#rio and jeff morales ??
orangeispice · 1 year
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I'm back with another crack meme, let's see how well this one does
If it does as well as my New Yorker Post then I'll make a navigation list for the memes :D
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nightowl374art · 5 months
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Just another TASM2 reference because I believe Miles would legit do this 💁‍♀️
Also we gotta have Jeff and Rio’s reaction 👇
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spiderverseconceptart · 8 months
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Rio and Jeff Morales outfit designs for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Jesús Alonso Iglesias
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pandadrake · 24 days
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Okay future boy. They should hang out.
(Jefferson completely absorbing everything his Spider-man says is peak. Miles, all your dad wants is to listen to you. Water you doin'?)
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bold-embrace · 1 year
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We better get a much needed morales family hug at the end of the next movie OR ELSE (btw read this fic. bless)
Bonus messy doodle below but it’s got major spider verse spoilers!‼️‼️‼️
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Earth 42 miles better get a hug and a kiss from his mom too
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axeoverblade · 1 year
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Earth 1610 Miles x fem! reader
Synopsis! Miles cut ties with you, his best friend of nearly ten years, when he decided to not so kindly tell you the way you felt about him was how he felt about Gwen. Now weeks later when you show up with a new guy, he couldn’t help but feel a covetous pit of envy burrowing deep inside his body.
Genre: angst(? not really), suggestive bits
Warnings: Mature!, foul language, toxic on every end, mentions of cheating
Word count: 2k
Authors commment: unedited and poorly written scrap fic from a while ago but I really liked this piece of it so I’m publishing it. One shot no second part. Enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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It had been months since Miles had spoken to you. His parents were concerned. They kept asking where you were, Miles would just sigh and say you had been busy.
I mean it wasn't his fault, he just didn't feel the same way you felt. Why was he being punished for that, for liking Gwen instead of you? Granted, he could’ve been a little nicer in his delivery. Who was he kidding, he could’ve been a hell of a lot nicer, but it was too far gone to change it now.
You just wouldn't get it. You have been his best friend since infancy. With you everything felt familiar, safe even. But with Gwen, he felt alive. Why was that so wrong, why wasn’t he allowed to be happy with who he wanted to be with?
He continued living his life as usual as he could make it. Still saving New York, still being Spiderman, still being Miles, just as life would be if he never met you. The ordinary.
Something that wasn't ordinary, was Gwen visiting. His dads party was happening, and even though he had just gotten into a big fight with his parents, he still wanted to go up and introduce her.
It didnt take long for Mrs.Morales to hate Gwen. Rio was furious, I mean the girl had the nerve to call her by her first name! You would never do that. Plus this girl looked old enough to vote.
This was not someone Miles should be hanging out with, especially over you.
So Rio took it upon herself to invite you. She hadn't seen you in a long time anyway, so she missed “the daughter she never had”. Knowing Miles would have to see you and eventually fix whatever happened between the two of you was just a bonus.
When you walked through the door to the roof a little while after she sent you that text, Rio squealed with delight.
“Jeff, papi mira! It’s Y/n” she saw a gift in your hand, something Gwen did not bring. “Ah! Y/n Mija! ¡Es muy bueno verte! Cómo está?” “Good Mrs.Morales, thank you for asking. How have you been? Sorry for not visiting, I've been busy.” “nonsense chiquita, I’m so happy you could make it, venir, venir! Come say hi! Everyone has missed you!” You gave a curt nod, preparing yourself for all the questions from the big familia and more importantly, seeing Miles.
Rio paused, seeing a tall, attractive, dark skin boy with dreads behind you, holding your hand. She looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, “Quién es ese” you pretended not to hear her, instead walking next to him behind her as she went further into the party.
After a couple of minutes of reuniting with all of the family, you saw Jeff and gave him his present. He thanked you, “Hey you know the girl Miles is with?” You looked around, still not seeing him. You shook your head no.
Jeff noticed the boy you were with was now holding your waist with one hand, standing next you. He side eyed him questionably. Jeff could’ve sworn you would only let Miles hold you like this, hating intimate acts physical touch from anyone but his son. Who was this guy who had won you over?
“Miles,” Rio paused looking at Gwen, “and uh you too I guess, Guess whos here! Come say hi! ” Rio told miles, pulling him with Gwen following over to whoever his mom wanted him to see. “Whos here mami-” He was cut off by the sight of Y/n talking to his father, and some random-, holding your waist?
He furrowed his eyebrows, who in the hell is that?
“Ay! Y/n look who!” Rio pushed her son forward so you could see him. He looked back displeased at his moms antics before turning to face you. Miles stared at you awkwardly, “Uh, hey.” You nodded at him with pursed lips.
The girl you had seen in all the drawings appeared next to him, no doubt this was girl he liked instead of you.“Uh-Hi! I'm Gwen!” She stuck her hand out, you looked at it before just nodding, causing her to drop her hand embarrassed, “Y/n”.
Rio smirked, happy you didn't like her either.
“So who are you?” Miles asked looking at the guy holding your waist, a little more aggressive in his tone than he needed to be. Miles watched as the guy raised an eyebrow mockingly at Miles. “Dre, nice to meet you”. Dre stuck his hand out, Miles to look him up and down ignoring the gesture. Dre dropped his hand, smirking lousily at Miles' expression.
Miles couldn't help but notice Dre was about an inch taller than him.
He didnt like that.
“Um, so how do you two know each other?” Gwen asked, looking between you and dre.
“I'm her boyfriend”
Miles unconsciously pulled his head into his neck, making the most aggressive stank face known to man. “Since when” he scowled, trying to hide the attitude in his voice. He wasn’t hiding it very well. Dre responded for you, “few weeks ago, why?”.
“huh” miles nodded ignoring the question, clearly annoyed. Dre kissed your shoulder, smirking harder, almost a full blown grin making its way to his face at miles expression. Miles's spider senses involuntarily made him aware of your heartbeat speeding up as you blushed, slightly giggling to yourself.
Miles had no clue why this bothered him so much. I mean he was right next to Gwen, the girl of his dreams. You being with this wannabe Luka Sabbat really shouldn't have bothered him so much. And why was your heart beating so quick from him kissing your shoulder? You didnt actually like this bum for real did you?
Feeling Miles prying eyes, you looked at him skeptically before turning to dre. “Well-uh we better get going before were late. Congrats Captain Morales,” you looked at Jeff and smiled lightly. “Um nice to meet you Gwen,” she nodded, grinning nicely. You turned to Rio “it's always nice to see you Mrs.Morales, contact me if ever need help with anything.” “Yes mija. Thank you for stopping by.” You finally turned to Miles,
Gwen stared between the two of you confused. What was that?
tap! tap! tap!
You groaned at the sound coming from your window. Covering your head with her blanket trying to ignore the noise, you pretended to be asleep.
The taps soon turned to knocks causing you to groan louder “Dre hold on I heard you” you got up begrudgingly leaving the comfort of your bed to open the window.
“-oh, it's you." Opening the glass surprised, you allowed Miles in. Miles stared you up and down, taking note of the fact you were in nothing but a big tee, a big tee he had never seen before.
“Why is he coming to your room through the window?” He questioned, towering over you. “Miles what are you talking about?-”. “You thought it was Dre at your window right? No te hagas la mudo y/n. Why is he coming through your window, especially this late at night.”
“I dont see how that is any of your concern. We havent spoken in weeks and you wanna pretend you care what's going on in my life, on my time? Nah, that's not how that works.” Miles scoffed. “Whos shirt is that y/n- cause I know it's not yours.” “Its Dre’s, but that none of your business-” “What is he? Some rebound?” He laughed sardonically. “I mean there's no way you even really like the dude, you just liked me!” You scoffed, “Not everything is about you miles, this has nothing to do with you, I moved on.” he looked at you “Estás mintiendo”. “Oh yea? What makes you think that huh? Y-you think i'm so stuck on you that i can't move on from- what? Some stupid crush on you? Get over yourself Miles-” “tu latido” he whispered. “What?” “Your heartbeat y/n, I know you're lying ‘cause your heartbeat.” You looked at him blanky, hiding the shock in your face as he stepped closer to you, leaving a small gap between you two.
“I can feel it, Sé tú mi amas.”
He gently grabbed your neck, leaning down to kiss you. Your eyes widened before closing. Embracing the moment, you wrapped your arms around Miles' neck. Your mouth parted slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Feeling your knees buckle, Miles took his free hand and placed it on your backside, effectively stabilizing you. He could sense you, all of you.
Your heart was beating the fastest it ever had. He could feel your chest rising and falling as you struggled to breathe through your nose. Your pheromones were at their strongest. He smirked into the kiss, loving the effect he had on you.
This is wrong. You had a boyfriend, sure only for only about a month but you did still have one. And you were cheating on him with Miles of all people. Your lips shouldn’t have fit together like puzzle pieces, chest rising and falling at the same time with your hearts beating in sync. It was natural, like you were meant for each other.
But he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his.
You knew you should stop. You should end this before it got too far, before it got to a point beyond something an apology could fix.
But if this was so wrong,
¿Por qué se sintió tan bien?
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You sat on your bed anxiously, zoned out at staring at the ceiling. It had been two days since the…incident.
Miles' tongue fought for dominance with yours. He guided you over to your bed, hands roaming all over you body needingly. You slightly tripped falling back onto the edge of the mattress, still kissing him passionately as he leaned over you. He stabilized himself putting his knee between your legs, placing his hands on either side of you. Your hands were woven into his curls, slightly pulling on them causing him to groan in the kiss. His tongue won, exploring your mouth as it pleased.
ring! ring! ring!
You pulled away from miles, a string of saliva visibly attaching the two of you as you moved further away. You breathed heavily as you looked at the user ID calling you.
DREBAE<3 is calling!
You stared at the phone wide eyed. From your expression Miles knew exactly who had called you. “no respondas eso y/n.” Miles said sternly, so close you could feel his breath tickling your neck. The way he said it seemed less like a statement and more like an ultimatum. You looked up at Miles, your chest rising and falling quickly.
“...Hello baby?” you said as you put it on speaker staring at Miles, still trying to catch your breath. Miles scoffed looking at you, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Hey mami” Miles looked at the phone in your hand with pure disgust. Who did this guy think he was giving you that nickname? Did he even speak spanish? “I need you, real bad” Dre said breathily through the phone, causing your eyes to go wider than they already were. Miles however, became very irritated. Who in the hell did this guy think he was? And why haven’t you hung up the phone yet?
Miles quickly got up, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. It was clear who your choice was. He scoffed, walking back over to your window . To him it didn’t matter what he said you to a few months ago, that he chose someone else over you. Or the fact you had a boyfriend who had every right to call you.
It was the fact it was only you and him right now, and you didn’t choose him. He suddenly felt the feeling you must’ve experienced when he did this to you. And damn did it hurt.
Miles stared at your figure, an unreadable look in his eye. Going back through your window with one last glance at you, he shut it with a slam. “What was that baby?” Dre asked through the phone.
“uhm.. Just the wind I think.”
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My Across the Spider-Verse art book is finally here! I made a post about the first one half a year ago. Here’s some of my fav pages!
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inoreuct · 1 year
punkflower where hobie loves the morales family, loves how they’re becoming HIS family.
still, the first time jeff calls him “son”, he has such a visceral reaction.
he knows it’s coming from a good place and he knows he should be touched, but he’s only ever been called son in a condescending way. in a “know your place beneath me and stay in it” way. he feels so sick all of a sudden, nausea roiling in his gut, and his knee bangs against the underside of the table as he screeches his chair back and mutters a shaky “’scuse me”.
he hears rio’s concerned call of his name, sees the confusion and dread on jeff’s face right before he turns and leaves. he doesn’t stop until he’s up on the roof, ducking into the bottom of the water tower and collapsing into a corner.
stupid. it’s so stupid, and it pisses him off how tears are burning down his cheeks.
hobie scrubs them away with the back of his wrist even as he hears the door to the roof creak open, hears the familiar gait that he knows belongs to miles. he keeps his face turned away as his boyfriend appears in his line of sight, stepping gingerly like if he moved too fast hobie would break.
the punk sniffs angrily, the spikes on his cuff poking his cheek as he wipes his tears again. a hand brushes his against the ground as miles sits down beside him, close enough to touch but not quite.
he waits. for miles to say something, anything; to ask for an explanation, or offer words of comfort that will ultimately only make him feel worse.
in the end, it’s him that breaks the silence.
“i’m sorry,” he offers, and cringes. his voice is thick like rusted metal, scratchy in his throat. it’s scraping up against old wounds that never really healed, pulling at scabs to draw fresh blood, and it stings. “m’sorry, i just— he’s—” it feels damning to even say these words, but it’s the truth, and hobie’s never been a good liar.
doesn’t mean it’s not eating him alive, though.
“he’s still a cop, miles,” he chokes out, guilt winching around his lungs like a parasite, “and the last time a cop called me son—” hobie’s breath shudders out of his lungs as miles crawls into his space, ducking his head beneath hobie’s arm to press the punk’s face to his chest.
“i know,” miles murmurs, wrapping his fingers around hobie’s nape as hobie scrunches a desperate fist into the back of his shirt. “i know. i understand.”
hobie doesn’t think he really does, but that’s okay. if hobie has any say in it, miles will never have to go through what he did and understand what it’s like.
his voice is meek as he asks, “are they mad?”
“‘course not.” miles clicks his tongue, gently admonishing, like it’s a fact hobie should know by now; his fingers trace gentle circles into hobie’s skin. “just worried. hope you know my mama’s gonna feed you thrice the usual serving of tres leches when we get back.”
that gets a chuckle out of him at least, but the look on jeff’s face still haunts him, burned front and centre into his mind’s eye like an afterimage. “and your dad?” he feels miles go still, doesn’t resist as his boyfriend pulls back to look hobie in the eye. his voice is terribly gentle.
“he understands. it’s okay.”
hobie doesn’t think it’s okay. it doesn’t feel very okay. jeff had disliked him at first and reasonably so; he’s nothing like a person anyone would want their kid to be with.
and yet the captain had let him into their home, accepted him as miles’s person, given him a place at the table. of course rio would have sat him down and shoved food into his hands regardless, but still—
miles calls his attention back, and he looks up into wide, dark eyes. his heart burns.
“he knows what you’ve been through. he knows how much you’ve grown.” miles huffs a soft laugh, rubbing his thumb against hobie’s hairline. “do you remember that time we went to your concert?”
hobie nods; he doesn’t think he can speak just yet.
“you were so nervous about what he would think, but he was stressing about looking like an old man in front of your friends. he literally said that as your boyfriend’s dad he had to out-hip all the other guys his age.”
something twists in hobie’s chest. “he’s the coolest old man i know.” he pauses, frowning. “maybe after peter b.”
miles laughs again, quietly. “he cares about you.”
hobie doesn’t doubt that. he’d let jeff and rio learn about him piece by piece, and with every sliver of information jeff had softened more; he might be the captain of the PDNY, but he was also a father.
hobie’s never really had a father.
not until he was asked about whether he preferred waffles or pancakes. until he was consulted for advice on what to wear to a pride parade. until jeff only looked at his blue laces with a tentative expression and he was hesitantly slipped a phone number to call if he ever got into trouble in this dimension that he couldn’t get himself out of, a helpline should he ever need it.
so he gets up, takes a deep breath and hauls miles to his feet. his boots clomp down the stairs; he takes care not to fling open the door and when he sees jeff and rio hovering in the living room, he holds out his arms.
rio reaches him first. she’s shorter but fierce, pulling hobie down to hug him tight, and he feels like crying again.
miles slips close to cling to his back, arms sliding around his waist, and hobie watches jeff meet his eyes with something almost anxious.
hobie’s lips twist in a smile. an i’m sorry and an it’s okay wrapped in one.
and maybe it really is okay, because when jeff comes around to squeeze them all together, hobie can’t help his relieved sigh as he thinks, this is what family’s supposed to feel like, certain as the next deep breath he takes and comforting like the broad hand that squeezes his shoulder.
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ianmalcolmreynolds · 1 year
We as a society need to give Rio Morales more credit for seeing the way Miles deflated when Gwen had to leave and immediately switching gears from “This girl isn’t good enough for my son” to “How do I save this wedding”
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xan-izme · 8 months
Double Life 7 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: An unwilling partnership is formed between reader and Redhood. Damian wants to know more about his half-sister. And visits New York to seek answers there is only one problem, his father decides to come along.
part 6, part 8
You're in deep shit now. The whole time Jason was at the mansion, he had been eyeing you and giving you dirty looks every moment you spoke. You would glare back.
it was clear to others that you and Jason, were not fond of each other. But no one spoke up about it. Bruce would give Jason a stern look to stop and give you a gentle pat on the back.
And what's worse, Jason brought it onto himself to stay at the mansion to get to know the new member of the family a little better.
You were in your room. Thinking on this whole day and how everything just had to go downhill the moment you got back into action.
You were currently staring at the silver case you got earlier that was on your desk.
Alchemax . . .
You let out a deep sigh and sat on your bed. You felt a small headache come in as you thought about how you were going to get through this. You had to talk to Jason. And get things settled. Make a deal or something.
Suddenly you hear a knock at your door. You quickly hide the case. "Who is it?"
"It's me, you little thief." The voice on the other side of the door was clearly Jason. You frown and march over to the door and opened it. "Jason. . ."
Jason had a smug smirk on his face as you pushed through you to enter your room. "Where's the case." Jason stood by your bed and scanned your room. Taking in the art and pictures. The boombox and vinyl was pretty odd to see.
"Don't know what you're talking about." You let out a small sigh as you crossed your arms and leaned against your door frame. Jason glares at you and went over to your door and closed it shut.
"You know damn well what I mean." He got all up in your face as he had his finger pointed at your chest.
Your frown deepened as you glared back, glancing to his finger and back up to him. Making it clear, you don't like how close he is.
Jason calmed down a little and put distance between you two. "Look, we got off the wrong foot. . . I know your true identity, and you know mine." Jason spoke slowly, making hand movements and keeping eye contact. As if he was speaking to a toddler.
"Let's talk."
You were actually satisfied with this. But you have a feeling you should still be cautious with this one.
"Talk about what?" You leaned off the wall, still keeping your eyes on him.
Jason stayed silent and crossed his own arms. "A deal. You have something I want, I have something you want."
Your eyes narrowed. "What exactly do you have, I would want?"
Jason smirked "Your identity. You know, you're in a different city now, Spider-woman. There's a bigger vigilante out there, that would either put you down, or force you to join him. I have a feeling you don't want both."
You had to process for a second to understand who Jason was talking about, then you realized it. "Batman." You had completely forgotten about the famous batman. So focused on your own personal life. You had taken a risk to go out without thinking you'd run into Batman who has been in the game for years.
"Yup, so. How about we work together for now. Whatever is in the case, seems important. I don't want the old bats to find out about this either, so let's just play nice together and get this over with. I'll keep my mouth shut if you do the same, deal?" Jason extended his hand for a handshake.
You took a moment to think. And after what Jason had said, you realized, you possible have more to lose. You needed this deal more than him.
"Deal." You shook his hand to seal it all.
You let out a small yawn as you exit your room. About to leave for school. Your met with Damian waiting outside of your room, as usual. "Morning, cupcake." You spoke in a joking way. Damian frowns "Don't call me that- your shoes untied." He seemed bothered by your untied shoe.
"I know. It's a choice." You say with a shrug as he followed you down the stairs. Once you and Damian are downstairs, Alfred has already prepared breakfast.
"Morning Alfred smells and looks amazing, per usual." You had a nice smile on for the butler. You truly are grateful for Alfred. He just feels like a person you should respect. He does so much in this big mansion.
"Lady Y/n. Your usual f/f and Coffee-" Alfred paused as he noticed your coffee, he set down was no longer there. "Odd, your coffee." He mumbled a little confused.
Before you could say it was okay for now, Jason came out of nowhere.
"Oh, sorry was the coffee yours?"
Everyone looks over to see Jason, with your coffee mug.
Damian was quick to scold the older about taking your cup of coffee. You deadpan at the whole situation. Jason just smiled and gave you a half ass apology.
"Oops, my bad kiddo.'' Jason ruffled your head and set your empty mug in front of you.
"I'll make you another cup-" Before Alfred could even attempt to take the mug. You shook your head. "It's aight." You just ate your food and dragged Damian to the limo with you. Of course, you didn't leave without catching Jason giving you a mocking smirk.
You and Jason might be teamed up for the moment, but it doesn't mean you two are going to be the best of friends.
Damian has been doing more deep searching on you for a few days now. Trying to take everything in and find out what you're hiding. He hasn't found anything about this Miguel. In fact, no one in your life that he had searched on the Inernet mentions any Miguel.
What's gotten Damian a little more interested, and suspicious is your school records. Before your mother's death, you seemed to have been determined to go into a privet school in Brooklyn. Both you and your cousin seemed to be determined to enroll in the same privet school.
But why this specific school? there were other privet schools more fit for you and your cousin. Closer to New York. So why did you and your cousin pick Alchemax Academy?
"Y/n?" Damian spoke as he stared up at you, you and he were just sitting the bleachers during lunch.
"Hm?" You were still focusing what you had on your laptop, probably one of your assignments.
"That party you're going to for your uncle's promotion, can I come with you?"
You paused and looked over to Damian. Your surprised from this request, but you smiled down at him softly. "Of course, sweets." You pat his head and go back to working on your laptop.
He knows you won't tell him much, and you're not exactly an open book, nor are you easy to read. So, he should get some more info on you a little more on the deeper level if he visits your family.
You were excited to be back in New York again. And see Uncle Jeff and Miles. You missed them so much.
"Okay, let me go over the rules." You were about to explain the rules with Damian. So he makes a good impression on your uncle and aunt. Well, mainly Tia Rio. He's your half brother, and you want to make sure he won't fully mess up.
"Never call the adult by their first names, unless they insist. No talk back, like you usually do. If they offer you more food even when your full, don't refuse, you have no choice in the mater. And please, please don't go into the house with your shoes on. Okay?" You gave Damian a small smile of the basic rules.
"I see. . . may I ask who will be at this party?" He wants to know who his first target should be for conversation. Who he could pull more information from.
"Well, my cousin, aunts and uncles. A few family friends. Nothing too big." You had your back faced to Damian as you were fishing out some clothes that were nice and casual but still nice for the event.
Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door. "Can you get that for me Cupcake?"
Damian frowns as he gave you a glare, you were unbothered by it of course. "I told you to stop calling me that." He crossed his arms a he got off your bed and approached the door to open it up. He's met with the sight of Alfred and Bruce.
"Father." Damian raised a brow, showing his confusion as to why he was at your door. Bruce gave him the same look, wondering why he was even in your room.
"Damian, is Y/n here? What are you doing in her room?" Bruce asked as he attempted to peek into the room. But you heard his voice, and you walked up behind Damian with a greeting smile.
"He's getting ready with me. I'm bringing him along today."
"Oh?" Bruce was shocked to hear this, knowing Damian isn't the type to go to these kinds of things.
"Yup!" You ruffled Damian's hair. Bruce and Alfred couldn't help but soften at how the two of you have gotten along so well.
"Y/n, I was planning on coming along with you. If you don't mind."
You smiled at Bruces offer. "Of course, the more the merrier. Right Cupcake?" You smiled down at Damian, who did not like this idea at all.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Favorite part of seeing ATSV in a theatre full of Hispanic New Yorkers:
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When Miles says whatever to his parents, before Rio and Jeff could even respond half the theatre said 'DAMMMNNN-', 'Bruh-', 'WHAT DID HE SAY-', 'you DUMMY', 'Get his ass'
And the one dude who said "Now nigga you know you wrong-"
Meanwhile Rio and Jeff standing there like
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Half of us in the crowd having flashbacks to when we accidentally told our mamas whatever and nearly got killed for it 💀💀💀
We do not give a fuck how heated you are!!! Do not say whatever to POC parents
It's codeword for 'I think I'm grown and can do whatever I want'
Also Bonus points to the copious amount of Dominicans and Puerto Ricans who laughed at this joke:
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Because as a Latino NYer, it is the most New York joke in the movie and every time I saw it people fucking ate it up I love it so much
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nightowl374art · 1 year
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Some spider verse text posts for laughs
Pt 1
(Sorry if some of these have already been done)
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qkmlh · 1 year
I loved Into the Spiderverse and it was a beautiful and game changing movie but Across the Spiderverse?? Oh it is special!!
Seeing Rio and Jeff and Miles and the way they communicate and the spanglish and Mile’s B in Spanish immediately riling his parents and the panadería with the lady decorating the cake and telling Miles to write shorter and the counselor’s let’s play up the struggling immigrant family angle that isn’t even true and everyone gathered around the way the do and Mile’s tia immediately going míralo!! Look how big you’ve gotten and the way she gets so close exactly the way tias just do and all the different dishes and the carne guisada con papa y zanahoria and Rio’s “I bet she doesn’t even speak Spanish” looking Mile’s and Gwen’s way and!!
“Bendición mami.” y “Que Dios te bendiga, mijo.”
And Miles’ grabbing Miguel an empanada and immediately going Tio!! And the ever so detailed difference between Miles’ and Miguel’s pronunciation and accents and speed and fluidity of which they speak Spanish and English and Spanglish because there’s also the generational differences and and and!!!
All of it!! Every single beautiful and wonderful detail I can’t remember right now because this is getting long but that’s so easy to see and process and feels just right and so natural because it’s done with such care and love and respect it is so so special!!
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angelicxboi · 1 year
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i heard the new spiderwoman was puerto rican
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itsmebytch001 · 10 months
E42!Aaron: “stop calling me that”
1610! Y/n: “what?”
42!Aaron: “ ‘Aaron’”
1610!Y/n: “but that’s your name?”
42! Aaron: “not to you it’s not, to you it’s ‘Dad’”
1610!Y/n: “well, no? My Dad died in an alley like a year ago in a purple gimp suit”
42! Aaron:” just because I’m from a different universe doesn’t mean I’m not your father”
1610!Miles:” I mean…your kinda not”
42! Aaron: “hush your not involved”
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breadraccoon · 5 months
After Miles’s and Gwen’s parents find out they’re spider-heroes:
*Miles gets punched*
*Rio and Jeff corral around him checking to make sure he’s ok*
Miles: “I’m fine. I’m fine. Let me go finish capturing the bad guy”
*Gwen gets slammed through three stories*
George: “You good?”
*Gwen gives a wobbly thumbs up*
George turns to DeWolff: “She’s good”
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