#reminder I don't even know Japanese though so I share what I can ^^'
landofanimes · 2 years
Hi. I really enjoy your Sailor Moon musical content and want to thank you for all the news you post regularly! I am still new to this side of the fandom but I'd like to see more and I wonder if you could recommend some active Sailor Moon musical blogs? 😀
Hi! Thank you, I’m glad to hear it! ^^ As I’ve become a fan of the musicals I got eager for news and wanted to share them here, specially as the blogs who used to do so stopped doing it!!! Plus I need one place to put all the photos I find :) I’m glad to know it’s been useful/cool to other fans! 
Now, about your question: active seramyu blogs? Oof, that’s tough. There used to be some but I haven’t seen them in the tags for some time now... So there’s a lot of content out there, just not as much NEW content, you know? But here we go:
senshidaily is actually about Sailor Moon in general, but they post gorgeous sera myu gifs too, and they’re very active!
staarry-skies has been posting gifs of the latest musical!!
vampiru-chan (who runs the sera-myu-week blog!) and gracemyheart post about Bandai Myu, but unfortunately they do not like Nelke myu, so it depends on what you want ^^’
<< In case you’re still figuring out the terms, the musicals from 1993-2005 were produced by Bandai, while Nelke has been producing the new myus from 2013-present. (outside of tumblr, wikimoon.org is a good archive of information of the musicals!) >>
kosmosinusa posts, but not much, they say they’re more active on twitter!
I think crazykacey is not usually active but lately they’ve given us reports, files and pamphlet translations of the latest musical!!! I believe it was also them who gave us audio files of The Super Live songs in their short appearance in Washington a few years ago, so clearly they’ve been serving us :)
You would find all these people in the #sera myu tag on tumblr though! It’s sadly not that busy of a tag, so whenever I want to see myu stuff, that’s where I go!
Now, if you also want to check out blogs that are not currently posting about sera myu but have in the past, you can check these out:
seaofserenitysubs​ (important! specially their website)
missdreamsubs​​ (also mostly because of the website)
sailormoonsub​ (has livebloged some myus in the tag #sms watches sera myu. Also has other Sailor Moon content, obviously!)
keyofjetwolf (has livebloged some myus in the tag #JW watches Sera Myu. Also lots of Sailor Moon content!)
I probably forgot something, if anyone out there remembers more cool myu blogs (or is posting about it themselves!), feel free to add!
And welcome to the myu side of the Force, anon!
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lazyalani · 3 months
| Blue Lock
| When they like you
| fluffffffffff, fluffiness, just random thoughts and ideas
Ft. Rin, Sae, Nagi, Reo, Chigiri, Barou, Kunigami, Bachira, Isagi
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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Definitely tolerates you more than anyone else. This man has a patience of a lady in her worst mood during period. Let's say you aren't the best in english as most japanese are, or even as worse as bachira, he'd take time to actually try to teach you rather than wait for you to try and pronounce words that would make his ear irk. He'd even share his twin popsicles with you. And maybe, just maybe, he'd watch you fall asleep on your desk.
He'd buy you nice souvenirs from his trips. He's definitely the type to stare at one thing he passes by and thinks oh, this reminds me of them, and then proceeds to by it and gift it. He'd pass it out casual though. I don't think Sae is the type to get all flustered and overthink when he has a crush, I think he'd be chill about it. He's like, oh, i kinda like them, cool. He's the type to show it so casually you wouldn't even realize he likes you, and until he's decided to ask you out or you found out, he'd keep it that way.
Man, I don't know. This guy's a slug and freaking dense. He wouldn't even know he likes you, and even he did he'd treat you no different than a friend. Okay, maybe a little bit more, but Nagi is the type to be effortless with everything except football. If he likes you enough, then I think he'd actually put in a little more effort into talking to you or staying awake while you talk his ears out in class. But if it's just a little admiration then there's no difference from that to being his friend.
Ah, definitely talks yours ears out every damn second. Don't expect seeing him without a gift for you. He spoils you a lot. Treats you like his significant other even before he asks you out, which is not far off because obviously he can never hide what he's feeling. Everyone can see he likes you, even you. He accompanies you almost everywhere, asks your favorite everything just to bring them to you the next day, texts you day and night. How dreamy.
Lets you make silly princess comment on his hair. He doesn't get annoyed, playfully bites back on your remarks. Indulges you in your rants about fashion, skin care, hair care, make up, routines and even adds things he uses or thinks might be good. He might awkward about liking you at first, but remains casual about it and doesn't mention or think about it often. It just comes naturally as if he's talking to a friend he's comfortable with.
Man, this one's tough. Definitely indenial at first, he wouldn't even know what he's feeling. He's not stupid, but he's also not one to think he could actually like someone since he's definitely got high standards for himself and for other people. He'd shake off the feeling at first, might even tend to be harsher with you ay times, but gradually just accepts it but swears never to mention or bring it up. Becomes more attentive to your hygiene and habits. Avoids the topic of liking someone like a plague. Never ever asks you out. (Liked but never pursued heh)
This one's the type to get flustered when he realizes it. Gets all shy around you at first and Chigiri definitely notices and points it out. Decides to listen to Chigiri's advice to just act normal and cool because he's being too obvious. Tries not to get flustered around you but everytime he sees you it reminds him of his realization. Is definitely more protective of you when other guys are around, especially with ones like Raichi and the bald monk I forgot the name of. Acts of service type of guy.
Too perceptive for his own good, sees it coming. He doesn't care whether anyone notices or not. Not the type to be shy about anythin and that includes having a crush on you. Sticks to you like a leech and talks to you 10x more. Notices your little hobbies and tries to match then so you could have something in common. I just know he's the type to do these cute little things because he just wants to enjoy things with people he likes.
Ah the shy-est one. Dense, indenial at first, but the ever so nosy Bachira notices and makes him realize it. Will stutter around you and get a little fidgety but pays more attention to you than ever. Helps you with even the smallest tasks like carrying things or helping making a decision and giving advices. If it's in school, he'd even offer to walk you home but then get all flustered. The sweetest.
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littleragondin · 7 months
Goodbye and thanks for all the love 。o○♡
So here we are. After five fantastic weeks, it's time to say goodbye to Nomoto, Kasuga, Yako and Nagumo. I miss them already, even though I don't think any of them will truly leave me for a good, long while.
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This show is just beautiful. It may seem unassuming, quiet and more leisurely than a lot of other shows but it's worth the watch. I can only recommend it - I said it before, but do yourself this favor. I think everyone can find something healing and comforting in this story of gentle, caring people being kind to each other. In the messages it shares with you with a tenderness and reassurance that made me soft.
Watch the show for how it tells you that not following the expected path society and family have for you may come with struggles but it's still worth it, that you need to go after your happiness and that there will be people here for you through it. That it's never too late to do those things that will make you happy.
For the way it gently takes your hand and tells you that yes, there are challenges, and hard times, and difficult emotions, and pain, but that there is kindness and there is love, too - and that will help. For how it reminds you that you have to be a little selfish to sustain love, be it platonic or romantic, accepting help and voicing your need and reaching out to hang out. And yet, that you are not a burden. That the people who love you want to spend time with you, to do things you will love, to cook for you and share a meal.
Watch it for so many more reason, because I honestly think everyone will find something in there that resonate with them and their experience, that may even help them feel seen.
On a more personal note, as someone who lives far away from their family and doesn't have a lot of people around them IRL (let alone other queer people), it felt so healing to see Nomoto and Kasuga, who are about my age, have those realizations a little later in life, and find those connections anyway. To follow Nomoto discovering herself and to see her be assured that there is not right or wrong way to be who she is and that she knows what label fits her. To see Kasuga slowly opening herself to new experiences. To watch them fall in love and make new friends and build their life and their family the way that makes them happy and fulfilled. All of this brought me such comfort and gave me so much hope that things will be ok.
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So goodbye ladies, but hopefully not farewell. I hope we get to see more of you, of your little family and your friends, of that new start we are ending this part of the story on. Thank you @furritsubs for making this available to those of us who don't speak Japanese (and for all the little cultural and culinary notes along the way, they truly enhanced the experience!~♡).
And to the show itself and everyone who made it... Thank you for those stories, thank you for the kindness with which everyone is treated, thank you for the warmth, the gentleness, the ever present love.
And most of all, thank you for the hope.
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800milesisadrive · 7 months
Meet Cute
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Author's Note: This is my first attempt at playing around with AI co-authoring, with maybe 75% either being my own work or a heavy rewrite of the suggestions. It's a very crude and ugly little bit smut, but felt good enough to share it. Any stories I do share in the future that use AI for more than editing and brainstorming will be noted as such!
Sarah was so deeply focused on her homework, she didn't notice the man sitting across from her until he started talking.
"You know, girls as cute as you shouldn't need to study so hard," his voice cracked as he wheezed out the words.
Sarah could feel her whole body tense up. This guy had been bugging her all week, pestering her with inane chatter about anime and hentai. She just wanted to be left alone. She looked up at him, glaring at the overweight and unbathed lump sitting at seat on the other side of the table. Her almond eyes narrowing into slits, barely able to keep herself from screaming at him.
"I suggest you focus on your own life, buddy," she snapped back, her tone sharper than a knife.
The weeb recoiled slightly, but only for a pause. After a moment of stuttering, he seemed to regain his undeserved confidence. With a slightly unhinged smile, he launched into another speech about some obscure anime series.
"Like in Duko-Duko Magica?" he continued, completely ignoring Sarah's protest. "The One-Chan; doesn't have to worry about school, her master just puts a replica of her in class so no one suspects she's off having adventures!"
His tone was that of a father trying to explain a storybook to a toddler. This man wasn't talking to Sarah, but down to her. Even without his hunched posture, Sarah suspected she'd still be taller than this dork.
Was he wearing the same, sweat-stained anime t-shirt from yesterday, when he first tried to corner her in the library? Sarah was nearly sure of it, but wouldn't put it past this loser to have multiple outfits that were plastered with girls making faces with their tongues out...
"It's an 'Ahegao' pattern," the man said leaning forward. Sarah had unexpectedly zoned out, staring at him. " Though you know that already, being Japanese! It's actually the 'Mind-Break Ahegao' edition," he continued pointing at his chest. "Limited drop!"
Sarah felt lightheaded and frustrated. She couldn't believe how persistent and presumptive this guy was. While her family was from Japan, she'd never been herself and had never watched anime.
"Listen, I don't want to talk about this anymore," Sarah finally said, her voice trembling with impatience. "Can you just leave me alone?"
The man's face contorted into a mask of disbelief. "But we're having such a fun conversation!" he whined.
Sarah was done with this loser and his racist shit. She started to collect her things, packing them up to escape this annoying prick.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the man shifting in his chair, looking around nervously. His nerves coming back.
"It's not supposed to take this long..." he muttered to himself. "'Instant changes' is what the site said..."
Sarah paused, confused and oddly concerned by his change in demeanor. She hated this guy from the moment she set eyes on him, yet now she felt some irrational empathy.
He seemed like a pathetic loner, desperate for human connection that he would cling onto anything within reach. That desperation reminded her of her own loneliness, amplified by being a minority in an overwhelmingly white campus.
As he mumbled under his breath, she found herself glancing at his shirt again. The lewd drawings were unsettling, especially since they appeared to be moving - pulsing faintly with each heartbeat. Suddenly, a wave of vertigo washed over her. She struggled to sit upright, feeling dizzy and disoriented. Was it the late hour? Or perhaps something in the air?
Maybe it was too close to the radiator and there was something wrong with the heating system, because she suddenly felt incredibly warm and light-headed. Her hands, which moments ago held tightly onto her books, loosened their grip. She stared blankly at the book covers sprawled before her on the table. In that hazy state, she realized that they depicted scenes from Japanese folklore, images that once alien to her were now strangely familiar. It was like she remembered childhood memories of hearing these stories told by her grandmother during bedtime.
Sarah closed her eyes with surprise at the vivid imagery she saw in her mind.
"Hey, are you ok?" The man leaned toward her, concern etched into his previously obnoxious expression. "Maybe you should get some rest."
"No, I'm fine," Sarah assured him, opening her eyes wide. "Just tired, I guess."
The man nodded sympathetically. "You've been working too hard. Exchange students have it the toughest."
"I'm not..." Sarah began to protest and stopped herself. She wasn't an exchange student, was she?
Sarah thought to herself, her grip tightening around her textbooks. But then why do I feel this strange sense of familiarity? She wondered if she had simply forgotten her heritage due to spending her entire life in America. Maybe her mother spoke tales of Japanese myths during her childhood, stories that somehow lodged themselves deep enough inside her brain to surface now.
"Are you sure you're doing alright?" He asked, peering at her intently. Sarah was taken aback by her sudden attraction to his soft brown eyes. They were full of genuine concern, a stark contrast to his previous arrogant attitude.
For a brief moment, Sarah considered sharing her confusion with him. Yet, she hesitated, fearing that he might exploit her vulnerability. Instead, she simply replied, "Yeah, I'm good. Just need to take a break." She stood up abruptly, hoping to end the conversation. However, as she did, a sharp pain coursed through her legs, causing her to stumble. Mark caught her quickly, his firm grip steadying her. Sarah blinked, surprised by his unexpected gentleness.
"Maybe you should sit down. You look exhausted," he suggested softly.
Sarah looked up at him. Just a few moments ago she'd assumed he was about her height but now he towered over her, looking almost manly in spite of his flabby shape.
Something was happening to her. Sarah didn't fully understand it, but if felt like gravity itself had shifted. The whole world seemed a bit taller, and this man's touch felt like a life preserver she needed to cling to.
"This is... This is all wrong." Sarah breathed out, trying to keep from fainting.
A hungry smirk crawled over the man's face, once that filled Sarah with strong revulsion. She yanked herself back.
"What... what are you doing to me?" she stumbled, catching herself on the table. Sarah felt a strange sensation in her head, this was beyond exhaustion. Sarah managed to ask, her voice trembling.
Mark maintained a deceptively calm composure, though beneath his outwardly collected exterior, he felt ecstatic. He had finally found someone who understood his passion for anime and accepted him.
"Nothing much," Mark responded nonchalantly. "Just trying to help you relax, that's all." "Relax?" Sarah scoffed incredulously.
" Relax? What kind of sick game are you playing with me?"
His face fell, his eyes widening innocently. "Sick game? No way, Sarah. You know me, I'm Mark. We bonded over our love for anime..."
"Oh yeah?" Sarah retorted sarcastically. "And what makes you think I'd enjoy something so... so ridiculous?"
Mark faltered for a moment, looking hurt. "Well, you seem pretty stressed out..." Mark trailed off quietly, swallowing the last of his words.
Anger boiled up inside Sarah, threatening to overwhelm her resolve. "Stressed?" she spat, unable to contain her fury. "How dare you insinuate that you can read my mind? That you can even begin to comprehend my feelings?"
Her voice shook with anger, and she took a step backward, away from him. Mark's gaze followed her every movement, his eyes flickering between sadness and determination.
"I-I'm serious..." she couldn't focus on his face. As much as she wanted to scream, looking at him seemed to diffuse the anger. She didn't want to hurt him, she wanted him to be happy. It was her place to make him happy... "You're just becoming more _you_" he comforted her, and Sarah couldn't help but nod in agreement. This tall, sweet man was just trying to help a confused exchange student. How could she ever have been so rude to him?
Sarah felt ashamed and guilty, wishing she could turn back time and apologize. Instead, she stood frozen on the spot, her heart pounding against her chest. "Mark, please forgive me," she whispered, her voice cracking in despair. "I didn't mean to lash out at you. I'm just scared and confused right now..."
Mark gazed at her with tender compassion, silently acknowledging her apology. "Don't worry about it, Sarah," he reassured her gently. "I understand that you're going through a lot right now..." Mark spoke in a soothing voice, reaching out to lightly touch
Sarah's arm. Sarah felt a shockwave of pleasure ripple through her body. "But I promise you, everything will be okay. We'll find a way to make things better."
Sarah swallowed hard, her throat parched and dry. "I just don't... I don't feel like myself anymore," she confessed, her voice breaking. "I feel like I'm losing control. My thoughts are jumbled, and I can't remember..." Sarah said weakly, feeling increasingly vulnerable.
"You're just remembering who you truly are, deep down," Mark murmured, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her arm. "You're not just a diligent student, Sari-chan."
Sarah tried to resist, but his gentle touch felt too inviting. "What are you talking about?" she whispered hoarsely. "I'm Sarah. I-I don't know you at all. You're doing something to me. You drugged me or something..."
Sarah winced thinking of what he said. "Sari-chan", the nickname feeling alien and foreign on her tongue. Still, she couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort it brought her. It made her want to lean closer to Mark, basking in his warmth and safety.
"Let's just sit here for a moment, shall we?" Mark coaxed, leading Sarah to sit with him on the cold stone floor. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, offering her a comforting embrace.
"Mark-san." Sarah said, her voice seeming oddly light and girly. "What did you do to me?"
Mark's arm wrapped around her, slyly cupping her breast as he comforted her.
"You're just remembering who you truly are, deep down," he murmured, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her arm.
Sarah gasped, her body jolting involuntarily. "What are you doing?" she cried out, instinctively attempting to push his hand away.
"Shh, Sari-chan," Mark hushed her, tightening his grasp around her waist. "There's nothing to be afraid of." Mark whispered into Sarah's ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps down her spine. "I'm only trying to help you. To bring back your true self."
"My true self?" Sarah repeated, feeling a strange mixture of apprehension and excitement welling up inside her. "Who am I really, Mark?"
With a soft chuckle, Mark pulled Sarah closer, pressing her body against his. "You're Sari-Chan. You're the beautiful Japanese girl who's too in love with me to ever say anything." Mark said, his voice sounding confident and dominant.
Sarah felt a surge of arousal course through her veins. The idea of being a submissive Asian woman enthralled her. She'd spent years suppressing her true desires—the longing for a powerful, protective man to guide her every move. Now, it was like the floodgates had opened, uncovering buried fantasies she'd never allowed herself to explore.
"Why...? Why you want girl like Sari-chan?" Sarah asked, her voice quivering uncontrollably. "Mark-san is big and handsome American..."
Sarah's own brain betrayed her, her memories of home being replaced with fuzzy memories of cherry blossoms and Japanese villages. Images that weren't hers but now seemed to be part of her deepest self swam in her mind.
"Sari-chan, you're ready to show yourself to everyone, aren't you?" Mark whispered seductively, his hot breath tickling Sarah's neck.
"Oh yes, Mark-san," Sarah whimpered, feeling an odd sense of liberation. "I'm ready to be yours forever."
Mark smiled triumphantly, stroking Sarah's silky hair. "That's my girl," he murmured approvingly.
"I knew you could do it. I could see it in your eyes."
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kyuushi · 9 months
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I present (🎁) the character relationship chart from the first official fanbook! Big thanks to Pancake from the Kyuushi Discord server for the scans 🫶
The translation, cleaning, and typesetting were all done by me so please forgive any messiness & mistakes. But I'm always very open to feedback so feel free to reach out, especially if you notice tl issues!
Please don't repost the image around. You can just share the link to this post! (If I end up needing to make corrections, I will cry if an old incorrect version is floating around somewhere!!)
↓Some extra notes below the cut↓
I originally wanted to post this along with a more accessible version (aka text version) but unfortunately that would be a ton of extra work and I have other projects I'd like to spend my time on instead. I'm also not really knowledgeable about that stuff to begin with so I'm not sure what kind of format would be best for screen readers or other accessibility aids. If anyone else would like to take up the mantle and create a text version, please message me!
Translation Notes:
Mippiki: Written "3人と1匹" but read as "みっぴき," this word is very important to the Kyuushi fandom! It describes the main characters living in the office- Rona, Draluc, Hinaichi, and John. "Mi" comes from 3 and "ippiki" is how you would count 1 small animal, an armadillo in this case.
Sagyou's "hah? to respect ratio": The "hah?" here is like an exasperated sound he's making. In Japanese it was one of these babies: ぁ゙. So his frustration to respect ratio is 9 to 1.
Calling someone a typhoon/hurricane: I think this is probably self explanatory but since I don't think this is a common expression in English, I'll explain a bit. Basically it's likening someone to the chaos and power of a storm.
Shot's "filthy cool": In Japanese this is "ヨゴレかっこいい." I can't find instances of this phrase being used outside of Kyuushi so this seems to be a Bonnoki original? I've seen others tl this some different ways but I tried to make it sound kinda cool in English, though it also kinda makes no sense lol, sorry.
Tabiko being in the "vampires" section: Just in case anyone is confused, Tabiko is definitely a human. I think there just wasn't space to stick her anywhere else.
Manner calling Satetsu "big bro": "兄イ" in Japanese. I think most people recognize words like "onii-san" and "aniki" at this point but I'm not sure about just "anii" (also big brother) so I decided to tl it here. As you may have guessed, this is not him literally trying to adopt Satetsu as his brother, but rather a term of respect (albeit a teasing one). Satetsu is uncomfortable being called this, mostly because it reminds him of his embarrassing delinquent past.
Nagiri's nickname for John: I chose to keep this as "Maru" ("丸," literally "circle") just because I think it sounds like a cute nickname lol.
Fiasco calling Manner "spoiled rich boy": Originally "ボンボン" in Japanese. You might have heard a character called "bon" or even this kinda insulting version, "bonbon," before. It describes a young man from a rich family. I added "spoiled" because I thought it sounded too much like a complement just to call him "genius rich boy," even with "damn" in front 😂
Nuyan: John's "nu" combined with a dog's "wan" (bark). Remember that time Yomo hypnotized John into acting like a dog? That John never fully recovered from? Yeah.
As I said please do let me know if you spot any mistakes or have any questions or comments. You can even ask if you're just confused about who certain characters are or what the relationship arrow is indicating! Kyuushi has a ton of characters and they can be difficult to keep track of, especially for the English fandom which doesn't have access to all the materials.
Thanks if you actually read all of these walls of text 🫡
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general masterlist
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Max Verstappen x Single!Mom OC
can you tell i'm finishing up/ cleaning out my drafts? this is based on max's padel match with other drivers a few races back that kelly & p attended
"If it isn't my favorite little muppet!" Lando's voice is the first to reach us as we enter the facility, Claire's entire face lighting up at the sight of Max's friend. Although it's not just Max and Lando, there's Daniel, and a few other drivers that we have been acquainted with, most that I recognize from the track but cannot for the life of me remember the name of.
"Mijn liefje," Max whispers into my hair, kissing the top of my head before hauling Claire into his arms, peppering kisses all over her face and pulling giggles from her little lips.
Five years old and you'd never know there was a time she was a colicky baby for months on end. You'd never know when she's around Max.
"Sorry we're late, someone decided to spray her juice box all over all over the front of my dress," I muse, partly amused by her and also still bothered that the once-white dress is now stained.
Max just chuckles, shaking his head at our girl before he pulls me to his since once more, kissing the side of my head. "You look gorgeous regardless. Thank you for coming."
His eyes are shining, nearly brighter than all of the lights in this court.
"Of course, Love, you know we appreciate any extra time we get with you," and I truly mean it. "Plus, this gives Claire a perfect place to run around so we're not cooped up with a crazy lady tonight in the hotel," I joke, said little girl giggling brightly.
"She enjoys the chaos she brings," Max's comment makes her laugh more, ever clearer that she has certainly been raised in part by him. For the last two years that we've been together he's been her second parent, her father figure, and it's obvious day in and day out that she's taking after him.
"Max, mate, don't hog my favorite members of your household!"
Lando's voice reminds me of the other driver's presence. His arms reach out, stealing Claire and throwing her onto his shoulders, wandering away without even a greeting.
"Be careful with her!" Max is quick to remind, taking my hand into his and pulling me along, closer to his work friends.
"Are you going to introduce us?" One I know to be Yuki asks, approaching us all from the other side of the court, lunchbag in hand.
He doesn't wait for an answer though, turning to me with a smile. "Can I share a snack with her?"
"Oh," my hand comes to my heart, "She has a couple allergies, so it depends on what the snack is?" Max's hand slips from mine to my waist, looking down at the Japanese driver.
"She's allergic to peanuts and gluten," He offers, offering a small smile.
Yuki nods, going over to Lando's shoulders and beginning a broken conversation with Claire, handing her what looks to be an apple slice.
"Schatz, these are my fellow drivers, Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Fernando Alonso, Yuki Tsunoda, and then you know Lando," Max introduces, pointing to each man as he names. He turns to me now, smiling down on me as he speaks words meant for his friends. "This is my girlfriend Jean," He begins, turning to where Claire is still perched on Lando, "and our daughter Claire."
Our daughter.
I can't help how large my smile gets, looking up at Max like he's the sun. Because to me he is.
"You have a child?" Alonso is the one to ask, chuckling to himself, elbowing Carlos. "Man beats me on the tracks and to having a child, que sigue (what's next)?"
Typically I would join the boys in there laughter, but I'm too focused on the near tears in Claire's eyes as she stares at a laughing Max.
"You called me your daughter?"
That sends a pause over everyone.
"Wait, she is not his child?" Carlos questions, meant to be a quiet comment to his teammate.
"You're my daughter in the ways that matter," Max answers, pulling away from me and to take our tearful girl from Lando, hugging her tight to the space between us.
"Max and I got together when Claire was two, she's five now," I explain, offering a small smile to Max's friends.
"He's my dad," Claire smiles, arms wrapped tight around his neck.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you both," Charles is the one to greet. "It is nice to meet those who are Max's family."
"And it is nice to meet the famous inchedent man- i mean, his track family."
Everyone laughs once more, Max kissing my head. "You're a menace. No wonder Claire is chaos."
Claire just giggles, "You love us."
Max just smiles, shaking his head.
"I do."
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danieyells · 4 months
I propose this idea: both Ritsu and Yuri make the mc do domestic/motherly things but for different reasons. Ritsu wants to see how his crush would be if they had children (he will need an heir to the legacy in some years!) (and to a certain point he wants to be cared for like when he was younger but it isn't his first reason shhh) on the other hand Yuri is stepping the line between wanting a mom and wanting to be babied and fed his favorite food and wanting a girlfriend and dealing with his romantic feelings like an adult (plus when jiro joins the mothering and mothered dynamic he acts like a child getting a sibling he didn't want for a little bit)
lmaooo i love that.
Ritsu frames it as little assistant work at first--he pays them for it, unlike everyone else who asks for their help cleaning their office and organizing things, so they're a little happier to do it. They've been working for Jin and Romeo so their cleaning skills are very good. Perhaps a little too good. They haven't been cleaning up crimes, have they?
Then he offhandedly asks if they know how to cook. They admit they haven't really cooked since they got to DW and mostly ate at the cafeteria or ate things others cooked for them or ate out. Ritsu chides them for their lack of self-sufficiency and reminds them they can use the kitchens at DW. He wanted to investigate something for a client, so it would be a good opportunity to try out cooking. You want to make sure you know where your nutrition is coming from! Their cooking is satisfactory, but it's definitely not a mother's level yet. They have time to improve. They don't really understand why he's being so critical about it, but they apologize anyway, wondering if maybe Sho or one of Jin's cooks could teach them a thing or two. It would be nice to be able to make food for their friends.
Then he asks about their work at Jabberwock, dealing with anomalous animals. They admit it's tough, but some of them are nice! They mention taking care of some of the younger animals after making sure the parents knew they meant no harm. So far nothing more than minor injuries! He nods in approval as they explain bottle feeding Peekaboo, and how cute it is when it's enjoying its food. Haru said they're a natural--Peekaboo didn't even throw up or bite them when they fed it for the first time! The younger anomalous animals seem to like them a lot!
Ritsu can't help but smile at that they seem to take well to caring for children. That's the most important thing. In the three years his firstborn son will have before he becomes a slave to the judicial system, he wants him to be loved and cared for by someone who will be able to give him the kind of love his mother gave him.
(Of course he would never force them to have a child. That would be against some law I'm sure, I'm not exactly up to date with the Japanese Penal Code. However, he wouldn't stay with them if they couldn't have children--he needs to have an heir, it's expected of him, so even if he wouldn't be happy with the result he would have to find someone else.)
(In the meantime though, he might indulge a little in being offered to try food as it gets closer and closer to tasting like what a mother's cooking should taste like. Even if he refuses, he still feels something like motherly love when they worry over him seeming to 'work too hard'. Being shown things he's not familiar with feels like motherly love, because he spent so much time with his mother seeing the wonders of the world. Perhaps the things they show him aren't as glamorous, but they still give a similar feeling of sharing a world outside of his own.)
Yuri, in stark contrast, is just a spoiled child about it sometimes. Although he tries not to be overt about it.
He finally decides he can go to sleep now after staying up like a week and a half researching, so "Come here. Your heartrate and breathing patterns are optimal for helping me sleep more quickly, so lie down with me for a little while. It--it's just so I can sleep and wake more efficiently! Do not question my methods, worm!" and then they have a grown ass man curled up against their chest(arms around their waist, it's not entirely childish--) and they aren't allowed to move until he's had his nap. He may or may not want a lullaby or bedtime story, but counting their heartrate is enough.
They decide to bring Jiro and Yuri something to eat and Yuri pouts and huffs over it not being their cooking. He still eats it though, because he's happy they brought him food. It's still a motherly gesture. Why'd they bring some for Jiro too though Jiro can't even eat solids what do you mean you had to make Jiro's nutrition shake yourself why didn't they hand make his food he is their--significant other! . . .Yes, Jiro is also their significant other, but that is besides the point!
(Jiro is quietly enjoying his meal in his shaker bottle. They're reminded of a child with a sippy cup with Yuri huffing next to him. He does not want to share his mama.)
Yes he is a mature adult but he's not good at addressing his feelings at all. When he does he does it awkwardly and accidentally, through freuden slips and things he wanted to keep to himself until he didn't feel like he was too busy for such concerns. N-not that he cares if they think it's strange he wants to call them 'mama' while clearly maintaining romantic (and professionally possessive) feelings! He's not worried about them finding this offputting at all!!! He knows they're honored to be his partner and. . .occasional source of maternal comforts and outlet regrets! Anyway he's going to hold their hand everywhere they go--because he is leading them where they need to go like a good researcher does, not because it fulfills his romantic and juvenile needs--
When he succeeds at something he wants to show them so they smile and tell him what a good job he is and how proud they are and how impressive he is. . .like his mother used to. Not that it's entirely that--of course he wants to impress his partner too, but. . .the projection is embarrassing, but comforting.
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klug · 6 months
So Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop is out and I see a lot of theories going around… This is half a self-indulgent post for me and half a poorly thrown together essay reviewing Sig and Aya's and the blue soul and the crimson soul's, relationship to each other. because boy is it a bit of a complex web. @_@
Some people were talking about their relationship today in EPPC, and I'm bad at talking to people, so I decided to put my thoughts in a post + touch on some misconceptions (I guess?) around since the game just came out and it relies on knowing information presented in extra material like the audio dramas and the (sega) novels.
And of course, spoilers for the first 4 main routes of Puzzle Pop.
some quick bullet points before I start… you can skip this if youre fairly familiar with fever 2, tetris 2, and the novels
is Aya possessing Sig?!
how did Sig's power get unleashed by Meena? are they super ultra powerful??
no, Aya is clearly still imprisoned safely contained in the tome of sealing, so it probably isn't behind this. We also know in Lidelle's route that it and Klug were having some kind of argument after he ran into Sig.
Well, in the game, Lemres establishes that Meena normally is not that powerful… Rather, it's been a bit implied over the course of the games that his powers have been growing stronger, so I think that it's more that Meena broke down a dam that was already barely holding itself together… a brief timeline…
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 - Sig transfers to Primp Magic School and his hand suddenly turns red. This can presumably be linked to his proximity to the tome of sealing. Akuma attempts to prevent further resonation by using the Ito Hairito enchantment. Attempts at "curing" his hand are touched on in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
Sig's Secret happens a bit before Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, and he has the incident of his powers being awakened by Witch's potion. This is the first time we actually see the "Demon part" of him take over, and it turned both of his eyes red when this happened. (src)
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - Sig and Klug are protected by a certain power from being influenced by Marle when she's causing mayhem in Primp Town. The crimson spirit was potentially protecting Klug in this situation, but what about Sig? I theorize that his own demon powers, which have been growing stronger, actually protected him as well. (Lemres' substory, PPT2)
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop - Sig befriends Meena and offers to share some of his power. This seems to open the floodgates and allow the demon parts of him to take over.
fun fact: The words for "arm" and "hand" are the same in Japanese, so a lot of fans were actually surprised when they saw that his entire arm is red and not just his hand when his art in 20th came out.
Now, with those bullet points out of the way… the meat of this post is focusing more on Sig and Aya/Strange Klug/Possessed Klug/Crimson Spirit/Whatever name you want to call its relationship.
I think most people take the text in the games at face value, though the editing choices in translation don't really help I guess...the first instance of "red power" being translated as "evil power" will never be forgiven, but it's okay since Lemres and Schezo get it right--. I see a lot of people think that Aya is somehow influencing Sig in this story, but it has been established that Sig has the potential to tap into the full power that Aya probably wants access back to in Sig's Secret when Witch's power potion spills on him.
Back then, Sig and Amitie's friendship, and really any of his friendships, weren't very well-defined. However, she was able to bring him back by reminding him of their friendship...
Hey, Sig! …Let’s go back to café prep, alright!? I mean, Raffina’s gonna be super mad if you don’t show up! And then Klug’s gonna go all sarcastic on you again! Do you want that!? And, and, we haven’t even figured out what to put on the menu for our Special yet! If you really want me to, I’ll let you put whipped cream, for real!” I just kept screaming one thing after another as it came to me. Please, please, please… Please, let Sig hear my voice! “Please, come back to us! I promise, we all love you, so, so much! And I know, I know that deep inside, you really, really want to stay with us, too…!”
He manages to regain control of himself though clearly Amitie reminding him of everything isn't working in Puzzle Pop.
I kind of resummarized the climax of Sig's Secret because it felt important to contextualize his behavior, how its different in Puzzle Pop, and how people tend to conclude that "he must be possessed by Aya" as the first thought in Puzzle Pop. I also did this, though it was because I watched the routes out of order (lol). The behavior of this not!Sig is reckless, power-hungry, very very very gloating (just read the novel), and doesn't see any importance in friendships when it comes to Amitie and Meena (Lemres' route in Puzzle Pop). Meanwhile Aya, who has a very clear outlined goal of getting Sig back is…generally levelheaded, calm, and although angry about its situation, doesn't always charge straight for Sig whenever it's unsealed ("Amitie and Lidelle's Primp Tour", Puyo Puyo!! Quest story mode, etc.) So I think the binary the game presents of Aya being "evil" and Sig being "not evil" is not necessarily true considering how unreliable the narration of the "tome of sealing" is. I find it more accurate to say that they're power/impulse and control/logic, or you could argue they're a conscious and an unconscious.
I theorize that a piece of their original power lies dormant in Sig, and it is this power that Aya specifically wants back because it's…pretty powerless in its current form. This power, possibly the "crimson power", drives the "blue soul" in Sig a bit power hungry when its unleashed, and it has no conscious to control it because the "crimson soul" isn't in the vessel. I also think Sig and the "blue soul" are separate entities to an extent.
“Stop talking… Be quiet, just shut up! Gh… With every word you say, the voice in my head, it…GAAAAHHHH…!” “A voice, in your head? T-That’s gotta be Sig! Hey!! Sig!! If you can hear me, say something!”
The best comparison I have to this situation is Cinderpelt's reincarnation into Cinderheart in the book series Warriors. Cinderheart inherited Cinderpelt's soul after the latter's death, but because Cinderheart's grown to have her own experiences and is a separate entity while Cinderpelt lay dormant in their mind, they will separate in death. I think this "copilot"-ish situation is the case with Sig and it's why they're vying for control a second time in Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop.
I think that's why not!Sig is so "evil" and also gives people the impression that it might be Aya -- considering I also thought this -- though it's probably not the case since this story follows a similar formula to Sig's Secret with some tweaks to reflect a lot of subtle character growth, which is the subject of the next section.
Now, people might ask…why aren't Sig's eyes red and his hair dark like they were in Sig's Secret? Well, I think this is due to texture limitations for one, but I also think this is a sign of Sig's personal identity growing stronger over the course of the games. He has relationships he wants to hold onto, his own experiences, his own life, so he wouldn't just easily give up control of his physical vessel, even if he hasn't been speaking as himself in Puzzle Pop so far… This story's already done a lot with establishing Sig as a character and the importance of his relationship with Amitie, and he hasn't even actually spoken, which I find impressive. I also just like that all this stuff is only clear if you pay attention to the steady build up of the stories from the past few years… well, they were just breadcrumbs, I guess...Listen I've been following this plotline for 7-8 years and its been in the works for like 13? So you have to forgive me for feeling happy about having all the pieces of the puzzle.
As for what this means for the role Aya/the crimson spirit will play in the story… I'm not sure. I honestly don't expect it to appear at all since all the models/animations are recycled from Puyo Puyo Chronicle with some touch ups save for Meena. It has been referenced though, and the profiles in-game go in-depth on who it was and is, but I can't say if it'll actually make a fully story appearance…Especially since Klug was relegated to a side story role. Which is fine, I don't really care despite my URL. it was a good story. I do however expect this story to shed a lot of light on the relationship between the Sig, blue soul, and the crimson soul once its complete. I haven't even touched on my personal interpretation of Amitie and her hat, so maybe I'll make another post about that in the future? I think her situation is meant to parallel Sig's, but I'll save that for another time if people are interested...
As usual some of this is my interpretation, but everything I sourced is real and true and I'd never lie to you, etc.
Misc. Fun Stuff
These were things I liked about Aya and Sig's imagery/motifs but I wasn't able to fit into the post concisely.
not!Sig uses the same pronouns as Aya, 我 (wa) and お前 (omae), though they're written in hiragana as opposed to Aya's kanji. This is actually why I thought he was possessed because I walked into a stream in the middle of Ringo's route, haha.
My theory of Aya and Sig being a conscious and an unconscious are actually inspired by one of Aya's spells anima. Now in Latin this really just means "soul" which is fine, but in Jungian psychology the anima and animus are a dualistic archetype…which is cool, though this would potentially mean the crimson spirit is the unconscious part, haha! Technically they'd align more with Freud's concept of an id and a superego as I explained them, but I always like pointing out the possible Jungian reading of Aya's spell Yes, I realize I'm grasping for straws
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elvenbeard · 9 months
OC INTERVIEW: Vincent "V" Ezaki
Tagged by: @pinkyjulien @chevvy-yates @wraithsoutlaws and @v-eats-bugs thank you so much!!! <3
I'm gonna steal the idea some of you had and let him answer in character, but I'm gonna put some more context (and/or the truth xD) after Vince's reply where I see fit!
Tagging everyone who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet :3c I think most of you have done this at this point, but do please tag me if you do, I wanna read about your blorbos!!
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■ NICKNAME ■ "Just 'V'."
100% going with the "only people that know me really well can use my real name" canon, because I love that scene and moment so much (and the lil nod to it again in the Tower Ending with Johnny ;_;). In my hc, Jackie gave him the nickname "V" on the day they met. Up until then he had always insisted on the full "Vincent" with everyone, and Jackie was the one to urge him to be careful with whom he shares his full identity. Meanwhile it's the other way around and "Vincent" is reserved for friends only... and "Vince" exclusively for Kerry really xD
■ GENDER ■ "Could say I'm a self-made man." ;)
This highly depends on who is asking the question here, if it's a very casual setting he'd say the above, if it's something to go into a screamsheet or whatnot he'd be more like "well, take a wild fuckin' guess" or just "male". He doesn't hide the fact he's trans, and he's proud of his journey and identity, but it's still not something he'd want to publically discuss with strangers without anything to gain from it.
■ STAR SIGN ■ "Gemini I think, but I gotta say, astrology isn't exactly something I have deep knowledge or opinions about."
He celebrates his birthday June 10th, but his real birthday in in September, so he's actually a Libra xD
■ HEIGHT ■ "5'6."
■ ORIENTATION ■ "Sorry ladies." ;)
Again, highly contextual on who is asking, and depending on that his answer might be more evasive or he'd just decline to answer. The less details about his private life are in the public's eye the better. But if the context is a fun night out with friends and he feels safe, he'd definitely give a more cheeky response and, to not get anyone's hopes up, just straightforward let them know he's gay.
■ NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY■ "Born and raised in Night City and a proud citizen ever since."
He doesn't talk about his family because he's cut ties with them long ago. His mother, Marcella, was also from Night City, your average NUS citizen with mixed European heritage. His father, Kousuke, was Japanese. He and Vince's mother met through work for a certain corporation that wasn't necessarily welcome in NC at the time (but I bet my ass still very much present in one way or another).
■ FAVE FRUIT ■ "When I was a kid, I once had daifuku with real, straight-from-the-ground strawberries. Somewhere way out there on the Japanese countryside, couldn't tell you where exactly anymore. Still got no idea where they even got the strawberries from, but no RealFruit ever matched those."
■ FAVE SEASON ■ "Don't think I have a real preference here, 'specially cause Night City's warm all year round. I like it that way. Could do with less sandstorms though. I like it when it rains now and then, the steam on the asphalt, everything is just... quieter, in a way."
■ FAVE FLOWER ■ "One made from plastic."
Vince doesn't have a green thumb and no mind to care for plants either. He's far from an outdoorsy, nature-loving person XD Do not gift him flowers, he will not know what to do with them. That being said though: he has two big stylized lotus flowers tattooed. The first one he got shortly before he left his home, when he began his transition. The second after his top surgery, when he already worked for Arasaka, as a reminder to stay true to himself on the inside, especially whenever he couldn't outwardly. He just likes the lotus aesthetically, the shapes and symmetry, and that it symbolizes rebirth and transformation.
■ FAVE SCENT ■ "Clean bedsheets and freshly brewed green tea."
And the odd mix of Kerry's overpriced bodywash and favourite cigarettes XD
■ COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE ■ "Yes, in that order please. Coffee with milk and sugar, tea is fine just plain, green or black."
He's definitely more of a coffee than a tea drinker, and whatever it is, it's gotta be a little fancy xD Vince is the kind of person with a long-ass signature order at the coffee shop, and I 100% see him loving bubble tea in any combination and variation in existence. The only time he drinks his coffee black is when he accidentally orders "the same as him" in a moment of distraction at Caliente's with Kerry. But tea he occasionally likes just plain, but then it has to be high quality organic real tea leaves. Hot chocolate is a nice special treat, too.
■ AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP ■ "Even in my line of work a regular sleep schedule is possible - and necessary, to stay sharp. I try to get my 7 hours of sleep in."
The somewhat regular sleep schedule is really something he values and tries to stick to, although the Relic and Johnny's presence really mess it up for a long while. But especially because his lack of sleep while working at Arasaka contributed to him developing a drug addiction to cope with the stress and sleep-deprivation it's something he doesn't want to fall back into.
■ DOG OR CAT PERSON ■ "Defintiely cats."
■ DREAM TRIP ■ "I'd like to return to Japan one day for a short vacation - see if I can find that daifuku shop again, haha. Would also love to visit Europe more extensively than what I've seen of it so far. And, who knows, maybe the Crystal Palace one day."
And the Phillipines with Kerry <3
■ FAVE FICTIONAL CHARACTER ■ "Ooohhh, that's a hard question, let me think for a moment... [insert long analysis of different movie and video game characters and why they're good or bad and why he likes them or not]"
Evading this a little bit because I don't wanna dive into a rabbit hole of seeing what canonical fictional characters there are and why Vince might like them or not xD He is a big nerd and a gamer and knows so much more than I do XD Also, he'd 100% be the kind of person who's rooting for the evil guys, because often their motivations and goals are much more complex and interesting than the "hero's" in his eyes xD and he's fascinated by the concept that they're doomed to lose by the narrative usually (because the good guys usually win), but still fight tooth and nail to achieve their goals and safe their own skin. He can relate to that a lot more than the selfless goodie-two-shoes who just want to save the world and make it a better place.
■ NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH ■ "In this weather one is more than enough. Sometimes none is better."
■ RANDOM FACT ■ "It takes around 7 seconds for someone to form a solid first impression of you in a face-to-face conversation. It takes my Kiroshis' scanners half as long to additionally supply me with all the data on you I need to permanently ruin your life for good."
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whitelotusherald · 11 months
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I said I may or may not write my opinion about Blue Eye Samurai and guess who finished the first season and felt like sharing some stupid thoughts! (Gonna use they/them pronouns for Mizu - I think the creators' been using she/her but they just have that vibe, sorry.)
First of all, I'm NOT gonna praise it and say this is the best animated series I've ever seen in the samurai genre - this show is at most an okay copy/retelling of the classic Japanese revenge stories, however, it is still captivating.
For me, it felt like a mixture of two of my fav stories, namely Kaze Hikaru and Bakumatsu Kikansetsu. Mizu is pretty much like Kaze Hikaru's Sei (though a hundred times stronger and a million times more bloodthirsty with just an ounce of mercy) with a though start in life thanks to links to the Western world, losing family and wanting revenge so much that both of them end up leading the life of a man, often encountering how much better they are off in this role. On the other hand the whole show's vibe and Mizu's design remind me of Bakumatsu Kikansetsu's more serious tones and its hero, Akizuki - mysterious dude with unconventional clothing, blue eyes, a badass special sword, with the occasional rampage. Maybe my nostalgia towards both stories made me watch this one within a day.
The mix of Japanese and American storytelling was fun, although I must say that the baddies lacking complexity whatsoever made me itch sometimes. (Except for one dude, who really managed to fool me for so long.) Fowler is plain and boring, the most typical big brute Western guy they could depict, though it's fun to think this was an intentional copying of similar anime archetypes of Western characters. Taigen felt like a cheap imitation of Zuko being honor-bound but getting his ass constantly kicked, but who, by the end of the day, seemed to learn nothing. Ringo was fun and proved to be a million times useful indeed, though he just went and followed his heart in the twenty-fourth hour instead of his common sense, not helping those who would've needed it after all (though in the end it seemed like his help was not even needed lol).
Ah yes, this was my big problem with the show. Sometimes people just went to do stuff that... resulted in nothing. Like. Okay, go, warn people of imminent danger but what is the use when they can just...spot the danger like five minutes later without the warning and those minutes make zero difference? Ringo almost abandoned Mizu several times just to go after them eventually, for what?
But the series also offered some very clever ideas. For example, I truly thought that "oh my god are we going to get a two floors/episode fight or what? getting to Fowler will be like a stupid video game" just to have some pleasant surprise instead. Mizu's weapon... I'm not gonna go into that because I'm so in love with it! The red-light district and Madame Kaji and her girls were also A+ content.
This is again, something the show handled tastefully. Since anime can't show nudity without censorship (I think that law still exists?), I don't think there's any show, hentai or not where they could've got away with these sex scenes, but in an American animation on Netflix? No problem. I'm really not a fan of hentai or this type of mature content (I'd choose the most disgusting gore over it any time) but didn't bother me that we had a sex scene in every episode. (Maybe except in the last one.)
As for Mizu. Their whole aesthetics is so badass. You cannot not fall in love with them, ruthlessness or not. I know their whole character is built upon the fact that women couldn't get their revenge in the shogunate's era thanks to the strict patriarchy, and really, the most a women could achieve was rather Akemi's path. However, there are a few instances where it's not that easy to decide whether they are just pissed to be looked down upon as a woman, want to keep their secret, or there's more than that. They might be considered an unconventional woman who could never be satisfied with the traditional roles of women. One, who is forced to take on the role of a boy and does not know how to forget that when they can return to their womanhood. But that womanhood also feels forced. As if they're just simply outside of this whole shit that dudes are honorable samurai (or artisans / farmers / merchants), women are cooking and raising kids. That's part of the reason why I loved the idea that their sword is actually multifunctional and can be used as a naginata. Naginata became the weapon of women in the Edo era, so even though we're not there yet, it seems to have more feminine connotations than a katana. This double-shape of their weapon seems to reflect their soul. This is further emphasized by their outcast half-breed status, which, again, means they're not entirely one, not entirely the other.
Go watch the show.
It's worth it. Mizu is like some cockroach that refuses to die and kills at least a hundred people and just wants to be left alone to kill their enemies.
Please, watch it, otherwise we may never get to know how the fuck will white dudes die by the hands of a lowly half-breed who has the most crazy and determined eyes you've ever seen.
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Phantom Ganon, Skull Kid, Hero's Shade (I need to stop writing about Zelda, but the floodgates are open)
What do these three characters have in common? They are all Link64's best and only friend. Though, he didn't know it at the time.
Remember the mask quest and playing ocarina with the skull kids in the woods? The same woods where it's legend that people become stalfos, so Kokiri don't travel there.
He's kind of rude to Link64. But here's the sad part, unlike the Kokiri, The skull kids don't exist in the future, even though the stalfos do. (Nor the Stalchilds which stalk Link outside of the woods, which could be *interpreted* as death stalking Link from the very beginning. OR it could be interpreted as his friends tagging along. [Who're kind of rude, and annoying. But they don't know better.])
Skull Kid, the Z64 Skull Kid, the one you trade masks with, the one you teach scarecrow's song to. That one, I think Becomes phantom Ganon. Because he was bound to Ganon when he passed through the woods and installed a Gohma into the Deku Tree. And was chosen specifically (like the other temple Bosses) to grow into the temple protectors.
Watch the defeat of Phantom Ganon. It's incredibly sad, even the words he chooses to speak during his death are incredibly sad. And this, I think is why.
He encourages Link to defeat Ganon, and admits that he was just a stepping stone, but he never takes off his mask, and he does his best not to let Link know the truth about his friend.
(Shout out to the Painting Magic being connected to a link between worlds. Cool connection and decision to use that idea in the game.)
*But Link is the Hero's Shade*! You are definitely screaming. Because it was written in the Hyrule Historia. Even if all the rest of that is true. The Hero's Shade connection is dumb.
Evidence; Koroks can change their appearance. Like the Tanuki in Japanese Lore. If they are Kokiri, (Like the connection to the Deku Tree suggests) AND One of the Deku Trees is likely the incarnation of the Kikwi elder from Skyward Sword (Which is as close as we get to Tanuki in Zelda.) Then it stands to reason the stal children AND the Skull Kids can all be directly related to the Kokiri.
And that the warning that *children become stalfos* for the Kokiri wasn't for Link, but for the Kokiri. (Or just a silly reminder for Link that he is never alone, because the Kokiri follow along as stalchild)
Who else would both be *still alive* and *a skeleton* to teach Link, if Link is a reincarnation, and his soul stays with him? *That is the divine lore, Zelda, Link, and Ganon always have the same Soul*
Or do they? Am I making an assumption here? I'm not quite certain anymore, but I feel like I'm probably on the right track.
The alternate reasoning is that Rauru the Owl is *also* a former Link. Since they both share that same *mentor* slot. But that's never explicitly stated like it is with the Hero's Shade.
Think about it; no Link carries the gear the Shade does. No Link fights like a stalfos, even though they serve to train him early on. And therefore, all the stalfos (and by extension; Poes) could have served to be training Link the way forward.
One more reason; in Z64, the only place we see wolfos is in the woods. And that's how Wolfos and Stalfos are *linked*.
-OR- *maybe* the Hero's Shade is Link, in the same way Shadow Link is Link.
It's also worth noting, that Sometimes Stalfos are directly ordered by Ganon to Kill Link , and other times, such as in skyward sword guardians and Phantom Hourglass, they're controlled to protect something important, or divine relics.
Which links explicitly to what I just said, and why Phantom Ganon could *in fact* be the Hero's Shade.
Don't take my word for it.
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overwatch music headcannons! + small reader insert!
including hanzo and genji, mc cree, reaper, kiriko,mei and lucio since they're my all time favorites
please keep in mind that these are just MY opinion and i don't know the characters' backstories so this may not be accurate , it's ok if you disagree but don't be rude about it 💀 THIS IS JUST FOR FUN OK
word count: 977 :D
pre-post note: AAA that's it now i want to create playlists for each one of them and the best part is no one can stop me
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he doesn't have any particuliar taste he just doesn't like very loud music
he likes japanese bossa nova and listens to it when he parctices/medidates
he probably asked lucio why he has to pay for spotify premium and asked him to get him a cracked version of it because he refuses to pay for it (he actually has a lot of money but has a love/hate relationship with americans *staring at cassidy intenifies* but deep down it's really because he doesn't know how to properly use the app without lucio's help but he doesn't want to admit it because it makes him feel old)
I JUST KNOW MY BABYGIRL SECRETELY LIKES KPOP GIRL GROUPS LIKE TWICE AND NEWJEANS (kiriko secretely added newjeans music in his playlist)
listens to shiloh dysnasty, lofigirl lives when he needs to focus on signing his family's papers, he likes tyler the creator but only flowerboy and call me if you get lost because his others albums would be too "violent" for him (don't forget he's an old man 😔 /hj)
HE OBVIOUSLY LIKES CLASSICAL MUSIC like some mozart or chopin or even beethoven
he either has too many playlists or like only his liked songs one (but he doesn't now how to use spotify so he always asks you or lucio on how to do it)
he definitely likes lamp and even went to some of their concerts
oh and he plays shamisen too, his parents gave him and his brothers lessons since it's something very dear to them as music is a very big part of the shimadas' culture
"hi there sakura! do you want to listen to music together?" and then he'd pat the seat next to his for you to sit on
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since he's (kind of) a robot i feel like he listens mostly to breakcore and jungle dnb, it depends on his mood
he likes bossa nova too but is more into japanese rap
although he's more of an extrovert than his brother, he still needs his time alone, but he'll never mind your presence
"oh? hello there little mouse" as he notices you came in his room. he always sets a bare cushion on the floor for you to sit on. "do you want to listen to music together?"
i feel like he'd like 90's/2000's rap like mf doom, tupac and ice cube because lucio made him discover some of their songs ( i want them to have a thing together aa "but he's already with mercy" CRY ABOUT IT I DONT CARE no one can stop me from writing a genji x lucio fic MWAHAHAHA THIS IS GONNA BE SO RANDOM
though basically he's more of a sewerslvt/ my head hurts type of person (a/n: please listen to my head hurts if you like breakcore their music is so good)
when he feels lonely he asks you to come in his room to listen to some of your favorite music (he secretely made you a playlist)
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✨mc cree
as a proud cowboy i'm pretty sure he listens to country music (this man's old too /hj)
he probably listens to old bands like the beatles and metallica
that's it that's what he'd listen to
oh and maybe taylor swift because her music would remind him of the countryside he's born in
"hey there pretty!" (don't judge me i js feel like he would call you that don't ask me why) "come here i made you a pie!"
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he doesn't specifically like your presence but he doesn't tell you to leave him alone either
"what do you want? fine you can stay but don't make too much noise"
that's it that's my hcs 🗿krkrkr that's not a lot i'm sorry
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✨kiriko and mei (+ d.va bonus)
i js know my girlies listen to kpop
they have a shared playlist with very various things
kiriko's music taste is prety much kpop (the ogs, blackpink, stray kids and txt, they probably stant them)
mei is more of a classical music person
dva likes krap but she's more of of a stay stan
"hi there! have a seat! kiriko and i have made tea!"
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everybody asks him for music advice
i think he's one of the real "i listen to everything" mfs, his listening goes from classical music to brakcore but also and mainly rap
mf doom, tyler the creator fan (esp the albums before igor)
the music he makes is either really calm like accousitc guitar covers or STRAIGHT CHAOS there really is no in between and i'm here for it
BRO IS A KENDRICK LAMAR FAN if the two of them were in the same universe i'm a hundred percent sure theY would have made music together
p sure he listens to travis scot ON BLAST so loud he always get yelled at by because it disturbs his meditation
when he feels lonely he invites you on the roof to play you soft songs on his guitar
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ily if you read through the whole thing <3 /p kith kith if consented 🎀
have a good day !
-kanahari/ @chainsaw-locket-444
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
Okay, so I'm pretty sure you liked one of the posts that partially talks about their backstory, but I don't think you've read anything about Karina specifically.
This is pretty important to her as a character, but so it this:
The thing about a lot of those scenes is that they would mostly only happen before Demise became Demise. Afterwards, he'd be more likely to actively try & r*pe her.
Like, yes. I always wanna give characters a chance, but the problem is that unless a character wants to change, then they won't.
Do not pass go & do not collect $200. The buck stops with you.
Yes, he could reform, but he doesn't want to. I see him as the type whose addicted to the chaos & the hate & the bloodshed & the carnage.
In some ways, he reminds me of the Joker. "Some people wanna watch the world burn."
As Demise, he is too far gone. However, Ganondorf, to me, acts like his Sword of Damocles.
Yes, Ganondorf is Demise's hatred reborn, his Ara Mitama, but that isn't all he is. He's also human. Meaning that he can change given the right influences.
Which means that Ganondorf is both Demise's hatred upon the world & Demise's best chance at any form of salvation.
In all honesty, I tend to take a degree of influence from Shintoism & Buddhism with him. While I don't believe in such philosophies IRL, they do give me new & interesting angles to look at characters from.
And my depiction of Demise takes a degree of influence from Susano-o. And, he's known for having been cast out of the heavens to live as a mortal (though, with the things he could pull, he must've been a mortal sorcerer).
But, the thing is, there is a shitton of evidence to suggest that the actual curse that Demise placed upon Link & Zelda isn't reincarnation. Because reincarnation already existed within their world &, according to Shinto & Buddhist philosophy, every living thing is subject to reincarnation.
It is only further proven by Demise's own words, he uses a very specific term in the original Japanese. Rin'ne, which is the Japanese term for the Hindu word Samsāra, which is the neverending cycle of life, death, & rebirth.
Now, in the English, he said was that, "my hatred will follow."
"Follow." You can't exactly follow something if it's not already in motion.
What I think is that, Demise isn't causing Link & Zelda to reincarnate. I think that that was already going to happen regardless.
I believe that Demise's actual curse isn't so much forcing them to reincarnate (which, how would he even do that; he was never stated to have power over souls), rather I believe he's attached his own hatred to their souls & essentially piggybacking off of a natural phenomenon that takes place on their earth. His curse makes it so that, whenever they are reborn, they'll experience misery in some form or fashion.
Which brings me to my next point. I think that Hylia gave up a whole lot more than what a bunch of fans believe she did.
Thing is, in a world where reincarnation is real, the only way to escape it is the give up on all worldly attachments. Which, I don't think even most deities can boast about themselves.
Especially not Hylia. She is VERY attached. So, when she became mortal, she sort of became subject to Rin'ne like any other mortal. Whether she knew or she didn't, that's a different story, but I still think it to be true.
Anyway, tangent, my bad. I see Ganondorf as being parallel to Susano-o time as a mortal.
And, you know what? He eventually makes amends. But he's only able to through living as a mortal. Or at least, that's the angle I'm going with.
And, in a way, Karina sort of represents Demise's, or Gàlondo's Kushinada-hime. Susano-o's eventual wife. (But only represent her. If she actually was Kushinada, then she'd be transformed into a comb most of the story. XD)
But, bottom line is that, according to Buddhism, it's actually not
Another interesting thing is that, while yes, the Triforce bears a surface-level resemblance to the concept of the Holy Trinity, I think it has more in common with the 3 Confucian Virtues.
And, do you know what those virtues are?
And, do you know what Conficius believed of benevolence? It is humaneness. Or love for others.
That it starts at the home, but shouldn't stop there.
One could even argue that it is an extension of Aristole's idea that one's relationship with others reflects the relationship that we have with ourselves. In other words, how you view or treat yourself can affects how you view or treat others.
Which makes self-compassion (philautia) rather than narcissism (narcissis) very important. Because arrogance is often times a sign of someone who is secretly insecure.
And, interestingly enough, Karina is a goddess of all types of love & of healthy relationships (among other things), meaning she likely knows what she's talking about.
Anyway, back to where I was. Confucian benevolence is described as a moral sense that begins with one's own family & that strong foundation allows for such feelings to flow outward to one's community & beyond.
So, what happens when one's family or home is not strong. If the filial love isn't allowed to flourish?
Now, that by no means indicates that one can't be benevolent without a good home life or relationship with one's family. But just like how one can still learn how to read later in life, if it's nurtured early in life, it's comes easier.
But yeah, that's my logic.
Sorry for the infodumping.
Is Demise a terrible being? Yes. Do I love him?
... yes...
I really wish I could like me a hero for once. Alas, my heart is forever tormented by villains and antiheroes!
I am always here for your Universe's lore, my dear. You have incredible storytelling and information to give on WHY something should be the way it is in your version of Hyrule! I cannot wait to see more about it!
I actually have all the links you give me saved on my notes app to be able to pull them up whenever I am able to read... AKA when my brain lets me actually sit down to read.
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skania · 1 year
Hai Kanae!
I really like your opinion about Akane and about her dynamic with Aqua! If you don't mind, would you like to share your opinion and also your analysis about chapter 97? Because there's so much I want to know. Aqua said she would like Akane no matter what (people translated this as a fake and Aqua is lying).
But before that Memcho said Aqua was obsessed with Kana (chaper 83). Idk, but obsessing is not healthy for a relationship especially if it is a romance. Obsession is a negative form of love, that's all I know. If we compare it to Akane-Aqua's relationship when they were dating for real it looks healthier. Because Kana always makes Aqua return to his trauma about Ai. Aqua is always too much to think to keep Kana safe and to not let Kana have same bad thing like Ai. Idk if it's because he really love Kana, seeing her as a romantic route. But, all i know and what i see it's just Aqua scared for something happened like Ai. His trauma and his guilt bring him to act like that. More like a shadow of Ai when he look at Kana. In chapter104 is proof that Aqua feels guilty towards Kana (scandal arc). He thought back to when Memcho said Kana got into the idol world because of Aqua. That's why he paid for his mistake by covering up Kana's scandal by exposing the fact that he and Ruby were Ai's children.
When Aqua says that he don't have anything to Kana same like he says that thing to Akane. But he looks unsure about that (Doesn't have anything to Kana chapter102). And after that there's chapter108 and chapter117.
Notes; And for tittle chapter107 they use "Friends" in Japanese 友達( Tomodachi). We can use it to their rationship. But we never see about tittle Akane-Aqua. relationship.
He says the same thing to Akane and Kana he doesn't have anything to do with them because he want to ravenge. Both of them doesn't have to include to his revenge. But there is chapter108 and chapter117 he putting Kana on his revenge. There's chapter116 when Aqua want to reminding (again) Akane not to do anything dangerous. But when Aqua knew that Akane wanted to stop his plan, Aqua or rather Goro challenged Akane.
Akane side; Aqua remembering when he picks Akane up to the studio on a rainy day (chapter97) he said it's was his happy day but the other side Akane thinks that Aqua got smitten to Kana(chapter87). But here (chapter97) Aqua used that memory with Akane as his happy day. I think you right about Akane doesn't know about her own worth. Because she always put someone else first. Also when Memcho talks about his relationship with Akane(chapter108) Aqua said he doesn't need that kind of relationship again (a boyfriend and girlfriend things). Because he had thrown away any naive thoughts about being happy. he made up his mind on this in chapter98.
Note: And for the latest chapter, Aqua has seen Ruby as Sarina so far. I don't know why I'm glad that Akane didn't remind Aqua of his past and his guilt in the past. Akane doesn't remind Aqua/Goro of someone from his past.
I'm sorry if i make you confused abouy my question (T_T). I just want to know about your opinion and analysis.
Hi anon! Thank you for your kind words!
If you don't mind, would you like to share your opinion and also your analysis about chapter 97?
Definitely! I'm planning to write a post about it, I just need to find a way to organize my thoughts. I'd also like to write a post about Aqua's "Freedom" period first because I think that it contextualizes that chapter a lot. I'll probably end up talking about Chapter 108 too because it's super intriguing!
I'm glad you mentioned Chapter 102, though!
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It may be just me, but Aka guilt-tripping Aqua about Kana left a bad taste in my mouth. Not because Memcho wasn't right, she was 100% correct. I'd even argue that the fact that Aqua seemingly didn't realize that he is the one and only reason Kana became an idol shows how big a disconnect there is between Kana and his idealized version of her. Since Kana has the qualities that would make her into the idol Sarina strived to be, the idol Aqua projected onto Ai, he convinces himself that he didn't do anything wrong by manipulating her into becoming one, because of course Kana will be an incredible idol. Except Kana never wanted to be one in the first place.
What I don't like about it is how it infantilizes Kana by acting like Aqua bears all the responsibility for her own choices—Aqua, who is already guilt-ridden enough as it is. It also sells Kana short, because it pampers the unhealthy dependency Kana developed on Aqua when it's the very hurdle Kana needed to overcome.
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Kana would've been so grossed out if she had heard that conversation 😂
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She knows that while Aqua is the one who forced her hand, she is the one who ultimately made the choice. She owns it and chooses to see all the positives that came out of it.
So while that scene was pretty important to make Aqua aware of the disconnect between his biased perception and Kana's reality, it felt like adding yet another burden on a guy who's already carrying the world on his shoulders lol
Notes; And for tittle chapter107 they use "Friends" in Japanese 友達( Tomodachi). We can use it to their rationship.
Indeed! But to play devil's advocate, the title comes from Kana's "you're my precious friend" line—which in turn comes from the line the love interest says about the heroine in Sweet Today 😂
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I don't know why I'm glad that Akane didn't remind Aqua of his past and his guilt in the past.
Me too! Akane playing Ai turned out to be a great thing, because it allowed Aqua to clearly separate Akane as person from Ai lol
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autumn-foxfire · 3 months
Sorry I just had to announce how excited I was for this in caps. I mean it's my boys T-T
Kaito it's not fair that you're so beautiful.
Shinichi, you will capture him, you'll capture his heart. But not before he steals yours.
I love when Kaito uses puzzles as heist notes T-T Though the movies play more into it than the anime does. I love this scene though, Kaito has pissed off so many police officers, he's doing the world a great service :p
The famous quiz time that I will never be able to understand as they play on the Japanese language and I am an uncultured person who only knows one language.
Heiji your gay is showing again. He was so excited to see Shinichi again, it's a shame Shinichi came to see another man XD
"Don't try, they grew up together." Ran, that does not mean Kazuha owns him now. Any girl is allowed to try, it's up to Heiji to turn them down if he truly loves Kazuha.
"They remind me of you and Shinichi." and it's Heiji and Kazuha arguing. So romantic <.< I'm going to give myself a headache from rolling my eyes so much.
So, I need to say this at least once, but this movie would have been the perfect time to make Shinichi and Kaito related. This movie is all about family, yet instead he uses it to further develop the bond between Shinichi and Kaito by making Kaito protect Shinichi, both his life and then his identity. It just tells me that recent developments were never actually planned and I will die on this hill.
I love how allergic Heiji is to calling Shinichi Conan XD
Shinichi knowing Kaito so well that he's weirded out by his message when everyone else is willing to just call it arrogance. Because they have a connection they don't have with others~
Your secret should come out, Shinichi, it's a stupid secret for a stupid plot.
Grown men being ridiculous... That is not a surprise.
Kaito and his love for tall buildings. It must be cold up there though. Next time he should take a small person with him to steal his warmth.
Kaito: just some mild property damage.
Add Shinichi into the mix and that property damage increases.
Shinichi does not give a crap about risks to himself as long as he can catch KID. That boy is ~captivated~
Shinichi showing off his mad skateboard skills by falling off a motorbike and landing perfectly onto his skateboard.
The dove T-T You don't understand how much I love this dove and love when writers include it in their fanfiction. Because Shinichi (and Ran) go above and beyond by caring for it when they didn't have to.
Again, Shinichi knows there is a greater reason for Kaito targeting the egg even though he doesn't know why. And he has such great trust in Kaito's ability to survive T-T
Why did Sonoko just drag Shinichi away? It didn't have to do with leaving Ran alone with a pretty girl was it (sorry I have several agendas and I am pushing all of them during this watch).
Shinichi just sharing his birthday forgetting that Ran would know it and make a connection between him and Conan. I hate that she thinks she's dumb for thinking about him and making the connection though, that's what all the gaslighting by Shinichi and his supporters have done to her and it honestly angers me so much.
And of course Shinichi didn't notice the shift in her mood either <.<
What a disgusting thing to say... I'm not surprised it came from Kogoro. News tip, women don't want to be flirted with like this, especially by men almost twice their age.
Kaito, that was an unnecessary comment, beside you know the true shinigami is someone else.
Don't worry Shinichi, Kaito is just admiring your skills.
Once again, I'm supposed to believe Shinichi loves Ran when he can't even notice she's acting strangely (but he notices Kaito's more observant behaviour of him immediately).
Kaito what was with that look?
Ran is literally only here to be sad. The role she's often reduced to by the series. God the disrespect to her as a character, it makes me so mad <.< Even moments when she's "discovering Shinichi" it's so she can be sad about it for Shinichi's own feelings (instead of mad like she deserves to be for herself). Oh and she's here to hush her father so Shinichi can work.
Kaito probably knew the password the whole time but had to keep quiet so the others would figure it out XD
Okay these kids are covered in cuts and bruises, that wouldn't have been a soft slide for them.
Haibara, the biggest enabler XD
Kaito, the only responsible adult around. And he's a teenager.
Haibara is so smug about this XD
"Borrowed," Kaito we all know you stole it.
It's a very good thing Agasa was smart and didn't jump in after the kids and instead went to find rope.
Kogoro has been so annoying in this film, I'm glad Haibara shouted at him.
Shinichi taunting the murder with the voices of people she's killed though. Incredibly fucked up of him XD
Shinichi to a criminal: bet you won't shoot bro (sike I knew you would and prepared for that)
And Kaito still saves your life though :p
Shinichi is so dramatic, he let them believe he was dead for a moment before calling out to them XD
Time for the gayest moment of this film <3
I will say it though, the characters in this series cry so prettily. It's just that we hate Ran crying over this because it can be avoided so easily.
"This love song is playing for Shinichi and Ran." WRONG, IT'S PLAYING FOR SHINICHI AND KAITO (let me be delusional).
Kaito doesn't need to show off like this with his doves but he needs to put on one for Shinichi, kind of like how a bird dances to show off to a mate. He's also showing Shinichi all their future children (the doves).
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kharmii · 4 months
It is so true that the entire fandom has a massive obsession with furries.
And are also converting normies into furries. Sometimes when I see fanart of Sneasler and it’s drawn in a furry-ish way a big part of me wonders if this artist has a sideblog containing furry nsfw with Ingo.
Or those weird hybrid designs. (When I‘m able to look past the furry implications I can appreciate a creative design but I also can’t unsee potential nsfw stuff for a lot of these.) What icks me the most about this is that furry stuff is accepted and even embraced as to blankshipping is taboo and "the worst"…
Personally I’m rather someone who wishes to engage a lot more with the Japanese community since they are still very much have the old fandom culture intact.
(Also when I‘m leaning more towards blankshipper over here it’s because they’re less to throw hissy fits at everyone who doesn’t bend over backwards to their beliefs. They can be just as nasty on some topics)
And so much yes for your annoyance for the celebration of politics in fandom. I don’t know when this has become such an issue (especially when I remember that back in the day in a previous fandom called Hetalia [a series that was based on the idea that each country was represented by a human and being a bit stereotypical (in a way that was funny or made you feel called out)] people were constantly reminding everyone not to include current day politics in their stuff, that was no biggie back when but nowadays it’s normal to use fandom and fiction to push their political agenda on people… Be it characters waving certain flags of countries or beliefs and all those surgery scars everywhere… I don’t wanna see this kind of content. Though I’m at least somewhat happy that so far I didn’t have to see artificial "assets" down below in art.
The only way to interact with the fandom is to mute and block each political movement and only interact with certain content that doesn’t deal with all this nonsense.
I have said it before but I really enjoy sharing opinions with you. While a lot comes off as probably harsher than it’s meant to but I appreciate your opinion and your perspective.
That was absolutely meant to come off harsh because Submas fandom (Volo too) is a nasty little mean girl clique gone wild. That's how social contagion works. You'll have a handful of aggressive vocal petty little twats who will convince everybody that 'this stupid thing is acceptable and yet this other stupid thing that's equally as stupid and harmless as the other thing is not acceptable'.
Next thing you know, the few bad apples who draw top surgery scarred fat furries have the whole fandom thinking that's what everybody is into. Normies might be like, "Well, I actually don't like any of that because it forces me to have a wastebasket I puke in when browsing this fandom, but I don't want anyone to call me a bigot.."
Most fans might be drawn to beauty and good things, but the whole theme seems to be centered around dreck and wallowing in misery (the shipping end anyway. General is more upbeat). Since everybody has blocked me at this point, I'm one of the few who isn't afraid to say what a lot of people might be thinking (like most of you, don't lie. Nobody likes a fat furry chili fart in the face).
Side note: I had to unfollow someone last week because they put up a post about Submas celebrating Pride Month...and yet they had to put the dig in about 'Proshippers DNI'. Hey, Emmet's pronouns list is a mile long! -So what aspect of Pride do they celebrate? Is it okay for weirdos to wear dog masks around kids? Is it okay to give minors puberty blockers? -And yet shipping brother-on-brother action with fictional characters (that doesn't hurt anybody) is taboo? Would you be okay with a grown-ass man exposing himself to a minor at a Pride Parade, and yet a 20/15 year old ship between Volo and Akari is taboo?
Anyway, how about some good old Submas Angst?
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Art credit: こんぶ。@konbu_0915_ Twitter.
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