#replay rekindled my love for them
stevenfromhoenn · 2 years
there is like no junmako content on here. that will change.
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alyrasturnz · 2 months
Your hcs are my everything! Pls write matt hcs after a super heated fight
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 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎IN THE WAKE OF TEMPESTS
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❐ summary » in the aftermath of a tempestuous clash, matt found himself standing on the precipice of a profound realization. the gravity of what he was jeopardizing struck him with the force of a thousand regrets. with a heart heavy with remorse and determination, he embarked on a relentless quest to mend the rift, employing every ounce of his being to restore your wounded spirit and rekindle the fragile flame of your connection.
❐ pairings » bf!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » none i think
❐ a/n && w/c » i wasnt supposed to just post hcs today but im way too sick for this shit bro • 576
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during the argument
bf!matt who feels his heart racing, words spilling out faster than he can control, each one sharper than the last.
bf!matt who sees the hurt in your eyes but can't seem to stop himself, frustration clouding his judgment.
bf!matt who raises his voice, the room filled with the echoes of anger and misunderstanding.
bf!matt who feels a pang of regret with every harsh word, knowing deep down he's only pushing you further away.
bf!matt who clenches his fists, not in anger at you, but at his own inability to communicate his feelings clearly.
bf!matt who watches as the distance between you grows, the emotional chasm widening with each passing second.
bf!matt who wants to reach out and hold you, but his pride keeps him rooted in place, unable to bridge the gap.
bf!matt who feels the weight of his words hanging in the air, heavy and irreversible, as the argument reaches its peak.
bf!matt who feels the sting of his own tears welling up, but refuses to let them fall, not wanting to show his vulnerability.
bf!matt who notices the way your hands tremble, and it breaks his heart even more, knowing he's the cause.
bf!matt who tries to remember the love that brought you two together, but it's drowned out by the heat of the moment.
bf!matt who feels the room grow colder, the warmth of your connection slipping through his fingers like sand.
bf!matt who hears the silence that follows each outburst, louder and more deafening than the shouting.
bf!matt who catches a glimpse of a photo of you two in happier times, and it feels like a punch to the gut, a reminder of what he's risking.
bf!matt who wants to apologize, to take it all back, but the words are stuck in his throat, choked by pride and fear.
bf!matt who finally sees the tears in your eyes, and it feels like a dagger to his heart, realizing the depth of the hurt he's caused.
the aftermath
bf!matt who paces back and forth, replaying the argument in his mind, trying to find the right words to make it right.
bf!matt who knows he messed up, and the weight of his words feels like an anchor pulling him down.
bf!matt who can't stand the silence between you two and wishes he could rewind time to take back the hurtful things he said.
bf!matt whosends you a heartfelt text, pouring out his feelings, hoping you'll understand and forgive him.
bf!matt who shows up at your door with your favorite flowers, a silent apology in his eyes.
bf!matt who wraps you in a tight hug, whispering how much he loves you and how sorry he is for everything.
bf!matt who promises to communicate better, to listen more, and to never let a fight come between you two again.
bf!matt who spends the night holding you close, cherishing every moment and vowing to make things right.
bf!matt who thinks about the little things he can do to make you smile again, like leaving sweet notes or making your favorite breakfast.
bf!matt who feels the sting of regret every time he sees you looking sad, and it fuels his determination to be a better partner.
bf!matt who spends time reflecting on his actions, trying to understand your perspective and learn from his mistakes.
bf!matt who cherishes the moments when you start to open up again, feeling relieved that the connection between you two is healing.
bf!matt who silently vows to never let his temper get the best of him again, knowing that your love is worth more than any argument.
tags — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @bandanamatt @pinkishpearls @thedangerousalleyway @sturniolo0bsessed @muchloveforhacker @stinkytinkywinky @jetameivous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike
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fujii-draws · 4 months
Just found and read your chatot rant and I'm curious. How would you rewrite him to be a more understandable/likable character?
Anon you are the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wouldn’t change a whole lot about him. Personality wise I think he’s funny/well-rounded. It’s more of how many times they made him do needlessly cruel stuff to h/p that’s never addressed again.
I say, let Apple woods stay the same. Like I said before in my rant, I enjoyed the conflict there. My problem only stems from the fact that??? He doesn’t have any real reason to distrust them???
Give him a reason. Show that h/p were fucking up a lot of jobs when they first joined the guild- and chatot (begrudgingly) took their excuses because they’re new. And he gives them a lot of chances despite his callous demeanor.
THEN, let the incident in Apple woods be the moment where he finally decides those two had enough second chances. And doesn’t hear them out. And other than that I’m alright w/ chapter 6.
Ughhhhh man. I already made my grievances known with this chapter but I genuinely hated how they handled chatot here. Will start off by saying (again), I LIKE that he’s distrustful about majority of what partner said. The future, Grovyle being good, The “magical hidden land”, etc. IT MAKES SENSE LMAO. ITS SO OUT THERE.
What pissed me off was how he immediately tried to play off that he trusted them the whoooole time. And it’s called out as a JOKE. And never addressed again. I’d do either 2 things here.
1. Let Chatot actually test the guild’s trust in h/p.
Do you know how awesome it would’ve been to have him IMPROVE from Apple woods? Have the entire guild that once had your back— now distrusting our main duo? And have CHATOT be the one to actually stand up for them there???? And HE be the one to point out Dusknoir grabbed those two in broad daylight? (Further emphasizing him as Wigglytuff’s right hand man(bird) and how much more competent he is than his pink leader? LIKE MAN THAT WOULDVE INSTANTLY REKINDLED MY LOVE FOR HIM. But what we got in main game was so much more disappointing.
2. Chatot doubling down on what he said.
Okay this MAY sound weird but hear me out. Having chatot still be distrustful until Brine cave would’ve, in my opinion, also been EONS better than him going “oh lol I trust them hehehe!!!!! I’m so silly!!!!” <<(accused two Pokémon they lied about the traumatic ass experience they went through.)
Have him still not trust a word they said. And that in turn comes with some actual consequence. (Like Wigglytuff being upset/disappointed in him and it driving a wedge between the two until Brine cave) Have him suffer some kind of consequence. Not some off screen rant he had w/ Team skull. Not some random sacrifice that’s disconnected with the stuff he done. A consequence that actually makes him realize “wait am i being an ass” before he continues to double down.
(I’m a sucker for characters doing bad things as long as they get consequences or try to make up for it.) (doesn’t have to be both at the same time.)
AAAND THATS PRETTYYY MUCH IT! I love Post-Game chatot a whole bunch and If I’m being honest???? I still like Chatot when he’s not being a colossal jackass.
I love that he’s stressed and snippy. I love that he’s trying his damn hardest to keep the guild running. I love that when h/p fail the graduation fight— he’s the one smiling towards them like a little shit. I love that he regards h/p in a positive light and acknowledges the good they did for the guild in the rare few moments he’s being honest with them.
It’s why I liked him at the start and near the end. The middle was just waaay too rocky for me. But on my replay of the game I’ll try to keep an open mind for the bird. I wanna give him a chance.
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Still into you
Part 1 : Familiarity
Part 2 : A rekindled candle
Part 3 : Is he? Isn't he?
It's been two years since you've last seen Miguel after your separation as lovers with him due to him being unable to provide you with affection and attention due to "classified" reasons that he couldn't tell you, and it made you curious on what he was hiding. Perhaps another lover? Fell out of love? Before you could even inquire for more details, he just left you alone on the floor of the living room.. and he has never shown his face to you since.
Every night, it would be that same nightmare of the past when Miguel still loved you. The only reason why you called it a 'nightmare' was because of how tears would well up in your eyes whenever you woke up.
You knew that things can’t just go back to the way it was but for some reason, your heart keeps clinging onto him. Those faint but bright memories of Miguel replaying in your mind, his voice echoing throughout your head;
"I'm sorry, but it's for your sake."
"I can't tell you.. just yet."
You've taken on a dangerous job as a spider person, along with another called Spiderman 2099. His identity was a mystery as you've only seen him once every 2 months as a coincidence during hero duties and barely spoke to each other, you'll be surprised if he even said "hi" to you or atleast waved at you. But that's what makes him so intriguing to you, every time you see him, you feel this certain tingle.. but it wasn’t your spidersense, more like your instincts itself.
"Ugh fuck" you groaned in pain as you hit your head on a metal bar as you sat on the floor fighting a literal lizard, but in a larger size that was 5 times bigger than you. Your head was spinning as you hit your head, everything was muffled but your own heartbeat. The laughter of the lizard echoed throughout your head making you even more pissed.
"Shut up, you're a pain in the ass." A forceful laugh emitted from your lips as you forced your own body to stand up and exceed your limits to buy time for all the civilians to exit from the scene.
You shot your remaining webs at the lizard to restrain it, just enough for all civilians to flee away from the scene. You knew it wasn't enough but it was all you could do, especially at the state you were in right now.
The lizard eventually got out of your webs as you just sat on the ground unable to move not one muscle. You didn't even have enough webs to make a run for it and call for backup, the villain was too strong for you to handle by yourself. Memories were replaying in your head. The cheerful, sorrowful, regretful memories.. and most of them were about Miguel.
"Is this how I meet my end?" You scoffed and laughed at pathetic you probably looked if someone were to see you, brushing it off as you just accepted your death, your blood ran cold upon feeling the lizard loom over you, casting a shadow.. Just when you thought all hope was lost, a portal opened revealing Spiderman 2099 and a woman on a motorcycle.
The lizard's attention went from you to them, it looked confused just as you are. You just looked at them unable to move a single centimeter, the woman on the bike went to your aid.
"Hey are you alright?" The woman hopped off her bike as she kneeled down in front of you taking a look at your injuries and wounds. You just nodded slightly, feeling light-headed at every second that went by.
"I guess so, I mean I'm not dead yet." You said in a joking manner despite feeling you'll be meeting your maker soon. Your attention averting to the woman taking a look at your injuries as Spiderman 2099 kept fighting the lizard in the background.
"Who are you by the way..?" You uttered out questioning who she was as you never saw her around at least once. The woman's gaze was on your face, though your mask was on.
"Jessica Drew, just call me Jess." She said with a friendly tone, both sides of her lips were forming a smile. Her smile was reassuring despite the intense fight going on in the background.
"Hey! A little hand here!?" Spiderman2099 shouted in the background making you snap back into reality. That was probably the most you've heard him talk, and it intrigues you. He sounded slightly familiar but you can't put your finger on it.
"Oh right, right!" Jess said in a slight panic tone as she stood up getting on her bike again. "Hey, hang in there." She added looking directly at you with a reassuring look before going back into the battlefield.
Their attacks and movements were so in sync, it was clear they've worked together countless times before. The way they just glance at each other and immediately connect during battle. You just watched in utter amazement as you were still sitting on the floor, you knew you'd only be a distraction to them if you were to join due to your injuries that would slow you down in the battlefield.
Shortly after, the lizard that they called an 'anomaly' was captured in this yellow transparent cage. You stood up after taking a long break trying to get back to your senses as you held onto a nearby metal bar. The moonlight seemed to be gleaming upon you and you caught Spiderman 2099's attention for a moment. Your gazes locked in with each other for the first time, however his expression lies underneath his mask.. then suddenly a yellow woman in his watch appeared making him avert his gaze away from you;
"Lyla, scan this mess." Spiderman 2099 uttered out, he didn't give you a single glance. It was like you weren't there, you just scoffed at how he was giving you a cold shoulder, though you were used to it.
"No further anomalies, canon remains intact." The AI called Lyla said in response to him. Jess then seemed to be whispering to Spiderman 2099, you could only catch a glimpse of what they were whispering about.
Spiderman 2099 sighed as he stood up from the ground, finally looking at you. He looked like he was judging you from the way he tilted his head up and down slowly. His hand went up tossing an object to you, it was the watch you saw on their wrists. "Welcome to the club." He declared with hesitancy in his tone.
A sigh got out of your lips as you noticed Spiderman 2099's hesitancy, he doesn't seem very open or fond of you. But you still found comfort in his voice, you were drawn to him. Something about him was so alluring and you couldn't figure out why. You shook your head discarding the thoughts. There were so many questions circling throughout your mind, what was this 'club' he was talking about anyways?
"Wait wait, what does this watch do? And what am I signing up for?" You looked at Jess and Miguel with a confused look, there were so many questions you wanted to ask but you were gonna stick to the important stuff.
"That is much better than a watch" Spiderman 2099 replied to you with a slight aggression and hurt in his voice, it was like you hit a sensitive spot mentioning how it was a watch.
"You'll see once we enter this portal." He added with his stern tone once again before a portal appeared before the three of you.
Spiderman 2099 threw the lizard in the portal with ease despite how big the lizard was. Jess entered the portal as well leaving you and Spiderman 2099 behind.
"Well? Are you gonna enter or just keep standing there?" He spoke to you with a frustrated tone standing by the portal waiting for you to enter. This man had some serious anger issues and it made you scoff at how arrogant he was.
"Okay okay, just chill out." You complained before walking to the portal. A sigh just left your lips by the way he was so cold all the time, but you didn't let it affect you in any way. It's not like you really care about what he thought of you, but you felt your stomach sinking a little by how cold he was. You weren't sure if he was always like that or if he actually doesn't like you.
THANKS TO @/onlymiguelohara on tiktok for this long fanfic idea, I wasnt really sure if I should post this before but for the gang I will 🧎🏻‍♀️
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laurel-finch · 6 months
'I Don't Bite' S1.Ch13: Family
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Summary: A brief calm before the storm... Referenced Episodes: mentioned S1 E16 "Shadow" CW: Mostly filler. Some fluff! Word Count: 5922 Recommended Song: Cecelia -- Simon & Garfunkel Previous Chapter -- Masterlist -- Next Chapter
I clocked out after about eight hours of driving and finally gave up on holding a conversation with the boys. The relief of surviving yet another hunt had finally washed away, leaving a bitter feeling hanging low over us.
The brothers were not happy, for similar and yet very different reasons. Both of them were pissed to hell that they had to say goodbye to their father not even an hour after reuniting. However, Sam was frustrated with the fact that it was his brother who sent John away – I could understand his pain. If I had rekindled relations with my father, wherever he might be, and then he suddenly left I would be upset too.
The brothers hadn't spoken much, only really conversing together when I was involved in the conversation. Eventually, I got fed up and did my best to fall asleep to the sounds of loud rock music. Despite Dean's claims about not liking Bon Jovi, he played it an awful lot.
I too was irritated in my own way. I couldn't help but replay the previous night's events over and over again until my head was reeling from exhaustion. Maybe if I had stayed put, John wouldn't have been led to the boys. Perhaps he wouldn't have gotten there in time and therefore not have gotten hurt- No, if we hadn't gotten there, the brothers might have been dead, or worse.
The more I thought about it, the fewer good options there appeared to be. No matter how I spun the story, I couldn't find a happy ending. Something would have gone wrong eventually.
I sighed and fluffed my coat - there was no way Dean was ever getting it back - and rested my head back onto it. It had already been two hours since I had given up on getting a conversation going and all I really wanted was to sleep. I hadn't gotten any at the hospital, and I certainly hadn't had anything more than a few hours while in Chicago. I shut my eyes and did my best to lull myself to sleep.
"Sammy, hand me one of my AC/DC tapes, would you?" Dean asked, extending his hand. Sam had just enough time to open the glove compartment before I spoke up.
"If you play that while I'm trying to sleep, I will skin you," I grumbled out, my words partially muffled by my coat.
Dean briefly glanced over his shoulder to catch my glare. "What's wrong with AC/DC?"
"Nothing, as long as it's not played at 10pm," I growled and nuzzled into the coat. Dean scoffed.
"It's just after 9:30," he muttered, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
"Close enough," I spat. I heard Sam chuckle and close the compartment. "You have my permission to play something like Journey, though."
Sam practically howled with laughter at this. "No way does Dean have any Journey," he said with a chuckle. "You're lucky he's got any Bon Jovi."
"They're not my favorite," Dean tacked on, "but, they do have a few good albums. I just hate their love songs."
I sighed into my makeshift pillow and squeezed my eyes shut. "Yeah right, Dean. I heard you tapping your foot to 'Bed of Roses' earlier." I cracked one eye open to see Dean's ears tinge pink and again Sam laughed. I grinned and shut my eyes once more.
The car fell silent after a few grumbles from Dean and the cassette that was currently playing came to an end. I hummed and burrowed once more into the coat, letting sleep finally overtake me.
I felt oddly warm, despite being enveloped in darkness. Shouldn't the lack of anything suggest cold, rather than heat?
I blinked open my eyes, or I assume I opened them. The lack of any sort of presence made it hard to distinguish the inky blackness of my surroundings from the shadows of my closed eyelids.
I looked down, seeing my calloused hands, shadowed and blanketed by the heavy darkness. My eyes scanned over my form, recognizing all the clothes I was wearing. They were the same ones I had fallen asleep in, jeans with ripped knees and cuffed ankles to fit over my tightly done hiking boots, and a loose sage green button-down that fit well over my bandages.
I stretched, soaking the warmth into my tired muscles, and suddenly jumped, expecting pain from my torn shoulder and feeling none. I rolled my shoulder questioningly - where was the pain? There wasn't even a dull throb.
I reached towards my back and felt under my shirt, searching for shredded skin, bandages, anything, and felt none. My back felt smooth. Frantically, I unbuttoned the tops of my jeans and pulled them back as far as I could, peaking at where the top of my mangled wound should be. It was smooth. Unblemished.
I felt sick. My eyes flitted around the inky darkness and my throat closed up. I scrambled at my throat. I couldn't breathe. Why wouldn't I breathe?
A faint noise caught my attention and I swiveled the best I could in the murk. My eyes widened with horror as my ears strained to identify the sound.
It was a growl.
I whipped in the opposite direction, searching my shrouded darkness. A shape moved in front of me and I squinted my eyes at it. My hands dropped from my throat, the lack of oxygen forgotten. I struggled to make out a shape in the dark, peering and hoping to see whatever had growled.
My eyes widened as they fastened to two red ones.
I woke with a jolt, using my good arm to propel myself away from the window. I fell to the side, putting pressure on my bad leg and catching myself with my sore arm. I yelped and pushed backward, leaning against the door with wild eyes and heavy breaths.
The car skidded as I startled Dean and he quickly corrected our course. Sam whipped around to face me, worry in his hazel eyes. "Woah, woah, the hell is going on back there!?" Dean shouted, sounding panicked.
I nodded and threaded a hand through my hair the best I could. I took a deep breath in an attempt to regulate my heartbeat and then nodded again, feeling more sure of myself.
"Nightmare," I wheezed out and dropped my hands on my lap. Could it even really be considered a nightmare? If anything, it was more unsettling than terrifying. I brushed my hair out of my face as it clung to my sweaty face. "What time is it?"
"Just after eleven," Dean replied. "You've been asleep for about two and a half hours."
I nodded and swallowed dryly. "So are we close to home?"
Sam nodded and handed me a bottle of water from the glove compartment. "Another twenty minutes." I sighed in relief and relaxed, shifting so my back rested comfortably against my seat. I uncapped the water and downed a third of it.
"Wanna talk about it?" Sam inquired quietly. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.
"I was in complete darkness, just kind of... floating," I mumbled. "I wasn't in any pain either. My wounds were just... gone, and there were no scars. Like nothing had happened." I sighed out and rested my fingertips lightly on my throat. "I couldn't breathe. It was like there was no oxygen, and... I heard this growl. When I tried to see what growled at me, I saw eyes. Red. Like fire." I shrugged and leaned my head back. "And then I woke up."
My eyes flashed to Dean as he chuckled darkly. "That's it?" he asked. "You afraid of the dark or something, Scoob?"
"-Dean!" Sam chastised his older brother for his apathy."Of course not," I scoffed. "I just- it was just unsettling. There was something... not natural about it."
"We specialize in 'not natural,' sweetheart," Dean continued. "You think it had anything to do with these voices you keep hearing?"
"I don't know," I mumbled, pressing a palm to my temple. My head was throbbing, like a dull headache. "Oh! I forgot to mention it earlier but- I heard the whisper again. Right before your dad attacked me, it told me to duck."
"It told you to duck?" Sam asked, obviously confused. "Why?"
I shrugged. "Probably because your dear old dad would have hit me in the back of the head if I hadn't."
"I dunno, maybe you deserved that for following us," Dean chimed. I glared at his stern features in the rearview mirror.
"And maybe you deserved that pretty cut across your face for being an ass," I snapped back. My harsh words only drew a rumbling chuckle from him. I resettled myself in my seat and shut my eyes once more as the interior of the car fell silent.
I jolted upon feeling the car take a familiar turn off the highway, one that would lead to my front door. I cracked a grin and straightened in my seat, leaning between Dean and Sam to stare out the front window.
Nerves hit me like a truck - was now really the best time to go back? My grin slipped from my face and instead I frowned, pondering. The boys had only just found their father, who supposedly had a huge lead on killing the demon that killed their mom. Killing a demon! What if they needed me?
My heart pounded. Calliope. Had she even made it to the pack? I should have called to check- I should have called to let them know I was coming home! God, that was stupid of me. They were my family, I needed to tell them these things.
Being a part of a family again was a lot harder than I thought.
I bolted upright again when I saw the lights of my house come into view. There was no way this wasn't my favorite place on earth. I beamed, remembering all the memories I had here. Repainting the house with Dennis had been one of the best - it had been an ugly beige color, but I somehow convinced him to go with an almost pastel blue. He had been so against it at first until we started doing it. He fell in love with the color after that.
I reached for my crutches and waited for the Impala to roll to a steady stop. Before Dean had even parked, my door was thrown open and I launched myself from it, struggling to walk and get my crutches under me at the same time. The pack bond was blazing, pulling me towards the painted house as I stretched the crutches as far ahead of me as I could to propel myself forward.
The front door was tossed open and from the opening popped Andrew's red hair, a wide, relieved grin on his features. He ran out the door and toward me, Sasha close behind with a dishrag in hand.
My crutches fell to the ground as Andrew threw himself at me, enveloping me in a warm hug. Sasha soon followed him, embracing me a bit more timidly after surely having noticed my injuries. I hugged back tightly, relieved that I was finally home.
I jumped and broke the embrace, hearing a squeal from the doorway. My eyes fell on Calliope, long hair tied into a loose braid and an apron draped across her front. In just a few bounds she had crossed the lawn and tackled me, practically knocking me over.
"You're back!" she exclaimed, pulling away and inspecting me with sheer joy.
"You're here!" I squealed back. "I was worried you hadn't made it!"
"Of course I made it! Why wouldn't I?" Calliope was practically shaking with excitement, her eyes raking over my form as if she hadn't seen me in years. Finally, her eyes settled with some confusion on my leg with a tight brace on it to restrict movement to keep me from further injuring my muscles. Her eyes widened with panic as they befell my crutches and her grip tightened on my upper arms. "What happened?"
A gentle hand rested on my good shoulder and I turned my head to meet Dean's green eyes, my backpack slung over one of his shoulders. "Just a couple thousand-year-old shadow demon," he said, smirking playfully. He extended his hand to Calliope. "Hi. Dean Winchester."
Calliope looked nervously between the two of us. "Your human friend?" she asked me. I nodded. She smiled softly and shook Dean's hand. "Calliope Jones. I’m a new friend." Her chest swelled with pride.
Andrew leaned forward to pick up my crutches and handed them to me. "What do you mean 'shadow demons'?"
"Ever heard of a Daeva?" I asked. He shook his head and I chuckled. "I wouldn't expect you to. I hadn't heard of them either. Basically, they're these shadow demon things that are really hard to summon and are vicious." The younger boy blinked in confusion, drinking it all in. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'll fill you guys in later. Where's everyone else?"
"Booth turned in a few hours ago," Sasha chirped, her sweet voice music to my ears. I missed her- all of them. She was going to be pissed when she saw the state of my clothes. "Marcus and Caeden went hunting a couple of hours ago."
I nodded and turned to the Winchesters who were both rearranging luggage in the car. "Don't tell me you boys are leaving already?"
Sam glanced up at me, a woeful expression on his face. "We have to go," he started, straightening and brushing a long lock from his face. "We've got to find dad."
I scoffed and crossed my arms in irritation, much to my shoulder's displeasure. "John can wait a few hours. You boys are getting some sleep." I glared at Dean as he bolted upright to protest, silencing him. "I'll have you boys dragged in by your napes. You can head out tomorrow, but you're sleeping here tonight." I turned to Sasha, hobbling a bit as I spun. "Can you set up the pull out couch in the living room? I doubt they'll want to share the guest room bed," I teased with a glance over my shoulder at the brothers.
The six of us padded into the house and I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat on the living room couch. It had been too long since I was home, and the familiar scents and warm lights gave me an innate sense of comfort that I was sure nothing else ever would. This was my home. And of course, it could be argued that my pack was my home as well, but everyone needed roots. It kept us grounded.
I needed to be grounded.
I wasn't particularly worried about my self-control – as long as I remained around people I trusted and cared about, I had little concern. Truthfully, I was worried about my inability to change forms. How long would it last? And what the hell did I have to do to make it stop?
I must have dozed off at some point. The boys had gotten settled and wished everyone a pleasant night. After that, I remember staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours.
I bolted upright having been awoken by the sounds of a door opening, squeaking on its hinges. My eyes slowly adjusted to the room as I blinked furiously, peering through the darkness. My tired eyes latched onto a shadowed form on the front porch, just visible through the small window near the top of the door.
I rubbed a hand down my face, working the sleep out of my eyes. It was still dark out and couldn't have been any later than four in the morning, perhaps even earlier. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. With a deep inhale that rocked my lungs, I stood and reached for my crutches, making my way slowly towards the front door.
The door creaked as I pushed it open, but elicited no reaction from the figure on my porch. I sighed, recognizing who it was, and padded softly toward him.
"You're supposed to be sleeping, you know. That's the whole reason I told you to stay," I mumbled sleepily to Dean, rubbing a closed fist over my eye. He didn't respond, instead staring into the tree line with a tired expression.
"Did I wake you?" he finally asked, eyes unfocused and clearly deep in thought.
I yawned and placed a hand over my mouth. "Yeah, but I probably would have woken up soon anyway. What time is it?"
"’Bout three in the morning, I think," he mumbled back. I nodded and propped my elbow on the railing, resting my chin in my open palm.
"Then I would have been up in a couple hours anyway. Pretty much as soon as the sun started coming up," I reassured with a soft chuckle, almost unnoticeable.
Dean ran his fingers through his hair which was subtly less spiked. Clearly, he had at least laid down for a little while. He always slept on his stomach, it only made sense that his hair would be mssed because of it. "I thought skinwalkers liked to sleep during the day?" he teased.
I laughed a bit louder than I had intended, placing a hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter. "Yeah, some do. My sleep schedule has been all kinds of messed up in the last few months though," I yawned again. "I used to sleep the day away then come out at night. Everything just seems so peaceful and crisp at night, you know?" I sighed and smiled softly. "Even the air is better."
Dean nodded slowly and turned his head towards mine, green eyes swimming with unspoken thoughts. "I guess we messed up a lot more than your sleep schedule, huh?"
I frowned and locked yes with him, confused by his statement. "What makes you think that?"
Dean huffed and turned to face the tree line again, a resigned look resting on his tired features. "Ever since Sammy and I waltzed into your life, nothing's been the same. I mean, you're a hunter now, you've got a pack-" he chuckled darkly, "Hell, you've almost gotten killed a couple of times."
I hummed quietly, mulling it over. True, everything had changed, but I wouldn't say my life was messed up now. "I was bored out of my mind before you boys showed up." I inhaled deeply and spun around, back to the railing and elbows propped on it. "I had been on a few cases long before meeting you boys, but it had been a long time. Months before my uncle died." I paused and thought for a few moments. "Honestly, I think hunting was what I was missing. I love it, despite how crazy that sounds. I was raised on stories of hunting, and when I got a taste of it... I didn't want to let go."
I turned my head to meet Dean's eyes, his looking rather unsure. I mustered the sweetest smile I could and grinned at him. "I'm glad you boys dragged me back in. I didn't realize how much I missed it."
Dean scoffed playfully. "Why would you miss hunting? This life sucks."
“I think I like the… saving people part. I’ve done enough bad in my life, it feels nice to do some good.” I raised an eyebrow at him and nudged him in the arm. "Don't act like you wouldn't miss it."
He exhaled deeply, picking at his nails nervously. "If I could get out and have a life, then I would. White picket fence, kids, two dogs-"
"- Two dogs? I thought you didn't like dogs?"
"Yeah, two dogs – and I do like dogs, s'long as they don't shed. The apple pie life, you know?" He propped his chin in his hands and stared wistfully into the woods. "A house like this, too. Small, but warm, cozy, and out of the way of everything else."
"Would you get a normal job?" I inquired. He looked so peaceful, daydreaming about the perfect life. I wanted to see more of it.
"Yeah, I would," he said with a small smile. "Probably a mechanic, like my dad. I'd teach my kids all about cars, just like he taught me. We'd have pie on Sunday nights for dessert and have Sam visit from time to time..." his smile suddenly fell, replaced with a grim expression. He frowned, the skin between his brows wrinkling and dragging his eyebrows down with it in a sour expression.
"I want that for Sam," he continued, sounding almost lost. "And I want that for you."
Now it was my turn to frown as my own eyes perused his crestfallen features. "But not for yourself?"
"Of course, I want that for myself," Dean grumbled. "But it's just... not something I'll ever have. Kids, a wife, that whole life – maybe in another world that could be mine." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair once more, tugging at it gently in frustration. "Sam got out of this life once. He can do it again. I want you to get out too, away from the hunting, the demons, all the conflict."
I scoffed. "I hate to break it to you, Dean, but it's not in the cards for me either." His green eyes whipped to mine, a deep-set scowl on his handsome features. "Maybe if I was human, or even if I didn't have a pack to look out for... but not now. Hell, I don't know if I'll even find a partner."
"Do you want kids?" Dean asked. The question startled me and I glanced at him with wide eyes. The last time I had even thought about the prospect of kids was my first case with the boys, with Missouri...
"Honestly, I've never really thought about it," I mumbled and scratched the back of my neck. Why was I so embarrassed? "Never really been the motherly sort, you know?"
Dean laughed and cracked a grin, one that brought a smile to my own cheeks. "You seem plenty motherly with your pack."
My grin grew into a smirk. "Yeah, but they can feed themselves and don't need their diapers changed." Dean chuckled again at this and leaned further forward over the railing.
"So I take it that's a no?" he asked. I hummed questioningly. "About having kids? I guess that means no?"
I froze. Did that mean no?
I shook my head. "Whatever happens, happens. I'll just roll with the punches. If I have a kid, or two, or three, then yeah, I'll be ecstatic. And if I don't-" I frowned. What if I didn't? Missouri said I would, and in the near future, but what if she was wrong? "- If I don't, I've still got a family." My voice cracked as I spoke, betraying how I felt.
I hoped Missouri was right. Maybe I would have some pups of my own and have that apple pie life. Get away from hunting, maybe appoint Booth as the new alpha... my stomach lurched at the sudden thought. Give it all up? Maybe that didn’t sound so bad…
"I still want all that for you," Dean mumbled, once more tearing nervously at his nails. He had a habit of chewing them when he was deep in thought and picking at them when nervous. "For you to have a happy life away from all of this, both you and Sam-"
"Sam and I are never going to be happy with a life outside of this unless you're part of it," I stated, sounding a bit harsher than I intended. "And you and I both know that if either of us had a life outside of this, you'd stay as far away from us, so you don't ruin it."
Dean glowered and glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "I do have a habit of doing that," he grumbled as his eyes lazily scanned over my injured leg and finally befell the crutches leaning against the railing by my side.
I scoffed loudly and turned my face away from his, a dismissive glare on my features. "You don't ruin things, Dean."
He hummed in response, as though he didn't believe me. "Yeah, sure I don't..." he huffed disapprovingly and turned his green eyes away from me. "I didn't exactly act the way I should have when I saw you again in Wyoming... that made things worse."
"No, it didn't," I stated firmly. "You were pissed, and you had every right to be, but the fact that we can have this conversation now tells me that nothing is ruined." He inhaled deeply, ignoring my gaze and glaring down at the ground.
"What'd you and my dad talk about?" he asked, confusing me with his question. Why'd he change the subject so quickly? "On the way back to the hotel in Chicago? You guys took a long time getting back."
I placed a hand on my aching shoulder, rubbing it a bit. I'd need to change the bandages soon. "Nothing much. He didn't believe who I was at first."
"How much did you tell him?"
"I didn't tell him I'm a skinwalker if that's what you're asking," I hissed out. "I'm not that stupid. I mostly told him the truth. Told him my mom died just a little after I was born, and lived with my dad until he left. Told him my uncle took me in and taught me how to hunt. Nothing too crazy or far from the truth."
Dean nodded, looking relieved. "Good," he muttered quietly. "He had your uncle’s number, didn't he? That's what you were trying to show me at the bar?"
I nodded. "Yeah, apparently they worked a couple cases together, though it had been years since they'd seen each other. Didn't even know he died." Dean nodded again, eyes scanning the horizon as the first blue-tinged rays of light dotted the sky. It was only four in the morning, but the sky was already brightening. I sighed and fluffed my hair, trailing my fingers through it in the hopes of undoing a few knots. "I'm sorry, Dean."
He perked up at this, casting me a rather confused glance. "What for?"
"For everything," I mumbled back. "Mostly for leaving. I didn't mean to hurt you."
He chuckled softly and reached to put an affectionate hand on my good shoulder. "You didn't hurt me. I get it, you had to go. Just... next time, let me know before you disappear without a word?"
I laughed softly and fixed my eyes on him, a smirk rising on my lips. "As long as you don't ask me to stay."
"No promises," he teased and spun, his back to the railing. "Thank you."
I straightened and looked at him quizzically. "What for?"
"For everything," he teased, mimicking my previous statement and earning a soft laugh from me. "Mostly for putting up with me. Not many people can."
"What are you talking about, Dean, you're a joy to be around," I said sarcastically.
"I try," he replied jokingly. He yawned, coaxing a yawn from my own lips. "I should probably try to get a couple more hours," he stated softly. "Got a long day of driving ahead of us."
"Where are you and Sam going to go?" I asked. John hadn't given any mention of where he was going.
Dean shrugged. "Sam found a case in North Carolina. Nothing too major, I think, probably just a vengeful spirit," I wrinkled my nose in distaste. I didn't like ghosts. "From there I guess we'll just... follow dad's trail. Try to track him down."
I nodded solemnly and fixed my gaze on Dean's once more. "If I asked you to stay, would you?" I asked quietly. Dean's eyes widened an almost imperceptible amount, his jaw becoming lax from surprise. His eyes surveyed mine with a certain wariness, as though he wasn't sure what to say.
"Yeah..." he finally whispered, trailing off as though he didn't believe it. "I think I probably would."
"Then you should go," I whispered back, standing and hoisting my crutches up next to me, my face only inches from his. "Before I ask you to."
He continued to scan my face with a certain bashfulness and confusion that I had never seen on him. "Do you want me to stay?" he asked timidly, leaning forward ever so slightly.
I gulped, my cheeks dusted with pink. Did I want him to stay? After another few long moments, I turned my face away from his. "You should go to bed, Dean. You've got a long day tomorrow," I said softly, leaning back against the banister again. Dean blinked, ridding himself of the confusion and sleeplessness plaguing his features.
"Yeah," he agreed. "Yeah, I probably should." He stood to his full height and turned away, his back towards me. With one last brief glance over his shoulder, he mumbled, "I'll see you around." And just as quickly as our conversation had begun, it ended, and once more I was left alone in the dark.
I covered my face with my hands when I heard the guest room door shut. My cheeks reddened from embarrassment. "God that was stupid," I muttered to myself. My cheeks flushed darker. I'd never seen Dean act like that before – I'd never seen myself act like that before.
What was wrong with me?
I woke mid-afternoon to the sound of Simon and Garfunkel, their wailing tones mixing with someone else's rough vocals. I blinked hard, adjusting to the bright golden lights filtering through my large windows, casting a soft glow onto my bed. When did I make it to my bed?
I stretched and reached for the crutches that leaned against the side of my bed and hobbled down the spiral staircase that led up to my loft. My leg was feeling a lot better than it had yesterday, but I doubted my tendons were even close to being fully healed.
The kitchen was just as bright, with the huge west-facing windows casting a massive amount of light into the room. I squinted and blinked, my eyes fighting to become accustomed to the light. Finally, my eyes landed on Marcus who was sashaying around the kitchen with various pots and pans and belting out the lyrics to 'Cecilia,' the sunlight bouncing off his blonde hair.
"Well look who finally decided to wake up!" he chirped, placing a soapy pan in the sink and pausing his music. "I thought you were going to sleep the day away, honestly."
I groaned and rubbed my eyes which were sore from an excessive amount of sleep. "I feel like I did sleep the day away," I said with a yawn as I sat at one of the bar stools on the edge of the kitchen. "Heard you and Caeden went hunting. When'd you get back?"
"About the time you and your hunter friend had your 3am rendezvous," he teased, scrubbing a pot that looked to have chili residue in it. "So what was that all about?"
My face flushed. "I heard him open the front door and decided to see what was up. We just... talked for a while."
"Mhm," Marcus teased with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm sure you two did a lot of talking." I didn't think my face could get any redder, but I was quickly proven wrong. Marcus sighed playfully and rinsed the pot, placing it on the drying wrack. "By the way, your boyfriend and his brother left a few hours ago."
"They left already?" I asked, a bit surprised by their sudden exit. Marcus nodded.
"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. "And Dean said to give him a call when you woke up."
I frowned and contemplated a bit. They left without a word - though I suppose I deserved that, after how I left last time I saw them. "Did they say anything else?"
"Just that if you're up for a hunt when your leg heals, then they'd be willing to team up again," he replied, aggressively scrubbing some tongs. "By the way, Sasha changed your bandages for you after we brought you upstairs." I jolted at this, wondering how to hell they managed to do that without waking me – hell, I was in a pair of sleeping shorts now, the new wrappings clearly exposed. Somehow, despite all that, I slept through it. Marcus shrugged, seemingly knowing what I was thinking. "She's pretty gentle, and you were really out of it. Clearly, you needed the sleep."
"Yeah," I mumbled in agreement. "Yeah, I guess I did."
My mind was racing at nine hundred miles an hour, chasing any and all random thoughts that popped into my head. Did they really have to leave so soon? They could have at least waited until I woke up so I could say goodbye.
Maybe they got a lead they wanted to follow up on. Whatever their reason for leaving without any notice to me, I'm sure it was with good intention. I glanced towards the corner of the counter where my phone was plugged in next to the outlet. I contemplated calling Dean now, despite my throat being raw and dry from sleep.
Marcus dried his hands slowly, watching my eyes flicker around the counter in thought. Finally, he put the cloth down and rested his palms on the counter, leaning toward me.
"You care about him, don't you?" he asked, a serious expression on his face. This wasn't the usual teasing- this was sincere. I jolted when I met his green eyes, the sincerity in them shocking me back to reality.
"I care about both of them," I retorted, clasping my hands in my lap. "They're family."
Marcus' eyes regarded mine with scrutiny before he stood abruptly and tossed the dishrag over his shoulder. He reached to press play on his music, but I stopped him with a chuckle.
"Simon and Garfunkel, huh?" I teased, propping my chin on my open palm and elbow on the counter.
"Damn right," he exclaimed with a grin. "Best damn musicians, past, present, and future. I don't care what anyone says. The way they sang 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'?" he blew a kiss into the air. "Absolutely delectable! Nothing better."
I laughed, a wide grin spreading across my cheeks. "And what does Caeden think about that?"
Marcus huffed and crossed his arms over his chest indignantly. "Caeden has terrible taste in music. He likes Johnny Cash," he spat with a groan. "Wouldn't know good music if it bit him in the ass."
I giggled and brought a hand to cover my mouth, suppressing the loud laughter. Suddenly, an outstretched hand was thrust towards my face. My confused eyes traced the length of the arm back to Marcus, who wore a cocky grin on his face.
"Care to dance, alpha?" he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed once more and took his hand. He dragged me out of my seat and held me tight, tilting me slightly to the side to keep too much weight off my injured leg. He reached towards the counter and pressed play on his music, the opening notes of  'Mrs. Robinson' filling the room.
I giggled as Marcus and I swayed around the kitchen, the both of us belting out lyrics like there was no one else around.
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beevean · 8 months
Hi there, I just wanted to ask your opinion on this matter, I currently have been a downer on the sonic franchise, with Flynn, IDW being canon?? And sonic fans. And the problem is I don’t want to take a break on the franchise, because I love sonic. It’s been one of my favorite franchises, growing up. But it’s hard to ignore the issues, with the fans hating the games and praising Flynn constantly. So what should I do?
Focus on the games you like. It's what I do.
Stay away from the fandom, blacklist Flynn's name, rekindle your appreciation by playing older games.
When I'm sad about the fandom dismissing the games or Flynn spreading misconceptions, I boot up Advance 3 again because it makes me smile :)
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Or, hey, today it's 3&K's 30th anniversary! Great time to replay it again!
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Or whatever your own comfort game is :D
My philosophy is that no one can take away your experiences and the feelings tied to them. You don't need to stay updated if the situation makes you miserable. It's okay to take a break: I distanced myself from Sonic in the 2013-2017 period because, well, nothing that appealed to me was coming out. I have unofficially distanced myself since Frontiers as well - I could feel that game and the discourse surrounding it breaking me, and it wasn't pleasant. But seeing Sonic merch still makes me undescribably happy, so I know that my love for the blue boy has not diminished :>
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (5/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,560
Series Masterlist
Chapter 5: Risky Moves. Romance Rekindled. One is filled with remorse, but jealousy soon rears its ugly head.
A/N: I'm using @choicesflashfics week 44, prompt 3. Also, using prompts "dating" & "break-up" from the @choicesmonthlychallenge January 2023 editing. Set during 2x03.
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Ethan Ramsey marched down the street. His long legs eating up the pavement, uncaring of other pedestrians, his scowl a deterrent to anyone bold enough to get in his way.
In his head, he replayed the conversation with his father, the look on Cassie Valentine’s face when he dismissed his mother and the complicated emotions swirling inside him for a woman that had abandoned him twenty-five years ago.
He should hate Louise. God knows he wanted to. But a part of him clung to a memory of a sunflower yellow dress and a tinkling laugh that had once made his world bright.
Who knew better than him that love didn’t last? That the world was too often a dark, lonely place. That people didn’t stay. It was better to leave them before they left you.
Like he’d done to Cassie.
Ethan cursed loudly and detoured into the alley behind Donahue’s. He kicked his foot against the brick wall, angry and frustrated with himself, his life and the world in general.
He thought he’d figured his shit out last spring. And yet, here he was again, spiraling out of control.
He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He needed to rein in his emotions and focus on the facts to do his job well. And the truth was he had a patient waiting for him, which had to be his priority now.
Feeling calmer, Ethan exited the alley near Edenbrook’s back entrance and parking structure. His mask was firmly in place as he got off the elevator on the second floor, only to bump into Cassie, who rushed in through the stairwell door.
“Oops,” she said with a half-laugh. “Sorry, Dr. Ramsey. I didn’t see you.”
“Maybe if you didn’t run around the hospital like a child, you’d pay better attention,” he muttered, annoyed all over again when her scent hit his nostrils.
He felt Cassie stop and stare at him, but he dismissed her as he stomped down the hallway to Lamar’s room. She followed quietly, practically running to keep pace with his long strides.
The day went from bad to worse when they found an empty room, and their patient was nowhere in sight.
“Where the hell is my patient?” Ethan barked at the nurse on duty at the station across from the hospital room.
“Ethan…” Cassie nudged his arm urgently. “In his condition, Lamar’s a danger to himself. We’ve gotta find him.”
“We didn’t see him back there,” he pointed at the hallway from where they’d come, “so he must have headed toward the atrium stairs.”
Knowing there was no time to waste, he quickly called security and issued a Code Green.
They sprinted through the halls, scanning patient rooms and corridors for signs of Lamar or his wife. They were almost at the balcony overlooking the soaring glass-domed atrium when they heard a scream.
Ethan’s heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of Lamar climbing over the railing on the fourth floor. The fifty-sixty-foot drop to the atrium below would likely maim him for life if not kill him outright.
“That fall will kill him. Dammit, come on!”
Before he could finish issuing the command, he glimpsed a trail of blonde hair flying past him like a sprinter coming off the block. Cassie pounded up the stairs, her white coat flapping behind her.
That shook him out of his inertia, and he raced up behind her, taking the steps two at a time. She was faster, though and reached Lamar first. The other man grinned broadly as if it was all a game, and Ethan knew he would be too late to stop him from jumping.
Just a few more seconds, Ethan prayed, pushing himself faster and ignoring the shocked faces that had stopped to watch the spectacle.
He saw Lamar let go of the railing and lean forward as if in slow motion. Cassie lunged at him, her hand grabbing Lamar’s just in time as he dangled in the air. She almost toppled over the edge of the railing as the other man’s weight pulled her forward.
“Cassie!” Ethan shouted hoarsely, fear for her life made his mouth turn dry.
Her shoes dug into the tight space between the floor and the bottom of the railing. Balancing herself, she leaned forward and locked one hand around Lamar’s wrist. Ethan saw her wince as her shoulders and arms strained from the pressure.
“Ethan…” she pleaded, her terrified green eyes meeting his as he rushed to her aid.
“I’m coming, Cassie,” he called out, letting his mask drop.
Ethan reached them before the security guard. Leaning around her, he hauled Lamar back over to safety and pinned him to the floor.
The weight suddenly gone, Cassie lost her balance and toppled backward, her elbow hitting the concrete floor with a loud crack.
“Goddammit,” Ethan cursed.
He left the security guard to restrain Lamar. His wife, Liz, watched with worry and confusion at the words her husband was saying.
Ethan started to check on Cassie when Naveen called out his name.
Still crouched on the floor, Ethan glanced up to see Naveen, some of the senior staff and the hospital’s board watching from one story above with a mix of horror and morbid curiosity.
He’d forgotten the board was meeting today, and Naveen had promised them a tour.
A man in a dark suit broke off from the group and dashed down the stairs. Ethan’s brows knitted in annoyance. He didn’t recognize the stranger and opened his mouth to tell him to get the hell away from his patient.
But the man rushed past him to where Cassie sat on the floor, protectively hunched over her, clutching her elbow. Her face was scrunched in pain, and tears tracked down her cheeks.
“Cassie, look at me,” the other man said, tenderly placing two fingers under her chin to lift her face. “Dislocation?”
Cassie shook her head and paused, taking stock. “I felt something tear when his weight pulled at me. Could be a sprain or torn ligament. Pain is six. Limited mobility. Nate, please help me up.”
He slid one arm around her back, supporting her weight. Cassie pushed her knees off the floor and started to rise.
“Can I just say?” Nate commented in awe. “You, Cassie Valentine, are more awesome than Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel combined.”
“Oh wow. Must have really impressed you if I get compared to DC and Marvel heavyweights?” Cassie chuckled, sniffing back the tears, and leaned against him briefly before straightening.
“I want to be a gentleman, tell you it’s okay to raincheck on our date tonight,” Nate said pleasantly. “But the woman that just saved a man’s life is much too strong-willed to retire with her smelling salts. And I really want to celebrate her in style.”
He smirked. “Maybe even challenge her to a mini-golf rematch since my chances of winning have suddenly improved.”
Cassie burst into laughter. The sound was like a stiletto piercing Ethan’s heart because the laugh wasn’t for him.
Ethan’s initial concern changed to bewilderment at the friendly ease between Cassie and Nate, and he wondered how they knew each other. The confusion quickly turned to red-hot jealousy when he heard about their date.
Uncertainty about wanting to care for Cassie and the rumors that would fly if he shoved the other man aside to do just that had Ethan rooted to the spot.
He was positive Nate wasn’t on the hospital board. He presented to that group often enough to know all its members. He looked vaguely familiar, but Ethan was hard-pressed to place him.
He shook off this new mystery to focus on the existing one. Lamar’s incomprehensible actions. Cassie was talking to Liz now, and Ethan needed to be part of that conversation.
But first, he had to reassure Naveen and clear the hall of spectators.
“Naveen, it’s okay. The situation is under control,” Ethan said when the older man stood before him, eyes narrowed in consternation.
“How am I supposed to be calm at a time like this?” Naveen said quietly, but Ethan could hear the subtle anger in his mentor’s voice.
“Ethan, a patient almost died in front of a hospital full of board members, staff and visitors. Why wasn’t security protocol followed if the patient was a danger to himself?”
“He wasn’t—” Ethan bit off when Cassie approached them cautiously, Lamar’s wife trailing behind her.
“Ethan. Dr. Ramsey,” Cassie amended. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to question Lamar. We’re running out of time.”
With a quick nod at Naveen, Ethan followed Cassie and Liz to the other side of the hall. Lamar was still pushing against the security guard, talking about people no one knew.
He absently glanced over his shoulder to see Nate and Naveen talking seriously, heads close together.
How long had Nate and Cassie been dating, he speculated as ugly thoughts clouded his brain. The intimacy he had just witnessed between her and Nate didn’t happen overnight.
So, had she really waited for him while he was in the Amazon? Or was that one more lie he wanted to believe, just like the one about his mother returning out of love for her forgotten son?
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @youlookappropriate
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
i have so many thoughts and yet so little words available to me that can truly capture them but firstly, hello!!
oh my god where do i start….the beginning will do. i started and caught up in gc in two days and within one day i finished my replay. i finished this EXTREMELY detailed if 2x in the span of 3 days. ????? i’m speechless. i have zero words. i love this so much?? i love you and your brilliant brain what the heck????
the writing is impeccable, the characters are all so lovable i’m literally on the floor rolling around. AND THE WORLD LORE i’m a sucker for this stuff it’s so detailed, there’s quite literally a whole different world and i get transported in every damn time! the way mc’s hobby one way or another relates and contributes to their work,,,,, chefs kiss it’s so detailed i’ve been trying to dig up all the hidden details. like how my healer mc is good at doing stitches if she’s into needlework or how she soothes the patients if she’s into singing?? im in tears. i have devoured every crumb i could find and i feel like a caged animal at the zoo who’s shaking the bars of their enclosure to be let out every time i find something new. sorry does that come off as weird? im trying to convey how giddy this game has made me, its stewing in my head.
i feel like i’m bouncing off the walls and i’m so excited for chp4! i usually don’t comment or interact at all with creators because it’s kinda nerve wracking for me but as i said before the contents of this game has just been stewing far too much inside my cranium and i was ITCHING to say something 🙈 i might just loiter about and hang around as a little anony ghostie after this,,,,,,
aaaaa in short! you’ve rekindled my love for fantasy worlds with mountains worth of attention to detail and keep doing what you’re doing and thank you so much for gracing us with your work >_<
My toasted friend, you are way too kind and sweet (and delicious, I love brioche). I don't know what to say. I am so giddy that YOU are giddy over this! I am glad you send in your message, it lit up my day so much...and may have made my eyes a little misty (we'll keep that between us).
I'd be happy to have you haunt me! I love spirits and spoops! I can't wait to share more of the world with you, my dear. ^_^
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Heyo!! So I was just thinking, I think I've only ever read one fic of a marriage candidate being divorced and then memory wiped. And I'm in a bit of an angsty mood. So! If you want, maybe some headcanons of the bachelorettes' reactions to getting a divorce? Of course you can choose which bachelorettes you want, or just not do this if you don't want to, no pressure! ^^
bachelorettes reacting to divorce || headcanons
are you sure you want to divorce your loving wife? ... okay, i don't know if you'll like the aftermath, though ...
warnings: LONG post, good lord. super angsty, but most of them have mini redemption arcs. hints of depression and self-depricating thoughts, mention of pam's abusive tendancies.
requested by: @ambersky0319 , thank you so much for the request! angsty time, here we come. funsies <3 i managed to keep it together until i got to penny's and i started crying 💀 my babyyyy :(( but yeah, this is really sad, you've been warned.
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• Abigail thought she had done enough for you. She thought she was the perfect little house-wife, even though that's really not who she was at all. She was always looking for adventure, until she sacrificed most of that for the farm life with you. And she loved you. But when you suggested divorce, she was upset. She spiraled through the five stages of grief in an instant, stuttering and trying to say the right thing even though her feelings were so huge.
• She yells at you, she can't believe after everything, you're willing to throw it all away. She threw all of her possibilities away for you. You. But it's okay, it's fine. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. The loving wife Abigail was is gone, replaced by an uncaring girl who's trying to get back to the things she used to love before you came along.
• She moves into the basement with Sebastian, opting out of moving back into her parent's place. She needs freedom, to do the things she loves. Adventure. Game. Find herself again. She would do it with a friend, someone who appreciates her. Unlike you, apparently.
• Most nights she can't sleep, however. She replays everything in her mind over and over, and most nights she gets up to play games. Sometimes Sebastian notices this and plays with her, and sometimes he lets her do her own thing. He knows when to intervene and when not to, and that definitely helped Abigail. She's healing slowly, but some nights are just really hard without you by her side. As much as she would love to not care, she just ... can't.
• If you try speaking to her, you get met with a glare and a scoff. She tells you to leave her alone and not to bother her anymore. She can't take talking with you again, it would kill her. She's going to be herself again, by herself! And she's going to love every ounce of herself, without you. So, fuck off.
• Emily thought that you two were written in the stars, lovers until the end. Apparently, she had thought wrong. She loves you, she thought that you loved her just the same! But when the divorce papers were handed her way, her stomach just dropped. Everything slowly fades around her as she stares at them, not registering yet. Her mouth is slightly open, before she just walks out of the room. She gathers a few belongings before slowly making her way back to her sister's house.
• She's numb at first, not really knowing how to deal with something like this. She can't speak for hours, and Haley knows something is wrong. Emily mumbles something about the divorce papers her way, and she's instantly on her way out the door. A very angry Haley is at your doorstep, seemingly more upset than Emily, but it hasn't hit her yet. You get cursed out and told to never show your face in town again.
• As she sits in her own room, she turns to tarot cards, crystals, anything. Everything tells her same thing: better luck next time. Her heart is shattered. As she tries for the fourteenth time to pull a card that represented you coming back, and the love rekindling, she gives up. She gives in and puts the cards aside as she cries. She bawls her eyes out for the first time as she realizes that this cannot be undone.
• Slowly but surely, Haley will try to help her feel better. She'll make all the food, suggest things that they can do together, even takes one of her shifts at work for her. But nothing works ... until she sits her down and puts a sewing machine in front of her. She puts on a show, begging her to sew her a dress because her clothes are suddenly out of fashion. And that reignites her passion. She begins to love her work again, and in turn, loving herself.
• Speaking to her is absolutely out of the question. What's done is done, and she won't talk to you afterward. If you try, she'll ask you to leave her alone, and that she's trying to get over you still. If you don't respect her decision, Haley will probably be at your doorstep in an instant. She's getting better, but she needs you out of the picture.
• Haley has a very fire-y spirit, and when she's pissed off, you'll see it from a mile away. However, when you bring up the thought of divorce ... she's shattered for a moment. Her guard has slipped to the point of vulnerability, and now you're slapping her in the face with it. She stares at you for a moment, a sorrowful expression. She can't believe this is happening- the love of her life, the person she married ...
• She puts on a powerful facade, glaring at you before beginning to yell. Words spew from her lips that she's never even said before, which is surprising. She's been hateful, she's been a bitch, but she was softer now. Well, she WAS ... until you stomped her heart into a million pieces.
• She moves back in with Emily, who takes a few days off of work to take care of her sister. Haley doesn't want you to know she's taking this awfully, though, so she puts on makeup everyday and goes to the saloon. She pretends to have fun so that she can claim she won the breakup, before returning home to continue grieving.
• Many late night talks with Emily are sprung about, Haley finally talking through her emotions. She needs to get to a better place mentally, and Emily knows that. So, she'll ask for Shane's therapist, who now has Haley booked for a session. And it helps. So. Much. Haley begins to be a better person not because of love, but because of herself. She's kinder and sweeter, and tries her best to be her best self.
• You run into each other a few years later, and she seems more radiant than ever. She tells you that it's fine, and that she understood why you had to do it. It made herself a better person, and hopefully it did the same to you. She bids you farewell with a soft smile before walking away. She definitely won the breakup, though.
• Leah loves you harder than anything she's ever loved before. The passion that she has for you is beyond the moon and the sun and the stars ... but she's noticed that it's not been reciprocated recently. And she brings it up to you, asking what's up in a soft and caring tone, before she drops the bombshell. She thinks you're joking at first, laughing softly, before her world crumbles before her.
• She doesn't leave immediately, she can't let this go. She argues, asking why you would feel this way, and what she can do to fix things. What can she do to be a better spouse? Nothing, apparently. You claim that you're happier by yourself, so ... she leaves. She moves back into her little cabin.
• She uses art to work through her grief, constantly painting out her sadness or carving out her anger. Art has always been how she expresses herself, and that certainly hasn't changed one bit. She's still a strong, independent person, she always has been. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, though. She's trying to get out her feelings in the healthiest way possible.
• She tries not to let the grief of this relationship weigh her down, but sometimes she doesn't leave the house for days. Painting, sleeping, eating, sculpting, eating sleeping. Elliot eventually gets sick of it, dragging her out of the house and to the beach. They sit and talk through it all, although Leah isn't the greatest with her words. Elliot helps her vocalize her grief.
• Seeing her, you notice how she's still glowing. Nothing has changed about her, aside from being a tad bit more confident. She's beautiful, she's stunning, and she knows it. And she knows what you're thinking, so she gives you a soft smile and let's you know that she's happier on her own. Farewell.
• Maru adores you, and she loves talking with you about the things that interest her, and the stuff that interests you! However, you've been talking a lot less ... and it all makes sense when divorce papers are laid on the table. She takes a moment, trying not to lose her composure. She asks a few questions, logical ones. Why? Is there anyone else? No ... you've just lost feelings. That almost hurts worse.
• She packs up her stuff immediately, and temporarily moves in with her parents. She's planning on finding a place in the city, her talents will be much more appreciated there. Not in a place like this, not where you are. She works and works, day and night, so she doesn't have to think about it.
• Eventually, she breaks. She talks to her dad, holding her face in her hands as she stutters and breaks down further and further. But she'll compose herself. Of course she will, this is Maru. She's smart, competent, and strong. Even the strong have to break a bit sometimes, but she'll find ways to learn from this. She won't make the same mistake again.
• She moves out to the city, getting a nice house to work in. Her career takes off without you, just how it should be. She's come to terms with the fact that you aren't in her life anymore, even if she had to move away to deal with it. But she does, and she's working her ass off. And her life is better without you.
• Coming back to town to visit her parents, she runs into you. You try talking with her, wanting to talk about all the memories you had ... but she cuts you off. She tells you that you have nothing to say to each other anymore. There is nothing here for you, nothing her for her. Silence is what you both need, and you part ways.
• Penny finally found a home in you. You were like her knight in shining armor, getting her away from her awful life with her mother. Until you started saying things that began to match up with her mother's words ... and it began to kill her. After you finally dropped the bombshell and showed her the papers, she almost passed out. She begged and pleaded, cried and sobbed at your feet. She couldn't take this, this couldn't be happening ...
• She couldn't go back to her mom, but she couldn't stay here. She bought a very small cabin, which Robin helped her pay off, and spent several days in there. The first few days, it was only a bed and a small kitchen. Her days consisted of crying and watching TV, trying to get the thoughts of you out of her head, but it didn't work. God, nothing would work.
• Slowly, she decided that she had to start doing something. Staying home wasn't good for her, and what about the kids? They were probably worried. As she exited her house, she checked her mailbox and saw several "get well soon" cards from Vincent and Jas, and then everything hit her at once. She needed to get better, not just for herself, but for them as well.
• She found comfort in decorating her new home, even creating a small, mini-library for the kids. Her classes could be held in her home, so she had to make it the prettiest place possible! She remembered how much she loves helping these kids, and it helps her through a lot. She begins to love herself, too.
• However, she still can't speak to you. Even looking at you makes her break, so she tries to avoid you as much as possible. If you try to speak with her, she tells you to leave her alone, beginning to get teary-eyed. She goes home to recover, making herself some food. She's getting better at cooking too. Maybe she's better off without you ...
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slasherlaurie · 11 months
hi loves! big update, i’m still sick with the flu but i am feeling well enough to write in my downtime!! sorry for the flakiness and such a long absence, i really wish i could do something about the awful timing lol 😭
also i’m adding the cast of silent hill 1, 2, and 3 (including Pyramid Head and the Nurses) to the roster as replaying the games while sick rekindled my love for them 🩵
im also taking down my previous posts addressing being busy as i dont want to clog my blog up for new people so dont mind the disappearances! though i’m deleting the posts addressing it, everyone who asked how im doing during that time thank you so much <33
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Follow up to Megs marking Rosie up anon.
How does ratchet react, does he get jealous, sneak away, argue with Megs more and say that was very immature/ a danger to his precious human. 👀 I’m too invested now too-
More continuation, this time it's my turn huhu. -Rosie Part One - Part Two - Part Three
She hadn't been in the medical bay for two days. He was starting to get concerned. Very rarely did she miss work. Granted it was voluntary, but it was nice to have her around. Despite how distracting it was at times.
"She's probably just sick." Drift said, "Or she found out about your lil crush."
"Shut it Drift." Ratchet frowned, "Megatron's already been up my aft I don't need you up it too."
Drift chuckled, "Listen, when you're ready to talk I'm here." he held up his Servos and left the bay.
Ratchet frowned knowing that he would have to actually talk about what happened. To some degree anyways. Something Megatron said has been playing on loop in his head.
She thinks you hate her.
It was quite the opposite. Clearly. Even if he was far more critical of her than he meant to be. He just didn't understand her at times. Most others would hear about the Decepticons and immediately have a distaste for them. But, not her. She showed them far more empathy than they deserved. Far more kindness than they needed. And most who had defected loved her. She was able to talk to them, understand them, and even be a bridge in communication.
That's how they ended up with Starscream of all Mechs. Ratchet couldn't prove it, but he knew it was why Optimus and Megatron were rekindling their friendship. She had a way with words. If she were a Mech she'd have a seat in the senate. She'd own it. He just felt it in his Spark.
He sighed looking at his report. Thankfully nothing needed to be updated. So, he was just to stand at his post until he was needed. Which wouldn't be an issue if she were there with him.
His mind began to wander as he replayed every moment he put his pede in his mouth. It slowly began to sink in why she thought that. He leaned his helm back onto the wall.
"Primus... I messed up." he mumbled.
He thought back to when they had no translators. When Bumblebee was still stuck on Earth. How he forced her to work like a dog. All because of how small she was. She could fix issues he couldn't reach. How her servos had been blistered and bruises. How she literally worked until her digit's bled.
She never complained.
Then when the translators were in effect, he was hyper critical of any move she made when it came to fixing Mechs. All because he couldn't see past "Proper Procedure" it was the real reason he had been upset with her fixing Megatron. It didn't follow protocol. But, why should it have mattered? She knew how to save him and she did without his help.
He was pulled out of his own circuits when he heard the familiar sound of tiny footsteps. He focused his optics down and saw Rosie. He waved and she waved back.
He noted the marks on her body and couldn't help, but chuckle. Megatron was territorial. But, after what Megatron caught him doing he couldn't complain too much. Though he did worry that those marks were a bit too much for such a small human.
"There's no work today. So, unless you want to work on that journal I assigned you and the others..." he spoke.
"Sure, that's fine. I know there's a lot of information we still need to write down for you." she spoke as she made her way up the lift to be at eye level with him, "A lil birdie told me you were beside yourself since I wasn't here. If it helps, I genuinely was down for the count... and it had nothing to do with this."
She motioned vaguely at the dentae marks.
"Drift... his record isn't the best, but he has a good Spark." he admitted.
"Yea, most of 'em do. It's why I'm so patient." she said going to the screen and bringing up the journal.
Ratchet stayed quiet for a moment and let her work. He watched as she quickly filled in the information the journal required. It was basic information, but Bumblebee suggested it. Mainly so they all had a guide at a glance.
Favorite Foods, Drinks, Health Issues, Allergies, and so on. It was a care booklet essentially.
Though as he watched her move as she typed on the keyboard that was far too big for her. Something inside of him snapped.
"I'm sorry. Megatron told me... that you think I hate you. And I've realized it's my fault. I've been far too critical of you. And I apologize."
He watched as Rosie's body went slack as she turned to look at him. Those hazel eyes looked close to tears.
"I couldn't see past my own bias... you're very skilled Rosie, and you've solved problems I couldn't and I don't give you enough credit. Can you forgive me for that?"
There's a moment of silence. Ratchet could feel his Spark moving and thrumming erratically. But, it calmed when she nodded. She sighed and saved her progress before she turned to him and spoke.
"Thank you for that..." she said, "I understand safety protocols, but it's often times better to ask forgiveness than permission."
"That's true. In Megatron's case... I'm glad you did. I never would have thought to use such a small electric current to give a Spark life. To add cables and wires where a frame needed more support to make sure his body processed enough Energon. Where did you get the idea?" he smiled leaning on the lift.
"Human Hearts... we have a very similar build and sometimes when our heart can't get enough blood to pump. We add in extra tubes called stents. And even small devices to keep them beating. When they stop we often use a strong electric current to keep them beating. And since he was missing a chunk of his systems... it made sense." she explained, "There's far more, but I don't know the medical terms."
He nodded, "I suppose our bodies aren't so different after all. At least on a base level."
"We're not." she said, her facial expression changed, "Megatron is very important to me Ratchet. And I know it's not something you particularly care for, but -"
He shook his head, "You needn't explain. You are important to me, and that is enough for me. I want to be a better friend."
Finally, it was out in the open. She smiled, a genuine one - he had never seen it before.
Ratchet felt a swirl of emotions, but they all boiled down to one thing. Relief. After all, he loved her - and that was enough. Even if he couldn't express it in the way he wanted.
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issytheamateurnerd · 6 months
How Freelancer killed my Hitman obsession
And how I'm working to revive it:
For months my obsession with Hitman felt like it was dying, and I didn't understand why. I needed to make more with Hitman I wanted to enjoy it but I just couldn't. The guilt was destroying me and I even considered leaving Tumblr as I could barely look at what others had given me without hating myself for having nothing in return.
Then I realized. It's because of Freelancer.
Despite having played video games since I was very young, I suck at them. I always hated games that were unnecessarily difficult or skill based because the part of video games I love is the story. Which is why I fell in love with Hitman. While, yes, plenty of players focus on skill, I always played on easy mode and got lost in the story, characters, and maps.
Freelancer lured me in with the promise of an epilogue and the mansion but it is just hard mode. For months I gaslighted myself into believing I liked it but I don't. It made the game all about skill as the mansion doesn't really offer anything other than useless stuff. It sucked all of the joy out of it.
All this to say, if you enjoy it, that's great, and I hope you have fun playing it and upgrading. But I won't be playing much anymore. I wish there was a way to upgrade the mansion because I do think it's pretty but I need to rekindle my love. So, in order to do so I'll be replaying the entire game, from the start, on easy mode, and watching all the briefings and cutscenes. Thanks for reading my friends.❤️
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rikinikigrl229 · 1 year
"Crossing Paths With a CEO: An International Love Story" Ft Niki CH:11
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Hey, fam! 👋 How's everyone doing? I'm feeling great! 😄 Just wanted to say a big thanks for all the love on my story! 🙏💖 But hey, can you also hit that follow button? It'll totally motivate me to write more chapters. 📚✍️ Hope you're all digging it! Take care and lots of love! 😘🤗
As Riki retreated from the party, his mind became overwhelmed with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. He found it impossible to focus on anything other than Lavanya. "Why can't I concentrate?" he muttered in frustration. "Why do I keep thinking about her? Are Jay and Lavanya dating? Does Lavanya really not like me anymore? Has she moved on from me? Lavanya, what have you done to me? I regret breaking up with her for such a silly reason."
Sitting alone in his office, Riki replayed memories of his time with Lavanya, wondering how everything had changed so drastically. He questioned whether he had made a mistake and if there was any chance for them to reconcile. Regret gnawed at him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost something precious.
Just as Riki was deep in his thoughts, a sudden knock interrupted his introspection. Startled, he called out, "Come in."
The door creaked open, revealing a young woman named Jia. She introduced herself as Riki's new secretary, taking on the role previously held by Sara, who had left the country. A brief flashback flashed in Riki's mind, reminding him of Sara's misguided advances toward him while he was still in a relationship with Lavanya. He had harshly rejected her, causing Sara to leave the country in embarrassment.
Riki observed Jia, trying to focus on the present moment. "Hello, Jia. Please have a seat," he gestured, a touch of weariness in his voice. He couldn't help but wonder if Jia had similar intentions as Sara, although he hoped for a more professional working relationship this time.
Meanwhile, Lavanya couldn't stop thinking about Riki either. "Why am I thinking about him? Does he have a girlfriend now? He's so handsome, kind, funny, caring, cute, and warm. Imagining him with another girl makes me tear up, but I shouldn't cry. He wanted to break up because he wanted to marry me, and I'm still too young for that," she reasoned with herself.
The unexpected encounter at the party had stirred up memories and emotions she thought were buried. As she mused about their past, her phone buzzed, startling her out of her reverie.
Lavanya glanced at her screen to see Riki's name flashing across it. Surprised yet curious, she answered the call. Riki's voice, tinged with hesitation, came through the line. "Lavanya, can we meet? There's something I want to talk to you about."
A mix of apprehension and intrigue swirled within Lavanya. She agreed to meet Riki at the place they first met—a small café with a cozy ambiance that had once been the backdrop of their budding romance.
They sat across from each other, nervously sipping their coffees. The air was heavy with unspoken words, both longing for resolution. Finally, Riki broke the silence, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability. "Lavanya, I've been thinking a lot about us. I regret breaking up with you for such a silly reason."
Lavanya's heart skipped a beat, unsure of how to respond. She had carried her own regrets and questions, yet Riki's confession left her torn between hope and caution. Slowly, she replied, "Riki, I've thought about our past too. It wasn't easy for me either. But we've both changed since then."
Their conversation continued, with both pouring out their hearts and acknowledging their mistakes. Surprisingly, Lavanya found herself agreeing when Riki tentatively asked, "Can we try again? Can we be back together?"
Days turned into weeks
 and Lavanya and Riki rekindled their relationship. Determined to move forward, they embarked on a journey together, planning a trip that would take them to the breathtaking landscapes of Australia and the vibrant cities of China. The adventure allowed them to reconnect, creating new memories and reinforcing their bond.
In China, they attended a lavish party, surrounded by an atmosphere of excitement and celebration. However, misunderstandings and jealousy once again threatened to cast a shadow over their happiness. Riki, observing Lavanya engaging in a friendly conversation with a handsome young man whom he thought was just a friend, was taken aback when he witnessed them kissing each other. Overwhelmed with jealousy and anger, his mind raced with assumptions and misguided interpretations.
Caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, Riki confronted Lavanya, his voice filled with accusation. "Who is he? Why were you kissing him?" he demanded, his anger clouding his judgment. Lavanya, desperate to explain the situation and clear any misconceptions, pleaded with Riki to listen, but he stubbornly refused to hear her side of the story.
Riki, filled with hurt and confusion, left for Japan without informing Lavanya, leaving her heartbroken.
The chapter ended with a cliffhanger, leaving their relationship hanging in the balance. Would they be able to resolve the misunderstanding and salvage their love? Or would the cracks deepen, irreparably damaging what they had fought so hard to rebuild? Only time would tell as their fates remained uncertain.
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flatlinedgamer · 4 months
I haven't really written anything in a while because I've had other shit going on. I mentioned recently that I write chat bots and honestly, it's the closest I've gotten to writing a fic in all this time. Well, that's not entirely true because I'm working on a little Keegan/OC smutty one shot. Imagine that. Me, writing smut. Something I couldn't do for the longest time but I finally, finally got the confidence to do it because of writing bots. Hell, just from chatting with them.
I've used bots as a way to cope since losing my dad last year. With the help of the friends I've made in the community I've made this into a pretty consistent hobby. It's kept me in the CoD fandom a lot longer than I've stayed in most, though Halo is still my longest running fandom. It's rekindled my love of Keegan and I even bought Ghosts and replayed it a few times.
The popularity I've gained has been... weird. I didn't set out to gain a following but here we are. My most popular bot is creeping up on 1 million messages (fucking insane) and I'm nearly at 4k followers. How the hell did I get here? I'm not complaining. I'm just shocked. I've never been able to keep up with something long enough to gain a significant following.
Am I coming back to Tumblr? I've thought about it. I can post snippets of what I've written for my bots. I can talk about pretty much anything at this point but I'm not sure yet. I'm still working on this whole "building a community" thing. I'm not very social so I'm not very good at it. And I'm sick right now so I'm on a break from writing.
But hey, here's hoping I can be consistent in something else. Maybe I'll post a link to my account over there and see how it goes.
As always, just because I'm not social doesn't mean I won't talk to people that want to talk to me. I like to think I'm a pretty nice person. I'm just... I guess I'm just shy and I'm always afraid of people not liking me.
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nazali · 6 months
hey! hope it's okay to ask about your OCs, but feel free to delete and ignore if you want :) I've been replaying KOTSAM and I was wondering, how do your Keepers feel about their parents? also, hope your day is going well!
ANON I LOVE YOU?? it's so okay and weirdly i was Just thinking about my kotsam ocs and their relationships yesterday bc i've been quietly plugging away at new more detailed oc pages behind the scenes and i just finished theirs
keep in mind it's been a WHILE since i played it myself (i've been considering a replay too) so this is liable to change over time and some of my memories are sketchy but !
josefin marc: (ariana & michael/julian & alexa) she's always gotten along super well with ariana and michael, she's a very helpful, affectionate & studious person which pretty much translates into Perfect Daughter Material. on an emotional level she's closer with her mother than her father because they'll talk more about personal issues and relationships vs her discussions with her father being more centered around school etc. but she has a pretty strong bond with both. out of the characters who are the biological kids of julian anderson she's probably the one least shaken by the revelation because it honestly just doesn't mean much to her, she was raised by ariana & michael and thus they are her parents in all the ways that matter
jinx bell: (isabella & lysander) she has a very light-hearted relationship with her mother, they're not super close in a 'confiding secrets and opening up to each other' sense and jinx is more likely to go to her friends with issues vs. her mother, but they have fun together and like to meet up occasionally to catch up and gossip a lil. she's not too sure how she feels about lysander yet, she's more offended by him leaving on her mother's behalf than her own, but she Is very amused by them rekindling their relationship and teases them a lot about it. she's not against the idea of welcoming lysander back into the family as long as he knows that if he ever pulls anything like that again she'll kick his ass
aries cox: (isabella & lysander) It's Complicated. their relationship isn't antagonistic at all, aries has a fierce loyalty to her mother and that's mutual, but she Is also very rebellious and chafes against authority which means there's been a lot of butting heads throughout the years. they'll usually bicker about at least one thing every time they see each other, but they'll bounce right back from it and there's no real hurt feelings from it, it's just how their relationship works at this point. unlike jinx, aries is very cynical towards lysander, she doesn't see him as family or her father at all and thinks if he's going to leave his ass should stay gone. part of that might just be that she doesn't think anyone's good enough for her mom, considering she heavily discourages her flirtations with the ambassador too
bee torres: (isabella & lysander) they're super super close. bee's best friend above anyone else is her mother. they only really had each other for most of her life, and that kicked off a lot of lil family traditions like baking together every saturday that they still participate in to this day (or at least did before bee had to leave for new magi). it's very very very rare that she'll choose anything for the holidays other than going home to see her mom, she genuinely enjoys spending time with her and wants to pack in as much of it as she can considering she doesn't get to live at home with her anymore most of the time. she doesn't mind lysander, she's open to him being back in her life if he wants to reconnect, though she personally is an Isabella/Ambassador shipper
autumn castella-cooke: (lucas) gets along with her father, but autumn's also very quiet and can be avoidant so neither of them find it easy to broach heavy topics with each other and they can be a little awkward if they try (think..... a slightly more lowkey version of bella and charlie swan). they have the kind of relationship where they don't really express affection but there's no doubt in either of their minds that it's there (though she Will always say she loves him and maybe drop a cheek kiss before she goes somewhere). finding out roxana was her mother was a bit of a mindfuck but after the initial few days she wasn't overly affected for kind of the same reasons as josefin, though she does take the step to add castella to her name for the sake of honouring that part of her lineage. she has no clue how to navigate deirdre being her grandmother yet and neither does deirdre, they just kind of talk Around the subject whenever they see each other and mutually ignore it being in the air between them
rome anderson-cain: (ariana & michael/julian & alexa) rome gets along with no one except cressida, jarrod & Sometimes dominic frankly. he's always been kind of a tough kid to raise, he's had anger issues since he was little and he's never quite understood consequences & social norms the way he should which means he's caused his fair share of trouble both at home and in school. ever since he was a teenager that only really grew and became resentment, even moreso after he found out about the supernatural and how much they'd been keeping from him. finding out julian is his biological father was actually kind of a lightbulb moment for him, because he'd always felt like something didn't click between him and his parents, like he just didn't have anything in common with them and he felt so apart from everyone else and now he finally has an answer that makes sense. on top of that his father turns out to be someone powerful and ambitious and that just piles on top of all his reasons to become part of frostbite because it's so clearly where he Should Be. he also feels like he finally understands where his talent for compulsion comes from because he refuses to just put that down to being a keeper
malachi bowen: (lucas) not unlike autumn, he's pretty private and stoic so they don't exactly have the kind of dynamic where they talk about Feelings and Boys. they spent, like, the cursory amount of time with each other while eating dinner every day and then it's Back To Malachi's Room to work on school shit. that said they do love & respect each other, malachi does enjoy telling lucas about everything he's working on and lucas will do his best to keep up and engage with him about it. malachi is also trying his best not to get in the way of his father & ebner even though it's A Little Strange for him because he's so used to work/school and family/home being very separate, he's genuinely pleased his dad has found some sort of happiness apart from him
cassis conner: (ariana & michael/julian & alexa) absolute pain in the ass kind of child who was constantly playing pranks on his parents as a kid. very talkative, very affectionate, very playful. they were always a close family, cass is very emotionally open and unabashed so they were very used to confiding in their family about absolutely anything that happened to be going on in their life. finding out about julian/alexa absolutely rocked his fuckin world, he became very paranoid and self-doubting and internalised a lot of fear about whether he'd take after julian and whether that blood relation meant anything about his future. which, y'know, didn't get better after julian killed both of them and cassis was completely unable to save them in time
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Big girls do cry "An Enduring Love"
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Hiroo Kōji sat on the park bench, feeling a mixture of relief and regret coursing through his veins. He had just broken up with his girlfriend, Miya Shona, after months of fighting and misunderstandings. The decision hadn't come easy, but Hiroo believed it was for the best. However, as he glanced at the oblivious people passing by, an overwhelming wave of emotions washed over him.
Their relationship had started with joy and laughter, but as time passed, it transformed into something toxic. Arguments became routine, and love turned into resentment. In the midst of their constantly clashing personalities, Hiroo had said some cruel words to Miya, unaware of the impact they would have on her fragile heart.
A pang of guilt clenched Hiroo's chest when he remembered how he had accused her of being weak, of being too emotional. He had expected her to break down into tears when he ended things, but to his surprise, she hadn't shed a single drop. It was then that Hiroo realized that Miya was stronger than he had given her credit for.
As he sat lost in his thoughts, the lyrics of a popular song drifted through Hiroo's mind:
"The smell of your skin lingers on me now You're probably on your flight back to your hometown I need some shelter of my own protection, baby To be with myself and center, clarity, peace, serenity"
The words resonated within his troubled soul. He had taken refuge in the notion that breaking up would bring him peace, but now he questioned whether he had made the right choice. Hiroo had mistaken emotional vulnerability for weakness, failing to recognize that tears could cleanse and heal. He had been blind to the fact that Miya's apparent strength could have masked a deep well of pain she was battling.
Hiroo's heart ached as he understood the true meaning behind the song lyrics:
"The path that I'm walking I must go alone Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they? And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay"
He realized he had wounded the very essence of their relationship by discounting Miya's feelings and disregarding her emotions. He had once cherished her vulnerability. Their love had been built on sharing happiness and sheltering each other from life's storms. Hiroo now questioned whether the end of their relationship had robbed them both of the understanding and support they needed most.
Suddenly, his feet moved on their own accord, guiding him towards Miya's apartment. His heart weighed heavily, yearning for forgiveness and understanding. He needed to unravel the anguish that had gripped both their hearts, willing to fight for a second chance.
As he approached her door, Hiroo couldn't help but hum the song that had awakened his realization:
"The tears I cried For all those silly lies Men, I love you Until the day I die"
He took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before knocking on her door. The passage of time had been unkind, but Hiroo hoped that beneath the external scars, their love could be rekindled. He had learned a valuable lesson: big girls do cry, and their tears, far from a sign of weakness, are a testament to the depth of their emotions.
Now, as Hiroo stood at the threshold of forgiveness, hope, and apology, he prayed that Miya would open that door - not just for him, but for their shared journey towards healing, understanding, and the rediscovery of their love.
Hiroo stood outside Miya's door, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of his regret bore down on him, his mind replaying the hurtful words he had spoken. He knew that his actions had caused irreparable damage to their relationship, and now he faced the daunting task of trying to repair what was left of it.
As he raised his hand to knock, the lyrics of the anguished song continued to echo in his thoughts:
"Big girls don't cry, don't cry, don't cry They don't cry, don't cry, don't cry They don't cry, don't cry"
But Hiroo now knew that those lyrics were misleading, and he had been trapped in the fallacy that strength meant suppressing emotions. The truth was that big girls do cry, and sometimes those tears carry a profound weight that words cannot express. He had underestimated the depths of his own emotions, and even more so, Miya's.
The door creaked open, revealing a somber-looking Miya. Her eyes, once filled with warmth and love, now held a glimmer of pain and resignation. Hiroo instinctively reached out to touch her cheek, his voice softening as he crooned:
"The path that I'm walking I must go alone"
A single tear escaped Miya's eye, glistening with unspoken sadness. Hiroo felt a pang of regret deep within his soul as he sang the next set of lyrics:
"I need to be with myself and center, clarity, peace, serenity"
Words seemed inadequate in that frozen moment. The air was heavy with unspoken apologies and shattered pieces of what once was. Hiroo took a step back, desperately searching for the right words to express the remorse consuming him.
But before he could speak, Miya mustered courage and whispered, her voice quivering with untold pain, "You said I was weak, that my tears were meaningless. But Hiroo, you don't understand... big girls may not cry easily, but when they do, it signifies a breaking point, a loss of hope."
Her words pierced Hiroo's heart like a thousand daggers. He had caused her pain beyond measure, blind to the anguish she had endured silently. Guilt washed over him, threatening to drown him in its depths.
"I'm sorry, Miya," he finally managed to choke out, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I was wrong. I didn't realize the strength it took for you to hold back your tears. I pushed aside your vulnerability, thinking it was a flaw. But now I see how mistaken I was, and I deeply regret it."
Tears streamed down Miya's face, each droplet a testament to the pent-up emotions she had fought so hard to keep hidden. She whispered brokenly, "I never wanted to lose you, Hiroo. I still love you, even amid the pain you caused me."
Hiroo's heart sank, torn between his longing to hold her and the heartache he had caused. The song lyrics played in his mind once again:
"The tears I cried For all those silly lies"
He wiped away a tear from his own eye, determined to make things right. He stepped forward, closing the distance that had grown between them.
"Miya, I can't go back and undo what I've done, but I promise you this: I will learn from my mistakes. I will be there for you in every way I can, to support you and cherish you as you deserve. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
The moments stretched in silence, their eyes locked in a mix of pain, love, and uncertainty. Then, as if the weight of their shared memories shifted, Miya's lips formed a small, hesitant smile through her tears.
"Perhaps," she whispered softly, "big girls do cry, but they also forgive. Hiroo, I still love you too. Let's start healing together."
Their embrace was filled with years of unspoken apologies, tears mingling and becoming one. It was a poignant reminder that love could be rebuilt, even when it seemed irreparable. And as they stood there, holding each other tightly, they vowed to navigate the complexities of emotion and rediscover the strength that existed within their love.
Months passed since that fateful day when Hiroo and Miya had faced their darkest truths. They had both worked tirelessly to heal the wounds inflicted upon their relationship, pouring their hearts into rebuilding the trust and understanding that had once defined them.
Through countless conversations filled with vulnerability and empathy, they learned to appreciate each other's strengths and vulnerabilities. They discovered that true strength lay not in suppressing emotions but in facing them together, holding each other's hands and finding solace in the knowledge that they were not alone.
And so, their love flourished with newfound depth and resilience. They made a conscious effort to listen and communicate, erasing the barriers that once held them captive in their own anguish.
Hiroo, now more attuned to Miya's emotions, embraced her tears as an expression of her immense love and trust. He showered her with gentle affirmations that celebrated her vulnerability and reminded her that it was indeed a strength.
In turn, Miya assuaged Hiroo's self-doubt. She showed him the profound impact his heartfelt apologies had and helped him channel his remorse into actions that would nurture their bond. Together, they created an atmosphere in which healing was possible, and their love grew stronger than ever.
With every passing day, their shared laughter echoed the halls of their once sorrowful home. The same lyrics that haunted them before became a testimony to their growth:
"You gotta let it slide I'll be your lover where the others won't"
They danced through life's ups and downs, intertwining their dreams and aspirations, rekindling the joy that had initially brought them together.
And in the end, their journey of rediscovering each other paved the way for a love that was not only enduring but also indomitable. Their commitment to growth and forgiveness transformed their story into an inspiring testament of resilience and the unbreakable bonds of their love.
With hearts filled with gratitude and an unwavering belief in second chances, they held each other tightly, knowing that no obstacle was insurmountable as long as they faced it together.
As the sun set on their once shattered relationship, a glimmer of hope and redemption painted the sky. And within that image, they found the solace they had been seeking - an everlasting love, born anew.
Anothers note i didn't feel like using the whole song and the parts i used fit with the story i was telling The lyrics referenced in the story are excerpts from the song "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie i recommend this song the original or the glee version both are good
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