#rip to the haters but i stay winning in life
purrincess-chat · 1 year
In honor of this fine April month, what are your favorite things about Adrinette?
This ask is like 2-3 years old I think, but I never forgot about it. I just needed time to assemble my thoughts, and I think now is the best time to answer it because hooooo how far they've come since this ask was sent.
I'm going to break this up into sub-categories so that it's not 8 pages of me just rambling about how cute they are, though I will probably still ramble a lot about how cute they are. But we're going to look at the entire span of their relationship from Origins through Revelation in s5. So, if you haven't watched the out of order episodes from s5 or are waiting for everything to air before you watch, this is your spoiler warning. Let's get into it.
Enemies speedrun
We all love a good enemies-to-lovers story. There's just something inherently satisfying about seeing two people go from hating each other to falling in love. One aspect of their relationship that I appreciate is that sparks didn't fly immediately when they met as civilians. It's not a true enemies-to-lovers, more of a speedrun if you will, because Marinette did lowkey kind of hate him at first. It wasn't until she realized there had been a misunderstanding and saw Adrien's true character that she fell in love with him.
Y’all know the umbrella scene has me in a chokehold always and always will because that moment is just imprinted into my brain. The moment when she truly sees him. Not a marketing image or magazine cover. Not a spoiled rich boy that's friends with her bully. Him. She sees his vulnerability, his desire to be accepted, his kindness. That's what she falls in love with. That was the moment when Adrinette became my favorite side because it was just so raw and genuine and beautifully crafted, and I think that moment has only become more impactful as their relationship has progressed. To see two people who started off at odds, even for a short time, grow to love each other so much is just *chefs kiss*
Seeing beyond the mask
Another thing I love is how Marinette has always been the person to see Adrien for more than what is presented. Yes, she spends a lot of time ogling over his pictures in magazines throughout the show, which some people seem to think is a cardinal sin because how dare a teenage girl think the boy she likes is hot apparently, but when push comes to shove, she has always been the one to look deeper. The umbrella scene is the first instance of that. From the beginning, people wrote him off as being a rich daddy's boy model. Alya literally calls him as such in Origins. They make assumptions based off of his image/status. The difference is Marinette eventually sees past it, and she continues to see past it.
And I know some people are going to say, "What about Nino?" But Nino has taken a huge step back since s1 when it comes to their friendship. Yes, Nino is the first person to give him a chance, but any other time he just waves stuff related to him away. Oh, his dad said he can't come? Oh well. Everyone, including Nino, always writes Marinette off when she's worried about him as Marinette just being Marinette, but she has always seen more than other people when it comes to him. And that's no shade to Nino or saying Nino isn't still his best friend because Nino has tried and failed to help Adrien before. He understands Adrien's life is complicated, but he doesn't think anything more than that. (that we have seen on screen anyway) It's a winless fight that can't be helped.
Marinette always pushes further, like in the NY special when everyone is like oh, Gabriel doesn’t want Adrien to come to NY, what a shame, and Marinette is like I will fight that man myself if I have to, and she does. People have mixed feelings about the canon-ness of the Specials, but I deeply appreciate the Adrinette we got in the NY special, even if it was angsty in the end. I love when Adrien expresses his gratitude to her for sticking up for him because it’s truthfully the first time he’s really gotten to see it happen out of all the times she’s stuck her neck out for him. I think that moment aided his confession in Risk because Adrien feels like he can confide in her and be understood rather than dismissed. Because why should the rich boy complain about having nice things and money and girls falling all over him and getting to travel the world? But Marinette pays attention to him, not just the shiny filter everyone else sees. He's unhappy, and she sees that when all of their other friends don't.
Season 5 has given us a lot of insight into Adrien's home life and how he feels about it. A key moment I think a lot of people have glossed over is in Transmission when he tells Marinette that the Adrien most people know is just a marketing image, and how the two of them can be different. He is inviting her into his world that other people have only scratched the surface of, and as their relationship progresses, she gets to see how thin the glamour really is. I know her speech in Emotion went to the wrong person, but the message still rings true. She doesn't think less of him for being trapped and doing what his father asks. She knows he doesn't have another option and feels stuck, and she wants him to know that she loves him and will always be there for him until they figure it out together.
Another key moment along that same vein is when Marinette goes to talk to Gabriel about their relationship after Emotion, and they have the pancake conversation. Gabriel literally offers her fame and fortune, a successful career in the business she's always wanted. He could hand that to her, but she says no. She sees beyond the shiny glimmer Gabriel presents to the rest of the world, and she values Adrien more than anything. That whole scene where she fights back and disobeys Gabriel's order to find Adrien and tell him it will be alright shows how deeply integrated she's become in his life. She doesn't care if it's hard. She wants to fight the dragon with him, and she's not giving up until they can have their happily ever after. I just think their whole narrative where Marinette is the knight fighting to save the prince is incredibly sweet, and it makes me want to root for them. They're made for each other because they fight for each other and see sides of each other that no one else sees, and I think that's beautiful.
Learning how to love
I absolutely love the way they’re approaching their relationship this season, and how we can see the impact of Adrien’s past loves in the way he approaches her. With Kagami he wasn't decided enough. With Ladybug he was too decided. I've talked about how Glaciator 2 completely changed things for him before, so I won't rehash that too much, but we can see it in the way he approaches Marinette gently and patiently this season. He doesn't push his feelings onto her or demand that she hurry up and decide her feelings. In Migration Adrien isn’t pushing her to open up to him completely right away. He knows she has things she’s not telling him, but rather than focusing on what he wants or thinks their relationship should look like, he worries that she is stressing herself out and hurting herself for his sake, and he doesn’t want that. In Derision, he is patient and constantly checks on her when she’s not doing well. When he finally learns what’s wrong, he listens to her about what she needs and comforts and supports her instead of insisting that she hurry up and figure it out. Both of those things came from his prior loves. With Marinette, he's finally figured out the right amount of push and pull, and the two of them are learning together what they both need and how to love each other in the ways they need to be loved.
One of the reasons Protection is one of my top episodes so far this season is because Adrien realizes that Marinette needs more out of him than he’s been giving, and he puts in more effort! He wants her to feel comfortable with him and puts in the work to help her overcome her anxiety around him. The whole picnic set up is so incredibly thoughtful and sweet and clearly tailored just for her. I love that a message of their love is that you don’t need anything flashy. Adrien is filthy rich and could provide a lot of flash, but instead he sets up a romantic picnic in his backyard. They play games and talk and laugh and watch the clouds in their pajamas. And it’s so sweet! Even the song he sings her in Perfection is about how he doesn’t care about any of those things. He just wants to be with her. Their love is beautifully simple, and I love to see that after several seasons of Marinette making everything overcomplicated. They care about each other, and that’s enough.
She fell first, he fell harder
I am so obsessed with how once Adrien realized he loves her, he was all in, immediately asking her out, swooning over her. She literally spouts nonsense around him half the time, and he's just like aww, she always knows what to say. I love her sm! I dunno. It’s just refreshing after seeing Marinette have zero chill for 4 seasons to see him having absolute heart eyes at her now. When everyone else is shaking their head at her Marinette-isms, Adrien just smiles and laughs with her. One of my all time favorite things when writing their pairing is portraying the moment Adrien realizes he loves her and seeing how his perception changes after that, so seeing that be canon is everything I could have ever asked for. And he doesn’t hesitate to let her know how he feels and how deeply he cares for her. We love to see it.
Love built from friendship, trust, and mutual respect
I know this aspect is hotly contested and controversial in fandom, but I don’t care. Other people’s inability to watch media with their eyes open and understand what’s happening on screen isn’t my problem. Their development from being uncertain and even hostile to each other to being so supportive and caring toward each other is so sweet and satisfying. Seeing Marinette go from barely being able to get a coherent sentence out around him and constantly being jealous of every girl that talked to him to confidently holding his hand, telling him she loves him, and not being threatened even when his father’s marketing campaign is coupling him with his ex-girlfriend is such satisfying character development.
Marinette fell in love with Adrien for his kindness and sincerity. Slowly but surely they became friends, then good friends, and along the way they developed a sweet love and respect for each other. When people challenge Marinette’s honor, Adrien speaks up. When their friends think Adrien sent a mean message, Marinette knows it couldn’t possibly be from him. They see each other, even when others don’t, and I love that about them.
Along that same vein, I love how much they protect and sacrifice for each other. Since s1, we’ve seen Marinette sacrifice chances to impress him for his ultimate happiness. When he thinks her scarf came from his dad, when she quietly returns his father’s book so he can come back to school, when she gives up her feelings when he’s in love with someone else. Marinette has always wanted him to be happy, even if that’s not with her. She swallows her feelings when he’s with Kagami, and even tries to help Kagami reignite her feelings after they break up.
In Adrien, we see a protective nature come out in him when it comes to Marinette. How many times has he tackled her away from danger and cradled her head? When she gets bumped to the back of the class, he goes back to join her so she’s not alone. When trouble breaks out, he tells her specifically to find somewhere safe. He took on a statue Hawkmoth with an umbrella to protect her. When he thought she was sad, he tried to cheer her up. When he found out another boy broke her heart and felt no remorse, he snapped. When he realized how bad Chloe used to bully Marinette, he cut ties with her. When Kagami got the wrong impression of Marinette, he set the record straight. They both pay so much attention to each other and are always trying to keep the other one safe and happy. They’re so sweet.
Literally the softest ever
Okay, this is my section to gush about how cute they are. I mean look at them.
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You could make several collages of all of the soft looks Adrien has given her over the course of the show.
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Look at them blushing
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And holding hands
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They are the cutest couple! Literally soulmates, made for each other, perfect in every way for each other wow.
Two absolutely unhinged halves of a whole idiot
Even with as cute as they are, these two are still a chaotic duo, and I love that for them. She literally had him pick up constipation capsules for her once, and he didn't bat an eye. She kissed him when she thought he was a statue, and that was the moment he realized he might like her. She full on panicked about sitting next to him on an airplane, and he was totally unfazed. Even hugged her the next morning and talked about how grateful he was to have her as a friend. When she couldn’t figure out an automatic door, he stayed with her the whole time and jumped to catch her when she fell. We stan two halves of a whole idiot.
Slow Burn
Listen, I know that we were going crazy over the will-they-won’t-they all this time, but seeing them together now has made it all worth it. Watching season 1 again knowing that someday Marinette does confess her feelings and get the boy is just everything. All of their little moments, the soft looks Adrien always gave her and how much we clowned on him for being in denial about his feelings for her. How he finally wised up and realized he loved her. Watching their relationship grow and develop over the last several years has certainly been a journey, but looking back at it now, all of those little hints and pieces we picked up but didn’t know if they’d ever pay off have finally paid off. They’re canon. Like actually, properly canon. And I’m loving that they didn’t wait until the very end for them to confess, but instead are continuing the slow burn by addressing their trauma and Adrien’s complicated home life. They’re dating and still fighting to be together. I love that their love wasn’t just an end-all-be-all prize to win in the very end. They got together and things weren’t perfect. All of their problems didn’t magically get solved. They still have to work together to figure things out and are continuing to grow together. It’s the goodest shit.
Carving their own path
The last thing I want to talk about is how much I appreciate that they are carving their own path for their relationship. Their friends all have this image in their mind of what they need to be happy. Adrien’s father has his own image for what Adrien needs to be happy, but the two of them? They’re like thanks but no thanks. We’re gonna figure this out on our own. Their fairytale love story has been anything but since they got together. Marinette was still having nervous breakdowns around him and running away. Adrien’s father was constantly trying to keep them apart. But despite all of that, they continue to work together to sort through all of the messes and be there for each other. After Adrien learns that Marinette has unresolved trauma that he’s been unknowingly triggering all this time, he makes a change to help her work through that. When Adrien is stuck between what he wants and what his dad wants, Marinette promises not to give up on him.
They’ve told us since the very beginning that these two are made for each other, and we’ve gotten bits and pieces over the course of the show demonstrating the ways they work together in perfect sync, but this season is really showing us why these two are made for each other. It’s because they work for it, and they work together for it. Yes, they have undeniable chemistry and are a perfect team, but when things get hard, they don’t give up on each other.
I dunno. I just think they’re neat.
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witchersmistress · 1 year
Monster part 9
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Not a bad way to end a monday with another monster feeding. but i do feel that the end of this series will come to an end soon.. but dont fret my darlings August wont stay away forever
Trigger warnings: lots of feels, anger and self hatered and soft August and probably irratation at your truly but im pricklty what can i say
word count: 1K
my usual warnings, you do not have permission to copy my work in any shape way or form, if you do ill find you and haunt you for the rest of your days
Your POV
“What?” August asked. I looked into his blue eyes, trying not to lose it. “ I’m still pregnant, Price confirmed it” I reached across the bed for the chart that he left. I handed it off to him “ He ran test at the hospital because something just didn't seem quite right then he took so more blood and did another scan just to be sure that he didn't need to perform a D and C and he found baby B.” i felt  the tears spilling down my cheeks, August was silent and still. “Our son is still alive”
He collapsed to his knees after my statement. He looked up at me, his blue eyes swirling with so many emotions, taking one of his hands and placing it on the soft swell of my belly.” How is this possible? They were twins weren't they?”  he let out a shaky breath as he pressed his face into my stomach, his scruff tickling me as he moved his face feathering kisses along my stomach. “They were fanternal twins, so they had separate sacs and placentas. The one we lost had stopped growing, so the accident was enough to get my body to abort it. Your eyes became glassy as you looked at my belly, cupping your face, I picked up your head and spoke in a soft whisper “ He didn't get them both and he never will. My father will not win.” those blue eyes met mine and questioned my statement.
 you stood to your full height covering me in shadow “What are you saying?” you spoke softly,  face hardened slightly, kissed my hair. "Tell me what you want, little one. I'll give it to you. Anything. Everything. Just name it. Do you want more revenge? Do you want the world to fear you?" I stare blankly up at you as you rip off my sweater and make me face the mirror while resting his head on my shoulder. Feel your fingers working my muscles gently. Hear your heavy passionate breathing. Staring at the girl in the mirror with her skin flushed from arousal, I whisper, "I want someone to love me." I watch as my eyes well up, blurring the edges of my vision, making the girl in the mirror dissolve within the pools.
 Dissolve and appear more visually accurate to the life she has lived; the one she has barely existed in. Like nothing. No one's choice. Is it too much to ask? Fuck! It's too much to ask! There isn't enough moisture left in her eyes, the need to cry a throbbing sensation. She has cried too much. "I want someone to love me!" I say again, bursting bright red and shaking. He turns me to face him, cupping my cheeks. I sob those soundless noises and shed those dry tears. "No one loves me." My voice wobbles, emotions forcing my feet backwards, desperate for space. your hands slip from my face.
you would have never allowed me this wide breadth before, but you are now. "No one has ever loved me, August. I pretended for so long. That maybe if my dad just saw me, just spoke to me, I mean. I can be funny, right? Can I be interesting? I'm—" "I love her." My eyes fly open. I slap my hand over my mouth, shaking my head against the tight grip, my mind and body and soul unable to process what he said. Unable to accept it. Not now. Not after all the lies and betrayal, a perpetual downpour of deceit. The words play in my mind. "I love her." Has anyone ever said that to me? Ever? 
"What did you say?" My reaction causes his jaw to pulse, causing torment to fill his dark, dangerous eyes. "I love you," you say again. "And I want to love you so fucking hard there is no room for the past. Or the pain. And I will, sweet girl. I won't stand  by and allow you not to like yourself when what I see is... spectacular."
 No. I crane my neck, searching his eyes for the truth lying below the surface. The truth. But there is too much emotion filling me right now. My heart strains to balloon for this broken soul, petrified to stone, unable to pump hard within a crushed body. It wants to. God, it wants to believe you. "You love her?" "I love you." Someone loves you, little one. I shake my head slowly. "No." My throat tightens with those dry contractions. "No. You can't." My head moves violently from side to side. No. You can't. Not you. Not the most impressive man in the world. "You're just saying it. You have seen the absolute worst of me! You have seen all the flaws. You can't. I don't believe it. I'm just your burden. Your pretty little burden. I'm—"
 "I didn't see any flaws, little one. I saw you tearing down the middle. I saw you being mauled by life. I can't rip those fuckers from your mind, but I will rip them from this world. All of them." your blue eyes blazing. "I did. I will be your thorns, sweet girl. Your future is with me. Do you know what that means?" I blink ahead because amidst the horror of the past few weeks, in the middle of all this trauma, you are saying everything I have ever dreamed of. 
They are the worst words to associate with this feeling, with this dissonance, self-hate, and the words that I most needed to hear. To believe them, though. I can’t. Can I? After all I have endured, believing would be like jumping from a tree the moment I was given wings. Not trying them out. Or growing into them. Just diving headfirst and hoping they fit. They hold my weight. The weight of my past. 
The whiplash of this decision wraps around me. I can’t grapple with what to feel or say or organize in my mind because it's too much. When I don’t answer, your deep, commanding voice rumbles, "It means you aren't an ordinary, sweet girl." I relent my internal debate, finding your eyes—piercing, fierce blue vortexes of sentiment. "You're powerful." I nod slowly. "It's in your blood, that power." My mouth opens as your words sail around me, my chest pumping harder to draw in air. "You're not my pretty little burden, baby."  lifting my chin. "You're my pretty little queen."
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dufrau · 1 year
I am a real life person asking for your thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Any thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Every thought about Nancy Wheeler (I really just like talking about Nancy Wheeler)
Oh MAN. I dont even know where to start. I have so many thoughts and opinions and feelings about Nancy Wheeler I don't even know how to approach a question this open. You might as well ask me about the earth!
She has become such a real person in my brain that there are very few things that I think are set in stone about her. Sometimes I ask myself, when im writing, "What would Nancy say here?" or "What would she do?" "How would she react?" and I decide on something that I believe to be true but a lot of the time there is an almost opposite answer that I think could also be true.
What is constant? (this got lonnng have a readmore)
Well first of all I am a doomsday prepper Nancy truther. Not necessarily full on prepper to the extent she is in my TLOU au but I think she carries forward a need to be/feel prepared for things to go terribly wrong. I play it for a laugh sometimes, cans of beans in her purse and the trunk of her car full of random gear etc. But I think she is a person with a go-bag always packed, who always knows her emergency exits, who is always a little bit too alert and is at least a little bit exhausted at all times. I think she has guns and as much as i joke about her being the only person i trust with all these guns tbh she is probably a little twitchy and she probably should not have guns! (but i will continue to write her with guns)
I think she carries an immense weight of guilt and self-doubt which makes her absolute balls-to-the-wall pursuit of the things she believes are right and necessary so interesting by contrast. Her choices get people killed and she never forgives herself for any of it but she keeps making choices in the absence of anybody else who will do it. And I think she enjoys it on some level, or thrives in it, almost as much as she hates it. I think she will be LOST if they ever actually win. I think she will fight with everything she has to survive but i dont think, subconsciously, she really expects to and I dont think she is prepared to be a person who is not fighting anything.
I think she is LOYAL. And I think it's wild that her haters think the opposite. Its another very interesting contrast, the way she explicitly wants to reject societal norms and expectations but also the way she doesn't want to hurt people so she lets herself get trapped into them anyway. I have no interest in the "did she cheat on steve" conversation, i think the more important thing for her character is that she gets back together with steve and stays with him way longer than she wants to. Part of that is obviously about Barb but part of it I think is that she sees goodness in him and feel guilty about not having seen it sooner. And she's doing the same with Jonathan, who it seems like has been avoiding her calls and refusing to visit and just giving her nothing but she holds onto that relationship I think out of loyalty because he is a good person even if he's being a shitty boyfriend right now and even if that relationship has run its course. (these are not anti thoughts about steve or jonathan btw these are all teenagers in teenage relationships nobody is a villain here)
I think she hates surprises. Which makes sense because every surprise in Hawkins tends to be a bad surprise. But Robin is a whole fucking surprise and isnt THAT something. A thing I see in that ship that I love so much is that Robin keeps Nancy off balance in a way she usually hates, but she doesnt hate it at all from Robin. The very existence of Robin makes Nancy ask questions where normally she would just plow ahead. I think that discomfort is healthy for her and I think, after whatever you want to put them through to get there, she knows it.
I think Nancy would go straight for the eyeballs in a fight. I think she is biting off ears and ripping off fingers and poking their fucking eyes out because she is tiny and she knows it and she is not bothering throwing punches (though if she can elbow you in the nose she is going to to that too.)
I think one million more things about Nancy Wheeler but this post is so long already lol.
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rotisseries · 9 months
ALL THIS so i can tell you about the science teacher , idk his name i forgot but anyway THEO KNOWS HIM BC OF THE DREAD DOCTORS. i mentioned that the docots were obssessed w immorttaljty ans ressurection. the teacher is the reason why they were able to get that. back in the 1940s that teacher was a nazi. deadass. he was "part of himmlers project to use the supernatural to win the war" as put by theo later in the series . he got slashed by a whip from the hunt and escaped and the dread doctors found him ans put him in this perservkng liquid in a tank and hsed the combonation of the green liquidy wound from the hunt and the supernatural powers of the teacher to lengthen their life spans. and it workeddd. ans theo stayed with them for years and he KNOWS  that that is the guy from the tank. he didnt tell anyone when he saw him bc. no one trusts him rn they wouldn't believe him n he knows it. now the science teacher shows up. he knows theo. theo says something blah blah u should tell them who you really are. blah blah. he sees him shift and he sees his demeanor change and he starts to run but he caught up to theo and puts his claws in theos back and tells him to break the mountain ash barrier. he does it reluctantly and under extreme pressure bc he knows that this os enough to send him back to hell. then MR DOIGLASS THATS THE TEACHER NAME, he pushed him away and theo watches as he takes pn the ghost rider and puts his jaws around his head ans rips out his penial gland in the brain. and EATS IT. bro is laying there on the ground like wtf. he starts shuddering..., god forbid i got a whimper... anyway everhone comes back . sees the dead ghost rider. doesnt notice theo on the ground in pain until he COUGHS. DEADASS. HE COUGHED N EVERYONE LOOKED UP. 😭hes sitting up in the corner but still. Hayden goes over there mad as fuck bc hes got blood on his mouth and everyone assumes it was him. she like . presse dhim against the wall n was like "what did you do?" GILR HES BEEN BACK FOR A DAY??? THESE MURDERS WHERE PEOPLES BRAINS ARE EATEN HAVE BEEN HAPPENING FOR WEEKS. THINK BABE. anyway theo tells him it was mr douglass. and no one says anything until liam goes "scott was right. i was wrong. im sending you back." ummm theo doesnt say anything or protest this time sayinf he can help. anyway mason ans scott has the brains here and informs everyone it could Not have been theo. hayden and liam are haters 😒
kinda pissy at liam ngl
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fromhasun · 3 years
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( mercy, 21+, she/her, gmt-4. ) — yoo hasun ( & jung wooyoung, ateez ) is a twenty-two year old dreamer dreaming a dream of sparks who has been part of the Collective for ten months. he works as an ice skating instructor and is known for being trenchant and grudge-bearing. look closer, however, and you may find that he reminds you of ghost towns, a cutting gust of wind, and holding your breath for so long that your eyes burn with tears.
hey streamers it’s mercy, here 2 introduce hasun, ur local washed up ice-skating-prodigy-turned-part-time-skating-instructor, nefarious speed demon, and hater of haters of pineapple on pizza. under the cut is a quick rundown of his personality + plot ideas & if you like this post i’ll come over n say hi!!
this is a muse who’s gone thru quite a few iterations tbh *smacks his head* this baby can pack so many au’s in him!! anyway, for self care, he pretends his past before the collective doesn’t exist. he’s unlikely to have deep past connections because he basically cut everyone from his past off rip (unless someone wants to plot some estranged siblings or smth bc id be so down), so if u want to just assume a basic connection through the collective and start a thread based on something from my starters page/another idea, lemme know hehe
[furious skating to rock bgm]
cool front but psychic: *looks in his brain* his brain: *is this* psychic: what the fuck
expert ghoster, has burned all bridges from his past and willing to do it again if necessary. joined the collective somewhat to figure out what was going on with the dreams (read: make them stop), but mostly because he felt so suffocated in his old life -- not that he’ll ever say much about it, and certainly nothing about his past as a gifted ice skater.
has Repressed energy but in a weird contradicting way bc he can be closed off but is VERY expressive with negative feelings (aka anger, complaints, dislikes, pet peeves). ice skating his one Love and the only way he can vent everything he’s feeling properly, even if it means staying out on the ice until his entire being’s numb and sore
his job is actually one of the few things he genuinely enjoys, but ironically, tragically, his resting bitch face leads people to believe otherwise
destructive but polite about it. like he’ll only wreck stuff that belongs to him or the government, not other people’s, ok
definitely knows he can be A Lot so he tries to minimize himself around other ppl he has no beef with. again, very polite. but if u irritate him....by god he will let it be known
kind of feral....like...very likely to get into a fight. unlikely to win but will go down swinging
kind of hates that he’s having these dreams and meeting others in them? because it feels v intimate and he’s one of those ppl who believe dreams are like....manifestations of ur deepest inner thoughts and stuff and he hates that others can access that part of him. so his fellow dreamers of sparks....if he sees u in his dream, he will probably bend over backwards trying to avoid u irl
he’s so lost? has absolutely nothing in mind about the future except “go forward,” and tbh, his personality has become so intense because of how hard he’s tried to pour himself into that one goal--because without it, what the hell does he have????
plot ideas:
lessons at the rink bro.... either people who hate him because of his stinky attitude or people who fear him LOL (not that theres really anything to be afraid of imo but ur muse can take this how they will ^I$$(#*)
ROOMMATE!! any gender!! i havent made anything canon abt where he lives except that it’s off campus, so if anyone needs a roommate hmu
someone who riles him up just as badly as he riles them up and it’s all snark and venom
fellow dreamers <333 he’s tamer in dreams and MIGHT EVEN SMILE OR LAUGH A LIL but he’d avoid them so bad irl TT
or get him drunk, he’s more fun then
someone who bails him out of fights he gets into
the actual person he almost gets into a fight with.........
someone who drags him out of the rink bc WHY is he still there at 1am
the Happy Optimistic One who offsets his attitude and somehow their dynamic works even tho on paper it sounds like a mess
someone who constantly sees him loitering around the butterfly house but never sees him go in bc he is scared of bugs LMFAO
if u read this far ily but if u didnt i still love u because i know it was kinda a lot gi990i43
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manxita · 4 years
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
Since I keep on seeing a lot of people who don’t fully grasp the lyrical genius of this song, I’m going to do a full analysis in what is to me the most complex song on Lover. To me this song has like 3 levels of interpretation: it could be taken at face value as a highschool story, a metaphor for the American Presidential Election, and also a metaphor for hew own life during 2016/17. Each part has multiple possible meanings so this is going to be long, but bear with me please!
You know I adore you I'm crazier for you Than I was at sixteen Lost in a film scene
-This could be an easter egg referring to the song Crazier from the Hannah Montana movie -Sixteen could be her age (if we think of it as happening in a high school), or the year 2016, which happens to be the year of the latest American President elections. -2016 is also the year of the whole Kim & Kanye situation so she could be talking about that too (lost in a film scene referring to Kim’s video of the phone call) -She could be talking to Joe, telling him she loves him more than she did in 2016 and the film scene could refer to his movie (the one she went to see with her friends)
Waving homecoming queens Marching band playing I'm lost in the lights
-This imagery could refer to an actual highschool, but also that she is “lost in the lights”, she is blinded to the problems of her country, she still sees the American Glory which is reflected on the homecoming queens and marching bands. -She could also be “lost in the lights” of fame, like blinded by the whole “hollywood” life.
American glory Faded before me Now I'm feeling hopeless Ripped up my prom dress Running through rose thorns I saw the scoreboard And ran for my life
-This most likely refers to the results of the presidential election. What she saw as American Glory is no longer there, she has no hope after seeing the results, she wants to run away. -But this could also be alluding to the whole Kanye debacle. She was “America’s Sweetheart” and after 2016 she “rip up her prom dress”, she’s no longer loved by everyone. She saw the score board (that K&K won and she lost) and run away.
No cameras catch my pageant smile I counted days, I counted miles To see you there To see you there
-No cameras catch her pageant smile because she  decided to hide herself from the world. The rest is to Joe, she counts days and miles to see him because he lives in London and they are not together all the time.
It's been a long time coming but It's you and me That's my whole world -She finally found her safe place with Joe
They whisper in the hallway, "she's a bad, bad girl" (okay!) -This could refer to her reputation back then, people calling her a snake, that she was fake and manipulative. -But it could also allude to Trump calling Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” during the election campaign,
The whole school is rolling fake dice -Fake dice are actually “charged” to land a certain way, so this could be her implying that people were lied to and because of that they voted how they did, also refer to the whole voter suppression situation. -This could also mean that people are having the wrong information about her and so they land on her being “fake”
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
-Quite self explanatory, but I feel that she might be saying that to herself, because she got into this whole mess by trying to be nice to Kanye when she shouldn’t have been (play stupid games) and because of that she ended up being universally hated (stupid prices). -Could also be about the election and how nobody thought Trump could win, and he was given so much press (stupid games) that he ended up winning (stupid prizes).
It's you and me There's nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (okay!) -Most likely Miss Americana is Taylor and the Heartbreak Prince is Joe, we know from other songs that he had a certain reputation for being a ladies man. -Could also refer to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
We're so sad, we paint the town blue
-Blue represents sadness but it is also the color of the Democratic Party, so we could take this line at face value or interpret it as political.
Voted most likely to run away With you
-This keeps with the highschool theme (“voted most likely to” is typical of yearbooks), and she actually pretty much run away with Joe to London after 2016, which could be because of the election results or because of all the K&K drama (or probably both).
My team is losing Battered and bruising I see the high fives Between the bad guys Leave with my head hung You are the only one Who seems to care
-By team she could be referring to the Democrats who lost the election, the bad guys being the republicans and Joe being the only one who seems to care. -But the team who is losing could also be us swifties, who were defending her non stop back then, bad guys being K&K and all her haters, and she leaves with her head hung, and WE the swifties are the only ones who seem to care.
American stories Burning before me I'm feeling helpless The damsels are depressed Boys will be boys, then Where are the wise men? Darling, I'm scared
-This verse refers to the #MeToo movement and the president engaging in “locker room talk” (grab them by the p*ssy), but also to her own sexual assault case. “Boys will be boys” is the typical excuse used when men say/do inappropriate things to women.
No cameras catch my muffled cries
-Like before, cameras don’t catch her because she hid herself from the world, But in this particular line it could also be because cameras are not allowed inside the courtroom.
I counted days, I counted miles To see you there To see you there And now the storm is coming, but
-The storm that’s coming could be about politics and the state of the country, or about her personal life when the trial became public. And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight) 'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight) 'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight) 'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), just thought you should know And I'll never let you (Go) 'cause I know this is a (Fight) That someday we're gonna (Win)
-Here she takes the highschool classic Go, Fight, Win and adds it in a very clever way to the song. “I don’t really wanna fight cause nobody’s gonna win” could be about her getting involved in the 2016 elections and choosing to back a candidate: she said in an interview that she thought that speaking back then would have been counterproductive because of her bad reputation. So this line brings 2 of the interpretations of the song together: it being about the elections and about her own life. “I don’t want you to go, I think you should come home” is most likely about Joe, asking him to stay with her. -And at the end she has hope, she’s not letting him go because it’s a fight that she feels they will win someday. The fight being either her being in people’s good graces again, or the Democrats winning in 2020, or fighting against inequality.
Sorry for the length but this is one of my favorite songs on the album and it kills me to see some people dismissing it as just a highschool song when it’s much deeper than that. I hope I didn’t miss anything, if I did please feel free to add to it!
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eenefangirlanalysis · 6 years
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Nazz calls Edd for his final word to spell which is gravy. And this time Nazz actually says it correctly with no help. 
Before taking the stage, Edd politely pats his friends shoulder telling him better luck next year. You haven’t even spelled out the word, Edd.
This whole episode is a real eye opener for Edd. He goes through an internal journey. So much is going on inside his head. Which comes to my theory regarding his habit or labeling every object around him.
Since it’s implied that Edd has not had any mental help regarding the incident which occured in his childhood, all his negative feelings are building up inside his mind. He’s on the verge of a mental/nervous breakdown. If Big Picture Show or Cleanliness is Next to Edliness isn’t enough of a clue, the labels are Edd’s only way of staying sane.
I believe that Edd will get rid of the labels in his later years.
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“Gravy. G-R-A-V-I.”
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Edd then tries to spell the word right saying he meant to say ‘y.’
How did Edd mess himself up? One can easily mess up if they’re too in the moment. 
Your theories?
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Unfortunately due to rules Edd loses a point. 
Now it’s up to Ed to spell the word right. If he does, Ed becomes to the winner.
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I love this little moment where Ed lifts his friend out of light and puts him aside into the dark. He’s not being mean, and Edd never refused to move. He simply notices that his friend is still awestruck and is doing a him a favor. 
Although Edd congratulates Ed at the end of the episode did Ed ever shake Edd’s hand in commemerence of a good game? I think Ed was so in the moment that he forgot about it.
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“Gravy. G-R-A-V-Y.”
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Okay, whoever threw the hat up in celebratory I hope you are Ed’s Dad! And it’s a good possibility. The hat does look filthy. It’s implied that Ed’s Dad is a couch potato.
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This is one of Ed’s best moments! He’s not recognised enough for his accomplishments. And look at that big grin! This is the first win Ed made for himself! Usually he’s with his friends or his wins are overshadowed. 
Ed is the most underrated out of the Eds. He’s a funny, witty, loveable being who also wants to be notices. He is smart. He may not act that way but Ed has come from a rough home life where he is not appreciated. Noticed how different Ed’s behavior was in the beginning of the series and then gradually deteriorates in the series run. I think Ed loses faith in himself because his family thinks wrongly of him and Edd and Eddy think less of him. They don’t include him in the plans and they tend to take advantage of his slow mentality. 
Ed deserves this win. He showed himself that he could do something on his own. But then Eddy takes advantage of this power later in the episode. Even though Ed is represented as a happy dimwitted kid he knows what’s going on. He just masks it. Each Ed masks their own sadness. 
A great example of Ed’s mask ripping into shambles is in Big Picture Show when he tries to take the position of a leader and fails. He then has another opportunity later on to take control and wins. 
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Kevin pays up for the loss. 
Eddy: Stink’s to lose, huh Kev? Kevin: You’d know, doofus!
So, do you think Eddy would have had a dollar or would he have scammed people to get the money.
Have you ever noticed that the kids have money while the Eds don’t? Hmm, interesting.
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“Man, have you lost it!”
Kevin is disappointed in Edd. Still, Kevin [And Edd] learned never to underestimate Ed.
“I lost a bundle on you, Double Has-Been
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Yup, KevEdd moment. I have been starting to understand KevEdd a little more lately. I still don’t ship it, but like EddEddy Kevin and Edd are opposites. 
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Nazz beckons Kevin to wait up. 
Nazz has been trying to get Kevin to notice her more in season 5. It’s evident that they start to have feelings for one another in the later half of the series and movie. But is Nazz really in love? Does she only want to date Kevin because it’s a middle school craze? Middle schoolers have no idea what love is. 
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And avoids a trap set up by Jonny.
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“Wood hater!”
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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Jordan Mizael:
Shooting his shot — Jordan Mizael goes for the win in his latest 6 tracked tape, Prime Example.
Over the last 23 years, he’s seen foul play — even dealt with some cherry-pickers who he confided to as a friend. Yet Jordan didn’t allow those misfortunes to keep him on the bench.
Instead, Jordan came back even harder with the bars & proved to everyone that he’s NOT playing!
On the whole, Prime Example’s melange of topics are nothing but net! Ironic enough the cover even shows a young Michael Jordan cutting down a net.
Whether he’s speaking on his drip (Glow) or reluctance to be open (On the Low) — Jordan’s ever changing flows, punchlines & similes are sure to make your ears do an alley-oop. It’s really strategic & because of this it helps to get the point across. Just check the score-board. A Lil Zan-ster to Jordan? 0 to 1.
“Prime Example shows my different styles. I can give you something to vibe to & feel. Then I can get personable & real. This is what I do.”
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A universal language that seemed to speak to him — Jordan’s love for hip-hop began whilst growing up. In the beginning he was writing poetry. And even when his brother would find it around the house, show it to his father & laugh with him about it, Jordan Mizael still kept at it. Shortly after it became a hobby. According to him, it was just a natural thing. Once Jordan turned 13 though, he began to rap on beats & from there it was go time!
Off the rip, it’s a given that Eminem & J.Cole are his inspirations because they are artist who are on his wavelength. “That’s God here rapping” says Jordan about J.Cole. Likewise, Jordan’s music instills the realness he’s carried with him over the years. “The hardest song I worked on was about about my best friend who passed when I was 17. It was a freestyle to “Feel It In The Air.” When I performed it at school — the moment was very heartfelt & the song is really personal.” Even when his sound consist of storytelling & punch-lines — Jordan just wants his music to be felt. If it is, then he feels like he’s gotten the job done. “Be yourself. Be real but have fun with it.” An example of this can be read from a line he’s written that he believes is the best ever, “People hardly workin’ / they sayin they put in work / but the work that they puttin’ in seems to never really work.” Dunkin’ on his haters in Prime Example — Jordan also had some things to say when I asked if New Jersey supports New Jersey. His response? Yes, it can happen but it hasn’t yet. “Too much people want the spotlight.” Jordan adds “In order to get the bag, you have to chase it together.” then he went on to sing the chorus of J.Cole’s song “Light Please” (which I might add is legendary.)
1. 96’: What seems to come in as a triumph track, Jordan goes in without an intermission. Coveting that boom-bap feel we all love — the beat uses a deep echoing bass & faint trumpets in the background but it’s most distinct feature is a ladies war-cry. As a whole, he has some words for the haters. Beyond the surface they’ve been yapping away but deep down, they know he isn’t the one to mess with “I’ll leave your noodle in a pot like I’m making pasta.” 96’ tacks on his polished lyricism and cadence.
2. Glow: Shining ever so bright, Jordan’s choice of production is intimidating. From it’s drum-kit to reverse sound effect — it’s brought to life. The tone explains what it’s like to have a nightmare. In this track, Jordan is bragging about his glow. My favorite line is “This is the hunger games & you food cause I ain’t ever eat like that.” It’s just so genius.
3. On The Low: Sometimes it is best to scheme on the low & that is the main point in this track. His own ultimate weapon — Jordan uses a sing-song approach to explain why he’s getting it on his own. From an experience, he was too open & he’s learned because of it. Now, Jordan isn’t so weary of trusting. On The Low tackles on a futuristic beat with different flows, hi-hats & a drum kit. You better watch who you’re around.
4. KD ft. Primo: Even though the hi-hats have a clear space to work on, it finds itself cornered mid-track with dark piano chords & a laser gun effect! A song that’s merely about their drip — Jordan brings the heat with aggressiveness whilst Primo adds in some humor to lighten the mood a bit “Bout to check out with some white girls/ Swear to god I love them snow days.”
5. Tip Flow: Malicious to the crooks, Jordan backs up his talk some more in this track. Instead of waiting for opportunities, he seizes every moment. Yet every hater wants to seize him. Still, that doesn’t stop Jordan. After all, he always has a new tactic. “I’m the monster at night that’s under your bed/ I tug at your leg/ I drag yo ass down / Have you hugging the ledge /Then you wake up and see your stomach is wet / And when you notice me it’s too late there’s one in your head.”
6. Thing I Like ft. Dupree Suave: This one is strictly for the lady who just got it going on! Using in a sing-song tone, Jordan tells all “I just wanna mack with you / Maybe do a couple thangs / Give you this third leg like you’re walking with a cane. Then leave you walking with a cane.” He doesn’t mind staying lowkey but the same can’t be said about Dupree Sauve’s vocals. They are strong notes! High-key it’s everything we ever needed.
7. Dear Self: Like the world we live in, the piano chord is altered yet stays in a middle tone. “The way I’m opening up, you would think that I’m dissected.” This song was a letter to himself. It embodies the anger he’s felt but instead of hindering in, Jordan builds off the pain & encourages himself to just keep going. He knows that he’s destined to make history.
Prime Example circulates the most on inner feelings. In this day & age, this is what the generation needs.
For the up-comer’s, Jordan wants to let you know that money is not going to bring you happiness. It’s best to find it now. It’ll make things easier.
Moving forward — expect others to @memorizethename beyond the Garden State. Pretty soon he’s going to collab with GX & have 3 gold musical plaques!
Swish, swoosh. Listen to Jordan Mizael & his latest tape Prime Example!
By: Natalee Gilbert
1. SOUNDCLOUD - https://soundcloud.com/jordangetsairtime/sets/prime-example
2. INSTAGRAM - @memorizethename
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lakambinimagph · 5 years
Where power really lies: Depiction of female superheroes today
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      Chances are you are one of many who saw Captain Marvel in theaters recently or maybe you saw Wonder Woman when it was released back in 2017. Or maybe you are one of those who likes to shout “Darna!” when you were younger (or you still do it today). Next to being a princess, becoming a superhero is one of many young girls’ fantasies.
      But why is it that despite the long history of comic books and comic book movies, only now are we seeing successful films or upcoming films about female superheroes? Has the film industry finally realized that you don’t need good-looking men with ripped muscles to be the face of your movie? Or that women have been demanding for big productions revolving around female comic book characters? Or, maybe, these filmmakers and storytellers had a hard time figuring out how to write an excellent female superhero that truly embodies the essence of being a woman in this society.
      Let us take a look on three superheroes and why their great characterization has contributed to their success as films and to their impact on women here in the Philippines and around the world.
Wonder Woman: Love is not a weakness, but strength
Wonder Woman, or Princess Diana of Themyscira, is a DC Comics character that has very feminist roots. She was created by William Moulton Marston who wanted to create a superhero who gains victories not through violence but through love or compassion. His wife, Elizabeth, suggested that he make the character a woman.
      There have been numerous adaptations of Wonder Woman and many fabulous women have had the chance to step into this role. A lot of you though are mostly familiar with the recent adaptation played by the incredible Gal Gadot in movies such as Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and in her own solo movie, Wonder Woman (2017).
      Unlike her fellow superheroes in DC Comics, previous films or television series about Wonder Woman have failed to attain the success that films about Superman and Batman have reached. For a long time, there weren’t any films about this female superhero. That’s unfortunate because, how many reboots of Superman and Batman occurred already? Two? Three? I’ve lost count (and also stopped caring). What, then, did Gadot’s Wonder Woman did right, that previous versions failed at, that made it such a hit with women everywhere?
      It’s because it stayed true to what her creator, Marston, wanted the character to be. He wanted a female superhero “with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.” This was perfectly portrayed in the film, where Diana displayed qualities such as compassion, sweetness, and peace-loving and wasn’t seen as weak because of these. In fact, the film emphasized that these traits made her stronger. It’s not because of her capability to punch through hundreds of bad guys, but the strength of her character and goodness of her heart is what made Wonder Woman really special.
Captain Marvel: A ‘90s Heroine with Present-Day Struggles
      Carol Danvers, or Captain Marvel, graced our screens and made her debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) just a month ago. It is the 21st film in the MCU and is the first one to be led by a female superhero. Makes you wonder what took them so long…
      When the first posters and trailers came out, there were people, mostly men, who criticized Carol for “not smiling enough” or “not showing any emotion” besides looking fierce and tough. Some of them even photoshopped the posters to make it look like she is smiling. Brie Larson, who plays Captain Marvel, clapped back at her haters and posted on Instagram photoshopped images of other superheroes like Iron Man and Captain America smiling on their own posters. She showed how ridiculous it is that women can’t be portrayed as tough or fierce just like male superheroes. Brie also said that, sadly, many women have experienced this kind of thing, having men tell you that you should smile more because you’ll look prettier that way. It’s like women are not allowed to feel any other emotion or that we can’t look serious.
      Coincidentally, a similar situation happens to Captain Marvel in the movie, where a biker guy tells Carol to smile. Both Brie and the director, Anna Boden, have said that it was not a response to that criticism but that it was not an uncommon thing that women experience. It was written in the script long before the controversy happened and, lo and behold, the same thing happens in real life.
Darna: A Powerful Dalagang Pilipina
      The Philippines also boasts a rich collection of superheroes, but none has had a greater impact on Filipino pop culture like Darna. There isn’t a single Filipino who doesn’t know this female superhero. When you are asked to mention a Filipino superhero, I bet the first one to come to mind is this character.
      Darna was created by legendary comic book cartoonist, Mars Ravelo. He started working on this character before World War II, when she was still named Varga. She was intended as the Philippines’ equivalent of Superman, drawing on Ravelo’s concept that America is “male” and our country, as the one colonized by them, as “female.” He proposed the idea to both Filipino and American publishers but was turned down because, according to them, “female superheroes will not sell.”
      But, as we can see now, Darna became a big hit with readers and many film and television show adaptations have come out throughout the years. Rosa del Rosario was the first actress to play Darna on screen in 1951. Other actresses that have brought this character to life are Vilma Santos, Lorna Tolentino, Rio Locsin, Angel Locsin, and Marian Rivera. There is an upcoming remake of Darna and, with Angel Locsin and Liza Soberano exiting the project, who knows who the next woman to step into her shoes would be. There is a pressure on both the filmmakers and the actress who would play Darna because this character is so iconic and well-beloved by Filipinos.
      Of course, Filipinos were quickly endeared to her not only because of her superpowers, but also because of her love for her family, a trait that is very special to Filipinos. Darna, as her alter ego Narda, takes care of her grandmother, Lola Asay. Who would also forget her brother and sidekick, Ding. Also, we grew to love the ever-inspiring story of a simple village girl who, upon encountering a small meteorite from space, transforms into a powerful being. It’s a very good metaphor than you can become someone extraordinary despite of your small beginnings.
Dawn of a New Age
      These three superheroines all have faced their challenges and criticisms. For some reason, they underwent greater scrutiny than their male counterparts. But, despite all these, they found a way to triumph and still make their impact on women all around the world. Their films made millions at the box office and it’s good to see that the film industry is now more confident in telling superhero stories from a woman’s perspective. In the past, and, unfortunately, some movies still do this, women are just there as love interests or as the prize that the hero gets to win at the end. There are still others that sexualizes female superheroes, but because of the help of social media, these kinds of films get called out quickly.
      Women using social media to better voice out what they want to see in these kinds of films may be one of the reasons why the film industry is starting to pay more attention and improve their characterizations of women in films. Women are now at the forefront and not just sidekicks to male superheroes. Let’s hope that this continues and lastly, let’s hope that future endeavors continue to portray these female superheroes with a much honest reflection on how it is to be a woman in this present society.
Words by Jemimah Cresencia
Graphics by Kimberly Joy Alejo
Image Source for Darna, Wonder Woman, and Captain Marvel.
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taexual · 6 years
BTS / Their S/O defends them
Request by @babyfairyjongin : Okay, so, could you please write something for BTS and GOT7 where you're out and about with them, and either some fans (or some random people. Your pick) start to get violent with the boys so you kick their asses?
got7 version is here
warning: angst, violence & strong language
a/n: once again, gender-neutral terms were used for the attackers in this
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This wasn’t the first time this happened. You and Jin were having dinner at a restaurant, and, as it tended to happen a lot, someone spread the news about Jin’s whereabouts, so the two of you ended up being mobbed.
You decided to wait in the restaurant until the crowd outside got smaller, or someone arrived to escort you home. Jin kept tirelessly apologizing to you as if all of this was his fault.
“It’s okay,” you said. “These people just wanted to see you.”
“I know,” Jin said, sighing and approaching the window of the restaurant to wave at the people outside, all while he gave a sad smile to the restaurant staff, who ended up having to lock every door. “I just don’t—”
Jin stopped talking when his eyes caught a piece of paper, glued to the window of the restaurant from the outside. It wasn’t there a few moments before.
Curiously, both of you approached the white paper with thick black, hurried letters on it.
“You can’t even sing. Go die, you worthless piece of shit.”
You felt your blood boil as soon as you read the words. The people outside couldn’t read it as the paper wasn’t see-through, which is why no one did anything about the harsh words written on it.
You could see the way Jin looked away from it, hurt lingering in his eyes for just a moment before he tried to focus his attention on the happy faces of the people outside of the restaurant.
“Excuse me, do you have a piece of paper?” you asked a waitress nearby. “And a pen? Oh, and some tape?”
“Sure,” the waitress nodded, turning around to bring the requested items to you.
Jin, meanwhile, turned his head to look at you with a confused expression. “What are you doing, Y/n?”
You didn’t reply while you waited for the waitress to come back with the white sheet of paper and a few black ink pens, along with some scotch-tape. As Jin watched you start writing something in big letters, he grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“Don’t,” he said. “It’s not necessary.”
“It is necessary,” you countered, getting your hand out from under his and finishing the note. “I’m not going to let some punks say these things to you. They need to know what kind of people have your back.”
Jin swallowed, watching you stand up, and glue the sheet of paper on the window, right above the hateful message.
“Unless you turn your sad, bitter self into a kind and loving person, you can fuck right off.”
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Usually calm and collected, Yoongi always struggled when dealing with haters. You’ve repeatedly told him that the best way to win against them, was to succeed, and he finally listened to you. He no longer cared about the hate he received online, and instead focused on his work.
It was a different story when the two of you walked out, and people started to shout ridiculous slurs at your boyfriend, though. You could feel the way Yoongi’s grip on your hand tightened and the way he clenched his jaw, as he heard a small group of people scream swear words at him.
“He thinks he’s some big-shot rapper!” someone yelled. “The best in Korea, my ass. You don’t even sing live, you loser!”
You looked up at Yoongi and saw him watching you. He sensed your concern and exhaled deeply, directing his energy into you and choosing to let this go.
Much to his surprise, though, you were the one who wanted to put an end to this, and not just walk away.
“Hey!” you shouted, turning around to the three people who were following you and Yoongi and yelling incessantly. “Want to come up here and say all of that to his face?”
Just like you expected, all three people stopped walking and watched you in surprise. They were trying to get a reaction out of Yoongi – who had his hands on your shoulders, wanting you to turn away and keep walking – but instead, they were going to get a piece of your mind.
“You’re so brave when you think he’s not allowed to lose his temper in public,” you continued, taking a step closer to the group of people and watching them start moving backward. “How about you come find him – when you achieve as much as he’s achieved – and say all of those things to his face, huh? Oh, wait, I forgot, you spend your entire free time hating on actually talented people. You don’t have time to achieve anything.”
“Y/n, let’s just—” Yoongi tried to cut in, but you weren’t done yet.
“Focus on your own selves for a change!” you continued, as the trio was now walking away from you. “Or better yet, get lost!”
Finally, you allowed Yoongi to pull you away. Instead of walking very far, though, he stopped a few steps later, turning to look at you, astonishment evident in his eyes.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” he asked.
You smiled, shaking your head. “You may have mentioned it. But everything I said to them wasn’t because I love you, too. It was because that’s the truth.”
“You do love me too, though, right?”
This got you to laugh. “Of course. More than you can imagine.”
He pulled you into a hug, the only form of PDA that the two of you were alright with, and leaned his head on your shoulder. “Thank you.”
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In your mind, there was a difference between loving someone and between being so obsessed with someone, you couldn’t think straight. The first ones were the people who made sure to let Hoseok know how much he meant to them. The second ones were the ones who attacked him on the street.
Like the person you were watching right now, who literally grabbed the back of Hoseok’s flannel and pulled it down so hard, the material ripped in half. The attacker did that all while screaming, “I love you, Hoseok!”
You highly doubted that they really loved him, given the violent nature of their actions. They just wanted to have a piece of him. And if that piece was clothing, that was literally ripped off of him, was the only piece of him they got, they seemed to be content with that.
Hoseok was in awe because of this behavior and he couldn’t get a single word out, but you could tell that this action caused him to genuinely fear for his very life.
“Hey!” you heard yourself screaming at the assailant, who turned to look at you. “Are you insane?! He’s a human being!”
“Fuck off, you—”
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Hoseok finally opened his mouth, but only because the person refocused their attention on you, instead of keeping it on him.
“It’s fine, Hoseok,” you said, placing a hand on Hoseok’s, and turning back to the person, who was shooting lasers into your forehead. “You can say whatever the hell you want to me, but don’t you dare to ever, for just one second, forget that he’s human and touch him like that again.”
The attacker didn’t seem to care too much about a single word that passed your lips. It was the anger in your eyes that got them to huff loudly and walk away into the crowd, leaving you and Hoseok behind them.
Hoseok was standing still, shock clear on his face, so you ended up having to drag him across the crowd of people and towards a car that was waiting for you both. As soon as you climbed into it and Hoseok closed the door, he turned to look at you, amazement still in his eyes.
“You’re scary when you’re angry,” he told you.
“I don’t know what came over me,” you admitted. “I was just really scared when I saw them do that. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Hoseok nodded, his eyes still wide. “Thanks to you.”
“No, don’t thank me—”
“No, you stood up for me. I’m going to thank you,” he said, placing a hand on your shoulders and pulling you closer to himself. “My guardian angel.”
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You were attending one of BTS’ promo events. At the end of it, a few people were selected to meet the members backstage. You were nearby, talking to one of the staff members and a few other girlfriends. Having yet to go public with your relationship, all of you discreetly kept an eye on your boyfriends, happy to see the smiles on their faces as they interacted with their fans.
Your smile fell, however, when you realized that one of the fans brought gifts to each member, except for your boyfriend. Namjoon stayed with the same smile once he realized he was excluded, but you could see the pain and awkwardness in his eyes from across the room.
As soon as you heard the fan seemingly innocently ask Namjoon to take a picture of them and the rest of the members, you crossed the room until you were standing in front of them.
“I’ll take it,” you said, taking the fan’s phone from Namjoon’s hands. “It wouldn’t make sense if there were only six out of the seven group members in your picture.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” the fan said, not catching the subtle undertone of sarcasm in your voice. “I only want the picture with the six members, anyway.”
You could see confusion and mild panic in all six of their eyes, while your eyes were overflowing with anger.
“How come?” you asked through gritted teeth.
“No offense, but I don’t really like RM,” they said, shrugging their shoulders.
“You don’t like the leader of the group?” you asked before your boyfriend – who was already opening his mouth – could interject.
“Yeah, it’s not a big deal,” the fan continued. “Just not my type.”
“So, you like them because of their looks?” you continued, while all seven boys watched you in confusion.
“That, and their voices, obviously,” the fan was now fidgeting uncomfortably. “What’s with the third degree? Can’t I not like a single member? I just don’t find him attractive and to be fair, I don’t think he’s that talented, so I’m asking—”
“You don’t think—” you were about to repeat their words when Namjoon placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s okay, Y/n. Let this go,” he said softly. “I’m used to it.”
This broke your ice cold heart into a million tiny pieces that caused the anger in your eyes to return twice as strong. You moved a little so Namjoon’s calming hands weren’t touching you anymore.
“It is not okay,” you said sternly, looking at the fan again. “You should feel privileged to be here. These seven boys work their asses off every day and yet they still want to make time to meet the people who support them. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you shouldn’t be here. So many dedicated fans missed the opportunity to meet the people who changed their lives because of you, and you have the decency to come in here, and reveal that you’re not even a fan at all.”
“But I am, I just—”
“You’re not,” you cut the person off, your loud voice causing them to flinch. “You’re not even close to one. I’m embarrassed for you and I hope that when you look back at this in a few years, you realize what kind of rude behavior you portrayed by wanting to split the group of seven equally talented boys into pieces because of your messed-up preferences.”
The fan stayed quiet while your eyes burned into theirs. You could see that your words may not have reached its target. It was hard to change someone’s opinion, but you could also feel the smile that spread across Namjoon’s face when you stood up for him and that was more than enough for you.
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The two of you were probably the most supportive couple in the world. You always lifted each other’s moods and made sure the other one wasn’t feeling insecure about anything. Jimin struggled with himself for a while and it never went unnoticed by you. Whenever you’d see him frown at his reflection in the mirror, you’d be there, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him everywhere you could reach until he was laughing and pushing you off of him because it tickled.
Which is why it hurt you so much to read the negative comments about his performance or his appearance. Nor you, nor he ever said anything to these people and you always made sure to check on Jimin to see if he was okay, and he said he was, but you could see his sad eyes every time he thought back on the things he’s supposedly done wrong. Even if it was out of his control, like a slippery stage, or a piece of clothing that ripped by accident.
However, when the two of you were outside of the venue, hoodies, and sunglasses on you, waiting for a car to arrive to pick you up, you could hear some people talk about BTS’ latest performance and you cracked.
“Did you see the way Jimin kept tripping all over the stage tonight? He looked like he was drunk, or something,” someone said. “And then his voice cracked a few moments later? Can he even sing? Or dance? I mean, he’s supposed to be a good dancer, isn’t he? I honestly don’t know how he made it into the group, he clearly should still be a trainee at best.”
“He made it into the group because he deserved that,” you cut in, taking the people nearby off-guard. “He lost his footing on stage because water was poured everywhere during the previous performance. His voice cracked because he was up all night rehearsing for this so he wouldn’t hear any comments like that. You’re despicable if you let these things – that are clearly the signs of someone overworking themselves – make you think that someone isn’t worthy of the success they’ve achieved.”
The people, quickly realizing who was talking to them, looked astonished for a few moments before noticing a male figure next to you, and turning all of their anger and mean comments into shrieks of excitement.
“Jimin! We love you!” yelled the same exact people who were just complaining about him. “We’ll always support you!”
You groaned. “Learn what love and support mean before it’s too late.”
Even though you were the one doing most of the ranting, Jimin’s hands were shaking twice as bad as yours were when you took it to lead him away from the crowd and into the car that finally arrived to pick you up. Jimin allowed you to climb in first, gave one last glance to the screaming crowd, and entered the car after you.
“I love you,” he said to you, once the car started to drive. “You have no idea how much. The things you said out there… I’ve never been more amazed by you.”
“You mean everything to me,” you shrugged your shoulders as if stating the most obvious fact ever. “I couldn’t stand by and listen to people bad-mouth you.”
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Taehyung had a lot of fans. You never minded any of them. In fact, you were more than happy to know how much support your boyfriend had. Sometimes, however, that support and unconditional love got out of hand.
Taehyung never complained about his ripped shoes, broken phones, and clothes that were literally torn off of him by people who claimed to love him. But you could see the fear in his eyes and the relief that washed over him when he finally returned to the safety of his home. You kept telling him that this wasn’t okay, but he never listened, telling you that there was nothing he could do. According to him, some people showed love in extreme ways.
Then, a few weeks later, the two of you were exiting a hotel hand-in-hand. Truth is, you haven’t gone public with your relationship yet but Taehyung insisted to hold your hand due to the amount of people outside of the hotel. He was afraid you’d get lost in the crowd.
That is not at all what he should have been afraid of.
After the horrified shrieks – caused by your hand in Taehyung’s – died down, the real riot began.
People were screaming at each other and pushing to get closer. Camera flashes blinded both you and Taehyung and the two of you blindly stumbled through the crowd of people. What you found really nice of the fans was the fact that those the closest to you, kept their distance, basically creating a path for you and Taehyung to walk through.
Just as you felt yourself smile at this, your boyfriend stumbled forwards, nearly landing face-down on the pavement. Feeling a sudden surge of panic, you stopped, holding onto him to help him regain his balance as you turned back to look at the person who literally just pushed him.
“Who the fuck is she?!” the person yelled, taking a few more dangerous steps closer to your boyfriend. “Answer me, V!”
They didn’t even call him by his actual name – not that there was anything wrong with that, it just sounded ridiculous, given the situation.
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung said, sounding genuinely apologetic, even though he was the one who almost fell down on the pavement because the person he was apologizing to just pushed him.
“You need to let go of her hand right now!” the person said again. Even surrounded by blinding flashes of cameras, you could see how crazy the eyes of this person looked.
Before you could react to the sentence that just left the person’s mouth, they hit Taehyung on the shoulder, crying out as if they were on their way to a battle.
“What are you doing?!” you screeched, noticing the way your boyfriend hunched forward after the hit to his shoulder. “You’re beating up a person! Are you insane?!”
“Shut the fuck—”
“You need to take multiple steps back right about now!” your angry voice turned out to be louder than the assaulter’s. “I swear I’m going to call the police if you don’t turn the fuck around.”
The person kept standing, staring defiantly at you. “You’re a fucking bitch. You know nothing about him! You don’t deserve to hold his hand!”
You could see them extend a hand, ready to hit Taehyung wherever they wanted again – because, apparently, that was how they showed their love – but you pulled at Taehyung’s hand, making him stumble closer to you, and out of the person’s reach.
“You need help,” you told them. “You’re assaulting a person here. If you dare to raise your hand again, I promise you, your ass will rot in an institution – whether it’s a mental one or just prison – for the rest of your life, I don’t care how small this crime seems to be to you.”
This got them to stop and think for a moment and that was more than enough for you to pull Taehyung away from this person and the rest of the crowd before anyone else hurt him.
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Despite being talented in many areas of life – honestly, too many for his own good – Jungkook took hate like an inexperienced boxer takes punches. Without blocking it and without fighting back. Unless, of course, that hate was directed at someone close to him. Loyalty came first to him and he made sure to prove that by always standing up for his friends and loved ones.
It was only natural that you’d stand up for him, too. Someone had to. And in this particular outing – when the two of you just wanted to get some ice cream to ease the hotness of this summer day – you were the only one there able to defend him.
“Aren’t you afraid you’re gaining weight?” a person asked Jungkook, approaching the two of you in line to buy ice cream. “If you keep eating shit like that, you won’t be able to dance soon.”
You opened your eyes in shock at these words but Jungkook stood there, unflinching. He didn’t look at the person addressing him and you only knew that he felt something because he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“And aren’t you sick of constantly pretending to be so strong and muscular?” the person continued. “That look doesn’t suit you. And, honestly, it kind of messes up the image of your group.”
The person didn’t look to be in a hurry, so you decided to step in before things got out of hand.
“What image would that be?” you asked, forcing Jungkook to turn his head to you in surprise. “Seven successful guys taking over the world? Yeah, he sure is messing that image up, with all of his successful side projects.”
The person scoffed. “What side projects? You mean the songs he uploads to Soundcloud where he sounds like an old cat whining before death? Yeah, that’s sure successful.”
“I suggest you get your hearing checked,” you said. “And your eyesight. And maybe throw in a check-up for your brain, too, just to be sure.”
“Oh, so I’m stupid now because I dislike him and his band?” the person asked, trying to turn this against you.
“No. I don’t know anything about you, but that is exactly why I don’t stop to harass you on the street,” you countered. “See, that’s a trait of a healthy brain –  you don’t forget everyone around you is human, too.”
The person rolled their eyes. “Whatever. Good luck to you and to the most overrated guy on the planet.”
They turned around to walk away from you, not hearing the sound of your laughter at their pathetic attempt at a comeback.
“Careful!” you shouted after them. “Your jealousy is showing!”
They flipped you a middle-finger over their shoulder, further confirming the lack of arguments they had. Laughing again, you turned to look at Jungkook who was still watching you, a shocked expression on his face.
“What?” you asked, suddenly concerned.
“I-I’ve never seen you do that,” Jungkook admitted, finally breaking through his trance.
“Someone bullied you,” you explained. “I couldn’t just stand still and watch.”
He watched you with wide eyes again, before his lips formed a smile. “I knew you’d have my back. I just didn’t realize how brutally you’d destroy them.”
“Oh, that wasn’t brutal,” you said, smirking. “I was still holding back.”
other BTS reactions / masterlist / ask (requests are closed)
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 53 – Battle and Blight
‘Damn it. Damn it. Damn it...!’
Rael furiously grit his teeth, his eyes trembling, as he watched how the smoky trace of a small missile was slowly dissipating.
The fact that the missile was undoubtedly ejected towards the exact coordinates of the KSA headquarters fanned his fear.
He knew he must destroy the machine Yuhyung just activated.
He could not dare fire himself after the missile; the machine was still whirring under Yuhyung’s hand, and he did not want to be too hopeful and turn blind on the chances that the machine could shoot second or third or more of its missiles.
‘So he wasn’t after me.’
Technically, Deneb was after him, and he was willing to stage a battle right here, right now.
However, he did not want to simply eliminate Rael; he was going to make sure Rael will not be able to thwart Yuhyung’s plan, as proven by his poised stance as he stood between Rael and Yuhyung.
“That should be good enough to practically uproot the entire building, right?”
Asked Deneb, his head cocked a little towards the human.
“You’re correct, sir. And the area within the vicinity will be affected as well.”
“Good. Very good. I can’t make an accomplishment unless there’s something for me to accomplish. I’ll check things out as soon as I’m done here.”
That was when Rael at last released his shaky voice, and Deneb’s eyes directed themselves back onto the Kertia’s face as he was snickering.
“Are you saying you will use the innocent people here for your personal ambition? These people have already suffered on multiple basis, losing their homes and beloved without even knowing why. Why would you shove them into yet another pain? Just... Just why would you do this? Just how much of a big accomplishment do you wish for? Is it worthy enough to push others into forced sacrifice for?!”
“...Now I did not see this coming. You’re actually standing in favor of humans, when you used to be the most hardcore human-hater among our kind.”
Deneb’s eyebrows nearly touched his hairline, as if he were genuinely caught off guard by Rael’s speech, making Rael’s mouth automatically shut.
“Not to mention how you refuse to abort your courtesy, which I find even more surprising. I was expecting you to drop your formality, if not outright curse at me. I didn’t see this coming at all – you playing a head of a clan despite the situation.”
Playing a head of a clan?
Rael was so very inclined to bark at him, to demand if he has any idea what he goes through every single day, when at least for that very moment he was mortified to be dubbed with a title that Deneb also possesses.
Still, the Kertia managed to exercise every last bit of his patience to hold onto his remarks, upon which Deneb made a sinister smile.
“Or is this how you complain how much pressure and obsession you hold for your position? Is that why you are feigning all that elegance and poise and grace, when I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sir Gechutel or our lord to jab me with the most profane of all language? Yes, that must be it, seeing how you still look like... That.”
And what about my looks?
His anger was short-lived, however, and Rael’s hand slid across his face to touch on the bountiful lock of hair draped across a side of his head.
It was true that even after Deneb’s invitation, during which he screamed at Seira before he could stop himself, Rael had not relieved his hair of its new style, for a reason he could not fathom.
He knew he could not blame his tight schedule; it would have taken him mere 5 seconds before bed or during dress-up.
And of course, he told himself a lie when he thought that he did not know why.
It was one of his desperate endeavors to become a head of a clan that will make his father and brother proud – no, a head of a clan just like his brother. Hence he stylized himself in imitation of Razark.
Deneb nodded, seemingly having seen through this.
“So you’re feeling immense pressure for what you have at hand. Why don’t you take this opportunity to just die and hand over the title of the octaclan to me?”
Deneb blurted out, his manner so mundane as if sharing what he had done for the day.
Nevertheless, the contents of his speech were what Rael had not once imagined, and his mind that was very close to being scattered sharpened at once.
“You will die here. And you will not die Rael Kertia. You will die as a gruesomely shameless sinner, brought to justice by my hands.”
Rael’s mouth fell open beneath his mask, his eyes rolling at what Deneb was muttering.
“You lost your war against the patriarchs of Kertia and decided to bring Union into your vengeance upon Lukedonia. And I, Deneb Illiness, will be the one to stop you, betting my life for the task. And so I will save the humans who very nearly lost their future without the knowledge of the cause. Thus the Kertia clan will lose all its authority and radiance, just like the traitorous clans of Lukedonia, with a vacancy available among the octaclans. And I will not miss my chance to win Seira’s heart, since she is particularly fond of humans, as well as the lord’s recognition, to ultimately take over the Loyard clan and replace Kertia’s name with Illiness. That is my dream.”
Rael did not veil his stupor; Deneb’s plan was nothing short of what the traitorous heads of clans plotted against Raizel several centuries ago.
“All the evidence and testaments are ready, partially thanks to this human here. And you must be wondering why I’m spilling all this for you. Simple – you will not make out of this place alive. Like I said, dead men tell no tales.”
“...You think I’ll just watch you doing all that?”
With his head fully comprehensive of Deneb’s scheme, Rael could feel fury tinted with responsibility boiling within.
Ironing the corners of his lips and forehead clean of twitches and wrinkles, Rael fixed his edged eyes upon Deneb.
“What you are attempting is manipulation, calumny, and murder of your kind for your twisted ambition. Have you ever given a thought about what your ancestors would feel if they are to behold what...”
“I’m telling you, there’s reason why time is not altogether powerless upon us nobles. Just look at you, once-the-greatest-trouble-of-noblekind lecturing me, rubbing in my face how you switched your allegiance from anti-human propaganda to become a human-lover, keeping yourself well-mannered even now... Which isn’t like you.”
Not like me.
The idea what had been incessantly tormenting him and ridding him of his sleep ever since his permanent return to Lukedonia mauled upon his calm as if on a cue.
Which is why he could not react on time when Deneb lunged towards him, a rare occasion for him.
Deneb’s attack, his pointed hand as a weapon, was not even close to average.
Nonetheless, Rael got to learn how distraction or underestimation can backfire as a fatal weapon.
He succeeded in avoiding the hand that was aiming dead center towards his heart, but instead his shoulder was sliced, skin underneath exposed.
Deneb was relentless with his charges and blitz, obviously not willing to let Rael take the lead of their deadly dance.
Notwithstanding, Rael’s combat experience was still alive and breathing, and he did not change his mind about finishing this battle as quickly as possible.
Which is why once again he called forth his Grandia.
And once again his soul weapon did not return his call.
Deneb made a sickening smile, in the course of his survey on the blonde noble.
“Normally I would have been less than a snort to you. But I heard from that human your soul weapon is unavailable for now.”
Rael made a humongous flinch as he evaded a series of razor-sharp strokes from Deneb’s hands, in the meantime peeking at the human researcher who was awfully peaceful in his observation.
“And I know that you want to capture me, not kill me. You wouldn’t want any of the evidence or testament I mentioned to be published posthumously.”
Deneb smirked like a child at an amusement park as he bickered.
“Given that your soul weapon is not responsive while you are not allowed to kill me, I will surely have a chance against you!”
Rael could no longer hide his dismay, his eyes captivated by Deneb throwing himself forward once more.
“Goddamn it...!”
Meanwhile, at the KSA headquarter
“What the hell is going on here?!”
M-21 shrieked, trying his best to deliver his voice past the ear-splintering siren.
The men gathered at KSA director’s office were in the middle of panic, once the siren ripped its way through all floors, following the duet of a light quake and shatters of glass and concrete.
“What happened?!”
The doctor yelled in frenzy to the transmission just delivered to Taesik’s phone on the desk.
<S-sir, a mini missile just penetrated the wall of the night shift duty room, 4th floor!>
Although it was the time of the day when KSA building is mostly unoccupied, there were few people who were staying overnight for work or getting some shuteye in the said chamber, which was the most densely populated area as of now.
The party’s faces turned pale; they could already see the massacre that took place on the 4th floor.
“So... What’s the casualty?”
Taesik squeezed his voice box in inquiry; as the head of the KSA, he was painfully aware that being dumbstruck with grief was not an option for him.
<Uh... None, it seems.>
“What are you talking about? I can hear the siren as we speak.”
<I-it appears that this missile is not meant to detonate or destroy lives. It resembles a capsule, so I’m guessing it was designed to carry and spray someth... Huh?>
The four humans did not like that the agent’s speech was met with a question mark at the end; unnerved, they repeatedly crossed and exchanged looks with each other.
<W-what the...?! Sir, this missile is releasing gas...!>
Gas? What gas?
Wait a minute.
Could it be the...?
At that point they were reminded of THE gas – the one that Yuhyung used to study as a weapon against Union-affiliated modified humans.
The gas that could not be calibrated as needed in targeting their desired foes, because of which it was canceled and disposed of.
And about which its file was opened and scrutinized by its composer before his departure to Lukedonia.
Without a single word dispensed, they sprinted to the 4th floor.
They had no patience to spare for the elevator to pick them up, so they chose the stairs, which was already clouded with gas that was permeating from the 4th floor.
Taesik and the doctor led the way, their mouths and noses covered with handkerchiefs just in case, and Tao and M-21 soon found themselves at the night shift duty room, the floor hardly visible due to milky-gray smoke.
And they saw a hole with debris dropping from the corners, with beds and desks tossed away from their original positions.
“This is bad. Looks like some of the gas leaked outside on the streets.”
Tao added after poking his head beyond the hole.
“But is it just me, or this smoke kind of... Sticky?”
“I was thinking the same thing, too. That guy must have done something to...”
At then, the doctor and Taesik groaned and wobbled on their feet, and their bodies hit the floor when Tao and M-21 looked behind them.
“Sir! Doctor!”
The two RK’s kneeled to inspect them, and that was when they realized they were surrounded by at least half dozen KSA agents and employees that had lost conscious prior to their arrival.
“What are we supposed to do?”
“Uh... F-first, let’s move them somewhere safe. For now we could make use of the lab that’s...”
When Tao reached out towards one man, his hand viciously yanked Tao’s wrist in his grip.
‘W-what in the...?!’
Tao crooked his brows, the man’s force far past moderate, firm enough to astonish a modified human like him.
And the owner of the hand slowly raised himself, his eyes gleaming dangerously, his movement reminiscent of something that people would usually see in zombie films.
The other agents and employees rose in mimicry, their eyes in synchronization as they gazed at Tao and M-21.
The two men froze in sensing how things were definitely taking the wrong turn, and soon enough their audience emitted low growls.
(next chapter)
And thus begin the battle and blight... *Dun dun dun* It surely is a challenge trying to feature separate places all at once as the highlight of this fic is unfolded, but I will do my best. Once this battle is past, the finale will be staged very soon lol. I’m almost there, and I won’t stop until I make it! :D
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jishua-moved · 6 years
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We’ve come to the end of 2017, my precious flowers (or should I said diamonds? 👀) Anyway. I’ll be honest with you and say that 2017 was one hell of a year for me. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve lost important people to me but found a lot of other people who were kinder; I’ve had relationships crumble and watched them come together again; I’ve fallen and gotten back up again multiple times and through everything, I eventually came out stronger. I really couldn’t have done it without the support that I got from a lot of you. Most of you guys honestly held me together when I was at my worst and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. I hope that in 2018 our friendships will continue and grow stronger. I love you all so much ♡ So here is a thank you...
Mind that this might get hella long, so if you’d like just Ctrl + F and find your username. This isn’t alphabetically sorted bcuz my motivation died with the follow forever.
@gamegirlhorror Tiffany. Honestly, the sheer amount of support and love that I’ve received from you is more than enough to fill the entire universe (that is constantly expanding, mind you.) I love you SO much! I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve known each other. Like, it blows my mind. I still remember following you only because I thought your icon of pyramid head was cute lol and I still remember you being neongreenraver :,) There isn’t a moment that goes by where I don’t miss our skype sessions and constant talks but the fact that you’re out there earning and working towards a better life makes me feel content. I love how no matter how busy you are you always find time to listen to my shit even though I know you have a lot of your own. You always put me first and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. There’s a lot more I would say but this is getting long rip. I love you, my princess peach, I love you so very much. 💚
@wonnwoo Rina. It hasn’t even been a year since we’ve met and yet we became one of the closest people to each other. You really are my Ohana hah :,) I want to thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin and helping me get up on my feet when I was at my worst, even if it meant scolding me. I appreciate every word and ounce of effort you put into this relationship. Thank you for showing me a different perspective of every situation and thank you for trusting me with so many things. You were never a shitty friend to me, not once. You are a friend I will always treasure and someone I will be there for as much as I can. Here’s to many more years of friendship, bby. I love you! 💝
@baekbyun Doro. My sissy, my chucci, my meme child LOL. You angel. I’ve never told you this but you’ve taught me a lot of things without even realizing it. You’ve taught me to be kinder and more patient, to be tougher and to be more positive. Truly, I strive to be kinder, like you. It hasn’t been that long and we’ve already been through a lot. I thank you so much for sticking with me through the good and bad times, for listening to me always, for never taking sides and being rational, for keeping my secrets and helping me get through different situations, for being someone with whom I could be myself with and being someone I could trust. I look forward to the day I finally get to see you, give you a big hug and roll my eyes while you dab as we go get two different pizzas cuz u a pineapple hater :P I love you, sissy. 💖
@kihyuns Cass. My smol genius as I would call you lol but it doesn’t seem like it fits anymore because over the course of this year you’ve grown a lot in my eyes. I still remember you before graduation and how worried you were about college, etc and look at you now! It was a pleasure being your friend through graduation, etc. We’ve been through a shitton over a short time but I’m glad we chose to stick together and work it out despite our differences. You’re just as stubborn and feisty as I am so it’s only normal that we clash sometimes. Nevertheless, I always enjoy our talks no matter how small and insignificant! I love your humor and how you’re ready to “block” everyone xD I love how we’re both so into SpongeBob we can sing every song backwards LOL. I look forward to many more years of humorous friendship. Love you, nerd 💛
@mnanvg Moon. My lovely Moon, you’re such a soft human being it warms my heart. The amount of love you radiate is incredible and I appreciate it more than I ever told you. Thank you for never hesitating to remind me how much you love me, how good of a friend I am, how much I should love myself, etc. Thank you for the endless, wordless support. We don’t talk much and yet I’ve never felt like you’re a bad friend for lack of communication.  On the contrary, you can show me how much you care by sending me a few posts. I wish you all the best, sweetheart. I look forward to seeing you grow stronger and achieve your dreams. I love you 💗
@tookorean Jackie. (I realize that you’re not active on tumblr anymore but I couldn’t not include you.) My completely opposite, my female Woozi & so many others things to me. You know how much you mean to me but no matter how many times I say it I won’t be able to truly express it. When I first met you I never imagined that our friendship would go on for this long and that we would go through a lot over a short time. I truly, from the bottom of my heart thank you for sticking with me no matter what and being patient with me and caring for me even though I’ve been...well, a mess. I remember a moment from back when we first became friends and you’d talk about your Totoro onesie. I’d made a post that I was crying over Vernon (lol) and you’d replied with “Baby don’t cryyyyyy tonight” and proceeded to try and cheer me up, telling me you loved me and telling me how it was okay for me to cry on your onesie... Those little moments are something I’ll cherish forever. I want us to stay friends for a long, long time, honestly. I hope we can pull through, fam. I love you so much 💙
@hansolmates Cami. Mah Cami baby, my sol ~ I just realized it’s been over a year since we became friends (aka bonded over your hansolmates fic heheh.) I still remember reading it the 1st time and thinking “omg PISTACHIO ICECREAM” lmao and ofc I remember binge-reading all your Vernon fics cuz I biased AF back then (istg i still love my boy). OMG remember when we lowkey declared war on each other for Vernon? Wow. Good times lol. I want to thank you for helping me with writing and inspiring me. I want to thank you for never judging me for my feelings and supporting me, fangirling with me and being easy going which made me feel like i could tell you anything. Thank you for being a sweetheart to me and being my Sol :,) Here’s to another year of our wonderful friendship! Love you, bby 💜
@daihun Jess. My video game buddy and cry buddy :,D I never thought I’d be able to find a person who loves k-pop and video games as much as I do (especially the same videos games wow.) I have so much fun talking to you on a daily basis! Thank you for sending me Joshua pics and sharing video game jokes with me. I remember, before we started talking, I’d relate to your posts so much and your aesthetic was A+ so I was like “I’ve gotta talk to her sometime” and I’m glad we finally did. I would love to get to know you better & I LOOK FORWARD TO THE DAY WE GET TO PLAY TOGETHER T^T I love you ❤️ I gUeSs 👀😂
@joshpup Hannah. MY NU’EST HYPE BUDDY! I’m so glad we have Joshua and Nu’est to scream over tbh. It’s a perfect combination! I’ve had so much fun talking to you for this short time and I hope we can talk even more in the future! I love how we both caved in and bought signed Nu’est albums cuz #SUPPORT ammrite?! And how we cried when they got their first win omg. Good times, good times! I look forward to sharing more tears with you over Joshua and Nu’est LOL. Did I tell you I’m in love with your art? bcuz i am, yes, yes! KEEP ON ART-ING! I love ya! 💞 
@boovely Cathy. Girl, it hasn’t been long at all but look at us having a streak on snapchat already lol. Honestly, you’re the only person who I have a solid streak with. I’ll shut up about streaks now. Thank you for being the #1 fan of my zodiac gfx haha~ I love how we bonded over that. Svt does indeed bring people together! It’s been fun talking to you and seeing your lovely face on a daily basis :D I look forward to skyping you sometime and I hope to see you back on tumblr as well. Thank you for being my friend! I love you 💓
@verngyu Dee. My fellow Capricorn! It’s been fun talking to you. I like how I can talk to you about certain things without thinking twice because I know you won’t judge me, and you know what I mean by certain things. I like how caring you can be and I hope you stay that way. I look forward to seeing you grow and I wish you all the best, truly. This sounds like a goodbye letter omg lol I’m sorry! Here’s to a new year of growing together, mentally and physically xD Love you 💜
@vitaminniedk Viv. My sunshine :,) You’re legit a walking ray of sunlight I cannot. You’re so sweet and kind, bless you. It’s been a pleasure being your friend. I would honestly love to talk to you more~ I know I can be super awkward sometimes excuse me ^^’ but I enjoy our talks nevertheless! I remember when we spent a couple hours watching going svt on youtube in the summer haha. I enjoyed that! Here’s to a new year of friendship. Love you, sunshine 💛
@wooziology Isabelle. My Potato 🥔 (that is literally the title I have for you on my sc LOL.) Your love for Woozi could beat world hunger, just sayin’. Thanks for being my friend and my potato ahaha. I enjoyed our skype session very much and I hope we can have another one soon! I love seeing your snaps on a daily basis :D And omg it’s been so long since I heard you sing. Where’s Isabelle’s 1st studio album? GET IT *sends a letter to Woozi* make it happen. Love you! 💞
I just want to say, if you’re not included, don’t feel discouraged because I will most likely come to you in private and tell you everything 1 on 1. To those who have really been my friends and stuck with me, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Friendships mean a lot to me, and those closest to me know that very well. Thank you once again! Here’s to a better next year!  
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
SAIYAN RAP CYPHER | FabvL ft. RUSTAGE, Daddyphatsnaps, Dan Bull, NerdOut & More [Dragon Ball] 
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Joey Nato:- Ayo, you know what's crazy? I learned that me and that dude Gohan got a lot in common Nato, all the haters that tried me will be first to tell You that you won't get buy me with a perfect sell 'Cause I'm married to my goals like my goals Videl My father taught me how to win, but I learned to fail And pick a low in my life, any low I've had Was in the pickle low key, but the key was fight back Even when I was a teen, I would know I'm bad The way I killed a 16 would make Gohan snap Look, legend in the making, can't stop my story And if a Sensu bein' a little hostile towards mе I'm a power up quick and deliver that fast pain Thеy Saiyaman only as good as his last game I heard you pack a punch, but I guess none landed Dummy, you should know I'll beat you one handed And if you mess with family, take a guess what we'll do We won't wanna fight you, nah, we'll wanna kill you, Nato Dreaded Yasuke:- See me walking in the public Sporting the green and black armor on Bandana with the blood drip I was considered low budget Look at me now, fighting the crowd, take you all by the dozen Judging my exterior, I'm raising my thermals Thinking I'm inferior, making ya soul furlough Beat you down thorough Hoping you can manage my final spirit cannon and make ya blood curdle This the time to panic When you see the golden hair, even battle damaged I give you a thousanf-yard stare Not gonna be fair when I start feeling my rhythm You should be scared, ya blood staining your denim Standing there thinking how did I get my momentum? And will be passing down, cause of nepotism Super Saiyan ain't nothing to playing with Enemies don't gotta chance, even when I show them the tip Dan Bull:- Ay, what you bringing? What you saying? I'm the king of the Saiyans Someone from the southern U.S.A., would say I'm advanced Solving the toughest puzzles There must be tuffles living in my brain Still ruling my people, I don't really care what Frieza claims King Vegeta's staying, like a Fajita stain Firing execution beams and heaps of Ki in waves I've seen regimes and seasons change, how could it be the same? You keep on feeding the flames, you're going to free this ape Vegeta's ancestors stand the test of time I guess it's down to diet, genes and some exercise Best alive 'till my son took the crown Now I rest in the sky up above trunks looking down There's a bright future ahead of him, like every parent's hoping for I might have met my descendents if I never had that broken jaw There's so much lore that I could go through more Than even Goku could hope to when he grows new balls Shwabadi:- Yo, I see you thought it was over But then the fusion tango boosted power roasting opponents The coldest foes that I'm owning, the Ki is flowing an ocean You had the nuts to step to one of us, but now you're facing Bofa These thugs People that keep the beam tucked Lethal when thinking you'd of dreamed to beat us Fetal position, you can clear the tear ducts Crying to yourself 'cus you're weak and we're peerless I got twice the will in me, a Gemini man Don't need a smith, come with quickness when I jeopardise plans Double vision, they can't seem him, 'cus I'm fast with the hands Punisher drive, push 'em aside, now I'm sending 'em back This dual personality, you woulda thought'd be a mismatch Two beefy dudes sandwiched together, that's a Big Mac One man think tank, never skipped gym class Think fast, Kamehameha with a Big Bang Gameboy Jones:- Coming to you live, it's the man from the planet of the apes You don't want the smoke and I ain't talking 'bout a vape Tide pod ship, yeah my whip so clean I've been taking planets way before I even hit my teens Raditz stacking cabbage, I'm banking on being savage Heart is full of malice, unleash it by causing havoc You don't want the beef that's unfortunate, there's no salad If I see my brother, I'm snapping that little carrot No app, but I'm bringing in the discord I'm pedal to the metal, that's how opposition gets floored Microsoft, I'm about to give you one note Facing me is suicide, us Saiyans are to cutthroat Pride of a lion, check the mane But I go ape shit, me and you are not the same Compared to me, you ain't even looking half as nice If you wanna beat me, you'll sacrifice your life! None Like Joshua:- This is for Gohan, so long you robots Krillin's own thot, isn't even the most hot or that nice Like I am when it comes to tough fights Goku taking 20 episodes, I'm taking one slice More humble than any Saiyan here on the track 'Cause I know when to attack and when to hold it back Coming from the future, man, it's all out of whack 'Cause Goku's got to live, so don't shoot, he's not Goku Black Or Zamasu, what I've seen will haunt you Travel to the past seems too paradoxical But I've got to killin' villains, saving my fam Now my sword is shaving off years from your lifespan Simpin for Mai chick, she's searching for my Dragon Balls I don't need to make a wish, I can hurt the baddest gods Immortals underestimate me 'cause my dad's a loser Thia Mai is too young, so it's back to the future Zach Boucher:- They don't hold a single hope if they're alone Find a sacrifice against this elitist, you will need it That's my last advice I'll be undefeated and I mean it though, I pack a fight Handing eveybody, one way tickets to the after life Now they're coming at me assuming they're quick Nah, practically practice, they're done with, I'm over this shit Getting so impatient, God I hate how it's over so quick So I'll let you die for nothing, like the Namek, Tien, and his buddy did Say he's Super Saiyan, but I'm saying that he sucked at it You just need to find the little strength that you've been mustering While I keep it deep inside my veins until it clutters You're like Gohan, how you stuttered Killed your friends and all your brothers I was sick of living deep inside the dark But that's when I met Vegeta, he would teach me where to start They don't realize I'm still alive to tear you all apart You call it destruction, I call that a pockmark Connor Quest:- Goten since I was below ten, I've been hard as stone henge Enemies they curve me like a road bend Broke them limits, making grown men fidget When you see me up in GT, I'm the golden ticket Need a scope lens just to even see the height I'm hitting Deny the physics, these guys are tripping If they think that I could give in Collide the digits, call it popping the Trunks Because I'm riding with him, feel the burn As you get offed by the son Flip round turn the tension high No, these clowns ain't friends of mine Kamehameha drop a body to the floor Get a strike to a vital just to end your life Step with a rush on your neck, bust collarbones This is how you make a hero's son, fuck Boruto Ki on lock, you can fight with us You'll be sweeping up the pieces of your teeth after you bite the dust DizzyEight:- Looking for a hero? Then it's us Had to double up to maneuver when it's clutch Give him big rounds, know for the dough I go nuts Fella, sit down, it's known I bring thunder when I punch Ya'll talk too much, enemies do the most What I speak leave 'em toast, when I spit they go ghost You're not the real thing, I'm in a game full of clones They copy what I'm on, then hope that they explode You can't copy me If you do, you do it sloppily They're just throwing shots at me But I promise you never stopping me So much potential You can check my credentials You don't know that you in for Greatness what I'm meant for FabvL:- Hold up, I see 'em wanting the prince Throw your best punch, guarantee I won't even flinch I got the drip that'll turn your number 1 to a bitch Shoot this Galick gun unload it, yeah I'm draining the clip So call me sensei I've been healing the game, better than Dende Type a hero that the villains and their friends say Is truly worthy of the crown, never dead weight Hyperbolic rent payed the best way I got the baddest chick in the whole galaxy Used to say that Super Saiyans were a fallacy Now I've learned that evil deeds are just cowardly Richest man on Earth, so fuck your whole salary Really think you could hang with all the best? No way, royal blood, got it running through my chest Don't play, stupid villains, I could kill without regret All day, listen up, you will do whatever that I say! NerdOut:- Y'all done screwed up I acquired the jewels and now I'm fused up You about to get bruised up Best of both worlds, I use superior stragedy You're not even half the man that used to be half of me You choosing defeat If I wave my arm, the wind will put holes in you Now that's shooting the breeze Go ask Majin Buu, oops it's too late I'm out for 60 minutes, but for you? I only use 8 Laughing while I'm waiting for this union to dissolve 'Cause I don't think the ladies are approving a ménage But if Chichi and Bulma wanna cuddle tonight They better watch out 'cause now I got double the pipe And Gogeta's no match, he stay losing He had to do choreographed Tik Tok dances to make a fusion So which Super Saiyan are you choosing? These dim-witted half-pints or pinnacle of evolution Rustage:- Hit that, Wukong with the staff breaking bodies like a Kit Kat Rip your team in half like I'm moses when I split that Whiplash punches like it's gift wrapped, spit facts Treat you all like Frieza with a bitch-slap Saiyan from the planet of the apes, I'm not playing Best be praying to this God I'm raising stakes I ain't waiting, I be saving every person, every race Passion blazing 'cus I'm facing any aliens in my way Say my name, call me Goku Hanuman, stand my ground, yeah I won't move Chris Chan, when I'm loud with a blown fuse Understand, hear the sound of your bones bruise Go through faster than my flows do A monkey but better than Luffy, I'm king of the planets Ain't needing no piracy I'm stunning, just look at my moves, I'm top of the charts And I'm needing no rivalry And finally, they're fighting me bust in beats like it's Chichi Easy your characters tough, but can they beat me? Daddyphatsnaps:- So you made this far, huh? Now you and me Hahahahaha Somebody hold me back, I'm going berserk And at the rate I'm going, bro I'm 'bout to blow up the Earth It's lunch time, eat your every punch, I'm knowing it hurts your pride Legendary Saiyan, I was chosen at birth, I'm the truth 'Cus I always been the hardest, I'm a bad bitch You had to work to get to where I started so savage Had the Super Saiyan gods saying "oh damnit" He's so made bitch, he breaking up the whole planet Well, if it's gonna go, then I got something I should get off my chest And I ain't talkin' 'bout the X, see you sipping the flex I got these little green bitches out here gripping my pecs I'm ill turn you green bitches then your hitting the deck I'm a god damn God, are you out of your mind? It's strange, millions of scenarios, you die every time Murder you without a trace and 'geta brought me the lime You'll get bodied out your body if you rowdy with mine
https://img.youtube.com/vi/VigYo7W10Ik/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/343heDB
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willmurphyiv · 7 years
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#Repost @ralenwatts (@get_repost) ・・・ So more videos & more life! There's my side of the story & my screenshots! Been working hard right when they told me my #realestate investments wouldn't pay off even on my small homes; I'm selling ! They all have tenants in them made #33k in 24 hrs while; I slept & didn't even leave the house but, to go to the bank. I laugh all the way to the bank 💵 my enemies never made it! God keeps blessing me stay at home single mom.💯Divorced a year x husband is on the road football season. Blessed to be sleeping and, making more in a week or a day than what some make in a year! I'm so humble & thankful. I'm working smarter not harder. People in my city never see me out and, won't! I only go out if I'm getting paid too! Hoe trying to figure out why you out so much.. what are you celebrating? The struggle🤦🏽‍♀️ then you screenshot & steal my photos! Broke bird brain bitches. A dime a dozen. I'm so focused on my businesses nothing can touch my "mindset". Self made self paid. All my homes & cars paid for in cash but, I want more grind like you "broke". Hungry never thirsty. Nothing sexier than a girl that has her shit together, her own shit, and own money. Three degrees in 🎓 did that too haters! Left my corporate job making over 100,000k a year to make 33k in 24 hrs in cash and, 65k in a month on my house flips and, not including my penthouses & homes that I have tenants in! That's called "residential income"! Glad I didn't listen to those that even now are still doing nothing in life! Yet told me real estate was over saturated! Yea ok! Winning is all I know! Coming for everything they thought I would never have! Got it and, Exceeding set goals looks & body don't last forever hoe better get a real grind & mind! Guess they won't see me another 6 months working on my mixtape & there's a 15,000 sq ft house being built down the street going from 7,000 to 15,000 claiming & receiving it! Getting it. I Pay cash for my homes💵 focused. No time for community dick niggas, haters none of that. Thinking #2018 & out here getting it 💯 RIP bestie custody of my god daughter on the way. Almost anniversary of my bff gruesome murder pray for me miss her
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mina-van1104 · 5 years
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❤️💙Born & raised in Northern Nevada- lived there all my life & proud celebrating Chinese New Years (every year) & particularly this week. Again, whatever ethnicity or race you are I will never judge you; & always be proud of your race as long as you’re not belittling or offending other people than being you, always be proud of your culture & your roots & always be respectful of all people of different high vibrational religions & always be respectful of all cultures. •
No race, ethnicity, or religion is better than any other, everyone has their own biased opinions but know everyone needs to be respectful of all of them. 💕 So thankful for family, friends (close or not close friends, new or old friends, weather we talk a little or not anymore, coworkers, former coworkers, strangers, or not ), my 4 pets (🐺🐶2 dogs, 🐱cat, & 🐰rabbit), my accomplishments in life big & small; I’m thankful to be alive & I love ya’ll!! 💕 •
Even though, SOME people misjudge or misunderstand me I love ya’ll & I say this also because I’ve been faced with a lot of evil, prejudiced, & not so nice people in town recently (big changes good & bad) & I just want to say like Michelle Obama 💙 “When they go low, you go high” You don’t stoop down to their level due to their ignorances, insecurities, & jealousies. You’re better than that and whether you believe it or not, bad Karma will come to them & you don’t have to do anything.•
I just hate gossip & unnecessary drama & rumors. Whoever made up rumors about me around 2016-2017 & used my pictures pretending to be me on Social Media, using my phone number, you obviously need a life. It was hard for me to get hired at certain areas & certain hospitals at the time due to untrue things said about me due to their jealousies & racism, even though I have a Bachelors Degree, including 2 college degrees, & 2 extra Medical Licenses, with my 6-7 years of hospital work experiences paid or unpaid (& obviously am well-qualified). •
Also, Nevada needs to make a law that people who are BORN in Nevada & are from Nevada should have FIRST PRIORITY in getting hired- NOT hire out of staters first (no offense) & not get UNDER-paid. Also, Nevada needs to take discrimination more seriously- every company say they don’t discriminate but obviously racism is everywhere & the company has to take it more seriously. •
I’m thankful I got hired & paid at different hospitals, but do know hard work does pay off & it’s not always the easiest to get there but wherever you are in life right now, never give up or get discouraged on your dreams due to what idiots have said or what ever you’re going through. If something doesn’t work out several times- it most likely was not meant to be, you were meant to be something better. We were meant to cross paths & I’ve learned some lessons in life because of it & it has made me stronger. •
Whatever you guys are going through, whether we know each other well or not, or don’t talk as much as we used to, you have my back- & I love ya’ll. 💕•
• I don’t really associate with others who insults other people, people who insult other people are truly known as “low lives.” Insulting other people DOES NOT make you look better. Just know if you are genuinely a good person, I’ll be on your side or be your best friend forever if you want me to 💕. •
Remember: Jealous people tell lies to rip relationships apart, so DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR! "Strong people do not put others down, they lift others up." "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk negatively about people." Don't let negativity bring you down. Do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t offend others. •
Also, keep texting me or text me back! I’ll always try to text back in time💕. I didn’t change my number for so many years even when there was suspicious activity on it so I might add a new phone number to stop certain chaos, hacking, & other annoying calls or other stuff but not yet. If you want to hangout- let’s hangout- we’re adults & busy with our lives; but I always try to make room for people in our busy lives: even certain family I barely talk to anymore. I’m always here.•
❤️ I am 100% real & want to let you know, I usually mean everything I say. Whatever you’re going through, you can do it!💪🏼😊💕& life goes on. •
Also to all the haters trying to make me move- you haters are jealous & are the TRUE losers - not me or my family- I was BORN & raised in Nevada-lived in Reno & Sparks my entire life- family lived in same house for literally thirty years- proud Asian American- & I’ll always love Nevada & love America even-though we have a corrupt leader of America (*cough, cough dishonest Trump) & “Twilight Zone” politics now... I’ll always be proud to be an American & always have. Nevada will always be my home.💙•
Can’t wait for new adventures in the future weather I will move or not with long-term or short-term goals- those haters never win.💕 I love my life & when you try to ruin it- God has my back & bad Karma will give you what you deserve & I don’t need to do anything, because I know it’s true & always try to stay positive. 🙏🏼💕💪🏼😍😘.•
# Selfie # PositiveVibes # blessed # athletic # blue 💙 # Winter # StayPositive # NevadaProud # NativeNevadan # PositiveVibes # grateful # puppies # cute # dogs # MiniAustralianShepherd # MiniAussie # RedMerle # AustralianShepherd # MiniHusky # husky # HuskyMix 💎🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼 # happiness # RenoNevadaBornSparksRaised # HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthSciences # PublicHealth 🐺 # 2CollegeDegrees # 2ExtraMedicalLicenses # AllAccomplished 👊🏼 # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # NoFilter #integrity # honesty # humble # kind ✌🏼 # RenoBornSparksNative 🤙🏼🐾
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ilsa-makes-things · 7 years
The excellent @silverstarkindred​ asked, “Any tips for making a dress I can fight in comfortably and still look hella cute while I skewer those demons on the battlefield?”
Thanks for the quesiton! Looking hella cute AND skewering demons happen to be causes near to my heart. I fought in dresses for years, and I still rock a lot of twirly skirts and clearly girl-gendered garb.  While there’s a good bit involved in making comfortable, functional, feminine fighting garb, let’s start with fighting in dresses.
Firstly, is it even possible to fight in a long dress?
Heck. Yes.
Don’t let the haters tell you otherwise: fighting in dresses is perfectly easy if you have the right dress and know how to wear it. I fight in Dagorhir, a full-contact battlegame, and dressing like a girl has never stopped me from hitting as hard. I went hunting for bounty hunters (yup, that’s right) last Ragnarok wearing the above dress, and I rocked it.
So, what do you want in a fighting dress?
#1. A skirt without a slit.
You’ve probably read all about fantasy heroines “slitting their skirts so they can be more mobile,” but whenever I try that, my skirt gets MORE cumbersome. It’s partly personal opinion, and you might have better luck, but the two halves of the skirt always twine around my legs and trip me up. I do not recommend! Open-sided/slit skirts also have an inherent weakness: if anyone steps on one half of your skirt, there’s a good chance that slit will rip further up the seam. 
If you can’t lunge around in your skirt without slitting it, it’s too narrow. A normal skirt/dress that’s closed on all sides, but wide at the hem, will be fine— seriously!
#2. A generous hemline.
If you’re worried about mobility, pick something with a wiiiiiiide hem. If we were talking modern fashion, we would call this silhouette “fit and flare” or “A-line.”  A long Bocksten-style tunic gown with wide gores would be a good choice: just use this tutorial, but lengthen it to hit at ankle-level. Another option is Stellaria’s lace-up apron dress, which can be worn over a shorter tunic. The ample hem, rather than being cumbersome, will just give you tons of room to move your legs in. All that worry about ripping out the crotch of your pants just vanishes when you’re wearing a big ol’ skirt. How narrow is too narrow? You’ll probably trip yourself up if your ankle-to-floor length skirt has a circumference of less than 90”. There is a limit to how wide you should go, depending on what pattern you use (200” of skirt on a Bocksten-style tunic-gown can get a bit droopy, especially if you use heavy fabric, while you can fit a LOT more length into a pleated or gored skirt), but it’s always better to have a skirt that’s too wide than too narrow.
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I fight in this rainbow skirt, which has something like a seventeen yard hem. It has pockets to hold snacks and sidearms.
You’ll want the fullness to start at your waist, so you’ll be able to move freely at the hips. If you’re using a pattern that uses gores (triangles of extra fabric to expand your skirt), have them start at your natural waist. If you put them too low, you won’t have enough fullness at your upper legs to move comfortably.
If you want to experiment with hem width and gore height, try making a mock-up to wear to in-game, non-fighting events, like feasts or for nightlife. If it’s uncomfortable to wear when you’re just walking down Merchant’s Row, it will be worse to fight in.
A too-narrow skirt can often be saved by adding extra gores (triangles of fabric). If you don’t have enough of the original fabric, you can pick a fun, contrasting color for your gores, like with this dress.
#3. A fabric that’s got enough body to hang AWAY from your body.
A fabric that’s too light can be clingy, and when we’re fighting, we want our dress to be heavy (or, if not heavy, stiff) enough that it will hang AWAY from our body, lest it tangle up our legs. Medium-weight linen, tightly-woven cotton, most wool suitings, and anything described as “bottomweight” can all be work. I mostly wear this 5.3 oz linen. For Stellaria-style apron-dresses, a heavier 7 oz linen, Walmart’s surprisingly nice cotton duck or JoAnn’s bombproof duck canvas will all work beautifully.
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This ancient-- from 2009!-- apron dress was made from JoAnn’s duck cloth, which is a beautiful weight for an over-dress.
Remember that you don’t have to wear a whole extra dress underneath overgowns like Stellaria’s apron dress or surcoats: if your top layer is long enough, you can wear a shorter tunic or shirt underneath. In the photo above, the beige under-lay is just a tunic, not a long underdress.
#4. A dress/skirt that doesn’t quite cover your feet.
I find that I can usually get away with ankle-length dresses. Any longer, and they interfere with my footwork-- or worse, soak up water or mud and slow me down. The red coteharide at the top is a bit too long for a normal fighting gown: I can make it work, but if I really need to book it, I’ll need to physically lift my skirts.
Shortening a dress is always easier than lengthening one, though, so make your dress nice and long and have a helper pin up your hem before you finalize it. Can you lunge, squat, and run in a dress that length, or does it need to be shorter?
Once you’ve got a suitable dress, you’ll need to learn to fight in it. There is a bit of a learning curve, but if you keep these few things in mind, you’ll be fine. :)
How do you fight in a dress?
#1. Practice not stepping on your own hem.
This is the major thing new lady-fighters complain about when they try to fight in a dress: if you play a battlegame that involves going to your knees when your legs are disabled, you’ll end up kneeling on your own dress, and when you try to stand up to respawn, you’ll step on your own hem and faceplant.
There’s no magic bullet: just practice and stay aware of where your skirts are. Try wearing your longer skirts to practice, first, before you break them out at a big battle. Learn to take a knee in such a way that you don’t end up kneeling on your own hem.
I got killed by Olos, but at least I didn’t trip on my own clothes when I got back up! Your skirts have advantages, too. Some ladies say that their skirts become sort of like a cat’s whiskers: extensions of their body that provide feedback about their environment. They also make it harder for an opponent to strike at your legs— if your skirt is wide enough, they won’t know where your legs are in all that fabric!
#2. Grab something to wear underneath your dress.
Rather than flashing your undies when you get knocked down, I highly recommend wearing something— whether it’s historically-correct linen braies and wool hose or a pair of bike shorts— under your dress. If you’re prone to chafing, this will help, too. If it’s cold enough out, leggings will keep you warm AND prevent wardrobe malfunctions, though the fleece-lined/sweater-ish kind DO pick up lots of grit and dead leaves. I usually wear tall socks and bicycle shorts, which overlap to keep most of my skin covered. That means I’m less exposed to poison ivy and thorns in the woods and ticks in the fields.
#3. Pick your battles.
If the fighting field is absolutely soaked or churned up with mud, you might consider fighting in a shorter tunic and trousers that day. Cotton and linen soak up water and become heavy when wet, and carrying that extra weight around can slow you down. The heavier/wetter your skirts are, the more they’ll cling to you, too. Ick.
The one exception is wool, which can absorb a lot more water before it looks or feels wet. At Badon Hill in 2009, it poured buckets all weekend. I skipped my linen undergown and wore a soft wool gown under a wool apron dress, and I was constantly being accosted by people demanding “how are you still dry?!”
When it’s wet and cold, chose wool. Photo by my beloved Fiaren. Wool is more of a pain to wash, though, so if the field is really muddy (as it was at Pentwyvern’s Harvest Feast back in 2010, shown), it might be a day for a tunic and trousers. I spent a week trying to clean the muck out of this dress, which was filthy up to the thigh. I should have listened to my own advice: this maroon dress was originally a feast gown, so it was long enough to wick up allllll the wet and mud on the ground. Uuugh.
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Photo by Sarah Franklin, 2011.  But then again, I’ve fought through bramble-y forests wearing this embroidered dress, which started life as feast garb, too. (I need to constantly make new feast garb, since my old stuff somehow becomes fighting clothes. I can’t have nice things.) Sometimes looking cute wins out, even if it means having to clean and mend your garb later!
Photo by Yuie Brightflame.  And there you have it, lady-follk. Would you ever consider doing battle in a dress or skirt? It’s a fun way to expand your costuming options! UP NEXT: How do you alter the standard tunic to better fit a female figure? 
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