#rest in peace aaron
elliesbelle · 7 months
aaron bushnell set himself on fire outside of the israel embassy in washington d.c. yesterday as an act of protest to palestinian genocide and died for the cause, yet so many of y’all were whining and complaining all of last week because participating in the global strike for gaza.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Aaron Carter passed away i was actually hoping he'd recover from his personal demons. I feel bad for Nick too because he also lost their sister a few years back and now has to experience that pain all over again. Another sad reminder of how awful addiction.
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Today, U.S. Air Force serviceman, Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington:
"I will no longer be complicit in genocide.”
His last words were “Free Palestine”.
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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2019's John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol.1 #1 cover by cover artist John Paul Leon (R.I.P.).
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lustnhim · 1 month
elvis aaron presley
1/8/35 to 8/16/77
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what could i possibly say that millions haven’t said already? elvis is the king of rock n’ roll, elvis is kind, elvis is generous, elvis is loving, elvis is ethereal and elvis is an angel.
missing a man you never felt is such an odd feeling, what i would give just to be in a room with him- to feel his presence, to know he’s there. never in my life have i ever felt so strongly about something or so passionate about something, it feels like it’s meant to be.
my heart aches today, and i am absolutely full of feelings that i cannot even begin to comprehend and i want to say words that i’m not even sure i can express properly- that is how impactful this man has been on my life.
his talent is something else entirely, his voice, the way he moves, the energy and aura this man has is unbelievable. with each song i listen too and each performance of his i watch i am fully captivated, he truly was an entertainer.
his presence was magnetic, drawing you in, making you feel as if you were the only person in the room. the way he'd smile, the way he'd laugh, the way he'd sing. sll of it was pure poetry, a symphony for the soul.
i would’ve given anything to have been able to seen him, i really was born too late— i imagine myself meeting him, being able to see him just once, to know that he really was real and isn’t just someone i made up in my mind, but he was real, and he was wonderful.
i love him, i really do.
rest in peace, elvis.
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presleygarden · 1 month
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i have always mourned you at my own pace & in my own rhythm haven’t i dear friend?
for many years now, my heart has grieved you fiercely & profoundly. and this grief has taken me to a dimension of unimaginable sorrow at times.
but through my grief, the brilliance & power of love makes its home in my heart.
these abstruse + otherworldly emotional vibrations have altered my entire psyche.
by now, i have surrendered fully to its tantalizing grasp on my heart, mind & soul.
that’s where the power lies, in the surrender.
oh you sweet sweet man.
you have changed my life inside and out.
what you have done for me can never be repaid. and these tears that now flow freely from my eyes come from a place of devotion & gratitude.
you are immeasurably missed.
oh you sweet sweet man.
not too long ago, i wrote down that august was no different than any other month to me as i mourn you throughout the year in my own ways.
oh how i desperately try to subsist with such rigor & strength.
alas, my heart religiously falls victim to august and it’s emotional torment every single year.
who am i trying to fool?
you bring me to my knees.
august 16th was the day that your beautiful soul left your earthly body. the body that had withstood so much.
the loss of your life stopped the world in its tracks & it forever changed the trajectory of our lives.
honey, you had the world mourning in deep despair.
honey, you had the world lost in prayer.
you still do.
august 16th was also the day i was meant to enter into this world.
i’m so thankful my mother bore me early as i surely would have considered it some sort of sick + twisted joke from the universe.
no, i suppose i’m not immune to the anguish that august brings forth after all.
ep, i see you & until the end of my souls journey, you will forever have a special place inside of me.
ingrained into my spirit.
forever & for always.
safe, warm, comfortable, & familiar.
i am forever changed, because you lived.
because you were destined to live.
destined to impact the world with your golden mind and angelic soul.
oh you sweet sweet man.
i love you with absolute adherence.
i love you with absolute madness.
you will never be unloved.
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jaylaraye47 · 7 months
i need help
for those that don't know me (or follow me) i am a teenage girl named Sam and i would love to do more for Palestine, Congo, Yemen, Lebanon and everyone else. Although sadly i don't have much freedom to make huge actions as i am still in school and that takes up a lot. And neither me nor my family have much money right now. Our country is experiencing horrible econimic trouble and everyhting is expensive these days. Therefor i can sadly not dont much, nor am i allowed to. If anyone knows anything that i can do, such as contributing to online organizations, signing pentuitions, or anything else, then please;
reblog with links or ideas to what i and others can do
send me this information privaetly incase tumblr tries to hide it
or whatever else you atr able to do
Everything helps and please let me know if theres anything i can do for this cause.
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dreamfaerye · 7 months
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tea-stained · 7 months
Honestly, the Aaron Bushnell situation is... Unbelievable. And I mean, the way he was just, burning there. And I don't mean the death itself.
I mean the sheer determination and willpower.
I know what fire feels like on the skin. The pain.
That reaction was borderline inhuman. The dedication is horrifying.
These sounds, of how he was coherent until the very end. That's what scares me. What must've he known to have the drive to sound like... This.
Now, normally, when you burn to death, you would convulse in pain, letting out incoherent, terrible, almost inhuman screams, because it's just this fucking painful.
But that's not the case here. That's... Not what happened.
The way he handled it is haunting. The way he felt the pain of all the victims, men, women, non-binary people, children, all dying torturous deaths, living lives of pain in Palestine more than his own, is just so, so, much more than anything I've ever seen.
This is more than any eldritch horror, more than any body horror, psychological horror, more than anything.
This screams louder than any words as to what is happening in Palestine.
How much suffering there is, not to feel pain of one's very own body.
And people calling him insane, mentally ill, fucked up? That's plain disgusting, this ignorance towards suffering. This ignorance towards what's going on.
Is this an attempt at distancing oneself from the genocide? "oh, he just was insane", as in "i don't understand"? Simply turning a blind eye towards everything? Towards this death, more gruesome, more brutal, more heartbreaking than if he were to simply scream in pain?
What a beautiful person he was, to feel this much pain of others, not to even react to his own.
Free Palestine. Never stop talking. Never let people forget innocent humans whose pain is beyond imaginable. Every single one had a name, a future. These are not just statistics.
Free Palestine.
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Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell.
@cricken_ on tiktok (posted 6 days ago as of 3/3/24)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Anon remembers who Aaron Carter was, because he sang "Through My Own Eyes", the opening to the children's cartoon Liberty's Kids. It's sad that he died; anon will miss him very much.
I was shocked when I saw the news on Twitter. I wanted him to live, he was clearly troubled and deserved another chance after that art fiasco. The media is so cruel to former child stars and addiction in general they acted like he was irredeemable when he needed help.
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gougerre · 3 months
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Happy birthday to Aaron Bushnell, martyr. I hope your kitty is doing well
Hope you’re resting easy. Your act of bravery has and will never be forgotten.
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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2008's Joker's Asylum: Penguin #1 cover by artist Jason Pearson.
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operationbigskye · 2 years
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“We’re the ones who live”
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milfygerard · 7 months
An acquaintance of Aarons spoke out with details about her online life, including confirming that aaron went by both aaron and lily, and used he/she pronouns. I'm really glad that someone he knew (even if they didnt know it was discourse) spoke out on this with more details. We son't know much about her identity past this, and im frankly not comfortable discussing his identity when we have so few details from lily herself.
I am still uncomfortable with the posts that were dissecting his online presence for clues, something aaron/lily never asked for and never expounded on. I was especially angry at the part that implied the armys lack of insurance support for bottom surgery couldve been a catalyst point for anything, considering how blunt and intentionally direct aaron was about the goal of his self immolation. I sympathize with those who saw glimpses of themselves and wanted to talk about it, but there is a time, a place, and a tone that must be considered especially on such a public platform.
We will never know more about lily. The horrors he was forced to commit and the action she flet she had to take means we'll never get to know who lily couldve been. This is true also of every palestinian citizen killed by israel, especially the children who had experienced only a few years of life before being cruelly taken from the world. That was Aarons final message, that for every tragic death like hers, theres tenfold happening in palestine at this moment and it will only worsen unless we take notice and force it to stop.
free palestine. free gaza. permanent ceasefire now.
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melandrops · 7 months
"My hope is that by next Monday we will have a ceasefire" says President Biden, as if this is not his fault. As if the weight of thousands of Palestinian lives do not rest squarely on his shoulders. As if he wasn't directly responsible for arming the IDF in their plight to eradicate an entire civilization. As if tens of thousands of people are not dead because of his own complicity. As if America hasn't vetoed the call for a ceasefire multiple times. Thousands upon thousands of people have been working towards peace, trying to pitch in with anything they have to help the Palestinians in crisis. Children have died. Queer people have died. Innocents have died. 29,000 dead, 70,000 injured, 1.7 million displaced from their home. And Biden has the gall to say "my hope," as if this couldn't have ended months ago if only he had the moral guts to call off his dogs in Israel. He's a coward, a war mongering idiot and worse.
It's my hope that a ceasefire is achieved as soon as possible. If and when it happens, it will be in spite of Biden. Not because of him. Do not forget the people who called themselves allies of Israel. You won't be able to trust them, not ever again.
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