#reporter strike
iww-gnv · 8 months
CHICAGO (AP) — More than 200 reporters, photographers and other staffers with the Chicago Tribune and six other newsrooms around the nation began a 24-hour strike Thursday to protest years of “slow-walked” contract negotiations and to demand fair wages. The strike, which includes 76 members of the Chicago Tribune reporting staff, photographers and some editors, began at 5 a.m., said Caroline Kubzansky, a member of the Chicago Tribune Guild who is a general assignment reporter for the newspaper. It is the latest recent strike in the U.S. news industry. The striking workers are employees of Alden Global Capital, a New York hedge fund that has been buying up newspapers across the country and facing criticism for slashing budgets and cutting jobs. The NewsGuild-CWA, which represents the employees, said the workers participating in the 24-hour strike are demanding fair wages and that management not eliminate their 401(k) match benefits. It said the staffers “have been fighting for a contract through their unions for as long as five years.”
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do i need to do everything myself in this cold and cruel world
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autumnalmess · 10 months
To anyone struggling with their mental health this holiday season: read Les miserables by Victor Hugo
it won't help, but at least then you'll know about the sewers
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unamourdeswann · 3 months
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Swann Arlaud giving a speech at Rassemblement et concert contre l'extrême droite, 03.07.2024, la République à Paris
Bonsoir. Bonsoir.
La responsabilité de ceux qui ont diabolisé la gauche est énorme. Ce sont les mêmes qui ont banalisé les discours d'extrême droite, le racisme et la xénophobie. Depuis des années, ils le font partout, chaque fois qu'ils peuvent. Et pourquoi ils font ça ?
Parce qu'ils préfèrent gouverner avec l'extrême droite qu'avec la gauche. Parce qu'ils savent très bien que le Rassemblement national n'est pas l'ennemi du capital, parce qu'ils veulent protéger leurs intérêts. Parce qu'ils veulent, que rien ne change, parce qu'ils partagent. La même haine des étrangers, la même obsession pour la sécurité. Parce qu'ils n'en ont rien à foutre de la planète!
Et ne lui il faut pas nous tromper, derrière le discours policer du RN se cachent la haine de l'autre. Le mépris du droit des femmes et la protection des puissants et les puissants le savent. Ils savent que leur RN ne touchera pas à leurs privilèges, ils savent qu'ils n'empêcheront pas l'industrie de continuer à détruire pour mieux s'enrichir. Ils savent qu'ils continueront à s'attaquer au plus faible, aux plus démunis, ceux-là même qui placent un espoir en eux parce qu'ils ont été oubliés depuis des décennies par tous les gouvernements successifs.
Alors ils agitent l'épouvantail, ils agitent le diable, le couteau entre les dents. Alors c'est les "islamo gauchistes", c'est les "féminazis", c'est les "éco terroristes". Mais en fait, il suffit de lire un peu les programmes, il est où le diable ?
Et vous le savez déjà. Vous le savez déjà, on y est déjà toute forme de contestation et criminalisée. C'est la police antiterroriste qui va déloger les militants écolos pacifistes chez eux à 06h00 du matin. Aujourd'hui, dénoncer le massacre du peuple palestinien est considéré comme un acte antisémite. Et lutter pour ses droits, pour la liberté, la solidarité, l'égalité des peuples, des êtres, dénoncer les abus, les violences, tout ça est considérer comme violent et dangereux. Ils ont- ils ont inversé les rôles, ils ont- ils ont détruit le langage, ils ont déplacé le sens des mots.
Et si on est là, c'est parce qu'on voudrait que demain ce soit pas encore pire.
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stalebagels · 2 months
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*crawling out of the gutter to hand you these*
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Cap should be allowed to teleport to the rock with his transformation lightning. I mean that's where it's coming from, after all.
He would use it to get out of so many situations XD.
Batman: captain, do you have a minute to stay after this meeting?
Billy, going to be late for school if he doesn't hup to: um haha sorry the wizard wants me back at the rock I'm already pushing it hahaSHAXAM
The wizard, looking up from his orb: *raises an eyebrow*
Cap, transforming back with more lightning and rushing for his bag: I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs Ermine is going to KILL me if I'm late again this week!
The wizard, to his rapidly retreating back: this is the seventh time this month you've used me as an excuse.
Billy, halfway down the hall of sins, voice echoing: I said I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!!
Batman, left all the way on the watchtower: :|
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back to camp!
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gundamfight · 4 months
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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hahaha wheee haha
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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It was nice while it lasted
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agbpaints · 4 months
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Took some mechs to the store today and played Alpha Strike! I was going a sort of missile spam/Narc list and it turns out pumping all the stuff you have on the field by 1 damage every time to stick a Narc pod is pretty good!
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That didn't save me from taking 3 whole turns to slowly chew through my opponent's poor Awesome. The thing took fire like a champ and refused to die
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barrowsteeth · 1 year
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tuttle-did-it · 1 year
struggles for disabled people during the WGA/SAF-AFTRA strike
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fuckbarca · 7 months
hey, according to reports, israel is currently heavily bombing rafah, the only "safe-zone" in gaza, so can we please make some noise about that? thanks.
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stalebagels · 6 months
Strike Force Reductress Headlines
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wonder-worker · 10 months
"Mancini, an Italian visitor to England, was concerned for (Edward V and Richard of Shrewsbury's) fate as early as mid July. Well before he left England in that month, the princes, he later wrote, 'were withdrawn into the inner apartments of the Tower and were seen more and more rarely behind the bars and windows, till at length they ceased to appear at all'. Rumours of the princes' deaths were already circulating by the year's end. George Cely reported that he had heard that Edward V might be dead not long after 13 June, and certainly before his uncle claimed the throne. The Crowland chronicler, writing in about 1486, recalled how the rumour arose in September 1483 that 'the princes, by some unknown manner of destruction, had met their fate'. Some early reports went further, stating quite categorically that the princes were no longer alive. Robert Ricart, recorder of Bristol, entered in his Kalendar under the year ending 15 September 1483 that 'in this year the two sons of King Edward were put to silence in the Tower of London'. Shortly after 1485 the anonymous compiler of a genealogy of English kings concluded his work by accusing Richard, with his accomplice Buckingham, of murdering the princes. A London citizen, in some historical notes written before the end of 1488, noted that 'they were put to death in the Tower of London' in the mayoral year ending November 1483. John Rous, writing in 1489, reported that Richard killed the princes within three months of welcoming Edward V at Stony Stratford on 30 April; Richard, he wrote, 'received his lord king Edward V blandly with embraces and kisses, and within three months or a little more he killed him with his brother'. Rumours to similar effect reached France. In a speech to the estates general in 1484 the chancellor of France, Guillaume de Rochefort, reminded his audience how Edward IV s sons had been murdered and the crown seized by the murderer."
-Nigel Saul, "The Three Richards: Richard I, Richard II and Richard III"
*Just to add, Casper Weinrich of Danzig's chronicle at the end of 1483 also states that, "Richard, the King's brother, has put himself in power and crowned in England and he had his brother's children killed" and then in 1485 "King Richard of England, who had had his brother Edward’s children killed, was killed about St. Lawrence Day"
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