asleepyy · 11 months
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what do you mean "enjoy it while it lasts"??
oh, you know.
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jelly-o630 · 15 days
Note post trend thingy LETS GO
10 notes - I’ll message 2 friends that I want to be closer to them and hang out more in general
25 notes- I will start listening to the malevolent podcast (and keep listening until at least the 5th episode)
50 notes- I will make an active effort to get some therapy from my school
100 notes- I will finally read the lord of the rings trilogy
250 notes- for all Epic the musical fans out there, I planned on ranking ever song by how good I thought the choreography would be in a stage production and instead wrote down my jumbled thoughts on what the stage directions for the Horse and the Infant would look like- it ended up being a few hundred words- I will post that rambling
350 notes- I will try to that stage direction thing again for all least all the songs in the Troy saga
500 notes- I will go to an audition next year for my local community theatre
750 notes- I will post the cosplay I did at my local comic con (featuring my face on tumblr for the first time)
1000 notes- I will tell y’all about the bruja (aka my great great grandma)
1500 notes- I will apply at least for the job that my professor is offering to tutor other students
2000 notes- (y’all better not make me do this) I will watch the production of Rocky Horror Picture Show that the other local theatre does every year with or without a plus one
3500 notes- controversial one - I will post my thoughts on why I thought Liz Noceda was a waste of potential for Latino representation
5000 notes-I will get a tattoo
@boopboops22 @venusforfran @rimanne
@dusklightwizard @blazescompendium
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artowenii · 9 months
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Catching up with family over drinks
This year I had @rimanne for the @h2g2-gift-exchange! So excited to do this for the first time!
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fashion4standusers · 3 years
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Marc Jacobs spring collection 2017
There was a lot of cool stuff so i picked my favorites! And jesus the Vogue Runaway site has alot of pop-ups
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mdnigtmoon · 3 years
Hi noah! I'm learning italian at the moment and thought you might help me with something! When i'm learning a different language i like to read, listen to music or watch films of that same language but for italian i don't have a reference for any of that, like, at all lol
So if it won't bother you, could you give me some recommendations? It would help me alot
oh that's really cool!! good luck with that, it's a really difficult language shdjsjs
some italian singers/groups (there are so many of them i just chose the first ones that came to my mind):
cesare cremonini
brunori sas
le vibrazioni
pinguini tattici nucleari
tiziano ferro
honestly i don't watch many italian movies but you can look up Checco Zalone, Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo, and Ficarra e Picone (they're actors who make comedy movies and they're pretty funny but idk most of the movies i watch aren't italian)
also there's Pinocchio (2019) that i really loved
and the italian series Gomorra, i think it's pretty famous i don't know if you've heard of it. it's pretty cruel so if you aren't into that i wouldn't recommend it
books? i dont know many italian authors, maybe you could look up some books that you enjoyed but in italian? i think the only italian books i read as a child were the Geronimo Stilton ones, but they're for kids lmao
hope this helps! i'm sorry if it doesn't shdjshsj good luck <3
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alexotls · 4 years
Hello! So,now that you are into JoJo,would you pretty please draw Polnareff? I'm such a simp for this frenchboy witch 8cm tall hair. ♡3♡
Also,who is your favorite vilan? Mine is Kira,and I really don't know why. Welcome to this path of no return called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure :)
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...i gotta say i’m not the world’s biggest polnareff fan but his hair is definitely impressive as for villains, i like kira, pucci, and diavolo a lot for different reasons! i think kira and pucci are both great since we get to see so much of the story from their perspective, and their final confrontations are both super cool. diavolo is just a package deal with doppio so i have to love him too :^) thanks for the ask!
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splatinumedits · 2 years
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Subtle bi Daiya and Hermes icons for @rimanne
[ID: Six icons of Daiya Higashikata and Hermes Costello from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in the colors of the bisexual flag. The first three are of Daiya. In the first icon, she faces right with a neutral expression. In the second, she looks at the viewer with interest. In the third, she faces right and tilts her head, looking upset. The next three icons are of Hermes. In the first, she leans back away from something, looking shocked. In the second, she faces the viewer and looks aside with mild curiosity. In the third, she faces left and looks aside at the viewer with a neutral expression. End ID]
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expendable-intern · 3 years
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if you don’t follow my JoJo side blog @fashion4standusers, I recently had an anniversary art raffle! this is prize 1/3-- his name is Vicente and he belongs to @rimanne! the other two characters will be posted sometime in the next week!
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jombocostello · 4 years
You’re All I Dream Of (Polnareff x Reader)
@rimanne asked: Hello! I hope you're doing great! Could I please have a Polnareff x reader (Part 5 specifically) where they are cuddling in the bed on a cold night? I'm sorry if I'm being too picky, but I would like if the reader already know him since Part 3, and absolutely love a very VERY fluffy talk. You know, in his Anthology Song, "Naked Silver", there is a verse that goes: "You, so adorable, running up to me with innocent eyes/Ma cherie, I love you!/ Never forget about that, okay?" And I just can't resist smiling everytime I hear it! I'm such a simp for the tittiest man in whole France (>///<) I'm a brazilian reader, so a big hug from Brazil to you! Continue the good work!♡♡♡
Of course!! This is the sweetest idea, thank you so much for sending it in!!
It's late at night when you suddenly feel more in love with your husband Jean Pierre Polnareff than you maybe ever have. You both sit together in the living room of your small home in Italy, him on the couch and you on a comfortable chair near the record player in the corner of the room. All night, you've been playing record after record of the most soothing, lovely music you think you've ever heard. There's something about the music, and the lighting, and the perfectly content look on Jean's face that makes you fall completely and utterly in love with him all over again. And it's at this moment that you know you have to hold him.
For some reason, you don't just jump up and wrap your arms tightly around him. Instead, you fold your arms over your chest. "It's cold in here, huh?"
Jean glances over at you, raising an eyebrow. "What?"
You shrug, discreetly putting forth your best puppydog eyes. "I'm just cold, that's all. Aren't you?"
He shrugs right back, adjusting the collar of his shirt and leaning back a bit. "Not particularly."
You didn't think it would be this difficult. You lean forward and unconsciously raise your voice a hair. "Come on, you have to be freezing. Look at all the snow outside!"
Jean peeks out of the window beside him, and you nearly laugh at his surprised expression. "I've never seen this much snow in my life," he murmurs, watching the heavy snowflakes drift from the sky. "I guess you're right. It is a little cold in here."
"Well..." You stand up from your seat by the fireplace and join Jean on the couch. "What do you say we do to get warm?"
He rolls his eyes, and you laugh. "You did all that just to drop a cheesy pick-up line? You're ridiculous." He leans down and kisses your forehead, resting his hand on your waist as he does. "But to answer your question..." He places a hand on his chin in thought, and you snort at the mockingly serious look on his face. "I'm not sure, maybe - " Suddenly, the concentration on his face breaks, and you both dissolve into giggles.
"Just hold me, Jean," you murmur, and he sighs as he wraps his arms around you. You rest your head gently on his shoulder, and you smile when you feel his hands come around to sit delicately on your lap. One of your hands finds its way to the nape of his neck, and you absentmindedly play with the loose strands of hair that have managed to escape their immaculate styling.
"You're so sweet, you know that?" he whispers in your ear, and you laugh a little under your breath. "It makes me so happy to be able to hold you - that you even want me to hold you."
"Of course I do, Jean," you reply softly, not turning to meet his eyes. "All I ever want is to be with you, you know that." He just sighs in return, and you shut your eyes. You feel as warm as you ever have with his arms around you, with his heart so close to yours.
"You know, I started to doubt that we'd ever be able to do this," he says. "Back on the trip to Egypt. I was convinced I was going to die in that last battle."
You wince when you remember exactly what he's talking about. During the last couple weeks of your crusade with Joseph Joestar and his group, Jean had grown extremely paranoid and generally depressed. You had shared those feelings, of course - you all knew there was a good chance that you wouldn't make it through the confrontation with Dio. Still, it was unimaginably scary to have to grapple with that knowledge every day and force yourselves to keep pressing on. Jean was really the only person that kept you sane during that time; despite both of your fears, you each tried to put on a brave face and have as much fun as you could before the inevitable battle.
"It was tough. Yeah, it - I was scared too." You tilt your head a bit and press a soft kiss to his neck, just above his collarbone. He hums lowly in agreement. "But hey, we don't have to talk about that... We're here now. We made it." You smile, looking up and meeting Jean's gaze. "I mean look at us! We're in Italy, and we're in love. Can you believe it?"
He laughs, and you laugh along with him. "Honestly, sometimes I can't believe it. I had dreamt of it so many times, and to hear you say you felt the same way for me as I did for you - it really was like a dream come to life." You feel your face flush, and you look back down; no matter how long you've been with Jean, you'll always be a little flustered by the unabashedly romantic nature of his praise for you. "I really mean that, you know," he tells you, voice steady as he brings his arm back and places his hand underneath your chin. He gently tilts your head up and looks you straight in the eyes. "You were all I dreamed of. You're still all I dream of."
You feel like you're floating. His blue eyes are impossibly strong and you're really getting lost in them. You watch as his lips turn up into a little smile, and he moves his hand from your chin to the nape of your neck. "I love you, (Y/N)," he whispers as he slowly shuts his eyes. You lean in and gradually your eyes slide shut as well, and after a brief moment, your faces resting inches apart, Jean pushes forward and kisses you.
His lips are soft, and his hand on the nape of your neck moves to run through your hair. A quiet, nearly inaudible hum leaves you as Jean pulls you flush against him. You nearly start smiling as Jean kisses you; you're sure he can feel it. Sure enough, he parts from you and gazes down at your grin through his eyelashes. "I love you," he breathes, starting to smile himself. "I love you," he repeats as he tilts his head and presses a kiss to the small space between your jaw and your neck.
"I love you too, Jean," you sigh in response. "I love you so much." He looks up at you and nods just slightly. You really don't know how else to show him just how much he means for you - how much he does for you every day. You place your hands on either side of his face and press a short kiss to his lips. "You're the love of my life, Jean, and I'm so grateful that I get to spend every day with you."
This time, it's him who's struck speechless by your words. He looks at you for a little while, and as you pull your hands back from his face, you notice that his eyes are starting to well up with tears. "Oh, Jean," you murmur, hugging him tightly. He melts into your arms, and you rub circles into his back. He's always been the emotional one between the two of you.
You spend a while like that, with your arms around him, until he leans back and takes your hands in his. "We should go to bed," he says, and he brings your right hand to his lips and presses a kiss to your knuckles.
"Yeah." Despite how extremely comfortable you are at the moment, you stand up. After quickly helping Jean into his wheelchair, you both make your way into the bedroom. You instantly climb into bed; you're really too tired to do much else. As Jean lies down beside you, you roll over and rest your head against his shoulder. "Good night," you whisper, reaching down and lacing your fingers in his.
"Good night, (Y/N)," he responds softly. You glance up at him just as he shuts his eyes, and in an instant, he's asleep. He must have been really tired.
You take a moment to just admire him before going to sleep yourself. He looks a lot like he did back in 1987 - he still has a sharp jaw and a strong, defined nose. But he's changed over the years. His eyes seem deeper somehow, and he can't seem to rid himself of the dark circles that surround them. He looks more and more tired by the day - but you're sure you do too. That's the price you two have to pay for having the powers you have. It's a cruel twist of fate, but you can't be too mad; if it weren't for your stands, you never would've met.
With that thought, of how unbelievably grateful you are that you met him, you drift off, holding Jean's hand even as you fall asleep. It's just like he said - he's all you dream of.
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diariomisto · 4 years
Memoria difensiva (ma non solo...)
Memoria difensiva (ma non solo...)
Ormai è nota a tutti la sua passione per i Diari.
Li adora perché non sono impegnativi; infatti, hanno il grande pregio di autoalimentarsi e di essere sempre di buon umore, anche e soprattutto quando rimanne pensierosa a fissare lo spazio bianco.
Ma in genere, questo suo smarrimento dura solo pochi minuti, il tempo di passare in rassegna i fatti della giornata.
Ed è a questo punto che le torna in mente il rimprovero che spesso le muovono di essere una discreta conservatrice, ma una pessima ascoltatore.
E così usa questo appunto che le viene mosso, per spiegare come se non ascoltasse, non potrebbe nemmeno scrivere.
Ci sono anche dei momenti in cui preferisce ascoltare, senza avvertire la necessità di scrivere?
Effettivamente, c'è stato un tempo della sua vita in cui, per sua stessa ammissione, preferiva vivere anziché scrivere.
Ma, mentre Vita e scrittura sarebbero state alimentate da incomprensioni e mezze verità, oggi è più che sicura di poterle portare avanti contemporaneamente, perché le sue parole sono troppo Sorprendenti per non essere rielaborate attraverso la parola scritta, quella che è destinata a rimanere per sempre...
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quachlangchuong · 3 years
3 cách chế biến Ẳn với rượu nho
j Quý khách hàng từng chuẩn bị bắt đầu thí điểm nấu rượu chưa? Tiếp sau đây là bảy điều cơ bản Quý Khách cần phải biết. một. Phát huy hương vị sắc sảo trong rượu vang. dưới đây là một số hương vị tinh tế giống như thức ăn Có thể xuất hiện trong rượu chát - nhưng mà chúng ta cũng có thể muốn tận dụng bằng phương pháp thêm 1 số vào các món ăn thì có chứa các kiểu thức ăn này: Rượu trắng: dưa, táo, dứa, lê, cam quýt, vani, caramel, ô liu & nấm rượu nho đỏ: dâu, đào, nho, mận, anh đào, cam, sô cô la và cà phê 2. Chọn lựa quần áo khô và quần áo ngọt Rượu vô cùng khô liệu có rất ít đường tự nhiên còn lại và thường liệu có nồng giai đoạn cồn cao hơn. Ngược lại, những loại rượu vang ngọt hơn vẫn chứa 1 số lượng đường thiên nhiên lớn hơn bắt đầu từ nho. Vì thế, nên lựa chọn dạng rượu Tùy thuộc vào hương vị bạn muốn trong món ăn Quý Khách đang khiến. 3. Tanin & axit "Axit" là 1 thuật ngữ đc sử dụng để miêu tả cả rượu vang đỏ và rượu vang trắng, & nó nói đến vết cắn mạnh trong rượu nho (giống như bạn sẽ trải qua đối với nước chanh hay giấm). Axit Có thể giúp mang lại hương vị thiên nhiên trong đồ ăn nhẹ, ví dụ như cá (đây là Vì Sao Nguyên Nhân cá thường hay đc sử dụng với quả chanh thì có tính axit). Tanin thường đc định vị thấy trong rượu nho đỏ; từ này kể tới yếu tố đắng trong rượu (tương tự như vị đắng nhưng bạn sẽ định vị thấy trong một bóc trà mạnh). Chất tannin trong rượu vang đỏ kết hợp rẻ đối với các thức ăn có hương vị mạnh & thức ăn phồn thịnh biên soạn, như một miếng bít tết ngọt nhạt. Marshall Rimann, nam giới dẫn chương trình The Wine Cellar, một chương trình phát thanh xuất phát từ đô thị Kansas, Mo chẩn đoán biết: “Tannin sẽ vận động tương tự như chất gột rửa vòm họng lúc cùng với thực phẩm giàu protein, chẳng hạn như giết thịt.
Rượu nấu ăn
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jelly-o630 · 16 days
Hey mutuals should I do the trend of the note post goal thing cause it looks like fun and frankly I like the attention of a lot of notes on posts
@blazescompendium @venusforfran @boopboops22 @rimanne @thewibblylever @dusklightwizard
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casinos-schweiz · 4 years
Grand Casino Baden | Lounge Experience - Saxonizer Casinos in der Schweiz | Grand Casino Baden, Baden, Schweiz Lounge Experience - Saxonizer - Grand Casino Baden by Urs Rimann, Januar 2016.
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fashion4standusers · 3 years
Hi! So i was having a hard time deciding the design for my oc but then i saw that piece that you said that looked like a haikyuu uniform, and here she is:
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Her name is Hyacinth Tankian (hyacinth the flower and the last name of Serj Tankian, vocalist of System of a down).
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And here's a sketch of what her stand Suitcase Blues looks like. The dust that comes out of her cape can deteriorate anything, from living beeings to objects. But once the dust ends the stand becomes useless.
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alexotls · 4 years
Hi! it's me again! let me thank you one more time for the Polnareff drawing, it made me very happy :D
So, have you watched 'Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan' yet? If so, what is your favorite episode? Although Rohan is a bastard I like the ovas a lot and my favorite episode is The Run.
oh, thanks! i'm glad you liked skyscraper polnareff 🤠
i actually haven't been able to find anywhere to watch the ova online for some reason, but i did read the manga! i love how it's just rohan being an asshole while encountering random supernatural things that aren't even stand-related, and the art is great. the run was cool and kind of freaky -- i think my favorite chapter was the one with the train tracks, just because the concept of using heaven's door on a piece of chicken is like extremely funny to me
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magicksouth · 5 years
Most Notable Unsovled Case
Wolf Rimann, a politically connected country club owner, was shot dead in broad daylight on March 24, 1949. Despite at least fifteen people witnessing his death, no one was ever charged nor found guilty. Allegedly, Wolf had been receiving threatening phone calls leading up to his death.
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