#reyna is the queen of side eyes
[Chiron asking Nico to go on a quest]
Nico: fine, but I’ll need Reyna with me. I need someone to glance at when everyone inevitably annoys me.
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"But she's a Mortal, Jason. You hate mortals," Dakota moved his last remaining pawn, his voice relaxed despite their heated argument. He and Jason were in a chess tournament in one of the lecture halls at New Rome University. Purple and Gold banners hung on the walls advertising the Chess Endgame of the Year.
"I don't hate mortals, I just don't get them. We're all a bit mortal; I'd just be hating myself-"
"Half of yourself," Dakota raised his eyes to meet Jason's, a sly smile on his face. Explaining how amazing it was being around Percy's family to his best friend had been harder than he'd imagined. He grimaced at his Past Self, who would rant against the Mortals; mostly to the Cool-Aid obsessed guy sided across from him.
He moved the Rook, claiming Dakota's Queen in the process. "Yes!"
"Yes, I'd be hating half of myself, besides they were just so nice and different. I kinda felt like I didn't have to be just Jupiter's son."
Jason bit the scar on his upper lip, his entire life he was the Perfect son of Jupiter. Only a few people knew how much pressure that was to him: Dakota, Reyna, Julian.... Octavian.
"You're not just Jupiter's son! You're the guy that saved the world," Dakota argued moving his Knight to guard the King better than before, but if Jason moved his Bishop to the lower left corner...
"That's what I'm talking about," Jason scrunched his brow together, "I didn't have to worry about any of that! I felt like a normal person!"
"Sally was so nice to me, so was Paul, Percy's step-father. Sally didn't care about any of that; she didn't even think I was going to be there and was still so nice to me. You would have loved them, Cota!"
Jason moved his Bishop to attack Dakota's King; ending the match. He restarted the timer on the edge of the table. Another match was about to begin.
"How come," he took a sip of Red Cool-Aid from his water bottle, moving his pieces back into position. Jason did the same.
He didn't know what all he should say to his friend without making him frustrated. He and Dakota had been friends and Rank-Mates for years without trouble, he even accompanied him on his first quest into the Sea of Monsters, but he had been around a nice mortal in years. He didn't understand them, much like Jason, like most of Camp Jupiter.
Jason wanted to tell him how they had made him feel more welcome than he ever had in the legion. How they didn't care how many monsters he's killed or how many people he's saved. How they had just ate cookies and laughed and watched cheesy movies Jason had never heard about.
Jason wanted to tell him that Sally's smile after he had helped clean up the cookie mess made him feel more acheived than anything else he'd done. And how silly that felt because he was the son of a god. How nice she had been to him and how Jason wished he had had a mom like that growing up. How he now saw how lucky his friends were to have had parents.
He settled with the easy answer, "They had Red Cool-Aid."
Dakota's hand lingered for a moment above his chess piece, before he sighed, "let's just get this over with."
Jason wanted to tell Dakota that they had both missed out on so much.
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
another reyna prompt for you all!!
prompt: gn reader taking reyna out for a nice meal they both get real drunk due to some substance in the alcohol and then the reader confessing their feelings to her, reyna is confused for a while and then starts kissing the reader passionately since it's the first time she has ever felt someone in love with here. then they start making out (no intended smut) back at reynas room? but they don't realise poor jett was watching them since reyna forgot to lock her door.
words: 1200
warnings: slight spicy content, cursing, alcohol
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“Next time, I’m paying for dinner, cariño,” Reyna says, her arm slung over your shoulder with her other tucked into the pocket of her jeans. You walk down the sidewalk of a street in Puerto Vallarta, a city in Mexico that you and Reyna went to for a nice meal at a wonderful seaside restaurant. People keep a wide berth from you and Reyna, the power of two Radiants walking side by side so very clear as you navigate your way back to where the Vulture is waiting to whisk you back to Base. 
“Hm, maybe,” you say, leaning your head on Reyna’s shoulder for a second, the world blurry from the alcohol you had. “The food was delicious. I feel like I was spoiled by an abuelita.” 
“You should see how it is in my city,” Reyna remarks. That’s right!
“Next time! You promised you would take me. You have to show me around, show me what it’s like being a Queen,” you say. Reyna hums in agreement, a grin on her face as she raises her arm to call for a cab. 
One comes swerving to the curb, and you fall into the backseat, your head fuzzy from all the alcohol you had tonight over dinner. Being a Radiant gives you a boost in tolerance, but the wine was flowing and so was the tequila. Reyna gives instructions to the driver, wrapping her arm snugly around your shoulder to pull you close. You’re not surprised at how touchy she is, and you kinda like it. 
And off you go, being driven outside the city of Puerto Vallarta and to a small field. Reyna pays the cabbie extra to buy his silence (not that she needs to, really, but she likes flashing her cash) and you step out. 
The Vulture waits in the field, and you’re giggling with Reyna the entire (short) flight home. 
Walking down the runway and back into the dorm residences, it’s hard to keep your eyes off of her when she looks that good, curvy legs hugged by tight black jeans, tall heels, and a shirt you’re positive she stole from your closet somehow. A graphic tee, sleeves shorn off and knotted in the front to show off her stomach. 
It’s also hard to keep your feelings to yourself when Reyna looks at you the way she does, a slight grin on her face with a flush on her cheeks from the alcohol. The way she’s been looking at you the entire night, between dancing and drinks and eating food. The way she looks at you like you’re the only person she tolerates on this planet, which is saying something. 
You’re not exactly the smartest when you’ve had a lot to drink. 
At Reyna’s door, you grab her hand. When she looks at you, smiling with her sharp teeth, you blurt out, “I like you.” 
The dark lines of Reyna’s tattoo flare from her chest with a dim pink light, down to her hand. “What?” 
“I like you, a lot, way more than I should because we’re coworkers but I can’t help it,” you say, the words tumbling out of your mouth and sounding far more slurred than they do in your head. “You’re just— so amazing even though you act like a bitch, but I love that and I know you’re so much nicer, especially to me, and— fuck, I just like you and I really wish I could kiss you.” 
Reyna blinks once, turning her body to yours. “You… like me?” 
“I do,” you say, shifting on your feet. “And I— I’m not lying, I know I’m drunk, but I mean it, I really do.” 
Reyna pulls her wrist out of your grasp, but before you have time to feel even the slightest bit, she’s cupping your face. Like a magnet, you drift closer to her, your hands shaking as you place them on her waist. The entire hallway feels so warm, the smell of alcohol clinging to Reyna’s shirt— your shirt, you see it clearly. 
Reyna brings your mouth onto hers and you’re launched into pure bliss. 
You pull her closer, opening your mouth. The Empress all but purrs with delight, sliding her tongue against yours as she reaches one hand to the door and pushes it open. Then, you’re left yelping as Reyna sinks her arms lower and picks you up. You wrap your legs around her waist, lips moving against her mouth as Reyna spins and pins you to the door. 
She’s relentless in her assault and you feel the heat of her ink on her arm flaring with power. There’s a shimmer on her skin, the telltale sign of Reyna slipping into her Empress mode; you slide your fingers into her hair and pull, snapping her back into reality. 
“None of that, not yet,” you whisper into her mouth, your heart thundering in your chest, like an echo of the pounding bass of the club you went to after dinner. Reyna growls something you take as a brief apology, before slamming her mouth back into yours. You need more time kissing her, you need to feel every ounce of her against you. 
You bite down on her bottom lip with your teeth. 
Overhead, Reyna has buried her nails into the door, the pressure causing sparks to fly off her nails and gouge marks to be left in the metal. The sound of it alone causes a sharp inhale from your chest. What are her nails fucking made of? Excitement runs through you at the thought, flashes of nail marks in your back prompting a spike of arousal to shoot down to your stomach. 
Between harsh kisses and heavy breaths, you catch the sound of a door opening. 
You pull away from Reyna, your mouth slick with spit. She goes to assault your neck, biting and sucking harshly with those sharp teeth that you’ve daydreamed about dozens of times before. 
“Taste so good,” Reyna purrs into your skin, before clamping down. Your eyes avert to the side.
Across the way, peering through an open door, is Jett, with a cup of microwave ramen in her hands and a look of pure shock across her face. The noodles in her mouth fall right back into the cup with a small splash. 
“Reyna,” you say, tapping her shoulder. “Close the door.” 
“Close the door, right fucking now,” you whisper, before mouthing sorry! to Jett. Reyna backs away, none the wiser as she kicks the door shut with her heel. She throws you onto her bed, and if you weren’t excited for what was about to happen, you’d feel bad for Jett seeing… whatever she saw. 
“Give me my shirt back,” you say, pulling the knot on the front of her shirt. You tug her down onto the bed with a grin on your face. 
~~~~~ A/N: F in the chat for jett
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muiltifandomnerd · 5 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 19: Past Friendships
Chika PoV
I finally asked Reyna to hang out with me and she said yes. Reyna grabbed some napkins from the counter and tried to wipe off the hay stains.
“I probably should have just worn pants to do the farm work, no matter I have a lot of clothes and the day is over. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any competition or game today?” Reyna asked with her dark eyes showing concern, worried that I might forget something.
"Well, I have a game against Ridgefield High, Oakwood's rival school. My old friend Isabelle Belmont is their cheer captain." Reyna looks surprised and she looks down on her hands while her hair moves to the right side of her face.
“What do you mean old friend? Did she backstab you or bully you now?” Reyna says with a stern look and looks prepared to slice off Isabelle’s head.
"No, it's not like that, it's just she becomes distant. Every time I try to talk to her, her face is all red, and just runs from me. Honestly, I worried if I hurt her somehow, she's always been a sensitive girl. Like she does put on an icy mask to protect herself from other bullies and mean girls, but she is the type to let their words get to her and she just cries to herself or privately just rages, but after she says an equally poisonous remark to the jerks or just beats them up. Her mother is very overprotective of her and moves her to a different school, and Isabelle doesn’t want to rebel against her mother. Isabelle just has a hard time opening up to others and keeping things to herself. I just hope she doesn't hate my guts; I want to make things right with her before I become a full-time demigod.” I catch my breath and Reyna looks on to me with a stoic face with no movement of mouth or eyes that express an emotion. It’s funny because Isabelle is also known to be stoic as well, I guess my weakness is stoic queens.
“Then you should talk to her, have some closure with what you want your relationship with her to be. I wish I could go back in time and try to find closure in my relationship with Jason." Reyna lays her back on the couch seat as her posture becomes more relaxed.
“Who is Jason if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Jason was my fellow Praetor and a son of Jupiter. He was a remarkable warrior, and he led our camp to victory against the titan Krios, and we destroyed the titan king's throne. But it wasn't his power that I admired, it was his gentle soul. Jason always hated war and never liked the idea of killing. Sure, he was the strongest, but he never wanted that burden. He feels pressured to be the perfect son of Jupiter, he wants to help every demigod possible. Every demigod that he had to fight, he tried to talk them out, but they never listened to his word. So, he has no choice but to kill them to protect New Rome. I wasn’t so gentle compared to him; I killed numerous faces without any hesitation or remorse for they threatened my home. After every battle in the Titan War, he always goes to Jupiter Shrine, questioning his father if the lives of every demigod he kills bring peace. I did grow to have a crush on him, but he only sees me as a friend. I should have told him how I feel, but then Juno switched him to Camp Half-Blood and then he has to fight the Earth Mother along with the seven." Reyna tries to remain composed but her eyes show a different story. It's like her eyes hide a deep sadness and remorse for all she did at the war. Killing other demigods must be so brutal and never having closure with someone you admire is just double horrible. How can the gods make Reyna suffer so much? It’s just not right.
"It is messed up that the gods made you and other Roman kids kill in their name. You guys deserve a mansion or at least free college for all that you, Jason, and others sacrifice. If it makes you feel any better, I do think that Jason misses your company too. You know what? Maybe at the end of the year, let’s be friends with our resident perfectionist softies again.”
Reyna just laughs in amusement with tears coming out of her eyes, "Now that could be interesting, I'm willing to take the wager. You made up with Isabelle and I will make up with Jason. What do we get to lose."
“Oh, shoot I got to get ready for the game. Wanna come with me?” I asked.
“I don’t want to get in the way of rebuilding your relationship with Isabelle, but I will stay awake if you need my assistance in case there is a monster attack, so please Iris message me or contact me in any way if you have to deal with this scenario. I believe it’s only a 30-minute walk from the house.”
“Ok thanks, I will need to get ready quickly.” I quickly stormed into my room, and I changed into my cheer uniform for the game with the white and green shell with the name Oakwood High printed on it and the white pleated skirt with green highlights. I found my celestial bronze scythe and I made sure it would be in pencil form. I found a stuffed animal that is a peacock and when you open its arm, the feather wing is full of rainbow colors. I grabbed it because Isabelle told me that she loved peacocks when we were kids, hopefully, she liked it.
“You got everything Chika. I will pick you up once your game is over." Reyna gives me my backpack which is full of floral designs.
"Thanks, Reyna and yeah I would let you know." I ran out the door quickly and I put my scythe and the peacock stuffed animal in my bag.
After 30 minutes of running, I felt sweat coming out of my forehead and I got in the locker room. The good news was that I was on time, and hey at least I got a workout from running. But I’m not the only one in the locker room, Isabelle Belmont is sitting on the locker room bench with her black and purple cheer uniform on and her long dark hair tied up in a high ponytail with a purple bow. Isabelle has this adorable big brown eye like a cow, and she is around 5’10. That cheer uniform shows off her long legs and even her huge bust. Isabelle Belmont is one the most gorgeous women I met; she could have been easily mistaken for a goddess.
“Hey Isabelle, long time no see. I was wondering if we can catch up after the games.” Isabelle looked shocked to see me. Her face has become red again, oh no. Is she going to run away from this time?
"Maybe but only if your football can beat mine. In the meantime, catch your letter." Isabelle waves her hand off me and just walks away from me. How can she be so cold about seeing me, I need to talk to her. I rather she say some mean taunts to me, but she just pretends that I don’t exist. I ran up to her and I caught her arm.
“Wait before you go, I want to know why you have been cold to me and ignoring me. Did I do something to you?” I asked with my voice dropping and tears coming out of my eyes.
“You didn’t do anything to me, just please stop being so dramatic." Isabelle pulls my hand off her arm and just continues walking away from me.
"Are you such a coward that you won't confront me about how you feel? You have been avoiding me throughout high school and I need to know why. Did our childhood memories when we were kids and when we were struggling through middle school? We could have still been friends even if we had gone to high school. I would have preferred that you tell me I'm a horrible friend or your snarky remarks instead of just flat-out abandoning me. I just want to make things between us." I wipe tears in front of my eyes as she continues to walk away. She's not going to say anything, anything at all. I don't understand how she becomes guarded with me at this moment, I miss her smiles, her laughs, how she always protects me from jerks, and how she always hugs and listens as I rant about animals and plants for an hour. I remember Isabelle saying that she wanted to marry me someday when we were 8 years old. Maybe somebody hurt her or her emotions are too much to handle she took on the ice queen persona to cope with all of this. Isabelle stopped walking and turned to face me with tears coming out of her eyes and snouts coming out of her nose. She looks so undignified and tears stricken, It's like she has almost fallen to pieces.
"Do you want to know why I become distanced from you? It's because you never needed me in your life. You have everything going nicely for you, you have friends that you can count on, a second parent who is alive, and you are just so pure and nice. Me, I'm just a lonely mess who nobody wants in their life, my mother spent more time trying to prevent her asshole husband is satisfied and unaware of my existence, people in my cheer squad never invite me to parties and even talk behind my back. I never hated you Chika at all, I’m protecting you from myself.”
"What do you mean protecting me from yourself, no offense but that doesn't make sense. I still want you in life, you inspire me to become stronger so that I can walk with you equally. When you punched some mean girls in the face while I was just some quiet kid, and even offered cupcakes. That was the best day of my life, knowing that I just met an incredible person. I remember when we named all of the farm animals in my father's barn when we were just kids, I want to go to the old days and I know that you feel the same. You are just afraid to say it, you always think so lowly of yourself to the point that you robbed yourself of having meaningful relationships. I just want closure for both our sakes because I truly did miss you, Isabelle. But you know what, I hope my team defeats your team so that we can talk about our feelings. I have something I need to tell you as well; I have some secrets of my own and I only trust you to bear them. If there is a chance that our friendship to continue, then we need to share our secrets."
"Fine, I guess, I hope your football team is good. I'm sorry I made you feel bad, I do miss you as well, you have such a beautiful voice. Too bad you must waste it on pervy jocks." I flat-out laugh at what she says, wait does she think I'm straight? Man I miss when she roasts other people
“At least you don’t hate my guts and fyi I find cheerleaders hotter than the jocks.” I shot a playful wink and Isabelle just blushed and ran away faster.
"On second thought, I hope my team crushes your team. You insufferable tease." Her voice echoes, ok I know that she doesn't mean that.
I walked into the stadium and all the other cheerleaders were waiting for me. Coach Sandra was sitting on the beach in her green and white tracksuit. She's an athletic blond, white woman in her early thirties, she's pretty attractive for her age.
"Ok, girls do your very best and I want you to have fun most of all because in the coming weeks, there will be nationals for cheer and we will take first place because I am blessed to have the most capable girls in this squad." Coach Sandra yells while we all cheer for approval.
Admittedly I didn't pay much into the game and only on the scorecards. I was busy getting lifted into the air by a squad mate and I did a toe jump in midair. I just danced with the music and shook my pompoms with my squad and I saw Isabelle lifting a small girl in the air and caught her as a base.
"Oakwood High!!! We Will Win!!! Oakwood High!! We Will Win" I cheered and I saw Isabelle do an amazing cartwheel and end with a split.
"Ridgefield High!!!KICK OAKWOOD BUTT!!Ridgefield high!! STOMP ON OAKWOOD DEFEATED BODIES" Isabelle shouted with fire in her eyes. Everybody looked terrified with Isabelle's cheer, while adults chuckled and shouted Aww in the crowd.
After an hour gone though ad the runner back with white and green colors signifies my high school caught the ball while the quarterback got tackled and scored the last touchdown. We all cheered with happiness while Isabelle blushed madly. My cheer team went back to the lockers and I followed them. Aisha hugged me in the front and everyone looked pleased.
“Wanna join us for the celebration Chika?” Aisha asks while I shake my head in a no direction.
"I made a promise to a friend that I would spend time with her." All the other girls changed and left while I waited for Isabelle. Isabelle came to the locker room still in her cheer uniform and sat next to me on the bench.
"So what is it you want to tell me Chika." Isabelle stares at me and I just lay on the bench, but Isabelle moves my head in her lap like she refuses to let the bench have my head. I'm not complaining, Isabelle's thighs are much better than the cold, hard bench.
“This will be hard to explain but do you know about the Greek Myths, well I’ve been living them for a while.” Isabelle cast a knowing look and nodded in sympathy.
“I’ve been leaving them as well Chika, that is the reason why I put distance between us. I’m a demigod as well but I swear on the river Styx to not reveal my parentage. All I can say is that I'm not supposed to exist." Isabelle hugged me close to her chest and it felt nice again, to be embraced by her.
"Do you forgive me Chika?" She kissed my forehead and cheek and hugged me close.
"Of course I forgive you, Isabelle, you are so dear to me and I'm just glad that we could move forward. Btw I got a gift for you." I open my bag and I hand her the peacock stuffed animal.
"I hope that you like it, I wanted to give this to you." Isabelle hold the stuffed animal to her chest and she softly stroke my hair.
“I love it, I will cherish this forever.” Isabelle hugged me and the stuffed animal together.
“By the way, you haven’t told me your godly parent yet. Who is it?” Isabelle says in a curious expression.
“I could tell you, but you will have beat me in a sparing match," I said with a mischievous smirk and Isabelle did the same smirk I did. We both got off the bench, and we were in fighting positions. I did the karate stance while Isabelle just put her hands in a boxing position.
"You know hopefully these cheers uniform allow for more movement because I will whoop your butt, lovingly of course." We both did a high kick toward each other at the same time, our legs connected, and the rest is history. Hopefully Reyna is not worried about me.
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levforfakes · 10 months
ok I'll start with percy, i like it when people have their original names so he'll have the nickname percy but be called like perses or smth more fem. she's got like a wavy sort of shoulder length hair? im thinking of book percy, so like she always puttingn her hair through it and pushing it to one side and shit, yk?
ok annabeth. idfk what kind of name, maybe like asher or smth, though not sure if that fits his vibe, im trying to go with names that start with the same letter so maybe like alexander. he definitely doesn't have like a really neat haircut, its like fluffy and frizzy and and messy and he never cuts it, im thinking sort of like magnus, since yk they're cousins.
next one is grover. her name's grace, her bf juniper calls her gracie. she's got body hair. shes half goat. shes got big fluffy hair, like shoulder blade length, and she'd wear smth like short skirts and long sleeve pretty shirts. and i think she wears it in braids or smth with flowers in it from junipers tree.
luke: luke's name is luka. she's still got short hair, sort of masc and def gels it, idk just feels like her vibe. she likes wearing pretty dresses like prom dresses and switches them off with tuxs and stuff.
ok jason now. i think jasons name would be Jay, like just the nickname, maybe she never learned her name when her mom left her idk. but she has a wolfcut, im obsessed with wolfcut jason either way so yk. (friend told me she prolly couldnt cut her hair during her time in new rome, so she had the most atrocious high pony tails and buns)
piper: i think piper is gender neutral so, it works. leo and jay still call him pipes and beauty queen and stuff. he's got long pretty hair that he always, i mean, always wears down. he likes wearing flowerey shirts and baggy pants. like a small shirt big pants kinda guy.
leo: my fav. leo's name is like león or leóna. but again, still goes by leo. shes got like a chin length cut, curly and shit. she wears her regular shit, dirty fucking clothes, but shes likes it when piper does her makeup (rly well bc piper's dad was hollywood shit). especially red lips and smoky eyes.
hazel: still hazel i think. honestly im so bad with names despite loving to come up with them. i would say hudson maybe? old fashioned and pretty. He's got the same hair, long and pretty, and he likes locks and likes having them with pretty hair rings with crystals on them (not sure if thats what you call them). he puts them up in big braids and ponytails.
frank: frances ig? i dont really like it but cant come up with something else. i think she still has a buzzcut, with her mom being military and all. she wears the same stuff and is still buff and fat and shes got broad shoulders and i love her sm.
reyna: honestly i think ryan would suck for him so like i found reina as a masc name, so... idc if yall dont like it. i do. so. he's got a shorter more military cut, like what that main percy fanart is? love him as well. they're honestly so similar.
clarisse: changed to clarice. with choppy oily and also dry hair at the same time. its like a bit past his shoulders but not very clearly because its so choppy. he always wears a bandanna too.
selena: adding her bc i love her. selenus maybe? going with greek inspired names but you all can give me ideas, so. i think he's got very nice hair, very smooth, very silky. cant decide if its long and he braids it like a pretentious bitch or he has it like a weird little anime boy. like the basic shiny shit, with bangs.
beckendorf: though his name is charlie. i think it would be charlotte obvs. she's got shoulder length braids because working in the forge is better when your hair is short. shes still buff again, still percy's bisexual awakening.
nico: don't know how i forgot him. niccolà. she has pretty short hair, only a little emo, i think she's got a strip of it dyed blonde that switches between bright neon colors and j blonde depending on the mood. will does it for her.
will: willa, or willow. so pretty. she always has it in a bun because she's a medic and you cant get hair in your face when youre doing a surgery. nicco def calls her willoughby. she also has bangs but pins it out of her face with bobby pins or shiny girly hair clips. sanrio hairclips. nicco uses them too. bc theyre girlfriends.
coach hedge: still coach hedge. but maybe hester bc i like it. same hair, basically j hedge but butch
chiron: legally cant sjow boobs but totally would bc centaut things. same name. long ponytail shes got greys and mr d fucking loves them. forced to put it in pigtails with the party ponies. french braids too.
last but least sally: sal. is still aspiring writer, still has a ponytail. he still is a heartthrob at his candy shop. not balding because hes a god jk but not rly. his hair is also greying both in a sexy way, like middleage dilf kinda thing.
i'll reblog with the gods and others i forgot.
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Thank you for answering my ask.....If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Percy Jackson novels? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Oh god the questions' are getting harder (but thanks for the ask!!!)
**Spoilers ahead for the Percy Jackson series (so anything in PJO, HOO and TOA)**
So top five (in no particular order):
1. Nico di Angelo
2. Piper McLean
3. Jason Grace
All three were explained in my last ask answer since they're in my top 10 of all time.
4. Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
My ace queen! I remember so distinctly disliking her when we first met her in SoN. I thought her being from Circe's island was interesting because it was a cool way of introducing consequences to actions that Percy had never previously thought of (one of many, such as Calypso being left on her island and becoming increasingly bitter, Bob the Titan being memory-wiped, a lot of stuff with Nico, etc). But at the time, I just didn't care about reyna herself until HoH. When she showed up on her pegasus, I remember freaking out with excitment like "yes bitch! Holy shit Reyna's coming!" and being so surprised at my own reaction, because since when did I give a shit about Reyna? But after that I just loved her, and having her pov in BoO was so good??? Like oh my god??? Rereading all the books last summer, I realized I was literally delusional for disliking her (side note, but you are entitled to dislike her, every opinion is valid, but I love her and am allowed to). Like she was great from the very beginning, and then I got to TOA and she was so iconic. I know some people were annoyed when she expressly said that she wasn't into Thalia and they are allowed to be just friends, but I kinda appreciated it in a weird way? Like idk it made sense to me.
5. Will Solace
This was difficult to narrow down, and I feel people rolling their eyes but you gotta understand I thought Will Solace was so cool. Pre-TOA and before I read HOO, I liked him (yeah, for all of the two seconds he showed up, don't judge me). And then he became a more prominent character and I was so hype about it! He is more than just Nico's sunshiny boyfriend, and I'll fight to the grave saying that. He is brave and badass in his own right, he is a deeply caring person and I really have nothing more to say. I've reblogged posts that can explain way better than I can about why he is his own character, and not just some boyfriend thrown at Nico just cause.
Some honorable mentions: Rachel Dare, Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos, Ethan Nakamura (y'all can't say shit about Ethan okay, don't worry about it)
Now the REALLY hard decision of what are my favorite moments. This is just off the top of my head, so I'm sure I'm forgetting some! But (in no particular order):
1. Nico becoming the ghost king in BoL
The way he had me snapping and cheering I should be embarrassed but I am not. That shit gave me chills and I was so proud of him. Honestly, the whole list could be made of Nico moments, but I'm gonna limit myself to just this one cause I gotta be stopped.
2. The dolphin pirates chapter in MoA
That shit was so funny, I can't. And it gave us the iconic "Be-hold! The god's chosen BEVERAGE! tReMbLe before the HOrror of diet coke!" Like come on, that was so fun.
3. Frank and the chinese handcuffs in MoA
It's a downtime moment, but it was really sweet when he came to Annabeth to get help with them. I felt really bad for Frank (even though him and Leo antagonized each other, Leo was very much more of a dick to Frank) and it was just a nice character moment for me. It's sweet that he felt comfortable asking Annabeth because she wouldn't make fun of him for it.
4. Jason apologizing to Leo in Lost Hero
Another downtime moment, but I really like that. Everyone's badass skills in battle and funny moments with monsters are cool, but I really like intimate character moments (romantic or platonic). And the lost trio had a lot of friend character moments, and that's part of why you really feel that those three are best friends. I appricate Jason assuring Leo after the incident with Medea. Honestly, there are a lot of sweet character interactions to pick from for Jason alone, but I'd have to bring out my books and start citing shit lmao
5. Blood of Olympus
Yeah, you read that right - the whole goddamn book. Nothing can compete with the absolute high that book had me on from start to finish. Do you know how shocked I was to find out people hated it? I was so flabbergasted, cause it had everything I wanted. The pov characters were the Lost Trio (which I love so goddamn dearly) and NICO AND REYNAAAAA!!!! When I saw that they had chapters I all but cried, I was so excited. I don't care what anyone says, they deserved povs and they deserved to kick ass. Reyna's backstory was so goddamn interesting and her pov grew my love for her, and her fight with Orion was certified iconic. Nico was doing THE most - I couldn't get enough of his pov, seeing his thoughts was so great. The decimation of Bryce Lawrence? PEAK. Him, Will, Lou Ellen and Cecil sneaking around? Loved it. And I haven't even touched on the peak of Jason's arc, Piper fully coming into her own - like can we just all bask in the glory that was her leading Annabeth with emotion in that one scene? Afagdhdkf - and just Leo's pov in general, because the Lost trio had some of THE best povs in the series, no questions asked. The only thing I didn't give a shit about was Leo going to go get Calypso right at the end, but I was still happy she was getting off that island and that Leo was alive. Like it cannot be overstated how much I love this book, and rereading it last summer did nothing to change that. Is it cheating to list a whole book as a favorite moment? Definitely, but your honour, you have to understand-
((Just wanna give a shout out to another moment that I remembered halfway through typing about Jason's apology: Piper defeating Medea in Burning Maze. The satisfaction I felt in that moment baBY))
Again, thank you so much for the ask! It's pretty fun getting to talk about media that I care this much about, and it's making me wanna reread all the series' again lmaoo
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mytarnishedsilver · 2 years
(( mentioned - Daniel Walsh @orchestralcollage ))
She stepped into the room in a haze of flowery perfume, every strand of hair shiny and in place, every piece of clothing fitting and flattering. She carried herself like a queen, so was it really a surprise that she called herself Reyna? Not at all.
Mara felt like an awkward gazelle instantly. “He-hello! Welcome to the Children of the Moon. Our meeting isn’t set to start for another hour . . .”
“Oh I’m not here for that,” Reyna said dismissively, waving her hand. “I came to talk to you. You’re the youngest priestess Faerune has had for quite some time, aren’t you?”
“Yes . . .” Mara cut herself off before she said ‘your majesty.’ It was on the tip of her tongue, but that was silly and inappropriate.
“I hear you’re quite good at enchantments.”
Where did she hear that? Mara felt her cheeks grow warm. “I think I’m alright,” she said, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.
“Well, I hope you’re better than just ‘alright,’” Reyna said, and pulled a sword out from nowhere.
Mara’s eyes widened, and she took a small step back. Was she about to get murdered?
“I need you to enchant this for me,” Reyna said, calm as ever. “I need it to be powerful enough to kill a faerie. Quite an old faerie.”
Mara stared in horror and disbelief. She glanced around quickly, but there was nobody else around. They were alone. “You can’t be serious,” she hissed at Reyna.
“Oh, I’m extremely serious,” Reyna said, not a speck of amusement on her face. “I did my research. I know your family died in the earthquake. I know your best friend and her daughter are stuck outside the walls. You’ve been keeping your head down, but I know you don’t want certain people to remain in certain positions. I won’t involve you in anything else. I just need this enchanted. Will you do it?”
Mara looked down at the sword, swallowing hard. She’d never seen one this close before. It was a simple weapon: no frills or engravings or gold in the hilt. It was a soldier’s weapon, not a queen’s. Mara wondered where Reyna had gotten it.
She wanted to say no. It was too dangerous, and Mara wasn’t a hero. She wasn’t brave and responsible like her sister. She wasn’t wise and powerful like her father, or helpful and kind like her mother. She was the wild child, the mistake, the drug addict. Despite trying to pull herself together for her new position, a part of her feared that’s what she always would be. She wasn’t the right person for this, and she could feel herself getting ready to tell Reyna just that.
But then she thought of Daniel and Terezia and little Rowan. She was unable to help them in any way that mattered. She had to watch, helpless, as Daniel drank himself to death, heartbroken and alone. She could only wonder if Terezia and Rowan were safe on the other side, if they were alive at all.
If doing this, helping Reyna, allowed Daniel and Terezia and Rowan to be reunited, then maybe all the pain would’ve been worth it. Maybe then she’d feel like she’d actually done some good in her life, something useful. If she could make her best friends happy again, wouldn’t that be worth the risk?
Mara inhaled sharply and reached out to take the sword from Reyna. “I’ll do it.”
Reyna smiled. “Thank you. You’re going to save us all, Xiomara Garcia Álvarez.”
But no pressure.
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soxcietyy · 2 years
Doll house
In a world where females are not commonly born you are kidnapped and taken to the kingdom of Valgore to be sold off to whoever can afford you. The General of the knights Yuta Okkotsu who isn’t sure if he wants a wife, takes you in but you arnt going to make his life easy by submitting yourself to him.
Tw: bad language, violence, drinking, beating, woman being mistreated, abuse, murder, rape, things that may trigger people.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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It was something you've never experienced before. Walking out of the carriage to a row of guards greeting you. Everyone bowing their respects to the generals wife as you walk down the row. Holding tight onto your husbands arm. "Welcome General glad to see you made it." Itadori says guiding you both inside. The second you stepped inside the ball room loud music played. They had a live orchestra playing in a corner. They wore all black as they played their instruments elegantly. The floor was made of white tiles that seemed so clean you could eat off of them. The walls covered in a beautiful wall a paper that had an orange tint to it and red floral designs. The chandeliers dangled from the roof shining their bright diamonds and of corse the beautiful stair case that lead to the party. The room was filled with people dressed their best. It almost made you feel anxious.
"Common keep walking, when you arrive at a royal ball the first thing you must do as the generals wife is greet the royal court." He whispered into your ear. You gave him a light nod and followed. Making sure not to bump into anyone. Walking past these people your received many stairs. Some of them looking more judgmental than others. "Yuu," you say wanting him to hurry up but this man would be greeted by almost every person that saw him.
"Hm?" He looks down at you.
"Can you hurry up so we can sit down? My feet hurt." You lie wanting to get away from the huge crowed.
"Of course my love," he says saying goodbye to whoever he was speaking to. Making your way across the room you finally made it to the queen and king who sat in their thrones.
"Greetings to the king and queen. May peace and happiness be with you." Yuta says bowing. You quickly follow along not wanting to disrespect them.
"Yuta my boy you may stand and so may your wife." The kings says with a laugh. "I'm so glad you could come. I hope to see some kids soon no?" He smiles.
"Of course my king, I can't wait for you to meet them. I hope they look up to you as much as I do" he says.
"Your taking good care of your wife right? The queen asks looking at you  with a soft smile.
"Of course, my wife comes first no matter what. I'll even risk my life for her." Yuta looks down at you.
Your cheeks turn pink seeing how he looked at you with those soft eyes.
"And your daughters king?" Yuta said looking around wanting to greet them. Now that you thought of it their was no sight of them. Not even Rika who Yuta primary looked after since she was the one who always got herself into trouble.
"Their walking around Im sure you'll bump into them." He says pointing into the crowed. Both of you bowed once more as you excuse yourself from them.
"You did good," Yuta says leading you to the other side of the room.
"Yuta I didn't do anything though." You say confused.
You made it to a small area where couches where set. There sat Gojo and his wives. Drinking the glasses of champagne they brought to them.
"Good evening" you say greeting them. You take a seat around the circle of woman their was. The other side had the husbands which consisted of Yuta, Gojo, and other men.
They wore beautiful gowns tonight. Colors that complimented their skin and each other. They wore fine jewelry and flower hair pieces that matched each other.
"How have you been y/n?" Willow asks handing you a cup. You gladly accept it and let out a slight sigh. "It's been a bit hectic." You confess.
"Oh we feel you! How have you adjusted?" Reyna asks. You looked at her surprised seeing how she spoke more than last time you saw her.
"Very well actually It's my new norm now." You laugh, "how about you?"
"We'll… Im pregnant," she lets out a small laugh as she rubbed her stomach.
You eyes widen seeing her stomach had a small bump. Their was no way she had gotten pregnant so quickly. Quicker than Willow and Luna that have been with him for years.
"Gojo had a slip up and well she got pregnant." Luna says.
"We tried to convince him to get all of us pregnant at the same time but he refused saying he wasn’t ready to take care of 3 kids or more. So we have to wait our turn I guess." Willow glares at Gojo from afar.
"Everything has its own time," you say taking a sip of champagne. "I think patients is the most important thing. Their is no need to rush things." You hold Willows hand.
"I know but sometimes I feel like he’s playing favorites." Willow gripped her dress.
"Oh common guys he couldn’t possibly do that. He loves all of you equally. I’m sure Reyna is just getting special treatment since she’s new. He probably wants her to adjust." You say hoping to make them feel better.
" soooo when are you planning to have a kid?" Luna whispers.
You smile awkwardly knowing well that was something you haven't discussed yet with Yuta. Nor do you know if he even want any. You look at his direction seeing how he sat there smiling at the group of people he spoked too. "We'll we haven't even done anything of that sorts." You say. Fiddling with your fingers on your lap as you held the cup. You couldn’t even imagine such a thing happening. You and him together? In a bed doing the devils tango? That had to be such a silly dream seeing busy he is too. Man can’t even find time to take a break.
"I'm not sure if I should be shocked or not. Common y/n do you even know how to do the deed?" Willow crosses her arms.
You shake your head awkwardly. It was the truth. You’ve never done it nor have you ever thought of it. It was something that you said you would worry about when the time came.
"We'll let me tell you. You put that boy on the bed. Strip him of and just jump onto it." Willow says with a smirk.
"Willow! Ugh don't listen to her. Everyone has their own way of seducing a man. Since Willow is so outgoing and unafraid she does it as if she owns him. You do it how you want." Luna says holding your hand.
"Operation get y/n into bed tonight!" Willow yells.
"I don't really think that's necessary," you say shyly.
"Oh y/n it is necessary. You need to show him who's boss!" Luna says as they come together closer.
"Alright y/n you going to walk up to Yuta wrap your hands around his neck and whisper something into his ear. Then your going to look at him and wink at him and come back here pretending nothing happened!" Luna squeals.
"Guys I don't know about this..." you say trying to get their attention. How did this conversation quickly turn into this? Why couldn’t this be a normal night?
"I got it! Your going to say, you, me bedroom tonight." Reyna chimes in.
They all cheer and pull you up from your seat. All of them fixing you up while giving you a boost of confidence. "You’ve got this! Don’t freak out the last second" Reyna fixes a few flyaways. Eventually they threw you to his direction. Your hands began to sweat. You look back at them to see them giving you thumbs up. You wipe your hands onto your dress. You look at him talking to his friends as you approached him.
You can feel your heart racing like crazy. This wasn't you. You wernt capable of doing something like this. What would he even think of you after? He going to know someone put you up to this. This was definitely not your characteristic. Being bold was something that didn’t describe you. More like shy and determined. Isn’t seducing the partner the guys job? Back home you friend would describe how her husband swooned her in bed. How he spoke to her seductively in bed. Though you couldn’t imagine Yuta like that. He looked so kind and sweet to do that. Maybe it was your job? But before you could over think even more you watched as the group of men stood up suddenly. How they all bowed together and lifted their heads up with a smile. Then and a girl ran up and clinger onto him. Onto the man that was supposed to be your husband. Your world came crashing down. You stood there shocked looking at what was in front of you.
You saw how her hands wrapped around his neck. How she closed the gap between them so tightly. How she pressed her forehead onto his. How he smiled back so sweetly at her. After accepting your marriage, after actually beginning to grow fond of him, this is what you get in return? She smiled at him and he smiled at her so kindly. It looked as if they were a couple. He slowly placed her down onto the floor. Her purple dress flowing at the same time. Her hair done beautiful with gem stones in it. You couldn’t lie she was gorgeous. Yet she looked so young to be clinging onto a man like that.
Gojo looked towards your direction shocked to see you looking at them. "Oh he's in trouble," Gojo said walking to you. "Y/n how about we go back with my girls no? I know you may be upset right now and you have all the right but you can't express yourself here. She's the princess after all and will have you executed if she wanted too. Trust me when I say that he’s only doing that because she’s royalty." Gojo says putting his hand in your back making you walk to his girls. "She’s crazy believe me you don’t want to mess with her" Gojo warned.
"Are you sure it’s because of that?" You look at him with teary eyes.
Gojo winced knowing he was weak to crying woman. "Of course! I know he loves you so much that he even gets morning wood every time he wakes up just thinking of you." Gojo lied.
"Y/n? Great timing! Let me introduce you to the princess." Yuta said causing you and Gojo to turn around.
"What a fucking idiot." Gojo cursed under his breath and walked you to Yuta. You walked towards them leaving Gojos grasp. "Good evening princess Rika. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." You say bowing down with a half hearted smile.
Now that you were face to face with her she seemed so young. She couldn't possibly be your age. She was also smaller. Looking around 5'0 feet. She smiled at you as she looked at you up and down.
"It's nice to finally meet Yuu's wife. He must treat you very well right?"
Rika tilts her head.
"Of course he treats me so greatly. I'm so glad he saw something in me. If it weren't for that I wouldn't be here." You say grabbing onto his arm.
"Of course I taught him how to treat a lady after all. If it weren't for me he wouldn't know much. I was his first for almost everything after all." Rika giggled grabbing onto Yutas other arm.
Yuta looked panicked seeing this was a great mistake. He looked around frantically for help. He met Gojos eyes and his lieutenant just shook his head not wanting to be part of this mess. "Oh love are you okay? You look like you have a fever!" Yuta exclaimed as he put the back of his hand into your forehead.
"Huh? What are you talking about I'm fine." You cross your arms.
"Stop pretending, you always pretend nothing is wrong because you feel like you ruin my fun. But you come first okay? Let's go sit down." Yuta says hugging you.
You peak from his shoulder too see Rika glaring at you. Something told you to play along now. Maybe Gojo was right about not messing with her. "Yu! Can you carry me? My knees feel weak." You say wrapping your arm around his neck. Still holding eye contact with her you couldn’t resist but smile. He swiftly picked you up and carried you back to your spot leaving Rika standing there. "Sorry I didnt know she was going to act that way." Yuta said under his breath as he sat down with you. You accepted his apology. Their was nothing he could do at all due to her being royalty. It would be seen as a act of disrespect that could potentially cause him to loose his job.
He now had you on his lap. You were embarrassed seeing how people looked at you but no one dared to say anything to the general. Maybe now was the right time. Once again you wrapped your hands around his neck and leaned into his ear. With the music playing loudly you had to make sure he could hear what you had to say. "Yuu," you say waiting to see if he could hear you.
"Yes?" He responds back holding your waist so you won't fall.
"If your really sorry come to bed with me tonight." You say into his ear. You felt his grip on you tighten suddenly.
"Of course we can sleep together. Are you trying to say you want to cuddle?" Yuta says.
"No you know exactly what I mean Yuu." You say trying to lean back to look at him but his had immediately landed on the back of your head preventing you to look at him. You could see how his ears turned a bright shade of red. He also didn't know you could feel his heart racing like crazy. "If that's what my love want that's what she'll get..." he finally responds. "Your feeling better no? How about you go back to your friends for now. I have to speak to Gojo about something." Yuta says letting go of you still not showing his face.
"Alright I'll see you later Yu! Love you" you say. His head quickly turned to look at you. His face flushing furiously. "I love you too!" He says before going back to his spot.
Walking back to your space you could see all the girls grins.
"I did it!" You say sitting down.
"That's our girl!" Willow says handing you a champagne glass.
All of them brought their glasses up in the air and cheered. "Let this be a magical night for y/n" Luna laughed.
"Mahito prevent any more trading with our neighbors and send them a dead pig head." Rika said as she looked at you laughter and smile from afar.
"I didn't want to do this but they left me no choice. Poor girl is going to end up like my older sister… Six feet under the ground." Rika chuckled handing her empty glass of wine to Mahito who stood next to her.
"Of course my lady, anything for you."
Tags 🏷: @hannya-exists @pinkraindropsfell @halparkebitch @mokonasenpaiposts @a10vely-yutazen
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jojikawa · 3 years
After seeing you yoru post can I make a request with Cypher where the reader came from a different earth that's not the mirror earth kinda like Kay/o backstory. She seems hostile towards everyone but turns out she lost everyone in her world and is still coping with the fact that she knows once the valorant protocol is over she needs to go back to a world without her friends. And the only one who knows about this is Cypher
Omg! I had to watch a few lore videos to fill cracks of the lore I didn’t know about and wow, Kay/o’s lore is so sad but I’m glad my bby girl Reyna is a Queen ❤️ Yes, this Cypher request is very doable!
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Soft On The Inside
Tw// angst, ptsd, anxiety
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It was just a typical day in the Valorant Protocol for everyone else. The agents were preparing for missions and although you were a part of the team now, you still only felt like a guest watching the other work. You didn’t belong here. These weren’t your people.
You were an imposter. You felt like a child in a new area after your parents had left. You were just existing and adjusting.
Many of the agents did not trust you. Brimstone was willing to give things a try but Viper was the main contributor to so many of the agents giving you the side-eye. You were from a completely different world. You didn’t come from mirror earth. It was somewhere completely different that you refused to elaborate on, so they didn’t know what your real end goal was.
One of the agents that this piqued the interest of was Cypher. He felt more in control when he knew about everyone else. He lost his family, something that was out of his control, so he doesn’t ever want to feel a lack of control ever again.
He spied on you, did his research on you. Obviously, you didn’t come from your world on foot, right? There had to be records of usage of a teleporter or ship of some kind that you arrived on.
The more innocent agents such as Jett, Phoenix, and Raze would often try to make friends with you. How could you be evil if you come from a different world to join Valorant? It’s just that their friendship wasn’t very well received. You were often annoyed with them and had no real intention of making friends.
Cypher’s research on you was something he kept to himself until one day the others were ranting out loud about you.
Phoenix was in shambles. He tried talking to you today and you just brushed him off. Usually, it’s not a big deal but a cute girl not feeding into him!? That’s illegal.
“She’s from another world, right? She’s probably seen some shit!”
The others tried to tell him that you were just maybe having a bad day until during the current mission, you denied Sage of her assistance.
Behind closed doors, Sage made an offer to you. She asked you to come clean about the world you came from and then they could know whether to trust you or not.
“(Y/N), please. We can help you. You have done so much for Valorant but we know that there is a reason why you’ve needed to flee from your world.” She pleaded. You just narrowed your eyes at her. “It doesn’t matter if you know or not. The outcome will be the same.” You then averted your eyes. You knew that the other agents must be on the other side, trying to listen.
“Please, consider my offer. I can help you. If you work with me, you will not be arrested after there is no longer use for the Valorant Protocol. Because of Mirror Earth trying to take our Radianite, world-hopping without purpose is illegal.” She explained, standing up from her chair.
You stayed seated, just looking at her lose her cool. She was an honest person. You knew this but I’m the end, fixing their world wouldn’t help you in the slightest but you had nowhere else to go.
Cypher, eavesdropping from his camera, was able to piece it all together. Perhaps, it was time to confront you about it…
It was late and you weren’t able to sleep. You need to shoot something.
You went to the gun range in nothing but what you wore to bed. You kept the Ghost that was from your world. Yeah, you’d use that instead of whatever they had.
The air was cool with a breeze here and there. At hours like these, it was okay to let your guard down. The pistol toy had been beaten up from a ton of use without maintenance. You were very skilled in gunsmithing. Only with killing. You just hoped that it didn’t break when you needed it.
All you could think of was how pointless it was doing all of this. The home you knew was destroyed and beyond preparation. Your friends died one by one, fighting to protect everyone else and when you all failed, their backup plan was to seek help in other worlds. You didn’t want to go. You hated that plan but you were the only one left alive.
“(y/n)! You need to go!”
“B-But what about you? What about…” you trailed off, looking at the two other friends left. Bloodied and beaten.
“We’re both going to die soon. If we use the teleportation device, it would be a waste. You’re the only one who can live with your injuries.”
“What?! What am I supposed to do? By myself!!!???”
One grabbed your shoulders. “(y/n), someone WILL help you! You WILL succeed and when you do, it will be like this never happened! You have to go!”
Tears ran down your face as you shot the targets with 100% accuracy. The killing was the only thing you were good for. It didn’t take much research to find out that the plan your friends sacrificed themselves for probably wouldn’t work anyway. There’s no such thing as a time machine, right? And if so, would the events just not repeat themselves?
Your head spun, thinking of all the possibilities of failure. You tried to picture the faces of your loved ones as comfort but all that appeared were faceless people, begging for help.
“(y/n), how could you!?”
“Please, come back.”
“Why did you leave?!”
“Help me, please!!”
Your heartbeat began to raise with a deep sad pain that accompanied it. Everyone was dead. They needed you. You can’t go back. Your hands began to shake, your accuracy on them decreasing. This happened almost every night. You cried so much.
So many faceless dead people.
Suddenly, you heard a single footstep. Your instincts took over and you turned around with your Ghost in your hand. Once you had seen who it was, your tears dried and you stopped crying. You then wore the same scowl you had when you would interact with the other agents.
“Ah. So, you do know my name. May I ask who you bought it from? I do not remember addressing myself like that when we speak.” Cypher also had a gun. He didn’t show it but your powers were able to let you know that one was being concealed.
“I know a lot about the Valorant Protocol. Your name isn’t that much of a secret.” You kept your gun pointed at him. Even in the dead of night, he was fully dressed and prepared.
“We can talk about that later. I was just trying to make a joke, that’s all. I see that you are having a hard time adjusting to the team? Are you just that antisocial or is there a reason for it?”
You were a bit caught off guard. You lowered your gun, placing it to the side but keeping it close. “My weapons down. You don’t have to act scared. Tell me why you’re here and why you’re stalking me.” You crossed your arms and eased your posture.
Even though you couldn’t see his facial expressions, you could tell he was surprised. “Stalking you? I-“
“Just in case you’re wondering,” you cut him off before he could really speak. “I’m not hostile. I’m vigilant. The mirror freaks are everywhere and I’ve survived this long by acting this way, so I know when someone is spying on me. Also, we never interact and you’re the first to come to me.”
“Oh, I see where this is going.” Cypher laughed to himself. “Sage is a good woman but you denied sharing your real identity even after she’s asked you politely. That doesn’t exactly make you seem like an ally. It’s up to me to background check people like you.”
“So what did you find?”
“You’ve had interactions with Chamber. He is an agent that I do not get along with. I looked at his transactions and apparently, he’s invested in a prototype teleporter. The same one that you happened to arrive on.” He began to move closer to you as he spoke. Was he trying to apprehend you?
He was waiting for your reaction but your eyes became half-lidded as you frowned. “Oh, I thought you found something important.” You then picked up your ghost again, going back to shooting targets, uncaring of everything Cypher just said.
“But I can’t seem to find any intel on the world you are from. I can only assume you are a sole survivor of whatever protocol you were associated with.”
“What kind of interrogation is this supposed to be? You’re not good at it.” You huffed, debating whether to shoot him or another target. Cypher walked up and stood next to you, trying to gain some trust. “I am giving you an opportunity to prove that you are not an enemy. Our knowledge of the universe is limited and you are a person of interest.” He explained.
I mean, you had nothing to hide. It’s just that you would get so emotional when thinking about it.
“I’ll tell you but I don’t know if I’m ready to tell the others.” You sidestepped further away from him.
“It must not be easy. I also took a look at your psychology report-“
“What? Why?” You stepped further away. 
“I needed to know if it were safe to approach you this way.”
“I have been trying to get to the bottom of (y/n)’s behavior for several days now. I think she may be struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a mild case of Anxiety disorder…
“You should know better than to snoop around when it comes to personal stuff like that. You’ve already stuck your neck out to stalk me but you don’t have the nerves the pursue me unless you knew you were safe?” You furrowed your eyes at him and gripped the trigger of your gun.
Oh no, he was losing you. He probably should’ve just his big mouth!
“I’m sorry, it was out of line, but you can talk to me, I promise not to tell the others about you or anything that happened tonight.” He reached his hand out. Why was he trying to do this?
“Okay. You know I’m not from here. I’m from a world, like yours, it’s just that everything is dead. I was told to come here by my team while they held the enemies off. Now I’m here. That’s it.” You spared him all the traumatic details for your own sake but he was able to imagine. You are tough because you lost everyone you knew and now you’re in a new world that isn’t your own.
On the inside, you were a soft woman. A world without radiants or radianite would suit you a lot better, but life was cruel. You were honest about your feelings to Cypher. You weren’t able to hold it in anymore. You were so broken and vulnerable and because of Cypher’s snooping around, he felt obligated to be there for you. “We can find a way.” He tried to reassure you but you slammed your hands on the table the guns were displayed.
“Fixing your world doesn’t mean it fixes mine.”
You cried again, and he let you, just sitting in silence, not knowing what to do. You promised him that you’d elaborate more when you were ready.
The two of you were an odd pair but Aamir was someone you were able to confide in. He was surprisingly good at keeping secrets too! So you opened up to him more and more after that day and well…Cypher developed feelings for you. You were very innocent and sweet! You became genuinely interested in his work as a technician and he even taught you some things.
You didn’t even pressure him to reveal his face or identity. You were certainly a pleasure to have around. You developed feelings for him as well. You didn’t know if you should confess to him or just let it go because in the end, did it really matter?
Well, if it didn’t matter, then you should just do it, right?
You went to his workshop. He saw you from his cameras and let you in. You hadn’t brought anything for him to tinker with, so he was confused as to why you could be here.
You just ripped off the bandaid.
“Cypher—I mean, Aamir, I have something important to tell you. D-Don’t say anything! I just want to be able to get it out.” You inhaled sharply and you could hear the subtle noise of him fixing an older camera stop. “You’ve been really helpful to me since that night. I appreciate you a lot but…more than just a friend.”
To your surprise, Aamir returned the feelings. A small part of you was hoping that he would reject you because the baggage that came with your existence was too fragile for a normal human mind.
“You like me? Even though I can’t stay? You’re just wasting your time. I’ll need to go back.” Instinctively, you reached out for his gloved hand. He was always completely dressed. You had no idea what he looked like…could he feel the feelings that you had been feeling? Is he sad at all that the two of you will never be able to see each other soon?
“There is always a way. You don’t have to go back to a doomed world. I do believe that your world can be restored, but if I’m wrong, I will personally find a way for you to stay.”
“Aamir…” you eagerly grabbed his hand, overjoyed at his response. He had to be good with his words if you couldn’t see his face. “If you’re right about what you said and I am able to go home. Can I see what you look like…just once!”
He froze and you felt your heart drop. “I promise not to tell anyone and no matter what you look like I’ll still love—like you, I mean.” You blushed and made yourself small like a kitten. He found this very adorable but could he really put his identity on the line?
“I can do you something better. See—close your eyes. Don’t open them no matter what.” He commanded. His tone of voice gave you butterflies, for it was smooth and his accent made it all the more compelling.
You obeyed, closing your eyes. He pulled his hand away and you let it fall to your side. A few moments of silence passed before you suddenly felt a pair of chapped lips pressed against your glossed ones.
You knew exactly what it was too! You kisses him back and every part of your body was screaming for you to open your eyes but before you could, he pulled away.
Your eyes shot open and he had already been covered up once again.
“Ah~ I told you to not open your eyes until I said so, (y/n)!”
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ao719 · 3 years
Extra Baggage
I am participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompts. This week’s prompt is “You’re gonna get us busted!”
A/N: I saw this post last week and I couldn’t stop thinking about how this was something Liam would do. I have no idea what this is, but here we are. Please excuse any errors.
Warnings: Very mild 🍋 mention
Word Count: 1976
This is part of my Always You universe.
Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed, please let me know): @leelee10898​ @zaffrenotes​ @cocomaxley​ @gardeningourmet​ @gibbles82​ @annekebbphotography​ @sweetest-marbear​ @indiacater​ @liamxs-world​ @classylady1234​ @texaskitten30​ @moneyfordiamonds​ @the-soot-sprite​ @ladyangel70​ @esmckenzie​ @emichelle​ @dcbbw​ @burnsoslow​ @bbrandy2002​ @sirbeepsalot​ @choiceslife​ @debramcg1106​ @gnatbrain​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @openheart12​ @sincerelyella​ @superharriet​ @aestheticartsx​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @kingliam2019​ @indiana-jr​ @bascmve01​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @darley1101​ @charlotteg234​ @alyssalauren​ @txemrn​ @neotericthemis​ @queenrileyrose​ @emkay512​ @kat-tia801​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @gkittylove99​ @choiceskatie​ @forallthatitsworth​ @queenjilian​ @walker7519​ @speedyoperarascalparty​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​
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Liam’s lips trailed along her jaw as he pressed her back against the door of his closet. One hand kept her arms pinned in place above her head by her wrists as he hooked the other into the band of her jeans and his fingers teased the top of her panties; he smirked against her neck when she let out a soft moan.
“Shhh,” Liam playfully admonished.
“Liam,” she mewled.
“You need to be quiet.”
“You need to stop teasing.”
“You shouldn’t have gotten dressed after your shower,” Liam said as he nipped her bottom lip with his teeth before kissing her. “You just made more work for me.”
“I thought we stayed up so late last night because you wouldn’t have the time this morning.”
“I’ll be gone for a whole month. Did you really think last night -- as incredible as it was -- would be enough?” Liam’s hand expertly flicked open the button of her jeans before pulling down the zipper, allowing him to dip inside the lace. “It’s never enough when it comes to you.” He created a V with his fingers and slid his hand up and down, stroking her between them at a tantalizing pace, drawing another moan from her. “You’re gonna get us busted if you keep making all that noise, love,” he whispered against the tender curve of her neck before his lips pressed against her pulse point.
“They’re still asleep,” she hissed out a breath.
“Well, they’ll stay asleep longer if you keep quiet,” he chuckled, pulling her towards the bed.
A little while later, the King and Queen laid in their bed, tangled in the sheets as they caught their breath. Her head was on his chest as she absentmindedly traced shapes against his skin with her finger. Liam glanced at the clock: 7 am. “You were up before me,” he noted.
“I couldn’t sleep. So I got up and showered.” Liam glanced down at her and offered a sad smile. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more.”
“We haven’t been apart this long since I was in my program.”
“I know,” Liam sighed before kissing her forehead.
Suddenly, a blinking light pulled their attention. They both smiled as they looked over at the blue lamp on Liam’s nightstand.
Two lamps, once used by the couple when an ocean separated them, were now just down a hallway from each other. One sat in their chambers on Liam’s nightstand, and the other in the twins’ room, set on a table between their cribs. Sometimes, they would tap it just for fun, but whenever one of them would wake in the mornings, they would touch the lamp, sending the message to the other in their parents’ room.
“I’ll go get them,” Reyna said. “You need to shower before your flight.”
After the twins finished their breakfast, Reyna took them to the playroom. She stepped out for a moment to check on Liam to make sure he had everything packed.
Liam was leaving for a month-long diplomatic summit in Italy; Reyna had to stay behind and handle the duties in Cordonia. They hadn’t been apart that long since Reyna’s master program days. The twins, now two years old, understood that Liam was going on a trip, but not how long he would be gone. Both Eleanor and Ezra were attached to Liam and hadn’t been away from him for more than a few days at most. Reyna knew after the first few nights, his month-long absence would start to take its toll on them.
Reyna stepped into their bedroom and saw Liam putting a few last-minute items into his suitcase. “Not taking this one?” Reyna asked as she stepped up next to him and gestured to a large empty brown leather bag on the floor.
“No. I took the smaller one. I don’t need the big one.”
“Do you have everything you need?”
“Yes,” Liam nodded. “I believe so.” He turned and looked at her before pulling her into his arms and kissing the top of her head.
“I have something for you,” Reyna said as she stepped back, offering Liam a curious smile. She took his hand and led him into her closet; she opened a drawer and pulled out a white box, handing it to him.
“What’s this?” Liam smiled.
Reyna chuckled. “Open it and find out.” Liam pulled the top of the box off and set it down before reaching in and pulling out the wrapped item from inside; unwrapping it, he revealed a silver bracelet. Reyna took it from him and placed it on his wrist. “Now, watch,” she said as she stepped back. She held up her wrist, wearing a rose gold bracelet similar to his; she touched the top of it, and suddenly his bracelet lit up.
Liam’s eyes slightly widened. “Rey …” He looked down at his bracelet and touched the top of it before his eyes snapped to Reyna’s; her bracelet lit up. “It’s like the lamps,” he grinned.
“I found them and figured it would be discreet enough to bring along with you on trips,” Reyna chuckled.
“I love it,” Liam smiled. He looked down at his wrist and hit the top of his bracelet again, watching Reyna’s light up when he did. He stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands before leaning down and capturing her lips in his. “Thank you,” he whispered. “It’ll make being away from you a little easier, but not much,” he said before kissing her again.
Liam and Reyna were interrupted when a tiny hand fisted the bottom of Liam’s shirt. “Daddy, up!” Eleanor said as she tugged the fabric. Liam smiled as he bent down and scooped Eleanor into his arms while Ezra toddled towards him; he shifted Eleanor to one side before leaning down and lifting Ezra with his free arm.
Reyna smiled affectionately at the three of them. “They’re going to miss you.”
Liam kissed Eleanor’s cheek before resting his forehead against Ezra’s. “And I’m going to miss them. So much.”
Just then, Liam’s phone went off; he slightly turned, gesturing for Reyna to grab it. She pulled it from his pocket and looked at the screen. “Bastien said the car will be leaving in 10 minutes.”
Liam sighed and crouched down, setting the twins down. “Daddy has to make sure he has everything for his trip.” He kissed their foreheads before standing up, and the twins ran from the closet. Liam pulled Reyna into his arms, giving her one more lingering kiss before they stepped out.
“Liam,” Reyna said quietly, grabbing his arm to stop him. He looked at her and then followed her gaze to where Ezra was lying inside of the large leather bag on the floor. They watched as Eleanor climbed in beside him, and the two began giggling from inside the bag while saying ‘bye-bye’ and pulling at the sides in an attempt to conceal themselves. “They think you’re taking that bag with you,” Reyna whispered through a laugh.
Liam looked at Reyna and winked, silently telling her to play along. “Alright, I think I have everything!” he said as he stepped up to the bag. He pretended not to see them as he zipped it almost all the way shut before lifting it by both ends; the bag started to shake as a flurry of giggles erupted from inside. Liam tried not to laugh as he hoisted it into his arms; Reyna grabbed his garment bags and suitcase, and he followed her out of the bedroom.
When Reyna opened the door to the south wing, Bastien was waiting on the other side; the unstoppable laughter from the bag the King was holding told Bastien everything he needed to know. He smiled as he took Liam’s bags from Reyna, and she followed him out of their quarters with Liam behind her.
The bag continued to shake and giggle as Liam carried it down to the waiting car. He gave Reyna a knowing look, and she nodded. Liam gently set the bag down in the back seat and shut the door before walking around to the other side. “Just go around the front,” he whispered to Bastien before slipping into the vehicle.
Bastien got into the driver’s seat and cleared his throat. “Are you ready, Your Majesty?”
“Yes,” Liam nodded. “I have my bag right here.” He playfully patted the top of it, causing tiny squeals to come from inside.
Bastien started the vehicle, and Liam covered his mouth to muffle his laugh as the ones from the bag grew louder. They slowly started to drive around the large circular driveway at the front of the palace. After a couple of times around the circle, Liam leaned forward. “Wait. We need to go back.” Bastien went around once more before rolling to a stop in front of the steps.
Reyna opened the passenger side door, where the twins continued to giggle from inside the bag. “Did you forget something?”
“I did,” Liam nodded before getting out of the car; he walked around to her. “I didn’t say goodbye to Eleanor and Ezra. Where are my little prince and princess?”
“I don’t know,” Reyna responded. “I haven’t seen them anywhere.”
Two little hands poked out from the opening of the bag and began wiggling, and Liam and Reyna both laughed. Liam pulled open the bag, staring down at the twins’ upside-down faces with a grin. “There you two are!” he chuckled as they sat up. “What are you doing inside my bag?”
“We go buh-bye,” Ezra squealed as he turned to face his parents.
Liam’s heart sank. “Not this time, buddy,” he said sadly. He lifted Ezra into his arms and kissed his cheek before handing him to Reyna. He turned and lifted Eleanor and kissed her cheek, but when Reyna reached for her, she turned away. Eleanor, more attached to him between the two, nuzzled against Liam’s chest. He rested his cheek against her head for a moment as he rubbed her back before kissing her hair. “Daddy has to go now, princess.”
“No go buh-bye,” Eleanor whimpered.
“Look at daddy,” Liam said softly. Eleanor lifted her head from his shoulder, and her big, tear-filled blue eyes met her father’s; he raised his hand and tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “I might have to go away for a little bit, but part of me is always right here,” he pointed to her chest. “And right here --” he tapped a finger to her lips, causing her mouth to scrunch up in confusion “-- because you have daddy’s smile. And right here on Ezra.” Liam reached over and tickled his son’s belly, eliciting a rumble of laughter from him as he wriggled in Reyna’s arms. “Because he has daddy’s laugh. So no matter where I am, I’m always here with you, too.”
Ezra leaned over, and his stubby finger gently poked his sister’s chest where Liam had pointed. “Daddy!”
“That’s right, buddy,” Liam smiled before kissing Eleanor’s cheek. He knew neither of them really understood what he was saying, but someday they would. Reyna reached for Eleanor, and this time, she went to her. Liam looked at Reyna with a twin on each hip and smiled; he kissed their foreheads before pressing a soft kiss to Reyna’s lips. “I love you.”
“We love you, too.”
“Lub you,” Eleanor and Ezra spoke in unison.
Liam smiled. “I’ll call you when I get there.” He kissed each of them once more before sliding into the vehicle; they waved until he disappeared from view.
Reyna turned and headed inside, setting the twins down in the foyer. As she followed them up the stairs, a flashing light on her wrist caught her eye; she smiled, tapping the top of her bracelet, returning Liam’s ‘I miss you already.’
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adarlingmess · 3 years
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Filipino word, noun: connection between persons, groups, countries, etc.
A collection of works detailing a manananggal clan’s relations with the Treses, and their allies.
II: Bad Habits
Summary: After disrupting one of House of Arko’s operations, one of the Kambal meets up with their informant.
Words: 4540
Characters: Basilio, Crispin, Sabina (OC), Alexandra Trese (mentioned only), Ammie (mentioned only), Reyna Manananggal (mentioned only), Dominic Villaceran (mentioned only), Mama Grande (mentioned only)
Relationships: Basilio/Original Female Character
Language: English, with a few Filipino words and phrases sprinkled in.
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Strong language, violence, mentions of abortion, references to human trafficking + sexual trafficking, sexual themes
Author’s Notes:
I am: back on my bullshit again
People were looking for a part 2 so have more Basilio x OC stuff. Spoiler warning for Verdugo: Takutan because this story heavily references its lore and events! The comics are known to be darker in tone, and so is this fic, so heed the warnings above. No Taglish version this time, Darling niyo pagod na 😩
This was supposed to be a simple job.
Get in, rough up House of Arko’s operation while Bossing is paying them a visit in their mansion, get out, and watch as Bossing confronts them about it at the next social gathering they’ll host.
But nothing was ever simple about the aswang, right?
Now there’s a huge one trying to eat Basilio alive.
“Damn it, Basilio. Your recklessness is a bad habit that’ll bite us in the ass later!” his older brother berates him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever! Now might be the right time to call for backup kuya,” he strains, attempting to pull the  magubat’s jaw apart with his superhuman strength. His fingers slip from the drool and it almost bites his hands off.
Crispin’s busy with a horde of mailap, taking turns in taking pot shots from him in the shadows. “We should’ve taken a page from Carlos’ book and brought palm fronds. Who should we call?”
“What about Maliksi?” Basilio suggests.
“What’s one tikbalang to all these aswangs? We need something bigger, maybe a higante to take on that magubat!”
“Gago, a higante can’t get here as fast as a tikbalang!” Basilio snaps.
“Mas gago ka! What about that playmate of ours from when we were kids, y’know, the one that tipped Bossing off about this whole trafficking operation anyway? Think she can fly her way here?” Crispin growls, shooting down a mailap who was foolish enough to ambush the more cautious twin from above.
Ah, yes. Sabina.
Boyish, intimidating, hard to figure out- but still hot enough to flirt with, despite being aswang; that’s how Basilio would describe her. This Sab was a far cry from the Sabina Marie he once knew years ago, the one who used to wear an all-girl Catholic school uniform, shyly shared her snacks and books with him, and kissed him farewell when her mama told her she’ll not be coming with her to meetings with the lakan anymore.
A few days after they caught up with each other, she turned up at the Diabolical not too long ago with a flash drive for Alex’s eyes only. She didn’t even breathe a word to him, much less look at his direction, but Basilio could only surmise that it’s his fault.
“Sabina? Well, manananggals who follow the queen can shoot. It’s- ungh- worth the shot!” Basilio answers back, straining as he gets swatted to the side with one gigantic claw. “You make the call, my hands are full!”
“Give me your phone, I don’t have her Facespace.”
Basilio looks down from several feet, and gives his brother a sheepish smile. “Uhhh, okay, but she’s been seenzoning me.”
From behind his mask, Crispin frowns. “What did you do?”
“She might’ve seen me tagged in Ammie’s story when I was supposed to watch her gig. I got there when her set was ending, and she was pissed.”
Grumbling, Crispin takes his frustrations off on a mabangis charging towards him, a flurry of bullets raining upon its body. “What did Bossing say about getting personal with informants?”
“What? It’s Sab. She’s-”
“An aswang who might have an ulterior motive in helping us. Tangina Basilio, think with your head sometimes! The one between your shoulders!”
Distracted, Basilio failed to stop the jaws of the magubat from closing in on him. As quickly as his reflexes allow, he tosses his brother his phone.
“Just call already! Tell her it’s an emergency.”
The older Kambal flies up and extends his free hand to catch it. Crispin launches Basilio’s Facespace app and begins to search for their informant. He found her under the name Sab Evasco. Crispin pretended not to see the string of messages Basilio left for her, all left on read.
Her phone rings. One time. Two times. Three times. Crispin dials again. Twice. Thrice.
Someone picks up. He puts the call on the loudspeaker.
There’s someone strumming a guitar in the background, accompanied by a drumset’s cymbals. They come to a halt and Crispin hears a frustrated woman’s voice from the other end of the line.
“Ulol gago, fuck you Basilio, you can tell me if you’d rather go on Starbreaks coffee dates with a wind girl than watch me play.  I’m a grown woman, I can handle a simple ‘no’. I’m not in the mood for your games! Now fuck off, I don’t want to hear from you. I have a gig to practice for.”
Basilio cringes as he listens to Sabina’s tirade. Crispin guns a charging mabangis down, and his mask dematerializes for a brief moment, just enough for him to mouth to his brother “Gago ka talaga.”
“Sabina, it’s Crispin. We could use some backup here. We’re being swarmed by aswang.”
The sound of a guitar being unceremoniously dropped and the mad shuffle to catch it can be heard from Sabina’s line, followed by quick footsteps. Sabina talks again, calmer this time. “What? Couldn’t Basilio get his own ass on the phone and tell me himself?”
With an exasperated expression, Crispin turns on the camera, and points the phone at Basilio, who’s caught between the magubat’s jaws. “He said you were ignoring him, and he can’t get on the phone right now, as you can see.”
The Kambal heard her fumbling with more equipment, which sounded like a guitar case being zipped up and carried. A brief argument with her bandmates follows, then Sabina talks again.
“I’ll be there. Stay on the line.”
Now they wait.
As much as Crispin wanted to help his little brother, his hands were full with the wave after wave of aswang coming after them. They’re relentless. This is their food supply the Kambal are cutting off, after all.
“Any luck with Sab?” Basilio asks, attempting to shoot the roof of the mabangis’ mouth.
The bullets barely penetrate the thick membrane. He’ll need to transform the Armas Infinitum into a more powerful weapon to lobotomize the gigantic aswang, but seeing how he’s separated from his twin, it’s impossible at the moment.
“She said she’s on the way. She’s still on the phone. Here!”
Crispin throws the phone back to Basilio, who catches it with one hand, while his other arm continues to struggle with the magubat trying to swallow him whole. He tucks it in his breast pocket, and he jumps near the row of the magubat’s front teeth, prying it open with both arms.
Through the aswangs’ growls, Basilio could faintly hear a woman cursing and the jingling of keys from the other side of the line.
“Hey Sab! It’s Basilio. Sorry again about missing your gig.”
“Shut up and hang tight. If I didn’t care for you at all...” Sabina snaps. Basilio could barely make out the words Sabina was saying due to the wind and sound of traffic. “I’m on my way.”
“Ngh, can’t you come any sooner? I heard that aswang intestines are nasty.” Basilio pauses, realizing his mistake. “No offense.”
“I said zip it. Isn’t it enough that I went out of hiding and agreed to be Trese’s informant? Now I have to be your backup too?”
“Working with Bossing has its risks. We made that clear, princess.”
“Don’t call me that.”
There’s more turbulence and wind from Sabina’s line. If Basilio guessed, she’s now flying to the scene. The Kambal’s struggle with the aswang continued until they heard their informant’s voice through the speakers again.
“Big bad war demigods can’t handle a single fucking magubat?” Sabina deadpans, the turbulence and noise no longer accompanying her voice. “Open the fucker’s mouth wide. Make sure he’s facing east.”
“Kuya! She’s in the area, help me pry the jaws open!” the younger Kambal shouts to his older brother, who dodges a leaping mailap and quickly flies up to his aid.
“What’s the plan?” Crispin asks, and Basilio shrugs.
“I don’t know, she just asked me to do it!”
Before Crispin could question Basilio, a shot rings throughout the building, and the magubat collapses. The Kambal let go of the heavy jaws and flew away, watching the near-twenty foot aswang crush a few of its regular-sized kind. Upon closer inspection, a bullet has torn its way through the roof of its mouth. It’s a clean shot. The magubat isn’t regenerating, much to the Kambal’s surprise.
It’s a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.
“That’s for trying to eat my brother,” Crispin spits, kicking the dead aswang’s head.
Soon, more of the aswang started dropping like flies, too. Razed by bullets from an unknown assailant, the House of Arko aswangs started to panic.
“Wait a minute, I know manananggals who follow the queen can shoot, but Sabina is a sniper? Do you know about this, Bas?” Crispin exclaims, tearing his eyes away from the dead magubat to face yet another wave of mabangis.
“No! Damn, she’s using special bullets too. Where’d she get those?” Basilio mutters. A mailap attempts an ambush attack, and before he could react, Basilio watches it get shot mid-air as it attempts to jump him.
“You’re mine,” Sabina hisses, her voice crackling through Basilio’s phone speaker, smooth through the static.
Her emphasis on the word “mine” made goosebumps ripple through Basilio’s arm.
“Hot. Could you say that again?”
What he got instead was a groan. “Fuck, don’t distract me Basilio. I’m not here for fun.”
“You seem to be having fun shooting House of Arko’s minions though.”
“Fair. You two better look for the hostages. I have a bone to pick with this lot.”
The Kambal looks at each other, and nods. Glass shatters as they fly out the building’s windows, to the upper floors. After taking care of the guards, they saw them. Men and women in cages, all naked, and herded like livestock. 
“Please, help us,” one of them whimpers, crawling to the front of the cage and grabbing Crispin by the arm. She’s dirty, and her belly is swollen. Basilio turned on the lights and they saw it clear as day: most of these women are pregnant. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on.
House of Arko farms their food, breeding humans like livestock, and harvesting fetuses from them.
Sirens are blaring outside, both from police cars and ambulances, waiting for the hostages to be rescued.
All is well, or so they thought.
The cry came from their informant’s line.
“Everything alright?” Basilio asks her after fishing his phone out of his breast pocket.
“There are a few of them who found my vantage point. They’re heading towards my position.”
“Get out of there already, the hostages are secure.”
“They saw me. I can’t let them report back to Mama Grande and her sons that a manananggal is helping you. Suspicion would fall on my clan.”
Crispin nudges his younger brother. “I’ll handle the hostages and wait for Bossing. You make sure our informant’s alright.”
“Way ahead of you kuya,” Basilio replies, taking his guns out and flying out the window.
Under the pale moonlight and the city’s lights, Basilio spots a group of aswang scaling a dilapidated building east of him. On the rooftop, he sees it. Wings black as night, flattened against the concrete. Sabina lies prone and is aiming her scoped hunting rifle downwards, picking off the advancing horde one by one.
“Time to play.” The demigod rushes in and makes bullets rain on the hostiles.
He takes out a mabangis approaching their sniper from her blind spot. Those who didn’t die from being shot fell to their death, regeneration halted either by his or Sabina’s doing.
Basilio descends on the rooftop, and he walks his way towards the manananggal. His mask dematerialized, and the wind tousled his long hair. Just to be safe, he kept a pistol in one hand.
Across him, Sabina takes out her wireless earbuds and puts them away. Then, she slings her rifle on her shoulder, safety on. With her wings, she crawled towards his direction, like how a bat would move. Then, uses her wings’ sharp claws to plant herself on the concrete, a feat regular bats couldn’t do.
“Thanks for the help, Sab. About that gig…”
Before any more words could come out of his mouth, Sabina holds up her forefinger and presses it against his lips. “Shh. No more apologizing about the missed gig. Just make up for it. You owe me.”
Basilio nods, smiling at her. He watches as Sabina fishes out a box of cigarettes and a lighter from her vest. She’s wearing a black, long-sleeved polo shirt underneath it, and its sleeves are rolled up. Her shirt was unbuttoned just enough for him to catch a glimpse of lace peeking through. For all her boyish, edgy posturing, her choice of underclothes is girlier than what Basilio expected.
It almost makes him want to unwrap her like a Christmas present, but he’ll keep that thought to himself.
“Nice outfit. You were rehearsing in that?”
“We had a presentation for a class. No time to get changed. Now there’s a hole in the back, so I might as well wear this more often on future operations,” Sabina replies, placing a stick of Marlborough Reds between her lips.
“I’m in the mood for a smoke and maybe a chat,” she continues. “Join me?”
Basilio nods.
“How did you know about House of Arko’s human trafficking thing, anway?”
“Believe it or not, it was a hunch,” Sabina explains, black fingernails scratching the sparkwheel several times. “Ugh, fucking lighter dying on me again. I just had it refilled… must be the wind,” she growls.
Basilio couldn’t help but chuckle at her frustration. “A hunch?”
“Hmm… maybe hunch isn’t the right word. It’s an educated guess. Mama Grande loved serving boiled fetuses to her house guests, correct?”
Basilio nods, waiting for Sabina to continue her explanation.
“I suppose that it’s my place to judge if their mothers didn’t want to raise them… I’m a manananggal, for fuck’s sake. But there’s one red flag House of Arko failed to hide. From what I can tell, those fetuses are around five to eight months old.”
Sabina’s lighter finally lit up, and with a triumphant laugh, she lit her cigarette. Then, she carries on with her explanation.
“Most abortions happen during the first three months of pregnancy. It’s rare to see expecting parents get rid of them that late.”
“So? What does that have to do with the whole thing?”
“House of Arko serving older fetuses could mean one of two things: either all, and I mean all of the abortions they performed are from those who are truly in need of one that late, or they’re getting them from another source, possibly an illicit one. They don’t have the most benevolent reputation, so my intuition tells me it was the latter. So, I paid the place a visit and recorded what I could. I guess I should be thankful that your bossing found that blurry video trustworthy enough,” Sabina concluded, watching as the victims were clothed and herded into ambulances.
Dumbfounded, Basilio scratches his head. “Wow. Glad you’re on our side. How did you know that three month thing anyway?”
“Research and personal accounts.” Sabina’s response is clipped. Cold. Abrupt. It only raised more questions than answers.
“Personal accounts? You’ve met people who got them?”
There’s a flash of regret in Sabina’s eyes; regret that she opened her mouth and let him know more than needed. She cuts him off. “I can’t put my informants’ identities in jeopardy either now, can I?”
Per his older twin’s advice, Basilio’s finally using the head between his shoulders. “No offense, but you’re a manananggal. Y’know, known for eating babies? Hearing that from you is suspicious.”
“Yes, I am,” Sabina says through gritted teeth, glaring at him. “I can assure you, I’m following the accords and I’m not exploiting loopholes like what House of Arko is doing. I’ll reveal everything in due time.”
“Alright, keep your secrets. For now.”
A tense silence has befallen them.
“So- '' the manananggal blows a cloud of smoke away from Basilio, “-is this going to be a regular thing? Because if it is, I might finally quit smoking. Nicotine makes my hands shaky. Can’t risk accidentally shooting your ass.” She pauses, looking at him in jest. “ I’d rather do that intentionally.”
“You’re breaking my heart, Sabina Marie,” Basilio retorts, clutching his chest in mock pain.
They share a laugh over it, the mood lightening up.
Basilio looks in the distance, taking in the view of the cityscape. “Maybe you should quit. Singers shouldn’t be smoking in the first place.”
“The tar helps me belt out raspy screams, but yeah, you’re right,” Sabina chuckles.
“So, when is this next gig?”
“Next week. In Ilocos Norte. All the way up in House of Arko’s ancestral home.”
“Should I take that info to Bossing?”
“Yep. It’s open to the supernatural public anyway, so it's not like I’m giving you top secret info. Even the wind tribe is invited, despite their bad blood with my clan. Hopefully things won’t get physical. Most of my sisters are still bitter over how they blew us away when my mom- I mean, Inang Reyna decided to side against the Treses.”
So that explains some things.
“I dunno, maybe I should bring Ammie so I can watch the two of you in a catfight.”
Sabina elbows him in the chest, hard.
“Not funny at all, Basilio. I don’t even know her personally! It’s you I was pissed at.”
Now he grabs his chest in genuine pain as he croaks out an apology. “Sorry.”
“Whatever. Bring whoever the hell you want, just keep your distance from me when you decide to go. Even my father’s going to be there. I need to be on my best behavior.”
The demigod turns to their aswang informant, interest piqued. She’s divulging a lot of information. Perhaps he can sway her to spill more secrets.
“Didn’t know that the Reyna Manananggal had a king.”
“Oh, no. She’s not the type to share her power with a man.” Sabina pauses to take another hit of her cigarette. “I meant my biological father. Villaceran.”
Now that was unexpected.
“You drop bombshell after bombshell whenever we meet. Tomas Dominic Villaceran’s your old man?”
“Look at me. I’m almost the splitting image of the guy. If there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s inheriting his good looks.”
Basilio grins. “Can’t deny that. Most of the manananggal kuya Crispin and I encountered look...”
“Hideous, I know,” Sabina says outright. “You still haven’t seen that side of me, so don’t be too quick to judge my sisters.”
Basilio treads carefully, knowing that he might be prying on a sensitive subject. “So, about Villaceran…”
“I’d rather not talk about him. Our relationship is… strained.”
Giving her a sympathetic, understanding look, Basilio nods. “Right. Never mind.”
Another interval of silence passes between them. This time, it’s a little somber.
“So, does this party have a dress code?”
“Yeah. Filipiniana. Wear a barong. It’s one of those pretentious events that attempts to make House of Arko more appealing to the masses or whatever. Manipulative assholes.”
“You can just refuse to go, Sab.”
“I could, but being Trese’s mole among the aswang means I have to attend clan activities to supply more information. That also means attending every single party those Arko fucks throw.”
“You really hate House of Arko, huh?”
Looking towards his direction to meet his gaze, Sabina’s eyes are filled with a sea of emotions. Hatred, indignation, and something Basilio couldn’t quite place.
“Why wouldn’t I? Mama Grande raised boys who can’t take no for an answer. The Arko brothers have no respect for us manananggal. As if we weren’t fetishized enough in Manong Karma’s stupid aswang dating book...”
Sabina clears her throat and calms herself down. Bad blood between aswang clans could mean war. Basilio knows he should take that to the boss. His gears are turning tonight. He asks Sabina questions that could risk her support.
“Is that why you agreed to be an informant? You wanna bring House of Arko down? Then what, your clan will fill the space they’ll leave?”
“What? No, I have no desire for power, not like how Mama Grande or my own mother does anyway. My personal gripes with them aside, the House of Arko wants to ‘unite the aswang under one banner’ with no respect to the other clans’ autonomy and customs.”
“So you wanna protect your clan?”
“That’s one of the reasons, yes. Mama Grande’s been trying to play kumare with mom- I mean Inang Reyna-” This is the second time Sabina slipped and called her mom. She clears her throat and composes herself. “And I need to stop that. Inang Reyna already made the mistake of going against the Accords once. Allying with the House of Arko will ruin us further.”
Basilio leans in closer. “And what are your other reasons?”
Sabina looks at him for a few, quiet seconds, and looks away. “I’ll reveal them-”
“In due time. Yeah, yeah, I can take that as an answer. So, making you sing in that event is a result of them being magkumare?”
A defeated laugh bubbles from Sabina’s chest. “You got it.”
“I’m surprised they didn’t invite sirena to sing.”
Sabina rolls her eyes and tosses the butt of her expended cigarette on the concrete. Basilio took it upon himself to crush the embers under his heel, seeing how her lower half is hidden someplace else.
“Oh please, this is House of Arko we’re talking about, Bas. They believe aswang are superior. Letting them shine would take away the spotlight from the aswang. Mama Grande asked for me from Inang Reyna so they can gloat that even aswang can make better singers than the famed sirena. Ugh, I doubt my singing style even matches the performance they want from me.”
“Oh yeah? What kind of performance are they going for?” he asks her.
“Now that’s another secret. You have to show up to find out,” she hums in response.
Turning away from him, Sabina checks how many sticks are left in the box. Two. She takes one and lights it up.
“Screw it, I’m going cold turkey. I guess this will be my final box. Maybe for tonight. Maybe forever.”
“Then maybe you should stop with the stick you’re smoking and throw the last one away,” Basilio suggests.
“Are you mad? That’s a waste of money!”
“Still counting your blessings even with your mama’s wealth huh?”
“Old habits die hard.”
Sabina blows smoke away from Basilio’s direction. The wind made it waft to his face anyway, and she mumbles a quick apology. He shrugs it off. Not like the adverse effects of secondhand smoke affected him anyway. Hank smoked and was polite enough to turn away too, but Basilio can still smell it. He didn’t mind it. Still, Hank had told him and Crispin that it was a tough habit to break, so he never touched a cigarette.
Not until now.
Basilio takes the box from Sabina and picks up the last stick with his lips. Then, he inches closer to her.
Ironically, in an attempt to help an old friend quit her smoking habit, Basilio engages in it himself.
Little did he know, a new bad habit was forming between him and the little lady before him.
“I’ll make sure it won’t go to waste then. Light me.”
Sabina raises an eyebrow. “Just don’t start at all. Give it back.”
“One smoke isn’t going to get me hooked, princess.”
Brows knitted together, Sabina chastises him. “Take it from me, bad habits start with just one little taste, Bas.”
“One little taste never hurts anyone...”
“One little taste could leave you wanting for more.”
Basilio can feel himself getting hot under the collar. He’d never thought an aswang of all creatures could make him feel all bothered, yet there he was, getting turned on by her choice of words.
“Princess, are we still talking about cigarettes, or something else?”
Hearing his question, Sabina exhales sharply through her nose, cheeks dusted pink. “Maybe both. Whatever. Come here.”
Black fingernails scratched at the sparkwheel. Sparks were flying, but there was no flame. The cigarette remained unlit.
“Well, it looks like fate isn’t letting you smoke, so better just give me the damn cigarette back, Basilio.”
With a sly look, Basilio closes in on her, and presses the end of his cigarette to the embers at the end of hers, linking them together.
To his surprise, Sabina is neither backing away nor babbling defensively like she usually does whenever he gets close. Instead, she presses her chest to his, a challenging look in her half-lidded eyes. She wasn’t wearing her glasses like usual, giving Basilio an unobstructed view of her heated gaze. Was it bloodlust or desire? Either way, it got his blood pumping.
“You’re chattier than usual tonight,” Basilio comments. “Bolder too. I like that.”
In the form she’s in now, Sabina’s eyes glowed an eerie white, and aside from the wings sprouting from her back, little horns sprouted from her scalp, the root concealed by her crown of short, wavy hair. Basilio didn’t pay mind to her dangling guts, instead, his eyes were transfixed on that cute little lace bra again.
Through the layers of cloth between them, he can feel her heart beating. Basilio faintly remembers the taste of human and sigbin hearts.
Now, what does aswang heart taste like?
A dark part of his psyche- perhaps from being Datu Talagbusao’s son- wanted to tear it out of her chest and eat it to find out.
Basilio felt the urge to taste all the battles she fought through her blood, and possess her heart in a way no other person can.
The memory of seeing his father tasting his mother’s blood inserts itself in the present, and the fear of turning into the monster he was is enough for him to shake that thought away.
Basilio tries to focus on something else.
His eyes wander to Sabina’s mouth. He might’ve imagined something else between her dark lips, in place of the cigarette. Something bigger.
Something of his.
Sabina’s been pliable tonight. Perhaps he’ll push his luck with her one last time.
“So, any plans tonight, dear princess?”
“Unless you intend to treat me like one, don’t call me that.”
“I’m done with work, so if you want me to make good on that and make up for my mistake…”
Giggling, Sabina flies a few feet away from him. The black wings on her back are translucent against the pale moonlight. They almost looked like a dark shade of red.
“Go tell your brother about the information I gave you for now, then meet up with me afterwards. I hid my lower half in an alleyway behind that motel,” she tells him, pointing to the building’s direction.
“If you’re lucky, you’ll get to rearrange my guts. Literally and figuratively.” Sabina continues, a naughty smirk blooming on her lips.
Taken aback by the pun, Basilio laughs. “I didn’t think you were capable of dirty jokes.”
“You should know by now that I’m full of secrets and surprises.”
Grinning darkly, Basilio finishes the rest of his cigarette as he watches her fly away.
“And I’ll uncover them all, dear princess.”
ulol - crazy; Filipino profanity
gago/gaga - foolish or stupid; Filipino profanity
tangina - contraction of putang ina, lit. whore mother. Used as an expression to express irritation, anger, or astonishment
Inang Reyna - lit. Queen Mother.
mare/kumare - derived from the Spanish word madre/comadre; kumare a reciprocal appellation for the godmother or for the child's mother. In a more modern and colloquial context, it’s used to refer to a female friend. Magkumare means women who are friends with each other.
Filipiniana - Philippine related book and non-book material
barong - also known as Barong Tagalog. An embroidered long-sleeved formal shirt for men and a national dress of the Philippines.
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
if you do straight ships could you do reyna/breach? either something fluffy or hurt with comfort please!
Hi, and yeah, I don't mind straight ships. I just don't like ships that I find off putting (mainly age gaps when it comes to fandom stuff). But uh.... damn what a rarepair lol
~600 words, nightmares, hurt & comfort
Breach was woken up by a slap to the face. He sat up straight, eyes scanning the room for signs of danger, only to come to the conclusion that it was Reyna who hit him. Upon taking a closer look at her, he realized she wasn’t even awake. She had slapped him in her sleep. He vaguely wondered if his dream self was being an asshole to her, but any traces of humour disappeared as he laid back down and saw how her brows were furrowed, and how she moved and flinched every so often.
“Hey, Reyna, you pissed at me?” he gently rubbed her shoulder. He’s never seen this happen to her before, but he’s seen plenty of other people who’ve had nightmares. Even if she just calmed down a little, he’d count this as a win.
He quickly jerked his head back as her fist hit the pillow where his head just was. Carefully, he brought that hand to his lips, gently pressing his lips against each knuckle, eyes on her sleeping form the entire time. It seemed to have some effect though, as she sighed and nuzzled the pillow.
“Hey,” he whispered, watching as her eyelashes fluttered. “How’s my queen doing?”
The confusion on her face prompted him to smile and whisper, “You had a nightmare. But I learned that you’re a pretty good fighter in your sleep too.”
She was taking deep breaths, slow and steady. It was pretty clear to him that she was following his lead. She pulled her hand from his grip and gently stroked the part on his cheek where she had slapped him in her sleep.
“Did I hurt you?”
Breach shook his head, no. “And when you do hurt me it’s because of the things I do, hm?.”
He watched as she looked at the claw marks on his skin from last night’s activities and smiled at him.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She shook her head no. “It’s best left in the past.”
He let her roll him over onto his back and sit on him without saying a single thing. If this was what she desired, he would gladly provide. He didn’t think she would want anything in particular from him though, and he understood once she moved herself down a little so she could rest on top of him with her head on his chest. No words needed to be said for Breach to know to raise his arms and hold her there. It was all done wordlessly, and that was just how Reyna wanted it.
They laid there together, Reyna basking in Breach’s warm body, and Breach gently petting her hair and back. There were times, such at this, where Breach wondered about her and just what happened to make her the person she was today. She always showed the tougher side, the side that didn’t need help, niceties, or anything else. Even when Breach tried to take care of her or shower her with kinder forms of attention, she often brushed it off or chided him for treating her as weaker than he was.
But in moments like this, where he was gently waiting for her to fall asleep, trying to be an unwavering source of comfort, she drank it up like someone who had gone weeks without water. Even as he gently moved her, so she was once again on the mattress and her pillow, her arms were still wrapped around his neck and chest, not letting him leave her presence. So yeah, he stayed glued to her side, hands gently holding her while he peppered small kisses around her face until he too, felt the lull of sleep pull at his mind.
If she wanted to talk, they could talk in the morning. For now, he just needed to be beside her.
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ofsandstonebodies · 3 years
Part 2 of my OCs from ORV:
Jade's full name is Jaddrian Tarmehi. He is half Ghefyan on his mother's side, and half Vecilian on his father's side. He has a little brother who is twelve years old and he grew up in Vecilia surrounded by the support of his family. This support was especially needed when his best friend died four years before the main story takes takes place. Sometimes Jade even thinks that there's more to her death than what he knows.
Jade has overgrown, straight, walnut brown hair, which he often pulls back into a very small ponytail. He has heterochromia--his right eye is purple, and his left eye is dark brown, and he has light brown skin. His height is 5'10.5. He is a very lively and active person most of the time, though he does need his space too, and he absolutely loves making new friends, though he hasn't really had a close confidante in a long time.
Jade can be very inarticulate and blunt at times. But overall, he is a very gentle and sweet person. He is quick-witted as well. He hates people who belittle others and make them feel inferior, one of the reasons being that it reinforces his poor self confidence. He likes wearing soft clothes like wool sweaters and turtlenecks.
Jade is 17 years old in the story. He is greysexual. His pronouns are he/him. He has the ability to manipulate emotions, but like Rheia's, this is also a close contact power. He loves his parents to death, but he often feels like he can't speak with them about the things he wants to talk about the most, and which his brother is too young to fully comprehend. So, he pens down his thoughts as letters. But ultimately, he chooses art-- sculpting and painting, to be precise-- as a way of expressing himself, since he feels that he is not as good with words.
And here's his moodboard:
Tumblr media
Taglist: @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos @willothewhisper @kitandtyarelife @revvs-trash @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @reyna-herondale @claradoesntevenknow @queen-born-out-of-fire @carstairgray @shadowhuntingdemigod @mf-means-matthew-fairchild @youngreckless @tamaraheartz @herondalesunsetcurve @khaleesiofalicante @goodgirlwithbadhabitsstuff @untowardflower @clarys-heosphoros @pjo-tsc-trc-otherthingstoo @ninacarstairss @hardlymatters @anarchistbitch @chrysalism-sonder @sagureads @blackasmysoul
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aknosde · 3 years
Amicus Certus in re Incerta Cernitur
The first installment of my Reyna Swap AU, Alea Iacta Est // Percy Jackson & Reyna Avilla Ramírez Arellano // Hurt - Comfort // roughly two or three days post-Tartarus // tw vomiting & tw implied/referenced past child sexual assault // light swearing // 3.4k
(hey, @specific-dreamer, i started writing it :))
Reyna exits her bed smoothly, flicking on the lamp as she goes. At night, when her cabin feels too dark and too small, the light is one of her only wards against her stiff spine and the shake of her shoulders. She ghosts her hands through her closet, searching for something thick and substantial, like the light and the reassuring click of the lock as she opens her door.
The floor of the quarter deck is cold under her bare feet, but the polished wood is soothing in its smoothness. She tugs on her sweatshirt against the cool temperature that accompanies flying far above the warm Mediterranean. Someone must have screwed with the thermostat last night–tonight–otherwise it would be compensating for the chill in the air.
It doesn’t affect the rest of the ship. The wood doesn’t contract or expand under the temperature, the boat doesn’t creak. It’s immune to the cold air and warm water in that way. She can’t quite decide if the silence that accompanies it is comforting or not as she descends to the main deck.
All of the lights are on down here, the rooms devoid of people. She knows that the lights of the lower deck will be off, because Leo sleeps down in the engine room, but the main deck is no man's land at this time of night. Someone has swept the floors, and with the lights on and undisturbed by organic shadow, this level seems more like a model of a ship than somewhere where people live. When the feeling turns from interesting to uncanny she finishes her route to the galley.
Though the galley is less of a galley, straight and narrow, than an actual kitchen you would find in a home. It’s large, even though Leo claims it’s unnecessary given his plate technology, and rather comfortable. A counter winds around the room, a large refrigerator with people’s personal food labeled, an oven and stove, and lastly, the sink: her destination.
She’s almost to the kitchen island before she sees Percy, sitting on the counter, looking for all the world as if he is a fixture of the kitchen itself. She doesn’t freeze when she sees him–she’s better than that–but she does let herself take stock of him, one leg hanging off the counter and his other knee propped under his chin, holding his head up.
His eyes look irritated, bags underneath that more closely resemble bruises, and a few pieces of hair are falling into his eyes, but he doesn’t do more than glance her way as she crosses to the sink next to him, so she leaves him be. Percy’s always been… observant. She could tell by the way he looked at her as she dropped from the Argo’s rope ladder. But since Tartarus he’s gotten quieter. Before, it used to just be a thing about him, not speaking unless he had something to say. Now it’s more obvious, like something or someone is keeping him.
She fills her glass of water and leans against the island, staring at the fridge.
She and Jason had had their own kitchen, as praetors. It was in the Principa, tucked out of the way, cold blue-greys and aggressively modern appliances. It reminded her of her childhood kitchen in that way. Cleanly impersonal–it more closely resembled an office break room. She and Jason barely used it, but still, they tucked their s’more supplies into a corner cupboard, and occasionally they would find each other there, making tea during late nights and early mornings.
The Argo kitchen is nicer, filled with warm colors and the smell of cinnamon. Percy cooks in here, she knows, though she has never seen him at it. When she had woken up that first morning after the disaster in New Rome there had been conchas on the counter. Leo, for all his initial grumbling, took to cooking in here while Percy and Annabeth were gone. His own little way of grieving, she thinks, taking a sip of water.
Percy lurches as if the ship has, uncharacteristically uncoordinated in his urgency. She straightens immediately as he twists off the counter and onto his feet. His forearms come down hard on the ledge of the counter, bracketing himself, and then he retches into the sink.
Strings of hair hang in his face as he does, she can now see that they are separated by sweat, and before she knows what she’s doing she’s across the aisle and holding his hair back and gives him the privacy of looking away, tucking away loose strands of hair. It’s deceptively soft, even with charred and patchy places here and there, and curlier than Leo’s. Memories of Hylla rage strong as she twists it around her finger, leaving no chance of it falling in the way again, the grey streak resembling a swirl.
Reyna can practically feel Hylla’s hands in her hair, her body sprawled against the wall of their cabin, head in a bucket. Hylla’s body, pressed against one side of her back, not overbearing, just a reminder that she was there now. On good nights they would end up in their bed before Reyna fell asleep, talking until Reyna’s brain could come back home. Hylla would twist Reyna’s hair into braids more beautiful and pure than Reyna could ever imagine being, and Reyna would complain about the smell of the bucket until Hylla got up to throw the contents overboard.
“Better your lunch than yourself,” Hylla sometimes joked upon her return, in that way people do when they are living through horrible things, doing horrible things, having horrible things thrust upon them. The memory burns now that Reyna isn’t there. She can’t find the humor in the joke now, only the threat of the first mate holding Reyna by the hair and threatening to make her walk the plank if she didn’t stop crying.
She couldn’t stop, but he didn’t seem to understand that, he just held her wrists until Hylla was there, in his cabin, talking with her voice smooth in a way it had never been before the Queen Anne’s Revenge. She talked until Reyna was allowed to leave, until the door shut with her still inside.
That was the night Blackbeard and his crew decided Reyna wasn’t worth it, a night she would forever be thankful for. Reyna couldn’t recover as fast as Hylla, she couldn’t put up with as much, she was wrecked after each encounter, and that night she would be thankful for it, and the day after, and the next, until she and Hylla were running the ship and she never had to think about it again.
Percy pants against the sink, signaling that he is done, and she takes a step back, suddenly uncomfortable and anxious for something to do.
She decides on giving him her glass of water–gods know he needs it more than she does–and watches him down the whole thing greedily. An air of clarity seems to blow through him, clearing his eyes and fixing his posture. Maybe that is the magic of a child of Poseidon. Water: an instant cure to all ailments.
“Thank you,” he says with a gasp as he finishes drinking. He wipes some vomit off a corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, frowning before he rinses it off in the sink. Reyna nods serenely in response, no judgement.
It’s a wrestle with herself, to decide if she wants to ask what has him puking his guts out. The fine line she always walks is taunting her, telling her not to alienate people, telling her that knowledge is power. The voice sounds suspiciously like Michelle, which only makes her prickle further. It’s a moot point, regardless. She can remember sitting with Thalia, legs swinging over the edge of a bridge, “I loved him to pieces, Reyna, but that asshole wouldn’t tell me he was hurt unless I pinned him down and threatened to zap his eyebrows off.” She’s going to ask.
“Are you okay?” They are hollow words, because none of them are, and she knows his answer.
“I’m fine,” And then a second later he is over the sink again, all of the water coming right back up.
She takes a place behind him, Hylla’s place, holding his hair back and drawing on his back with her other hand. She can feel his muscles clench each time more of his stomach empties, takes in his breathy swears, traces the letters on the back of his New Rome hoodie. She thinks it might have been hers at one point. It swallows him.  
He pulls back, eventually, putting space between them. She lets him have it, but sticks to her spot, crossing her arms.
“Want to try that again?”
He breathes raggedly, head hung. “I can’t–” he lifts a hand to gesture to himself vaguely, but rests it swiftly, looking like he regrets the action. “I haven’t been able to keep food down. Since we got back. It’s too rich. Too much. I was stupid, forgetting how that worked,” he explains, reading the pull of her brow. “Forgot how it felt, too,” he adds, quietly.
She flicks the sink on, letting his remnants wash down the drain, and looks at him thoughtfully. He’s too tired to notice, or maybe to care. His knuckles white out on the edge of the counter, pulsing no doubt in tandem with his stomach. One of his legs begins to quake and she nudges it with her knee. He shifts.
“Is there a reason you’re camped out in here and not the bathroom?”
His breathing, slow and steady, a trained pattern, is interrupted by a faint chuckle. “Thought I wouldn’t run into no one. It’s not working out, clearly.”
He sits back on the counter gently, already clutching his stomach again. “I’ll get over it soon. Just a couple more days. I just–need to make sure I don’t tear my stomach lining.” His words come spaced out and slow, working between his breaths.
“Annabeth?” she asks, unable to mask concern, or maybe uninterested in doing so.
“Got over it,” he answers swiftly. It almost sounds like he is going to say more, but he doesn’t, and she lets it drop in favor of watching him. When he gulps she’s already by his side.
This time bile is the only thing that comes up. He hacks, searching for more, but all that's left is acid. She’s supporting almost his entire weight with one arm. A twitch of worry makes her muscles tense, alien to any type of worry she experienced while he and Annabeth were in the pits of hell. This is immediate, intimate, not abstract. Like seeing Jason’s face dripping gold.
Percy’s whole body shudders, head so deep in the sink she thinks he might be able to touch the sick and the porcelain with his nose if he were to go any further, but the spell seems to have stopped. His arms shake against the counter, and before he can follow through with getting his own vomit plastered across his face she uses her hold on his hair to gently tilt his head towards her.
His eyes are almost completely unfocused, squinting against the kitchen lighting behind her. His water lines have released their tears, finally surmounting the amount of control he had been maintaining. He looks utterly wrecked, and not in the deranged and semi-wild way he had been fresh out of the Doors of Death.
She switches her arm from propping him up to wrapping it around him, keeping him from falling back against the sink and grunting between his weight and his condition. His limbs are loose with relief, now. Almost limp. She orients him until he’s pressed against her hip, utterly malleable under her hands. An odd sense of warmth seems to travel up her arms and into her heart as he slots against her. From what she’s seen, from what she knows, Percy is not one to be controlled. He rebels against it, particularly resistant to anyone who is not a peer, or better yet, a friend. Yet here he is, letting her move his body for him.
It’s something she could never imagine herself doing; willingly handing herself over like this. But with the warmth is a new desire, a spark of hope that one day she will grow with people until she can let them take care of her like this.
“Let’s get you to the med bay,” she says.
“No.” It comes quiet and breathy, and then again with urgency, “No. Annabeth likes to take inventory there when she can’t sleep. Not the med bay.”
Avoiding the med bay on account of Annabeth is a stupid decision, but she reminds herself that Percy cares more about other people than he does himself. He doesn’t want Annabeth to be worried, Reyna thinks, to keep his problems to himself, and though that is not always the best plan, it’s not the worst. Reyna recognizes the necessity of keeping your shit to yourself. Percy might be one of the only people she knows that understands that and deserves it, so she just sighs.
“Okay.” She hooks her other arm under his, making sure he’s steady, and lowers him to the floor. “We’ll just set up camp here.”
He presses the back of his head against the cabinets, hands groping the cool stone floor, and then lets himself tip fully onto it. No complaints. Apparently he likes the change in location. She grabs a dish towel, folding it up and sliding it under his head, and a bowl, if he needs to give up his internal organs while she’s gone and can’t quite make it to the sink. With a shove of his shoulder he turns on his side, loosely grabbing his stomach and making her feel safe in the fact that he can’t choke on his own vomit.
She feels funny when she stands again, brushing her hands against her pant legs. She’s never taken care of someone like this before, never had to. She and Jason were there for each other during their fair share of unfortunate situations, but she never had to watch him like this; curled up on the ground, shaking, weak. She wonders if he was ever caught like this, in the bathroom across the hall. If he had ever wanted to ask her for help.
Annabeth isn’t in the med bay when Reyna goes to scrounge up some anti-nausea medication, and she isn’t coming down the stairs when Reyna makes her way back to the kitchen. Percy’s in the same spot, though. She supposes that counts for something as she sits next to his head, reading the directions on the back of the box.
It’s generic, a syrupy red that reminds her of fake blood in old horror movies. Percy coughs as it goes down, making a face and muttering something about cherry flavoring and scented markers.
When she’s sure he’s not going to up chuck the medicine, which would be a type of irony she is not ready for, she goes searching for something he can eat. The stores on the Argo II are significantly better than that of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, and greatly aided by the presence of a fridge, but she ends up with a packet of pedialyte powder she remembers seeing Percy use during their first week on the Argo. It’s orange, which she can respect as it’s the best artificial flavor.
Percy groans while she’s stirring it, and before she knows it she’s sitting by his side, letting him press his face into her leg. Her body seems to know what to do, even if she doesn’t, and she’s grateful for it.
“Would you rather rehydrate or take more medication?”
He groans again, nose brushing her thigh, and says, “Both.”
“Disregard the instructions?”
He hums against her leg, whispering her resolve into the ground, because she doesn’t argue. It doesn’t hurt that she couldn’t decide either, or that she has always been good at knowing when to break the rules.
“Whatever repercussions there are to this, it’s your fault,” she says instead, already measuring another dose.
He downs it like a shot and with a grimace, even though he is still laying on the floor. It manages to wring a snort out of her, as does the way he remarks that the straw she put in the pedialyte looks like a worm: “Which I’ll allow only because you chose blue; the best color.”
He fumbles in and out of consciousness, mind half addled, and she thinks she’s found a cheat code to becoming his friend. With his sharp eyes half closed and his height stolen by his horizontal position on the floor, too tired to keep his body wired and slurping through a straw because the energy to sit up seems like a far flung concept, he’s easy to see and even easier to like.
“You made the good shit,” he half slurs as he takes another sip.
“Grew up on this stuff,” he says by way of explanation. “It was free at my first school, low income and what not. Wanted to make sure we had enough calories to suffer through the school day. Picked it up at food banks, too.”
She hums, pretending he hasn’t just revealed something that she doubts he’s told anyone else. “Kept it around for the taste?”
“Malnourished after Lupa, just a bit,” he says arching his neck in discomfort before taking another sip. “I made sure to pick some up while we were still in the states. ‘Beth knows I like it though. I think she already bought some.”
“Yeah.” Reyna can vaguely remember something along those lines, sitting with Annabeth and going over supply lists for the ship. She’d been rambling and scatterbrained, which Reyna now knew was her default state.
He switches subjects after that, nothing sticking for long. It’s an interesting contrast to the Percy that she’s met. She wonders if he was like ths as a kid, or maybe it was longer than that. Maybe it was until they were swapped, maybe it was until Tartarus and she just never got the chance to see.
“You’re talkative when half your guts are down the drain,” she tells him, after listening to him ramble about the Knicks for a couple minutes.
“Blame my state.”
“I am, dumbass.”
“So rude,” he says in Spanish, sounding like her neighbors in Puerto Rico, getting together under the shade during the heat of the day, complaining about their daughters. “What’re you doing here anyway,” he asks, “Why aren’t you nice and cozy in your bed.”
“Obviously sitting on the floor with you is superior.”
He coughs out a laugh, there. Weak, but she can feel his amusement from the crinkle of his eyes before he sobers. “Really, why?”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Want to talk about Tartarus?” she snaps, because no, she does not want to talk about her historical issues with boats, or how she’s thinking of Jason, out there escorting a forty foot statue in an attempt to stop yet another war.
���Sorry,” Percy whispers, pulling his head back a bit.
“No, I’m sorry.” She’s supposed to be better than this. She’s supposed to be a leader, which does not include letting her frustrations out on others, no matter the time of day–or night. “That was unprofessional of me.”
He snorts. “We’re lying on the kitchen floor and I’m wearing Black panther pajama pants. Trust me, you don’t have to be professional here… And I’m sorry–for asking.”
“It’s alright,” she ends up saying, mostly thinking that he’s right. She’s about to tell him so when she notices that his eyes have slipped closed. “Let's get you to bed.”
“I’m not gonna sleep,” he grumbles.
“Well if I get you some more magic potion can you lie to me?”
He smiles at that, one side of his mouth going up farther than the other, like in almost every photo she saw of him during her months at Camp Half-Blood. “If you, Reyna Ramírez Allreano, get me more orange pedialyte, I will absolutely fall asleep as soon as I’m in my bed.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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mytarnishedsilver · 2 years
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Have you seen REYNA around Faerune? She’s a FAERIE who REJECTS the Unseelie Queen’s reign. People have heard she’s SMART, INDEPENDENT, and ASSERTIVE but can also be AGGRESSIVE, SELFISH, and MANIPULATIVE. We’ll see where she falls when the revolution arrives, but until then she can be found working as an INFLUENCER.
FAE NAME: [Redacted]
FACECLAIM: Camila Mendes
BIRTHDATE: Unknown [300+]
FAE FORM: pointed ears, golden typical fairy wings, golden eyes, golden strands throughout her dark hair, golden “cracks” over her entire body
IDENTITY: Cis Female, She/Her
ORIENTATION: Panromantic/Pansexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (no current crushes)
OCCUPATION: Influencer
HABITS: believing the world must cater to her, relying on her adoring fans and followers to brighten her mood and stroke her ego
Read here.
Reyna was devastated when the Unseelie Queen took over, completely ruining her hard work in climbing up the political ladder to eventually take over the city herself. She knows better than to openly protest or complain, however, and has returned to her influencer status to gain validation and affection from her adoring fans and followers. It’s a poor substitute for subjects, but it’ll do for now.
She’s also working on an autobiography, using it to work through some of the trauma of her childhood. She’s been avoiding it for so long, but she knows it’ll always hold her back if she keeps having nightmares and flashbacks whenever she sees Briana by the Queen’s side.
She has thankfully gotten over her crush on Wisteria (she called him and Jill by the way), but she is still looking for love by way of dating apps.
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threat5680 · 3 years
Title: Realize
"What is your work, Yoru-kun?" you asked
"tsk, I told you to drop that subject" He said
"why don't you tell me? Is it that dangerous that you can't tell me? I'm your girlfriend for pete's sake, I have atleast to know what's happening to you, I mean everytime you came home it's either you have a bruise or worst" You complain
"well if you keep complaining might as well break up with me so you don't have to worry about it?!!" He shouted due to your complain
You were shock to his sudden outburst, because most of the time, when you nag about his work, it's more like a sweet change of subject, something like he will just hug and kiss you or he will tell to just don't worry that its just that he was clumsy or something else..
But this time as if he just didn't care if he hurt your feeling...
You were about to say something then he goes like..
"let's just end this, I'm breaking up with you" he said
And that Was the last time you heard about it..
~~~ a month later ~~~
How the world so small that your ex-boyfriend Yoru is now with you on your work...
Yes, you were hired and recruited by the one and only queen of radiant, Reyna..
You weren't actually a Radiant user but you were smart as fck .. you even outsmarted Killjoy, Raze and of course the queen herself that you were able to get into the Valorant Protocol...
Which is kind of awkward to the both of you that the reason you broke up was because of Yoru's work and now here you both are ... In the same work line...
It was a great suprise for the both of you, and you can't even look at each other, well apparently He can't look you in the eyes...
You were one of the strongest agent after 3 months, you're succes rate are always high and the probability of your lose maybe 10% ..
And you mostly do Solo or Duo with Reyna Missions since you were that capable..
This time your were assign to a Mission on Icebox, with Killjoy, Jett, Yoru and Skye
You were now on the airship going to Icebox .. everyone was sitting on their Respective seat as you look outside the window ..
You just laugh at the thought of the ironic possiblity that he keep this dangerous work from you... And now he can't even look at you ..
You were having you own thought that you didn't even notice that you were already arrived.. until you heard Brimstone on the comms that your mission is to defend the site and defuse the spike ..
It wasn't your first mission, but you were new to the map:Icebox.. so you still have trouble to were you should position yourself..
Your team was down except you and your ex-boyfriend ... The spike was planted and now is about 20 second before the spike explode...
3vs2 situation but in real you weren't actually bothered about the number of enemy because well you could actually kill them that easy, but sadly all you were thinking was the spike was planted and it needed to be defuse..
'fck! Why the hell that this place cold and huge' you tell to yourself as you were going to B site from A site..
And yet an enemy kill joy just use her ultimate..
"what the hell, seriously?! Am I that strong?!" You tell to yourself out loud due to frustration
You attack to where's Enemy Killjoy's ulti is by rushing into the enemy's side where they are holding the site..
You were able to kill enemy Killjoy and enemy sage... Which was apparently camping to where enemy KJ used her ultimate skill ...
"sorry but I'll win this" you tell them then rush yourself to the spike to defuse it
"Y/N get out of there!!" yoru on the comms
"I can make it" you tell yourself as you were defusing the bomb
It's was like about 10second or less...
'fck! Fck!!' you tell yourself
"clutch!!" You shouted on your comms
Then Yoru appears on you side..
"you should have faith in sometimes" you tell him
"Y/N, I-" Yoru
"LOOK OUT!!!" You shout as an enemy Omen appears behind Yoru
You push Yoru on the side and you were shot by a bullet on your shoulder, as you get hit you were down..
And Yoru in his instinct, he pull out his sheriff gun and one-tap headshot the enemy Omen
'Y/N!!! Are you alright?!!" He came to you and look worried
"Now I understand why you didn't want to talk about work hahah" you tease him
He look at you, then hugs you
"I'm sorry for breaking up with you!" He tell you as he hugs you tightly
You were confuse on his sudden action but smile afterwards and seperate the hug and look into his eyes
"ehh? Well that's in the past now, let's just forget about it and you know be friends" you said as you smile
He was quiet on your words .. as you on the otherhand was waiting for him to atleast agree on your statement...
You were actually losing all the patients and the silence between you two were killing you .. so you decided to kill the silence between you two..
"you don't want to be friends?" You says but this time you tell him as a question
He didn't answer but his action cause you, your suprise
Eyes widen as you lips met..
A kiss that was filled with longing and passionate...
'I missed this feeling' you tell to yourself..
The other party which was Yoru, he thought that you didn't like it because you didn't kiss back.. so he was about to cut the kiss but you put you arms around his shoulder.. making the kiss go deep..
You stop as you both needed some air.. panting was heard from the both of you as your forehead connects and eyes are lock on each other ..
"I miss you Y/N, I don't want to be just your friend" He tells you
You blush at his statement..
"can we go back as being a couple, I want you back" he tells you but this time with full confidence
You just nod, and smile at him ...
The aircraft arrive..
"it's about time" Yoru
You were about to walk to the airship when he carry you bridal style.. you look really surprised.. and embarrassed for you were fetch by viper and Reyna..
You just hide yourself on Yoru's chest..
"what happened to her?" Viper
"she was shot on the shoulder" he answered
Viper was confused byt Reyna just laugh at the two of you ...
"well let's go then" Viper just said
As the aircraft arrive Yoru go straight to the infirmary to check your injury and heal yourself..
You were now in your room ... you didn't really expect that the two of will just got back together.. I mean everyone was actually teasing Yoru and Skye, that you actually didn't bother thinking that the two of you will go back together..
And now here you are, a couple again ..
You heard a knock on the door and open it.. as you open it, you saw your sneaky boyfriend being sneaky here in your room
"ohh hey Y-yoru? What bring you here?" You asked
"what did you call me?" Yoru in his usual boyfriend bossy tone
"(your-romantic-nickname-to-each-other)" you say
"that's more like it" he says
"what brings you here?" You asked again
"Am I not allowed to check on my wife?" He says
You felt red on you face due to the endearment
"no but..." You stop
Then he look at you ..
"Iloveyousomuch Yoru" You say out of nowhere
He was surprised but was able to get himself together and smile at you
"you know, I realized today that I was about to lose you, I mean I know how strong you are, I know how capable you are, but as you defuse the spike, I was fucking scared that I will lose you forever and I won't be able to forgive myself for breaking up with you and for now be able to protect you back then, and then you got fucking shot because I was too careless..." He says
Then you careses his face
"Iloveyousomuch Y/N" He says as he was about to kiss you ..
You put your arms around him and you both kiss the night out ~~~
PS. All agent was listening to the both of you as you say each others feelings.. ~~~
"good for my man" Phoenix
"congrats for the both of them" Sage & Sova
"he better take care of my Y/N" Reyna
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