xandertheundead · 5 years
gimmie hanbrough... with a splash of one of them stuck in traffic... and another splash of the other one at home horny... and a sprinkle of them having to listen to the other masturbate over the phone & can't do anything about it... and finally a whole ass pouring of dirty talk
Kimmi, my love. You wish, is my command.
NSFW below!
Mike tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, glaring at the five o’ clock traffic that was now bumper to bumper. He glanced at the clock and groaned, knowing there was no way he was making it home in time for dinner like he’d promised Bill. 
“I better call.” He sighed, quickly cutting his music. “Siri, call Bill.”
Calling Bill…
It took a little longer than normal for Bill to pick up and Mike raised an eyebrow when he heard Bill sound like he was out of breath when he picked up.
“H-hey, Babe!”
Mike had to bite his lip to stop a large grin from spreading across his face and the name, it being the only thing Bill said worked for Mike. He tried to squint and see if traffic was moving even the slightest, but they were at a standstill.
“Hey, B. So the meeting with Tanager Oaks ranch went really well.”
“That’s good!” Bill still sounded out of breath and Mike wondered what exactly his husband was doing because working out certainly wasn’t really Bill’s thing. He had learned that the hard way when he had asked Bill to help out on the farm when one of their hands had been sick. That poor white writers body didn’t stand a chance against that goat.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Bill hummed softly. “So your on your way home right?”
“Sorta?” Mike hadn’t expected Bill to sound so upset at that, knowing that neither of them preferred to be flexible unless it came to the farm. “What exactly does sorta mean?”
“Well, I’m a bit stuck in traffic. I mean, it’s bad traffic.”
He frowned when Bill swore softly under his breath, surprised by how suddenly irritated his husband was.
 “Do you know how long?” Bill whined, then started panting a little bit.
Mike glanced out at the car next to him, a man on his way home from the office looking just as upset as Bill sounded. “Probably going to be about forty-five minutes.”
“God damn it!”
“I’m sorry.” Mike tried, not really feeling like he should be because it wasn’t his fault they decided to redo the roads every five minutes, but Bill sounded so angry. “Is everything okay? I didn’t mean to get stuck here.”
He heard Bill groan, a little bit different than his ‘my editor is being mean’ groan and more like the kind Mike would hear from-
“No, I know you didn’t. Sorry.” Bill pushes out quickly. “I just, I planned something special for tonight and uh…I don’t think it can wait that long.”Mike frowned. “If it’s dinner the -“
“Not dinner.”
They were both quiet and Mike gave Bill the time he needed, to gather what he wanted to say in his head before speaking. An old trick from his speech therapy years ago to help with his stutter.
“I’ve got a goddamn vibrator in me. Jesus.”
Mike was suddenly so glad his car was completely stopped already because he probably would have crashed at those words. He blinked a few times, wondering if it would be more efficient to walk home instead of wait here, the. He realized he’d been quiet for too long cause Bill’s uncertain voice spoke up again.
“Oh, um, sorry, B. That’s-“ Mike was really at a loss for words with what to do here. They had talked about toys, but had never made the jump to use them and now- wow. “Are you…is it good?”
“Ha!” Bill let out a choked laugh. “I’m hard as a fucking rock.”
“Damn, Bill.” Mike muttered, shifting a little as his body started to react to the idea of Bill laying somewhere with a vibrator inside him. “Why didn’t you wait?”
“Wanted to surprise you…”
Mike licked his lips, glancing out at the other cars, no one was paying attention to him and for that he was glad. He reached over to grab his suit jacket, laying it over his lap a little with a small cough.
“Tell me about it.”
“Tell me about it.”
Bill was quiet for a moment, before a soft husky whisper echoed through Mike’s car. “You’re serious?”
“You’re the writer, B. Use your words.”
“Fuck. Um, alright. Where should I start?”
“From the beginning.”
He heard Bill let out a shuddering breath before he gave a soft okay, going quiet for a moment as Mike could hear him moving and laying down on their bed which creaked very slightly.
“Well, the vibrator isn’t as big as you, but it’s not small either. I had to make sure I opened myself up good enough for it to just slide in.” Mike heard the start of a whine in Bill’s throat and wondered what he was doing. “I got at least three in me before I was going nuts because it wasn’t enough.”
Bill gave a soft growl. “Not yet. God, Mike, we should have used toys sooner because when I shift just a certain way the vibrations-“
Bill let out a shocked gasp and Mike felt his cock jerk in his slacks. “Bill?”“Jesus!” Bill gasped, the whole car filled with his desperate groans. “Fuck that’s intense. God, Mike I need you to get home, this thing has been in me for an hour already, just driving me crazy. I-I fucking need you to come fuck me. I’m so hard.”
“God, I’m trying.” Mike growled, hand moving to undo his belt under his jacket. “When I get home I’ll make you scream, but right now I want you to touch yourself.”
Bill let out another groan and Mike could tell he was listening to his instructions by the way Bill’s breath hitched.
“Touch yourself and think about how when I get there, I’m going to spread you out on our bed and pull that damn thing out of you.” Mike got his pants undone, and sighed as he wrapped a hand around himself and started to stroke. “Fuck, you’ll be so open for me won’t you, Bill? So open I could just slide right into you, fuck you right away.”
Bill gasped and Mike could now hear the wet sound of Bill’s hand on his cock, going so fast, the poor guy must have been dying. Mike sped up his speed as well, his skin breaking out into goosebumps as the pleasure started to build rapidly.
“I’ll pin your legs up against your chest, spread you so wide and you’ll just lay there while I mess you up.”
“Come on, B. Come on. I’ll fuck you raw too, I know how much you love it. Love watching my cum slide down your legs when you-“
Bill let out a loud groan and Mike knew what that meant, he sped his pace up and with a shaky moan came in the palm of his hand.
“Damn it..” Bill slurred over the line. “Get home soon.”
“Damn, baby. I’m trying.”
taglist:  @tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @richardtoz @thorn-harvester-ven @appojoos @pink-psychic @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @eduardoandale @moonlightrichie @thundercatseddie  @madi-personal @nancynwheeler  @kaspwitch @queen-sock @constantreaderfool @uppperteeeth @purplepoisonedgem @girasol-eddie @trashmouthnick @reddieforlove @marsisaplanetyall
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
i would like to vote for ice cream sandwiches for forever i’ll watch you sleep you don’t have to be a superstar.... that one (all of them) sounds... really good
I’m gonna roll them all into 1 big fic just for you my love 
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thelazyeye · 5 years
i feel more fucked than richie after reading that fanfic so... thanks for that
It was my pleasure 
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runsinthefmily · 5 years
hey... i come here for harry
all my harry posts are for you now
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dangertronic · 5 years
happy birthday you funky little (fake) brit. another year older and another year that you remain alive despite the fact that you nearly die from something every day. i love you so much & cant believe i’ve known you for more than a year. i hope you have the bestest day ever filled with stozier and smut and more smut and maybe just a sprinkle more of some smut. thank you for being my bottom richie warrior and advocate in all things that have to do with richie getting it up the bum xoxo kimmiberly
Thank you Kimmi you wonderful little star. I will always be your bottom Richie warrior so hard my ghost will take over one day.
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happytreasure · 6 years
bitch, give us that BDSM & lactation kink AU - i am here for every single word that'll be written by you.
agalskshka baby ty!! y’all really bringing out my worst side Kslzkxhal lactation kink is prolly making its way into live well and bdsm one shot is confirmed to happen!!
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im-sad-lets-kiss · 5 years
Richie: rying to read a comic
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25 and 26 for reddie!! Only if you want to💗
Hollyyy!!💗 This is such an old prompt, I’m sorry! Have some ‘fuck- canon’ fluff (again).
“Come cuddle.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Read on AO3
Eddie woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. 
While half asleep, he’d thrown his arm over the right side of the mattress, expecting to find a warm, lanky body that he could cuddle up against but instead, he got an armful of nothing. Eddie frowned and with his eyes still closed, trying to hold on to sleep for as long as he could, he felt around the bed for Richie but he wasn’t there. The man was all long legs and arms and the Town House bed wasn’t exactly big⎯ if he was there, Eddie’s hand would’ve found him already.
His first thought was that It was back. It was back and he’d taken Richie, taking advantage of the fact that they let their guard down after thinking they had killed him, for real this time. The thought made Eddie’s breathing speed up but he forced himself to take three deep breaths and calm down before he could drive himself into a panic attack.
“Rich?” He muttered, blinking his eyes open. The room was dark but the moonlight filtered in through the window, which was weird because Eddie remembered closing the curtains before crawling under the covers. With Richie. Which begged the question⎯
Where did the asshole go?
The answer to that question came soon enough when Eddie rolled over and saw that, not only were the curtains drawn back, but the window was also open and Richie was sitting on the window sill, smoking?
“What the fuck are you doing Richie? It’s the middle of the night.” Eddie said, pushing himself up into a sitting position. Richie jumped, almost dropping his cigarette in surprise. “And are you seriously smoking? These places have smoke detectors you know that, right?”
“Not this shithole Eds. Come on. They don’t even have hot water.” Richie scoffed, blowing out smoke. “Did I wake you?”
“No.” Eddie said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Well yeah. I woke up when I realized you weren’t in bed.”
“Aww Eds you missed me?” Richie teased but his voice was slightly off. “One night and you already can’t sleep without me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Richie, missing pathetically. “Shut up. Why are you awake?”
Richie tensed up then, looking out the window and taking a long drag of his cigarette before talking through his teeth, “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Bullshit.” Eddie said. “You were asleep. I know, because your snoring kept me up for like an hour.”
Richie scoffed, bringing the cigarette to his mouth. “Now that’s some fucking bullshit. Eds, I don’t snore.” 
“Yes, you do. You have since we were kids.” Eddie said in his no bullshit tone. “But that’s not the point.“ He said, recognizing Richie’s attempt to change the subject. "Why are you smoking in the middle of the night?”
Richie didn’t meet Eddie’s eyes, staring out the window instead. 
"Rich?” He asked, voice softer and more gentle. “Talk to me.”
Richie heaved out a sigh. He put out the cigarette and leaned back against the window, facing Eddie. “I had a nightmare.”
“Pennywise?” Richie made a noncommittal sound that Eddie took as a yes. “Pennywise is dead, Rich. We killed him. For real this time.”
“I know he is. The nightmare wasn’t about him, not really.“ 
Eddie pressed his lips into a tight line, hit by realization. He didn’t need to ask to know what Richie’s nightmare had really been about.
(After escaping Neibolt, the losers had all gone to the quarry to clean up, even if Eddie insisted it was useless because, “You can’t clean yourself in dirty water.” He joined them anyway and everyone had been celebrating, laughing and splashing around, when Eddie noticed Richie was sitting on a rock by himself with a troubled look. Eddie had swam over to him, throwing water at his face and said, “Didn’t you hear Rich? We killed the fucking clown.”
When Richie had looked up, his eyes were shining with unshed tears and Eddie’s laughter had died in his throat. 
"I saw you die Eds.” Richie had said, ducking his head to stare at his hands. They were clean, but he looked at them  as if they were stained with something and Eddie reached over and held them. “When I was in the deadlights. I saw Pennywise kill you right in front of me.”
Eddie had shaken his head, giving his hands a squeeze. “That wasn’t real. I’m right here.”
“I thought I lost you.” He insisted, eyebrows pulled together. “I thought you died and that I never got the chance to⎯ to tell you, to⎯”
“To what?" 
Richie had surged forward then, catching Eddie’s lips in a kiss. Over the sound of his own heart threatening to beat out of his chest, Eddie heard their friends whistling and catcalling. He let go of Richie’s hands to flip them off, before weaving his fingers in Richie’s hair and pulling him closer so he could kiss him back. 
Later, they had ditched the losers to go to Richie’s room together⎯ amidst more whistling and catcalling. And after Richie took a shower and Eddie took three, they had stumbled into bed together for the first time. Both of them forgetting what Richie saw in the deadlights, until now.)
"It’s not real.” Eddie said, echoing his own words from the day before. “That was just Pennywise fucking with you, Richie.”
“I know that Eds, but everytime I close my eyes, I see it. I see Pennywise stabbing you, I see you bleeding all over me. I see you dying and I see myself leaving you in that fucking place.” He said, running a hand down his face.
Eddie’s face twisted with concern, feeling sad for Richie. He wanted to offer comfort, to reassure him, but words didn’t seem to be doing it. He untangled himself from the mess of blankets and dragged himself out of bed. The cold air hit Eddie’s bare legs and he shivered⎯ boxers and Richie’s shirt had been enough to keep him warm when the window was closed and he had Richie wrapped around him like a koala, but now they made him wish he didn’t the bed.
He quickly covered the distance between the bed and the window, wrapping his arms around Richie’s waist. Unlike Eddie, Richie was warm, even if he was wearing only a pair of boxers and had been standing next to the open window for a while. Eddie burrowed his face in his chest, still not quite believing he was allowed to do that now.
“Are you trying to distract me?” Richie clicked his tongue, sounding more like himself. Eddie counted that as a win. “Because it’s working.” He felt Richie’s arms wrap around him.
Eddie let out a snort. “I’m trying to convince you that I’m here and that I’m alive and that I'm⎯”
“Ready for round two?" 
Eddie pinched his side, eliciting an embarrassing squeal from Richie. "I’m serious Rich.” He looked up, locking eyes with him. “I’m here and if you need me to keep reminding you that, I fucking will because I’m not going anywhere, you’re stuck with me now." 
"That was aggressively romantic.” Richie said, smiling down at him, it was slightly shaky but happy. 
Eddie returned the smile before leaning up and pressing a kiss against Richie’s lips, feeling his stomach flutter the moment their lips touched. Richie made a pleased sound before licking into Eddie’s mouth, warmth spreading through him when Richie’s tongue started moving against his. 
They had been kissing for a while when a yawn escaped Eddie and he froze, Richie’s face breaking into a teasing grin. 
"Don’t say anything, shut up.” Eddie said, feeling his face go hot. “This is your fault.”
Richie scoffed. “Am I really that boring, Eds?" 
Eddie rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I’m just tired since you woke me up.”
“Right sorry.” Richie said, running his thumb softly over Eddie’s cheek. “You should go back to sleep. I’ll be there in a few minutes." 
"What? You’re gonna go rub one off in the bathroom?” Eddie joked, making Richie laugh. 
“You caught me, Eds.” He flashed him a lewd grin. “That kiss got me all hot and bothered." 
Eddie snorted, grabbing Richie’s hand. "Come on.” He started dragging him towards the bed, but Richie planted himself on the floor. Eddie cocked his head at him, giving him a questioning look.
“I don’t think I can go back to sleep just yet.” Richie said, avoiding Eddie’s eyes.
Everytime I close my eyes, I see it. 
Oh, right. 
“Are you worried about having another nightmare?” Eddie asked, taking Richie’s grimace as an answer. “I won’t let that happen.”
“What? You’re gonna fight the nightmares away with your tiny fists?”
“No.” Eddie said, rolling his eyes. “I’m gonna hold you so hard that you won’t be able to forget I’m alive.” He said, watching Richie’s expression melt at his words. “Now close the window and come cuddle with me. It’s the middle of the fucking night and I’m tired.”
“Okay.” Richie said, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s forehead and letting go of him just to shut the window. “As long as I get to be the little spoon.”
They climbed into bed together, Eddie’s chest pressed flush against Richie’s back. Eddie wrapped his arms around him and Richie sighed happily when he pressed a kiss to the top of his spine.
Eddie forced himself to stay awake until he was certain that Richie was asleep⎯ his loud snoring making it perfectly clear. Only then, did he allow himself to close his eyes, dozing off immediately. 
Neither of them woke up again, not until the sunlight filled the room the next morning.
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh​​ @yes-dillman-yes @richietoaster ​ @beepbeeprichiellc ​ @its-stranger-than-you-think ​ @lemonaayyee ​ @losers-gotta-stick-together ​ @tinyarmedtrex ​ @richiefuckfacetozier ​ @sam-i-am2468 ​ @richardtoz ​ @s-s-georgie ​ @reddie-for-anything ​ @eddiefuckinkaspbrak ​ @constantreaderfool ​ @stanleuyris ​ @jesuschristsupruvestar ​ @mirandonsky ​ @proton-disaster-blaster ​ @alargedepresso ​ @purplepoisonedgem ​ @pan-ini ​ @reddie-to-cry​ @reddieforlove ​ @trashmouthnick ​ @multi-fandom-wby ​ @wheezyeds ​ @nancynwheeler ​ @reddieslashgeneralhorror​​ @madi-personal ​ @reddie-tozibrak​​ @lover-mouth ​ @atownofeggs ​ @that-weird-girls-blog ​ @appojoos ​ @castielwinovak ​ @a-gay-treee​ @twoidiotsinl0ve ​ @typewrxter ​ @fcngirltrxsh​ @spirited-marvel ​ (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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moonfirerainbow · 5 years
why us
Spoiler warning for It Chapter 2
MCD warning - aftermath
The house is nothing but a crater in the ground, but still Richie stands there, eyes focused on the spot where the steps stood only a few days ago.  In the dark it’s almost as though there was never anything there. Just an empty, fenced in space, where maybe a family could build a home for themselves.  Build a life.  
He should have left Derry by now, but Richie’s been lagging behind the others.  Uncertain what to do with the two large suitcases sitting in his room back at the townhouse.  He should probably send them back to Edd-
No.  That’s not his job.  He’s not the one who made the phone calls.  Who dragged them all away from the safety of their lives.  It’s not up to him, anyway. Richie had no part in Eddi- 
Taking in a deep breath, Richie curls his fists into the pockets of his hooded sweater.  Well, it’s not really his. The second he got back to the townhouse after the sewers, he showered and tore open one of those large suitcases, and grabbed a few comfortable, detergent-scented items, one of them happened to be this heather-gray zip-up sweater.  
A sudden, sharp wave of regret cuts through his chest, threatens the steadiness of his knees and the safety of the barrier in his head.  It takes the air out of his lungs, and maybe, maybe he’s absorbed something from the boy he loved. The boy in his memory. Digging his way out of the grave of Richie’s heart.  
“Why…” his voice comes out cracked and broken.  Dry. Painful. “Why did you-” 
Richie’s legs give out from under him, and he crumbles on the chipped sidewalk, right in front of the wrecked house on Neibolt street.  It’s dark. Lonely. So he buries his face in his palms. And he cries. Cries like he couldn’t with the others- like he never would allow himself to in front of anyone.  
Except Eddie.  
“I love you,” the words are torn from the deep, raw and honest.  And Richie drowns in it. Begs for the chance. From whoever is listening- God?  Anyone? “Please… please…” 
There is no reply.  No miracle to sweep his sorrow in its arms and show mercy.
But then there are arms- Ben’s arms, wrapping around his shoulders.  Ben’s warmth and his strength. His gentle voice soothing in Richie’s ear, “I know.  I know. I’m sorry.” A comfort Richie clings to. Allows himself to accept.
Against Ben’s chest, Richie says, “Why us?”  
“What?”  Ben pulls back, just enough to look down and meet Richie’s eyes.  “Rich?”  
Richie drags his fingers under his glasses, below his eyes.  “Why us, huh? Why did it have to be us?”  
Ben’s eyes speak louder than he ever could; he doesn’t know either.  “We're supposed to be special, I guess. Lucky seven. Us Losers.” 
Shaking his head, Richie turns away from the fence and the sunflowers.  Those fucking sunflowers.  “It's bullshit. ”
Ben opens his mouth, maybe to reply, or maybe to pull Richie in another direction.  But Richie cuts him off as soon as he says, “I don’t-”
“We’re not.  We’re just… fucking losers.”  Pushing up off the ground, Richie steps away from Ben and toward the fence, stumbling over his own feet but catching himself at the last moment.  “We’re just losers who got fucked over.”  
"Losers." Richie faces the empty space.  The only gravemarker Eddie will ever have.  And he shouts, "Fuck you!" He screams, "I hate you!" He sobs, "Why… why him…" 
Ben pulls him back, winds his arms around Richie from behind, and holds him right.  "I know. I know you loved him, Rich." 
Richie can't say anything.  Is choking on the grief and the loss.  It fills his chest, threatens to crack it open so the whole fucking town of Derry will know someone cared about Eddie.  Someone loved him. Was- is- in love with him.  
Richie's not sure how much time goes by.  How long Ben holds him and soothes him. But by the time they get back to the townhouse it's past midnight, and Ben heads for Bev's room.  They pause in the hallway, and Richie nods to Ben. He doesn't need his friend worrying about him all night.  
In bed Richie curls around a soft, clean sweater, his heart thudding hard as he presses it to his chest.  And when he closes his eyes, believes the lie building in his mind- it's close enough to having Eddie right there with him.  That familiar scent that's carried over from their childhood. The salmon color of the fabric. It all screams Eddie so loud.  
In the morning Richie leaves without saying goodbye.  It's easier this way. He knows he'll never see them again, doesn't want to see them again.  They can move on and fill their lives with the things they were missing before, and that's not an option for him.  
The kissing bridge is his last stop.  He parks the car off to the side, gets out with a pocket knife in hand.  And there it is, the only confession he ever attempted. The faded R, the shallow plus sign, and the carefully carved E.  One of many longing hearts recorded on this old, horrible bridge.  
On one knee Richie brings it back to life.  He pushes the knife deeper, keeps going through the damn tears that start up again.  Pushes until the letters are bold and unmistakable.  
Closing his eyes, Richie folds the blade away, and startles at a barely-there touch against his jaw.  It's cold, and unsteady. Something hesitant. But it's there.  
Bold, Richie whispers, "Eddie?" And draws hope into himself.  That touch moves up, over his cheek. Skims at the wet marks under his eye.  Warmer now.  
Richie is not a man of faith or belief.  Shrugged off his Catholic upbringing and left it here in Derry.  But he's desperate enough to hope. To beg again for another chance.  To say, "I miss you," and "I love you," even if he's talking to empty air.  
Richie Tozier leaves Derry behind.  And the ghost of his friends, and the boy he loved and lost.  He leaves it all there on that bridge- shrugs off the Loser identity he loved as a kid- and goes on.  
Richie never looks back.  
Tags: @richietoaster   @eddie-kas ​ @mrs-vh     @its-stranger-than-you-think @derrylosers @beepbeeprichiellc @claryvoyantfray @reddiesetandgo   @your-old-enemy   @halfway-happy353 @stellarbisexual   @onlyreddie @richardtoz @aizeninlefox @reddie-for-anything @ripeddiekaspbrak @captainbartholomew
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studpuffin · 5 years
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Got A Secret (Can you Keep it) Chapter 4 
Richie looks out over the rocks, “Yeah...yeah I’m okay,” It’s advancing towards Mike, long leg reaching out to wrap around him and Mike...Mike is just frozen. He’s going to do something stupid. Mike doesn’t deserve to die. Not like this. Not without ever leaving this stupid place. Richie’s lived a pretty good life overall. He’s okay with dying. He glances down at Eddie, “I love you.” 
“No Eddie listen to me. I love you,” he cups his face, “Stay here. No matter what you hear or see...just stay here. Please,” He kisses him one last time, and steps out from behind the wall, chucking a rock at the monster.
“Hey fuck face!” He picks up another rock and throws it as hard as he can as it turns on him, “You wanna play truth or dare? Here’s a truth, you’re a sloppy bitch!” It’s staring at him now, mouth dripping with drool, cold yellow eyes boring into him. “Yeah, that’s right! Let’s dance. Yippee-ki-yay mother fu-” 
And then everything goes black.
taglist: @oldguybones @tinyarmedtrex @s-s-georgie @xandertheundead @its-stranger-than-you-think @tozierking @richardtoz @stellarbisexual
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xandertheundead · 5 years
reddie + in the shower + lust... u already know
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Ladies, I should have known this was coming when I saw your names in my inbox…So I’m combining them! Lol I hope that is okay!
NSFW below
Eddie grinned when he heard Richie giant feet slap on the wet tile, meaning he was following, and Eddie tossed his towel over on one of the benches along with his goggles. After pulling off his suit, he made sure to slip his shower shoes on before he entered the shower area, not for one second trading the safety of stepping into a bacteria infested hell hole just for some dick.
“Grab my shampoo and body wash!” He yelled, knowing Richie knew his locker combination as he turned on the water to let it heat up. “And don’t forget my washcloth!”
When the water was warm enough, Eddie stepped in, sighing happily at the difference between the slightly warm water of the pool and the steaming water of the shower. He smiled when he heard Richie come into the room, frowning when he wasn’t wearing the purple shower shoes Eddie had bought for him at the start of the season. He couldn’t be too upset though when Richie came over and handed him his shower caddy and washcloth of the day.
Eddie always washed his wash clothes after one use, never ever reused.
“Can I use some of your shampoo? I think using bar soap is starting to make my hair frizz extra hard.” Richie asked and Eddie had to roll his eyes at that before handing the bottle over to his boyfriend and letting the taller one step under the spray.
“If you’re going to keep your hair long you have to take care of it, ‘Chee.” He sighed as he watched Richie lather up his thick dark curls. “You’re in the pool everyday, you wash it with a bar of soap and it’s curly. All of that makes it super dry and Stan would murder you for abusing your hair like that.”
“Stan takes an hour to get his hair ready, I don’t have the will or the patience for that.”
“Tell me about it.” Eddie muttered and grinned when Richie stuck his tongue out at him and ringside out his hair.
After they had finished with the basic wash down, Eddie hummed softly when Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist and pulled him close. He let out a happy sigh when Richie starting kissing his wet neck, toes curling when Richie started to suck.
“Okay, I take it back.” Eddie gasped, smiling when Richie pulled back with a confused look. “We can do shower stuff.”
“Oh baby.” Richie purred and Eddie had to laugh when Richie immediately pressed him back against the cool tiles of the shower wall. “Can I do the thing? We are in the shower, so it won’t be hard to clean up.”
Eddie nodded quickly. “Yeah sure.”
Richie kissed him deeply, hand moving down to take Eddie’s cock in his hand and give it a few tugs. Eddie gasped as the slow burn of pleasure started to rise and he growled when Richie nipped at his neck and gave his hip a soft pat.
“Turn around.”
“Jesus, right to business, huh?”
Richie laughed. “I’ve been staring at your speedo covered ass for like three hours. I need it.”
“God, you are such a needy bastard.” Eddie grumbled then bit his lip when Richie pushed his legs together and started to push his cock through Eddie’s slick closed thighs. 
The movement of the thrusts made Eddie sigh in need, moving his hand down to start pumping himself in time with Richie’s thrusts. He felt Richie kiss his shoulder before resting his chin on it so his lips could press against Eddie’s ear.
“Keep ‘em nice and tight for me, babe.” Richie let out a loud groan, the sound of the water drowning it out only a little. “Fuck, Eds! I’m so fucking glad you shave.”
“Oh my god!” Eddie gasped, torn between loving the sharp spike of pleasure he felt when Richie started to play with his chest or wanting to beat Richie over the head. “W-we both shave! We are on the si-ah!-swimteam.”
Richie gave a breathless laugh and with one last tug Eddie was coming against the tile wall with a soft groan, shivering with sensitivity while Richie continued to thrust into his thighs. Eddie heard Richie growl into his shoulder and grinned when he heard Richie start to use fuck on repeat.
He was close.
Eddie knew exactly what to do.
He turned his head so he could press a soft kiss to Richie’s wet curls, then let out the most exaggerated moan he could. “God damn, Richie. This is some serious gourmet shit.”
Richie’s thrusts faltered and he could hear a broken moan mixed with a laugh that seemed to catch in Richie’s throat. Richie pulled out quickly, pushed against Eddie’s shoulder so Eddie would lay chest flat against the wall with his ass out, and started to pump his cock vigorously.
Eddie gasped and arched back when he felt the hot splatter of cum all over his ass and the small of his back, humming when Richie moved to lay against his back a little.
“You,” Richie panted. “Are a fucking bastard.”
“But you love me.” Eddie laughed and felt Richie nod against his shoulder. 
“Yeah. I do.”
Send me a kiss prompt!
Taglist: @tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @richardtoz @constantreaderfool @queen-sock
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
thanks for always sending me pornography when i need it... that's true love
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Hey, I’ve always got the porn when you need it bby. 😘
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thelazyeye · 5 years
hey guess what i LOVE you.... SO SO SO SO MUCH you are the funniest nicest loving sweetest cutest amazingest (not a word) sugar sweet angel honey baby fucking person i’ve ever met and you deserve the palace that you’ve worked HARD to build so FUCK anyone who says otherwise... you have a group of friends that stand up for you because we LOVE you and that’s what FRIENDS are for even though you are the STRONGEST person i’ve ever met! don’t let them put you down baby because i LOVE LOVE LOVE you
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Kimmi let me say I think about our train convo all the time and how hard you made me fucking laugh on our way back from the city. You are a literal gem in this earth and I’m so fucking glad I got the privilege of meeting you in person.
That being said I LOVE YOU TONS TOO THANK YOU fuck that anon dude they’ve got nothing going for them and I am blessed to be surrounded by some of the best people 
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beldaroot · 5 years
Do you know any good blogs for me to follow? Mutuals or otherwise thank you!!!
yes of course! below are some wonderful blogs i love seeing on my dash! (pretty much all of these blogs are it-centric but can be multifandom)
@alexiscrose @ayyyymichele @beepbeeprichiellc @beeptozierbeep @billdenbrough @caliceal @casdroid @chaotickaspbrak @dangerousbunnyrabbit @dear-wormwoods @earthskills @eddiebrak @eddiekabsprak @eddiekasprzak @eddiesleftarm @edsbrak @hanscom @honeybeehanlon @imrichie @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @julies-andrews @kaspwitch @kaymcgivemeacall @madi-personal @michelllejones @moonlightrichie @nohomohank @oldguybones @ransonejames @rebeccabunch @reddieanalysis @reddiefanart @reddieforlove @richardtoz @richiardtozier @richietoizer @stellarbisexual @tinyarmedtrex @tossertozier @tozierbraks @whatidoisxsecret @xandertheundead @89tozier
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dangertronic · 6 years
i bet $10 you’re a clown fucker
best collect that $10 then.
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richietoaster · 5 years
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So I recently hit 10k followers. And I am so ecstatic to see so many new people joining this fandom, to see old users coming back, to see the ones who have stayed through our drought. But I’m excited for the content that Andy wants to keep giving us.
In honor of this crazy milestone, I thought maybe I could give some recognition to some of my favorite people who deserve THE WORLD ❤️
@are-you-reddie-for-it @eds-trashmouth @lo-v-ers @sloppybitchrich @tinyarmedtrex @coffeekaspbrak @denrbough @adamlvnchs @tastes-like-cherry-coke @tozierking @richiepeach @violetreddie @derrylossers
@ripeddiekaspbrak @appojoos @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @speakslowtellmelove @hadersus @reddie-fancomic-by-slashpalooza @reddie-to-go @richietoser @richietosier @richietoizer @stevesharrigton @reddie-to-cryy @tossertozier @itchierichie @richardtoz @bookrockshooter @reddieforlove @reddieforakiss @eddiecare @sparklingreddie @richiesobbed @nohomohank @pillsandredshorts
If you aren’t following any of these wonderful people, YOU REALLY SHOULD BE ❤️
And I am sure I’m missing A LOT of people who deserve to be on this list.
Thank you to my followers for following me and liking the content I put out. That’s not stopping anytime soon ;)
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