#resisting rescue
everyneji · 7 months
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kinokoshoujoart · 10 months
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took a shot at translating the Rock/Pony (Aya) comic from the dengeki AnWL guidebook!
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hakoda resisting the warden in "the boiling rock, part 2"
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whatwooshkai · 1 month
HOME STRETCH!!! 21 like the strangely high American drinking age!
"I hate you," Blades mutters.
Quickshadow doesn't dignify that with an answer.
They've been stuck below ground for maybe a few hours now. Blades had spent the first hour panicking, the second hour sleeping off the exhaustion, and from then on the hours started to blur as he woke up and immediately started moping.
Quickshadow grimaces at the taste of dirt as she licks her claws clean, before going back to attacking the cave wall. Their comms are blocked from this far down, and there's absolutely no way the other rescue bots are picking up their signals. She can only hope that they saw exactly where the ground had opened up beneath her and Blades and are digging accordingly.
But they've also been down here a while, so that might be a stretch.
"You could help, you know," Quickshadow snaps, deciding Blades doesn't deserve grace anymore. Sure, he's a flier trapped who knows how deep underground and clearly isn't taking it well, but sitting in the corner pouting most certainly isn't helping anyone. "You do have claws."
Blades doesn't answer, so she keeps pressing. "If you actually want to get out of here, we must work together, you know-"
"Primus, you sound just like Hot Spot," Blades snaps, and Quickshadow pauses out of pure confusion.
Who is Hot Spot?
"'Oh, we're brothers, we're a team'," Blades mocks, and Quickshadow gets the distinct feeling that Blades isn't really talking to her anymore. "'The power of love and friendship and we have to stick together' and look where that got us!" He heaves a vent, putting his face in his hands. "No. No, he was right, we should've stuck together. Maybe then they wouldn't all be dead."
Quickshadow's interest is piqued, that's for sure. She's always been partial to mysteries, and enforcer training certainly doesn't help.
But this brings up a whole host of questions. Normally "brothers" is a term used for split-sparks and gestalts, though he fondly calls his team that. Was Blades part of a gestalt? Are they all dead besides him? She thought he didn't participate in the war, what could've possibly happened?
"Who is all dead?" she asks, and Blades meets her with a glare, but no answer, so she presses. "Were you part of a gestalt? A combiner team? I thought you never saw war, but all combiners were drafted right away, weren't they-"
Quickshadow's mouth snaps shut. Blades is glaring at her with more force than she thought him capable of, his rotors raised angrily and threateningly.
"All bots like you ever do is ask questions!" he screams, voice reverberating off the walls of the cave. "'What did it feel like'? 'Cause of death'? 'Maybe you'd like to come into the lab so we can study you'! 'Are you sure you felt him die'? All these motherfucking questions and I still don't know anything!"
Quickshadow opens her mouth to say something, anything, but Blades is whirling on her again. "Shut up!" he shouts. "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it," he mumbles over and over, like a mantra, sinking down to the ground and pulling his knees to his chassis.
Quickshadow blinks. Something about what Blades was saying is ringing a bell in her processor, but she can't quite put a digit on it. There's some story, maybe something she heard in a break room or passing a mech on the street, something about a murder, or maybe a series of murders, having to do with a gestalt... but she can't quite remember.
Wasn't there a kidnapping case as well? Naturally forming gestalts were extremely rare, of course when the war broke out Autobots and Decepticons would want to have combiners on their teams.
Maybe I could look into it for you, she almost wants to say. I could get access to some old files. Maybe deep in my memory banks, there's something that could help you.
I want to help you.
"You don't hate me," is what comes out of her mouth.
Quickshadow returns to digging.
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braceletofteeth · 9 months
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#favorite tropes (2/∞): Enter the White Knight
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hoodiehorizon · 3 months
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Some low quality BARA au doodles for your enjoyment and mine :)
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zuppizup · 1 year
So, this idea has been living rent free in my head since it popped in there…
Rayla gasps as her back connects with the rock and she collapses to her knees. There’s a crack and a burning pain in her chest, but she doesn’t have time to pay them any heed. Pushing herself back onto her feet, she makes a dash sideways, desperate for escape. She cannot win this fight. Claudia is far too powerful, and now she’s vindictive.
Runaan’s bow lies broken by her side, but she will mourn that later.
If she’s around to mourn it.
She can get to her blades though. Use them as some kind of shield against the onslaught.
Leaping into the air, she attempts to catapult over the mess Claudia has made of one of the mighty trees but she’s caught by the ankle, her momentum arrested suddenly, jarring her already painful ribs. The grip on her ankle increases and, despite herself, she cries out as she feels bone begin to give way.
Another chain grabs her by the throat, wrapping tight and squeezing just enough to leave her gasping. She claws at the chains around her neck, desperately fighting for air.
“After everything I did for you.” Claudia spits, stepping into view. She curls her hand, drawing the chains and Rayla closer. “After I gave you your parents back.” She glares at Rayla with cold, black eyes.
She doesn’t give Rayla air to speak but what would she say anyway? I didn’t kill your father? Not this time.
She would have, if given the opportunity. Or that had been her plan anyway.
“You.” Claudia shakes her, pressing harder, tighter around her neck. “You took everything from me. My father, my brother, my home.” She blinks back tears. “The only pity is I can only kill you once.” Claudia sneers and Rayla feels the chain around her neck go tighter still.
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tetrakarn · 5 months
unhinged at midnight thinking abt how different life could have been if till didn't turn back when ivan tried to escape with him
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urlocalwhumper · 5 months
long time no nana. here's some more backstory - specifically her initial rescue
@sowhumpshaped (rayan isn't here yet but i remember you saying it was ok to tag you in nana content)
everything hurt.
that was the only thing nana could process. pain. laying on her side on the living room carpet, right where master had thrown her. she hadn't been able to move an inch, her body just weakly twitching when she tried.
she was so tired. she stared into the flickering of the fireplace, where master had held her face against the flames mere minutes ago. she couldn't feel that side of her face anymore, nor could she see out of that eye. in all her exhaustion, she couldn't find it in her to care.
she panted heavily, her breath coming in short, rough bursts. she felt a little spike of fear at the sudden idea that this might be the end for her. that master would just leave her there to suffer until her body shut down. she whimpered quietly at the thought. she didn't want to die.
she barely processed the sound of hard, urgent knocks on the front door, or master grunting annoyedly and stepping over her to go answer, her mind growing more muddy and hazy as the red puddle beneath her steadily grew.
she didn't know what was happening, just that it was loud, and that after a few moments there was suddenly someone at her side - someone she didn't recognize.
she blinked a few times to try and force her exhausted eye to focus. she still couldn't make out any definitive features, but she could at least tell that there was a woman in some sort of uniform kneeling over her and saying something rather urgently into a black box with a stick coming out of it.
the woman put the box away, turning her full attention to nana.
"hi, sweetheart." she said, sounding a bit frantic. "can you hear me?"
nana let out a weak mumble in response. the woman sounded far away, but she could still hear her.
"good, that's good." the woman said. she placed one hand on nana's shoulder and, as gently as possible, turned her over to expose her bleeding wound.
nana yelped sharply in response to being jostled, whimpering and crying to curl further into herself as pain shot through her.
"oh, shhh, it's okay, darling." the woman soothed, pressing something firm against her wound, leading her to squeal in pain at the sudden pressure against her abused ribs.
the woman's free hand gently ran through nana's hair. "it's okay, baby. you're gonna be okay." the woman kept repeating until she heard sirens outside.
and then there were suddenly so many people. so much noise. she whined particularly loudly when one man hoisted her up off the ground, her abused body protesting painfully at the sudden movement. he laid her down on something soft - softer than the floor at least. there was even a pillow under her head.
the man was saying something to her, but she was having a hard time understanding him. all she caught was that whatever was in the needle in his hand - she whimpered softly at the sight - was going to make her feel calm and sleepy, and that she shouldn't fight it.
she didn't even have the energy to flinch away from the prick of the needle, and within moments, she felt her mind become sluggish and drowsy, her eyelid drooping and her racing heartbeat finally levelling out.
the man was petting her head now, pausing a few times to give her a good scritch behind the ears, and she let the pleasant sensation mixed with the sedative pumping through her veins lull her to sleep.
when she woke up, she felt sore and disoriented. her body ached, and she couldn't see very well, nor could she will herself to move very much. she just laid there, whimpering in discomfort and squirming under the heavy blankets that had been laid over her.
the left side of her face itched terribly, and she moved a sluggish hand to scratch, only to be met with swathes of bandages, covering most of the left half of her face. dissatisfied, she tried to rub at the area with her knuckles to try and soothe the itch, only to feel her blood run cold when she felt a distinct divot where her eye should be.
she heard a machine next to her start beeping faster. her eye was gone. she felt her breath starting to come in short gasps. her eye was gone.
it didn't take long then for someone else she didn't recognize to burst into the room. she cowered as best as she could, trying to hide under the blankets, but she couldn't repress her whines of distress and fear. she didn't know where she was, everything hurt, and her eye was gone. she was scared out of her mind.
that was, until she saw this new strange lady hook up a bag full of liquid on a pole to her left, and she felt a soothing wave of unnatural tranquility wash over her. she went boneless, sagging into the sheets as the thoughts melted right of her head.
"there you go, good girl." this strange lady said, petting her hair so affectionately. "everything's gonna be okay. just go to sleep, you'll feel better when you wake up. i promise."
unable to move if she tried, and continuously struggling to keep her eye open, nana obeyed and drifted off into a calm, medicated nap.
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thorst-jpg · 2 years
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so excited to post the full version of the kingsman/spy au for i drew for @satisfaction-zine!
leftover sales are open rn if you wanna see more of the spicy, glorious art and fics that were created for this zine 👀👀
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electoons · 6 months
I need to keep reminding myself that I did so much to keep her comfortable and alive for long enough for my family to return and also that nothing I could have done would have kept her alive so I can't keep dwelling on it like I didn't do enough. I did so much. I carried her everywhere. I helped her use the bathroom. I constantly was wiping the brown crusty drool off her paws and the crud that kept building in her eyes to give her some feeling of cleanliness and comfort. I stuck an IV in her (that I got from the vet, not just, like, on my own) once a day to keep her hydrated. like even though I was scrambling to finish an animation and get work done I put aside so much time and effort and love for her. I watched her like a hawk for the whole week, dealing with this on my own (it's no one's fault, just really bad timing, everything just happened to line up perfectly for the perfect shitstorm), just to make sure she didn't collapse and hurt herself. I did enough :( it wasn't enough but nothing would have been
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rowanthestrange · 8 months
cody’s frustrated pupper squeaks when weeble kong does not give up its precious treasure (kibble)
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supersmashbrandon97 · 12 days
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2nd Dimension Candace meets Ugly Sonic
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sophosthewisebunny · 9 months
I don’t even have words but this chapter is so fucking good y’all. If you need me I’ll be crying about Battler telling Beato she protected the honor of true witches and he’s gonna fight Feral Eva on her behalf 🥺
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msaprilsky · 1 month
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twoiesfnafocs · 8 months
A little known fact about Sean was that the ram loved to make people laugh. Given his harsh looks and edgier sense of humor, it wasn't necessarily easy to pick up on that.
So when everyone had been acting so stressed out and moody for the past few weeks, the glamrock sheep felt like he had to do something silly to bring up the mood. And since it was just after hours, Sean was able to make just about any reference he wanted, and luckily for him, there was a number of branch props in the Pizzaplex- mostly in Gator Golf, or his own attraction, and since he was made for climbing, up he climbed.
It was a nice and bouncy branch. Perfect. He held onto the branch above him, feet settled in on one below, Sean locked eyes with the other and begun bouncing.
"Hungigana gigigana hung hungigana squash banana hungi--"
It wasn't a particularly loud sound, but the moment it hit his ears, his eyes widen because he instantly knew he fucked up.
He was almost laughing before he hit the ground, but the scream persisted instead, only cutting off when he landed below with a thud.
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