#ris headcanons
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months
Reg's nickname for Sirius is 'Ris' pass it on
He's been using it since they were like 5
But normally doesn't use it around other people bc he's an angry little shit and doesn't want anyone else to start using it too (anyone meaning James ofc)
He also uses it when he wants to guilt trip him into doing something or to get his attention when he isn't listening
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riddle-me-ri · 5 months
a/n: I'm sorry…but also not sorry this man has been rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken and I just need to get these thoughts and ideas done and out because hnngg. It’s gonna start off with normal relationship headcanons and then some added nsfw stuff further down the list. There will be a header for when the nsfw stuff starts.
Content Warning: mentions of sexually explicit content (genitalia, sex positions/habits)
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Bigby Wolf - Relationship Headcanons (w/ some NSFW HCS)
- Congratulations! After much perseverance and patience…you've acquired a sheriff werewolf partner! 
- Once Bigby finally comes to terms with his feelings, it will still take time to adjust. 
- He's not used to being vulnerable and open, but if he was going to start…there was no better person than you.
- Bigby trusts you with pretty much everything he is and it means the world to him that you trust him tenfold with your own heart.
- Bigby can be very, very protective of you. He tries not to come off suffocating or controlling, it's just in his nature to protect those he loves. 
- He's not a huge fan of PDA. The most he will do is hold your hand or shoulder and/or maybe kiss your forehead if you guilt trip him enough to do it (poke out your bottom lip and do your best puppy eyes and he'll cave)
- There are many instances where Bigby would have liked to kiss you, but you'll likely have to be the one to initiate it and commit to it in order for it to happen.
- Sarcasm is one of your own love languages you share between each other. 
- Bigby may not be the best at remembering dates for certain things but he does remember the things you like/dislike especially if it has a distinct scent. 
- Speaking of his heightened senses, he's got them practically tuned into you most if not practically all the time. (Albeit again he isn't weird about it. It's just something that naturally occurs)
- If you're someone that has menstrual cycles he picks up on it earlier than you do and tries what he can to make the time of the month less dreadful. 
- Bigby is definitely hot blooded both figuratively and literally. Which makes him great for winter nights and a nightmare for summer nights.
- Speaking of which, he'll always have dibs on being the bigger spoon, you can try but not without Bigby being a smart-ass about it. 
NSFW Relationships Headcanons: 
- His favorite ideas for dates are: going for long walks to nowhere in particular (bonus if it's in the woods) and/or nights in at your place  (or his, but…considering the state it's in he feels more comfortable spending time in your home) with some take out food. 
- At the end of the day, Bigby may still screw up and make things messier than they were at his job but as long as he has you to love him unconditionally and smiling at him...he really couldn't ask for anything more.
- Bigby will primarily be the dominant one in your relationship.
- Even if he lets you take the reins every now and then, in the end he always reminds you he's always in control. 
- I hope you love a hairy man, cause with Bigby it's basically a given. Especially down there.
- Moderate length but very girthy dick that stretches and fills you perfectly to make you see stars.
- Not much of a tease at first but as you grow more comfortable in the newfound relationship he can be a bit of an asshole about teasing you.
- Especially when you know that he knows you're turned on from your scent alone and he does nothing about it. 
- Some encounters can get pretty intense and his eyes have glowed yellow and his claws have come out but he's never scared you or hurt you drastically. (Likely just turned you on more)
- He won't admit to many kinks outright but by all means please praise and validate this man, let him know he's doing something right. 
- Nothing motivates him more than hearing you moan, beg, and scream his name and how good he feels.
- Bigby has a preference for sex positions that have him above you in some capacity, he wants to have full access to all of you. 
- He can go slow and steady or fast and passionate, given his job it's more likely you guys have to learn to settle for a quickie. 
- Sex has also become a way for Bigby to relieve his stress and of course being the doting partner you are, you're more than willing to help him. 
- He's fairly caring in after care. He'll ask if you're okay (especially during your first encounters, he'll worry about being too rough or carried away please reassure this man) and/or if you need anything.
- He has no qualms about you cuddling up into his side or resting your head on his chest as he likely wraps his arm around you in return as he nods off to sleep soon after the moment is over. 
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adhdtsukasa · 7 days
that's just a random thought that has popped in my head while trying to fall asleep, but... thinking about how tenma siblings' childhood and middle school days were filled with the fear of uncertainty of the next day, but they both probably experienced it so differently...
saki's fear of uncertainty was connected to a fear of the night — but she wasn't afraid of nightmares, of the dark or anything like that. it was not what's waiting on the other side of the dark room what was scary to her, it was what was going to happen to her that was truly frightening her so much. her days, in middle school especially, were always the same and repetitive, so she did not have to be scared of the well-known routine. but as soon as the night was coming, as soon as she had to close her eyes, she could feel this unpleasant, cold feeling creeping onto her weak body, she could hear this scary voice sound in the back of her head: what if she doesn't wake up tomorrow? what if this night is her last? how can she rest easy, when tomorrow is so uncertain?
tsukasa's fear of uncertainty was connected to a fear of the morning — he was the privileged one, after all. nights weren't scary for him, because he didn't have to be afraid of not waking up and wasting his youth forever. the night coming was just a sign of another day coming to an end and that was a good thing, because tomorrow surely will be better, right? the morning, however, was a bridge that was connecting the night with the next day; it was these few simple moments after he regains his consciousness that were going to determine this day, and he was afraid of them, he could feel this in his whole body, he could hear it deep down in his mind: is saki going to be okay today, will his family finally be happy at least for these few hours? are the things going to spiral down and will everything be even worse than it already is? will saki smile, or will saki cry once again? how can he feel rested, when today is so uncertain?
but now, they don't have to be afraid anymore. the uncertainty isn't as bad anymore.
because the night means that another wonderful day has come to an end, and the morning means that today will surely be a hopeful day full of smiles.
and they're both aware of it.
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colesstar · 7 months
hc that Kai will. Not stop picking at his scabs and scars, specifically the one on his forehead, so Nya just slapped a plaster onto it to stop him
(I needed a reason for why he always has that plaster on his forehead all the time after the s7)
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littleprincerianne · 2 months
people have said this multiple times before and i'll say it too cuz it's true so y'know shout-out to everyone who's said it all the glory to y'all /gen /pos
if people no want intimidating, canonically scary, tough, no-nonsense characters being itty bitty, why intimidating, canonically scary, tough, no-nonsense characters give itty bitty energy?
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hachiibun · 1 year
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Yes, but it’s a longer project, so have a smaller piece I made! Enjoy~
Thanks so much for the ask! If you like my drawings, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ ! I’d really appreciate the help!
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Dating Shin Hari from Business Proposal would include:
•Shin Ha Ri asked you out successfully after three times of trying. It took her four times because things never go in her favor. The first time she even spilled her coffee on you.
•You said yes to be her girlfriend after she ‘asked you to be her girlfriend’ after twenty dates as friends.
•Shin Ha Ri couldn’t always afford too much for you or herself. Since she’s low on cash. Because she has to pay for a working mortgage, savings and spending more.
•You and Shin Ha Ri are hopeless in love with each other more than anything. She absolutely loved physical affection with you.
•Shin Ha Ri would do anything for you and her friends. Since you and her friends mean family for her. You would do anything for your woman as well. Because she is your everything.
•You comfort and drive her home when she is a drunken mess. You ask one of your friends to take her best friend YeongSeo home safely. Which made them fall in love with each other.
•Shin Ha Ri loves small things. Whenever you make small things for her it means a lot to her. Especially when you cook for her dinner on a date or when you both watch movies together. You cuddle with her then as the small spoon and she the big spoon. Which she loved more than almost anything.
•You often visit her at work to bring her lunch that you created by yourself. It causes a happy expression on her face all the time. Her friends often tease her about how whipped she is for you and your sweet gesture.
•Shin Ha Ri asks you to marry her after a romantic dinner. You immediately said ‘yes‘ right away without any hesitation. It made her happy that her brown eyes lit up with a passionate spark.
•You loved to be physically affectionate with her. Holding her hand in public or attacking her whole face with many kisses. Which always makes her cheeks flushing red in a blush.
•Shin Ha Ri moves you closer to her body when she is watching a movie with you. She would kiss you on the forehead whenever she saw you staring at her with literally heart eyes.
•You get sometimes jealous whenever someone tries to get too close towards your woman. The love of your entire life. She finds it very adorable when you get jealous. Since you are pouting almost all day with puppy eyes then.
•Shin Ha Ri married you at a place that feels like home to you both. She wore a suit and you wore a beautiful white wedding dress. It caused her heart to beat faster when you looked at her the same way like when you both first met.
•You wake her up with kisses on her whole face and breakfast to bed on the first morning that you are married to each other. Her cheeks flushed red at the feeling of your lips on her skin.
•Shin Ha Ri took care of you whenever you were sick with much love. It breaks her heart when you get sick. Especially if you get sick so bad that you have to go to the hospital.
•You both decided to have a family of your own two years after your marriage. Shin Ha Ri loved your children and you unconditionally. You both get the happy family that you both wanted all the time.
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kiss-the-lawyers · 10 months
Apollo is constantly cursing in his head but he has to keep it together in court and now outside of it too because Phoenix may kill him if he curses around Trucy
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koppaiterocker · 5 months
Forgot how weird it is when nonlesbians headcanon characters as lesbians like REALLY HARD... Gives me huge icky vibes
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foxdrabbles · 1 year
Hi again! I'd like to ask for a Lumen and Irene drabble? Maybe just hanging out, having a good time, or something like that. I think they both should have nice things.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you're having a good day!
LittleBird: Jordi I need your help
LittleBird: Please
Lumen: Irene? What's wrong? Are you ok?
LittleBird: I'm fine. What's WRONG is the fucking food here
LittleBird: They were serving the blandest, flattest, driest hunks of bread today and they had the AUDACITY to call them torrijas
LittleBird: And I may have gone off on the chef about them and I told him I could make better torrijas with my hand tied behind my back
LittleBird: So he gave me free range of the kitchen for tomorrow's batch
Lumen: Wait, let me guess - you don't know how to make torrijas
LittleBird: I thought I fucking did! But they keep falling apart when I try to fry them.
LittleBird: Please tell me you can help
Lumen: You're probably soaking them too long. I'll be down in just a minute.
LittleBird: Saints above. Thank you Jordi
Lumen: Good torrijas are worth it.
Lumen: Also when did you change your username?
LittleBird: ??
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riddle-me-ri · 10 months
Riddler boys with an s/o in college who is really smart, but has anxiety and feels like a total screw up and a failure. And reader just wants Riddler to comfort them and help to stop the feelings of drowning and pressure. No, I’m not projecting, and you can’t prove that I am.
a/n: You can’t hide from me anon, I know when someone is projecting when I see it. Especially because I do it too! And this is the exact type of feelings and thoughts that I deal with on a regular basis both when I was in college and even now out of school. So if it helps, I’m projecting too lmao, also although I love him I skipped hush (dcau) eddie cause again, I felt these get a wee repetitive lmao
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The Riddlers with an Anxious College Student S/O
Arkhamverse Riddler:
First of all, he’s like…the last person to go to for comfort.
Not only because he’s busy but…he rarely handles his own emotions in a healthy way…
But no matter how much he ignores you…it’s distracting having you all fidgety and self-loathing…
Edward will give you something to do to try and take your mind off of it. 
Yes, that’s right…he’s allowing you to help him…
To be in his workshop, with him, quite a privilege really! You’ll probably learn much more from him than any college course!
Almost tries to talk you out of college altogether. 
You know he’s trying and it does mean a lot to know he trusts you enough to be in his workshop. 
Besides…if the Riddler himself trusts you and thinks you’re smart enough…then you must be!
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
Ah, yeah…he recalled not having the best time in college either. 
Edward went in and got out doing the bare minimum just so he could get a decent job
(so much for that, he bemoans)
You’re so much more than any institution, or grades, or anything like that. 
You’re brilliant, intuitive, and perceptive!
He’s quick to comfort you although you may need to tell him how. 
He’ll offer to hold you and rock you back and forth while rubbing your back
Or he’ll let you bend his ear and just vent your emotions and frustrations, he’s learned that sometimes helps. 
Whatever you need him to do, he’ll do it. 
Gotham Riddler: 
Oh gosh, oh dear…
Unlike Dano Riddler, I have a feeling this Eddie absolutely thrived at university. 
Atleast the educational aspects anyhow. 
But he’s familiar with the feeling of not being good enough, no matter how hard you try. 
He takes you in his arms and begins whispering sweet affirmations in your ear. 
You’re enough, you’re more than enough. You’re the best thing that’s happened to him.
Perhaps you’re just burned out, he notices the bags under your eyes. 
And if you’re struggling you can always come to him for help, regardless of the subject. 
Edward knows how amazing you are, but even amazing people need help every once in awhile. 
BTAS Riddler:
Edward is instantly there for you. 
He holds your hands or shoulders and rubs them with his hands, trying to soothe your nerves. 
He hates to see you this upset, but he can understand reaching a boiling point with your own emotions. 
Eddie lets you let it all out, all your anxieties.
He will likely ask you what you need, if you need advice, comfort, or just his presence. 
He will gladly oblige to whatever you choose. 
Like Gotham Riddler, he’ll offer to help you with your school work
He’ll comfort you with kisses and embraces.
He will sit by your side until you’ve calmed down and will be ready with something to take your mind off your anxieties.  
Zero Year/Cappullo Riddler: 
Again, not exactly the first guy I’d go to for comfort or reassurance. 
Edward will just shrug, not entirely sure why you care what your professors or peers think. 
If anyone’s thoughts should count, it’s his. 
You should feel worthy of yourself because he tolerates you…
That’s him being nice, I told you he’s not the best at this. 
Ed gets confused when you don’t continue the bait to banter. 
He sighs when he sees the absolutely crestfallen look on your face. 
It takes everything he can, but he tells you that you’re special…to him especially…
It takes a certain someone to put up with him, your tenacity, your brightness…that’s all you. 
TWOJAR Riddler: 
Edward honestly doesn’t understand why you choose to go anyway. 
You could easily learn whatever you need to know from him, instead of some dull professor. 
He thinks it’s strange that you let something trivial as school get to you, it’s not like it’s going to last forever, unless you insist of going to get a better degree. 
He tries, he honestly does, but again he just doesn’t understand the big deal. 
You’re clearly smart, you got into that school anyway, and you impress him time and time again. 
Him, you know, The Riddler? You have nothing to prove…this pressure you feel from school is temporary. 
Edward isn’t the best with words of comfort, but somehow the effort he tried to put in is enough to make you feel a little better. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
Edward was curious why your mind seemed to be somewhere else. 
You also began second-guessing yourself, which wasn’t like you. 
When you admit your insecurities and how you’ve been struggling with your self-worth from college. 
Edward’s perplexed. Really? College courses? 
Why do you care? College is a means to an end. 
You’re obviously really intelligent, almost on par with him.
You often helped him think outside of the box on his more obscure cases.
He didn’t just allow anyone to be his assistant, or to aid him on cases. 
Maybe, he should tell you that more often, but when he tells you it definitely makes you feel warm inside. 
Telltale Riddler: 
Likely frowned upon you attending a university anyway.
But I can see this Edward using it as a means to distract you from interfering with his work.
Also another Ed not to go to for comfort, lmao. 
Doesn’t understand why you put so much pressure on yourself when it’s not necessary. 
Especially for some meager classes. 
He leaves you alone to grovel for a bit, assuming it will pass eventually like such emotions do…
But he realizes that your moping silence is more distracting than when you’re trying to get his attention with affection. 
Edward reassures you that you’re just enough how you are, if you weren’t you wouldn’t be with him now would you?
The comment surprises you, but makes you perk up nonetheless.
Young Justice Riddler: 
Bless him, Eddie gets upset because you’re upset. 
Man is panicking slightly but tries his best to hold it together. 
When you let him in on the growing, heavy pressure building up, and how you feel like a failure…
Eddie’s heart cracks for you. You can’t be serious?
You’re more than enough, you’re not a failure, are you kidding? You’re the glue that holds the team together! You have the best plans!
Screw that school, they’re not worth your attention! 
B-But maybe, you could also be burned out? It’s been a while but, he’s been to school…
Edward nervously offers to help you with your school work, but enforces that it doesn’t have to be like a date or anything. 
His endearing comments and efforts are enough to ease your insecurities, especially in favor to help him with his.
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wolfriver777 · 5 months
Trans jin zixuan, that's it that's the post.
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colesstar · 10 months
Zane the type of guy to sit down and cry because he remembered how many captchas he’s done and said he isn’t a robot and now feels bad
Pixal on the other hand opens every website possible JUST to bypass the captcha because she thinks it’s hilarious that she IS a robot but still passes
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Yoon Se-ri from Crash Landing on You
Requested by @ningenyaro
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actualalivecreature · 26 days
time to make the binaries angry by headcanoning all their faves as genderfuckers instead of tmasc of tfem 😊
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