#ricken rant
rickenramblings · 4 months
I cannot understate my love for the writers (sometimes unintentionally, often intentionally) making Rick say, do, or like things antithetical to the reddit/right wing crowd and dudebros that hold rick on a pedestal.
Oh you think Rick is an alpha male because he said love is made up? Nope, he was secretly THE wife guy! He calls out therapy for being useless talking in circles that equates to nothing? Welp guess he respects it now! Atheist who tells it how it is? Not anymore, he respects people's beliefs! Btw hes also openly autistic, extremely gay (pan, but it makes no difference to them), likes hip hop and rap, and respects the women in his life more.
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incorrectfeaquotes · 6 years
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Submitted by cvs521
- Ricken attacks Aversa with a wind spell - Ricken: “Shorty?!” Could a shorty do this?! What else you wanna call me?! A half-pint beansprout midget?! I’m still growing, you backwater desert idiot!
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hiddentrails7 · 4 years
These incorrect quotes were brought to you by Sully and Stahl's friendship and the power of the Gaywakening.
Robin: So people keep saying demons don't exist-
Robim: But like- * Walks into room* I found this thing in my closet *Opens closet*
Grima: I like bread
Frederick: Henry! What is this?
Henry: It's my to-do list.
Frederick: Oh, good. You're finally being producti-
Frederick: This just says 'Ricken'.
Sumia: This is a disaster!
Robin: What happened?
Sumia: The printer messed up the invitation. It was supposed to say “ Chrom's Birthday”
Robin: What does it say?
Sumia: “Chrom's Bi”
Robin: Well, that still works
Frederick: Why is Chrom on the floor crying?
Maribelle, reading something: Hes drunk.
Frederick: And??
Maribelle: He saw a picture of Robin's boyfriend and started ranting about how he wanted him instead.
Frederick: But HE'S Robin's boyfriend..
Maribelle, turning the page: I know
Libra: Can you rate your pain for me?
Henry: Zero stars
Henry: Would not recommend.
Brady, handing Owain a hot cup of tea: Blow.
Owain: *Blushes and starts getting on his knees*
Cherche, squishing Virion's face between two pices of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Virion: A snack.
Cherche: No.
Sully: You’ve got to act tough, Stahl! Show’em you can’t be pushed around! Show’em they can’t mess with you!
Stahl: Right! Yes. Tough. Got it.
Stahl: *Walks up to the bar counter and slams his hand down on the bar* I’LL TAKE A CHOCOLATE MILK!
`` Why do you think pretty boy is an insult? I'm the prettiest damn boy you've ever seen! `` Inigo, at some point-
Frederick: You’ve been suspended for recklessly driving with three people on one horse.
Sully: Shit— Wait, you said three?
Frederick: Uh, yes?
Lissa: Oh my god-
Basilio: Anybody under 5'3" can't be talling about fighting anyone. Like, what are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the nipples?
Ricken: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.
Frederick: Let me get this straight-
Chrom: More like let me run this bi you
Gerome: We should ace-ess the situation
Owain: I’m gay
Lissa: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a colour!
Donnel: Star fruit?
Lissa: So close! That is a shape!
Panne: You deadass forgot oranges.
Lissa: Oh, no. The colour is named after the fruit!
Robin: What about blackberries?
Lissa: Black isn't a colour.
Stahl: Redcurrant?
Lissa: Currants come in both black and red. The colour isn't a part of the name, it's an adjective.
Owain: KIWIS!
Lissa: I'm very sorry but but kiwis are a bird not a colour.
Chrom: I'm gonna McFucking lose it.
Stahl: His hair? Wack!
Stahl: His gear? Wack!
Stahl: His jewelry? Wack!
Stahl: His foot-stance? Wack!
Stahl: The way that he talks? Wack!
Stahl: The way that he doesn’t even like to smile? Wack!
Stahl: Me? I’m tight as FU–
Basilio: I'm having a baby.
Lon'qu: Uh- Congrat-
Basilio: That baby is you. Sign these adoption papers.
Lissa, babysitting Brady for Maribelle: You ever see a baby smile and go, "Oh fuck I need one"?
Lissa, two minutes later: Nevermind, he punched me in the face.
Cordelia: So, you know, are you guys...?
Sumia: No- She's gay
Sumia: I mean straight
Sully: What the fuck, baby, don't call me the s word!
Sully: Peer pressure me into completing tasks
Stahl: Do it or you’re straight
Robin: My heart does a little "!" when I see him.
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convxction · 3 years
U KNO WHAT I LIKE..chrom & ricken talk..and chrom & shepherds relation in general..all the supports we didnt get..
thanks for our friendship | @toestalucia
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UM. UMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the rant number i-lost-count-by-now.
im CRYiNG RICKEN. please, please, please ricken. where? ricken where????? i need ricken. now. like this instant someone ricken me a ricken. it is funny i didnt like the boy until i started writing chrom. you do realize some qualities of characters when you just give them a depth look, yknow? ricken just chrom number one fan and that is just the cutest thing ever. he was bullied relentlessly and the only person who came to his aid was someone he would never imagine would come to help him--a prince, THE PRICE OF HIS OWN COUNTRY. chrom just came to chill with these bullies and then with a PACK OF WOLVES. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT CHROM FOUGHT A PACK OF WOLVES FOR RICKEN. ricken then devoted his life to be someone like chrom--well, at first it sounded like he wanted to BE chrom but when you read their convo it is just sooo cute!!!! ricken tries his best to match chrom when all he needed was doing the things on his own pace, his own style because there is no meaning if he wanted to be just chrom. he is ricken, and chrom is chrom. ricken is gifted with magic and intelligent, chrom is gifted with charisma and strength. they can’t be the same but they can help each other. and thats an important lesson chrom gave ricken, and tbh that did taught chrom things too. how to be considerate more of people. chrom just chill and friendly as much as he can but this can be misunderstood too. LIKE WITH STAHL!!! omg stahl yes sobs   a good boy please child why you misunderstood chrom telling you to give it all as in DIE IN BATTLE im crying. so yeah. the shepherds are so important to chrom. they are not just his militia, they are his friends and chromrads. (lol) chrom would not be the same without them. he owes it to them his progress, his development, everything. the things he learned, the lessons, even the odd things and strange ones, these shaped him to be the person he is. yes, not everything got into his thick sword for brain skull but yeah every experience, every meeting, every encounter means something to chrom. sully is a good friend for chrom. i will die for sully. she is one of the good examples that helped chrom not be hmm restricted in his thinking??? open minded yes. sully being of a line of knights, she proved herself to be worthy of her lance and a position in the shepherds with her skills. for chrom, she is as he said in their convo his anchor, romantically said or platonic, i still find her an important part in his life. he has emmeryn and phila before as great women example but someone of his age did cement that whole thing about gender roles and whatnot. if you can prove yourself in what you do, then just do it. i did rant about frederick, i rant about frederick every day but subtly at times but i love this man to pieces. please keep an eye on this blueman as he grows up. the jokes of the localization aside, fredrick, from my perspective did shape chrom up. i have hard time believing he was not strict af with him growing up which is probably why he is overprotective now of him and lissa. frederick just finding himself at a young age caring for not one but two spoiled royal children--i say spoiled because they are in a way. how to shape these children who want to be with their big sister 24/7? TRAINING HOURS. and homework. and chores. and other things. thanks @ frederick fayre emburmu for whipping this boy into shape. thank you. miriel. miriel. miriel. i hope we can get more miriel love dude ..... im still whaling noises how come she does not have a support with chrom like wtf? she is the original brain of the shepherds thank you kindly queen. i wonder if chrom just thinks about something randomly and goes to ask her and she starts an experiment because of him. now bear witness to her new work of art. im sure he helps her with her experiments ;u; at first it was no no by frederick but knowing chrom he would be interested and intrigued by people’s hobbies, or the way they think. he wants to know too. lament more on not having support with kellam. please they could have a fun support why you rob us of this??? kellam please keep secrets of each time you walk on chrom breaking something. because i think he sees it almost every time. i’d pay my kidney if he saw chrom in one of his panic attacks too .... .... haha. kellam...sigh. vaike the man...THE TEACH. vaike is so good to chrom he does not realize it that much. if sully is the anchor vaike is the punch you could say to chrom. punch....maybe a mirror? vaike represent the good side of the ‘slum’ part of the country. no matter how the status different between them vaike is similar to chrom in nearly everything. what is the difference is to which family they were born in. chrom was lucky to be born from the exalt family while vaike from the slums. every time they interact, it roots in his heart that what differentiate people from each other is how they carry themselves, how they interact with other people, their good deeds, how they treat others etc. once he starts ranking people into statues then he clearly does not understand the true meaning of being a human, or the meaning behind his family’s duty. thank you vaike~ another best man that taught chrom a lot is..my husba-- i mean Gaius. yes, gaius cough. please gaius never get bored of chrom he is a fun guy to make fun of. you can get free candies because he is a walking wallet with you. uh, yes what i was talking, yes teaching him things. ahem. yes. chrom for a bit had this thought that he was tasked with this duty and like he is in a tough position, a prince and all, and his world is shackled because of it yada yada and gaius was like lol dude for real? you are the prince you get to say what you wanna do and say. you want to have fun so be it, you want to train so be it, everything is your choice. it is kind of eye opening because as silly as it sounds, chrom got swept up by his duty and the fear of failing emmeryn to enjoy his life as chrom, not as the prince of the halidom when he wants to. chrom can relax every now and then and it just refreshing to hear that again, especially from someone who is considered an outlaw, someone the opposite of him. i love that chrom knows gaius wont lie to him so he knows he can get a true advice from him not just someone trying to sugar coat words for his convenience. gaius just lol blueman you goofed buddy. cries about gaius in the drama cd.....bruh.... he says he takes care of himself and his interest but comes back to save his homie...sobs...man ...please take care of chrom from the shadows or in the light idc just please do. sumiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i know she is there for uh ....that terminology i forgot but you know waifu bait?? is this it? whatever. again localization strikes again and done her dirty with their support (which i promised to do since last year...october? i think i am very sorry but i just had my fill seeing the difference and like...uni and stuff...hahaha ANYWAY I WILL GET TO IT MAYHAB AFTER THIS IDK NO PROMOSING I WILL JUST DO IT WHEN I HAVE BRAIN JIUCES) sumia is cute ngl. i did support her with chrom first time i played shut up it is worth it if we can have cindy as a daughter too. cynthia love you. and yeah tbh there is not a lot i can see from the game or drama cd sumia influenced chrom in a particular way. yes the....uh..super goku sumia punch she landed on him was priceless but yeah;;; i still like the fact she was kind to animals and they liked her back. thats kind of a good trait chrom enjoys seeing in others. surely she can teach him a thing or two about caring for animals. he could perhaps relax and stop being stressed which shows when the pegasus was scared (awakening said no rights for males to ride on pegasi but frick that...my brain: make male pegasus rider wtf shut up) sumia i think is that ‘ the least you expect to voice their opinion but in dire situations they do and they can somehow shift the mood’ kind of character. which in a way, we are thankful for her. someone like her is good to be around. yes everyone hounds on chrom when he is about to make a mistake, they help correcting him, but sumia is the like ...as i said the least person you expect to say something when the situation is crazy. she is good. honest people are berry good. im still salty we dont have support for lonqu and cordelia like ...why. chrom has support with olivia but not the girl crushing on him for ages? ....weird. BUT FEAR NOT I AM WORKING ON ONE IF I WAS NOT LAZY ASS BUM. sobs. if i like how it came out might try other characters. i tried to make marth one time but eh. anyway cordy. cordy is amazing. i just wish they gave her some kind of closure not just ‘i will try to love you like i love chrom--’ NOOOOOOO LOVE SOMEONE ELSE LIKE YOU SHOULD LOVE THIS PERSON. she is so good of a character they had to flaw her like this. i understand the concept but...come on...you make it look bad for people who had crushes on others but moved on with other people whom they met and actually fall in love with them.... still. we’d give cotton candies for awakening remake and having EVERYONE support chrom. please. he is the leader. please. he is partially the protag please. sobs...lonqu gives me pain he does nt have support with him..how good the support would be..chrom learning his fighting style please when. i love how basilio was just here you go~one line is rent free in my brain ‘hes your man now’ chrom: excuse me wut. are you okay with slavery man? lonk: i stab when i am ordered. chrom: ....k.  moogle noises please shepherds...where thou are you....maybe i should shut up now..tis one hella text wall...im not formatting this shit. i said it is a rant then it is a rant no stopping to talk a breather. no. thanks for reading this big ass text of me crying all over again about chrom and his shepherds. let me know if you want me to cry about someone in particular more. i love them all. i want talk about them all, each and everyone but uh ....well....idk. maybe...some other time. anyway i love my shepherds. bless them. bless ricken. bless wars. amen.
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Ok SO!!
I know everyone is really sick of Awakening and Fates in Heroes, BUT! I really wish they'd add the last four Shepherds: Ricken, Miriel, Vaike, and Kellam. Where are they!?!? They have most of the other Shepherds, except the Robinsexuals. They have fucking WALHART AND AVERSA, and not these four originals!! I'm so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Plz add them to heroes, also, add Flavia, Basilio, Say'ri, and Emmeryn while you're at it. PLEASE HEROES I BEG OF YOU!!!
Thank you for listening to my ranting. Good day.
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rabm · 4 years
in the next ricken morty episode summer is gonna say “ok boomer” and rick will finally be defeated because he cant go on a rant about it because he’ll just get “ok boomer”d again. the series will finally end
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yiff-yaff · 6 years
"Send me anything and i'll rant about it"Fuck pickles. its like you saw the cucumber, the holy grail of fruit (its a fruit. not a vegetable) with its great source of electrolytes and dope hydrating qualities and decided "hmm, what if i just wanted this to taste like shit hm? salty green shit? delicious" like i get they can be stored for a long time and stuff but this isnt some little house on the prairie shit anymore we dont NEED pickles they taste rank and awful the ONLY redeeming quality is that one mukbang wjere this really pretty youtuber eats a gas statuon hot pickle if anything the Lord put these abominations of a snack on the earth just for that pivotal moment. but its DONE. they can go now. if ur a pickle stan fine whatever i'll just b here eating the SUPERIOR version of it, sliced witj spritz of lime as it SHOULD BE. also a lesser person would have mentioned ricken mortey, a greater person wouldnt have said anything at all
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kimium · 6 years
YOU LIED. Tharja/Libra is not funny, it is full of Feels! But it has given me a new OTP, so thanks for that. (I’m also 500% sure that they secretly form a Nowi Protection Squad, because both of their supports with her are just too cute!) Up to Chapter 13! I just got access to easily obtainable Master Seals, and I’ve been laughing maniacally as I promote everyone to advanced classes...
Ah… sorry? I honestly don’t remember any supports well… except for my OTPs and Henry/Ricken’s support… so… sorry for the feels?
Everyone forms a Nowi protection squad and also form the GIVE NOWI PROPER CLOTHES NOW SQUAD (# KIM HAS RANTS ABOUT THIS TOPIC). Master Seals are fun!!! I remember the first person I reclassed in my replay through was Lissa.
Anyways, reclassing is always fun. I love doing it.
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calamitaswrath · 6 years
Uhhhh.... Ricken and Sumia of FE: Awakening.
Send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral (I mean he’s like what, twelve?) | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality:worst quality: A bit too Edward Elric-ish obsessed with his heigh (or lack thereof)ship them with: Him and Lissa are fine? They’re pretty close in age and they really just go together well.brotp them with: Henry, Donnel and Miriel!needs to stay away from: Uhhmisc. thoughts: The thought of him doing rants about his height like Edward Elric is rather fun, come to think of it
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | ACTUAL LOVE OF MY LIVE, WIFEhotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Her caring nature and love for books and animalsworst quality: Her insecurities, obviously. I mean, they’re relatable, but stillship them with: Me Robin and Sullybrotp them with: Cordelianeeds to stay away from: The groundmisc. thoughts: If she were in Heroes, I’d actually consider playing it, but considering that everyone’s always all over Cordelia, that sure doesn’t seem to be happening. But honestly there’s like three fictional characters in total over who I’d go all “my wife!!!”, and she’s one of them so there’s that.
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pitifullypious-blog · 7 years
✟ Ricken ✟ Starter Call ✟
If Libra was being honest, Ricken’s presence in the Shepards had always unsettled him. Make no mistake: it wasn’t because he had a problem with the other. If he stayed at their base of operations, helping from a distance, then he would have less qualms with the arrangement. It was his age that concerned Libra. 
War was no place for children. Unfortunately, they were dragged into it far too often. Libra could remember the masses of homeless and starving children during the last war between Ylisse and Plegia. Some of them were picked up and off of the streets and given a weapon with the promise of food and shelter for their cooperation and service. Despite those offers, only a small handful of them ever came back from war to receive what they were promised. Those that did survive were often denied the provisions that they had joined the army for. 
Granted, Libra had no idea just how old Ricken really was. He could simply look young. The priest was well aware that one’s looks could be deceiving. Even so, he worried. He was nearly certain that he had parents or family that worried about him. Why would he choose to subject himself to the horrors of life-or-death combat? Perhaps—
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❝ Beg pardon, Ricken, ❞  he finally spoke, glancing up from his meal to look at the young man sitting across from him,  ❝ but if I may ask…what was it that prompted you to join the Shepards? ❞
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himimeme-blog · 7 years
a little rant i guess
so tb h i just wanna get this out so-- kinda gonna be a tab bit long (c ryin ghow do i do the cut thing--) anyways yeeee ______________________________________________ so Fire Emblem Heroes. now, it doesn’t begin with th at. let’s go back a bit to when i played Fire Emblem Awakening cough a few months ago cause i wasn’t able to get it before then cough. sooo i got it and was like “well this is p neat” right,  and, i knew Donnel was in the game, but i didn’t know you had to get him through a paralogue-- so then, i was like “blah blah yeah i’m on Chap 9″ while talking with a friend, and he was all like “o shitto go get Donnel” an d so i did fast forward to when the battle begins. “[insert quote about getting him up a level or else he won’t join your team]”. i wa s  like “mmk can’t be that hard, since he’s only level one”. i went up to corner and take out the archer. Donnel got oneshotted and “*viciously inhales*” so i restarted it i ended up getting him up the level but i never used him, since he was prettyy underleved compared to my units and the enemies.  th en let’s skip time to about a week 1/2 later. i was watching a video with all the character’s confessions to the avatar aka tha t really cute and sweet pic with a nice phrase about love. i was like. “mkmk”. i r eally only wanted to watch it cause i knew i would never get all of them myself wink wink i married Ricken cause he’s a sweet smol boi. then boOm .  i love ya. i don’t reckon i could live without ch’ya! let’s me and you settle down on the farm i wh Eeezed. i started c rying in laughter i cra cked me up so much i jus so, my thought was “o h my jesus Donnel is jus t” so, i didn’t like Donnel, but i also liked Donnel.  do es that even make since i’m ,,,, anyways, Donnel wasn’t one of my best bois, but he was k *time skip to when i started playing Heroes* sooo i was p late to the FE Heroes too-- and, when i started playing it i was like “n oice”  (off topic but my first 5 star was an off focus Julia and i’  m lvoe her) so, i played through it and did some summonings. probably like 20 - 30.  two of them. two. 4 star. Donnel’s. i didn’t really know how to feel, but i know i wasn’t gonna use him, but i also didn’t want to send him home.  i ended up sending them home. now, another skip to when the Voting Gauntlet focus thing was up. i reeaallllllyy wanted Hinoka, so i decided to do some summoning. i had 5 orbs, and one blue orb. 4 star Donnel. later on, i got 9 more orbs, and did two summonings, one blue (since there was only one blue orb), one colorless. another one. another 4 ffuck in star Donnel.  though i did get a 4 star Lucius, so i held back my saltiness.  just now, aka earlier, the Gauntlet ended so the events were ended too. i got the 20 orb bonus today, and did some summonings in the Spring Event before it ended. two 4 stars and three 3 stars. i was like “mmk whatever” and did the thing where you use Cecilia to get 5 orbs. i got the 5 orbs. i inhaled, prayed, and wished for a green orb, since i was going for Camilla. 2 blue. 2 red. 1 colorless.  i was about to throw my phone across the room. but then, i remembered i only had bunny Xander, and that i could get bunny Lucina. 
y’know that thing called a gut feeling? yeah, there was one blue at the top, and one at the bottom right. i picked the bottom right one, since i had a feeling about it.  no poof i was already salty enough about not getting anything good b ut guess what guess w h A T. 3 star Donnel. i kinda just sat there, looking down at the screen. like a scene from an anime where the main character just watched something horrid happen, and their eyes cloud over from not being able to absorb it all.  then i closed it out, and was ready to doki doki slam myself against the wall b ut yeah jus t --- wh y Donnel >:’0
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rickenramblings · 5 months
Still thinking about that time I made the mistake watching the blood ridge clip from Rickternal Friendshine on youtube (I think when adult swim first uploaded it so all the comments were fresh), and all the straight guys of the fandom had the audacity to try and claim that Rick wasn't propositioning a relationship with BP or that he totally didn't want a romantic (and likely deeply sexual) relationship with the man.
I'm glad it's mostly sensible people now that it's sorted by top comments, but I was literally so pressed by the sheer audacity of those guys that I wrote a like 10 paragraph analysis comment on the video explaining how in no uncertain terms rick was in love with BP... and STILL had someone say "ok but not to marry him"
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incorrectfeaquotes · 6 years
For some reason I remember the line being "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BEAN-SPROUT MIDGET!?" ...but then again to be fair I'm remembering it from one of the video games that were a loose adaptation of the show/manga. That and the one you used does fit Ricken more.
Well, let’s be fair here: The original line is in Japanese, and even with languages more similar to English, there’s very often more than one way to translate something. I bet if you spend enough time, you could easily find about half a dozen different translations for that short-rant.
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convxction · 3 years
Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag people.
Tagged by: @toestalucia [tysm for this it is late slfkjsdlkfjsdf]
Tagging: u see, u do. it has been ages. idk who is interested in this but feel to tag me if you take this hohoh
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Chapter 13 sacred Blood
“You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles. I'm sorry.”
[[this is the line he says to lucina when she reveals herself and it touches me that he immediately knew what’s wrong. apologizing is not easy, especially if one does not feel responsible for it directly, but chrom feels as responsible for what had happened in the future. sobs in the club. 
Extra Drama CD
“There isn’t any problem. No matter how many times you may be on the verge of being engulfed by darkness, I will drag you back very time. So don’t worry!”
[[i’m just here for chrom being always there for his friends and loved ones. his words are always simple and straightforward to the point. he does not say glorified words to support you, he just says what he feels is enough to get his support across. he is your homie man. i can rant about this for days but i’ll save you this pain. BUT REALLY. HOW CAN A MAN BE THIS SUPPORTIVE TO SOMEONE TELLING YOU IM GOING LITTLE BIT CUKKO AND POSSIBLY THE BAD THING WE WANNA AVOID IS LITERALLY INSIDE OF ME SO YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING AND HE JUST LOL I WILL FRCIKING PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE AND TIRE YOU WITH MY FRIENDSHIP AND BOND SPEECH UNTIL THE BADDIE IS LIKE I GAVE UP LOL. yes.
Rooster Rescue DLC
“Who knew we had a roster? And from the sounds of it, quite a scandalous one... Well, my army's reputation is MY reputation. I have to get that book back!”
listen. i know it is said in a haha joke situation but i still find it endearing that he puts it that way. remove the context and focus on that line is just enough. chrom had been battling on two sides, mentally and physically, on the battlefield and in the castle when he even is not around. chrom had been fighting as a soldier and as a prince and doing his best to not fail anyone, not emmeryn, not his fellow comrades, not the people who trusted him to protect their families. it is the reverse too. HIS reputation is the ARMY’s reputation. if he proved to be half of what the rumors about him are circling then the army--the shepherds will be under microscope from everyone; being the group that is with the problematic prince and endorsing his activities. chrom sees himself part of everyone’s live whether he wants it or not, or whether they want it or not. his fate as a royal prince meant he will work to ensure gets the good life they are meant to have. it is not a honor, it is obligation from his part. 
imma cheat and put this as whole because i can. from the summer scramble DLC
Chrom Ricken!
Ricken ...Huh? Oh, man! Did I pass out? I'm really sorry, Chrom...
Chrom No need to apologize. You just need to remember that you're still young. There are limits to how far you can push yourself—physically AND mentally...
Ricken Curses...
Chrom Not what you wanted to hear, I know.
Ricken No. Not really.
Chrom Look, I know this is hard, especially coming from someone you look up to. But you have to accept the fact that you're too young to do everything you want to. You have to take things one step at a time. You can't rush things. After all, knowing your limitations is an important part of becoming a man.
Ricken So you're saying I should just accept the fact that I'm still a kid...
Chrom I am. But don't worry—you're here because you're already strong for your age. And you're only going to get stronger. You just have to be patient. Anyway, you can go on fighting at my side, but only if you try not to overdo it. Deal?
Ricken ...Okay, deal!
Chrom Good. Now, you ready to get back to it? We've got some brigands to deal with.
Ricken Yeah. Th-thanks, Chrom. I won't let you down!
Chrom Attaboy!
all i wanna say it’s just....wholesome. content. soft. chrom will always be fond of people trying to challenge their limits to prove themselves--he did, so he is interested in people with similar aspirations. Ricken is just someone chrom knows fully well he has a great deal of potential but is going hard on himself. he is good at understanding people’s drives and reasons to do certain things because he can’t just judge them based on one thing. he knows ricken want to be of help to everyone AND impress him personally, but Chrom knows he is doing it all wrong. im just...this man is good, you honor. 
 Drama CD V.1 Track 8! The Exalt’s Letter
“But even so, I want you to know the joy of having a family and people you cherish.”
chrom is the best wingman you gonna get--somehow, kind of. all he wanted was for robin/reflet/avatar to be happy like he was--to have a family and find peace in this family. chrom does dumb things but he always does them with the good intentions, his heart is on the right place. he wanted to help avatar get a family but in a way opened a big wound for them--being amnesiac and with no recollection of who they are. chrom is not prefect being. he makes mistakes like this that can hurt someone but he always strives to fix them, show that he meant only good for that person. it may be stepping his line at times but he feels like the line must be crossed if changes must happen. he’ll apologize later on but first he got to help his friend.
“I understand how Emm/Big sister felt. I want to protect this world, the world we all live in (the world you guys live in with your loved ones.) And I want to love it. I feel that way from the bottom of my heart. Yes... that’s right. I have inherited the blood of those who have protected this world for thousand of years. It is the Ylissean royal family’s and my duty. Emblem. I carry my will in the shield on my arm, so that my hand may protect all these it reaches. This I swear.”
do i really need to talk about this. my heart is just full of him realizing the things he wants to protect. his reason to fight. the whole CD is just..good...i can add more especially the one with frobin getting sick and all but i will not finish writing haha. check stuff on my headcanon page lol
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rickenramblings · 5 months
Absolutely mild take I'm sure, but I really wish they had committed to Rick leaving a bit longer than one episode with the crows thing.
Not because I think it was fun or even good for the core of the show, god no that wouldve been boring, but because it would've been good for morty and I like to think this wouldve given Morty some much needed agency and character growth exactly along the veins of what we reached with the s7 finale.
As is I think they really wasted the opportunity, but im glad they sort of used that to push this whole therapy arc Rick is going through now. And fear no mort really fills the need for the realization of this character development in Morty. Excellent writer there.
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rickenramblings · 4 months
I'm very sad we don't have more morty solo episodes by now. 7 seasons in and rick gets a prison break episode (Mortys in there but I'm counting it because it's more Rick and also Morty rather than "Rick And Morty"), pickle rick, old man and the seat, cool memory episode, and therapy (pissmaster), where he gets to bounce off bad guys, tough guys, himself (sort of) or explore tropes of healing and vulnerability.
What does Morty get? Planetina I guess, portal boys, and numbericons basically. I dont have a hate boner for Numbericons like some of the rest of the fans, but it's at best still very forgettable. He has nothing and no one to work off of, but we can clearly see it works when he is given something to work with (like the toxic relationship with planetina and toxic rebound adventuring with portal guy, hell the whole premise in fear no mort being technically solo) But it's not to the degree Rick gets so people dont see the potential. He doesn't get the opportunity to have more fantastical adventures solo.
I'm saying Morty should get to interact with more clones of himself basically-
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