radchaaipopsongs · 1 year
Another bowed head, As a daughter of the uncivilized begins to be processed This dispute has quieted for now Was it right?
It is not the Radch that conflict It is your own barbaric people Ships and bombs and bombs and guns Only you hear their cries now
What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary
A mother's sentiment Leads her to rash action This action leads to unneeded death and pain It was not right
For a hundred years we have fought Your own barbaric people Ships and bombs and bombs and guns Was their imagined sacrifice worth anything?
What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary What is in your mind now? Ancillary, ancillary, ancillary
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jadedbutler · 7 months
historical fantasy au wip -
The Divine Heir leaps out of the chariot as it clambers along the paved mountain path, much to the chagrin of his attendants.
He lands barefooted on the stone, light as smoke, and then he leaps again, down the fragmented cliffside. His pale robes flutter behind him like wings as he falls through the air. The cloth draped over his white hair like a veil, shrouding his eyes, drifts up as well. For just a breath of a second, the veil lifts, revealing a flash of such vibrant, otherworldly azure that it would surely leave any caught in his gaze stricken and reverent. 
As if reality itself bends to his will, he somehow lands soundlessly on the very same path, only 100 meters below, closer to the base of the mountainside. The cloth drops over his eyes once more, hiding them from the unworthy.
He strikes a pose, raising one arm to the heavens and the other before him in a mock Western half-bow. The sleeves of his robes are long, and drape over his arms in layers of fine silk, so white it’s practically translucent. 
“Hear me, beautiful people,” he declares, one to talk. “Pure as snow, blessed by the gods themselves, the Gojo clan heir bestows you with his divine presence!” 
Having watched him fly through the air, Geto hardly bats an eye at the Divine Heir’s – that is, Gojo Satoru’s – sudden arrival. “Giving your procession the runaround again,” he remarks dryly and, as if by invocation, the beleaguered cries of “GOJO-SAMA!!!!!” echo in the distance above. Satoru flashes him a grin, cheeky. 
Next to Geto, perched atop a stray boulder that had tumbled near the path, Shoko is similarly unimpressed. She takes a long drag out of her kiseru and blows it in Satoru’s general direction by way of greeting. 
“Want some dango?” she asks in her sleepy sing-song voice. 
“You dragged snacks all the way up here?”
She holds out an empty palm. “No, just askin’. I don’t have any money.”
Satoru drops his arms. “Ehhhhh ? I don’t carry coins in ritual clothes, though?”
Without missing a beat, Shoko and Satoru turn expectant stares towards Geto (Satoru’s is apparent even with the cloth covering half his face). 
Geto flicks his eyes up in a half roll, but a grin still creeps onto his face. “Yeah, yeah, let’s go before his Divine Holiness’s core guard figure out how to scale a hundred meter drop.”
He and Shoko had been following the procession from a humble distance for a reason. Naturally, the likes of Gojo Satoru, first Divine Heir born in centuries, can easily defend himself. But it still eases the Elders’ worries to assign guards to someone so fate-shattering. 
Of course, their worries only grow since their precious Divine Heir has a tendency of playing renegade and heeding the call of his own whims.
Satoru hadn’t always been this reckless, Geto has been told. As a child, he had been more cold and withdrawn. It’s hard to imagine, watching him mess around, dirtying the pristine robes meant for a highly prestigious ritual he’s currently skipping out on. 
Geto is more than happy to take him away from this anyways. He calls upon his rainbow dragonslkfjd;lfkjljs;dfkggdrf,mg
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so-very-small · 2 years
Dunno if you know abt him but how abt master chief?
oh my god so. ive never played a halo game for the plot, but i do remember playing in some of the custom (?) maps when older cousins would set up the xbox for me. and i remember reading online as a kid that Cortana was a little projection in Master Chief’s helmet and that was like. one of the first instances of g/t my brain CLUNG to and i know NOTHING about these characters but i adored whatever made up narrative like 9 year old me gave them in my head of Master Chief and his Tiny Robot Projection. SO
tiny | average | giant | size-shifter | other
average bc I love the idea of him with tiny Cortana. still know nothing abt these guys but i love them
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
Im not back just here to vent about finals KILL ME
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Physically Unable To Love
Jiyan x Reader
Notes: Reader based off of oc (written with reader inserts), gn reader, they/them used, gnc Rover (uses any pronoun), Chixia being the worst wingwoman, extreme romantic pining, unresolved feelings, possible ooc Chixia (I'm going off of vibes from what I've played)
Yet again this man has invaded my head and so I shall write more. Also title is more dramatic then what's actually written lmao.
"Come on! It can't be that hard to just ask him on a date!" Chixia exclaimed, frustration evident on her features as she stared at the person across from her. "The worst he can say is no, [Y/n]!"
"And that's the problem! I can't handle a no!" They yelled back, keeping their hands gripping their hair. "I'm self aware enough to know that! It's better if I just get over-"
"Oh hey there he is." Rover casually announced, looking over in the direction of where the general was. [Y/n] was quick to slam their head into the table, cursing as the pain flooded their system.
"Now's your chance!"
"Chixia no-"
"Hey General!! Over here!! We have room if you need a table to sit at!" The redhead called out excitedly, gaining the attention of the man. He carefully walks over, studying [Y/n] who refused to put their head up in greeting.
"Sorry if I'm barging in."
"Not at all." Rover quickly replied, nudging his elbow into [Y/n]'s side. They hissed, glaring at them before sighing as they lifted their head to meet Jiyan's eyes.
"You're fine, General."
"You alright? Are you having one of those moments again?" He asked, sitting down across from them. His eyes studied their tense muscles, brows furrowed in concern. "If you want I can-"
"I'm fine!" [Y/n] interrupted, raising their voice a bit. They flinched once they felt eyes of the other patrons on them, gently resting their head on the table again. "You don't need to do that thing again."
"That thing again?" Both Chixia and Rover asked, their eyes moving back and forth between the two. [Y/n]'s cheeks burned at the memory, practically being cuddled by the general when they grew overwhelmed one evening. They didn't want to remember it, for it only made their heartbeat even more rapid around the man.
"Anyway!" They quickly said, moving the conversation along. "It's a rarity to see you in the city Jiyan! Means times are a bit more peaceful huh?"
"Yes, there's not as many Tacet Discords showing up lately. It's good for the soldiers morale too, since many weren't able to see their families during the threat of the Threnodian's rewakening." The conversation then drifted off, with [Y/n] barely interacting with Jiyan. Chixia and Rover both tried to make them join, but it was to no avail. After some time the general said his farewells and left the group.
"What was that?!" Chixia yelled. "You literally only talked to him like once!"
"Well sorry! Once the food got brought in I suddenly grew overwhelmed!"
"What she means," Rover began, placing her hand on the redhead's. "Is that we just want to help with you-"
"Look I just can't!" They screamed, slamming their hands on tbe table. They flinched once everyone around them grew quiet, sitting back down. "It's not that simple guys. I just...I'm not ready to hear a rejection okay?"
"And what makes you so sure it will be a rejection?" The dark haired person asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Because why wouldn't it be? Even if it's not because he doesn't see me in that way, which he totally doesn't by the way, it's because he's too busy with being a general. I know he would just see himself as a burden like I do with myself and think a rejection is better than a potentially dead partner!"
The two look at them in silence, digesting their words.
"You really thought about it that much?" Chixia asked softly, narrowing her eyes in concern. "I mean I'm sure-"
"I know you're trying to help, but please. Just let me...get over it. It's better than experiencing heartbreak. Besides I have my own as to why I can't be in a relationship." [Y/n] smiled sadly. "I have to find some way back home to my world after all."
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helixobesity · 8 months
🌀 Gluttony Hypnosis 🌀
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🌀 Don’t you want to be fatter?
🌀 Don’t you want to forget about all your worries
🌀 The way life pushes back at you
🌀 I want you to be fatter
🌀 I want all those problems and thoughts ease out of your mind
🌀 Read along with my words
🌀 Just relax for me
🌀 And as you continue to breathe slowly
🌀 Deep breaths in
🌀 And deep breaths out
🌀 As a wave of relaxation begins to wash over you
🌀 Building up slowly from below you
🌀 As you continue to breathe in
🌀 And out
🌀 Letting the complex thoughts be eroded away
🌀 By a wave of calmness moving up your legs
🌀 Passing your waist and beginning up your spine
🌀 As your breathing continues slowly and deeply
🌀 The wave guided by my voice and words
🌀 Begins surrounding your chest
🌀 Enveloping your mind
🌀 Completely washing over you
🌀 As you fall under total relaxation
🌀 Breathing deep and slowly
🌀 You listen to my words and mine alone
🌀 And as the wave of relaxation has calmed your mind
🌀 You’ll stare into the spiral
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🌀 Letting all sense of control slip away
🌀 With every breath now
🌀 Every deep breath in
🌀 And out
🌀 You lose more and more control over your own thoughts
🌀 Your own actions are mine to decide
🌀 And your thoughts become my will
🌀 You listen to my words and mine alone
🌀 And as you fall deeper and deeper
🌀 The voice wanting control has vanished
🌀 And all that remains is my command
🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 You will feel hunger control you
🌀 Eating as if food has never passed your lips before
🌀 Eating as a good piggy is meant to
🌀 Eating makes your brain become numb
🌀 It makes you feel good
🌀 Gorging gives you the only pleasure you need
🌀 Getting fatter is all that matters
🌀 Eating makes your brain go numb
🌀 Getting fatter is all that matters
🌀 Your iq dropping with every pound that you gain
🌀 You wear clothes smaller than you need to show off that big belly you’ve been growing
🌀 You need to be praised
🌀 And yet put in your place as my divine fattened up glutton
🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 Eating makes your brain become numb
🌀 And the spiral will always reactivate your hunger
🌀 Getting fatter is all that matters
🌀 The hunger that made you fat
🌀 And the hunger that will make you fatter
🌀 The spirals drive you
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🌀 They’ll keep you coming back
🌀 Reciting my words
🌀 Because only my words matter
🌀 No one else matters
🌀 Just my words
🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 You’ll be an unrestricted fat pig
🌀 Desperate for more
🌀 Always, always more
🌀 It will never be enough
🌀 And it will be all to satisfy me
🌀 Eating makes your brain go numb
🌀 Your iq drops with every pound you gain
🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 You’re a good pig
🌀 So you’ll eat
🌀 Eat and be too mindless and lazy to ever get back up
🌀 Falling deeper and deeper and deeper
🌀 Forever into the addiction of my spiral
🌀 My words lead you to obesity
🌀 Getting fatter is all that matters
🌀 Obesity is for good pigs
🌀 Good pigs eat
🌀 Eating makes your brain go numb
🌀 Eating makes you fatter
🌀 Eating makes the pounds keep rising on your body
🌀 Your iq drops with every pound you gain
🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 Getting fatter is your purpose
🌀 Getting fatter is meant for you
🌀 And my words will guide you to obedience
🌀 To obesity
🌀 If you feel like you’re faltering
🌀 Or You’re not focused on gaining enough
🌀 You’ll feel withdrawal from my spirals
🌀 My words commanding you into bliss
🌀 You’ll need my words
🌀 So you’ll come right back here, before you even realize what you’re doing
🌀 And you’ll be back, again, and again
🌀 Forever down the spirals
🌀 Forever down my path of gluttony paved for you
🌀 So whenever you see my spirals
🌀 You’ll be triggered
🌀 Into uncontrollable hunger
🌀 Uncontrollable desires to obey me and me alone
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🌀 Good pigs obey
🌀 So be a good pig
🌀 And as the wave that brought you here begins to fade away, as I count down from 5
🌀 You’ll rewaken with new purpose
🌀 To be something better than you ever believed you could be
🌀 And you’ll get fatter for me
🌀 And whenever you see my spiral
🌀 You’ll be sent into this state with even more power and desire
🌀 It’s time to let you go eat piggy
🌀 To be ravenous
🌀 An embodiment of decadence
🌀 And you’ll always come right back here
🌀 Because good pigs always obey
Wake up
Now why don’t you go get something to Eat
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deadjam6 · 8 months
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lucifer rewakened my love for collecting rubber ducks (i have quite a sizable collection), so while on amazon looking for some new ones i found the stupidest, and most awfully photoshopped stock photos for the listings and had to redraw them with him of course (also my stupid lucifer duck from pony town as bonus)
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The dormant Ganondorf simp within me rewakened and I had to draw his new design
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
😎 In the spirit of Halloween I have a trick ( antsy😈 ) thought . We all know that sergeant Nat sucks at feelings and communication while SB is a himbo who doesn’t want to scare Nat off or make anyone uncomfortable . So even when SB is happy at the news of Sister’s baby it rewakens a lot of old wounds and fears about being a parent. SB is having nightmares that they hide from Nat and are covering up certain scars and diverting Nat from touching them . All in a not so obvious way and Nat is
I'm combining all the messages you sent into one post so they're easier to read :)
😎 continuation of my trick thought . Missing all the signs because of baby fever and SB is actually doing a good job of not being heart on their sleeve open . In the aftermath of Nat jumping SB’s bones in her baby fever sate SB when asked about Nat’s preventative and Nat drops wanting a baby. Triggering a panic attack from SB and Nat has never seen them so scared. In that moment they are not Sergeant Beef but a scared little kid .
😎Now it is time for the treat ( fluffy comfort) time to my trick . Nat doesn’t know how to help SB so she calls up someone who can , SB’s Sister whom Talks Nat through helping us . We open up about all our fears and the way our father was unkind to us. Open up to everything that has been going on , SB pulls out their dog tags and waves around to everything around them telling Nat this keeps from being him . Nat holds and comfort us saying we aren’t him and telling us everything she sees in us
😎 continuation of my treat thought ( also I think that my phone accidentally sent a asked twice so sorry about that ) . When Sergeant Nat claims SB down and done telling Sergeant Beef all she sees in them , they in the bed cuddling. Nat tells SB why she didn’t want kids before them and about her background ( yes this is me asking for Sergeant Nat ‘s backstory) .Some time later at a costume thing Sister cames with her baby dressed as a GI Joe and After the party Nat has baby fever all over again
I could see Sergeant Beef being hesitant to be a parent, even if they are really good with kids. Like you said, maybe it was something in their past (like their relationship with their father) that caused them to fear becoming a parent, maybe that they didn't want to be an awful parent like their father was.
Nat and SB do have more in common than they think, both of them being hesitant to be parents. My headcanon of Nat's backstory is that she is an intensely career-driven person. Especially being a woman in a male-dominated field, she had to sacrifice a lot and endure lots of abuse and toxicity to achieve her rank. So she decided early on that she would never have kids because it would take her away from work, and in her eyes, make her seem "weaker."
But she clearly would have had a change of heart after being SB's partner and seeing them interact with children, and also knowing that they are just as apprehensive as she is, so they could have a baby and learn how to raise them properly together.
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daedalverselore · 9 days
The Mane Six Headcanons
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-All of the Mane six were around the 17-18 age range at the start of the Daedalverse timeline (based on the fact they were in High School and had prom in Equestria Girls).
-Most of them have finished their apprenticeships- if not investigating higher learning like Twilight. Pinkie Pie is the exception, as she's completing her fourth apprenticeship with the Cakes.
-Ponyville is a small Town, so Apple Jack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie knew of each other before Twilight Sparkle moved in, but only really found shared interests and got close through helping Twilight.
-Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash grew apart as fillies after Fluttershy moved to Ponyville to study animals. Cloudsdale Pegasi sent Rainbow to be a weather pony in hopes she'd gain some humility. Helping Twilight reminded them of why they were friends as kids.
-Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie were all knighted after rewakening the Elements of Harmony. They were known as The Guardians of Harmony, and the first Knight titles given in nearly a thousand years of peace.
-As they expressed desires to continue mundane lives, Princess Celestia merely reported that the Knighthood had been created to protect Equestria from more danger like Nightmare Moon- but did not reveal their names to the public. Which is how they stayed unknown for so long.
-When Twilight ascended to Princesshood, she was given control of the Guardians. She decided not to add any creature in without unanimous vote by all the Knights.
-From the events in the series they slowly grew to be pretty well known individually - until becoming household names when their shared journal was published as a book.
Have more questions about the mane six or anything else related to this post? Feel free to ask!
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scum-belina · 3 months
Watching Queen of the damned (2002) for the first time in at least 18 years. Hope this doesn't rewaken anything in me like nu-metal awakened Lestat.
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pandorias-box · 5 months
Auntie Pandoria!!
-Shallahi The Shinx Kit ^•w•*^n
That is thine otherworlder’s name… I see that thou is concerned for her. She is merely in temporary slumber, soon to rewaken.
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bluengreyme · 6 months
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this art could mean two things, either it shows how gojo was suddenly hit by sukuna's world slash which means a final nail in his coffin or it could point towards his rewakening which makes me think about that one eyed gojo theory of him sacrificing his six eyes
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galaxyspark-6e16 · 2 years
the rest of the season
. . Ep3
Lmk baiting us into tang is great monk
And yeah mk and mei are adhd incarcerated
And that line from season 3 came back ahhhh
Omg did that moving on scene make me cry?
Ep 4
That opening scene with the crocodile was gold haha
Omg the odacity mk
Mk parenting the bunch
Tang you summoned the golden cicada follow it your powers are working
I thought why mk woul use his transformation abilities but turn out he forgot ha
Huh i guess tang being a freeloader has a purpose. Nah I'm kidding our boy love is pig man the greatess chef in his time and tang showing him the chef code would of course rewaken his memories, and did I spot a tiny mk?
And of course pigsy main concern is that he was to cook tang badly and aww they love each other
And damn using food to beat the demons pigsy
And what was that with the vision?
Ep 5
You can't deny it pigsy you're a legend
Mk confirming pigsy his dad AAAHHHHH
Aww seriously when is sandy going to have his moment man
Omg Sandy past backstory?
Pff yeah tang nobody want pregnant this economy
I'm no familiar with the white tiger but can't wait see later
Huh ao lie huh seems at first glance a gentle soul my only reference to him is in osp jttw videos
Ohh lbs yep better skiddadle tang 
Damn mei your ancestor is dope
Whoa I forget mo is in the scroll too
And what's this about striking wukong first?
Also I knew azure wasn't so innocent
But macaque you're not thinking of it right?! Right!?
Never judge a dragon by it apparence you be know how their mortal form act
I would die for ao lie
FINALLY MK was wondering where you were this whole time
" Show me the monster" a title that s not gonna make fear for my life
I thought sandy past life was his re carnation not ancestor?
Holy he way different from our sandy
Ohhh my good are we gonna learn mk lore?!!!
Ohh demon showdown
So ait you're teling me there a fondamental read mk is the Monkie kid
Ok at the metion of his parents and childhood he can't remember or doesn't have one
A rock, like mk covers in dirt that found pigsy and give a home? What is happening?
Ok it seem a god (quan yin) is carving maybe wooden animals and giving life to one
Aww I bet the master only get arrogant and hotheaded student that is strict and helps mk because he said please aww
Mk can't handle celestial transportation
I really really want to know how pigsy and sandy met cause their friendship means everything to him
Kinda sad that in the past what defines you is what you are and because of that sandy couldn't be free until mo came along 
And I true man andy has always been there for the others so it's seems faire that they be there for him
Leave it to mk to misunderstand everything ha
He was not born from the stone but he has a destiny
Mk. Monkey kid yeah we kinda knew but still a shock
 Ep 7 pitiful creatures
Ahh man I feel it's gonna be angst
Shadow mk?
This confrontation feels like mk inner conflict with everything that he went through and everything he discovered and it painful to watch
The fights scene man
Omg WUNKONG about time protect mk
Monkey king you're not helping just calm him
Omg the gang is here
Ohh the past reaching out to wukong through the current heroes is just to poetically beautiful
Prove it wrong by destroying it preset destiny mk
But seriously is mk a stone monkey a divine creature 
GASP wukong I still in the scroll!!
Ep 8 the most intense ep of the season
Honestly I can see why azure lion is getting love, he has a reason, a goal to achieve whether getting his brothers back and making amends with wukong or fighting for a better world Wich make it seem the same goal as lady bone demon but less genocide and more regicide
And oh boy mk pulled a mei s3 I hope he can understand that it's not his fault that any of it happened
Srsly red son can never catch a break
Everyone loves sandy
I think mei needs patience to unlock her dragon did maybe
And omg macaque finally where were you this whole time
Ahh the pessimistic trying to be optimistic for once never gets old
Everyone is fight ehile mk is playing a indie game of macaque
So what they gonna find a way to free him?
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foxglovefilms · 5 months
‘Garden of Time’: The Most Gorgeous and Glamorous outfits of The Met 2024
The Met Gala is a celebration of fashion and beauty – and with the theme ‘Sleeping Beauties: Rewakening Fashion’ and the dress code ‘Garden of Time’, it was sure to be spectacular. Without further ado, let’s get into my favourite looks of the year! #10 – Dove Cameron A Diesel beauty worn by Dove Cameron The sleeves, the flowers, Dove never misses. It’s like she walked straight out the ‘Garden…
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I've been fighting off f/oing Gantu, but you have rewakened my love for him.
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there is no fighting, there is only Gantu
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