#reva most likely killed children too
kittenfangirl20 · 11 months
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I don’t hate Reva, in fact I am rather indifferent to her, but I can assure you that if you do what antianakin want that will only make so pretty much no one will watch the show since Reva was such a controversial character. They say that they don’t want Anakin mentioned or to appear in the show, but I bet they wouldn’t have a problem with every character patting Reva on the back and telling her that she is right to hate Anakin even though in Phantom Menace it is said that hate will lead to suffering. I bet they also wouldn’t mind if there was a scene where Reva proudly declares she never killed a child and then have a flashback where Reva hesitates in killing a child and Vader just magically jumps in and kills the child while we have an extreme close up of Reva sobbing uncomfortably while Vader kills the child even though this wouldn’t make any sense. Reva was a person who was fine with kidnapping Leia in order to draw out Obi-Wan and was very close to killing Luke, so she definitely killed children, yet Anakin Haters love her even though we are constantly told that they hate him because he killed the younglings at the Jedi Temple. In fact I think it would have made more sense if Obi-Wan had been forced to kill Reva in order to protect Luke.
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antianakin · 8 months
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You might have to be more specific than that. Most of what we see done with the Force is perfectly normal, like being able to block blaster bolts with a lightsaber and stuff, so I guess I'll try to hit on some of the bigger more controversial uses of the Force and see if these answer your questions. Keep in mind that the Force is generally a pretty SOFT magic system and while there are definitely some guidelines to it, there's a lot you can get away with via "rule of cool" here.
Somehow Palpatine returned: Arguably Palpatine living is actually perfectly within canon given that we have examples of Sith characters living through shit that should've killed them, most obviously Maul (something done by Lucas himself so we can't just blame it all on Disney bringing characters back). But within Disney canon there's also the Grand Inquisitor and Reva who both live through injuries that seem like they should've killed them by utilizing the dark side to sustain them. So Palpatine living is actually perfectly do-able within canon in terms of "how the Force works", regardless of how stupid it was NARRATIVELY and how annoying I find the trend in general.
Luke's Force projection: This doesn't seem like that weird to me, it's definitely NEW and not something we saw anybody else doing in prior films, but it's also not something anyone else would've truly benefited much from and given that it kills Luke almost immediately afterward, it's clearly a VERY last resort option and only really useful as a distraction anyway. It's not that far off of the whole Force Ghost idea to me and sort-of draws on the idea that the Jedi are empaths to some degree, so I'm not too fussed about this. It's fun and I appreciate all the clues about what's happening that are THERE if you look for them but not necessarily super obvious before the reveal.
Leia saving herself from the vacuum of space: I don't dislike this one either, actually. Leia's got a couple of seconds or so in which she can react to a warning from the Force somehow and while we don't see any other Jedi actively fighting in space without a suit or anything, we DO see Plo Koon fighting in space with nothing but his air mask which should still kill him and somehow doesn't, so it's not like Leia surviving this is completely out of the realm of possibility to me. Besides, it's the first super explicit use of the Force Leia got in the films and pissed off a lot of crybaby fanboys who were convinced Leia wasn't Force sensitive, so I'm willing to give it a lot of grace for that alone.
The Force dyad: I actually don't have an issue with the mechanics of the dyad and more have an issue with the way it's utilized in the narrative. Personally, I find it a little silly that some sort of extra special Force connection would exist between two people at THIS point in time and not like... when a literal child of prophecy was alive. If I was going to believe there was a special Force connection between ANYBODY, it would've been Anakin/Obi-Wan (narratively foiled anyway and involves a child of prophecy) or Luke/Leia (twin children of the child of prophecy separated at birth for their own safety). And of course, if it HAD to be in the Sequel trilogy for whatever reason, we all know it should've been Finnrey, for a MULTITUDE of reasons. The other issue I have with the dyad is that they change it from Snoke creating it specifically to mess with Kylo in TLJ to their connection being some sort of special prophecized thing by TROS, so it's not even clear in the narrative what precisely the damn thing even IS or why Rey and Kylo even HAVE IT because the stupid directors and studio execs couldn't agree on it I guess.
Force healing: I know some people have major issues with this one and I get why, but it honestly doesn't bother me that much. TROS explains it as being a byproduct of the dyad anyway, something ONLY these people can do because being connected the way they are allows them to access powers no one else could. It's one of the ways I think the dyad DOES work in the sense that if they're going to give these two characters this special connection then hey fuck it why not use it to let them have a special Force power a lot of fans want to see but that wouldn't really make sense in any other context? I'm obviously NOT a huge fan of "Force healing resurrection via True Love's Kiss" or whatever, but the general concept of Force healing coming from the dyad works fine for me. It's a little heavy handed and on the nose, but... it's fine.
Leia saving Kylo through... "Force whammy"?: This is the big one I hate, this is the one I cannot STAND. If Sith/Dark siders could just be Force whammied into not being evil anymore, WHY DID NOBODY DO THIS TO ANAKIN. Why isn't Obi-Wan trying this from Tatooine, why doesn't Ahsoka try this, why doesn't Yoda or Luke try this? Yes, it kills Leia to do it, but if it whammies Anakin away from being dark and turns him against the Emperor earlier, WHY NOT DO IT. And where would Leia have even LEARNED HOW TO DO THIS, why did she WAIT so long to do it if she knew how this whole time? But the biggest reason I hate this is because it fucks up the entire theme of Star Wars which is CHOICE. If the Sith and Darksiders can just be Force whammied into goodness again, it takes away the CHOICE they need to make to be good. It's SO SO VITALLY IMPORTANT that these characters CHOOSE TO BE GOOD AGAIN if that's the path they're going to go down. It's important that they chose to evil and it's important that they choose to be good again. A Force whammy isn't a fucking choice, it's Leia just... jumpstarting Kylo's brain or whatever. It's just wiping out the things causing him to be evil I guess so that it's just no longer a problem. It's cheating, it's STUPID. And if they'd gone with the idea that Kylo was genuinely being like mind-controlled by Snoke into doing the things he's doing and that none of this WAS his choice and so the Force whammy allows him to finally make his own choices again, that would be one thing, but both TFA and TLJ emphasize that this isn't the case, Kylo is MAKING THESE CHOICES ON HIS OWN and continues to make them no matter how many people offer him another chance to do better. It doesn't matter if it's his father or Rey or Luke, Kylo just KEEPS MAKING THE SAME CHOICES, even after Snoke is dead. A Force whammy should do NOTHING to Kylo because he's not being controlled and it takes away the entire point of Kylo's story being that he CHOSE TO BE EVIL and that he, unlike Anakin, cannot just be saved by love alone. This one stinks, this isn't how the Force works, and it's not how this narrative works.
The only other controversial thing I could think of was how quickly Rey learns to do things, but that's not so much a matter of "how the Force works" because everything she does is pretty basic Force skills like telepathy, telekinesis, and mind tricks.
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tremendouskoalachild · 5 months
anyway since a lot of it might be getting overwritten soon now that filoni is revisiting the inquisitorius characters (i assume he is? he wrote basically all of tales of the jedi right): here's what i understand of the inquisitor lore outside of the rebels show
Palpatine was keeping an eye out for Jedi who seemed at odds with the Order and/or susceptible to the dark side during the war (and likely earlier, much like with Anakin), either in person or using various agents (can be assumed and is shown in Rise of the Red Blade). this likely includes Jedi with specific knowledge or skills (the implication i got from Cere in Jedi: Fallen Order)
the groundwork for what would become the Inquisitorius was already in place by the time of the war's end
the Grand Inquisitor was a former Temple Guard who felt held back by the order and had a grudge against Jocasta Nu specifically (pretty sure this comes from Rebels and shows up in Darth Vader 2017). he was recruited at some point prior to Order 66 by Palpatine personally and promised leadership of the organization. this happened before Vader's conversion, and neither Vader nor the GI were informed of each other's existence at first (DV 2017).
several former Jedi were recruited willingly (eg. the GI, Iskat Akaris/13th Sister, Prosset Dibs/10th Brother, 5th Brother according to Battle Scars, Reva Sevander/Third Sister)
most (?) inquisitors were recruited by force, specifically torture upon being captured, usually during Order 66 (eg. Trilla Suduri/Second Sister (JFO), Seventh Sister (described as feeling broken in the Force in RotRB), Tualon Yaluna (RotRB), Masana Tide/Ninth Sister (JFO))
their primary purpose seems to be killing Jedi survivors rather than expanding their ranks by recruiting them. although it is a fear for those hunted by them, the inquisitors rarely try it, even if they do taunt their prey with the possibility (Masana's dialogue in JFO). this may have changed in the later years as the inquisitor numbers dwindled (i'm pretty sure they were actually trying to convert Ezra during Rebels. please correct me.)
they do, however, often try to kidnap Force-sensitive children too young to have been pre-Empire Jedi. this appears to include any age group and be the continuation of Palpatine's project during the clone wars. (i believe this is expanded upon in Rebels? it's a plot point in DV 2017 with Eeth Koth's infant daughter. also, i might have made this up but it seems to be the implied threat in Jedi: Survivor.)
the numbered titles appear to reference the order of initiation, with the GI being implicitly the First but never referred to as such. the numbers do not change over an inquisitor's tenure and do not seem to be replaced when an inquisitor falls. there do not seem to be duplicates (except for the Third Brother, who appears in a reference book written before Obi-Wan Kenobi and whose existence seems to have been overwritten by the Third Sister's. her character's age and implied backstory do not fit this naming assumption, however.)
if the naming is sequential, then siblings 2 through 10 join very shortly after Order 66, and number 13 gets initiated within months (RotRB). we still don't know 11 and 12.
there is some number of active inquisitors without a numbered title, who still go by their old names. these seem to have similar duties and authority to their numbered colleagues and are also referred to as "brother" or "sister", at least by other inquisitors. (Tualon in RotRB)
there might (?) be some hierarchy to the numbers, with lower numbers corresponding to a higher position. or not. (Third Sister seems to think she's next in line after the deaths of Grand Inquisitor and Second Sister as per Obi-Wan Kenobi. there's a confusing exchange somewhere in Rebels where Seventh and Fifth pointedly emphasize their titles to each other while having a disagreement but i have no idea what that means.)
inquisitors do occasional solo missions but mostly seem to work in pairs or small groups. the chain of command during these missions seems ambiguous, possibly intentionally so. Darth Vader joins in for some missions, where all inquisitors defer to him.
originally recruited inquisitors are not trained after joining outside of sparring with each other, which seems entirely voluntary. sometimes Darth Vader drops in and tests them, often ending in mutilation. they are allowed and perhaps even encouraged to study the dark side on their own time, though they do not have many opportunities to do so, possibly by design. (RotRB)
inquisitors are not Sith, and are not officially intended to become Sith, though as dark side adepts they are a potential source of replacement apprentices. (i believe this is fan speculation and out of universe material more than actual text but would love to be proven wrong)
Inquisitorius personnel have authority over some other Imperial forces, and have a long-term rivalry with the ISB (JS). they are generally an unknown force.
the organization was founded on Coruscant and headquartered there for about 5 years after its founding. (DV 2017) afterwards, its HQ transferred to Nur. however, that facility was already in heavy use immediately after and possibly before Order 66 (backstory in JFO).
the members get killed off pretty quickly. 6th and 10th die within a year, 2nd and 13th (along with her bf without a number) within 5 years, 3rd and 9th 5 years after that (Reva actually leaves, as we know). the ones that make it to Rebels die in that show. Fourth Sister is unaccounted for.
inquisitors tend to die by Vader or Ahsoka and Maul.
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Reasons I Dislike The Obi-Wan Series
So I've seen an influx of Tumblr posts saying that people who don't like the OWK series or critic it a lot are just delusional, Star Wars haters, weirdos or better yet 'cis het white men with no life and can't let other people enjoy the content' .
I'm not gonna lie and say that there really aren't those type of people in the fandom but considering most of us who express our criticism of the series 'jobless whites' is a stretch too far. And as a brown woman who's a non-star wars hater and currently with a job (😅), I'd like to critic the show and give a few reasons as to why I dislike the show.
As people who follow me (NOT YOU, P*RNBOTS!) might know, I'm a huge Obi-Wan Kenobi fan. I have been since I've read John Miller's Kenobi (if you guys haven't read it, then please do. It's really good!). I love the prequels Obi-Wan, but the novel really kinda made me go insane about Obi-Wan- his strength, his compassion, his will power, his suffering, his loneliness...... And for every thing he's been through, he's always firmly stayed on the light side. He's a dedicated, hardworking jedi who has sacrificed and served unconditionally; to the order and the republic and to Anakin (yeah no, you can't convince me otherwise).
So imagine my happiness when the first trailer of the series came out. I was SOOOOO excited! I loved the trailer. The hopelessness when Obi-Wan says 'The fight is done. We lost. Stay hidden', the tension in Obi-Wan's and Owen's interaction and the terrifying ominousness of Vader's breathing (I think that's when the whole Star Wars fandom just exploded)
But alas, after the series ended, my view on the series had done a total 180°. It wasn't the worst show I've seen but the plot conveniences, the plot itself, the OOC-ness of some of the characters and the multiple times they broke canon to have the "epic" final fight between Vader and Obi-Wan aren't really unnoticeable or forgivable. Some moments and issues stuck out of the show like a sore thumb and made the whole viewing experience a bit terrible tbh.
Here's a few of the many that i just can't help but mentally scowl about:
Why does Obi-Wan leave Vader to live? After hearing from Vader's own mouth that his beloved former padawan no longer exists. That he was "killed" by Vader. At this point, Obi-Wan knew that Vader had committed heinous crimes, murdered children and innocents, one instant of which Obi-Wan was a witness to in Mapuzo and that he's powerful sith apprentice and a lap dog of the Emporer. Vader was weak and Obi-Wan had the opportunity to kill him, save the galaxy, especially the rebels. Weaken the empire's forces and take the emperor down to free the galaxy..... So WHY THE FUCK did he not kill him? For the safety of the rebels, the Skywalker children, the goddamn galaxy! But he just.... said 'Goodbye Darth' and left like a coward. #Not_my_ObiWan
Why did Vader not command the inquisitors in the Star Destroyer to go after the rebels when he went after Obi-Wan? I know that Vader "killed" Anakin but I'm pretty sure he hasn't killed his intelligence and I'm also pretty sure that the emperor wouldn't let a fool command his fleet. And moreover, Vader is known for his fierce determination and horrific strategies that would lead to his victory no matter the cost. So WHY, OH WHY did he shut down the third brother when he tried to suggest that they follow the rebel ship? Vader had his own ship and i know for a fact that the star destroyer carries many tie-fighters.... Uggghhhh, moving to the next point!
Why did Reva go off to kill Luke? Like what was her point? 'Anakin killed my kid friends so I'm gonna kill the kid who's probably associated to him'. Really??? All she hears from the comm is Owen-Luke-Tattooine and somehow she pieces it together that Luke is Vader's son? This is more embarrassing if you think that she made no connection to Anakin from Luke at all and just went about trying to kill a kid cuz she heard an idiotic man on the comm trying to reach Obi-Wan.
Bringing me to the fact that Bail Organa is fucking idiot. Not only does he not give a fuck about endagering Obi-Wan and Luke by showing up at Obi-Wan's cave UNNANNOINCED, to ask ONLY Obi-Wan's help to rescue Leia but he does that after Obi-Wan refuses to the first time. Bruh.... There are many people capable of rescuing a kid from silly thugs who struggle to catch a 10 year old when they give a "chase". That includes guess what?Ding Ding Ding.... Bounty Hunters. Ding Ding Ding.... the rebels! Ding Ding Ding.... the other Jedi who aren't protecting Luke.... But nah, he just shows up at Obi-Wan's and forces Obi-Wan to concede cuz "Only they know how important Leia is"..... *deep sigh*. Intricacies aside, it wasn't at all convincing to me why it should be Obi-Wan who rescues Leia rather than anybody else.
The last is the fact that the whole story was about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than it being about Obi-Wan on Tattooine protecting Luke in a discrete fashion. Now, don't misunderstand, I love Leia. And I love the little girl who played her really well. But think about it. When Obi-Wan decided to become 'one with the force', why was Luke who barely knew Obi-Wan the only one to feel the anguish at his death? If Leia already knew Obi-Wan and connected with him so much during this whole ordeal, why didn't she react at all at this moment? Why didn't she say anything after, in the entire trilogy??? It doesn't make any sense! Also, I feel that it was a missed opportunity by making the story about Leia, when it should've been about Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine. How he was suffering from trauma after ORDER 66. How he still had to push himself to wake up every day, because he had taken the responsibility to look after Luke. How he overcame all tribulations that he faced with his past and his new life in Tattooine. How he finds hope again, with Luke and with new people that he meets. Instead the story that we get is just....meh.
And here's a few more that made me cringe when I rewatched the show
- The whole chase scene where 4 thugs try to catch a 10 year old who slips by them with ease, while they are coming from different directions.
- Making what should've been an epic scene where Obi-Wan fires up his saber after 10 long years into a pathetic one. (Like, I know he was scared, but then what was the point of him lighting up his saber for the first time after so many years when the moment was just made to look dull and unappealing.)
- Again, Obi-Wan himself not being able to get hold of Leia when she was mostly in his fingers' grasp the whole sequence, in another pitiful attempt of a chase scene.
- Leia asking if he was her father and his reply being 'I wish I was'? My brother in Christ, f*cking elaborate that you mean that 'Any father would be lucky to have you as a daughter'. Cuz it comes off as 'I wish I was the one who fucked Padme'🤐
- Roken saying he can't help Obi-Wan, then immediately agrees to help him.
- Tala just leaving a 10 year old to rescue a grown ass Jedi, only for Leia to get captured by Reva.
- Vader just letting Obi-Wan go after he dragged him through fire, Tala Tala and the robot "rescue" him.
- Reva not sensing that the kid is force sensitive when she's trying to mind-read Leia and gets nothing.
- Vader not sensing that there are no life forms in the ship he's stopping from escaping and ignoring the ship full of rebels and Obi-Wan right beside it.
- People not dying when they get stabbed by a goddamn lightsaber. (Although I don't exactly blame the series alone for this as its a reccuring theme in Star Wars)
- Obi-Wan making a deal with Reva then completely betraying her, even after finding out that she was a Jedi Youngling. #NOT_MY_OBIWAN
- Obi-Wan coming out to face Vader in episode 3, then proceeds to run away like a scaried little coward. I'm sry, I know that he's scared to face the kid he loved and that he's not at all strong as he was once. But there must be a reason as to why he tells Tala to take Leia to safety, right? Because he's willing to distract Vader while Leia gets away, right? So he must have some plan or a strategy (however reckless or useless it is) to draw Vader's attention away from Leia, right? So WTF was he doing running away like a chicken? #NOT_MY_OBIWAN!!!!!
- Beru doesn't wanna out other people's life in danger when she learns that Reva is after Luke. So she says she and Owen are enough to defend the house. But dear, oh dear, they decide to keep Luke in the house knowing that he was in danger??? They could've arranged for something, to keep Luke safe. But nope! Ha ha! That's exactly what they don't do.... 😒
Some of the things I THINK (subjective) should've have been included in the series-
Exploration of Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine (they do show it, but they don't go in depth)
Luke's childhood
Obi-Wan protecting Luke without Luke even realizing what is going on or who the man is (Badass Obi-Wan in hand-to-hand fights and using his wit rather than the force or his lightsaber to kick ass!)
More arguments between Owen and Obi-Wan about Luke
People trying to pry into Obi-Wan's secluded life and trying to include him in shit he doesn't wanna involve himself in (This could've been really funny, lol!)
Obi-Wan finding out about Vader but not actually facing him at all (We could've seen how this information actually completely breaks him. But at the same time, this increases his responsibility towards protecting Luke)
Some snippets from the Kenobi novel like how others feel and think about Obi-Wan
Flashbacks from the Clone Wars era where Obi-Wan and Anakin fight side by side, protecting and being there for each other. And Obi-Wan in that armor 🥵(No!!!!! Why wasn't this there!???)
The writers wanted to subvert our expectations, so they made the story to be about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than about Obi-Wan, Luke and Tattooine. I'm not a fan of this, but i understand if many people liked it. Vader could've been shown to be terrifying and evil outside the plot. But the writers didn't bother showing anything else about him other than his obsession with Obi-Wan. They could've expanded on Vader and Reva's stories to go in depth about Reva's motivations and her hatred towards Obi-Wan and Vader.
It's not just the writing that's the problem here. The cinematography also sucks. Why are most of the places the characters go to so damn bland and lifeless (metaphorically)? The duels between Obi-Wan and Vader were made to be a dull affair because there was nothing environmentally to influence the fight scenes. Compare both the duels with the Mustafar one. That one was dynamic, bright, engaging and a spectacle tbh. While the fights in this show looked literally dull.
Coming to the fights itself.... Deborah Chow cannot film any to save her life. She's done well with the other scenes, but when it comes to action sequences, they were horrendously done. The shaky cams, their weird moment around the characters, the not-so-great fight choreography, the dull environment and the borderline OOC-ness of the characters fighting. (Be honest. Do you really think Obi-Wan would start throwing rocks at his former padawan with a smirk on his face? As if to show his power over him. Cuz Obi-Wan doesn't care about power. He cares about saving people!)
So yeah, I didn't like the show at all. Even if I consider it a standalone one, it would still be bad. Most of you might say I'm nitpicking, but we all have different boundaries and limits.
That doesn't mean I'm not open to different perspectives and that I'm shitting on your opinion. If you loved the show, you loved it and I respect that. So don't hesitate to comment your opinions on this post.
My NEW rating for the show- 5.5/10
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Here’s part 2 of my headcanons of the Bad Batch meeting a female Jedi. In part 1, I imagined a female jedi padawan around 15yrs. Part 2 is if the Batch met a female Jedi youngling. Padawans are young jedi that have been assigned a master and are working towards becoming a knight. A jedi youngling is a just that, a young jedi who has yet to become a padawan. Padawans are usually older children/teenagers while the younglings are baby-child age.
Warnings—not a fic, part 2/2, headcanons, contains personal opinions, talk of mental illness and spoilers for Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Obi-Wan.
About my fem Jedi youngling:
—Around 5 or so
—She’d be at the Temple when O66 happens
—Honestly I see her O66 moment a lot like Reva’s from Obi-Wan
—Unlike Reva, my fem youngling doesn’t see Anakin. All she sees are clones in blue and white armor shooting jedi
—Droids help her escape once the master and rest of the younglings are killed (like the droids in CW finale helping Rex and Ahsoka)
—Strong with the Force but has mental breakdowns causing the Force to become unstable during episodes
—Everyone is overprotective af of her
—They all go feral if something/someone hurts her
—Including Omega
—Do not mess with feral Omega
I think the most likely time the Batch would run into a youngling would be in ep10 on Ord Mantell. My HC is that because Omega has to stay behind at Cid’s, she meets the youngling first when she tries stealing from Cid, who catches the youngling.
—Would be confused at first, thinking Omega made a new friend
—Omega tells him about her new friend and her situation
—He’d be more concerned than conflicted
—Because my fem youngling wouldn’t have a lightsaber, Hunter identifies her as a jedi based on her brown and tan jedi robes
—Immediately recognizes the description of O66
—Dad-mode activates immediately
—Main-Dad TM
—Protective af (stated above)
—Would put off training for as long as possible and be completely optional (he’d like to keep her out of danger for as long as possible)
—Folds immediately when buying things for the youngling (like Obiwan and Leia lol)
—He’d definitely be the one to punish since the others cannot
—It hurts him of course, but he knows it has to be done
—Def would be the one to ask Hunter ‘Are you sure about this?’
—Not that he would turn away a small child, but Tech is the most realistic out of the group
—Is the Teacher-Dad
—He would definitely start putting things the youngling likes in his utility belt like Mantell Mix, bandaids and stickers or something
—Would be the ‘go ask Hunter’ kind of dad lol
—Once Force abilities show/become powerful, he’d definitely be interested since the Batch aren’t assigned a jedi general and don’t work with Jedi often. Master Shaak Ti is really the only jedi the Batch are familiar and comfortable with (aside from Bilaba and Kanan pre-O66, excluding Omega)
—Youngling definitely tries on Tech’s goggles and pretends to be him
—Gives best advice for the situation (it may not be what the youngling wants to hear, but it would help her regardless)
—Gets hurt? No prob—Tech is on it with every possible first aid supplies
—Tech would also definitely say ‘if Hunter says no, it means no’
—Talks about O66 only if the youngling brings it up. No one talks about it because of the trauma
—Recognizes mental breakdowns and explains when Hunter or the others worries about the youngling
—Definitely Older Brother TM
—But because of how tiny and small the fem youngling is, he is afraid of being too rough with her.
—He thinks she’s really fragile, but once she leaps into Wrecker for a hug, he realizes that’s not true, she’s just young, and small lol
—Definitely shows her Lula and has playtime with Hoppy (youngling’s stuffy)
—Cannot punish. Physically cannot.
—Hunter: Wrecker, she drew all over your armor-
—Wrecker, covered in pink, blue and green color: Yeah…
—Hunter: So? Tell her to stop.
—Wrecker: Let her draw on you guys so we’ll match.
—Hunter: *sighs and shakes his head knowing full well that this will continue*
—Shares his Mantell Mix after every mission (since the youngling got sick eating a whole carton herself, but still wanted to be part of the tradition)
—Has to hide all of his explosives because the fem youngling is so curious about them and Hunter caught her once playing with a deactivated detonation switch.
—One of his favorite things is to watch Omega teach the youngling something he taught her, be it something on the Marauder or something about explosives. He loves watching the 2 together
—Best listener out of the Batch, so if the youngling is upset, she knows she can go to Wrecker and he’ll just listen if need be. The others are nice but always try to help by offering advice.
—Would definitely disobey to please the youngling
—Youngling: Wrecker, can I train with Omega today?
—Wrecker, weighing his options: Uh-I don’t know kid-
—Youngling: Pleeeeease Wrecker? *puppy eyes*
—Wrecker, knowing he cannot resist: Ok, but it’ll be our secret ok?
—Hunter, in the background but within earshot sighs tiredly
—Definitely the mom lol
—Would immediately understand any nightmares from experiencing O66
—He’d be awkward at first but the youngling easily attaches to him, reminding him of Commander Tano
—They’d share stories and experiences with the Jedi.
—Nightmares are constant for both of them and become midnight cuddle buddies
—Always makes sure she eats
—Can’t discipline, so mostly nags lol
—Echo: It’s cold out, be sure to wear a coat-
—Youngling: I know Echo-
—Echo: And a scarf-
—Youngling: Ok-
—Echo: And a hat that covers your ears too-
—Hunter: Just go.
—Is the most understanding of PTSD/trauma and talks the youngling through any episodes she experiences
—Youngling, sobbing: The others—..they…they were killed-
—Echo: Sshh, sshhh, it’s ok. You’re not there anymore…that time has passed. You’re with us now, safe.
—Youngling: I..I saw them…the clones with blue paint on their armor-
—Echo, knowing full well that it’s his former battalion, the 501st: I know…but they’re gone now. We’re here for you. I’m here for you, ok?
—Youngling sniffles and nods, wiping her eyes before snuggling into Echo’s chest as he sits up in the co-pilot seat
—Omega’s never had a sister, much less a younger sister
—She’d be excited to have a sister
—Youngling becomes extremely attached to Omega and will go to her first for any problems
—Omega becomes overprotective and very Older Sister TM
—Omega would push it sometimes, ex: not letting the youngling leave ship when refueling, so Hunter would have to get Omega to back off.
—Both share a fear of abandonment so Omega completely understands and gives advice
—She’s also a good listener like Wrecker
—Any time the youngling gets hurt, Omega is always there to comfort her while Tech cleans up wounds.
—And god forbid someone actually hurt her.
—Omega will immediately go into protect-mode, drawing her electrobow
—Youngling: Omega!
—Omega: Drop!
—Youngling drops down while being held and Omega takes the shot, shooting the captor in the chest
—Youngling runs and jumps into Omega’s arms.
—Omega: Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!
—Youngling shakes her head, crying into Omega’s clothes, gripping her tightly.
—Omega: C’mon, let’s get back to the others
—Definitely loves to carry the youngling around. It reminds Omega of seeing the Batch when they were toddlers and interacting with them.
—Youngling: I love you ‘mega
—Omega smiles: I love you too adi’ka
Crosshair (I will always include Cross cuz he is always a brother)
—This man
—He’d try his very best to keep up a reserved, severe and harsh persona around the youngling, but would absolutely fail
—Youngling would def worm her way into his heart lol
—Omega is a bit different with Crosshair. He’s able to keep up the facade with her, but not with such a very young child (my HC is Crosshair is weak for little kids. In BB they show a group of cadets leaving and I really hope Crosshair meets them)
—Crosshair would definitely teach her swear words
—And how to cheat at holochess
—Threatens anyone that makes her cry
—If the youngling has a nightmare, Crosshair would listen but tell her that dreams aren’t real.
—She covers Cross’s stuff in stickers all the time to ‘cheer him up’ lol
—His rifle, helmet, equipment case..all of it in bright cute stickers
—Hunter, after finding Crosshair’s rifle leaning against a corner: Cross, your rifle-
—Crosshair nods, eyes shut in his chair: What about it?
—Hunter: Have you seen it lately?
—Crosshair opens his eyes and turns to Hunter before his eyes widen in shock
—There’s almost no black of the barrel showing as it’s covered almost completely with stickers. The handle and trigger aren’t covered but the long barrel is.
—Crosshair examines it.
—Hunter: You left your weapon out where a 5yr old could get to it??
—Crosshair: It’s not loaded and the safety’s on.
—Hunter: And the stickers?
—Crosshair: Don’t mess with them. You’ll upset the kid.
—Hunter smiles, making Crosshair sigh and roll his eyes
So yeah, I think those are my main thoughts on a female Jedi youngling joining the Batch. I prefer a youngling personally (cuz I can’t write teenagers lol) and use this mostly for self-insert/OC fanfics I write for myself/I’m too scared to post haha. I also really like the idea of Omega stepping up into an ‘older sister’ role and feel it suits her character since they’ve already made Omega more mature and capable. I’ve talked about BB and it’s strengths and weaknesses before here if you’d like to know more of my thoughts on the show. I think the BB is ok. It’s not fantastic but it’s not bad either but I think I enjoy it more as a fanfic writer with the ability to make AU’s and change things about the characters. I’d love to talk about BB (or anything SW) with anyone interested because I feel on Tumblr, I see a lot of people praise the show (and that’s fine, everyone likes different things) but I’ve also seen people point out things about the show that I think should be talked about more.
Readers who’ve made it through this whole post, thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed my fem jedi HC part 2/2
I’ll be back with fics really soon :)
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
DA2: Sundermount as an elven graveyard
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[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
Sundermount is the tallest mountain in the Vimmarks and has a fearsome reputation. Legend says it was the site of a vicious battle where the ancient Tevinter Imperium and the elves of Arlathan unleashed horrors into the waking world, and creatures prowl the heights to this very day, unaware that the war for which they were summoned is long since over.
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Here, Merril informs us that this place is not a mere graveyard, it's a place where the Elvhenan came to reach Uthenera. Clearly, the war with Tevinter in Sundermount or the chaos unleashed by Tevinter/Elvhenan, or the demon attached to the strange idol destroyed this place and made it a true graveyard, where the soul of those elves do not rest.
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We can see in several opportunities that when we reach these altars, there is always a “shadow” enemy, something very similar to the elvenhan sentinels we found in DAI in the Temple of Mythal. They are wearing something similar to the Arcane Warrior’s armour from DAO too. When you kill them, you can see their bald elven shape. The design of these elves have been determined since DAO, as we can see it in The Gauntlet when observing Shartan.
The codex Enasalin confirms our suspicions at the same time it gives us more information about Abelas in DAI: defenders of slumbering elders. In abelas’ case, we know Abelas and his sentinels have been sleeping to defend the well.
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In the almost top of the mountain is where Merril does her ritual to raise Flemeth. She recites a part of Leliana’s song in DAO [we know she learnt it from Dalish]
emma ir abelas souver'inan isala hamin vhenan him dor'felas in uthenera na revas
which translates
now I am filled with sorrow weary eyes need resting heart has become grey and slow in waking sleep is freedom
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And in that last line, Flemeth appears. I'm not sure if it means something in particular, if it's hinted with this shoot that Flemeth is "awakening" from a waking sleep which, ironically, it's not freedom for her as we can suspect in DAI she has been bound to a quest for revenge of ages of plotting.
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If we consider the codex Sundermount plus what Merril and Fenris tell us about this place [not exactly reliable narrators since they are repeating what Dalish legends and Tevinter magisters know about this, which we were already informed many times they have some hint of truth but most of the time they are children's tales], we can summarise it as:
This place was, in the time of Arlathan [or before], an elven graveyard. Back then, we know, the elves went into Uthenera. So, considering this hinted piece of information, if in this place were elves in that state, it makes sense the Varterral defending the zone. [We already saw a fact of this in The Masked Empire: Varterrals defend places of Uthenera or with great value for the elves]
In this place, after Arlathan fell, Elvhenan [merrils is not specific here, but we can be so with out knowledge of DAI] fought Tevinter. The Tevinter unleashed chaos to teach elves that resistance was futile [this piece of information provided by Fenris, which comes from Magisters, and its perspective is pretty clear in the statement].
We find the Strange Idol here. We don’t know who, but we can be more or less certain that one of the two sides bind the demon to the statue, and it has been living there since that war.
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On top of the mountain we find a cave called Pride’s end, which contains a chamber where we find three of these  Strange Skull-Dragon totems
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And the Strange Idol, beside a Felandaris, a plant that only grows where the Veil is thin.
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At the sides, we find small altars [their true name is inuksuk, and there are many types that will be see in DAI] with bowls of green fire, probably emulating a kind of Veilfire.
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 years
Final Obi-Wan thoughs (spoilers)
First of all: Hello There
I fucking cackled
I'm in love with Reva and haters can meet me in the Dune Sea at dawn, I just want to talk
I love love love her character development, that she was allowed to grow and hopefully heal and move on rather than letting Obi-Wan show up at just the right moment to kill her to save Luke
I love Leia. I would die for Leia. We already knew this, but baby Leia really watered my crops. I love her relationship with Obi-Wan and how she acknowledged that while she's curious about her birth parents, Bail and Breha are her real parents. And she said it all with a nod, what a queen.
The holster as a gift to Leia I have mixed feelings about. Its cute, but Star Wars really tries too hard to create these family bonds that arent necessary. Padmè hated violence. She fought only when it was absolutely necessary. The war weighed on her heart like nothing else. She would not want her children to carry weapons or even empty holsters. That would be such a bad omen to her. But I get what they were going for and it was a cute parallel to the toy Obi-Wan gave Luke. Still it would have been more appropriate to give a much older Leia as she took a larger role in the fighting.
Speaking of parallels, doesnt it hurt your heart to realize that while Luke was playing with toys and droids on a farm, Leia was being raised in the conflict of war and politics. "He just needs to be a boy." What about Leia? Sure she's clearly very strong and mature, but why does she have to be? That poor girl was born into so much responsibility and she never got a moments peace in her life.
That Obi-Wan and Vader fight though.
First of all, neither one of them can fight without being extra can they. Just the twirling and the swinging their lightsabers around. What nerds, I love them.
I love the imagery of Anakin in Vader's broken helmet. I love how hard he declared Anakin to be dead that his face grew more sinister and less recognizable. I love the sad way Obi-Wan said his name as he looked into his eyes.
Most importantly that moment felt like closure. For us and for Obi-Wan. We can now look at Vader and reconcile that this is not Anakin Skywalker, the boy with so much compassion for others that the rules felt unfair because how could he ever follow a set of rules that limit his ability to save lives, the boy we all adored. This was Anakin's funeral and he died screaming Obi-Wan's name
A little mad about Qui-Gon Jinn to tell the truth. His force ghost looked so poorly cgd and the dialog was so dispassionate. Especially after reading all of the books about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and how they established their bond. I wanted more connection. They barely looked like they were in the same room as they spoke. I wasn't expecting much, but it felt half baked.
All in all, I loved the series. I thought it was gorgeous.
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milan-chica · 4 years
Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo
They served as Atty Gen the same time it took the same big they took on the same big fights to get California bow here in Delaware big fights helped change the entire country I know how much bow respected and her work that matter a Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo lot to me to be honest with you as I made this decision so now we need to get to work playing this nation out of these crises we find ourselves. America cabinsand resolve to go offand find buckyand bring them back to normal meanwhile buck is off killing hydra scientistsand trying to become more human as you imagine with the shield team yeah finding out everyone’s hydra is a pretty big mess john garrettand grant were exposedand start shooting people in the faceand a big battle between hydra shield ensues in the cast that follows the us government declare shield a terrorist organization that’s fun for colson the gang john garrett breaks initials facilitiesand steals a bunch weapons from colson’s past ventures pheasant simmons end up in a medical pod which grant ward then chucks to the bottom of the ocean fits almost sacrifices himself to save simmons because they’re in love but in a fury shows up just in time to save them during colsonand team upand eventually defeat garrett to make schools in the new head of shieldand jesse were up to date his team now includes this dude called macand the studio tripletand this dude called patton oswalt after the spirit wasn’t hiding with the excellent disguise of a beanie however colson is now starting to experience side effects from being resurrected using cree fluids the main side effect is he start sketching a map of that ancient cree city for humans to find is that sin is brain now meanwhile the soon to be human is been running around the show for a while now called reyna goes to daisy’s dad calvin who is still looking for after all these yearsand tells him she’s found his daughter he really was sincere so he sets out to do that this has been the because he almost drownedand now he’s got brain damage simmons is nelson’s work undercover in hydra with the help of fellow shield agent bobby morse shield team lost recruit sassy british man lance hunterand some other people but they’re not as important agents also start fighting this inhuman called carl creel the absorbing that back over to calgary now he discovers it is usb stick with information on it that he would like to have however it’s currently in possession of guest to reva connors luke cage’s wife so he is jessica to find usb formand then orders her to kill reva jessica does it but it’s so dramatic that she manages to break free from kill race controland walks away he is then promptly hit by a bus just giving he’s dead but he survives in later forces a guy given both of his kidneys so he can live after all this jessica jones decides to become a private investigator while luke cage is pretty devastatedand also now running his bar okay now were going to go to space for quite a bit that is a still looking for those infinity stones after loki stuck to getting the tesseract so he lists run the accuser’s old cree crazy fanatic friend to help them in case you forgot the cree are still war with the no vampire the good police of spaceand it was a peace treaty involved that decree signed but ronan went rogueand started terrorizing secondary people send r is the capital of the vampire enemies a lot of weird names once i’m sorry anyway ronan with the help of dennis’s adopted daughters nebulaand gomorrah is now looking for the orb that contains the power infinity stone on places like praxis nine process nine at data know but so far no luck also grew rocket or start collecting bounties for example on this guy called balto so this point most everyone is looking for this infinity stone orb dennis wants it to come to the universe once it’s usand give it to the collectorand this random urgent wants it because it can probably be sold for a lot of money this merchant hires yonder in the rafters to get a form peter quill now going the name star lord is all grown upand despite what they taught him once to move away from the ravages so he locates the orband takes it for himself just before running into ronan’s henchmen started quill escapesand gomorrah center treated on the planet of zande are guerrillas attacked by gomorrah for the orband by writing group for huge bounty on his head in the end all capturedand sent to prison called the kiln where they meet tracks the destroyer tracks his family was killed by running under the command of panos so once revenge on both those guys which intends on getting through gomorrah in the end these unlikely five team up to get out of the kilnand plan to get the order to the collector so they can all get paid now you got the rogers were medic will the notochord who would uphold the lawand ronan once the orb on the tail is to know where a celestial head where the collector is peter so I love it gomorrah jackson arcata getting drunkand fighting but eventually through all these distractions they doand of giving the orb to the collector however one of the collector’s assistance to the stoneand a big explosion happens because it’s an infinity stone was as good markwell to take the stone back in a fit of junk vengeance just goes run into the planet a fight in a fight which she loses badlyand tries to kill more in spaceand gets the orb that peter saves her at the last minute right as a captured by the raptors ronan as the stoneand decides to betray santos giving it for himselfand paying to distressand areand then santos the crew now going by the name of the guardians of the galaxy eventually regroupand team up with the ravages to guard the galaxy they team up with another court as well a big clinic to bounces during which grid sacrifices himself to save his new friends eventually after some paddlingand dance off peterand russ the guardians grab the stoneand kill run with it saving the day in the process peter is able to hold the power of the stone for sunday does because he’s part celestial areas of the stones than of the court keep safe I wonder that’s agoand they often become kind of guns for hire also rocket pics of the twig from grits corpseand plants that create a new gruden baby form who grows with the team meanwhile the collector gets mocked by herod the duck ego the living planet celestial is my someone who held infinity stoneand realizes it must be some of his day yonder never delivered is a plan to get peter to’s planet they can join forces so we can consume everything everywhere nebula has escapedand is now hated by pretty much everyone in the universe but she really wants to kill her dad that us she tries to steal some superpowerful batteries from these aliens called the sovereign but is caughtand taken prisoner however there’s a giant monster called the obelisk that slowly drain those batteries power to the sovereign the guardians to defeated they greeted so if they get nebula as payment after they succeed however rogge still similar batteries because he’s kind of a dick that’s not a joke that’s pretty much what he did it still battery the summer discover this since in the fleet to kelly guardians but ego shows upand destroys that fleet reveals himself as peter’s dadand him peter gomorrah jackson egos helper mantis who can read people’s emotionsand make people feel emotions go back to ego’s home planet his body meanwhile rocket baby groupand nebula stage repair the ship meanwhile the ravagesand the undo off on some hooker planet celebrating the victory against ronan when yonder runs into sylvester stallone after all these years stone is a bit of foreshadowing that how yonder won’t have a nice rabbit your funeraland yonder is not too happy about it but soon after the sovereign approachand then ask them in the ravages to catch the guardians for them that’s the planet where the guardians crash landedand after b skirmish take rocketand baby group prisoner one of the ravages taser face please yonder was getting too softand stages of mutiny nebula helps the ravages take out jan doand then goes off to kill her sister onceand for all is really she just was to kill her whole family at this pointand his mentor killed the mutiny but eventually yonder rocket bondand escape with the very very slow help of baby groupand yonder’s number two crack when you gets a new arrow controlling mohawkand the murder all the ravages mastered’s in the coolest way possible meanwhile on egos planet egos teaching peter how to use his celestial powersand peter is loving it something seems off thoughand that is his beginning friends with tracksand wants to tell them about egos deep secret as in all the child murdering young to know as well that child murdering so him craband daily gruden rocket getting the shipand jump across the universe to save peterand the gang from ego nebula get steel spina first invites gomorrah but eventually they stop fightingand talk out their differences peter is getting really into ego so celestial thing welcome nebula discovered cave of the children under the surface peters advertised may goand almost as long would egos plan until ego reveals that he killed peter’s mom at which point peter steps out of itand the battle begins the process of all the cd the plantand transforming has already begunand the stuff starts expanding all over the universe including honor the guardians by egoand the sovereign as they just arrived peterand ego to get out in the weirdest way possibleand ultimately yet the guardians when an ego is no more in the process peter loses his celestial powers is not totally op when infinity work comes however to say peter yonder redeems himselfand sacrifices his own life freezing to death in outer space youngest funeral followsand all the raptures including stallone come back to honor him since they realized he wasn’t such a bad guy after all nebula gomorrah become somewhat loving sisters nebula leaves to find a way to kill santos which I guess takes another four years to get around to doing kremlin takes over yonder zeroand still reunites an old ravaged team then yonder’s honor the sovereign still pretty upset with the guardians create adam warlock to be the ultimate weapon against them though that’s also to take a few years to fully manifest also this old man has been an informant for these beings that watch the universe called the watchersand that’s all you need to know about them nowand go back to earth there’s this guy called jonathan sanborn who gets in an accident at the factory work sadand is paralyzed he seeks medical helpand physical therapy but those do nothing for so he hears about ties for the masters of the mystic art still hang outand has over there here he meets the one entries in the way of the mystic artsand eventually leaves as he can use the magic to walk again this year team is having more adventures mainly revolving around trying to figure out those weird drawings colson is doing this includes may find an agent with a mask that makes you look like me it’s probably burned onto a face that guy verna reinhardt also comes backand get his hands on the diviner again over hell’s kitchen not murdoch confesses at his church about his vigilanteand because he’s very catholic but decides to give it up anyway to make a city a safer place in the same area reporter called karen page discovers some shady activity involving money laundering going on with this companyand tries to tell one of its employees but wakes up the next morning next to his dead body holding a blade knife she’s accused of murder against nelsonand murdoch to defend her she’s doing some investigatingand so some people want to killed matt in his vigilante outfit safes are become known as the daredevil that karen such working as a secretary for nelson murdoch ever since that you turn invasion a bunch of house prices have dropped new york or something real estate related like that so they’re more russian gangstersand mobstersand all that taking advantage of the situation wasn’t fisk that the range kid from before returns him to make the city a better place but a better place for him isn’t better for a lot of people also he falls in love the woman called vanessaand start being people’s headsand with car doors those two things are mostly unrelated so that as daredevil fights back against him involving lots of dark hallwaysand alleysand beating up russians in bidding of ninjas called nobu in the process thought he discovers who he isand has a big scene of acting on the way that also provides a nurse called claire temple finds a new year’s at houston to his wounds wasn’t fisk also starts working with mme. Ways you really know why when I very dearly out there on how the world can the larry down cleanup every note and an been cresting to the returning energy are you willing to give out to joe biden here is my answer going on recollections can break your heart they can make to gain from the here was interesting to hear what the president experienced intelligent and actually believe in the rule of law was starting to see the soul of this nation and my favorite things to fix sacrificing your ideals or your commitment to family who better to introduce your children biden sleep joe biden is our dad now about it when I tell you what kind president our dad will be will be and honest caring principle to listen will be there when you need him tell you get to when you get when you will never let you down the rock candy strongly shouldering you can ever lean on every time you succeed will make your grandkids fielded what they’ve got to see others treat cream on the line get up no matter how many times he’s been knocked down
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New Jersey Connecticut Detroit in New Orleans all appear to be passed their peak and we are seeing consistent declines in hospitalization and cases in regions across the country are only conclusion is that were getting their as the American people are put into practice presidents guidelines of social distancing because you been listening and adhering to the guides the state and local officials we are of making or making meaningful progress in a Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo very real sense sparing Americans to be exposed to the coronavirus and no less extent on saving lives are task force actually believes Mr Pres that if we continue these mitigation efforts in the days ahead as states implement their policies including phased reopening that will preserve those gains we do believe by early summer we could be in a much better place as a nation with the with much of this coronavirus epidemic behind us earlier today we also had a conference call led by Sec Ben Carson and leaders from hot about the president’s announcement yesterday and. Delay the Election and Suggested That He Will Not Leave Office If He Loses His Is Not Normal and We Must Never Treated like It Is under This Administration Authoritarianism Has Taken Root in Our Country I and My Family and Many of Yours Know the Insidious Way Authoritarianism Destroys the Democracy Decency and Humanity As Long As I Am Here I Will Work with Progressives with Moderates and Yes with Conservatives to Preserve This Nation from a Threat That so Many Although Heroes Fought and Died to Defeat This President Is Not Just a Threat to Our Democracy but by Rejecting Science He Has Put Our Lives and Health in Jeopardy Trump Has Attacked Doctors and Scientists Trying to Protect Us from the Pandemic While Refusing to Take Strong Action to Produce the Masks Gowns and Gloves Our Healthcare Workers Desperately Need Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned Trump Golfs His Actions Planned This Pandemic Resulting in over 170 000 Deaths and a Nation Still Unprepared to Protect Its People Furthermore Trumps Negligence Has. A call and so anybody of anything to say again young people are almost immune to this disease the younger the better is the stronger and stronger to have a stronger immune system it’s incredible See Other related products: My Favorite God Calls Me Son Clover Cross T Shirt
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prangelbaby-blog · 3 years
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The GiFiles,
Files released: 5543061
The GiFiles
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On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Fwd: [Fwd: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government Intelligence]
Released on 2012-10-19 08:00 GMT
Email-ID1696345Date1970-01-01 01:00:[email protected]@stratfor.com
Fwd: [Fwd: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Kevin Stech" <[email protected]>
To: "Marko Papic" <[email protected]>, "Matthew Gertken"
<[email protected]>, "Lauren Goodrich" <[email protected]>,
"Reva Bhalla" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:20:42 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [Fwd: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government
HAHA! Check this shit out!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 02:22:25 -0600 (CST)
Reply-To: Responses List <[email protected]>, Analyst List
Dan Roth sent a message using the contact form at
I think this may help you understand why this planet is scientifically,
environmentally, politically and religiously a disaster.
Several years ago after leaving the armed services I was abducted by Grey
3-6th dimension that are working with Reptilian's, "The Federation". The
Federation is, "a non human NATO type organization", of Greys , Reptilian,
Insectoid, Moth men, (recessive beings like the ones in the movies...mostly
violent and self distrurctive. There are about 42 different type species
of military males in various bases in the United States). Some of the
reptilian bases are in the USA AZ, NM and in the Middle East. You can find
more information on these Orion beings and non earth, non humans discussed in
thousands of contact books, and thousands of Internet sites, (I'm not the
only one who has been abducted). These humanoid beings lie, and manipulate
you until the point of near mental and physical breaking.
The visiting ETs force you into daily decisions that you do not like nor want
to do, by mind and body control using brain MHz control (master manipulators,
even at the point they are abducting and you can not think , i.e.. for your
own good they say). You struggle on a daily basis, they will manipulate
you into buying things you do not need, relationships which are abusive, jobs
you are not wanting, and into alcohol, sex drugs, food, and other abuses for
years, mainly in the name of god mind control by a**Goda**. A case in point
is Los Angles where many succumb through spirituality, religions, dark
recessive behaviors all controlled by the federation. The free will
violations are severe for many who understand and see how these ET societies
control many people.
These Reptilian hybrids and Greys are working with a type of 5th & 6th
dimension Ascended Brotherhood, "communally minded" hive mind society sub
space beings (frequency energy space society beings) controlling many "false"
religions and non human type religious belief systems. Why? A. for
control, so that humans do not go into space to find their ET non human ET
bases, cities and ships. B. Because of our SOULS, this is very complicated
to understand we have a "soul", the soul is a *****[frequency atomic
particle electric formation] that is part of us, but according to all legends
and some modern technology the soul can be taken with the use of high
frequency high voltage technology. The soul is a vestige of our "genetic
pasta** that was a piece in much the same way our reptilian lower brain is,
of another space ET race. There are several types of ET's that can remove
this frequency part of your body, Reptilian, Grey (FALLEN ANGLES "Devils"),
steal it and use it for longevity, for frequency energy, and for their own
race studies just like some ETs do with our DNA ovum and sperm (abduction).
Thousands of very well documented cases around the world. People choose to
ignore this because it sounds far off, this type of information is found in
thousands of mythology and factual alien abduction accounts, my account, and
in all religious texts. C. For DNA, and because DNA is a resource, life
for them, as is the soul and in many real medical ways!
The Federation, White brotherhood, Reptilian's, Grays (Fallen Angles),
Ascended Masters, Ashatar, Midwayers, Draco's, Draconian's, Raelians all of
these ET recessive demonic and dogmatic societies recruit people aggressively
from dark religions; The Art of Living, the illuminati, Jesus demonic cults,
Scientology, Raelians, Cults in general, Islamic Religions, Voodoo and
African Botanic cults and many more religions, too numerous to list, they
choose and influence people like puppets and then some, to govern us! The
Greys are some of the most hive minded and dogmatic of the societies
interacting with the earth and near space i.e. Mars!
This is important... Religion is a legend, *some are factual most are not*, a
construct written by various non human inter dimensional recessive dogmatic
ET races and by some not so well educated semi-primitive humans, it is very
misleading and troublesome. Religion does not help us solve our problems of
global warming, cancers, defense against recessive ET's, economy...instead
religion focuses on a construct which is incoherent. Jesus and god will
help,* neither can be further from the truth (the bible, Koran, Buddha Vedic
texts etc. are full of wars initiated by; ET type "gods"** non human ET"S
never helping but instead killing humans, WWII greys w/ Nazis. The earth is
in the worst condition ever as is the human race. Read the newspapers....and
neither Jesus, god nor Buddha is helping us. The churches are filled with
pedophile, (Catholic and Christian churches i.e. USA arch diocese settling
for billions of dollars and others, Evangelist Tony Alamo for raping young
girls (in the news), "THE LORD IS IN CHARGE" mind control etc. Ex-cons, dumb
human beings mind controlled people fill our religious and spiritual
organizations. Social studies, social support and human directed
initiatives are a need, and we are being blinded my mind controlling ET"S.
Many people who study history in detail will read about how the church
enslaved many cultures to kill, rape, torture and tap into banking and
world currencies. The Spaniards (grey ETs managed) in the holy conquistador
wars, the Israeli zealots against their neighboring humans, and the Nazi
(Grey) occult war of WWII, the Mormon cults (influenced by recessive greys)
hurting, raping under age girls and on and on. The majority of religious
people are good, they just do not understand and many will not listen to the
history in their own bibles, the Vatican, and teachings who all speak of
extra-terrestrials and human strife war and control. Many choose to believe
god is good, study the bible killings, war, human suffering, rapes,
destruction this is crazy stuff!
I was taken to the "Federation" caves by partial physical barely visible in
our spectrum..beings. I used infrared/spectrum lenses goggles to see them (
to detect different light frequency ETs), including a type of sub-space
being, as the attacks went on I compensated as much as I could. Regressive
Sub-Space Beings working with Greys, called the White Brotherhood are the
culprits. After my life threatening experiences of many years I learned from
the Greys themselves buy watching and studying as I was being pulled, (they
abducted me for sperm surgical removal, as they do with women's eggs all
around the world). This is what I know to be true: WE AND OUR CHILDREN MUST
If you are religious why would, if god did exist harm the pontiff? Hurt
the popes by giving them parkinsonism, harm them with neurological disorders
and knock them down and fracture their arms as was done with the current
pope...these are harmful violent extra terrestrials !!
1). All extra-terrestrials are physical carbon based, silicon based,
molecular based beings, atomic frequency based (ALL), including the ones who
use magnetic field technology to cloak themselves, to travel, and as weapons
and to appear as a human. Many of the non human ET's live for 100's of years,
some sub space C=H types live for thousands of years. Many sub space
(frequency energy beings) and many space beings are capable of low MHz
telepathy 3-19 MHz and more importantly of astral body take over (soul
frequency intrusion), seen on many movies as a form of possession or
a**demonic slavery", having various levels of free will, to no free will at
all, some religious leaders are seen as having little to no movement and
lethargic speech they are in a controlled state of living! This state of
being, who some believe can be resolved with exorcism or removing the
controlling soul frequency, is associated with constant pains, muscle
spasms, body manipulations and mind control... Tazer or mild electric shocks
may force the invaders control away, RF and microwaves also have an effect,
red light therapy also works after many months. Battling these demonic ETs
is very difficult, you need brain MHz, (thinking frequency consciousness
protection) protection discussed below. a**Ghostsa** or ET beings are at a
different MHz then human beings, often they make noises to get our attention,
we do not see them at these invisible to the naked eye frequencies use
infrared and other goggles.
To clarify the a**soula**,a** frequency atomic and sub atomic
energiesa**..... The planet is processed in various energy frequency fields
measured in MHz (consciousness). We think in MHz energy, watch T.V. in MHz,
listen to music, video, Speak in MHz and live in MHz thus we are controlled
and are MHz energy too. So some very intelligent people see and believe in
ghosts, elementals, space soul beings, ETs etc. Some people get cold in
some areas or when some soul beings are around, these space MHz atomic beings
a**steala**, take your energy. Another way to understand this is, how many
times do you eat per day and why? The food is converted into energy and
heat, when you encounter a** a ghosta** [ soul frequency being], it feeds
off your energy!! Millions of people do not sleep well, get headaches,
can not concentrate...they are bathed in frequencies from hundreds of
sources, the soul, brain and body never rest. Shield yourself!
Bringers of the Dawn: a**Some entities, in the process of their own
evolution, began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness
into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness,
they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge. They began
to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator
sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a
food source for itself.
The new owners of this planet had a different appetite and different
preferences than the former owners. They nourished themselves with chaos and
fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. a**
Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn. Human beings are a trapped and
stable MHz frequency being...
The Reptiliana**s (1995) are coming back to raid you again because they
don't want to starve,"the federation frequency maywaresa**. They understand
that there is "systems busting" going on through you (Pleiadian) , so they
are here to create greater havoc and fear, to fight once again for this
territory. Their food source is important to them. They are losing control
of the planet, so they are going back to their prime portal in the Middle
East through war, where their nest is located underneath the ground
(Reptilian), to create fear and chaos.....
Barbara Marciniak 1995.
The weapons I have seen people subjected too are: Mind control, frequency
signal control i.e. "the tower of babble", around the world the transmitters
are hidden in caves, and beamed in by Grey satellite. This weapon seen by
myself is difficult to describe it is a multi layer mist like carpet which
contains both chemical and magnetic frequency structures in it. This plasma
mist weapon is launched from the UFO and has electrical MHz stinging
properties to it, I noticed that high intensity fire collapses the mist
field. It has been shown by some **Crop Circle researchers that some crop
circles have similar frequency field misting technology.
Some of the "orbs", glowing ones seen are either weapons with lasers or
frequency attack projections or are recording your brains thoughts 5-80 MHz
and sending the
info. to the reptilian greys... We humans desperately need better more
advanced detection in the areas of detecting magnetic crafts in our
atmosphere ( non USA saucers), frequency control detection, field
technologies, laser detection and better weapons, better armed military, guns
do not work against some space midwayer frequency beings! High energy
chemical lasers do, **RF lasers do, some stable plasmon technologies work.
Some of these technologies can be detected with Geiger counters, and
magnetic field detectors sold "on line", directional is preferred..also
passive radar detecting magnetic changes in our atmosphere and around our
homes find the electrical devices on them, and around them in their nearby
craft. **For your homes and cars..some of the Grey and reptilian devices can
be disrupted by MHz frequency devices built at home, someone could make a
small fortune selling better portable particle, frequency, and wave detection
and disruption devices for our pockets. ** High voltage tazer weapons work
very well. Hand held powerful battery operated magnets, in close proximity
can interfere with grey technologies, the size of a cell phone, need to be
mass marketed for our protection. Magnetic shielding paint can shield a room
0 notes
flourhurricane · 7 years
About My OC: Claire
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I snagged this from @solas-you-nerd but I’m going to choose and describe two of my favorite OCs, because they’re both awesome and I don’t feel like picking between them. First one up is my Sole Survivor Claire.
In this post, I’m tagging: @the-female-gaymer, @lliviaoftheshire, @asha-revas, and @saiyuri-thedragonborn.
Name: Osa Claire Lockhart
Alias(es): Charmer, Sole Survivor
Gender: Cis woman
Age: 35 when she entered cryostasis in 2077
Place of Birth: Blue Fields, Texas (It’s a fictional town but it’d be located in the countryside of Central Texas, where bluebonnets are the most prevalent.)
Spoken Languages: English and Spanish; some Mandarin phrases
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: former corporal in the United States Army; former lawyer at the Cambridge Law Offices; semi-retired Railroad heavy; General of the Minutemen
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Ginger
Height: 5′3″
Scars: A set of three claw marks across her left cheek from the deathclaw that attacked her in Concord. Also a thick scar behind her left ear from reconstructive surgery she received after being wounded during the Battle of Anchorage.
Overweight: Her body mass index (BMI) would tell her, yes, she’s overweight. But she’s not. Muscles weigh more than fat.
Underweight: No. Claire was a skinny child but she was never underweight or malnourished.
Color(s): Blue and Yellow
Hair Color: She’s partial to a certain someone’s black hair...
Eye Color: Again, she’s partial to a certain someone and their brown eyes...
Music Genre: Country and western, rockabilly, swing
Movie Genre: B-films, especially horrible, low budget science fiction films
TV Show(s): The Twilight Zone, Science Fiction Theater; also, she listened to the Silver Shroud radio show religiously and was looking forward to the TV show’s premiere.
Food: (pre-war) tamales; (post-war) radstag stew
Drink: Nuka-Cola Victory
Book: Science fiction novels, of course; her favorite authors are Mary Shelley and H.G. Wells.
Passed University: Yes, she earned her sociology degree at Texas A&M and earned her law degree at Harvard Law School.
Had Sex: Yes.
Had Sex in Public: She’s had sex at other people’s houses, cars belonging to whichever guy she was dating at the time, and once (or twice), in a barn. But she’s never been drunk enough to actually have sex in a public place. 
Gotten Pregnant: Yes.
Kissed a Man: Yes.
Kissed a Woman: Probably. I could see her going through that straight, white, high school/college girl phase of “experimentation!” that misled a poor girl who was a lesbian and might’ve thought she’d found someone. Claire knows better now, but back then? She would’ve been ignorant to the harm she caused.
Gotten Tattoos: Yes, she has a bluebonnet flower on her right ankle and a black and white sugar skull on her right inner wrist. 
Gotten Piercings: She used to wear earrings but has since let the piercings close up.
Had a Broken Heart: More than one, I’m sure.
Been in Love: Yes.
Stayed Up for More than 24 Hours: Uh, she was once a college student, so yeah.
A virgin: No.
A cuddler: Yeah, she likes cuddling and being cuddled. Her favorite thing to do is hug Danse’s arm, even when they’re in public. 
A kisser: Yes.
Scared Easily: Ever since she lost most of the hearing in her left ear, Claire has to be more aware of her surroundings. Extremely loud thunder and mole rats or radscorpians jumping out of nowhere scare her. But not much else. The military tends to train the fright reaction out of their soldiers.
Jealous Easily: It takes a lot to make her jealous.
Trustworthy: Yes. You won’t find a more loyal and dependable ally.
Dominant: You mean sexually dominant? It depends. Claire loves sex. She’s never been ashamed of that. When she was younger and dated (and had more than a few one night stands), she preferred being the dominant one. But when she’s in a loving, committed relationship, Claire wants equality in the bedroom. Sometimes, she’s in control; other times, Danse is.
Submissive: No. Claire has always been the kind of woman who spoke her mind. She always stands up for herself, is always determined to prove she can do anything a man can do, always takes the lead when needed, etc. Even in the bedroom. She doesn’t consider Danse taking the lead as submitting. She wants him because she trusts him. To Claire, being submissive means someone (usually a woman) is too frightened to speak up for themselves or doesn’t recognize their own self worth. (That... kind of says a lot about her upbringing.)
In Love: Yes.
Single: No.
Have They Harmed Themselves: Yes.
Thoughts of Suicide: Yes.
Attempted Suicide: No. Her depression was new and debilitating when she returned home from the war. She barely ate, couldn’t leave her home, let alone her bed. The only reason Claire’s alive today is her little brother. He’d go into her room every day and read to her. At night, she’d say to herself, “I have to make it through one more day.” She couldn’t kill herself and risk her brother being the first to find her. Unfortunately, she never told him how much those story-times meant to her.
Wanted to Kill Someone: Yes (and did).
Ridden a Horse: Yes.
Have/Had a Job: Yes.
Have Any Fears: Other than being scared by thunder or something jumping out at her, ending up alone in the wastelands.
Siblings(s): One younger brother - Floyd Johnathan Lockhart
Parents: Ennis and Osa Lockhart
Children: Shaun Gerard (original Shaun); Shaun Lockhart (synth Shaun); Osa Danse (born 1-2 years after the Institute is destroyed); and Pilar Danse (born 2-3 years after her sister).
Pets: Freckles, a cattle dog / shepherd mix she had when she was a little girl; Dogmeat, Athena (Danse’s Rottweiler), and Shroud (Shaun’s black cat).
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5lazarus · 4 years
BVT-Artober 2020, Day 13: Vallaslin
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Day 13, Vallaslin: Zathrian's First seeks out the scattered children of Clan Lavellan and offers them the old ways.
Zathrian’s First comes to the Wycombe alienage shaking the morning dust off her feet, and you catch her drinking from a flask in the cool shade of the Vhenadahl. She doesn’t look like anyone you know, and her vallaslin is thicker than the lines your parents wore, that some of the elves in the cities paint on their faces for the Ceremonies. She is Dalish, like you are, though according to Duke Antoine, there are no more Dalish in Wycombe. He thinks because he killed everyone with vallaslin, you’re gone. But you have a long memory, and even though Keeper Adahlfenor didn’t have a chance to teach you how to make the ink, you know the patterns. Lanaya sees you watching and pulls gently at your aura. You realize she realizes: sister-mages. She waves you over. “Lethallin,” she says, “what’s your name?” “Deshanna Mithrallin,” you say carefully. Ashara and Imladris and Revas tell everyone they’re Lavellan first, then Ashalla or Barandiun’s children second, but they’re better off, with their parents’ human and dwarf friends looking out for them. You don’t have that same buffer. You are Lavellan’s First, of course, and as First you don’t have the privilege to be fiery. The clan needs you alive, because while you are not the only mage that has managed to survive and stay hidden from the Circle, you are the oldest and got the most training, and the others need every bit that you know. You were supposed to get your vallaslin that week: Sylaise, you wanted to be dedicated to Sylaise. She examines you closely. “Adahlfenor’s Second? We met at the Arlathvhen, didn’t we?” You were about fourteen and Keeper brought you there to confirm you as Second. You feel tears dotting at your eyes and look away. It is unthinkable that Clan Lavellan will come to the next Arlathvhen in five years. You can’t imagine what the Duke will do if you all just suddenly left--take it out on the elves left behind, probably, the People of the City who took you in and scattered you. Dalish or not, you will not leave them behind. And the Arlathvhen only lasts a month. “I recognize your vallaslin,” you say. “Clan Zathrian? You’re dedicated to June.” Lanaya smiles. “Yes. And Zathrian sent me. We have heard rumors that the Dread Wolf blessed Clan Lavellan and preserved the children. We wanted to make sure that not all were lost.” You shrug. Clan Zathrian is known for being  a little literal about the old stories, you remember that from the Arlathvhen, though they’re not as bad as Clan Ralaferin. “I’m not sure it was the Dread Wolf. Just luck. Common sense. Anyone who didn’t have vallaslin managed to hide.” You spread your arms out. “The alienages took in whomever they could. House Cadash too, and the Rivaini Merchants’ Guild. We had a contract. So we do not yield.” “But you’re scattered,” Lanaya says. “And while I’m sure the hahren teach you what they can, they are not Dalish.” She pulls out a long wooden box and offers it to you. “I walked through the old Friendly Homes. Just because they are now empty does not mean they are empty, da’len. You can reclaim them. Clan Zathrian will help, Clan Sabrae and Clan Alerion too. Adahlfenor meant for you to be Lavellan’s Keeper, Deshanna Mithra’s daughter. He would want you to lead.” You open the box. A tray of inks sit, along with a halla-bone tattoo pen. You stroke it gently. You’ve painted the dedications on the People’s face for the Ceremonies, Lavellan and Wycombe alike, and you made the brush out of halla hair, to get closer to the sacred. You could make it permanent, it can’t be that much more difficult, you never got to watch Keeper do it, that was the First’s duty, but Josmael has been gone for three long, hard, catastrophic years. “I don’t know how,” you say, voice thick. “Keeper didn’t have the chance to teach me.” Lanaya shifts closer, and above you a seabreeze teases the leaves of the Vhenadahl. You tip your face to the wind and the sun beaming through the latticework of the tree and pull at the warmth to beat away despair. Lanaya says, “But I can. I can teach you. Because we are Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path. The last of Elvhenan, and never do we submit.”
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
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     She doesn’t remember really being born. Created? Sure. She remembers the bright and clean lights of the Institute. Black jacket that became her skin for a while. Having little feeling but slowly gaining it. She doesn’t remember how old she is, how long she’s been ‘alive’. See, they programmed that all out. No time tracking. No memories of her life from before, if she had one at all. Just another Courser to do their dirty work. 
    But like most people, she got tired of it.
     So she left. They sent Coursers after her. But, an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object type shit happened each time. After awhile, it stopped. Slowed down. Only one would follow her now and then. She didn’t go into hiding like the Railroad offered. No, Revas liked being out in the world. Part of her feared losing, well.. Herself. She wanted to keep her memories, whatever was left. 
    Instead, she took up with the Gunners. Easy caps, easy living. It was.. Good for a while. But, morality soon began to plague her. Killing innocent people just didn’t work for her, no matter how much money they gave her. Leaving isn’t exactly an easy thing to do when it comes to the Gunners, especially when you end up taking a few people with you. Long as they keep out of the Commonwealth, they’re fine. And they did. Traveled a lot, really. 
     A couple years were spent in the Capital Wasteland. Setting up shop wasn’t hard. Wasn’t easy either. But, eventually their little group set up outside of Rivet City. Helped merchants with travel. Helped clear out Raiders. Whatever you needed, for a price. Jobs go south sometimes, though. Sometimes they get real bad, and you lose people. And they definitely lost some people. 
   During a job against some Raiders, the group didn’t account for a death claw showing up. Neither side did. Only she & Faron made it out alive. Just barely. After that, they stopped taking those kind of jobs. Escorting and such? Sure. But no more clearing out camps. They left their old place and came into Rivet City. People respected them there, sort of. Much as they could. They were that couple that Security turned to when they couldn’t handle something. Revas was pretty handy with the sciences, and healing measures. 
   When the Lone Wanderer arrives in Rivet City they’ll be seen wandering the ship, usually keeping an eye on them. Approaching them, the Wanderer will have the option to ask why they’re following them, what they want, who they are, etc. After a few pieces of dialogue, Revas will introduce herself as Justice, and her friend as Freedom. Says codenames keep them from being too well known around the wastes. She’ll then tell them if they ever need a hand they can hire her & Freedom for 500 caps. (This can be haggled via charisma checks.)  You cannot hire one without the other. 
    Neither Revas or Faron will enter the rotunda to activate the purifier. Revas states that while she’ll take it as a compliment in her resilience, she’s not indestructible. 
    After the events of Take It Back! Revas & Faron leave the Capital Wasteland, and travel towards the Commonwealth. Within the ten year time, they’ve once again become mercenaries for hire. Unlike fellow Companion choice, MacCready, they seemingly go unnoticed by the Gunners. Unless Revas is taken to fight the Gunner leaders in Quincy. They’ll make comments about her showing her face again. 
    The Duo can be found in Goodneighbor, Diamond City or floating in between. 
NAME; Revas. ALIAS: JUSTICE AGE: Unknown. Looks like late 20′s early 30′s. GENDER; Female AFFILIATION: Faron ( Freedom ) FACTIONS;           The Institute ( Formerly)          Gunners ( Formerly )          Mercenary [  500 caps for her & Faron. 250 each. ]          Lone Wanderer ( Optional )          Sole Survivor ( Optional )                • Minutemen ( Possible )                • Railroad 
BASE SPECIAL;        [ ST 6, PE 6, EN 8, CH 7, IN 10, AG 5, LK 4 ] SKILLS:         Hacking. PERK ( after max Affinity ):    Metal Heart: Sole Survivor has a 30% damage to Synths when aiming for their chests.
Being kind to Synths. 
Mercenary behavior, such as asking for more money to do a quest.
 Accepting less reputable quests, e.g. The Big Dig or Whitechapel Charlie's quest to clear out the Goodneighbor warehouses.
Joining The Minutemen. 
Joining The Railroad.
Refusing AJ's bribe during The Silver Shroud.
Helping out children or parents.
Asking Bobbi No-Nose to pay more when she offers a job.
Betraying Bobbi No-Nose or siding with her in The Big Dig.
Ending Doc Crocker peacefully during The Disappearing Act.
Calling Wolfgang a scumbag.
Nostalgic descriptions of the pre-war world, such as in dialogue with Daisy in Goodneighbor.
Urging the victims of kidnapping to not give up hope in response to Piper's final question in Story of the Century.
Protecting the Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line
Telling Miss Edna in the schoolhouse that "Children need all the love you can give."
Trying to persuade Mama Murphy to stop using drugs for "The Sight".
Curing Austin Engill.Telling
Paul Pembroke to put his gun away in Diamond City Blues.Convincing Ada to keep her personality
Agreeing to help Bobby De Luca get clean during Dependency (Approves a second time when reasonable/compassionate dialogue is used to convince him to get help).
Goes with Deacon's lie during Tradecraft.
Ask to be hired by Paladin Danse as a mercenary in Fire Support.
Sparing Paladin Danse.
Asking for a higher reward from Fred Allen upon being given the quest to retrieve a HalluciGen gas canister from HalluciGen, Inc.
Killing Baker in Quincy ruins.
Choosing "That's terrible" when talking to Blake Abernathy about his dead daughter.
Asking Bullet what kind of person he is. (Occurs after the 'how much' interrogative. )
Healing Dogmeat.
Keeping the Drinking Buddy in Trouble Brewin'.
Agreeing to find Billy's home during Kid in a Fridge.
Protecting the Peabody family from Bullet during the quest Kid in a Fridge.
Telling X6-88 you "don't need help" at the beginning of Synth Retention.
Choosing the sarcastic option when X6-88 tells you Gabriel's reset code in Synth Retention.
Replying "No" when asked 'Would you kill him too? Just because of who he is', when confronting Clarke during Duty or Dishonor.
Selling Billy to Bullet.
Agreeing to "take care of" Travis Miles in Confidence Man.
Killing Jezebel after giving her a new body.
Killing the Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line.
Telling human Art to kill synth Art.
Any sort of sarcastic/rude remarks towards Valentine or other robots & synths.
Joining the Brotherhood of Steel.
Claiming Starlight Drive-In as a raider outpost.
Doing anything with the Brotherhood.
Murdering innocent, friendly or neutral characters.
Choosing "Leave Her" when speaking with Glory during Precipice of War.
Abandoning synth Shaun during The Nuclear Option.
Retrieval of synths for the Institute.
Working with the Institute.
Killing Gabriel during Synth Retention.
Reclaiming Gabriel during Synth Retention.
probs more to come later! 
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akagoddammit · 7 years
AKA What You Deserve || Self
SUMMARY: Jessica pays a visit to a very specific gravesite, and deals with her goddamn self
TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, Holocaust mentions, rape (implied, mentioned, not graphic), kilgrave shit
There were no headstones. Just scattered stone markers, that might’ve been white once upon a time. But after years of standing up to New York City wind and rain, all but the newest were a dingy, stained gray.
Jessica trailed her fingers along them as she strode across the quiet island. In the distance, she could see rundown buildings, the remnants of an asylum, a prison, a workhouse, a Civil War internment camp – the correction officer on the ferry had blathered on and on about all the things Hart Island used to be. Before it became a mass gravesite for unclaimed bodies.
It wasn’t exactly a peaceful resting place. But that seemed fitting.
Getting there was a little tricky, since the island was still owned by the Department of Corrections. There were two types of visits: a general one, limited to a gazebo area in the center of the island, and a ‘personal’ visit. Personal visits were more intimate, and included an guard-escort directly to the burial site. She could’ve been led straight to him, but it would’ve meant pretending they were family.
And she couldn’t stomach that.
Instead, after hours of research into something called the ‘Hart Island Project,’ she’d called up the Department of Corrections and claimed to be an artist working with the organization. Like she gave a damn about telling the story behind all the forgotten, wasted people buried on this rock. But she had her camera, a fake ID (not exactly hard to come by in her neighborhood), and she’d managed to get her name onto the list.
The ferry ride over had been torture. She was surrounded by actual artists, a morbidly curious couple on their ‘unconventional’ honeymoon, and a teacher who was trying to make a lesson plan. Plus a few scattered, random tourists. It was New York City – there were always tourists. The little band of correction officers had sat with them, all looking bored apart from Officer Fun Facts, who didn’t shut the hell up until they docked.
They’d searched her before they left and again when they landed. Jessica had to repeat street names in her head and remind herself to goddamn breathe while the officer carelessly patted her down. Just like a prison visit, there was no weapons, no drugs, no liquor allowed. Which was why the flask in her hand wasn’t hers (hers was still laying cracked and useless in Danny’s studio after all.) The officer who’d searched her had a flask tucked into his waistband. When the other visitors had mulled around the gazebo and oohed and ahhed at Officer Fun Facts continued ‘tour,’ Jessica had ‘accidentally’ bumped into him and slipped it away with a surprising amount of ease.
From there, it was a matter of slowly separating herself from the group, without making it obvious that was her goal. She’d snapped a few shots of the area, slipping further and further away, until the voices were nothing more than a distant murmur. And when she was finally alone, she’d slipped into the woods.
The gravesites hadn’t been far off. It was a tiny island, a little over a mile long. She’d strode past the fresh trenches, empty of boxes for now (because no one wasted tax dollar money on actual coffins for these people). There were still shovels scattered among the holes, an abandoned prison shirt. Inmates dug every one of these trenches, and according to Fun Facts, each one would hold more than fifty bodies. Adults were stacked two bodies deep and three across. Most were homeless people, forgotten in death as easily as they were in life. The ones for children, mostly stillborn babies, held about a thousand each, stacked five high and twenty across. Like goddamn legos. The whole place looked more like a pale imitation of the Holocaust than a graveyard.
According to Fun Facts and the Hart Island Project, these were people who’d been forgotten, abandoned, wrongfully buried here. Whose memories were disgraced by this place. But Jessica knew one person who deserved this. Who deserved far worse.
Finding his gravesite was a matter of combing through records. Records she technically didn’t have access to, but being a P.I. she’d picked up on a couple of hacking tricks. So she walked, sipping from the flask to keep her shame at bay, and eventually, made her way to the older gravesites. They looked like misshapen fields, and only those stone, grey-stained markers revealed the truth.
Burial Site 365 was on a dusty, sandy part of the island. Not far from the freshest trenches, and too recent for the grass to grow back. It was insult added to injury, and she was glad for it. She stopped in front of the marker, tapping her fingers along the stolen flask.
“Hello, Kevin,” she said to it. There was no way of knowing exactly where he was buried, no way that she cared to entertain anyway. (She could’ve searched harder, could’ve looked deeper, hell, she could’ve started digging, but this was good enough for her.) “Long time no see.”
Jessica took a swig, hating the usually comforting burn. But it let her focus on that, instead of the way her hands were shaking. On how all the things she’d wanted to say were suddenly gone. Her mind felt far away from her body, like she was floating above herself, looking down on the macabre scene from on high. But she’d never been good at holding the metaphorical high ground. The thing with Nat had proven that.
You no longer care about what happened to you or the damage that it caused.
But she did care. She tried not to, tried to forget, tried to move on, but she couldn’t stop picking at the wounds he’d left behind. Kilgrave was dead, buried in a mass grave under her feet, but she was still reeling from all that he’d done to her. All the times he’d made her smile and kiss him and straighten his tie. All the people he’d hurt, all the bodies left in his wake.
Was Reva buried here, too?
She shook her head. No, no Reva was beloved, she knew that. She’d seen the articles about the memorial service. Someone would’ve made sure she was put to rest, in a place far more suitable than this. This place wasn’t for rest and remembrance, it was where people were dumped to be forgotten. This wasn’t a graveyard, it was a trash dump.
“You deserve this,” she spat, grabbing the stone marker and squeezing. It crumbled like sand beneath her fingers. She ripped a chunk right off the top, tossed it as far and hard as she could. The hunk of stone sailed across the sandy field, past the other markers, landed in the water with a splash. Jessica turned back to the gravesite, to where his body was slowly rotting beneath her. “You deserve worse. You goddamn, piece of shit, motherfucking, asshole.” The words were bitter in her throat, tasted like ash on her tongue. No, no it tasted more like shit, like the oozing gunk he’d left inside her after he’d taken everything else out. Like death. If he was the dead one, why was she rotting with him?
You care more about control.
She stared at the broken marker, and the telltale shame crept in. Kilgrave deserved this, he wasn’t worth a marker, but there were other people in there, too. Other people who hadn’t asked to be buried next to a mind controlling rapist and murder. Even dead, he still tainted the people around him.
But he hadn’t destroyed the marker. She’d done that. And he hadn’t forced himself onto Natasha the other night, that was all her. His voice had been in the back of her mind, it always was, his declaration of demented love creeping up like a fungus around Danny’s words, and she’d let it choke away all meaning.
She’d let this happen.
This was your desperate grab for it, and you used me.
She used Natasha the way Kilgrave had used her, had used dozen of women. When he got bored, he used to ‘invite’ college girls up to their hotel room of the week. He used to toy with them, make them do whatever he pleased, and he’d made her watch, helpless from the corner. He used to make her beg to join in on the ‘fun.’
He used to kiss her, softly, because he didn’t need more than a few words to force himself onto her lips, under her clothes and under her skin. But Danny was the only one who kissed her softly now, and she loved the way his lips felt against her skin, the way it felt like he was piecing her back together. But sometimes, with her eyes closed, she couldn’t tell the difference between a kiss that ripped her apart and one that was meant to heal.
“Main Street,” Jessica breathed, wiping dust from the marker onto her jeans. She’d never be able to wipe it away fully. “Birch Street.” Just like Reva’s blood on her hands. Just like the feel of his neck slowly being crushed under her fingers. “Higgins Drive.” Just like the taste of Nat’s lips on hers, or the words that she’d spat. The truths that they’d both known but never articulated before, now branded on her skin, invisible but burning. “Cobalt… Goddammit.”
Her eyes were stinging, her chest constricting. There wasn’t enough air. She took another drink, like that would loosen her throat, but she only coughed. Spitting whiskey as a strangled sob left her throat.
She collapsed next to the stone marker, leaning her forehead against it. It might’ve looked like she was praying, like she was mourning. But for all the shame and guilt, for how much that night on the docks had twisted her up inside, she wasn’t sorry he was dead. She was sorry she had to be the one to kill him. Because she only cared about her goddamn self, wasn’t that obvious?
You pity yourself, Jessica. You drown yourself in that goddamn pity.
The sobs racked her body now, as she remembered every last biting truth Natasha had spoken. Truth like that came with teeth, and they’d buried themselves into her skin. She wasn’t like Luke, her skin scarred so easily. On instinct, her hand drifted to her ear, fingered the scar he’d made her leave behind. Even by his command, her worst scars were the ones she inflicted on herself.
The world owes you nothing, everyone has suffered.
And she knew that was true. She was trained to look for the worst in people, the worst that they could do, the worst that had happened to them. Misery was everywhere. In a city ravaged by aliens and superheroes and villains, personal trauma was the new goddamn black.
But the rest of the world somehow seemed to keep spinning. Trish had suffered, suffered far more than she deserved, but she’d moved on. Malcolm. Clint. Natasha. Sam. Barry. Danny. Liss. Dante. They’d suffered beyond imagination, but they’d picked themselves from the rubble and they had kept going. The only person who seemed as stuck as she felt was goddamn Tony Stark, and even he was a better goddamn hero, a better person than she was.
How did they do it? How did they take the pain and agony of life, and not let it push them into the darkest corners of themselves? How did they sleep at night, and wake up ready to face the world again? How did they survive, survive without clinging to a crutch (a bottle), and find a way to feel whole again?
“Get out of my head,” she pleaded, head pressed against the stone. “Christ, you took everything else. You took the past, you took any chance I have for a goddamn future. Just let me have the present. Get out.”
She was begging a corpse to let her go. He couldn’t control her anymore, but somehow, he still affected her every action, her every biting word, her Good Days and the long, sleepless Bad Nights. “I don’t want this,” she murmured, voice shaking, body shaking, every part of her trembling and fragile and weak. Pitiful. She had soaked herself in alcohol and self-pity, and she’d come out pitiful.
Strong enough to lift a car, to jump to a rooftop. Strong enough to punch a woman in the chest and stop her heart. Strong enough to snap a man’s neck with her bare hands.
But she wasn’t strong enough to live.
And she wasn’t brave enough to die.
Because when she died, even if Trish sprung for a funeral plot in a decent goddamn cemetery, she knew the truth. Her real memory would be right here, coiled around his body, his fingers clutching at what was left of her heart even in the grave.
She was so tired. So goddamn tired. Of life. Of herself.
You don’t deserve to know him, and you don’t deserve to know me.
Jessica Jones knew what she deserved. She deserved to be buried in a box instead of a coffin, her body stacked in a row two bodies deep and three across. In a trench, not a grave, unmarked by nothing but a dingy gray stone.
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bethanyesda · 8 years
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OC INTERVIEW + Adele Trevelyan
i was tagged by @asha-revas - thank you!! (also sorry that i’m a month late ahh)
eeek this is late so i won’t be tagging anyone, but if you see this and feel so inclined to do it then by any means - do!
Adele Trevelyan.
[She purses her lips, looking somewhat puzzled.] My full name? Very well. Adela Katherine Morgana Lilith Trevelyan, formerly Lady of House Trevelyan.
My parents are awfully ostentatious at times and being their only daughter meant they could unleash the sizeable store of family names that have been stewing, awaiting a victim to be bestowed upon. In short: ‘Adela’ means ‘noble’ and they like to remind people Trevelyans are of the nobility in the Free Marches.
Taken, if you can believe such a thing - I struggle myself.
I am a mage, so there are a number of specialist skills I have from my nature. If asking about particular talents, then my primary school is pyromancy. I can play the lute, if it counts. 
[She blinks twice but twists her lips into a small smile.] I will give your suggestion some consideration.
Dark brown, nothing remarkable. I have been told they are black by some of that is why you are asking.
[Adele seems vaguely amused and she gestures towards her head.] I believe you can see for yourself that I possess dark brown hair.
A mother, father and two brothers. Whether they would claim they same of me is another matter.
Being Inquisitor does not leave much time to care for pets, what with my constant trekking across Thedas. The Circle didn’t allow such creatures. [She looks away with a wistful expression for a moment.] Ferelden Mabari are…intriguing, however.
The dark. Rather absurd for the leader of the Inquisition, is it not? I permit laughter, do not restrain yourself. I have never shaken the fear from my girlhood, but I have learnt to lessen my phobia’s onsets with time. One cannot scream like a scandalised noblewoman upon entering an ancient ruin. Embarrassing wouldn’t you say? [She speaks quickly without stuttering or stopping, giving the interviewer the impression this response is a little rehearsed.]
I play lute or read mostly, but I admit to having looked up to bards for their formidable singing prowess. My vocal lessons stopped when I was only a girl and I wish I could’ve continued them.
Of course. To deny this would be a lie to anyone but the smallest of babes, still pink in their mother’s arms.
Unfortunately, the Inquisition was met with resistance. I have never killed someone who did not want me dead in return. A shame things have to end this way for many.
[She raises an eyebrow, lips parted.] I don’t believe I understand exactly what you’re asking me, for I am human and nothing more, nothing less. It seems being an animal may be simpler, however.
My posture does not project an illusion of stateliness and composure, or so Mother used to say. I am terribly disorganised in my quarters and misplace all of my quills, but I am glad to say I do not have any major habits that I can recall.
I admired a good friend of mine for a long while; she was everything I could conceivably be, stuck as I was in the Circle Tower. I have role models that stand by the side in the Inquisition, but I shall not utter their names lest they discover this interview.
[She pauses for a moment in surprise before clearing her throats and carrying on.] Rather…forward, no? As you wish. I am interested in both sexes.
Not any longer.
Yes, marriage is something that I would like to see in my future, but children are a whole other matter - they are small and loud…and have a tendency to smell bizarrely. Perhaps if the right circumstances arise. 
I beg your pardon? I am unsure of what you are referring to, sorry.
The aforementioned dark is something I fear, but I have a more dominant phobia. I regret to inform you I will not be telling you that today - I must be allowed to have some secrets, no?
Robes. I do not take my clothing into deep consideration; Dorian gets rather frustrated with me at times.
Yes. [Her tone was firm but her cheeks are going pink.]
I, ah, do not recall - I was very young. That is all I can say on the matter.
Very well, do go on.
[She snorts lightly.] I do not even really know nowadays.
I do not know; I do not keep a catalogue of them.
It is lovely if made correctly, but a little sickly for my tastes.
After a long journey I will no doubt break out a bottle of my Antivan wine store.
My quarters, most likely. I have another place of which-…of which I will not speak about any longer.
[Her cheeks burn red as she splutters.] Sweet Maker! I do not think I shall be answering that! [The interviewer takes notes about Adele’s figure, large breasts included.] Excuse me!
A lake. Perhaps it would cool my face now.
I…no. That is my business alone.
For the love of the Maker- no! That is entirely too personal!
[She crosses her arms and refuses to even look at the interviewer, remaining silent.]
Indoors. I have spent the majority of my life inside so I am most at ease within solid walls.
Judging by your…inappropriate inquiries, then I must say that I am glad this is over. Thank you for you time, however.
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lobselvith8 · 3 years
Dragon Age Questions
Based on the post by @raesand.
01) Favorite game of the series?
Dragon Age: Origins. I had a lot of issues with Dragon Age II and especially Inquisition.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I heard you had player choice in Origins so I thought it would be entertaining. I honestly didn't know too much about it and I was pleasantly entertained.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I have played Origins the most. Before the recton, the Magi Boon made me pretty happy as it was the option my Surana Warden had chosen to emancipate his people from servitude to the Chantry of Andraste and the Order of Templars. The Magi Boon recton and the rather questionable creative choices for the elves subsequently soured the game for me.
Runner up would be Dragon Age II, although that's because I did a canon run; I wasn't too pleased with how the game was incomplete and how passive Hawke was throughout the narrative, such as doing nothing about Meredith's dictatorship for three years. Hawke being religiously Andrastian no matter what (Gaider forgot that he included an option for the player to be an atheist in the Human Noble Origin in Origins, and similar options were available for the elven protagonist and the Warden-Commander in the Awakening expansion) and the poor paraphrasing with the dialogue options also made me feel disconnected from the character.
The Last Court was pretty fun. The Elegant Abbess brought Carver to my Marquis of Serault. The Cult of Masked Andraste reminds me of the mythos of Silent Hill. The Horned Knight was very interesting (the presence of the dryads and fauns present at the Heartwood Feast was a neat addition to the lore). The Dashing Outlaw was fun (she gets a full pardon).
I pretty much gave up on Inquisition after an initial run; I tried doing a canon run but the anti-Dalish sentiment I kept running into made the game extremely unpleasant to play through as an elven protagonist. Generally, I was extremely unhappy with the railroading (like being forced to side with the Chantry, despite Gaider and Laidlaw claiming before release that this wouldn't be the case) and the poor treatment of the Dalish elves.
04) Favorite race to play as?
05) Favorite class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
In Origins I entertained different choices with Zathrian's clan and the choices in Orzammar before coming to a canon decision.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
I prefer mixing it up.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
My Surana Warden. Unlike some fans I do not imagine him wearing the Grey Warden armor introduced in Dragon Age II - he wears the Reaper's Vestments. "Reaper was an apostate mage who evaded the templars for many years before being captured. Part villain, part folk hero, it is said he led a charmed life avoiding dangers that would have killed lesser men."
His mother was one of the Night Elves during the civil war against Orlais. He was born in the Denerim Alienage, was forcibly taken from his mother by the templars at a young age, grew up to resent the Chantry controlled Circles (he was ideologically a Libertarian as he wanted the Circles of Magi to be autonomous), and he was a brilliant student of Irving's.
During the Fifth Blight, he was pragmatic, choosing to help Branka (since the Anvil historically provided a century of stability against the darkspawn), supported Taoran Hawkwind, aided the Antivan Crows, recruited Loghain to bring an end to the civil war and fold the tale of the Hero of River Dane into the story of Grey Wardens (to counter the anti-Warden sentiment that was established because of the tyrant Arland Theirin), killed the Messenger and opposed the Architect (there was a rather lengthy discussion at the now defunct BSN forums that brought up the prospect of sapient darkspawn wanting women to turn into Broodmothers in order to create new darkspawn that greatly shaped my decision).
His mother escaped captivity from the Tevinter slavers who had enslaved the Denerim elves during the Fifth Blight. Her freedom was due to the intervention of the Dalish in the Free Marches, including Clan Lavellan, attacking and killing the slavers, as the clans liberated many elves from the human slavers. His mother ended up joining Lanaya's clan when she discovered one of the pregnant elves was carrying her granddaughter.
My Surana Warden leaves the Warens to spend his remaining days with Morrigan and Keiran (who has black hair like both of his parents and looks Latino Antivan with an olive skin tone). Presumably his knowledge of blood magic should stave off the Calling if he was not able to find a way to rid his body of the taint (I lean towards the idea that he found a way).
09) Favorite romance?
DAO: My Surana Warden with Morrigan.
DA2: Merrill. Even if she was too good for Hawke.
The Last Court: The Elegant Abbess. My Marquis of Serault also discovered her role with the Cult of Masked Andraste.
DAI: No one. Although I like to imagine Revas meets Merrill post-game (I like to think Varric gifted my protagonist with the Hawke estate as part of the Comte boon).
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
11) If you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) Favorite DLCs?
Awakening. Although my Surana Warden leaving with Morrigan in Witch Hunt makes it a close second for that alone.
13) Things that annoy you.
Inquisition's tendency to refuse to allow the player to have positive Dalish content without some anti-Dalish dialogue coming at your protagonist from advisers, companions, and even minor characters. It was getting incredibly annoying to deal with the incessant anti-elven rhetoric in a game that never held the Chantry of Andraste to account for the monstrous actions it committed for centuries, like criminalizing the elven faith or purging those of other faiths, or even being able to criticize Andrastians like Celene, who committed literal genocide in Halamshiral.
Also, why is the gameplay content in the occupied nation of the Dales, a predominantly elven region, focused on humans? And what is with the weird habit of the developers making characters of color into white characters?
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Never Orlais, although I'd prefer the autonomous Dales freed from the Orlesian occupation.
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I don't have multiple characters in Dragon Age. Each game has a respective protagonist since certain choices have no appeal to me (like supporting the templars or tradition in Orzammar).
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.)
DAO: Dumat. My Surana Warden had a sense of humor.
DA2: Andoral. It had to do with the Archdemon who was slain during the Fourth Blight and the Hawke family connection to the Free Marches where the Archdemon was slain.
DAI: Sadly, there was no mabari. Maybe Andoral had puppies who stayed with Merrill.
18) Have you installed any mods?
I am on console, so unfortunately no.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
My Warden wanted freedom from the Chantry at any cost.
20) Hawke’s personality?
That was determined mostly by Bioware, like being religiously Andrastian. Leaned mostly diplomatic after Act I.
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
I'm sure Revas would stop Solas much sooner if that was an option.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
The 'three mage' recton has no place in my canon. While Inquisition prohibits the elven protagonist from doing anything to substantially help their people (which bothers me given the nature of the Inquisition), I prefer to imagine that Revas used the considerable fortune of the Inquisition to purchase land in the Free Marches for the clans of the Dalish to reside, and that the clans who worked with Revas would settle near Kirkwall. Revas uses the knowledge of the Well that he possesses to assist the Elvhen.
Revas would establish contact with the dwarves through the thaig in Sundermount for the lyrium trade, using the Nexus Golem there to incentivize them.
The Bone Pit (there are no monsters there anymore), which now belongs to Revas (along with the extensive Hawke estate), would be used to employ the Kirkwall Alienage elves. The Estate is where the plans against Solas take place.
Merrill and Revas get together (I imagine they met before during a previous Arlathvhen that took place). They get married. They have children. Revas does not have to sacrifice his beliefs or his culture for an Andrastian significant other.
The prospect of Merrill using her Eluvian knowledge to gain access to some of the Eluvian network, and establish a sanctuary for the Dalish away from the harmful Andrastian Chantry in Thedas, is also a very appealing one. So much about how this franchise presses the reset button on any elven progress annoys the hell out of me so keeping the Dalish on a continent full of bigots and genocidal leaders isn't really my ideal option.
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Hawke. Given his role in setting Corypheus free it was fitting that he gave his life to stop Nightmare.
Warden Loghain should have stayed to lead the Orlesian Wardens (which he would have hated) during this crisis with the Rift; it was a missed opportunity (then again, so many decisions in that game baffle me - like reducing a continental war to a small regional conflict and having the Wardens led around by the nose by a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain).
26) Favorite mount?
I wanted Revas to have a halla mount.
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jkim222 · 7 years
Quality TV Essay.
Today Quality TV is very easy to find in many different tv dramas. The Quality Television has become a dominant television format throughout the world. There are many different kinds of elements to make a Quality TV. Some of the elements that define Quality TVs are sometimes production methods, sometimes viewing and distribution practices and sometimes genre hybridity and transformation. Quality television gives new energy and asks questions closely to existing narrative genres as an integral part of claiming quality for both television and its audience. There were times where we were not able to choose when and what to watch but now that's not part of our Television today. Throughout times America has produced many different kinds of Television shows and dramas. The American television has played a leading economics, creative and industrial roll internationally. Quality television also contains sophisticated scripts, complex multi-layered narratives, and visually expressive cinematography, combined with its exploration of contemporary anxieties.
There are many different kinds of platforms today that we produced over time and helps us get way closer to Quality TV. Some of the platforms include such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube and more.There are also many different television shows or drama series that fit well in the genre of Quality Tv today. One of the example that I would like to introduce today that is a perfect fit for Quality Tv is Jessica Jones by Marvel Studio/Netflix. The Tv show “Jessica Jones” is a Netflix series where the story is originally from Marvel Cinematic Universe. Jessica Jones is a formal superhero who lives a normal life in New York City. She was more of a smaller hero from Marvels so she wasn't made into a movie so instead, she was made into a drama series which was a good idea. Shes also a smaller hero who deals with smaller problems rather than a hero that saves the world. One of the good quality that I found is that in the show it talks about the Avengers (Hulk, Ironman, Black Widow, and more). I thought it was interesting because it made it like all of them are in a Marvel World. Marvel World meaning Marvel has created this World and all the different kinds of movie and Tv shows are made from each hero but at the end, they are in a whole same world.
Back to Jessica Jones, She has a superpower that gives her super strength and she currently works as a private investigator for people. There are a People actual twist to this drama people usually know heroes as perfect, nice and powerful. However, Jessica is totally the opposite of those typical heroes. The show is made that we can connect to the hero somewhat but also have something that we don't have. This part of the shows can give us a new energy and asks questions about ourselves which is one of the elements of being Quality TV. When we relate to Jessica's humanity we can also question ourselves what we would do when we are in her situation because the only difference between her to us is that shes have more strength. In this drama series, it also includes genre hybridity. There are many action scenes in the drama but also there are romantic scenes. For example, there are many of them but one of them would be Jessica Jones falls in love with another superhero with an unbreakable skin man. There are action scenes where Jessica fights off the enemies.
Jessica Jones is very different from other Marvel superhero shows. There are many flaws showing through out Jessica. Some of the flaws are her being alcoholic and shes, not the nicest superhero. She's very blunt and mean to the civilians. Sometimes she makes wrong choices throughout too such as when Also during the time of finding Kilgrave, there were many who she wasn’t able to save and ended up dying. She also even killed a woman with her own self even though she was getting controlled and she lives with the guilt and pain thought out which people can also relate. This show also shows the strong friendships, love and more all throughout the show.This show is definitely not for children compare to other Superhero movies because it has adultery scenes. The script is also very well written. It explains the whole situation in a very well manner. All of the lines go very smooth and when they try to explain things from the past or what happened to some other characters it can get confusing but its very well written.
I really liked the part where even though Jessica Jones have a superhero she could be controlled and hurt like any other normal people. It gives audience to question themselves and connect with the situation. However, she fights through it and becomes immune to Kilgrave. When I found out she was immune to Kilgrave it gave me a sense of women power and she won Kilgrave already without physically hurting him which it did bother Kilgrave a lot. It also shows the hardships of being a superhero which was very interesting. Jessica Jones put a lot of herself. She took responsibilities for things that weren’t her fault or hers. For example, in the show, Hope was in the jail for killing her parents because of Kilgrave. Jessica did everything to prove her not guilty. Her killing Reva in the past was not her fault but she couldn’t get rid of the guilt. This show is a good show that I would definitely recommend to people. It gives women a power and voice. Also, help people to overcome a hurtful past they might have before. Quality Tv is something that we can find easily today. In my opinion, the  reason why everything is starting to become Quality television reason why is because that Quality television attracts most of the audience because its the most entertaining compare to before. However, I believe that television aways evolve and has a trend also.
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