shadowanndeath · 2 years
This rescission is more depressing then the dreperesion since what they are suppressing is factual evidence based truth rather then just the physical funds for existing.
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 3 months
for the first time in my entire life someone actually respected my desires and how i choose to live ( and ofc its non other than my brother)
i got asked by my dad why dont i go to the gym so i can become slim fit and healthier? i get this alot it doesn't phase me so i said " i do not have time i work alot" he pressed on and said you do have time!!! your days off!!! and he proceeded to count all the days i stay at home (including the days i work from home and he wouldn't accept that work from home days are not vacation days) and i answered " 1- i AM busy and 2- i prefer to fill the few hours i have off with things i like like my hobbies and gaming and reading" my dad scoffed but my brother looked at me nodded and said "that's fair actually!" and then decided to engage me in a conversation about my hobbies (video games and art) which led to him suggesting that i take my time to develop my art so i eventually could work in the game industry with my portfolio.
that's it !! that's all i ever wanted from people all i ever asked to be respected this way... sigh
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arizona v city & county of sf might be the most fucked up case i've listened to. why did they put this suffering at the intersection of admin law and fed courts.
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foggy-milk · 1 year
Nordisk (the parent company of SSE) CEO left last month someone do research and report back to ssoblr.
Got this info from Reddit
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soft-girl-musings · 8 months
actually i think shakespeare's sonnets 48 and 109 should kiss
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joebaidoo · 1 day
City of Calgary Rescinds Water Restrictions
The City of Calgary, on September 22, 2024 have rescinded the stage four (4) water restrictions that was imposed on Calgary, Airdrie, Chestermere, Tsuut’ina Nation, and Strathmore. Water pipeline repairs by City of Calgary The major, Jyoti Gondek in a press conference announced the rescission of the stage 4 water restrictions put on the areas mentioned above since June 6, 2024. The mayor also…
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kurumssocial · 5 months
What is a rescission agreement
A rescission agreement is an agreement terminating the existing employment contract by mutual agreement of the employee and the employer. The rescission agreement is not specifically regulated in Turkish law and is evaluated within the framework of the general provisions of the Code of Obligations. In order for a rescission agreement to be valid, certain conditions must be…
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cherrysnax · 1 year
I think I’ve hit rock bottom and it’s more subtle than I thought it would be
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rmbaloncesto · 1 year
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falcqns · 1 year
idk which one I'd pick, i don't have the visual for it 😭 buut I'll go and look in a bit BUT VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION, AVA, what color are you gonna buy?
okay so for the jeep patriot i was gonna get this colour, like a dark green
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for the wrangler im thinking of going for basic bitch white bc i am a basic bitch lol
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and for the ford edge (im hoping for a 2015 ford edge bc i like the triangle lights) im thinking white
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Star Trek please!! Happy Halloween
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
Admiral Archer is unwilling to take his rescission at face value and demands a more complete explanation. To Spock's relief, and the gathered students' disappointment, he's willing to hear it in his private office.
Captain Pike slips in behind them, which gets him an irritated scowl but the admiral allows it. Spock is only marginally surprised by this. Admiral Archer and Captain Pike are known to be on good terms and James Kirk had entered the academy on Captain Pike's recommendation.
"Explain," Admiral Archer demands.
Spock hesitates.
Starfleet is of course aware of the events that took place on Tarsus IV and so they must be equally aware of James Kirk's role in it. While Admiral Archer certainly has the clearance to know the particulars, it does not mean that he does, and Spock is loathe to reveal these particulars, even to someone who could find them out himself. Additionally, Captain Pike does not have the necessary clearance, and while he does not think that James Kirk would allow his presence if he did not wish him to know, or had not already told him, Spock cannot be certain and there is no way for him to ask.
"Commander," Admiral Archer snaps. "Is this a joke to you?"
"No, sir," he answers. He doesn't find any of this funny at all.
James Kirk steps up next to him and rests a hand on his shoulder. Spock resists the urge to flinch and shoots him a disapproving look. The contact is not skin on skin, but any casual contact is discouraged. James Kirk is very well aware of Vulcan customs.
Then again, his point of contact for Vulcan culture is Sybok. His brother had been significantly more... affectionate after Tarsus IV. Spock wonders if that's something he picked up from his association with James Kirk.
"It's alright," James Kirk says warmly. "Spock, tell Admiral Archer whatever you want him to know."
He doesn't remove his hand. Human's run hot, their physiology not perfectly calibrated to survive in the deep heat of the desert, but even still James Kirk's hand feels unusually warm.
"I was unaware of Cadet Kirk's background with facing impossible odds when I made my accusation," he says. "Having been made aware of it, my perspective has shifted. Cadet Kirk does not allow rules or the constraints of logic prevent him from doing what he believes must be done. This was what he was demonstrating by bypassing and reprogramming my system."
He can feel James Kirk staring at him but he doesn't take his eyes of Admiral Archer.
Admiral Archer frowns. "You didn't know he was on Tarsus IV with your brother?"
That he already knows is a source of relief. The incredulity is less.
"Spock had exams the time I went to Vulcan," James Kirk says. "Sybok loves an excuse to go off-planet, so we usually meet up on Earth. Spock and I have never met before." He turns to him with a grin that Spock is distinctly uncomfortable having aimed in his direction. "I should have known the second I saw you. You look a lot like your mother."
Being compared to one's mother on Vulcan is a high compliment. Or it's supposed to be. Spock's had those same words hurled at him before, but it was with cruelty, as a way to demean him rather than honor the woman who bore him.
James Kirk say the words easily, exactly as they are intended to be spoken.
"You're driving me to drink," Admiral Archer says.
Spock has no idea how to appropriately respond to that.
"What about me? You're driving me to drink," James Kirk says, "which is driving Bones to as of yet unknown heights of nagging. The stress isn't good for him but he keeps threatening me with hypos when I tell him that. Can't I just be concerned for my friend?"
That is not an appropriate response on top of being incomprehensible.
Admiral Archer rubs his forehead. "Chris."
"Sir," Captain Pike returns, grabs the back of James Kirk's jacket, and hauls him out of there like grabbing a wayward kitten by the scruff of its neck.
Spock stands there, unsure, until Admiral Archer glances up and says, "You too, Commander. I'll consider this matter closed."
He nods, "Thank you, Sir," and steps outside to an empty hall. Captain Pike and James Kirk are nowhere to be seen.
Once he returns to his quarters, he video calls his brother.
He doesn't pick up.
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So is the Lady of the Lake beholden to just one specific lake, or can she bounce around? Because I’m pretty sure she, or somebody who’s very much like her, just gave a sword to my daughter.
Last I heard she was giving out tiny novelty sword-shaped paper cutters in upstate New York, so congratulations to your daughter - she’s now the new director of one of several water treatment plants in the Albany area.
You might have to file a Destined Authority Rescission Form with Holistic Theology, if you feel your daughter isn’t prepared for such a big task! Or is…you know, a child or something.
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
I got tired of waiting for the poll. (Even though I posted it 15 minutes ago.)
Yandere 2p Canada Headcanons
Matt as a yandere is fairly possessive over his “maple”. His main goal is to make sure that they don’t escape. He lives out in the middle of the wilderness is freezing Canada so it’s fairly easy to contain “maple” to inside the cabin.
Unlike some other yanderes Matt does his best to remain kind to his s/o. Never wanting to hurt them unless it truly came down to it.
If s/o is repeatedly being disrespectful and having multiple escape attempts he won’t hesitate to start breaking bones.
Matt is very intelligent and stalks his s/o carefully. Making sure not to disturb them but also learning all their behaviors and do’s and don’ts.
He almost acts as though s/o is an animal he’s observing as he takes detailed notes of everything about them.
(While it’s winter expect lots of cuddles from Mattie.)🩷🩷🩷
No matter your age he’s probably gonna act like an overprotective father.
He’ll allow you to make other friends and even date. But he forgets to mention that he does extensive research on them to make sure that they treat you right and aren’t involved in any shady things.
If your relationship is threatened by another person he’ll attempt to gently steer you away from them. If or when that doesn’t work that person might get sent to the hospital or deep in the soil of the woods.
Matt probably wouldn’t kidnap you unless you have a terrible home life or can’t be trusted to make the right rescissions.
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adaginy · 3 months
As terrible as the US healthcare system still is, a flashback to how it used to be worse:
I have to fight against an instinct to *not* be honest in filling out a health history -- not just the sex and cannabis or whatever, but simple things like "I had asthma as a kid" or "I have a family member with a substance use disorder".
Firstly because if they're in your files, and then if you temporarily didn't have insurance -- because you lost your job, for example -- and you got new insurance, those are pre-existing now, and your insurance would say "okay well we aren't going to cover anything asthma related until you've been paying premiums for a while."
But also because of rescission. Where you'd find out you had cancer or something else the insurance company didn't want to pay for, and the insurance companies would comb through your files and go "oh, hey, this doctor said you mentioned in a visit that you had strep a lot as a kid, and you didn't put that on your forms when you signed up for insurance, so your sign-up was fraudulent and we'll no longer cover you." Didn't matter that it was unrelated. You could sign up for a policy again, but now your cancer is a pre-existing condition.
And so the part of my brain that grew up before Obamacare does not want to tell the doc i have a crackhead aunt, because what if i forgot to put that on my health insurance paperwork, and I get rescissioned over it when I need my insurance?
When ACA was being debated and whatnot, btw, they asked insurance companies if they would stop this practice and they said no! If they'd said yes, it would have hamstrung a major argument for why the ACA is needed, but they decided to bet that the ACA would fail without them promising to stop this extremely profitable practice.
Under the ACA, rescission is illegal unless it's intentional fraud. They can't hold this unrelated thing you forgot to mention against you.
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cosmogyros · 3 months
You know what's absolutely wild? Something I will never be able to wrap my mind around? Something that fills me with RAGE?!?
The fact that Phil Spector could see something like this – these sparkling ladies, overflowing with charisma and beauty and talent and charm – and decide to marry their lead singer and promptly forbid her from making music any more. And treat her like this (bolding is mine, to point out a few of the most egregious details):
Ronnie and Phil Spector began having an affair soon after she was signed to his label in 1963. Early in their relationship, she was unaware that he was married. Once, Ronnie was apprehended by house detectives for prostitution at the Delmonico Hotel in New York City after leaving a room they had booked. She was allowed to call Phil, who threatened the hotel, and then they allowed her to leave. After Phil divorced his wife in 1965, he purchased a home in Beverly Hills, where he lived with Ronnie. They married at Beverly Hills City Hall on April 14, 1968. Ronnie changed her surname and became known as Ronnie Spector. Their son Donté Phillip was adopted in 1969. Two years later, Phil surprised her for Christmas with adopted twins, Louis and Gary. Ronnie alleged in her 1990 memoir that following their marriage, Phil subjected her to years of psychological torment and sabotaged her career by forbidding her to perform. She said he surrounded their house with barbed wire and guard dogs, and confiscated her shoes to prevent her from leaving; on the rare occasions he allowed her out alone, she had to drive with a life-size dummy of Phil. She stated that Phil installed a gold coffin with a glass top in the basement, promising that he would kill her and display her corpse if she ever left him. She began drinking and attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings to escape the house. In 1972, Ronnie fled their mansion barefoot and without any belongings, with the help of her mother. "I knew that if I didn't leave I was going to die there," she said. In their 1974 divorce settlement, Ronnie forfeited all future record earnings, alleging that Phil had threatened to have a hit man kill her. She received $25,000, a used car, and monthly alimony of $2,500 for five years. She later testified that Phil had frequently pulled a gun on her during their marriage and threatened to kill her unless she surrendered custody of their children. She tried to rebuild her career, keeping Spector's surname professionally because "I needed any way I could to get back in, I'd been kept away so long." According to her, Phil hired lawyers to prevent her singing her popular songs and denied her royalties. In 1988, the Ronettes sued Phil for $10 million in damages, rescission of the contract, the return of the masters, and recoupment of money received from the sale of Ronettes masters. It took 10 years for the case to make it to trial. After a prolonged legal battle, the court ruled that their contract gave Phil unconditional rights to the recordings but Ronnie was entitled to her share of royalties.
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follow-up-news · 9 months
The IRS says it has collected an additional $360 million in overdue taxes from delinquent millionaires as the agency’s leadership tries to promote the latest work it has done to modernize the agency with Inflation Reduction Act funding that Republicans are threatening to chip away. Leadership from the federal tax collector held a call with reporters Thursday to give updates on how the agency has used a portion of the tens of billions of dollars allocated to the agency through Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in August 2022. Along with the $122 million collected from delinquent millionaires last October, now nearly half a billion dollars in back taxes from rich tax cheats has been recouped, IRS leaders say. The announcement comes as the IRS braces for a more severe round of funding cuts. The agency cuts previously agreed upon by the White House and congressional Republicans in the debt ceiling and budget cuts package passed by Congress last year — which included $20 billion rescinded from the IRS over two years — would be frontloaded as part of the overall spending package for the current fiscal year that could help avoid a partial government shutdown later this month. IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel said that “the impact of the rescission that’s being discussed as part of the current budget will not impact our efforts until the later years.” He said the agency would still spend its now-$60 billion allocation over the next 10 years and spread the need for more funding into later years. “Our intent is to spend the money to have maximum impact in helping taxpayers,” he said, “to have maximum impact now and in the immediate future.” “My hope is that as we demonstrate the positive impact that IRA funding is having for all taxpayers, that there will be a need and a desire amongst policymakers at that time to restore IRS funding so that we can continue the momentum that’s having a very positive impact,” Werfel said. As of December, the IRS says it opened 76 examinations into the largest partnerships in the U.S. that include hedge funds, real estate investment partnerships and large law firms. “It’s clear the Inflation Reduction Act funding is making a difference for taxpayers,” Werfel said. “For progress to continue we must maintain a reliable, consistent annual appropriations for our agency.”
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