#riku: angry
Sora is the biggest Riku defender and I love him for that.
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verathena14 · 5 days
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twisted wonderland soriku.... save me twisted wonderland soriku....
they are so silly battle boyfriends
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topina12 · 2 months
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zabrya · 5 months
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Riku wakes up in a bed, confused and dazed, what was he doing there? who was he? even if he tried to remember, his mind could not come up with any memory. Luckily someone told him what he was: a fairy. For Riku something felt out of place but he didn't know what it was. Meanwhile, Kairi woke up in a strange kind of hospital, next to her was Sora. She noticed that her friend Riku was not there, Sora woke up next to her in another hospital bed and when she asked for Riku, Sora only made a grimace of disgust…
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robotsafari · 6 months
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i havent even watched legacy yet but that fucking kh world did some.. unexpected things to me
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ok4ru · 8 months
Scene idea for KH4:
The Destiny trio having a group hug happy to have Sora back while Yozora getting beaten up by Namine as Stella sits aside and watches from a distance.
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grimcatician · 1 year
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Finished Kingdom hearts 1 a couple days ago and holy fuck have not stopped thinking about it since then
But most importantly, have not stopped thinking about my sad, angry, beautiful disaster gay of a son 🥺
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inconsistentracoon · 1 year
Just a Cold, Chapter 4: Honesty
Fourth and final chapter posted!
"Why didn't you say you were feeling so ill though?"
"I honestly didn't think it was this bad, just thought it was a cold and I was tired."
He turned and nodded. "Really. I am sorry though."
Sora had been pretty damn out of it at the time Riku thought to himself again. It wouldn't be all that surprising if he hadn't realised how serious things were, and he definitely hadn't had a clue what was going on when he tried using magic. Riku searched his face for a while, then smiled and nodded as well, letting Sora know he believed him. It was a relief to know he really had been too quick to assign blame, and his anger had been misplaced. He hated being angry with Sora.
Sora smiled back and then sighed, closing his eyes and rolling his head back to face the ceiling. "I didn't realise the infection in my cut had gotten so much worse either. Wish I'd checked on it again, I can't believe it got that bad so fast."
Riku's shoulders tensed and his eyes went wide. "What did you just say?"
Sora turned and frowned at him, puzzled. He couldn't quite grok Riku's expression or shift in his tone. "I said I didn't think it would get bad so fast."
"So... you knew it was infected?"
"Yeah, but it was just-"
"How long?"
"How long did you know?"
Full story on AO3
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princekirijo · 1 year
14 & 23 for riku & if you're feeling up to it for spiderfiend also!!
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Riku: This is such a good question for Riku because this is like such an important part of his character. The short answer is that it depends on the character! For example to the Thieves, he wants to appear as a cool, confident friend who's always up for a dare and a bit of fun. To his parents he wants to come across as a reliable and worthy son. This cause Riku a lot of problems as this causes his self esteem to be real low (nobody wants the real him kinda issues). In general he always wants to appear as confidence and able to handle anything (just different flavor depending on the person).
Spiderfiend: I think this is pretty common with all spider people but he wants to be someone people can look up to. At first he wanted to be the guy that people would turn to, a hero you could always rely on. He kinda became the guy he wish was around the night his mom died. However as he gets older and matures he realizes he'd rather be a symbol of hope. He won't always be there to save others (hint hint for the event that triggers this change) so instead he wants to inspire others to protect themselves and others, but he'll still do his best to be there for those in need!
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Riku: Hmm. I think a mixture of pain and anger. Riku isn't naturally an angry person, but he has been throw a fair amount of shit in life and he's never really been able to express it properly. I think he just bottles it up for the most part and he'll just remove himself from the situation.
Spiderfiend: Definitely grief. Classic Spider-man style Prince has lost a lot. Between losing his bio family in a car crash, his adoptive mom to thugs and also almost losing someone else he cares about (that's gonna be vague for now while I'm thinking up details) he carries around a lot of grief. He covers it up with snappy one liners and dumb vine quotes but deep down he's hurting :[
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It's not malpractice but they do deserve to be exposed for stealing videos of people (without their knowledge or consent) who were indeed professionally diagnosed (videos that had nothing to do with their diagnosis, just regular videos made by someone who happened to be a system) and presenting them as proof of faking DID. It's incredibly harmful, especially with how difficult it is to get a diagnosis, and is complete misinformation.
I do agree with this like 98%.
The 2% comes from him not saying they were faking, but rather showing malingering / sensationalized behavior. That said I agree that it is not much better, especially since most of those videos do not inheritly show anything to suspect faking and the general implication, and I do think the usage of those videos uncensored was absolutely inappropriate - especially after saying systems are prone to being subject to harassment thus being unprofessional and lacking in due diligence.
They were right to take the video down because it was wrong to do that.
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vaulter · 1 year
repliku you make me sick not because i hate you but because that is what being an unmedicated 15 year old is like
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purplelea · 1 year
Twewy native Pre week 2 neku and kh1 Riku would be the most toxic friend group ever
I had to specify neku as twewy native because in dream drop josh straight up said they all died and that's why they got sent to traverse town. But given his lines it's clear he's at least past peak asshole neku.
OH YEAH VERY TRUE. but actually I don't even think they'd be friends, if that makes sense. Riku needs someone kind who looks up to him (like Sora and Kairi), and Neku pre-twewy... isn't that. Neku on the other hands needs people he can relate to and who share his worldviews (ex: how he got along with Joshua in week 2 and was able to have many interesting discussions with him despite, yknow, thinking Joshua murdered him). So it wouldn't actually work if there was only the two of them: Riku doesn't share Neku's values of shutting himself from people because he's scared of getting hurt & hurting them. And Neku only looks up to CAT.
#léa replies#it's interesting to think about tho. if somehow they were hanging out... it would honestly not be very good. for anyone.#now you got me thinking about how Riku's low self-esteem can be a parallel to Beat and Shiki but each have a different way to deal with it#Riku's low self-esteem becomes jealousy when he sees someone else hang out with Sora (he puts the blame on others)#a reaction that appears to be similar to Beat who's angry at for example kariya when Rhyme dies#but it's actually just a facade. and he's mostly angry at himself for his incompetence#and Shiki on the other hand gets jealous of Eri but turns that against herself to the point that she tries to erase her own self#so she can reach Eri's supposed perfection#so we have a broad range of reactions to low sefl-esteem#and while Riku's is obviously the most harmful for others (increased by the fact that Maleficient and Ansem SOD took advantage of it)#i don't want to call him toxic for that. he's just a lost kid who doesn't know how to handle change. just like Kairi is.#and that's why they drift apart with Sora trying to chase both of them because he's the only one who is able to handle change.#his issues lie elsewhere.#anyway i could swear i was going somewhere with this but i had dinner in between so i forgor...#maybe something about how yeah Neku was toxic pre-twewy but i don't think Riku was before it all went downhill in kh1#it's really Maleficient and Ansem's manipulation who made him go the extra mile and hurt others when he only wanted to save Kairi#and yeah i guess making the words fall and trying to kill Sora is pretty toxic at this point lmao#thanks for the ask!#twewy spoilers#twewy#kingdom hearts
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homeless-clefairy · 2 years
KH spinoff with Riku’s and Sora’s moms as the main characters
1/4 of the game is them trying to find Sora and Riku. The other 3/4 is bringing hell to all the keyblade shit that took her children away
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fist clenching over a reblog of one of steams kh3 hercules posts and im not even past the screenshots bc iTS ALWAYS THE FUCKING DADS
I say "always" when im mostly talking about two worlds (hercules, tron) in general, but whatever! im iiii needdd to knoww whatt the fuckingg deal is with these damn. These damn riku parallels and their fucking, dads.
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localcryptideli · 2 years
I just realized the whole time in re:mind Riku and the others didn't even seem to entertain the idea that Sora might have died.
Like, they keep saying he may pop up somewhere in some world and they are looking for him.
We know Donald and Goofy get the right idea in kh4 - but we don't know if that's an idea they get after kh:MoM.
Riku dived into Quadratum either in denial or wishing really, really hard. I mean, if Sora just disappeared or got misplaced then of course it shouldn't be a problem to bring him back, right? Right? Except he isn't. Now, that's gonna be a problem.
I wonder how he's gonna react once someone drops the bomb.
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mnstcrbnll · 2 years
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awww bestie :)
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