#reminded me of the time i went to prom and afterward we were at this fastfood place
"A trip down memory lane"- The kissing booth AU Chapter three
part 4 of 4 || series masterlist || previous part
pairing: modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Reader, side modern!Aemond Targaryen x modern!Floris Baratheon
summary: After beginning your secret relationship on a high note, it can only get worse. Or can it?
word count: 3.9k
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warnings: kissing/making out, verbal and physical fighting, love confession, angst with a happy ending
Taglist: @fan-goddess
(If you want to be tagged in this fic or any specif character taglists, send me an ask)
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“We´re supposed to figure out how not to get caught.” You try to stay focused on the discussion. 
“No one thinks I have a girlfriend. It´s cool.” His tone is laid back. Almost irritatingly so. 
“Yeah, because gods forbid anyone thinks you have a girlfriend.” You shoot back sarcastically. 
“I have my reputation to think of.” He defensively holds up his hands. 
“Really?” A huffed laugh escapes you, despite wanting to stay stern.
In the end you end up making out again any way. He is just too good to resist. Your lips move against each other passionately and your hips grind down against his. Small moans and groans escape both of you, but just as he is about to pull your shirt over your head, someone knocks at the door. Loudly and unrelenting. You trip as you try to get off the mattress, tripping over the rug floor and rolling underneath the bed to hide, just a millisecond, before Alicent comes into the room. You see her shoes dangerously close the bed multiple times as she walks around. You clamp a hand over your mouth and squeeze your eyes shut. The suspense is killing you. Eventually she stands still only a couple centimeters from the two of you. None the wiser to your existence 
“Oh, don´t forget were going out on Saturday to celebrate your big news.” Aegon gives a begrudging sound of approval prompting his mother to remind him to be nice to you. “She has a crush on you.” 
“Oh really? I didn´t know.” The smug laughter in his voice makes you roll your eyes in order to not give up your position. 
“Yeah, you boys never do.” Alicent replies in a calm tone and finally leaves. 
The moment the door closes behind her you are up on the bed. Jokingly hitting Aegon´s arm as the two of you share a laugh. If only she knew. 
You spend every remaining free minute together after that. Wanting to make as many happy memories as possible before he went off to uni. He takes you out on dates to the cinema, the beach, the arcade and on long drives on the motorcycle with no particular destination in mind. You also visit that spot outside the city that he had shown you multiple times. It was the only safe spot you knew off. More than once you went out only to encounter one of your school mates or Aemond or one of your parents, who you were pretty sure were onto you already anyway. Ending up in having to hide behind corners or putting an empty popcorn bucket over your head multiple times. Your favorite was when you made your way back from the beach when you saw the guy that grabbed you at the beginning of the school year. Aegon noticed him before you and so he hastily put the motorcycle helmet over you and kissed you as passionately as he normally only ever did when you two were alone. Naturally it ended up with sneaking you into his room for some more private fun afterwards.
One afternoon when you spend some time with Aemond at the arcade, he suddenly turns to you with a serious look pulling down his features. 
“What´s going on with you? You´ve been kinda weird these past weeks.” 
“What do you mean weird?” You feign ignorance to his accusation. 
“You tell me. Is it because you have no date for prom still? Cause if it is you can go with Floris and me. I bet she would love having you with us.” He threads his eyebrows together, trying to get a read on you. 
Seeing this as good as any situation to finally confess what had been going on. You open your mouth to say something, struggling with the words, just as Floris joins the two of you. Leaning into Aemond´s side, they share a greeting kiss. 
“Hey, it´s okay if we all go to prom together, right?” He asks her. 
“Yeah, sure. The more the merrier, you know?” The smile she gives when she looks at you is so innocent you can´t help yourself. 
Taking a deep breath, you close your mouth again. 
“Yeah, it was about that. Thank you. That´s really nice of you.” You thank her quietly, deciding then that it just wasn´t the moment. 
Still, it wears you down for the rest of the day. Eating away at you, that you still couldn´t tell your best friend about something that had initially made you so happy. 
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Days later you sit in the Targaryen´s garage. A small radio plays quiet music and you sit to the side, watching Aegon working on his motorcycle. 
“Can you give me the toolbox on top of the shelf, please?” He asks as calm as you have barely ever seen him. 
“Yeah, sure.” You go to get what he has asked for, but the metal box slips from your hand and comes down on your face. 
It leaves a pretty nasty cut, which Aegon is quick to clean out. Just as he is about to grab a band aid though Aemond bursts through the door. The two of you whirl around, alarmed by the sound of the door. The younger sibling takes a closer look at your face and immediately starts to question if his brother was the cause for the damage. Saying things like he wouldn´t put it past him. His accusations work Aegon up quickly. The only thing that can prevent the situation from escalating then and there is you putting yourself in between them. 
“Aegon, look at me! Look at me!” You call the older one back to reality. 
Waiting until he physically relaxes, before pulling Aemond away. It is a shock that takes a while to stomach. However, once you do it gets just so much worse than you ever thought it could.
Aemond is onto you from that day on. Yet somehow, Aegon and you had managed to lure yourself into a false sense of security. 
It is a day much like when you had hurt yourself. Aegon and you sat together closely, feeling safe in being the only two people in the house, talking about how best to tell Aemond about the two of you. Aegon leans in to kiss you. The door to the large living room space swings open and there your best friend stands before you. Catching you in an unmistakable situation.
He runs away before you get the chance to explain yourslelf and so you run after him. Of course, Aegon runs after you, competely dismissing your plea for him to stay inside.
“Aemond, wait. You weren´t supposed to find out that way.” You asseverate over and over again. Feeling the sting of tears on your lower lash line.  
”From what it seems like I wasn´t supposed to find out at all.” He points an accusing finger at you.  
“What?” You ask exasperatedly.  
”Hey! It´s not her fault.” Aegon now puts himself into the conversation.  
”Don´t get me started on you. Telling other guys to stay away from her to protect her and then you treat her like… Like that.” Aemond’s words become louder as his rage grows with every passing second.  
”Alright, you may be smart, but you’re not all knowing.” Aegons fists tighten at his sides.  
”So you two have not slept together.” Aemond turns now looking you in the eyes. The burning look in them rendering you speechless. “I knew it.” 
”Aemond, that’s enough!” 
”No! She has no clue what she´s gotten herself into with you and she deserve to know!” Their screaming match continues. 
”That´s complete bull.” 
His words seem to do the final trick, because in the next moment, Aemonds face lands quare across Aegons jaw. You yelp at the scene. Pleading with them to stop only to be ignored by both of them. Aegon tackles his brother with a running start. The thumb that the action results in pulls a gasp from your lips. Aemond struggle against him heavily. Still Aegon manages to hold him down for a while.
Once he frees himself from his brother´s grasp, he runs away again. You are not willing to give up on your friend yet though. 
“So much for rule number 9.” He scoffs as he slams the door of his car shut behind him.  
“I didn´t mean for this to happen. I promise.” Your tears fall freely, while he still fights his  
“My whole life Aegon has gotten everything he ever wanted. The only thing that I had and he didn´t… was you. And now he has that too. You two really deserve each other.” 
He pulls out of the driveway and drives away at a pace that makes you scared for him. He shouldn´t be driving in this state at all. You wince when Aegon comes up behind you and lays his hands on your shoulders. 
“He´ll get over it. And now that he knows we can go to prom together. There is no need for secrets anymore.” He sounds hopeful, but that just aggravates you even more. 
“I told you to stay inside. What is wrong with you?” You hit his chest. 
“Hey, this is not all my fault.” He defends himself by holding your wrists still in the air 
“Just leave me alone.” You pull yourself free from his grasp. 
“No problem.” As Aegon leaves too, your thoughts are with Aemond. A little voice telling you that you lost him forever. 
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What follows the dispute are the loneliest weeks of your entire life. Aemond completely ignores you and Aegon has basically gone missing. It gets bad to a point where Alicent, in one of your talks, tells you that he might not be able to graduate if this continued.  She also helps you though. Telling you that in her many years of friendship with your mother they had fought many times and now she couldn´t even remember what any of those fights were about. 
So, reminded of rule number 7, you make a detour to the Ice cream place on your way to school the next day. Buying a cone of Aemonds favorite ice cream. No matter how mad you are at your best friend; you must forgive them if they bring you ice cream. Holding it out to him with the best puppy eyes you can muster, you are surprised when he wordlessly takes it. Only to get any bit of hope crushed immediately after when he throws it away on his way to class.
So you get used to doing everything from then on. Or at least you try to, but it just isn´t as much fun as it was with Aemond. 
Only for it to change one gloomy evening. You had gone to the arcade alone as so often. Sipping on a slushy and just sitting around thinking how all of this could go so wrong, that you couldn´t even tell your best friend about this really good thing, that made you really happy and that he should have been happy with you about.
And as you are so lost in your thoughts, he walks in. Heading directly for the machine you usually spend all your time at. You hear the coins clatter once and let out a deep sigh debating if you should just walk over there and join him in another attempt to make up. Then you hear the clatter if the coins a second time. Realizing he had paid for you as well, you make your way over hesitantly. He doesn´t look at you or speak to you at all, but you see it as an olive branch. 
By the end of the game, it´s like nothing had ever happened. The two of you laugh and hug and apologize for how everything went. 
However even with the friendship restored and seemingly stronger than ever, Aegon was still missing. You try not to think about it too much, but that was a virtually impossible task. Everything somehow reminds you of him. No trips to the cinema or beach or library or whatever that Aemond and Floris took you on either alone or together remedied that ache. On the contrary. Whenever you see them, as happy as they were, you couldn´t fight that drowning sensation overcome you.
Now, prom should have given the perfect opportunity for that.
After taking the mandatory pictures at home and driving up the building that hosts the event in a limousine, you get some drinks and start to dance the night away. Rarely stopping for a drink. The planning committee had truly outdone themselves.  
After a while the strobe light becomes too much and the music too loud, so you step outside for a break. Leaving your friends to dance alone for a while. The fresh night air offers a perfect opposite to the stuffy atmosphere inside and you use the quiet outside to calm down well. 
You get back inside just inside for them to open the memory lane that has been constructed with candids and pictures from the previous year. It´s fun to reminisce in the memories and laugh again at the particularly funny moments captured. If there wouldn´t be so many pictures with Aegon in them, that work their hardest to force the tears back into your eyes. At the end of the long corridor the hall opens to another smaller area. 
As the crowd in front of you parts, you recognize the kissing booth from the fundraiser. Before you get the chance to really react, Aemond jogs up to it and puts the blindfold over his eyes. Reaching one of his hands out for Floris to join him, which she does instantly, to reenact their first kiss. 
The people around you start clapping and cheering and for the first time you can feel yourself feel truly okay. Finally, there is not one thought of Aegon or anybody occupying your mind. And as a sense of serenity fills you, whatever deity may exist up there or rather down there decides to have a laugh at you for the pure chaos of it.
“I think your next” An all too known voice calls out to you over the cheers that erupt once more. 
“No.” You whisper as your eyes meet his. 
Much like his words before he left the apologetic look in his eyes now, does nothing to console you. 
“No. I can´t do this.” You turn on your heels and start to walk towards the exit at a fast pace. In the end you barely make it past the people around and get a hand on the doorhandle. 
“Princess, wait.” He calls out. His voice raised almost an entire octave in desperation to stop you from running.
“Why should I wait? Hm? You left me alone, for weeks! Without a single sign that you are still alive. Jeopardizing your fucking graduation as if it is nothing! And now all of a sudden you just show up out of the blue and expect me to what? Fall around your neck and accept that you are back without any lasting feelings?” You air out all the frustration that had built up and collected in the depths of your gut. Your eyebrows knitting together tightly, tears blurring your vision and frozen to the spot you stopped in. 
“Okay, I´ll give you a reason to wait. How about, wait, because standing here, in front of everyone I am telling you that I love you.“ In any movie you would have swooned at his proclamation of love, but this was no movie and no pretty words could erase the hurt the both of you had caused. 
“I just can´t keep hurting people that I care about because of you. In case you couldn´t tell, nobody wants us to be together.” You stand your ground. 
“But what do you want?” Aegon takes a step towards you and holds out his hands for you. 
“I want to go.” Released from the state of shock, you run away. 
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In the days following that disaster, you kind off go off the grid. Locking yourself up in your room and only replying to Aemond´s texts when it is necessary to plan your joined birthday party. Which is also the first time you emerge from your cavern of gloominess. 
Going over to the Targaryen's house to get into your costumes together, Aemond fills you in on the decision his brother had made the night prior. To not attend the party and instead leave for uni a week early, to settle in. The news puts a damper on the party mood you had gotten yourself into. Putting on a mask of indifference, you proceed with the party as planned. Blowing out the candles on your cakes and dancing with as much enthusiasm as you can muster with all the kissing couples around. You feel the all too familiar sting in your eyes and quickly get away from your friends as to not have to answer any questions. 
“What happened?” Aemond catches you by the shoulder. Looking as worried as ever. 
“I love you.” Your voice wavers. “I always want to be close to you but being my best friend doesn´t give you the right to tell me who I can love. What if I didn´t want Floris around?” 
“Then I´d break up with her.” He provides a simple enough sounding solution. 
“See, that´s what´s wrong. You shouldn´t have to, just because I say so.” You helplessly throw your arms in the air helplessly. 
“This isn´t the same thing and you know it.” He refers to the friendship rules. 
“Listen, we made up our rules when we were six, okay?” 
“So? What are you trying to say.” He takes a cautious step back.
“I´m saying that love Aegon. I want him and I´m sorry if that hurts you and I´m so sorry that I lied to you before. But I would be lying again if I told you I didn´t. And if you can´t... accept that, then maybe you can´t be part of my life.” You speak slowly. Trying to put this as nicely as possible. 
“You´re making a mistake” Aemond warns you. 
Then that´s my mistake to make.” 
“I know. I just want you to be happy.” He hugs you tightly to his strong chest. “Meet me outside in five. I´ll help you find him.” 
You tell your father and Alicent where the two of you are going and then head outside to the car. 
Aemond is already waiting and with the `mission´ on your mind, you completely forget to ask why he is wearing the mask to his costume. Instead, as you pull out of the driveway and onto the street, you thank him profusely for his support, rambling on and on about how hard it was seeing Aegon again after such a long period of radio silence. So caught up in it, that you don´t even notice the much deeper voice than usual, when he agrees with something you say. 
“I just regret not telling him that I love him, you know?” You look over at him when you are finished speaking. 
“You just did.” The person beside you pulls the mask off. Revealing Aegon´s choppy head of hair and a humble, but satisfied smile that crinkles the corners of his baby blue eyes.
“What?!” the wave of happiness and shock that crashes over you leads your attention away from the street, almost causing the two of you to crash into the oncoming traffic. 
You barely manage to turn the steering wheel around and park at the side of the road. “I thought you were already gone.” 
“Yeah, I was planning to, but I had to see you one last time. And then Aemond came and told me everything. He also said something about rule number 18 or whatever.” He waves his confusion about his brother´s words away with the wave of his hand.
Looking at the sky you thank the god or gods or whatever for rule number 18. Always be happy for your besties successes. 
 ”Wait... So, what about Harvard?” You ask with a still unbelieving chuckle. 
“Forget about that for a second. I´d rather wanna know what it was that you wanted to tell me so urgently.” 
“Oh... Um, nothing important...” You try to deflect as nerves get the better of you. 
“No no. No excuses or deflections. I wanna hear it. And it can´t be that unimportant if you left your party in a rush to tell me.” His smile tells you how much he enjoys seeing you squirm. 
”Okay.” You sigh and take a deep breath before speaking again with the words he had used back at the prom. “Sitting here in front of… no one in particular, I´m saying I love you.” 
“And I love you.” He concedes. 
The two of you lean over the center console at the same time. Your hand on his cheek and his on the back of your neck. The first touch of your lips makes you come alive again. As if your body had been on standby ever since he left and was only now getting turned back on. You taste nicotine on his lips and your hand slides into his hair. Needily tugging at the tresses. You are almost scared to think how happy he makes you, but it´s something that just happens whenever you are in his proximity 
When the time comes you drive him to the airport. Of course, only after one last goodbye brunch with both of your families. 
“Don´t turn around for a final wave, because that would be way too cheesy and romantic.” You put up a warning finger. 
“Even for you?” He feigns surprise. Laying a hand over his chest and leaning his upper body away from you. Yet he never takes his other hand of your shoulder.
“Yes. Even for me.” You nudge him with your shoulder as you walk the last couple steps together. 
“I was right. You are cute when you´re being bossy.” He relishes the way you roll your eyes at him. You don´t contradict him though. You are smart enough to know that it would be of no use. 
Walking together as far as you are allowed to accompany him, Aegon pulls you in for one last goodbye kiss. To the two of you it´s so much more than just the last kiss you will share for a while. It´s a manifest to how much you love each other. A promise that this would last even if he would be a distance away now. And that you would be able to hold each other like this again soon. It´s a beacon of hope. Aegon picks up his bag from the ground and wordlessly makes his way up the stairs to his gate. Once he reaches the top of it, he pauses. For a moment it looks like he is going to disobey your warning words, but he continues his way without looking back.
You stand there long until he rounds the corner, before you get back to the motorcycle that he has gifted you. Despite your protest. Starting it up you have one peaceful thought occupying your mind. 
Even if things wouldn´t work out there was always gonna be a part of you that belonged to Aegon Targaryen.
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Pre-Episode 4 Theory
Post Episode 4 Theory
I knew I was right to be skeptical about Uzi going full Murder Drone! But wow—there is a lot too unpack with what this one introduced.
First off, what’s wrong with Uzi’s classmates? Why were they so afraid of her when Doll was going all prom murder? The first time I slightly get cause they were surprised by her speaking a bit suddenly. But the second time? They all saw Uzi exit the tree lining before she spoke!
Unless it’s right in front of them—they barely react/register tragedy, going as far as to play it off as a joke. I thought Lizzy was a singular case due to being best friends with Doll. She at least seemed far more nonchalant about killing off her classmates. And she isn’t even AS infected!
The promo showed who was going to be killed.
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Once again, I’m reminded these are robots trying to mimic human society. Their emotional intelligence is pretty poor overall considering they barely react to deaths afterward. Following mob/herd mentality, no continuous sense of self-preservation, and having very loose morals.
The fact they found more comfort in known murderers is concerning. Makes me wonder how their parent's generation even survived.
(Also, it was Nori’s idea to create the doors and not Khan's? “Build doors against the coming sky demons!–The singularity awakens...”)
Two; How in the world can Uzi’s AbsoluteSolver create organic matter?! I was under the strong impression that it used nanites to affect general things. Yet this is on a completely another level.
Something which her mother seemed to be aware of. Uzi made f*cking bat-like wings and a mouthed tail out of nothing. People appear to be debating whether she was fully herself or AS crazy during that scene in the ep comments. It. It could either way to be honest. We see her puke up (streaming) oil from Daren and look at her oil-covered hand in horror. Her eyes/visor flickering between a Murder Drone X to high temperature warning to AS symbol in one eye.
And yet she goes into murder mode pretty quickly. Laughing eerily similar to V from Ep 1.
She tricked V by begging to speak to N, then during the falling talk was clearly in full control of herself. I hate the Absolute Solver program.
Sidenote, We see how V has indeed been hiding things. “New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?” Who from a very brief flashback from N is the fourth yellow-eyed drone Tessa restored. We kinda knew about her from the beginning since we see “Absolute Solver attempt block by Administrator CYN.” post-reboot slap. She had the AS symbol plus the large distended mouth in the flashback. She—she had a human arm in her mouth showing it off to N (I think.)
How she maintains an Administrator position in the JCJenson corporation—shown to hate rogue/free-thinking AIs—I’ll never know...
Another, or the same arm, was shown in a chandelier a few seconds after. The flashback ends with what I believe to be a black hole in the sky. Or maybe a blotted out sun?
Red eyes were visible when N fries that monitor touching the buttons. Except for them being rounder than a drone’s so we can rule out Doll.
Thirdly. There was more to Nori than we could imagine given the little bug recognizing 02.
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Register Torture Chamber complaint??? Either Nori used torture chambers(!) on other drones or was subjected to one. She seemed to have a descent into madness after the core explosion. If the box of “Family Memories before Nori went Kooky & Insane” was any indication. I did miss that when I first watched the episode...
Nori didn’t just see the three Murder Drones, she saw countless descended from the sky that the doors were her idea in the first place. There are so many questions we can ask about this: Did Nori and Yeva know about the Zombie Drone thing? Did they not use their abilities in public to avoid turning as Uzi does? Will Doll eventually turn—or is it only older AS “02”? How often did Worker Drones turn into Zombie Drones back on Earth that there needed to be a training tape about them? I really hate AS.
4th—AbsoluteSolver does indeed cause the same overheating issues in Murder Drones. It feels nice to get a confirmation for this since we could only speculate. Uzi burns in sunlight now. She can regenerate like a Disassembly Drone too. All while still having wings, a stinger/mouthed tail, and the AbsoluteSolver abilities. The purple protagonist has the programming to become a far deadlier AS/Murder Drone hybrid.
Took down V like it was barely anything. Where did her new wings and tail even go when N caught her? Do they fold into her body like the Murder Drone's own ones do?? Her tail??? I thought J’s AS heart-thing was fleshy cause it used human ribcage remnants. Clearly, we know otherwise that it becomes an extension of advanced AbsoluteSolvee users... What did Cyn/Tessa/JCJenson create? (nightmare fuel)
Lastly, character growth! Uzi showed her softer side and insecurities in this episode. N appears to be losing his doormat qualities defending himself. V’s still mean—but worried mean~ She is looking out for N, and very afraid for them.
Glitch and the crew really stepped up their animation ability in this episode. Characters are far more fluid. We see their expressions range, the episode was less joking to bring home how serious Cabin Fever was. At least more so compared to the other three episodes—nice.
More in the tags. >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd Post-Ep Four Theory
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allinmycorner · 2 years
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Here we are! It's time for the finale of Dancing With the Stars! It feels like just yesterday we were introduced to our 16 couples and now in the blink of an eye, we're about to crown the newest winner.
This felt like a proper finale, including a recap of all the weeks and performances from the eliminated contestants. Selma Blair was also cleared to perform a contemporary routine with Sasha as Jordin sang "No Air" and it was beautiful. She probably could've won if her health hadn't gotten in the way. But it was great to see one last routine from her.
We also said goodbye to Len. There were a couple of packages dedicated to him with past contestants sending him their love and reminding me of Dance Center with Jerry Rice and Kenny Mayne. People from the show also sent him some well wishes, including a message from the entire cast and crew. I'll admit I nearly cried a few times.
But the main event were still the dances. The first round was the redemption round, where each couple was given a second chance at a dance style they didn't score well on earlier in the competition. Each couple was also mentored by a judge. And in the second round, they did their freestyles - where all the rules go out the window and they can do whatever they want to prove why they should win the mirrorball.
So let's see how our finalists did!
Charli and Mark: Carrie Ann tasked Charli and Mark with dancing the jive again to improve on their performance from Prom Night. She wanted more vulnerability from Charli, which surprised me because the jive isn't the first dance you think of when you want vulnerability. But clearly she got it as Charli naturally nailed the routine. Her freestyle was about how she lost her love of dance and how she found it again. Mark said he had a similar journey recently so he was able to match her. It felt like something out of movie and was beautiful. But that was to be expected. Her win wasn't even surprising and I think one headline I saw afterwards put it best: "World's Most Famous Dancer Wins Dance Competition." Charli has been beautiful to watch but it does get boring when you can see the ending from the beginning, which really isn't Charli's fault. That's a producer problem.
Gabby and Val: Gabby and Val talked about their partnership and mentioned Halloween when Val had COVID and she danced with Alan. Gabby noted that it was one of her lowest scores which annoyed me. Her low score was due to the team dance, not the dance she shared with Alan (which she got two 10's for). It's a pet peeve of mine when someone puts someone else down in order to make themselves look good. Alan did not deserve that. Anyway, Derek came in and asked them to redo their cha-cha from Bond night. Gabby did much better this time around. Her freestyle was "He Had It Coming" from Chicago and it was rather underwhelming. I felt she could've done so much better and that the male pros really carried that. She got lost amongst them and needed something that really highlighted her. I don't think that cost her the mirrorball trophy. Charli likely had the stronger voter base and Gabby's entire catalogue on DWTS will be be a standout. It's just a shame that she went out more with a whimper than a bang.
Shangela and Gleb: I was really rooting for Shangela even though I knew she wouldn't win. But I enjoyed watching her every step in the finale. Bruno asked her and Gleb to perform a quickstep again, which did magnificently - even if she didn't get perfect scores. She also took a moment to honor the victims of the Club Q shooting, a LGBTQ+ venue that was targeted because of that reason. It's another tragedy that's sadly becoming too commonplace. From there, Shangela then delivered a freestyle that I could only imagine was reminiscent of her own shows. She flew, gave Len another chicken leg and even had two pros (including Sasha, who seemed way into his costume) dressed as a chicken leg. And Gleb donned drag to become Natasha, entering Shangela's world. It was a fun one to watch and I recommend you doing so.
Wayne and Witney: Wayne had a good chance of winning the mirrorball trophy but he didn't have the same scores as Charli or Gabby in the finale, tying with Shangela instead. I'm not sure if that affected him either way or if the votes just weren't there. But he got a second chance at the quickstep after floundering while performing after getting sick. Len gave him some advice and his quickstep was much better this second time around, though clearly not perfect. He and Witney then delivered a halftime-worthy freestyle where Wayne channeled Bruno Mars. It was clear he had a lot of fun doing it and this is another freestyle I encourage you to watch just because it's a fun routine. While Wayne won't get to take home the mirrorball trophy, he should be proud of making it to third place. Congrats, Wayne!
Season 31 is now in the can! Since the finale, Daniella and Pasha have announced that they are also expecting a baby. Clearly there's something in the water. Since chatter I've heard seem to confirm that Season 32 is likely, it seems we may be down two or three female pros (Witney, Daniella, and possible Jenna depending how she feels). It's also unknown if they will replace Len or go back to having just three judges on the panel. My suspicion is that as I believe they kept Derek for this reason. But I guess we'll see!
I will finally give you my thoughts about the move to Disney+ soon. So keep an eye out for that!
Otherwise, I'll see you all next season!
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Shove You Out the Door
Jaime regretted not letting the Reach invasion happen.
The day started out fine. He spent two hours stressing over what to wear to the movies before he covered up his shirt with the same blue hoodie that he wore all the time anyways. When he showed up 20 minutes early for their noon showing Bart was already there, wearing shorts in deference to the early summer Texas heat, and Jaime had the very unchill thought of legs sjdjfnee and Khaji Da offered to eliminate The Impulse, even though Bart had been Kid Flash for two years already. Bart spotted him and quickly latched onto Jaime's arm, pulling him into the theater and chattering away about whatever sci-fi movie Bart had picked out.
They went to a diner afterwards, and when Jaime blew his straw wrapper at Bart he laughed in delight. When Bart got up to go collect 50 more straws and sat back down he slid into the booth next to Jaime, and Jaime panicked because oh god, are they on a date? Jaime meant for it to be a date and then had freaked and not actually said anything to confirm it was a date so technically they were just hanging out and Bart was fiddling with the woven bracelet that Milagro had made for him that he wore everywhere because actually Milagro was his best friend now, sorry Jaime-
Then Booster Gold sat in the booth across from them.
Jaime didn’t realize it was Booster Gold at first, so he cleared his throat and said, “This table is a little occupied,” and Bart blew a straw wrapper into the side of his face.
The man who had so rudely sat at their table and interrupted their maybe-date opened his mouth before Bart interrupted him. “Hi Booster Gold,” Bart said.
Booster Gold closed his mouth. “It’s just Michael right now, actually,” he said. His blond curly hair was dark at the roots and when he smiled Jaime felt awe at how white his teeth were.
“Can we… help you?” Jaime asked, because he wasn’t sure why a random member of the Justice League decided to look for one or both of them. He had the thought that maybe he was actually an alien or shape-shifter and was coming to kidnap them or kill them or something, but then dismissed that thought because that was stupid, and also why would an alien disguise itself as Booster Gold to come kill them?
“Actually, I was hoping I could help you,” Michael said with his perfect, shiny teeth. He spread his hands out and magnanimously stated, “I have decided to offer my esteemed superheroing services and mentor the new Blue Beetle.”
He glanced back and forth between Bart and Jaime.
“Which one of you is Blue Beetle?” he asked.
Jaime choked on his drink.
“Me,” Bart said, immediately, “I’m Blue Beetle and I definitely need your superheroing services.”
Jaime put his hand over Bart’s mouth and very pointedly did not react when Bart licked his palm. Bart could never understand the pains of being an older brother.
“I’m Blue Beetle,” Jaime said.
“You’re both Blue Beetle?” Michael asked.
“Yes!” Bart shrieked.
“No!” Jaime said.
“This mentoring thing is already so complicated,” Michael sighed.
“Look,” Jaime said, wiping his hand off on Bart’s shirt, “it’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer, but I’m a little confused. I don’t think our skill sets are really… compatible.”
“I get it,” Michael said. “You’re the Blue Beetle and I’m a time traveler from the future. On the surface we have nothing in common.”
“Wow,” Bart said, “You’re from the future? What’s that like? Has the world been invaded by crazy bug aliens?”
“Ignore him. Like I said, I appreciate the offer, but I feel like I’ve got this handled. Besides…” Jaime couldn’t help the bit of hurt that bled into his voice, “why didn’t you ever show up when I first got the scarab? I could have used a mentor back then.”
Michael sighed again and rested his face on his hand. “I don’t know. When Ted died, I just… I just didn’t cope well, I guess. He’d been my best friend for so long and… yeah, you didn’t deserve to have to deal with that, kid.”
“Wait, you actually knew Ted Kord?” Jaime said, leaning forward.
“Yes?” Michael said. He reached for a chain around his neck and pulled at it to reveal the ring that had been tucked into his shirt.
“Oh shit,” Jaime said. “I’m sorry, man.”
Michael waved him off. “Yeah, yeah, grieving widow. But anyways, I’m cool now, I did the whole therapy thing, and since I was married to the last Blue Beetle, I figure that makes you my, like, step-protege or something.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Jaime said.
“Oh man, if you had showed up last week we would’ve gotten you something for Father’s Day,” Bart said, “Like a custom shirt that says world’s #1 guy who was married to the guy who was actually supposed to be my boyfriend’s mentor. World’s #1 replacement mentor.”
Jaime abruptly turned to look at Bart. “Boyfriend?” Jaime squeaked.
Bart squinted his eyes at him. “Have we not been dating for two months?”
“Should I go?” Michael asked.
“I thought maybe we were dating but I wasn’t sure? I do want to date you but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to date me.”
Bart huffed out a laugh. “You are so dumb. I don’t share food with just anyone. Also I already have my prom dress picked out so you just need to get a red tie.”
“I have a red tie!” Michael shouted, making them both jump. “I have like five hundred ties. Boom! You’ve just been mentored.” He pointed at the basket of fries in front of Jaime. “Are you going to eat those?”
Jaime slid the fries over to Bart.
“Oh my god,” Bart said, sounding a little choked up, “I love you so much. I will even let you eat some of these.”
“Am I nailing this boyfriend thing so far?” Jaime asked.
“Oh, totally, babe.”
Jaime nodded to himself. He was totally nailing this boyfriend thing.
“Ah, young love,” Michael said, getting up. He patted his pockets for a minute and then stopped. “I was going to pay, because I’m a mentor now, but I don’t know where my wallet is.”
“Don’t you own a quarter of Kord Industries or something?” Bart said.
“So! I’ll see you around, Blue, Blue’s boyfriend. Maybe you could help me out on a patrol or something. That’s what Green Arrow does with his kids, I think.”
“Sure, man,” Jaime said, deciding to throw him a bone. “See you around.”
Michael smiled brightly and then scribbled his number onto a napkin before leaving the diner, the bell tinkling behind him.
“Oh my gosh, did you see-” Bart started.
“His teeth!” Jaime finished.
Bart nodded aggressively, his auburn hair flopping. “I have never seen a man with more beautiful teeth. Well, except maybe yours.”
“You’ve got a pretty nice smile, too.” Jaime said, and reminded himself Bart couldn’t hear the way his heart fell out of its rhythm for a second.
“Yeah,” Bart said, leaning in, “Maybe we should compare notes.”
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
for @foggyfestival who asked for 49. secret kisses as well
Alex is finally alone, for the first time in what feels like an entire week. He moves away from where he’d been leaning against the door after he’d pushed everyone out to have a moment to just breathe.
He locks the door for good measure, and then walks over to the mirror that is mounted on the wall, big enough that it reflects the entire room.
Alex looks at his reflection, tugging the waistcoat down. His suit is black and his shirt is black, and the front of his waistcoat is black, but his tie shimmers and changes color, like someone pressing their hands on the alien glass that had made up the alien spaceship, and so does the back of his waistcoat.
Alex doesn't know where Isobel found it, and he didn't ask. He'd taken one look at himself in the suit and he'd fallen in love with it instantly
When Michael had proposed, Alex had been expecting a small, cozy thing, maybe in the junkyard, where there was enough space for the reception afterwards. But he should've known it would have been anything but once Isobel had gotten involved.
Alex had been apprehensive at first, but as the weeks, and then months went by, he started to really get into it, and now the anticipation is killing him.
He hasn't seen Michael in almost a full twenty four hours, but it feels like much longer.
Almost as though he'd summoned someone by just thinking about wanting to see Michael, someone turns the knob on the door, trying to get in.
The locked door does its job, but Alex should've known that it wouldn't keep those who were determined to get in, alien or not.
Alex doesn't look at the door, not really wanting to acknowledge anyone since he already kicked everyone out for a few minutes of peace and quiet.
The door opens and shuts as quickly as possible with the sound of footsteps squeaking in.
Alex is scrutinizing his hair, wondering if he should do something different to it, when he hears a soft exhale and a shocked and mesmerized, "Wow."
Alex looks at the door, through the mirror and his breath catches in his lungs when he sees that Michael is the one who had decided to interrupt his quiet time, lips parting in awe.
He feels his heart beating in his throat, and there is a pressure behind his eyelids like he might cry, or he needs to blink, but he can't look away from Michael's reflection. 
In contrast to Alex, Michael's suit is white. His shirt looks to be made of silk, also in white, but his waistcoat is a tan color, made of a soft leather with polished circle turquoise stones instead of buttons, and he's wearing no tie so the top two buttons of his shirt are undone.
His hair looks like someone tried to tame it and failed, slick and wild and unruly and tumbling across his eyes, but that's exactly how Alex likes it.
Alex keeps staring as Michael walks forward, tracking his movements until he's standing right next to Alex.
"You look incredible," Michael says, voice hushed with the overwhelming amount of emotions.
Alex licks his lips, and snaps himself out of it, turning his face to look away from the mirror and right into Michael's eyes, which seem more intense than usual.
Alex has a moment where he forgets what he's about to say, and blurts out the first thing that came to mind.
"What are you doing here?" He asks. "Isobel will kill you if she finds you here, and I'm not planning on becoming a widower on my wedding day."
“She won’t find out,” Michael assures him with a smile. “I’ll be gone before she comes looking for me here. I just-”
He breathes in deeply, eyes darting all over Alex like he’s trying to memorize how he looks, which Alex can relate to because he’s doing the exact same thing.
“I missed you,” he continues, and Alex can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth.
“It’s barely been twenty-four hours,” Alex reminds him. “The ceremony is in less than an hour.”
Michael smiles back at Alex, grin wide and sweet, and it makes him look radiant. Alex wonders if that is some alien thing, or if it’s the fact that this is the first time since prom night that Alex has seen Michael in a tux or if that’s why a bride and groom are separated until they walk down the aisle, so that the anticipation of seeing each other again makes the other person look more beautiful than they ever have.
“You look-” Alex starts, but he can’t seem to find the word to finish that with, everything seems too little or too much.
“Yeah,” Michael breathes, like he understands exactly what Alex is saying. “You too.”
Alex bites his lip to stop the smile from spreading across his face, and Michael’s eyes drop to his mouth, and then back up to his eyes, and then he’s stepping closer, lifting one hand to press his fingers to Alex’s jaw before he kisses him once, soft and sweet.
He trails his hand down Alex’s neck, and tugs against his tie lightly, “I love this on you. But I cannot wait to take it off.”
Alex makes a small noise in a half hearted protest, “We cannot-”
Michael kisses him again, long and wet. He parts their lips with a gasp, and Alex follows after him, fitting his hand to the back of Michael’s neck and kissing him again.
Michael eased backwards, slowly and Alex wanted to lean back in for another kiss, but he stopped when Michael dropped his forehead to Alex’s and shut his eyes, smiling, and it made him look ten years younger.
Alex felt his heart squeeze in his chest, and he closed his eyes, swaying from side to side.
“I love you,” Michael whispers, nudging his nose against Alex’s.
Alex smiles, and blinks his eyes open, “I love you more.”
Michael shakes his head, and whispers right against Alex’s mouth, “Not possible.”
Alex is about to tell him how possible that actually was when there was a sharp knock on the door, and then Isobel’s voice, loud and clear, “You better not be in here Michael!”
Michael pulls away from Alex, making a face like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and he darts away from Alex, opening the door before Isobel can, and darting out before Isobel can see inside.
“Hey Izzy! The good news is that Alex looks amazing,” Michael says as he closes the door.
Alex hears Isobel make an enraged noise, and start to say something, but is cut off by the door shutting.
Alex just shakes his head and stares at his reflection, taking in his bright eyes and red cheeks and wide smile, and he covers his face with one hand, feeling like today is going to be an even better day than he’d expected.
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Still The Louvre (m)
A/N: Someone requested this and I hope you like it! This happens when you have Lorde’s Melodrama on repeat whilst writing…thanks for inspiring me queen (although I’m not sure why breakup songs made me write this lol) Also Merry early Christmas to those who celebrate!! x
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fluff, smut, car sex, childhood friends to lovers, a tiny bit of angst but only for 0.5 minutes maybe, I hope this heals someone who’s given up on finding love, you all deserve someone who sees the best in you!!!
words: ~ 3.9 k
“We’re just friends. Guys and girls can be friends! We’ve always been best friends, ever since we were seven. Nothing more.” That’s what you used to say. Now look who was the clown in those conversations all along. You guessed correctly - it was you. Because on your sixteenth birthday, he showed up in his black tee and baseball jacket, with your favorite candy and a heart-shaped necklace. Little did he know, if you could, you would have carved his initials into it, right there and then. Because it was that day, you understood one thing. You were head over heels in love with your best friend.
You would have been the perfect high school sweethearts – had it not been for the three different girls he had dated instead of you. He always had all their hearts, the only thing he needed to do was pick. And who could blame the other girls? He was all you could ever ask for, so there was no point in being bitter about their adoration for him.
Multiple times, you had tried to convince yourself you were over him. Like when you went out with one of the popular guys, only to realize three dates in that he was the possibly most boring person you had ever encountered. Or like that one time you agreed to go to prom with the class clown. He almost made you spit out your drink of laughter all night long, but when he tried to stick his tongue down your throat at the end of it all, you changed your mind. Your most successful boyfriend stayed for a full six months, before leaving you. He had been jealous of your relationship with your best friend. And you couldn’t even resent it. Your then-boyfriend had been in second place all along, and you should have never even dated him.
Long story short, whenever you looked at boys, you compared them to your best friend. And your best friend was an invincible competitor. It was safe to say, your teenage years weren’t what the films made them out to be. Except if there was a movie about a girl who cried so much about her best friend who she loved, she almost thought there was something seriously wrong with her. Some days the pain was so heavy, you’d get mad at him for no reason. Then you’d have to tell him lies that wouldn’t worry him and move on. Who could you tell? Your best friend was the one supposed to help you through boy trouble, wasn’t he? Yeah, that wasn’t going to work for you.
But that was the past. Lately, life was better. You couldn’t pinpoint when you first noticed the way he looked at you. Was it when he told you he felt like no boy in the world would be good enough for you, so maybe he should date you instead? It sounded like a joke, but his eyes said differently. Or was it when he asked you to sleep in his bed instead on his spare mattress at one of your sleepovers you’d had since you were eleven? He held you without words being shared, and neither of you addressed it in the morning. Maybe you both knew what it meant, either way. The mere thought of him liking you back was almost unbelievable for you. But after last night, you had no doubt. You had been in the elevator in the cinema with him. It was only ten seconds, and before you could have kissed his face that was inches from yours, the doors had opened. But he had chuckled and grinned at you for thrice the time afterwards. As if you had a new inside joke now.
It seemed you both knew what you wanted. But were you willing to take your friendship to that level?
Today, you were sure you were willing. Your heart almost ached in desire for him when you saw him standing with your shared friends. There, on the beach in the dark of night, with a bonfire drawing the warmest orange glow on his skin, you thought he had never looked more handsome. It was a small get-together between old school friends you both hadn’t seen in a while. And you should have been all over them, asking them about their lives and how they’ve been. Instead you only had eyes for the person you saw every day of your life. You swore you’d never get enough of his sweet smile and eyes so trustworthy you wanted to put all your deepest secrets right into his hands. His chest was heaving from laughter as he pat his friend’s shoulder in agreement. Oh, how dearly you wanted that hand to slip into your very own.
It was a warm night, you had been eating marshmallows, sharing genuine laughter and looking up at the stars and the full moon. Only one thing could have made your experience better, or one person, rather. You silently cursed yourself, because the night was coming to an end – some people had already left – and you still hadn’t made your move on him like you had planned it. But then your song played from the speaker. The very song you two always played in your car whenever you drove somewhere together. Every small beat reminded you of him and the lyrics were carved into your heart, it seemed.
When he noticed, his eyes shot up and met yours. They crinkled up into a smile that you returned. Finally, he made his way over to you and automatically your arms opened for him. Like coming home, he melted into your figure, arms mellow around your body. Quietly, he sang along into your ear, like every little word was meant just for you. You only pulled away slightly, so you could look at each other’s faces. You could’ve cried, realizing the time you had waited for him had been worth it after all. He was giving you a look you had thought would be forever reserved for other girls – but never for you. The starry sky above you wouldn’t stand a chance compared to his dreamy eyes and the fresh ocean air could easily be forgotten, if it meant to be in his arms and breathe in his familiar scent. If you leaned forward only a little, you could kiss him.
“Guys, we’re headed off,” a voice interrupted you.
“We should get going too, don’t you think?” he said. Almost mechanically, you nodded. You reminded yourself that you would still be in the car with him for twenty minutes until you’d arrive at home. And he’d stay at your place. You had him all night long. As you walked to your car, his hand brushed against yours softly, and you weren’t sure if it was just an accident, at first. But he was smiling as if he knew everything when you looked over at him and there you had your answer. The moment he had sat down in the passenger seat of your car, he was digging around for a CD to play. He settled for a playlist he had made for you in spring.
There was so much to be said and simultaneously silence had never felt more comfortable while you drove. You were going south along the high cliffs to your right. It was truly the most beautiful part of your hometown.
“I hate driving here,” you said.
“You don’t like driving along the cliffs? Too dangerous?” he asked.
“No. It’s too beautiful here to just look straight ahead at the road,” you said. He chuckled.
“We can stop at the tourist spot if you want to look at the sea,” he suggested. You smiled because he knew you so well. The ‘tourist spot’ really was a small parking spot right by the road, with space for about ten cars. You could already see it ahead of you. On sunny days lots of people driving down the coast liked to stop there for a rest and to take photos. Now, it was completely empty, of course. You parked at the spot closest to the cliff, so you could look down at the sea without having to get out of your car.
The slow playlist he had made for you was still playing when you switched off the engine. You knew right then and there, no matter where the night went, you’d remember this moment forever. The glow of the full moon was sparkling on the wild billows beneath you. Your eyes fixed on the horizon for a moment, as if you could have seen the closest island if only you paid enough attention. But it was only a wild vastness seemingly without end. Momentarily, you thought you spotted something in the water. Whales? But when you looked closer, there was nothing but the white and dark blue colors of the tempestuous waves.
“It’s gorgeous,” you spoke into the silence, your chin resting on your forearms on the steering wheel. You waited for his response. When it didn’t come, you turned to look his way. He was already looking at you. If cupid was real, he had just fired another arrow at your heart. Never could you have guessed how your best friend’s foolish grin could have made your heart skip a beat like this. Without another thought entering your head, you bent over to him. He knew what it meant when you mirrored his smile.
And then, you closed your eyes. You could admit it now - every time you had blown out your birthday candles, this was all you had ever wished for. His lips fit so perfectly onto yours. After the amount of times you had imagined it, really kissing him still was so much better than it had ever felt in your wildest dreams. His hands tangled in your hair and you almost couldn’t breathe. But then again, you didn’t need to. Right then, you didn’t need anything but him. For the first time, you touched the back of his neck in the way you had always wanted to – to pull his mouth closer to yours.
When you pulled away, everything in you screamed ‘Do it again! Now!’. It was as if your mind was worried that he would slip right through your fingertips if you didn’t hold him close to you for the rest of your life. Too many times you had thought that maybe you could have him, only to be let down because your hopes were too high.
“When did you first want to do this?” you asked, because you needed to know.
“About four months ago, probably. What about you?” he said. His hand was still on yours, as if to say “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere”.
“Ever since I was sixteen,” you said. You could have lied, but what was the use? You loved him too much to ever deceive him. His eyes widened. His hurt was yours, and so you understood the way your words must had pierced through his heart. Now he knew. You could practically read it in his eyes, how he realized the pain, the jealousy and disappointment he had caused, for years, without ever intending to do so. And although you should have wanted him to understand your hurt, the guilt and pain in his look was unbearable.
“It’s not your fau-“ you started.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N,” he interrupted you. “I’m so sorry – god I’m such an ignorant asshole.”
“No!” you said, taking his hand in both of yours. “You are my best friend, and you have caused me endless hours of happiness. I would have taken any sadness if it meant I could be your best friend forever.”
His eyes were watering and your heart felt like someone had gripped and twisted it in their bare hands.
“I was dating people and you had to sit and watch,” he said in disbelief.
“It meant to see you happy,” you said. “Hating you or those girls wouldn’t have changed your feelings for me. Because we don’t choose what we feel and for whom we feel things.”
“I love you,” he let out. “I’m so in love with you and I’ll make it up to you for the rest of my life, I swear.”
His words hit you like a torrent and you didn’t even care about the years of hurt anymore.
“There’s nothing you need to make up to me. I just need you to be here with me. Let me love you the way I’ve secretly loved you all this time,” you said. You touched foreheads until your breaths mixed.
“I’m yours – all yours,” he said. “I’m sorry. It took so long for me to realize and you were here all along, waiting for me. I never wanted to hurt you. How can I apologize properly?”
“Just kiss me again, please,” you said, almost begged. “Kiss me and it’ll all go away.”
And so he did. You had never known how much emotion could be in a kiss. But then again, you had never felt this strongly for anyone else but him. You deepened the kiss, bending almost all the way over to his side of the car. His hands were touching your cheeks so gently, but they were coaxing you closer and closer. When his tongue stroked over your bottom lip, you sighed against his mouth.
“I want you,” you admitted. You thought about driving home, but you needed to be honest to yourself. Driving in this state of mind was probably not safe.
“Backseat?” he asked, lips barely leaving yours alone. Hastily, you nodded. He climbed back there first, then you followed. It was only ten seconds that you couldn’t hold him for, but you yearned for him more than ever when you finally sat down in his lap, facing him. Without hesitation, your hungry mouths attacked each other again. You swore, you could have sat there all night long, kissing and touching him, if there hadn’t been something you wanted even more.
Swiftly, you slid his shirt over his head. Of course, you had seen him shirtless before, but never like this. Never with his chest practically heaving against yours, never with your hands being able, being allowed to touch him. Your fingertips were shaky against his smooth skin and you must had looked at him as if he was carved directly from marble. So he put his fingers under your chin and you looked into his eyes. If his body was marble, his eyes were diamonds. Ever so gently, he kissed you again. For a while you sipped on each other’s lips, only pulling away for a moment so you could remove your own shirt. You had opted to not wear a bra that day, out of comfort but also laziness. All along you used to think that saying someone’s eyes darkened in lust was an exaggeration, but when you looked into his, you understood. It was true. The way he eyed you was beyond all your most daring dreams you had ever dreamt about him.
Your lips meddled messily as his hands ran down your body starting from your neck, to your breasts, squeezing them and playing with your nipples. He was careful not to tickle you, knowing from hundreds of childhood play fights where your weak spots were. Your back arched against his chest, wanting more than his careful touches. On impulse, your hips ground against his crotch. As if on cue, you both let out strained noises. By now, your breaths were heavy when you pulled away shortly. Dreamy eyed, he touched the pendant of the necklace between your collar bones.  
“I gave you that…,” he started.
“For my sixteenth birthday,” you finished his sentence. You caught a flash of regret in his gaze, but you weren’t going to let him feel that way. Not now. Like you had wanted to so many times, you bent to his neck and began peppering kisses on his skin.
“Can I give you a hickey?” you whispered, almost afraid you were still in a dream.
“Just one?” he asked, and even without looking at him you could hear the grin in his voice. After sharing him with so many girls for so long, it almost felt selfish. But you reminded yourself that he wanted you now, after all. He groaned when your teeth grazed his skin and you sucked purple marks onto his neck and shoulder. His restless hands touched all over your boobs and hips, down to your ass where they slid into the back pockets of your pants for a moment. Again, you pressed your crotch against his hips, yearning for any kind of friction. At the same time, your hand wandered along his chest to the hem of his pants. Without looking, you opened his belt and the zipper of his bottoms.
He hissed when you grabbed his clothed dick through his underwear and his fingers dug into your sides. A few times you pumped his already hard shaft through the material. Then he moaned your name and you had never heard anything more perfect. The mere sound of his breathy, husky voice turned you on so much more than you had ever imagined.
“Fuck me, please,” you spoke, kissing him deeply. He hummed a needy yes against your lips and nodded. You climbed off him so you could lie down on the seats. He wriggled out of his pants and then helped you out of your own. When he lay down between your thighs and you felt his weight on top of you, it seemed like he had always belonged right there. It had been a hauntingly long journey, but now that you knew the end of it, you accepted all the sleepless nights you had experienced.
“Hold on,” you said, finding your bag on the floor to reach for the condom inside. He hummed a thank you as he ripped the pack and rolled the rubber over his stiff member. His fingertips teased the inside of your thighs, while he pressed open mouthed kisses onto your neck. A drawn out moan of agreement left your lips and momentarily, your eyes shut in the bliss of anticipation.
“You look so beautiful in the moonlight,” he said. His fingers run through your folds, collecting the wetness. You couldn’t help but whimper at the contact, and maybe also slightly because his words made your heart swell in the most marvelous way possible. Through flattering eyelids, you watched his stupidly handsome features as he curled his fingertips against your clit. All of you wanted more, but you only managed to moan his name in pleasure.
“You ready?” he asked, and you weren’t sure if you brain had even processed the amount of rapture he was causing you – but of course you were. You had been for years.
“Yes,” you said. Just for a moment, he run the tip of his cock through your wet folds. When he finally entered you, you realized you had been holding your breath ��� now it came out in a relieved sigh. He groaned at the mere sensation of filling you up, and when you opened your eyes to look at him it almost made you dizzy in admiration. Gradually, he thrusted into you, hips fitting against yours like two puzzle pieces finally united.
As he picked up the pace, you moaned in surprise but more in agreement. You felt his hand on yours and linked your fingers. Other men had made you feel good before – but only now you realized how true those statements from women were, when they said that nothing was like sleeping with the one you were in love with. The mixture of pleasure and the way you mooned over his whole being was a lot to take in. But it would never be too much. He was perfect for you. When you threw your head back you spotted the full moon and the brightest stars in the sky, trying to outshine each other.
He hit a spot inside of you that made you arch your back off the seats. Tightly, you shut your eyes and squeezed his hand.
“Oh my- You feel so good,” you moaned. When you felt the tip of his nose brush against yours, you opened your eyes. They met his galaxy eyes, and his mouth was parted slightly. You could barely breathe at the way he looked at you. When would anyone else ever see you in this way? It didn’t matter, you only wanted him either way.
He reached for the back of your thigh, lifting your leg slightly. The different angle felt even better, making you whimper and grab the hair at the nape of his neck, desperate for somewhere to hold on to. He groaned when you pulled his hair a little, and you smirked. You could barely wait to find out all the other things he liked and wanted to do to you in the future. But for now, you weren’t in a rush. It had been a long time since you had felt so at peace and full of happiness. Time was nonexistent right then. All you knew were his soft lips on your jaw and the way his perfect cock was making you see a blur of stars in front of your eyelids.
“I’m gonna- come,” you whimpered.
“Hmm…me too,” he groaned. “Let go for me, baby.”
His hand came in contact with your clit, feverishly rubbing the sensitive nub. The nickname he had called you would have made your cheeks heat up, had they not already been that way from the intensity of your emotions. Your stomach tightened and you only wanted to pull him closer to you.
He reached his high shortly before you did. A few curses fell off his lips as you felt him twitch inside of you, hips moving in sharp thrusts. Even if you had wanted to look at him, it was impossible for you to keep your eyes open, as his fingers still worked their magic on you. His last thrusts were hard and short, but they sent you over the edge too. Just as he pulled out, you met your climax. It was like falling but knowing there was a pair of gentle arms right there to catch you, so you didn’t have to be scared. You moaned his name, and this time he was actually here to hear it. Your chest pressed against his, foreheads touching, your legs tightened around his waist from sensitivity. After slowing down, he removed his fingers from your center completely.
Together, you lay in silence trying to catch your breaths and clear your heads. You scooted over a little, so he could balance his body on his side next to you. Light as a feather, his fingers brushed over your lips, before he bent down and kissed you again. This time it was a long kiss, with less need but even more passion. For what felt like the hundredth time, you questioned reality. Almost as if to check if it really was him, you stroked over his cheek and gazed up at him. But he was right there. Your best friend. Now more than your best friend. Through the opened crack of the car window you made out the crashing waves that caressed the cliffs underneath you two. Mingled with your song playing from the car’s speakers, the mysterious noise seemed to pick you up and tell you “Look at what you’ve been through, only one last time, then put it behind you. You’re where you’re supposed to be, now.”
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 07 / all for us
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summary: it feels as if god is blessing you personally when levi decides to spare you. but as the day goes on, you can’t help but notice things and ask questions, some of which you didn’t ask.
note: why was this chapter so hard to write
taglist: @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @the-sun-baby @uniquepickle @ascybous @messyhairday-me @stupid-stinky @saturnalya @megumitodoroki @kouyume @quacksonlover81 @gipumar
word count: +3.0k
warnings/notes: cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of drinking and driving, vomiting, mentions of blood, mentions of ocd, the reader is confused
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LEVI ackerman knew he wasn't a good person. he knew from the moment he watched his uncle slaughter a man in front of him at the age of eight.
levi knew the moment he killed a man for theft. he knew the moment people would cower before him in highschool when he'd walk through the halls. he knew the moment he was sucking the smoke from a cigarette into his mouth.
he knew the moment he found himself fighting police officers. he knew the moment he was pushed against the hood of a car with his hands cuffed behind his back.
he knew the moment when erwin smith sat down in front of him with no emotion written on his face. the moment when erwin said he knew levi had done it, but he would be defending him either way. the moment when levi disobeyed the oath as he spat out his testimony. the moment the gavel was slammed down along with the verdict of 'not guilty'. the moment he stepped into the sunshine, erwin's hand in his, for the first time in months, knowing damn well he didn't deserve it.
but levi didn't care, he never did. the world he was born into was cruel. he had to fight for his place at the top, for his food, for his clothes, for everything. if no one cared about him, then why should he care for others.
but as he stares down at you trembling from fear on the floor, he can't help but think that he's incorrect.
"please don't hurt me again," you plead in a whisper, tilting your head to the floor.
levi only sighs, walking in and shutting the door behind him. he crouches in front of you, hand now awkwardly stroking your head.
"what happened," he asks, and it's something that comes as a shock to you. you were slightly prepared for a beating.
you snap your head up to look at him in shock.
"what have you got in your hands," he points at the scrapbook held to your chest.
"oh!" you fumble to show him, "i saw this earlier... i wanted to look but i didn't think you'd allowed me. i'm sorry, please don't hurt me."
"i would've let you, i barely look at this thing anymore. can you tell me what happened now," he scoffs at the front cover of the scrapbook.
"when i was going to put it back, a book on the shelf fell. then another book on the top shelf fell off, so i used the lower shelves as a ladder. as you can see, it didn't work," you look ashamed while you gesturing towards the shelf.
he just huffs, "go sit on the couch. we can look through that book after i clean."
you obey and watch levi heft the bookshelf back onto its legs. his fists clench as he looks down at the pile of books surrounding his feet.
hastily, levi's picking up the books by the color and placing them back onto the shelf. when he's finished, he takes a step back to look at it. he's unsatisfied, instead more frustrated as he starts to take all of the books off of the second bookshelf he has.
but in the middle of taking the books off the shelf, he twitches and taps the book against the wood five times. he's putting the books back onto the shelf, going back to the other bookshelf and taking all the books off of that.
you stare in absolute bewilderment. the shelves had looked perfect and identical to you, not to mention clean. as he's in the midst of taking the books off the shelf, he taps the book against the wood again.
and with that, he's placing it all back onto the shelf again. he sighs in relief after he's checked everything, finally trotting to you and plopping down next to you on the loveseat.
nervously, you scoot closer to him in order for you both to be able to see the scrapbook. he watches you flip it open past his baby picture, instead turning to the page that showed his mother feeding him.
"that's my mom, kuchel," he gently rubs his finger on the photograph, "think i was around a year at this point."
humming, you flip to the next page. when you realize it's the picture of levi at his mother's funeral, you try to flip the page but levi stops you.
a sigh, he explains, "my mother always had a very weak immune system, according to my uncle. because of where we lived, we both ended up getting deathly ill and we were too weak to get any help. i had to watch her die and wait for someone to come check up on us."
"i'm assuming it was your uncle," you tilt your head.
"it was. he took me in afterwards, gave me food and a shower. he even taught me how to hold a knife and how to fight for future reference. he had some work to do while i would fight for food."
you point to the one of levi standing in front of a building. to which he replies with, "first day of kindergarten. my mother was still alive back then so she decided to take the picture."
he turns the page for you, a relieved look in his eyes at he stares at the next photograph. it's a picture of levi, in high school, wearing a tux while standing next to another man with a bubbly girl holding onto levi as she holds up a peace sign.
the boy, who's also wearing a tux, has ice blue eyes and wavy dirty blonde hair that obviously hasn't been styled. he's got a gentle smile on his face while he looks at both the girl and levi, someone who levi was obviously fond of.
the girl has dark red hair in low and loose ponytails with freckles painting her tan cheeks. her eyes shine an emerald green along with her pearly white teeth.
"that's... isabel and farlan. met them in 8th grade, and we were at junior prom in this. farlan took me as his date while isabel went stag. i'm glad i still have this picture."
you resist the urge to fight back the joke of his type in men, instead asking, "are you not friends anymore?"
levi stays quiet for a moment, "they died in a horrible car crash a month later. some asshole decided to drink and drive while driving a semi. rear ended them at 45 miles per hour and killed them on impact. isabel was slouching in her seat and farlan was hunched over the wheel apparently. it was gruesome."
"i.... i'm so sorry," you reluctantly touch his arm.
he waves his free hand up and down in dismissal, despite hurt he actually was, "it's fine. happened years ago."
he turns the next page in order to distract himself from the sheer awkwardness that bathes the room. the next picture is of him, around the age of 24, standing in the sunlight while he smiles softly to the sky.
"erwin was my attorney, before he became a prosecutor, when i went to jail. he proved me not guilty and this was the picture he managed to take of me right after we left the courthouse. it was the first time i'd seen the sun without handcuffs on in months," he huffs with slight annoyance at the memory, something that surprises you just a bit.
"why'd you get arrested?"
"nothing you need to worry about," telling you would only make you fear him more. and that would be a pain to deal with.
the next page after is blank, along with the rest that follow.
"i stopped because i thought it was stupid," he crosses his arms, nudging the back of the scrapbook with his knee.
"i don't think it's stupid," you shake your head, fingertips gently tracing the grainy and textured paper.
"why's that?"
"well," you smile a bit while your mind wonders to the scrapbook pieck made you one year for your birthday, "it shows you the good memories that you might've missed as the time passed. reminds you that there's something in every little small day. it helps you keep the memory alive, even if some of it is upsetting, and i think it shows how much you've changed as a person."
levi stares at you, slightly flustered at your words as you relook at the photographs with gentle hands.
he stands up, "i just remembered the tea." ah, a sound excuse. if only levi had made tea.
you watch as he seems to rush out of the room, something you shrug off while gently putting the scrapbook on levi's desk and laying back down on the couch. you play another movie on the television that hangs on the wall, perking up when levi walks back into the room with a tray. it holds finger sandwiches and some lettuce mixed with some fruit in a small bowl along with tea. cracked sunflower seeds sit on a small plate on the side, and you feel yourself droll when you realize at there's cheese, lettuce, and ham on your sandwich.
levi places it on your lap, simply nodding at your kind, "thank you, levi."
he doesn't answer and just goes back to his desk, while you chew quietly.
it stays that way until erwin comes home.
it isn't until your eyes are fluttering open that you realize you've fallen asleep. you flinch at the sight of erwin's face close to your's, but slowly relax when he pulls away.
"i'm sorry, i didn't think my kiss would wake you," he places a loving hand on your head.
"'s fine, probably needed to get up anyway," you reply groggily while rubbing an eye, "how long have i been asleep for?"
"levi said since a little bit after lunch. it's only three o'clock at the moment," he sits on the edge of the couch, smiling at how you shuffle to accommodate him.
"sandwiches must've been tasty.... did you just get off work," you sigh and snuggle up under the thin blanket that's been laid on top of you while you were sleeping.
erwin lays his large hand on your cheek, which has you tense for just a moment and then relaxing.
"i got off a little while ago but i needed to run errands," a thumb strokes at the apple of your cheek, something that you disgustingly find comfort in.
"where did levi go?"
"went to make himself some tea," he chuckles with a shake of his head, "he claimed that he felt withdrawals."
you shake your head while laughing, "i doubt he said that. how was work?"
"i guess i can say it was adequate. i missed you and levi the whole day, but would often get distracted by my clients and their necessities. i'm dealing with a kidnapping case at the moment. a girl around your age named ymir was recently found by her girlfriend, historia. i can't say anything more," he pulls his hand away from you and uses it to pinch the bridge of his nose.
you feel yourself get the chills.
he's.... working on a kidnapping case.
he's prosecuting.... a kidnapper.
he's punishing someone who's doing the same thing as him. someone who took away a girl and kept her trapped for months. god knows what the man did to the girl.
and here you are, letting erwin hold your cheek and looking through an old photo album with levi.
you feel sick to your stomach, shooting up while slapping a hand to your mouth and grabbing at her's shirt.
"i'm gonna throw up," you barely are able to speak without the feeling of your food coming out of your stomach.
startled, erwin stares, "what?"
"can... need a can," you gag and lean over the edge of the couch.
erwin gets up when he realizes just what it is you're asking for, rushing across the room only for you to spill your guts out onto the floor.
it's been forever since you've thrown up, minus when levi kicked your stomach, and it has your whole body shaking. the intensity of it all has your nose dripping with blood and tears falling from your eyes, forcing you to seal your eyes closed.
"what happened here," levi sounds scared as he stands in the doorway, but before erwin can even finish his sentence levi is slamming the door behind him while he storms out.
erwin sighs with frustration, helping you scoot down the couch so he can place the trash can in front of you without the bottom being dirtied. with shaky hands, erwin's pulling all of your hair out of your face while you sob and gag into the trash.
it's ten more minutes before you're able to lay back down. blood and tears stain your face and you dazedly stare up at the ceiling.
"i'll be back with a towel and some water, levi will be back soon with an avalanche of cleaning products," erwin reassurances while he stumbles out of the door.
just as erwin leaves, levi enters. he's got a mask that covers his nose and mouth and rubber gloves that match with his cleaning apron. he's carrying a sponge, some spray, a towel, a broom/dustpan, along with some breath mints.
levi squats on all fours, scrubbing at the floor aggressively as he rides the room of the stench and the stain.
"s... sorry," you croak and levi grimaces.
he ignores you in order to keep scrubbing at the floor just as erwin rushes in with a warm towel and some water. he wipes off your blood, tears, and the mouth to rid you of your vomit. you look at him dazedly as he helps you drink the water he's given you.
levi passes a few breath mints to you when you're done drinking the water, which you eagerly take. you plop them into your mouth, sighing as you rest back against the couch cushions.
"take her to her room," levi orders erwin while spraying the spray onto the floor and couch.
erwin does so in silence, carefully carrying you to your room and laying you on the bed.
"levi won't hurt me will he...? please tell me he won't," you grit your teeth while holding onto erwin's shirt sleeve, tears welling up in your eyes.
"no, he won't. he's just scared," erwin grabs the hand on his sleeve and holds it in his own.
"of what?"
"uncleanliness. a while after he started living with me, i took him to a psychiatrist as i had noticed strange behaviors. he ended up getting diagnosed with ocd, and the psychiatrist thought it had to do with his upbringing in poverty. if things aren't a certain way or clean enough, it causes him to spiral," erwin explains carefully, trying to find the correct words and meanings as he speaks.
"doesn't that... give him more of a reason to hurt me...?" you squeeze his hand tightly and pulling it closer to you in fear.
"it doesn't. why are you insistent at how levi might hurt you," he bunches his eyebrows up in concern while scooting closer to you.
"he's done it so many times before... remember? if i say the wrong thing... i'll get slapped. if i make a mistake, he'll beat me.. i just don't want to hurt anymore," you sob hysterically, bringing your free hand up to your face to cover your eyes.
erwin stares in bewilderment. he hadn't realized just how much levi's beatings effected you. of course, they were supposed to affect you in some way, but not enough where you were terrified of making a wrong move.
"he won't hurt you unless you've deserved it, and you've done nothing in a while. he loves you," erwin stroked his thumb across your skin.
you raise your hand from your eyes to stare at him, heat swarming your face, "he does? he doesn't act like it.."
"of course he loves you," erwin smiles, "i love you as well. we'd never hurt you unless given a reason."
something about his sentence makes your head throb in pain. maybe it was the secret confusion that lingered in your head. they said they loved you, even though they kidnapped you and beat you half to death. but then again, they did provide you with things you'd mentioned to them before in order to keep you happy. they even bought a grand piano for you.
it has your heart speeding up and your body hot, bashfully looking to the side.
you loved them back didn't you? they'd treated you with such care, hadn't they? bathing you, feeding you, dressing you, and even visiting you. anytime they were around you, your heart would speed up and you'd get a weird feeling in your stomach.
that meant love, did it not?
subconsciously, you furrow your eyes and grit your teeth. they didn't love you. they were just crazy.
well, maybe they weren't crazy, maybe just misled. you've yet to learn about erwin's past, but based on the way he acts, you assume that it might be a sensitive topic. that had to be the only logical solution, right?
but if they weren't crazy, they'd let you outside, right?
but then again, the outside world could be dangerous at times. when you went outside last time, you did get scuffed and bruised because of the concrete. maybe they just wanted to protect you? that had to be it.
you open your mouth to reply, but the sound of your door opening and closing has you slamming it shut.
"she's still crying," levi asks while walking closer, frowning at how you grip erwin's hand tighter.
"it's best if i let you and her speak about it," erwin says sadly, letting go of your hand and making his way to the door, "alone."
you gulp as soon as erwin shuts the door behind him, staring at levi anxiously. he plops himself next to your body, just like erwin did before.
"please don't hurt me..."
sighing, he lays himself down next to you and pulls you close to him.
"i'm not going to hurt you," he pulls your head into his chest and wraps his arms around you, "not unless you deserve it."
"but...," you quiver, "you were so angry earlier."
"i wasn't angry. i was just... nervous, i guess. and it wasn't at you, or because of you, it was at the mess."
a silence floods the room as you relax in levi's embrace, heat once again spreading to your cheeks.
"what made you puke? i know lunch wasn't that bad," levi grumbles while rubbing your back, arm slightly stiff.
"erwin... was telling me about his case. the one about the girl getting kidnapped...," you tense up again while levi sighs.
"why would he tell you that? i swear he's gonna end up shooting himself in the foot one day," he shakes his head, "you're not like that girl."
"how so..."
"we did it because we love you, not because we wanted to use your body," he scoffs, "surprised you think of us that lowly."
"n-no! i-i don't," you exclaim.
"i know, i'm just teasing. but don't doubt us like that. we want to love you and care for you, not use you," you trace your finger in a circle at levi's sentence, embarrassment washing over you like a wave.
"you love me?"
"yeah, wouldn't do what i did otherwise."
"i think..." you furrow your eyebrows, unaware of the slightly shocked expression of levi, "i think i love you too..."
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187days · 3 years
Day One Hundred Sixteen
Today I walked in from the parking lot with Mrs. C, who also teaches World Cultures, and we compared our morning routines. In between showering, getting dressed, and doing our hair and make-up, we both check the state of the world on various news sources, and check Twitter to see if President Zelenskyy is still alive. Then we eat breakfast, pack lunch, and head to work. We both still have to remind ourselves we don’t need to grab masks on the way out the door anymore. 
These are the times we live in.
The school day was better- and calmer- than the last two days. There were no fire alarms, I didn’t see the SRO, etc, etc... And! I had a really fun flex block. That’s a 40-minute block midday during which students sign up in advance to work with various teachers (or teachers can request them), make-up work, get extra help, do enrichment, and so on. I had a handful of freshmen  who owed me various assignments as well as two seniors who just like coming to my room because it’s quiet and GOV happens right after flex block anyhow. The seniors ended up talking about prom, and showing me pictures of their dresses, and getting advice from me about nails (I do my own, so I was telling them all my tips). Normally, the freshmen don’t interact with the seniors- they find them a bit intimidating- but today a couple of the girls who’d finished the work they owed joined this conversation by asking to see the dress pictures, too. That was nice.
As for my classes, they both went well. I had good discussions in all three sections of World about the assignment they did last class/for homework, which was on the five pillars of Islam. Then I showed a National Geographic video on the hajj that also generated several comments and questions. Students were awed by just how many people there were making the pilgrimage, and curious about the various rituals they performed. A few told me, too, that they felt like they understood Islam a lot better now than they had before we started studying it. And in GOV the lesson was on the media as a linkage institution; I lectured on that for a bit, and had students do an assignment in which they looked at the top stories from right-leaning, left-leaning, and local news sources to see the contrast. The discussion we had afterwards about selective exposure and social media algorithms was great.
I spent my prep time updating my grades, emailing the parents of any failing students, and getting ready for next week. Then I went to check in with Ms. H, chat with Mrs. T, check my mail, and that was that!
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Hii! If you're not too busy, may i ask hdcs for 1A girls (together) realizing that Yaoyorozu and fem Reader are in a secret relationship, thank you! Have a nice day / good night!
Just reminded me how much I want a gf and how in love with momo I am ngl
They didn't mean to see it!! They really didn't. They'd all decided to hang out of a little bit, for a late night movie once the boys had gone to bed.
Because boys are annoying. And they wouldn't be able to watch anything they'd actually want to.
So in a fit of quiet giggles, the girls of class 1A, head down the stairs.
Mina's first, occasionally looking back to hush the other girls because she'll be damned if Kaminari wakes up and tells everyone else about it. Then she'll be pissed.
"Hush hush," she whispers, moving her hand to dismiss the noise. "Do we have everyone here?"
"Momo wasn't in her room," Tsu shrugged, "it at least she didn't answer, maybe she fell asleep."
"Same with (Y/N), we'll just include them next time."
Mina frowns. "But that means..." she looked at her fingers, "Uraraka, Me, Jirou, Miss invisible-"
"I have a name," Hagakure huffed.
"Shh, I know, Miss invisible, and Tsuyu, that's only four of us." She whined. "That's no fun."
"It's plenty fun. Maybe one of them is downstairs still. You know (Y/N) refuses a decent sleep schedual." Jirou leans against the stairwell, crossing her arms.
"She does," mina nods, "I dunno why."
"She thinks it's a personality trait." She rolls her eyes and Hakugure snickers.
"Stop, that's mean. She just watches tv until it's like 4 am. I remember walking in to her room one time because I'd forgotten my jacket, and she was crying to a tv show about cute puppies."
"That's her personality trait right there,"
"Wrong!" Mina turned around. "She hit me afterwards with a textbook. 'If anyone hears about this I'll tear you apart-' So don't tell her I told you."
"C'mon, let's just go. That movie is calling out my name." Hagakure jumped up and down impatiently, holding onto the rail.
"Yeah yeah," she mumbled. "Now everyone shh,"
And so they continued in their trek downstairs. That is, before Minas hand went out.
Everyone stopped. She was peaking around the doorway, arm out behind her. Uraraka frowned. "What's going on?" She whispered.
"You won't believe this," Mina whispered back, pulling her head in. "Well, they're awake- just- just look, subtly."
So the girls moved and looked around themselves.
Sure enough, there you were. They were sure if you were awake, not that it mattered, because momo was there too. The two of you were splayed across the couch, momo under you, hand on your waist and the other playing with your hair.
You were on top of her, laying on your stomach. On hand cupped her cheek and the other hand made a home in her hair on the back of her neck.
The tv played softly in the background but momos attention was on you. Her eyes scanned your face, lips curling into a small smile as you mumbled something into her neck. She rubbed circles into your back with gentle fingers. It looked so soft- so refreshing to just be held like that.
The girls poked their head back in.
"Oh my god, Denki owes me ten bucks." Jirou grinned. "It was obvious really."
"It wasn't and you know it. How long have- how long do you think they've been hiding this?" Ochako joined, her hand over her mouth
"I don't...I don't know. Honestly I never got gay vibes." Tsuyu shrugged again, peaking back over. "At least from Momo,"
"Really? Momo radiated it."
"She liked Todoroki at one point,"
"Yeah in freshman year. And only for like 3 months."
"Didn't they used to hate eachother? I always assumed they just tolerated eachother." Hagakure whispered, leaning over Ochako.
"Maybe it was because they were both pining after eachother but hadn't realized it yet." Tsuyu out her hands together with a grin.
"True, Y/N was awfully close with Sero for awhile."
"They still are?"
"Yeah but like- obviously platonically because (Y/N) is very obviously into girls." Mina looked back at the 4 standing in the hall.
"Yeah like when we went to the beach and instead of staring at our boys and getting blushy- she stuttered over a girl who complimented her bikini." Jirou nods.
"She literally has a pride sticker on her mirror." Mina rolled her eyes.
"Not everyone's studied her room, Ashido."
"Best friend privileges I guess," Mina held up a peace sign, sticking her tongue out for a second before glancing back with Tsu.
"They're so cute," Hakugure whined, leaning against the wall. "Look at how she's looking at (Y/N). I want someone to look at me like that."
"I'm gonna be honest- I never pegged (Y/N) to be a softie."
"Yeah me neither."
"Huge softie, just hates showing it. Like I said, puppies. Crying. 3am." Mina spoke again.
"You know I can hear you guys right?" You groaned, not lifting your head from Momos shoulder. She only smiled, looking up to the door.
"Oh fuck- Um..Hey, hi- how yall doing?" Mina gingerly stepped out from the doorway, the other girls following.
"We're doing well, how about you?" It was momo this time, she was a little red but her hand never stopped moving through your hair. "What are you guys doing down here?"
"We could ask you the same question,"
"Cuddling. Clearly. You have eyes Mina."
"Fine, we were going to have a girls movie night so we wouldn't be made fun of by the boys. We knocked on your doors to see if you wanted to join but obviously, you weren't there. Because you're here."
"Obviously. Feel free to use the tv but I'm not moving." You grumbled, eyes closed.
"Grumpy are we?"
"She is a little." Momo spoke again, looking back at you. "What movie were you guys thinking?"
"The one where you tell us how long you two have been together. And why you've hidden it." Jirou sits down at the other end of the couch, groaning when Mina sits next to her, moving your feet into her lap.
"Yes yes, that one." The three other girls sat down where they could, looking at the couple intently.
"That okay?" Momo asked, still looking at you.
You only nod, giving a grunt of affirmation in response.
"About seven months."
"Seven. Beginning of summer after first year."
"Why'd you hide it?"
"Neither of us are out yet. At least not to the whole class."
"I was out to Mina and Sero, that's it." You mumble from your spot against momo.
"Wait not even Bakugou knew?" Ochako questioned, grabbing a pillow next to her.
"Nope. Neither does Kirishima. I know its not a super big deal- nor an important one, but I just haven't. Not really something I was planning on doing."
"You know they're gay right? Kiri is bi. But they're literally dating."
"I know. Just haven't said anything. Don't see a reason too."
"It's not really anyones business and we don't feel like dealing with the aftershock. Not yet at least. Maybe prom. Or ceremony."
"Valid reasons."
"Yeah but I'm sorry we found out, you guys weren't ready."
"Not a big deal 'chako, really." You shifted slightly and momo moved her hands. "It's not like we're scared of it or anything. Just a lot going on, a lot of people. So we'll just go gradually I guess."
"Yeah. No need to look so worried Tsu. It's alright."
"We'll try our best to keep the boys from finding out." Hagakure sounded, nodding to herself.
"You guys did a really good job though. Like a really good job."
"I'm surprised you guys didn't figure it out," you opened an eye. "The boys are dumb so I'm not surprised about that. Midoryia might know. Little bitch knows everything."
"He does! It's kinda creepy. You breathe and he knows your whole life story."
"Yeah, shits crazy." You nuzzle back into Momos chest. "'Rozu keep playing with my hair. Please."
She hums and her fingers run through your hair once more; gently tugging at any knots.
"That's too cute." Hagakure whines. "Like I said, i want someone who looks at me the way Momo looks at you."
"Shut up and play your movie."
"Be nice, (Y/N)."
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bondsmagii · 3 years
statement regarding the sudden disappearance of all my childhood memories and subsequent photos, gradually, over the course of four years
Statement of Jasmine Harper, regarding the disappearance of all childhood memories and photographs over the course of four years. Original statement given July 21, 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
I can’t really remember when it was that I noticed. It was a gradual thing, but at the same time it felt so sudden… like I woke up one morning and they were all gone, or at least most of them were. But I know that isn’t what happened at all, is it? The more I think about it, the more I realise that I began to forget years and years before I realised something was truly wrong. I thought it was normal, you know? I thought it was just part of getting older. I mean, how many of us get out of university able to recall the full names of everyone in our first primary school class? I took Psychology for one of my A-Levels, actually, and when we did our module on memory that was one of the tests. I must have been able seventeen then, so it was before I noticed this happening. We had to take a sheet of paper and write down every full name we could remember from our first primary school class. I won by a landslide, and I had five names. Only five names! But that’s the thing – I used to have such a good memory when it came to my childhood. That’s why I can’t understand what’s happening.
I had a good childhood. This isn’t any childhood trauma or anything like that. I mean, there were some nasty moments in it, like any childhood is prone to have – I had a problem with bullies when I first started high school, nothing out of the ordinary but you know how cruel kids can be, and when you’re that age it sticks with you. My parents divorced when I was fourteen, but there was nothing specifically traumatic about that. It sucked, and I was sad to see them sad, but they remained civil through the whole thing and actually got on better afterwards, so it wasn’t like there were screaming matches or anything. They were careful to keep my brother and I updated on everything, which I was thankful for. It was nice, that they didn’t do what a lot of parents seem to do – treat us like small children, and not young adults who would also be affected by the situation. If I ever get a divorce, I hope to god it’s as pleasant as my parents’ was. There’s nothing in my childhood that I can pinpoint that might have caused this, and that seems to be a common cause of forgetting, at least – trauma, mental illness, something like that. I’ve… struggled with depression sometimes, but never anything that I didn’t get under control with the right combination of things. Really, I’m a completely normal, average person. There’s nothing that could have caused this at all. I’ve been to doctors, I’ve had brain scans, I was worried it was some kind of tumour or stroke, but no. Nothing. I’m perfectly healthy, but I don’t feel it.
As I said, it began gradually. I realised I was forgetting things; small things. The address of the house I lived in until I was five. Old phone numbers. The last names of childhood friends. Some of my teachers’ names. None of it was unusual. I’m pretty sure everyone forgets those things, so I wasn’t worried at all. A little annoyed sometimes, because it really felt like getting old, or I couldn’t randomly look somebody up on Facebook to see how they were doing or something, but really it wasn’t unusual at all. It was only when I started forgetting bigger things that I began to grow concerned. I mean, this was stuff that I shouldn’t forget at all, or that was relatively recent. I know for most people, childhood probably means when they were a smaller child; before they hit their teenage years, perhaps. Well, this seems to be taking the legal definition of child as its guide, because I found myself forgetting things that happened when I was sixteen, seventeen years old. I mean, that’s not that long ago! That’s not even ten years ago! I began to forget huge chunks of time; before I knew it I couldn’t recall my earliest memories, and then I couldn’t recall anything from primary school. It’s just blank, like trying to think about what was there before I was born. Still I told myself it wasn’t that much to worry about, but then it began creeping up and up, and back then I still had the photographs. I could look through photo albums or friends’ Facebook pages and see what I was forgetting: a birthday party at Alton Towers when we were eleven, the school ski trip to Italy when we were fourteen, our school’s knock-off idea of an American prom when we were seventeen. There I am, in all of the pictures, grinning and present and definitely there. But I can’t remember a thing about the day at all!
I finally accepted something was terribly wrong at my aunt’s wedding. She was getting married pretty later on in life because she was kind of wild as a young adult, didn’t want to settle down or anything. Everyone was fond of her – she always had the most interesting stories and she’s just a lot of fun to be around – and so the whole family was there to see her get married: all the surviving grandparents, great aunts and uncles, cousins, partners, friends, kids, even the dogs were invited. It was a beautiful summer day and everyone was having so much fun and I know this sounds stupid but I feel so mad that this had to happen on that day of all days, because nothing bad is supposed to happen at a wedding, right? Well, everything was fine until late into the reception, and we were all a little drunk but not overly so. I was sitting with my mum and brother at a table with some cousins and my aunt and her new wife, and we were all reminiscing about other crazy family parties and stuff. I was talking about my grandparents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary, that happened when I was twelve or thirteen. I was telling some story – of course I can’t even remember what it was now, but it was something about me and my brother and the cousins that were at the table with us, and I was talking about it just fine and then, literally mid-sentence, I forgot it. Not just what we were doing, but the whole event. I didn’t even know I was talking about the anniversary until my brother prompted me, and then it was just blank. My brother and cousins all picked up the story and I laughed along and played it up like I’d had a little too much wine, you know, haha, but I mean it when I say it was gone. And not only that – it felt taken from me. It felt as though somebody had reached into my head and just… plucked the memory right out.
It bothered me so much that I went to visit my mum shortly afterwards. We sat down and had a few cups of tea and eventually I worked up the courage to ask if I could root around in the photo albums, saying that the wedding had reminded me of a few things I wanted to look at again – ironic, I know. Mum was of course down to get out all the albums – she never went digital, she doesn’t like not having physical albums to look through – so we dragged a bunch of them down and sat around the table to look. The first one was normal, just a family holiday to Florida when I was sixteen, but as we started going through the older albums I noticed there were pictures of me missing that I know for a fact existed. They were just gone, and then there were others where I knew I should be there but I wasn’t. And Mum didn’t think anything was strange! There was one picture, I remember it so clearly because we almost got into a big fight about it, and it was of my brother dressed as Spider Man on Halloween. I distinctly remember that night because I was dressed as the Pink Power Ranger and the costume was uncomfortable as hell, so I know I was there. I know I was in that picture, because it was such a ridiculous picture, the two of us in full bodied costumes like that, and I finally mentioned to my mum that I should be in there. Not aggressively or anything, just oh, I could have sworn I was in that one!, and she denied it and I insisted and she kept saying no, she was sure it was just George in that picture, but then I pointed out that George had his arm out in mid-air like it should be around someone. It was clearly around my shoulders. The height was right, his fingers were slightly curled like they were pressing in to my arm. Mum just looked for a moment, and I thought, briefly, that she might finally see it – but then she just said George was doing a Spider Man pose, like shooting a web from his wrist or something, and I just… I don’t even know. I just felt so hopeless, I almost cried. I was sure, so sure! Mum’s always taken photos, even now – every holiday, every event, even just going over for Sunday dinner. She’s told me several times I loved being in front of the camera as a kid, so I know there must have been way more pictures of me than that. Mum just didn’t get what I was on about, though, so I gave up in the end. There was no use fighting. What could I say?
Well, that was when I went to the doctor. I’ve already outlined how useless that was. Nothing wrong with me at all, apparently, but I’m sure most of them weren’t really taking me seriously. I was told it couldn’t be all my memories, and that photographs didn’t just vanish. I was seconds away from getting referred to a psychiatrist when I decided I would be better off shutting up about it. I’m not—I don’t think this is mental illness. I’ve looked it up so many times and I’ve read about people being delusional, you know, not believing they’re the ones in the picture, or that other people in the picture have been replaced, but that’s not what’s happening here. I haven’t read anything about like what’s happening to me. Nobody is out there saying they’re forgetting their entire childhood, birth to eighteen, and the pictures are vanishing along with it. There is something else going on here but I don’t know what. I’ve never done anything to deserve this, I’ve never messed around with anything I shouldn’t. If this is something like—like what you people investigate, I do not know when I would have come across it. I don’t even know what I mean by this. It seems ridiculous to even consider that it could be a ghost, or a curse, or—or God knows what.
A few weeks after this I went to Mum’s again, and one of the photo albums was still out. I looked through it and I was gone from every single picture. I was not there at all. Even the ones I saw only recently, I was gone from them. Just George on his own, and in the spaces where pictures of just me should be, other photos had replaced them. Just scenery shots, or views from the hotel balcony, or Christmas decorations and piles of presents, or spreads of holiday food. Nothing Mum would put in there herself. She likes to preserve the details, but her albums are for people. Her photos in the albums always have people or pets in them. I showed her, pretending it was just out of interest, but she seemed to not know what I meant. “I’ve always accessorised”, was what she said. Something about context, making it a pretty spread, keeping all the themes together. I don’t know. It was nothing that Mum would say, anyway. She was always so militant about it – at least up until recently.
I walked around the house a bit and of course I was gone from the rest of the pictures, too. My school photos were all gone, and all the framed pictures on bedside tables or shelves showed just my brother, or more scenery. There was one picture of the rose bush in the garden and I knew for a fact I was supposed to be standing in front of it, because it was my prom picture and I was wearing a dress the exact same shade of red as the roses, and Mum wanted to get a picture of me standing in front of it to show off the perfect colour match. There was just the rose bush, and even when I picked up the frame and looked closely at the picture, I could see no signs that it had ever been anything but. I wondered why it was still there, because pictures of just me usually vanished and got replaced by something else entirely, but then I saw in the corner, almost hidden by the frame, the faintest pink blur of part of my mother’s finger. Is that all it takes? Is one blurry finger worth more than my entire being? I don’t understand what’s going on!
I think… I think I could deal with it easier, if it wasn’t for the fact that everybody seems to think nothing is wrong. If it was just one of those weird things, I think I could live with it if my parents and brother were also with me on it, knowing it was weird, being concerned. I’ve looked everywhere and they’re all gone, all the photos, in every relative’s house and on Facebook. The earliest ones I can find are on my eighteenth birthday party. Everything before that is gone. I don’t remember anything. It’s like I materialised at age eighteen and there was nothing before that; I don’t even really know who I am anymore. I can’t know, because all the steps I took to get here are gone, and everything I learned about my family and friends as I grew up alongside them has vanished. I feel completely… completely detached, completely adrift, and I don’t know if I’m being paranoid but it just feels like there’s a little less of me every day. It’s like I spent eighteen years building up, and now I’m just… fading away.
I don’t know what to do.
Statement ends.
This is a fairly straightforward one to follow up. There isn’t really much to say. On the surface it does very much seem like a case for a doctor rather than the Institute, but some things do seem to back up part of the story, at least. Attempts to get in contact with Ms Harper were unsuccessful, as it seems she does not exist. There are a couple of records here and there of a Ms Harper matching the age and occupation that she provided with her statement, but when Tim contacted the workplaces involved, nobody could recall her. As for anything else – records such as a birth or death certificate, a driver’s license – there is nothing. Of course, she could have provided a fake name, but Tim managed to get in touch with George Harper, Ms Harper’s younger brother, and confirmed it was the same George Harper by asking a few questions about his childhood. He recalled several holidays and weddings that Ms Harper mentioned, though he mentioned nothing about a sister. When questioned about siblings, he was adamant he had never had one, and had grown up an only child. I’m not entirely sure how he did it, and nor am I inclined to want to know, but Tim managed to persuade Mr Harper to give him the contact information for his parents. Both stated that they had only one child – a son. The only Jasmine in the family seems to be Mrs Harper’s pet pug dog; apparently, Mrs Harper “always liked the name”, but had never had the chance to use it.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much more we can do regarding this one.
End recording.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
you’ve talked a little bit about this wrt dan, but i’m curious: what are your favorite seasons/arcs for the main gg characters? (serena, blair, dan, nate, jenny, vanessa) cause everyone’s personalities tended to uh, shift a bit from season to season and storyline to storyline, and i’m wondering which eras of those characters were your favorite?
oh, so i sat on this question for a very long time, and spent a ton of time thinking over it. here we go! 
i loved the way serena was written in s1 and s2. she was so full of joy despite all the difficult things she’d endured, so bubbly and warm and... lively is ALWAYS the adjective that comes to mind for serena, despite how it’s a terrible pun. but yeah! she had an energy to her that was very childlike & genuine, and i loved that about her - despite the things she’d endured, she was so full of light (?? how do i describe this.) i know that serena’s arc gets notably more tragic s3 onwards, but i feel like the way she was written lost a bit of depth s3 onwards as well. she had a sharp wit, and a good sense of humour, she was playful and... most notably, she had this little giggle? that she literally NEVER does in the later seasons, which makes me sad?? she stopped laughing like a child at the age of, what, 19?? idk. in s1 & s2 serena had so many layers, and i feel like as the seasons went on they tried to, uh. keep only the surface layers? they didn’t really do justice to the character they started out with.
my answer for vanessa is actually the exact same, with slight modifications. vanessa’s energy in s1 and s2 was unparalleled. literally the best. i loved her and the way she was critical of everything and YET so ready to learn. compared to all these rich, privileged, white people... her presence was just SO good and so important to me, because the way she was so critical of the uber rich was something nobody else really was, and i think that perspective WAS valuable and should’ve remained, haha. idk what it was about s3, but i feel like they didn’t keep the crux of who vanessa was? it wasn’t a BAD vanessa season as much as an incomplete one. i felt they could’ve done so much more with a character like vanessa.... she’s so vibrant and full of life! and the way s3 was for her was very surface. and then in s4 they just demolished her character entirely. i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again: what jenny, juliet and vanessa did in 4x09 was TOTALLY out of character for vanessa. she would never, ever do that. and by the time s4 came around... someone else said this, i don’t remember who. but they said that vanessa was basically being used as a plot device more than as a character. notice how she’s always in the right place at the right time to overhear the right thing? it’s a travesty, because vanessa was just..... so significant to me. like her being there added so much value & even changed the tone of the show imo.
my blair feelings are very complicated. i think she’s fascinating, and i love leighton & her performance. i love book blair so much more than show blair, and idk why or how to explain it. i mentioned this in that post where i ranked the characters, but while watching blair in high school specifically i can’t EVER forget that she would probably hatecrime me, and even when she’s out of school she is still supremely racist at times. i actually liked blair best in s5 - and i know she was going thru ~tragic~ stuff (i think they dialled the tragedy too high actually, like, blair had TOO MUCH on her plate and from a storytelling point of view it was... ambitious, to say the least, to hope to bring all out of that out on tv) but like, keeping her tragedy aside. her capacity for kindness and care really shone thru while she was with dan, and i liked how the d/b relationship took her out of her comfort zone and her “but im a Waldorf!” bubble and let her, idk, be a person. i liked her in s4, too. i feel like blair is a really good, nuanced, fleshed out character as blair, and the way she clung to being a waldorf combined with her rich-white-girl privilege got kind of boring after a while because like. she’s not like louis? her character has so much depth. her character doesn’t need to be reduced to a title, because she’s SO much more than that.
i feel like i need to do a lot more rewatching when it comes to dan because i CANNOT be objective about him. he reminds me far too much of myself!!! down to his flaws and his mistakes and his issues –  i was a precocious little shit in high school at times in very similar ways to dan, i like to think i’ve grown out of that (& am perpetually making an effort TO grow out of falling into those patterns) & that’s what i want for dan, too. dan’s arc feels real to me, because a lot of it is my arc, too. feeling lonely, out of place & unaccepted in high school --> being a popular kid in college… that hits really close to home. s1 & s2 are important seasons to me because i’m extremely protective of awkward, trying-his-best high school dan (he can be awful at times, but he can be earnest and sincere, too!) i feel like s4 is actually the best dan season – took me a while to get here, but halfway thru my s2 rewatch that’s how i’m leaning. but dan’s arc was very interesting to me, and i wish they’d kept his heart. trying to retcon him as evil fell absolutely flat to me, like. who are you convincing! one of my friends and i were joking about how georgie blackmailed dan into pretending to be gossip girl (she obviously has dirt on him that nobody else does.) anyway. dan’s arc felt pretty true until the end of s4. i wasn’t a big fan of how he was written in s5, i felt like something had been taken away from his character, but i don’t know how to say it better. you’re right though, i have gone over this a lot! so i’m not going to break my head over it, ‘cause we’re already a thousand words in and i still have nate and jenny to go.
speaking of jenny, though: i think dan’s storylines REALLY needed more of a big brother arc. the way he was characterised, especially in s1, was very “i would kill a man for my baby sister” and i have NO idea where that went or why they got rid of it. (actually, i do have some idea. fucking chip wiskers apologism & elevation of chair over literally anything else. sigh)
okay, now speaking of jenny in terms of jenny. i liked her s1 arc, like, her trying to make friends with these people & trying to keep her morals and realising she can’t do both was interesting. i think that should’ve been that with her clashes with girls in constance, though. and afterwards, either nothing happens, or she transfers out of constance, etc. jenny’s s2 arc makes me sad – she was exploited and treated like dirt in so many ways :( the jenny/agnes was interesting in s2, though, and there’s no way to interpret it that ISN’T lesbian. i’ve always felt like jenny’s feelings for nate in s2 are very comphet. jenny’s s3 arc made me even sadder than her s2 arc- she was alienating all her friends one by one, making everyone hate her, and just…… spiralling. she really needed a better support system. her s4 arc made no sense. like. why did she come back in the city to fuck with serena like that? it didn’t feel right.
yeah, all that said… i feel like there are many super intriguing elements of jenny’s storylines and arcs, like, even within canon events if things had been executed differently, it could’ve been actually good/empowering. but the writers hated jenny. and this show was never a feminist show.
ah, so… nate. he started out as a flake in s1 & s2. that’s his whole thing. he doesn’t know who he wants to be / how to get what he wants / how to get where he wants. he takes people for granted. he isn’t dependable or reliable, he lets people down (most notably, blair & vanessa.) and he means well, sure! but his life is like amber and he’s trapped in it. he doesn’t follow his heart, he’s too busy trying to please the wrong people, etc etc. in s3 he’s suddenly so ready for commitment, which always breaks my heart because vanessa!!! but anyway. s3 has a shift in his character, possibly him getting dumped at prom and realising that high school is over and one thing that tethered him to his family (being a kid, being a high schooler, being a minor, whatever) –  one big thing that held him there is gone. so it makes sense that he starts trying to be his own person. i like s3 nate, and s4 nate. we see nate sort of gradually try and be a moral compass, and it’s interesting to me. when i write d/n fic something i really focus on is dan finding nate dependable, and i think that’s a value that builds in nate over time. nate of season 1 is not dependable, nope, no way. but nate of s4 seems like a decent friend to have. in s5 and s6 they more or less threw his entire arc to the wind and gave him so many shitty storylines (sage spence, wtf? nate would not do this. he’s been on the opposite end of this before, he would not carry the pattern forward, ffs.)
idk. this almost hit 1.7k, LMAO. i hope it made some amount of sense!
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 9
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November 14th, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was looking at herself in the mirror.  
She wore a beautiful, shimmery navy blue dress she thought completely colour-appropriate for the occasion and used the same pair of heels she wore to prom to complete the outfit.  She’d taken an Uber though the walk would have only been seven minutes (she didn’t want to do that in heels) to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Wellington Street, where the dinner was taking place in the Wellington Room.  Many of the official guests were already there: Kyle and his wife Shannon; Peter, his assistant; Brandon and Laurence and their wives; Cliff Fletcher; Brad Lynn; Leanne Hederson; Hayley Wickenheiser; Mike Babcock and his wife; all of the Leafs community representatives who just happened to be Leafs alumni.  Then, all the big wigs from MLSE there: the entire Board of Directors, Larry Tanenbaum included; and the entire “Leaders” team anybody could see on the official website.  The people that she didn’t recognize she could only assume were the major donors – the reason they were all there.
John and his wife Aryne thankfully saw her almost immediately and hugged her, keeping her company until Brendan arrived.  He had texted her that he was two minutes away, and when he did, she went to meet him at the door.  He exited the town car with his wife Catherine, looking absolutely glamourous.  Lou waved at her from the front seat.
“Hello Aberdeen,” Brendan smiled as he approached her, his wife’s arm tucked into his.  
“Good evening Mr. Shanahan.”
“Brendan,” he quipped.  “Aberdeen, I’d like you to meet my wife, Catherine.  Catherine this is Aberdeen, my executive assistant.”
“Hi Aberdeen,” she smiled widely, extending her hand to shake.  “It’s so nice to finally meet you.  Brendan has told me so much about you.”
“Only the good things, I hope,” she joked.
“Brendan can only say good things about Etobicoke girls,” she winked.  “You look fabulous, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you!”
The three of them walked through the foyer and up the stairs together, with Catherine almost immediately seeing someone she knew, letting go of Brendan’s arm and going over to say hi.  “Do you want me to get you anything?  A drink maybe?” Aberdeen asked.
“Not right now.  I just need to know where my wife and I are sitting.”
“We’re at table one, just to the right of the stage,” she informed him.  “We’re with Kyle and Shannon, Peter, Masai and Ramatu, and Larry and Judy Tanenbaum.”
“Perfect.  Thank you.  And the prizes are all here?”
“Yes sir.  If you go into the Wellington Room they’re all along the wall like you requested.”
“And my speech?”
Aberdeen tapped at her clutch – a borrow from Kasha.  “Right here.”
“Good thing I always keep an extra one,” he said, tapping his chest to where his inside pocket was.  He let out a breath.  “Everybody here?”
“Seems like it, but I know we’re still waiting for a few more people.  I haven’t seen some familiar faces.”
“Okay,” he nodded.  “Well, feel free to mingle, Aberdeen.  This is a good opportunity for you to meet people.  When we’re all seated for dinner, I’ll let you know if you need to do anything – if that.  Just enjoy your time.”
She was a bit taken aback by that statement.  “W…what?  But I’m on the clock.  You said so yourself.”
Brendan laughed.  “I want you to mingle and have fun.  Network a bit.  I know all of these people.  I don’t need to be reminded of who they are,” he explained.  “There’s only a hundred or so of them anyway.  The Night With the Blue and White in January – that’s much bigger.  This is child’s play.  So have fun,” he smiled at her.  “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go find my wife.”
“Okay sir.”
“Brendan,” he looked over his shoulder slightly as he walked away from her, approaching his wife who was chatting with an equally glamourous looking woman.
Aberdeen didn’t know what to do with herself.  He wanted her to network?  Not work?  Really?  She tried to find a familiar face in the crowd, but John and Aryne were speaking to another couple, and even Peter, Kyle’s assistant, was engrossed in a conversation with Leanne Hederson.  She felt awkward approaching them even though she knew Leanne and spoke with her on multiple occasions.  Being in an office was one thing, but in such a formal setting like this, the vibe was much different.  
“Girl Friday?” a voice asked from behind her.  
She closed her eyes and immediately cringed.  Turning around, she saw Ethan Baker standing behind her.  She tried not to vomit in her mouth.  “You really need to stop calling me that.”
“You got an invite?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked.
“I thought this was only for important people,” he said.
She rolled her eyes.  A waitress approached them with some flutes of drinks, and Aberdeen took one, knowing she’d need alcohol to get through whatever conversation she was about to have with Ethan.  Ethan took one too, taking a quick sip.  “Thanks, Ethan.  I can always count on you to bring me back down to earth when my head is getting too big,” she quipped.
“You look good though,” he said.  
She furrowed her brows; she didn’t know a compliment was capable of coming out of his mouth.  “Uh, thanks?”
He gave her a very obvious up-down, taking her all in.  This was getting more awkward by the second.  Was he already drunk?  He focused in on her arms.  “You have tattoos?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Why haven’t I seen them?”
“I guess you weren’t looking.”
Ethan furrowed his brows.  “Has Brendan seen them?”
“Of course he has.  It’s not like they’re offensive.  They’re lines from poems,” she said, almost immediately regretting it.  She knew she was going to have to explain them at one point or another, but she wanted to prolong that as much as possible.
“What are they?” he asked, turning his head to the side as if that would give him a better look.
She sighed.  “The one below the right elbow is the last line from the poem Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson – ‘to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield’,” she said, flashing the delicate ink quickly.  “And the one below the left elbow is from the Roman philosopher Seneca – ‘we are waves of the same sea’.”
He squinted at them, taking in the information that she was telling him.  “They’re a bit dumb, Brendan Girl.”
Aberdeen’s breath hitched in her throat.  She didn’t need stupid idiot Ethan Baker to approve of her tattoos by any means, but even unacknowledging them or changing the subject immediately afterwards would have been nicer.  He had no idea what they meant to her; no idea about their significance.  And now, he even gave her another stupid nickname.  Even stupider than the last.  “Wow, you really know how to charm a girl, huh?”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
“And all this time I thought you just watched video playback all day.”
“More important than getting coffee, wouldn’t you say?”
“Hey, Aberdeen!” a voice suddenly called out from across the foyer.  Both Ethan and Aberdeen looked to see Jason and Jennifer Spezza approaching them.  Aberdeen had never been so happy to see his goofy smile in her life.  From behind him, she saw William wearing a perfectly tailored three-piece blue suit.  God, they fucking matched.  Of all colours he had to wear tonight…
“Hey Jason,” Ethan said, trying to take over, even going so far as extending his hand so Jason could shake it.  
Jason completely ignored him as he leaned in to give Aberdeen a quick kiss on the cheek.  Aberdeen eyed William standing behind him as he did so, who was looking down at Ethan’s hand.  “Aberdeen, you’ve met Jen at the SBA,” he said, motioning between her and his wife.  
“It’s so nice to see you again, Aberdeen,” Jen smiled as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “I love your dress.”
“Oh, thanks Jen!” Aberdeen smiled, patting it down slightly, suddenly a bit self-conscious.  Much like Aryne Tavares and Catherine Shanahan, Jen looked absolutely glamourous and flawless.  Aberdeen, on the other hand, felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb.  She was appropriately dressed, but these women just exuded a confidence and elegance she was sure she didn’t have.  At least yet.  She eyed William patiently waiting for a greeting and decided to indulge him.  “Hi William.”
“Hey Aberdeen,” he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek.  “Do I look good?”
“You look like you should be in an Abba tribute band.”
Jason, Jen, and William laughed at her comment; Ethan did not.  He had never been in on the joke.  “Well, we match,” William commented, eyeing her body in the dress.
“You know what they say…great minds,” Jason quipped.  
The dinner was going off without a hitch.  She sat in between Brendan and Peter at the table, looking out onto all the guests seated at theirs.  Brendan made a nice speech before dinner, as did Larry Tanenbaum.  They had a champagne toast and were served a delicious appetizer.  Aberdeen was looking forward to the incoming filet.  She excused herself from the table to go to the bar, wanting to grab a ginger ale before the main course.  She wouldn’t drink in front of Brendan, despite his insistence that it was okay.  
As she waited, she saw Ethan approach the bar too, but she tried to ignore him.  He ended up standing right next to her, so interaction was inevitable.  She truly wondered why he wanted to interact with her so much if all he did was put her down.  It was clear he had a sick ego, and that putting people down fed that ego.  But why did he pick on her?  And did he pick on anyone else?  Maybe people in his own department?
She decided not to say hi to him – not to start an interaction at all.  Maybe he’d ignore her and be on his merry way.  But as with every interaction with Ethan, that would not be the case.  “You having a good time at the table with the big boys, Brendan girl?” he asked, leaning one arm against the bar.
“It’s fun,” she nodded her head, trying to say as little as possible.
“I still can’t believe you’re in that position.  That he hired you over some of the more qualified people that applied,” he shook his head.
How the hell did he know?  How the hell did video analyst Ethan Baker know any of the other candidates who applied to the posi—oh my God.  ‘Oh my God’ Aberdeen thought to herself.  He applied to the position.  He knew who the other candidates were because he applied to the position and didn’t get it.  Brendan hired her instead.  That’s why he was the way he was with her.  “Why is it so unbelievable?” she asked, now having to mask the fact that she knew why he was always being a dick to her.
“Do you even know, or did you even hear of who Larry Tanenbaum was before you worked here?”
“I’m sorry, but did we all not watch him lift the Larry O’Brien in June?” she asked.  “Do you honestly think I’m that dumb?”
“I don’t think you’re dumb.  I just think you’re unqualified,” he clarified, because that made it so much better.  “It’s a great job.  I just hope you know how lucky you are.”
“I do,” she said.  That was all she heard since she started this job.
“And besides – it’s a good thing that your friends with the guys now, you know,” he said, the jealousy coming back in his voice.
“Why’s that?”
He shrugged his shoulders.  “It makes the job easier.  Maybe one of them will take pity on you.  You’ll never survive Brendan,” he said matter-of-factly.  
Her mouth dropped.  She’d been surviving so far, albeit with some hiccups along the way…what made him think she would never survive Brendan?  “E…Excuse me?”
“You seem nice…smart,” he said.  “You can’t do that job.”
The bartender finally placed her ginger ale in front of her – and thank God he did, because she’d had enough.  Fuck him.  Fuck Ethan Baker.  “Gotta go,” she mumbled, turning on her heels to leave.
“Bye Brendan Girl.”
“It was so nice to see you, Aberdeen,” Jennifer Spezza hugged her one last time as Jason waved at her from the curb.  She was still inside, keeping warm; he was out on the sidewalk, hailing a taxi.  “You’re getting an Uber, right?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am,” Aberdeen nodded her head, flashing her phone.
Jen looked towards William.  “And you’re staying with her until it comes?”
“Yes ma’am,” he nodded his head.
“Good,” she said definitively.  She pushed the door open with William’s help.  “I’ll see you soon, Aberdeen.  Stay safe!” she called out as she ran as quickly as her heels could let her towards the taxi.  Jen sent one final wave as the taxi drove away, leaving Aberdeen and William alone.
Will was, of course, the first to look at her.  “How far away is the Uber?” he asked.
“Two minutes according to the app,” Aberdeen said as she glanced at her phone.  
“And you don’t…I mean, you don’t want to walk home?” he asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice.  
“Not in these heels,” Aberdeen giggled.  “My feet are already killing me.”
“I could carry you.”
Aberdeen gave Will a look.  “We’re not going to do that to your back.”
“Come on,” he smiled mischievously.  “I bet I could do it.”
“Too bad we’re not going to try,” she said, glancing down at her phone again.  “We should go outside to wave the car down.”
William opened the door for her, and they walked out together.  Aberdeen looked to her left to try to see if the car was coming.  William was only looking at her – how she looked between the street and her phone to see if the car was getting any closer.  How her hair blew in the wind of the night.  “Tomorrow’s going to be the last time I see you for two weeks,” he said, his voice low.  He tried to imprint how she looked right now into his mind so he could remember it on the road trip.  
“I know.”
“Did Brendan tell you why he wasn’t coming with us?” he asked.  
“No.  But it’s probably because it’s too long to be away from his family,” Aberdeen said.  “His kids are his life.  He wouldn’t miss a school function or any of that.”
William watched as she waved down the Uber, who pulled up to the curb.  He wanted to get into the car with her.  He wanted to go back with her to her building, no matter how short the ride was.  Just to be able to stare at her a little bit longer.  Just to spend more time with her, since he wasn’t able to spend all the time he wanted to spend with her tonight.  “I’m going to miss you,” he said.
He could see her bite her lip.  She looked up at him, her hand already on the handle.  “Will…”
“Aberdeen?  Aberdeen is that you?” a voice rang out suddenly, interrupting the moment.
Aberdeen and William looked to their left.  A man was standing in a stylish peacoat, his group of friends continuing to walk ahead of him at a slower pace.  He had a bewildered look on his face, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  William looked down at Aberdeen.  She looked like she’d just seen a ghost.  “Zane.  Hi.”
“Oh my God.  Didn’t think I’d ever catch you outside the Ritz Carlton,” Zane smiled, approaching closer to them.  “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been good,” she gulped, trying to clear her mind of all the memories that were popping up.  She felt William’s hand on her back and it brought her back down to earth.  “William, this is Zane.  Zane, this is William N—”
“Zane Kennedy,” he interrupted her, shaking William’s hand almost too enthusiastically.  “Aberdeen and I dated in university, but we’re friends now.”
Aberdeen wanted to protest.  They weren’t friends.  They were the furthest thing from being friends.  They’d barely spoken since the breakup, since he was such a jackass about it and broke her heart.  She hadn’t been with anyone since – well, besides William.  That’s how much it affected her.  And she was sure William was the only person capable of helping her get over him.
“You don’t say,” Will said, his tone slightly sarcastic.  He looked down at Aberdeen and didn’t see any friendliness in her eyes.  He only saw contempt for the statement Zane just made, which made William know he was lying.  
Zane focused his attention back to Aberdeen.  “What are you doing out here?”
“I…I just came from an event,” she said.  She felt William’s arm snake around her waist even more, making her shiver.
“An event?  With the bank?  Or did you finally figure out what you wanted to do?”
Now she was getting angry.  She always knew what she wanted to do; he just didn’t think being a writer was a serious career choice.  She mustered up all the confidence within her.  “No, not with the bank.  I work for the Toronto Maple Leafs.”
Zane was taken aback at the news.  “The…Toronto Maple Leafs?” he asked.  “Like the hockey team?”
“That’s why she was going to introduce you to William Nylander before you interrupted her,” William piped up, smiling slightly.  
Zane was smart enough to get the hint William was making.  He smiled.  “You know, I thought you looked familiar,” he told William.
“You’ve probably seen me on TV once or twice,” Will quipped.
Zane could tell where this was going.  There was a lot he could have said to Aberdeen, but with William there, he decided against it.  He did have to admit one thing, though.  “Well, you look good Aberdeen,” he said, licking his lips quickly.  
William could feel a rush of irritation and impatience coursing through his veins at Zane’s comment.  “She does, doesn’t she?” he asked rhetorically.  “She looked even better inside without her coat on, but only us lucky ones got to see that,” he said, staring directly into Zane’s eyes.  “Now if you don’t mind, I have to make sure she gets home safe, or else I’ll have to answer to Brendan Shanahan and to Jennifer Spezza, and, well – between you and I – I’m more scared of Jennifer Spezza.”
“That’s cool,” Zane said, backing up.  “Have a good night, Aberdeen.”
William opened the car door behind her as she watched Zane rejoin his friends who had been looking on at the interaction.  She shuffled into the backseat, watching as William waved dramatically at Zane before getting into the backseat beside her.  “It’s a very quick drive, I know.  But I promise I’ll tip you a lot,” she said as the driver signalled to merge onto the road again.
She looked over at William who was still seething slightly at the comments Zane made.  She was realizing a lot of things lately, and here was yet another one: no matter how hard she tried to suppress what was happening between them, she would still have feelings for William, and he would still have feeling for her.  It was inevitable.  Nothing could stop it.  She could say anything, do anything – it didn’t matter.  William was competitive.  William was persistent.  William was determined.   William was…William.  It would be hard, she’d give him that – because absolutely nothing could happen while she was working for Brendan and the Leafs – but she could finally admit to herself, at least, that there was something there.  Something that William absolutely refused to hide.  And in him refusing to hide it, it just made her own feelings bubble slowly towards the surface, like lava oozing out of a volcano.  
But nothing could happen.  Not now, if not ever.  Regardless of how William felt.  Regardless of how she felt.
“You dated that guy?” William asked, his voice breaking her thoughts.
“Yeah.  For most of third year university,” she admitted.
“He’s a bit of a dick.”
She laughed.  If William could ascertain that after a minute long conversation, she could only imagine what opinion he’d have of Zane after an entire conversation.  “You’re telling me.”
“Why’d you guys break up?” William asked.
She gave him a look.  He just had to know.  He just really had to know.  “We outgrew each other.  He also didn’t think writing was a serious career path.  He told me I should consider a Master’s, or go to law school like him,” she explained.  “He was the one who initiated the breakup, saying that he wanted to take the last year of university to, like, be one with himself and figure out if law school was really for him.  But a month after we broke up, he was hooking up and dating this girl we knew, Alessia – a total smokeshow but dumb as a rock.  Anyways, judging by his pretentious jacket, he got into law school.”  She paused, considering the timeline of the events.  “I think it was just three weeks, actually.”
“You deserve better than that,” William said after a moment of silence, digesting her words.  He wanted to stop the Uber so he could run back to Zane and punch him in the face.  He couldn’t believe someone would have the gall to treat her like that.  And then to see her in the street and approach her like an old friend?  How dare he.
“I know I do,” she said as she looked out the window.
William took a few deep breaths as he looked at her, wanting to say so many things but unable to decide exactly what to say.  She still looked so beautiful and he didn’t know how to use his words.  He was so desperate; so desperate to touch her even though he knew she’d flinch away; so desperate to kiss her even though he knew it was wrong.  He didn’t know how he was going to last two whole weeks without seeing her when she’d become such a staple in his life.  He had to physically restrain himself from placing his hand on her arm.  “Can we FaceTime when I’m gone?”
Aberdeen whipped her head to look at him.  From the look on her face it was as if he just proposed they elope in Las Vegas.  “Will, no.”
“Aberdeen, please—please—”
“No way William.  No way.”
“It’s not like you’re going to be at the office when we do—”
“Will, that’s…that’s really inappropriate.”
“Can’t you tell by now I don’t care that it’s inappropriate?” he asked.  His hand had inched towards hers and was merely centimetres away before he had the wherewithal to pull it back dramatically.  Not being able to hold her hand was absolute fucking torture for him and he didn’t know how he was going to survive it.
“Well can’t you tell by now I do care?” she retorted.  “It can’t happen Will.  There’s no way.”
He admitted defeat.  There was no way he would win this, no matter how much he begged.  No matter how much he tried to explain himself.  “I’m just gonna miss you, Aberdeen.  And I’m gonna want to see you.”
“I know you will,” she said.  “But it can’t happen Will.  I’m sorry.”
The Uber driver pulled up to the curb outside Aberdeen’s building, where William had dropped her off at almost the same time last night.  Aberdeen thanked him, getting out of the car.  William slid towards where she had just been and rolled down the window.  “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” he asked.  They were facing the Bruins tomorrow.  She needed to be there.  
“I’ll be there,” she said, unable to hold her smile.  “Get some sleep, Will.  You’ve gotta score tomorrow.”
“Only for you, minskatt.”
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anywhozits · 4 years
All I Really Want Chapter 5
Rating: M
Pairing: Kristanna (eventually)
Verse: 90s High School AU / frozen retelling
Chapter Summary: Anna gets ready for prom.
Notes: Sorry it’s taken so long for me to update but hopefully this will be worth the wait!
Read on Ao3
Anna sat at her white wooden vanity, staring intently at her reflection, trying for the millionth time that night to pin the last pieces of her hair into flawless wispies for her tight yet messy bun.
Her lips were pursed in ultimate concentration. She needed to look perfect—tonight was her first prom. As a freshman. It felt like such a huge deal—a high school rite of passage that she had the great fortune of experiencing a couple of years early.
Plus… she was going with Hans, of course. She wanted to impress him. She still yearned for that relationship label.
She visibly jolted when she heard her father’s voice call her name.
“Phone’s for you,” he yelled through the closed door, noticeably avoiding even laying eyes on his daughter. “Elsa.”
Anna’s heart just about stopped.
Elsa. Elsa? Elsa!
She immediately hopped up from the chair and raced over to the end table where her super rad see-through neon phone sat.
Somehow after literally months, Elsa had called while Anna was actually home and not at some stupid track meet or anything else dumb, which meant they could finally talk to each other, and oh god, it was way too much for her to handle.
She took one long, deep breath to compose herself and picked up the phone, squealing internally, pumping her arms up and down and up and down in excitement. “Elsa?! Ohmygod hiii!”
“Hi, Anna.”
“Wow, I—It’s so good to talk to you! Oh my God.” She let out a long, excited breath. “I don’t even—I have no idea where to start,” Anna said, speaking a mile a minute.
“Well, how about I start?” It sounded like Elsa was smiling. “I want to tell you something.”
“I committed to college. Well—a couple weeks ago now. But… I’ve been wrapped up in other stuff, and…”
Her voice trailed off, and Anna sighed, wishing that Elsa had called her those couple weeks ago. “So, where? Harvard? Yale?” She couldn’t hide the frustration and disappointment in her voice.
Pomona? As in—the Pomona College that was only a 45-minute drive away?
Anna had to do a double take. “Wait, what?”
“Yeah… I decided I wanted to be closer to you… for once.”
Her jaw dropped to the floor, and that was no exaggeration. “Really?”
“Yes. Really. I’ve missed you,” Elsa said. “And… the stress was really getting to me. I think—I just really needed a change of pace. A smaller school, too. Less pressure, maybe. But that’s—I really, really wanted to be closer to you, Anna.”
Anna’s eyes started to well with tears. She wanted this for so long. Ever since Elsa left for boarding school… “Oh my God. You’re being serious? Seriously?”
“I mean it. 100%. Deposit’s in and everything.”
Now Anna let out a loud squeal. “I’m so happy!”
“Me, too.”
“I love you, Els. I can’t wait to visit you and hang out with you and, like—I don’t even know! I’m just so, so, so excited!”
1997 was their year.
“I can’t wait either,” Elsa said, and Anna could practically hear her smiling. “So, how are you? What are you up to?”
“Well…I’m going to prom tonight.”
“Prom? Isn’t that only for juniors and seniors?”
“I’m going with a junior.”
“Oh,” Elsa said. “Who?”
“His name is Hans. He’s, um…he’s great!” Anna chewed on her bottom lip, not knowing how to describe Hans’s relation to her… “And he’s my, um—”
“Your boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?”
“Yep. Mmhmm.” Boyfriend. Totally, totally boyfriend.
“Oh. Wow.” Elsa’s voice radiated pure shock. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you use that word! Is it serious?”
“I mean, yeah. But you’re talking—serious how? Like physical serious or like we love each other serious because, well both, I guess?”
“Both…wait—physical? You’re having sex?”
Anna laughed nervously. “Oh—no. Not yet. I really—I thought you’d be proud, because. Um. You know, I actually called you about this, not that you’d remember, because it was, like, a while ago and it was just some dumb thing, whatever. Um, but. Yeah. I thought—because when he first asked me if I wanted to, I said no. I told him I wanted to wait until my birthday, since fifteen seems like a solid age to—do that.”
“Oh, Anna…” Elsa started to sound more and more like a mother. She got like this sometimes. Not patronizing, exactly, but… maternal. And honestly, Anna sort of liked it. She appreciated the comfort that came with knowing she had someone looking out for her. “I am proud that you decided not to act on your impulses if you didn’t think you were ready.”
Anna knew where this was going. “…but?”
Elsa laughed. “But… if you are ready, then a silly thing like your age or your birthdate shouldn’t mean anything.”
“You think?”
“Sure. And don’t get me wrong—fourteen is young. But it’s not too young if you’re ready. And as long as you’re safe.”
“Oh yeah—safe. I’ve got the number 911 memorized, so, we’re good there.”
“Kidding, kidding!” They both laughed. “No, seriously. I think we’re solid.”
“What does that mean?”
“You know. Like, we’re solid. Fine. Whatever.”
“Because you’re on the pill or because somebody bought condoms or what?”
“Okay…well, call me if you need anything.” Elsa said, and Anna couldn’t help but smile slightly. Because that felt like a promise. That Elsa would answer the phone if she called. But then Elsa pivoted, “I’m sorry, I just…this Hans guy—he’s a junior?
“That’s—it’s really hard for me to believe a junior’s dating a freshman for any… not sleazy reasons.”
“Um—not sleazy? He loves me! He told me he loved me the first night he met me. That’s serious.”
“I’m sorry. Wait. You—the first night you met?”
Anna shrugged. “Yeah. We were at this party at Ashley and Bebe’s. It was like, you know—classic party, whatever. But get this—I bumped into him and my vodka cranberry spilled, like, all over my shirt,” she explained, giggling. “And then we hung out for the rest of the night and we were staring at the stars and sitting on the trampoline and hanging out in the hot tub and he was just like, this is crazy, but I love you!”
“That is crazy.”
“No! It’s not crazy. Seriously—not crazy at all, not even a little bit. I mean—I loved him too! That night. I swear. I said it back and everything. Like, we both loved each other. We both love each other. Present tense. It’s not… crazy. No, no, no, no. I… must’ve explained it wrong or something! Here, let me…” Anna was floundering. She wanted Elsa to be proud of her. But now her mind raced thinking maybe she fucked up this phone call. Elsa would withdraw from Pomona and choose Harvard… Elsa would finally give up on her stupid and naïve sister once and for all.
But before Anna could open her mouth and take it all back, Elsa had something else to say.
“You’re telling me this guy’s a junior dating you, a freshman, and he randomly bumps into you at a party and says he loves you that night?”
Shit, Elsa was sounding just like Kristoff, and all Anna could do was roll her eyes. She couldn’t take it back.
“Yes. I said that already.”
“That’s just… that’s really weird.”
“No, it’s not.”
“He’s so—you know what? Nevermind. This isn’t why I called. We don’t need to get into this right now.” Oh, snap was that some kind of a miracle. So hopefully Pomona was still on the table. “I—um. What are you wearing? For prom?”
Anna looked down at her outfit, somehow having forgotten the whole prom thing. “It’s this teal dress with spaghetti straps, and it’s like a v-neck kinda thing, with a big slit coming up the side. Hans and I went shopping together and he said it made me look the hottest. So I had to wear it. There was another one I kinda liked maybe a little bit more, but… he really loved this one.” She didn’t quite want to tell Elsa that it had almost everything to do with the fact that this dress, the one she had on right now, allowed her to show much more skin than the other one. And Hans said explicitly that he intended to show her off to the rest of the junior and senior classes.
“Why did he even have an opinion? It’s your dress.”
“Oh, I don’t know. He just liked it is all.”
“But it should be you choosing the dress, not him. Who cares what he thinks?”
“I chose it! He had some input, sure, but I chose it.”
“This boyfriend of yours sounds like he’s trying to control you.” The way Elsa said boyfriend was now teetering on patronizing territory.
“He’s not. He loves me,” Anna said.
Silence. For a while. Neither Elsa nor Anna knew if they wanted to pick anymore battles. It was perfectly clear with this whole Hans situation there was very little common ground.
Elsa tried her hand at changing the subject slightly. “What does mom think of the dress?”
Anna scoffed. “How the hell would I know? You think she cares?” Her parents didn’t even know she was going to prom that night.
But if it were Elsa going to prom. That would be an entirely different story.
Anna imagined her mother going with Elsa to help pick out a dress, get a manicure, secure the best possible hair stylist to give Elsa the perfect updo. They’d spend the whole day together—primping and preparing. And then her father would join them afterwards, taking a million pictures of their prized, perfect, super-genius daughter.
“I’m sorry, Anna,” was all Elsa said. “I, um—I should go. But have fun at prom, okay? Be safe. Call me if you need me. Seriously, Anna—I mean it.” But she didn’t wait for Anna to reply before she hung up.
The in-your-face dial tone reminded Anna that no matter how close Elsa said she would move for college; their relationship was far from perfect.
But it was getting there; progress had been made.
Elsa was going to Pomona. Only a 45-minute driveaway. So close! The closest they’d been in the last six years.
Plus, Elsa had told Anna to call her. She’d never said something like that before. It didn’t matter the context. They’d made some strides. Yup. That was progress—real progress.
Anna felt herself floating as she finished her hair—parting and twisting each strand and then securing the rest into a stringy bun. She pulled on her white heels with some super cute feather poofs on top, and she took a deep breath.
Nothing could stop her now.
Elsa didn’t understand her relationship with Hans. She didn’t get it. Had Elsa ever even had a boyfriend? Why did she claim to be some kind of a love expert all of a sudden? She probably hadn’t even kissed anybody before.
Nope. Clearly Elsa was the naïve one here. Not somebody Anna should be taking any sort of relationship advice from. Elsa had no idea what the heck she was talking about.
One she met Hans… once they spent even a little bit of time together, Elsa would come to understand.
And Elsa would meet Hans. She would understand. Because she was moving back to California!
Anna was thrilled. Absolutely elated. This had to be the best day and, with prom, soon to be the best night of her life. The biggest milestone.
Huh. Milestone.
Maybe tonight was the night. Maybe… yeah, maybe.
And, besides. She was practically 15 anyway. Not that it mattered, even! Elsa said age was all a load of bologna as long as she felt ready.
So, that was that.
After the final touches, Anna stood proudly in front of the mirror, admiring her handy work. She thought she looked great. She knew she looked great.
Prom was about to be like, super-duper legendary.
Next step—pictures with Hans and Ashley and their other friends on Balboa Island at some rando’s house.
Kai drove her as he always did, and in the backseat of the car, she clasped her hands around the plastic box that housed Hans’s white rose boutonniere.
Kai tried to make conversation about something or other as he drove, but Anna could think of nothing but the butterflies in her stomach because it was prom and the excitement of Elsa moving back and the nervous anticipation of maybe doing it with Hans tonight.
They pulled up to the house and the moment she saw all the people dressed to the nines in decked-out prom gear, she raced out of that car and into the crowd.
Anna noticed Kristoff first, standing awkwardly off to the side, holding gorgeous pink corsage.
He snapped his head up from the ground and smiled as widely as she had ever seen him smile. “Anna.”
The second they hugged, Anna felt those butterflies again.
“You look really beautiful, Anna.”
She could feel heat rising to her cheeks. “Thanks. You’re super handsome.” And then his own cheeks burned.
He looked different with his hair in a less spiky state. Instead, it was slicked back with some kind of gel. And she frowned slightly when she noticed that not even a little line from one of his tattoos poked out. This didn’t seem like the Kristoff knew and um, loved (as a brother!). But even then, he looked wonderful. Still familiar. Still the person who made her feel most at ease.
Which was exactly why she had pressured Hans to pressure Ashley to invite him as her date.
She didn’t want to jump into that huge prom-sized milestone without her best friend by her side.
Eventually, after looking legit everywhere, she located Hans. God what a really, really hot not-boyfriend she had. Wow.
Anna didn’t say anything to Kristoff before dashing off, practically flinging herself into Hans’s arms.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hi, Hans! I have so much to tell you! Like, so much happened today and I’m so excited about that and now I’m at prom with you and you’re so hot and—”
“Later, okay? It’s picture time now, and we’re with my friends.”
Anna looked around and noticed that yes, his friends definitely surrounded them, but something struck her as odd about the rest of the guests. It was weird seeing almost her entire English class there, too.
She furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at Hans who had wasted no time bringing his hand to rest on the small of her back.
“Fuck, Anna, you look so smokin’ in this dress. I told everyone I’d have the hottest freshman date,” he smirked. “I think I won.”
Anna cocked her head, confused. “Won?”
“Me and the guys were just shooting the shit, talking about you, and some of the girls in your class. Thought it’d be fun to make it a little contest.”
“So that’s why you wanted me to wear this?”
He shrugged. “You look great. I wanted you to look great.”
Anna bit her lip. Was Elsa right?
“Come on, babe. It was some dumb thing me and the guys did. I shouldn’t’ve said anything. I love you, all right?” He cupped her chin and brought her lips to meet his own. “I’m lucky to be your prom date, even though it’s cheesy,” he added, winking.
He’d asked her to prom while they were alone at her beach house, after they’d ordered a cheese pizza: I know it’s cheesy, but will you go to prom with me?
Anna had squealed because she knew she was supposed to be excited and all, but it felt so lame. She wanted something big and memorable and in front of the whole school, so she got the luxury of the entire student body knowing that Hans Westergaard wanted her over everybody else. But instead…
Cheesy pizza while they were both super high and a teeny bit drunk in front of absolutely nobody. Honestly a bummer.
He kissed her again, clearly more romantically. More apologetic, too.
She accepted, deepening the kiss.
Stupid, Anna, stupid. Snap out of it. Now she was just being nitpicky. Too much in her head thanks to everything Elsa blabbered on about. But Elsa didn’t know Hans. Elsa didn’t know love. Elsa had no idea.
Hans loved her. Obviously. He said that five hundred times a day.
So, he loved her. And she loved him. And she was ready.
Hans rested his hand on her cheek and asked, “Your parents didn’t come for pictures?”
His question forced Anna to observe that almost every other person at this shindig had parents with obnoxiously clicking cameras. “No. They don’t even know it’s prom.”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. His parents both noticeably absent. “Mine got bored after the fourth or fifth one.”
Another nice thing—Hans understood. He wasn’t lonely, exactly. Not in the same way. He had a huge family, but he was still often neglected. Still technically alone.
And that gave her all the reassurance she needed.
In this sea of happy families and supportive parents, at least Anna and Hans had each other.
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susiequaz12 · 4 years
Like Usual
CW: Not really whump- just an emotional sad little drabble I wrote a bit ago. It’s kinda sad, but also fluffy and light if that makes sense? Some medical stuff referenced and implied and vomiting/medicine and stuff too. But that’s about it.
- - -
“Okay. Uhh- what am I wearing this time?” He asked.
“Umm- cargo shorts, with a ridiculous amount of pockets. And a Hawaiin shirt. But you look a lil dumb cause you’ve got a hoodie tied around your waist in case I get cold, and, uh- I’m in those blue shorts I got from Walmart, and my white shirt with flowers on it.” 
He laughed. “Okay, so what’s the occasion? Where are we at?”
She thought for a second. “The amusement park.” 
“The amusement park?! You mean the one across the highway? I-I could never handle that. It, it just wouldn’t work.”
She looked at him, folding her arms across her chest. “Dude, this whole scenario is imaginary anyways, just roll with it. You can do whatever.”
“Do I really have to be in a Hawaiin shirt and cargo shorts though?” He complained.
“Yes. It adds to the realism.”
“Okay then, what’s first.” 
“Food obviously, and then those little stores and the magic shows and stuff so we can digest- then all of the rides. And games in between.”
“Yeah, the carnival games that are rigged and make you lose all your money. You have to win me one of those ridiculously oversized stuffed animals so that it looks like I’m your spoiled girlfriend. It’s the rules. But I make you carry it around the entire time afterwards, and then it sits on my bed and I do nothing with it, but it’s a cute reminder of that one time we went to the park together and you won me that giant blue panda.”
“Wow, I thought you said this was an imaginary scenario? That sounds oddly specific to me.” He laughed, and the girl punched him in the arm. “Ouch! Careful, I’m fragile.” 
“Okay food. What are we eating?”
Her excitement perked up again. “Um, let’s see- we have to get all staples. Corn-on-the-cob of course, and those barbecue sandwiches they have, and then the cheesecake on a stick. Dip-n-dots, churros, pizza. Everything that’s so greasy it clogs your heart- And, and then deep-fried oreos! Oh! And that lemonade that thye’ve got- the one that says it’s so fresh you’d slap it!” 
She bounced up and down on the edge of the bed, visualizing all of the food in front of her. 
“Oh my gosh... deep fried oreos...” He said. “What have I been missing?” 
He sighed, but became immediately silent as his face went pale. One hand covered his mouth and the other went to his stomach as he sat up quickly. He grappled about for something, and she found the tan bowl that was on the opposite side of the bed. He gripped the sides with both hands and she held up the bottom of the bowl, her other hand rubbing his back as he emptied the contents of his stomach. Once he finished, she set the bowl on the side table, his head falling onto her shoulder, her hand still on his back.
He waved his hand. “Go on. We had just finished the food.” 
“Uh, okay- yeah. You good?”
He sat up and smiled, wiping his mouth off with the sleeve of his paper-thin gown. “Like usual.”
She nodded. “So there’s all those stores and vendors there. So, while- um, while holding hands if you wanted, we’d just walk around. And comment on the artwork and the merchandise like critics. Then we’d try on ridiculous pairs of sunglasses, or hats, and pretend that we’re actually considering buying things when in reality everything is too overpriced.”
“And I’ve spent all my money trying to win you that stupid panda.”
“Yeah!” She laughed. He smiled.
His hands reached over to hers and the two teenagers sat criss-cross-applesauce on the bed, facing each other. 
“Your hands are cold.” 
He laughed. “Yeah, they usually are.” Then he smirked- “So- exactly how dumb did I look in those sunglasses?”
“Oh, considerably. Enough that I’d almost consider buying them for you out of spite.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.” 
“Oh, maybe I would! After all, you wasted your money on winning me that blue panda, so I’ll waste all my money on a dumb pair of sunglasses for you.”
“As I recall from this fantasy, it wasn’t a waste- because I got you that blue panda, so you’re welcome!” He laughed, erupting from his belly. She couldn’t help but smile.
The times when he laughed were the best times the two had shared together. It helped add to the normalcy. It’s why the girl still came there almost every day after school, bringing his homework, and creating these stories. 
“So then what’s next?” He asked.
“The Ferris wheel. Obviously. It’s the best ride that there is! You get to spend a lot of time just sitting up there, and watching the view. You can see the horses at the farms in the distance, and the mountains. And then if it’s dark you can see all the stars. And then the lights from the rides below, and all of the cars and houses. It just creates this sort of eerie, and, and ethereal glow. It just sets the whole mood.” 
He was looking out the window now. It was nearing after dinner time. The cream colored curtains seemed as dead as the atmosphere as they hung loosely around the window frame. 
“You know, that’s something I could do.” He stated, never taking his eyes off of the window. “Just go outside, ride the Ferris wheel. Even just look at the stars.”
It was too cold for him to go out and look at the stars. The ground was still covered with snow and the wind was still too harsh.
She nodded. “Yeah. Maybe, maybe this summer. We’ll do it this summer.” 
He nodded but still didn’t look at the girl. 
They both knew he wasn’t going to make it till this summer. 
Shaking his head, he came back to reality. Well, their make-believe reality anyways. 
His voice was soft. “So, uh, we ride the ferris wheel. Then what?”
“Um, well…” She pushed her hand through her hair. Struggling to find words to continue the story. Her mind had gone back to the much darker reality from their make believe world. The girl sighed and took his hand again, this time it was her turn to look out the window. 
“Uh, listen. I’m, I’m sorry... I’m sorry that you can’t actually come and eat cheesecake, or deep fried oreos and crap, and- and that the park is so far away. And that this- none of this, is ever going to come close to actually being able to actually go out and do all of it, or even just coming back to school, and I’m sorry that I-”
“Shut up.” 
“Yeah.” He said. He fiddled with the edge of his blanket. “Shut up! Do you think I enjoy being cooped up in this hospital? Being poked and prodded, and left alone all day? I live every day having everyone feel sorry for me, I don’t need sympathy from you too.”
He sighed and she wiped away a tear that had dripped down her cheek. His voice softened.
“Don’t you think I want to go back to school? Gosh, I sound ridiculous, but I want nothing more than to have homework- and to try out for the swim team, or go to movies or the park, or just be a dumb teenager? I’m seventeen for goodness sake! I should be out going to parties, and driving around town, and taking the ACTs, and, and taking you to Prom! Not taking medication, and getting tested and having treatments, and, and balding! So shut up, okay? -please?”
“You want to take me to prom?” She asked tentatively.
“Yes! I want to swirl you around the floor in your dress and your tennis shoes and then mess up your hair and spill punch on your dress and kiss you behind the lockers while hiding from the chaperones.”
A hint of a smile crept across her face and she wiped away another tear. He brushed away the hair that had fallen in her face and let his fingers rest by her cheek.
“This. This is the best part of my day. When you come in here and tell me the dumb thing that one kid did in history, or the new song you’re playing in band. Or you tell me what your grandma did during sunday dinner and I tell you what the nurses did during my checkup. And especially, especially when you come and make up these dumb stories. These fantasies of things we go do, memories we’d create.” He chuckled and pulled her hands down into his lap. “Honestly, that one where we robbed the ice cream shop and ran from the police is still my favorite.” 
She smiled. “Yeah- I had to be kinda creative with that one.” 
“So please-” he squeezed her hands. “-please don’t apologize or feel sorry. Or think that what you come and do here every day isn’t enough. Because like usual, I’ve come to expect it as part of this daily routine I’ve got going on. And like usual, it never fails to put a smile on my face, and make me laugh.” 
His volume lowered and the boy leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to think of a day when I don’t get to see your nerdy face, and hear these dumb stories and, and hold your hand, okay. Okay?”
She nodded. “Me too.” 
But she would have to think of that day. She was the one who’d eventually have to stop coming to see him. The one who’d have to let him go. 
But like usual, she’d keep coming in here every day until that happened- eventually. And like usual, she’d sacrifice her time, and her emotions to be there for him. To keep him strong until he couldn’t be there anymore.
She heaved a sigh, choked back a sob, and pressed her hand against the back of his neck, pulling them closer together.
Her voice was shaky but her words were clear. 
“You all good?” She asked.
He nodded. “Like usual.”
- - -
Why do I write stuff that’s sad? So I wrote this like, at the end of last year. And thought I’d bring it back and edit it and post it and stuff. It’s not related to anything, just a weird little drabble, that, that gave me the feels ngl. So sorry--- but not really I guess. @imagination1reality0
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petri808 · 5 years
Beauty and the Geek
requested Sequel to Chemistry Hell.  Nalu High school AU
The reminder on her phone goes off and Lucy looks at the clock on the library’s wall.  “Time for me to get to practice,” the young blonde stands up from the table and smiles at her friends, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”  She grabs her back pack and slings it over her shoulder, then places a hand on Natsu’s arm, “but I’ll call you tonight right, so I can double check my homework for Chem?”
“Sure,” the boy smiles back, “I’ll be home all night so you can call whenever.”  
She lets her hand linger and slide a little along his arm, “Thanks!”  Lucy waves as she walks away, “bye guys!”
“Bye Lucy,” Natsu waves, but when he turns back to their group of friends, they’re all grinning.  “What?”  He looks around, “why is everyone staring at me?”
“Why didn’t you give her a kiss goodbye,” Gray teases, even throwing in the fake smooching sounds.  
“Or offer to walk her to practice,” Levy chimes in with a wiggle of her eyebrows, “you know, hold her hand the whole way.”
Natsu’s face flushes, “t-that’s not the kind of relationship… we-we’re just friends!”  He shakes a fist at Gray, “and who are you to talk when you still haven’t got up the courage to talk to Juvia!”
Gray Fullbuster was Natsu’s defacto best friend, frenemy, depending on the day.  The dark-haired young man had grown up with Natsu and if he’d really wanted to pass for popular, Gray probably could have pulled it off but, the cool-headed young man had never been fond of too much attention.  Besides he was shy, hence the reason he hadn’t managed to make a move yet.  Juvia Loxar was one of the top swimmers in their school and even though he was sure she liked him too, Gray always clammed up around her.  
“Tch,” Gray flips off Natsu.  “I will eventually.”
Ever since that moment in the diner, Natsu and Lucy had grown very close.  Their friends teased when one or the other wasn’t around because that vision was becoming a distant memory.  During most breaks at school the pair would hang out with or without their friends.  Calls and text messages had become a nightly occurrence.  So, they had a lot in common and liked each other’s company, what was the big deal?  
Football season was starting up and Lucy was getting busier.  Between practices and games both home and away, she and Natsu took whatever chances they had to hang out or chat.  Thanks to texting, he made the long bus rides more tolerable for her.  Sometimes she would hear the other girls snickering, but she paid them no attention.  A couple of them even asked if it was a boyfriend on the other end and she’d just laugh and change the subject.  
It was true, her and Natsu looked like they were becoming an item, that was hard not to notice.  Deep down she hoped that someday they could be a couple, but Lucy’s wasn’t in a rush and Natsu didn’t seem to be either.  That being said, it was the time of year when couple activities were going to be happening, like prom.  She’d be lying if she didn’t hope that Natsu would ask her.  He would look quite handsome in a tux and she on his arm in a ball gown.
The game against Lamia High had finally come to an end.  It was a close one, but Fairytail managed to pull it off at the end with field goal to win the game.  As everyone packed up their gear and readied to get on the bus, the captain of the football team, Jackal Noroi approached her.  
“Yo, Lucy!”
She turns around, “oh, um hi Jackal.  Can I help you with something?”
“Yes, you can!” He grins and leans against the exterior of the bus, “by becoming my date for the prom.”
“Oh,” Lucy tucks her hair behind her shoulders, “I kind of, already have other plans.”
Jackal’s face goes from a cocky grin to annoyance in zero seconds flat.  “You ain’t gonna tell me it’s with that Dragneel nerd.  Why the hell would you pick him over me?”
“I’m sorry, I haven’t made a decision yet so I can’t say it’ll be him or not.  But Natsu is a really nice guy and we get along.”
“Tch!” he pounds his fist against the bus.  “I can’t believe I’m being turned down but whatever!”
Lucy was shocked at how angry Jackal could be over something like this.  She just watches as he storms away towards his buddies.  Oh well, regardless of Natsu or not, Lucy never really cared for Jackal.  His attitude was too cocky for her tastes, and he had a reputation for just trying to take advantage of girls.  But just because he was the quarterback and star player, girls still fawned over him.  Most of Lucy’s fellow cheerleaders would have thrown themselves under the bus to be asked to prom and she’d just turned him down.
Needless to say, the bus ride home wasn’t exactly comfortable.  Lucy could feel the daggers levied at her back by everyone.  She did her best to ignore it, comforted by Natsu’s messages.  Of course, she didn’t want to tell him what had happened and acted normal, just letting him know how the game went.  They also chatted about homecoming which was in a couple of weeks.  She’d be cheering at the game, but afterwards, maybe they and their friends could go out for karaoke or something fun.      
She tries her best to put the incident behind her.  At practices, she did what she had to do and would leave before anyone had the time to question her.  Though it didn’t seem like they cared about her side of the story.  Lucy was starting to really see why Natsu had labelled her in the beginning because it seemed once the others began associating her with the nerdy kids, they’d started to treat her differently too.
These cliques were such a stupid thing.  And stereotypes….  Lucy was starting to believe they sometimes existed.  
Homecoming arrived soon enough, and it was gearing up to be epic.  With Phantom High as the opposing team, everyone was raring to go.  From the guys on the field to the cheer squads and bands, emotions even ran high with the fans battling it out to see who could be better, louder, tougher.  The Fairies needed to win on their hometown turf, or they’d never live it down till next year.  
In the stands Natsu and the rest of their friends had all shown up to support their school.  They had gone early enough to get seats near the cheer section because Natsu wanted to be closer to Lucy.  She’d finally broken down a few days ago about some of the taunting she’d received, and he wanted to make sure if it happened tonight, they could do something about it.  So far, so good.  With everything going on around them, the cheerleaders were too busy keeping the crowds electrified to worry about little squabbles.    
And Lucy looked so beautiful.  Natsu could care less about the football game choosing to watch her instead.  The short skirt she wore and tight vest top.  Her hair up in adorable pig-tails.  A bright smile making her eyes sparkle.  His heart almost jumped out of his chest when she’d waved at him during half time.  
“Natsu do you want something from the concession stand?”
She was really good at all the cheers, staying on point, and doing her part during the pyramids and other… whatever you called routines.  He wondered what had made her get into cheerleading.  It wasn’t a question he’d asked Lucy before, maybe he’ll ask her later.
“Oi!” Gray slaps Natsu on the back.
Natsu turns to his friend.  “What?!”
“Levy’s been trying to get your attention, that’s what!”
“Oh,” Natsu blushes and pushes his glass back up.  He turns to the girl, “sorry, Levy.”
Levy laugh’s and winks, “it’s fine.  I could see you were focused on someone.  Would you like something from the concession stand, I’m gonna grab a drink?”
The tinge of pink deepens along his cheeks and the tips of his ears.  “I’m okay, thank you.”
Finally, the last seconds were ticking down on the clock.  Everyone was on their feet watching as Ezel, a lead Tailback, sails the ball towards the awaiting Jackal who was open and nearest to the goal.  Phantoms defensive team was heading toward him as well at a rapid pace, but the Fairies Guards and Tackles were keeping them at bay.  You could have heard a pin drop when Jackal barely caught that ball on the tips of his fingers, cradled it and ran the few yards for a touch down!  
The crowd erupts!  Screams and shouts echo in a wave from the bleachers!  The cheerleaders whopping and hollering for the team stir even louder shrieks from the fans.  The Fairies had won by 12 points!  Jackal and the rest of the team pile back towards the sidelines, high-fiving, and congratulating each other for the job well done.  
When Jackal reaches the cheer squad he walks straight up to Lucy and grabs her around the waist, lifting her off her feet.  “See baby girl, you sure you still wanna turn me down?  I’m the MVP of the school for crying out loud!”
“C-Congratulations on the win,” Lucy sputters, all the while turning her head to avoid his oral advancements “but please Jackal, put me down.”
He growls and drops her to the ground, “you still won’t say yes!  What the hell is wrong with you?!  Do you have any idea how many girls would kill for my attention?!”
Lucy staggers back and manages to keep her footing before falling.  “I know, and I’m sorry but you’re just not my type!”
“And a fucking nerd is?!”  Jackal rages, “Dragneel is a fucking four-eyed virgin nobody!  He’ll never be anything more than a pencil pushing loser!”
It’s at this point others from both the cheer squad and football team start surrounding Lucy.  Emboldened by Jackal, they shout taunts of everything under the sun at her, about Natsu, just nasty names.  Lucy’s friends all rush down behind her as well, with Natsu stepping in front between her and Jackal in an effort to shelter her.
“Back off,” Natsu yells at the imposing football player who stood taller, especially when you added the muscle that he had backing him.  “J-Just leave Lucy alone, she said she’s not interested in you!”
Jackal cackles and points a finger into Natsu’s chest, pushing the quieter boy backwards.  “And what are you gonna do about it, nerd!?”  He narrows his eyes, “You ain’t no match for me, I’m gonna win this battle one way or another!”
“Please, let’s just get out of here,” Lucy begs.  Her hands on both of Natsu’s shoulders, cringing.  Their friends are also pulling on him, knowing this was getting ugly.  If the other football players were to jump in, they’d be no match.  
Luckily at that moment, the coaches swing into action and pushes the group apart, yelling at everyone to disburse or risk suspensions.  Natsu was furious but his friends were right.  In a one-on-one fight he might have a chance, but he doubted that Jackal or his buddies would play fair.  He turns around, grabs Lucy’s hand and they immediately leave the stadium with their friends in tow.  Their plans had been to go out bowling after the game, but no one was in any mood for entertainment.
Everyone heads out in their separate ways agreeing to meet up during the weekend when things had settled down.  But for Lucy, she didn’t want to go home yet, so Natsu takes her back to his house.  Thank goodness his parents were understanding of the situation and allowed them to be alone in his room together, with the door cracked open.
Lucy sobbed into Natsu’s chest and he did the only thing he could think of, holding her tightly and rocking gently.  His mom brought them some tea, hoping it may help to calm the young girl, but it was to no avail.  
“Cheer is over for me,” she mumbles through her broken tears, “I can’t go back.  They were all so horrible!  I’m sorry Natsu… I’m so sorry…  I see why you’d thought I was a bitch when we first met…”
“Shhh, Lucy, it’s okay, it’ll be okay…”
“No, it’s not!  You were right.  All the cheerleaders are wretched people!  And those jocks are so disgusting, I hate them!”
“Lucy, don’t say that.”  As much as he wanted to agree and shout, ‘I told you so,’ Natsu knew that would only make things worse.  “You proved that it’s not always true, not everyone is bad.”
“But they all jumped in and started taunting us.”
“I was wrong to assume a stereotype applies to everyone, and I don’t want you to fall down that same path. You’re better than that.  Better than them.”  He tips her chin up, staring down with a serious expression.  “Promise me you won’t be like that kind of person.”  Holding Lucy’s head against his chest again.  “It’s really my fault you’re in this mess, if you’d never met me, you’d still be living carefree with your old friends.”
“Please don’t say that Natsu.”  Lucy sighs.  “I’m glad we met cause now I know those so-called friends weren’t really friends after all.  You and Levy, and the others are so much better than they are.  If only that asshole would have just left me alone.”  She throws her hands up, “I don’t even understand why Jackal was so desperate for me to go to prom with him.  I’ve never, ever, ever, given him a reason to think I’d be interested.  I swear it’s like he’s jealous or something.”
Natsu chuckles, “Noroi?  Jealous?  Of what, me?  I doubt that.”
“But exactly!  He could get practically any girl he wants, why pick me?”  Lucy sits up.  “Natsu the only way it makes sense is he’s mad that I turned him down for a… a…”
“I didn’t wanna call you that,” she blushes.
“It’s okay,” he laughs, “it is what it is cause I am a nerd.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t even go to prom,” her body deflates, “I’d rather not deal with them again if I don’t have to.”
“You shouldn’t let them stop you Lucy.  If you really wanna go, then go.”
“But I don’t have a date…” she peers up through her lashes, biting the corner of her lip.
He gulps, “Would you go to prom with me?”
“Yes!”  She throws her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.  “You’re the only one I’d wanna go with.”
The night of the prom couldn’t come soon enough for the young pair.  Lucy’s father was nice enough to send them off in a limo after having professional photos taken at her home.  It all made Natsu very nervous, but Lucy did her best to keep him calm.  “Don’t worry about my dad.  He is tough, but if he didn’t approve of you, I’d never would have been able to hang out with you.”
“Okay.”  That was good to know, though it didn’t really help.  Mr. Heartfilia was an imposing figure.  He was tall, though not a very big guy, Natsu’s own father was larger and more intimidating in size, but this man, the vibes he just gave off sent warning bell’s in Natsu’s mind.
The one thing keeping his mind off of anything else was the beautiful young woman gracing his arm.  Lucy had spared no expense on her dress, choosing a full length, salmon-colored satiny crepe that flowed along her body, hugging and pulled in to highlight her curves.  The bust area was beautifully cinched to cover her bosoms, leaving just the tops revealed, and held up by inch-wide straps that haltered around her neck.  But that wasn’t even his favorite part.  The dress was open backed, cut down to a V that began right at her waist, and flowing over her rear like a gorgeous waterfall.  It didn’t even bother him that the color was so close to his hair color.  In fact, it made him proud that she’d chosen it.  When they walked into that ballroom, Natsu felt like the luckiest man in the world.
They find their group of friends, settling in with drinks and appetizers at a set of tables, just listening to the music and chatting.  This was the first formal dance he’d ever been to, so Natsu was already nervous because of that.  It didn’t help that it felt like there were eyes watching him, Jackal and his football cronies on the other side of the room, just glaring.  He really couldn’t understand the guys problem when he had a beautiful date of his own.  Seilah was another cheerleader with Lucy, and very pretty.  Why did Jackal desire Lucy so badly?  Gray suggested it was about power and coveting what he couldn’t have.  Whatever the reason, it was all ridiculous.
An hour into the schedule, the friends were having so much fun talking, they didn’t notice what was going on at the prom until they heard a loud voice over the microphone.  The Principal, Makarov Dreyar stood on the stage ready to announce who that years Prom King and Queen would be.  No one in the group really cared because they figured none of them had a shot.  So, there was no surprise when Jackal was named Prom King.  The guy was an asshole, but he was popular because of his football prowess.  
“And for your Queen, Lucy Heartfilia!”  
“What?!” Lucy blurts out in shock from the turn of events.  “Why would anyone vote for me?!”  The prom king and queen were voted on at the entrance by the students.  She was sure that with the whole football team and cheerleading squad incident, and the fact that they were the popular clique of the school, one of them would win.  Besides the last thing Lucy wanted to do was have anything to do with Jackal.  
She sees Makarov waving at her to come up to the stage to receive her crown.  At first, she tries to shake her head, but he gives her an annoyed look.  Did Jackal get his friends and other to vote so they’d end up winning together?
“You should go,” Natsu mumbles, doing his best not to look upset.  “Everyone’s watching, and it’s just formalities.”
“Really?”  Maybe, Natsu was right.  Just because she was voted prom queen didn’t mean she had to associate with Jackal in anyway.  The faculty crowns them, takes a photo for the yearbook, and sends them on their way.  She’ll just get this over with quickly.  “Oh-kay.”
Lucy throws on a fake smile for the camera as they go through the motions of the ceremony.  A crown, a bouquet, a picture.  She tries to keep a slight distance between her and Jackal, not wanting to be touched ever again by the creep.  As soon as the picture is taken and they are told that they can leave the stage, Lucy flees before Jackal tries anything.  
Natsu watches it all from their table, his eyes zeroed in on the football quarterback.  It was obvious that Jackal was looking for an opportunity to make a move, but luckily for Lucy, the Principal was rushing through the ceremony and not giving the man a chance to get close.  As soon as Lucy leaves the stage however, Jackal follows her.  Midway between their table and the stage, he grabs her elbow to stop her.  Natsu tosses his glasses onto the table and stands up immediately.
“Let me go Jackal, I’m trying to get back to my date.”
“It’s tradition the King and Queen have a dance.”
“The principal never said anything about that, you’re making it up.”
“Look woman, that’s just how it works, now let’s go!”
Lucy yanks her arm away from Jackal’s grip, “No!”
At that moment, Natsu rushes up, pushing Lucy behind him and acts as a shield.  He narrows his eyes and levies a glare at the football star.  “Leave her alone Jackal, she said no, and no means no.”
Jackal growls, “you stupid fucking nerd,” he grabs Natsu below the lapels and yanks him forward.  “Just know you asked for his!”  Jackal seethes, swinging and punching Natsu in the jaw before he has time to block.  
It rocks Natsu for a split second, damn the guy could punch!  Jackal swings again, but this time he’s able to block and pushes the man back.  “Drop it, you, asshole, or I’ll have to hit back!”  Natsu didn’t like fighting at all, but with a burly father who loved to wrestle, he was taught a few things.  He squares up, ready for Jackal’s next move.    
That sends Jackal into hysterics, “a fucking nerd is trying to stand up to me?!  Now I’m really gonna put you on your ass!”  He swings again, but this time Natsu sways to the side, dodging the straight punch, and sends an uppercut of his own, catching the other man directly under the chin, knocking him off his feet.  He may be a nerd but also worked out to keep fit.    
An audible gasp hits the room.  A nerd just knocked the football quarterback on his ass!
Jackal roars and jumps to his feet, launching himself at Natsu.  He throws another punch, which Natsu again tries to dodge, but the man’s knuckles graze his chin with half the power of a full landed punch.  It stings, but nothing like the first punch.    
Despite taking the small hit, Natsu still manages to grab Jackal by the shoulders as he moves past in the momentum, pulling the man’s torso down, while bringing his own knee up into the guys abdomen.  He lands just below the solar plexus enough to knock the wind out.  Jackal doubles over, and Natsu drops him to the ground.      
By this time, the football coach Mr. Clive had rushed over and grabs the crazed Jackal, standing him up, and pinning his arms to his sides.  Jackal screams to be released, but they ignore him, and the coaches grip just tightens around his arms.  The larger adult has no problem keeping Jackal restrained.  Principal Makarov has also arrived by this point.  “Take him to the office right now and call the cops,” the principal tells the coach, “I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”
Once the coach takes away the screaming man, the principal turns to Natsu.  “Are you okay Mr. Dragneel?”
Natsu massages his jaw which was starting to throb, “I’ll be okay.”
“Are you okay Ms. Heartfilia?” Makarov asks the girl who’s also inspecting her date for marks.  
Lucy nods, “I-I’ll be okay.”
“I saw Jackal provoke this and throw the first punch, so you’re not in any trouble for defending yourself Mr. Dragneel.  But, Monday after school I want you both to come to my office so I can take a full report.  Is that understood?”  They both nod their heads.  “Good, enjoy the rest of your evening kids.”  
As Makarov walks away, Lucy and Natsu’s friends rush over and a circle slowly forms around the pair. Other’s gather as well, including a few of Jackal’s own friends, and some of the cheerleaders with a mix of concern and congratulations for beating the bully.  Apparently, they’d acquiesced to the man’s behavior out of fear because he was the quarterback, but it didn’t mean they approved of it.  Seeing a nerd like Natsu stand up to the guy and was winning the fight made them realize how wrong it was to ever put up with Jackal’s attitude to begin with.  Apologies were made to both Lucy and Natsu over the homecoming game incident.  
“We hope you’ll stay on the team,” Kyoka places a hand on Lucy’s shoulder.  “You’re a damn good cheerleader, and we wouldn’t want to lose you.”
Lucy flinches back unsure, but Natsu puts his arm around her waist and coaxes her forward with a relaxed look of approval.  “I don’t know…” she murmurs, “if Jackal is still on the football team it might make me uncomfortable.”
“I doubt they’ll let him stay, might even expel him for fighting,” Tempeter, one of the cooler-headed football jocks chimes up.  
“I think you should stay on the team,” Natsu adds with a sweet smile, “you love cheering, so I’d hate to see you not do it.”
“You really think so?” Lucy questions.
“Yeah,” Natsu’s grin widens, “besides, I’ll always be at the games to keep an eye out.”
That brings a smile back to Lucy’s face.  She turns to Kyoka, the head cheerleader.  “Okay, I’ll stay on.”
“Great.  See you at practice,” the woman smiles and walks away.
After a few more minutes the crowd begins to disburse, leaving just the group of friends alone again.  They return to their table.  What a night this had been, and there was still another hour to go till it was officially over.  The whole ordeal had been exhausting, mentally and physically.
“How is your chin feeling,” Lucy questions Natsu.  The area was red but at least it didn’t look too swollen.  
Natsu touches his chin in a couple of places.  “Tender, but I’ll just throw some ice on it when I get home.”
“I’m sorry you got caught up in all that Natsu,” shame evident in her soft tone.
He cradles Lucy’s cheek, softening his expression.  “No apologies Luce, none of this was your fault.  Jackal is a bastard that threw a tantrum when he didn’t get his way.”
“But you got hurt because of it…”
“And I’d do it all again to protect you.”
Lucy smiles and leans into his hand, turning her head to place a kiss into his palm, and places her own hand over his.  “I’m really glad chemistry class lead to another type of chemical reaction.”  
Natsu chuckles at her pun.  “I couldn’t agree more…”
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My Top Ships of 2019!
My favorite time of the year is back yet again! This year I had to expand my top ships to 15!!! I know, but 12 just wasn’t enough. Making this list I didn’t realize how many new shows I started watching in 2019 and how many of my favorites came to their conclusions. They were some pretty great picks that brought about some of my favorite ships. Hope to see them develop more in 2020! 
15. Poldark: Ross and Demelza
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While I did not overly love the last season of Poldark and had many episodes culminate on the DVR, I have to put Ross and Demelza on this list. Their overall relationship is one of the strongest parts of the show and I do like where they ended up at its conclusion. They rely so much on each other and Ross left Demelza in charge of so much at home as he went to London, which many other husbands at this time would not have done. They experienced much with each other over the last five seasons to get them to this point. The first season will forever be my favorite because of watching their early development and having Ross notice his love for Demelza and how he needed her over Elizabeth. They said this a couple of times in the show, but without Demelza in his life we wouldn’t have the show. It was beautiful to watch the love they had for each other grow. I definitely see myself going back and watching this show from the beginning in the near future. I’ll probably just skip a couple episodes here and there.   
14. The Walking Dead: Jesus and Aaron
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This ship is so bittersweet because the show did not give it enough time to develop and it could have been amazing. I know Tom Payne was leaving the show to pursue another project. Bingeing the show allows for a few spoilers to come here and there so i knew Jesus would be dying. BUT I did not expect for it to happen like that! It was so sudden that it took a couple of minutes to sink in. I really wish he could have stuck around longer not only for his personal character development, but for him and Aaron. This was another spoiler that I remember encountering and I honestly thought that meant the two would have had more screen time. It was not enough! They would have been great. The few scenes we had between them, while not enough, were beautiful and that is why they are on this list. Aaron describing the amount of loved ones he’s lost and including Eric and Jesus right after each other show how important Jesus was to him. If only we could have gotten more. 
13. Pandora: Jax and Xander
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The CW’s summer show Pandora seriously needs more love. This Sci-Fi show might have felt jolting at times (and by this I mean that there were times where I felt like I missed an episode because a lot of time had passed or they referenced something we hadn’t been introduced to), but despite this I still really looked forward to it every week. I am SOOO HAPPY it got picked up for a second season. Can’t wait to see where the story is headed as it left us on a great cliffhanger at the end of season one. Jax had several love interests this season (as did many of the characters) and while I liked her with several of them (as I seem to be doing with more entries to follow on this list), I was always drawn back to her and Xander. So, I was very excited to see their relationship get explored more in the second half of the season. It contains some of my favorite tropes like a forbidden match, hate/love banter and keeping secrets from one another. The episode they pretended to be a couple really sealed the deal for me as they started to come to terms with their true feelings. What I liked about their relationship was that they weren’t always the center of the plot, but certain lines that were said reminded you of their interests for one another. With the expected drama for season two, it should be interested to see where their romantic story line is headed.
12. Stranger Things: Nancy and Jonathan  
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Stranger Things was an early binge for me at the start of the year. Immediately I felt that Nancy and Jonathan needed to be together-even while she ended season 1 with Steve, which I will still never understand. (I love Steve. Don’t get me wrong, but it just didn’t feel right. Plus, I feel like he really grew as a character without her. But that’s for another post.) I always love how Nancy and Jonathan got paired up in their own story line before joining everyone else at the conclusion of the season. Their personalities compliment each other well and they can see each other’s true self. Their off-screen relationship is extremely evident in their chemistry on screen. After seeing the end of season 3 and how they will be separated I can only hope it is not for good as these two are meant for each other. 
11. Jane the Virgin: Jane and Michael 
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The age old question: Team Michael or Team Rafael? Up until moments of season 4, I was Team Michael all the way. Another show that I came in as a binge-watcher at the earlier parts of 2019 I knew a lot of spoilers (or let’s say some of the MAJOR spoilers involving Michael). As a telenovela, there was always a lot of back and forth who Jane would pick. Again, as I came into the show later, I knew she’d be with Michael, but I still felt on my toes watching. (This show was so great and I’m so upset the final season aired this year.) Michael was my favorite because of the history he and Jane had. They cared so much for each other and supported one another. I think I was also more Team Michael at first because I enjoyed his personality. However, despite all of this I was not a fan of his return as Jason. I feel like they were pulling straws at what to do for plot-lines and decided to bring him back for the final season. I felt we were in a good place with Jane and Raf and didn’t need it. Michael was a major part of Jane’s life, but she had moved into a different part of her life. I know when I watch this show back I will still be Team Michael in the early seasons. It’s sad his character was lost so early, but I did really like how they adapted the show without him. 
10. Derry Girls: James and Erin 
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Would this list be complete if I didn’t include a pairing that is not an official couple (...yet) that have not alluded to any romantic feelings, expect for me reading too much into things? No it wouldn’t be. :) DERRY GIRLS is one of my TOP shows of 2019 and I am so happy that we were not graced with one season, but TWO this past year! I am still mad that there are only six half hour episodes per season when there should be more! And I’m also upset that season 3 (which could be their final season) has not started filming yet. But while I complain about all of that (because I love this show so much), I’m crossing my fingers for James and Erin. The wee English lad is often shown standing (or sitting) very close to Erin and early on I felt the two would be adorable together. In season one she hopes he won’t sleep with an Ukrainian and in season two James decides to not go to a Doctor Who convention in order to take Erin to the prom. Tell me this isn’t building up to something more. While watching season one I couldn’t find any fan postings about them and then once season two aired I found a bunch. I love watching a ship grow! 
9. Legacies: Hope and Josie
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Last year when I made my Top Ships of 2018 it was too early to pick which my favorite ships for Legacies were. They were so many options and honestly I still feel like I ship many people together and wouldn’t be overly upset if one became canon over another. As season one progressed I became more and more team Hosie (or Hope and Josie). Then I discovered the large fan-base for the two of them and fell more in love with them. There were many moments in season one that strengthened the fact the two would be great together: the moment above, the dream episode with Lizzie when she experiences different realities if Hope never came to the school, etc-there are some key moments between Hope and Josie that showed they would work and have feelings for one another. This season, Josie was experiencing a lot at the Salvatore School making her not my favorite character as she often is. She seemed to make up with Hope, but now that Landon has chosen Hope I am unsure what will happen to their relationship/friendship. However, this season Hope did let it slip that she once had a crush on Josie too. I really feel like Julie Plec might give us some Hosie in upcoming seasons. Personally, they feel like an endgame relationship that we will have to wait a long time for (each will get involved with other people-you know how these shows are.) But I’m here for anything that comes my way. 
8. Legacies: Hope and Rafael 
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Another Legacies ship-What a Shock! :) It was very hard for me to pick which one to go first, but ultimately I picked Hope and Rafael because of this season. When Hope came back and no one remembered her I could have sworn that Rafael’s werewolf state would have been immune to Malivore’s power and he would have remembered Hope as she took the spell off of him. While this did not happen, we did get some cute scenes between them. I like how he immediately still liked her even though he didn’t remember their past. I like how he looked for her at the dance and hung out with her afterwards. Of course, it was super ironic when Landon wanted to be his wingman, but it was nice seeing Rafael happy as he’s not often. Then once the truth was uncovered he went back to avoiding Hope. This is a relationship that I am surprised they are already exploring. As I mentioned with Hosie, Hope and Rafael felt like a potential relationship, but that would be developed more later-not already in the first season. I am very surprised how many love triangles are already emerging and it’s only season two, which begs the question how long Hope and Landon will stay together? You know you have a good show on your hands when you can ship so many people together and be happy with multiple pairings and alternatives. (Although I would prefer Hope with either Josie or Raf over Landon for sure.)
7. The Walking Dead: Rick and Michonne  
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Aww, another ship with a devastating ending. Seems to be a common thread with some of these. Rick and Michonne were two people that complimented each other nicely throughout the earlier seasons and just made sense when they officially became a couple. They had similar personalities and were like a little family living in Alexandria before they actually became a family. Rick had a few different flames before Michonne, but none were as right for him as she was. Watching the past one and a half seasons without him on the show feels different, and I really miss seeing the two of them lead Alexandria. Michonne, Judith and RJ are keeping him alive, but it isn’t the same as seeing him there. Despite all of this remorse, I really did enjoy seeing them together on the show and I think it came at the perfect time. They had a bond, but were able to act on something more once they reached more stability. I know  Danai Gurira wants to leave Walking Dead soon. I just hope there’s a way she can see Rick before she does.  
6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Jake and Amy
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Last year I got to be introduced to Jake and Amy and watch their relationship develop from “hating” each other to something more. Now in the latest season as the show moved to NBC I got to see more of them as they took their honeymoon and Jake stood up to Amy’s parents. While it feels like a very long time ago that I watched this season (and I am very happy to see it is all available on demand so I can catch up before the new episodes), I can remember really enjoying the episodes and this couple even more. I know I’ve said this before, but I really enjoy the kind of ships that don’t always have to be around each other, but you hear them talk about each other or state something that remind you that they are a couple. Those often feel like the realest ones to me. I honestly think Jake and Amy can go down as one of my favorite ships of all time. (That’s BIG I know.) I am so excited that we are going to get more seasons of Brooklyn Nine Nine because it is what they (and we) deserve. 
5. Single Parents: Will and Angie
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A slow burn that feels like it might be coming to confession time.... That’s just an inference from reading next week’s episode description. A classic plot device: people assume they are together and they have to “pretend to be a couple.” We ALWAYS know how these story-lines end up. Will and Angie have always had a connection since season one. They were the two that I thought would be together, so it was a bit of a shock when Douglas and Poppy became the first ones in a couple. (Although I really enjoy the two of them as well.) I don’t see the show pairing up two of their major couples at the same time, so while I don’t want Douglas and Poppy to break up I REALLY WANT WILL AND ANGIE TOGETHER. This season they have become best of friends; as they often call each other. Almost like they are rubbing it in our faces! Before the mid-season break there were quite a few moments alluding to something more happening between the two of them. I mean Will’s girlfriend called out Angie during Thanksgiving. I think that might have caused some realization for Angie. I have a strong feeling Graham’s dad is going to come back into the picture and ruin things. Either way you know I’ll be watching this Wednesday and hoping for something monumental to happen!  
4. Jane the Virgin: Jane and Rafael
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I know it’s SHOCKING! As someone who was so Team Michael at the start I have placed Jane and Rafael so far up on this list. Well, after Michael’s death and watching the two of them get so close before becoming romantically involved again made me grow to really enjoy them together. I really love the fact that they were endgame. I seriously got worried there when Jason came back into the picture, which made me not a huge fan of the first half of this last season. Luckily, the second half of the season was fantastic as Jane won back Rafael and they officially became husband and wife. The more I write about this show the more I want to add it to my ‘Want to watch again list.’ I feel it will be different because now I know what’s to come, but I can still enjoy all the great moments. 
3. The 100: Bellamy and Clarke
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Yes, I’m just about as shocked as you are (again) that Bellarke is not my number one pick this year (yet again). But I have to keep you on your toes and I don’t want to seem too predictable. I had to evaluate these last couple very closely. If you are on this page you know of my LOVE for Bellamy and Clarke. Number One Bellarke fan, right here. So every season that Jason Rothenberg gives us a little more I am a happy girl. As a Bellarke fan you train yourself for this. Well, this season, despite Bellamy still being in a relationship with Echo, we got several monumental Bellarke moments. From Bellamy recognizing that Clarke was still alive and helping take down Josephine, the CPR scene, more head and the heart talk (I’m dead btw) and more and more hugs. With only one season left I am praying to the gods that we will have them become endgame. This will be our last chance and you cannot tell me that everything we witnessed in this last season was PLATONIC! I’m sorry, but no. These two are meant for each other. Their love is so strong, that Eliza and Bob got married in real life. (Which can we just say how I still have moments where I’m like did this happen???) Such a good year for them. Cannot wait for the last season. 
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2. iZombie: Liv and Major
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I called it! I hoped these two would be endgame, but as the final season progressed I was getting more and more worried. Liv and Major would have scenes together, but they were strictly business. I could always feel like something was still between them, but we were running out of time and didn’t know how they would conclude it all. Well, I am extremely happy that not only did they wind up together, but they are in a place where they can have a family and be together forever. I know I haven’t spoken about this couple much, but I have always liked the characters together on the show. While their time romantically together was pretty short overall, their characters drastically changed from season one episode one. There were times when I liked their new love interests, but I always hoped they would wind up together. Happy to see this ending. 
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1. Anne with an E: Anne and Gilbert
Shirbert for the win!!! While season three has just been released on Netflix, I have seen MANY spoilers thanks to YouTube for the third (and sadly final) season. Could I have avoided them? Of course I could have, but I didn’t have the will power. I only watched a couple, but they were some big moments between these two. As a fan of the books and other adaptations of the beloved classic I knew Anne and Gilbert were meant to be even with all the back and forth/will they won’t between them. Just like any good movie or show, just knowing the outcome doesn’t make it true and they extended this slow burn nicely. I cannot wait to watch the full third season on Netflix this month and experience all the romance again. These two are meant for each other and I am just upset that we won’t be able to see more of their story. 
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Shirbert forever! 
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