#rewatching the show rn so i can get back on track
ittybluebell · 9 months
Itty Bitty Brains - iZombie g/t fanfic (ao3) | Chapter 2
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The beans that worked here were fucking weird.
It'd been a day since Atom had moved in. He'd gotten good borrowings in the night - food, building supplies, etc - and alternated between working and sleeping during the day. He was constructing a lean-to out of cardboard and a Tupperware lid when the sounds of conversation had him pausing to listen in.
"... brain's made... into some kind of astrology nut... There's just... constantly in my head... understand the world better, but at the same time, it's the greatest mystery that I can't wait to solve."
"Right, well," said another voice, one Atom hadn't heard before, "why don't you focus on solving our mystery? You know, the murdered woman whose brain you turned into a hot pocket."
"It's called a calzone, Clive. And yeah, I got it - no pondering the meaning of life as we know it and how everything is somehow connected but not at the same time and- yes, I'm completely focused. I promise."
"Good," said 'Clive.' "Because we're going to interview the widow again. She gave us what she could, but her wife was just murdered - she was barely coherent. I'm hoping that today we can get some information about the break-in. Come on - let's go."
And they were gone, leaving Atom utterly flabbergasted with his jaw hanging and his eyes bulging. She ate... no. No way. Mm-mm. Atom was not living with cannibals. That human bean did not eat-
Oh, he was going to be sick. Just thinking about- nope. Nuh-uh. He was gonna puke. No more thinking about it. Just ignore it and move on. They were not talking about eating brains because that was- that was disgusting. Nobody did that. Nobody ate people and just casually brought it up like the weather. Atom remembered the sound of food being prepared and thrown in the toaster oven. He remembered the tantalizing smell when it came out, how it made his mouth water and his stomach growl something fierce. If that was brains-
Oh, good lord.
Atom made it a few paces away from his campsite before he emptied his guts onto the floor. He heaved and coughed, shuddering as saliva and the taste of bile filled his mouth. He spat and wiped his mouth, hoping that was the end of it, when his mind flashed back to the scent of bread and cheese and fle-
Oh, yeah. That was gonna fuck him up for a few days.
Night came. Atom found himself several unopened packages of needles in a drawer that was cracked open enough for him to slip inside. He broke one out of its packaging and hefted its weight. It was perfect. The bright green end fit into his palm like it belonged there. He slid the metal into a loop on his pants and the needle sat on his hip like a knight's sword. There was a hop to his stride for the rest of the night, his pride and excitement leading him to nearly skip across the linoleum. He collected other bits and baubles, but nothing compared to the needle. The weight on his hip solidified his place there, giving him some sense of belonging. The dry pasta and staples came close, but they didn't have the same oomph. He had a sword; a symbol of his independence and self-sufficiency. How could he know fear when he wielded such a weapon?
The lights flicked on.
Evidently, Atom still knew fear.
He threw himself under the desk. The pasta shell he'd been carrying clattered to the floor. He swore under his breath, trying to catch a glimpse of the intruding human bean. Pasta didn't belong in an office. If he could just scooch a liiiittle closer...
Footsteps. A sigh from a man. The examiner? 'Clive'? Someone else? Who came into a morgue this late? Wasn't there bad juju around morgues? Fear of bodies coming to life? Ghosts? Just leave! Only the dead and things that go bump in the night belong in a morgue at this hour.
Massive legs swept into Atom's vision. Oh, of course the bean was coming into the office. Of course. Why not? Go make yourself a cup of tea, while you're at it! The human stomped closer. Atom shrunk in on himself, swallowing harshly. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. The shoes stopped dead in front of him. Atom felt like breaking into tears.
Two giant fingers pinched the pasta shell and picked it up. There was another sigh from above. Atom held his breath. Something cold and paralyzing settled in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't move, could barely breathe.
"Liv," the bean said, annoyed. He rounded the desk and settled in the chair. The single piece of conchiglie made several bouncing clacks as it landed on the wood above. Atom slowly and shakily exhaled into his hand. He turned around, coming face-to-face with a pair of shoes crossed at the ankle and a chair wheel.
"Holy shit," Atom said, closer to a gust of air than words.
The bean muttered to himself as he typed on his keyboard and flipped through pages. The sounds of pen scratching paper and clothes rustling were too loud in Atom's ears, challenged only by the thud of his own heartbeat. Atom had to remind himself that no, the human bean could not possibly hear it.
Atom began to rise, only to freeze when the bean shifted. The shoes swapped places, crossing again at the ankle. Atom pushed himself the rest of the way up. He eyed the doorway. Should he risk it or stay here? The bean was doing paperwork. But he might notice something small moving in his peripherals. Beans were hunters, after all. Atom had a greater chance of going unseen if he stayed put, out of the way. Right under the giant man's nose.
"Cause of death," he heard the human bean mutter, "stab... wound... to left lung."
That gave Atom pause. Of course he was going over Jenny's medical report. There were no other recent bodies.
"Wife found her in the morning," the man said. "Window was jimmied open, money and phone were missing. Robbery gone murderous. Knife was a weapon of opportunity. Unfortunately, there were no cameras to capture the break-in. Which means it's going to be almost impossible to track the killer down without Liv's visions."
Visions? Did she have superpowers? From eat- nope, not going there.
But they were looking for the killer? Atom frowned. He remembered that evening very clearly. He could recall every detail as if watching it play out again. He'd peeked out from behind the painting, and then it happened. And he was horrified. He couldn't remain in that house, not after what he'd seen. He was near suffocating in its atmosphere. Leaving was the best option, which he still stood by. Kind of. Okay, so maybe not - the cannibalism and 'visions' bullshit was really making him regret that decision.
"But if the robber was wearing a mask, which they were unless they're an idiot..." The bean groaned and scrubbed his face. "We're back to square one."
Goddammit. Something inside of Atom ached. Something righteous that screamed 'You know! You can help!' and urged him to tell someone. He knew what happened. He saw the whole thing. But what could he do? He was a borrower. He couldn't reveal himself - purge the very idea! Could he leave a clue? But then they would wonder who and go looking for him. He couldn't help. He wouldn't risk his people, his family, his life for one measly bean and some 'righteous feeling.' He was frustrated, not suicidal.
"Get over yourself," Atom growled, combing through his hair and catching knots. He pulled at them, untangling untameable curls. He'd done it since he was a child and was unable to cull the habit. His mother discouraged it, so he learned not to do it in front of her. It was calming, in a way. It helped in the same way that playing with his sleeves or a tool cleared his head.
Atom sat. He would wait for the bean to finish up. There was no reason to put himself at unnecessary risk. He leaned against the metal leg and closed his eyes, listening to the mumbled ramblings of the human. He mostly spoke of the mystery around Jenny's death, but he did mention cures (for what?) and rats.
That gave Atom a start. There were rats here? Of course there were. Because there wasn't enough for Atom to worry about already - the universe just had to add rats.
Rats were borrowers' number one enemy. Rats killed indiscriminately, destroyed homes - families - and encouraged humans to hire exterminators. Then came the traps and poison and cages that forced borrowers to flee their homes or risk death, or worse, discovery. Atom had to move. Again. Any day now, the pest control van would roll in and they'd start spewing fumes and setting up their bone-breaking traps.
"Oh, shit, I forgot to feed you guys tonight," the bean said.
Atom watched the skyscraper of a man go off to the back room. And then he heard eager squeaking. Realization dawned on him. They're pet rats. Lab rats. Relief flooded his body. Well, that changed everything. He didn't have to move.
Atom's head shot up. I need to move. Now! While the bean was occupied. Atom scrambled to his feet and wasted no time sprinting out of the office. He craned his neck to see into the back room. The medical examiner wasn't visible, but the popping of a plastic lid was plenty enough to place him there.
Atom made it back to the safety of the walls without further issue. He melted into his sleeping bag, deflating with a massive sigh and an adrenaline-fueled laugh. That's enough excitement for tonight, he thought.
In the morning, Atom stood atop the very desk that saved his hide last night. Every instinct in his being told him this was a horrible idea and what was he thinking? But he couldn't take it. His own guilt, knowing he could help out but just stood by and did nothing, was overpowering. There was a thrill in being out in the open during the day. His nerves were shot and his hands trembled so badly that he missed his hook throw the first two times, but he couldn't deny the exhilaration that he felt. The forbidden nature gave him a rush like no other.
Atom struggled to hold the pen upright. He wrapped his arms around it in a tight embrace and used his whole body to guide the ink, dragging the pen across the page as he walked. Finished, he rolled the pen back to its original spot. He gave a satisfied nod and proceeded to climb down to the floor, but not before grabbing a paperclip and sticky note. With a sharp yank of his shoulder, the hook came loose and fell into his waiting hand. The sharp point was a hair shy of slicing open his arm. It was a serious risk, injuring yourself with your own hook - you had to know which angles were safe to catch it and which ones were best to just let it hit the floor, even at the risk of making noise. Atom didn't like to risk it, but today felt different. He felt different.
Atom wound up the rope as he jogged back to the kitchen. It was a quick in-and-out errand - go, leave the message, come back. He was riding a high, but he didn't expect it to last long. And his luck wasn't something to be tested. Not like this. He got away with too much lately - his luck was bound to come crashing down around him. And he didn't want to be out in the open when it did.
"Liv! I got the... coffees. Right, then. I'll just leave yours here! For when you get back."
Atom's heart dropped to his stomach. The doctor was here. Atom knew he shouldn't be out in the daytime and he went and did it anyway! What the hell did he do now? He was gonna be seen and captured and dissected and-
Hide! I need to hide. Atom whipped around, searching. Shit shit shit shit. He was stuck in the middle of the floor. But the fridge was right there. Would he make it?
He had to try.
Atom made a break for it. His breath came in great, terrified puffs. His heart pounded louder than the bean's footsteps, beating so much faster than own footfalls. His jaw clenched. Hard. Hard enough to make his teeth ache. His neck prickled furiously, instincts yelling at him to find cover. There were eyes looking for him. A human was too close. He wasn't safe.
Just a bit closer. He was almost there!
"What-" started the doctor's voice.
Atom dropped like a hot stone. He slid across the linoleum, leaving a trail in the dust under the fridge. His chest heaved, sweat damp on his face and back. He laid on his back for a few more moments, basking in the cool air that felt so good on his burning hot skin.
The bean didn't see him. He was alright. Everything was alright.
The bean was in his office. He got the note, if the phone call in the other room was any indication. Atom got away with it. But that was too close. He'd only been here for two days and already had two close encounters with the one human bean. He had to be far more careful from now on; a third save was asking too much. He needed tunnels and a proper home. With all the staples and thumbtacks and pins he'd collected, he felt confident in his ability to make a ladder to the ceiling.
After his heart stopped beating out of his chest, though. A couple more minutes here. 'Here' was nice and cool. Yeah. A nap couldn't hurt, either.
Hours later, Atom had himself a functional stairway up to the ceiling. It was precarious and he'd feel more comfortable with an elevator, but he didn't have those kinds of materials yet. There was an upstairs to this place that he wanted to explore. It was a police station, right? Who knew what sorts of goodies they kept up there. Rulers and snacks and tape and pencils... oh, it would be glorious, he could already tell. His only greater wish was for a craft store next door.
The beans knew about his note. The medical examiner told his friends about the tip that was mysteriously left in his office by someone "With just awful penmanship. I mean, it's like a six-year-old broke into my office and scribbled on my work."
Yeah, screw you, too, buddy. You try writing with a pen bigger than your body.
Liv and Clive were following up on Atom's tip. It probably wouldn't lead to anything without proof, but at least he tried. It satisfied his desire to share his knowledge and that's all that mattered. Not solving the actual murder. Why would he care about what happened to beans? He'd only lived in Jenny and Sara's home for... seven years.
Shit. Maybe he did care.
No. Humans were tyrants with no regard for others. They would kill or torture or sell borrowers if they got their giant hands on one. He couldn't be sympathetic. He couldn't afford sympathy for beans. Just like he couldn't afford sympathy for a rat or raccoon. No, he didn't care about Jenny or Sara. What a ridiculous notion. Atom shook his head as he pulled himself onto the final thumbtack, curly hair flopping around him. He climbed over a wood beam and examined the dark, dusty space that laid above the ceiling. There were cobwebs everywhere - all of them vacant and perfect for sewing and building. Atom rubbed his hands together. Yes, this would do nicely. He just needed that elevator and construction could begin.
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 2
Phayu is looking WAY too happy to be called a bastard
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Idk this shot is just funny
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AHHHH It's our other resident cutie!! I missed you Prapai <3 Also yay for P' Aon and P' Saifah my beloveds
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The exchange between Prapai and P' Saifah is so funny and I wish we'd gotten to explore the twins' and Prapai trio more in the show. That would've been so fun! As it stands take a P' Saifah side-eyeing self-proclaimed VIP Prapai
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Ah so P' Saifah did hear things last night (poor him). Also I'mma need everyone to stop calling Phayu names when all he does is be a SIMP
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If the beast was actually a puppy, sure. I'm not sure these boys know how metaphors work.
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Poor Sky's world is about to get a lot windier with turbulence. It's not time for us to talk about that yet though. Also peep the manga collection, I stan
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P' Phayu you're hilarious - wdym germ-spreader as if you don't literally stick your tongue down his throat in circa 5 minutes
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Man is really gunning to impress the in-laws - do you see this smirk?? He knows he's won their favor (at least Mama Rain's so far). Poor Rain can feel himself being replaced as the favorite son >.<
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I just know Phayu's inner-self is SCREAMING rn at seeing his triangle being so treasured by Rain. This is probably what prompted that very "you are my fate and the heavens themselves brought us together and ilysm" musical number coming up later on. Also for the millionth time, Boss has v nice hands heh
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I love how utterly hypnotized Rain looks every time Phayu gets close to him. obsessed with this set of expressions, actually!
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Why is Rain saying 'mia' with that look on his face so powerful?? Phayu sir how did you hold back from immediately smothering his face with kisses bc I certainly couldn't be that strong
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Phayu I'm going to slap you bc what is this behavior?
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Rain is understandably not ok. Noeul did a spectacular job here of giving us subdued shock and realistic tearing up. Generally speaking, he's a good crier (even in ep 3 I think he portrayed it well without overdoing it).
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I love how they gave us dramatic thunder in the background to really impart the gravity of the situation. Foley artist I continue to love u <3
They also really went hard with the triangle imagery in this episode, or maybe that's just me seeing things. I do love how Rain's first instinct to get out of any Situation is to grab Phayu's arm.
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"It's time to stop studying each other." Yeah ok say it without looking at Rain's lips like 50 times first, coward
You can see the tear track and Noeul does this little nose twitch here that's giving me poor meow meow. Even Phayu couldn't resist touching
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Rain: is this clown serious rn?? we're talking about the WEATHER???
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The audacity?!
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Rain looks so distressed here, my poor son :(
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He finally breaks and we get to see that oh-so-adorable-only-for-Rain nose crinkle. Phayu is lucky he's so cute or Rain would've pouted for a lot longer
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Rain just went at him with the softest pillow in his arsenal. He's too nice.
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I know every single one of you went back to the shot earlier of his clearly unmarked back when you first watched this. I should know. I squinted for like 5 full minutes. Phayu you're a liar :(
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Rain hits him some more, and Phayu says he's already won. I really think this man looks wayyyy too smug, someone (Rain) should do something about it.
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And we're back to the neck cradling. I continue to admire how quickly Rain just loses himself (as shown by his suddenly very focused on Phayu's face gaze)
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To the next part we go!! Lots of sweetness ahead :)
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jadeittic · 2 years
HS + Y/I: 2022 (SERIES)
EXTRA (6) (REMAKE) -- ive been procrastinating a lot this yr so i guess we're back on track with hs + y/i
WARNINGS: are ig comments even warnings anymore 😭-- and there will be new uses of face claims.
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liked by username, and 12,348 others
celebnews YN LN spotted in Glasgow, UK for upcoming first collaboration tour with Harry Styles.
view all 1,754 comments
username my girl looks so majestic i cant
username im hyperventilating just at the thought of her someone help me
username i havent moved on from her last tour now shes back. AND WITH HARRY TOO.
username ive gotten my tickets. IVE GOTTEN MY TICKETS.
username im so not jumping, blushing, twirling my hair at the sight of her rn
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liked by harrystyles, lukehemmings, dannyramirez, and 2,165,410 others
yourinstagram pov: im so fucking nervous i can barely stand still so heres a pic
view all 26,122 comments
anthonymackie Super disappointed in ourselves because we can't see you on your first ever collaboration tour. You're growing up, young lady. Don't you forget about us.
username i love them sm my heartjsheufs
yourinstagram will do mr. mackie! make sure to stop by next time :))
username already feeling like im abt to pass out and i havent seen them yet
yourinstagram u dk how much i want you to be here rn ;((
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liked by username, and 14,352 others
view all 3,183 comments
username holy shit holy shit holy shit am i still breathing
username so fucking proud to say i was there. i was in the first show of hs + y/i.
username i loved the moments where they were trying to communicate but the crowd was too loud
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liked by username, and 3,391 others
harryxyn no explanations needed. just tears
view all 260 comments
username i couldnt believe i was even there omg i thought it was all a dream
username my life is complete.
username 2/6 :(
username i cant stop rewatching the videos i recorded :(((((( i already miss them sm
username i cant MOVE ON
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liked by vicdeangelis, yourinstagram, letitawright, and 4,902,514 others
harrystyles I am so proud of my girl who I call a sister from another mister. She doesn’t have any idea how much she means to me. You are loved, YN LN. (By me which who loves you the most.) You deserve the world. Thank you for being there always. It’s always us against the world.
HS + Y/I. Glasgow. June, 2022.
view all 56,625 comments
username “its always us against the world” I CANT BREATHE IM IN TEARS
username 😭😭😭😭😭
username two words. in. tears.
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, chrisevans, anyataylorjoy, and 4,827,944 others
yourinstagram should i even explain? this idiot has been with me for as long as i remember. god, i can’t even remember when i agreed to go on tour with him (kidding, kidding). you are the most talented, funniest, hell, i even have to say handsome person to feed your ego. you are one of the best people to have happened in my life. it’s always us against the world.
thank you glasgow for being our first ever crowd for hs + y/i — its great to be back again! ❤
view all 47,319 comments
username i have no words to say anymore this is so sweet
username oh??? my??? god??? ive missed them so much i didnt realise it
imsebastianstan She’s been crying about his message the whole time we’ve been drinking.
username i will literally have “its always is against the world” tattooed on me soon
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liked by anthonypham, annetwist, dovecameron, and 427,314 others
mitchrowland Don’t be fooled by the internet, kids. These two have been searching up ways to steal my guitar without me noticing for the past hour.
view all 16,398 comments
username it is wdym
username ‼protect mitch rowland from ynrry‼
username now this is what we call bonding
yourinstagram shush youre spoiling our plan
username the way id help them username
ynrry world domination
yourinstagram no thanks
username thank you for this update mitch
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liked by yourinstagram, bellahadid, jefezoff, and 2,466,012 others
harrystyles Girls can kiss now.
view all 31,175 comments
username my fav girl with my fav book
username does this mean something…
username yn are you kissing other girls that arent me >:(
yourinstagram im sorry...i can explain
username if girls can kiss now… im free…
username theyve never read a book seriously beforehrdgd this post means sm to me now
username my day has been so much better since this photo
username MY WOMANNNN
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Random ooc post
Hello everyone, as we know I’d hate Gideon if I ever saw him irl and I’d 100% eat him for being rich.
I just really like his character…
Is he the best villain ever? No
Is the media he’s from flawed? Very much so
However, I really like the idea of him. The premise around scott pilgrim is really fun and I like it a lot, and I think the exes are a really good part of it!
Sure in the comics and movie they weren’t the biggest most fleshed out thing ever, but they’re still very fun to play with and I like their characters, even if we don’t see much of it
I don’t love Gideon, in fact I think he’s a “nice guy”
However he is still one of my favorites. He’s very fun to play, and I think he was really fun in the movie (even if I didn’t like the movie besides the jokes)
I’d beat him to death on sight for the kung pao chicken line. Won’t even make a justification there.
I know others don’t like it much, but I like how different he is in each media while still having the same Baseline.
Comics? I really like that version! It shows Gideon in his most deranged, and I think he has some pretty good lines + I like characters with a mysterious element
Movie? Like I said, far from my favorite, but Jasons performance was really good and he clearly had fun! I really only like the movie because you can tell everyone had a really fun time making it and obviously really loved their roles. I’m never excusing the lesphobia and racism though thats ew!!!
Spto? Its flawed, and the rose tinted goggles have fallen, but I still really like how Gideon was shown. I will admit, there were plot holes (like gideon having an act around julie, who was on his side) but I think its a great way to cast him aside and stop his yapping so others could finally have their time to shine. I think it was refreshing, and opened up a whole new view of how he acts (even if it was flawed). Also goosepowers. Im the number one goosepowers defender. LOOK AT ME. THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME TOGETHER IN THE COMICS.
I do acknowledge that Bryan himself never seems to know Gideons character..but that makes it so much fun to run with! As long as you’ve got the basics, You could accurately portray Gideon (which btw im gonna rewatch spto and the later half of the movie so I can get back on track with him, as well as Matthew)
This is probably a total yapfest with no true rhyme or reason, but I just want this to be known.
I am 100% against this man. I will be the first to drag him actually, and if he was around irl I’d be trashing on him so unbelievably hard. However, he is a really fun role to play and I’m so glad the other Gideon blogs got me to really focus on him.
He’s one of my favs, but thats really only because of you guys. I love Matthew more than him but oh my god Gideon is SO fun to play. I feel like such a theater kid rn, but its true. A lot of the blogs are shitposts, and I’ve done some of that too, but I have put my heart and soul into this blog. I really like being up on stage for people to see! Every rp I do I think of everyone reading along, and I really hope I’ve done my job of entertaining and keeping it fun!
I can say the same for Matthew too, but I love him in a different way. Gideon is fun to play and I like characterizing him, but Matthew is just a TBH creature to me. I dont think i can explain it.
Anyways yapfest over bye bye!!
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sarahtheconjurer · 1 year
@ghosttmachine tagged me in a get to know you meme thing (tyyy!!)! So. Here i am posting for oncce lez goooo
Last song:
Technical answer is post traumatic blues by corey taylor, bc ive been using the spotify dj thing and it keeps giving me metal that i o ly kinda like. The funner answer was rhe barbie movie ost since me and my friends literally just got back from it n my friend mariana had me play it in the car. Not rlly my thing was catchy (barbie movie was good btw! Posts abt it being like. Not the deepest critique of social issues and the like are correct but it was a fun time w a lot of heart + rlly great production value + honestly. Very funny. And i watched it w two of my best friends so :})
Currently reading:
For books:
When the Angels Left the Old Country
I haven't touched it in a hot sec, but its a queer, historical fantasy ya book based in jewish folklorex about an angel and a demon that leave europe, after a girl goes missing from the village they've set up shop in. It's very light and whimsical which is not my usual fare, but I'm enjoying it! Its very heartfelt and the two main leads have very good chemistry. And its always cool to see angel/demon lore outside the usual christian sphere.
For manga: steel ball run (part 7 of jojos bizarre adventure) its. A story about a cross continental horse race to find the body parts of jesus. Which is the most coherent way i can put it. Im rereading it w two of my friends rn and im enjoying it! It isnt my favorite part, but its up there, and features some of the best stuff in the series. This is. Also a story featuring a pair of ride or die protagonists with a very strong dynamic and chemistry (honestly, best 'set' of protags in the series) and so much comes from their bond. Its at the point in the series where it started getting a monthly release and it shows, w some rlly gorgeous art. Gyro and Diego are highlights artwise because the former doesnt have a stand he just. Has these steel balls he spins and throws around, so you get very dynamic shots of him just. Chucking them that the author uses in super creative ways to lead the eye and compose panels and the latter. Can turn himself and other things into dinosaurs. Have you ever seen a dinosaur ride a horse? Its fucking sick. It also has some interesting themes of american imperialism and christianity, of all things, which i think are done, well in some respects, esp given the authors track record. IT ALSO HAS SOME OF THE WORST STUFF IN THE SERIES THAT MAKES ME WANT TO KILL HIM W HAMMERS.
Currently watching:
Nothing in particular, but ive got a p big to watch list (Trigun, mob psycho, etc) and i just watched the barbie movie, like i said.
Current obsession:
Guess. Take a guess.
Jfc jojos bizarre adventure is holding me at gunpoint. Its not good its not bad (besides when it is) it its own tier of media. I forgot how much 15 year old me was obsessed w it and so i foolishly rewatched it thinking id be. Normal. I was wrong. God. I've never seen anything like it! It's so clearly a passion project from someone who's very eccentric and so it goes from absurd and stupid and comedic to circling right back to being very human and poignant. Like, it's about love! And familial trauma! And prevailing in the face of great tragedy! And also killing the president because jesus told you so! It's got a myriad of flaws from technical writing issues to genuinely tasteless/bigoted content, so its not some untouchable media, but ive been enjoying it a lot.
Part 5 and 8 are my favorites for very different reasons.
Part 5, Golden Wind, is abt a bunch of weird mobsters on a roadtrip through italy to kill their boss. It has a very charming supporting cast who are a sort of found family of societal rejects, brought together by this guy named Bruno who acts as a leader + mentor + sort of dad? To them. They're all surprisingly fleshed out characters, esp for this early on in the series, and their group dynamic, combined w some of the best fights in the entire show, really sell this part. The main character and main villain are. Not good. Sans a few aspects. Tho. Like i forget giorno is there half the time. (Giorno is my beloved stale cracker of a character but hes MY stale cracke, tho)
Part 8, Jojolion, is uh. Hm. It follows this amnesiac dude who wakes up in the dirt, as he tries to piece together the person he was. It's set in an au version of the town from part 4, w some characters being spins on old ones. Its the most recent part, and it shows. Its a lot better structured, paced, and developed compared to earlier parts. The mystery running through it has a lot of fun twists and turns, the themes are coherent, and the pace is slow, but not meandering. The supporting cast is fun (the lead's romantic interest is an actually decent jojo woman and they have a very cute relationship, and the family the main character is sort of adopted into are all fucking insane) but the real draw for me was the main character. Josuke (the second. Theres another josuke from an alternate universe in part 4, anyway) is probably my favorite jojo. I could go on about him, but compared to the others, he feels the most real? Theres this very grounded sense of frustration abt him as he tries and fails to piece together who he is, while everyone around him seems to have somethimg they need from him, or an idea of who he SHOULD be. He isnt a hero, he isnt even all that noble, hes just trying to find himself and if anyone out there loves him. He's blunt, one track minded, and is doing the jojo equivalent of spamming x to skip through all the dialogue bc hes not here for anyones shit beside his own. Jojolion somehow captures the feeling of being a weird, displaced pseudo adult trying to piece yourself together, while everything Keeps Fucking Happening. I love it so much. But by god does the ending suck hoooooly shit oh my god dude jesus christ. Fucking. I hate tohru i hate tohru i hate tohru fjcjendnxzlzm. Anyway jobin sweep
Im currently running a csm tabletop n curse of strahd game, and am in a ravenloft game. They're all very different but i love them all.
Ravenloft game is a sort of sequel to the curse of strahd game i was in a while bsck
I play pageturn (kenku paladin) and coda (changeling flavored as fallen angel, bard). Ones a 13 year old w a kill drive going through a double crisis of faith while somehow being the heart of the group and the others a shapeshifting corrupted celestial, whos trying to find themself. we are currently exploring the fomain the latter was imprisoned in and have found the eye of vecna and. I am. Excited and concerned for what our wonderful dm has cooked up.
Chainsaw Man game is a high stakes office drama following the worst group of devil hunters youve ever seen. Its more episodic and light than my other games which is a nice change of pace, and i rlly like the energy our group brings to the table. I am always horrified and surprised by whatever new government supplied human rights violation they commit next! Every character is uniquely sad, while still maintaining the token csm dark comedy abt them. We are currently revisiting a mystery allll the way back from our first session and im stoked for some stuff i have planned.
Sippy Crew (curse of strahd game) is drawing to a close and ahh i could make a whole post abt how much these guys mean to me. Its been a joy dming for this group of freaks and watching as they come together not into a found family, but a group of distinctly doomed, but fiercely loyal individuals. They've had two pc deaths, even more close calls, and have lost so much, but they're pushing through like dandelions in concrete. Its genuinely the most emotionally invested ive been in a ttrpg, and am so excited, to see their journey come to a close, and will miss them dearly.
Both jojo and ttrrpgs have been a way to reconnect with friends i dont usually talk to as much, and strengthen the bonds of the friends that i do, which is why theyve hit so hard, haha.
anwyaY this turned out way longer than it needed to be bUt.
@turtleslothart @500sunstone you. Do this.
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tinylilvalery · 1 year
I rewatched everything before s4, and I honestly forgot how awful t/s relationship was. Directly after s3, most people were in agreement that Tom was in the right for the betrayal, now everyone is revisionist about it. How he never lover her, and only ever used her. How he mistreated her for the past 3 seasons, while she was only ever thinking about him in her own way. And how HE is exactly like Logan(???). I love Tom, and he can be terrible, but I don't think he ever was towards her prior to the betrayal, he was to other people though. He wouldn't have even gone through with betraying her, if she showed she thought about him at all in her plans with her brothers. The only thing I think he was very much in the wrong for, was him trying to leverage a baby out of her before being send to prison. I hate the framing of their relationship this season, because she looks devastated and he looks careless and now he's the bad guy, even though it was the other way around for 3 whole seasons and nobody cared or made cucking jokes about it. I really feel for Shiv cause so much is going to shit rn, but that doesn't mean she gets a free pass. Same thing with how she grew up. I also think it's so weird how people swear up and down that they both never loved each other, even if she had a weird way of showing it. I think both did at one point. We're watching Succession the nuance show, and everyone wants to take the nuance out of it to baby the sibs
I was so pleasantly surprised to read this!
Adding a cut because my reply got very long!
Fucking fantastically stated. I fr don't know what's going on with the Succ fandom this season cos people this time round seem to have zero nuance when viewing the show and have forgotten the past seasons. My guess is a whole lot of twitter folk came over to Tumblr (since they're brain-dead and loud).
I've rewatched the show, like, more then five times at this point, at the least (tbh I've lost track), so I'd say I have a pretty good understanding of it. And the way all the Sh*v stans want to come in and rewrite T/S (multiple times in one season too lol. One second he's Logan 2.0, the next he's Sh*v's equal in marriage and they're THE otp of Succession and the perfect match, the next he's back to being an abusive piece of shit... It's funny, it's almost like their perception of him changes completely due to them being incapable of faulting Sh*v and they have to change his character to ensure she's in the right at all times), they wanna rewrite Tom's character (oh suddenly ALL he ever was, was a money grabbing manipulative asshole that never cared about anyone and wanted to use Shiv. Yep, nothing more to his character ever /sarcasm), and they wanna rewrite Greg (wow, another character that suddenly was only ever a piece of shit, and an annoying one at that... Despite the fact that Greg has been a fan favourite throughout the whole show alongside Tom... Funny that...), it's just funny to me because they're so obviously reinterpreting EVERYTHING about the show to fit this narrative they have that Sh*v is a great person who has only ever been the victim her whole life, who has only ever been devoted and loving to Tom and he stabbed her in the back (which literally isn't true helppp)! And the hatred of Greg and Tomgreg suddenly rising out of nowhere this season was also so obvious as this immature hatred for another character getting in the way of their ship.
I agree with what you said about Tom and the baby. I think he genuinely would have loved having a kid with her once, but yeah, the timing of wanting one so badly before he was going off to prison? It was definitely to secure a place in her life, cos he even says in 4.7 that she wouldn't have his baby cos she never thought she'd be married to him for more than four years, which shows he's always feared her leaving him, and so a baby would have been a way to keep her committed to the relationship. And I hate that. Women being reduced to Baby Machine is fucking revolting and it's one of the things that makes me the most angry in life. So I do hate Tom for that and honestly, Jesse Armstrong too for making Sh*v pregnant when we all know she didn't want that, and so her pregnancy is so out of character (this is something I've seen in multiple shows. Career driven or otherwise independent woman who states throughout the whole show she doesn't want to get pregnant, and then last minute she gets pregnant. What??? ENOUGH). BUT ALSO LIKE, people forget Tom felt the ONLY way to secure some sort of loyalty or devotion from Sh*v was through a baby. He didn't feel like he had any options cos Sh*v was SO indifferent to him going to prison. She didn't gaf and moreso other characters remarked she even seemed happy about it. I'm not saying he was right in trying to pressure her into pregnancy, he fucking wasn't, but yeah, maybe people should think about how Tom was being slowly marched to prison and Sh*v in his perspective was doing NOTHING to help him or at the bare minimum even comfort him (cos that's what you do as a partner. It's funny people tryna heckle Tom after that 4.8 Tomsh*v interaction and his lack of sympathy considering how little she gaf about him going to prison and actually told him off for coming to her for comfort). Like,,, what does it say about the state of their relationship that that's where he was at.
And yeah dude, the whole thing about framing and a free pass. Look, in a way yes, but I guess when it was edited they didn't think that fans were going to have such strong amnesia to the Tomsh*v relationship throughout the whole show? Cos idk how else to defend it.
Cos, you're right, she doesn't get a free pass, and that finally came through in Tom's behaviour in 4.8. Tom who has had endless forgiveness and love for her throughout the whole show and was the kicked dog as a result, suddenly is just devoid to her now. I think it all caught up finally. This is the result. This is the sum total. Sh*v cares rn because she is fucked up rn about Logan's death. Tom has been her support for years now and she trusts him to be the only one close to her when she's in a bad place. But now he doesn't even want to be (because when she's not in a bad place she doesn't care about him) and she hasn't really had her brothers as support (her own choice because of her guilt and distrust for them) since she started conspiring behind their backs, so who does she have for support?
I think it's all crashing down around her (her father - her god, the king - is dead and she's not coping with the grief at all, she has no alliance with her siblings to make something with them, she has no position at Waystar and ATN, she has no familial support cos her family is also her work, and now she has no husband who was also her work).
She has NO support network. And THIS is the tragedy: she put herself here. Not because she's so great and everyone screwed over poor Sh*vvy. No, the fucking heartaching tragedy is that she isolated herself, because as a result of her upbringing, she was taught to trust no one, not even her siblings. She was taught that personal life was nothing compared to business life, so she put all her eggs into that basket, and now all those eggs are broken and she has no support network to go to now that she's so fucked up. So that's the tragedy for Shiv to me. She's reaping what she's sowed. She didn't question Logan's values and instead adopted them and this is where they've gotten them. It's rough cos I've been in the same place in life where I've isolated myself and have ended up with no support network outside of my family, so when that too went fuckup, there was no one, and it feels like the world is crushing you. So it's the same with Shiv. She has no one now, and that's fucking sad, but there's no free pass here, cos this is the bed she made and now she's gotta lay in it. The only thing she can do is realise that when you isolate yourself like this and shame your own emotions, this is where you end up. Alone and choking on everything you pushed down without understanding of how to cope and no help from anyone. But who knows if she will, cos she'd have to admit she's been wrong about living this whole time, and that's a little ego death in itself.
And yes,,,, lastly I'm so fucking bored of people babying the sibs. Jfc they're all ADULTS. ADULTS.
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zackmartin · 2 years
z!!! this is shona, i just saw your comment on best laid plans, and i'll get around to responding on ao3 soon, but i just wanted to tell you it made me tear up. thank you so so much for not just reading but going the extra mile and writing such a wonderful comment AS YOU WERE READING. it actually made my night. you're the best and i am sending you so much love rn
Ah, I’m so glad! While I appreciate your thanks and saying all that, it isn’t really necessary. I think if anyone can understand your plight, of writing for the world’s tiniest fandom(s) which also happen to be dead, it’s me 😅 But, even if that weren’t the case, I’d still leave a comment anyway, because your fic is wonderful, and it deserves all the praise! I actually wish I could’ve given you much more, but I was basically just saying the same thing over and over again, and it got to the point where I was like “alright lemme stop myself before I give them the same paragraph ten times over”. 
But, while we’re here, I’d actually like to say a few more things if that’s okay!
(I’m going to put them under a read more so I don’t spoil anything for any of our mutual friends/followers that might not have had a chance to read yet) 
First, I really love how you expand on this world. Obviously I wish the show would’ve gotten more seasons so they could’ve explored places outside of Astoria, but I appreciate how you develop upon the scraps we were given, like explaining more of Arc’s mermaid side, while also putting limitations on it. Like, yeah, he can breathe underwater and provide Ciara with oxygen, but he’s human enough that it won’t last forever. Also, mentioning Arc being descended from pirates; like I know the show kinda touched on that, but I love how you took it a step further and made it pirates specifically because it just makes so much sense!!! (especially for a place like seagate, that has months like sharktober and crabuary. like, we know seagate was full of thieves but specifying that they were descended from pirates was PERFECT)
On that note, I also love you expanding on the mermaid treasure, and the trident and kinda tying the whole show together with bringing back Ryker. It felt like the perfect way to end that, having Arc and Ciara be a little older, and Arc being willing to sacrifice himself in order to finally put an end to Ryker and all the damage he’s caused. And like, bringing Arc’s goal full circle, with finally getting to avenge Seagate, except now there’s a new layer to it, because this also means protecting the Princess.
Also, like. I cannot even imagine the rage and anguish Ciara must’ve felt when she was desperately searching for Arc on the beach, but found Ryker instead. Like, I just can’t even imagine seemingly losing the love of your life, whom you didn’t even really get to experience “being” with because they didn’t really confess until that life or death moment, but now you’re coming face-to-face with the person that’s caused so much destruction and heartache. Like, the feeling she probably got from finally running Ryker through, but the victory is almost hollow because Arc is still gone. 
Also! I love how things start out kinda light-hearted, but get slowly more intense by the end. The first scene really feels like Arc and Ciara being fresh out of knight school, and still having that confidence that comes along with winning most, if not alI (can’t really remember, it’s been a while since I rewatched the show) of the battles you’ve fought. And the two of them keeping track/competing over how many people they’ve taken out. SO THEM
And!!! The progression of the kisses was so real. Like,I know I kinda said this in the comments, but the first one being an accident, the second one being out of necessity, the third one being a “proper” kiss but not really a kiss, because, yeah, they’re both super into it, but it’s for a mission it clearly means nothing. And then. AND THEN!!!! Arc is ready to sacrifice himself, and he has this calmness about him despite knowing he’s about to die because this is just. It’s the only option, and he’s going to do what’s necessary because that’s really who they both are at their cores, but he just HAS to tell Ciara how he feels before he goes, and her just. Kissing him, the two of them kissing as if this might be the very last time. I’M AN INCOHERENT MESS ALL OVER AGAIN.
ALSO!! I know this fic is basically just Tiara Thief, but you perfectly captured Ciara’s other relationships in that final scene. (like wishing warwick was there with healing spells, or prudy to carry him, or sage to snark that he’s just taking his time waking up, etc etc. It was so perfectly reflective of her relationship with each of them.) Really, the TALENT that you possess like. Can you save some for the rest of us, thanks 
And finally, I will reiterate that the final scene is PERFECT. Idk if it’s because childhood me was obsessed with the little mermaid alskdjf but Ciara getting Arc back and he wakes up and he’s alive!! And now they’ve finally confessed how they feel, and they’re exhausted from battle and all the emotions, but they’re together and the sun is rising and it’s all pink and pretty and AHHH!!! PERFECT MOMENT PERFECT MOMENT!!! 
anyway. sorry this was long and rambley, but I really needed you to know these things. 💖
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matoitech · 5 months
since they put bnha on netflix ive been attempting to rewatch at least a little bit of it cuz i havent seen it since i was in high school (and i lost interest then cuz i watched more shounen anime and realized bnha wasn’t good), but the thing ive been rediscovering is how not good it rly is. like yeah i knew it wasnt good but it rly isnt good lol. its difficult to sit thru as an adult whose watched way better anime than i had at that point in my life as a teenager. it has a huge product of its time thing going on (not in the sense of like its Issues which were bad even for the time) but in like WHY it got popular i think.. like superhero self-insertable school right when superheroes were the Shit.. bcuz besides that it has like nothing going for it. the holes r rly obvious to pick apart very early on, and while a lot of manga has an industry problem of needing to be pushed out so much and so consistently that if the author doesnt have the whole story written out already they lose track of whats going on very quickly, bnha feels like it had like NO plan from the beginning. also its really annoying and can be gross which i mentally prepared for but it still is nasty to see
at least as a teenager (im only like. idk 8 episodes or something into the anime rn) i never actually disliked midoriya or thought he was super boring like a lot of other ppl did and i do think these kids being like typical high schooler dumb and crazy and trying to fight each other all the time is kind of funny and one of the more entertaining aspects of the show, so i am kindaaaa going back on what i said abt bakugou probably making a better protag. having actually watched some of it again and deciding no hes probably better where he is lol.. at least for now b4 the audience actually learns anything abt his character. but since this guy cant write im assuming midoriya never had anything rly interesting happen w him beyond the beginning. anyway im trying to just get to the tournament arc bcuz thats the only part i remember rly liking in high school. which is kinda funny cuz i rly dont like tournament arcs now so i might hate it lol
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monzabee · 1 year
Yeahh I think it was that ! And yess I hope he gets good points so we can get back on track with the Charles 23’ wdc agenda
Ohh wow that sounds interesting!!! Samee I hope I go for one in the future!!
Alsoo are you watching any shows or movies Rn that you’d recommend?
i'm so happy for the charles podium today, bestie, he's definietly coming back to uss!!❤️❤️❤️
i'm currently rewatching some of my fav shows because my exam season is approaching (it's literally the entire month of may) and i don't want to overwhelm myself with new content. buuuut i'm currently rewatching gilmore girls, suits and new girl. what are you watching these days, let me know!!
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harrysmaison · 2 years
hello<33 how are you doing :)
i hope yours tests went alright !!! i got back my math marks the other day and theyre terrible (8) but also the class avg is freaking 3???? out of twenty??? so i prob did well according to that bc the grading is relative heh. man i really need to get my math back on track.
oh which animes !!! i just started watching brooklyn nine nine again, its comforting in a weird way hahahs.
ive come back home for a few days:) it feels amazing but also extremely weird and strange. ive kind of forgotten some things about this place and that had me cry a bit lol. youre going back soon too right? i hope it goes well for you
heres some questions for you, whats your favourite book? your comfort movie? food youre craving right now??
happy louis day eve!!!! hope your doing well <33
omg heyy hiii! I'm doing great what about you? My tests were postponed djfjjf so we've got vacations now and I'm visiting my family.
You did great! Proud of you. Math is tough but you can do this if you get better than the class average.
I mostly watch the popular ones, dyk shounen? The classic Naruto, mha, etc etc. Omg i love b99 been meaning to rewatch it too. It really is a comfort show haha.
Oh you're home too. It does feel weird for me as well idk why tho can't place it. I hope you have a good time!
My favourite book. Hmmmm. i haven't been reading a lot lately since i was so busy with a lot of exams. but there's a bunch of books i would like to read again.
my comfort movie is a bollywood film called zindagi na milegi dobara (basically means yolo). its a beautiful film based mainly on friendship and life and its funny but also kinda touching and i just love it a lot. food that im craving rn is...a pastry? maybe. but i'd also like to eat that burger i ate last sunday again dfaf
now you answer the same questions.
happy belated louis day to you too! do you celebrate christmas? either way, belated merry christmas and enjoy your holidays! <3
0 notes
insomnihan · 4 years
han’s Entire Thoughts & Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Odd Eye”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE?????????????? LINE DISTRIBUTION?????????????? IS SO SE*Y?????????????? THE IMMENSE POWER IN SIYEONS AND YOOHYEONS VOICES I CANT- ACTUAL SUA RAPPER CRUMBS idc what yall say minuscule sua rapper crumbs THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG AND DAMI LINES IS F UCKING DELICIOUS 😩😩😩 HANDONG VERSE CHORUS AND BRIDGE?????????????? DAMI BRIDGE??????????????? ‘LIVE IT UP’?????????????? BICTH IM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forgot to do this for boca so imma do it here kinda
THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG?????????????????? I CANT BREATHE??????????????????????
and ofc her ooOOOooOOO-
sua rapper crumbs idc idc-
jiu ‘no more utopia’ AND sua ‘no more utopia’ pls took me three (3) tries to type ‘utopia’
okay for the dance i will be using the mcountdown fancam BC I DO WANT THE F UCK I WANT 👁👁 I JUST WANNA SAY i lit rally CANNOT believe how stable they are dancing LIKE THAT™ thE POWER THEY HOLD ANYWAY as always the dance always S L A P and is literally impossible to dance to without feeling like youre absolutely f ucking d*ing and out of breath……………… LOVE THAT
im delusional but lowkey deja vu clown me idc idc-
siyeon doing this
putting a bullet point for just that one (1) second of dami doing That™
handong right after…………………………………
gahyeons part with the other members doing different moves my eyes liked it
like jiu and dami with handong ive literally watched that for five hours-
i just like the way they lined up and needed it to be linked here
S C R E A M……………………………………………………… Iconic™
DO YOU SEE THE BUDGET IN THE VISUALS JESUS CHRIST- the f ucking set up all of the effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of the lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of thE GLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the black and white set and theyre wearing red…………………… the red and white set and theyre wearing black…………………… that purple and green place…………………… the tree and random nature but everything is so futuristic looking…………………… dunno why yoohyeon is in a graffiti covered restroom but im LIVING for it- SIYEON SURROUNDED BY THOSE TVS DAMI IN THAT TRAIN THAT MULTICOLORED PLACE WHEREVER SUA IS EXCUSE ME- I COULD LITERALLY NAME EVERY SCENE IN THIS DAMN MUSIC VIDEO AND THEY👏ALL👏SLAP👏HARD👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
jk ill name some😊😊😊again id name everything but ill just show one i liked more than others bc this is alreADY TOO DAMN LONG-
this is self restraint btw
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helL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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AND IF I CRIED????????????????????????
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this is here for no reason other than bc i wanted it here-
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OOP- x2
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………………………………… F-
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it was this or the close up shot either way it k*lled me
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OOP- x3
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honestly let me just mention i really clowned and set myself up for heartbreak bc the album is only called ‘road to utopia’ but i assumed theyll find utopia bc thats how trilogies work but then this slaps me in the face- what im saying is im 🤡
W O M E N™
plus this truly is long enough good god-
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OH BICTH SHE GRABBED ME BY MY NECK RIGHT AT THE START WHEN SHE JUST POPPED UP- lemme just talk about this screenshot for a second the STREAKS IN HER HAIR and THE PIERCING???????? THE JACKET???????GOOD GOD????????? L I S T E N her outfits during the dance scenes the R E D especially jeSUS- its that red one for me im pretty sure some of yall saw me go F E R A L™ on the dashboard about it so i WILL NOT go into it again- and theN THAT DRESS A F CUKING QUEEN LOVE TO SEE IT
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ONCE AGAIN I HAVE TO BRING UP THE VERY START WITH THAT SLOW MO- RED👏IS👏HER👏COLOR 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏  the dark hime cut………………… the choker on both the red and the black is it the same one doesnt matter im d*ad……………… yo her wavy hair and that dress when it looked like she was in some hair shampoo commercial bicth i liVED FOR THAT- and theN T H I S YES THIS THAT IN THE SCREENSHOT the leather and the jacket the writing on her face i waNT HER TO BEAT ME WITH THAT LIGHT-
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I SWEAR TO GOD I SCREAMED EVERY TIME SHE WAS ON THE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls breathe yes i see that orange coat with the collar and her two different colored eyes and how she is sitting in that chair i see her looking so fine in that red outfit especially near the end of the mv oh mY GOD- those pants yall bringing that style back from boca literally let me bREATHE FOR LIKE TWO (2) SECONDS
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LISTENLISTENLISTENLISTEN my eyes legit started tearing up when i saw her so soon in the mv yall DO NOT understand the emotions im going through to rewatch this mv again and again anD- iiiIIIIiiII CANNOT FULLY EXPRESS MYSELF BUT I JUST WANNA DIRECTLY MENTION THOSE CRYSTALS AND HER HIGH PONYTAIL SHE MADE F UCKING SURE TO SHOW OFF HOW POWERFUL SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YOOHYEON WITH BUNS??????????????????? THAT LIPSTICK COLOR RIGHT AT THE START???????? THAT OUTFIT WITH THE RED PLAID SKIRT????????? like when you REALLY look at the outfit the polkadot jacket and the tie makes not a lot of sense but she made it woRK!!!!!!!!! okayokayokay her lip ring and dance outfits lets talk about it to be honest its something about that chain that hangs on her torso that makes it really hit………………… but like the entire outfits HIT™ she ripped her pants didnt she
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I CANT STAND THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me why for literally one (1) second of that ‘live it up’ it snapped my neck???????? it was HARDLY A FLASH OF LIGHT YET IT WAS ENOUGH TO HURT ME- i prefer her short hair but listen the longer hair is making so many points rn- i think i said that for boca too… SHES LITERALLY SITTING YALL AND YET HERE I AM- the jacket the necklace the gloves and then that dramatic spin and the leaves OH MY GOD- DID YALL👏SEE THE WAY👏SHE KEPT👏FEELING👏HER NECK👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN YOU ARE- i wanna start with the black hair and thee stickers look bc i wanna buT WE LOVE NOIR BY SUNMI but like i love that look like overall????????????? she literally wears the same outfit for that and this screenshot but the vibe is so different i LOVE this purple color she got going rn and that black hair IS A STATEMENT imma be more open here about it but lowkey i am genuinely missing her dark hair rn- anyway THAT DESIGN AROUND HER EYE WITH THAT RED OUTFIT BRUH DO I D*E-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked)
Wind Blows
this instrumental……………………… holy god????????????? its chill for like a second in the beginning and then it just YEETS you in- imma be real i wasnt sure about that ‘wind blows’ part i dunno why i ……… into it at first but yknow whaT THATS ONE OF THE BEST PARTS DAMIS RAP I SWEAR- but then the prechorus parts are so chill??????????? is it bc its handong its probably bc its handong ‘always be with you like gravity’ siyeon pls- it gives me the same energy as tension and break the wall where i feel like i jusT GAIN ALL THE STRENGTH AND CONQUER THE WORLD yes i saw the dance multiple times it k*lled me every single time
Poison Love
literally what the f uck- when i heard it in the highlight medley i knew i was gonna LOVE this like i cant stand how much i love their sexy bops like dami got me immediately ‘why do you?’ YOURE RIGHT DAMI WHY DO I- you could NEVER go wrong with lower register dreamcatcher NOTHING👏CAN👏GO👏WRONG👏 DAMI AND GAHYEON THEIR RAPS JESUS CHRIST i put my hand on my heart i was so taken aback- maybe i went back to replay it a few times when i was listening to it and then handong……………………………………………………… UH ANYWAY-
4 Memory
JIIIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE THE HAPPY AND BOUNCY AND FUN BOP OF THE ALBUM- like ive said this to a few moots that this song just makes me happy and lifts up my mood its the little instrumental parts in the chorus for me i dunno what it is its just pleasant to my ears and then damis rap is so fun like :cccccc cute- like this is a song about the seasons and wanting to be with someone (well jiu help write this is this about like insomnias or am i a stupid clown-) like i REALLY WISH i could express how much i enjoy this song but i would just be repeating myself that its a feel good happy song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New days
DAAAAAAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE i dunno how to describe the energy this song holds except ‘friendship energy’- its literally the guitar all throughout the song for me LIKE i feel like im just wrapped in a nice hug BUT NOT JUST ANY KIND OF HUG its the kind that the other person opened their jacket and theyre holding me and their jacket is around me listening to this song yall i kinda wanna cry i dunno- everyone sounds so lovely especially jiu pls her voice is so soft and DAMI OFC HER RAP GETS A HELL YEAH™ FROM ME like the ‘find you’ AND THEN AT THE END ‘FOUND YOU’ IM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (if yall cant see its the pleading puppy eyed emoji)
LIKE WHAT A WAY TO START THE F UCKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so in awe of everything about this as SOON AS SOON I SAY i saw the very first photo teaser and i COULDNT STOP LISTENING TO THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY AND THE TEASER WITH THE SUITS AND THE DRINKS IS STILL LIVING IN MY HEAD- alright alright ill calm down for this part but its one of my FAVORITE ALBUMS FOR👏SURE👏 like i really cant think of any criticisms regarding anything about it!!!!!!!!!!!! since im posting this after promotions are over (odd eye promotions anyway) i will just say im EXTREMELY proud of what we have accomplished as fans and what the girls have achieved during this era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was hella wild all around and i am once again saying that im very happy to be an insomnia <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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edasnest · 4 years
I have literally lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched toh because I just play it on loop while I draw but I’m gonna point some stuff out I don’t see people talk about as much
Now I know this show isn’t related to gravity falls, but Alex Hirsch is still a creative consultant for the show as well as a voice actor. Given what we know about GF as well as the hidden codes people have already found in every episode (I don’t know how y’all do it, your eyes are amazing honestly), it’s not too far of a stretch to think that there’s heavy foreshadowing and symbolism from the jump.
Eda only runs her Human Collectibles shop on weekends. The rest of the week is devoted to making and selling “only the finest potions and elixirs” to her apparently-reliable client base. If this is the case, why can’t she make her own elixir for her curse? Is it a matter of resources? She’s covenless and checks out a wide variety of books from the library, so we know it’s not because she doesn’t know how or because it’s a magic she’s never learned. She could have very well been the top student at hexside during her time there. She literally created the Secret Room of Shortcuts that leads into various classrooms and hallways, likely for the same reason the Detention Crew used it: to learn multiple tracks. She’s brilliant in terms of magical ability and knowledge, so why can’t she make her own elixir? What does Morton have access to that she doesn’t to the point where her business at his shop is literally the only thing keeping him afloat???
In the Elements episode where they go to The Knee, Luz asks Eda to teach her literally any spell; and clarifies that it can be “the darkest evil”. To which Eda responds with “well I have been reading my texts on Wild Magic.” And proceeds to teach Luz about Wild magic for the rest of the episode. It’s not until WAY later that we understand that there’s a connotation between “wild” and “illegal/strictly forbidden” and that this is quite literally how Luz is learning magic. Not even the Blight kids, from a family of powerful witches, have even heard of what Eda’s trying to teach Luz (“Is this some kind of ‘special’ magic?” And Edric immediately goes to taste some snow. Can you imagine how powerful those kids would be if they knew about Wild magic? Christ, the trouble they’d get into). She’s learning the exact way the “earliest witches” learned and the exact way the Belos has banned in the last half century. He claims to be the only one to be able to speak to the Titan, but Eda sits Luz down on a rock and tells her to “think of what the Island is trying to tell you”. Luz comes to the conclusion that magic is a gift from the island and that it’s everywhere and in everything. She’s also seen quite often to thank the Boiling Isles for whatever fun new magical opportunity is presented to her, which is easily written off as just something a polite person does, but considering the context of the Titan supposedly speaking back?? It could very well hold some weight, especially in disproving Belos’ claims.
Not a huge thing, but something I accidentally found out while writing a fanfic lmao. Lilith’s hair was brighter and even more wild than Eda’s when they were kids. When she’s introduced as the head of the Emperor’s Coven, her hair is pitch black and pin straight. Now I still don’t know if it’s because she was cursed and her appearance was altered like Eda or if she did this of her own volition or if it’s part of some crazy Sorority Hazing to get into the Emporer’s Coven, but I do know that she was Bright and Wild before she joined the coven. And now she’s dull and tamed and nearly as limp in terms of magical ability as she is in her hair. She could barely hold her own against Eda which is saying something considering they were supposedly on equal footing as kids. Just because Eda is “Wild” and knows more magic doesn’t necessarily mean she’s stronger in her ability to cast. I have to wonder if Lilith’s hair will return to normal in the next season, and maybe her magic returning at the same pace? The more she embraces Wild magic, the more Wild her hair becomes? Idk, that’s just a fun thought, they’re really good at continuity in this show so I think it’d be funny to see her hair get slowly poofier and poofier with each episode.
I feel it in my heart and my soul and my bones that we’re going to meet the other Heads of the main nine covens next season. They’ve been mentioned in passing in a handful of episodes, but there was defo the slow pan over each Coven’s flags when Luz had her first day at Hexside. Then in the Grudgby episode, their history professor rambles on in the background, but it does start off with the beginning of his lecture being loud and clear. “Over 50 years ago, Emperor Belos appointed a Head to each Coven.” It’s subtle because it immediately drops to Luz and Co. talking about Grudgby, but considering the “Heads of the Main 9 Covens” have been mentioned specifically in a couple episodes prior to that, it feels safe in my heart to say we’ll be learning more about these Coven Heads if not meeting them flat out. Their significance in relation to the plot? No clue. Maybe there’s like...a secret Coven Head Club Lilith used to be in and isn’t now that she’s considered a criminal? Maybe she’ll be spending the season secretly convincing them that Covens are Horseshit and they should join her in rebelling against Belos? One can only dream.
Eda can literally snap her fingers and magic shit to do chores and whatever but she defo took the time and energy to HAND-KNIT Luz’s cape and I’m still crying about it
That’s all I can think of rn because it’s midnight and I’m tired , but let me know what y’all think!!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
June 17: 1x23 The Omega Glory
Watched the very uneven episode “The Omega Glory” today. Upon some reflection.. I think I have seen it? But I think my last rewatch ended abruptly after “By Any Other Name” so it might have been some time ago.
Anyway, it was... something. Decent, I might even say good, until the last 10-15 minutes and then it just went off a cliff? That’s how I’d summarize it.
Sulu, my beloved. I’ve missed you.
Kirk knows where all the ships are. I mean, obviously, but I love to hear it.
Phasers on heavy stun huh?
It’s so weird to be on a different ship. That looks like the same ship. It’s so empty and haunted looking.
With creepy crystal remains of bodies everywhere.
“These white crystals... are the crew.”
Something was thirsty!! Perhaps... a water vampire? Perhaps... a former McCoy girlfriend?
(Honestly having watched the whole ep...they could have expanded this intro longer. It was creepy and mysterious. Then cut the last act.)
Oh no, they’ve been infected and now must quarantine. Sort of. I guess.
...Oh no, is this Vietnam? Again?
“Our old enemy, Vietnam.”
My mother suggested the disease might be communism and I don’t think that metaphor tracks through the whole episode but you know what.. anything’s possible.
I don’t like this whole “you can’t leave the planet or you’ll get sick and die” thing. Too familiar.
"I may never be able to leave this planet but I have a worse problem: a colleague may be breaking a rule."
Says the man who has frequently violated a directive that has never been referred to as Prime before.
Kirk is getting very mumbly. That’s his serious voice.... bu it’s also his Denny Crane voice lol.
Like bio warfare in the 90s? TOS really thought the 90s was going to be the dark ages, didn’t it?
Only 90s kids remember...
Spock bursting in with a wounded man, just bringing the drama, as he does.
He’s not even listening to McCoy. Rude.
Spock absolutely 100% would have killed Captain Tracey on instinct as soon as Kirk is threatened.
Sulu’s in command? I love Captain Sulu but where is Scotty?
Kirk is so good. Clever, strong, smart. Knows all the regulations.
Tracey’s so dumb. “They’ve eradicated disease and live for hundreds of years!” Man, have you considered that they are...aliens? And their life spans are simply.... naturally longer than human life spans? And even if you could isolate the serum, it might not work on humans?
And his master plan is to isolate their immunity and bottle it for profit. It’s our old enemy... capitalism and the exploitation of intellectual property.
A fight scene!
“The pointy-eared one stays.”
Another fight scene!
Spock is watching all of this, and you know what, I feel like he’s not upset about it. It’s just like Pre-Reform Vulcan. Perhaps some... Amok Time flashbacks? “Damn, I wish that was me.”
Peanut gallery Spock.
“I wish you could teach me that.” / “I have tried.” Omg where is my scene of Spock trying to teach Kirk the nerve pinch?
And then that look Kirk gives him.
I don’t get the point of this scene but it amuses me that as soon as McCoy sees the pretty girl, he feels better.
A post-apocalyptic alien world... a very interesting concept. Like you could do a lot with that idea imo.
“That’s our worship word [freedom too.” Umm.... questionable.
Damn bitch, that was cold. Just knocking him out like that.
Damn yankee.
...Yankee and Communist dammit.
McCoy’s not even surprised to see Kirk and Spock out of jail.
Nature created a natural counterbalance to the biological disease. Where is OUR natural counterbalance, I ask?
McCoy sounds extra Southern rn. It’s all the stress.
I really don’t think Shatner gets enough credit for his subtlety. His face when McCoy explains the whole situation...
Oh he's mad now. "You've hurt Spock for nothing! Oh yeah and also killed thousands but MOSTLY THE SPOCK THING!”
Whereas Tracey really doesn’t seem to care about anything but war for its own sake. He knows now that his master plan for immortality was nothing the whole time...but he still needs to call those Yangs.
In other words, another once-reputable figure of authority now gone mad.
Kirk’s voice is so casual when he’s talking to Uhura and Sulu, you feel like he’s gotta have something up his sleeve. He can never hide when he’s really upset about something.
...Apparently what he had up his sleeve was his crew knowing regulations and then another full body tackle. Fight scene 3!
"My need for attention is vital.” Same, Spock.
This is a very attenuated and unbelievable connection Kirk is making but he’s Kirk so I’ll assume it makes sense that he’s putting it all together so fast.
Alternate Universe: Vietnam canon-divergence lol.
For anyone keeping track, this is right about the point where the episode goes off the rails.
YOU’RE A ROMANTIC, JIM. Well he’s right about that at least and he should say it.
Oh no, an American flag.
Cloud William, chief and the son of chiefs. That’s continuity of government for you.
(Also pretty hilarious that this society is supposedly So American with our exact flag and Constitution and everything... but they’re not a democracy.)
I really don’t want to believe that “under God” is still in the pledge 200 years from now.
"You're confusing the stars with heaven." Kirk thinks he's being called an angel.
The absolute mishmash of meaningless, referent-free words here. America. Native Americans. Communists. The flag, the Constitution. God. Angels. Devils. What???
Like how can they both be flag worshippers AND...believers in God? Who is their God? Alien George Washington?
So rude to call Spock Kirk’s “servant.” That’s his space husband!
Is that a literal picture of Spock as a demon in their.. Bible?
I can’t even follow this anymore.
“You command him.” I mean...yes, that’s how the military works.
“He has no heart.” Wow, rude.
“His heart is different!” I stan one (1) Southern Doctor.
I feel like Spock is just... not having this at all. His face loos like he’s thinking what I’m thinking.
Oh no is that the CONSTITUTION??!
“Kill his servant” wow Tracey is obsessed with Spock, isn’t he? I guess everyone in the Fleet knows about them and their special relationship.
Spock is even amused by the knife at his throat. His eyes say "I am distressed--but fascinated!"
A FOURTH fight scene? And here I thought Kirk was going to recite the Constitution.
“I’m open to suggestions.” He’s just as worried about Kirk as McCoy is, bu the doesn’t show it.
...Yep, he’s being telepathic again. Not really in line with his usual telepathy but okay. Alien magic is flexible.
Okay I have a JD and I can confidently say there is nothing about good defeating evil in the Constitution.
And now this alien guy is immediately ready to make himself a “slave.” That seems problematic. What happened to the holy word “Freedom”?
Wow, Kirk's in a bad mood. "You can't pronounce your own holy words worth shit."
“This is only for the eyes of a Chief,” he says and Kirk just pushes him away.
Spock literally turns Tracey around for Kirk’s big final speech like “Listen up, bitch, my boyfriend’s talking.”
Is this the 4th of July episode?? Feels like there should be canons and fireworks going off behind him rn.
Idk, the words of the Constitution can't be so unique and unprecedented if a WHOLE OTHER ALIEN CIVILIZATION just came up with them, too, on their own, like monkeys typing Hamlet. (Given the timelines here... they probably did it first too lol.)
"Liberty and freedom need to be more than just words." Like what does that even mean in this context? Sounds nice but it’s very hard to put into the context of all the rest of this.
“And uh be nice to the Kohms,” after most of them (?) were probably just killed.
I really was into this until the last 10-15 minutes and I think there were under-explored concepts that could have taken the fever dream of whatever that bizarre-o fever dream at the end was. The abandoned ship. The leftovers of bio warfare. The whole weird and under-explained concept of immunity. The tragedy that so much was destroyed,, including but not limited to the whole Exeter crew, for no reason. What happened to Tracey to so destroy him--was it just greed? What about the “Prime” Directive? Is it important or not. They just leave at the end after (as Spock pointed out) doing quite a bit of their own meddling, even though meddling is allegedly the worst. Also, we know almost nothing about the Kohms at all. The “American” society clearly wasn’t democratic. Were the Kohms literally Communist?
I’m willing to accept a certain degree of alternate Earth scenarios--like Miri (though imo that was not a necessary component of that story) or Bread and Circuses, but this was too much. TOO unbelievable. And frankly unnecessary. You could do an allegory for alternate-Vietnam, and it would be just as clear but even more effective. There wouldn’t be any distraction in the form of “what the fuck is that flag doing here?”
There is a potentially incendiary concept here, which is the same one I thought of reading about actual COG plans--certain aspects of the Yanks’ culture survives, but with absolutely no meaning attached. They have a Constitution but they mispronounce all the words. They have this tattered flag but it has no other meaning. They’ve turned the symbols of the government into a religion, but they don’t practice any of the civil aspects of it--they have chiefs, not democratically appointed leaders, for example. Like, COG asks “what IS the country, and how do you make sure the country endures no matter what?” This was an opportunity to show the worst of that: the country continues to exist as symbology only--incredibly strong symbology, but only that--and all of the actual values that were supposed to be stored with that symbology have disappeared. Similarly, their hatred of their enemies endures. It’s lauded in the ep as their attempt to get “their land” back but what if it’s just war for its own sake, as Tracey seems to be engaging in? To tell that story, especially in the 60s, against the backdrop of Vietnam, and with the references to bio warfare and nuclear warfare, could be powerful. And I know TOS can work in metaphor and comparison. It doesn’t need to bring out a literal fucking flag.
Honestly, it was like they had one good, classic, sci fi story but it didn't fill 52 minutes so they tacked on the American Pride 4th of July Propaganda Extravaganza at the end.
It really felt like the lesson was “America good” lol.
I liked the concept of the post apocalyptic society in the aftermath of bio warfare as a cautionary tale for 1960s America, and I'd be up for crazed snake oil salesman Starfleet Captain (or...whatever his rank was) if it were a bit better explained. But the rest of it....
It also... could have been kinda incendiary with the idea that the Constitution and flag are religious symbols... I mean some people do treat them that way and I've always found that, first, blasphemous, and second, bizarre in such a hyper-Christian country. But I feel like instead of digging ito that, they just tempered it with "But also they're Christian, as you can tell by their drawing of devil!Spock, for some reason."
Idk, this story could have been complete with out the whole weird “Vietnam AU” back story or alternately it could have been a biting commentary about what defines America, and about whether or not our symbols might be more enduring--or even more important to people today??--than the laudable but more complex and difficult ideals that underpin the country’s founding. Are the words of the Constitution just gobbledy gook? They are if you don’t live by them, and America has always struggled to do that. It definitely would struggle even more in the aftermath of an apocalypse.
...I’m more annoyed now, thinking about the possible sci fi story that could have been...
Anyway next is an ep I’m fairly sure I haven’t  seen, so that should be fun.
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girlasterisk · 4 years
hi welcome to my fuck john winchester rant❤️
this is probably definitely gonna be a long post, so buckle up. first and foremost: i hate john winchester (can u tell) anyways, i just rewatched the season 9 episode “bad boys” and lemme tell you i have words.
sonny, oh look another acc good father figure that just so happens to not be john winchester (bless bobby, sonny, and that teacher guy that asked sam what he wanted to do with his life) aNywaY, sonny, ran this boy’s home for idk ig kids who got themselves in trouble and dean was dumped there.
back in present day, sam assumed that john just couldn’t find him. but nO he found him alright, but u know what he said “let him [dean] rot in jail” FOR LOSING THE LITTLE MONEY THEY HAD AND STILL TRYING TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY cus y’all know john wasn’t going to *breathes deeply*
also, this is kinda off track but not rlly since all i’m doing here is yelling about (1) john winchester and this has to do with this episode; i saw this screenshot of this post:
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and u know what call me impressionable or whatever, but i believe this.
so not only was john winchester a neglectful father (that much we know for sure) but based on this ^^ abusive as well.
and these are my own thoughts: obviously the winchester’s love themselves a nice helping of ~alcoholism~ so i choose to believe that john was an angry drunk. an abusive dick bag drunk, if you will. or maybe he was like that sober too i saw another post, but i can’t find it rn, but it ✨broke me✨
it’s the one where dean’s talking to sam about that time he ‘let’ (it’s not ur fault deaN) sam get hurt by that striga (stryga?) while john was out. oh yea sure leave your two young children at ‘home’ aLone while u go hunt monsters, but in regards to that time, he goes “and when dad came home...” and he makes this face:
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and i just-
j o H N
it’s also my personal thoughts that sam never outright knew if john abused dean, i mean, if dean was ever bruised or anything he told sam it was during a hunt to protect the image that sam had of their dad, but later, looking back, sam suspected.
LIKE IN THIS EPISODE *pats herself on the back for coming back to what she was initially talking about* when dean told sam that john left him here as a punishment sam even goes “dean-” but is cut off by your dean saying something along the lines of “i know how you think sam, but none of this was dads fault” wHicH insinuates that even sam thinks there’s something wrong with this picture. how could their dad just leave dean here bc of one mistake gAh i hate john winchester with all my heart
and don’t even get me starTed on those self worth issues™️ (which i know believe know were caused by the one and only john winchester and his A+ parenting) bc i will go off. u think this is a rant? *leans in close to whisper threateningly* i h a v e m o r e
and oh the enDing where just as dean has begun to build himself a good life there, john swoOps in to pick up dean bc he has a job he needs to work. and this kid (he’s just a teenager) up and leaves this good life behind. and i think if sam hadn’t been right there, dean might’ve stayed. but he left for sam bc he needed to protect him from the monsters which may or may not include john
ugh that will be all. hope u enjoyed my 3:23 am sleep deprived rant about fictional characters from a show i have become way too involved in
*sighs dramatically* this show and all it’s feelings™️ i canNot handLe
oh and john? this is for you:
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
God dammit my damn ask got fuckedddd
Ugh well that sucked. But TLDR of my massive post:
-Who knows bout WK, guess we’ll see
-I honestly don’t care about BMLB or RG so whatever happens there happens
-interesting image I have down below. We don’t have any shots of J/W, B/Y, O/R, and N/R all standing together but we do have this shot which shows everyone together except J/W, which instead shows Jaune off to the side. Just an interesting panel lol
(...okay so I posted the image and for some reason that made my post not send. Got to find a way to post images...)
The image you included in the other ask is this one:
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Really sorry to hear your ask got ated! :( I think getting the hang of the new post type has been a definite learning curve, nevermind asks could already be a bit buggy to begin with. I remember when you couldn't put brackets in otherwise it would get filtered as spam.
Yeah, the reason I bring up those other ships is because they're a navigational path to figuring out the other possible ships. It's pretty clear exactly what's going on with RG, BB and RN, and the respective themings of those (keep in mind RN is also really interesting because they contrast Emerald/Mercury, and.. anyway getting off track now), and that's why the question of WK vs. Knightfall is interesting to me. WK breaks most of the ship patterning that I can discern, but it also seems very likely.
The image you supplied is interesting and yes, I would expect if WK were being set up they'd be paired here, which admittedly yes I did go back and rewatch scenes to see if that were ever done. Equally it could also be a gap left for Pyrrha.
Something that does occur to me though, in being generous to Knightfall and to myself, is that Jaune healing Weiss - and that platonic servitude - can actually echo, in a way, Oz and the God of Creation (but in a positive manner).
Because see RWBY also reflects the God of Destruction, the God of Creation, and Salem and Ozma, the original four of the initial conflict. Ruby has the silver eyes, and Weiss can summon the Grimm through her special Semblance. They both embody different aspects (chthonic yet also life-themed, a 'creative' Semblance which makes the Grimm beautiful and servile to her), so I can actually also see this working if we read it that way. Ozma is tied to the God of Creation and is essentially punished by him - condemned to reincarnate and be departed from his ex-wife, locked in eternal conflict with her, with an impossible task, which admittedly Salem also once succeeded at lol - whereas Jaune serving and being kind to Weiss is one that was chosen.
So, food for thought, I suppose, if all of the Salem/Oz patterning holds. I don't know. I'm kind of stupid.
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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