#replies: honey
wiishescametrue · 5 months
Send me a 👽 and I'll generate a number 1-50 and post the lyric as a starter. ( jj and honey ) || @unitcd
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“All of my friends say I should move on.” Honey looks up from her book which she had been reading. Moving on seemed easier said than done at the moment. “What do you think?” She asks, closing the book and letting out a breath. She crosses her legs and gets comfortable on the bed. It seems like everyone wants her to be over things. But how do you just close an entire chapter of your life?
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Vague memories from last night of telling someone, cringing in on myself as I said it, “yeah, I’m not a TikTok author, I’m a Tumblr author” then having to explain that the reason for Hunger Pangs being a success is because it is possible to be ‘popular’ on Tumblr, it just doesn’t mean what popularity means on other social media sites.
And then going on a rant about how I don’t want to be a TikTok author because despite being several shades of mentally unwell I have enough self-preservation to not throw myself at the mercy of an algorithm to ensure I can afford to pay my bills and hey, Shana, if you’re out there I am so, so sorry but after a night of being asked “oh you’re an author? What’s your TikTok handle?” I couldn’t take it anymore.
Thanks for listening and not outright laughing.
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kymiya · 2 months
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nostalgiaclown · 5 days
two bagels
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rillils · 8 months
how do explain stucky from the moment they met to where they are now (together in each others arms) to my friend who knows nothing about marvel
ohh this is a tough one, honey! i think i've got two options for you:
the short answer:
stucky is a compendium of all the best tropes out there, and i'm sure i'm gonna miss a few:
soulmates? check! star-crossed lovers? check! battle husbands? super check! mutual pining? check! 'and they were roommates'? check! best friends to lovers? check check check! long-lost lover comes back from the dead? fuck yeah, check! temporary amnesia? check! dude in distress trope? check! 'they will always find each other and choose each other in every lifetime'? also check! identity porn? extra check! saved by the power of love? you guessed it: check! slow burn or childhood sweethearts? you decide!!! did they share their first kiss when steve was 16, as per a popular fanon theory? did they only confess their feelings during the war? did they only get together much later, when bucky was healing in wakanda? you can pick literally ANY point in their timeline, and it will still make sense! they're all equally valid! you can even have multiple different headcanons at once, i mean who's gonna stop you??? all you have to do is join in the fun! 💕
the long AF answer, aka:
all right, let's set the scene:
imagine two young kids, let's call them steve and bucky. they meet, they immediately take to each other, they become instant besties! and as they grow up together, facing many hardships, their bond deepens. not only are they best friends; they are also each other's family. they take care of each other, and they both know they can always rely on one another in times of need.
when steve's mom (and only remaining relative) passes away, bucky reminds him that he's not as alone in this world as he thinks he is: bucky will always be by his side. bucky will always love him unconditionally, will always be there for him, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, and he wants steve to know that.
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in fact, he asks steve to move in with him, thus offering steve both a literal and a metaphorical home.
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and steve says yes!
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SO. they are each other's home, they're living together, they're getting by all right. but then war breaks out, and eventually it reaches their little home as well: bucky is drafted, and steve, due to his many health issues, and despite his best intentions, can't follow the boy he loves onto the battlefield.
it's a very difficult time for them both - so much so that they can't even bring themselves to talk about it.
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they have no choice but to say goodbye for now, knowing that they might never see each other again. but here's something you might not know yet about steve: he's the most reckless, most stubborn fucker america's ever seen. he's not gonna let this stop him!!! instead, he goes and gets a very sweet, kindly scientist to fucking experiment on him, because screw it, he's going to fight in this war if it's the last thing he does. and that's how he goes from Smol Steeb to Lorge Premium Steeb.
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of course, things don't go exactly as he predicted, and steve is made to be the star of a war propaganda-fuelled musical kinda thingie, which he resents (but he looks fucking precious in his costume)
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BUT! he does get closer to the actual battlefield. which is where he discovers that bucky has been captured by the enemy (!!!!!!!) and is most likely dead by now. but steve isn't willing to give up so easily! he'll believe bucky's dead when he sees it with his own eyes. so, he embarks on this suicide solo mission in the attempt to get bucky back, even if it means wandering on his own. into enemy territory. where he would be shot. on. sight. with no protection for his dumb ass except for a bunch of theater props!!! but such is the power of love, y'all.
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against all odds, steve finds bucky very much still alive! and as soon as bucky recognizes him, even as confused as he is, he pulls out this beautiful, ecstatic, angelic-ass smile, like he's just seen god or he got high on some real good edibles or maybe both idk, like my man here was having a serious Religious Experience™ you guys
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and i just wanna say, they could have totally kissed here and it would have made plenty of sense. but that's true of like 90% of their scenes in this franchise, so *shrugs*
ANYWAY steve takes bucky in his arms (well technically yes he does) and brings him to safety, and on their way there, bucky proves once more just how hard he meant that "with you til the end of the line" from before
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afterwards, steve is finally given the chance to fight, just like he wanted.
bucky, on the other hand, could very well leave the war behind and go home; but when he learns that steve is staying, he chooses to stay too, and fight by his side. and he tells steve so in this very intimate, softspoken, delightfully suggestive conversation, which can be summed up like this:
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and so they walk right back into the heart of the fight, only this time together, as they were always meant to be!
but. during an especially tricky mission, they're surprised by the enemy, and as a result, bucky falls to his death into a deep ravine.
steve is devastated. overwhelmed with guilt, grief and rage, he vows to bring down the people responsible for his loss, even if it costs him his own life.
and um, it kind of does? cost him his own life?
victorious after his last vis-a-vis with The Antagonist™, steve still chooses to sacrifice himself to prevent the catastrophe set into motion by the aforementioned Antagonist™. he's flying a jet over the frosty expanse of the atlantic, and you know, from the outside, you could easily argue that he could try to save himself. if he really wanted to. but with bucky dead, and the people responsible for all this pain, either dead or captured, it seems like all the will to fight is gone from steve; and so he plunges the jet straight into the ocean, and himself with it.
is this the end of their story?, you might ask.
the answer is: of course not!!!! the best is yet to come, babes!!!
EDIT: here is part 2
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thetommoway-oioii · 2 months
For Buddie, what about an established relationship prompt where they tell Christopher they're engaged? 💕
Hi @iced-coffee-jesus (love the pfp)!!! thank you for the ask! since there aren't many details I'm gonna assume you want me to take creative liberties! :D
anyway here it goes! apologies for any mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker or a good editor.
You and Me Until The End
Buck paced a hole into Eddie's living room. It was like watching a clock pendulum. Eddie was sat on the sofa, warily watching Buck. Buck came to a halt, gave Eddie a look that either read 'I'm nervous and scared' or 'I'm about to punch something'. Eddie was about 87% sure that it was the first one. Buck went back to pacing around. Eddie continued his brainstorming for making Buck stop.
"It's gonna be fin-" Eddie started but Buck was staring at him as if daring him to continue.
"Don't you dare tell me it's gonna be fine." Buck stated and continued walking around nervously, his hand now at his mouth, biting nails. Not a thing he often did but a bad habit he'd picked up as a kid whenever he was scared.
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. He was fond and worried about how much Buck was overthinking. Fond because he couldn't believe that the blond loved him enough to be this anxious and worried because he was certain Buck was overthinking too much.
"Babe" Eddie spoke gently and patted the empty couch space beside him.
Buck stopped in his tracks and contemplated what to do. He sighed heavily and plopped down next to Eddie, immediately leaning on his shoulder. Eddie wrapped an arm around Buck and pulled him closer, running his fingers through the blond's curls.
"You know he loves you to death right?" Eddie started, pressing a kiss to Buck's temple.
"I know.. what if he thinks I'm trying to replace Shannon though?" Buck hid his face into Eddie's abdomen. He loved Christopher so much. He didn't wanna lose the boy. He had been scared to tell him about his relationship with Eddie even though, rationally he knew Chris was secretly rooting for it. Relationship was one thing, engagement was another. This was serious now. He was afraid that even though Chris loved him, he wouldn't feel comfortable having someone replace his mother's place.
"Honey, he knows how much you love him and respect him and that you'd never ever try to do anything that he wasn't comfortable with. Plus he already sees you like a second parent Buck. You're not replacing Shannon in his mind or heart, he is gaining another extra parent. Someone who will love him just like I do and just like Shannon did. Please stop worrying so much." Eddie continued stroking Buck's hair, trying to comfort the man.
"I hope you're right because I canno-" Buck stopped when he heard keys rattling behind the front door. He sat up straight and immediately took off his engagement ring and slipped it into his pocket. He took a deep breath in as Carla opened the door and Chris walked in, his face lighting up immediately seeing both Buck and Eddie at the couch.
"Sorry boys, can't come in, I'm running late." Carla said from the front door before slipping out and shutting it behind her. Chris slowly made his way toward the both of them. Buck moved to the side and made space for Chris between him and Eddie. Chris sat down and gave a hug to each of them.
"Welcome back buddy. Did you have fun at school?" Buck asked, all his anxiety carefully placed behind a unbreakable mask.
"Yeah! We worked around in school's terrace garden today. It was really cool and fun!" Chris said enthusiastically.
"That's great buddy! Listen, there was something Buck and I wanted to talk to you about." Eddie sat up a straight, the mood shifting to a more serious tone.
Chris looked between Buck and Eddie and nodded, "Is it about the engagement?" He asked, shocking both the firefighters.
"You.. uh you know about that?" Buck asked, the mask slipping ever so slightly.
"Yeah," Chris nodded. "I saw the ring besides the kitchen sink a few days ago. I figured you'd tell me soon." He smiled brightly. If his expressions were anything to go by, he didn't seem upset at all.
Buck let out a half relieved sigh, though not completely sure if this was gonna end badly or not. "And.. how do you feel about that? Like are you okay with me and your dad getting married?" Buck asked tentatively, not sure if he was ready to hear the answer.
Chris looked at him with a weird face before turning to Eddie and giving him a look that read 'Is he serious?' Eddie half managed to contain his chuckle at Chris' expression. Chris turned to Buck and gave him a big smile.
"Of course Buck! I love you and Dad loves you too! I'm happy that you're officially gonna be my family now. I can have two dads now!" Chris moves closer to Buck and gives him a hug. He wasn't sure why Buck looked so scared but hugs always made everything better so he decided to give his Buck one too. Maybe now he'll be more at ease.
Buck slowly relaxed as he held Chris in his arms. Logically he was about 90% sure that this was gonna go well but his mind had spewed all kinds of doubts all day. Now, seeing the smile and love on Chris' face, he could let go of those doubts. Buck looked over to Eddie over Chris' shoulder and saw the most adorable, softest look on the man's face. He beckoned him forward to join in the hug as well and when Eddie held them both in his arms, Buck knew, nothing in the world could ever take this away from him.
(title from The Greatest by Louis Tomlinson)
that's it! I hope you like it. if you have any other requests or prompts please don't hesitate to send an ask.
again apologies for any mistakes.
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anawrites3 · 1 year
Sea god Slade steals Dick. Bruce stands on the beach yelling at the ocean.
One single wave separates from the rest and comes out to soak him perfectly and leave seaweed in his hair.
This is absolutely perfect kfhskdsjak lemme just-
Bruce was standing a few steps away from Dick when it happened - so close, yet not close enough to be able to do anything and stop his son from being stolen by the sea god. Everything happened so fast. One second they were walking along the shore, chatting and just enjoying each other’s company and the other Dick’s feet dipped into the water and it moved, wrapping around his waist and pulling him into the sea.
He saw the look on Dick’s face when the water started moving, the way his eyes widened in shock more than fear. He looked at Bruce, lips parting to plead for help or maybe just to scream, hand outstretched towards his own. Bruce reached for him without thinking, not knowing what would happen after he caught him - would the lord of the seas take him too, would he drown Bruce for trying to get in the way - but their hands never met. They didn’t even brush, being just a few centimeters apart before Dick got pulled into the ocean.
He had no way of even knowing what happened to his boy; would the sea god simply drown him for his entertainment, would he keep him as his plaything?
There was nothing he could do. Nothing but plead to the god to give him his son back.
“He doesn’t belong with you!” Bruce screamed at the ocean, the hum of waves muffling his words. “Give him back!”
For a moment nothing happened. Everything around seemed to quiet down for a few seconds and Bruce held his breath, awaiting the answer.
One of the waves separated from the rest and came out to soak him completely from head to toes, leaving seaweed in his hair.
From the middle of the ocean, deep deep in the waters, Dick tried not to laugh as he punched his lover in the arm.
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I can't believe Kurogane and Fai got married in Nihon with Tomoyo officiating. Kurogane's engagement ring (his metal arm) was really unique, and Fai's furisode was lovely. Remember when they tossed the bouquet (it was a sword) and Seishirou caught it (got stabbed)? And it's so sweet they're going to Clow for the honeymoon (to kick FWRs stupid face in)! So happy Sakura got to be their flower girl... literally *happy tears*
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Truly such a unique wedding! Definitely one of a kind!
I may have some notes about how literally they took the concept of a flower girl but still...!
Honestly we should all be following this example.
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wiishescametrue · 7 months
continued || @unitcd
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"You could never hurt me, Jay." She means that. Maybe she's a little busted up right now. But it's not his fault and he needs to realize that. She kisses him softly in return. "I can believe it. I am not built for surfing. Those rocks came out of nowhere, dude. Just like---nowhere."
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luimagines · 6 months
I want to hand them modern food so badly and watch them lose their minds, like handing them carnival/fair foods cotton candy and half of them get sugar high, or like funnel cakes, nachos, and corn dogs. It might kill warriors or time 😭
Don't bring up the energy drink war. XD
That has history here.
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gaydexvocaloid · 1 year
honeyy i’m homeeee
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stabyou · 4 months
the way i need genuine intense psychological rewiring just so i can talk to people in a normal setting is just crazy to me. i would ask what happened to me but i have always been this way, it just keeps getting worse and worse
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k1d1c4rus · 8 months
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ty for 100 followers gang !! here's a gift: the cboyz pinterest, condensed and exported for your viewing pleasure <3
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biteofcherry · 2 years
Screams Steve
Which Steve, though? 👀
It fits most (if not all) of his versions, but did you have a specific one in mind?
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GOT Alpha!Steve buckles you in every time you get in a car, makes sure you hydrate and eat (especially when your heat brain forgets about the importance of it), asks you to be his good girl/good omega as he puts your through the filthiest, embarrassing stuff.
Mafia!Steve is the one to zip you up (and unzip you too), drop down to his knee to tie your shoe, or just pick an outfit for you and put it on you with care and some teasing; likes to hand feed you and will open bottles/cans for you.
HNV Alpha!Steve makes sure you hold onto him (his hand, his waist, his utility belt) all the time when you're out; not only asks you to be a good girl for him, but reminds you that it's fulfilling to be a good omega for him; he'll hand you a water bottle, or randomly buy a pastry and hand it to you.
Sweet, but slightly condescending nicknames and tilting your chin up to look him in the eye - all of them, all of my future Steves too; because I'm a whore for the chin lifting thing and nicknames 🥺🥵
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timedusts · 1 month
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.⭒ honey swamp replycons.
.⭒ requested by @velvettcke.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 1 month
seeing a devastatingly stupid youtube comment and letting the gremlin in your brain who likes to argue on the internet out of its house
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