essayofthoughts · 1 year
how about vex and one of the kids, cure wounds?
Oh oh! This lets me indulge that headcanon of mine that emotionally gutted you! You know - this one.
It isn't often that Gwennie gets injured, surprisingly enough. She's as enamoured with inventing and explosions as Percy is, but she's also much more fireproof and does actually have a modicum of sense - she knows not to pick up anything sharp and look both ways before crossing the street (or, better yet, to cross the street safely on Trinket's back) and besides which, Percy's very good at bandaging the children up from their inevitable cuts and scrapes well before she returns from a patrol.
So it's rare to see Gwen, a little teary eyed and one hand held gingerly, at the door to the library. Even before spotting the tears she knows something's wrong: Trinket's head swings up from where he'd been sprawled in a sleepy pile on the floor, and she knows how protective of his little siblings Trinket is.
"Mummy?" Gwen's voice is quiet and has that little hitching breath that means even though she's not crying now she had been recently. "I hurt myself."
She steps in when Vex gestures, holding out her hand and oh. Oh, that's nasty. It had taken them a bit of time to see how bruises and burns and cuts look on Gwen's scarlet skin, but this is a nasty graze, thickly clotting dark blood across the heel of her palm like someone's tried to crust her skin with living rubies.
Gwen's blood, though, is far more precious to Vex than any ruby she might encounter.
"Oh darling," she says, taking her daughter's hand in hers. Gwen runs warm - just as warm as Percy to the exact same degree - and the first thing Vex does is press a kiss to Gwen's palm. Kiss it better may not really work, but it soothes the children and with Gwen especially she and Percy have gone out of their way to show her that she's loved. "Let me fix that."
Cure Wounds is an old and familiar spell and it's easy to cast, the words a soft murmur against her daughter's skin before the magic takes effect.
"Oh," says Gwen, as the green-gold washes over her hand, catching around the edge of the graze like water at the shore, sparkling instead of frothing and when it finally fades away the start of the scab does too, leaving behind clean, unmarred skin. "Oh!"
"There we go," Vex says and presses a kiss to Gwen's forehead. "All better."
Gwen's silent, examining her hand closely before comparing it to the scar on her arm - the only mark left on her after a playfight with Danny went wrong and a glass had been smashed. Percy had patched the children up, and everything healed fine, but- well. First scars tend to be remembered.
"Mummy," Gwen says slowly. "Daddy has a lot of these." She points to her scar. "But you can heal things so they don't do that."
"Yes," she says, unsure where Gwen's going with this.
"Can you heal them too? These-" She points at the scar again.
"Scars," she says. "They're called scars."
"Scars," Gwen says. "Can you heal them?"
If only. There's a lot Vex would give to have been able to heal Percy of even half of what Ripley had inflicted on him. She'll settle for the bitch being goddamn dead.
"Scars are what happen when you don't heal bad injuries with magic," she says. "They're how the body heals on it's own." She pulls back her sleeve, shows one of the small bitemarks she has from when she'd been raising Trinket. "See?"
"Oh," Gwen says, still frowning, still clearly thinking. "Daddy was hurt a lot then."
Oh. Oh it's this conversation. Vex has managed to avoid this conversation with all of the children so far - they've all taken it to Percy. She'd thought Gwen would too - the two are thick as thieves and it's quite adorable really - but. Well.
"Yes," she says. "By the same people who hurt your Auntie Cass."
Gwen is still thinking. She doesn't seem upset - and Vex credits herself as being very good at reading her children - but she's not entirely sure what Gwen's thinking at all.
"Uncle Tary says people come up with new spells all the time."
... Okay this is a jump.
"Your Uncle Tary likes to make up stories," she says with a smile. "But yes, some people do develop new spells."
"And Daddy invents new techno- technyli- Tek-no-log-gy." Oh Gwen stumbling over long words shouldn't be so cute but it always is. "And Vesper says that people find new things out all the time too."
Gwen nods, simple and determined, clearly to herself, so much her father's daughter. Vex waits for her daughter to look back up at her and lets her have space to speak.
"I'm going to find out how to heal scars," Gwen says. "But you can't tell him. He'll make The Face."
Oh boy will he. Vex is having a hard time not making it herself now, and covers for that by reaching down to hug her daughter.
"I'm sure you will," she says into Gwennie's pigtails. "Shall I help you find some books on it?"
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
apologies for the notif spam lol, but i was looking for a thing - do you know when percy sings in celestial to some kids?? somewhere??? i've seen it mentioned a lot but idk what episode it's in
i don't recall this ever happening in c1 but i also haven't watched the post-campaign one-shots and i never read any of tal'dorei reborn, so maybe it's in one of those somewhere? does anyone else know?
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blorbologist · 1 year
Two for joy: Chapter 28
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“Apologies,” Percy groans. “It seems your invitation was lost in the mail.”
It’s the funniest thing Vex has ever heard, right then. Partially because she’s barely conscious, afflicted by toxins. Partially because Percival, darling, she is going to kill us.
He only hears Delilah, Vex realizes. Does not see his family, as she does.
“Don’t try wit with me, boy,” Delilah hums, spinning an amulet almost absentmindedly. The undead flanking her groan and chorus, admiring schoolgirls. “Though I suppose I could indulge in a bit of banter. For the special occasion. Congratulations.”
“How the fuck,” and Vex’s words come out writhing, the poison still sloughing in her veins, “are you alive?”
Delilah Briarwood winks. “Oh, dear. It’s rude to ask that of a lady.” 
The mechanisms click, something to the sound perverted by the late winter rain.
“Same way I suppose we still are.” Percy shifts behind her, maybe to try and find his bearings. Stalling for time. “Though I wonder why someone would waste divine magic on your sort.”
Delilah looks patiently disappointed, like a student offered up the wrong answer in such an absurd way she can’t help but be amused.
[One for sorrow] [Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3]
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g1ngerbeer · 5 months
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BANNER HEIST! BANNER HEIST! @rightpastnowhere
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
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I am SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(screenshot from the clip on fanology’s twitter. Found here . Shared with me by @burr-ell and Cropped by @rightpastnowhere)
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doctordonnaweek · 6 months
Hello and welcome (back) to DoctorDonna Week, 2024 edition! If you were here last year, welcome back, and if you’re new, welcome!!! To summarise:
DoctorDonna Week is a week-long fandom event where fans of the DoctorDonna create art, write fics, and do whatever else based on seven day’s worth of prompts surrounding our favorite best friends/queer-platonic partners/siblings/whatever you want to call it. This blog is run by @koscheiisms, @rightpastnowhere, and @harrowq.
We’ll have an FAQ, timeline, and prompts out shortly, so keep an eye out. There are two important rules to know before participating in this event: no / and no nsfw that isn’t violence.
We’re so happy to be running this event once again and as always can’t wait to see what everyone creates!
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nilesdaughter · 4 months
Spotify On Repeat
StolenBorrowed from @rightpastnowhere and @blorbologist Rules: Go to your ‘On Repeat’ playlist on Spotify, throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get.
If I Killed Someone for You - Alec Benjamin
Joke's On You - Charlotte Lawrence
People I Don't Like - UPSAHL
Just a Man - EPIC: The Troy Saga
I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
Morally Grey - April Jai
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Curses - The Crane Wives
Open Arms - EPIC: The Troy Saga
Home to Me - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
5/10 of these are on my Perc'ahlia playlist, lol. And I'm also surprised more of EPIC didn't pop up, because I know that's been on repeat for, like, the past week.
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percahliaweek · 1 year
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Day 7: Free / Random Prompt
It's really hard to believe that this is already over.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I'm in awe of the creativity and passion of this community. As of writing this I can see 80+ fics in our AO3 collection and 40+ incredible pieces of artwork (of which I need to go back and tag more from day 1)! And with more to come - from people completing their WIPs past this date, to fics inspired by art and vici-versa, this blog will continue to be active as needed.
So... now what?
If you're looking for a last-minute prompt for today, we can recommend plenty of ways to get some (random) inspiration! Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria / Random word generator / OTP prompt generator / AU generator / @ghostofwhitestone 's Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] / Wild Magic Surge table / Life events table
Comment, comment, comment! Gush in the tags of your favorite artwork, leave an essay or a massive keysmash on your favorite fics! Give back a little of the love all these creators have shown, especially the little ones that might be overlooked.
Speaking of: starting tomorrow, we'll be reblogging some pieces again to get more eyes on them!
Given the success of this celebration, we hope to give Perc'ahlia Week another shot next year! It will likely be from Monday the 23rd to Sunday the 29th, with the 29th keeping Yours / Later given it's the anniversary of Passed Through Fire. As for the rest of the prompts... well, it's a bit too early to start planning yet, but I can say there are plenty of excellent ideas for prompts going forward and we hope to make a poll to iron out the final list. Wayyyy down the line (as well as any other preferences for the event going forward: announcement date, anything to make it easier to participate, etc.).
I'd like to give a huge shoutout to all the participants: you've blown us away with your skill and creativity, and I really hope you got as much out of this experience as you put in. Thank you so, so much, you make this fandom a wonderful place to be in.
To those on the sidelines: your enjoyment of everything these creators share is half the fun! Thank you for joining us for the ride, and for letting your delight shine through. Hopefully you can join us next year!
And a final thank you to all the mods who helped this run smoothly: @essayofthoughts, @rightpastnowhere and @crithaus, it was a pleasure keeping this ship (hah! get it?) on course with y'all while also watching you offer your own contributions to Perc'ahlia Week. @burr-ell, my co-admin, thank you so much for helming this with me, your insight was always astute and your work dearly appreciated (im sorry for changing your nickname to butt-ell </3). Also thanks me @blorbologist i guess.
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noragamitarotzine · 1 year
Next up for contributor spotlights is our writer @rightpastnowhere, sharing a favorite memory from her time with Noragami. Find her on social media here:
AO3: rightpastnowhere Twitter: celestial_nov
🌟🌙 🌟🌙 🌟🌙
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Dude you're like singlehandedly carrying the whole TLOVM tag and i love you for it
you're so sweet, but I'm actually not! if you're looking for some other tlovm people check out @katia-dreamer @blorbologist @waltwhitmansbeard @rightpastnowhere @ghostofwhitestone @burr-ell @demisexualemmaswan
there are loads of people posting about vox machina and tlovm!
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themculibrary · 6 months
WandaVision (TV Show) Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: May 20th, 2024
part one
12:50 am (ao3) - palettesofrenaissance monica/jimmy T, 1k
Summary: Since their brief initial meeting, Jimmy was entranced by Monica. How could he not? Her beauty alone is enough to garner attention, but when he got to know her, Jimmy found he couldn’t let her go. And then watching her inside the Anomaly increased his drive to save her.
But he fears if he doesn't make his move now, he may miss out on this opportunity forever.
A Bit of Friendly Advice (ao3) - incrxibles wanda/agatha G, 2k
Summary: “Or maybe I could just be myself, more or less.” Agatha stared at Wanda, a seemingly dumbfounded look on her face, causing her to wonder what exactly she’d said wrong. And then, a familiar pale hand was on her cheek.
Set during WandaVision episode 2.
All Your Curves (ao3) - nightside_of_siberia agatha/wanda N/R, 842
Summary: Friends-with-benefits aren't supposed to catch feelings for one another, are they?
A Very WandaVision Christmas! (ao3) - EmptyIceCreamContainer wanda/vision T, 6k
Summary: Wanda and Vision wake up to find snow outside and their sons excitedly pointing out that Christmas is right around the corner! Realizing that they've missed 9 holiday seasons with their sons, they're determined to make the best Christmas ever! Can Vision exceed Dennis the Mailman's legendary light display to win the city council's award? Can Wanda secure THE most in-demand toy this holiday season? Or will their Christmas hopes disintegrate like a melting snowball?
AKA "What if WandaVision had a 90s episode AND a Christmas special?"
Breaking the Fourth Wall (ao3) - QuothRaven T, 1k
Summary: Agatha didn’t hate kids.
No, really. She didn’t. In fact, she quite likes kids. Most of the time.
Then again, most kids aren’t the magical creations of a chaos witch.
breathe in the silence; breathe out the weight of the years (ao3) - rightpastnowhere wanda/vision T, 1k
Summary: isolation nearly killed her once.
but oddly enough, after everything in westview, it may be the thing she needs to start piecing herself back together.
(or: wanda, a cabin in the woods, and the slow beginning to recovery)
Happy Endings Aren't For Everyone (ao3) - orphan_account G, 1k
Through the shadows, Billy could see Tommy quickly drifting off to sleep from across the room, no idea of what was to come.
A faint red haze crept its way into the room. It was faded to the point of where it was barely noticeable, but Billy noticed it nonetheless. This is really it, isn’t it?
//or The twins' POV of the night the Hex ended.
Hello Again (ao3) - faebeast wanda/vision T, 49k
Summary: After the events of Westview, White Vision finds himself at Wakanda. The new memories he received at Westview haunt him, urging him to regain the identity he once had. Severely weakened due to the loss of the Mind Stone, he is on borrowed time to find a new power source and restore his former emotions. As he begins to put the pieces of his life together, he finds old friends. And old enemies.
Only in a Sitcom (ao3) - ForASecondThereWedWon darcy/jimmy T, 26k
Summary: Darcy has no idea what the hell's going on with this WandaVision thing, but neither does Jimmy. It's kinda fun to have somebody to binge-watch alternate reality TV with.
Out of reach (ao3) - Frehoir G, 1k
Summary: They both want something that seems impossible. Well, seems to be. Yet Wanda has managed to make a life she’s happy with, and Agatha swears she’s a moment away from grasping such great power.
If only things weren’t so complicated.
But in spite of Wanda’s fragile heart, Agatha can’t help the small gentleness that escapes her cold heart.
// Set during E08 “Previously On”. A small window between the end of Wanda’s memories and leaving Agatha’s basement.
over and over 'til i get it right (ao3) - ghoultown wanda/vision T, 7k
Summary: “Where have you been?” she asks, her touch dancing toward the inside of his wrist, tugging the sleeve down. He freezes. “Working in the garage, then?"
“Er…” Vision stammers as she traces the dark ink stains on the flesh of his palm all the way down past the fabric. “No, that’s… um.”
“Oooooh, secrets,” she snickers, “What have you been up to?”
What he’s been up to is terribly demeaning. 
There's an empty spot in the center of the property deed and Vision wants to fill it. He doesn't know how to draw a heart. He will simply have to learn.
punisher (ao3) - pinkfingernails wanda/vision N/R, 2k
Summary: what i think happened after wanda took down the hex
Series Finale (ao3) - SegaBarrett wanda/vison T, 10k
Summary: All good things.
The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot T, 5k
Summary: Agatha dragged her hostage around in front of her, yanking the strings so he was forced up onto his knees. “Told you I had a very special surprise for you. Now—stand down, dear.”
Slowly, still not quite believing this was real, Wanda lowered her hands, trying to find her voice again. “Clint?” -------------------------------------- So that's where Clint was during WandaVision
The toughest one (ao3) - missingcrowdsof100s G, 1k
Summary: A closer look at what’s going through Monica’s head as she’s going through the Hex again.
Who are you (ao3) - Whiplaaash123 T, 2k
Summary: Suddenly, Peter is having to face being trapped as somebody else (more than once), stuck in Westview and all this done by someone who seems way too much like his sister.
All the while hoping maybe his actual sister will show up here or someone, anyone, because sooner or later he thinks he'll go crazy.
AKA a WandaVision fix-it because I still believe that Ralph is Peter.
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essayofthoughts · 10 months
for the DVD commentary ask game, because this made me want to manifest in your house and shake you by the collar, from the soulmate AU:
There are days, sometimes, when she almost forgets it exists. There are other days when its strange empty blankness consumes her and she clings to it as tightly as she can, as though clinging to it, tugging on it, pulling it, will pull her soulmate’s attention away from whatever blankness they’re in and back to full life.
If she had not, she later thinks, if she had not clung to them, some days, and tried to pull them back from whatever brink they neared, she does not think she’d have felt them die.
Instead: she does. She feels something from the bond, even faded and weakened as it is, something awful and dark and choking, something like echo-memories of the echoes of pain she once got from them, something like grief and loss and anger and anguish and through it all pain, pain, pain. She clings to the bond now, not because she is trying to pull them back from it but because she has to. The pain consumes the bond but she welcomes it if only because it is something and because she has borne worse, that week-and-change two years ago.
She clings to the bond and it chokes her, like thick smoke, like ash, like tar. She clings to the bond and clings to her soulmate and tries to find the words and the right emotions to send but all she can find is something pleading, begging, praying, holding tight and wishing she had Trinket’s strength instead of her own.
She feels it start to fade, start to weaken, and maybe it is her imagination, refusing to fully face this all but she swears she feels that dreamlike presence reaching out, uncertain and unsure, some soft questioning tendril in amidst the pain and horror.
She knows, now. She cannot turn from the truth of it. Death has come for them and there is nothing she can do however much she might wish it.
The tendril reaches, unsure and uncertain and fading.
She reaches back. I’m here, she tries to send it. I’m right here, darling, I’ve got you. It’s all right.
It’s all right.
especially the ending. i was so choked up and teary eyed and i love vex so much. i’m going to throw you. <3
So uh. In good part I was aiming to express the kind of numbness that depression and dissociation can cause? Because that's all that Vex is getting from her soulmate here, and she can feel that the bond is there, it's just... hollowed out and empty, because her soulmate is.
But precisely because she's paying such attention to it - she notices when something is wrong. It's likely she'd have felt something of the bond's end regardless, even just as an influence in her own dreams, but because she's paying attention to it she can pick out more nuances of it - the smoke, the pain, the anguish - ... and kind of because of that she draws incorrect conclusions? Like she'd believe them dead regardless, because the bond is gone and she has no reason to believe her soulmate has their shit together enough to obtain a means to break or block a bond, but because of how it goes here, she specifically think they were so just... out of it, that they were sleeping and their lodgings caught fire and they choked to death on the smoke (possibly not unlike Elaina's own demise) and so.
Well. What else can she do but try to offer comfort? If they're going to die, at least they can know they were cared for. And if they're dying and they're hers, then 1. Of course she's going to do what she can for them and 2. It's not a risk to care so much or so openly because they're dying and can't ever use it against her. The only one that can use her kindness here against her is herself, and obviously she'll be upset and grieving, but it's a choice she can make for herself.
And so she clings. And so she hopes. And so she says goodbye. And so she thinks her soulmate is dead, because she felt the bond die, full of pain and choking smoke, and what else can she conclude but that yet another person in her life has burned to death?
Send me ~500 words from a fanfic I’ve written and I’ll give DVD Commentary-esque explanation of why I wrote it like that
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aq2003 · 1 year
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
tagged by @iyote, ty!! (i don't have spotify but i do have apple music so im taking this off my replay 2023 playlist)
tablet (english cover) by will stetson
underworld by cyprss
across the spider-verse (start a band)
in the back room by sydou
love from the other side by fall out boy
good old-fashioned lover boy by queen
the ballad of sara berry
sunlight by hozier
specialz by king gnu
dust bowl dance by mumford & sons
tagging: @blorbologist @rightpastnowhere @alexmey-does-an-arts and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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blorbologist · 2 years
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@rightpastnowhere​ how does it feel for your rarepair to be dancing so close to having been canon in the past it’s a fucking tango
Anyways both the twins are bi disasters and I love that early S2 is making a point of it
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chaseyesterdays · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @blorbologist!!!! (thank u blorb 🥹)
Favorite color:
I… don’t know that I have one? I tend to like combinations of multiple colors more than just individual colors, so it’s really hard to pick just one. I love pairing silver and gold together though, and I wear a lot of black. (Does that count? I don’t even know if that counts 😂)
Currently reading:
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik! I’m a fast reader and usually I would finish a book in one or two sittings, but I’ve been writing too much to read lately, so. It’s been such a good book so far though!
Last song:
An oldie but a goodie - Holocene by Bon Iver. I’ve got an emotional attachment to the song for nostalgia’s sake, but it also set the mood/tone perfectly for what I was writing at the time, so I put it on repeat while I drafted.
Last series:
Haven’t watched actual television in a WHILE (see: writing) but the last thing I watched in a series was Candela Obscura: Eye for an Eye. Brennan Lee Mulligan has my brain in a CHOKEHOLD with Sean Finnerty. 11/10, y’all please watch it so I have someone to talk to about it 👀
Last movie:
…Um. Was it the Dungeons and Dragons movie like…months ago? God it can’t have - oh, nope, it was My Cousin Vinny. Never mind, I’m not as pathetic as I thought.
Sweet, Savory, Spicy?
All of the above?? I usually tend to alternate between sweet and savory because I can’t have much of one without needing the other, but I do dearly love chili dark chocolate, so 😎
Currently working on:
@percahliaweek prompts!! I’ve got six of seven done and I’m halfway through the last one, which is more writing than I’ve done during a single year in a very long time. A little nervous to show them all to people but I’m excited for it, too. Fingers crossed this last one actually lets me finish it 😅
Anybody who wants to play! I’m sticking to the spirit of the game and I might not have nine people who haven’t already played that I don’t know super well, but I’ll do my best: @rightpastnowhere @crithaus @essayofthoughts @nilesdaughter @katia-dreamer @officialtrashbin @burr-ell and anyone else from the Perc’ahlia server who wants to play!
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katia-dreamer · 1 year
For @rightpastnowhere who prompted “ themmmmm cuddling under a blanket cause it’s cold and kissing maybe”
Also on A03
Vex stands at the window, watching the storm outside. The wind is blowing, snow is falling fast and heavy from the sky. It’s already covered the ground and roofs of the houses around her. With a shiver, she grabs her hot cocoa and returns to the living room.
“It’s getting bad out there,” she says as she takes her place on the couch next to Percy.
He’s reading a book, his legs stretched out so that his stocking-clad feet are resting on the footrest. There’s a nice warm fire burning in her fireplace, and Trinket is sprawled out next to the couch, snoring lightly.
“The sky did look rather ominous,” Percy says as he turns a page in his book.
“I hope Vesper sleeps through it. She’s so grumpy when her nap gets disturbed.” Vex shivers again as she pulls a blanket over her lap. “Shit, it’s cold.”
A smile curls up at the corner of Percy’s mouth as he asks, “Is it?”
She hits him lightly on the arm and then takes a sip of her cocoa, enjoying how it warms her up from the inside out. “Not all of us are as used to winter as you are, Percival. Instead of making jokes, you could come over here and warm me up.”
Percy instantly scoots closer to her. She drapes the blanket over his lap, then he stretches one arm behind her neck as she snuggles against his side. As predicted, he is blissfully warm, and she sighs in relief as her hand curls up over his heart.
“That’s better.”
“I’m glad I can serve as a reliable heat source.” Percy finishes the chapter he’s reading, closes the book, and sets it on the couch beside him.
Vex takes the opportunity to kiss his neck, his skin is warm and soft beneath her lips. She kisses her way up to his jaw and then gives a slight nip to the point of his chin with her teeth.
Percy’s breath catches, and she smiles as she says, “You have to admit there are benefits.”
“You have a point.” Percy touches her chin with his finger, gently pulling her so that she’s looking up at him. “Would you care to elaborate further?”
She kisses him. It is not rushed or fierce but rather soft and exploratory. He tastes like tea, and his lips are slightly chapped. When he cups her cheek with her palm his touch is tender, almost reverent. They kiss until her mind gets fuzzy, and she needs to breathe properly. Her lips are still buzzing as they share a soft sigh.
After a moment, Percy captures her mouth again in a more passionate kiss, and his hands begin to wander.
Soon, Vex isn’t cold anymore but she doesn’t say a word.
Also inspired a little by this x
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