#request 76
garfield0-o · 1 year
Some reaper76 requests from insta >o<
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vamprisms · 6 months
i like the tv show so far because it's like each of the three main characters is playing a different recent fallout game
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almost-daily-coiny · 2 months
coiny falls into the backrooms
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(almost) daily coiny #76
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nerdygoth77 · 13 days
Requests are open!
I want to write more, especially for fallout! So my requests are finally open!!
What I will and won't write:
I will write almost anything involving Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and the Fallout show. I will even write for a Red Dead Redemption character.(John Marston only, for now)
I’ll write any characters from the games and show listed previously, within reason. I prefer to stay away from the more "problematic" characters like characters that are members of Caesars legion(FNV) or The institute(Fo4)
I will write anything from horror to smut to the softest fluff. I will write most things and scenarios, of course excluding hateful content. I also won't write anything sexual with animals or robots(different from synths like Danse and Nick Valentine)
I can do any POV you want! I will do X reader or it can be another character, even an OC.
I can do requests that aren't even that character orientated, like a world building question or idea!
Who I most commonly write for: Porter Gage and my OC Lilly(FO4), Charon(FO3), Cowboys and horses, John Hancock(FO4), Cooper Howard(TV) Edward Deegan(fO4) and of course, Dogmeat(All)
If your request involves Porter Gage X My OC it will most likely be added to my AO3 fic series about Gage and Nuka World!
It is a bit difficult to write out just exactly all of what I will and won't write. If this list is unclear or didn't go over what you want to request than please just ask me a question! My inbox is open to any sort of question about really anything!
Link to my AO3!
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Request: Could I get Soldier 76 being a proud dad to Tracer. I always want some fluff in my life
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“The world’s a better place with you in it.”
thanks anon!! i’ve never gotten around to drawing soldier, and i’m glad my first experience was with this super sweet concept ;w;
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ovwechoes · 19 days
Could you do some headcanons for if Soldier and Ana unwittingly picked up a sidekick during their respective vigilante phases? Like, picture if Alejandra from the Hero short was older and after being saved, insisted on following after Jack. How they'd try to shake the kid off their trail, until they somewhat prove themself. Little bonding moments on the field. But then the younger gets too bold and winds up hurt. Could they work past that, or would that be the last straw?
Sorry if this is maybe a little elaborate!! I hope it's in a fun way
Soldier & Ana With an Adoptive Companion: Headcanons (General) I'm happy to write these for you it's a really sweet idea & I love elaborate ideas it gives me a better idea of the direction to take with these things - thank you for the ask and they're under the cut, enjoy! (there's no questions with this post)
I can imagine Ana being the reluctant one, not wanting to bring someone under their wing incase they got hurt, with Jack being the one who's eager to teach them things that he had to learn the hard way.
Ana would've been the one to tell them no countless times, telling them to stop following her every time she saw them in the corner of their eye. Eventually, after some time, she would've set a trap for their follower. Nothing malicious, just made them follow her to somewhere quiet with privacy, waiting for them at a table with an empty chair for them. It would've been her chance to talk to them, understand why they want to be around her, and what will it take for them to leave. In the end, though, she would've ended up speaking to them about what she expects of them if they're coming with her, what to do if they get hurt, and where they're going for the day. Ana never expected it herself, not wanting to put someone else in danger, but her instincts couldn't stop her. They reminded her too much of Fareeha, and deep down she wanted this to be her chance to do what she couldn't before. But, it would take a lot more than just words for Ana to truly trust them and trust that they know how to handle themselves. So, she'd be the type to test them however she could.
Jack, on the other hand, wouldn't need much convincing. He would've said no, expecting them to walk away and leave it at that. He never expected them to follow him still, and wait to speak to him about their eagerness, their admiration for Jack's work in Overwatch, and how they want to learn from the best. Jack would've stayed quiet, listening in silence to their pleas to learn from him. It wouldn't have taken much for him to agree, though deep down he didn't want to at all. Jack saw himself in them, saw his own passion and eagerness in the Army before his enhancements. It made him want to be a father figure to them, almost, wanting to teach them everything that Jack had to learn the hard way through pain and injuries and loss. It was his way of passing his work along too, if anything happened to him that he couldn't see right now. He believes in Christianity too, in my opinion, though not as much as he used to when he was younger. So, Jack would've seen this moment as a way for his God to put him on a path he might not understand at the moment. As though it was supposed to happen, and Jack was happy to oblige to whatever this was.
Ana's main test would be to take them with her to Junkertown, and see how they handle themselves in the face of conflict. If they can't handle the brutality in Junkertown, they definitely couldn't on the battlefield. Plus, she wanted to test their resilience to things going south, their response times, and how well they can cope with failure - she wants to work with someone who's able to reflect on their situation, rather than linger on the guilt and sadness the end result brought about. Their companion wouldn't understand why they were there, in Junkertown's most violent bar, and what could've brought them there, but they were eager to follow and learn from Ana so they agreed to the mission. Ana told their companion that a random man, who Ana didn't know, owed her something, asking her companion to question them in a bar. When they did, it resulted in nothing short of aggression, a violent fight, and with Ana holding them on her shoulder, carrying them out as they groaned from their injuries. They tried to deescalate it once realising it was a test, truly they did, but Junkertown's inhabitants don't like to be accused of things they haven't done especially by someone not even from there. So, afterwards, Ana would've waited for their response, waited for how they reacted. She never expected them to say “next time, I'll make sure we've got the right person before going head in. I'll make sure I've got everything planned out before blindly following what you say". It was the perfect response to her, and it was all she needed to be able to trust their judgement, and she quickly tended to their wounds, explaining the situation with some guilt in her tone. It was a cruel test, but necessary to Ana and a learning experience for her newfound companion.
Jack's test would've been through seeing how their shooting was, how well they could hold a gun, and what their responses would be to landing shots. He didn't want someone by his side who relished in killing things, wanted only to shoot and enjoyed it a little too much. That would be asking for the gun to be turned on him, he believed, but he wanted to use it as a way to test their receptiveness to criticism. If Jack was going to mentor someone like himself, he needed to be able to see how well they responded to advice and critique. It would've been just in a forest close by to where they met, somewhere remote and known for it's hunting. He didn't want to attract anymore attention with gunshots, and it was hunting season, so it made perfect sense. When Jack finally found it, he used empty bottles and cans he found from teens camping out seasons before, lined them up a good few feet away from them, and gave his companion a sidearm after confirming they knew how they worked. It didn't matter if they didn't, he would've been happy to teach them. Jack explained the rules, explained what they needed to do, and watched as they missed their first few shots on the first bottle. It was a learning curve, Jack knew it was, and so he was already preparing his critiques before his companion beat him to the punch. It caught Jack off guard to hear their questions about what they were doing wrong, opening themselves to advice before needing to be prompted for it. This alone would've been enough for Jack to feel they could handle it, but there was still more to come from the test. As requested, Jack offered them advice, taught them the best way to hold the gun in a more stable position and how to line their target up properly. And with that, Jack's companion managed to land their first bottle, with Jack watching to see their response to the victory, to the feeling of landing a target and shooting something perfectly. Their companion just watched, and thanked him for the advice, asking if he could move onto the next target, which was somewhat further away. There was no fanfare, no need to push themselves too far, and they were following Jack's orders as he intended. It was all he needed to let him continue, watching and knowing that this companion would be the perfect candidate to hand over his legacy and his mission if anything happened to him.
Ana and her companion would've bonded over moments in their lives that defined them, like Ana's duel with Amelie, and things that affected their trajectory in life. It's important for Ana to feel as though she can trust someone enough to share things with them, and wanted to understand what lead them here, to this point and at her side. It was important for her, and it would've been the best way for them to bond away from their missions, inbetween tasks and agendas that would've went smoothly with her assistance. Jack, on the other hand, would've bonded with his companion through facts about the world, history especially. He has an affinity for history, loving to learn more about other countries' own history and facts from them. So, it's something he'd find common with his companion and he would spend lengths of time talking about American history whilst they shared their own facts and stats. It's fun for him, but another way he would bond with them (away from the battlefield) is tending to their smaller wounds, making sure that cuts or scrapes or bumps were kept safe from infection. It was his way of making sure they were okay, and the moments were used as learning lessons on how to avoid it, how to tend to their own wounds in the future, and what they could do next time if this happened again. It was the perfect way for him to teach and care for this companion, ensuring that they would be prepared over time in better ways than he was for the brutality of combat.
When something happened to their companion that was more serious than ever, Ana would've responded with guilt and a feeling that she had done something gravely wrong, that this was karma for her own actions in the past. Instead of leaving her loved ones, someone she thought she could count on was about to be stripped away from her, leaving her feeling as though she was Fareeha. It was painful for her, and it was something she couldn't handle in the moment as the guilt and shame overwhelmed her. There was nothing either of them could've done to prevent the situation, and she had to sit with her thoughts as she waited for their companion's surgery to end. Ana expected the surgeon to come back, bloody and draped in sorrow, explaining that they couldn't do more and they were sorry for her loss. When the opposite happened, and she managed to sit by their side as the anaesthetics were wearing off, she considered her options as they slept. Ana wanted to run, leave them behind with nothing more than a note attached to a bouquet of flowers, believing it was her fault. She almost did before they woke up, asked if she was okay, and kept smiling through the pain. It made her feel something she couldn't explain, and the need to run left her, only to be filled with a need to apologise to them. Throughout all the apologies, she was reminded over and over that it's not her fault, it's no one's fault, and that there was nothing that could've been done to prevent it. It's the beauty of combat, they'd reply, making Ana feel more comfortable with keeping them around, and making her realise that she needs to take more control in situations, make sure that at least someone can tell the story if something happened to her. Ana saw her life flash before her when the knife was thrown her direction, before being planted in the companion that stood in front of her, and she realised how little she had done for her companion, and how much was left to do for them.
Jack would've been heartbroken if something happened to their companion, even if the circumstances were similar to Ana's situation. He'd attempt to remedy the situation himself before turning to professionals, ultimately realising that this was out of his depth, out of his level of expertise. He'd try and take them to Angela, explaining that he had no other options whilst dodging the questions of who they were to him and what happened. He didn't want to talk about it, and all he wanted to do was keep them alive, keep them well enough to learn more and figure out what to do next. As they'd recover, Jack would be seen praying at their side, rarely leaving their room out of fear of something happening. It was incredibly hard for Jack, having to leave this in the hands of his God, and doing something he hadn't done in years. When they finally recovered, he'd be sat there, looking as though he hasn't slept in years. This companion was like a son to him now, and he didn't want to put them through more pain than was already felt. He'd offer them a way to out, a way to leave him and would reassure him that he wouldn't take offense to it, wouldn't want to put them through worse than this. His companion surprised him with a statement about this being all part of a learning curve, something he can use to better himself and become just as skilled as Jack. It made him feel more comfortable, happy even if you could say that without Jack denying it. To mask his feelings, Jack would joke that he couldn't shake them off even if he tried, right? To which his companion would agree, saying he's stuck with them now and he'll just have to live with him around now. It was a sweet moment, and it helped them bond even more and show how much trust they have for one another. For Jack, this was the moment that made him realise that his life's not just as fleeting, but his companion's was too, and he intended to give him experiences that couldn't be rivalled by a normal life. It's the least he could do, after his companion saved his life by taking the bullet intended for him.
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acradelius · 6 months
Soldier with a transmasc s/o pls-
I need soldier comforting his partner over gender dysphoria and aggressively correcting people.
"I'll Make Sure That They Get It Right."
Fandom: Overwatch / Overwatch 2
Pairing: Soldier: 76 ("Jack Morrison") x Transmasc! Reader
Rating: Lime [🟢] - (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Transmasculine! Reader, Male Pronouns Used For Reader, Jack Isn't Necessarily Familiar With Transmasculinity - But He's Trying, Mentions Of Gender Dysphoria, Jack's Supportive Of Reader, Jack Accidentally Uses Wrong Pronouns, Jack Gets Agressive Whenever Correcting Others About Reader.
Word Count: 624 Words
Notes: Forgive me if any part of this, or even if all of it, happens to be incorrect or misinforming in any way, shape, or form. I'm not Trans myself, nor know of anyone who happens to be Trans, so I wrote this based on what I could find on the internet. Please let me know what I can do to correct it!
If you'd like to be tagged for all posts, certain fandom posts, or certain character posts then feel free to message me!
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“Transmasculine?” Jack can't state that he's familiar with the exact word or its definition. He's definitely aware that there are other gender identities, gender expressions, or both, besides cisgender, but it's not exactly a topic that he keeps himself up-to-date with when it comes to the terminology and information. Ultimately, it takes (Y/N) sitting Jack down and explaining transmasculine for him to be able to wrap his mind around this new information. “It sounds quite.. simple.. to understand?” It still might take him some time to completely come to understand, as besides his partner explaining it to him Jack then takes it upon himself to do some more research on it, but he's trying! He's realizing that it's quite crucial that he's informed about this information, not only for the well-being of (Y/N), but for their success and well-being of their relationship as well.
While gender dysphoria is something else that’s also probably going to have to be explained to him, it’s definitely something that he could come up with ways to ease those thoughts that make (Y/N) upset at times, or even have days of being upset. Maybe trying on some of Jack’s clothes would help? Or even going and buying a wardrobe of clothes that would enhance (Y/N)’s masculine features? “Lookin’ handsome as always, love.” Are you needing assistance with chest binding perhaps? Don’t worry, Jack is definitely your guy. Well, it’ll probably take him a couple of times of hands-on experience before he manages to get the hang of it. “Which one would you prefer this time? Would you prefer the kinetic tape? Or just the actual binder?” He’s also on top of consistently asking if (Y/N)’s comfortable and if there’s any health concerns from using the binders. “Are you able to breathe well? Would you like me to tighten or loosen it? ..It’s not irritating your skin is it? If so, we could look into getting you some of this moisturizing cream that I typically use..” Jack would also be completely fine with (Y/N) using some of his products that have that masculine fragrance if that makes him feel better as well.
There happens to be some times that Jack accidentally slips up and accidentally uses the wrong pronouns when it comes to talking to (Y/N) or even talking about (Y/N) to someone else. If it happens, he’ll apologize and correct himself, also making sure that (Y/N) is okay and explain that it wasn’t his intention to accidentally misgender or misidentify him. His voice will be soft and reassuring, making sure to bring (Y/N) into his arms and hold them close to him. Yet, if it was someone else that was someone else that ends up misgendering (Y/N).. If it happens to be someone that’s unaware that (Y/N) is transmasculine, then Jack would loudly clear his throat, tilting his head as he narrows his eyes through his visor, speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear. “If you’re NOT AWARE, (Y/N) typically goes by HE/HIM pronouns, but it’s best to ask just in case (Y/N) has decided differently for the time being.” Yet, if the person happens to be aware and is just being an asshole by purposely misgendering and misidentifying (Y/N), then expect Jack to get aggressive, He won’t hesitate to become physical, getting a tight grip upon their arms and roughly slamming them up against the wall, glaring intensely. “If you don’t quit your shit, I will make sure that as long as you’re amongst the ranks of Overwatch, I WILL make your life an absolute hell. Therefore, consider this your only warning to respect (Y/N)’s identity and pronouns.”
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okaedit · 1 year
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Biker 76 gay icons for request ☆彡
f2u ♡ interaction appreciated if saving
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colemorrison · 4 months
The air was cold, it held you harder than anyone else could’ve. Especially in such a moment of need.
You cried out, hoping just maybe he heard you in the dead of night, and the quick footsteps showed he had.
His voice was oddly alert for someone who had just woken up, but the second he saw your face he moved toward you to hold you. Jack had already been through this part of life, the never ending nightmares, the feeling of falling into darkness.
“It happened again.”
Jack’s hands wrapped around your own, you needed to know that you weren’t alone, that none of that was real.
“It isn’t real kid. I’m right here, everyone’s here and alive.”
You leaned forward, your forehead pressed against his bare chest, the skin to skin was helping, the warmth coming from his palms made the room not feel so cold.
“I’m here.”
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get-back-homeward · 5 months
October 8, 2010: NPR Fresh Air revisits a 2000 interview with Jon Wiener about his book Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files [listen] [full transcript]
GROSS: Did you find anything in the FBI files that were released to you that indicated that the FBI went beyond surveillance - that they ever tried to set Lennon up?
Prof. WIENER: You know, there's like a couple of documents. Their concern was that Lennon would participate in some kind of concert, rally, anti-war demonstration outside the Republican National Convention. And there's a memo from J. Edgar Hoover to the head of the Miami FBI office that suggests that if Lennon could be arrested on possession of narcotics charges he would become more immediately deportable. Now this seems to me an effort to set Lennon up for a drug bust. The FBI doesnt enforce possession of narcotics charges, that's a state offense, this is not part of what the FBI is supposed to be doing. I then filed a Freedom of Information request with the Miami FBI office, asking for their files on Lennon, to see what their response to this was. They replied to me that their John Lennon file had been destroyed as a part of a routine file destruction procedure.
Prof. WIENER: Now I have to note that - know that Lennon files were collected in five other cities and none of those places destroyed their Lennon file, so we wonder what was in the Miami Lennon file that was destroyed.
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createcore · 1 year
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snow fox lucio + biker 76 icons for @zanedraws!
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selfshiprequests · 10 months
Hi. I have a silly request for a doodle. The scene: Soldier 76 is getting married to male s/o. He just saw his future husband all dressed up at the altar, and he's blown away, like "Christ, he looks incredible". I'd want him maskless and older - as in, 76 era rather than Strike Commander. Thank you!
I see Overwatch, I must draw uwu (so sorry it took long though I was doing some stuff OTL)
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💐Mod Flora💐
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tanlotts · 1 year
Nuka World requests, Fallout 76 edition, whichever one(s) you want: Pete, Gunther, Ultracite Titan :D
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Gunther is Nuka Worlds cowboy daddy
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sfnerdyart · 2 years
if you dont mind, maybe r76? maybe just them smooching or holding hands or something...
your art is very good ^^
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Why not both? Thank you for the request and the complement; I appreciate it!! There's something soft about these two that I enjoy alot! Plus, these sad, old men deserve some joy!
Requests are open! Have an idea? Submit it to my inbox!
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frozenbound · 1 year
requesting one where sojiro is tired of hanzo and genji stealing each others boytoys and decides to do the adult thing and "confiscate" their toys until they make up
Oooo, what a great prompt! I haven't had the chance to write Sojiro for a while, so I'm glad he's back!
And when you say that Hanzo and Genji should make up... ;)
Thanks for the request, Anon!
Sojiro confiscating the boytoys, coming right up under the Read More!
“Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau!”
“Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!”
Sojiro sighed, finished typing his sentence, then waved the holoscreen away and stood up. He walked to the window and looked down into the gardens, and sure enough, there were Hanzo and Genji, both striking at each other with enough fury that shadows danced and waved under the flames of their fury all around them despite the afternoon sun above.
On the fringes of their fight, looking aghast and fretful, were what’s-his-name and what’s-his-name…C…C…Cowboy and L…L…Lucy. Lucy? That didn’t sound right, but it was close. Cowboy and Lucy were running back and forth, waving their arms and shouting, giving no heed whatsoever to either their nudity or Hanzo and Genji’s.
Sojiro grimaced with some real frustration.
It was obvious what had happened: Genji and Hanzo had snuck away with the other’s boytoy of the day and had, in true brotherly fashion, picked a spot for their illicit liaison that just happened to be within earshot of each other.
Sojiro could almost hear the argument that must have happened just before it had devolved into a dragon battle.
“I’m the elder brother! He’s mine by right of birth!”
“You have so many boyfriends, Hanzo! You can’t let me have two or three?!”
It was always the same theme, with depressingly little variation.
Sojiro had had enough, especially when the underlying problem was plain to see and extraordinarily easy to solve.
So he marched from his office to the “guest” quarters, with its increasingly crowded and permanent population, threw open the door to the main recreation room, and barked, “Clothes off and follow me! Now!”
Some, like the giant R…R…like the giant scrambled to their feet, dropped their trousers (because what was the use of ever wearing a shirt or underwear in Shimada Castle, honestly?), and lined up. Others, like the two supersoldiers who Sojiro really should remember because they had done something notable fairly recently, glanced at each other and came more slowly, like cats trying to convince their owner that they came because they chose, not because they were called.
But they came, because even they could see that Sojiro had something akin to fury in his face, and frankly he would be furious if anyone other than his beloved sons was engaging in such reckless and juvenile behavior.
They were 28 and 25, for heaven’s sake, yet there they were, fighting in the garden like a couple of toddlers.
When they were all nude and in a line, Sojiro whipped around and stalked down the hallway towards the garden door, the padding and thudding of many bare feet supporting hundreds of pounds of muscle following behind.
If there was any confusion amongst the collection of men his sons had amassed, it disappeared the instant Sojiro swung the door open and blue and green flashes of light greeted them all, along with the shouts and yells of his two overly dramatic sons.
There was a murmur behind him, and Sojiro clenched his jaw at the thought of how much his sons were embarrassing themselves, but that’s why they were the children and he was the father, he supposed.
He led the troupe almost into the fight itself. Lucy and the cowboy were still flitting about its edges, cupping their hands around their mouths and shouting, “C’mon, darling, I’m sorry! It’s my fault! Please, baby, come back, calm down, I’m sorry, alright, I’m sorry!” 
But neither of his sons paid heed.
They would pay heed to nothing, lost as they were in a hurricane of rushing wind and clanging swords and blue and green light.
Nothing except…
“Ryūjin ga waga teki o hofuru!”
Red, red, red.
Blue and green faded away and everything, everything was red.
Sojiro didn’t need his dragons to stay long; his sons were on their knees, heads bowed, in an instant.
His dragons rolled their eyes, snuffled at Sojiro’s hair and beard for a moment, checking up on him while they had a chance, and then faded away, and the world was muted and silent as the red seeped out and left everything pale and washed out in comparison to its brilliance.
Sojiro folded his arms and looked sternly down at his sons.
They were nude, of course, having been interrupted mid-coitus, but despite the ferocity of their battle and the fear gripping their hearts, both of which made them breathe heavily, their muscled shoulders rising and falling, their penises stood proud and tall and weeping and leaking.
Sojiro shook his head, just a little.
It was high time to stop this maddening, endless dance.
“Hanzo,” he said severely.
“Father, I…”
Both of his sons flinched.
If Sojiro was angry with Genji, then his patience was truly at an end.
“You two have used your balls as your brains for far too long,” Sojiro thundered. “I have had enough. Since you can’t stop squabbling over your entourages, I have no choice but to make them my entourage until I am convinced you have returned to your senses.”
“What?!” Genji screeched, daring to look up, his face contorted with anger and dismay. “Dad! You can’t do…”
Then he looked stricken and dropped his wide eyes back to the ground.
Sojiro was indulgent towards his younger son, but there were lines even he couldn’t cross.
“Look at me,” Sojiro said quietly.
Hanzo immediately raised his eyes, resolute if still somewhat fearful and even ashamed, but Genji struggled to do the same.
“Genji!” Sojiro snapped.
Genji slowly looked up, face pale.
“Do not,” Sojiro growled, making his wrath plain, “look away.”
And he turned on his heel, marched to his sons’ largest concubine, looked him up and down, and pointed at the ground. “Will you be comfortable lying here?” he asked, switching to a friendly and earnest tone, “Or should I go get a blanket?”
The giant man, who had been standing almost at attention with his hands behind his back, immediately produced a large and thick picnic blanket that he’d been hiding.
Sojiro smiled. 
Handsome, gigantic, and intelligent.
He gestured at the ground and the giant man laid the blanket out and laid down on his back.
Sojiro stepped over his hips, bent over and felt between his asscheeks and sighed as he pulled out his buttplug.
He had been saving himself for Kimura tonight, but what had to be done had to be done.
So he slowly crouched and breathed out as the giant man’s cockhead, which felt as big as his fist and probably actually was, pressed insistently at the rim of muscle guarding his entrance. He could feel himself straining even after being stretched by the plug, but he let out a hiss of success as it passed into him, stretching him wide, oh-so-wide, and penetrated deep into his guts as he slid down until he was seated on the giant man’s neatly-trimmed pubes.
He leaned back and laid flat on the giant man’s impressive chest, feeling himself rise and fall with each of his breaths.
“Now…” he mused, scanning his sons’ boyfriends, “Ah, yes, you, Akande. Come here and ride me.”
Akande snorted, but he walked forward. He eyed the base of the gigantic cock below Sojiro, and pausing just long enough to pretend that he wished he was topping rather than bottoming, despite how hard and leaking he was, he mirrored Sojiro’s actions and sank down onto Sojiro, breathing out a breath of sheer pleasure as Sojiro’s large cock disappeared inside him.
Sojiro took a moment to revel in the heat, the smell of sweat, and the tight confines that his body both enjoyed and provided.
Then his eyes snapped to the two men who had instigated this most recent crisis. 
They stood quietly by, hands clasped in front of them as though it was somehow their fault that his sons were acting so childishly, but he held no ill will toward them.
That wouldn't stop him from making an example of them.
"Come here," he commanded, and the tall cowboy and the short…was he a DJ? Soijiro was fairly sure he was a DJ…looked at each other but came forward.
Sojiro looked from one to the other, thinking, then said to Lucy, "Sit on his face," gesturing at the giant man, whose giant tongue would do well to fuck that beautiful ass. Then, addressing the cowboy, he gestured at Akande and said, "Try to deep throat him. If you can."
Lucy had flushed, relieved and excited, at Sojiro’s command. The cowboy’s eyes flashed at the challenge and strutted forward confidently.
It was no surprise that they were currently Genji and Hanzo's respective favorites…nor was it a surprise, when Lucy impishly ground down hard onto the giant man's face and the wide, red tongue waiting for him, and when the cowboy made a little choked sound when he got only two-thirds down Akande’s incredible length before determinedly getting the rest in his mouth, that Hanzo and Genji would covet the other’s toy.
Even though they each had plenty more to choose from.
"You, the supersoldiers," Sojiro called out over the slurping noises coming from the cowboy and from under Lucy, "Worship me, starting with these pecs that rival yours. You, the medic: I need something in my mouth. And you, the plant guy: fill every hole that isn't currently occupied. Including yours. But not theirs," he spat, glancing at his sons just before he clamped his lips around the tasty, dripping treat that the medic…Bap? Was his name just Bap?...offered him.
The men all around him took that as their cue to speak freely.
"Well, well, Cassidy," Alande groaned, sounding inordinately pleased as he took hold of the cowboy’s…Cassidy’s head. "At long last, here you are, where you belong."
Cassidy had just enough time for an annoyed huff before Akande began pistoning into his mouth, making his throat bulge with each stroke even as he ground down on Sojiro’s cock spearing him open…but the cowboy remained where he was, eyes watering, jaw slack.
"Mm, Rein," Lucy moaned, gyrating his hips slowly, "that's it, loosen me up, get me ready. Your tongue's as big as most cocks, so it'll feel just fine going up inside me."
The two supersoldiers gave each other a sardonic look, but then they got down to business, lapping at Sojiro’s nipples with gusto before, with genuine appreciation, following the red lines of his tattoos over the acres and acres of muscle he had cultivated over the years.
The plant guy…Near…Near? That might be from a classic show of some sort, actually…Near was talented enough that both supersoldiers, Cassidy, and Reinhardt all gasped as one as his holographic creations, somehow wet and slick and slippery, dove into their assholes simultaneously, thin at first but rapidly thickening until they were all panting and gasping with pleasure at the thick girths stretching them as open as Reinhardt stretched Sojiro.
It amused Sojiro that Near knew Reinhardt’s dimensions exactly.
Sojiro could see that because the clever man had used his plant-like creations to sling himself in the air directly over Sojiro so that he had a clear view of the vine pumping in and out of his pretty ass.
He could give his sons this: they knew how to pick them.
But now they had nothing at all…or so they thought.
As he slurped and tongued at Bap’s cock, paying special attention to a spot on the underside that made him gasp deliciously, Sojiro looked over at Hanzo and Genji.
Their shoulders were still rising and falling, no doubt breathing heavily out of frustration and arousal as they obeyed their father and watched their toys pleasure him with rapt attention…
…when one brother glanced at the other’s raging, weeping erection.
Sojiro rolled his eyes.
The problem was so plain, so obvious.
Still. Out of fear of his wrath, Hanzo and Genji would remain there forever if they had to, so it was up to him to give them one last push.
But they could stand to wait a little bit longer.
Reinhardt’s cock was punching so deep into him, and Akande’s guts were so hot and tight around him, and the supersoldiers were moaning and groaning so sweetly, their hot breaths flowing across his skin, and Cassidy’s mouth and throat and Lucy’s ass sounded so slopping wet, and Near was such a beautiful sight above him.
His sons should learn to appreciate what they had before he pointed out what had been right in front of them the entire time.
Reinhardt groaned beneath him, the sound reverberating through Sojiro like a vibrating mattress, and warmth bloomed and flooded into Sojiro, setting his nerves on fire, especially when the giant man lanced one last time directly at his prostate.
He had little choice to do anything but grab into Akande’s hips and slam him down, straining to plunge as far inside as possible as he released his own completion into him, which, of course, pushed Akande over the edge with a yell as he did exactly the same with Cassidy’s skull, burying himself to the hilt and bending over, eyes wide and mouth agape, as the cowboy desperately swallowed around the thick girth spurting into his throat.
Then, suddenly, it was raining men…’s semen, as Cassidy, Lucy, the supersoldiers, and Near all cried out (except for the cowboy, whose mouth was full), and hot drops were falling all around, covering Sojiro’s red ink and graying beard with translucent pearly white.
By the time it stopped, he could have hardly gotten a different result if he had poured bucketfuls over himself; he was absolutely drenched.
He might have to invent some excuse to confiscate his sons’ toys more often…if they hadn’t learned to share, at any rate.
But they might.
Akande let out a pleased grumble as he let the cowboy slide off his cock and carefully stood, extending a big hand to Sojiro to help him dismount Reinhardt. 
Once Sojiro was on his feet, he nodded to all the men in turn in both thanks and approval as they watched semen stream down the lines and curves of his muscular body with awe.
Then he turned toward his sons.
They were still kneeling, still watching, and still rockhard.
Sojiro shook his head.
Then he said, gently, “You know....”
Both of them stiffened, expecting more harsh words.
“I have only confiscated your toys. I haven’t confiscated your brother.”
Their jaws dropped.
Sojiro smiled encouragingly.
They turned towards each other, eyes wide and searching…and still glancing down at the other’s straining, twitching erections.
Then, in a split second, they were rolling around on the ground, arms wrapped tight around each other, tasting the other’s mouth with the feverish pace of starving men.
Sojiro shook his head.
Problem solved.
He turned away and started walking toward the house, walking through the crowd of men staring at the brothers, some looking shocked and others, particularly the supersoldiers, looking like they had expected this.
Just as he passed Lucy, however, he heard the young man say to himself, sounding dejected, “I guess…they won’t be needing us anymore.”
Sojiro clapped a hand on his defined, thick shoulder. “Of course they will,” he said warmly, smiling down at him. “Perhaps not for a few days, or a week or two; they’ve been dancing around each other their entire lives, after all. But once they’ve settled, they’ll need someone to highfive over. They’ve always wanted to do the Eiffel Tower.”
Lucy brightened, looking immensely comforted.
“In the meantime,” Sojiro continued, “I have still technically confiscated you. All of you,” he added, raising his voice. “Come. I need you all to lick me clean, then scrub me clean in the baths.”
Tearing their eyes away from the spectacle, all his sons’ boytoys obediently followed, perhaps feeling grateful towards Sojiro for relieving a great pressure in their lives.
They should be grateful, Sojiro thought with a little self-aggrandizement. 
And he knew exactly how they could show it.
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gophergal · 1 year
I've decided to formally reopen my art requests again. Its been a while since that was the case outside of memes, but working on a quick request felt so nice today (even if it was miserably hot) that I'd like to have the chance more often!
Tagged fandoms are ones I'll draw for, but I'm not making a rules/guideline list. I'll just take it case by case, if that's ok
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