#reo mikage x nagi seishiro
ranaiki · 2 years
What Would Have Been
wc: 40.9k
warnings/tags: (read at your discretion, may contain spoilers!) swearing, hurt/comfort, heavy angst, fluff, crack, humor, potential character death, suggestive themes, romance, slow burn, strangers to lovers hon hon, homophobia, gay romance <3, deals with heavy themes and scenarios.
pairing: Reo Mikage x Nagi Seishiro
characters: Reo Mikage, Nagi Seishiro, Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Ego Jinpachi, Anri Teieiri. Special appearances by Itoshi Rin, Chigiri Hyouma, Oliver Aiku, Teppei Neru, Hiori Yo, Yukimiya Kenyu, and Darai Miroku. Plus some characters I made up lols.
a/n: yaas guys I finally finished! I’m literally so pooped I’ve spent hours and days at a time finishing this and now its 4am, 5 hours past my bedtime and I’m finally publishing it! The reonagi fic. Jazz hands. This is what Split Apart was postponed for. It is long, it was awful, but amazing at the same time. I wrote this for an amazing friend of mine so bee if you see this you’re clearly very loved. Anyways. Please enjoy, I hope y’all like it!
summary: Reo’s life has become a series of dull, repetitive moments. There is nothing he finds interesting anymore, nothing that he feels is worth his time or energy, that is, until he met Nagi - a boy with even less will than he had. Reo takes it upon himself to befriend him, and along the way, discovers what it is that gives his life purpose and meaning.
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What are you supposed to do when faced with fate’s messy amusement?
There’s not much you can do. Fate works in funny ways.
She likes to tease, to taunt. She likes to make you falter and fall, misstep and take a wrong turn, but she will always lead you right back where you need to be.
But see, that’s why fate works in funny ways.
Because where you need to be? Where you’re meant to be, may not be where you thought you were going.
You could have it all planned out. You could have the whole world beneath your feet, helping you along to where you want to go.
But if it’s not within Fate’s sticky hands, you will never reach that destination.
And sometimes she rips it right from your grasp, replaces what you wanted with what she wants for you, and she leaves you wondering, pondering;
On what would have been.
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verysium · 6 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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yeonniesblog · 7 months
— bllk boys reaction to you pranking them with nudes/exposing picture and telling them it wasn't meant for them.
nsfw words used. slight ooc remarks but it's just for fun | masterlist
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this was requested by @joyfulenthusiastwitch
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escapenightmare · 10 months
blue lock when you ignore them.
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isagi reaches out to place a hand on yours, mumbling, “baby, are you mad at me?” as he gently rubs his thumb back and forth across your knuckles with a concerned furrow to his eyebrows. when you don't reply, he unconsciously juts out his bottom lip just a little bit in a worried pout, “c'mon honey, don't ignore me.”
nagi doesn't care, he just clings onto you tightly, pulling you to lie on top of him on the couch as he sleepily nuzzles against the crook of your neck before deciding to settle with his forehead against your shoulder. “lemme sleep, pretty,” he murmurs tiredly, placing lazy kisses on your skin. “don't ignore me when i wake up.”
michael lays down with his head in your lap, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes. “mein liebchen,” he all but whines, “pay attention to me.” when you don't reply he maintains eye contact with you as he takes one of your hands in his and brings it up to his mouth, peppering teasing kisses from your finger tips all the way to your wrists, doing anything he could to get a reaction out of you.
bachira sits on your lap with a contagious grin and presses kisses all over your face, trying to get you to cave. “this is fun,” he giggles as he places his hands on either of your cheeks and squishes your face— not enough to make you annoyed, but enough to make your lips pucker slightly. he giggles even more at the sight and brushes his nose against yours, “babe… you're so pretty”
rin glares at you, frowning. “you really want to do this?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. when you don't reply, he places a hand on your shoulder, rolling his eyes, “come on, we both know you can only do this for so long.” he sighs, almost dramatically, before using the hand on your shoulder to gently pull you back towards him, wrapping an arm around your waist as he huffs, “fine. be like that then.”
reo is dramatic for no reason whatsoever. he grabs your hands and holds them tenderly, looking heart broken and overcome with sadness as he asks, “do you not love me anymore, baby?” his eyes look as if they're almost tearing up, but all he wants to do is press your buttons up to the point where you have to acknowledge him, even if it's just so you can tell him to shut up.
sae stares at you from across the room with narrowed eyes, unimpressed. “so, how long are you planning on doing this?” he asks in a deadpan voice, folding his arms across his chest as he stares you down. when you don't reply he rolls his eyes but his demeanor only lasts for maximum twenty minutes because the next thing you know, he's wrapping his arms around you from the back and placing his chin on your shoulder.
oliver grins at you, shaking his head with a chuckle, “you're really gonna try to ignore me, baby?” he laughs at your silence, almost teasingly continuing to trace a finger in circles on your hip, grin still on his face as he leans in tantalizingly close. “you can do this all day baby, but i'm not going to give up just yet either.”
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ana-chan164 · 4 months
• Blue lock boys with their kids ♡.
< part 1 >
{Nagi seishiro, Mikage reo, Isagi yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Itoshi sae and Itoshi rin}
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Artist in twitter: _nnt0k
I'm really, really, really sorry because I was away for so long 😭😭, and I'm sorry for implementing your request so late. I was very busy with school and didn't have time to translate anything due to the difficulty of our studies and the school stage I am in now, in addition to the pressure on us with exams.. Finally, after much trouble, I took a 17-day vacation to rest from school ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ.
(I will post the second part now)
Hope you enjoy ♡.
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piichuu · 11 months
ft. mikage reo, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi
gn!reader, fluff
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he’s quietly sitting on the edge of the couch, his eyes not leaving your sleeping figure as a few tears roll down his cheeks. never has he wanted to apologize for something he’s done as much as he wants to now. he wants to put his arms around you and pull you in for the warmest hug he can give while chanting apologies so you’ll understand that he never meant to yell at you. he will never forget the look on your face when it just broke for him, your widened eyes as you almost looked scared. he can never forgive himself for that.
reo holds your hand lightly as the tears increase and he has to look away for a few seconds as to not cry more. why did he have to act like this? why did the fight have to escalate to that level as to where he yelled at you? it was his fault, all his fault. you had simply just told him that his father came over earlier to talk about the family business and just after mentioning the name of his dad, reo had become mad. it was never your fault.
suddenly, he can feel a pair of arms wrapping around his waist and when he turns his head, he sees that it’s you who’s now awake, hugging him close. seeing this causes his heart to shatter and he can’t help but sob while pulling you into his chest, never wanting to let you go. “i’m so, so sorry. i shouldn’t have gotten mad, i’m sorry, i’m so sorry,” he speaks and you look up at him with those twinkling eyes of yours, instantly helping him calm down.
“i know you don’t like that your dad keeps talking about the family business with you and i should’ve told you when i knew you weren’t already feeling stressed from football practice,” you mumble but he shakes his head and cups your cheeks. “don’t even try to make it sound like it’s your fault. it’s mine and i’m sorry, i won’t ever act like that ever again, i promise. you’re too nice to me, way too nice and i don’t know what i did to deserve you.”
you smile softly and shuffle closer to him so you’re sitting in his lap, your faces now being at the same level. “let’s just get some sleep and talk about it tomorrow, you must be tired,” you say and he nods, too tired to move further away from the couch as he just lays down on his back with you in his arms. “i’ll make it up to you, i promise. we’ll cuddle as much as you want tomorrow and i’ll cook you every single meal, that’s what you deserve, if not more.”
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he’s looking at you from afar as you’re laying on the couch, trying to sleep. he knows you can’t though, not when he isn’t there to hold you in his arms and keep you safe from any possible danger. he knows that if he just went to bed and fell asleep, you’d eventually come back and lay down beside him, but rin knows that he can’t sleep without you either. no matter for how many hours he tried, nothing worked. looking at old pictures he’s taken of you didn’t help either, nothing but having you in his arms can help.
his mind is fogged with your previous fight that wasn’t a big one to begin with, but you began to find reasons to keep being angry at each other and even though it didn’t escalate into anything bad, you still decided that you didn’t want to sleep in the same bed as him. you had just started to ignore each other as the fight was over, both of you wanting to know who would apologize first even though you were both dying to just hold each other and say sorry.
rin sighs as he walks towards the couch and makes his presence known by stroking your head. you immediately turn to look at him, not knowing whether you should just jump into his arms and allow him to carry you to the bedroom or if you should stay mad. but how could you stay mad when he has actually went as far as to make it known that he can’t sleep without you. he didn’t have to utter a word, but it’s simple to understand as he’s looking down at you with dark circles under his eyes and his hair a complete mess after tossing and turning for hours.
“will you stop being stubborn and come back to bed?” he asks while looking away from you, not wanting to see the possible smile that might creep up on your lips when hearing him ask for you to join him in bed. but you have no reason to make fun of him when you have missed him just as much as he has missed you. so you stand up from the couch and take his hand, allowing him to lead you into your shared bedroom.
you climb under the covers with him and without saying a word, he turns so he’s laying on his side and puts an arm over your waist just like he always does, just to feel you in some way. he has to touch you and your waist is the best option tonight, just so he can discreetly pull you closer if he’d want. “you really do love me,” you whisper and he rolls his eyes before closing his eyes. “shut up, you already know i do.”
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he’s in bed, staring up at the ceiling as you still haven’t joined him. you’re in the living room, on the couch after the two of you were yelling at each other just two hours ago. he usually never raised his voice at you, but both of you had long and tiring days and after you had asked him if he really had to go on this next trip, all his frustrations broke through and when he yelled at you, everything you’d kept in throughout the day spilled out as well.
itoshi sae barely ever admits if he’s wrong, but he’s aware that he had no reason to yell at you when you just asked him a simple question. none of you enjoy that he has to leave for football matches again, so you had hoped this trip wouldn’t be as important, he wouldn’t play these games as he was injured only a few weeks ago, but he still had to go, no matter if he wanted to or not.
he sighs, but before he can get out of bed, the door to the bedroom opens and your shadowy figure can be seen in the doorway. you’re looking down towards the floor and don’t say a word as you lay down beside him and get under the covers, turning to your side so your back is facing him. “i’m sorry,” you mumble while closing your eyes, wanting to finally fall asleep which you couldn’t do when you were on the couch.
“me too,” sae whispers before shuffling closer to you, placing a kiss to your cheek before rubbing your hip. “i shouldn’t have yelled. it’s not your fault i have to leave, i do wish i could stay here with you, i promise i do,” you nod and turn around so the two of you are now facing each other. he puts a hand on your cheek and strokes it with the pad of his thumb. “i don’t wanna fight, i know it’s my fault, but i just wanna spend as much time with you as possible before i have to leave.”
you bury your face into his chest and wrap your arms around him. “we can just stay here forever,” he chuckles lightly and kisses the top of your head. “that sounds good, darling. let’s do that.”
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he doesn’t say a word as he comes into the living room. he didn’t expect for you to sleep on the couch, even if you got mad earlier. you had a long and tiring day at work, nagi was at home the entire day and before you left in the morning, you had asked for him to clean the dishes he left in the sink last night when he had been playing video games. when you then came home eight hours later to find the dishes still in the sink, that was all you needed to break.
never have you raised your voice as much as you did when walking into his room, asking him why he couldn’t do something as simple as washing the dishes. he didn’t have an explanation, only that he had been playing games all day and forgot, but he knew that it wasn’t a good reason. he knew work can become a lot and he quickly realized that he should’ve just done that simple thing you asked for instead of playing games. so now, he’s walking towards the couch and lies down beside you where there’s still some space.
as you still haven’t fallen asleep, you turn to see his face just as he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you close. “‘m sorry for not cleaning up in the sink, i know you always have so much to do and i’m sorry for not doing something so simple,” he mumbles while burying his face into the crook of your neck. “just…don’t go to sleep without me again. it’s such a hassle to sleep out here on the couch, it’s better if we cuddle in bed instead.”
you smile softly and wrap your arms around him, having missed cuddling after such an exhausting day. he places a kiss to your neck and hums. “but we can sleep here for the night, don’t wanna move, but tomorrow we sleep in our bed,” he says and you nod, closing your eyes as you’re finally back in the comfort of his arms. “thank you, sei. i love you.” “i love you too.”
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he frowns as he comes out from the bathroom, noticing that you’ve made a bed for yourself on the couch. no matter what, he won’t allow you to sleep somewhere else that isn’t with him, he can’t be without you and he’s aware you’ll struggle just as much if you decide to sleep on the couch.
isagi steps into the bedroom where you’re currently changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. “baby, i know you’re still mad, but please don’t sleep on the couch,” he says while reaching for your hand. he had been gone almost the entire day together with his friends. it was his free day and even though the two of you had planned a movie night together, he forgot. you had looked forward to it the entire week as he was constantly busy, so you couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he had actually forgotten.
you sigh as you turn around to face him. perhaps you overreacted for actually wanting to sleep on the couch instead of solving it. “i’m sorry for forgetting about movie night. i was really excited for it was well but i got so carried away with my friends, but i do promise that we can have one tomorrow, i’ll be free then as well so we can just spend the entire day together,” he squeezes your hand and leans his forehead against yours. “i’m sorry, i promise i will better myself, i won’t ever forget again.”
you wrap your arms around him. “i know you’ve been busy and must have many things to think about, so i’m sorry for overreacting. i’m happy you’re here now at least,” you mumble and he brushes his fingers through your hair, placing a kiss to the bridge of your nose. “let’s just go to sleep and we’ll be together all day tomorrow, i’ll make it up to you,” isagi whispers before leaning down to press his lips to yours. “i love you.”
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aiiku · 1 year
"attachment: 3 images"
pairings gn reader ft. rin, nagi, isagi, sae, michael, reo, oliver
tags fluff, established relationships, most of them are bad bf's tbh <3
notes in case it isn't clear, the prank is that, instead of actually sending them pictures of yourself, you send them "attachment: 3 images" !! enjoy :))
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yuquinzel · 1 year
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𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ contents ⨾ fem! reader, i was trying to write fluff yes, but it ended up a lil more suggestive than intended... :') not proofread !!
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ characters ⨾ rin, sae, nagi, reo, isagi, chigiri!
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is all too familiar with that self-assured smirk playing at your lips— and his alarms are going off. before he can say anything though, as he watches make your way to him, you do something he could've never seen coming.
your hands rest on his collar, and before he can grasp what it is that you're trying to do— you pull him closer, making him stumble forward purely out of surprise, his much larger hand instinctively falling to the wall behind you, “w-what are you trying to do?” he hates that he stutters.
“trying to get a better look,” and he hates that you're smirking.
“... at what?” he swallows the lump in his throat, hoping it comes off as casual as he intended it to be.
“you've got an eyelash right here,” you smile, brushing his cheek lightly and reeling back. this is wrong— there was something you were supposed to do, something he wanted you to do— though he'd rather die than admit it.
“oh,” he says, a little dejected, “you could've just said that.”
“but then i wouldn't be able to do this,” you catch him by surprise the second time in two minutes when your lips meet his, quick but indulging and when you pull back, he chases after your lips.
and he hates that you're smiling and he loves it because it makes him want to smile too.
resists the amused smile tugging at his lips when your arms rest on his shoulders. its 2 am on a wednesday and he has early practice tomorrow morning, so how you managed to convince him for a slow dance in the kitchen is beyond him. for what it's worth, he'll let it be because he doesn't mind this too much, not when your hands travel to the collars of his navy blue shirt.
then he feels a tug, and you pull him closer. it catches him off guard for sure, the spontaneity of your gesture making him stumble forward, hands coming to rest on your waist, “hey, watch it,”
you do nothing but grin, lips meeting his for a kiss as slow as the dance you initiated, he kisses you back without hesitation.
when you pull back, a little breathless with swollen lips, he asks again, “what was that for?”
he huffs when you mutter something like i just wanted to try it, but what he wont tell you is that he might look forward to you doing it again in the future.
blinks at you, you're standing on your tiptoes— hands on his shoulders for support but he's still much too tall for you. he wants to ask you what it is that you want, but he'll take a guess— it must be a kiss. being the good boyfriend he is, he decides to save you the moment of asking him to bend down, initiating it himself as he does.
he takes a moment to appreciate how your eyes light up, and it's all it takes for you to grasp the collar of his hoodie, and pull him down in one swift moment.
your lips brush just barely — a tease — hovering just breaths away, nagi eyes the way they move to form words when you speak, “you're too tall, sei,”
nagi takes matter in his own hands, closing the aching distance between your lips, his next words muffled inbetween, “ ’s okay, you can do this more often.”
smiles at your reflection, eyes and hands alike tracing the fabric of the silken red dress roping the curves and slopes of your frame, “do i look okay?” you ask, and reo wants to laugh at the absurdity of the question.
“you look absolutely stunning.” he says, smiling into the crook of your neck.
you turn around at his words, a pretty smile adorning your lips. if he's being honest, reo expects a kiss— when you lean in just a little closer, he expects a quick but sweet brush of your lips on his.
instead he feels your hands grasping his collar, a surprised gasp leaves his lips when you pull him closer, “wait, what—”
“you look quite handsome yourself,” you whisper, the familiar smile from before still fresh on your lips, and reo feels his heart ricochet like bullets in his ribcage.
it takes him a few moments to come back to earth, resting his head on your shoulders when he does, “okay, but that was kinda hot.”
finds himself at a loss for words, somehow they're running in his mind at a million miles per second and yet when he tries to speak, all that comes out is a, “h-hey, wait—”
he thinks he could've guessed it, when you had that mischievous smile on your face. but he still couldn't prepared for when you grab the collar of his shirt and pull him closer, with a force not as harsh but enough that he barely catches himself.
“hi,” you laugh, watching heat settling in his cheeks at the awareness of such close proximity.
your smile, which would've usually calmed him, only makes him vaguely conscious of how your lips are barely a hair's breadth away. he snakes his arm around your waist to support himself anyway, unable to resist mirroring your laugh, “uhm, hi...? god, you caught me off guard.”
tilts his head in confusion, eyeing the seriousness of your expression, “what's wrong?” he asks.
he prepares himself for anything, maybe to whisper a few words of comfort if you need. he can handle it, he thinks.
and he realises he was utterly wrong when all you do is grasp the collar of his shirt, and before he can ask you what you're doing, he feels you tug and pull him forward.
“mhm, you look pretty even up close.” if the sudden boldness of your action didn't catch him off guard, then your compliment sure did, even though he's heard it countless times before.
but he laughs nonetheless, quickly gaining back his composure, “thanks, i could say the same for you.”
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
the favouritism showing on rin and reo's part :')
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azulock · 1 month
sorry for the sporadic posts, aside from my wrist just healing recently, I've been working nonstop, sadly it seems I'm in my hustle era ugh, but here, have a lil something on the house
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how the guys get off when you're not around
panty stealer.
whenever he leaves for a trip at least one of your panties leaves with him. maybe more. and of course, he's gonna go for the used ones. can be found jacking off vigorously with his nose buried in the underwear he stole whenever he misses you too much. or just whenever he gets horny. if he knows hell stay away for long enough he is for sure stealing more than one pair.
ISAGI, NESS, BACHIRA, Shidou, Hiori, Rin
if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is even more. his second favorite thing is watching the filthy videos he has of you - the first is filming them. he can't deny the appeal in filming you getting fucked by him, an appeal that gest him going even faster whenever he's horny and alone. he's gonna have his cock in one hand and the phone in another, stroking himself and imagining the next thing you two will film.
OLIVER, KAISER, KARASU, Shidou, Sendo, Reo
voice kink.
it doesn't even matter what you are saying, really, especially when he's missing you you could be saying anything and he'd get horny in the spot. he's gonna pull up whatever audio of yours he has, or even a video, he doesn't care for the image, all he cares is for the sound of your voice. if he's feeling so bold he might even call you, say he misses you, and try to silently jack off while you talk about your day.
NAGI, REO, KUNIGAMI, Sae, Sendo, Ness
phone sex.
sometimes it just becomes too much, and he just needs a little more than a photo, a video, or some other memento of you. sometimes he needs you there, even if from a distance, even if he can't see you. but just hearing how horny and needy you are for him on the other end of the call already has him crazy. and it just builds up anticipation for how he'll see you, and touch you, soon enough.
NAGI, SHIDOU, SAE, Ness, Kunigami, Oliver
cam guy.
when missing you becomes way too much for him to bear with he always ends up needing to see you, even if you are on the other end of the continent. it's not exactly what he wants, but it's more than good enough. and getting yo see your body, getting to see you masturbate through the camera is hot as fuck, there's no denying that. and he just might like seeing himself through the camera too? yeah, just a little bit tho.
OLIVER, SHIDOU, KAISER, Sendo, Reo, Karasu
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kaiijo · 10 days
ok. bllk and jealousy rate. how jealous can they get over their gf and what do they do to cope lmao
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, oliver aiku content: gn! reader (request says gf but reader is gender neutral) notes: some of these are lowkey toxic, minor spoilers for kunigami’s character arc, nagi is taller than reader
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most jealous: bachira, rin, reo 
bachira meguru ✶
bachira has many, many insecurities. growing up isolated and without many friends, he is more possessive of those he’s close to, which obviously includes you. he just doesn’t want to lose you, which manifests itself in jealousy over anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
bachira gets really clingy when he’s jealous. he thinks that inserting himself into the situation, sometimes literally wedging himself between you and the other person. he usually chooses to drape himself over you, nuzzling into your neck and speaking low enough that only you hear, trying his best to divert your attention. third-wheeling is pretty uncomfortable for the other person, especially with the smiling sneer bachira’s shooting at them, so they make a quick irish exit 
itoshi rin ✶
an egoist to his very core, rin can get very jealous. while he’s very sure of himself in nearly every other part of his life, he knows that he is not an ideal partner a lot of the time, though he’ll never admit it. he’s not the most expressive or the most patient, and he’s sure that there are better partners for you out there. 
when rin’s jealous, it’s a silent but deadly thing. like when he’s locked in on the ball in a game, his focus you and his ‘competitor’ is unwavering. he stalks over to stand behind you, his chest bumping right up against your back, and he snarls, “what the hell do you want, you mediocrity?” usually the other person backs off after seeing rin’s bone-chilling glare but if they’re bold enough to answer back, rin bares his teeth and is poised to strike. it’s probably best if you diffuse the situation quickly before it gets uglier  
mikage reo ✶
we already know how jealous reo was over nagi so it’s safe to say that he’s definitely very jealous. having been bored with the world and other people for so long, he’s thrilled when you two get together. it makes his very protective of you and he wants to be one of the most, if not the most, special person in your life. 
reo can go a couple of ways when he feels jealous over someone else but it think his primary response is to tear down the person methodically. he tilts his head a little, looks the person up and down, and notes everything about their appearance — hair, skin, clothes (including brand and cost) and criticizes every little thing. it’s a strategic move in his opinion, using observational skills and knowledge he had given his upbringing to pick apart the other person. he also might make some underhanded comment that includes that he has a black card 
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less jealous: isagi, kunigami, sae 
isagi yoichi ✶
he definitely gets jealous from time to time but he doesn’t feel the need to act on it a lot. he’s pretty mature and for the most part level-headed (plus his ability to piece together future events helps him keep his cool a lot). this doesn’t mean that he isn’t jealous 
when isagi is jealous, he’s sulky. he won’t take immediate action and watch from afar, arms crossed and a little pouty. he tries to look as dejected and as ‘wet-cat pathetic’ as possible to make you feel bad and come over to comfort him. when you inevitably do, looping your arm through his and kissing his cheek, he can’t help but smirk at the other person like a cat who go the cream 
kunigami rensuke ✶
i debated where to put kunigami since there are ‘two sides’ to him — pre- and post-wildcard. pre-wild card kunigami is definitely a lot less bothered; he trusts you 100% and is 100% confident and secure in your relationship and himself. post-wild card kunigami is less chill and more forceful. he’s not a hero anymore but even as he plays a more ‘villainous’ role in soccer, he won’t cross that line in your relationship. he’s still very secure in you and himself, but he’s more protective of your relationship. definitely a ‘i trust you/us but it’s other people i’m worried about’ kind of guy
when pre-wild card kunigami got jealous, he won’t act in the moment and will talk to you about it afterwards, in a private setting. open lines of communication were important to him and working out problems like this. post-wildcard kunigami is all stormy looks and intimidation. like rin, he also stands behind you but in less actively aggressive way and more just to be threatening. it’s 95% effective and the 5% of times it doesn’t work, kunigami is not above muscling the other person away 
itoshi sae ✶
i thought about putting sae in the ‘most jealous’ section but i just think that he is someone whose jealousy simmer just beneath his apathetic surface. he sees most other people as beneath him and believes that they are not worthy of speaking to you, let alone hitting on you, but because he’s sees them as so beneath him, he can’t be bothered half the time to do anything since they’re simply not worth it. he gets the most jealous when it’s people who he can potentially view as equals, like other professional athletes 
when he’s jealous, sae literally just pretends they don’t exist, only talking to you. if the other person tries to interject, he sends them a sideways glare — the only acknowledgment of their existence — and then turns away to continue whatever conversation, suggesting that you both get away from the other person as quickly as possible. if ignoring the person doesn’t work, sae doesn’t shy away from spewing vitriol at the other person
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least jealous: nagi, oliver, michael
nagi seishiro ✶
simply put, being jealous is a hassle to nagi. it makes him too hot and too annoyed for him to want to feel it so he suppresses the feeling a lot. nagi’s height is already intimidating enough for most people so they don’t approach you when they see you two together but that isn’t a deterrent to everyone
when nagi gets jealous, he does one of two things: just gives a thousand-yard stare that freaks people out or he gets whiny and clingy. his stare is eerie and silent, and the lightness of his eyes doesn’t help it. he towers over you like some cryptid companion. when he gets whiny and clingy, nagi tugs at your sleeve and asks drily, “can we go yet? why are you still talking to them?”
oliver aiku ✶
sigh… oliver is undoubtedly someone who thinks and knows he’s the shit. with so many women and men alike fawning over everything about him, his ego is through the roof. he has very little worry about you leaving him for someone else. honestly, he finds it amusing most of the time when someone attempt to draw you away from him, and let’s it play out a lot for his own entertainment. of course, he’ll intervene if it’s making you uncomfortable but he also believes you can handle yourself 
when oliver gets jealous, he acts as casual as possible. he’s friendly towards the other person and but it’s not hard to uncover that it’s all fake, whether it’s from the glint in his eye or the way his smile is stiff and forced. common tells when he gets jealous is that he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek or he clenches his teeth and inhales softly but sharply.  he employs the good old tactic of calling the other person the wrong name and making all kind of underhanded comments that slowly chip at their nerves. (“haruya? haruki? oh! you’re haruto! right, right, you know, they’ve never mentioned you before! crazy, huh?”) 
michael kaiser ✶
kaiser in german literally means ‘emperor,’ and it’s no secret that kaiser views himself as one. similar to sae, he see himself as so above others that he’s not even bothered by other people hitting on you. it displeases him greatly, sure, but these cockroaches will never be able to steal you from him so why should an emperor deal with the plebians? the only time that ever happens is when a peasant is particularly forceful and then, kaiser intervenes
when he gets jealous, kaiser puts on a show. if there’s one thing about him, he’s a bit of a drama queen. he will absolutely posture and puff out his chest at the offending person, looking down his nose arrogantly and smirking. he makes a big display of wrapping himself around you, gripping firmly at your hips and saying, “liebling, you’re very charitable to entertain this insect, but it’s time to end this ruse.”
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bluelockmaniac · 4 months
asking bllk boys how big their 👀 is (smau)
ft. sae, rin, kaiser, reo, nagi, isagi, shidou
cw; obviously suggestive, pet names
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a/n: reo knew, he was just slick with it 🤧
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verysium · 7 months
ACT 1, SCENE 1: blue lock headcanons
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rin is the type to have hyper-fixations, except you would literally never know. this man is discreet, as in batman level of shadiness. one time, he accidentally took too much adderall at 3 a.m. and considered making a shrine of you inside his bedroom closet. he was already halfway done with printing and cutting out your pictures before he realized what he was doing. that was the only time you caught him slipping, and he doesn't even remember most of it. definitely makes little voodoo dolls and sticks pins in the people he hates (looking at you, isagi.)
sae smells like fresh linens and warm laundry. sometimes, if you snuggle up to him, you can also sniff out hints of the sea. if you asked him what shampoo he uses though, he would not know. (it's definitely a 5-in-1 though since this man emphasizes practicality above all else.)
kaiser is secretly a pathetic coward with zero pain tolerance. he had a smug smirk on his face the entire time he got his blue rose tattoo done because of how badly he wanted to impress you. definitely went home later that day and cried from the pain. he would scream and be an overdramatic baby when you tried to remove the saniderm.
rin would insist that he is not like sae in the slightest but then proceeds to act like a sore loser when he doesn't immediately win. do not challenge him to any game that involves a ball. competitiveness runs through the entire itoshi bloodline.
sae is financially illiterate. he would definitely buy you anything you looked at for longer than 0.5 seconds. when the cashier asks him where to send the check, he tells them to ring it all up on his manager. definitely does not know how much is too much.
reo tried to get nagi into houseplants once he saw how lackluster nagi's apartment was. but all of them except the cactus died since nagi forgot to water them. choki is obviously a trooper.
rin is lactose-intolerant, but his gourmand tastebuds only allow him to drink one specific brand of almond milk. would make you drive two hours back to the grocery store just because you accidentally forgot to get the unsweetened version without the artificial vanilla flavoring.
noa is very grounded, mostly due to his background but also because of his personality. definitely the type to be rich but not act rich. he would get along very well with keanu reeves. that's not to say he won't spoil you though. this man would let you have whatever you wanted, so long as it was reasonable.
sae is a horrible gift-giver. every christmas, he gives you socks, a mug, or some random overpriced souvenir he panicked and bought at the airport on the way home. needless to say your kitchen is now overcrowded with jumbo fridge magnets and keychains.
shidou would flirt with the entire female population but with an almost exclusive emphasis on teachers. if you showed up one day wearing a pencil skirt, he would go absolutely feral.
rin used to be the shortest in his class back in primary school. he went home after picture day and cried because they made him stand on the bottom row for the class picture. years later though, he now towers over both you and sae.
chigiri was very close to his older sister when growing up. she definitely forced him into some very embarrassing predicaments. one time, his sister made him model all of her dresses, and he paced around the hallway in full catwalk style for an entire afternoon. because his sister used to play with his hair, he always makes you run your fingers through his locks and do the braids for him. it's a force of habit.
chris heavily overuses cologne despite being the touchiest man in existence. he doesn't understand why people try to distance themselves from him. no one told him he smelled like an entire distilled perfumery until the day you came into his life.
rin gets jealous over sae's fangirls, especially the ones that carry around cardboard signs during games. a fan wants to get married to his brother? not on his watch. you had to physically drag him out one time because he was infinitesimally close to throwing hands.
kunigami is a firm believer in women's rights (and wrongs.) one time his sisters were bullied at school for their dresses, so he showed up fully decked in hello kitty merchandise and a hot pink bow on his head just to show the boys that feminine wear can be cool too. toxic masculinity is actually scared of him.
sae had a teacher phase as a child, except everything was football related. he sat rin down in front of a whiteboard while he took a stick and walked his little brother through every single passing combination in existence. also deliberately gave rin a failing grade because his standards are so high. rin started crying, and sae felt bad, so he changed them all into passing marks.
nagi definitely plays dress up games on his phone. sometimes when you're both rotting in bed on a saturday evening, he asks you if he should use pink or blue eyeshadow for the disney princess for whom he's currently giving a makeover.
sae keeps random hair ties on his wrists. the tabloids used to speculate that those hair ties were evidence for him dating someone in secret. lo and behold, the paparazzi later catches him shopping for groceries with his hair tied up in pigtails. those hair ties are, in fact, only for him.
niko has family issues, no explanation needed. definitely had some unresolved trauma on his mother's side. he secretly thinks he doesn't deserve you, but your kindness is always there to bring him away from his insecurities.
hiori has curated playlists for every mood. his taste is absolutely immaculate. when you go on late night drives with him, he's always in charge of the speakers. doesn't want you to know that music used to be his place of solace during the times his parents were fighting, but the warmth of your hand on his makes him believe that everything will be alright.
rin used to get a high fever at night sometimes, but instead of going straight to his parents, he would creep into his brother's room and hover above the bed like a specter. rin would stand there and just whisper, "sae, i frew up." after he started dating you though, he just climbs under the sheets without asking. please take care of this poor boy.
nagi massacres his exams with absolutely illegible penmanship but then proceeds to get every single question correct. his teacher never put his work up on the wall because it looked entirely like chicken scratch. you had to reteach him the entire alphabet just so people could actually understand his written work.
rin and sae both get sunburnt easily, except sae actually cares for his skin and meticulously puts on sunscreen beforehand. one time, you three all went to the beach and rin was the only one who came home looking like a burnt tomato.
barou used to live with his grandmother every summer, and she would force him to clean the entire house with her. that is where he picked up such good cleaning habits. his personal hygiene is impeccable, and he would love nothing more than to brush his teeth with you every morning and make the bed together. spring cleaning is his favorite hobby.
sae was on spider-catching duty every time there was an arachnid longer than 5 centimeters in the house. he would pick up the spider with bare hands while you and rin both stood in the corner of the bathroom, trying to act cool but internally screaming.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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snoopnation · 30 days
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ph4ngz · 1 year
Can I request how do Reo, Nagi, and Kunigami fuck?
Of course, my lovely little anon ^3^
isagi, chigiri, bachira, rin + sae version here <3
Mikage Reo fucks you with unnerving passive-aggression. No, no, no. He's not the type to upset you on purpose, as much as he enjoys licking the stray tears that roll down your cheeks while he's fucking you stupid. Nah, Reo is so obsessed with making you cum that he'll unintentionally set off hostile waves of adrenaline rolling through his veins. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! That's right, cutie. I will get another one outta you." Just because he views it as a victory he can achieve on his own, more than once at that. He'll become so focused, so intent sometimes that cumming himself won't even cross his mind. "You've got a few more left, haven't ya? For me?" he'll chuckle breathlessly with a dangerously influential, open-mouthed smile from above you. And of course you'll nod your head so obediently for your sweet Reo, like the skilful cock bullying your insides forbids you from denying.
When he finally notices his abdomen tensing, he'll tip over to the more aggressive side of the scale, veiny hands dying to squeeze the fat of your ass with a bruising pressure whilst his hips stutter. "Nngh— hnngh! Nuh-no… wasn't done~" his orgasm will hit him like a truck, instantly taming his animalistic behaviour and reducing his vocabulary to nothing more than softened whines of ecstasy.
Seishiro Nagi fucks you with pure ego. Oh, you thought he would be gentlemanly enough to let you finish first? Think twice. "Stop whining already…" he'll complain lightheartedly, jackhammering so hard into your poor, neglected cunt that previous loads of cum start to spurt past his dick and land in small specks upon your ass. Soon enough, your incessant wailing will eat at his temper but also at his heart, half giving into you with a "quit bitching and I might let you cum with me this time, sound good?". If you feel inclined to behave yourself, he'll be reasonable. But it'll always be a challenge to control your temper when his egocentric bullshit comes into play.
After what will feel like a lifetime of Nagi dangling you over the edge above the depths of sheer pleasure and release, he'll suddenly grant you exactly that. It'll seem like a cruel lie at first when he tells you, but it's when he'll forcefully spread your legs impossibly further apart that you'll believe it. "Hey, s-stop squirming— you idiot… agh, hah, fuuuuuuck me…" he'll drawl out a fucked-out moan whilst simultaneously doubling over to kiss your cute nose mid-orgasm.
Rensuke Kunigami fucks you with intimidating strength. First, he'll toy with you gently, loving to torture your throbbing clit after telling you to sit still on his fat cock. "Ah-ah, sweetheart. If you move, I'll only have you crying." his voice is deep and smooth when he'll threaten you, nothing but the truth in that handsome smirk of his. He'll reward you with a nice sloppy kiss if you're complacent, although that's not the highlight you look forward to. That's when he'll have you ultimately trapped beneath his muscular body, broad chest flush against your back and rendering you unable to move without permission. "I fuckin' warned you, didn't I. You're s—uch a sucker for this strength shit…" he'll groan deliciously with his head hanging beside yours, relentlessly pounding your sticky pussy from behind.
"Ohhh god~ swear you get t-tighter every time I see you— Grr! Yeah, yeah yeah m'cumming!" Kunigami will strain to keep himself from fucking howling as he'll hold you insanely close and continue to slam his pelvis into your asscheeks, muscles tensing to stop your overstimulated body from fidgeting whilst the sound of skin smacking skin sends you to heaven and back.
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maissafespace · 7 months
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The More, The Merrier.
Reo Mikage x Fem!Reader x Nagi Seishiro.
Request: so sorry but i forgot to add!! could u include double penetration w the reonagi 3some? thank u !!
Warnings: relationship; best friends, childhood friends. explicit sexual content; threesome, foreplay, dry humping, virgin!reader, virgin!reo, virgin!nagi, oral male receiving and female receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, double penetration, anal, overstimulation, degradation kink, praising kink, mean!reo, soft!nagi, double creampies, multiple orgasms, aftercare.
A/n: ngl this was really hot to write. lol. this request was from october of freaking last year lol i'm sorry but i hope i did some justice if you're even still following.
Masterpost - Masterlist.
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You didn't know exactly how you were still friends with Reo, the guy changed and discarted friends like nothing, so to be by his side after a lifetime was surprising to everyone.
So surprising that some people thought you two were in a relationship for some time now.
You weren't, to clear the record.
But there was never a denial on whether you found him attractive enough to sleep with him, the opportunity was simply never given and you were for sure never going to ask just to calm your curiosity on his abilities in bed. It would have been slightly desperate on your part. Even if you dreamt about it in your early teens.
Then, he befriended Nagi, you did too as he brought him around. Another one that you couldn’t help but find attractive, honestly, only blind people wouldn’t. His height was enough to get you riled up, along with the general different in size between the two of you. He was a stud.
Growing and maturing, they both just got better, but it got worse for you as the two untouchable people in your life continued to appear in your horniest of dreams.
Nonetheless, you found yourself cheering for the two of them during every match, you could be in, congratulating them both if they won, consoling them, cooking if they lost, spending your breaks from uni the three of you together, making trips during the holidays...
You three were inseparable, the three best friends.
The three that many believed were fucking between each other.
Reaching Reo’s family house like every other Saturday afternoon with the difference of it not being his apartment, you met his father at the door, he smiled at you warmly, informing you that Nagi was here too with Reo playing videogames, while hewas going to go to an emergency meeting right then. He patted your head as he left the house.
There was a tingling in your stomach for some reason as you made your way up, brushing that to the side you finally entered the room finding Nagi sat with his back to the bed on the ground, while Reo was crossed leg on the bed a bit hunched over.
Your body and his mattress were one and only in a second, laying down beside him, your head close to Nagi's head and Reo's leg.
You felt the slight tension in the room, the awkward air that was hanging heavy at your appearence.
"Hi, are we going to stay like this for long?" You asked as minutes passed where they stood still as statues with their fingers being their only indication of life.
Their eyes met one another briefly, your eyebrow started to arch in confusion. The game became silent seconds later, Nagi was scratching the back of his head as Reo put things back into place all without saying a word and never looking at you.
"What is wrong with you two today?" You asked calmly and honestly a bit scared, were they going to dump you? Or well, stop your friendship?
Reo cleared his throat loudly, leaning against his desk directly in front of you, arms crossed and body stiff trying to relax for whatever he was going to say next. "Well... we were kind of, we talked about something before that left us wondering a bit, you just came in at the… wrong time, I guess."
"Good, what is that?" They kept looking at each other as if choosing who'd say it, patience was running thin now. "Guys."
"Having a threesome." Nagi said as unbothered as ever. Your eyes widened but other than that you kept your compsure, without noticing arching your back. Looking back and forth once again between the two.
"You guys... had a threesome?" You asked baffled. For some reason you felt a bit hurt at the admission. Despite being 18, you were up till then still virgin-
"No! No! We- we just talked about it, like a possibility in the future to experience and then you walked in and things got awkward, since you know- ugh." Reo explained quickly with a hand rubbing his face out of the slight embarrassment he was currently feeling. You felt relief, at least some groupie had not taken them,.. from you.
It felt wrong to think of them as yours but for years they were just that, yours. The only girl they let close to them, the only girl they hugged and complimented.
A chill ran down your whole body, a feeling you knew too well was pooling in your core, you realized that two of the most attractive guys you knew, were standing right there, with a open possibility of having them at the same time without it being awkward in your small friend group.
You stood up, thinking over your next actions carefully as they just looked you pacing around the room and just like you feeling a certain heat in them. Looking at one another, Reo with a tiny smirk.
With your silence he was getting angrier though rather than frustrated, the previous embarrassment completely left in favor of supressing the need to bonk you on the head and stop walking around.
"You're making me dizzy." Nagi said out loud, basically reading his mind. Stopping you in your spot.
"Would you though?" You directly looked at them, more at Reo. He shrugged his shoulders, eyes never leaving you while Nagi gave more of a lazy nod.
Your mind went blank for a second, and when you felt conscious of your own moves, your eyes were half lidded looking directly into Reo's, while the smacking of your lips echoed in the room as they moved so hungrily against the other.
Nagi's figure was behind you, his lips attached to your neck with his hands under your shirt. Your chest pressed against Reo's, your hands on his abs while your ass pressed strongly against Nagi's crotch.
Reo's fingers played with the button of your pants, watching your face flush pink and red in the sloppy kiss, a corner of his lips went up. You seemed so fucked out already and that had him amused, it was arousing to see the composed little girl a puddle in his arms, with his best friend's hands groping all around you.
This was the time he could finally act on his attraction, as much as Nagi could and even you could, without making it worse for all, for this moment at least.
His hand hid behind the zipper of your pants, fingers finding the slick in your freshly shaved skin and he wondered with a grin how many times you walked in so prepared for this moment. Oh fuck, that thought was getting him harder.
Your thighs clenched together at his finger messing with your sensitive clit already. You knew you were mess, but that would make it far more interesting. Your reaction to his fingering had a clear effect on Nagi as well as your rear pushed towards his crotch even more, the bulge a complete hard on, his groans against your skin told it all.
Reo used his free hand to pull away from your kiss, lips swollen and red, soft gasps as you caught your breath but he guided you towards Nagi, your lips connected with his, his hands squeezing your breasts even more, he watched in satisfaction how needy you were as your hand struggle with his pants, trembling and getting frustrated over them.
Your tongue danced with Nagi’s, your body responding to the difference in size as he hunched over to properly kiss you. His hands were burning on your skin, they were far bigger than anything on your body, almost feeling inadequate. You probably were nothing compared to the girls that threw themselves at them, but you couldn’t let yourself down now. If this was your only chance, you had to properly use it.
“Nagi, Reo…” you moaned their names as Nagi’s started to kiss your neck again. “Fuck.”
Nagi slipped your top off in that moment, letting you gasp at the cold air and the sudden wet feeling of Reo’s mouth on your chest. Your face flushed seeing him taking your nipples in his mouth, your hand going around his neck gently, squeezing him whenever either of them gave you stimulation.
Nagi’s long fingers did their job as the palm of his hand pressed against your clit while the tip of two fingers went in and out of your tight hole.
All of your inexperience surfaced at how hungrily you were all dry humping on each other to feel more. Your hips were rubbing against Nagi’s roughly, you could even feel the heat of your clothes at the continuous friction while your hand remained on Reo’s buckling hips. “Shit.” He said over and over. Grabbing your wrist roughly edging himself and just bringing you to his bed, throwing you over it, landing on your stomach, with your hips wiggling on their own.
“Fuck…” you moaned, gasping for air.
You felt the bed dip near your head, looking at Nagi he leaned down to claim your lips as Reo started to take off your pants and panties. Leaving you completely bare, exposed to these hungry men.
The white haired boy led your hand to his crotch, starting to palm it through his pants and slowly taking him out. His cock was bright pink at the tip, oozing a bit of precum, only the sight made your insides melt and you knew they knew, after all Reo who was then fingering you, made the sound of your wet pussy echo in the room. The squelch would have felt embarrassing if it wasn’t for how taken you were with the pretty cock in front of you and your flushed best friend eagerly waiting for you to take him in your mouth.
You moaned at the gentle hand on your face as he guided your hand down the length of his cock. Flinching when you felt the tip of Reo’s tongue starting to explore your cunt. Your legs had closed off or tried as he kept them apart forcefully, with your hand on his hand, gripping on it. “Stop moving around, Y/N. I need to have a taste.” You gave up, listening his voice, raspy, intimidating and a hidden hint of desperation.
They did not stop themselves, you couldn’t even see how Reo was stroking himself at the heightened and intensified pleasure you were receiving.
The amount of time passed reading erotic books and watching porn felt worth while as you practiced what you had visualized. Your tongue swirled around his shaft, moaning around it as much as massaging all around, from the base to his balls to leaving nail marks on his inner thighs and lower abdomen. “Oh, that’s my girl. So good.” Nagi whispered as his hips bucked into your mouth, gagging as he reached the back of your throat.
Your moans grew louder as you felt your climax reach in Reo’s face. Trying to push him off before without success, your thighs clenched around his head as you gave into it. Spasming as he continued to press his tongue on your clit while Nagi continued to fuck your mouth as he kept you in place.
“Come on, baby, a little more.” He whispered to you, as the other side of the bed dipped signaling Reo’s presence. Stroking himself off on top of you as Nagi’s finally cummed into your mouth, drinking down all of his seed after showing it off to him and then caring for Reo’s climax, taking him in your mouth for him to finish.
You’ve probably dreamt of this scenario secretly, as you sat up, the two took turns to claim your lips, grunting at the taste of their cum mix together still present faintly on your lips. Your hands returning to each of their cocks, starting to harden once again.
It was a heated make out session that ended with you on top of Reo, Nagi standing by the bed looking at you two as his cock finally entered you with a bit of struggle.
You were no longer a virgin and so wasn’t Reo anymore. It all happened while your other best friend was intently watching the two of you. You both moaned as he started to move, it was completely different from the feeling of their fingers, you felt filled, truly. You tried to move your hips to match his, your thighs burning while your brain couldn’t function either.
His feet planted on the bed and pushed into you with even more force, feeling him hit spots you’ve never reached by yourself. Your nails dug into his chest. A smirk plastered on his face. “You can take it, love, don’t disappoint me.” He whispered as his hand wrapped around your throat, moaning at the gesture as he pushed back into you making you almost scream. You looked around for your gentle giant, wanting his lips on yours, to share this moment with you too.
Your half-lidded could only make out his figure going around the bed with something in his hand. Losing sight of him as your eyes shut close at a deep thrust from Reo.
Only when you felt liquid dripping onto you, you understood, with Reo’s hands going to your ass spreading it apart for him as he kept going into you. You whimpered as you felt his finger spreading the lube and entering your hole. “Na-Nagi… I don’t-t think I can-“ You managed to say.
“Shh… dont worry, baby, look at you taking Reo so well for your first time. This will be the same.” He traced a line down your spine, making you shiver, your legs tremble as you then watched him spread lube on his own cock.
Reo stopped his movements, edging himself once again as he waited for Nagi as well teasing you all along for your reaction to it. “Thank god that it’s Nagi taking your ass, I wouldn’t be so caring.” And while the semi- warning sent goosebumps on your skin, making you gasp against his lips, you felt yourself clench around him, after all, this whole encounter was of you being used by them. He grinned at the feeling of the walls tightening around him, hissing. “Fuck, you’re a slut… our little slut.” He said, kissing you, relaxing you as Nagi made his way into you.
He groaned as the mere tip passed the ring of muscles, you felt burning, whimpering against Reo’s lips, pulling away from them to moan and grab one of Nagi’s hands in your own. He pushed more and more till he was getting his way into you, grunting loudly. “So fucking tight, shit, princess, it’s so tight.” Your heart flattered at the pet name. Pecking your shoulder, giving you time to adjust before both of them started again.
You were a moaning mess, tears coming down your eyes at the weird feeling in you, between pain and pleasure, over fulfillment and the knot that you felt in your stomach. All your limbs were intertwined, your hips going against their thrusts automatically. You could only imagine if someone walked in on you right now, being rammed by the two guys you always had the hots for secretly.
“Oh god-“ You choked on your words. “It feels so good.” You managed.
“You’re taking it so well, princess. So gorgeous.”
“Perfect slut for us, ours alone.”
They emanated opposite sides of each other. Reo was not so respectful anymore, was not treating you gently, he was degrading you. Nagi who was often crude and more inclined to inappropriate jokes was so caring and praised so much. Both were fulfilling your desires, rough and gentle.
“I- I- I’m going to- ah!” You screamed as you felt your orgasm going through. You could hear them groan as your insides clenched and trapped them, almost milking them out. When you relaxed a little they kept going, going for their own release.
Planting his feet again, holding onto your thighs, Reo thrusted mercilessly as much as Nagi did as he grabbed your shoulders from behind and guided your whole body against his.
Your body didn’t feel like yours for a moment, completely bent at their wills and needs. And you could only welcomed it, your body reacting to your oversensitivity from the previous orgasm as they both finally released deep in you and you did too. Trembling in their hands. As the three of you panted for oxygen, their hips still spasming as their ropes of cum continued to fill you.
“So good, you were so good, baby.” Nagi whispered into your ear as he leaned down and finally stood up.
“Took it so well for your first time.” Reo chuckled, kissing the crown of your head, his arm going over your waist, hugging you to him. His personality completely changing post orgasm. He had to be cocky, as if this wasn't his first as well.
Nagi came back with his phone in hand, Reo grinning as he slowly raised you up to let his cock out as he recorded your rear and cunt as they started to push out their cum. “That’s a sight to remember.” Nagi said under his breath.
“Send it to me, that’s material to jerk off in away games.” Reo said, patting your lower back. You blushed, nuzzling into his chest. “Done” Nagi said and not even seconds later his phone rang out loud.
“You shouldn’t do that without asking me first.” You complained, tracing the lines of Reo’s muscles. Nagi, then, leaned near you, trapping your lips in a kiss. “Can we keep it?” He asked pecking your lips once more and caressing your cheek ever so gently.
“Fine.” You nodded and chuckled at the silly grins they got.
He resumed the kiss and soon after you were being carried in the bathroom, Nagi’s cock thrusting into your swollen pussy from behind as Reo had your hair in a tight fist bouncing it up and down his length as the hot water rained upon the three of you.
Nothing was truly established that night, you were just being fucked throughly, used as nothing more than a cumdump for them, sometimes they both did, sometimes just one and the other watched.
Before you completely passed out, the only thing you heard is how now you knew how they wanted to be greeted by you, how this was going to be their celebration or consolation routine, their stress relieving cycle.
How you were theirs.
You honestly weren’t sure if this was just another of your wet dreams, but when you woke up the day after still in Reo’s bed with his t-shirt on, no panties, with your head on Nagi’s bare chest and Reo’s hand gripping your boob from below, you realized that nothing was going to be the same and fortunately for you, in a positive way.
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not my best work. we can get there tho lol. tip! on my master post it’s the ko fi link if you can😓
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shaisuki · 8 days
bllk boys react to fem!reader kissing them, then running away. (Mainly I want itoshi rin reaction)
❝𝗖𝗛𝗨~! ❞
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featuring blue lock boys
content warnings suggestive themes
synopsis kiss them and run away. hope you're fast enough to outrun them.
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ISAGI is frozen upon the initial contact of your lips to his own. blush dusting in his cheeks at the sudden gesture and when gets out of his stupor he's quick to pull your hand. catching and linking it to his own before pulling you to kiss you back.
BACHIRA shuts up for second before grinning at the sudden initiation of affection coming from you. cheeky bastard. pretending to be dumbfounded and only to return the kiss thrice the passion as you did it.
KUNIGAMI is surprised. he likes it and so before you can turn around to run, your soft back is pressed against his muscular chest. planting a kiss in your nape before murmuring an i love you in your skin and burying his face in your neck.
CHIGIRI watched as your giggles dying down as you run away from him. a smile in his lips at the move you pulled in him. the taste of your lips lingering in his and he's thinking about ways he could get his revenge on you.
GAGAMARU only blinks in robotic. like a artificial intelligence processing the information that they are given and when he realizes what you just did, a ghost of smile is painted in his face. nonchalantly acting like nothing happened but deep inside it warmed him.
BAROU takes on it seriously. how dare you kiss him out of the blue. it almost breaks out his usual composure and when you're poised to run away from him, he didn't gave you a chance to run. keeping you in a tight grip. scowling at you and grabbing your soft jaws in his palm. although his energy eludes being annoyed, it contradicts on what he did to you. pulling you in a bruising kiss and scolding you in a manner that if you pulled a stunt like that again, you would be getting more than a kiss from him.
RIN falters a bit at the sudden smooch and then you running away. long he welcomed the affection and you running away from him confuses him a bit and so he follows you and returns the favor by doing the same after ensuring that everything was okay and finding that it was your only way to just caught him off guard.
SAE sees it coming and only moves his head to angle where you will be kissing him. you were surprised than he is and kisses you twice the passion and breaks the kiss softly just to admire your flustered expression or rather the satisfaction he was feeling that he had beaten you in your own game.
SHIDOU breaks out into a large grin after the kiss you did and he's sprinting to your direction where you ran off and freaky he is, you didn't just get a kiss from him. saying that you need to take it. his payback for riling him up.
NAGI only let a soft hum when you kissed him out of the blue. leaving him blinking in confusion and shrugs at what just happened. cold mf.
REO smiles. a smile that a prince does. charming and can attract a swarm of women in the area but it's from the kiss his princess did to him and he's following you and spinning you in a manner that leaves you breathless. your back pressed against his chest while bestowing a chaste kiss to your round cheeks.
NIKO blushes. it's not visible as he stand there from the gesture. a shy little schoolboy is what you've turned him and only if you knew what he was feeling. falling in love with you deeper like the main character in a shoujo manga.
OLIVER wolfishly grins. licking his lips and he's like a predator prepared to pounce at their prey and he sees a chubby bunny hopping away and the chase begins. he caught you and he simply devours you.
KAISER just chuckles at your attempt in surprising him. he's not surprised like almost men at his age but he appreciates it a bit. your antics no stranger to him and he finds it amusing.
NESS stutters a bit of what just happened. shock and leaning on the side of surprised and like magic you never failed to make him happy.
NOEL is calm and unblinking yet a little taken aback of your sudden departure. weren't you supposed to tell him you love him like you always do. maybe it's different than this time. it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate it.
EGO's unfazed about it. he knows you and you always pull you're stupid shenanigans on him and who is he to judge for that. you're his wife and it won't hurt to be kissed out of blue even he knows it.
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