#revenant revenant revenant
hyperfixationhopper · 2 years
Can i request like headcanons of Revenant with a male reader who loves physical touch, cuddles and stuff but rev doesn't know how to react to affection and tries his best to comfort them?
(also ur kay/o headcanons is *chefs kiss* robots needs more love, have a lovely day)
rev needs a hug honestly
also fair warning im a little new to writing in a blog style, im more familiar with stuff like ao3, so im still experimenting with how im formatting things, warnings, info, titles, etc. ill admit I wasn't really thinking when I made the previous post, hence the lack of title, warnings, info, etc (I apologize for that sksjdjdk). so, bear with me, im still experimenting and fucking around with things, itll be a bit before i figure it all out <3
hfjddkd sorry I got a little carried away and made it a full story ;; and sorry its not very much like how your request asked, I got an idea and ran with it (Im so good at not following requests properly fr)
extra info? the romantic relationship is newly formed, and having a bit of a rocky start, you're both still figuring everything out.
warnings? angst, a bit of violent behavior on rev's part lmao, other than that its mostly fluff
soft guy
Only what could be described as a panicked mechanical grunt emitted from Revenant, as arms wrapped around his midsection without warning. Without missing a beat, he whipped around while simultaneously exiting his assailant's grip, prepared to attack, his hands already molded into the sharp blades his victims knew all too well, prepared to kill.
However, he backed down nearly immediately, realizing who his alleged attacker was; you, his boyfriend, completely and utterly terrified. Normally, the simulacrum loves scaring people, it's why he joined the games, to strike fear into those unfortunate enough to have the horrifying, sadistic and merciless Revenant as their opponent. Something about the power trip is so enticing to him. But him, scaring you? No, he cannot afford to drive you away. He won't let the one person even remotely interested in spending time with him escape, as selfish as it sounds. You're too special to lose.
He grunted, his hands reverted to their previous state, his fingers wiggled around a bit, finding their places once more. He glares at you. "Skinsuit, you can't pull shit like that, unless you want to be impaled." His voice laced with malice, he had a scary quality about him. If you knew him better, you would know better than to think of this as a genuine threat if you knew him well, rather, it was a red herring, a veil. If you knew him better, you wouldn't think he was set on hurting you, really it was just a concerned warning, in his own way. He doesn't do well with surprises, and he isn't used to intimate touch yet, let alone a surprise hug, which is unfortunate for you, a lover of touch and intimacy, however, you didn't know him well enough to identify the veiled warning, and took it as it seemed; a genuine threat. You stumbled backwards slightly. His dim yellow optics convey some sort feeling of.. Regret? Dissatisfaction? You couldn't tell, it was definitely something negative, for sure.
You were shaking a bit, and tears were threatening to flow. Was he really about to kill you right then and there, without a second thought? Fuck, this guy was scary. "Ah- Sorry.. I uh, I didn't think you'd react like that.." Revenant's gaze softened, and looked way more friendly- well, maybe not friendly. Passive? Something along those lines. He eyed your face, analyzing it. He walked over to you, and you flinched slightly as he came close. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" His tone was quiet and soft, eyes attentive, his voice still managed to hold that attractive gravelly effect. He knelt down so you were eye to eye, he was obviously trying to make his body language look less threatening, though it wasn't very effective. "Look at me." You were afraid of what he'd do if you didn't, so you complied. Revenant sighed, and paused for a moment, unhappy at your fear. "Look... I'm sorry, okay? I... fuck..." He sighed, his confidence faltering. "I don't want you to be afraid of me, skinbag." He looked away, embarrassed at his confession, and he took a deep breath through his artificial lungs. "I... damnit.." You swore his "cheeks" were turning pink. "I want you to... feel safe.. with me.." He breathed out a handful of curses. He pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing as he huffed, his internal fans were noticeably whirring now. He stood back up normally, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck.
Holy shit.
This guy really does care, doesn't he? The tough guy persona was really starting to get to you, so much so that you were starting to think he didn't like you. Though his stubborn and rude attitude really were just an act. You were happy he could be open and vulnerable with you, even if it wasn't a whole lot, and not for very long, it was a small step, and that was everything to you. He was embarrassed, but he succeeded, it meant so much to you that he could sacrifice his ego just for your well-being. You really meant something to him, you had to. Your tears and fear were long gone, in fact, a smile was nearly on your face. Your doubts about this relationship were melting away by the second, maybe this would last. Revenant didn't seem to be the type to have such moments of weakness, especially this early on in a relationship. Such a juxtaposition compared to how he's usually teasing you with horny remarks or jabs at you for whatever reason.
"Thanks Rev, that means a lot." His eyes glowed more intense, seems he likes the nickname. His stance had evened out now, standing normally. He hummed in approval, analyzing your face, memorizing every little detail, as well as searching for any possible sign you were hiding that you were upset. His eyes kept coming back to your lips. He was definitely smiling, and now so were you.
"You're handsome when you smile, skinsuit, y'know that?"
God he could kiss you right now.
And that he did.
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lambment · 3 months
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thinking about beating narinder with a gun in game, and immediatley marrying him, a shotgun wedding.
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alleesaur · 1 year
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new cat alert ‼️🍂
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new-revenant · 26 days
Danny gets summoned by justice league only problem is that he's in his pajamas which happen to be a superman t-shirt and pajama pants with the bat symbol on them. Danny had been in the middle of getting eight hours of sleep for once and was not amused
He’s just standing in the middle of the summoning circle, eyes half open, mouth partially agape. He was immediately transformed into his ghost form, but his clothes remained the same, just with a bonus Crown of Fire floating above his head. I’m also picturing him holding a glass of milk in one hand, because that makes it ever so slightly funnier. Like he partially woke up after the summoning began, and went to reach for a glass of milk that he got before he went to sleep. A little treat in addition to having a peaceful night.
And then he gets summoned. Someone asks if this really is the Ghost King, and the magic users begrudgingly confirm it, pointing out the crown. Superman compliments Danny’s Batman pants.
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #90
Jason was frustrated with life, of course he was a revenant without a way to get revenge with Bruce’s no kill rule. Doesn’t say he can’t get others to kill for him, so when he gets captured by cultists he decides to take a leap of faith and make his wish to the Ghost King before the cultists can make their stupid wish about world domination or something.
The Ghost King accepts but wants a favor from him, what Jason wasn’t expecting was a kid with black hair blue eyes about 14, showing up on his doorstep saying he needed a place to crash and this was the ghost kings favor. Jason gets a message from his family just then, the Joker is confirmed dead. He doesn’t know why the Ghost King wants him to take care of a random teen but a deal is a deal.
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nerdpoe · 10 months
Jason Todd sees something...super concerning.
It's Timmers, in the pouring fucking rain, no disguise, standing on a street corner.
And some sleaze in a nice car pulls up.
Jason watches in disbelief as Tim slinks over to the rolled down window and leans against the vehicle.
He holds out hope that it's just to plant a tracker, but then the back door opens and a dark hand reaches out to grab Tim by the collar of his shirt, tugging him into the vehicle.
And Tim is...laughing. He's laughing and allowing himself to be dragged into a strange vehicle. Jason's a ways away, so he can't hear it, but Tim has never been super comfortable with touch, so he knows it's fake.
And no. No no no. Whatever fucked up undercover bullshit this is can go down the fucking drain, and he will personally break Bruce's legs if he finds out that Bruce condoned this.
So he shoots out the tires, grapples down, grabs Tim, and gets him the fuck away from that situation.
Five buildings over he drops Tim on the roof and starts pacing.
"What the fuck. What the fuck. Did Bruce put you up to this? Tim what the fuck? Did they touch you? Do you need Leslie?"
There's no answer, and Jason finally faces Tim-that's not Tim.
That's not Tim, it's just someone that looks weirdly like him.
"...Tim? Bruce? Ohhhhhhhhhh my fucking ancients is Bruce Wayne Batman?!"
Jason can already feel the shitshow that's going to be rained down on him for this.
"Also thanks for the save, but that was by husband and wife picking me up. I'm really flattered, though. Seriously. You're a good guy, even if you do smell like sewage."
Jason smells like what?
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unchxxrted · 1 year
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Revenant Hill
Game reveal at Playstation Showcase 2023
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skyscribs · 7 months
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I'm so scared to die. Let's start a punk band.
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i think it would be funny if people occasionally arose from the dead. like if that was a real-life one-in-a-million but well-documented Thing That Sometimes Happens, and the entire legal system around death (laws on inheritance & marriage & murder etc) had to include caveats for the unlikely-but-scientifically-possible event that the dead person in question might spontaneously self-resurrect, even years or decades after death. it would raise so many inconvenient and absurd possibilities
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mithryl-draws · 7 months
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just something i noticed about a few of my faves
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silkysong · 6 months
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my son egg and his brother cheese
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lambment · 4 months
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was just thinking about how Narinder probably hasnt experienced rain in centuries and Heket thought she never would again. fictional tragic siblings...
bonus leshy- because u know his ass would be out there
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yagamimi-aka-mimi · 8 days
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another attempt was made
edit: she's 14 btw so please dont say anything weird lol
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excusemeaminute · 1 year
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Revenant Hill (𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘚𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺)
The year is 1919. After the barn he was living in burns down, Twigs the cat takes up residence in a wet log near an abandoned graveyard. When the owl from the next hill over starts demanding rent, Twigs must find a way to make ends meet, and things just get more complicated from there.
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new-revenant · 16 days
Danny has a group of rats he rescued from a lab, they follow him everywhere even as Phantom, the group of five become Danny's emotional support Mischief and service animals, his folks even help make service vests for them when they're out and about. The rats have space themed names and alert for different things.
Astro alerts when Danny's about to have a panic attack
Pluto alerts when Danny's heart goes wonky besides ghost stuff
Cosmo alerts before Danny has a seizure so he can alert the others around him
Hailey alerts for pain flares
Orion alerts for tremors
Danny's portal accident messed up his nervous system bad enough that he needs his service animals or someone with him that recognizes when he's about to have a flare up or a seizure.
Well one day Danny gets summoned by the league and his support mischief is on his shoulders. Flash immediately asks what's with the rodents and Danny responds with "Kinda rude to ask someone about their service animals." Batman could already feel the headache that would be the HR service animal refresher course. First though they had a big threat to deal with
emotional support rats 🥺 I love that
how can I add onto an already perfect idea
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ninjamasterbcadef · 22 days
It's Pride Month YALL
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