#rhea is somewhat there lol
mamisfavmosherz · 7 months
Hello. I hope your doing well. I would like to request a Rhea Ripley X Pregnant Reader where reader and Rhea is planning a gender reveal and Choose to do it live on Monday Night Raw as reader is about to take maternity leave and is very emotional cause the wwe has been her dream since she was little girl so she ends up celebrating with the wwe universe and the locker rooms. If not I'll understand. Thanks you 😊
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Pregnant Reader, Fluffy
A/n: I'm so sorry this took me so long. My brain was malfunctioning on how to even start this lol. Honestly idek if i like this, but I hope this is somewhat what you wanted! 😭
Masterlist , WWE Masterlist
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Big Dreams Let To This
You were in bed with Rhea, facing upwards the back of your head laying on her chest, her hand gently rubbing your belly. You were about 19 weeks pregnant and had just gotten the gender of your baby but had asked your doctor not to tell you, so you had the envelope with the gender on the bedside table. You and Rhea had been cuddling trying to decide how to do this gender reveal. You thought about doing it as a small gathering with both of your families and friends, but that just didn’t feel right for you guys. There was also the fact that all of your friends were wrestle and barely had any time off, Rhea also didn’t have that much time off, and to get both your families here at a time were everyone was free was harder than one would think. You also wanted to include the fans in some way, but you weren’t sure how.
“Well baby why don’t we just do it Monday at Raw ? All of our friends will be there and the show is where your parents live” Rhea suggested a smile on her face before she even said it. Your eyes immediately lit up at the idea. You would have everything you wanted, your friends and family, you would get to do it at a wrestling show, which has been your entire life sense you were a little girl, the people you do this for -other than yourself - the fans, would be there. It was perfect, well almost, there was no way Rhea’s family was gonna be able to make it for Raw in time.
"What about your family ? We can't do this without them... this isn't just about me. It's about us and our family." you said with a small smile on your face, your eyes a little glossy as this perfect idea didn't seem as perfect anymore.
Rhea lightly kissed your head a smile on her face, which made you frown, wondering why she would be smiling right now. "Well, my sweet girl, I already saved them tickets to the show, and their on their way right now. They should be lading tomorrow morning" you eyes lit up like Christmas lights a big smile adorning your face.
Rhea had already planned it out beforehand. She had the idea of doing the gender reveal at Raw for a little while, but she wasn't sure how you would react. Either way, whether that idea ended up happening or you did it another way, she knew the gender reveal was happening this week, so she bought her parents and sister plane tickets to where this week's show was happening and saved them Raw tickets just incase. Her family was gonna ride with you guys and stay at your house for the week either way so no matter your preference, Rhea knew it was going to work out.
You didn't even question her. You were just happy this was gonna happen the way you never ever knew you needed it to happen. You turned your head a little a kissed Rhea softly but passionately. You slowly sperated putting your foreheads together your eyes starting to get teary.
"What's wrong, lovely ?" You softly chuckled and gave her a quick kiss. "These are happy tears. I can't believe this happening"
Next Monday night, you were backstage sitting in the judgments club house. Damian and Dom were sitting beside you, Finn was sitting on the floor stretching, getting ready for his match, which was happening before your announcement. Rhea was making sure both your families were settled before coming back to the clubhouse.
"Fams all good, you guys ready ?" The boys all nodded and stood up, getting their final stretches in before the had to go out there. Rhea went over to you and helped you get up before holding your hand and giving you a quick kiss.
"When the match is over and it's just us in the ring, you can come out, okay ? Not before that, though, please, I don't want you getting hurt, either of you, " Rhea said before bending down and kissing you belly, then kissing your forehead. You smiled and nodded, loving Rhea's caring side. You wished her and the boys good luck before they walked out when their theme song started. You stayed behind in gorilla watching the match and waiting for your que to come out.
The match had been intense, Dom, Damian, and Rhea getting involved when they could without the Ref seeing and helping Finn get the win. Once their song started playing and all four of them stood in the middle of the ring celebrating, you got closer to the curtains, ready to go out there. You were nervous but also very excited.
"Well, well, well, would you look at that ? another win for the judgment day." Rhea said before doing her evil laugh. Some people cheered while others booed. Damian continued saying how everyone needed to Rise for the judgment day, Finn celebrated his win, saying they were the most dominant faction in all of wwe. Dom tried to talk but wasn't able to beacuse of the boos. Rhea shouted into the mic, telling the wwe universe to shut up, not only because of their stupid booing for Dom but also because they had another celebration to be had. At that, the crowd calmed down and started listening.
In that moment, your theme song started blasting, and you came out with a microphone in hand. People started cheering as they hadn't seen you in a while with you being on leave. Rhea sat on the second rope and held your hand, helping you climb in. You smiled at her and walked to the middle of the ring surrounded by your Judgment Day Family. You took a deep breath and listened to people cheering your name, your eyes already watering thanks to those damn hormones.
"I love you guys... I love you and this job so much... which is why I- no, we are here to share some big news with ya'll" you said, holding Rhea's hand.
"This industry has been a big part of my life sense I was little girl, and it will always be a big part of my life and now it's gonna be a big part of our babies life. This is why I wanted to share our babies gender here, surrounded by my family, my friends, you guys, the fans, inside a wwe ring. " Your face was already covered in tears thinking about your baby and how much you're gonna do so they have the best life you can possibly give them. Everyone started cheering just as excited to know the baby's gender as you were.
"Mami... wanna do the honors. " Rhea smiled before walking over to the ropes where the Pyro guys were handing her a remote, which controlled the pryo in the arena. You took a deep breath before everyone started counting down. "3... 2... 1..." Rhea pressed the button and pink Pyro, and confetti started going all around the Arena. You started crying and hugged Rhea, the boys gave you guys a moment before also joining in on the family hug.
After celebrating with the wwe universe you went backstage with Rhea and the boys. Right as you passed through the curtains all your friends were there congratulating you and giving you hugs. This was perfect, all you needed now was to see your family.
"Babe the boys are gonna get changed really quickly and then we can go find our fams and go out for dinner okay?" Rhea said once you were able to get away to a more quite area now that all the congrats had been given. You nodded and gave her a bright smile before waiting for them all to get ready.
Once everyone was ready you all meet with yours and Rheas families for dinner. You all talked and ate for a few hours. There sitting with your family - both blood and soul - you smiled. Your babygirl would be spoiled that for sure, but you wouldn't want it any other way. You were gonna give her the best life and you wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else than the people surrounding you and it's all thanks to a little girl with a big dream of getting to the wwe.
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
I'm really surprised yall liked that costume breakdown so much! Glad it wasn't a waste of time lol By popular demand, I'm back with more unnecessary analysis, this time of the lettuce fam (and the church as a whole).
I bring you:
Fashion in Fódlan part ii: a very long, still not comprehensive, but this time solicited analysis
FYI this post is way more detailed and is significantly more focused on the relationship between the Adrestian Empire and the Church of Seiros, especially relating to politics and power, rather than the clothes.
The Curch of Seiros: tradition!
The reason I didn't originally include these babies is simply that the pool seems at first to be very small. Besides, Flayn is in an academy uniform, and Sothis is a god, so there's really only two outfits and it's kinda hard to get a real feel for it overall.
Fortunately, I Am Very Smart (jk) and was able to gather a sizable amount of material by broadening my horizons a little
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Statues from left to right: Macuil, Cichol, Indech, Cethleann
The very first thing you will notice is that, unsurprisingly, there are a lot of similarities with the generic clergy outfits, and the Saints are just in regular class uniforms rather than unique clothes. You can actually see a sort of evolution from Sothis's dress (the og) to the generic female bishop and priest, and a sort of similar silhouette between the male monk and Seteth:
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Also, Rhea, dead Sitri, and the mural version of Sothis are all wearing the same white dress but with decreasing amounts of embellishments :) dragon ladies :)
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Flayn's version of the academy uniform actually keeps a couple of these influences, as well, primarily the center-front embellishments and the dropped shoulder bows.
Enlightened!Byleth, on the other hand, is a bizarre hodgepodge of stuff that doesn't immediately seem related to anything else.
The Saints being depicted in generic clothing makes sense, because the statues were probably erected after they had all "died." It is odd that Cichol, despite being a wyvern lord in game canon and a formidable warrior in CoS canon (whoa, so meta), is shown in the male bishop uniform in his statue. I think it's because they needed to differentiate between Cichol and Emperor Wilhelm.
The statue in the imperial palace of Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg, the first emperor, is in full armor, but the statue of Cichol is not - the years Cichol lived in Enbarr may have overlapped with Wilhelm's rule, so Cichol, despite being as much (or more) of a warrior as Wilhelm, held a more spiritually significant position. His association with Cethleann likely reinforced that, thus leading to the badass warrior-priest depiction.
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*pointing at myself in the mirror* don't draw warrior-priest seteth on a wyvern don't draw warrior-priest seteth on a wyvern don't dr
"But pg," you say, "of course they all look like the monks and priests, they're literally the church. What does this have to do with the empire?"
The church and the empire grew hand-in-hand for a very, very long time, and that shows in lots of ways, including the prevelance of magic in the empire. I actually believe that the way the clergy dresses now is actually somewhat similar to how a lot of people used to dress, or at least influenced it. (Note that TWSITD, a group that has been around for longer than the empire and is separate from the church entirely, still wears their variations of clergy clothes, and Arval/Epimenides even have a similar silhouette to Sothis. That suggests that the styles are indeed very old.)
Now that more than 1000 years have passed, the Empire has continued to develop new styles and fashions, while the church, being a church, has maintained their ceremonial outfits. That being said, some similarities remain. I want to take a look at two of them:
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Most units have outfits that draw from their canon classes, so that's not unusual, and all the magic classes are clearly influenced by the church, but what we should consider here is why the fashion aesthetics lean toward the faith classes when these two characters in particular are clearly specialized in reason and dislike the church.
Dorothea's dress is elegant and fashionable and also happens to bear a shocking resemblance to a generic priest outfit (outlined in red the points of interest on Dorothea). The sleeves are also similar to the mage outfit, of course, but it's the cut of the skirt, the thing at her neck, and the waistband that make it a priest.
For Lord Arundel, I'm mostly saying the general *shape* of the thing is similar, but there's also the deep round collar and the strong vertical lines, but only on one side instead of both.
As a side note, I'll argue that the military jackets we discussed in the last post are actually related to the church too, since the Officer's Academy (which is of course founded and run by the church) uses the same button styles, and we don't see it in the other two nations. (If this all seems like a stretch, that's because it is <3 a thousand years have passed, okay, things have changed.)
Besides just the practice of magic in general and some of the styles, the ceremonial importance of wearing some kind of uniform to show your role also remained, imo. We have two clear styles of uniform in the Imperial nobility - robes and jackets (it's unclear exactly what determines who wears which - I would think it's based on military roles vs political roles, which would explain the strike force being in jackets, but Jeritza is heavily involved in the military and he wears the robes. Possibly the exception that proves the rule?) - which are of course related to the two styles we see the most of at Garreg Mach, those being the clergy's robes and the officer's academy students. They may have evolved pretty substantially by this point, but I'm inclined to say the robes worn in the empire are related to the clergy robes, especially if they're meant to be associated with the people in more politically-oriented positions rather than soldiers.
We see the importance of these uniforms in the fact that they actually supersede armor/class uniforms. Hubert (canon class dark bishop), Ferdinand (canon class paladin), and Lord Arundel (canon class dark knight), all wear outfits that aren't actually related to their canon classes at all, and they still keep those outfits when in combat as enemies.
One more similarity I'd be remiss not to point out:
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Love to be a bisexual God-King and wear a big tall collar and shoulder embellishment and gold stuff around my neck and a gold crown with a little dangly pearl thing on my forehead~
More analysis:
So, we've established that there's a connection between the clothes worn by empire nobility and church leadership, as well as the nature of those clothes. Cool. Now let's talk $$.
I'm not going to consider Sothis's outfit here, because she's a god and I don't think she's going popping into shops to buy ribbons. Likewise, I think Byleth's enlightened one outfit is more of a divine creation than an actual outfit that cost money.
Rhea's costume however, which as we discussed earlier takes inspiration from Sothis's, definitely did cost money, and a lot of it.
On the inner layer, we don't have a ton of excess stuff going on, as far as the cut of the clothing goes - the white dress is very simple, pretty fitted, not extravagant in any way, but we do have those extra gold details and the headdress, which is honestly a work of art.
What I want to pay attention to is the cloak in particular. That fabric with the beautiful, intricate repeating design of the Crest of Seiros is almost certainly a white and gold brocade (not only is that what it looks like, but it's also a typical fabric for liturgical vestments).
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Brocade is a very expensive type of fabric that's woven to look like it's been heavily embroidered, example above (fabric plus a painting of somewhere wearing it). High quality, 100% silk brocade, especially hand woven and using precious metals like gold, costs literally hundreds of USD per yard, and a cloak of that size would be multiple yards (4? 5 maybe? idk I can't actually sew). That's a lot of money.
You'll notice that Seteth has a similar pattern on the inside of his cape, but I highly doubt it's a brocade. It could be damask (similar to brocade but cheaper and easier to take care of - example shown below), but I think it's just a patterned silk.
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I think his main garment - cape included - is meant to be a play on a cassock, so it's probably a lightweight, soft wool with the decorative facing only on the cape part, possibly not lined at all in the rest of it. The details around his cuffs and shoulders and the back of the cape are probably embroidery or applique, I'm guessing the same as the academy uniforms, whatever those are.
It's definitely nicer than what most of the students or everyday people wear, but not nearly as extravagant as the jackets in the Empire. You'll also notice that Flayn's officer's academy uniform is a little fancier than the regular students, but not enough to be worth investigation.
The blue is probably a pretty expensive dye color, and you'll note that Rhea has it too. (The black of the academy uniforms would be similar in cost...)
(Speaking of blue dye, I did more research while writing this post and it turns out that the dull blues most of the folks in the kingdom have are actually some of the cheapest and easiest colors to get and maintain! Woad my beloved... Indigo is still extremely expensive, though.)
So anyway, as we can see, the issue of excess is really just Rhea. Being the Archbishop, it's understandable in the exact same way that Edelgard's outfit is - they're both trying to show their legitimacy as a sovereign, in part through their clothes.
However, I do want to point out something extremely important: Rhea didn't drop a shit ton of money on a fancy cloak any time in the last few centuries. When you observe her headdress during a tea party, she has this to say: "This crown is rather elaborate, but it has been passed down through generations of archbishops." So it was almost certainly created hundreds of years ago, likely during the early and much more prosperous years of the empire before the kingdom was a twinkle in Loog's eye. I think the cloak is probably the same way, created around the same time as the crown.
So, is she wasting a lot of money to make herself look powerful? Probably not. Is it still a little out of touch to be dressed so extravagantly? Yeah, on a social level. On a political level, she's reinforcing the idea that she's in control, especially while groups like the Western Church are acting up.
Because that's what this is all about: Control.
The church still has a significant impact on the culture of the empire, but it's more than just an old and famous church building still standing in the heart of Enbarr or the gown of an opera diva. It's explicit.
As our very last exhibit, I present a crown.
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The crown Edelgard is given at her coronation is not the same crown she wears during the war, and - though we can only see the tip of the little spire in the front - it bears a striking resemblance to the crown worn by Sothis/enlightened!Byleth. (Using the Sothis regalia to show it bc it's a better image lol.)
I believe this crown may have been crafted at the same time as the Archbishop's, though you'll notice it's quite a bit smaller.
That's because the church and the empire didn't just grow up together - the church was the empire. Seiros named the capital, chose and crowned the first empire, and gifted him her own blood to give him power. The Adrestian Empire exists because Seiros wanted it to, but the church was the higher authority.
The Archbishop traditionally witnesses the coronation of each new emperor not as a show of friendship or an alliance or whatever; it's to remind everyone that originally, the Emperor served at the grace of the Archbishop, not by virtue of their own authority.
Edelgard wears a different crown when she declares war on the church, because she can't have anyone questioning her authority, especially not the church. That means all remaining influence the church has over the Empire and Fodlan as a whole simply must be destroyed. Unfortunately, it runs far too deep. What's she going to do, make Dorothea wear a different dress?
-fin- (lol)
working on a much more lighthearted part iii, which will literally just be ranking the outfits on how expensive I think they are lol no promises on that one though
EDIT: someone pointed me to an item description from FEH that confirms Edelgard did *not* have a new crown designed, it's just a different crown that already existed. Here's the ask where we talk about it a little
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burning-academia-if · 3 months
Lmao not me reading the ask that said bedroom eyes thinking they just wanted to go to bed to sleep cause they're tired😭.(is it obvious I'm on the ace spectrum-)
But on the other hand how would the Ro's react to that?? Like just Mc getting really sleepy at a gathering cause it was late or smt
LOL I feel like there are some prompts that have been sent that were meant to be nsfw and I didn't realize due to also being ace
Rook: He can stay up ungodly late, so when he notices how you look, he pops up next to you, "Falling asleep on me already?" Hooks an arm through yours so the two of you could leave. Depending on how tired you are, he will use it as an excuse to carry you, yes even if you're like 6'5 and definitely bigger then him (that's what magic is for, an infinite cheat code to carry your partner whenever you want).
Beck: Gently takes both of your hands and gives them a squeeze, "Come on, it's late." His voice is soft, and you can hear the edge of sleep in his own voice. You're not sure whose guiding who back, hands wound together, encased in a bubble of sleepiness
Rhea: It's a perfect reason to excuse herself as well, likely just as tired as you are, if not showing it. She drifts towards you, smoothing away at your hair or lightly touching your cheek to make sure you're still somewhat awake. Her voice is thick with sleep, "The night's over for us, come along."
Zoe: They are now on MC duty, guiding you by the hand, making sure you're not so tired you bump into things. You hear them say, "You could have told me if you were tired. I wouldn't have minded leaving early." They almost seem to fuss over you, and their a little more forward like this, guiding you out of the venue
Lars: "Let's go." He practically drags you out of there the second he sees your eyes start to droop. He keeps you awake long enough to get to the car, before letting you drift off. He listens to the sound of your breathing as it evens out, and leaves the music off so he doesn't wake you
???: For a moment, they admire how cute you look drifting off on them, before they finally come to you and ask "Are you ready to go?" When you get into your ride, they let you lean on their shoulder to sleep, hand combing through your hair or tracing circles on the top of your hand to lull you to sleep. You have time. The drive back won't be so quick you can't sleep now
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
So I have a bunch of storm coming in. I don't know if you are comfortable can I have a female who has a fear of thunder and Rhea Ripley "comforting" female!reader by making reader focusing on Rhea?
headcanons: thunderstorms
a/n: making this into headcanons bc i haven't done any for rhea yet, also i hope this is what you were looking for!!
mentions: SFW, fear of thunderstorms, mentions of thunder/rain/wind, use of rhea's real name, reader’s gender isn’t specific
taglist: @ripleyswhore @babybatlover @thesithdiaries @auburnwrites @neptune-lover @i-have-issues-lol @ares-athena @bunnysmyname
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demi wasn't scared of much - she threw herself through tables and hit people for a living, she didn't have time to be scared of something like a thunderstorm; but she knows when her partner is scared of something and she immediately is going to jump into action to make things better.
with the changing seasons and temperamental weather, thunderstorms were getting to be a more common ocurrence and were your actual nightmare. they were so loud and scary, and sometimes it felt like no matter what you did nothing eased the fear of the storms.
your girlfriend, demi, took quick notice of this the first time a storm rolled through during your relationship. she spent the majority of the time calming you down and didn't even think twice about getting you to focus on her instead of what was going on outside.
"baby, look! i made a blanket fort! i have all the snacks and a movie, and our chargers in case the power goes out, and i even grabbed those headphones in case you need them again!'
there's no doubt you and demi are spending the entire storm in that exact fort; she only used the best and thickest blankets in the entire house so it covered up the sound a little better, and the two of you would be huddled under another blanket for an extra sense of security.
i'd be a fool if i didn't specify that the two best guard dogs in the world, barry and luna, are protecting the fort through the storm to make sure both you and demi were safe.
with each crack of thunder, your body jumping and a quiet whimper leaving your lips, demi's arms would tighten around your body and she'd whisper the sweetest things she could manage; "shh, i'm here. we're safe right here in the house, yeah?"
you had to give demi credit, as she was trying her hardest to make sure you were feeling safe and comfortable. but she had no clue how deep this fear of thunder really went, and she knew she needed to start getting more creative.
the next time the thunder rolled, demi could see the tears building up in your eyes. it didn't help that the power was flickering and the wind was picking up outside. but she was determined to make sure you were okay throughout the rest of this storm, and she decided that she needed to go back to basics.
demi would turn you in her arms so you faced her, only able to look into her stunning eyes as she tightened the blanket around your bodies. what she said next took you by surprise, but it most definitely made you focus on anything other than the storm outside.
"you ever have that one thing as a kid you thought you were really good at but in reality you were just a kid and your parents wanted to keep your confidence up and made you think you were good at it?" she'd ask with a smile, taking amusement in the somewhat shocked look on your face.
demi wasn't done there; "in year 7 there was a talent show at school and i was convinced that i needed to showcase my insane hoola-hooping abilities." demi would smirk, her fingers drawing patterns on your back as she held you close.
she'd continue to go on about these silly stories, holding you close the entire time and smiling every time you giggled at her. demi's tactics work so well that you don't even notice the storm wrapping up outside and the only remnants being some light rain and wind.
the terror on your face was replaced by shock when you looked at demi, and she would giggle at you as if she'd accomplished the biggest thing possible. "i told you we'd get through the storm."
needless to say, every thunderstorm after this was not nearly as scary as they used to be - that is, as long as demi was home.
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alicentsultana · 3 months
hehehe thank uuuu, I'm very much a sucker for modern aus 🤭 I did make one up for one of my asoiaf ocs (if you want to hear about it I'd be happy to share) I don't think I can write it all out by myself honestly but I could co-author/come up with ideas if you or anyone ever wants.
Random Lore that's all over the place so please bear with me:
I feel like the Targaryen business is like something in steal? (Valyrian steal lol) And they have heavy political influence? Are somewhat fallen royalty? Kinda hc that basically every asoiaf region is modern au is independent and not conquered, individually used to have royal families then revolutions happened, now there are elections and vice-presidents for ever region, rather than absolute monarchy. (The latest VP for the crownlands is Lyonel Strong)
Old grandpa Jaehaerys was a raging misogynist, and he didn't want Rhaenys to become the new head of the fam so he gave Viserys 80% of company shares, 10% for Daemon and gave Rhaenys the remaining 10% percent. The Velaryon's own a shipping business and the Arryns have an airport business.
Between managing the company, being sick and playing with his legos Viserys doesn't have a lot of time overall. He neglected bby Rhaenyra, as in didn't spend much time with her and mostly left things to Aemma because she's the woman and that's her job (fuck u Viserys) then Aemma dies and he sorta overindulges Rhaenyra as in let's her do whatever she wants and gives into any demands she has, and trys to spend some time with her because he's guilty af about Aemma.
After marrying Alicent he basically dose what he did before Aemma died, leaving everything the childrearing to Alicent because she's a woman sooo 🤡 stars neglecting Rhaenyra and just doing whatever he did, this is also a reason why Rhaenyra comes to mislike Alicent, since belives that it's all the evil stepmoms fault that her dad is ignoring her again, this if fuled by Daemion too who hates Otto and Alicent's guts since a new wife means there could be boys and he's gonna get even less of the company shares.
Alicent dose try to be a good Stepmom (In my head Alicent's mom Clarice Florent, and she died a year after Gwayne was born so Alicent was about 8 herself when it all happened, she understands what Rhaenyra is going through and doesn't hold it against her) Alicent shows up/ plans every important event in Rhaenyra's life (school events, dance competitions, plans birthdays...) and eventually Rhaenyra somewhat warms up to Alicent and her half-siblings, but I feel like there would still be a somewhat resentment because watching Alicent give birth to baby boys something that her own mom had died for ... Yea Rhaenyra is complicated but I love her.
Meanwhile Daemon is being Daemon lol he's the cool uncle to Rhaenyra who's travelling the world and pops by occasionally to cause a ruckus then bounce off (I hc modern!daemon being a racer/nepo baby who gets into scandals left, right and centre) also him and Rhea Royce had an old money/arranged sorta marriage and then divorced after Jaehaerys dies.
Okay so I picture Alicent as someone who's been sheltered to an extent especially in regards to her sexualities, gets taught the standard things (a woman's greatest joy in life is being a mom, a woman must save herself for her marriage, a woman must be obedient towards her husband...) and Otto especially encourages all of that. collage stars at? Idk we don't have college in our education system it's straight to uni after highschool lol. Either way picture Alicent is a first year in university at 18, she's so excited to make friends and do new things, Otto somewhat indulges that and let's her be.
Then Viserys comes along, Alicent who's not yet finished her first year catches his attention at sunday church. He goes to Otto and basically asks for Alicent's hand in marriage to which Otto says yes, because this is a great opportunity for the family to social climb.
I feel like Alicent has mixed feelings about it when Otto tells her, on one hand she has to leave her studies, and barely realized dreams to marry a man years her senior, on another hand isn't this what woman have to do? Isn't this all that her father and religion have taught her? Her own parents got married straight out of highschool so it's the right thing to do isn't it? But what about bet dreams? Is she even ready to be a mom? What dose it mean to be a wife? Will her new husband be kind to her?
And her mixed feelings about it all makes it easy for Otto to push her forward in the direction he wants, he also moves to KL with Alicent after her marriage just to ... Help her fit into the new role of wife and mother (he just wants to control her and social climb lol)
Years later when Alicent is planning for her divorce:
Otto: he's a good man Alicent!
Alicent: why didn't you marry him then!
Otto: ...
I think Viserys genuinely wouldn't care all that much what happens to his kids with Alicent... Plus I feel like at that point he's also dealing with his sickness too and seeing as Alicent is so determined to get a divorce he just goes along with things. As for company shares he gives majority to Rhaenyra (basically made a will after Aemma dies that almost everything will go to Rhaenyra) after marrying Alicent he gave her 5% shares as a wedding gift of sorts, as for their four kids... He gave them 20% to divide between eachother equally. So Rhaenyra still has 55% which wins her majority, this is also Alicent's motivation for divorce she thinks it's absolutely unfair for her kids to each get 5% shares and Rhaenyra to get 55%.
Picture Alicent finding Viserys's will in the safe and going crazy lmaooo she's like wtf I've spent years in this hell and now this... then she argued with Viserys and tell him either he changes the will or they're getting a divorce.
I love Alicole too! (the knight and his queen can't get anymore romantic than that tbh) I actually picture Criston getting fired by Rhaenyra, something about how she asks him to sleep with her on her 18th birthday and he says no, but paparazzi take weird photos of them and that pissed Viserys off so he fires Criston. I think Alicent would be against it she's known Criston for years and he doesn't seem the type to be unprofessional so she vouched for him but Viserys didn't listen.
But yea getting fired by the Targaryen's left a bad stain of Criston's flawless record and he couldn't get hired as a bodyguard anymore 😔 Alicent heard about it and arranged a job for him at Oldtown as a security guard in the Hightower University. This boosted Criston's good impression of Alicent, since she helped him in his hour of need. But I don't think anything happened between them during Alicent's marriage (she's too much of a religious girly to cheat no matter how miserable her life is) it's only after she divorced and moves to Oldtown that she truly gets to know Criston and they bond, he also helps her with the kids and overall everything becomes a constant in her/the kids lives.
Throwing in uncle Gwayne in here because I feel like he'd be so sad for his sister, nephews and niece. And then sees Criston around and gets all protective because one man already fucked up Alicent's life he's not about to let another one do the same, but then ends up getting to know Criston and becomes best buddies with him lol. Also picture Gwayne who's a teen being the only one who didn't want Alicent to marry Viserys and leave Oldtown, since she's more of a mother to him in all honesty given how he was barley a year old when Clarice dies.
Rip this got so long lol I'm sorry.
Please share you md about your oc, I would love to hear about it!
Gosh I really might invite you to write it with me, I'm seriously considering it! Loved this entire au.
The targ background is on point, it makes sense being a steal company + political presence, power and royal roots. Very consistent.
Jaehaerys would 100% do this, I didn't even bat an eye. Daemon as nepobaby doing rich people sport is so him, I can see him racing and raging if he ever loses, his divorce was the fastest ever, it happened two days after grandpa's demise.
The Targs and the other families going Samsung Circle* is so real, I loved it. "Fly Today With Arryn Airlines 🦅✈"
Daemon would 100% undermine nyra's relationship with alicent, it's a very him thing.
I too picture Ali as sheltered, her mother's death played part on it too. We don't have college here either, so straight to uni! Her uneasiness would be used by Otto, he has a chance in a lot of money (wait until he discovers about it).
I like to think that at some point between Aegon being around six, and before Daeron pops out Alicent start to become more smart inside her household like well no one is actually paying much attention to me, might as well snoop around. Maybe after her father says or points something out about the children's inheritance/their future and she grows suspicious about what is really to their name - she have a vague idea about it. Alicent have her four, Rhaenyra turn eighteen and has her first scandal that Alicent tries to cover with the best of her abilities, Nyra tells her off as if it was her fault and Criston loses his job and Alicent helps him under the wraps after he tells her what really happened.
Aegon turns nine and Alicent has enough proof of having wasted her life, not much to fight for, already traumatized and rather lonely depressed children. Bad family examples, bad family relationships, is RVDR playing family and them in the corner as a separate thing, she has had enough. I like to think she goes around the red mansion opening financial book after book, vault after vault and boom, she calls 0-800-10-Larys Strong, provides paper after paper, including the recently diagnosis of her husband, and when everything is practically ready she goes to Viserys, if he splits everything equally to the children good, if not, he can rot in hell.
I pictured she looked at her children and said "Let's see what they are made off" and just put the baby in her hip, placed them in a car and left. "Mom where are we going?" "Somewhere we will be happy."
Aegon probably understood it better than his siblings who wanted to go home, because this new house is smaller and where are the servants? Though it probably took a toll on his mental health, he only started therapy in late teen years, after his uncle and criston realize he's alcoholic. He helped his mother raise the children at first but it made his relationship with her very fragile and distant, I believe he likes Criston because he's good with his siblings and mother.
Aemond and Helaena probably learned to accept it, but turned out a little better than Aegon, a lot of therapy for them too. They liked the guy that picked them after school.
Daeron was a baby, this is the life he knew since 1 yo. He was the one who turned out mostly okay. He doesn't know who Viserys is.
I wonder what Alicent does for a living, I doubt Viserys would pay her anything beyond two cents for food.
There's also something I would love to see: Rhaenyra's eventual visit. I think Aegon goes what is she doing here? And Alicent just drive them away while they talk. But what would they talk about? Rhaenyra have her convictions but those are her half-siblings, Viserys is going old and sicker, he never asked to see any of them, she thought Alicent placed a restriction, but she discovered that wasn't the case.
Uncle Gwayne would 100% be team no new in-law, Criston would have a lot to prove.
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arisatominakos · 1 year
BALDUR'S GATE 3 OC LINEUP; this is a glorified tag dump post for my idiots thus far. may get updated in the future with other ocs & if so it will be reblogged to showcase those changes. under the cut will be basic character introductions & they will be in order.
Rylla: wizard spell sword, high elf, genderless( all pronouns ) bisexual, neutralish, 27yo everyone laugh at the youngest member of the party haha
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Rylls is my main "Tav" which is the player character. full name: Idrylla Rhea Dhwani Crisanta. they are unmotivated, burntout, tired, & p much going thru the motions. she's the eldest out of like 7 and the first in like a generation or two of elves in her family to be magically inclined so his parents rlly pushed for parentification as a help w/ the kids since her family are fishing merchants, but got sent to study at a wizarding guild schoolesc thing in Baldur's Gate where the fam is from all around. pushed to be the top of their class and the like first apprentice to the head wizard he got framed for attempted murder by a jealous rival and got tossed in jail with a two day pardon to run home and grab a journal that would prove her innocence only to find out her fiance, now ex fiance, had been cheating on them and threw out all their stuff hearing rylla was in jail and was like OH LOL WHOOPS on the way to the dump is when this jackass got abducted by mind flayers like u cant have a more worse day than rylla bc the next day was allso when he had to pay his mortgage taxes so like all that and u still gotta pay bills anyways everyone in camp wants them carnally but rylla does not romance anyone, however he does have a connection with gale that is strictly platonic. rylla is a prodigy & a spell sword
Frye: warrior, mesophlieseses tiefling, he/him cismale home of sexual, somewhat lawful good. or at least he tries, 87yo
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Frye Ravensworn is from Baldur's Gate, a oathbroken paladin former flaming fist. after an accident that cost the lives of several innocents he lost faith in the order & left, turning to a life of mercenary work. after feeling as if he wasn't making any difference he "retired" to establish a popular tavern known as The Devil's Fyre( pronounced fire unlike his name Fry-ee bc hehe get it he thinks hes hilarious ) anyways he's Rylla's best friend they have been pals for ages and she usually comes to him when they need to bitch about their life. he does enjoy being a bartender and listening to others rather than being constantly asked about stories of his own adventures. it's rylla that makes him feel as he did when he was younger, having a purpose reigniting that love for life & hope in people once more so when Rylla was taken by mind flayers he picked his sword back up and closed the tavern to set out to find rylla's stupid ass knowing the next time he sees them they could be a mind flayer but at least rylla would die by a friends hand. it's in act 2 we find Frye, at the last light inn helping the harpers & flaming fist protect the tieflings from the shadows. upon seeing rylla he scoops her up & squeezes him so tight one could swear their bones popped. Frye serves as a paladin option to recruit like how mi/thara is, but for like the ~good~ route basically. Frye romances W/yll !
Carnation: druid with a class i made up called underdark druid its got bits of spore shadow sprinkled in but she can grow n manipulate crystals ! bc they are the fauna of the underdark :), auvryrahel drow, she/her cisfemale, violencesexual, evil. fucking evil. dark urge( editors note: this will change no more bhaalspawn but born of a different more fucked up god mayhaps :) ) !, 134yo
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a hot pink bitch named breakfast. our favorite cult leader. last name Vasiira. raised in the underdark with a small clan of underdark-druids deep under the earth while i forgot to add her mom to this screencap dump, Momma'Nation, Trielthrae was one of the many exiled loth-drow that formed this little village of which the clan of druids lived, wanting to change the stars of her peers & sick of loth's rule--- she beseeches the gods to grant her a child that would be blessed in their light, to become a holy savior & change the world for her, her village, for the drow, & for everyone. bhaal [ GOD goes here ] read that text & answered, requiring a unholy communion of which Trielthrae gladly gave leaving her with a miraculous pregnancy. enter our little anti-christ, our cute little princess. our beautiful Carnation who was beloved & welcomed by the village with open arms. she wants power, she wants fame, she wants clothes, she wants devotion. the village quickly & completely submitted to her whims wants & needs. bhaal lends her some of his grand power, as technically she is a bhaal spawn. its just complicated. SHES A DEMI-GOD BY BIRTHRIGHT I JUST GOTTA LATER GO FIGURE OUT WHAT GOD ANSWERED HER MOM man loth is pissed about this btw lol mind flayers took her from the shores of the dark lake, this is the first time she has been outside of the underdark & once she saw the night sky at camp she wept in it's beauty. she romances as/tarion, ascendant. he sees her as a equal as she denies bhaal, stealing his power for herself & manipulates the nether brain for her own gain becoming akin to a god. keeping old shit as reference but ew lame heres the new stuff: SHE IS MANIPULATING HIM. as a demi-god shes already capable of doing fucked up shit as is however she plans to kill &/or eat a god to gain its power to become fully divine & having a powerful vampire as a minion in addition to her cult is good, she also manipulates gale to bring her that funny crown & study how to harness it with the guide she supports his journey when its for her benefit not his. she will not end her conquest until she becomes a god wholly. auvryrahel is the name of the specific village / noble house that makes up carnation's cult.
Luella: cleric, but its complicated :), auvryrahel half-drow, she/her bisexual cisfemale, her morality is whatever carnation wants, ageless
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undead half-drow handmaiden to Carnation Vasiira. she acts as a nanny, a nurse, a sister, a caregiver, a friend, a confidant, & a puppet. raised from death by Carnation's mother when her daughter was only but six years old via a powerful spell that grants this undead what's left of her fractured soul & a lifespan that allows her to live as long as Carnation wills her to, Luella is devoted completely to her charge. she lives, literally, only to serve her mistress--- having left the underdark in search of her beloved flower when Carnation goes missing after a rare nautiloid sighting near the dark lakes.
G'waine: kith'rak ranger, githyanki, she/they nonbinary lesbian, chaotic good but the good is like for the good of the githyanki not you. fuck you as far as she's concerned, 38yo
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UTENA COMPLEX, PRINCE OF THE CRECHE. kith'rak g'waine, a captain of her creche boldly named draa'zvir--- dragon's breath. a warrior of fine make & groom, the pride n joy of her creche the youngest to make captain in it's long history. a skilled warrior, a even better strategist she is calm collected but never cold. a proper leader in the making to eventually take over creche draa'zvir or would have if not captured by mind flayers during the chase of the nautaloid alongside lae'zel, attempting to strike down mind flayers at they attacked other gith. because of this word returned of her capture to her creche & they moved to mourn her as if she were already dead. the fallen dragon prince & the tale of noble, but foolish, sacrifice to save her gith comrades and kill the ghaik invaders. has a bit of a resemblance to a frog & was teased as a child as 'the frog prince' until her merits outshined all her sought to demean her. also she killed them as is her right. romances lae'zel & has a hellva complicated time about the whole orpheus thing. voss knows g'waine, actually a lot of the creche u visit knows them too.
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oreganosbaby · 1 year
Lol yeah I really feel like whenever people say Kendall "lives the woman experience" or stuff like that they're really just either describing Shiv or flippantly projecting themselves onto him, whereas your girl Roman analysis is more overall thematic and sociologically informed.
Honestly, I don't think they're describing Shiv either because the specific things about Kendall that people who say this latch onto aren't always applicable to Shiv. I assume most people who say this are cis women or teenage cis girls themselves so, it's clearly that there's something about Kendall they find relatable and part of what they perceive to be a universal teenage girl experience (culturally/historically contingent). While I reject the idea of a universal teenage girl experience, I assume it's based what they perceive as Kendall's femininity. This idea of Kendall as feminine is supported by the text because within Logan's ideology and to the other characters, Kendall is not adequately masculine nor is he seen as mature. I think his "hysteria" (mood swings and general emotional fragility), performative attention-seeking behaviour (shaving head after suicide attempt), and tendency to use commodities/cultural signifiers to create a sense of identity as well as to be likable (everything in too much birthday) are what seem to be considered the most "teenage girl" things about Kendall. The adjacent idea of "eldest daughter Kendall," seems to be about feeling compelled to take on responsibilities that are often sort of impossible, failing them, feeling bad about it, feeling this need to "suffer in silence" and then failing to do that as well.
I'd also add that thing I've talked about regarding Kendall's failures in the sort of competitive communication style that's quite common in (cis) homosocial settings, coupled with the comparative (to Shiv and Roman) earnestness he has. It shows a sort of emotional vulnerability that Shiv and Roman don't really have as much of, especially in those first two seasons. This isn't to say they don't have emotional vulnerability or earnestness but they merely have it in different ways. Shiv and Roman have fun being a bit mean more than Kendall does which reads to some as masculine. To some extent, it is (re: homosocial competitive communication) but, I think some people exaggerate this and with different reasons for Shiv and Roman respectively.
To go back to your comment about Shiv, I'd say a major part of this is that Shiv doesn't really do emotional expression, histrionics or attention-seeking like Kendall, Tom, or even occasionally, Roman (somewhat incidentally) and Connor do. Even when Shiv is less emotionally repressed, she schedules time to mourn in private because she wants to minimise the chance of public humiliation (Roman) and she doesn't consciously want to profit off or impose her emotions on others (Kendall)— she's rational and they, her brothers and Tom, are hysterical. Of course, all the private mourning and emotional repression in the world doesn't spare Shiv from being called "hysterical" by Tom, (paraphrasing) "irrational" by Roman or "too emotional" by Kendall; yet, I'd argue that those moments aren't hysterical spectacles because unlike Kendall, Tom, Roman or Connor, Shiv isn't trying to be uniquely likable as a person and pitiable (desperate loser behaviour) and certainly not in public. She thinks she's more "respectable" when she furiously argues for getting rid of Rhea or for not calling the vote for Mencken because she's doing this with a purpose that isn't just an open plea for affection. She does that in private, not unlike her mourning.
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
HI ABOUT UR ASK GAME I think u know about fire emblem but honestly not sure who’d you be an expert on 😭😭😭😭 SORRY IF THIS COMES OFF AS RUDE I would like to hear about ur expertise 🧐
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Okay- expertise time- I got into FE right before quarantine started so I was literally given all the time in the world in my early highschool era so I absorbed Fire Emblem up into my bloodstream and I blame that series for how I write and do world-building now. My homebrew D&D campaign (which will probably never see the light of day 😔) and my Transformers fan continuity were both heavily inspired by Fire Emblem, especially FE16 since it was my first game in the series.
Massive Fire Emblem: Three Houses spoilers below
Actual expertise time whoops: After sitting through my sibling's playthrough of FE16 I realized that I am very mentally ill for the Church of Seiros, specifically the Nabateans. I've tried digging into every nook and cranny to find information on them. I have a bad habit of becoming hyper-focused on stuff at the unholy hours of night and I've once gotten super emotional for the Four Saints during one of those moments. I was studying the Goddess mural that was used in a lot of promotional material and in the background of things and got teary-eyed while examining the dragons in the background. I'm not sure if you're an FE fan too but two of the dragons on the mural had designs that replicated the designs of the Wind Caller and the Immovable, dragons highly implied to be Saint Macuil and Saint Indech respeectively. The only difference being that the dragon that looked like The Immovable had wings in the mural unlike in the game where The Immovable has no visible wings. There are also two other dragons in the far back that seem to represent Saint Cichol and Saint Cethleann. In the game itself, Seteth (Saint Cichol's current alias) and Flayn (Saint Cethleann) state that they can't transform into dragons anymore whereas Saint Seiros (Lady Rhea) does transform at multiple points. I've asked other theorists and looked around for anything about the dragons in FE16 and how their whole thing works but I've come up empty. In earlier Fire Emblem games there are more dragon people who work somewhat differently yet still similarly to the dragon people of FE16 which is a point that helped inspire me to write my fanfic Kindled Flame. After playing other Fire Emblem games then returning back to the one that started my insanity I've been having fun little "woah this is similar to this" brain moments. Also I'm so sorry this response is humongous QwQ I looked at the clock and felt myself melt a little- it's getting into those unholy hours where I become extremely hyper lol
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Going back to DaemonxAlicent, i don't see how that could go well
It might work if alicent grows confident enough to take the mysaria approach (babying/mothering him) maybe? But even daemon would grow tired of that.
Regardless, I do like to imagine an au where alicent still has all 4 green kids with him. Imagining Daemon trying (and successfullu managing) to get it up at least four times to get her pregnant is comical. There is also a possibility that since she gives him a son first he might be more amenable but it's more likely he'll straight up ignore them even harder because he hates their mom lol
In the beginning stages of their marriage i think alicent would be too uneasy and feel like she has to walk on eggshells around him knowing full well that he hates otto (and by extension her). Daemon would ignore her as much as possible the same way he neglected rhea. Maybe even plot to kill her too..
On the positive side, at least daemon is somewhat handsome unlike his zombie of a brother?
it could definitely go the way you're describing, but there is that bit in TPATQ where it is suggested it was daemon who took alicent's maidenhead. so there is a tiny bit there to hint at some mutual attraction between them that a fic writer could build upon. it is very rare but sometimes daemon does entertain relations with people who don't present with valyrian features (see nettles). even in the show they played a little with flirting at the tourney, but then promptly dropped it
so depending on how/if they find a way to get along, you could possibly imagine a scenario in which daemon becomes fond of alicent and their children. the question is whether that would be enough to temper his lifelong ambition of having a valyrian wife and becoming king. and that, again, would be up to the fic writer depending on what new experiences & adventures they imagine for daemon, as those are bound to have an effect on one's psyche
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jinglingeyes · 9 months
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Rhea and Philyra
(Rhea is the earthly-colored one pointing an accusative finger at Philyra (brightly salmon-colored one in brown covers) nervously sweating at a pissed off Mother Goddesss)
I picked a salmon cause they are known for giving birth to their young and dying. Also I wanted some of the nymphs to be actual fishes cause it’s fun, so why not lol?
Rhea is threatening/warning Philyra about Kronos and how he cares not for her. Deeming Philyra possible traitor trying to overthrow her (Rhea).
Surprise, surprise Philyra isn’t, she’s just in love with Kronos and was kind of a gossip/info reporter for him. (Philyra has more of a role here in this than compared to her OG counterpart, I start to daydream and I end up with a whole vague storyline for them, anything in general lol)
She gives birth to Chiron and two other egg thingys, (Chiron was also a egg baby but he hatched kind of early so yeah, also the other two is Aphros and Dolops)
Kronos actually does care somewhat about Philyra albeit not to the equal mutual aspect like Philyra did but still he turns her into a linden tree.
On the right middle/bottom side you can vaguely see two horses running and a salmon with three eggs a bit farther behind
Thats all I think ???? I can’t remember the description from my instagram post so hopefully I didn’t miss something
Posting when nobody here >:D
(Lowkey miss the GM designs and stuff I have but my brain is rotting for another as of late so another time perhaps.)
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You know if the Hercules animated series had an episode featuring Rhea it would all be about the fact that she is a party animal and rides lions into town. And it would be funny if Hercules mentions his grandma will visiting him and Cassandra and Icarus thinks it's gong to be a sweet little old lady when actually it's the party grandma goddess, Rhea, coming in a chariot pulled by lions and is coming to hug her grandson. Extra points she is using Yiddish speak like Hades.
Honestly, I can totally see that being in the show too! Like, Herc is expecting his grandmother (that he’s either never met or hasn’t seen since he was born) to visit Earth for a little while and everyone (including him) is just expecting some regular homebody type grandma, but no, she rolls in riding a freaking lion or something with a big fanfare and stuff and it’s just like:
Rhea: There he is! My little grandson! Hi, bubele!
Icarus: Woah! Herc! THAT’S your grandma!? Why does she remind me so much of Hades…and Bacchus?
Hercules: Believe me, I’m just as shocked as you guys.
Cassandra: Wow. For the first time ever, I did not foresee this coming.
And Herc is just taken aback because he didn’t expect his grandma to be such a party animal lol. I’d say the plot is either similar to the Bacchanal episode where she ends up throwing this big party and Herc is trying to impress Adonis and all the other cool kids or kinda like the Son of Poseidon episode where he just wants to have a somewhat normal family and just fit in with the other kids, but his crazy grandma is just so zany and not like normal mortal grandmas that it’s just embarrassing to him lol or maybe a mixture of both lol
But yeah, I really wish they had added her in there! That would’ve been fun to see!
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Just want to say I really like your recent post about Claude and his accusations about the Church. What baffled me even more is Dimitri's somewhat agreement to his claims in their support. Did he hit his head when they stumbled into Zahras? Because especially the issue about foreign nations - surely Dimitri didn't forget that his own father had ongoing negotiations with Duscur before they traveled there on the fateful day of the Tragedy. How could he, as a king of the country with the closest[1]
[2] ties to the Church, even do that if they would forbid that? How can Sylvain hope for e peaceful solution with Sreng if they are banned from offically contacting them? And on the Crests: Ingrid is expected to be heir to her father's title and to marry for her Crest as well, because House Galatea is a really poor region. But we also learn in her supports with Shez that one of her brother could take over if she choses a different path. Surely Dimitri should know that, as king of this nation.
[3] And yet he doesn't even argue with Claude on his claims. Their support would have been so much better if the writers took the oppurtinity to let them discuss how the Church's teachings influence the current mindset if people and if/how they could be a hinderance to change in Fodlan. Because Claude thinks they need to go, while Dimitri (in AG) seems to believe he can reform his country gradually with the Church still around. But no, for some reason they didn't do that. Just like they never
[4] give Rhea a voice/her own route. I "have to" believe that she would be firmly against any reformation on society and yet she doesn't say anything about the major changes that Edelgard already implemented in Adrestia and neither to the smaller ones in Faerghus. I'm not claiming Rhea did nothing wrong, surely not. But the game wants you condemn a woman because people accuse her of things she never does throughout the story. Just because someone says it. Even if contradicting information exists
[5] Sorry for my rant lol, this getting longer than I thought. One last thing: people forget context matters. Like you said, Claude was just about two month at GM. Nothing of what makes you suspicious of Rhea during WC in TH happened here. No Lonato, no Miklan, no Western Church, no Byleth/Sothis. Claude doesn't no any of this things, yet he seems to think that he can't even try to talk to Rhea. She doesn't even know why he's fighting her. To me GW felt like some kind of "witch hunt" in the end.
Thanks anon!
And lol, don’t worry about it. Because you are right.
Dimitri agreeing with Claude on “some” level made no sense. 
My own personal tin foil hat theory? The dev wanted the war to be justified and wanted everyone to agree that the Church had to go on some level. 
And what better way than to have every character say “well, I do agree?” Lol.
It reinforces this weird idea that the Church is problematic, even if the worldbuilding around it doesn't support these claims!
And it’s not like there aren’t claims to be had against the Church. Secrets, mismanagement of funds, etc. Like, there is something to be said about it. 
But for whatever reason, the devs went full “they ruin EVERYTHING” path. I suspect it might be because the legitimate reasons aren’t good ones to start a war over. 
Man, it’s just an entire mess, really. 
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We somewhat know the angst levels for each route, but what about groveling 👀👀👀
Not in the sense of forgiveness but after pushing away MC (physically or emotionally) and being like oh wait come back
No explanations because I don't want to spoil anything lol
Rook: 5/10 (inwardly refraining from a 10/10)
Beck: 6/10
Rhea: 3/10 or 9/10 depending on what choices were made
Zoe: 5/ 10
Lars: 1/10
???: hmmmmm either a 8/10 or a 9/10
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onyxedskies · 1 year
( this is Koroart! ) for the fe3h asks how about 5, 7, 15 & 16? :3
5. Which route did you play through last?
so i never actually finished SS or CF, but i started CF last so we’ll go with that 😅
7. Which side quest / paralogue was your favorite?
i like felix and ashe’s (surprise surprise lol)! i like the insight we get to their characters during them, as well as their backstories
15. If you are an artist or writer, are you currently working on any new FE3H content (art or fanfic)?  If so, will you share a sneak preview?
i kinda am!! i’ve been taking a break from it bc of engage and awakening, but here’s a little sneak peek:
Normally, it was a six day trek to Fhirdiad from Fraldarius. Felix and Annette made it in four.
They abandoned formality, making a beeline to the throne room still in their riding clothes. The court could call it a scandal if it pleased them; this was too important to follow arbitrary rules set by long-dead figureheads. 
Felix pushed open the door to the throne room, where Dimitri was pacing. Dedue was standing off to the side - Felix had forgotten that he and Mercedes were visiting for a while, Camille in tow - with worry as prominent on his features as anything ever was. 
Dimitri turned his head to the sound of the door, visibly relaxing somewhat as he walked over to them. “You made it,” he said, sighing in relief as he wrapped Felix in a hug. Felix didn’t resist, but Dimitri pulled away quickly regardless, hugging Annette instead. “Where’s Lysithea?”
“She went to inspect Fraldarius,” Felix said. 
“She has the best shot at recognizing if it’s dark magic or not,” Annette said. “She’ll be here soon.”
16. Rank the Church of Seiros characters from your favorite to least favorite.
Gilbert, Catherine, Alois, Rhea, Cyril, Shamir, Flayn, Seteth (i hope that’s all of them 😅)
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rinnysmuses · 6 months
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this is more for my sake for headcanons for rhea during this section of things:
(this got long. under ze cut)
-shes not too happy about the fact that they are working with ouroborous.
-not happy at all but she still has no issues with doing this for rufus and leading him there... whatever his trial may be
-fuck swamps and wetlands in particular tho
-'guess that rufus guy doesn't give a shit about this reputation'. rhea still does. this whole thing will end up making her feel sad
-rhea doesnt like imperial defense force either. fuck them more than the society actually
-lowkey i can imagine rhea/rufus being some form of fucked up sorceress/knight thing
-i played too much ff8
-ah okay so the trial grounds have little regard for where they can appear. anywhere through the empire so crossbell is now part of the empire. that makes sense
-i wonder what his trial was lol
-we're just going to push aside the fact that rufus prolly learned how to invoke the trial for knight from vita and just...**INSERTS RHEA INTO THIS**
-jusis: SO THIS IS WHY U TOOK THE JOB OF GOV. GENERAL. rufus: somewhat yeah rhea: ?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?
-rufus: now stand down before i kill u myself. (Well jeez mister... this fucks up poor rhea so much... not that he would threaten her id imagine. he probably has to go tell her to hide. in the swamp. do u think she wore heels. i bet she will).
-i probably should have made another ex orb for this im doomed.
-i hate that walter is off screen in CS4
-i seem to always add two extra u's to oroborous
-....well i hope u enjoyed that ride with me. this whole thing will fuck up rhea so bad :)]
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
Maybe as bit of humor and somewhat serious moment set after Stepstones, Rhaenor actually decides to finally meet his aunt in law, Rhea Royce and is shocked to see the “Bronze Bitch” is nothing like he excepted.
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