie and The Lion King and Mr. Walrus and books
What else?
Your hair
You know it was always my goal to do what you did? Wait until it was super long
Then chop it all off and donate it
That’s still my plan
Hasn’t changed
Might not shave my head like you did though
I remember you showing up to our elementary school production of Treasure Island with your head shaved
Mema was so annoyed by it
But I didn’t mind
I thought you looked so cool
And I thought, “When I’m that age I’m going to shave my head, pierce my nose, get a million tattoos, and be a writer”
I don’t want that anymore But I still think you’re cool
Bowie and The Lion King and Mr. Walrus and books and hair
You liked cats
Not the musical (at least I hope, I don’t actually know)
But cats
We used to call you a “crazy cat lady” but now we all know you weren’t a lady but the statement still stands
You were obsessed. Nobody needs that many cats.
Bowie and The Lion King and Mr. Walrus and books and hair and cats
What else did I know about you
Your pronouns
Your sexuality
You liked Avatar the Last Airbender Star Wars
Rent and other musicals Harry Potter
And Lord of The Rings
I don’t know what else
I think you liked mugs and Percy Jackson and stuffed animals but I genuinely can’t remember
I wonder if you liked Stranger Things or the Owl House or other shows I like
Or jewelry
Or if we had anything in common at all
I always thought
Hey, if he wants to talk to me he will And you would’ve
And that’s okay
It’s not
But it is
I always thought
When I’m older
We’ll talk
He’ll get better and we’ll talk and you know what?
We did
We had like 3 hours together
After not talking for like 8 goddamn years
I’m not naive enough to blame myself
I know I couldn’t have changed anything
I wish I could’ve but it would be pointless to list everything I could’ve done differently to make you not want to do that
You’re good
And at the end of the day it’s your choice
I can be mad at you or the world for putting you in that place but it’s not going to change the fact that if you wanted to be alive
You would be.
It sucks
It does
But no matter what you did or didn’t do
I still love you
and I still think you’re cool as hell
I just wish I knew more about you than
David Bowie and The Lion King
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gothcoffeethemperor · 2 years
Taking Questions From A Super Old Music Ask & Answering Them Anyway aaaaa
1- A song you like with a color in the title: "Red Stars" by the Birthday Massacre 2- A song you like with a number in the title: "A Hundred Suns" by the Boom Boom Satellites 3- A song that reminds you of summertime: "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People. It's the melody, not the lyrics. 4- A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget about: Most anything by Gackt, unfortunately 5- A song that needs to be played LOUD: "The Only Thing They Fear is You" from the Doom Eternal OST 6- A song that makes you want to dance: The "Kickstart My Heart" Remix by Dance with the Dead 7- A song to drive to: "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode 8- A song about drugs or alcohol: "Dressed for Space" by TR/ST 9- A song that makes you happy: "A Long Fall" from FFXIV 10- A song that makes you sad: Any version of "Illusion" by VNV Nation 11- A song that you never get tired of: "This Corrosion" by The Sisters of Mercy 12- A song from your preteen years: "Return to Innocence" by Enigma 13- One of your favorite 80s songs: "Spellbound" by Siousxie and the Banshees 14- A song that you would love played at your wedding: "A Kiss From a Rose" by Seal. Listen. This became my wife and I's song through weird circumstances, ok? I just wish we could have played it! 15- A song that is a cover by another artist: "Don't Fear the Reaper" as covered by Ninja Sex Party. One of the most beautiful covers I've honestly ever heard-- PLEASE go check it out. 16- One of your favorite classical songs: "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns 17- A song that you'd sing a duet with on karaoke: I don't know of any songs that I'd sing that are actually duets??? 18- A song from the year you were born: "True Faith" by New Order, easily one of my fav songs. 19- A song that makes you think about life: "Not Just a Name" by Drab Majesty 20- A song that has many meanings to you: "Killing Moon" by Echo and the Bunnymen 21- A favorite song with a person's name in the title: "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus 22- A song that moves you forward: "Gratitude" by VNV Nation 23- A song that you think everybody should listen to: "Earth Sun Idol" by Water Gun Water Gun Sky Attack 24- A song by a band you wish were still together: "Vaudeville" by Priest, specifically with the person who sings this song! 25- A song by an artist no longer living: "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen 26- A song that makes you want to fall in love: "You're Not Here" from Silent Hill 3 27- A song that breaks your heart: "Holding On" by VNV Nation (Listen, they're one of my absolute favorite bands and have been so for over a decade) 28- A song by an artist with a voice that you love: "Ruins" by O.Children 29- A song that you remember from your childhood: "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode 30- A song that reminds you of yourself: "H.Y.C.Y.BH?" by Tom Cardy. Because I'm immature. :P
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